#depending on how you look at it 24 more books this year is sort of a lot but also. sometimes i have weekends where i do nothing except read
clusterbuck · 7 months
last year i fell short of my goodreads challenge by half and now i’ve just raised my goal by half bc it’s september and i already hit it… nature is healing
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saintsenara · 1 year
12 and 22 for violence asks
thank you so much for the questions from the choose violence ask game, pal!
12. who is an unpopular character you actually like, and why should more people like them?
petunia dursley.
now, before i get attacked for child abuse apologism, obviously her treatment of harry is abhorrent and harry is right to never see her again once he leaves that house.
but no situation is purely black-and-white and no person is purely good-or-evil, and petunia is one of the most fascinating characters in the entire series because of how utterly full of contradictions she is.
she's bitter and self-righteous and prejudiced and rigid, and also lonely and grieving and longing to escape the mundane into a world of magic. she hates her sister and she loves her and she's furious at her for dying. she's a middle-class stereotype who clearly grew up nothing of the sort, and her clinging to keeping-up-appearances is because she knows her new social class is fragile and dependent on vernon. according to pottermore, she left cokeworth at the age of sixteen to move to london on her own, which is genuinely brave, a term that we never see applied to her. she loves her son but her love for him is corrupting. she is a victim and a perpetrator all at once. and this makes her somebody profoundly interesting to read and write and think about.
[she is also, i think, one of the primary victims in fandom spaces of the adult cast being massively aged up in the films. in the books, if we imagine that she is, at most, three years older than lily, she marries and has dudley when she's in her early twenties and her sister is dead by the time she's 23-24. it is also implied that vernon is quite a bit older than her, and their relationship reads very differently when that is taken into account.]
22. what is your favourite part of canon that everyone else ignores?
that snape's worst memory is as much about voldemort as it is harry, snape, and the marauders.
seeing the memory and realising that his father was "every bit as arrogant as snape had always told him" is a major trigger for personality growth for harry.
he tends, throughout the series, to have a very black-and-white interpretation of things - people he likes are good, people he dislikes are bad, his perception of things is the correct one - but confronting the fact that snape's views of the marauders are justified starts him on the path towards understanding nuance in people which is fulfilled in deathly hallows.
in contrast, another orphan who looks absolutely identical to his father [and who, i am reasonably convinced, also has his mother's eyes] is unable to go on this journey towards nuance. when dumbledore first encounters him, tom riddle has an imagined view of his father every bit as hero-worshipping as harry's of james, but, unlike with harry, finding out he is wrong totally destabilises his entire world. it is one of the most profound differences in harry and voldemort's otherwise incredibly similar characters, and one which I think is much more interesting than the nebulous, dumbledore-ish concept of love-as-sacrifice.
[voldemort's relationship with his parents, especially his mother, is something i love more broadly: the fact he's furious when hepzibah smith insults merope! the fact he spends ages monologuing to harry in the graveyard about her! the fact he lies to himself that tom riddle sr. hated magic rather than, you know, being raped! the fact that his mother's locket is the only horcrux he hides in a place meaningful to him from childhood! he is such a mammy's boy, albeit one very much in want of a mammy, and i love fics that draw that aspect of canon out.]
[other answers from this ask game]
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linesonscreens · 2 months
Let's Read Peanuts (Yup, still at it) – May 1954
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
May 3, 1954
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~tugs collar~
Yeah... About that.
May 9, 1954
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Aw yeah, here we go! I was wondering when this would pop up.
May 15, 1954
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1) That's not a joke
2) Yes, Violet. I got that from him kicking the radio.
Also I hope you enjoyed this strip because “Charlie Brown doesn't like coconut” is now a running gag.
May 16, 1954
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This definitively proves that adults exist in the Peanuts Cinematic Universe, they just happen to be 20 feet tall for some reason. Or maybe the kids are like 2 feet tall? It depends on how you look at it I guess.
May 23, 1954
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Oh man! What's going to happen!? I'm freaking out!
May 24, 1954
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Lucy is so unbelievably awful to Linus in these early years. Granted, she's literally four(?) years old so I can cut her a bit of slack but god damn do these kind of interactions not endear you to her.
Weirdly enough though, I actually like that the strip doesn't punish her for doing stuff like this. Others have made this observation long before I came along but the fact that Schulz is willing to just sort of... let bad things happen without immediately having the universe make an example of the perpetrator or teach them a lesson is one of the things that sets Peanuts apart from the competition. Life just kind of be like that sometimes and it's OK to show it.
May 30, 1954
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(No, really. That's the last one)
The golf tournament arc is kind of notorious and nobody really knows what the hell is up with it. You have continuity in the Sunday strips (very unusual due to how they are made), weird off-model art, the cast acting out of character, and of course, on-screen adults. Then it all just kind of... stops. It's very odd.
I've heard people speculate that this might actually have been ghost drawn (is that a term?) by another artist but I'm not sure if I buy that. The art is a bit different but it still very much feels like Schulz to me, particularly in how he draws his backgrounds. I ~do~ think there might be something to the idea that this is a repurposed experiment from another project though.
What this feels like to me is Schulz experimenting with “bigger” stories, perhaps something intended to be sold as a proper comic book rather than just a collection of strips. The art looks different because he's trying to set it apart from the strips by adding more detail and action (kind of like when an animated TV sitcom gets a theatrical movie).
As for why it just ends like that? Well that's a sort of punchline Schulz does in a lot in his daily strips so it's not actually that weird if you think about it. I think he just didn't realize that this kind of anticlimax punchline works with a 4-panel strip but not a 4-page event comic.
There's no official word on the matter though so your guess is as good as mine.
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prodigal-explorer · 9 months
how to write the physicality of children
(this is part of my series, how to write children in fanfiction! feel free to check it out if you want more info like this!)
now, with the physicality of children, we will essentially be describing how children move, and how the physical abilities of children can change overtime. every single child in the entire world is different, but this is a general guide for how to make your child characters look and move more accurately in your writing!
how children move
now, the physical development of children can largely depend on a lot of factors, but this guide is general, so the information i will be using is based on approximated averages. there are a lot of resources out there that can help guide you if you are writing a child character with any sort of disability, or something else that would affect their physical development!
we're going to be looking at motor skills. a motor skill is essentially just a function that allows your body to move and perform tasks throughout your life. motor skills start developing at birth, and they get more and more advanced as you age. there are two types of motor skills: gross motor skills and fine motor skills.
gross motor skills are the skills that use the larger, more prominent muscles in the body. they are typically skills that require strength, coordination, or reaction time. these skills tend to develop before fine motor skills. examples of gross motor skills include sitting up, jumping, and bending at the waist to pick up an object.
fine motor skills are the skills that use smaller muscles in the body. they are typically skills that require precision or high degrees of control. these skills tend to develop after gross motor skills. examples of fine motor skills include unbuttoning clothes, hand-eye coordination, and drinking from a straw.
most children develop most of the motor skills they'll need for life by the time they're around five years old. many children still struggle with certain things after this age, but usually, the majority of things they need to know how to do are at least somewhat mastered.
in the sources, i will link a very detailed guide to what motor skills are developed at what age, but here are some of the biggest ones:
-gross motor skills: children tend to start crawling, standing, and walking with support when they are around 6-12 months old. they tend to start walking without support when they are around 12-18 months old. around 18-24 months, they start to learn how to run and jump, though these skills are still fairly underdeveloped. once they hit around 2-3 years old, running, walking, and jumping are usually considered to be fully mastered, even if they are a bit clumsy.
-fine motor skills: from birth to around 6 months old, children start to learn how to hold objects. from 6-12 months old, they learn how to do more advanced holding skills such as transferring objects from one location to another. from a year old on, their skills with their hands rapidly increase, and they pick up on doing things such as scribbling (12-18 months), turning doorknobs/using zippers (18-24 months), holding scissors correctly/turning individual pages of a book (2-3 years). once they turn around 5 years old and they learn how to write their name and brush their teeth, and other basic things like that, they are considered to have mastered the basics of fine motor skills. also, around this time, they tend to develop a hand preference (right handed or left handed).
how children look/move physically
from birth to the age of 5, there are so many factors that contribute to growth that it is very difficult to determine milestones and averages. but here are some general attributes from 6-12 years old that could be written in to hint at a child's age:
-6-9 years old: growth rate slows, established hand preference, coordination is not fully developed, needs frequent rest (around 11 hours of sleep), can dress and undress completely, able to play ball, tag, and catch.
