#fur lilith dc
Lilibet: Für Lilith, D.C.
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Awakened Suit: Für Lilith, D.C.
You can find the original suit here.
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disco-troy · 2 years
Titan Evil Arcs Ranked
14. Roy - No one liked Roy’s evil arc. You didn’t like it, I didn’t like it, Roy didn’t like it, it erased all his characterization and put him on a path he hasn’t recovered from since. NOT ONLY THAT but
he was retconned with the worst anti-hero backstory possible. Yes, of course Roy Harper would be so want to “surpass Oliver Queen” that he would create a mercenary team called “Iron Rule” and then murder his own team bc they killed people. Also that stupid cap I hate it. This arc was character, fashion and competency assassination at the same time. Thanks Lobdell. 
13. Garth - He doesn’t really turn evil, he just gets brainwashed and zombified a little. Personally, I think Garth deserves a little bit of time to go apeshit, but his arcs so far of getting murdered and zombified by his dead wife and girlfriend and getting brainwashed by his Scottish  water evil spirit girlfriend are not it. 12. Gar - Went crazy for some reason, became a really gross throw up monster, whatever, no one remembers it, he figures out how to be sane eventually Dick didn’t even let Gar figure his stuff out he needed to announce his wedding instead. 11. Lilith - Imagine getting rebooted into the new 52 just to be a minion torturing victims with your mental powers before a ripoff hunger games starring a ripped off young justice, but also it was just a dream. idk I wasn’t paying attention. 10. Terry - we all knew there was something up with him tbh the evil arc wasn’t a surprise. He’s only this high because I find it hilarious that dc made Mav Wolfman’s self insert get a restraining order for Donna so she couldn’t see her son, immediately got killed in a car crash with said son and then just come back in increasingly graphic evil dream sequences. Don’t write your self-insert into comics, kids. 9. Kory - She gets to look cool when she’s evil but that’s it. Got killed by her sister in JLO and she wasn’t even her own evil person! She was taken over by Darkseid. Slightly cooler in flashpoint but didn’t even get to shine cause she got killed in a gasoline explosion :///. She can explode into a supernova I feel like she should be more powerful when she’s evil! 8. Wally -  Yes, he manipulated the entire justice league and framed innocents for a murder he committed, and yes he watched every single superheroes trauma therapy confessions, at least when he murdered Roy he put their dead bodies together bc friends. 7. Joey  - Listen, no one liked Titans Hunt, You didn’t like Titans Hunt, none of the Titans liked Titans hunt. Joey wasn’t even in control of him being evil and he kidnapped all the titans and kills a bunch of them, doesn’t even succeed in taking over the world and he does with an evil organization it in matching fur suits!? There are better ways to come out as a furry, Joey. At least Gar doesn’t make all his EVERYONE wear the same fur suits. Points for the homoerotic tension with Dick tho I guess. Also the idea of him having the trauma of everyone he possessed could have been cool but they bombed it so rip. 6. Hank - Listen, listen, I know the monarch story line is dumb as shit and a retcon because dc was mad everyone figured out who monarch was supposed to be but I can’t help it its so funny. fr imagine you’re Hawk, your brother and crime fighting partner is dead, as a result you get blacklisted in twelve countries because you keep beating people up. You get a new crime-fighting partner that is able to stop you from getting blacklisted in more countries, a villain named  monarch seemingly kills her. You kill the villain, SIKE! It turns out you were monarch the entire time! Time to be evil, I guess. You join Hal Jordan because he’s vibing as Parallax and then you create an alternate dimension in order to train a fake version of the titans as sleeper agent assassins for the time crisis or whatever idk. You find Terra alive and you just add her to the team?? You brainwash some dude into thinking he’s Dick Grayson to be the leader of the team for some reason even tho u hate Dick Grayson???? You use time travel to populate your team with a bunch of OCs and a vampire??? I’M SORRY HES SO FUNNY!! 5. Sure, Donna may have tried to murder all the titans (Wasn’t cool that she suffocated Karen in her hospital bed), but she’s immortal and she was having a bad day, she deserves it. Plus she acknowledges it’s because she loved them all so much  she had to kill them so she wouldn't get too attached to her friends. She also had the arc where they retconned her as evil in Wonder Woman back before ntt was canon again we don’t talk about that. 4. Dick - Pretty successful Elseworld evil arcs, good villainy, he knows how to pull it off but one big problem. Every time he’s evil, he’s so mean to his friends! In New Order he takes over the world and creates a new world order. Stephanie and Tim get like a suburban house and chill life and what the titans just have to fight the resistance against him? And then he asks them for help??? And in the vampire universe he just takes Kory captive for her blood. Dick, c’mon. Take an example from Raven, she wanted to rule with the titans as the seven sins. Or at least Wally who lay his dead body next to Roy’s bc Titans forever <3. 3. Tara - Got a pep talk from Dick Grayson, destroyed the entire world 20/10 iconic. She just needed a bit of self esteem 2. Demon raven, icon, many arcs, most of them bangers, crashed a wedding like an icon, slowly became evil bc George forgot what her forehead looked like, ect. She can pull it all off! The only reason its not number one in the list is that’s it’s done enough that writers are bad at it sometimes. And yet! they haven’t even touched on half of the excited concepts that could have come from this. Demon Raven ruling a dimension with Trigon? Maybe backstabbing Trigon? Demon Raven still wanting to save her friends or maybe destroy them? raven grappling with what she’s done with Demon Raven? An examination of what part of Raven feeds into her demon side? GUYS COME ON 1. Vic - Showstopping, incredible! Vic losing his humanity and wanted to protect the people he cared the most to regain that humanity again .... so beautiful. Giving the titans all they wanted! Giving Garth that weird mix of girlfriends in one person and Dick Batman saying he’s proud of him and Donna her child again  it wasn’t perfect but he was trying so hard.  So what if he destroyed the moon a little bit in the process, these things are messy. Plus he did it 11 years before despicable me. What a trailblazer.
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my-km-me · 3 years
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My Book Ships
+ = romantic, & = platonic
MCU Killmonger fanart on the left. Artist: https://twitter.com/MorryEvans
MCU T’Challa fanart on the right. Artist: https://twitter.com/lu_____u.
Hamish + Corinn
Akata Witch
Anatov & Chichi
Orlu + Sunny
[Orlu + Sunny] & [Sasha + darker-skinned Chichi]
OTP: Sasha + darker-skinned Chichi
Obinze + darker-skinned Kosi
OTP: Curt + darker-skinned Ifemelu
Ship Mates: Curt + Ifemelu, Obinze + Kosi
Annals of the Western Shore
Orrec + Gry
OTP: Canoc + Melle
Ship Mates: Canoc + Melle, Orrec + Gry
[Jake + Cassie] & [Tobias + Rachel]
OTP: Jake + Cassie
Tobias + Rachel
Archie comics
Alan + Josie
Alexander + Melody
aroace Jughead
Chuck + Nancy
Dilton + Danni
Harvey + Sabrina
Jason + Betty
OTP: Archie + Valerie
Reggie + Betty
Veronica + Betty
Ship Mates #1: Archie + Valerie, Veronica + Betty, Reggie + Midge, Alan + Josie, Alexander + Melody, George + Cheryl, Dilton + Danni, Chuck + Nancy, and Harvey + Sabrina
Ship Mates #2: Archie + Valerie, {[Reggie + Betty, Moose + Midge] or [Jason + Betty, Reggie + Midge]}, Dilton + Veronica, George + Cheryl, Alan + Josie, Alexander + Melody, Chuck + Nancy, and Harvey + Sabrina
Bill + Pina
Gosha + Toki
Juno + Haru 
Legoshi & Gosha
Legoshi + Louis
OTP: male Yafya/Yahya + male Gosha
Ship Mates: Yafya/Yahya + Gosha, Legoshi + Louis, Juno + Haru, Bill + Pina, Shiela + Els, Tao + Kibi, and Kai + Dom
Alpacas: Latinos
Bill: Japanese 
Dom: gay Indian 
Gohin: Chinese
Gosha: Southeast Asian
Juno: brunette biracial Japanese and European 
Kibi: Japanese of Latino decent 
Legoshi: Japanese
Louis: Brown Asian, skin is same color as his deer version's fur
Melon's father: Japanese 
Ogma: Brown Asian, skin is same color as his deer version's fur 
Others/the rest: Japanese
Pina: Inuit
Riz: Japanese
Tao: Indian
Toki: Japanese
Yafya/Yahya: Indian, skin is same color as his horse version's fur
Agata: male, Skin tone very dark like his manga lion version's fur. Headcanon: Agata defeats Melon, not Legoshi. Melon being dominating in the fight but Agata won defensively and intellectually (Subversion of typical "prey" vs. predator).
Cheetah characters
Haru: albino, Siddi-Japanese
Jaguar characters
Kai: skin is same color as his mongoose version's fur
Lion characters
Mizuchi: vitligo, Siddi-Japanese
Melon: Medium brown-skinned male. Biracial version of fanart on left.
Melon's mother
Shiela: medium brown to dark-skinned
Other: Jack: blond white American 
aroace Kai
Bill + Els
Bill + Pina
Gosha + Toki
Haru & Mizuchi 
Ibuki & Louis
Jack + Shiela
Juno + Haru
Legoshi & Gohin
Legoshi & Gosha
Legoshi + Haru 
Legoshi & Jack
Legoshi + Louis
Ogma & Louis
OTP: Melon + power bottom Agata
Riz + Pina
Yafya/Yahya + Gosha
Ship Mates: Melon + Agata, Legoshi + Louis, Yafya/Yahya + Gosha, Juno + Haru, Jack + Shiela, {Bill + Pina or [Bill + Els, Riz + Pina]}, and Tao + Kibi
Billy Bat
Tony + Diane
OTP: Ichigo + Rukia
Renji + Rukia
Ulquiorra + Orihime
Lucius + Gran'ma Ben
Cardcaptor Sakura
OTP: Syaoran + Sakura
Sakura + Tomoyo
Jdahya + Lilith
Joseph + Lilith
OTP: Nikanj + Lilith
Ship Mates #1: Nikanj + Lilith, Jdahya & Lilith, and Jdahya + Kahguyaht
Ship Mates #2: Jdahya + Lilith, Dichaan + Nikanj + Ahajas
Ahura Mazda + Nubia
Arthur Curry + Mera 
Barry Allen + Iris West
Bruce Wayne & Ace the Bathound
Bruce Wayne & Diana Prince & Clark Kent
Cassandra Cain & Onyx Adams
Clark Kent + Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent + Diana Prince + Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent & Krypto the Superdog
Clark Kent + Lois Lane
David Hyde & Kaldur
Diana Prince & Nubia
Dick Grayson + Jason Todd 
Dick Grayson + Koriand'r
Dick Grayson + Roy Harper
Dick Grayson + Wily Wendi
Duke Thomas & Cassandra Cain
Ebon (male) + power bottom male Virgil Hawkins
Elijah Snow + Anaykah
Grace Choi + Anissa Pierce
Hal Jordan + Barry Allen
Hal Jordan + Oliver Queen
Hal Jordan + Sinestro
[Hippolyta + Philippus] & [Diana & Nubia]
Jason Todd + Dick Grayson
Jason Todd + Onyx Adams
Jimmy Olsen + Lucy Lane
John Stewart + Katma Tui
Joker + Rebecca Brown
Jonathan Kent Jr. + Damian Wayne
Jonathan Crane + Becky Albright 
Kyle Rayner + Donna Troy
Lex Luthor + Amanda Waller
Lex Luthor + Natasha Irons
Malcolm Duncan + Karen Beecher
Oliver Queen + Dinah Lance
Oliver Queen & Onyx Adams
OTP: Bruce Wayne + Selina Kyle
Pamela Isley + Bella Garten
Pamela Isley + Harleen Quinzel
Renée Monotoya + Barbara Kean
Roman Sionis + Lady Marabunta
Roy Harper & Lian Harper
Scott Free + Big Barda
Stephanie Brown + Cassandra Cain 
Talia Al Ghul & Damian Wayne
[Talia Al Ghul & Damian Wayne] & Ra's Al Ghul
Terry McGinnis + Maxine Gibson
Tim Drake + Tamara Fox
Victor Fries + Nora Fries 
Victor Stone + Sarah Simmons
Ship Mates #1: Ebon + Virgil, Terry + Dana, Bruce + Selina, Dick + Jason, Kara + Babs, Tim + Tam, Steph + Cassie, Jonathan Kent Jr. + Damian, Joker + Rebecca, Jonathan C. + Becky, Victor F. + Nora, Poison Ivy + Harley Quinn, Renée + Barbara K., Clark + Lois, Lex + Natasha, Jimmy + Lucy, John H. Irons + Lana, Hippolyta + Philippus, Diana + Artemis, Ahura + Nubia, Kyle + Donna, Hal + Barry, John + Katma, Grace + Anissa, Victor S. + Sarah, Mal + Karen, Scott + Barda, and Ollie + Dinah
Batman ship mates: Bruce + Selina, Dick + Jason, Luke + Babs, Tim + Tam, Steph + Cassie, Jonathan Kent Jr. + Damian, Joker + Rebecca, Jonathan C. + Becky, Victor F. + Nora, Poison Ivy + Harley Quinn, Renée + Barbara K., and Terry + Dana
Superman ship mates: Clark + Lois, Lex + [Natasha or Amanda], Jimmy + Lucy, John H. Irons + Lana, and Jon Jr. + Damian Wayne
Wonder Woman ship mates: Hippolyta + Philippus, Diana + Artemis, Ahura + Nubia, and Kyle + Donna
Fujita + Ebisu
OTP: Kaiman + Nikaido/male Devil Nikaido + Kaiman
Shin + Noi
Ship Mates: Kaiman + Nikaido, Devil Nikaido + Kaiman, Shin + Noi, and Fujita + Ebisu
Hanani + darker-skinned Mni-inh 
OTP: Nijiri (brown Egyptian) + power bottom Ehiru (darker-skinned Nubian), both fit males 
Ship Mates: Nijiri (brown Egyptian) + Ehiru (darker-skinned Nubian), Hanani + Mni-inh
Earthsea trilogy
Ged + Tenar
For Better or For Worse
6/13/07 guy kissed Shawna-Marie + Shawna-Marie
Anthony + Elizabeth
John + Elly
Michael & Elizabeth
OTP: Michael + Deanna
Ship Mates: 6/13/07 guy kissed Shawna-Marie + Shawna-Marie, [John + Elly] & [Michael & Elizabeth] & aroace April, Michael + Deanna, and Anthony + Elizabeth
Fullmetal Alchemist
Ed & Al 
OTP: Ed + Roy
Roy + Riza
Jon + Liz
OTP: Garfield + Arlene
Ship Mates: Garfield + Arlene, Jon + Liz
Glory Field
aroace Luvenia
Elijah + Goldie
Joshua + darker-skinned Neela
[Lem + darker-skinned Lizzy] & Joshua
Luvenia & Malcolm
Malcolm + Jenn
OTP: Lem + darker-skinned Lizzy
Tommy + darker-skinned Jennie
OBHLF #1: [Lem + Lizzy] & Joshua, Joshua + Neela, Moses + Saran, Elijah + Goldie, Tommy + Jennie, and Malcolm + Jenn
OBHLF #2: Yero + Sarah, Moses + Saran, Joshua + Neela, Richard + Lizzy, Yero Jr. + Lois, Elijah + Goldie, Abby + Mary, Richard Jr. + Harriet, Robert + Virginia, Fletcher + Gloria, Tommy + Jennie, Charles + Cecilia, and Malcolm + Jenn
male Shinomura + Godzilla 
Greek mythology
Ares + Aphrodite
Hades + Persephone
OTP: Perseus + medium brown to dark-skinned Black Andromeda 
Ship Mates: Perseus + medium brown to dark-skinned Black Andromeda, Hades + Persephone, and Ares + Aphrodite
Half of a Yellow Sun
OTP: Richard + Kainene
Richard + Olana
Harry Potter
Albus Severus Potter/Ruby Remus (Potter) Potter: second child of Harry and Ginny; messy red hair, baby-faced, freckles, and hazel eyes. Ruby is derived off Rubious. Slytherin with secondary Gryffindor traits. Patronus: python, pet: cat. Godparents: Ron and Hermione. Jealous of Ted for being more close to his brother James than he can ever be.
Amare Night (Prashanth) Prashanth-Weasley: dark-skinned Black-passing biracial, toned pureblood male; high cheek bones, long 4c natural hair, human features in everything except his panther ears, tail, and maybe eyes (dark eyes regardless). Ravenclaw, with secondary Slytherin traits. Stoic masculinity, exotic. Excels in defensive and medical magic, and rarely been successfully pranked. Fred II would mock him with pet names like "kitten/kitty", "Amour/A-mine", "Sir Ice-olate", "perfect Pras/(if angered) perfect prat". Prefect. Patronus: jaguar, pets: crows
Angelina Tiana (Johnson) Weasley: resembles Tiana Benjamin, with braids. Patronus: lioness, pet: cat
Astoria Garden (Greengrass) Malfoy: fair-skinned, beautiful Romani, dark brown hair, emerald eyes. Pureblood Slytherin with secondary Hufflepuff traits. Patronus: butterfly, pet: cat
Audrey Esther Weasley: average-looking Eurocentic Jewish, curly-haired brunette, brown eyes. Ravenclaw. Patronus: octopus, pet: barn owl
Blaise Giovanni Zabini: very attractive, fair to caramel-colored biracial, toned male; with shoulder-length curly-haired auburn hair and stone cold, dark eyes. Hot, toned, curly-haired ginger Sicilian father with dark eyes, and Black mother; both divorced. Patronus: male medusa naga, pet: owl. Had a crush on "the worm head girl" instead of Ginny.
