lupinedreaming · 3 months
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Title: Hound of God
Chapters: 2/2
Rating: M, MDNI!
Summary: Father Erastus Reese became a priest in order to try and handle his lycanthropy. So far, he has managed to deal with it relatively well — until a beautiful young woman joins his parish.
See the story on AO3 for tags and warnings.
A/N: Aaand about 10 months later, I finally bring you part two! Sorry to anyone that might have been waiting. I hit a wall with this story for a long time, and then life stuff happened, but I’ve finally finished it.
Story preview:
Erastus pulled the door open.
On the porch, in the burning afternoon sun, Elise Lamb stood in front of him. 
Read on AO3.
Other links: My AO3 profile, my writing sideblog.
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javiar · 5 months
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knop / 11kor
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cuttingthe-painter · 4 years
could I request a selkie fic where reader doesn't know and just walks in on a whole ass cute as all fluffing hell seal flopped in their house? Internal Seal Panic thinking he's blown oh no this is horrible think of all the- but reader's just "I don't know how you for here but this is the best day of my life"
Hey anon, here’s my take on the prompt! I hope you like it! I love stories that a pure fluff and this really filled that spot in my heart!
***feel free to reblog***
Elias - Selkie Boyfriend (sfw)
male selkie x human reader
word count: 1544
It’s been less than a week in Nebraska and while you’re glad Elias joined you for your work trip, you’ve only been able to spend a few exhausted hours a night with him before going to bed. The guilt of bringing him along only for him to sit at the rental house has been weighing on you. You expected this, initially, but thought there would still be more time you both could spend together. 
This past year, you’ve been working as an independent consultant for tech companies around Washington, choosing to keep travel within your home state so you wouldn’t be away from your new relationship for too long. When a new start up company in Nebraska reached out to you, Elias encouraged you to work with them. You met over video calls originally and when the opportunity arose to fly to them, he insisted you go and that if he went, it could double as a work trip and your first couple’s trip. 
Elias has spent most of his days exploring the town or relaxing around the rental house, switching between working and relaxing. You’re hoping today is one of the days he chose to relax at the house. Your work day ended early, a blessing in the form of canceled meetings, and you intend to surprise Elias explore the town more together. 
You park your rental car in front of the house and quietly unlock the front door, hoping the locked door doesn’t mean he went out for the day. The living room of the house is empty and, upon further investigation, so is the bedroom. You slump with a disappointed sigh and change into your pjs, planning to settle in to watch TV until he gets back.
A warm breeze flowing through the living room draws your attention to the back sliding door that is ajar. You walk over to the door and step out onto the patio, expecting to find Elias sunbathing by the pool. What you find, though, is the last thing you ever expected to see in a pool in Nebraska.
A brown speckled seal glides through the pool, spinning when it nears the edges and splashing water over the side. You stand there speechless, tears springing to your eyes as a wave of homesickness washes over you at the sight. The seal breaches the surface of the pool and its gaze locks onto you, freezing the chubby mammal in place.
Wiping the tears from your eyes, you fall back into a patio chair, careful to hold your stare on it steady. If you had been thinking straight, you would have questioned how a seal was able to get to the pool in a fenced in backyard, let alone Nebraska. The seal starts swimming towards you slowly, a look on its face that you read as curiosity. Your breath catches in your throat, a moment of fear, but when the seal flops onto the concrete, joy takes over. It’s so freaking cute.
The seal honks at you and a giggle escapes your lips, wiping away any lingering fear. You reach a hand out to beckon it closer. The seal is cautious as it nears; you mistake its hesitance as an unfamiliarity to humans. If only you could understand its barks, then you would know its fear is not of the human calling it closer, but of the possibility of you discovering its secret too soon. 
“What are you doing here?” you ask the seal, running your hand along its soft head. A low whistle tone rings from it and you swear you feel electricity coursing through your arm. You pull your hand away and the tingle stops immediately. The seal bounces away from you at the loss of contact and moves towards the open patio door. You stand to follow it, smiling at the honks emphasizing each hop. The seal bounds right into the living room and stops near the end table, attempting to grab the remote in its mouth.
“No, don’t eat that!” you squeak, lunging to grab the remote before it gets a hold of it. The seal grunts at you and slaps its flippers onto the ground. You sigh at the seal, wondering why you haven’t called animal control yet, and say dejectedly, “I don’t know what you want.” It moves forwards and bonks its head into the hand holding the remote. You furrow your brows and lift the remote up, earning a cheery honk. 
“TV it is, then,” you say, clicking on the television and walking around to sit on the couch. The exhaustion must be catching up with you. Why else would you be turning a TV on to entertain a wild animal in a rental house? Elias left the TV on the History Channel before he left and you leave it, accepting Ancient Aliens as your entertainment until he gets back and helps you figure out what to do with this chubby, speckled seal.
The seal moves around the living room, bumping into things and honking as it explores, looking over to you periodically. You try to focus on it, all too aware of the exhaustion creeping into your body. The repetitive movements of the seal paired with the narrator’s droning on the TV lull you into a short, dreamless nap.
You wake to a soft hand caressing your cheek and warm lips pressing against your forehead. Stormy grey eyes meet yours when you open your tired eyes.
“Hey there, sleepyhead,” Elias whispers affectionately. He’s kneeling in front of the couch, head tilted to match the angle of yours. “You get home early?” You reach up, resting your hand on his cheek.
“Yeah, my meetings were canceled. Thought I would surprise you.” He smiled at you, and turned to kiss your palm. 
“Well, consider me surprised.” You sit up, glancing at the clock to see you were only asleep for 30 minutes. Suddenly, panic seizes your chest as you remember the seal and you look around the room frantically. “Woah woah woah, calm down. Talk to me, what's going on?”
“There was a seal in the pool when I got home. I fell asleep to it moving around the living room,” you explain urgently. You meet his eyes, expecting to find judgement and mockery as your insane confession, but only seeing compassion.
“I didn’t see anything when I walked in, but let's walk around and look, yeah?” Elias stood, extending his hand to help you off the couch. Hand in hand, you walk through each room of the house searching for the seal. You finish your search at the pool and, when finding no sign of a seal, you curl into Elias arms, tense and humiliated.
“I’m sorry, Elias. I must just be really tired. I probably dreamt it,” you say with an embarrassed groan. His hands smooth your hair repeatedly in an effort to sooth you..
“Dreams can be deceiving,” he comforts, dispelling your shame. You cling onto him, breathing him in. He’s ocean air, and citrus, and home. He holds you until he feels the tension drain from your body, only pulling back to look down at you and ask, “Would food help you feel better? Someone told me about a family diner that the locals rave about.”
“Food sounds great right now,” you agree, leaning up and catching his lips with yours. He responds to the kiss instantly, threading his fingers into the hair at the nape of your neck. Angling your head, he gently deepens the kiss, his tongue dancing between your lips. You reach up, wrapping your arms around his neck, losing yourself in him. He pulls away, lips merely inches from yours, and rests his forehead to yours. You both stand there, breathing each other in, wishing you could stay like this forever.
“We should go get food, yeah? Then we can come back and finish this,” he whispers, kissing you again and playfully tugging at your bottom lip. He pulls away and you move with him, not ready to part. “Food, babe. Food.”
“Ugh, fine,” you groan, stepping away from him to grab your purse from the breakfast bar. You grab the straps and turn to meet Elias at the door, but something on the barstool catches your eye. Something furry and brown and speckled and familiar. It looks to be a jacket or coat made from some sort of animal skin. It seems to match the seal from your dream and must be the cause of that vivid dream. You reach out and grab it, feeling that electricity travel up your arm.
“Elias, is this your coat?” you ask, turning to hand him the bundle of fur. His grey eyes are wide, stunned, and his curly brown hair falls into his face. His mouth forms silent words, before settling into a surprised oh. You raise your brows in concern and walk towards him. “Elias?” He snaps out of his momentary shock and his face instantly lights up. 
“I knew it,” he beamed, walking towards you and crashing his lips to yours. “I just knew it!”
“Knew what?” you laughed, gazing up to sparkling eyes.
“Oh you know,” he cooed as he peppered your face with kisses, “just that we were made for each other.”