-9-12 years old: develops more adult-like proportions, may begin growth spurt, eats neatly, starts developing secondary sex characteristics, able to perform more specific motor skills such as running, gymnastics, baseball, swimming, writing, art, music, and crafts.
now, i don't have a lot to say specifically about looks, but here are some tips to writing a child's appearance!
not all children are very skinny. it is common for children to have very high metabolisms compared to adults, but due to genetics, medical complications, and situational circumstances, many children are overweight or obese as well, and many children are somewhere in between. consider writing a child that's on the chubbier side, because they definitely exist, and it is representation that is not written enough.
some children are unusually tall or unusually short. a lot of things contribute to this such as genetics, race, medical conditions, situational circumstances, or just plain chance.
as children grow older, they develop more and more control over their appearance. maybe play around with that! think about the age that you were able to choose your own clothes, or tell your guardians how you wanted your hair to look.
also, a lot of kids don't develop awareness about their appearances and how they look until they reach around 9 years old. as you're writing children younger than that, think about how you felt about your appearance. was it fairly neutral? did you even think about how you looked at all?
i hope you guys enjoyed this guide!! it's not quite as detailed as the speech impediment one, but i wanted to write this one in case people struggle with making the child's skills match their age accurately!
sources + additional resources:
defining fine and gross motor skills
detailed guide to motor skill development from birth to adulthood
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hello-nichya-here · 6 months
GoT or HotD? Any particular reasons why?
Depends on which half of GOT we're talking about here.
Game Of Thrones seasons 1-4 VS House Of The Dragon season 1
GOT's first four seasons had it's problems, a few show original plots that were just dumb (see Dany losing her dragons in season 2), and the closer it got the point where D&D were going to be without new books to adapt AND ignore the stuff they set up in previous seasons, the worse the writting got, but overall, it was still a pretty awesome show, with a few episodes that were masterpieces even in season one.
House Of The Dragon however is a show that ranges from decent to good, with a few scenes that are absolutely great, but no masterpieces yet. In my opinion, the show was being held back by it's one HUGE flaw: the pacing.
The war between the blacks and the greens is a long conflict that just DEMANDS some time skips, because the show can't afford to make 20 damn seasons to FINALLY get to the point of Rhaenyra and Aegon, both now adults, to be at each other's throats.
HOWEVER the first season had too many time skips. It was sort of okay in first half of the season the since the most time that ever passed between episodes was 2 years, but still, a time skip every other episode could get a little jarraging. Then suddenly, in between episodes 5 and 6 we jumped A WHOLE DECADE ahead in the timeline. And then in episode 8 we jump a few years ahead yet again.
I legit am wondering if the writers/showrunners were scared that the show would not have enough time to develop a fanbase and get canceled after season due to how bad GOT's ending was (hell, a different spin-off was canceled BEFORE airing) and thus decided to rush the plot as much as possible to get to the "good stuff" right away in the hopes that it would get enough people watching for the show to be given a fair chance.
Sure, this means season two will be the official start of The Dance Of The Dragons, but it still means we didn't see lots of stuff that could have been pretty interesting.
The deleted scenes of Daemon's "heir for a day" speech and Viserys asking him the same questions he asked Rhaenyra before making her heir, and realizing Daemon could NEVER be a good king. Alicent and Viserys' wedding. The reactions of the main characters to Alicent's first pregnancy, and then later on the birth of her first baby boy, aka a threat to Rhaenyra and Daemon AND a major win for Otto.
Daemon and Corly's fighting a whole ass war against the crab-feeder. More of Alicent's attempts of patching things up with Rhaenyra. Criston Cole and Alicent bonding. Daemon's marriage to Laena and his relationship with his daughters. Rhaenyra's marriage to Laenor and her affair with Harwin. Alicent first realizing Rhaenyra's child cannot possibly be her husband's.
More scenes Rhaenyra and Daemon processing the death of their lover/spouse (and the deleted scene of Daemon comforting his daughters) and then rekindling their affair. More scenes of Laenor struggling to fit into that whole political plot and wishing he could just start a new life somewhere. More of Rhaenys and Corly's dealing with the "death" of their son. Helaena on her own AND her marriage to Aegon.
Seriously, imagine that in the first season of GOT, Ned was executed in episode 5 and the Red Wedding happened in episode 10. Sure, you showed audiences "the good stuff" faster - but you showed it WAY TOO FUCKING FAST!
I genuinely do think the content we got in this first season of HotD would have been much better if it had gotten around 24 episodes instead of 10, or was split in three seasons of at least 10-13 episodes ("Season One" being the years between episodes 1-5, "Season Two" being the longest season and the years between episodes 5-7, and "Season Three" episodes 8-10) because as it stands it feels like a part of the story is straight up missing.
I will say that, thanks to budget, a lot of it LOOKS better than the first seasons of GOT, and it really shows that it was the Targaryens at their most powerful. The Iron Throne is MUCH better, and not only can I actually tell the dragons apart, but now everytime I see Dany flying without that special dragon saddle and just holding onto Drogon for dear life, it looks REALLY silly. Seriously, her brother taught her to speak High Valirian and commands in said language to make the dragons obey, what dragons eat, and a fuckton of things about Westeros but he NEVER mentioned "And they used a saddle so they wouldn't fall mid flight"?????
(They also did a better job at showing how dragons do whatever the fuck they want, rider be damned)
Got seasons 5-8 VS HotD season 1
Easy choice. House Of The Dragon wins. Is there even the need for me to explain it? The lack of the line "You want the good girl, but you need the bad pussy" already justifies it. Plus, one episode aside, I can actually SEE the stuff that is going on, while GOT's second half looks like the budget for the dragons and ice zombies came at the expense of cutting all the money meant for lighting.
Also, while HotD is telling it's story too fast, it at least HAS a story to tell. The second half of GOT feels like filler that exists solely because HBO wanted to keep making money despite the fact that there were no more books to adapt AND that Dumb & Dumber were clearly incapable to come up with an original ending OR set up the ending Martin had already told them was his plan.
Bonus: House Of The Dragon VS Fire & Blood
While House Of The Dragon has it's flaws and I do worry about how they'll build up to the, frankly disappointing, canonical ending - or if they'll go nuts and do their own thing, and if said will be good - I still like it better than I liked literally any part of the book version of the story for one simple reason: the characters actually have some redeeming qualities, or are the very least charismatic assholes.
I could not fucking stand the book characters, and the constant "is this the actual truth or this unreliable narrator lying to me?" did not work as well as it did in the ASOIAF books because all of said unreliable narrators of Fire & Blood are completely removed from the actual events they're describing, so I found it hard to give a shit about any of the players in said events, since I had no way of knowing if any of them were as good/bad as they were being described or if it was all propaganda.
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hands--of--fate · 2 years
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Twisted from Final Fantasy XIV - Iadara Mythra
✥ Full text profile under cut! ✥
 ( Character art by myself, profile image by @ephemerallibrary )
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Artwork by Jee (twitter)
Technical Information
Name: Iadara Mythra
Japanese: イアダラ・ミスラ
L’Artiste (Rook) 
Sea Anemone (Floyd)
Voice Claim: TBD
Character Theme: Silica Gel - Hibernation
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Biographical Information
Gender: Non-binary
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Open
Age: 18
Birthday: August 12th
Starsign: Virgo
Height: 182cm (6’0”)
Eye Color: Ruby red
Hair Color: Silver blue
Homeland: The City State of Amaurot
Family: Mother, Father (unknown), Thaleia Mythra (legal guardian, deceased)
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Professional Status
Dorm: Pomefiore
Occupation: College Student
School Year: Sophmore (NRC)
Class: Class C (No. 13)
Film Studies Club: Iadara is a natural fit for the club due to his background in theatre and make-up. He has made himself an indispensable part of Vil’s team and happily lends a hand in any part of the production process.
