#earth’s axis of rotation
solsticesday · 1 year
The Earth’s angle relative to the sun on the date of the Southern Hemisphere’s winter solstice.
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The winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere marks the moment the Earth’s South Pole reaches its furthest tilt away from the Sun. On the date of the winter solstice, all of Australia experiences its shortest day of the year based on daylight hours and its longest night of the year based on darkness hours.
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wayti-blog · 8 months
"After 30 years of painstaking development, researchers in Germany and New Zealand have unveiled a laser gyroscope that can track fluctuations in Earth’s rotation in near real time and accurate to several milliseconds. The technique is much simpler than current methods and could provide further insights into phenomena that cause the fluctuations – such as shifts in ocean currents.
The Earth rotates once in one day, but there are tiny fluctuations in the rate and direction of our planet’s rotation. Some of these fluctuations are well understood – for example those caused by the tidal forces of the Moon and Sun.
Other tiny fluctuations are not well understood including those related to the exchange of momentum between the solid Earth and the oceans, atmosphere and ice sheets. These effects can arise from climate events such as the El Niño southern oscillation, which change ocean currents. As a result, measuring fluctuations in Earth’s rotation could shed light on important processes in the atmosphere.
Most rotation studies involve combining data from global satellite navigation systems; very long baseline radio-astronomy observations of quasars; and laser ranging. Due to the complexity of combining these techniques, only one measurement can be made per day.
Now, a team headed by Ulrich Schreiber at the Technical University of Munich has created a laser gyroscope that can measure the tiny fluctuations in near real time. What is more, their instrument can fit into a large room."
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alicedrawslesmis · 1 year
I've seen that post about how the ami that most fits being a vampire is Jehan, that's rad but I raise you this: Joly is the vampire
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jestiamy · 11 months
I don't know if I've ever mentioned this before, but Venera's name actually means venus. which, while not seeming overtly necessary information at first glance, actually is something I was losing my mind over yesterday because. the three brightest objects in the sky, in order, are the sun, the moon, and venus.
#venus as a planet does not symbolize love to me it symbolizes conflict and subtle deviations from the 'norm' and change and and#(venus is the closest planet to earth's size and conditions ; yet it reminds incredibly hostile because of overheating.)#it also has been suggested that while life COULD have existed on venus at some point#it heated so much it's not plausible as of now#venus actually informed a lot about our knowledge of what global warming would do in the like. 1970s.#venus. also spins clockwise on it's axis. and while we don't know the exact reason for this a long held theory is that -#- venus had been hit by a planet sized object ; and that irreversibly changed it's direction of rotation forever.#and all of this is something I tell to you to finally explain how mitski's#“venus; planet of love; was destroyed by global warming. did it's people want too much too? did it's people want too much?”#is something that hasn't left my mind for antag!venera since I remembered it exists.#I feel like I talk about antag!v more then normal!v but you need to understand#v is like. happy. and normal. antag v has been living in a cave for one thousand years. one of these are just more fun to explore.#saying stuff#oc things#fallout: canon aligned venera#also yeah if you don't get the caption swk is the brightest thing and then macaque is in his shadow and stuff.#but at least he gets mentioned. it's “the sun and moon” not. “the sun; moon; and. venus.'#despite venus. being one of the brightest objects in the sky. and also being considered incredibly important across many cultures for that.#I think thoughts
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aniss055 · 2 years
June 29 was the shortest day on record!
June 29 was the shortest day on record!
Our Earth rotates once in 24 hours. This is how the length of the day is defined. However, the reality is a bit more complex. Because our planet is not quite so constant. Over time, it tends to turn less and less quickly. This usually plays out in milliseconds. But for some years, the Earth seems to want, on the contrary, spinning faster and faster. As a result, June 29, 2022 was the shortest day…
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obey-the-milkman · 3 months
guys. its march. we made it.
