#everyone deserves a pokemon au
justtkatt · 8 months
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Tucker would like to battle!
2/4 blues done! I’m gonna be honest i struggled with Tucker’s team so much. I’m still iffy about some of my choices ~_~
My friend helped me when choosing all the teams actually, and we thought it’d be funny to give Tucker a Hawlucha who is his “wingman”
I also really wanted to give him a water started and almost gave him two, but i wanted to stick with one. Empoleon was the one I chose mostly for its pokedex entry (for prinplup and emopleon) and also because it may or may not be my favorite starter *cough cough*
Feel free to give your own opinions on what his team should be! I’d love to hear others thoughts on this ^ ^
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seoafin · 8 months
okay I'm free from my wage cage to say this but I think Nanami would just be a pokemon breeder.... or maybe a pokepuff conissour.
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rogueofsoup · 2 years
Mmm listening to sad songs at fuck-all-o-clock and thinking of heavily tear-jerking bittersweet shit regarding the True Lab someone send help I need to sleep and/or stop procrastinating
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cheemken · 1 year
Goddd that WIP has me thinking about the other champions, Cynthia, Steven, Iris, and Hau, stepping in with their ace Pokémon to try and stop Diantha and Yvelta from killing Leon
But then Lance and Geeta step in with their strongest Pokémon to protect their “queen”. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Lance fights the other champions himself
Just imagine the chaos, the 8 strongest trainers in the world fighting each other to stop Diantha from “perfecting” the world of another person she deems unworthy
I do feel like the battle would be tilting towards Diantha, Lance, and Geeta considering they do have the Pokémon of death on their side
Omf but Kingambit's ability tho, Geeta just purposely making five of her pokemon faint so her Kingambit would hit even harder hckxnxmd
But also cjdmnd not only do they have Yveltal on their side, but Diantha knows just how to break the champions one by one, she could just look at Cynthia and smile at her all "oh, Cynthia, you'd really hurt me the same way you got my poor defenseless brother hurt all those years ago?"
And Cynthia drops her Mega Stone, looking wide eyed at her, "h.. how did you—"
"you wound me, Cynthia. Do you honestly think my dearest Augustine could keep anything from me?"
"I.. I didn't..."
"Cynthia... Weren't you the reason your friend died?"
And the other champions are trying to snap Cynthia out of it, to not listen to Diantha, but the guilt start to eat her alive that she lost focus on the battle, and one of Lance's pokemon managed to hit her w their attack
Just cjmdncmdnd ough Diantha just going on abt each of the champions' weakness and breaking them from the inside, making them unable to think clearly even for a bit, just enough to knock all their pkmn out and just cjxmnxkd
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pumpkinsy0 · 4 months
the outsiders early 2000s au hcs
for some character analysis i did check here
•he would add pony and angela somehow into most of his projects
•angela and her friends had ds’ and used pictochat to communicate when one of em
•mcbling angelaaaaa hellllloooooo
•OK LOOK ik this isnt ONLY in the 2000s but i still wanna include it, so yknow how friend groups made up names for their groups that EVERYONE just knew them by and so that was just their clique??? yea angela and curlys friend groups have their own name
•angelas friend group called themselves “the bratz” and curlys friend group called themselves idk “cyber bytes” or somethin, mostly bc they rlly play video games together
•unlikely for them to b one but lets all imagine johnny, pony, and angela as scene kids
•i say let pony and anglea be popular on myspace, they deserves it
•if ponys not famous on myspace at LEAST hes popular livejournal
•johnny posts on flickr sm??? like my god he loves taking pics and videos, he always carries around a camera
•u can usually find curky and his fuck ass friends
in the back if a taco bell parking lot
•johnny and pony were those kids watching sonic/teen titan tribute vids on youtube
•they all either had a flip phone OR thise phones where if u slid them up the keyboard was right behind them, yknow what i mean???
•NONE of them had unlimited data LMFAOOOOO
•and if i told u all their pastimes was being in omegle what would u do🤨🤨
•two bit loves kaomoji’s lol
•darry bought pony a sony walkman and he just NEVER put it the fuck down like EVER
•darry still has his gameboy!!
•curly has a ps vita he just lets pony take home for whatever reason and pony lets the gang play around w it a bit but not for long
•cherry and marcia r lps collectors and they trade a LOT
•two bit fucking loves silly bands in the shape of dinosaurs, his sister gives him a shit ton and he wears em
•sylvia was that girl to get tans and she had that playboy bunny sticker print left on her hip
•curly got pony into portal (like the game)
•soda and steve r BIG beyblade and hot wheels fans
•twobit LOVES pokemon, dally thinks its fucking stupid but he does like watching ppl get riled up over it
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miru667 · 7 months
https://www.neka.cc/composer/11762 <- This is like a picrew, you can make a pokemon team here!! It doesn't have every pokemon but it was still so fun to do 😊 Here's Audrey Grace's team:
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I usually only share picrew images on my Twitter but I decided to post this one on tumblr too since it has oc lore! 😆 So below are the explanations for my pokemon choices for her:
Leafeon - It's all about the PHOTOSYNTHESIS! It makes fresh air for her and its tail can become sharp and deadly (like her knives) :) It also smells like grass which she likes! I think out of all pokemon I'm keeping leafeon for her no matter what
Pumpkaboo - Audrey loves pumpkins, and is afraid of the dark so pumpkaboo can provide her with light 😌 It can also keep her company if she ever becomes ghostdrey again (she has leftover trauma from Beach AU)
Galarian Rapidash - Audrey loved unicorns when she was a little kid so now as an adult she gets to indulge! She also likes to go FAST when traveling. Also Galarian rapidash can protect and heal you from poison?? I wonder if it would work again zombie infections..