Cedric II/Muchen Potter: Cho Chang's attractive half-Chinese, half-white son. Gryffindor seeker. James would always badger him for a date. Patronus: dragon, pet: owl. Godmother: Marietta
Delphi Cross (Riddle) Potter: Voldemort's and Nagini's beautiful snake granddaughter. Just like his father before him, Voldemort didn't raise his son. Their existence was kept hidden. Delphi has her grandfather's (and father's) eyes. (Voldemort can transform into white python snake with red eyes. Nagini was never human.) Delphi's animagus is a female version of Tom Riddle. Slytherin seeker (would've been Gryffindor if she didn't protest). Patronus: python, pet: none
Dominique Marie Weasley: long-haired blond, blue eyes, freckles, veela-looking. Gryffindor. Patronus: swan, pet: dragon
Fred (II) Robin Weasley: hot alpha male, fit, medium brown-skinned with medium-length natural 3c auburn hair, freckles, and brown eyes. Gryffindor, with secondary Ravenclaw traits. His close friends are Black monoracials. Would've been prefect if he didn't abuse his power. His rival was Pras (Amare); but despite how harsh they can be with each other, he's highly protective of Amare (examples: when both were 11, he physically beat a 4th year who called Amare "swarth", and at 14 he crucio'd a 7th year guy who asked Amare out); and always invited Pras to his home for summer. Never been successfully pranked. Animagus and patronus: lion, pet: owl. Godparents: Lee Jordan and Katie Bell
Godric Gryffindor: Black male, resembles Idris Elba
Graham Gautier Montague: muscular brunette. Resembles Carlo from Godfather film. Controlling. Patronus: French bulldog, pet: Eagle Owl
Hannah Shortcake (Abbott) Longbottom: based on her movie actress. Incredibly sweet person. Patronus: pig, pet: golden toad
Helga Hufflepuff: Wolf instead of Badger as iconic animal. Eurocentic Jewish, blonde curly hair, big beautiful woman
Hermione Jean Granger-Weasley: fair-skinned biracial
Hugo Darcy Granger-Weasley: bushy brunette, blue eyes, baby-faced, freckles. Gryffindor, with secondary Ravenclaw traits. He eventually fell in love with and married Viktor's and Lavender's Gryffindor biracial daughter (has her father's facial features, natural hair, same year as him, and dainty and ladylike). He has homoerotic vitriolic friendship with her year older brother (tanned version of Viktor, natural hair, strict gentleman). Patronus: platypus, pet: cat. Godparents: Harry and Ginny
James Sirius Potter: resembles male version of Ginny, only with glasses and green eyes. Wears crop tops out uniform. Gryffindor, with secondary Slytherin traits. Patronus: fox, pet: owl. Godparents: Ron and Hermione
Katie (Bell) Jordan: resembles her movie actress. Patronus: cow, pet: owl
Katie Holly/Holly Spring (Wood) Jordan: Oliver's and Penelope's Gryffindor blonde daughter, brown eyes. Patronus: bee, pet: owl. Godparents: Lee and Katie
Lavender Azalea (Brown) Krum: resembles her Black actress. Patronus: bunny, pet: cat
Lee Mike Jordan: resembles his movie actor. Patronus: parrot, pet: owl
Lily Luna/Lily Artie (Potter) Scamander: Final child of Harry and Ginny. Artie is derived off of Arthur. Straight jet black hair, brown eyes. Quidditch Keeper. Patronus: donkey, pet: toad. Godparents: Ron and Hermione
Lorcan Ronan Scamander and Lysander Helios Scamander: Both Ravenclaw. One of them is Quidditch chaser. Patronuses: wolf-dog and axolotl, pets: owl and cat. Godparents: Harry and Ginny
Louis Alain Weasley: Ugly-hot, Wolfish-looking, long gray-haired, bushy eyebrows and sideburns, deep blue eyes, freckles. Has a homoerotic friendship with his vampire Romani best friend (looks like male version of Fang from Final Fantasy XIII, troubled personality). After school, he fell in love with an Irish Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw. Patronus: unicorn, pet: bat (much to his mother’s chagrin). Godfather: Charlie
Lucy Francine Weasley: squib, average-looking Eurocentic Jewish, curly-haired brunette, brown eyes, wears glasses. Intellectual, would've been Ravenclaw. Became an attorney for wizards, much to her parents' pride. In her adult years, she eventually fell in love with and married a handsome Slavic muggle cop with dark medium-length hair, thin mustache, and brown eyes. He's not afraid to stand up for justice, including corrupt cops and wizards. Guardian: George, pet: cat
Michael Corner: NBPOC Indian
Molly Ann (Weasley) Wood: average-looking Eurocentic Jew, curly-haired brunette, brown eyes, chubby. Eventually fell in love with and married Oliver's and Penelope's Ravenclaw son, very sweet relationship. Gryffindor. Patronus: giraffe, pet: cat. Guardian: George 
Mr. Granger + Mrs. Granger: Paul Thornley Granger + Noma (Dumezweni) Granger respectively. They resembles Cursed Child's first actors who played Ron and Hermione. They banter a lot.
Mr. Prashanth + Mrs. Prashanth: Slytherin Black Ethiopian father and Slytherin Indian mother Amare, human features in everything except their cat ears, tail, and maybe eyes. Both dark-skinned and conservative. Mr. Prashanth is jaguar neko and his patronus is hyena. Mrs. Prashanth is panther neko and her patronus is cobra. 
Oliver Bark Wood: his movie actor. Patronus: flying squirrel, pet: owl
Penelope Marina (Clearwater) Wood: resembles her movie actress. Patronus: orca, pet: cat
Percival II/Lance Pine Wood: Oliver's and Penelope's son, blond hair, brown eyes. Patronus: woodpecker, pet: owl. Ravenclaw keeper. Godparents: Lee and Katie
Rolf Newt Scamander: NBPOC Indian, Hufflepuff. Patronus: bull, pet: cat
Rose Jane (Granger-Weasley) Malfoy: bushy auburn-colored hair, brown eyes, freckles. Nicer version of Hermione. Ravenclaw, with secondary Gryffindor traits. Patronus: beaver, pet: owl. Godparents: Harry and Ginny
Rowena Ravenclaw: beautiful brown-skinned Romani, straight black hair 
Roxanne Angel (Weasley) Montague: hot, light-skinned, 3c natural brunette, brown eyes; Gryffindor, with secondary Slytherin traits. Quidditch chaser. Prankster. Patronus: Impala, pet: owl. Godparents: Lee and Katie. Her lover (Graham's Slytherin blond son) has a foemance relationship with her goofy best friend, Lee's and Katie's Gryffindor son. 
Salazar Slytherin: Nordic, pale-skinned, blond hair, blue eyes
Scorpius Taran Malfoy: dark hair with silvery blond streaks and gray eyes, fanon Draco's personality. Hufflepuff, with secondary Slytherin traits. Patronus: mongoose, pet: cat. Godfather: Graham
Seamus Cillian Finnigan: looks nothing like his movie actor, baby-faced. Patronus: Golden Retriever, pet: owl
Ted Moon Lupin: multi-colored hair, brown eyes. Resembles Leon from Resident Evil. Gryffindor, with secondary Hufflepuff traits. Patronus: chameleon, pet: owl
Victoire Belle (Weasley) Lupin: long haired violet redhead, blue eyes, veela-looking, freckles. Hufflepuff. Patronus: peacock, pet: cat. Godfather: Charlie
Albus Potter & Scorpius Malfoy ho-yay
Albus Potter & [Scorpius Malfoy + Rose Granger-Weasley]
aroace Charlie Weasley
aroace Dominique Weasley 
Arthur Weasley + Molly Weasley I
Arthur Weasley & Lucy Weasley
Bill Weasley + Fleur Delacour
[Bill Weasley + Fleur Weasley] & Victoire & Dominique & Louis 
Blaise Zabini + Amare Prashanth
Cedric Diggory + Cho Chang
Cedric Diggory + Seamus Finnigan
Charlie Weasley & Dominique Weasley
Charlie Weasley & Norberta 
Dean Thomas + Luna Lovegood
Draco Malfoy + Astoria Greengrass
[Draco Malfoy + Astoria Malfoy] & Scorpius Malfoy
Fred Weasley I + Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley II + power bottom Amare Prashanth
George Weasley + Angelina Johnson
Ginny Weasley + Luna Lovegood
Graham Montague + Angelina Johnson
Harry Potter + crush on Cedric Diggory
[Harry Potter + Ginny Potter] & [Ted & James II] & Albus II & Lily II
Harry Potter + Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter & Hermione Granger
Harry Potter & Rubeus Hagrid
Harry Potter & [Ron Weasley + Hermione Granger]
Harry Potter & Ted Lupin
James Potter I + Lily Evans
James Potter I + Severus Snape
James Potter II + Cedric II
James Potter II + crush on Ted Lupin
Lee Jordan + Katie Bell
Lorcan Scamander + Lily Potter II
Lucius Malfoy + Hermione Granger
Lucius Malfoy + Narcissa Black
[Lucius Malfoy + Narcissa Malfoy] & Draco Malfoy
Lysander Scamander + Lily Potter II
Molly Weasley I & Molly Weasley II
Mr. Granger + Mrs. Granger
[Mr. Granger + Mrs. Granger] & Hermione Granger
Neville Longbottom + Hannah Abbott
One Big Happy Weasley Family 
OT3: [Sirius + James I] & Remus
OT4: [George Weasley + Angelina Weasley] & Fred II & Roxanne
OT5: [Mr. Granger + Mrs. Granger] & Hermione & Rose & Hugo
OTP: Voldemort/Tom Riddle Jr. + Nagini
Past Blaise Zabini vs. Amare Prashanth, foemance mainly from Blaise
Past Fred Weasley II vs. Amare, foemance mainly from Fred Weasley II
Percival Weasley + Audrey Weasley
[Percival Weasley + Audrey Weasley] & Molly Weasley II & Lucy Weasley
Percival Wood + Lucy Weasley
Percival Wood + Molly Weasley II
Regulus Black + Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin + Nymphadora Tonks 
[Rolf Scamander + Luna Scamander] & [Lorcan & Lysander]
Ron Weasley + crush on Viktor Krum
Ron Weasley + Hermione Granger
[Ron Weasley + Hermione Granger-Weasley] & Rose & Hugo
Scorpius Malfoy + Rose Granger-Weasley
Severus Snape + Lily Potter I
Sirius Black + James Potter I
Ted Lupin & James Potter II
Ted Lupin + Victoire Weasley
Tom Riddle Jr. + Harry Potter
OBHWF #1: Arthur + Molly, Bill + Fleur, Percy + Audrey, George + Angelina, Harry & [Ron + Hermione], Harry + Ginny, Mr. Johnson + Mrs. Johnson, James + Lily, Mr. Granger + Mrs. Granger, Remus + Tonks, Ted + Victoire, Percy II + [Molly II or Lucy], Oliver + Penelope, Albus II & [Scorpius + Rose], Draco + Astoria, Lucius + Narcissa, James II + Cedric II, Rolf + Luna, Lorcan/Lysander + Lily II, and other relationships (platonic) in this family 
OBHWF #2: Arthur + Molly, Bill + Fleur, Percy + Audrey, George + Angelina, Harry & [Ron + Hermione], Harry + Ginny, Ted + Victoire, Mr. Johnson + Mrs. Johnson, Paul + Noma, James + Lily, Remus + Tonks, Louis + his wife, Oliver's and Penelope's son + Molly II, Lucy's husband + Lucy, Oliver + Penelope, Lee's and Katie's son + Holly, Lee + Katie, Fred II + Amare, Mr. Prashanth + Mrs. Prashanth, Graham's son + Roxanne, Ruby & [Scorpius + Rose], Ruby + Delphi, Draco + Astoria, Lucius + Narcissa, Hugo + Viktor's and Lavender's daughter, Viktor + Lavender, James II + Cho's son, Voldemort/Tom Riddle Jr. + Nagini, Rolf + Luna, Newt + Tina, Lorcan + Lily II, Lysander + Neville's and Hannah's chubby Hufflepuff daughter, and other relationships (platonic) in this family 
Ship Mates #3: Fred II + Amare, George + Angelina, Fred I + Hermione, Harry & Hermione, Harry + Ginny, Lee + Katie, Lee's and Katie's son + Roxanne, Dean + Luna, Cedric + Seamus, Tom Riddle Jr. + Nagini, and Draco + Astoria
Ship Mates #4: Blaise + Amare, Harry + Draco, Harry & Hermione, Fred + Hermione, George + Alicia, Lee + Katie, Graham + Angelina, Ginny + Luna, and Tom Riddle Jr. + Nagini
Ship Mates #5: Mr. Paul Granger + Mrs. Noma Granger, [Sirius + James] & Remus, Regulus + Remus, Severus + Lily, [Harry + Hermione] & Ron, Ron + Draco, and Ginny + Luna
Ship Mates #6: Mr. Paul Granger + Mrs. Noma Granger, James + Severus, James & [Sirius + Remus], Lucius + Narcissa, Tom Riddle Jr. & Nagini, Tom Riddle Jr. + Harry, Harry & [Ron + Hermione], and Draco + Astoria
If Beale Street Could Talk 
Fonny + Tish 
OTP: albino Itempas + Bluish-black Nahadoth, both fit males
Sieh + Deka
Ship Mates: Itempas + Nahadoth, Sieh + Deka
Kikyo & her serpents
Koga + Kagome
Kohaku + Rin
Miroku + Sango
OTP: Inuyasha + Kikyo
Sesshomaru + Kagura
Headcanon look for the losers are their 90s movie counterparts, save for Bill and Bev (their kid counterparts are passable, save for lack of red hair)
Ben + Bev
Bill (male) + Mike
OTP: Richie + Eddie
Ship Mates: [Bill + Mike] & [Richie + Eddie] & [Ben + Bev] & Stan, Stan + Patty
OTP: Kevin + Dana
Rufus + Alice
Rufus + Dana
Ship Mates: [Kevin or Rufus] + Dana, Isaac + Alice, and Luke + Carrie
Arabanoo + Coorah
aroace Jir 
Darel & Coorah
Darel & Gee
OTP: male Burnu + male Darel
Pigo (male) + male Darel
Ponto + Gee
Sergu + Yabber
Stinger + Tipi
Tarantula male OC + male Apari
Ship Mates #1: Burnu + Darel, Ponto + Gee, Arabanoo + Coorah, Apari + Acala, Sergu + Yabber, and Stinger + Tipi
Ship Mates #2: Stinger + Tipi, Pigo + Darel, Burnu + Dingo, Ponto + Gee, Arabanoo + Coorah, Apari + Acala, and Sergu + Yabber 
Ship Mates #3: Tarantula male OC + Apari, Sergu + Yabber, Burnu + Dingo, Arabanoo + Coorah, and Ponto + Gee (and Darel + Quoba, and Stinger + Tipi)
Like Water For Chocolate
Pedro + Tita
Ship Mates: Jose’s [father + medium brown to dark skinned mother], Jose + Elena, Juan + Gertrudis, Pedro + Tita, and Alex + Esperanza
Love and Rockets
Hopey + Maggie
OTP: El Diablo Blanco + Danita Lincoln
Ship Mates: Hopey + Maggie, El Diablo Blanco + Danita
Marvel comics
Aamir Khan + Tyesha Khan
[Aamir Khan + Tyesha Khan] & Malik Khan
Adrian Toomes & Tiana Toomes
America Chavez + Kate Bishop
Ayo + Aneka
Balder + Sarah Rogers
Billy Kaplan + Teddy Altman
Bruno + Kamala Khan
Bucky Barnes + Natasha Romanoff
Burnum + Kadee
[Burnum + Kadee] & Bishop
Carnage (male) + Miles Morales
Clint Barton + Bobbi Morse
Clint Barton + Natasha Romanoff
Danielle Cage + Lucy Rand
Danny Rand + Misty Knight
[Danny Rand + Misty Knight] & Lucy Rand
Erik Lehnsherr + Charles Xavier
[Forge + Ororo Munroe] & Naze Munroe & Orora Munroe
Hulk + Betty Ross
J. Jonah Jameson Jr. + Marla Madison
J. Jonah Jameson Sr. + May Parker
Johnny Storm + Janet van Dyne
Kamala Khan & Robbie Reyes
Ken Mack + Jennifer Takeda
Khan family: [Yusuf + Muneeba] & Kamala & [Aamir + Tyesha] & Malik
Kymera Udaku & her panther
[Logan + Ororo Munroe] & Kendall
Logan's and Jean Grey's redhead son + Kymera Udaku
Logan's and Jean Grey's redhead son + Sh'ri Udaku
Loki + Leah
Lucas Bishop + Cal'syee
Lucy Rand + Danielle Cage
Luke Cage + Jessica Jones
[Luke Cage + Jessica Jones] & Danielle Cage
Lunella & Devil Dinosaur
Miles Morales vs. Carnage, foemance only from Carnage 
Miles Morales + Tiana Toomes
N’Jadaka II (albino or vitiligo version of Michael B. Jordan) + Azari (or N’Jadaka II looks like man in left art by https://twitter.com/MorryEvans); both masculine males 
Namor + Susan Storm
Namor's and Susan Storm's son + Kymera Udaku
Namor's and Susan Storm's son + Sh'ri Udaku
Nightcrawler + Ororo Munroe
Olivier LeBeau + Becka Munroe
Otto Octavius + Emma Hernandez
Otto Octavius + May Parker
OTP: Logan + Ororo Munroe