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me, beating my brain with a stick: iNEEDIDEASGIMMEIDEAS
my brain, stealing the stick, beating me instead: tHENFUCKINGWRITETHEMYOUSHIT
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The time is near. Join our Patreon to find out about our next game a month before we announce it publicly! patreon.com/geekinlikeaboss
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iasuhfiu · 4 years
마법천자문 보드게임 2종 세트 (한자고누놀이 6급 + 무한점프) 한자고누놀이 6급 + 무한점프 - 와이티미디어 편집부 ┮ 모기ⅶ
모기 1. 분류 현존하는 곤충 중 의학적으로 가장 중요한 종류라고 할 수 있다. 인체와 가축을 공격, 흡혈하고 자상(刺傷)을 입힌다. 또한 병원체를 매개하여 인류에 막대한 경제적 손실을 초래한다. 실제로 인간이 정착할 수 없을 만큼 모기의 번식이 심한 지역도 있다.세계적으로 모기과(family Culicidae)에 3,000여 종이 알려져 있고, 우리나라에서는 총 51종이 발견, 보고되었다. 열대지역은 물론 온대와 한대지역에서도 광범위하게 서식한다. 일반적으로 수액, 과즙 등을 빨아서 영양원으로 이용하나 암컷은 산란에 필요한 혈액의 성분을 얻기 위하여 흡혈한다. 모기과는 학질모기아과(Anophelinae)와 보통모기아과(Culicinae)로 구성되고, 학질모기아과에는 얼룩날개모기속(Anopheles), 보통모기아과에는 집모기속(Culex), 숲모기속(Aedes)과 늪모기속(Mansonia)이 있는데 이 가운데 얼룩날개모기속, 숲모기속, 집모기속이 의학적으로 중요하다.우리나라에서 중요하게 여기는 모기의 종은 다음과 같다.1) 중국얼룩날개모기(Anopheles sinensis) 2) 한국얼룩날개모기(Anopheles koreicus) 3) 토고숲모기(Aedes togoi) 4) 한국숲모기(Aedes koreicus) 5) 작은빨간집모기(Culex tritaeniorhynchus) 6) 반점날개집모기(Culex bitaeniorhynchus) 7) 빨간집모기(Culex pipiens pallens) 2. 형태 모기는 완전변태하는 곤충으로 알(egg) → 유충(larva) → 번데기(pupa) → 성충(adult)의 네 시기를 거치면서 발육한다. 알, 유충, 번데기는 물에서 살고 성충만 육서생활을 한다. 1) 성충 체형은 작고 길며 둥근 머리와 긴 다리가 특징적이다. 휴식 도중에 앉아 있는 모양을 보아 속을 감별하기도 하는데 꼬리를 45° 정도 위로 들고 있는 것은 Anopheles, 지면과 평행하게 있는 것은 Aedes와Culex 모기이다. 머리에는 한 쌍의 큰 복안(複眼)과 한 쌍의 촉수(palps), 한 개의 구기(proboscis)가 있다. 암수구별은 촉각(antenna)의 모양으로 쉽게 할 수 있는데 암컷은 촉각이 길고 가느다란 모양이며 각 관절마다 짧은 털이 나 있고, 수컷의 촉각은 우모(羽旄)와 같은 모양을 하고 있다. 촉수로도 암수구별이 가능한데 보통 수컷의 것은 길고 암컷의 것은 짧다. 구기의 경우 수컷은 피부를 뚫을 수 있는 능력이 없다. 암컷에게는 흡혈에 필요한 여섯 개의 침상 구조가 있다. 특히, Labrum-epipharynx와 hypopharynx가 흡혈관을 형성한다. 혈액 응고를 방지하는 타액을 주입할 수 있게 되어 있다.흉부는 전, 중, 후흉 중에서 중흉만이 크고 날개가 붙어 있다. 날개에 날개맥(vein)에 따라 인편(scales)이 있고 특히 날개 후연에 특이한 인편이 존재한다는 점이 이 과의 ���징이라고 할 수 있다. 날개맥의 모양은 여러 종이 흡사하지만 인편의 색상은 Anopheles속의 종 동정에 이용된다. 외부생식기(hypopygium)의 형태도 감별에 중요하다. 내부구조는 곤충 일반의 구조를 참고로 한다.그림 161. 모기 암컷의 외형. A. 복부, ant. 촉각, e. 안구, F. 퇴절, H. 머리, h. halter, la. 순판(labellum), m.p. maxillary palp, p. postnotum, pr. proboscis, Sc. 등판(scutum), Sct. scutellum, T. 흉부, Ti. 경절, Ta. 부절, W. 날개.그림 16 2. 각종 모기의 머리 부위. 1. Anopheles 암컷, 2. Aedes 암컷, 3. Culex 수컷. 2) 알(egg) 보통 난형이나 표면에 많은 무늬 모양이 있다. Anopheles 모기는 방추형이며 좌우에 부낭(float)이 있다. Anopheles와 Aedes 같이 산란을 한 개씩 하는 종류와 Culex와 같이 난괴(raft of eggs)가 되게 하는 종류가 있다. 산란은 수면에 하는 것이 보통이다. 온대지역 모기는 대개 산란 후 수일 또는 24시간 이내에 부화한다. 알 상태로 월동하는 종류도 있다. 3) 유충(장구벌레, larva) 반드시 수중 생활을 하며 활발히 운동한다. 머리부가 넓고 크며 많은 강모가 다리의 역할을 한다. 구기에는 솔 모양의 털이 있어 포식하는 데 도움이 된다. 흉부는 체절이 융합되었고 특히 견모(shoulder hair)는 분류상 중요하다. 흉부는 아홉 절로 구성되며 제8체절에 호흡기(siphon)가 붙어 있다. Anopheles는 이것이 매우 짧거나 거의 없다. Culex가 가장 길며, Aedes는 중간 정도이다. 호흡기에는 측린(comb)이 있다. 이들의 배열, 수, 형상 등은 종 동정에 큰 도움이 된다. Anopheles 모기는 복체절에 손 모양의 털, 즉 장상모(palmate hair)가 존재한다는 점이 특이하다. 4) 번데기(pupa) 유충과 같이 수중 생활만 가능하다. 작은 새우와 비슷한 형태를 하고 있다. 유충의 호흡관과 같은 구조가 두흉부(cephalothorax)의 정상에 있다. 이것을 호흡관(respiratory trumpet)이라 한다. Anopheles는 말단이 벌어진 유형이고, Culex 모기는 말단까지 가늘고 긴 원통형 관을 이룬다. 번데기 흉부 배면에 종으로 긴 파열이 생기면 이로부터 성충이 탈출한다. 공중에 나오면 잠시 휴식하며 다리를 펴고 날개를 말린 후 날 수 있게 된다.그림 16 3. Anopheline 모기와 Culicine 모기의 감별. sp. 기공(spiracle), ph. 장상모(palmate hair), si. 호흡관(siphon), e. 눈(eye), tr. 호흡각(trumpet), abd.tip. 복부말단(abdominal tip), scut. scutellum, ant. 촉각(antenna), pa. 촉수(palpus), pr. 구기(proboscis). 3. 생태와 생활사 1) 서식처 종류에 따라 서식처, 흡혈 습성, 월동양상, 사육지 선택 등 생태학적 습성에 큰 차이가 있다. 따라서 특정 모기의 생태를 충분히 이해하여야 그 모기에 맞는 관리 대책을 세울 수 있다. 모기 서식처에 따라 모기를 민가 모기, 염소지(鹽沼地)모기, 소택지 모기, 초원 임야 모기, 개울물 모기 등의 생태군으로 나누어 볼 수 있다.모기유충 발육에 직접적이고 광범위한 영향을 주는 것은 기온이다. Culex 종은 알이 1-3일이면 부화하고 유충은 네 번 탈피한다. 탈피에 따라 1, 2, 3, 4령기 유충으로까지 발육 성장하고 번데기가 된다. 보통 7-10일이 필요하다. 번데기로는 2-3일을 경과한다. 따라서 알에서 성충까지 자라는 데 10-14일이면 충분하다. 기온이 떨어지면 발육이 지연된다. Ae. aegypti는 약 10일이면 알에서 성충까지의 생활사를 완료할 수 있다. 2) 이동범위와 활동시간 종류에 따라 모기의 이동 범위에도 상당한 차이가 있다. 모기의 수는 많은데 흡혈 대상이 적다든가 하면 넓게 퍼질 수도 있다. 바람에 따라 또는 선박, 차량 등 인공적 요인에 따라 이동 범위가 넓어질 수도 있다. 보통 Culex 모기는 Anopheles 모기보다 이동범위가 더 넓은 것으로 추정한다. Ae. aegypti와 같은 모기는 사육지에서 그리 멀리 이동하지 않는다(약 450 m). Anopheles 모기는 약 1.6 km 범위가 보통인 것으로 추정한다.모기의 대부분은 야간 활동성이지만 Anopheles를 포함한 많은 종류가 주로 일몰 시나 아침에 더욱 활발하게 활동한다. 밤이 추운 지역, 초원, 임야군에서는 주간 활동이 뚜렷하다. Ae. aegypti는 아침이나 늦저녁에 흡혈하기를 좋아한다.흡혈 활동뿐 아니라 휴식장소도 종류에 따라 다르다. 이것은 각종 모기의 혈액기호성과도 관계있다. An. sinensis는 사실상 인혈기호성(anthropophilic)이라기보다는 소, 말 등과 같은 대동물혈기호성(zoophilic)이 더 강한 것으로 알려져 있다. Cu. pipiens, Cu. bitaeniorhynchus는 조류를, Cu. tritaeniorhynchus의 소형종은 가축을 좋아한다고 한다. 따라서 이들은 우사나 마사에 침입해 흡혈한 후 그대로 축사에 남아 낮을 보내기도 한다. 일부는 흡혈 후 즉시 탈출하고 근처 풀밭에서 낮 동안 휴식을 취한다. 3) 월동과 출현 추운 겨울, 또는 열대지역의 건조기를 넘기는 방법도 모기에 따라 다르다. 대체로 성충으로 월동(hibernation)하는 것이 많다. Anopheles와 Culex 속은 성충으로, Aedes 속은 알로 월동하는 경우가 많다. 유충으로 월동하는 종류도 있다. 성충의 월동장소는 축사, 동굴, 방공호, 볏짚, 헛간, 다리 밑, 지하수로 등이다. 월동 중인 것은 암컷이 대부분이나 때로 수컷도 발견된다. Cu. tritaeniorhynchus와 같은 것은 월동장소가 아직 잘 알려져 있지 않다. An. sinensis와 Cu. pipiens의 월동장소로 지하수로가 많다는 보고가 있다.월동한 다음해 봄 가장 일찍 출현하는 것은 Cu. pipiens pallens라 한다. An. sinensis, An. koreicus도 비교적 일찍 출현한다. Cu. tritaeniorhynchus는 6월에 가서야 유충을 채취할 수 있다. 우리나라에서 Anopheles모기는 매년 4월 말이나 5월에 나타나기 시작하고 10월에 없어진다. Cu. tritaeniorhynchus는 7월부터 증가하여 8월에 최고치를 이루고 9월 하순에는 거의 없어진다.모기의 생존기간도 암수와 종류에 따라 크게 차이가 있다. 수컷은 1-3주 이상 생존하지 못한다. 암컷은 환경 조건이 좋으면 오히려 생존기간이 단축된다. 즉, 흡혈을 충분히 할 수 있고 적합한 사육지가 있으면 모든 알을 2-3주 내에 산란하고 죽는다. 반대로 환경이 좋지 못할 경우에는 수개월까지 생존할 수 있다. 