Cutiefly - It can sense auras, and is attracted to people who are excited since it makes their auras resemble a flower in full bloom! I thought this was perfect because not only do I associate Audrey with flowers a lot but she also doesn't hold back when she's happy about something (e.g. crying over delicious food) so she probably attracted a cutiefly at some point haha
Cleffa - Audrey likes to dance and she also likes to watch meteor showers so I imagine she found some cleffa during one of her stargazing nights and danced with them for fun and one of them decided to follow her home
Wooloo - I just think she deserves to relax and cuddle with a nice soft wooloo in the grass! :") She's a retired knight and she's lived through an apocalypse and a war and escaping a cult so now it's time to mow hay. Also Audrey has always been a self sufficient girl so maybe she makes clothes out of wooloo's wool to survive the winter just like how she used werewolf fur in mainverse :3
And that's all of them! I see half the team ended up being fairy types and I think that's fair, Audrey Grace has always been surrounded by magical stuff x)
I tried to include at least one fighting type since she's supposed to be very athletic and a good fighter but idk none of them really spoke to me 😔 Audrey will just have to be the fighter in her team, she'll protect everyone. 😤 Maybe she'll make friends with a Lucario though and they'll go on zombie sweeps together, I think that could be cool...
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boss-the-goofball · 11 months
Number 17 for the ask game, please!
Ask Game~
17- There should be more of this type of fic/art
I actually already answered this one here and my answer still doesn't change but I will add something else
I would love to see more AUs based on everyone's favorite childhood media; whether it's Avatar the Last Airbender, Pokemon, Digimon, or something more obscure like fucking Barbie: Fairytopia
We all deserve to embrace our inner child when making AUs! I want to see the passion and love put behind them!
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frokkie21 · 4 months
Hi hi! Just wanna say I think your pokemon au looks super cool! Ren's team looks so cool, is there any particular reason you chose those pokemon for him specifically? (Also he's based as hell for the mimikyu lol)
Omg hi!!! And yes i will most of the pokemon i chose for a reason
Meowscarada- this one is his starter bc it reminds me of morgana (mona is human tho trust) and the 2nd and 3rd evo has that thief vibe going on and its signature move always crits which makes me think its calculating and cunning
Ceruledge- This ones actually just arsene. He calls him arsene and everything im not gonna lie thats just arsene if he was a pokemon with no wings
Excadrill- i dont actually have a reason other than colors and looks for this one and because this ones my fav from gen 5 and i have extreme bias
Mimikyu- your right he is based. This ones because hes not immune to taking in wet sopping stray cats and i think he deserves to have a pokemon that is lonley and seen as scary
Oricorio- So everyone who goes to hawaii in p5 gets to go to alola and catch a silly pokemon and because pegoryu are the definition of gay they both get oricorios. Ren gets baile style because im not immune to color and also persona 5 dancing SWEEP
Eevee- eevee has infinite potential or smthn and that has wildcard vibes. It never evolves and because im very unwell akechi gets at least one eeveelution because hes a terrible wildcard and i like rotating foil chars in my head like a microwave
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pokepalsarchive · 5 months
New Years, New plans +Thank you note to everyone
Hey guys, Admin Mega here, happy new years PokeAskblog community! Hope this year has been wonderful for all of you, even if it had troublesome moments! As 2024 is on the horizon I wanna talk about the resolutions me and OG have for the blog and what to expect in the near future. Regarding Activity: I'll openly say this, I haven't been that active in the community lately which is unfortunate, but starting 2024 I'm hoping to get right back in and finish all the asks that have been left unattended. This means I'll try and participate in, aside from asking other blogs, community events hosted by anyone like the sinsibgala and bad end AU event. The Characters: As of typing this resolutions post, Skarla is undergoing a redesign as I feel somewhat unsatisfied with her current appearance, alongside an art style change that doesn't heavily utilize the Pokemon art style and just stick to the art style I have, something that's unique to me without always going on model for others like I have in the past. For new characters, while they haven't been unlocked yet we have teased quite a few and we still have some behind closed doors that me and OG would love to reveal one day! A w.i.p preview of Skarla's new design:
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About the Blog: Previously stated, activity for the blog has been very slow due to a multitude of reasons, such as dealing with problems in real life, lack of motivation and direction, bogged down by other activities, etc. Story and lorewise me and OG are at work fleshing out the entirety of the Pokepalsverse, that being important moments in it's history, relations between humans and Pokemon along with the main cast, the aforementioned background organizations, and deities that would be present or have an important role in the world. On a side note, given that this blog is essentially a miniblog it doesn't have many benefits compared to a main blog, so me and OG are in talks of possibly rebooting the askblog, meaning that we'll have to start over on a new blog format and delete this one. Possible sideblog?: During my long hiatus writing for the askblog, an idea popped into my head about starting a sideblog that revolved around the company that Skarla works with and the many shenanigans that go on in the organization. Maybe it might happen, maybe it wont, who knows! But in the meantime keep on the lookout. What to expect in the future:
When activity kicks back up, we'll try and focus on making more art of the characters, make some minicomics detailing their history and backstory, possibly many more. But before I can close this post off, I'm gonna give some thanks to some of the community members that I like, admire and influenced me.