Best Subjects: Astrology, Art, Potionology
Worst Subjects: History of Magic, Animal Languages, P.E.
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Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Pumpkin Potage
This is their ideal comfort meal to cook when they have their free time, especially when it becomes colder outside.
Least Favorite Food: Oysters
Dislikes: The sound of scraping silverware, waking up just a bit too early, being talked over
Hobbies: Nail art, collecting crystals, writing screenplays and short stories
Talent: Cold Reading (both in fortune telling and acting)
Iadara is genuinely good at the magical practice of divination, which requires actual magical prowess, but he likes to add a little drama with some old fashioned smoke and mirrors. His preferred methods for fortune telling are reading palms and using crystals.
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Iadara stands at just six feet with a slim build, he takes great care in his appearance and is proud to be one of his dorm’s shining examples of aesthetic beauty. He often wears fingerless gloves to show off his nails, which he does himself.
Due to being raised in a society with strict fashion rules he often isn’t sure how to style himself when not in some sort of uniform but is often excited to experiment with various looks. Their casual wear is tidy and fashionable and can skew both masculine or feminine depending on how they feel that day.
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To strangers Iadara is a perfectly polite and amicable young man, to his elders and upperclassmen he treats with perfect respect and his underclassmen, eager guidance. In fact, Iadara spends much more of his time interested in discussing the finer details of his companions than himself, only offering minor details when asked. This kind of behavior would set off the alarms of any socially adept person and they would be right to be cautious. Be it to collect gossip or to offer a perfect fortune telling, Iadara understands the value in knowing other people’s business. 
Once he knows that he can trust you, Iadara opens up more about himself. He is much less patient and understanding, even judging. It shows a part of himself that makes it apparent that he comes from a very closed off society, understanding the social mores of the world outside of it is a little bit of a challenge for him.
Iadara at his core is an artist, chasing whatever his muse is at the time, be it a song, a book or even a single person. He can easily fall into obsession if he doesn’t control himself. He is also a social climber, caring very much about how he is perceived.
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Signature Spell
Forbidden Fruit (知恵の樹、 lit. Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil​)If Iadara makes physical contact with a target as he casts it, he can make them believe anything he tells them. The effect lasts up to 24 hours and is more effective if he tells the target things they actively want to believe. Whether or not the target knows they've been manipulated after the spell wears off depends on how outrageous the lies they're made to believe. The effect could be broken by another mind-altering spell if cast by a skilled mage.
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NOTE: Characters and concepts from the Shadowbringers and Endwalker expansions of Final Fantasy XIV are included as part of Iadara’s background. Please be aware if you want to avoid potential spoilers.
Iadara hails from the City State of Amaurot, a semi-reclusive bureaucratic society of mages. It’s well known that he is seeking to take the role of “Altima” in the city’s governing body, The Convocation of Fourteen. In this position he would become the city's patron of the arts, a responsibility that his guardian once held.
Starting their life in the city’s orphanage, memories of their early life there are vague and they prefer not to bring up this aspect of their past to anyone. Iadara showed promise as a mage even from a young age.
He was adopted at age seven and raised by Thaleia Mythra, holder of the seat of Altima. She raised him well, giving him a proper education and encouraged him to pursue what made him happy. Thaleia’s home was full of all manner of things she enjoyed, paintings, sculptures, endless shelves of novels, ephemera that she collected from the various plays and shows she attended and had hand in. Over the years he tried a little bit of everything, music, painting, writing and even dancing.
Iadara blossomed into a refined and promising young mage as he attended school in Amaurot, making friends and maintaining proper grades along the way. At some later point in his secondary school he had developed his Signature Spell/Unique Magic, a spell that could make anyone he touched believe a single lie told by him. Iadara tried his best to be reasonable with using it, but the power trip of being able to influence someone’s thoughts had a strong allure. He became comfortable with twisting things in his favour in small ways with his magic, despite the very real danger of ruining his reputation.
In the last year of Iadara’s secondary schooling Thaleia fell suddenly ill, throwing both of their lives into chaos. Any moment Iadara was not at school, he was by her side, constantly wracked with worry. Members of the Convocation visited often, both to comfort their colleague and to discuss the matter of who would take on the role of Altima in Thaleia’s stead.
When asked who she would nominate to take her place she picked Iadara without hesitation, imploring him to become Amaurot’s patron of the arts. At first he turned her down, in denial of the inevitable, but soon accepted it as her final wish.
Not long after experiencing such a heavy loss he discovered that he was accepted into Night Raven College. He felt relief when the Ebony Carriage came to collect him, only wanting to be far away from his homeland and his troubles.
Going to college meant that his transition into his new role would have to wait, or so he thought. Only months into his freshman semester Iadara received a letter from Amaurot regarding the nature of his signature spell. An investigation into his character had begun, insinuating that he had manipulated Thaleia’s will in her final moments to secure the seat of Altima.
The news added a consistent feeling of anxiety to the background of Iadara’s freshman year at NRC, which he did his best to hide as he settled into student life. Now in his sophomore year, with little to no updates from the Convocation, the stress has begun to crack his flawless façade.
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Notable Relationships
Mirabelle Hourlinet [Lover]: Iadara became interested in Mirabelle the moment she showed up at the NRC at the start of his sophomore year. He took it upon himself to become as helpful as possible to her in order to recruit her to Pomfiore. They became fast friends and partners, he greatly enjoys pampering her by doing her nails and make up when she allows.
Rook Hunt [Lover]: Rook was one of the first students to reach out to Iadara and get to know him when he was a freshman. At first, he was suspicious of his motives, but it wasn’t long before he fell for the eccentric hunter. They have been seeing each other casually for a little while now. Due to their shared love for theatre they enable each other’s dramatic tendencies.
Vil Schoenheit [Friend]: Due to their carrier paths, Vil and Iadara are friends with benefits (ties to the entertainment industries of their homelands). As the future patron of Amaurot’s art scene Iadara would have a say in what films get shown in the city, so Vil has a vested interest in keeping them close professionally. Iadara has little issue with deferring to Vil’s authority as house warden and doesn’t mind his strict mannerisms. Although Iadara’s love for sleeping in have caused them to clash a bit.
Cater Diamond [Friend]:  Cater and Iadara mesh well as they are both social butterflies, but they didn't have much of a reason to interact until Cater discovered Iadara’s magicam account for his nail art. They frequently trade gossip over lunch and talk about popular music and trends. They are fair weather friends at best.
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- Iadara loves playing casual puzzle games on his phone and considers himself “kind of a gamer” much to the chagrin of others (Idia)
- Primarily uses their magicam account to show off their nail art and gained a modest following after Vil posted photos of the manicure that they gave him.
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whosbex · 9 months
*drops my pile of questions like a stack of heavy books* I decided to ask a little of everything:
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
12. How does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
13. What’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
29. What’s your revision or editing process like?
31. Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
33. Do you want to be published some day?
34. Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?
38. Would you ever write commissions?
39. Share a snippet from a WIP.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
41. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
47. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
48. What do you look for in a beta?
52. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
57. Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished? 
58. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc) 
60. Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like?
62. Thoughts on cliffhangers?
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
67. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
68. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
70. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
71. When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
72. What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
Okay so I’m not even gonna number these cuz this is a lot 😭.
My creative process is like an on and off switch. Due to ADHD I’ll have an idea for a long time decide to map the story out then procrastinate…for a very long time
TBH I get inspired by other people’s fanart and fanfics.
Now pls don't copy your Auntie Caspian over here but I really just do what ever POV I want to do and feel in the moment if I want to change it I just go back and write it all over again if it's not too late.
If I do receive feed back I feel great! I really enjoy seeing comments and stuff and when I don't I feel fine but kinda overlooked if I'm being honest.
Prep the storyline and lore before anything. If you have all that sorted out you'll be given the liberty to choose what you want in the story or not.
When I have block I just make fanart or make the chapters in my head until I make myself so excited that I want to write again.