월동할 암컷은 더욱 생존기간이 길어진다. 4. 모기와 질병 모기는 자극성 피부염과 같은 직접 피해의 원인이 될 뿐만 아니라 말라리아, 사상충, 황열 등의 중요한 병원체를 매개하는 역할을 한다. 1879년 패트릭 맨슨(Patrick Manson)이 중국에서 처음으로Culex fatigans 모기가 사상충의 중간숙주가 된다는 사실을 발견하였으나 사상충증이 당시에 충분히 알려지지 않았기 때문에 크게 주목받지 않았다. 그러나 맨슨은 런던으로 귀국한 후 1893년에 말라리아의 모기매개설을 주장하였다. 그는 이를 증명할 것을 젊은 군의관 로널드 로스(Ronald Ross)에게 권했고, 마침내 1898년 로스는 말라리아가 모기에 의해 매개됨을 증명하였다. 이어서 1900년에는 황열(yellow fever)의 매개체가 Ae. aegypti임이 밝혀졌다. 이후 모기는 의학적으로 중대한 관심사가 되었다. 1) 직접적 피해 사람에 따라 자상에 대한 피부반응이 다르다. 모기에 대해 면역이 있는 것처럼 보이는 사람도 대개는 자기 지역의 모기에 대해서만 그런 것으로 추정한다. 자상이 심하면 가려움 때문에 자극성 피부염으로까지 발전할 수 있고, 이차적 세균감염으로 농가진을 일으키기도 한다. 모기의 발생이 심해 사람의 옥외 노동이나 거주 등이 제한된 예가 있다. 가축에게도 비슷한 피해를 줄 수 있어 결국 경제적 손실을 초래한다. 2) 모기가 매개하는 질병 (1) 말라리아(Malaria)모기는 모든 열원충(Plasmodiidae과)의 종숙주로 작용한다. 인체말라리아를 전파할 수 있는 것은 오직 한 속, Anopheles뿐이나 Anopheles의 모든 종이 전파 가능한 것은 아니다. 비록 실험 감염이 성립했다 하더라도 자연계에서 실제로 매개작용을 한다고는 볼 수 없다. Anopheles 모기의 말라리아 감염과 전파의 차이는 모기의 혈액 기호성, 즉 인혈기호성(anthropophilism)이나 동물혈기호성(zoophilism)에 좌우된다고 할 수 있다. An. sinensis(중국얼룩날개모기)의 자연감염률은 극히 낮아 5,086마리를 해부했더니 단 1례에서 삼일열원충의 감염이 발견되었다. An. sinensis 외에도 An. sinensis-complex로 불리는 An. pullus와 An kleini도 삼일열원충의 매개모기가 될 수 있음이 확인되었다. An. sinensis가 옥외기호성(屋外嗜好性, exophily)임에 비해 An. pullus는 옥내기호성(屋內嗜好性, endophily)이 더 강하다. (2) 황열(Yellow fever)황열은 Arbovirus group B를 병원체로 하는 급성 전염성 열병이다. 심한 전신쇠약, 황열, 출혈과 단백뇨가 특징이며 사망률은 상당히 높다. 잠복기는 3-6일이나 이보다 길기도 하다. 심한 두통, 근육통에 열은 39-40°C까지 상승한다. 잇몸, 코 점막에 출혈이 나타나며, 피부는 건조해지고 황달이 결막에 나타난다. 발병 초기에는 열이 있고 맥박은 120에서 다시 40으로 떨어진다(Faget’s sign). 심한 토혈이 있으면 예후가 좋지 않다. 대부분의 환자가 상당히 가벼운 증상을 나타내고 회복하면 완전 면역을 획득한다. 황열은 백신이 개발되어 있으며 한번 접종하면 10년 이상 유효하다. 가장 중요한 매개모기는 Ae. aegypti이다. (3) 뎅기열(Dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever)뎅기열도 Arbovirus group B를 병원체로 하는 전염성 열병으로 가벼운 황열과 비슷하다. 사망률은 높지 않다. 잠복기는 4-10일이며 오한과 사지통, 요통, 안구 후부 동통으로 발병하고 열은 39.5-40°C로 4-7일간 계속된다. 급성기를 지나면 열이 떨어지나 수 시간 후 다시 상승하면서 발진이 나타난다. 2-3일 후 발진이 없어지고, 때로는 결막에 황달이 나타나기도 한다. 가장 중요한 매개모기는 Ae. aegypti와 Ae. albopictus이다. 혈류내의 출현은 열이 있을 때 3-4일 전후이므로 모기는 발병 초 3-5일 사이에 환자를 물어야 한다. 모기가 감염력을 가지려면 11일이 필요하나 8일인 때도 있다. (4) 사상충증(Filariasis)인체기생인 반크롭트사상충과 말레이사상충의 중간숙주로서 유충은 모기 체내에서 발육, 변태한다. 모기의 흉근에서 성숙해 제3기 유충으로 발육하면 두부로 내려와 모기가 흡혈할 때 구내초(proboscis sheath)를 통해 환자 피부로 나오고, 모기 자상 부위 또는 건강한 피부를 거쳐서 인체내에 들어온다.중요한 모기로는 Cu. fatigans, Cu. pipiens pallens, Ae. aegypti, Ae. togoi, Ae. scutellaris 또는 An. sinensis 등이 알려져 있으나 사상충 종에 따라 일정 모기만 관련하는 경우도 있다. 말레이사상충 매개체가 제주도에서는 Ae. togoi, 내륙지방에서는 An. sinensis인 것으로 밝혀졌다.일본뇌염은 1871년부터 알려지다가 1924년 일본에서 크게 유행했다. 한국에서도 1949년에 전국적 대유행이 있었고 이후 사회적으로 주의를 환기하기 시작했다. 1949년 유행에서 5, 548명이 발생, 그중 2, 429명이 사망하였다고 한다. 한국에서는 사람과 가축의 혈청내에 중화항체가 고율로 나타났다는 보고가 있는데 특히 돼지는 중요한 병독증폭 숙주로 인정된다. 우리나라에서 가장 중요한 매개모기는 Cu. tritaeniorhynchus로 추정한다. 5. 모기의 구제 모기가 매개하는 모든 질병의 관리가 모기의 구제만으로 이루어지는 것은 아니다. 매개체의 완전한 관리를 위해 질병 자체를 충분히 이해해야 하는 것은 더 말할 나위 없이 중요하다. 질병의 원인, 역학, 전파의 기전, 매개체의 생태 등도 잘 알려져야 한다. 동시에 관리 작업을 수행하기 위해 유행지역의 지역적 특징, 사회 경제적 수준, 인구형, 민족 등의 요소를 파악해야 한다. 정부의 경찰력, 충분한 자금도 있어야 한다. 그러나 여기서는 모기의 구제법만을 다루기로 한다. 1) 모기로부터의 방어 방충망은 각 가정에서 취할 수 있는 가장 효과적인 예방법이라 할 수 있다. 모기뿐 아니라 집파리 등 기타 곤충의 옥내 침입을 방지할 수 있다. 대개는 살충제, 특히 잔류효과가 있는 약제와 겸용하는 것이 좋다. 망은 16 mesh(1인치에 16망선)형이 좋고, 동선 이외에 플라스틱제가 나와 있다. 개인적 예방 활동으로 기피제(repellents)를 주간 활동 시 노출된 피부에 바를 수 있다. 이것은 Rutgers 612(2-ethyl-hexanediol-1-3), dimethyl phthalate, indalone으로 구성된 것으로 5-6시간 정도 유효하다. 2) 성충구제 월동장소의 성충을 공격하는 것은 큰 의의가 있다. DDT(dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane)는 유충, 성충에 모두 유효하다. 분말로 사용하거나 등용 석유에 용해하여 분무한다. 잔류효과를 기대하기 위하여 12.5갤런의 석유에 5파운드를 용해시킨 5% DDT 용액을 표면 매 입방피이트당 200mg 정도 뿌린다. 5%액 1갤런이면 100입방피이트를 분무할 수 있다. 옥외에서는 50% 용액을 사용한다. 실내에서는 속효를 거두기 위하여 aerosol형을 사용한다. Aerosol은 pyrethrum, lindane, DDVP 약제를 Freon gas와 같이 넣은 것이다. 저항성이 문제가 될 경우에는 DDT 대신 BHC(lindane), dieldrin, malathion, diazinon 등을 사용한다. 3) 유충구제 발생지제거(source-reduction program)는 가장 중요한 관리법이다. 종류에 따라 생물학적 습성을 충분히 고려해야 한다. 간단히 수조, 용기 등에 고인 물을 없앤다. 불필요한 웅덩이는 배수하거나 메워버린다. 배수구를 정비하거나 유수 속도를 빠르게 하여 성충이 산란할 수 없게 한다. 수초를 제거하는 방법도 있다. 알, 유충, 번데기를 포식하는 소형어(larvivorous fish), 즉 Gambusia 등을 도입하거나 대형 모기유충에 기생하는 선충류(Reesimermis nielseni), 원충류(Nosema, Pleistophora, Stempellia, Thelohania), 진균류(Coelomomyces) 또는 세균류(Bacillus thuringiensis)를 이용하는 방법도 연구되고 있다.JH(juvenile hormone mimics) chemicals가 유충-번데기, 번데기-성충 시기에 작용하여 발육억제를 일으켜 정상 생활사를 완료하지 못하게 한다고 알려져 있다. 유충포식성 식물(Utricularia)을 이용하기도 한다.유충살충제(larvicides)로 여러 종류가 알려져 있다. 성충에 유효한 DDT, DDD가 사용되며, DDT 저항이 있을 경우 methoxychlor, BHC, dieldrin, toxaphene 등이 유효하다. 그러나 잔류효과는 기대할 수 없다. 수면의 주유(oiling)는 유충의 살충에 큰 효과가 있는데, 물에 잘 용해되고 확산되어야 한다. 수면유막을 비교적 오래 지속할 수 있는 유류가 좋다. 그러나 수생 식물, 어류에도 해가 있을 수 있다. Pyrethrum과 oil을 혼합해 사용하기도 하며, Paris green과 같은 독물을 사용하기도 했다. 분말은 수면에 장시간 떠 있으면서, 특히 Anopheles 모기유충에 효과적으로 작용한다. 4) 유전학적 관리 유전학적 접근으로 모기를 구제하려는 시도는 아직 크게 실용적인 것이 못되지만 매개체 자신을 자멸하게 하려는 방법으로 수컷단종법(sterile male technique), cytoplasmic incompatibility, hybridsterility, chromosome translocation, conditional lethal gene, gene replacement 등 여러 연구가 진행되고 있다. 마법천자문 보드게임 2종 세트 (한자고누놀이 6급 + 무한점프) 한자고누놀이 6급 + 무한점프 - 와이티미디어 편집부 어린이 인기학습만화 『마법천자문』의 캐릭터를 사용하여, 한자학습용 보드게임 2종 세트입니다. 우리 민족의 전통놀이인 고누놀이를 모티브로 개발된 마법천자문 “한자고누놀이6급”과 “무한점프” 세트는 한자능력검정시험 6급 한자 120자와 일상생활에서 꼭 필요한 고사성어를 모두 배울 수 있는 한자카드를 이용해 놀이를 즐기면서 저절로 한자를 익힐 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 기억력, 추리력, 판단력 등 어린이들의 지능개발을 향상시킬 수 있는 한자 교육용 전략게임입니다. 간단하고 쉬운 게임방식으로 남녀노소 누구나 쉽게 즐길 수 있으면서도, 다양한 전략을 구사할 수 있어 어린이들은 물론 부모님과의 건전한 놀이를 통해 학습효과를 기대할 수 있도록 개발하였습니다.