Many thanks:
Nori (@harmonia-university): Thank you for being the main askblogger that aspired me to become an askblogger myself. I'll never stop saying this, your cast of characters and world setting is very unique and I love everything about it! You're also a very wonderful person to watch and talk to, and I wish I can spend more time with you and the others! I look forward to what you have in store for the Harmoniaverse. Mikey (@askdeoxys): You sir are a driving force of encouragement, you have brought an entire community together and you have hoped for the best for many askbloggers, including us! Your words are extremely aspiring and it helps us strive to bring our askblog to the potential it deserves, and I couldn't thank you enough for that Mikey. You are awesome! Aro (@ask-the-shiny-pokemons/@aro-pokeverse): You are the first big follower/fan of our askblog the moment we opened up. Thank you for sticking with us and this blog, you're a cool person and I appreciate your company! I look forward to seeing more from the Virbank Baddies and other cohorts your world has. Migmog (@ask-the-royal-absol/@singularity-and-co): A massive shoutout to you for your great worldbuilding and colorful cast of characters. It's fun having chats with you during your streams on discord and watch you draw out your panels! Thank you for making a very intriguing world that leaves people wanting to see what happens next! Edge (@casteliacityramen): Thank you for the advice on some aspects of the lore, I really appreciate it! Like everyone I've mentioned, I hope to interact with all of you more in 2024, get to know all of ya better! Jean (@ask-casteliabounce): Another blog worth checking out, thank you for the further drive and inspiration for upcoming works for the blog! I really like Max, he's a cool cat weasel. Oh and one more thing, a final word from OG: "Thank y'all so much for the great 2023! Without y'all, askpokepals would just be a mere concept, lol. You guys are swag, epic and amazing in that order! Here's to 2024!" And that's pretty much all I have to say. Thank you for reading this, and thank you to the wonderful PokeAskblog community for it's chill atmosphere and positivity. See you all in the new year! With love, MegamanNick, Co-Admin of the blog.
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summerbummin · 1 year
My ATLA Fic Recs
When Azula shoots Iroh with lightning the gaang doesn’t let Zuko chase them away and insist on helping. It’s a catalyst for Zuko joining the gaang early and helping start a revolution with the fire nation people. I love the exploration of Zuko’s character in this fic and the world building with the nations all coming together I just love it sm
“Mountains and Badgermolehills”
Zuko is captured by Zhao on suspicion of being the blue spirit and Sokka ends up being his cell neighbor. Sokka realizes Zuko is a good person with loyalties to the wrong person and tries to force feed him friendship and gets the gaang in on it later. Also the banter is top tier
“Gossip Lord Zuko”
Post canon Fire Lord Zuko bonding with his staff and joining in on gossip night. I love Zuko helping the fire nation heal and being adored by his people
“Tea and Cakes”
Autistic Zuko with an eating disorder and good shit about his relationships with other members of the gaang and his uncle
“Life in Eden”
Fire hazard siblings where Ursa ran interference with Azula and made sure she knew she loved her children equally, so Azula and Zuko have a better relationship and she ends up helping him. Love their dynamic in this
“The Family You Choose”
The gaang as soulmates (I’d be surprised if u haven’t already read this fic tbh) but Zuko doesn’t know bc his grandfather and father burned his soul marks off when he was born. The explorations of everyone’s back stories is so good. I especially like how Suki’s got fleshed out, she deserves more attention from canon
“Dragon of the Yuyan”
Zuko is adopted by the Yuyan archers at 13 after his dad dumps him in the earth kingdom to die. He joins the gaang when he breaks Aang out as the blue spirit. He’s also mute and uses sign language. His reunion with Iroh had me so emotional ;-;
Au where after being burned and left for dead in the earth kingdom, Zuko ends up as a bodyguard for the Beifong’s daughter. The Zuko and Toph sibling bonding is supreme
“In the Soft Light”
The war ends early au. Zukka fic featuring moon spirit Sokka and fire nation ambassador Zuko
Hakoda adopts Zuko fic (I would also be surprised if anyone hadn’t read this fic with how popular it is) where Zuko goes from asshole cat prisoner to son boy. Also Hakoda is ready to uppercut Ozai
“The beginning of a new and brighter birth”
Amazing post canon Zuko fic abt healing the fire nation, has many wholesome and funny moments
“Carry on For You”
Zukka pokemon au series, it’s so good. I esp love the attention given to abused Pokemon
“Lessons in Tea Making”
Au where Zuko gave up on his father early on and converted his naval ship into a traveling tea shop. He’s trying to stay out of the war and in a hilarious twist the gaang is trying to capture him so he can teach Aang fire bending
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chaterbox1237 · 7 months
So i was just having brain rot about dra and pokemon,so i thought about a mystery dungeon type au where everyone is a pokemon and it’s just a general mystery dungeon plot but stuff relating to dra happens(but no killing game because I don’t want too torture myself)
Fake Yuki/Utsuro:Pikachu
I don’t really have anything to say.
Once again fairly obvious.
