#desire to protect
neku-draw · 1 year
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Desire to protect
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cephalopod-celabrator · 6 months
J. K. Rowling and Neil Gaiman are such a funny contrast to me, like Rowling: Oh, and by the way, I put gay characters in my books. People: Is there anything... showing that? Rowling: No. Also trans women don't deserve respect People: wtf Gaiman: Here are some immortals that transcend all human concepts of gender and attraction who use a variety of pronouns, and also some clearly canon human queers. People: Are the immortals queer? Gaiman: That is an entirely valid way to view them. Other people: Ugh, pushing a modern woke agenda. It used to be- Gaiman: Fuck you
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Happy Thistle Debut Day!
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e-nig-mas · 5 days
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"I only want you…” - that’s my type.
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eleganceofhersoul · 1 month
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The protective instinct towards a woman
I think this is what distinguishes
A man from a boy...
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dunmeshistash · 16 days
Also important to note that lion can just eat someone's desire to resist him, or desire to avoid hurting someone or any other desire that is against smth that he wants to do and you can't really do anything about it
Yep! The Lion always says he's just "power to be used" and tries to play it off saying he has no way to use his own power for himself. And in a way it might be true (he needs someone to wish for something that will free him) but in another way he's HIGHLY manipulative and uses the dungeon lords however he wants.
That's why I don't really enjoy when people describe Laios' confrontation with him as "The Lion confronts him with his deepest/true desires". I don't believe those are Laios' true wishes at all, those are past traumas the Lion uses against him to manipulate him into wishing to let go of humanity.
I guess it's in a sense the thing about "what you want vs what you need". Sometimes we wish for things we don't really want and desires get muddled when we can't face what we truly want/need.
Laios wish to become a monster comes from a frustration of not being able to fit in, is his wish abandoning humanity or is it being understood? Did Mithrun really wish to steal his brother's lover and never have joined the canaries or did just wanted to feel wanted? To feel like he had worth?
The Lion isn't power to be wielded, he isn't a neutral force, he's a being that hungers and he'll do all in his power to be able to eat and that includes lying and manipulating <3
I think even at the end the Lion misunderstand what a true wish/desire is. He curses Laios so his "Your greatest desire will never be granted". The Lion thinks that's monsters. I believe it's because that's what Laios has dedicated his life to, that's what he knows the most about, that's his biggest comfort, that's his everything.
But he doesn't consider he would let go of that desire for the people he loves, because all he knows is hunger, and love isn't hunger 😔
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felixcarlucci · 5 months
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Baldur's Gate 3 (2023) dev. Larian Studios
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dxmoness · 1 year
━━━━ dion agriche. manhwa. twtpflob.
‣ fluff! reader is referred to as ‘you’, soft Dion! . ୨:୧
‣ masterlist . recent works . twtpflob. ━━━━
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A loveless marriage. that's what this was supposed to be. A loveless and fruitless marriage between you and dion agriche.
Now why couldn't you do that, you may ask so kindly? Because this damnable husband of yours is a clingy puppy over you. Well, perhaps that's an overstatement but still. He was extremely against the rules of your supposed 'loveless marriage' as to him this was no marriage or just mere inconvenience, but rather a marriage where he finally has someone to talk with and do whatever he likes with (as long as you're comfortable, of course.).
Dion was known to be cold, calculating, ruthless, a complete psychopath but to you? He acts like a gentleman, if not that then perhaps just a clingy male who wanted every bit of affection he could get from you. Maybe it was because of his past experiences where he never got affection, but one thing was for sure the man would never leave you alone. No.
This morning was no different, you woke up and the first thing you feel is a heavy weight on half of your body, mostly the lower half. But a slightly lighter feeling was at your chest. You knew who it was of course thus you kept still. It would be a great disappointment to Dion if you dare move and tell him you do not wish to sleep in as you two normally do when he returns from a long hard work during one of his many missions.
After an hour, you finally make your movement to shift around. This was a sign to tell him to get up and start getting ready for the day. On a normal basis it would've worked but you knew better when it came to his return days.