🌞 daytime will be just as long as nighttime 🌙 it will be spring 🌱 flowers will bloom 🌸 and the winter depression is shedding
also i learned some cool stuff and i infodumped about it in the tags if you know about it i would love to know if i came to the correct conclusions
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geographikworld · 6 months
How Do Day and Night Occur? The Science Behind It
Have you stared at the sky and noticed it getting dark? You might have noticed the general atmosphere getting darker, and you know that nightfall is approaching. Have you ever wondered how it happens? It happens slowly so sometimes we don’t even notice it. Take for instance, you wake up by 4:00 a.m. and start getting about your daily chores, it’s still pretty dark. You clean your house, cook,…
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sanddusted-wisteria · 11 months
A Builder, a Researcher, and a Rooftop, Ch. 3: Polar Alignment
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Also on AO3
Shuffling sideways, one step at a time, the builder lugged the unwieldy equatorial mount up to Qi’s roof. Why did this thing have such a weird shape?! “This better be worth it…” they muttered.
“You found it!” came a familiar voice from above. Qi was glancing down at them from up on the roof. “Let me handle that. It could be fragile.” He rushed down the stairs to meet them, grabbing and hoisting the mount up much easier than the builder did. He carried it over to a spot in the dead center of his roof marked up in preparation to install it.
“You have your tools, correct? Oh, and a power stone?” Qi said, glancing up at them.
“Yep,” the builder said, unslinging their shoulder bag of tools kept on at all times. “Tell me what to do and we can get this thing in.”
Qi guided them through the process, drilling into the roof, screwing in the base, and oiling the joints. Soon enough, they had a working mount right on the roof. The builder stepped back to admire their handiwork.
“Fantastic…” Qi muttered as he gave it a once-over. “68 degree latitude range… Ultra-fine axis controls… It’s got to be accurate at least to 7 arcseconds!” His words weren’t telling them anything, but his tone was telling them it was good. “And do you hear that?”
“Exactly. Silence. But if you place your ear just so…” He brought his head up to the cylindrical chamber extending out of the mount’s front. “...you can hear the motor drive purring like a diminutive kitten.”
They copied the motion, and there indeed was the distinct whirring noise of a motor. “Uh-huh… You said this had something to do with a telescope?”
“Yes. The size of this mount implies it was made to support a fairly sizable telescope. Dedicated astronomical equipment in the Old World ruins of Sandrock… Do you have any idea what this means?”
“Uh…the ruins around here used to do space stuff?”
“The correct term is ‘astronomy’, but precisely! I’d postulated it long before this, but this confirms it!” He laughed. “It only stands to reason that there are telescopes down there too… And maybe rocket engines and starsh–...no, no, I’m getting ahead of myself.”
“Heh. Well, not sure if I can help you drag a spaceship up here. This thing was heavy enough.”
“Then a telescope would be a much more reasonable request, yes? Find one and restore it.”
The builder sighed. “I wouldn’t mind too much…if I had the time. I barely have enough time to get down there to mine the ore I need.”
Qi clasped his hands together. “I implore you, builder. You are easily the most capable individual for this task. Think of the science! Do it for science! …Besides, the parts are most likely in the Gecko Station ruins, which the Civil Corps have yet to open to the public. I can at least wait until then.”
“Okay, if it’s not right this second, then I guess I can keep my eye out for it. Don’t be surprised if it takes like a year, though.”
“Wonderful! If you can manage that, I’ll even let you use it. Sometimes. When I’m not using it research. Or non-research. Perhaps once a year, on your birthday? How does that sound?”
“If I’m doing all the legwork, it’d only be fair if I get a go at it every now and then, yeah…”
“Ah well, we can hammer out the details later,” Qi said with a wave of his hand. “I assume you also came to view the stars tonight as usual?”
“Eh…” The soreness in their arms was starting to set in. “Kinda tired now. Had a busy day and lugging the mount up here took the last of my energy. I think I should head to bed.”
“Ah. Understandable,” Qi said. For a moment, they thought they could hear a hint of disappointment in his voice. “See you later, then.”
“See ya.” They turned to leave.
“Builder, wait.” Qi’s words froze them in their tracks. He was silent for a while, and the builder turned back in confusion. “Er…thank you. For the mount. Your assistance is appreciated. That’ll be all.”
Despite their faint annoyance towards their newly-assigned fetch quest, the builder couldn’t help but smile in return. “Of course.”
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whereistheonepiece · 2 years
Reading something that makes me go "Wow, I want to write something like this," but knowing that's out of my skillset.