Really depends right now I'm doing a DK Fam AU/what if series but IDK what to call it except that (if ya'll have any suggestions pls DM me)
I only have one fic on AO3 so it would be tangled and tts characters lol
One thing that I have noticed( other than always finding a way to add Hispanic/Filipino culture in my fics) is that I tend to be very descriptive about surroundings and how the character feels.
Um I'm fairly new so idk about a lot of genres but all I know right now is that I will never make a story where the main character or any characters that have made it to the end to have a bad ending,if that makes sense. Like I want them to be happy after all the trauma I put them through.
Best advice: to plan things out and to have a draft
Worst advice: that I can't wing it. I do think planning is important but sometimes the best ideas come last minute.
Favorite part of writing: that I can put myself in the characters and what they go through and that I can use it as therapy for myself.
Least favorite: actually writing XD jk but kind of not lol. I also don't like how long editing can be but it's more fun when you can do it with a friend/beta reader yk?
It's long I can tell you that. If I don't have block editing is probably whats taking the longest.
I start with the characters and as I find out who the characters are then I make the plot as I see fit for them and how it can make them stronger and better.
YES ABSOLUTELY!!! I hav this OG story I'm working on and I really want it to be published some day and hopefully that day will be reality!
That I have improved and that I have put a few chapters out.
Depends on what they ask for.
Okay so a small thing I'm doing for my 'What if series' for tts is that I'm making Andrew a good guy and prince of Saporia. and I am also doing a lot of lore for that and giving him an angsty back story.
I'd like to see some Cass and Andrew fanart or some art of the DK cousins which would be Eugene,Cass,Varian and my two OCs Elana and Caspian.
Yah I would re-read fics I haven't because I have a lot to read but I would.
Angsty and wholesome. I wanna try to add a smidge of dark romance but I'm not that good at it so I might practice on that before I publish anything lol.
It's not too long but it can be painful. (if yk yk)
I like them to be honest but not mean when it comes to constructive criticism. and if you have any ideas for the plot or story I honestly would like to hear them out!
YES!!!! I like to respond and see what y'all think. I haven't gotten many but I do like to respond.
How I put a piece of myself in my characters.
It goes back and forth between my OCs and Cass from tts.
How detailed I can be.
I wait until I finish the chapter then I edit.
The lore planning.
She haven't commented ( at least i don't think she has) on a fic but they've helped me brain storm. And it felt nice and cool that I can call her a friend.
If I'm making a second book then yah I like cliffhangers,BUT THEY ARE SO PAINFUL AT THE SAME ASS TIME!!!!
Cass and Andrew scenes,Saporian lore,and Andrew's background. And ofc Erin and Hector moments.
I don't mind prompts.
Look at other people's work.
I'm very enthusiastic,and most of the time others say they can tell lol.
Honestly I don't think I've come across this problem the only thing I have trouble is finding the right words to put the scenes is play.
I write the scenes I'm excited for on paper and then write start to finish on my lap top.
What I think makes me stand out are the characters I create. All of them have either a part of me or have gone through the things I have or are modeled after people in my life.
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inwintersolitude · 1 year
- May 11th 2023 -
How long has it been since you moved out of the house you grew up in? It's been nearly 15 years.
What color shirt are you wearing? Black.
The last time you ate leftovers, what was it that you were eating? Penne pasta with arrabbiata sauce.
What was the last flavor of ice cream you ate? Strawberry.
Do you regret anything you've done in the last 24 hours, and if so, what? Yep. Staying up way too late last night, when I should be trying to shift my sleep schedule earlier for plans on Friday.
What is your favorite type of soup? White bean and vegetable soup, broccoli cheddar soup, minestrone soup, white chicken chili... I have a lot of favorites haha.
When was the last time you saw a beautiful sunset? A few days ago.
What is your favorite song at the moment? No favorite.
What are 5-10 things you love about being you? I'm self-assured, I'm mentally/emotionally stable, I'm intelligent, I have a positive outlook on life, I have an amazing husband, I have a great relationship with my family, I really like where I live, and I have the financial means to live a leisurely life and spend my time on hobbies and personal projects rather than working.
What is your favorite board that you've made on Pinterest? Eh, I don't know, I haven't been on Pinterest in ages. I don't remember what boards I have on there.
Do you get on Facebook or Instagram more? Instagram.
What color is your favorite sweater? Dark gray.
What are three things people would never guess about you just by looking at the photos you post on social media? The photos I post on Instagram are mostly my nature photography and drone photography, occasionally my pet birds - I don't post anything super personal, so there's quite a lot about me that people would never guess just by looking at that.
What is one thing you have too much of? Medical problems lol. Thankfully most of it is minor, but I do have way more diagnoses than anyone in their 30s should have. Migraines, TMJ disorder, hyperacusis, ADHD, scoliosis, blah blah blah.
What was the last thing you ate or drank that was blue raspberry-flavored? I don't remember.
What are three of your favorite scents? Pine forests, the musky scent the woods in this area get after the leaves have fallen in autumn, and whatever they use to scent the spa that I go to during vacations to Hilton Head Island, I don't know what it is but it's heavenly.
What was the last flavor of tea you drank? English breakfast tea.
When was the last time you wore your hair in a fishtail braid? Never.
What is one annoying thing your computer does? It doesn't do anything annoying.
What type of fruit do you eat the most? Lately, I've been eating a lot of blueberries and raspberries.
How often do you go out to eat? About once a week.
What would your dream wedding dress look like? I'm already married. My dress was a strapless A-line gown with pearls and silver threading embroidered around the bust/midriff and down the train. I wouldn't say I ever had a "dream” wedding dress, though. I was never the type to dream about wedding stuff.
Which fall flavor do you prefer: pumpkin spice or apple cinnamon? It depends on what sort of food the flavor is being used in.
What is the most annoying thing about your life right now? My circadian rhythm is completely dysfunctional. But that's nothing new, I've had a messed up circadian rhythm since I was a young child. It's just been really extra messed up lately.
Which holiday treat do you like better: candy corn or conversation hearts? I don't really like either of those.
What is your favorite apple-flavored treat? Apple crisp.
What are you counting down the days to right now, if anything? Our trip to Ireland.
What was the last book you read about? Landscape photography.
Have you been daydreaming a lot lately about a scenario you wish would happen? No.
What are three of your favorite things about camping? Spending time in nature, cooking over a campfire, and tents are cozy lol.
If you could choose what month to be born in, what month would you have chosen as your birth month, and why? Eh, it doesn't really matter to me.
...and what is your actual birth month? January.
What are three of your favorite things to do on a rainy day? Sleep in, have a cup of tea, watch TV/Netflix/Youtube.
Would you rather eat strawberries or watermelon? Watermelon.
Do you prefer smoothies or milkshakes? I prefer homemade smoothies over milkshakes, but I prefer milkshakes over the overly-sugary types of smoothies you get from restaurants/smoothie shops.
Do you prefer hamburgers or hot dogs? Hamburgers.
When was the last time you felt nauseous? A few weeks ago.
What was the last thing you ate that made you feel nauseous? There aren't any foods that make me feel nauseous.
Do you enjoy going to your local county fair? I did when I was a kid. I haven't been to a county fair since then, though.
How far away do you live from the place where you were born? About a 7-hour drive.
Do you prefer zebra print or cheetah print? I don't like any animal prints. Not my style.
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Traveling worldwide with your canine might be a little look at paradise. In light of everything, no one requirements to leave man's best friend. Moreover, the chance of boarding your canine in a pet lodging could make you very furious - and your wallet. Regardless, starter research on flying abroad with your canine could leave you feeling overwhelmed. Expecting that is what is going on, you've come to the best areas. This manual for journeying all around the world with your canine fans out all that you truly need to know to help you with showing up all the way down.
Research Your Goal Every country has its own game plan of rules and rules concerning pet relocation. Notwithstanding, paying little mind to where you go, your canine high need their rabies shot on record. Exactly when your canine prevailed eventually their last rabies shot is pivotal. A couple of countries won't allow your canine to enter if they had their rabies opportunity under 30 days before development, or north of a year preceding travel. A couple of countries similarly require your canine to seek a tapeworm treatment 24 to 120 hours before your trip.