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lupinedreaming · 1 year
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Title: Hound of God
Chapters: 1/2
Rating: M, MDNI!
Summary: Father Erastus Reese became a priest in order to try and handle his lycanthropy. So far, he has managed to deal with it relatively well — until a beautiful young woman joins his parish.
Tags & warnings: Teratophilia/monster romance, priest kink/hierophilia, M/F, werewolf protagonist, religious guilt, sexual shame, sexual thoughts/fantasies, pining, unrequited feelings (or are they?)
A/N: Welp, I decided to write something based on a little idea I had. A disclaimer: Although I grew up religious, I’ve never been Catholic. I’ve learned bits and pieces about Catholicism over the years and did some relevant research for this story, but it’s likely there’s still some inaccuracies. Apologies in advance.
Story preview:
And the Wolf inside of him, then, rose and shifted within his gut, clawing and sending sparks of desire through his belly and down into his loins. Erastus inhaled sharply, and his eyes met Elise’s.
He saw his berobed figure reflected in her soft gaze.
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cuttingthe-painter · 4 years
Monster bf whose really possessive but tries to hide it but their s/o loves their possessive side
Hey anon, I hope you enjoy! Thank you for the prompt, I loved it!
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Tilge - Orc Boyfriend (sfw)
male orc x female reader
word count: 2109
“Who all is coming tonight?” you ask Tilge as you get out of the truck. You smooth your dress down and grab your jacket off the seat, pulling the warm leather on and tapping the pockets to check for you wallet. Anxiety spikes in your chest when you don’t feel it’s outline in any of the pockets. “Not sure. Gnash for sure. Maybe Jex and Druz?” Tilge rounds the truck right when you’re about to scour the truck and extends his hand, presenting your wallet. You smile and swipe it from him with a quick thanks. He returns your smile with a wide, toothy grin of his own and your breath catches in your throat. “I sure hope Gnash shows up to his own birthday celebration,” you tease, linking your arm through his. You study his face as you walk arm in arm, watching the gold piercings through his tusks bounce with each step. He catches you watching him and scrunches his nose at you.“What?” he asks, tawny eyes flitting between you and the other pedestrians on the sidewalk. “You changed your piercings,” you note, reaching up and flicking on. The last time you and Tilge hung out, the piercings had been silver. He had just gotten a new one that day and asked you what you thought. You remember because you messed with him, saying you preferred gold. Tilge’s cheeks darken and he focuses on the bar’s entrance up ahead.“Yeah,” he laughs nervously, “I just felt like a change I guess.” You bite your lip, hiding a smile, and stay quiet the rest of the walk to the bar.Cheers fill the bar when you both walk through the door, your friends all standing around your usual high-top table raising their drinks in your direction. You wave with your free hand and beeline for the table, pulling Tilge with you.  “It’s about damn time!” Gnash yells, pulling you into a hug. “What took so long?”“It’s Tilge’s fault,” you laugh and lean back. Gnash grabs your shoulders, a grin plastered on his face and eyebrows raised in question. You could read the silent did he finally make a move? In his expression and you answer with a small shake of your head. He rolls his eyes and moves to hug Tilge.“I guess that means drinks on him.” Gnash claps Tilge on the back and shoves him towards the bar. “She likes vodka sprites!”Tilge walks away, grumbling under his breath, “I know what drink she likes.” When he’s out of earshot, Gnash turns back to you smirking. He slings an arm over your shoulder and lifts his beer to his lips. After a long pull from the bottle, he nods his head and makes an affirmative sound.“You could just ask him out.” You huff a laugh, shaking you head. That was the thing, you had asked him out. It had just been too soon after his last breakup and he wasn’t ready. So, you were waiting for him to make the move. He was always so sweet to you, teasing and flirting, but never making that last push and asking you out. It was frustrating and you don’t know what is holding him back. “Well…then we’ll make sure he finally asks you tonight.” You furrow your brow, wondering what he means, when he pulls you closer to him and nuzzles against your temple, brushing a soft kiss against your skin. A gruff clearing of a throat has Gnash pulling away from you. Tilge locks a glare onto Gnash, a muscle in his jaw twitching from how hard he was clenching his teeth. He offers you the drink and fixes his attention on your when your fingers brush against his. His expression softens instantly, and he throws an arm over your shoulders, pulling you away from Gnash.
“Keep your hands off my girl,” Tilge warned, attempting to lighten the threat with a laugh but failing. My girl. The words made your knees weak. It’s not the first time he’s said it, but it’s the first time the words sounded serious. “Calm down, dude, I was just saying thank you.” Gnash takes a slow drag of his beer, his stare amused. “You can thank her with words,” Tilge barks back, curling his lip in anger. He holds you close to him, his arm tightening whenever Gnash steps closer to you.
Gnash walks over and leans in close to you at one point, whispering in your ear, “If looks could kill, I’d be dead on the floor right now.” You snicker when he pulls away and you feel Tilge’s hand clench on your shoulder. Finishing off your drink, you look up to him, A deep glower clouds his face; his thick brows furrowing deeper and deeper with each swig of his beer. You can see his internal battle, how badly he wants to say something to Gnash, to tell him to back off. He holds it in, though, swallowing down his emotions and settling for lowering his arm your waist and glaring at his friend. “You look like you could use a hug,” you laugh, reaching up and angling his head towards you. His eyes linger on Gnash before following the movement of his head and looking down to you. “No worries, I’m good,” he mumbles, offering you a polite smile and shrug. Disappointment sinks in your stomach at the small rejection. You fix a smile on your face in an attempt to cover it and turn back to the group. You avoid their gazes, embarrassed. They’ve all seen this dance between you two, one pushing and the other pulling back. It felt horrible every time he shut you down in front of them. You bring your cup to your lips, planning to drink away the shame, only for ice to hit your mouth.“I’m out. Gonna go get another.” You pull out of Tilge’s grasp, moving to head to the bar. His hand grabs yours and pulls you back. He smiles down to you and ushers you back to the table“I got it.” A sigh heaves from your body; you feel defeated. You just want him to pull you to him and kiss you, claim you as his for the whole bar to see. What’s stopping him? Does he genuinely not like you? It doesn’t make sense. If he doesn’t want you, he shouldn’t stand there and get mad at anyone who comes near you. “He’ll come around,” Gnash whispers down to you, snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you over to him. “He actually wants to kill me right now, there’s no possible way he won’t make a move.” Gnash’s large hand rests in the small of your back, a firm weight pressing you closer to him. His lips brush at the shell of your ear and goosebumps race down your arms from the warmth. “I suggest you remove that hand before I remove it for you, Gnash,” Tilge threatens from behind you, his growl rumbling through your chest. Gnash laughs, rubbing his hand in small circles on your back. “Lighten up, dude. We’re just talking,” Gnash taunts, delight twinkling in his eyes. “Right. Fucking. Now.” Tilge is snarling, his nostrils flaring as he tries to calm himself. Gnash raises his hands in surrender and puts space between you both. You step away from him and towards Tilge, whose hands stay by his side, clenching and unclenching. You’re close enough to him to feel his shaky breath on your face, but he’s still glaring over you at Gnash. Excitement bubbles in your stomach at the display. Do something, you think. Reach out and do something…anything. He squeezes his eyes shut and hangs his head. “Sorry, dude. I’m sorry.”An incredulous laugh burst from Gnash, who throws his hands up in defeat. He grabs his beer from the table and turns to the rest of your friends, announcing “I’m going to go dance!” He walks away from the table, your friends following behind him, and disappears into the sea of bodies on the dancefloor. Tilge’s watches them walk away before he looks down to you, his jaw working side to side nervously. You can hear his teeth grinding and you reach up to still his jaw, but let your hand drop, deciding to not touch him.
“I shouldn’t have acted like that,” Tilge said roughly. His eyes were fixed on a spot over your head, avoiding eye contact. “I don’t know what came over me and I’m sorry you had to see me like that.”“I’m not,” you say in a casual tone, lifting your shoulders lightly. His eyes move to your face, searching. “You’re…not?” he asks cautiously. Your hands move to his belt loops slowly, giving him time to move away. He doesn’t. He lets you thread your fingers through them and gently pull him closer.“I’m not,” you repeat breathily. You watch his stomach muscles tighten under his shirt and you swallow. “I actually really liked it.” He chuckles and rests a large hand on the side of your neck, angling your heads towards his.“Oh yeah?” He sounds smug, like he planned this, but you see the uncertainty dancing in his eyes, the fear of ruining your friendship with a relationship. You flick Tilge’s septum ring playfully, lightening his mood, then stand on your tiptoes, maneuvering carefully around his tusks and pressing a soft kiss to his mouth. You expect him to pull away, to tell you he’s still not ready.
He responds instantly, his arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you snug against him. His tongue teases at your lips and you smile into his mouth, granting him access. Threading his fingers through your hair, he tilts your head back, his tongue running slow strokes against your own. He nips your lower lip when he pulls and you practically melt into him, whimpering at the feeling. You chase his mouth, feeling on top of the world and never wanting to lose that sensation. He stills you, cupping your cheek and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. The bar is loud, music and chatter booming around you but all you hear are your rapid breaths and his racing heartbeat.The high you’re riding is unreal; electricity practically courses through your body, radiating from his hand on your cheek and your waist. Realization hits. Realization that this could be a one-time thing; a pity kiss after the countless moves you’ve made on him. You search his eyes, looking for a sign that you’re wrong, that he enjoyed the kiss as much as you did. The smile on his face is so wide you’re surprised his face isn’t splitting. You can’t help but mimic it, hope filling your heart to the brim.“If I knew Gnash flirting with me is all it would take to finally get you to make a move, I would have done it sooner,” you murmur, rubbing your cheek against his hand. His thumb rubs small circles under your temple, and you close your eyes, a content sigh falling from your lips.“If I knew that’s what you were doing, maybe I would have controlled my temper a little better and saved my dignity,” he retorts in a faux serious tone. “But where’s the fun in that?” you laugh, leaning up for another quick kiss. He nuzzles against your face, your noses grazing each other. You suck in a slow breath, readying yourself for your next question. “So…what’s this make us? Still friends?”