Ayame:Alolan Raichu
It’s fast and it doesn’t usually get too much attention,and I think that’s sad.
I love ayame so she gets to be a pikachu Evo for that fact alone.
Also Akane really can’t stop simping for the mascots,can’t she?
Kizuna:Alolan ninetales
Even though Alolan ninetails does get more attention,I still love her and she deserves to be a diva.
The only reason she hasn’t cursed Mitch is because once she evolved Yamato explicitly made it so that she couldn’t curse people for petty things,and Kizuna doesn’t realize the fact that Mitch is literally the only exception.Yamato still wonders how Mitch still hasn’t been cursed.
Also speaking of....
Look,I know it would’ve been better if I made him a steel type But I like skitty okay.
Also normal plays in hand with Mikako....
Much like Yamato I don’t have a specific reason I just like banette.
I want to see her go mega she deserves it after chapter 5.
I’ll admit it the only thing that didn’t make Rei some other psychic type is the shield pokedex entry for gigantamax Hatterene,she deserves to be considered a goddess.
Blue with red eyes what did you expect?
I imagine he doesn’t know how to use his aura,but nobody realizes until he blurts it out to Yamato in a fight.
Queue Yamato and the rest helping him learn how to use it.
By the time that Sora and gang apear at the dra guild he’s a lot better at utilizing it,but he still struggles with it a little.
I’m sorry pidgeot
Ice shards kinda equal bullets?
Also I really like both kiyoka and weavile sooo.....
Once again because I love both.
Do NOT mess with the doctor especially when they have a giant hammer at their disposal
Kakeru:either Corvinight or Honchcrow. I haven’t yet.
On one hand,honchcrow could fit with the “gangster Like apearance”
But the idea that he’s just absolutely terrified of Kanata for like,six months while no one knows why is so hilarious.
Not even kanata knows she was raised by Blissey.
Kimono girls reference.
Might change her and Teruya later.
She can juggle real good?
Master of both sky and ground.
Teruya:Pawmot (shiny)
Small and fluffy
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lovelylotusf1 · 5 months
Got tagged by two lovely people @borntogayz and @wisteria-wisteria!
star sign: Sagittarius! Born in December so I have to wait veeery long to celebrate stuff but then I can have two celebrations almost back to back with christmas coming up.
favorite holiday: German/Austrian carnival/Fasching! It's the time before the last 40 days before Easter holidays. There are several comedy shows to watch both live and on TV, everyone dresses up and it's generally a time to joke around!
last meal: made by my awesome grandma: spinach with potatoes, fried eggs and sausages.
current favorite musician: I like to listen to comedy music a lot and it's pretty much the only thing I listen to (that's not video game music). So I'd have to go with Tom Cardy.
last song listened to: "Wigglytuffs Guild" from the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky soundtrack! It's my alarm :D
last movie watched: Frozen 2 lol. It played on TV before Christmas.
last tv show watched: Honestly don't know, I haven't really watched any shows recently. Either Good Omens season 2 when it came out or The Dragon Prince.
last book/fic finished:
Book: Scum Villain's Self Saving System Volume 4. I was deep into the danmei trenches before f1.
Fic: don't take too much (off of me) by the amazing @wisteria-wisteria! Highly recommend, it's short, funny and a perfect mix of angsty pining and fluff.
last book/fic abandoned:
Book: Probably a Warrior Cats book. Two years ago I had a sudden spike in interest in reliving this part of my childhood, bought a lot of the books I had missing and stopped reading in the middle of... season 3 I think?
Fic: "Entirely out of spite" by bgtea. I loved it but I fell out of the Genshin Impact fandom a while ago.
currently reading: Too many things open in my tabs to say exactly.
last thing researched for writing/art/hyperfixation: Lots of things for my planned Lestappen AU. You can probably guess what it is based on the google history:
Dutch sweets
Ontbijtkoek recipe
Daily schedule of a baker
When do shops open in monaco
Rent prices in Monaco
favorite online fandom memory: I've only been active in fandom since I started writing for f1! The amazing people I met through F1blr and got to chat with will be my most treasured fandom memory for sure!!
favorite old fandom you wish would drag you back in/have a resurgence: I'm content with being where I am right now.
favorite thing you enjoy that never had an active or big fandom, but you wish it did: The Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series have a pretty active fandom but not a very big one (I think). It's my favourite game series of all time so I think it deserves a big fandom.
tempting project you don't have time for: Sooo many AU ideas. I have sunk my teeth into two, one interesting one and a rather niche one, which I will both finish someday, but the poor rest will probably end up abandoned :(
don't really know who has already done this, so feel free to ignore the tag!
I'm tagging @laura1633 @ravenrage27 and @charlclerc ! <3
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innytoes · 10 months
Willie Ship of your choice and Pokemon AU?
The problem with living in a town with a gym, Reggie thought, was that every passing by would-be Pokemon master thought literally everyone with a Pokemon wanted to battle. It was exhausting. Especially when they wouldn't take no for an answer.
Listen, was it stupid for Reggie to try and punch out a Geodude? Yes, but it was better than trying to punch out a twelve year old. Probably. The twelve year old probably wouldn't have given him what felt like a black eye. And he had to act fast, because the Pokemon had been rapidly approaching his cowering Jolteon.
"What the hell were you thinking?" Alex asked as he came to on what appeared to be a park bench. It wasn't very comfy, except for his head, which was pillowed on something.