Little guy Quarantine Dependent upon whether your goal falls into the class of without rabies, rabies-controlled, or rabies-high, your canine could ought to be disconnected on appearance. Keep in mind: quarantines are not little guy prisons. They are boarding workplaces where canines are managed by capable staff. Have a valuable open door and energy to run and play in the yard, and you could as a matter of fact visit your pet everything thought about isolation workplaces one time every day.
Research Airplane Rules for Going with Pets Then, you'll should be sure you're holding your excursion with an airplane that licenses pets. A couple of transporters don't allow pets using any and all means, while others grant them for a cost. A couple of transporters simply grant each or two pets on board thus. Preceding booking your flight, call the transporter to hold a seat for your canine.
Realize about the Transporter's Guidelines on Cabin versus Cargo Regularly, transporters that license pets award canines under 20 pounds to fly in the cabin. Canines more than 20 pounds are often expected to fly as overflow cargo. Popular transporters like Delta and Joined have express pages doled out for animal travel information. Delta no longer vehicles pets as cargo, as this is one of the most dangerous procedures for flying for pets. In light of everything, your canine will be prepared in the chief cabin with you as long as important.
Collect the Basic Managerial work and Your Pet Recognizable proof Since it is presently so clear what the future holds from your airplane and goal, this moment is the perfect time to start collecting your canine's documentation. A pet distinguishing proof is a basic strategy for holding all your canine's work area cooperating in one supportive region. A pet recognizable proof is comparative as a human's as in it gives significant information to journeying honestly abroad. It integrates every clinical datum, similar to current immunizations, and notes whether your canine has any serious clinical issues. Take your canine to the veterinarian essentially a month before your outing to revive their shots and set your work area work up.
Plan for Your Trip: Ordinary Issues and Disasters While Going with a Canine Imperative to get yourself positioned for issues could occur during development. Underneath, you'll sort out some way to oversee potential deferrals, missed affiliations, and disasters that could impact your trip with your pet.
Delays Any overall traveler knows how ordinary (and confounding) delays are. However, when you have a pet, a delay is an excuse to be stressing out. If your canine is going as excess cargo, they may be left under the plane in a non-compacted hold up. The temperature, with no regular air, can shift certainly. Prepare for a concede by giving your canine a ton of frozen water and covers for their situation. Expecting your plane gets delayed, enlighten the transporter that your canine is going in the cargo district and ought to be taken out quickly.
Missed Affiliations In case you have a related flight, your canine's container may not get reloaded. So, checkout the best pet transportation company which is pet taxi service in UK. While this is a very fascinating occasion, it's wise to remind the transporter that you are going with your canine. The airplane orderlies can twofold check to guarantee your shaggy friend is safely locally accessible before flight. Convey a photo of your canine and a kind of distinctive confirmation to promise them if they get lost. Guarantee your canine has names on their limitation preceding boarding to prevent any issues. Most airplanes require marks or an ID chip preceding loading up.
Setbacks and Wounds Overall travel has its risks. Accepting for the time being that you're going with only your four-legged companion, it's wise to consider how you'd truly zero in on your canine in the event that you some way or another figured out how to stand up to an actual issue or sickness requiring hospitalization. A development medical care plan like Diagram book Travel can cover you for unexpected injury or disorder caused abroad, as well as helping your canine with getting back no problem at all on the off chance that there ought to be an event of an emergency. Accepting for a moment that you're traveling alone and your hospitalization will achieve your canine being left unattended for more than a day and a half, Graph book Travel's Pet Return benefit will pay to restore your canine to your country of beginning to be truly centered around by partners or family while you recover.
Flying Generally with Your Canine: Extending Their Security and Comfort Most transporters that license canines to be in the hotel anticipate that they should remain crated during the flight. Boxes should be sufficiently little to fit under the seat before you, but gigantic enough that your pet can stand, sit, and rests. Greater canines may be supposed to be stacked up under the plane as overflow cargo. This may be horrendous for yourself as well as your canine. We'll share tips and hoodwinks to make the trip less shaking for yourself as well as your little man underneath.
Find the Right Pet lodging Ensure that your canine's case is strong and gigantic enough for them to put down without any problem. It should not be gigantic to the point that they could upset during unevenness and hurt themselves. Before you fly, let your canine use the pet inn at home, or as a seat during drives to the canine park. Permit it to transform into a safeguarded and regular spot early so they can have a capable of consolation on their flight.
Keep Your Canine Hydrated, Dealt with, and Assuage A couple of transporters may not allow you to deal with your canine during the flight. If you would be capable, bring their #1 treats or other unmistakable food. For canines stacked as cargo, depart some in their case. A supportive technique for hydrating your canine is to freeze water in a plastic bowl and spot it in their container. This holds water back from spilling since it will break up step by step. Make sure to pack your canine's main toy or cover. An uplifting cover or unmistakable toy will reduce your canine's uneasiness if you can't go with them.
How Going with Canines Generally Works: Paws on the Ground The experience doesn't stop once you and your canine are on the ground. Especially like at home, you really want to protect your canine from hazard and lift their great times. Be prepared with all that you could require so you can explore more and stress less.
It Is Essential to Recognize verification Be sure your canine has an ID on their limitation. This ID should consolidate your phone number and email address if you can't be reached worldwide by phone. Also integrate your canine's most recent rabies immune response tag. Today, canines traveling generally are commonly expected to have a central processor, either by the transporter or your objective country. In case your canine gets lost, an animal refuge or vet will really need to check their microchip and reveal their noteworthy distinctive verification number. Ceaselessly convey a photo of your canine with you if they take off and you need to show you are the owner. Overlap it inside your wallet or sack or keep photos of your pet on your PDA (which we're hypothesizing you at this point do!).
Make a Little guy Travel Pack A little guy pack contains the large number of fundamentals expected while all over town. This infers food, treats, medications, a clinical guide, a toy, and water. If remedies ought to be kept cool, use an ice pack. Your little guy's head-out pack should be enough little to fit inside the sack you're currently conveying. Plastic packs are important for taking care of food things. A crisis treatment pack will help both you and your canine assuming something some way or another figured out how to happen. Constantly recall remedies for example of an emergency.
Courtesy: pet taxi service in UK
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
hiya hazel! i hope you're doing well! anything funky fun you're looking forward to in the next couple weeks? for the sleepover asks: would you rather not be able to write fic for six months or not be able to read fic for six months? also, do you have any projects you'd like to chat about? i'd love to hear about what you've got cooking! -megs 💙
@igarbagecannoteven hiya megs!
i am looking forward to sleeping! i no longer have to wake up at 5:15, so that's nice. i also look forward to putting my room/hallway back to rights. we got new carpet in upstairs, which is where my room is, so we had to completely empty the room and hallway, which had lots of bookshelves and miscellaneous things and was generally very cluttered. i've started moving some stuff back in (like my room's furniture at least, which means i can sleep in my bed), but there's still a lot to do and some rearranging had to happen so it feels like there's even less room than there was before.
my family will also theoretically be going to the renaissance festival soon! i love going, and i might try to do a simply little forest elf/some sort of fae look. i got some new stage makeup and techniques from the makeup design class i assisted this week, and i'm excited to use it!
mmmm not write or read fic..... i think it completely depends on my mood. this year i've been in a bit of a writing drought, so i've been reading a lot more, but there are definitely seasons where i write a lot more! that being said, i think i would rather not be able to read fic for six months, because i have been reading novels lately and i have a lot of books on my to-read list, but for the past two years i've been almost exclusively writing fic rather than original works, so it'd be more difficult to make that transition (although not impossible. i have ideas for original stories that i'd love to return to. spencer and logan deserve their story. arima my absolute beloved. wesley and his wacky found family. i've been considering adapting if we make it through december into a longer, original novel as well. stuff like that.)
about my projects: honestly. full honesty. i don't really want to chat about any projects right now because they are so far behind where i wanted them to be given how little writing occurred over the summer and the amount of prompts i still have in my inbox. nothing is cooking. the oven isn't even pre-heating right now. the stove has been turned off. things aren't marinating in the fridge, they've been stored in the freezer.
unless "projects" also includes the @5sos-fic-fest, in which case i have been working on that quite a bit! the theme will be announced in less than 24 hours!
that being said, we'll see what happens now that work is done! we'll sure see!
weekend sleepover
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
Writer ask game! 1, 9, 11, 49
ALSO, I saw your tags on Silver’s CPR fic and… are you in healthcare or were just dragged into a very bad situation and had to do compressions because most people don’t recognize you have to break someone’s rib cage to do proper CPR
Not healthcare! I don't work now, and doubt I could do CPR properly any more because my joint stability in my arms was trashed by genetics, but 10-ish years ago I had a summer job as a lifeguard. And got really, really unlucky with what shift I was on. Not sure what happened - and don't want to know - as it happened in a pool a colleague was watching, but after I cleared both pools we swapped so he could answer questions from the call operator.