Past Azari vs. anti-hero N’Jadaka II, foemance mainly from N’Jadaka II (albino or vitiligo version of Michael B. Jordan; N’Jadaka II looks like man in left art by https://twitter.com/MorryEvans)
Peter Parker + Mary Jane 
Peter Parker & Miles Morales & Wade Wilson
Peter Parker vs. Venom
Peter Parker vs. Venom vs. Carnage
[Peter Parker &/vs. Venom] vs. Carnage 
Peter Parker + Wade Wilson
Reed Richards + Susan Storm
Reed Richards' and Susan Storm's son + Kymera Udaku
Reed Richards' and Susan Storm's son + Sh'ri Udaku
Remy LeBeau + Anna Marie
Remy LeBeau + Ororo Munroe
[Remy LeBeau + Ororo Munroe] & Medea LeBeau
Remy LeBeau's and Anna Marie's auburn haired son + Kymera Udaku
Remy LeBeau's and Anna Marie's auburn haired son + Sh'ri Udaku
Salamander + Medea
Sam Wilson + Leila Taylor
Sauron + Ororo Munroe
Sauron II + Kymera Udaku
Sauron II + Sh'ri Udaku
Scott Summers + Jean Grey
Scott Summers' and Emma Frost's blond haired son + Kymera Udaku
Scott Summers' and Emma Frost's blond haired son + Sh'ri Udaku
Shuri Udaku + Riri Williams
[Steve Rogers + Anna Marie] & Sarah Rogers 
Steve Rogers + Clint Barton
Steve Rogers + Natasha Romanoff
Steve Rogers + Sharon Carter
Steve Rogers + Tony Stark
Steve Rogers' and Natasha Romanoff's redhead son + Kymera Udaku
Steve Rogers' and Natasha Romanoff's redhead son + Sh'ri Udaku
T’Challa Udaku & Avengers, especially Steve Rogers and Tony Stark
T’Challa Udaku + Monica Lynne
[T’Challa + Monica Lynne] & Faida
Tommy Shephard + David Alleyne
Venom + Carnage
Venom &/vs. Carnage
Venom vs. Carnage
Venom + Peter Parker
Victor von Doom's and Susan Storm's son + Kymera Udaku
Victor von Doom's and Susan Storm's son + Sh'ri Udaku
Vincent van Doom + Kendall Logan
Vision + Wanda Maximoff
Yusuf Khan + Muneeba Khan
[Yusuf Khan + Muneeba Khan] & Kamala Khan
Avengers ship mates #1: [Avengers: Tony Stark, Thor, Henry Pym, Janet van Dyne, Hulk, Steve Rogers, T’Challa Udaku, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, and Vision], Avengers & each other in general, {[Steve + Clint, Tony + Rhodey] or [Steve + Tony, Clint + Bucky]}, Thor + Sif, Hank + Jan, Hulk + Betty, N’Jadaka (Michael B. Jordan) + T’Challa (power bottom), and Vision + Wanda
Avengers ship mates #2: [Avengers: Tony Stark, Thor, Henry Pym, Janet van Dyne, Hulk, Steve Rogers, T’Challa Udaku, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, and Vision], Avengers & each other in general, Steve & Tony, Thor + Sif, Hank + Jan, Hulk + Betty, Steve &/vs. Clint, Steve + Sharon, T’Challa + Monica L., Clint + Bobbi, Bucky + Natasha, Vision + Wanda, and {Other timelines: [N’Jadaka (Michael B. Jordan) + power bottom T’Challa], or [N’Jadaka II + Azari, and Past Azari vs. dom N’Jadaka II foemance]}
Black Love ship mates: T’Challa + Monica L., Killmonger + Madam Slay, {Other timelines: N’Jadaka (Michael B. Jordan) + T’Challa (power bottom), or [N’Jadaka II + Azari, and Past Azari vs. dom N’Jadaka II foemance]} Shuri + Riri, Ayo + Aneka, and Sam Wilson + Leila
Cage-Rand Family: Danny + Misty, Luke + Jessica, and Lucy + Danielle/Danielle + Lucy
Captain Marvel ship mates: Bruno + Kamala, Kamala & [Aamir + Tyesha] & [Yusuf + Muneeba], Kamala & Nakia, and Zoe + Nakia
Spidey Family #1: [Peter + Wade] & Miles Morales, Miles + Tiana, Harry + Gwen, {[Jameson I + May, Jameson II + Marla, Otto + Emma Hernandez] or Otto + May}, and Adrian + Doris
Spidey Family #2: Peter + Felicia, Miles + Tiana, Peter vs. dom Venom foemance, Miles Morales vs. dom Carnage foemance, [Peter & Miles] vs. [Venom vs. Carnage], Harry + Gwen, {[Jameson I + May, Jameson II + Marla, Otto + Emma Hernandez] or Otto + May}, and Adrian + Doris
Spidey Family #3: Carnage + Miles Morales, Peter & Miles, Venom &/vs. Carnage, Venom + Peter, Norman + Gwen, and {[Otto + Emma Hernandez, Jameson I + May, Jameson II + Marla] or Otto + May}
Spidey Family #4: Norman + Peter, Carnage + Miles Morales, Venom vs. Carnage, Venom + Eddie, Harry + Gwen, and {[Otto + Emma Hernandez, Jameson I + May, Jameson II + Marla] or Otto + May}
X-Men ship mates #1: Wolverine + Storm, Magneto + Prof. Xavier, Cyclops + Jean Grey, Gambit + Rogue, Colossus + Kitty, Bishop + Deathbird, and Burnum + Kadee (and Dani + Rahne, Sam + Kindra, and Doug + Bei)
X-Men ship mates #2: Nightcrawler + Storm, Magneto + Prof. Xavier, Wolverine + Jean Grey, Cyclops + Emma Frost, Gambit + Rogue, Colossus + Kitty, Bishop + Deathbird, and Burnum + Kadee (and Dani + Rahne, Sam + Kindra, and Doug + Bei)
X-Men ship mates #3: Gambit + Storm, Magneto + Prof. Xavier, {[Wolverine + Nightcrawler, Cyclops + Jean Grey] or [Wolverine + Jean Grey, Cyclops + Emma Frost]}, Colossus + Kitty, Bishop + Deathbird, and Burnum + Kadee (and Dani + Rahne, Sam + Kindra, and Doug + Bei)
X-Men ship mates #4: Wolverine + Storm, Vincent van Doom + Kendall Logan, Balder + Sarah Rogers, Steve Rogers + Rogue, Thor + Amora, Clint Barton + Jennifer Walters, Johnny Storm + Janet van Dyne, Magneto + Prof. Xavier, Bishop + Deathbird, and Burnum + Kadee (and Dani + Rahne, Sam + Kindra, and Doug + Bei)
X-Men ship mates #5: Gambit + Storm, Salamander + Medea, Wolverine + Kitty, Cyclops + Jean Grey, Colossus + Polaris, Magneto + Prof. Xavier, Bishop + Deathbird, and Burnum + Kadee (and Dani + Rahne, Sam + Kindra, and Doug + Bei)
X-Men ship mates #6: Olivier LeBeau + Becka Munroe, Rico Richards + [Sati or Sophie von Doom], Gambit + Rogue, Reed Richards + Sue, Colossus + Polaris, Cyclops + Emma Frost, Wolverine + Jean Grey, Bishop + Deathbird, and Burnum + Kadee (and Dani + Rahne, Sam + Kindra, and Doug + Bei)
X-Men ship mates #7: Sauron + Storm, Magneto + Prof. Xavier, {[Wolverine + Nightcrawler, Cyclops + Jean Grey] or [Wolverine + Jean Grey, Cyclops + Emma Frost]}, Gambit + Rogue, Colossus + Kitty, Bishop + Deathbird, and Burnum + Kadee (and Dani + Rahne, Sam + Kindra, and Doug + Bei)
X-Men ship mates #8: Emma Frost + Storm, Magneto + Prof. Xavier, Wolverine + Nightcrawler, Cyclops + Jean Grey, Gambit + Rogue, Colossus + Kitty, Bishop + Deathbird, and Burnum + Kadee (and Dani + Rahne, Sam + Kindra, and Doug + Bei)
Young Avengers ship mates: [America Chavez + Kate] & [Tommy + David] & [Billy + Teddy] & Teen Loki, Teen Loki + Leah, and Mettle + Hazmat
Mega Man, Archie comics
Albert Wily & [Wily sons & each other in general]
Bass Wily &/vs. Albert Wily
Bass Wily & Treble
Blues Light &/vs. Rock Light
Blues Light + Rock Light
Blues Light & Tempo LaLinde
Gilbert Stern & Roslyn Krantz
Gilbert Stern + Roslyn Krantz
[Mikhail Cossack & Kalinka Cossack] & [Mikhail's sons & each other]
One Big Happy Light-Wily-Cossack Family
OT3: [Rock Light & Roll Light] & Thomas Light
OTP: Blues Light &/vs. Thomas Light
Pharaoh Man (brown male) + dark Black Nubian-themed male robot OC; both equally masculine and sized 
{[Rock Light & Roll Light & Thomas Light & (X Light &) Rush] & [Thomas' other creations & each other]} & Auto
Rock Light & Rush
[Rock Light & X Light] & Thomas Light
Thomas Light + Albert Wily
[Zero Wily &/vs. Bass Wily] &/vs. Albert Wily
Zero Wily + X Light
OBHLWCF: Past Thomas + Albert, Zero + X, Thomas & Mikhail, Albert vs. Mikhail, Snake Man + Toad Man, Rock & Rush, Bass & Treble, Thomas &/vs. Blues, Albert &/vs. Bass, Thomas & Rock, Albert & Shadow Man, Mikhail & Pharaoh Man, Thomas & Roll, Mikhail & Kalinka, Noele & Tempo, Roll & Kalinka & Tempo, Thomas + Noele, Blues & Tempo, (Thomas & [Rock & X], Albert &/vs. [Zero &/vs. Bass], Mikhail & [Roll & Axl],) Pharaoh Man + OC, and rest of the platonic ships within this family  (especially Thomas' other creations & each other, Wily's other sons & each other, and Mikhail's sons & each other)
Parable of the Sorrow
Don Casey + Alexandra
Harry + Joanne
OTP: Bankole + darker-skinned Lauren
Rev. Olimina + Cory
Travis + Natividad
Ship Mates: Bankole + Lauren, Rev. Olimina + Cory, Travis + Natividad, Harry + Joanne, and Don Casey + Alexandra
Doro + darker-skinned Anyanwu
Purple Hibiscus
Amadi + darker-skinned Kambili
Rockman Gigamix manga
Albert Wily & [Wily sons (save Forte) & each other], including his honorary one Shadow Man 
Blues Light & Tango
Forte Wily &/vs. Albert Wily
Forte Wily & Gospel
Freeze Man + Ice Man
[Mikhail Cossack & Kalinka Cossack] & [Mikhail's sons & each other, especially Skull Man Cossack & Ring Man Cossack] in general
Mikhail Cossack &/vs. Skull Man Cossack
One Big Happy Light-Wily-Cossack Family 
OT3: [Rock Light & Roll Light] & Thomas Light
OTP: Shadow Man + Blues Light
Pharaoh Man (brown male) + dark Black Nubian male robot OC; both equally masculine and sized
{[Rock Light & Roll Light & Thomas Light (& X Light) & Rush] & [Thomas' other creations (save Blues Light) & each other]} & Auto
Rock Light & Rush
Roll Light + Kalinka Cossack 
Snake Man Light-Wily + Toad Man Cossack
Thomas Light + Albert Wily
OBHLWCF: Shadow Man + Blues, Roll + Kalinka, Snake Man + Toad Man, Thomas + Albert, Thomas & Mikhail, Albert vs. Mikhail, Thomas & [Rock & Roll], Albert & Shadow Man, Mikhail & Kalinka, Thomas &/vs. Blues, Albert &/vs. Forte, Mikhail &/vs. Skull Man, Rock & Rush, Forte & Gospel, Freeze Man + Ice Man, Pharaoh Man + OC, and rest of platonic ships within this family (especially Thomas' other creations & each other, Wily's other sons & each other, and Mikhail's sons & each other)
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Edward + medium brown to dark-skinned Deborah
Paul-Edward + medium brown to dark-skinned Caroline
Ship Mates: Edward + Deborah, Paul-Edward + Caroline, David + Mary, and Jeremy + Stacey
Rurouni Kenshin
Enishi + Kaoru
Kenshin + Tomoe
OTP: Kenshin + Kaoru
Saito + Sanosuke
Sailor Moon
Amara + Bunny
Artemis + Luna
[Darien + Bunny] & Rini��
Hotaru + Rini
OTP: Darien + Bunny
Pegasus + Rini
Rei + Minako
Seiya + Usagi 
Setsuna & Rini
Griffin + Luna
OTP: male Goth + male Shade
Shade + Marina
Zotz (male) + male Goth
Zotz (male) + [male Goth + male Shade]
Zotz (male) + male Shade
Ship Mates #1: Goth + Shade, Chinook + Marina 
Ship Mates #2: Zotz + Goth, Chinook + Shade, and Ariel + Marina
Sonic the Hedgehog
Archie Comics
Amadeus + Rosemary
Argyle + Lara-Su
aroace Rotor
Blaze + Cream
Blaze & Silver
Bunnie & Tails
Charmy + Saffron
Demo + Belle
Espio + Nicole
Geoffrey (male) + male Elias
Ivo + Thunderbolt
Ivo + Witchcart
Jacques + Melody
Jules + Bernie
Knuckles + Julie-Su
[Knuckles + Julie-Su] & Lara-Su
Maximillian + Alicia
Mina + Nicole
OT4: [Antoine + Bunnie] & [Jacques & Belle]
OTP: Antoine + Bunnie
Razor + Coral
Remington + Komi-Ko
Sally & Elias
Sally + Nicole
Scourge + Fiona
Shadow + Rouge
Shard + Nicole
Silver + Gold
Snively + Regina
Sonic + Amy
Sonic + Blaze
Sonic + Bunnie
Sonic + Sally
[Sonic + Sally] & [Antoine + Bunnie]
[Sonic + Sally] & Manik & Sonia
Tails + Mina
[Tails + Mina] & Melody & Skye
Wynmacher + Lara-Le
Ship Mates #1: Antoine + Bunnie, Geoffrey + Elias, Sally & Elias, Sonic + Sally, Tails + Mina, Knuckles + Julie-Su, Vector + Vanilla, Argyle + Lara-Su, Jacques + Melody, Demo + Belle, Skye + Sonia, Espio + Nicole, Charmy + Saffron, Honey + Amy, Scourge + Fiona, Shadow + Rouge, Blaze & Silver, Blaze + Cream, Silver + Gold, Amadeus + Rosemary, and Razor + Coral
Ship Mates #2: Antoine + Bunnie, Geoffrey + Elias, Sally & Elias, Sally + Nicole, {[Sonic + Amy, Blaze + Cream] or Sonic + Blaze}, Blaze & Silver, Blaze + Cream, Silver + Gold, Tails + Honey, Knuckles + Julie-Su, Scourge + Fiona, Shadow + Rouge, Amadeus + Rosemary, and Razor + Coral
IDW comics
E-123 Omega + Cream
Gemerl + Cream
Kit (male) + male Tails
Mr. Tinker & Belle the Tinkerer
OTP: male Dr. Starline + male Dr. Robotnik
Sonic + Amy
Sonic + Blaze
Surge + Amy
Surge & Kit
Tangle + Whisper
Vector + Espio
[Vector + Espio] & Charmy
Vector + Vanilla
[Vector + Vanilla] & Cream
Ship Mates: Starline + Robotnik, Sonic & Tails, Sonic + Blaze, Kit + Tails, Surge & Kit, Surge + Amy, Tangle + Whisper, Gemerl + Cream, and Vector + Vanilla
Angela + Anahita
OTP: male Spawn + Wanda
Spawn & Cyan
Spawn & Granny
[Spawn (male) + Wanda] & Cyan
Ship Mates: Spawn + Wanda, Angela + Anahita
Speech Sounds
Obsidian + darker-skinned Rye
Star Wars Legends/Expanded Universe
Ahsoka + Kaeden
Anakin Skywalker + Padme Amidala 
Anakin Solo + Tahiri Veila
aroace Yoda
Bail Organa + Breha Organa
Ben Skywalker + Vestara Khai
Han Solo + Leia Organa
Jacen Solo + Ben Skywalker
Jacen Solo & Jaina Solo
Jacen Solo + Tenel Ka Djo
Jagged Fel + Jaina Solo
Jagged Fel + Jaina Solo + Zekk
Jariah Syn + Ahnah Rawk
Kol Skywalker + Morrigan Corde
Luke Skywalker + Brakiss
Luke Skywalker & Leia Organa
Luke Skywalker + Leia Organa (Splinter of the Mind's Eye and comics pre-Return of the Jedi)
Luke Skywalker + Mara Jade
Luke Skywalker & Obi-wan Kenobi
Nat Skywalker + Droo Rawk
OTP: male Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader + male Obi-wan Kenobi 
Owen Skywalker + Beru Skywalker
R2D2 & C3PO
R2D2 + C3PO
Wedge Antilles + Tycho Celchu
Wynn Dorvan + Raynar Thul
Zekk + Taryn Zel
Ship Mates #1: Anakin I + Obi-wan, Ahsoka + Kaeden, and Jacen + Ben
Ship Mates #2: male Maul + male Obi-wan, Ahsoka + Kaeden, Anakin I + Padme, R2D2 + C3PO, Owen + Beru, Bail + Breha, Luke & Leia, Han + Leia, Luke + Mara, Jacen & Jaina, Jacen + Tenel, Jagged + Jaina, Anakin II + Tahiri, Ben + Vestara, Wynn + Raynar, Nat + Droo, Jariah + Ahnah, Kol + Morrigan, Wedge + Tycho, and Zekk + Taryn
Ahnah Renée Organa-Solo: daughter of Kylo and Ebony. Arboris is her godfather and master.
Ania Maggie Syn: daughter of Jariah and Ahnah. Her second cousin is her master. Her godfather is Micah.
Arboris Calrissian: Lando's and Mahogany's son. Force user (mudblood). Ahnah's and Skeeto's godfather, Ahnah's master.
Dagger Gerrera: daughter of Saw and Steela (not siblings)
Davin Jacen Fel II: Jagged's and Jaina's first child. Guardian of Marasiah
DEX376: Calrissian family's sentient giant spider robot that looks similar to Metagross from Pokémon. Won by Lando through a bet. His protects the Calrissian family and (mostly) obey their orders.
Ebony (Calrissian) Organa-Solo: Lando's and Mahogany's very pretty daughter. Medium-length natural hair
Fango Fett: male, Jango's hot, very fit, medium brown-skinned vitiligo, Black-passing biracial bastard half-brother. Long, straight hair; fangs with gold incisions. One of the best Jedi assassins, anti-villain, through extreme amount of training has the ability to resist direct force powers. Very masculine, with dark sense of humor. He's indifferent about his brother and nephew (vice versa), due to having a tumultuous relationship with Jango since their father cheated on Jango's mother with his own. Revenge is only for his honor. After losing to him half the time, he has hate-crush on Mace Windu; especially wanting to bite him (and only him).