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wack-ashimself · 2 years
Why don't the stars move?
I may not believe in the flat earth (IMO, it's a simulation), but I will NEVER EVER believe what 'science' says about our planet spinning thru the cosmos, in itself, AND around the sun, WHILE our entire solar system FLIES thru the nothingness that is space BUT the stars don't move? THAT will never make sense to me. I've read practically all the math and science...still doesn't fucking make sense. They are wrong...somewhere.
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astrotechhub · 2 years
Universe Creation for Purpose – ASTROTECH HUB
Everything in the universe—stars, galaxies, planets, comets, etc.—has this in common. And the Universe is that. Many people have an interest in the worlds other than our own. Additionally, there is a lot that has yet to be discovered. This is what draws inquisitive minds. The planet, the universe, and everything else that is beyond of our reach were all created with a purpose. Exploring all of the behaviours that occur in the universe is incredibly fascinating, seen from the viewpoint of the innumerable academics and experts. There are also a lot of lessons that one may undoubtedly acquire from a location that they may not have previously considered. The effects of all cosmic events are what make knowledge of them important and will help to find out universe creation for purpose.
There must be a larger universe than just the Earth. And with the aid of astronomy, you can sort of investigate it all. One can simply immerse themselves in a thorough analysis of the universe's phenomena with the aid of the best astronomy website. All the characteristics of any cosmic event, which you may or may not have heard of, may be found in one location, including the analysis of solar system models and direct impacts. Astro Tech Hub is the best astronomy website if you fall into the category of people who find astronomy to be fascinating.
All of the learning have been verified by researchers and specialists. Not only may one discover the many aspects and universal rules, but one can also observe how these affect the human species as a whole. The universe must be explored, if not literally then certainly with the knowledge that our resources can give us about its unique traits and behaviours.
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solsticesday · 1 year
What are solstices?
Solstices occur because Earth’s axis of rotation is tilted about 23.4 degrees relative to Earth's orbit around the sun. This tilt drives our planet's seasons, as the Northern and Southern Hemispheres get unequal amounts of sunlight over the course of a year. From March to September, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted more toward the sun, driving its spring and summer. From September to March, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away, so it feels like autumn and winter. The Southern Hemisphere's seasons are reversed.
On two moments each year—what are called solstices—Earth's axis is tilted most closely toward the sun. The hemisphere tilted most toward our home star sees its longest day, while the hemisphere tilted away from the sun sees its longest night.
During the Northern Hemisphere's winter solstice—which always falls around December 22—the Southern Hemisphere gets its summer solstice. During the Northern Hemisphere’s summer solstice—which always falls around June 21—the Southern Hemisphere gets its winter solstice.
You can also think about solstices in terms of where on Earth the sun appears. When it’s a summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the sun appears directly over the Tropic of Cancer, the latitude line at 23.5 degrees North. (That’s as far north as you can go and still see the sun directly overhead.) During the Northern Hemisphere’s winter solstice, the sun appears directly over the Tropic of Capricorn, the Tropic of Cancer’s southern mirror image.
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minhosimthings · 2 months
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Synopsis: in which Hyunjin comforts you on a hard day
Warnings: fluff fluff fluff, heavily self indulgent because I can, hurt/comfort, reader cries, mention of food
A/N: yay I did this finally it's out of my notes Woohoo! Idk when this idea came into my brain but it did and I couldn't stop thinking about it so now it's here. For my loves @chlorinecake and @astraystayyh they are my Hyunjins
Song rec: love by Wave to Earth
The weight of the world on your shoulders.
You had often heard that phrase as a child. It was ridiculous, initially.
The world can't possibly weigh that much.
You were the smartest in your class, you knew the multiplication tables by the time you were five, the capitals of the world by eight, and by fifteen, the weight of nothing but your own shoulders dragged you behind everyone.
University was an easy affair, that's what you told everyone. Someone's got to keep up the smart girl, book child status up right?
Studies were easy, just understand it, write it down better. Yet, fuck, you could feel the words fading by, was it a stalactite or a stalagmite?
Graduation was easy, you were peaking and nothing was in your way!
Then you realised something.
The world did weigh too much.
Everyone weighed too much.
