#fakemon mixed with pokemon
pokemonfangame · 3 months
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Dimension Defender: A Pokemon Story
You play the role of a young hero who has amnesia for the first 10 years of his life, but who, on his 20th birthday, sets off on an adventure to discover the laws surrounding dimensions, in order to better protect himself and perhaps learn more about the world that took him in. Travel alongside Kawa and Eiden, who will be your travelling companions, and meet many other characters who will spice up your adventure.
4 different stories leading to a common ending
Lots of different dimensions, each with its own theme
Plenty of side quests to evolve your favorite Pokémon
A big Pokedex for fans of older Pokémon and those who prefer Fakemon
Bosses to face in Ishiria to earn lot of rewards
Gyms inspired by ultra-dimension
New battle UI,
Pokémon in Overworld,
Mana to complete puzzles,
Dynamic Light system in specific areas,
Trainer don't attack you,
Crafting table, etc…
And more to see…
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midomon · 1 year
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I love my son
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jackrabblt · 1 month
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mewtwoevolution · 3 months
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I love fossil mons! I have some fun headcannons to one day reveal here on the blog too!
But then i learned of the Galar fossils.
So heres a mything pokemon Fauxsil ((just pronounced Fossil)) to fix all that horrifying work that Cara Liss and others have done thatll make its way into the story for more mundane reasons since my world doesnt have a Galar region. Ive limited it to gen 4 and lower and to individual pokemon i love from later regions but not whole regions.
If YOU want one they come with a few rules:l below cut:
•They all originate from my universe and are sent out after other universes call for the mythic for it to be born there.
• I call it a mask but that is in fact its skull specialized to reflect away pokeball beam/tech. This fact also makes insta capture balls only have a 50/50 shot and all others useless
• sorry no shiny version, but pattern can be more detailed as long as its still got the vibe of a lab coat outfit! And mask can look different as long as it covers most of the face and head and is metalic for its typing.
• all that fluff is feathers if your a more detailed artists. Its for speed while flying and better water resistance!
• no pupils. This little thing has no eyes. It senses the world in whatever way best to find fossils as well as fossil mons.
• Teeth, pawpads, and claws can look like anything! Whatever you think fits your world best
• the bone stick can look like anything, just gotta be bone related lol
•They are genderless and non-replicating, preferred pronouns can change ((trans ur mon ues)) but they cannot have eggs/kids.
• Size ranges from 1.5 feet tall to 4 foot tall
Have fun!
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scribbledeck · 1 year
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Made some edits to my starters and added a dex design! Meet Sqord, Calfus, and Skeedandle, the starters for the Vinian region. Who would you choose as your starting partner?
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torchsart · 10 months
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yippeee zorua oc!! im in love with this design, im super proud of it !!! partially inspired by @/aurorawolfa's awesome fusions ^^
i dont have much lore for em yet, but heres what i got so far:
theyre from space! i havent decided if theyre a fusion in universe or their own species that happens to look similar to both cosmog & zorua
theyre hundreds of years old, but still considered a child among legendaries
theyre around lvl 40 from eating some space version of exp candies, but arent very experienced in battles & cant control their strength or moves very well
theyre shy, but curious & mischievous! they like playing pranks on humans from a distance, but get scared and run away or hide if caught
they can often create small portals for themself to pass thru, but cant go more than ~20 ft away at a time & cant always form a portal. this is their default method of escape
if they cant create a portal, theyll simply teleport away. it takes a lot more focus on their part, but they can go much further at once
if they feel particularly threatened and cant escape, they might try to use an attack. their attacks are uncoordinated & sloppy, but very powerful! they can cause real damage to their opponent or surrounding area
usually tho, theyll take advantage of their expert illusory skills to create a convincing threat to scare off whatevers threatening them
also fun fact their ability is loosely inspired by those cat scps who look like human men! specifically the part where they robbed a bank & didnt get shot bc their actual bodies are cat sized
so the idea for stardust is physical attacks phase thru the illusion bc its not their real body, and the attackers are aiming too high :p
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fandom-fakemon · 6 months
A Pikaclone [Electric/Psychic] based on the 1977/1980s version of Chuck E Cheese? [I highly recommend listening to the 70s and early 80s Chuck E Cheese showtapes [Youtube channel SPT Archives has plenty], the humor in them is top notch, kind of like Animaniacs and The Muppets in a way]
Now this one was a bit tricky as you said it to be a PSYCHIC type but I think we got something good on our hands (also just realised it doesn't have the pikaclone cheek pouches but just pretend that the little balls in between the wiskers are the cheek pouches)
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gourde · 8 months
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No Fire/Fairy Pokemon yet? I'll just do it myself then. Skitionkey are small mischevious things. They believe they are much stronger than they are and get upset when people just coo at them. Out of pettiness they like to steal people's left socks and burn them (That's where you socks go), untie people's shoes when they aren't looking, and steal car batteries.