"That Sparky is a rescue, and if she doesn't want to fight, she shouldn't have to," he said, gently petting the Jolteon who was nuzzling her nose under his hand anxiously. "It's okay baby, nobody's going to hurt you."
Both of Reggie's Pokemon were rescues. His very first, a Growlithe puppy he'd found out in the rain when he was fifteen, was a constant companion. Reggie wasn't sure what had happened to it before he got him, but Buddy didn't particularly like fighting. He shied away from battles, and it took Reggie ages to realise why he always cowered behind his legs in a certain part of town. The part near the gym.
They'd worked on that, and getting his confidence up in general. Buddy was a happy Pokemon now, though he still didn't like battles. The only time Reggie had ever seen him fight was to protect Reggie, and to help him kick Sparky's owner's ass. Anyone that would raise his hand against his own Pokemon didn't deserve them. They did, however, deserve a black eye, a stolen Jolteon, and singed pair of jeans.
With a groan, he sat up, laughing when Buddy hopped on the bench and started anxiously licking at his face. "I'm okay, Bud," he promised. "What happened? Did Whitney put them to sleep?" That was their usual strategy, when trainers wouldn't stop bothering them. You couldn't start a Pokemon fight if you were too asleep to grab your Pokeballs.
Alex' emotional support Jigglypuff chirped at him from Alex' backpack.
"I was going to, but..."
"Yeah, sorry, Ziggy and I stepped in first," a new voice said from behind him. Reggie turned and blinked. Apparently, the comfortable thing his head had been pillowed on was this gorgeous stranger's lap. He had beautiful long dark hair, killer cheekbones, and just about the cutest Zigzagoon Reggie had ever seen draped over his shoulders like a fancy stole.
"I- uh- that's..." Really hot, Reggie wanted to say.
Sparky nudged his hand again, pointy fur prickling under his fingers. "Thanks," Reggie managed. He looked up at Alex, who seemed equally flustered at this hot stranger who just rocked up and saved them both, and then waited with them until Reggie regained consciousness.
"Are you... a trainer?" Reggie asked, carefully. He didn't seem to have any Pokeballs on his belt, just the Zigzagoon wrapped around his neck. But if he defeated that kid's entire arsenal, that Zigzagoon was probably powerful as heck.
"No," the guy said quickly. Ziggy nuzzled his cheek gently. "I... not anymore. Ziggy and I are just... travelling."
"Thank you for saving us," Alex said sincerely.
"If you're new in town," Reggie said, not wanting the guy to leave now that he was awake again. "Maybe we could show you the best places to get food?"
The man's guarded look changed into a beautiful smile. "I'd like that, yeah," he agreed. "I'm Willie."
In the end, Willie decided to stick around a lot longer than he planned, and Reggie and Alex never had to worry about pushy Pokemon Trainers again. Their boyfriend and his badass Zigzagoon had them covered.
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acidicbarkbeast · 2 years
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ingo gets a zoroark as a treat because they’re emmet colored. also i know neither pokemon are this tall (zoey is not an alpha in the au) but i think they deserve it. i like to think everyone in pearl clan is scared of and for him <3
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hiddenendings · 8 months
i confuse instinct with desire - isn't bite also touch? (Blanktember Day 22)
A/N: This is meant for Day 22 of Blanktember and I just forgot when day I was supposed to upload it! I wrote this a very long time ago for @quicken-silver and I am now posting it here for you all to hopefully enjoy! If you haven't read "eat your heart out" yet then I HIGHLY recommend it. It's still a work-in-progress, but goddamn is it good. (As well as all of their other works. Go read them! Also, check out some art Ventigh did for this same AU for "eat your heart out" it's so good!! I took the title directly from their post, so, uh, hope you don't mind ventigh!!)
Summary: After a long separation, Ingo and Emmet, along with their deamons, have finally been reunited. Ingo wants Emmet to feel just how much they missed him.
[title and deamon names+AU inspired/taken from quickensilver's "eat your heart out"]
Notes: Post-PLA reuinon with the twins being in an established relationship before the separation. Deamons!AU
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50293963
                   Check out my writing commission info here!
[Setting: Quicken-Silver’s “eat your heart out” AU. Daemon!Blankshipping in Hisui with Emmet having found Ingo a few days ago and the two are now waiting for Akari/Rei to finish the Pokedex and go home. It is winter and Ingo, Emmet, and their Daemons are in Ingo's tent in the Highlands. It is night and a snowstorm has begun.]
Carefully shutting the door, Ingo made sure any seams were tightly sealed before he shook his head. "It looks like the storm might be worse than initially expected. It's possible we'll be here for a day or two until the cliffs are safe to travel again." Turning to look back at everyone, Ingo saw Sayoko and Jayla gleefully chasing each other around the tent and over furniture and causing a ruckus — not that Ingo could blame either of them. He hadn't seen Jayla so lively in years, although he supposed much could be said for himself as well. 
Thankfully all of their pokemon were resting in their pokeballs, not willing to deal with the cold. Much of the same could be said of his brother, who was sitting on the bed and whining loudly, “Why is it so cold! You said this was the Highlands, not the Icelands. I am Emmet and it is cold.”
“I told you it was still cold up in the mountains,” Ingo said, more amused than frustrated. It was so nice to see his baby brother squirming around on his bed and whining and complaining, playing up the act of brat even with flushed cheeks and breathless little giggles that slipped out between words. 