Fel family: half of them are force sensitive. Jagged is not a force user.
Han Solo: Guardian of Arboris, Ben, and Ebony
Ikrit: Kylo's jedi master
Jacen Bail Organa-Solo: Ben's master
Jaina Breha Organa-Solo: Allana's master and guardian
Jewish-coded: Padme, Luke, Leia, Han, Jacen, Jaina, Kylo, Daisy, Davin II, and Roan
Kaeden: feminine-looking black girlfriend/wife of Ahsoka. She has more femininity than Ahsoka.
Kylo Lando Organa-Solo: Anakin Solo, with different name. He died when Ebony was pregnant with their twin children, Ahnah and Skeeto.
Lando Calrissian I: not robosexual. Han's former lover and amicable ex 
Leia Shmi Organa-Solo: Leia is a squib. Guardian of her nephew, Ben. 
Luke Obi Skywalker: Guardian of Jacen, Jaina, and Kylo. Rey's master
Mace Samuel Windu: Bluish-black skinned male, toned, high cheek bones, panther ears, panther tail, and aquiline nose. Wears white shawl as color contrast. Intellectual anti-hero. Stoic demeanor, emotional eyes that only the sharpest could read (ex: Fango and Yoda). He deals with being the most disliked while simultaneously most respected. He doesn't allow himself to be vulnerable in ways even Obi-wan and Yoda find extreme.
Mahogany "Maggie" Diana (Ross) Calrissian: Resembles Diana Ross. Kept wife, diva with a heart-of-gold. Only her husband calls her "Maggie".
Mara Jade Skywalker: Guardian of Jacen, Jaina, and Kylo. Jacen's master
Mark Jade Skywalker: Kol with a different name, son of Ben and Vestara; Tahiri's apprentice
Micah: son of Ikrit and his pre-op transmasc passing mate. Force user
Nat Rawk Skywalker: son of Ben and Vestara, Rey's apprentice, Cade's master and godfather
Padme Natalie (Amidala) Skywalker: Never died until Leia was toddler. Went hiding since then. Obi-wan aided her and her kids in their escape.
Qui-Gon Jinn: Advisor to Amidala Royal family and guardian of Padme. Not master of Obi-wan and near age as him. True phantom menace (Maul is red herring), after he joined Doku (long as Amidala family remains safe).
Roan Kylo Fel: Jagged's and Jaina's final child. Wynssa is his guardian and master.
Saw Cee Gerrera: Fell in love with and eventually married Steela (not related). He looks nothing like his live action movie nor Rebels selves.
Shmi Mary Skywalker: Sole raiser of Anakin. Obi-wan picked Anakin up at 16. The father of Anakin (not Palpatine in any way) sold them into slavery. (Anakin would later murder his father and his father's family in revenge.)
Skeeto Kylo Organa-Solo: son of Kylo and Ebony. Arboris' godson
Tahiri Viela (Kryze) Kenobi-Skywalker: Caedus' apprentice, Mark's master
aroace Allana Harmony Organa-Solo
aroace Yoda
Ahnah Organa-Solo & [Skeeto + Micah/Micah + Skeeto]
Ahsoka + Kaeden
Ahsoka & [Saw + Steela (not related)]
Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka
Anakin Skywalker + Padme Amidala
Arboris Calrissian & Ahnah Organa-Solo
[Arboris Calrissian + Dagger Calrissian] & their son
Arboris Calrissian + Dagger Gerrera
[Arboris Calrissian's and Dagger Calrissian's son + Tendra Calrissian] & Lando Calrissian II
Arboris Calrissian's and Dagger Calrissian's son + Tendra Risant
Bail Organa + Breha Organa
[Bail Organa + Breha Organa] & Leia Organa
Ben Skywalker + Vestara Khai
[Ben Skywalker + Vestara Skywalker] & Nat & Mark Jade
Cade Skywalker + Delilah Blue
[Cade Skywalker + Delilah Blue] & their future son(s)
Chewbacca + Malla
[Chewbacca + Malla] & Lumpy 
Count Doku + Qui Gon Jinn
Ebony Calrissian + crush on Jacen Organa-Solo 
Ebony Calrissian & DEX376
Ebony Organa-Solo & [Ahnah Organa-Solo & Skeeto Organa-Solo]
Fango Fett + power bottom Mace Windu, both males
Han Solo & Arboris Calrissian
Han Solo + Lando Calrissian 
Han Solo + Leia Organa
[Han Solo + Leia Organa-Solo] & Allana Organa-Solo
[Han Solo + Leia Organa-Solo] & [Jacen & Jaina] & Kylo
[Ikrit + Ikrit's transmasc cat mate] & Micah
Jacen Organa-Solo + Ben Skywalker
Jacen Organa-Solo + bi-curious crush on Arboris Calrissian
Jacen Organa-Solo & Jaina Organa-Solo
Jacen Organa-Solo + Tenel Ka Djo
[Jacen Organa-Solo + Tenel Ka Djo] & Allana Organa-Solo
[Jagged Fel + Jaina Fel] & Davin Fel II & Roan Fel 
Jagged Fel + Jaina Organa-Solo
Jaina Organa-Solo & Allana Organa-Solo
Jaina Organa-Solo vs. Darth Caedus
Jaina Organa-Solo & [Jacen Organa-Solo + Tenel]
{Jaina Organa-Solo & [Jacen Organa-Solo + Tenel]} & Lumpy
Jariah Syn + Ahnah Organa-Solo
[Jariah Syn + Ahnah Organa-Solo] & Ania Syn 
Kylo Organa-Solo + Ebony Calrissian
[Kylo Organa-Solo + Ebony Calrissian] & Ikrit
Lando Calrissian & Han's and Leia's children
[Lando Calrissian + Mahogany Calrissian] & Arboris & [Ebony & DEX376]
Lando Calrissian + Mahogany Ross
Leia Organa-Solo & Ebony Calrissian
Luke Skywalker &/vs. Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker & [Han Solo + Leia Organa]
{Luke Skywalker & [Han Solo + Leia Organa]} & Lando Calrissian
Luke Skywalker & Leia Organa-Solo
Luke Skywalker + Mara Jade
[Luke Skywalker + Mara Jade Skywalker] & Ben Skywalker
Mark Jade Skywalker + Morrigan Corde
[Mark Jade Skywalker + Morrigan Corde] & Cade Skywalker
Maul + power bottom Obi-wan Kenobi, both males
Micah + Skeeto Organa-Solo
Obi-wan Kenobi & Padme Amidala
Obi-wan Kenobi & Yoda
Omad Kaeg + Tahiri Veila
One Big Happy Skywalker Family
OT3: [male Anakin Skywalker + male Obi-wan Kenobi] & Luke
OTP: male Anakin Skywalker + male power bottom Obi-wan Kenobi
Owen Lars + Beru Lars
Padme Amidala & [Bail Organa + Breha Organa]
Padme Skywalker & Leia Organa
Past Anakin + Padme
Past Lux + Ahsoka
Past Lux + Steela
Past Mace Windu vs. Fango Fett, foemance mainly from Fango Fett
Past Obi-wan + Satine
Qui Gon Jinn & Padme Amidala
Qui Gon Jinn & Padme Amidala & Jar Jar Binks
R2D2 & C3PO
R2D2 + C3PO
Roan Fel + Elliah Fel
[Roan Fel + Elliah Fel] & Marasiah Fel
Saw Gerrera + Steela Gerrera, no relation
[Saw Gerrera + Steela Gerrera, no relation] & Dagger Gerrera 
Shmi Skywalker & Anakin Skywalker
Skeeto Organa-Solo + Micah
Soontir Fel + Syal Antilles
Wedge Antilles + Tycho Celchu
Wynn Dorvan + Raynar Thul
Zekk + crush on Jagged Fel
Zekk + crush on Jaina Organa-Solo
Zekk + Taryn Zel
Ship Mates #1: OBHSF: R2D2 + C3PO, {[Anakin + Obi-wan, Past Anakin + Padme] or [Anakin & Obi-wan, Maul + Obi-wan, Anakin + Padme]}, Owen + Beru, Bail + Breha, Saw + Steela (no relation), Wedge + Tycho, Soontir + Syal, Past Han + Lando, {Luke & [Han + Leia]} & Lando, Lando + Mahogany, Luke + Mara, Chewie + Malla, Jacen &/vs. Jaina, Jacen + Tenel, Jagged + Jaina, Arboris + Dagger, Kylo + Ebony, Ikrit + Ikrit's cat mate, Omad + Tahiri, Mark + Morrigan, Skeeto + Micah/Micah + Skeeto, Jariah + Ahnah, Arboris's and Dagger's son + Tendra, Roan + Elliah, Cade + Delilah, and other relationships ships (platonic) in this family; Others: Count Doku + Qui Gon Jinn, Ahsoka + Kaeden, Fango + Mace, and Zekk + Taryn 
Ship Mates #2: {[Anakin + Padme] & Obi-wan, Maul + Obi-wan} or {[Anakin + Obi-wan] & Ahsoka, Ahsoka + Kaeden}, Luke & [Han + Leia], Luke + Mara, Jaina & [Jacen + Tenel], Jagged + Jaina, [Kylo + Ebony] & Ikrit, and Ikrit + Ikrit's cat mate
Ship Mates #3: Ahsoka + Kaeden, Fango + Mace, {Anakin + Obi-wan or [Maul + Obi-wan, Anakin + Padme]}, Anakin &/vs. Luke, Luke + Leia, Past Han + Lando, Han + Katya, Lando + Mahogany, Jacen &/vs. Jaina, Jacen + Ben, Jagged + Jaina, Kylo + Ebony, Ikrit + Ikrit's cat mate, Omad + Tahiri, Saw + Steela (no relation), Arboris + Dagger, Jariah + Ahnah, and Wedge + Tycho
The Book of Phoenix
Dartise + darker-skinned HeLa
The Boondocks
Huey Freeman + Jazmine DuBois
Huey Freeman &/vs. Riley Freeman
OTP: male Huey Freeman + male Michael Caesar 
Riley Freeman (male) + male Michael Caesar 
Ship Mates: Huey + Jazmine, Riley + Michael, and Huey & Michael
The Chronicles of Narnia 
aroace Aslan
Bree + Hwin
Caspian + Peter
Digory + Polly
Eustace + Jill
OTP: Edmund + Lucy
Peter & Lucy
Shasta + Aravis
Tirian + Jewel
Ship Mates: Peter & Lucy, Caspian + Peter, Edmund + Lucy, Eustace + Jill, Digory + Polly, [Shasta + Aravis] & [Bree + Hwin], and Tirian + Jewel
The City We Became
Manny (resembles Jay-Z) + darker-skinned Primary (face resembles Nas); both males 
The Color Purple
Shug + darker-skinned Celie
The Dark Tower
Incubus (male) + Susannah
OTP: Eddie + Susannah
Roland + Cuthbert
Roland + Susan
Roland & [Eddie + Susannah]
Ship Mates: Roland & [Eddie + Susannah], Roland + [Cuthbert or Susan]
The Hainish Cycle
OTP: reddish-brown Black Estraven + night-colored Black Genly, both fit males 
Shevek + Takver
Ship Mates: Estraven + Genly, Shevek + Takver
The Jungle Book
Kaa & Mowgli
Kaa is female. 
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and Nag killed each others' mate, and became more obsessed with each other since.
Gajjini is the leader of the elephant tribe.
Akela & [Rama + Raksha]
aroace Akela
aroace Baloo
[Bagheera & Baloo] & Mowgli
Hathi + Gajjini
Mowgli & Kaa
Mowgli vs. Shere Khan
Mungo + Kaa
OTP: male Rikki-Tikki-Tavi + male Nag
Rama + Raksha
[Rama + Raksha] & Mowgli
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi vs. Nag foemance
Shere Khan + Bagheera
Shere Khan vs. Bagheera foemance
Shere Khan & Kaa het-yay, children
Shere Khan &/vs. Kaa het-yay, adults
Tabaqui + one-sided friendship and crush for Shere Khan
Tabaqui vs. [Bagheera and Kaa], one-sided jealousy from Tabaqui
Ship Mates: Rikki-Tikki-Tavi + Nag, Shere Khan &/vs. Kaa het-yay, Shere Khan + Bagheera, Mungo + Kaa, Rama + Raksha, and Hathi + Gajjini
The Lord of the Rings
Aragorn + Boromir
Aragorn & [male Legolas + male Gimli]
Celeborn + Galadriel
Faramir + Eowyn
Frodo + Sam
Gimli & Galadriel 
OTP: male Legolas + male Gimli
Ship Mates: Aragorn & [Legolas + Gimli], Aragorn + Boromir, Faramir + Eowyn, Frodo + Sam, and Celeborn + Galadriel
The Shadow Speaker
Dikeogu + darker-skinned Ejii 
W. I. T. C. H.
Caleb + Cornelia
Caleb + Elyon
Eric + Hay Lin
Irma + Cornelia
Martin + Irma
Matt + Will 
OTP: Nigel + Taranee
Peter + Cornelia
Ship Mates #1: Will & [Irma + Cornelia] & Taranee & Hay Lin, Matt + Will, Nigel + Taranee, Caleb + Elyon, Eric + Hay Lin, and Cedric + Orube
Ship Mates #2: Will & Irma & Taranee & Cornelia & Hay Lin, Matt + Will, Martin + Irma, Nigel + Taranee, {[Peter + Cornelia, Caleb + Elyon] or Caleb + Cornelia}, Eric + Hay Lin, and Cedric + Orube
Who Fears Death
Mwita + Onyesonwu
Elphaba + Galinda
OTP: Fiyero (NBPOC Indian) + Elphaba
Yoruba African mythology, headcanon looks by James C. Lewis
Aganju + Yemoja
Babalu Aye + power bottom Oxosi, both males 
Orunmila + power bottom Oxosi, both males
OTP: Obatala + Oya
Oya + Osun
Sango + Oba
Sango + power bottom Oxosi, both males
Ship Mates #1: Orunmila + Oxosi, [Obatala + Oya or Oya + Osun], Aganju + Yemoja, and Sango + Oba
Ship Mates #2: Sango + Oxosi, Obatala + Oya, Aganju + Yemoja, and Oba + Osun
Ship Mates #3: Babalu Aye + Oxosi, [Obatala + Oya or Oya + Osun], Aganju + Yemoja, and Sango + Oba
Yu-Gi-Oh, original manga continuity
Jounouchi + Hiroto
OTP: Yuugi/Yami Yuugi + Anzu
[Yuugi/Yami Yuugi + Anzu] & [Jounouchi + Hiroto]
P. S.: My gay ships are preferably either cisgenders or post-op transsexuals.
18 notes · View notes
mudaship39 · 4 years
Alpha Centurion War:
Location: Omnicron:
Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria, “I remember that after meeting Breapru and Iesloria again I started to date them after a year of being friends.” “Then after dating the both of them for a decade I then asked for the consent of Breapru and Iesloria and my other fiancées. After that they both became my girlfriends, betrothed, & fiancées.” Alex/Lexi, said, “Breapru with her blue skin, blue scales, black feathers, long black hair, & green eyes she was beautiful.” “Iesloria with her red skin, red fur, long black hair, yellow eyes, & black stripes, she was pretty.” “I am slowly drifting to you.” “We are in each other’s orbit.” “The stars, planets, & moons are calling to us both.” “I am light years away from you but I am on my way.”  “Breapru said, “I remember you and I being a part of the clandestine, top secret, & classified intergalactic compartmentalized deep black intergalactic intelligence and law enforcement agency of Scorpio.” “You, I, & Iesloria were some of its best agents.” For Scorpio if you want a mental image imagine the Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Indigo, Orange, Pink, Black, & White Lanterns of DC. Imagine Blackwatch, Talon, & Overwatch of Overwatch. Imagine Shield, Strike, & Sword of Marvel. Imagine DEO, Argus, Team 7, Outsiders, Agency, & Checkmate of DC. Imagine FoxHound and Cipher of Metal Gear Solid. Imagine Ghosts or Rainbow of Tom Clancy. Imagine ONI of Halo. Imagine Third Echelon of Splinter Cell. That is Scorpio. “We were partners you and I Alex/Lexi.” “So when I saw how kind, compassionate, & open minded you were when you came to meet me when we first met as partners I was instantly attracted.” “When you came to save me on that day I was reminded of why I fell for you in the first place.” “And why I want you to be selfish for once in your life and leave the universe, multiverse, & omniverse to defend itself.” “You always look after others but my question is who looks out for you Alex/Lexi?” “You and the others Breapru and Iesloria,” said Alex/Lexi. 
Breapru said, “My love Cardinal Changeling, you have witnessed and instigated plenty of death, conflict, anguish, slaughter, loss, aggression, & obliteration to last countless Asgardian, Tamaranean, Kryptonian, & Daxamite life spans.” “You were stolen from your home in Hawaii.” “You were forced to become a metahuman and superhuman child soldier who was forced to fight until you were a superhuman and metahuman spec ops and black ops young adult super soldier.” “Since you were a metahuman and superhuman child soldier until you were a superhuman and metahuman spec ops and black ops young adult super soldier you fought across the country, continent, planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse.” “You escaped and were safe but not for long.” “You were stolen from your safe haven your fiancé Rashida Ashanti Bello’s home in Tanzania and you experimented on a giant black site planet that was an intergalactic compartmentalized deep black project where you were experimented on physically, emotionally, intellectually, psionically, & telepathically on a cellular, microscopic, atomic, subatomic, & nanoscopic level.” “You were enslaved on a giant slaver planet that was a deep black project where you were chained, beaten, interrogated, starved, branded, tortured, & whipped.” “You have lost so much of yourself.” 