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tineymang · 1 year
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its another one of my fakemon! this guy is caladestro and is the main legendary involved in the story of my fangame concept :] theyre just a funey shaped dogy nothin to worry about here
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theanoninyourinbox · 2 years
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Gooyl, the carefree Fakemon, water type. One of the three traditional Faux Region starters, Gooyl is seen as the easiest choice, though this is a mistake. They’re rather laid back, that part is true, but Gooyl require constant supervision and enrichment. If left alone, their Sapphirine teeth can slice through pillows, curtains, and couches with ease. If you’re ready for this level of responsibility, then Gooyl will be a wonderful companion and enthusiastic battler. Evolve at LVL 18 with high friendship
Glorpoise, the Carefree Fakemon, Water/Dragon. Simultaneously more energetic and lazier than its previous form, Glorpoise will sunbathe for hours, then do hundreds of jumps and laps in a lake. Their teeth are Sapphire now, and their outer tusk is sharper still. If you keep your Glorpoise entertained and exercised, you will find them a cheerful partner. Evolve at LVL 30 with high friendship
Gargloosh, the Seventh Sea Fakemon, Water/Dragon. Gargloosh are enormous, and their joy is larger still. Their tiny wings propel them through calm seas and wild storms with ease. Gargloosh are useful in high seas rescues, and with a great majority happening in the Seventh Sea, many a sailor, lifeguard, and marine biologist have a Gargloosh on their team.
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pokemonfangame · 11 months
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Pokemon Vanguard
Life of a Pokemon Trainer, leave home at a young age, collect Gym Badges and Pokemon, and take on the Pokemon league. It was what everyone aspired to be at a young age, and with such ease, anyone could do it.​
That was over 50 years ago...​
Enter Ayrei, the first region to enter the Modern era.​
In this time, Pokemon Trainers are tasked with protecting the lives of both innocent people and Pokemon across the world. One cannot become or act as a Pokemon trainer without the proper training licensing. Against them, are the Renegades, those who claim the title of a Pokemon Trainer, yet oppose these modern laws and ideas.​
You are awoken within this region, no memories, no Pokemon, only a name. With nowhere else to go, you are invited to Vanguard Academy, a school with only one purpose, to train the next generation of Pokemon Trainers.​
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midomon · 11 months
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Another silly buddy
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sketch-pencilpoint · 1 year
Sorry for not doing this yesterday. Got distracted, it will happen again
Aurinix, the final evolution of Sol-sol
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darksilvania · 7 months
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TOBOGGRUB [Toboggan + Grub] Bug/Ice The Sled Pokemon Abilities: Slush Rush/Snow Cloak - Refrigerate (HA) Dex: "It dashes through the snow at high speeds thanks to its modified legs, all up and down the snow covered hills. Kids love to ride them like sleds. Despite its small size, they are tougher than they look, with a thick protective layer of skin and special crystal-like lenses over their eyes they can easily traverse the snowy mountains of Kroel even during the heaviest blizzards.” Moveset: -Pounce -Quick Attack -Aurora Veil -Snowscape
SCARABALL [Scarab + Ball] Bug/Ice The Snow ball Pokemon >Evolves from TOBOGGRUB at level 12< Abilities: Slush Rush/Snow Cloak - Refrigerate (HA) Dex: "It encases itself in a large snowball and moves all over the mountians rolling at high speeds, however it can’t see while inside this ball, so it often crashes with anything on its path. It makes sure its snowball doesnt gain too much snow, so it doesnt get too heavy, so it sometimes crashes intentionaly to remove the snow excess” Moveset: -Steamroller -Bulldoze -Ice Ball -Hail
SNOMOBEETL [Snowmobile + Beetle] Bug/Ice The Snowmobile Pokemon >Evolves from SCARABALL at level 30< Abilities: Slush Rush/Snow Cloak - Refrigerate (HA) Dex: "It creates special snowballs mixing compacted snow with its own saliva. This snowballs are incredibly tough and take longer to melt than regular snow." It uses its modified claws and special snowballs to ride across the snow at incredibly high speeds, even using the terrain to jump over long distances. People often uses them as snow vehicles” Moveset: -Extreme Speed -Ice Spinner -Lunge -Avalanche
I decided to finish all the fakemon I have previously posted with only base colors, which are a lot, so here you have the first set of them
TOBOGGRUB is based on a sled or toboggan
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SCARABALL is based on snowballs, snow rollers. and snowmen
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SNOMOBEETLE is based on a snowmobile
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All of them also are wearing "snow gear"
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And they are all based on the Dung Beetle. just a small not, I made mine way before Rellor and Rabsca were released
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silvereyedzoroark · 4 months
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Another Thrithstore Fakemon inspired creature based on the amusing photo from shiftythrifting tumblr post down below
I present to you Whaletomen (Whale-toe-men)
Name: Whaletomen Type: Electric / Psychic Ability: Levitate Hidden Ability: Disguise Classification:  Fakémon Dex Entry:
Another strange Fakemon that is believed to be more myth than real, it is said to live in the space between worlds and its haunting songs can sometimes be picked up on certain radio frequencies.
Where ever this creature appears or goes it is always singing a haunting and strange song, that sounds like a mix of whale song and static.
Originally when I first saw the photo below I was thinking, 'Hey wouldn't it be amusing if I made a Xatu variant based on this?' and well when working on the design it became its own terrifying creature. This thing probably has conspiracy theories on wither or not its real as people claimed to have heard its song, but when they tune into the radio frequency they heard it on, its no longer their. I guess one would consider it more of an Ultra Beast than Pokemon which I guess suits the creature more.
I also imagine this thing knows the move Teleport and is partly the reason people haven't been able to catch this thing on camera easily. Also it is seems to have an effect on radio frequencies and turning T.V's to static when its near by it is also a very 'wary' creature, seeming to want to avoid human contact, but is clearly looking for something or someone.
Photo below that inspired this fakemon creation.
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loafbud · 3 months
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