“No,” he answers immediately, voice low and possessive again. You hadn’t expected the night to take this turn, but the happiness has you biting your lip, holding back your smile. Tilge’s thumb moves to your bottom lip, pulling it free from your teeth. “Be my girlfriend.” It’s more of a statement than a question and you love it. Love that he knows he doesn’t even have to ask, that you’re already his. You don’t answer him, opting to press a slow kiss to his thumb before pulling him into a hug. “Fucking finally!” Gnash yells, wrapping your both into a hug and pressing sloppy kisses to each of your foreheads. “I was starting to think you’d never pull your head out of your ass, Til.” Tilge grumbles, pulling away from Gnash and wiping the saliva off of his forehead. Gnash winks at you when you make eye contact and looks back up towards the dance floor, waving Jex and Druz back to the group.
You snuggle into Tilge, looking around at your friends laughing around you, and he tightens his arm, securing you against him. Everything's never felt as right as it does in this moment.
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cuttingthe-painter · 4 years
I went from being scared of the monster under my bed to sleeping on blankets on the ground so they'd come and cuddle me... 🐍
Okayyyyy this idea took my heart hostage. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it!! Made it a little bit angsty and a lil bit fluffy, enjoy! 
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monster under the bed (sfw)
gender neutral monster x  gender neutral human
word count: 1386
The first time you saw them was your first night sleeping with the hallway light off. You had begged and pleaded with your mom to leave it on, insisting there was just no way the outlet nightlight could keep any monsters at bay.  You had hoped tears would earn you an advantage. Instead, your mom just sighed, pulled your bedroom door closed, and left you in nothing but the dark room illuminated by street lights and the tiny dollar store night light.
Your nervous eyes panned the room, every flicker of the shadows on the wall twisting your stomach tighter with fear. Pulling the duvet up to your chin, you sunk into the pillows behind you, sheltering all sides of yourself away from the dark room. Just as your eyes fluttered closed, a slow creak filled the room.
Your eyes flew open, frantically searching the room, landing on your now-open closet door. A shriek tore from your throat when you found yellow eyes staring back at you from the crack. Your screams fell silent and you wanted to run. But you couldn't. Terror took ahold of you, locking up your body and pinning you to your bed.  
Light flooded into your room and your dad rushed to your bed, scooping you into his arms. You sobbed into his chest, curling into him and begging for him to look in the closet, to scare away the monster watching you. 
There was nothing there.
Years passed without seeing them again. There had been occasional bumps in the night, a growl from your closet and scratching under your bed, but nothing as bold as yellow eyes peering out at you. You learned to tune the sounds out, already too distracted by your parents shouts downstairs or too busy curling up in bed and crying over the school day when the thumps would sound from across the room.
They always seemed louder on your bad days, almost as if whatever was making them was trying to distract you.  You weren't scared anymore; they were a lullaby comforting you through difficult nights. A soft rumble from the closet a gentle reminder that someone still chose to be with you when the world was falling apart. That someone wanted to be with you and care for you.
Clink. Rocks pelted against your window on one particularly rough night, invading the quiet of your room, demanding your attention.
Clink. Silent tears slid down your cheeks, pooling onto the pillow, your sadness staining the fabric.
Clink. You forced out slow, shaky breaths and ignored the nuisance as best as you could, praying for someone to make it stop.
The clinking of rocks turned into the banging of a fist. The glass rattled angrily, threatening to shatter onto the floor. You pulled the blanket over your head and tried to focus on the sound of your own breathing to calm yourself, to ignore the shouts from Connor at your window.
"Come on, babe, just let me explain. Open up the window and talk to me!" You stayed still, hoping he would take your silence as an answer and just leave. He didn't. He banged on the window harder and you hoped he wouldn't wake your parents. You didn’t want them to know what happened. To know what a fool you were for believing someone like Connor could be with someone like you.
"Allison is just a friend, babe. She doesn't mean anything to me. I love you and only you, just let me in!" Your chest tightened at the mention of her. Of Allison. You squeezed your eyes shut and images of Allison in Connor's lap flashed through your mind. Her fingers in his hair, his hands on her ass. Sobs bubbled past your lips and you clasped your hands over your mouth, strangling them before any sound could fill the room.
A familiar, measured creak filled the room and you felt your body tense in response, a memory of yellow eyes replaying in your head. Claws scraped across the floor, the gritting sound growing louder and louder. You weren't scared, though; the long drag of the claws filled you with a sense of comfort.
"What the fuck?" you heard Connor say uncertainly. The pounding at the window stopped, replaced by a growl so loud that the walls of your room shook. "What the fuck!" Connor dropped from the window, the sound of crunching leaves signaling his fearful escape.
You pulled the blanket from your face, sitting up just in time to spot the retreating form of your protector slinking into the closet. Their yellow eyes met yours but this time you felt nothing but warmth for them. Warmth and appreciation and love. You wipe the remaining tears from your cheeks, drying your hands on the duvet. Yellow eyes blink, tracking the movements of your hands. You lay back down, careful not to look away, fearing they would disappear if you even blinked.
"Thank you," you whisper to them, pulling the duvet over you and curling your knees up to your chest. A soft purr rumbled from the closet, lulling you into a peaceful sleep and washing away the nightmares of the day.
When you rented your first apartment and moved out of your childhood home, you cried. Not because you would miss your parents, but because you would miss them. The one being that was always there for you, that made you feel safe and loved when no one else did. You laid in bed that first night sobbing, wishing you could go back to your parents’ house and curl up in the dark closet. When you finally fell asleep, you dreamt of claws dragging along the carpet of the apartment.
You moved through the next day on autopilot, feeling empty and alone. You unpacked boxes in a silent apartment, hoping to hear bumps and scratches from the other room. After hours of silence, you finally turned on a playlist and let yourself cry more while hanging clothes in your closet. 
After such a long day, you expected to fall asleep as soon as you hit the mattress, but loneliness crept into bed with you. You wrapped your arms around yourself, hoping the faux hug would keep it at bay. The sounds from your closet would sing you to sleep every night growing up, and sleeping without them felt impossible. Listening to the silence had anger brewing in your stomach, heating your entire body.
You threw yourself out of bed, stalking to the closet door and ripping it open. Hangers rattled from the sudden gust of wind and you focused on the dark floor, feeling yourself deflate at its emptiness. A pitiful whine escaped from your throat; you swallow it down, pushing away the lingering pain. 
You didn't believe your eyes when you turned back to the bed. You had barely caught the shining yellow eyes before they closed, blending into the darkness under the bed. But they were here. Tears filled your eyes again, a common occurrence through the last two days, and scrubbed them away, biting back the hope filling your chest. They were here, but they were hiding from you.
If they weren't going to come to you, then you would go to them. You walked to the bed, throwing pillows onto the floor. Grabbing the duvet cover, your stretch out onto the makeshift mattress and cover yourself up, facing away from the bed. You hold your breath, counting the seconds before a long, leathery arm snakes around your torso. They pull you flush against them, spooning themself around you, and nuzzling into your neck.
"Why were you hiding?" you whisper sadly, lacing your fingers through theirs. You pressed their hand firmly against your stomach, feeling their claws press against the skin through the fabric of your shirt, a reminder of what they are.  
"I thought you left to rid yourself of me," they reply. Their voice was gentler than you had imagined, velvety and smooth.   "But I couldn't stay there without you. You're all I know." Your head falls back onto their shoulder, thudding against the hard muscle. Basking in the warmth of the embrace, you both lay together in silence. You let your eyes close, knowing they'll be there tomorrow and the next day and every single day after
Thanks for reading!
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cuttingthe-painter · 4 years
Taron - Fae Boyfriend
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Oooh, what about a human in a library researching the fae in Ireland. A friend went missing. Everyone thinks they ran away, but you found things that lead you to believe the fae have them. Now you're trying to find a way in and all the ways to bargain, fight, or trick them into giving them back. The fae admires your determination.
Thank you @saviorsong​ for the prompt!
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Taron - Fae Boyfriend (sfw)
male fae x human reader
word count: 1775
Your eyes could not focus; the words on the page seem to scramble together more and more the longer you stare. You close your eyes, scrub your hands across them, and let out an irritated groan. The hours and days spent in the library seem to finally be catching up with you. All the books seem to say the same things: don’t tell the fae your name, don’t be rude to them, pay your respects, be careful with your words. What the books don’t tell you is how to get back your friend that the fae stole.
Of course, no one believed you when you claimed the fae stole Ayda; they all brushed off your claims saying ‘Ayda’s always been a wandering soul, she probably ran off on another one of her adventures.’ You listened to them and waited; Ayda was prone to taking spur of the moment trips and always came back a week or two later. But she always told you when she was going on an ‘adventure’ and after two weeks passed, you knew something was wrong.
You went to her house, letting yourself in with the key she gave you, and searched for any clues pointing you to where she went. All of her things were in their normal spots, as if she never left. Her keys hung by the door next to her coat and her purse sat on the kitchen counter. What you found in her office led you to these endless days in the library. On her desk sat a stack of papers; she had printed pages upon pages listing etiquette for interacting with the fae, where to find fairy rings, what happens if you enter a fairy ring. At the bottom of the stack was a map of the local woods covered with thick black X’s and a single black circle.
You had followed the map and went to the circle in the woods, knowing what you would find. A fairy ring sat right where the map said it would and you felt your heart sink. Sticking out of the grass outside of the ring was Ayda’s phone, covered in the morning’s dew. It was dead when you grabbed it, and even after you charged it for days, the screen stayed black. You knew it was a reach; the idea of fae stealing Ayda was outrageous, but all signs pointed to that being the case. So, you were going to get her back…you just needed to figure out how.
You’ve been coming to the library every day since, absorbing every single book on the fae that you can find, and you’ve hit a wall. Nothing seems to be working. You’ve gone to the ring every night, leaving behind shiny things, sweets you’ve made, and copious amounts of honey, yet nothing happens. You let your head fall from your hands and thud onto cold wood of the table. You know you can’t give up on her and you never would, but god are you tired.