Iesloria said, “Your war against the Forces of Evil, its leaders, its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements to save the planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse also made damn certain of that.” The Forces of Evil had twelve leaders the eight aliens (with each eight each having the power of Brainiac, Doomsday, Imperiex Prime, Darkseid, Starro, & Mongul of DC comics and Galactus, Apocalypse, & Thanos of Marvel comics combined), the demonic leader the Devil Lord and Demon General (who is as powerful as Diablo, Trigon, Lilith, Nekron, Mephisto, & Dormammu combined), the evil sorcerer (as powerful as Zatanna Zatara, Scarlet Witch, John Constantine, Doctor Fate, Dark Raven, Giovanni Zatara, & Doctor Strange combined), & Greco Roman Titan leaders (the Greek Titan Cronus and the Roman Titan Saturn). The eight generals of the Forces of Evil were like Siren (Hila the sister of Queen Mera), Desaad, Queen Bee (Zazzala of the Hive), Heracles, Steppenwolf, Mongal (the daughter of Mongul), Kalibak, & Granny Goodness of DC comics. The seventeen lieutenants of the Forces of Evil were like Grail the Godkiller, Lashina, Mad Harriet, Knockout, Precious, Gilotina, Bernadeth, Stompa, Artemiz, K’li, Speed Queen, Malice Vundabar, Bloody Mary, Wunda, Sweet Leilani of the Female Furies), and Scandal Savage, & Liana Kerzner of DC Comics. The Forces of Evil’s allies are like the Fearsome Five, Villainy Inc., the Legion of Supervillains, the Injustice Society, the Legion of Doom, Hive, Injustice League, the Brotherhood of Evil, the Secret Society of Supervillains, & the Fatal Five of DC comics combined. The reinforcements of the Forces of Evil the Horde Army are like Zerg Swarm, Star Trek Borg, undead ghouls and zombies of the Lich King, Starro drones, Halo Flood, Brainiac probes, undead Greek Spartan and undead Roman Centurion soldiers, Imperiex clones of Imperiex Prime, Fallout 3 super mutants, Halo Forerunner Promethean Knights, Fallout 4 ghouls, Darkseid's parademons, Resident Evil zombies, Trigon’s demons and archdemons, & Star Wars Yuuzhan Vong. “The Horde Army is made up of those who fell against the Forces of Evil.” “Who in their death were twisted, converted, infested, & warped against their will into monsters to serve the Forces of Evil.” “The Forces of Evil are that cruel, wicked, & malicious.” “These reinforcements that comprise the Forces of Evil foot soldiers is what allowed the allies and leaders of the Forces of Evil to conquer universes, multiverses, & omniverses and is what allowed the generals and lieutenants of the Forces of Evil to destroy planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “The Horde Army allowed the Forces of Evil to kill millions and enslave billions.” “For you spent the last years, decades, & centuries in those shitholes, exchanging hard light plasma fire with the Forces of Evil, its leaders, its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements.” “The casualties of that intergalactic Alpha Centurion War against the Forces of Evil in the Battles of Earth, the Battle of the Sol System, the Battle of the Vega System, the Battle of the Milky Way Galaxy, the Battle of the Polaris System, the Battle of the Xeno Galaxy, & the Battle of the Andromeda Galaxy in the Alpha Centurion War were not just thousands or hundreds of thousands like in world wars but millions and billions of people who became KIA, MIA, POWs, or came home with mental illnesses (of chronic: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, & PTSD).” 
Iesloria and Breapru said, “The oath of your superhero teams the Elites (imagine a superhero team like The Teen Titans, The Young Justice League, Young Avengers, & Legion of Superheroes combined with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the entire Sol System) and the Paragons (imagine a superhero team like The Justice League, X Men, Avengers, the Justice Society of Superheroes, & Doom Patrol combined with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the Sol Star System, Vega Star System, & Polaris Star System) that you founded is, “We have been called, we must answer, we took an oath, we took a pledge, we made a vow, we swore a promise, that no matter the time, no matter the place, no matter the numbers, no matter the odds, no matter the opposition, no matter the risk, no matter the cost, & no matter the sacrifice, we always answer the call.” “When the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse (including the DC Prime, & Marvel 616) were in danger of being suppressed and conquered by these intergalactic subjugators and oppressors.” “You asked them would they answer the call.” “They all answered you.” “They answered your call because they saw someone that they were willing to fight and die for.” “The Forces of Evil came to crush and vanquish the universe, the multiverse, & the omniverse.” “They came to subjugate millions, billions, & trillions of lives.” “You lead all of us in an intergalactic war to deny them.” “Saving the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “When the intergalactic war ended your superhero teams wrote tens, hundreds, thousands, & hundreds of thousands of condolence letters by hand.” “You all did it so that you would always remember that, no matter what our oath as Elites and Paragons says, that there is always a cost, & that there is always a sacrifice.” “Many lives, thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, & billions of lives were lost to save this planet, this star system, this galaxy, this universe, this multiverse, & this omniverse.” “To save them from the Forces of Evil (the multiversal level threat super villain organization and alliance), its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements.” “You don’t owe them anything anymore.” “It is they how owe you Alex/Lexi!”
Breapru said, “You have experienced so much suffering and so much loss.” “You have given them beyond enough.” “Beyond what anyone could or would ever ask of you for.” “Decades with the Earth Space Marine Force Recon had toughened you and centuries with the Sol System Federation Space Navy Seals have hardened you,” said Planetary Empress Beapru. “My worship Alexander Mark “Alex” Smith/Alexandria Macy “Lexi” Smith...I recognize that you believe you hold a certain...responsibility towards this planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “That you feel you owe them something but Cambion Chimera (Alex Smith/Lexi Smith) my love…” “You do not owe these pieces of shit a single fucking goddamn thing!” “Especially after all that they have taken from you!” “Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith they have champions and they have heroes who act as wardens, guardians, & sentinels.” “You did your responsibility.” “You did what you assured your parents you would do.” “You pledged to your parents that you would do what you could to make the earthlings and aliens of the Sol System, Polaris System, & Vega System better.” “You created the Elites and the Paragons and revamped the Sentinels to be champions of the Sol System, Vega System, & Polaris System and the heroes of the Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, & the Xeno Galaxy.” “But you left a Elites, Paragons & Sentinels a hundred thousand times the extent of what you started in your stead.” “You don’t owe them anymore!” “If you chose to walk away right now and never return forever.” “What right do they have to ask you to come back.” “What right do they have to ask you to sacrifice more.” “They have to save themselves Alexander/Alexandria.” “Being a hero is not a job, it is not a duty, & it is not an obligation, for it is a choice, & you can chose to leave.” Breapru said to Cardinal Changeling, “Jade Jaguar (Alex Smith/Lexi Smith), you have suffered more anguish than anyone will ever know.” “You have felt more torment than anyone could ever experience.” “You have performed terrible things than anyone could ever envision.” “You have witnessed the most appalling things that anyone could ever visualize.” “When you close your eyes at night,” she cried her voice breaking, “every single night,” she cried saying, “I know you hear more screaming than anyone could ever calculate.” “I know because every single night I hear you crying from the nightmares caused by your chronic PTSD.” “I hear you begging and pleading for your tormentors to stop hurting you and the people that saw being experimented on or being enslaved.” “You wake up with a snarl, growl, & roar and realize it was a nightmare, that it has been years, decades, & centuries since those events happened.” “That’s when you realize that even though the bullets have stopped.” “The war in your mind does not.” This is a memory of shapeshifter metamorph & changeling superhero Emerald Eagle (Alexander Smith/Alexandra Smith) while asleep hissed, snarled, growled, & roared as he/she/they fired Kryptonian heat vision with tears in his/her/their eyes, “Stop, please I beg you, no more!” “It’s not real, this is real, we are real,” said Kulax Kojir, Carina Bellona Ragorio, Joanna Jacobson, Ylva Helga Olofsdottor, Diona Artemis Megalos, Kaimana Zhao Hokulani Ya Keali’i, & Talia Macar as they held Cardinal Changeling as he/she/they cried into Kulax Kojir’s shoulder. “I am sorry but it felt so real.” “Shh it is okay it was just a dream,” said Iesloria and Brepru, “Did you have another nightmare?” “Focus on us, let us be your anchor, focus on our voices.” “They can no longer hurt you.” “Do you promise?” “We swear to you.” 
“This…” “Everything that happened…” “Is all my fault,” said Alexander/Alexandria. “If I just could have done more.” “It wasn’t your fault Alex/Lexi.” “There was nothing more that you could have done Mack Smith/Macy Smith.” Iesloria said, “You gave them blood, sweat, & tears.” “You sacrificed to them your heart, your soul, your mind, your friends, & your family.” “So I ask you, what more will you surrender for them, Alex/Lexi?” “Will you sacrifice what’s left of your friends and family the Superhero Antihero & Supervillain Legionnaire United Strikeforce (the coalition between the Elites, Paragons, Sentinels with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the universe, multiverse, & omniverse) that you created in the 40th century to finally defeat the Forces of Evil?” “What’s left of your heart (your adoptive children Maria Garcia Morales, Tadashi Sato, & Nathaniel “Nate” Nguyen and your future biological children with your wives).” “What’s left of your sanity (those people that you saved from that slaver planet and that giant black site planet who became your adoptive family)?” “What's left of your reason to fight (The superhero teams the Elites, the Paragons, & the Sentinels)?” “What’s left of your soul (your wives who are extraterrestrial aliens, wives who are Indigenous women Indigenous to Turtle Island, wives who are Indigenous women Indigenous to Pasifika or Oceania, & wives who are women of color)?” “These fucking assholes do not fucking deserve you Alex/Lexi!” “They never did, they never have, & they never will!” “They are not fucking worthy of you!” “If you chose to turn your back on this universe, multiverse, & omniverse who the fuck are they to fucking judge you?!” “Whatever you do, even if you decide to abandon this planet, this star system, & this galaxy of this universe, this multiverse, & this omniverse.” “I will not leave your side my love.” “You will discover yourself Alex/Lexi and when you do.” “I assure you that this planet, this solar system, this galaxy, this universe, & this multiverse will go completely quiet.” “I guarantee you that men, women, & beyond (those who are nonbinary, Turtle Island Indigenous two spirit, Polynesian Indigenous Pasfika mahu, agender, bigender, & genderfluid) will not fall for your magnificence but for your strength and your power.” “I swear to you, Alex/Lexi that those who are heterosexual, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, demisexual, or asexual will venerate what you have flourished into and hold you as someone to admire.” “I vow to you that your allies will watch in astonishment as you overcome what they cannot.” “I assure you that your adversaries will tremble before you in terror beseeching for your infinite mercy, boundless kindness, or limitless compassion.” “That King/Queen Alexander Mark Smith/Alexandria Maria Smith of the Principality of Ethania, Europa.” “That is something that we, Breapru and Iesloria, pledge to you.” These two alien extraterrestrial women in front of him/her/them knew the force and the dominion he/she/they hold. The planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes, & multiverses that he/she/they could effortlessly subjugate. Yet protects and still looks out for them as if they were blood. X’Hal and Rao, as if they were from the same planet, as if they were from the same solar system, & as if they were from the same galaxy. He/she/they with the power could easily conquer them but they would never be imperialists and intergalactic colonizers as someone who despises imperialism and colonialism and as someone who rebelled against the Terran Empire of the Sol System to free the colonists of Lunar, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, & Triton from the hegemony and dominion of the planet Earth. This action led to the creation of the United Federation of the Sol System made of Earth, Lunar, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, & Triton. “No matter what may be wrong, Alex/Lexi.” “No matter whom or what has harmed you.” “I will always be there for you.” “But whomever or whatever has injured you.” “Your wives, Empress Ohoi Nessars, Queen Diona Artemis Megalos (daughter of Ares and Athena) of Greco demigods of the Greek Mount Olympus, Chieftain and Paramount Warchief Rashida Ashanti Bello of Tanzania, Chieftain and Warchief Ylva Helga Olofsdottor (of the Aesir Valkyries of Asgard), Queen Adrianna Acosta of South America, Queen Carina Akali Ragorio (daughter of Mars and Venus) of Roman demigods of the Roman Mount Olympus, Chieftain and Warchief Kaimana Zhao Hokulani Ya Keali’i of a nation in Polynesia and a kingdom of the empire of Atlantis, Sultan Nijah Nadra Nadar, & Empress Kulax Kojir, Queen Talia Macar.” “As well as Empress Breapru and I Empress Ielsoria who are all imperial royalty.” “Will have the sum of our kingdoms, the whole of our empires, & the total of our planetary empires, volley down devil hellfire and cascade down divine holy fire upon all of those who wish to do so!” “You have had and will always have our undying fealty,” they both said as they kneeled before him/her/them on one knee and struck both of their hard light plasma long swords into the ground. They could both tell he/she/they were a warrior  and a soldier with the way he/she/they held himself/herself/themselves, his/her/their posture, & his/her/their arms somewhat bent ready to be brought up in a moment’s notice to defend himself/herself/themselves at any time. Even now he/she/they are still super soldiers. 
Breapru and Iesloria two alien extraterrestrials who were in a polyamorous triad relationship with each other and Alexander/Alexandria said, “Your first death it started a cosmic war.” “You were killed after the Elites and Paragons vs Sentinel Superhero Civil War.” “You were murdered because they the metahumans and superhumans of these planets, star systems, & galaxies started to fear your potential power, influence, supremacy, & control.” “You were killed by a monster created by humans and aliens of these planets, systems, & galaxies.” “It was a beast made out of divine iron, mithril, celestial titanium, orichalcum, heavenly bronze, etherium, uru, adamant or adamantine, stellar steel, & adamantite.” “It was a creature that was made sentient with aether, divine magic, nether, arcane magic, celestial magic, & esoteric magic.” “You died as a knight and paladin when you fell in combat fighting the behemoth to defend the citizens of Magical County.” “Out of fear they murdered you and sent a weapon to kill you a queer disabled Indigenous person of color and Indigenous Pasifika person of color superhero.” “It started the Alpha Centurion War with the Battles of Earth.” “The Alpha Centurion War began when the Forces of Evil a supervillain organization and alliance, their leaders, their generals, their lieutenants, & their allies realized the universe, multiverse, & omniverse no longer had its defender and protector to safeguard it.” “They destroyed and obliterated planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “They conquered and subjugated universes, multiverses, & omniverses.” “They invaded and proceeded to kill millions, enslave billions, & cause trillions to go home with mental illnesses.” “You were brought back to life with the power of a power totem in the form of a magical necklace.” “In the Battle of the Sol and Vega System and in the Battle of the Andromeda Galaxy and the Battle of the Milky Way Galaxy you fought the Forces of Evil.” “Your second death ended a stellar war in the Battle of the Polaris System.” “You were then forsaken by the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & universe.” “When the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse abandoned you and let the generals and lieutenants of the Forces of Evil execute you with a hard-light halberd spear.” “The Forces of Evil struck you down in Final Reckoning like a Lance of Longinus.” “It was a spear made out of nth metal, adamantium, timonium, & vibranium covered in element zero, chronoton, kryptonite, dark metal, inertron, & element x.” “When intergalactic war ends suddenly a cosmic hero becomes a threat to intergalactic world governments.” “So they assassinated you.” “They feared you with your charisma and charm would inspire more to be revolutionary, militant, anarchist, & radical.” “So, they killed you when they had no more use for you.” “You died to defeat the Forces of Evil.” “The Forces of Evil, their leaders, their generals, their lieutenants, their allies, & their reinforcements were then banished to the Void and the Breach.” “The metahumans and superhumans of these planets, star systems, & galaxies never deserved your love.” “The humans and aliens of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse never deserved your admiration.” “You were the twice dead risen King/Queen of Iuyamnia.” “The Monarch ordained long ago to end the ceaseless night that has plagued these planets, star systems, & galaxies of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse for years, decades, centuries, & millennia!”  “You were the champion and hero fated since ancient times to end the everlasting night.” “You were the warden and defender ordained since ancient times to ultimately return the sunrise to the cosmos freeing it from the perpetual shadows and ceaseless darkness!” “The blue, yellow, red, & white stars and suns will come back with the dawn because you defeated the Forces of Evil!” 