(Am very thankful I've never had to use the training we did for babies because that's terrifying just on the dolls.)
Now your number questions!
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
All questions tricky, but after scrolling through my (Zelda, because I have too much) fic I'd probably pick Leviathan Legends? Its not the best, and I still need to finish anything else for the series, and is more representative of what my writing at least tries to me. I was a bit surprised by all the physical pain there, but then I'm 9 days into whumptober which has all been Zelda, and there's only 36 fics. So that's a quarter before I've even considered it ^^;
9. How do you find new fic to read?
First is subscription emails from ao3 or things people are reblogging/posting on tumblr to be found on my dash. Depending on if I'm actively looking (email) or it just happens (tumblr). After that, I tend to start looking from character tags (for LU, X-centric tags too). I have favourites whose tabs stay open on my phone, then sometimes I hop from those to another for the day's flavour. Then if there's a lot I haven't read I narrow it to completed fic and/or keywords/keytags like 'fluff' or 'angst with a happy ending'.
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
Oh I'm definitely bias. I will play with whomever fits, but I'll tend towards whatever character I'm dangling from the toes. For Zelda stuff my tags currently go - Hyrule (24), Legend (12), Time (9), Sky (8), Warriors (8), non-LU Link (5), Wild (4), Twilight (3), Four (3), Great Fairies (2). Which really tells me I need to write some Wind fic. But then I'm mostly writing cruel things atm, so... I'd rather not angst the kid??? But I'll have a thing. Because he's a good boy and should have something! I... do have one idea for Wind PoV at least, but its for an incredibly au au I've been building. As for why I pick thing... Across fandoms I've tended to notice I drift towards characters with a lot of their details missing. Side characters with interesting tidbits never explored, ones whose lack of presence overshadows the narrative but are long dead... In other fandoms I also really love filling in blanks from canon? Missing scenes and stuff like that (less so Zelda, there's not /missing/ scenes in the same way as you get with film and books, even with LU), events you know happened but not how. Its a similar sort of thing. Hyrule's games give me a very neat framework with a lot of space to play in. Meanwhile Legend just has a very distinctive voice that's fun to dabble in sometimes. The others... Tend to get dragged into fics with one of them as convenient or needed, though Time, Sky, and Wars all have fics where they are the central character having emotions and doing things. As I had ideas. And I have some chaos for Four that's been slowly burning in my brain a long while. Pairing wise... Depends what works for what I'm writing. Even in fandoms where I ship I multiship. LU wise its Legend & Hyrule at the top, but that's as much an artefact of who I like writing most as anything. More you write people the more they show up together.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Theoretically I got my laptop out to today's whumptober prompt, but those get written on the day itself or not at all, and I haven't actually started yet. I have... A lot of WIPs, all of which get poked from time to time. But! Multiple times now has my brain be drawn to the fic summarised as "Princess Aurora's attempts to reconstruct the Legends of the Four Sword with only half-remembered folk stories of her youth and a scattering of pages found in the remains of the burnt-out royal library", so have a bit of that! This is from pretty late, but I tend to write the end of anything before the start.
But then, the Hero of Lightning pulled the ring from his hand. With the motion power cracked through the skies, lightning summoned to its hero's command. Preparing for more sorrow the Hero of Fire called out one last time; the Hero of Lightning's smirk became a softer smile as he looked upon his soul-brother, twisting the lightning to himself - and, more importantly, to the Hero of Darkness. For long had the Hero of Lightning been gathering magic into the ring, limiting the flow within himself in exchange for it passing undetected by the enemy's hands. And now he released it, not at the Demon Lord's back, but rather at the fifth hero, the Hero of Darkness. Realising what had occurred, the Demon Lord turned, throwing much of his power behind a single attack as he lunged at the Hero of Lightning. The smirk vanished into a scream as darkness tore through his chest, a single shot with every intent to kill. And yet, when he fell, there was yet a smile on the Hero of Lightning's bloodied lips; the Demon Lord was too late, and the deed already done.
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What You Must Learn About Water Damage Remediation
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Water damages reconstruction is a process that consists of cleaning and also repairing the harmed areas of your home or business. It usually takes a group of expert specialists to guarantee that your property is restored to its former state. Choosing the ideal basement restoration business is important, and also you should take some time to find one that fits your needs. When contrasting water damage companies, consider their experience, solutions, and costs. Cost is a major factor in any house renovation job, and also the exact same is true for water damages repair.
The cost will certainly vary based on numerous elements, consisting of the type of water that triggered the damages, the quantity of the water, as well as whether there are structural troubles. The type of water that created the damage is referred to as a "class." Courses range from Class 1 (tidy) to Class 4 (disabling). As a whole, clean water can be cleansed rapidly and quickly; it may be challenging to determine which sort of water was involved in a flooding due to the fact that it can be tough to tell where the water originated. If you've had a dripping pipe or other water resource, switch off the power and also eliminate every one of your items from the affected area. You may additionally want to open cupboard doors and drapes in the damaged location to ensure that air can flow much faster. You should additionally make sure to work with a licensed water damage service technician, and also you must ask if they have insurance policy.
The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning as well as Restoration Certification is largely responsible for certifying these professionals, so you need to have the ability to obtain a concept of just how trained a water damages repair business is from its qualifications. It is very important to have a group of specialists that you can trust, as well as working with an IICRC-certified team can assist you feel much more secure. IICRC-certified technicians are trained to identify and get rid of pollutants, which can help stop more damages and also lower the possibility of mold and mildew growth. Depending upon your demands, a water damages remediation service could offer added services like carpeting and upholstery cleaning, duct cleansing, document restoration, and even fire as well as smoke cleaning.
These solutions can add up to a lot of money, however they're worth it over time since they can make your home look its ideal as well as keep you as well as your family secure. Customer service is vital in any service-based company, but it's particularly vital when you're taking care of a major catastrophe such as water damages. It's a good concept to locate a water damage reconstruction service that has a client service line that can be gotten to all the time. You must likewise check to see if the water damages repair firm uses 24-hour emergency solutions, as these are usually needed throughout the results of a catastrophe. If the firm does, you should take into consideration employing them for your next emergency situation.
When you're looking for a water damage apartment restoration firm, look for ones that have been in business for many years as well as have a reputation for top quality work. The company has a broad solution area as well as provides discount rates for industrial customers. If you want to know more about this topic, then click here: https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/news-wires-white-papers-and-books/watershed-restoration.
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mapledaemonism · 1 year
Picking up a few questions again, doing 21-25! Let's go!
21: How are you different from your dae in personality?
While we are both rather quiet and soft spoken, mine is more in a shy manner whereas Ace is simply very measured in how he speaks. I'm somewhat skittish, socially anxious, but still overall fairly upbeat and manage to come across fairly "bubbly" too, though it's not quite the word I'd use. Ace, on the other hand (or..paw?) is reserved in a more intellectual, observing way. He isn't shy or skittish, he's calculated. So while we're both very quiet and introverted, his version is more calm while mine is more anxious.
22: How long has your dae been in your life?
Oooohh about... a year? Year and a half? I think he has sort of always been there but I've been AWARE of him for about a year and a half.
23: If you are plural, how does your dae interact with your headmates? If you're not, has your dae ever disappeared from your mindspace for an extended time and why?