“Well don’t give up now,” a velvet brogue taunts, “you’ve been working so hard.” Your head snaps up from the table, meeting two glimmering orbs of silver. The most beautiful man you’ve ever seen sits across from you, one arm lazily resting on the table and the other propping his head up.
Silver hair cascades over his mahogany skin, plaits woven with blue yarn scattered amongst the waves. The blue ornate clothes he wears, lined with gold, highlight the haughty air he exudes. He’s absolutely otherworldly. This realization tightens your throat, fear and victory battling to respond, clawing their way out of you. The man notes your silence, raising a perfectly groomed eyebrow in question. His silver eyes shimmer, rainbows dancing in molten silver, and your breath catches.
“Who are you?” you ask, attempting to keep the nervous tremor out of your voice. Despite your efforts, he catches the slight shake and a slow, predatory smile spreads across his face. Bright white teeth greet you, their sharp points confirming your suspicions of who- no, what- he is.
“Now, now,” he tsks with a slow, disapproving shake of his head, “you should know better than to ask something like that, especially with all this research you’ve been doing. I’ve loved all your gifts, by the way.” His eyes bore into you, hot and knowing and wild; you squirm under his gaze, feeling your neck and face flush.
“My…apologies.” You speak slowly, mulling over your choice of words. The books all told you how tricky the fae can be, how an unthoughtful sentence could lead to a multitude of troubles. He chuckles at your words, moving to lean forward and rest both forearms on the table.
“You’re so nervous,” he murmurs in a chiding tone. You watch him, unsure how to respond, and he tuts his tongue at you again. “So completely different now than you usually are. Why is that?”
“I- uh- I’m not-“ you cut yourself off, embarrassed by your unusual stutter. You face grows hotter and you attempt to swallow down the painful lump in your throat. His nose crinkles at you in frustration and he waits for you to continue. You shrug your shoulders at him and slump into yourself.
His lofty demeanor hardens, the air around you both growing thick and serious. “You obviously wanted me for something. Speak up, tell me what it is.”
“My friend went missing,” you blurt, nervously balling your hands into fists on your lap.
“Your friend went missing,” he echoes, raising that silver eyebrow into another imperious arch.
“Yes,” you breathe, cringing at the slight hiss that escapes. One of the main rules for talking to the fae is to be polite and you’re already fucking it up. Maybe it would be easier if the fae weren’t so incredibly insufferable. “I fail to see how that has anything to do with me.” He sits back lazily in his chair, pretending to clean under his nails. Anger burns at your ears and you start count your breaths to calm down. After a long moment of silence, you look back to the fae, plastering a cheery smile on your face.   “I have reason to believe she disappeared in a fairy ring,” you explain with false blithe. His eyes move from his fingers, languidly trailing up your still form. Calculating eyes meet yours and you push away the anxiety creeping in. “And I want to bring her back. People miss her.” You leave out the fact that you’re the only one who has actually realized she was missing and not just on a trip.
“How interesting,” he muses loftily, “and I suppose you want me to bring her back. Is that why you left me all those gifts?”
“The gifts were merely a friendly gesture.”
“You are most kind,” he offers, watching you expectantly.
“I’ve read that fae will sometimes… strike a deal,” you say with hesitant determination. His face instantly lights up, a joyous smile barely hiding the mischief swimming in his eyes.
“A deal,” he repeats with burgeoning excitement. “Human’s rarely attempt to make deals these days.” He stands and moves around the library table. Your stomach twists with a mix of fear and excitement as you watch him; he’s a tiger and you’re his prey. You should leave, run and never look back. Nothing good will come of this, his face tells you that much, but you need Ayda home safely.
“I’ll tell you what, little human,” he purrs, leaning against the table, his thigh hot again your arm. “I will bring your friend back, but I want you in return.”
“What?” you gasp, sliding your chair back away from him.
“I want you. A companion. A partner. A mate. Whatever you choose to call it.” He steps forward, a hand brushing through your hair as he walks around you. Could you do it? Could you sacrifice your life here to give Ayda back hers? Could you live with this strange, arrogant man? Does he want you to love him? Thought after though races through your mind, overwhelming you. Your palms start to sweat and you rub them on your jeans. “You want your friend home so desperately. You’ve been so fiercely loyal, yet now you hesitate.”
“What’s the catch? Detail it all out for me, no tricks.” His hands move to rest on your shoulders, his thumbs rubbing mindless circle.
“There’s no catch, my dove. You will give up your life here and move with me to my world. You will become my companion indefinitely and your dear friend will return back to her life.”
“Why would you want a human mate?” you pry in an attempt to find a hole in his deal.
“Fae become such boring company, but mortals are always so…human. It’s quite refreshing.”
“And what if I can’t love you? Will you still expect all the…partner perks from me?” You trip over the words, rushing the question off your tongue. You feel your face heat again and his fingers caress your cheek, savoring the warm flesh. His touch is light, but purposeful, and you find yourself enjoying it. The way he speaks to you is exasperating, so uppish and condescending, but his touch is gentle and tender and you lean into it, never wanting it to end.
“This right here tells me there is at least a chance. I have no intentions to force myself on you, my dove, that’s not fun for either of us. But I think you’ll find that you’re able to love me,” he whispers, his breath ghosting across your face. Your eyes flutter shut as his scent cocoons you. You breathe in deep, savoring his essence of freshly fallen rain and spring flowers. You can do this for Ayda.
“Will I ever be able to see her again?” you ask sadly.
“No,” he answers simply.
“Will she return safe and happy?”
“She’ll never know another sad day.”
“Then it’s a deal,” you murmur with a gentle sigh. You turn your head, looking up to him curiously. “But if we’re going to be companions, shouldn’t I know what to call you?” He laughs lightly and brushes your hair away from your face.
“You can call me whatever you like,” he states, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “But most call me Taron.”
“Taron,” you repeat, attempting to mimic the way he rolled the r and butchering it.
“Good thing you’re going to have a lot of time to work on that,” he taunts before running a hand over your eyes, coloring the world white, and whisking you away to your new life.
Thank you for reading! Please like, reblog, and let me know what you think! 
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cuttingthe-painter · 4 years
Quill - Fae Boyfriend  part 1.5 (NSFW)
I’m currently working on a Part 2 for Quill, but per an anon’s request, here is a little NSFW filler. Enjoy a little morning-after scene I put together.
This is mainly smut, but there will be fluffier things in the future.
It’s my first time writing anything NSFW so I hope it turned out okay. I’m feeling nervous posting it as its not necessarily in my comfort zone (but you only get better at things by doing them).
part 1
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male fae x female human NSFW
word count: 1232
Waking up to the unfamiliar room fills you with panic. Ice flows through your veins as you look around, cataloging the room that was very clearly not yours. Flashes of the previous night calm your panic and you relax, sinking back into the mattress. A content sigh falls from your lips as you remember Quill pulling you into his home, trailing hot kisses down your neck, carrying you to the bedroom.
You roll over gently and drink in the sleeping form of Quill; he has an arm thrown over his eyes and his mouth hangs slightly agape. Asleep, he looks practically angelic with his white hair delicately framing his soft, pale features. Quiet snores falling from his lips fill the room and you smile blissfully, enjoying these calm moments before you have to leave.
You know the drill when it comes to one-night stands; if you’ve stayed at the other person’s home, leave before they wake up. It’s just polite. No one wants to wake up to a stranger in their home and you’ve always followed the rule, it’s just never felt this difficult before. Something about Quill continues to draw you to him and you long to stay, to spend a sleepy morning with him. You push your hopes down, attempting to ignore the way your stomach curdles at the thought of sneaking out of his home, likely to never see him again.
You turn away and take a few moments to collect yourself before moving to leave the bed. Before you can get out from under the blankets, Quill’s arm wraps around your waist and pulls you back against his naked, warm chest.
“Leaving so soon?” he whispered, lips brushing against your ears. A shiver courses through your body at the contact and Quill huffs a laugh in response. “Stay in bed. Cuddle with me.”
“You…don’t want me to leave?” you ask, insecurity lacing your voice. Quill presses a firm kiss into your neck and hums a no. You settle back into him and close your eyes, enjoying the feel of your bodies pressed against each other. This wasn’t something you were used to, being held so tenderly by someone you spent the night with. You’ve had your fair share of passionate nights followed by a quick escape; no one has ever wanted you to stay in bed and cuddle.
Quill reaches up to angle your face towards him and you roll onto your back in response. He stares down at you, his face only inches from yours, and hums happily, a soft smile gracing his face. Cupping your cheek, he leans down and presses his lips to yours. The kiss was slow and lazy, completely opposite from the kisses you had shared the night before. His hand grazed down your neck, his fingers leaving hot trails as they moved to your breast. You arch up into his touch, savoring the feel of the heat flooding through your body.
You moan into the kiss and your hands find their way into his hair. Quill deepens the kiss as his hand trails down your stomach, light, tickling touches, until he finds your heat. You moan at the feel of his fingers sliding over your wetness.
“We just woke up and you’re already so wet for me,” he groaned, trailing hot, wet kisses down your neck and chest. He sucks a nipple into his mouth and earns a moan from you. His tongue runs light circles, sending more heat to your core. He moves to your other breast, giving it the same attention because kissing and licking further down your body. You close your eyes, anticipating what’s to come.
“Look at me,” he orders, looking up at you, his crystal blue eyes dark with desire. You meet his gaze and watch as he licks a firm stripe over your center. A deep moan tears through you when his tongue circles your clit. You lose yourself, arching into the pleasure and grinding down for move.
“Fuck, Quill,” you groan when he slides and finger into you. Pressure builds in your stomach from his unrelenting pace mixed with the circles he licked around your sensitive bundle of nerves. You fist one hand in his hair and the other in the bed sheets as he edges you closer. He slides another finger inside of you, pushing you over the edge. His name fell off your lips as you came. He pressed a final kiss onto your wetness before moving back up the bed.