“Cardinal Changeling or Scarlet Shapeshifter (Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith) he/she/they only had one wish.” “That was to soar through the endless outer space ceaselessly.” “He/she/they had one desire and that was to forever be in the single place that he/she/they truly felt alive.” “That is the cosmos of the universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “For it was his/her/their true kingdom and empire.” “He/she/they don’t even have a planet, star system, or galaxy to call home.” “Not after he/she/they were betrayed by the humans and aliens of these planets, star systems, galaxies.”  “They were killed by a monster created by the humans and aliens of these planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “It was a beast made out of divine iron, mithril, celestial titanium, orichalcum, heavenly bronze, etherium, uru, adamant or adamantine, stellar steel, & adamantite.” “It was a creature made sentient with aether, divine magic, nether, arcane magic, celestial magic, & esoteric magic.” “And he/she/they as a knight and paladin fell in battle against this titanic behemoth fighting it to defend the citizens of Magical County.” “He/she/they don’t have a universe, multiverse, & omniverse to call home.” “Not after they were forsaken by the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & universe.” “When the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse abandoned him/her/them and let the generals and lieutenants of the Forces of Evil execute him/her/them when he/she/thy died in the Battle of the Polaris Star System.” “The Forces of Evil they murdered him/her/them with a hard light halberd spear and stuck him/her/them down in Final Reckoning like a Lance of Longinus.” “It was a spear with a blade forged with nth metal, adamantium, timonium, & vibranium covered in element zero, chronoton, kryptonite, dark metal, inertron, & element x.” “His/her/their Iuyamian species home planet of Iuyamia is no longer his/her/theirs anymore.” “Even though that planet was once cherished by his/her/their grandmother Marie Gabriella Bahr Smith a pureblood Iuyamanian who was a displaced diaspora and a war refugee.” “He/she/they are a dragon and phoenix meant to be free to soar across the universe.” “When all his/her/their intergalactic warfare was done after the Alpha Centurion War he/she/they did not have peace, tranquility, or serenity.” “He/she/they smolder like dragon fire and freeze like dragon ice.” “He/she/they soar beyond in endless space yet he/she/they cannot ascend.” “Soar with the grace and elegance of an archangel and strike quick with the ferocity and fury of an arch demon.” “Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith was known to be the Devil of Romulus Nebula and was known to be the Fallen God of the Zephyr Nebula.” “He/she/they are said to be a warrior who soared through the Alpha Centurion War against the Forces of Evil rousing both terror and respect in allies and enemies alike.” “In the course of the perpetual waves of time from a wrinkle of revolution shall the tempest ascend and out of the void and the breach gazes the eyes of a devil and a fallen god.” “The oracles, shamans, & seers all say, “Behold the Devil of the Romulus Nebula and the Fallen God of the Zephyr Nebula.” “A celestial and stellar entity and divine and heavenly being with its ethereal and wraithlike body.” “An organism with its cardinal halo shrouded in divine holy fire, its midnight demon horns shrouded in scarlet hellfire, its obsidian demon wings shrouded in black hellfire, its ebony prehensile tail shrouded in ruby hellfire, its gold angel wings shrouded in ivory holy fire, & its scarlet fallen angel wings shrouded in firebrick holy fire.” “The demon and fallen angel soars through the cosmos while horror, war, carnage, devastation, bloodshed, & death follow its silhouette below.” “That is until metahuman and superhuman men and women unified together to forge a sanctified divine halberd spear.” “They later gave it to a champion to wield it hurling it through the heavens like a Lance of Longinus.” “But in the final reckoning struck down the demon and fallen angel.” “A hero is suddenly a threat to intergalactic governments the moment an intergalactic war is over.” “So they killed him/her/them for he/she/they were a singularity.” “But they forget that the Alpha Centurion War was won because of the actions of Alexander Kana’i Mack Ryuu Francisco Makoa Smith/Alexandria Ataahua Macy Haruka Francisca Kamalani Smith.” “Alex/Lexi is that demon or devil and fallen angel or fallen god as the celestial that was betrayed by those, he/she/they saved as a dark hero.” “He/she/they needed them.” “But when he/she/they needed them most they betrayed him/her/them.” “The seers and oracles say, “While the devil sleeps dormant that is when Kryptonian turns on Kryptonian, Atlantean turns on Amazonian, New God turns on Old God, & Tameranean turns on Daxamite.” “His/her/their own blood and insanity rapidly envelop the earth, the seas, the skies, the heavens, the stars, the planets, & the moons of this universe.” “From the pits of misery awaken the Fallen God and Devil of the Romulus Nebula and Zephyr Nebula with its charcoal and crimson wings blazing in regal radiance for all mortals, demigods, old gods, new gods, titans, great old gods, & dragon gods to witness.” “Nothing in the star system, galaxy, & universe is his/her/their equal.” “For he/she/they are a being without fear.” “He/she/they look down on all who are overconfident.” “He/she/they are an emperor/empress over all that are arrogant.” “They are an emperor/empress over all of them as the Fallen God of The Breach and Devil of The Void.” “He/she/they were a star that fell from space and crashed to the earth.” “When history beholds a great change the Fallen God and Devil of the Romulus and Zephyr Nebula reveals himself/herself/themselves first as an evil demon who is a harbinger and bringer of war, death, violence, bloodshed, & destruction.” “The fallen god and the devil are two sides of the same coin.” “As a demon it uses its might to volley death and destruction upon the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, & multiverse and then it dies.” “The demon who slaughtered his/her/their way across the cosmos was slain.” “However, after an interlude of slumber the Fallen God and Devil of the Romulus Nebula returns.” “But this time not as a demon but as a fallen archangel that is a dark hero destined to save the universe.” “His/her/their existence filled the star system, galaxy, & universe for but for a few millennia before he/she/they ultimately disappeared.” “The world awaits a champion to cast light.” “The world awaits a hero to banish the darkness when the world is shrouded in shadows.” “The world awaits a warden, sentinel, protector, & defender to act as a beacon of hope and faith in hopelessness and desperation.” “His/her/their followers patiently await his/her/their return.” “They have waited for years, decades, & centuries for their knight and paladin to return.” “When the universe is in danger they’ll appear again as a dark hero once again.” “But will he/she/they even save a universe, multiverse, & omniverse that betrayed him/her/them?” 
Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith said, “I am not immortal nor do I like to be.” “People seem to misunderstand.” “I am not an old god, a titan, a new god, great old god, or a dragon god.” “The Celestial and Stellar entity and Divine and Heavenly being is just a transformation where I become a nigh immortal or immortal by shapeshifting, transmutation, & transfiguration.” “I know it has three wings that seem divine.” “It’s a form I gained with my power of absolute adaptation.” “Once I leave that form, I am no longer immortal and immortal.” “I am just like any other metahuman and superhuman.” “I can still be hurt by hard light, laser, plasma, energy, or ballistic bullets.” “I can be injured if something is strong enough to negate my superhuman durability and supernatural healing.” “I can still be killed by execution with adamant, mithril, or nth metal swords.” “I will die of old age someday since I’m still mortal.” “People seemed to have deify me as of late.” “I even have a cult I didn’t ask for.”  “I am not sure I like that.” “I don’t like it at all as an Indigenous Pasifika person of color.” “I guess people need someone to believe in so why believe in the person who ended a cosmic and stellar war and stopped what many considered to be Armageddon or Judgement Day.” “I mean I don’t blame them.” “I brought back hope and faith for so many as a paragon and exemplar and they latched on to that.” “I chose to be a hero.” “It wasn’t because I was chosen by the gods, fate, or a wizard.” “In fact, they said I would never be worthy.” “They said I would never be pure of heart.” “So, them saying I was sent by higher powers just rubs me the wrong way you know.”
What is a hero?  “Did you know I was not chosen,” asked Alexander/Alexandria. “Everyone says I am a true hero.” “But fates did not come and tell me that I am the half blood child of a god or a titan ordained to end the darkness.” “Gods didn’t tell me that I was their champion destined to save the world.” “A wizard didn’t come and tell me that I was the hero fated to defeat a great evil.” “As a metahuman and superhuman child soldier I was always the joke and the underdog.” “I always failed but I always got up.” “I was the weakest metahuman and superhuman.” “Everyone told me to give up.” “But I always was hard of hearing.” “Through blood, sweat, & tears, through hard work, sheer motivation, fortitude, & determination I became one of the best and unlocked my full potential.” “I became the best SSSS class young adult metahuman and superhuman black ops and spec ops super soldier.” “I like some was never chosen unlike the others.” “I was never worthy.” “I never thought myself as a hero.” “I always thought myself as an antihero or supervillain.” “But one day the planet, the star system, the galaxy, & the universe needed a hero.” “They called a hero to save them, to defend them against the space naval armada of alien and human traffickers of metahumans and superhumans.” “No hero answered the call.” “They broke their oaths as heroes!” “I swore to them that I would never do the same!” “I was never chosen.” “But on that day, I chose myself.” “I became their hero, their chosen one, & their champion!” “Every single time,” he/she/they said as their voices broke, “I answered their call no matter the opposition, no matter the cost, no matter the time, & no matter the sacrifice!” “I gave an oath to always answer the call!” “I would never fail them unlike the others!” “And so after stories were made how I was always chosen but in fact there was no fate, no gods, & no wizards to declare my the chosen one, the hero, or the champion.” “No when it all mattered in the end I chose myself.” “That is why I chose to fight against the first, second, & third iteration of the Forces of Evil.” “My version is better don’t you think.” “That sometimes you are not chosen but you chose yourself.” “On that day I answered their call and so inspired by my initiative others joined me.” “We became the Elites (imagine the Teen Titans, Young Justice League, & Legion of Superheroes) and later we became the Paragons (imagine Justice League, the Justice Society of Superheroes, & Doom Patrol).” “Everyone has yet to discover Alexander’s/Alexandria’s skill, potential, & talent.” “There will be a day, month, or year when he/she/they shine brilliantly.” “Maybe then Ylva Helga Olofsdottir, Kulax Kojir, Joanna Jacobson, & Talia Macar will finally notice them.” “The planet, star system, galaxy, & universe thinks that Laurissa Owen Jones and I are some perfect, flawless hero/heroine and heroine who defeated the great evil the Forces of Evil all by ourselves.” “The truth is we are both flawed.” “But in reality, we both failed a lot and learned a lot together.” “We relied on each other and our platonic unconditional love for each other.” “We relied on our bond that connects our hearts, minds, & souls together.” “We relied on our friends Chun Hei Kim, Amelia Himmat Mishra, & Maysa Nabila Uzun.” “We relied on our teams the Elites, Paragons, & the Sentinels.” “In the end it was teamwork, love, connection, & bonds that defeated the super villain organization and alliance not fancy ass super powers.”
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ravenclawlitza · 7 years
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❛  liliana tisme, human fiend-pact fire tome warlock
                   original character for DUNGEONS & DRAGONS fifth edition
      STR  10 / +0 / +0   •   DEX  16 / +3 / +3   •   CON  13 / +1 / +1       INT  10 / +0 / +0   •   WIS  10 / +0 / +2   •   CHA  18 / +4 / +6
      HP:  33   •   AC:  14   •   LEVEL:  5   •   HIT DICE:  5d8   •   SPEED:  30ft       PROFICIENCY:  +3   •   ARMOR:  black leather   •   DARKVISION:  120ft       LANGUAGES:  common, abyssal, infernal, elvish   •   ALIGNMENT:  CN
STR:  +0 athletics
DEX:  +3 acrobatics  •  +3 sleight of hand  •  +6 stealth
INT:  +0 arcana  •  +0 history  •  +0 investigation  •  +0 nature  •  +3 religion
WIS:  +0 animal handling  •  +3 insight  •  +0 medicine  •  +3 perception  •  +0 survival
CHA:  +7 deception  •  +7 intimidation  •  +4 performance  •  +7 persuasion
DARK ONE’S BLESSING:  when you reduce a hostile creature to zero hit points, you gain 7 temporary hit points.
PACT OF THE TOME:  your patron gives you a grimoire called a book of shadows.  when you gain this feature, choose three cantrips from any class’s spell list (the three needn’t be from the same list).  while the book is on your person, you can cast those cantrips at will.  they don’t count against your number of cantrips known. If they don’t appear on the warlock spell list, they are nonetheless warlock spells for you.  if you lose your book of shadows, you can perform a one hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron.  this ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous book.  the book turns to ash when you die.
KNOWN:  3 cantrips, 4 tome cantrips, 6 spells, 2 third level spell slots, 3 invocations
ELEMENTAL ADEPT:  spells you cast ignore resistance to fire.  in addition, when you roll damage for a spell you cast that deals fire damage, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2.
BEGUILING INFLUENCE:  you gain proficiency in deception and persuasion.
DEVIL’S SIGHT:  you can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.
MASK OF MANY FACES:  you can cast disguise self at will without expending a spell slot.
DISGUISE SELF:  one action, verbal / somatic, self, one hour duration.  you make yourself, including your clothing, armor, weapons, and other belongings look different until the spell ends or your action dismisses it.  you can seem one foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat, or in between, keeping your same body shape, though these changes will not hold up to physical inspection.  to discern you are disguised, a creature can use its action to inspect your appearance in an investigation check vs 15.  ( she generally uses this either to conceal her weapons to appear harmless or enter an area where weapons aren’t allowed, to blend in with non-humans or other ethnicities, or in conjunction with an insight check to appear more attractive to a target to gain a bonus on charm, persuasion, or distraction. )
ELDRITCH BLAST:  one action, verbal / somatic, 120 foot range, instantaneous.  a beam of crackling energy streaks toward a creature within range.  make a +7 ranged spell attack against the target.  on a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.
FIRE BOLT:  one action, verbal / somatic, 120 feet, instantaneous.  you hurl a mote of fire at a creature or object within range.  make a +7 ranged spell attack against the target.  on a hit, the target takes 1d10 fire damage.  a flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it isn't being worn or carried.  ( treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2. )
MAGE HAND:  one action, verbal / somatic, 30 foot range, one minute duration.  you control a spectral, floating hand which persists so long as it is within 30 feet of you.  you can use an action to make the hand manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial.  you can move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it, but cannot use it to attack, activate magical items, or carry more than 10 pounds.
MESSAGE:  one action, verbal / somatic / a short piece of copper wire, 120 feet, 1 round.  you point your finger toward a creature within range and whisper a message.  the target (and only the target) hears the message and can reply in a whisper that only you can hear.  you can cast this spell through solid objects if you are familiar with the target and know it is beyond the barrier.  magical silence, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood blocks the spell.  the spell doesn't have to follow a straight line and can travel freely around corners or through openings.
MINOR ILLUSION:  one action, somatic / a bit of fleece, 30 foot range, one minute duration.   you create a sound or image of an object no larger than a 5 foot cube within range that lasts for the duration.  it also ends if you dismiss it as an action or cast this spell again.  if a creature uses its action to examine the sound or image, the creature can determine that it is an illusion with a successful investigation check against your spell save dc 15.  if a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the illusion becomes faint to the creature.
PRODUCE FLAME:  one action, verbal / somatic, self to 30 feet, 10 minute duration.  a flickering flame appears in your hand, shedding bright light in a 10 foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.  the spell ends if you dismiss it as an action or if you cast it again.  you can attack with the flame when you cast this spell or as an action on a later turn, hurling the flame at a creature within 30 feet of you.  make a +7 ranged spell attack.  on a hit, the target takes 1d8 fire damage.  ( treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2. )
VICIOUS MOCKERY:  one action, verbal, 60 feet, instantaneous.  you unleash a string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at a creature you can see within range.  if the target can hear you (though it need not understand you), it must succeed on a wisdom saving throw vs 15 or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.
BURNING HANDS:  one action, self 15 foot cone, verbal / somatic, instantaneous.  as you hold your hands with thumbs touching and fingers spread, a thin sheet of flames shoots forth from your outstretched fingertips.  each creature in a 15 foot cone must make a dexterity saving throw vs 15.  a creature takes 5d6 damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.  the fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried.  ( treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2. )
DARKNESS:  one action, verbal / bat fur and a drop of pitch or piece of coal, 60 foot range, up to ten minutes with concentration.  magical darkness spreads from a point you choose within range to fill a 15 foot radius sphere for the duration. the darkness spreads around corners.  a creature with darkvision can’t see through this darkness, and nonmagical light can’t illuminate it.  if the point you choose is on an object you are holding or one that isn’t being worn or carried, the darkness emanates from the object and moves with it.  completely covering the source of the darkness with an opaque object, such as a bowl or a helm, blocks the darkness. 
FIREBALL:  one action, verbal / somatic / a tiny ball of bat guano and sulfer, each creature in a 20 foot radius sphere centered on a point within range, instantaneous.  each creature must make a dexterity saving throw vs 15 or take 8d6 fire damage, with half damage on a save.  the fire spreads around corners and ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.  ( treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2. )
HELLISH REBUKE:  one reaction when you get hit by a creature within range you can see, 60 foot range, verbal / somatic, instantaneous.  you point your finger and the creature that damaged you is momentarily surrounded by hellish flames.  the creature must make a dexterity saving throw vs 15.  it takes 4d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.  ( treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2. )
SCORCHING RAY:  one action, verbal / somatic, 120 foot range, instantaneous.  you create 4 rays of fire and hurl them at targets within range.  you can hurl them at one target or several.  make a +7 ranged spell attack for each ray.  on a hit, the target takes 2d6 fire damage.  ( treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2. )
VAMPIRIC TOUCH:  one action, verbal / somatic, self, up to one minute with concentration.  make a melee attack +5 against a creature within reach.  on a hit, it takes 3d6 necrotic damage and you regain half as many hit points as damage dealt.  until the spell ends, you can make the attack again on each of your turns as an action.
SHORTBOW:  +5 to attack, 1d6+3 piercing, ammo, two-handed, range 80/320
3 DAGGERS:  +5 to attack, 1d4+3 piercing, finesse, light, thrown 20/60
CLOTHING:  common clothes, a belt pouch with 15 gold
EXPLORER’S PACK:  a backpack, bedroll, mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, a waterskin, a component pouch, a fiendish runestone, a worn curse book, 5 black candles, black cult robes, 50 feet hempen rope
CULTIST:  she spent her life in the service of a cult, acting as a lesser functionary in an occult group, performing profane rites and offering sacrifices in order to serve their fiendish master.  ( based on the acolyte background )
FEATURE:  after winning the favor of her patron, she cut ties with her cult, though she is still able to blend in with them if she so desires, and can recognize the symbols that mark secret passageways to their sacrificial chambers.
PERSONALITY:  she loves drama and gossip, and will do anything to get her way.  she often introduces herself using a fake name, commonly lilith, luna, eden, pandora, calypso, callisto, or nemesis.  flirtatious and attention-seeking, she revels in the spotlight and tends to make grandiose promises she has no intention of keeping.
IDEAL:  she's a free spirit, and no one tells her what to do.  ( chaotic )
BOND:  she desires to become the greatest warlock that ever lived, achieve immortality, and rule beside her patron lord.
FLAW:  life is fleeting and people come and go.  if it comes down to choosing between keeping herself or her friends safe, she'll save her own skin.
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
marvel vs. capcom dreamcast
marvel vs. capcom dreamcast
Marvel vs. Capcom cheats & more for Dreamcast (DC)
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Genre: Fighting, 3D Fighting Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: June 1, 2000
Play As Onslaught
Unlock all the hidden character quick selects. Then the “Onslaught” option will appear in the game menu.
Full Pause Screen
Pause the game, then hold Y and press X.
Alternate Costumes
At the character selection screen, highlight a fighter, then press A or Y.
Secret Character Quick Select
There are certain tasks that when completed will unlock the secret characters in arcade mode, without entry of a cheat code. The tasks are listed in the Strategy Guide. If these characters are challenged and defeated, they may be selected by moving the cursor to where they would appear when their cheat code is entered. For example, for Roll highlight Megaman and press Right. This quick select method may be saved to the VMU.
Megaman’s Repeat Gun Shots
With Megaman only. Hold down the button used to fire megaman’s beam gun. If done right megaman will glow. Release the button he will shot more then one this time depending on how long you hold the button.