If he had any doubt of Emmet’s true good mood, they were wiped away as he saw Sayoko trill in delight, her and Jayla tumbling past in a mix of fur and feathers. 
“Big brother doesn’t care anymore,” Emmet ‘huffed,’ trying to hide his grin behind the Pearl Clan hoodie Ingo had given him to stay warm. There was something overwhelmingly nice about Emmet tucked away in Ingo’s clothing and Ingo’s bed and looking at him with those flustered cheeks and dazzling eyes. “He’s going to leave us to freeze, Sayoko!”
As if to spite him, Sayoko wiggled her way under Jayla, poking out from under warm fur and purring loud enough to drown out the howling winds outside. Ingo felt as if the snow and wind could never touch him again as his baby brother collapsed into giggles and shouted about his ‘traitorous daemon.’ 
Shaking his head, Ingo moved to tend to the fire. As reluctant as he was to look away from Emmet’s warmth and joy, he’d rather his baby brother stay warm. It would only get colder as the night went on, after all, and Emmet deserved to be comfortable and frankly, in Ingo’s opinion, pampered, after all he had gone through. 
Getting ready to stand back up, Ingo froze, almost literally, as two hands wiggled under his tunic and undershirt and pressed against the bare skin of his back. Really, they were less hands and more blocks of ice. “See! I told you it was cold, Ingo!” Oh, so baby brother wanted to play the brat, today, huh?
A quick tussle and Ingo managed to get Emmet pinned to the floor, unable to help the twitch of his lips as cackling laughs turned into a breathless whimper that sent Emmet’s cheeks flushing a beautiful pink. While Ingo had only intended to tease Emmet for just a while… it had been so long since he had seen Emmet pinned underneath him and squirming, cheeks flushed pink and giggles tumbling out of him as he cried up at him, “Big brother! You’re being verrry rude!” 
“Am I, now?” Ingo’s lips twitched as Emmet quieted down with a small whine, still squirming, but only in a way that drew him in closer, everything about him open and soft and willing- 
Ingo glanced up briefly to see Jayla had pinned Sayoko to the ground, paws on both of her wings and tongue lapping at the feathers around her neck. Sayoko was limp and content under her, trills as loud as Jayla’s purrs. At least he wasn’t the only one who had given in. 
“Big brother?” Sitting back, and delighting in the whimper that earned him as he pulled away, Ingo let Emmet pout for only a few moments before he was scooping his brother into his arms. A quick readjustment and they were sitting in front of the fireplace, Emmet melting into his arms. 
“My baby brother is cold, is he? I suppose I would be irresponsible if I didn’t correct the situation,” Ingo mused, tugging at Emmet’s arms and lifting them into the air until they were straight. Emmet made a questioning noise, starting to lower them before Ingo gripped him harder, something like a growl leaving his throat, “Stay.”
Emmet froze at the same time he went limp, his baby brother loose and willing in his arms, absolute trust in that gaze that looked up at him. “Good,” Ingo chuckled, grinning as Emmet shuddered. “Did baby brother miss hearing his big brother praise him and tell him how much of a good boy he is?” 
Oh, it was still so easy to break Emmet down. Still, he had a plan he was intent on fulfilling before he went too far off the tracks. Working his hands under Emmet’s tunic and shirt, Ingo pushed them up until he was pulling them off completely, lowering Emmet’s arms after he did so. “You know, Emmet, there’s a very quick way to get warm. While these clothes can keep in heat, they don’t generate it.” As he spoke, Ingo ran his hands down pink skin that was quickly warming up thanks to the fire they sat in front of. “Fireplaces, however, are very good at warming a body up quickly.” 
Ingo took both of their hats off and set them aside with the other clothing, not resisting for even a moment as he nuzzled his way close to Emmet’s scalp. A deep breath brought in the scent of his baby brother, still with that lingering scent of shampoo he always loved using. So long apart and his memories still so scattered and broken and yet that scent… It was so familiar. So good. 
Emmet whimpered, Ingo directing himself back onto the tracks as placed a quick kiss to Emmet’s temple. “Of course, it’s no good if the body gets too warm too quickly.” Hands sliding back down Emmet’s body, Ingo lingered in every place he could, rubbing warmth into the shivering body and pausing at places where his sweet baby brother had grown so thin… He would definitely be fixing that. 
“So first, we have to remove everything else.” Ingo took his time in divesting Emmet of the rest of his clothes, caressing each inch of skin revealed to him and lingering until he remembered each sensitive spot that turned his baby brother into a squirming, broken mess in his arms. “Big- Big brother please-!” Oh, he had missed that. 
“No need to beg, baby brother,” Ingo chuckled, bending down to kiss at the side of Emmet’s neck, the whimper turning into a shocked moan when Ingo bit down. As he did so, he removed the last of the clothing, Emmet naked and warm and excited in his lap. “I’ll give you everything you need, after all.”
Catching a glimpse of Emmet’s hand dropping to touch himself, Ingo’s hands shot out to grab Emmet’s wrists and hold them still. “Relax, baby brother. You were cold, after all, weren’t you?” Ingo chuckled at the whimpering complaint, kissing at Emmet’s temple again.