The male absolutely refused to move out of your body. Especially not when he was feeling so much warmth against you. It'd be unforgivable to do such a terrible deed, that's what he thinks at the very least.
"Dion." Your tone was tired but it held firmness. It made Dion groan before he turned, finally letting you breathe smoothly once more.
His red eyes stare at you blankly at first, but then filling with utmost respect minutes later. "Good morning." His voice was sleepy and low. His eyes show dark circles under them, an unhealthy sign.
"Good morning." You answer, your hand reaching to stroke his hair. A move that deliberately gets Dion on his knees trying to reach your fingers.
He leans up and instead kissed you. His blanket gives way and makes the sight of his chest and undeniably tone and fit body in display for your eyes to see. Such a sight brought heat to your cheeks, a blush creeping forth bringing your thoughts deliberately known.
Dion simply grins as he pins you down. "Let's sleep some more." He spoke so kindly and smoothly, you wouldn't dare say no now, would you?
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─────── TAGGING?!
━━━━ no one.
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justanotherhh · 24 days
smthin about blitzø's romantic relationships defined by him as bodyguard, with fizz, with verosika, and with stolas. something about that being a part of his core, either as a negative (it's all about putting his body in front of theirs because he's the "less important" factor and it's the only real thing he feels has to offer alongside sex) or as a positive (he likes protecting others, he likes being of use, it's a good way of communicating how much he cares and he's good at it)
but yeah, that forming part of the foundations of those relationships from his side
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one thing i really wish people wouldn’t forget when it comes to suguru’s character is that his core desire is just to have a family. not in a nuclear family way, but in a “i want a place where i belong / i want to protect the ones i love” way…… literally everything else is just an extension of that desire. a means to meet that end. he broke down after being forced to realize that staying with his family meant having to watch them die, so he left and made a new one. and he got stronger. and his core wish was always, always always to create a world where he’d finally be able to protect them :(((((((((
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kingofanemptyworld · 3 months
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I thought this at fifteen and I still think it a decade later: Rin has the best smile I have ever seen in a manga, hands down.
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bhaalsdeepbat · 2 months
Lae'zel is like a play on the "I'm not other girls" thing, except she's trying SO hard to be like other Gith girls. She's trying to steel her heart and be a perfect soldier in the collective army serving beneath Vlaakith. No will of her own. Just blind servitude alongside the other Gith who are also denying their own individualism.
Rather than gutting the companions right then and there - as any other Githyanki would do - she joins them AND promises them a cure. A cure that was meant to be ONLY for Githyanki warriors. And she doesn't know about the lies or the fact that he cure is a death sentence, but she still extends that olive branch to the group. She'll speak up when she's grouchy and try to project a hard exterior, but she's SO secretly soft.
When you approach Rosymorn, she'll stay on that part of the map if you try to leave. Upon returning, you can make her admit she missed you.
You can make the strong Gith who was raised to pillage, kill, and conquer admit that she missed the player character.
Lae'zel isn't like other Gith Girls.
Her act two scene is trying to progress the romance as though it were between two Gith raised within that culture. It's a fight to prove your worth through your battle prowess, which makes only the best *warriors* worthy of companionship. However, it becomes clear that isn't want Lae'zel wants. If the player loses, and Bae'zel beats the fuck out of them, she becomes distraught because she doesn't WANT to fight her romantic partner.
She wants to mutually protect one another. She wants companionship with her partner. She wants to enjoy the sunrise with them, feel the tickle of the night breeze, see the Tears of Selune chase after the moon across the night sky, she wants to live and she wants to share those experiences with her love. She doesn't WANT to be the stone cold Gith that she was raised to be.
Lae'zel wasn't given any role to do with the eggs, but once the egg is in the party's possession, she's instantly drawn to it. When Xan hatches, she gives him a name to represent that he'll be raised to be free to be himself. He'll have the freedom to choose his own path, whatever that maybe. Xan DOESN'T have to be like the other Gith. He could be a scholar, an artist, a warrior, anything he wishes to be. It's his life and Lae'zel is just happy to see her little Xan be raised with the freedom she didn't realize she craved until she arrived on that silly little planet.