Select Special Partner
Before the special partner selection screen appears, hold the following buttons for the corresponding special partner:
Unknown Soldier: Hold Start + Weak PunchLou: Hold Start + Medium PunchArthur: Hold Start + Weak Punch + Medium PunchSaki: Hold Start + High PunchTon-Pooh: Hold Start + Weak Punch + High PunchDevilot: Hold Start + Medium PunchAnita: Hold Start + Weak Punch + Medium Punch + High PunchPure and Fur: Hold Start + Weak KickMichelle Heart: Hold Start + Weak Punch + Weak KickMighty Thor: Hold Start + Weak Kick + Medium PunchCyclops: Hold Start + Weak Punch + Weak Kick + Medium PunchMagneto: Hold Start + Weak Kick + High PunchStorm: Hold Start + Weak Punch + Weak Kick + High PunchJubilee: Hold Start + Weak Kick + Medium Punch + High PunchRogue: Hold Start + Weak Punch + Weak Kick + Medium Punch + High PunchPsylocke: Hold Start + Medium KickJuggernaut: Hold Start + Weak Punch + Medium KickIceman: Hold Start + Medium Punch + Medium KickColossus: Hold Start + Weak Punch + Medium Punch + Medium KickUS Agent: Hold Start + High Punch + Medium KickShadow: Hold Start + Weak Punch + Medium Kick + High PunchSentinel: Hold Start + Medium Punch + Medium Kick + High Punch
Name Changes
Enter “—” as a name to have the game change it to “SIN”. Enter “AAA” as a name to have the game change it to “CAP”. Enter “MMM” as a name to have the game change it to “MOT”.
Switch Starting Character
Select your characters, then hold Weak Punch + Medium Punch + High Punch at the versus screen. Then when the match begins, the second character you chose will be the starting fighter.
Onslaught’s Moves
Sentinel Attack (small form): Any Attack.Dashing Attack (small form): Down, Down/Forward, Forward + any Kick.Magnetic Tempest (small form): Down, Down/Forward, Forward + any Punch.Unblockable Prison (small form): Forward, Down, Down/Forward + any Punch.Teleport (small form): Down, Down/Back, Back + any Kick.Magnetic Shockwave (small form): Down, Down/Forward, Forward + 2 Kicks.Mega Optic Blast (small form): Down, Down/Forward, Forward + 2 Punches.Hand Crush (large form): Any Punch.Sentinel Attack (large form): Any Kick.Hand Drill (large form): Down, Down/Forward, Forward + any Kick (when on the ground).Laser (large form): Down, Down/Forward, Forward + any Punch.Unblockable Prison (large form): Forward, Down, Down/Forward + any Punch.Move (large form): Rather than going forward and back like in his small form, he now can go up and down in the air.Laser beam (large form): Down, Down/Forward, Forward + 2 Punches (same as the ordinary laser, but he fires five of them).
Dual Team Attack On Level 3
Press Down, Down/Back, Back + High Punch + High Kick. Both characters can be controlled at the same time for about ten seconds.
Both Characters Fight At The Same Time
Press Down, Down/Back, Back, Weak Punch + Medium Punch + High Punch + Weak Kick + Medium Kick + High Kick to bring out your partner to help fight. This can defeat your enemies twice as fast. Note: You must have a maximum level on the hyper combo bar to do this trick, and it will only last for a short time. This is a very difficult trick to accomplish.
Change Back To Normal Ryu
Press Down, Down/Back, Back, Quick Punch. Note: You must have at least level 1 on you hyper combo bar.
Play As Red Ryu (Ken)
Press Down, Down/Back, Back, Medium Punch. Note: You must have at least level 1 on you hyper combo bar.
Play As Evil Ryu
Press Down, Down/Back, Back, Fierce Punch. Note: You must have at least level 1 on you hyper combo bar.
Play As Orange Hulk
At the character selection screen, highlight Chun-Li, then press Right(2), Down(2), Left(2), Right(2), Down(2), Left(2), Up(4), Down(2), Right(2), Up(2), Down(4), Up(4), Left, Up. Orange Hulk will appear above Ryu. Alternately, finish three rounds with a super variable cross-over; never lose a character. Then at the beginning of Round 7 the “Here comes a new challenger” message will appear and you will fight Orange Hulk and his partner. If you defeat him, he will be unlocked as a playable character, and can be save to the VMU so you will not have to enter the code each time to play as him.
Play As Red Venom
At the character selection screen, highlight Chun-Li, then press Right, Down(4), Left, Up(4), Right(2), Down(2), Left(2), Down(2), Right(2), Up(4), Left(2), Up. Red Venom will appear above Chun Li. Alternately, get the first attack every match; finish four rounds with a super variable cross-over combo; finish two opponents with a hyper combo; never lose a character. Then at the beginning of Round 7 the “Here comes a new challenger” message will appear and you will fight Red Venom and his partner. If you defeat him, he will be unlocked as a playable character, and can be save to the VMU so you will not have to enter the code each time to play as him.
Play As Shadow Lady
At the character selection screen, highlight Morrigan, then press Up, Right(2), Down(4), Left(2), Up(4), Right(2), Left(2), Down(2), Right(2), Down(2), Left(2), Up(2), Right(2), Up(2), Left(2), Down(5). Shadow Lady will appear below Gambit.
Play As Gold War Machine
At the character selection screen, highlight Zangief, then press Left(2), Down(2), Right(2), Down(2), Left(2), Up(4), Right(2), Left(2), Down(4), Right(2), Up(2), Left(2), Down(2), Right(2), Up(5). Gold War Machine will appear above Zangief. Alternately, finish five opponents with a hyper combo; finish two rounds with a super variable cross over combo; never lose a character. Then at the beginning of Round 7 the “Here comes a new challenger” message will appear and you will fight Gold War Machine and his partner. If you defeat him, he will be unlocked as a playable character, and can be save to the VMU so you will not have to enter the code each time to play as him.
Play As Roll
At the character selection screen, highlight Zangief, then press Left(2), Down(2), Right(2), Down(2), Left(2), Up, Right, Up(2), Right(2). Roll will appear to the right of Mega Man. Alternately, use all of your helpers every round (Cyclops, Psylocke, etc.); finish two rounds with a super variable cross-over; finish three opponents with a hyper combo; never lose a character. Then at the beginning of Round 7 the “Here comes a new challenger” message will appear and you will fight Roll and her partner. If you defeat her, she will be unlocked as a playable character, and can be save to the VMU so you will not have to enter the code each time to play as her.
Play As Lilith
At the character selection screen, highlight Zangief, then press Left(2), Down(2), Right(2), Up(2), Down(4), Left(2), Up(4), Right, Left, Down(4), Right(2), Up(4), Left(2), Down(4), Right, Down. Lilith will appear below War Machine. Alternately, finish two rounds with a super variable cross-over; finish seven opponents with a hyper combo; never lose a character. Then at the beginning of Round 7 the “Here comes a new challenger” message will appear and you will fight Lilith and her partner. If you defeat her, she will be unlocked as a playable character, and can be save to the VMU so you will not have to enter the code each time to play as her.
Currently we have no unlockables for Marvel vs. Capcom yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Marvel vs. Capcom yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Marvel vs. Capcom yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
0 notes
mudaship39 · 4 years
Alpha Centurion War:
Location: Omnicron:
Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria, “I remember that after meeting Breapru and Iesloria again I started to date them after a year of being friends.” “Then after dating the both of them for a decade I then asked for the consent of Breapru and Iesloria and my other fiancées. After that they both became my girlfriends, betrothed, & fiancées.” Alex/Lexi, said, “Breapru with her blue skin, blue scales, black feathers, long black hair, & green eyes she was beautiful.” “Iesloria with her red skin, red fur, long black hair, yellow eyes, & black stripes, she was pretty.” “I am slowly drifting to you.” “We are in each other’s orbit.” “The stars, planets, & moons are calling to us both.” “I am light years away from you but I am on my way.”  “Breapru said, “I remember you and I being a part of the clandestine, top secret, & classified intergalactic compartmentalized deep black intergalactic intelligence and law enforcement agency of Scorpio.” “You, I, & Iesloria were some of its best agents.” For Scorpio if you want a mental image imagine the Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Indigo, Orange, Pink, Black, & White Lanterns of DC. Imagine Blackwatch, Talon, & Overwatch of Overwatch. Imagine Shield, Strike, & Sword of Marvel. Imagine DEO, Argus, Team 7, Outsiders, Agency, & Checkmate of DC. Imagine FoxHound and Cipher of Metal Gear Solid. Imagine Ghosts or Rainbow of Tom Clancy. Imagine ONI of Halo. Imagine Third Echelon of Splinter Cell. That is Scorpio. “We were partners you and I Alex/Lexi.” “So when I saw how kind, compassionate, & open minded you were when you came to meet me when we first met as partners I was instantly attracted.” “When you came to save me on that day I was reminded of why I fell for you in the first place.” “And why I want you to be selfish for once in your life and leave the universe, multiverse, & omniverse to defend itself.” “You always look after others but my question is who looks out for you Alex/Lexi?” “You and the others Breapru and Iesloria,” said Alex/Lexi. 
Breapru said, “My love Cardinal Changeling, you have witnessed and instigated plenty of death, conflict, anguish, slaughter, loss, aggression, & obliteration to last countless Asgardian, Tamaranean, Kryptonian, & Daxamite life spans.” “You were stolen from your home in Hawaii.” “You were forced to become a metahuman and superhuman child soldier who was forced to fight until you were a superhuman and metahuman spec ops and black ops young adult super soldier.” “Since you were a metahuman and superhuman child soldier until you were a superhuman and metahuman spec ops and black ops young adult super soldier you fought across the country, continent, planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse.” “You escaped and were safe but not for long.” “You were stolen from your safe haven your fiancé Rashida Ashanti Bello’s home in Tanzania and you experimented on a giant black site planet that was an intergalactic compartmentalized deep black project where you were experimented on physically, emotionally, intellectually, psionically, & telepathically on a cellular, microscopic, atomic, subatomic, & nanoscopic level.” “You were enslaved on a giant slaver planet that was a deep black project where you were chained, beaten, interrogated, starved, branded, tortured, & whipped.” “You have lost so much of yourself.” 
Iesloria said, “Your war against the Forces of Evil, its leaders, its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements to save the planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse also made damn certain of that.” The Forces of Evil had twelve leaders the eight aliens (with each eight each having the power of Brainiac, Doomsday, Imperiex Prime, Darkseid, Starro, & Mongul of DC comics and Galactus, Apocalypse, & Thanos of Marvel comics combined), the demonic leader the Devil Lord and Demon General (who is as powerful as Diablo, Trigon, Lilith, Nekron, Mephisto, & Dormammu combined), the evil sorcerer (as powerful as Zatanna Zatara, Scarlet Witch, John Constantine, Doctor Fate, Dark Raven, Giovanni Zatara, & Doctor Strange combined), & Greco Roman Titan leaders (the Greek Titan Cronus and the Roman Titan Saturn). The eight generals of the Forces of Evil were like Siren (Hila the sister of Queen Mera), Desaad, Queen Bee (Zazzala of the Hive), Heracles, Steppenwolf, Mongal (the daughter of Mongul), Kalibak, & Granny Goodness of DC comics. The seventeen lieutenants of the Forces of Evil were like Grail the Godkiller, Lashina, Mad Harriet, Knockout, Precious, Gilotina, Bernadeth, Stompa, Artemiz, K’li, Speed Queen, Malice Vundabar, Bloody Mary, Wunda, Sweet Leilani of the Female Furies), and Scandal Savage, & Liana Kerzner of DC Comics. The Forces of Evil’s allies are like the Fearsome Five, Villainy Inc., the Legion of Supervillains, the Injustice Society, the Legion of Doom, Hive, Injustice League, the Brotherhood of Evil, the Secret Society of Supervillains, & the Fatal Five of DC comics combined. The reinforcements of the Forces of Evil the Horde Army are like Zerg Swarm, Star Trek Borg, undead ghouls and zombies of the Lich King, Starro drones, Halo Flood, Brainiac probes, undead Greek Spartan and undead Roman Centurion soldiers, Imperiex clones of Imperiex Prime, Fallout 3 super mutants, Halo Forerunner Promethean Knights, Fallout 4 ghouls, Darkseid's parademons, Resident Evil zombies, Trigon’s demons and archdemons, & Star Wars Yuuzhan Vong. “The Horde Army is made up of those who fell against the Forces of Evil.” “Who in their death were twisted, converted, infested, & warped against their will into monsters to serve the Forces of Evil.” “The Forces of Evil are that cruel, wicked, & malicious.” “These reinforcements that comprise the Forces of Evil foot soldiers is what allowed the allies and leaders of the Forces of Evil to conquer universes, multiverses, & omniverses and is what allowed the generals and lieutenants of the Forces of Evil to destroy planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “The Horde Army allowed the Forces of Evil to kill millions and enslave billions.” “For you spent the last years, decades, & centuries in those shitholes, exchanging hard light plasma fire with the Forces of Evil, its leaders, its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements.” “The casualties of that intergalactic Alpha Centurion War against the Forces of Evil in the Battles of Earth, the Battle of the Sol System, the Battle of the Vega System, the Battle of the Milky Way Galaxy, the Battle of the Polaris System, the Battle of the Xeno Galaxy, & the Battle of the Andromeda Galaxy in the Alpha Centurion War were not just thousands or hundreds of thousands like in world wars but millions and billions of people who became KIA, MIA, POWs, or came home with mental illnesses (of chronic: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, & PTSD).” 
Iesloria and Breapru said, “The oath of your superhero teams the Elites (imagine a superhero team like The Teen Titans, The Young Justice League, Young Avengers, & Legion of Superheroes combined with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the entire Sol System) and the Paragons (imagine a superhero team like The Justice League, X Men, Avengers, the Justice Society of Superheroes, & Doom Patrol combined with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the Sol Star System, Vega Star System, & Polaris Star System) that you founded is, “We have been called, we must answer, we took an oath, we took a pledge, we made a vow, we swore a promise, that no matter the time, no matter the place, no matter the numbers, no matter the odds, no matter the opposition, no matter the risk, no matter the cost, & no matter the sacrifice, we always answer the call.” “When the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse (including the DC Prime, & Marvel 616) were in danger of being suppressed and conquered by these intergalactic subjugators and oppressors.” “You asked them would they answer the call.” “They all answered you.” “They answered your call because they saw someone that they were willing to fight and die for.” “The Forces of Evil came to crush and vanquish the universe, the multiverse, & the omniverse.” “They came to subjugate millions, billions, & trillions of lives.” “You lead all of us in an intergalactic war to deny them.” “Saving the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “When the intergalactic war ended your superhero teams wrote tens, hundreds, thousands, & hundreds of thousands of condolence letters by hand.” “You all did it so that you would always remember that, no matter what our oath as Elites and Paragons says, that there is always a cost, & that there is always a sacrifice.” “Many lives, thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, & billions of lives were lost to save this planet, this star system, this galaxy, this universe, this multiverse, & this omniverse.” “To save them from the Forces of Evil (the multiversal level threat super villain organization and alliance), its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements.” “You don’t owe them anything anymore.” “It is they how owe you Alex/Lexi!”
Breapru said, “You have experienced so much suffering and so much loss.” “You have given them beyond enough.” “Beyond what anyone could or would ever ask of you for.” “Decades with the Earth Space Marine Force Recon had toughened you and centuries with the Sol System Federation Space Navy Seals have hardened you,” said Planetary Empress Beapru. “My worship Alexander Mark “Alex” Smith/Alexandria Macy “Lexi” Smith...I recognize that you believe you hold a certain...responsibility towards this planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “That you feel you owe them something but Cambion Chimera (Alex Smith/Lexi Smith) my love…” “You do not owe these pieces of shit a single fucking goddamn thing!” “Especially after all that they have taken from you!” “Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith they have champions and they have heroes who act as wardens, guardians, & sentinels.” “You did your responsibility.” “You did what you assured your parents you would do.” “You pledged to your parents that you would do what you could to make the earthlings and aliens of the Sol System, Polaris System, & Vega System better.” “You created the Elites and the Paragons and revamped the Sentinels to be champions of the Sol System, Vega System, & Polaris System and the heroes of the Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, & the Xeno Galaxy.” “But you left a Elites, Paragons & Sentinels a hundred thousand times the extent of what you started in your stead.” “You don’t owe them anymore!” “If you chose to walk away right now and never return forever.” “What right do they have to ask you to come back.” “What right do they have to ask you to sacrifice more.” “They have to save themselves Alexander/Alexandria.” “Being a hero is not a job, it is not a duty, & it is not an obligation, for it is a choice, & you can chose to leave.” Breapru said to Cardinal Changeling, “Jade Jaguar (Alex Smith/Lexi Smith), you have suffered more anguish than anyone will ever know.” “You have felt more torment than anyone could ever experience.” “You have performed terrible things than anyone could ever envision.” “You have witnessed the most appalling things that anyone could ever visualize.” “When you close your eyes at night,” she cried her voice breaking, “every single night,” she cried saying, “I know you hear more screaming than anyone could ever calculate.” “I know because every single night I hear you crying from the nightmares caused by your chronic PTSD.” “I hear you begging and pleading for your tormentors to stop hurting you and the people that saw being experimented on or being enslaved.” “You wake up with a snarl, growl, & roar and realize it was a nightmare, that it has been years, decades, & centuries since those events happened.” “That’s when you realize that even though the bullets have stopped.” “The war in your mind does not.” This is a memory of shapeshifter metamorph & changeling superhero Emerald Eagle (Alexander Smith/Alexandra Smith) while asleep hissed, snarled, growled, & roared as he/she/they fired Kryptonian heat vision with tears in his/her/their eyes, “Stop, please I beg you, no more!” “It’s not real, this is real, we are real,” said Kulax Kojir, Carina Bellona Ragorio, Joanna Jacobson, Ylva Helga Olofsdottor, Diona Artemis Megalos, Kaimana Zhao Hokulani Ya Keali’i, & Talia Macar as they held Cardinal Changeling as he/she/they cried into Kulax Kojir’s shoulder. “I am sorry but it felt so real.” “Shh it is okay it was just a dream,” said Iesloria and Brepru, “Did you have another nightmare?” “Focus on us, let us be your anchor, focus on our voices.” “They can no longer hurt you.” “Do you promise?” “We swear to you.” 