Your mind weighed greater than your heart, something you fought off for eons now.
And diamonds are formed under pressure, but hadn't you learnt that diamonds turn into graphite every now and then too?
You were so smart as a child, what happened?, You wished ever so fervently that you could tell them that you weren't a child anymore.
No longer the child that thought the only thing that she needed to do to be loved was to get a good grade off her papers.
Or was that love starved part of you still inside?
"Rough day, love?"
Love. It was the nickname you most adored. Lucky for you nicknames were Hyunjin's personal favourite job.
"Fuck..." You swore softly, immediately collapsing onto your couch, and wrapping yourself into the warm cocoon that was your boyfriend's arms. You swore you would become a butterfly from your current catterpillar state one day.
The gruesome world always seemed to calm down on its axis of rotation as soon as you reached Hyunjin's touch. As if he was the petals of honeydew calming down the speed of a hummingbird. Would you have been the overactive bird rushing around to cater to the needs of everyone around her?
You could hear your own heartbeat in the moments of silence, when the dust seemed to still and the winds seemed to wait, eavesdropping on conversations old and new. The hauntedness of the thumping sound made you shiver.
The tightness around your throat felt tighter by the moment, like an invisible rope hanging round it. Your heart felt too heavy too for some reason. It's a heart, you tried to convince yourself, you need it to live. But you knew that you could rip it out of your chest at this moment, and you would still keep living on. But did you really have to-
"Want to talk about it, love?"
That was the straw that broke the camel's back.
A loud sob ripped through the thick air, coating the curtains of the atmosphere in a blueish paint that seemed to have rotted inside it's bucket far too long. Hyunjin was quick to bury your head further into his chest.
You know you smell really comforting?, that went on in his mind, the thing you said on your first cuddle session, in which, he remembered fondly, you described his scent a bit further than most people usually did.
Broken strings of words escaped your lips, I'm sorry—im so sorry! Guilt always flowed through your veins whenever anything like this happened.
But Hyunjin understood, he always understood. And fuck, you both hated and loved that he understood.
One hand lay on the back of your head, while his other caressed your back, rubbing circles on it. As if a magical void would appear and take all your problems away.
Hyunjin was your magical void.
"Can you talk to me?" Hyunjin asked quietly. He felt you shake your head against his shoulder, causing him to tighten his hold on you.
"It's going to be okay love. I promise you."
Another wave of tears surged through you, nearly making you double over at the rush of fresh emotions popping off in your brain, your jaw tensing as you tried to stifle the illegible babbling falling from your lips. 
Hyunjin's words in your ear and his hand rubbing ribbons of comfort onto your back made you catch your breath, and slow down. Silence rose once you had stopped crying, you felt even more tired now and you had to admit, Hyunjin was a nice pillow.
The occasional sniffle and tired breath from you, broke Hyunjin's heart even more. He hated seeing you cry, so much so, he'd always distract you if he ever sensed you were in a depressed mood. Even if there were times that you poured your entire heart out of him in tears, he'd always shed his own tears in private, sometime later.
"Want me to run you a bath?"
"With the candles and everything?" You managed to say in a quiet, exhausted voice. Your throat was tired from all the crying.
"With the candles and everything." Hyunjin smiled down at you, pushing back stray strands of your hair behind your ear, "Can we go up to the bedroom, love? Can we do that?"
He was speaking so softly to you, and it was making you want to sob rivers again.
Silently nodding, you felt yourself droop down all over again as soon as Hyunjin got you up, strong arm wrapped around your waist, hugging you to his side.
Pressing a sweet kiss to the side of your head, Hyunjin started with shuffling moments upto the bedroom, which you followed, not even being able to lift your head up from the pure exhaustion.
Sitting on the bed felt like you were hung down by iron nails, while Hyunjin prepared the bath for you. Even a moment without him felt down, and even if it was a bit dramatic , you were willing to admit it.
"Hands up?" Hyunjin looked at you softly, taking off your shirt for you and discarding it in the empty laundry basket, "You did the laundry yesterday? Wow, I'm proud of you baby."
You let out a breathy giggle at his words. Hyunjin somehow always knew every word in the instruction manual of how to make you laugh.
"Is the temp alright?"