“I want to fuck you,” Quill moans, looking down at you with lust-blown eyes. You pull his head down to yours and kiss him hungrily, the taste of yourself tearing a moan out of you. You roll Quill over and straddle his waist, watching his eyes grow impossibly darker. He reaches to his bedside table and grabs a condom, handing it to you. You put it on him and position yourself over his length and rubbed his tip at your entrance, earning a breathy fuck from him. You smile and slowly lower yourself onto him, groaning at the delicious stretch. He reaches up and palms at your breasts and you start moving. The pace allowed you to feel every ridge of his cock and you wanted more. You sped up, loving the obscene sounds of your wetness soaking him. Quill grabs your hips and flips you onto your back, eyes fixed on the spot where your two bodies met.
“Faster,” you breathe, reaching down to rub your clit. He quickens his pace and you clench around him and moan, feeling your climax nearing once again.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he murmurs, leaning in to capture your lips. His hand reaches down to replace yours and rubs fast circles over your clit. Your body starts to tense in response and Quill pulls back. He watches you writhe under him in pleasure and smiles. “Come on, baby. Come on my cock.” Your orgasm tears through you and you clench around him, cumming with a loud moan of his name. Quill moaned your name in return and screws his eyes shut in pleasure. His thrusts grow erratic and he cums with a loud groan. He stays inside of you for a moment before leaning down and pressing his forehead to yours. He peppers you with kisses in between ragged breaths and you smile. You could get used to this, lazy mornings full of soft caresses and tender kisses.
He pulls out of you and cleans himself up before rolling back to you and cradling you against his chest. He presses kiss after kiss into your hair and you smile, never wanting it to end.
“Let me take you to breakfast,” Quill requested, running a hand up and down your spine. “In fact, let me take you to breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”
“We can start with breakfast,” you laugh, knowing you would stay as long as he wanted. “If you’re as good at conversation as you are in bed, lunch and dinner will probably be in the cards.”
“Mm, that sounds like a deal,” Quill agreed, tilting your face to his to kiss you again. He pulls away and just stares down at you, his face full of adoration. Your face heats and you turn your face into his shoulder, but he turns you back. “Fuck, I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.”
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cuttingthe-painter · 4 years
Orc Boyfriend - Otho
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This is my first time every publicly sharing something I’ve written, so I hope you enjoy! I was in the mood for something fluffy and domestic, so this is what I came up with. It takes place in a modern, normal society where humans and other races/creature all kinda live in harmony.
female reader x  male monster
You had been on a mission ever since Otho had gotten home, attempting to annoy him until he was no longer upset with you. He had been giving you the silent treatment for most of the day. That morning, he had woken up and fell into his normal routine to get ready for work. You sleepily watched as he pulled his button up over his broad figure, his strong biceps flexing as he worked the buttons. The tattoos littering his chest disappeared one button at a time. He left the bathroom door open as he brushed his teeth and tusks and fixed the long, black plait that ran down his back.
When it came time for him to grab his lunch, your crime had been discovered. While you were working on your final paper during the night, the insatiable craving had hit you; you needed a cheeseburger or you would absolutely die. You had ever so silently reheated the burger, stopping the microwave right before it beeped, and ate the cheesy goodness before you finished writing for the night. How were you supposed to know that Otho planned to take that for lunch today? He rarely took leftovers to work with him.
The silent treatment had been okay while he was at work, you were busy going to classes anyways, but now that you were both home it was unbearable. When he had walked through the front door, you rushed up to him as you did every evening. He had picked you up and set you aside when you attempted to climb up his towering figure to pepper his face with welcome home kisses.
Later in the kitchen, you wrapped your arms around his waist and nuzzled your face into his muscular back. Lazily running your fingers along his abdomen while he chopped veggies for tonight's dinner. When you asked him about his day at work, he simply pulled out of your grasp, turned to the stove, and tossed the veggies into a pan. That’s when you set out to be so cute that he couldn’t help but break the silent treatment.
After Otho brushed you off in the kitchen, you changed into pajamas that you knew were his favorites. Otho’s eyes lingered on you when you walked into the living room donning his oversized t-shirt. He loved when you wore his clothes and you knew it, wearing them would usually earn you a deep, possessive growl. This time had been no different. You felt the orc’s growl rumble in your stomach from across the room. You tied his shirt up to reveal the lilac pajamas shorts that hugged your waist and accentuated your curves. Lilac was Otho’s favorite color on you; whenever you wore it, he would whisper I love you, my sweet little flower in your ear as he cradled you to him before kissing you breathless.
Heat filled his eyes as they roamed down your body. A slow smirk settled on his face as he took in the shorts. When he looked into your eyes, you understood that he knew what game you were playing. He tore his gaze from yours and went back to making dinner. You rolled your eyes and settled into the couch, opening your laptop and continuing the paper you had been working on the night before. He didn’t announce when food was done, he just spooned the stirfry into his bowl and sat on the couch to eat. You pouted as he picked up his bowl, jutting your bottom lip out and attempting the best puppy dog eyes you could muster.
“Stop looking at me like that, I can’t be angry at you when you’re looking that cute,” Otho grumbled. He continued cradling his stir fry on the arm of the couch and raised his book up to block the view of your face. You closed your laptop and set it aside before sitting up and slowly crawling to Otho’s seat on the couch. You sat back onto your heels when you were close enough to press your knees into his thigh
“I wouldn’t have to look at you like this if you would just stop being angry with me,” you whine, pulling the book out of his hand and setting it on the coffee table.
“Stop eating food that isn’t yours and I wouldn’t have to be angry at you,” Otho quipped back, shoveling a spoonful into his mouth. You reached out, attempting to grab a spoonful for yourself but Otho was faster. He raised the bowl above his head, knowing you would have to stand to even have a chance of grabbing it. He towered over you even while sitting and he loved any excuse to use the height difference against you.
“I wouldn’t have to eat your food if you didn’t cook so well. You know the extent of my kitchen skills consist of pizza rolls and microwave meals, and you’re the one who’s made sure we don't have either,” you huffed and crossed your arms, leveling him with a playful glare. His eyes softened as he looked at you; anger was nowhere to be found those rich, amber eyes. Otho sighed, moving his bowl before grabbing your hips and pulling you to straddle him. You wrapped your arms around him and smiled as he leaned down to nuzzle into your neck, his tusks tickling at your throat.
“I guess you have a point,” he said, peppering kisses on the hollow of your throat. You let out a contented sigh followed by a sharp gasp when the kisses turned into a firm bite. Otho pulled away, the devious glint in his eye sending heat flooding between your legs. His large hands grip your hips, holding you firmly on his lap. “But there were other options to choose from, yet you still choose my food, didn’t you?”
You nodded, swallowing nervously as you held his gaze. His fingers moved on your hips, the rough calluses dragging along your soft skin as his hands nudged under your shirt. You let your hands slide from around his neck and down his muscular torso to the hem on his shirt. When your fingers grazed the trail of hair leading into his sweatpants, he tsked and stilled your hands with one of his own.
“Naughty girls don’t get to lead, my sweet little flower, they get punished,” he breathed, the desire in his voice thick. He caught your mouth with his as he lifted you both of the couch and moved towards the bedroom. Mission accomplished.
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cuttingthe-painter · 4 years
Need me a big, snuggly orc boyfriend right now to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay
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cuttingthe-painter · 4 years
Vampire Boyfriend - Percy
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My friend and I both both the same book of writing prompts and have started a challenge where we each write a story based off the same prompt. This is the first one I’ve done during this challenge, I hope you all like it! I apologize for any spelling/grammatical errors, I finished this at 1am and am very tired.
Prompt: a: He read me a poem. b: And you let him live?
Also do vampires count as a monster boyfriend? I’m gonna be self-serving and just say they do! 
male monster x female reader
“He read me a poem,” you announced, busting through the apartment door. Avery looked up from her laptop, grinning at you like a madman.
“And you let him live?” You leveled her with a glare and dropped your bag, a solid thud filling the space between you two. 
“It was cute,” you huffed, yanking off your mittens and scarf before unzipping your coat. 
“You hate poetry,” Avery laughed. She closed her laptop and sat up, patting the seat next to her.  You take your boots off before walking over to the couch and falling into her side. You let out a sigh as you sank into her warmth. “Tell me about this cute poetry, then.”
“So, Percy was walking me home from class, right?”  
“Right,” Avery acknowledged, nodding her head to urge me on.
“Well, he was telling me about one of his classes where they discuss poetry. He was going on and on until I finally told him ‘I hate poetry.’ And you know what he said to me?”
“What’d he say?” Avery asked, motioning for you to grab the chips off the coffee table for her. You leaned forward and grabbed the Doritos, handing them to her before you continued. 
“He said ‘you just haven’t read the right poems’ and laughed!” you exclaimed. You grabbed a chip from the bag, popped it in your mouth, and went on. “So Percy pulled a book out of his bag and opened to a bookmarked page, as if he had been saving the poem just to read to me. Honestly, Ry? It gave me butterflies.”
“I don’t know if it was that you liked the poem, or that you liked the idea of Percy reading you a love poem,” Avery teased, waggling her perfectly sculpted brows at you. You smacked at her playfully and sat up to your phone out of you pocket. You typed the name of the poem into google and pulled it up.
“Let me read it to you,” you offered, waiting for the link to load.
“Only if you make your voice all low and dreamy like Percy’s,” Avery snorted, using the chip bag to block your next swipe at her.  You roll your eyes before clearing your throat and beginning to read.
“Outside the sky is light with stars;
There’s a hollow roaring from the sea.
And, alas! for the little almond flowers,
The wind is shaking the almond tree.
How little I thought, a year ago,
In the horrible cottage upon the Lee
That he and I should be sitting so
And sipping a cup of chamomile tea
Light as feathers the witches fly,
The horn of the moon is plain to see;
By a firefly under a jonquil flower
A goblin toasts a bumble-bee.
We might be fifty, we might be five,
So snug, so compact, so wise are we!
Under the kitchen-table leg
My knee is pressing against his knee.
Our shutters are shut, the fire is low,
The tap is dripping peacefully;
The saucepan shadows on the wall
Are black and round and plain to see.”
You finish reading the poem and look up at Avery to gauge her reaction. She’s staring at you, a sparkle in her eye and a smile on her lips. She lifts another chip to her mouth and chews thoughtfully, slower than she would normally chew. Silence sat between you both, feeling thicker with every passing second. Finally, she swallowed her chip and laughed.
“He read you a love poem!” she cheered, kicking her feet in glee and falling to her side on the couch. “What year is it! What did you say?”