Lae'zel isn't like other Gith girls because no two people are the same, even if raised in the same circumstances and culture. Everyone is an individual, even when they serve a collective or are fighting alongside Allies with the same main goal.
Lae'zel isn't just a nameless, faceless soldier. She isn't interchangeable with other Gith. She isn't like the other Gith girlies.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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obviously hanguang-jun would wear sports bras…. right?
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Wei Wuxian failed his perception and insight check rolls.
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iguessitsjustme · 2 months
The fact that Yuan was in Lili's room when Qian found the ultrasound meant that Lili asked for help from her brother to protect her boyfriend from...her brother.
And the fact that she knew that their best chance to convince Qian and make sure that he doesn't kill San Pang is to get Yuan involved. To tell Qian on their terms before he can find out for himself. Since it didn't go to well when Qian found out about their relationship and Yuan just sat there and did nothing (god bless him that's still my favorite scene). Qian was mad for a looooong time after finding out about their relationship.
Getting Yuan involved and also setting it up so Qian finds out while they're all in a relatively safe space but together while still telling him and not keeping things from him meant that Qian didn't stay angry for long. It also helped because as much as Yuan loves Qian romantically, he loves Lili as his sister. He is also protective of her but he's much more reasonable about it because he doesn't have the same family trauma that Qian has. Yuan can help smooth things over not just because Qian loves him and listens to him but because Yuan loves Lili and sees what makes her happy and wants the best for her.
This show is so good and I love the romance of it all but I just had to say something about how much I loved the siblingship between Yuan and Lili. Lili let Yuan into that home and in doing so gave herself something more than just a brother. She gave herself a friend that would help when she needed help and would love and support both her and Qian unconditionally.
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jahiera · 10 months
one of the things that hits really nicely for me with Astarion's romance is that he never really encourages or wants you to be some kind of "protector." there are several instances where you can offer him that; protection, swear to him you'll kill cazador, or after his personal quest--I don't have the screencaps on hand, but you can directly say to him that he'll never have to need something like the ritual, because you'll protect him, and HE says back something along the lines of "It would be nice to not need you as my grand protector.... but I appreciate the thought." -- there's tinges here early in act 1 maybe of distrust of faulty promises yes, and considering Tav naive / not comprehending the power of cazador and therefore unhelpful, but even as you proceed, he's never interested in trading a lack of protection for a dependency on a protector.
in fact, the only time he's like "I'm doing it for US... to keep US safe <3" is when he's trying to manipulate/convince Tav into letting him do the ritual. "You want whats best for me right <3333" is the thing he actively uses to try and sway you over to his side, because he knows that's an emotional string to pull on.
there's an insistence of preferring equality in the subtext there; that protection or a skewed imbalance is not what Astarion wants, at his core. he doesn't want a nurse, or to be pitied, or be beholden to anyone. to try and pity him invites his irritation, even outrage. trying to swear to protect him at best gets a fond "I appreciate the Thought" and at worst a "don't be a fucking idiot." it would be veeeeery easy for the narrative to slip into something generic about being able to fix him, but it insists on someone to depend on as equals. give and take in true partnership. and in the post-ritual ending you can really feel the lack of equality there too--only now, he's in the position of both """"protector"""", and more so than that, obsessive beholder of Tav, and he exercises it in overt fashion; of course he'll protect you, your future, your life, is his after all. (and there's a LOT about that that's very interesting to me, and equally as complex & intricate as the no-ritual route in which two people meet on equal footing.) the game never shames this approach of wanting to protect him either, it acknowledges the good intent, and simply shows in Astarion's reactions that there's more here to it than that.
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dadfathers · 1 month
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UCLA encampment currently facing impending sweep by UCPD, LASD deputy gangs, LAPD, and CHP
May 1, 2024 6 pm
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