I actually only really started to consider myself even remotely plural when I was informed that some daemians consider their dae a headmate/consider daemians plural. So Ace really would be my only "official" headmate I guess? I'm not sure, I'm still figuring things out. I consider Ace part of me, but I definitely interact with characters (both my own and from media) as if they are real and in the room, and they definitely take up space in my head, comment on daily goings on, etc, so I don't know if that's "actually plural" or just having imaginary friends hah. Either way, Ace gets along fairly well with most of the "others", as they're almost all pretty amicable, save for like one. But even he isn't bad, just likes to irritate Ace. But again, full disclosure, I do NOT know if that's actual plurality or something else!
24: Question to the dae: how do you interact with the corporeal world, with or without being actively projected?
I interact with the world in the same way any corporeal feline would. I follow real world physics. If I'm not being actively projected, I'll usually sit or walk beside or near my host, depending on what they are doing. I'll occasionally remind them I'm there, sitting on their shoulder or lap, but if I am not being actively projected, there is likely a reason, so I just take that time to sit quietly.
25: How did you discover daemonism? Did you first find the books, the community, the movie, or the show?
I don't have a great memory, but I believe I found the community first. I think I stumbled upon it by looking into similar topics and then from there I watched the movie and explored the community a bit! I haven't gotten to read the books yet or watch the show, but they're on my to-do list!
So yeah! There's those!! Only a few days worth left!! Thanks for reading!
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gbadgerpg242 · 2 years
15 Most Underrated Skills That'll Make You A Rockstar In The Article-forge-review Industry
If you're trying to find a creating tool that's complimentary for as much as five short articles daily, you've concerned the appropriate location. We'll discuss the functions, rate, Free trial, and also Jarvis AI algorithm. Yet before you jump to the acquisition button, let's take a look at the cost-free trial. There's a great deal of details to digest and also you'll wish to see to it that you get a full photo of the article-creation process.
Features of Article Forge
If you're aiming to increase your productivity, Article Forge 3 can do the work for you. This software can compose any type of sort of article and also is extremely quick. While a human writer may take 24 hr to complete a solitary article, a computerized tool can do the exact same in less than 60 seconds. Not just does it write posts quickly, yet it can likewise filter web content based upon significance and top quality. Not just that, it can also produce posts in a range of areas.
The learning curve is relatively low, as well as customers won't experience any type of missteps when learning exactly how to utilize this software. The software application does a great work of creating content that seems like human message, yet it's not excellent. Articles generated by the software may include errors in grammar or reasoning. In enhancement, it might not be 100% original, depending on revising or spinning articles that are already out there. Moreover, it's not always able to take details requirements into account, making it harder to develop an efficient article advertising and marketing approach.
In spite of being a fabricated intelligence-based application, Article Forge makes use of deep finding out to produce articles. The software application can generate a high-grade article in less than Article-forge-review 60 secs, but you need to remember that it can take longer if the article is more than 1,500 words. The system might need to be modified a bit, such as vital expressions as well as subheadings. However, it's an invaluable tool for material makers. While you may not have the moment to work with an author for every and every article, it can be a fantastic aid in obtaining fresh ideas and material.
Besides the convenience of use, another terrific benefit of Article Forge is its capacity to generate material rapidly. With this software program, your turn-around time is minimized as well as your company's content top quality increases. In SEO, content is king and the even more quality your web content has, the most likely it is to obtain leading positions. The disadvantage of this software program, nonetheless, is that it does not sustain all languages. However, if you need to utilize it for your business, you can be remainder ensured that it will certainly make a distinction in your outcomes.
Jarvis AI algorithm
When it comes to content generation, the Jarvis AI algorithm in Article Forge 3 can do the job of a human. This AI is continuously being upgraded as well as can creating material in greater than 11 various languages. Jarvis likewise features a long kind editor, as well as it is not restricted to creating post and also articles. The software is additionally offered in over 25 different languages. You can even make usage of the tool to create e-books.
Unlike other article rewording tools, the Jarvis AI algorithm is limitless. Its price is likewise cheaper when billed each year, and it provides a higher top quality output than its competitors. Jarvis also provides unlimited look-backs as well as is compatible with as much as 3 thousand characters. While some writers may consider this a significant restriction, it is not a deal-breaker. The software program likewise supplies a complimentary test.
In regards to top quality, Jarvis can write nearly any kind of material. It makes use of over 50 different themes as well as has human-like qualities. Furthermore, it can write write-ups in brand-new as well as unknown particular niches. This AI is devoid of plagiarism and also offers tutorials to assist you get going with the program. It is a beneficial tool for marketing experts and authors who want to increase their conversion rates. Its cost-free test deserves attempting before you spend a dollar on it.
An additional attribute that the Jarvis AI can do is reword an international language. It can produce an English variation that seems all-natural. To do this, Jarvis AI makes use of innovative Device Translation technology. It is able to equate an expression right into an additional language, and also this means that you'll have the ability to provide an article with the greatest feasible high quality. The Jarvis AI is likewise suitable with Google Translate and also other maker translation tools, indicating that it can convert text right into numerous languages.
WordPress plugin
There are numerous benefits of using Article forge. It permits you to arrange web content to be published on a self-hosted WordPress blog site, mass import posts, and examine recent blog posts standing. In addition, you can post to default blog sites, tags, as well as profiles. And also, you can even personalize your articles to appear on whichever blog you desire. You can post approximately 24 times daily as well as schedule as numerous as 168 messages a week with Article forge.
You can produce articles with the help of this plugin in just a few mins. It will certainly generate material utilizing man-made knowledge as well as all-natural language handling. It will create search engine optimization product in 7 languages. It will automatically add pertinent headings, photos, video clips, and also web links. It also consists of LSI search phrases for much better ranking in online search engine. You can export your web content as message, PDF, or HTML and also routine future uploads to the site.
Article Forge has an API, which permits you to link to different solutions to automate the production of short articles for your website. You can use this API to link to numerous solutions, such as Google Analytics, as well as article scheduler. It also supplies an associate web link, which implies you can make 25% of the sale by advertising the plugin. You can also discover write-ups that are currently published on a website as well as link them.
Despite the numerous advantages of Article Forge, it is still an excellent idea to make sure that your content is initial. If you're not a native English speaker, you'll still need to fact-check and edit. If you're a writer who battles with writers' block, Article Forge is a helpful tool. Not only will it accelerate your creating process, however it can also help you to overcome your author's block as well as develop content quicker.
Article forge Free test
If you're uncertain concerning whether you need Article Forge, you can take advantage of its five-day totally free test. There's additionally a 30-day money-back guarantee if you aren't satisfied with the service. If you 'd like to examine the service, nonetheless, you'll need to use a charge card or PayPal. But do not fret. It's very easy to cancel after the free trial ends.
This article production tool provides a manageable method to create rate-2 information. Article forge searches billions of internet sites and produces one-of-a-kind write-ups in much less than 60 seconds. Unlike typical approaches, it's easy to make use of and has a cost-free trial. Its internet site is updated regularly with new write-ups, which you can then use to promote your service. You'll likewise obtain an exclusive web link to your article, and can send it to your preferred directory sites or weblogs.
Using synthetic knowledge and deep learning, Article Forge creates premier information in under a minute. It makes use of deep-seated learning designs to guarantee that each article is original and pertinent. The outcome is a superior-quality article with a distinct starting factor. You do not have to invest hours scratching your head, as well as you'll be shocked by the results! Without rewriting, no scuffing, as well as no guidebook evaluation procedure, Article Forge 3 will assist you create wonderful articles that attract viewers as well as enhance your web traffic.
With a cost-free trial, you can check out Article Forge at work. You can get endless gain access to and also use it for 5 days absolutely free, or acquire a full certificate for a one-month membership. The software application permits you to produce unique write-ups based upon keyword phrases in under a minute. You can even select to have your articles produced in international languages, which is terrific if you prepare to release them in a range of languages.