You couldn't get yourself to say yes so you hummed what seemed to have been a 'yes'. Your throat was raw, and your face was congested as well as your chest. You sounded like you swallowed a frog, and the frog was also now sick and subsequently congested.
The water truly didn't have any texture or temperature to it when you got into it. The world felt numb again as you relaxed into the tub, which, evident from the scent, Hyunjin had filled with your favourite bath salts.
What seemed like a year's worth of time, passed in silence, as Hyunjin quietly stroked your skin with soap, was it the lavender one or the tea tree one? You couldn't tell, remembering how you often joked that both of them gave off the same perfuminous vapours and that Hyunjin should just buy one of them. The water seemed more mellow now.
"Love, look at me?" Hyunjin's voice broke you out of your seemingly never-ending stupor. Like it always did.
You turned your head and rested your eyes on Hyunjin's softened ones, and you felt that familiar tightening of your throat again.
"Hyun I-"
"Don't you dare apologise." Hyunjin said before you could even get a word out, "You never have to apologise to me. Not for this."
His hands were sickeningly sweet as they ran over your back, washing lathers of soap off of your back, his voice even more so.
“You deserve to relax, you know that right?" Hyunjin said, as he wrapped you up in your purple coloured towel, "“You did so well today and you do so well everyday and you deserve to rest for a while."
Hugging you into his arms again, Hyunjin provided you with a little den, a cave where you could settle into whenever you felt that you were too tired for a lion's hunt. And you were forever grateful to him for him.
"Now-" Hyunjin looked down at you with a cheeky smile, "You are not allowed to leave the bed until you finish every single cupcake I got you."
"You got me cupcakes?" Your lips broke into a smile, a genuine one this time, "What flavour?"
"Beef." Hyunjin joked, sending both of you into a frenzy of laughter, as you pressed a kiss against his nose, making it turn the touched skin like a tomato.
The one thing that you'd have never admitted to anyone when you were younger was the fact that you wanted to be loved. That was a silly notion to you.
But maybe now, under the watchful gaze of Hyunjin as he saw you devour the cupcakes, you'd admit it.
You'd want to be loved, even if it was another weight on your shoulder.
Maybe that'd be a weight you'd like to ephermally lift.
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mindblowingscience · 11 months
Earth's tilt has changed by 31.5 inches (80 centimeters) between 1993 and 2010 because of the amount of  groundwater humans have pumped from the planet's interior.  In that period, humans removed 2,150 gigatons of water from natural reservoirs in the planet's crust. If such an amount was poured into the global ocean, its surface would rise by 0.24 inches (6 millimeters). A new study has now revealed that displacing such an enormous amount of water has had an effect on the axis around which the planet spins.  Scientists arrived at this conclusion by modeling the changes in the position of Earth's rotational pole, the point at which the planet's imaginary axis would stick out of the surface if it were a physical object. The position of the rotational pole is not identical with the geographical north and south poles and actually changes over time, so the rotational axis cuts through different spots on the planet's crust at various points in time.  ... "Earth's rotational pole actually changes a lot," Ki-Weon Seo, a geophysicist at Seoul National University who led the study, said in a statement. "Our study shows that among climate-related causes, the redistribution of groundwater actually has the largest impact on the drift of the rotational pole."
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erysium · 1 year
I was wondering, why did you decide to name your comic Kochab...er, Kochab? Does it have any specific meaning?
Yeah! It's named after a star that used to help determine true north, in celestial navigation. After a few thousand years, earth's axis of rotation has shifted slightly, and now Polaris has replaced it as the cynosure that the rest of the northern hemisphere's night sky appears to revolve around. :)
A big theme of the story is about being lost & homesickness & trying to find your way / choosing to let go & move on from old things you used to orient your life around / allowing yourself to change. ✨💫
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mathani · 2 months
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A rock is dropped from a tower one Earth's radius high and observed in the frame of the tower. Perhaps surprisingly the rock doesn't fall at the base of the tower. Ignoring resistance in the atmosphere it lands about 550 km to the East. This is because points closer to the axis move slower and the rock overtakes them. This is Coriolis force, which is not a force of interaction like gravity is. It's a consequence of observing a motion in the rotating frame of the Earth.
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