“This is cruel!” Emmet whined, trying to squirm and move. Ingo didn’t let him, pressing down and curving over him to lock him further in place, tangling their legs together until Emmet’s were pushed down. “Ingo-!” 
“I missed you, you know.” Emmet went still in his grasp and Ingo hummed appreciatively, pulling Emmet back into his grip fully, lowering their arms, but still keeping his grip on Emmet’s wrists. “Every day, trying so hard to remember anything about my life, and always feeling such an empty space to my side.” 
Emmet managed to squirm enough to look at him properly, face cloaked in understanding and empathy. “I know.” Ah, but of course he knew. Emmet’s side had been empty too, after all. “I know, Ingo.”
“I know you do.” Ingo blew out a sigh, letting the dark feelings go with it. He nuzzled at the side of Emmet’s head, pressing kisses to the skin until he heard giggles. “Almighty Sinnoh I missed you,” Ingo muttered, trailing the kisses down until he was playing with Emmet’s neck, his sweet baby brother groaning and tilting his head to give him even more space. Dragons, he wanted to drive him to ruin. 
Emmet had been so good for him, searching and working so hard to find him and tirelessly running forward just to get back to his big brother’s side. He wanted to pay all of that back. He wanted to spoil him. To pamper. To protect. To indulge. He wanted to devour. 
“Emmet,” Ingo whispered, pulling Emmet in towards him, always closer, as close as he could get. His clothes were still in the way, but that could come later. To let go of Emmet now would be the end of him. “Emmet.” 
“I missed you,” Emmet whimpered, shuddering in his grasp, still so warm and yielding, no defense at all against his big brother’s hungry grasp. He was as pinned beneath him as Sayoko was under Jayla, unable to move and yet there so voluntarily. “I missed you.” 
Ingo wanted to tear his baby brother apart. To dig into him and devour every inch, claim him until every part of his sweet baby brother was his. He wanted him limp and crying and collapsed in his grip, dizzy with pleasure and filled with love. Ingo wanted to indulge and there was nothing to hold him back. After all they had been through, after how long Emmet had been kept from him, there was nothing to hold him back. 
“I want to feel it.” As soon as Ingo said the words, the desire sunk in with claws and teeth. “I want to feel it,” Ingo repeated, nipping at Emmet’s skin and grinning at the startled whimper. “Let me feel you, darling.” Ingo didn’t bother to raise his voice, feeling the brush of warmth and fur against his back as he simply repeated, “Darling.” 
They were both so hungry, and Ingo knew they had reached the very end of whatever patience and propriety they had left as Jayla fluidly twined through their arms and settled in Emmet’s lap. 
Emmet gasped and jerked forward, Ingo holding him tightly in place and closing his eyes at the rush that flowed through him. This was no brief touch or loving reunion. This was Emmet squirming and moaning in his grip, euphoria flowing through him as he whimpered and whined and was filled with such love. 
Ingo could feel every piece of him, overflowing with love and devotion and desire, a blazing heat that swept through him only to be followed by jolts of lightning, hot flashes of heat and lust and that resounding, echoing call of hunger. His baby brother’s soul was a predator as well, after all.
Ingo loosed his grip on Emmet’s wrists, groaning softly as Emmet shot forward to wrap himself around Jayla, hands burying themselves into her ruff and face burrowing against that warm fur. 
His darling ocelot purred and chuckled, pressing closer to their sweet star and licking at the few tears that had rolled down his cheeks. “Oh, my sweet, how we missed you,” she cooed, nuzzling close and letting Ingo feel every scrap of his brother. 
“Shall we show you?” Ingo asked, panting around the words and just barely registering how out of breath he was as Emmet only moaned, hands clutching closer at Ingo’s soul. “I want to show you, Emmet. Let me show you. I want you to feel me, baby brother.” 
A whisper, the barest edges of a voice, almost lost in the distant howling winds that Ingo had all but forgotten. The softest please. 
“Dearest,” Ingo crooned, placing a kiss against that flushed skin that was now so warm and soft. He spoke to both of him, shifting a leg only far enough away to provide a perch. Sayoko was there in a flash, Ingo wasting not even a second as his fingers dug through warm feathers, angelic and soft. He didn’t dare let go of Emmet, his shaking baby brother who was crying and gasping, but he moved enough to bring Sayoko closer. He moved enough to wrap an arm around her, clutching onto her feathers and placing a kiss between her eyes. “Oh dearest,” he whispered softly, just for her. “How we missed you.” 
More, Ingo decided. He needed to give them more. Releasing angelic feathers and moving his hand away, Ingo shushed Emmet quickly at the sob that left him. “Just a moment, my love, just a second sweet thing, my dearest star, hold on just a moment.” 
Even as he soothed his sweet baby brother down, Ingo was quick to rip off his own shirt and tunic, uncaring for once if anything teared, simply throwing it away before ushering Sayoko closer, letting the sweet thing hop and flap until her talons were braced on his shoulders, her body limp and melting against him, wings touching as much of his skin as she could. So much like her human, he mused. 
As soon as she had pressed against him, Emmet had gone just as limp and melting, panting sharply and caught between him and his darling Jayla. “Do you see, baby brother?” Ingo asked, groaning softly at the emotions that flowed through them both, caught and lost equally between breathless purrs and melodic trills. “How much we missed you two? How much we wanted you back.”