Article Forge 3 Cost
If you are trying to find an article composing tool that can assist you produce high-quality web content, Article Forge may be appropriate for you. This product supplies 2 registration plans: month-to-month as well as yearly. Monthly memberships set you back $57. You can likewise purchase the program on an annual basis for $324. Article Forge provides a money-back warranty, and also it's additionally an excellent selection if you're an amateur or do not intend to spend in a great deal of write-ups on a monthly basis.
Article Forge has an associate program that allows you generate income by advertising the tool. The program additionally includes an AI composing tool that does most of the help you. There's no online chat or phone number for consumer support. You should send an assistance kind and seek a FAQ in the footer food selection. You can also choose to obtain a 30-day free test as well as attempt the software application out to see if it fulfills your needs.
An additional benefit of Article Forge is that it can compose any kind of kind of material. Its capability to produce high-grade content saves you money and time from having to hire an article author. In addition to this, a plagiarism-free article will be more probable to place greater in internet search engine like Google. It also includes pertinent titles, headings, images, and links. And the most effective component is that it can create in seven various languages.
While the software is targeted at posts, it can additionally be made use of for other content, such as emails and also messages on social media networks. However, there are a couple of disadvantages to this tool. The price of article forge 3 is greater than that of the previous variation. Although Article Forge is still a good tool, it's worth looking into prior to getting it. And also if you're not satisfied, do not fret. The software program offers money-back assurances.
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hellyeahomeland · 2 years
S8.E12: What a great way to end the series. The Carrie-killing-Saul plot was crazy, but I have to admit, I bought it. I didn't want to but at the very end I actually bought it and thought the show had turned stone cold Sopranos. At the end Carrie has become Brody in a way, both patriot and traitor, except Carrie looks like she's having a lot of fun in her new life with her "lover"(and his would-be assassin), classy apartment and enjoying sweet fusion jazz every night. NOW ho knows what other
traitors or terrorists they might inspire, like Carrie with her book at the end?Even the weaker seasons are better than most tv. It’s just, seasons 3-6 weren’t in the same class as the others. Whenever I think about how Carrie became Brody is some respects, I think about how Franny is going to feel when she’s older and understands that both of her parents are considered traitors for 2 separate causes. I mean, the girl was already going to have identity issues since her mom was in and out of her early life, but then add in what her country thinks about her father...yikes
Ask #2: s8e12: I think it is full of plot holes. Russians trusting a defected american spy with intel or not spying on her 24/7 so she is not able to spy in their country or learn what she is up to? It is the same all over this season, that she is fucking charged that she might be co-responsible for president's death and she is let alone going everywhere inside US, talking to russian spies, fly to Israel and ofc nobody watching her from FBI or CIA. Come on... It was not a bad season but, it lost whatever realism it had in previous seasons. Now it is more like fantasy. (I recognize that season 3 and 6 are not the best, but like the previous reply i still think they are better than most other TV.)
I'm positively lol'ing at the dichotomy of these two asks which nevertheless lump S3-6 together as "not the best" (ahem, season four was it!! and the others exceptseasonsix had their moments!!!).
I still think, despite not having watched it in over two years, that the series finale is perfect. It was actually everything I could have wanted. I do think your reaction is highly dependent on the way you watched the show and what you valued. Which, duh, but something I've really come to understand over the last close-to-ten-years is that people watch this show in all sorts of ways that often run counter to each other. And I'm not sure I've come across another show where the audience is served by so many different aspects of the story and characters.
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letarasstuff · 2 years
She makes me a better Man
(A/N): Yeah, I wanted to write this in so long and here we are. It's a little hearwarming something for the dropping temperatures outside
Summary: Spencer talks to a stranger about his daughter (and it's totally cute)
Warnings: Mentions of food and irregular eating/bad diet, Mentions of childhood traume, sappy feelings
Wordcount: 1k
✨Masterlist✨ ______________________________
At this point Spencer already is awake for well over 24 hours. The only thing he wants at this point is sitting at home with his one year old daughter, playing with one of the many toys Penelope (and Derek) gifted to her or reading a book with her sitting in his lap and drooling all over his sweater vest and cardigan. Instead he is out in Kansas City in the middle of the night, freezing and asking high risk people if they have seen something suspicious happening on the streets. So far, being out there for several hours, they were unsuccessful.
It's what feels like the hundredth prostitute Spencer talks to that night. "And are you sure you haven't seen anything odd around here?" He asks to make sure they don't miss anything and maybe it does call something in the lady's memory. "No, I would remember, just like I would remember seeing you around. Maybe I can show you what I will do to someone handsome and cute like you when you get off duty?" Hotch has to bite back a laugh, since this isn't the first woman to offer her services to the young genius this night. Once again tonight Spencer turns beet red and tries to stumble out a respectfully No.
"Uhm, thank you, b-but I got someone at home, who, who calls me Daddy and waits for me as-as soon as I get, uhm, off duty." Now Hotch can't help himself and has to turn around in order to conceal the laugh as a cough (and fails miserably). The lady looks impressed. "A bit Kinky, aren't we?" She chuckles.
At this moment Spencer realizes how his words can be interpreted without providing any further context.
"No! No, not like that. I'm talking about my daughter, who is in D.C. with her babysitter and I can't wait to see her again. M-my daughter, (Y/N), I mean, not her babysitter, even though she is a wonderful and ambitious young woman trying to get through life on her own. B-but I love my daughter dearly, she may be only a year old, but in the whole time of her existence she has already made me a better man. Thanks to (Y/N) I was finally able to get my priorities right and sorted and I still do. I know now that time spent with my family is invaluable and that the 20th book of the day can wait, because my baby girl is only, well, now a baby. She just started talking. Nothing major, just simple words like Papa, Dada and Daddy as of last week and it's my favorite sound in the world. I can't get enough of being called Papa by my daughter, it's the best kind of addiction I can have. Also thanks to (Y/N) I learned to take care of myself. There is someone depending on me, someone completely helpless without me. If I am not able to function fully and properly, I’ll put her in danger. And I promised to her the day she was born to protect her until the day I die and beyond that. I intend on keeping that promise. I also get the recommended amount of sleep at night. I started eating more and better, expanding my diet beyond sugary coffee and an occasional donut or take out. I started doing light exercises. I go to therapy, because I have to work through my own trauma. I am the one to break the circle in order for (Y/N) to be able to thrive to her true self later in life. I lay the foundation for that in her early childhood, so I have to be in balance with myself and my own childhood.
"So yeah, my daughter made a better man out of me and she still does every day she exists and smiles at me. That's why no, I don't want you to show me anything when I get off duty, because I can't wait to get back to my (Y/N)." Spencer finally finishes his minutes long monolog and takes a deep breath.
Hotch has to turn around again. This time to hide the tears glistening in his eyes. He feels every single word his youngest agent (and kind of child) said deep in his bones, knowing the sensation of emotions coming with the whole child package. The lady on the other hand doesn't even try to hide hers.
"You are the most honorable man I have met. Please, get home to your baby girl safely. Give her a kiss from me." She blows her nose with a tissue while walking away, no doubt trying to look presentable again for the next men.
Spencer and Hotch go back to the regrouping spot in silence, sharing the mutual feeling of not talking about the heartfelt moment. That is until Derek asks them if they were more successful than the others.
"I don't think so, but Reid made a prostitute cry and he wasn't talking about the UnSub by that." This is all Derek needs to be able to tease his pretty boy the whole remainder of the case and the following plane ride.
But Spencer doesn't care if it means he was able to boast about his daughter to someone.
Given the fact that they landed the next day in the early evening, he rushes home to (Y/N), who is waiting for him while her babysitter watches her. "DADDY!" She screams as her father opens the door. As fast as her chubby baby legs are able to carry her she runs towards him. He immediately falls down to his knees and opens his arms. "Ahhh, incoming!" He acts like the force of her colliding with his chest brings him down, rolling around with a giggling (Y/N) in his arms.
Spencer is sure that her laughter is his second favorite, but not less addictive by any means, sound in the world.
All works:
@dindjarinsspouse @big-galaxy-chaos @jswessie187 @kneelforloki
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl @herecomesthewriterwitch @ash19871962 @ellyhotchner
Spencer Reid x child!reader:
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