“I said thank you? And told him it was a nice poem.” She stilled, slowly turning towards you. Suddenly, she kicked out, striking you in the leg. “Hey! What the hell?” 
“You dummy! He read you a love poem and you said thank you? You might as well had said ‘Thanks but the feelings are not mutual!’” She mocked in a mediocre attempt at what you could only guess was your voice. “You’ve better not have blown it. Text him right now, ask him on a date.”
“I’m not going to do that, Avery! It’s fine.” She launched towards you, attempting to snatch the phone from your hands. You shot of the couch, cradling your phone to your chest as you ran to your room. “I’ll see him in two days!”
That night, you dreamt you sat on the porch of a cottage. The moon sat amongst the splatter of stars in the night sky, casting its glow onto you. Next to you sat Percy, dressed in a loose-fitting, white crew neck tucked into high waisted denim jeans. His normally dark, messy curls were tamed, gelled into a side swept wave. He sat with his right hand resting on your left, his fingers fidgeting with a ring on your finger. The stars reflected in his eyes as he turned to look at you. He opened his mouth to speak, but all you could hear was the roar of the sea in the distance. 
The next day, you weren’t able to focus on any of your work. After hours of staring at your books and computer screen, you gave up any semblance of productivity. The weather that evening was significantly warmer than the evening prior. Perfect, I can get out of the house without freezing my ass off, you thought. You got dressed, checked yourself out in the mirror to check that you looked somewhat presentable, and went to leave the apartment. You could hear snores from Avery’s room as you walked down the hallway. She must be taking what she calls her “evening nap”, meaning she’ll be passed out until tomorrow morning. You grabbed your wallet, keys, and jacket and made your way down the block. 
The night was warm, but accompanied by a chill in the breeze. The streets were fairly empty; cars buzzed by while you moseyed along. You weren’t sure where you wanted to go, but when the warm smell of coffee enveloped you, you made up your mind. The aroma of the coffee and pastries filled your senses when you pushed passed the door. The cafe was fairly empty, only a couple of tables were occupied and there was no line. You walked up to the counter and ordered yourself a chamomile tea, hoping it would help calm your anxious mind. 
When you sit with your order, you chuckle, noting the irony of Percy reading you a poem titled after your favorite drink. Time is lost when you drink your tea and read. You had forgotten where you even were until you hear a familiar voice to your right. 
“Is anyone sitting here?” a smooth, low voice asks. You look up, smiling when you met Percy’s bright hazel eyes. He pulled the chair out when you shook your head, sitting after he set his drink down. His chestnut curls fell into his eyes as he sat; he ran his fingers through them, moving them out of his face, before rubbing his pale hand over the shaved side. A lazy smile stretched across his face when he caught you staring. You looked down at your tea, attempting to hide the blush warming your cheeks. 
“I don’t normally see you here. What brings you tonight?” Percy asked, lifting his cup to his full lips and taking a sip. You tracked the motion, acutely aware of the way it made your stomach flip. 
“I was just feeling anxious around the house,” you explain, dropping our eyes and focusing on your hands on the steaming cup in front of you. “My mind has just been racing all day. I thought a walk would help, and then I saw the cafe and thought a tea would help.” There was an understanding look in Percy’s eye, he smiled reassuringly at you and knocked his knee against yours to offer some sort of comfort.
Under the kitchen-table leg, My knee is pressing against his knee.You furrowed your brow when the poem’s lines rang through your head, accompanied by a sense of déjà vu. Percy noticed the change in your demeanor and leaned forward, his hand reaching across the table to hold yours. His hand was unnaturally cold against your warmth.
“I could join you on a walk if you’d like,” he offered gently, his thumb absently rubbing circles into your skin. You nod, standing and pulling your jacket on. “Did you want another tea before we went?”
“Sure, that’d be nice.” Percy quickly stood and moved to the counter. You walked to the trash, listening to him order as you threw your cups away. Did he order you a chamomile? You assumed he would have just ordered you a typical black tea or something; you had never told him you prefered chamomile. Maybe he had noticed the scent of your tea while you both had been sitting. 
Percy met you at the door, two drinks in hand. You took yours and breathed in the warm aroma, confirming that he did indeed order you a chamomile. You were about to ask how he knew when he opened the door and guided you out with a hand on your lower back. That was a new thing he had started doing; touching in general was something knew between you both. You fell into stride alongside him and settled into a comfortable silence. You were the first to talk, your voice soft amongst the sounds of the streets. 
“Do you go there a lot?” you asked, tilting your head back in the direction of the cafe. “M’yeah,” he replied, swallowing a mouthful of his drink. “An old family friend owns the place, Rosie. I try to visit her every evening; it’s definitely easier Tuesdays and Thursdays since its on the way home from your place.”
“Did you grow up here? Is that why your family knows her?” you probed, excited to learn more about Percy’s youth.
“I guess you could say that,” he laughed, “I’ve lived a lot of places, but something always brings me back here.” His fingers brushed against your hand as you both walked, driving the butterflies in your stomach mad. You extended your pinky towards his, chasing the feeling. When your pinkies locked, he adjusted his hand and wove your fingers together. 
“What brings you back?” His thumb began running those lazy circles over your skin again, as if it were an answer. You looked up to him, admiring the contours of his face as you waited for a response. His teeth tugged at his bottom lip while he thought; you focused on the motion, thinking about what his lips might feel like against yours. What his teeth might feel like on your skin. Heat rose to your cheeks at the thoughts and your heart fluttered in your chest. Beside you, Percy let out a shaky breath, gently squeezed your hand and pulled you to a stop . 
“Can I show you one of my favorite places?” he asked, an emotion that you couldn’t place dancing in his eyes.
“Sure,” you answered, “I’d love that.” Percy guided you both through the town, only letting go your hand to let you text Avery your plans. Conversation always flowed naturally between you both, as if you had been friends for years, and this time was no different. You wanted nothing more than to curl up and listen to him talk to hours.
Vibrations pulsing in your pocket brought you out of your daze. You let go of Percy’s hand to shuffle your drink into it as your pulled your phone out. A message from Avery flashed on your screen; you typed in your passcode to read the message.
Did he shake your almond tree yet?  A winky face and some questionable emojis accompanied the text. A snort tore from you when you read the poor innuendo. 
“What’s so funny?” Percy asked, stepping into your space to look at the screen. You locked the screen and turned to face him, not realizing just how close he was.
“Uh, n-nothing,” you stammered nervously, breath hitching in your throat. His eyes flickered to your mouth when you spoke and you watched as his tongue darted out to run along his lower lip. You bit your own as you looked from his mouth back up to his eyes. 
“Ah, well we should continue then, we’re almost there,” he murmured huskily. You let out a noise, hoping it was one of agreement, and started walking with him. When you finally saw where he was taking you, you couldn’t breathe. You had been here before. At least, in your dreams you had been here. An old cottage sat in the distance, overlooking the sea. A misty breeze welcomed you the closer you got, sending chills through you. You walked closer to Percy, searching for a warmth he didn’t have. 
Once you were at the cottage, Percy pulled you to sit on the porch with him. Images of your dream flashed through your mind, Percy sitting, his hand atop yours, as you both looked up into the night sky. 
“I feel like I’ve been here before,” you confessed, turning to meet his eyes. His hand moved to rest on yours, urging you to continue. “I don’t know why, Percy, but everything about you just seems so familiar.”
“That’s a good thing, I hope,” he said hopefully. You nodded and turned your face upwards, basking in the glow of the bright moon. 
“The best thing.” “A toast then!” Percy exclaims, a clap sounding his joy. You laughed, watching him pick up his now cold drink. You followed suit, picking up your tea. He turned to face, drink raised. “To familiarity!” “To familiarity!” you repeated, raising your cup to tap his. He pulled his cup back, not letting yours touch his. 
“And to you, my bumble-bee.” His cup tapped yours, but you didn’t feel it. All your senses clouded, your head spun. Hands steadied you, but you barely felt them. Visions flooded your mind, visions of you and Percy. Percy, in his waistcoat, walking you through a garden filled with roses. Percy, in a pale suit and straw boater hat, walking with you through the bustling city. Percy, with his white crew neck tee and high waisted jeans, having tea with you on the beach. Percy, in his fitted peacoat, drinking tea with you on the porch at your cottage by the sea.
Your cottage by the sea. The cottage Percy surprised you with after your wedding, knowing how much you loved walking along the shores at night. The cottage where you now sat, remembering every life you’ve lived with Percy. Every life where you had forgotten he existed, only for him to find you and help you remember.
“My bumble-bee,” he murmured again, moving his hand to cup your face. You nuzzle into it, inhaling his earthy scent and kissing his palm. His thumb ran along your cheek, wiping away a tear you hadn’t felt fall. “You remember?”
You did. You remembered every time you met him. Every time you loved him. Every time he asked you to join him, to take the bite and live with him forever. Every time you said no, too afraid to lose your humanity. 
“I do,” you whispered, leaning into him. When he smiled, you noticed his fangs were out. You reached up and ran your fingers along them, careful to not let them prick your finger. Percy playfully bit at them before kissing them gently. 
“Something always bring me back,” he cooed, pulling your face closer to him. “Come here.” His lips brush yours and the world fell away. All you knew was the feel of Percy holding you, his scent flooding your senses. His thumb caressed your cheek as he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. 
“I missed you so much, my sweet,” he breathed, “Every new life is more difficult than the last. I was starting to think you wouldn’t remember this time.” The sadness in his voice made your chest ache. You didn’t want Percy to have to feel that sadness, not because of you.
“Maybe this time, I stay.” Percy stilled, letting a moment pass before sitting back and holding your gaze. You couldn’t read the emotions flashing through his eyes. You sucked in a slow breath before continuing, “I think this time I’m ready for you to change me. I don’t want to forget you again.” Percy pulled you to his lap, cradling you against his chest. He pressed a kiss into your hair and rested there, breathing in your scent. 
“Oh, my bumble-bee, I’ve waited for hundreds of years to hear those words.” He kissed you again, slow and soft, conveying the emotions his words couldn’t. He pulled away, panting slightly. “But there’s still time; you don’t have to make that decision yet.”
“I love you,” you whisper, nuzzling your head into his neck. He was right, there was still time to decide, but you’ve already made up your mind. He wouldn’t have to ask you again because this time, you wouldn’t be leaving him.
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