He knew what Emmet would feel. He would feel his big brother’s obsession with him, that possessive, protective urge that made him want to lock Emmet away until the world could never find him again. Until he was Ingo’s and only Ingo’s. He knew by the way Jayla had pressed closer, teeth pressed around his neck like she so often did with Sakoyo, this time sharp enough to draw pinpricks of blood. He knew Emmet felt every part of those dark, hungry urges as he gasped and cried out, squirming between them and looking up at Ingo with an expression that was already wrecked. It was wrecked, but it was euphoric, filled with awe and want and the same consuming hunger. 
He felt talons dig into his shoulder, piercing the skin and gripping to where it felt like he would never get away — as if he wanted to. The pain was nothing compared to the euphoria that was given to him. He never wanted to leave this spot. 
“You found me, baby brother,” Ingo chuckled, hands returning to sliding across warm, flushed skin that now carried a sheen of sweat. He wanted. He wanted. He kissed lightly at the back of Emmet’s shoulder, holding him still as Jayla’s teeth dug in more, pulling out a wailing cry. “And now I won’t let you go.” 
He was going to devour.
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raynavan · 9 months
Ok so, turns out this “princess Mononoke” Submas au was a bit big for a single post (and also I can not do all of this in one day) so I’m only going over the beginning of this story.
Dw if you know nothing about princess Mononoke or have never watched the movie. I’ll fill all that in (to the best of my ability) as necessary.
This is not a fic, and I would not have the energy or time to make this a fic, but I will be treating this a bit like… a campfire story. 
(I am shamelessly stealing this from @/coramatus sorry not sorry love the way you tell stories)
Oh and, I hate that I have to say this, BLANK SHIPPERS DNI yes I’m aware the two characters that are Ingo and Emmet in this au like each other. This is not the case in this story, they are brothers. Please go somewhere else. Thank you. 
Alright so, part one here we go:
Emmet and Ingo live in a small town in the east. There aren’t many people living there and everyone knows everyone. Ingo and Emmet usually are the ones on watch, or leave the town to get goods from other places far off, because they have a particularly large Pokémon team. 
See, while the town is known for taking care of Pokémon and respecting them, not many train their pokemon (or having Pokémon willing to) to such a strength. Mostly, the important thing to note is that they love their partners dearly. 
They carved pokeballs out of stone and wood to keep their partners safe when they go out. The Pokémon enjoyed it as it meant they could be right by their partners side even as they slept.
Ingo was out on an expedition, one that was supposed to only take him a few days. When a week goes by, people begin to worry. 
Emmet had been patrolling the forest's edge, being careful not to enter the forest itself, for over a month looking for him. His partners were tough, but the larger portion of their team had gone out with Ingo, and he did not wish to take any risks. 
It is during one of these patrols that he spots a shadow shifting behind the trees, and huge creeks of straining wood as trees fall down in a straight path. Immediately Emmet springs to his feet and runs to warn the rest of town, as whatever is knocking down the forest is heading straight to the village.
As he glances behind him, though, he spots a horrible mass of pitch black tendrils leaping out of the forest and killing the fields of grain. He can’t even see the things face behind the black- just two bright red eyes. 
As the beast just keeps up with him, Emmet realizes that the town wouldn’t even have time to prepare if he did warn them, so he sends out Eelektross and calls out to use thunder- a devastating attack that… doesn’t really do much but stumble the strange thing from the woods. 
Emmet comes to realize that this must be one of the forest gods, as they are some of the most powerful Pokémon known, and that only they could have shrugged off that kind of attack. Emmet shouts at the god to please not attack the village, but the god does not listen.
It does stop to properly face Emmet, however, bemoaning about the human race, and how destructive and cruel they are. How they deserve nothing but distraction and pain, if they were filled with such greed. 
Emmet asks what the god means, but it isn’t listening, only screaming out and firing a tendril at Emmet that he is too slow to dodge.
“You shall feel my hate! You shall be consumed with it!” 
The tendril wraps around his arm in burning pain, leaving behind deep marks on his skin. Emmet's Pokémon react, shooting attack after attack at the god, only managing to knock off some of the black mass covering its body. 
It starts towards the village again, where people are scrambling to get out, but just as it is beginning to enter its proper, a shadow ball hits its side, making it buckle. 
Emmet looks up and sees Ingo’s ace, Chandelure, screech at the god, covering it with flames. Five others come out and help, beating back the god with over double the firepower. 
They knock off just enough of the black tendrils that Emmet is able to see glints of a gold crown and a gray body. Yet it does not go down. It stands tall a screams out once more-
And disappears into the shadows. 
Emmet's arm aches as Elesa pours fresh water over it, and the skin hissed like a hot pan in water. The people are worried about a curse possibly befalling the village, but mostly they worry for Emmet and Ingo, who has still not returned and is now without his Pokémon. 
Drayden, the oldest and wisest of All of them, says that Emmet has been cursed with something he cannot mend. The magic is too old and powerful for him to do much, but in the east there is another god that could heal him. 
The god of creation, arceus. 
It has not been seen by them for a long, long time. But if this curse is not healed then it would seep into his bones and kill him from the inside out, while his hatred grows. 
Emmet agrees to go, both to hopefully find a cure, but to also look for his brother. With a hug and a sack of food and tools, Emmet sets off to the west. 
Perhaps, just maybe, he would be able to find out what had made that god so angry as well.
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