“This…” “Everything that happened…” “Is all my fault,” said Alexander/Alexandria. “If I just could have done more.” “It wasn’t your fault Alex/Lexi.” “There was nothing more that you could have done Mack Smith/Macy Smith.” Iesloria said, “You gave them blood, sweat, & tears.” “You sacrificed to them your heart, your soul, your mind, your friends, & your family.”“So I ask you, what more will you surrender for them, Alex/Lexi?” “Will you sacrifice what’s left of your friends and family the Superhero Antihero & Supervillain Legionnaire United Strikeforce (the coalition between the Elites, Paragons, Sentinels with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the universe, multiverse, & omniverse) that you created in the 40th century to finally defeat the Forces of Evil?” “What’s left of your heart (your adoptive children Maria Garcia Morales, Tadashi Sato, & Nathaniel “Nate” Nguyen and your future biological children with your wives).” “What’s left of your sanity (those people that you saved from that slaver planet and that giant black site planet who became your adoptive family)?” “What's left of your reason to fight (The superhero teams the Elites, the Paragons, & the Sentinels)?” “What’s left of your soul (your wives who are extraterrestrial aliens, wives who are Indigenous women Indigenous to Turtle Island, wives who are Indigenous women Indigenous to Pasifika or Oceania, & wives who are women of color)?” “These fucking assholes do not fucking deserve you Alex/Lexi!” “They never did, they never have, & they never will!” “They are not fucking worthy of you!” “If you chose to turn your back on this universe, multiverse, & omniverse who the fuck are they to fucking judge you?!” “Whatever you do, even if you decide to abandon this planet, this star system, & this galaxy of this universe, this multiverse, & this omniverse.” “I will not leave your side my love.” “You will discover yourself Alex/Lexi and when you do.” “I assure you that this planet, this solar system, this galaxy, this universe, & this multiverse will go completely quiet.” “I guarantee you that men, women, & beyond (those who are nonbinary, Turtle Island Indigenous two spirit, Polynesian Indigenous Pasfika mahu, agender, bigender, & genderfluid) will not fall for your magnificence but for your strength and your power.” “I swear to you, Alex/Lexi that those who are heterosexual, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, demisexual, or asexual will venerate what you have flourished into and hold you as someone to admire.” “I vow to you that your allies will watch in astonishment as you overcome what they cannot.” “I assure you that your adversaries will tremble before you in terror beseeching for your infinite mercy, boundless kindness, or limitless compassion.” “That King/Queen Alexander Mark Smith/Alexandria Maria Smith of the Principality of Ethania, Europa.” “That is something that we, Breapru and Iesloria, pledge to you.” These two alien extraterrestrial women in front of him/her/them knew the force and the dominion he/she/they hold. The planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes, & multiverses that he/she/they could effortlessly subjugate. Yet protects and still looks out for them as if they were blood. X’Hal and Rao, as if they were from the same planet, as if they were from the same solar system, & as if they were from the same galaxy. He/she/they with the power could easily conquer them but they would never be imperialists and intergalactic colonizers as someone who despises imperialism and colonialism and as someone who rebelled against the Terran Empire of the Sol System to free the colonists of Lunar, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, & Triton from the hegemony and dominion of the planet Earth. This action led to the creation of the United Federation of the Sol System made of Earth, Lunar, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, & Triton. “No matter what may be wrong, Alex/Lexi.” “No matter whom or what has harmed you.” “I will always be there for you.” “But whomever or whatever has injured you.” “Your wives, Empress Ohoi Nessars, Queen Diona Artemis Megalos (daughter of Ares and Athena) of Greco demigods of the Greek Mount Olympus, Chieftain and Paramount Warchief Rashida Ashanti Bello of Tanzania, Chieftain and Warchief Ylva Helga Olofsdottor (of the Aesir Valkyries of Asgard), Queen Adrianna Acosta of South America, Queen Carina Akali Ragorio (daughter of Mars and Venus) of Roman demigods of the Roman Mount Olympus, Chieftain and Warchief Kaimana Zhao Hokulani Ya Keali’i of a nation in Polynesia and a kingdom of the empire of Atlantis, Sultan Nijah Nadra Nadar, & Empress Kulax Kojir, Queen Talia Macar.” “As well as Empress Breapru and I Empress Ielsoria who are all imperial royalty.” “Will have the sum of our kingdoms, the whole of our empires, & the total of our planetary empires, volley down devil hellfire and cascade down divine holy fire upon all of those who wish to do so!” “You have had and will always have our undying fealty,” they both said as they kneeled before him/her/them on one knee and struck both of their hard light plasma long swords into the ground. They could both tell he/she/they were a warrior  and a soldier with the way he/she/they held himself/herself/themselves, his/her/their posture, & his/her/their arms somewhat bent ready to be brought up in a moment’s notice to defend himself/herself/themselves at any time. Even now he/she/they are still super soldiers. 
Breapru and Iesloria two alien extraterrestrials who were in a polyamorous triad relationship with each other and Alexander/Alexandria said, “Your first death it started a cosmic war.” “You were killed after the Elites and Paragons vs Sentinel Superhero Civil War.” “You were murdered because they the metahumans and superhumans of these planets, star systems, & galaxies started to fear your potential power, influence, supremacy, & control.” “You were killed by a monster created by humans and aliens of these planets, systems, & galaxies.” “It was a beast made out of divine iron, mithril, celestial titanium, orichalcum, heavenly bronze, etherium, uru, adamant or adamantine, stellar steel, & adamantite.” “It was a creature that was made sentient with aether, divine magic, nether, arcane magic, celestial magic, & esoteric magic.” “You died as a knight and paladin when you fell in combat fighting the behemoth to defend the citizens of Magical County.” “Out of fear they murdered you and sent a weapon to kill you a queer disabled Indigenous person of color and Indigenous Pasifika person of color superhero.” “It started the Alpha Centurion War with the Battles of Earth.” “The Alpha Centurion War began when the Forces of Evil a supervillain organization and alliance, their leaders, their generals, their lieutenants, & their allies realized the universe, multiverse, & omniverse no longer had its defender and protector to safeguard it.” “They destroyed and obliterated planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “They conquered and subjugated universes, multiverses, & omniverses.” “They invaded and proceeded to kill millions, enslave billions, & cause trillions to go home with mental illnesses.” “You were brought back to life with the power of a power totem in the form of a magical necklace.” “In the Battle of the Sol and Vega System and in the Battle of the Andromeda Galaxy and the Battle of the Milky Way Galaxy you fought the Forces of Evil.” “Your second death ended a stellar war in the Battle of the Polaris System.” “You were then forsaken by the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & universe.” “When the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse abandoned you and let the generals and lieutenants of the Forces of Evil execute you with a hard-light halberd spear.” “The Forces of Evil struck you down in Final Reckoning like a Lance of Longinus.” “It was a spear made out of nth metal, adamantium, timonium, & vibranium covered in element zero, chronoton, kryptonite, dark metal, inertron, & element x.” “When intergalactic war ends suddenly a cosmic hero becomes a threat to intergalactic world governments.” “So they assassinated you.” “They feared you with your charisma and charm would inspire more to be revolutionary, militant, anarchist, & radical.” “So, they killed you when they had no more use for you.” “You died to defeat the Forces of Evil.” “The Forces of Evil, their leaders, their generals, their lieutenants, their allies, & their reinforcements were then banished to the Void and the Breach.” “The metahumans and superhumans of these planets, star systems, & galaxies never deserved your love.” “The humans and aliens of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse never deserved your admiration.” “You were the twice dead risen King/Queen of Iuyamnia.” “The Monarch ordained long ago to end the ceaseless night that has plagued these planets, star systems, & galaxies of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse for years, decades, centuries, & millennia!”  “You were the champion and hero fated since ancient times to end the everlasting night.” “You were the warden and defender ordained since ancient times to ultimately return the sunrise to the cosmos freeing it from the perpetual shadows and ceaseless darkness!” “The blue, yellow, red, & white stars and suns will come back with the dawn because you defeated the Forces of Evil!” 
“Cardinal Changeling or Scarlet Shapeshifter (Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith) he/she/they only had one wish.” “That was to soar through the endless outer space ceaselessly.” “He/she/they had one desire and that was to forever be in the single place that he/she/they truly felt alive.” “That is the cosmos of the universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “For it was his/her/their true kingdom and empire.” “He/she/they don’t even have a planet, star system, or galaxy to call home.” “Not after he/she/they were betrayed by the humans and aliens of these planets, star systems, galaxies.”  “They were killed by a monster created by the humans and aliens of these planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “It was a beast made out of divine iron, mithril, celestial titanium, orichalcum, heavenly bronze, etherium, uru, adamant or adamantine, stellar steel, & adamantite.” “It was a creature made sentient with aether, divine magic, nether, arcane magic, celestial magic, & esoteric magic.” “And he/she/they as a knight and paladin fell in battle against this titanic behemoth fighting it to defend the citizens of Magical County.” “He/she/they don’t have a universe, multiverse, & omniverse to call home.” “Not after they were forsaken by the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & universe.” “When the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse abandoned him/her/them and let the generals and lieutenants of the Forces of Evil execute him/her/them when he/she/thy died in the Battle of the Polaris Star System.” “The Forces of Evil they murdered him/her/them with a hard light halberd spear and stuck him/her/them down in Final Reckoning like a Lance of Longinus.” “It was a spear with a blade forged with nth metal, adamantium, timonium, & vibranium covered in element zero, chronoton, kryptonite, dark metal, inertron, & element x.” “His/her/their Iuyamian species home planet of Iuyamia is no longer his/her/theirs anymore.” “Even though that planet was once cherished by his/her/their grandmother Marie Gabriella Bahr Smith a pureblood Iuyamanian who was a displaced diaspora and a war refugee.” “He/she/they are a dragon and phoenix meant to be free to soar across the universe.” “When all his/her/their intergalactic warfare was done after the Alpha Centurion War he/she/they did not have peace, tranquility, or serenity.” “He/she/they smolder like dragon fire and freeze like dragon ice.” “He/she/they soar beyond in endless space yet he/she/they cannot ascend.” “Soar with the grace and elegance of an archangel and strike quick with the ferocity and fury of an arch demon.” “Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith was known to be the Devil of Romulus Nebula and was known to be the Fallen God of the Zephyr Nebula.” “He/she/they are said to be a warrior who soared through the Alpha Centurion War against the Forces of Evil rousing both terror and respect in allies and enemies alike.” “In the course of the perpetual waves of time from a wrinkle of revolution shall the tempest ascend and out of the void and the breach gazes the eyes of a devil and a fallen god.” “The oracles, shamans, & seers all say, “Behold the Devil of the Romulus Nebula and the Fallen God of the Zephyr Nebula.” “A celestial and stellar entity and divine and heavenly being with its ethereal and wraithlike body.” “An organism with its cardinal halo shrouded in divine holy fire, its midnight demon horns shrouded in scarlet hellfire, its obsidian demon wings shrouded in black hellfire, its ebony prehensile tail shrouded in ruby hellfire, its gold angel wings shrouded in ivory holy fire, & its scarlet fallen angel wings shrouded in firebrick holy fire.” “The demon and fallen angel soars through the cosmos while horror, war, carnage, devastation, bloodshed, & death follow its silhouette below.” “That is until metahuman and superhuman men and women unified together to forge a sanctified divine halberd spear.” “They later gave it to a champion to wield it hurling it through the heavens like a Lance of Longinus.” “But in the final reckoning struck down the demon and fallen angel.” “A hero is suddenly a threat to intergalactic governments the moment an intergalactic war is over.” “So they killed him/her/them for he/she/they were a singularity.” “But they forget that the Alpha Centurion War was won because of the actions of Alexander Kana’i Mack Ryuu Francisco Makoa Smith/Alexandria Ataahua Macy Haruka Francisca Kamalani Smith.” “Alex/Lexi is that demon or devil and fallen angel or fallen god as the celestial that was betrayed by those, he/she/they saved as a dark hero.” “He/she/they needed them.” “But when he/she/they needed them most they betrayed him/her/them.” “The seers and oracles say, “While the devil sleeps dormant that is when Kryptonian turns on Kryptonian, Atlantean turns on Amazonian, New God turns on Old God, & Tameranean turns on Daxamite.” “His/her/their own blood and insanity rapidly envelop the earth, the seas, the skies, the heavens, the stars, the planets, & the moons of this universe.” “From the pits of misery awaken the Fallen God and Devil of the Romulus Nebula and Zephyr Nebula with its charcoal and crimson wings blazing in regal radiance for all mortals, demigods, old gods, new gods, titans, great old gods, & dragon gods to witness.” “Nothing in the star system, galaxy, & universe is his/her/their equal.” “For he/she/they are a being without fear.” “He/she/they look down on all who are overconfident.” “He/she/they are an emperor/empress over all that are arrogant.” “They are an emperor/empress over all of them as the Fallen God of The Breach and Devil of The Void.” “He/she/they were a star that fell from space and crashed to the earth.” “When history beholds a great change the Fallen God and Devil of the Romulus and Zephyr Nebula reveals himself/herself/themselves first as an evil demon who is a harbinger and bringer of war, death, violence, bloodshed, & destruction.” “The fallen god and the devil are two sides of the same coin.” “As a demon it uses its might to volley death and destruction upon the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, & multiverse and then it dies.” “The demon who slaughtered his/her/their way across the cosmos was slain.” “However, after an interlude of slumber the Fallen God and Devil of the Romulus Nebula returns.” “But this time not as a demon but as a fallen archangel that is a dark hero destined to save the universe.” “His/her/their existence filled the star system, galaxy, & universe for but for a few millennia before he/she/they ultimately disappeared.” “The world awaits a champion to cast light.” “The world awaits a hero to banish the darkness when the world is shrouded in shadows.” “The world awaits a warden, sentinel, protector, & defender to act as a beacon of hope and faith in hopelessness and desperation.” “His/her/their followers patiently await his/her/their return.” “They have waited for years, decades, & centuries for their knight and paladin to return.” “When the universe is in danger they’ll appear again as a dark hero once again.” “But will he/she/they even save a universe, multiverse, & omniverse that betrayed him/her/them?” 
Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith said, “I am not immortal nor do I like to be.” “People seem to misunderstand.” “I am not an old god, a titan, a new god, great old god, or a dragon god.” “The Celestial and Stellar entity and Divine and Heavenly being is just a transformation where I become a nigh immortal or immortal by shapeshifting, transmutation, & transfiguration.” “I know it has three wings that seem divine.” “It’s a form I gained with my power of absolute adaptation.” “Once I leave that form, I am no longer immortal and immortal.” “I am just like any other metahuman and superhuman.” “I can still be hurt by hard light, laser, plasma, energy, or ballistic bullets.” “I can be injured if something is strong enough to negate my superhuman durability and supernatural healing.” “I can still be killed by execution with adamant, mithril, or nth metal swords.” “I will die of old age someday since I’m still mortal.” “People seemed to have deify me as of late.” “I even have a cult I didn’t ask for.”  “I am not sure I like that.” “I don’t like it at all as an Indigenous Pasifika person of color.” “I guess people need someone to believe in so why believe in the person who ended a cosmic and stellar war and stopped what many considered to be Armageddon or Judgement Day.” “I mean I don’t blame them.” “I brought back hope and faith for so many as a paragon and exemplar and they latched on to that.” “I chose to be a hero.” “It wasn’t because I was chosen by the gods, fate, or a wizard.” “In fact, they said I would never be worthy.” “They said I would never be pure of heart.” “So, them saying I was sent by higher powers just rubs me the wrong way you know.”
What is a hero?  “Did you know I was not chosen,” asked Alexander/Alexandria. “Everyone says I am a true hero.” “But fates did not come and tell me that I am the half blood child of a god or a titan ordained to end the darkness.” “Gods didn’t tell me that I was their champion destined to save the world.” “A wizard didn’t come and tell me that I was the hero fated to defeat a great evil.” “As a metahuman and superhuman child soldier I was always the joke and the underdog.” “I always failed but I always got up.” “I was the weakest metahuman and superhuman.” “Everyone told me to give up.” “But I always was hard of hearing.” “Through blood, sweat, & tears, through hard work, sheer motivation, fortitude, & determination I became one of the best and unlocked my full potential.” “I became the best SSSS class young adult metahuman and superhuman black ops and spec ops super soldier.” “I like some was never chosen unlike the others.” “I was never worthy.” “I never thought myself as a hero.” “I always thought myself as an antihero or supervillain.” “But one day the planet, the star system, the galaxy, & the universe needed a hero.” “They called a hero to save them, to defend them against the space naval armada of alien and human traffickers of metahumans and superhumans.” “No hero answered the call.” “They broke their oaths as heroes!” “I swore to them that I would never do the same!” “I was never chosen.” “But on that day, I chose myself.” “I became their hero, their chosen one, & their champion!” “Every single time,” he/she/they said as their voices broke, “I answered their call no matter the opposition, no matter the cost, no matter the time, & no matter the sacrifice!” “I gave an oath to always answer the call!” “I would never fail them unlike the others!” “And so after stories were made how I was always chosen but in fact there was no fate, no gods, & no wizards to declare my the chosen one, the hero, or the champion.” “No when it all mattered in the end I chose myself.” “That is why I chose to fight against the first, second, & third iteration of the Forces of Evil.” “My version is better don’t you think.” “That sometimes you are not chosen but you chose yourself.” “On that day I answered their call and so inspired by my initiative others joined me.” “We became the Elites (imagine the Teen Titans, Young Justice League, & Legion of Superheroes) and later we became the Paragons (imagine Justice League, the Justice Society of Superheroes, & Doom Patrol).” “Everyone has yet to discover Alexander’s/Alexandria’s skill, potential, & talent.” “There will be a day, month, or year when he/she/they shine brilliantly.” “Maybe then Ylva Helga Olofsdottir, Kulax Kojir, Joanna Jacobson, & Talia Macar will finally notice them.” “The planet, star system, galaxy, & universe thinks that Laurissa Owen Jones and I are some perfect, flawless hero/heroine and heroine who defeated the great evil the Forces of Evil all by ourselves.” “The truth is we are both flawed.” “But in reality, we both failed a lot and learned a lot together.” “We relied on each other and our platonic unconditional love for each other.” “We relied on our bond that connects our hearts, minds, & souls together.” “We relied on our friends Chun Hei Kim, Amelia Himmat Mishra, & Maysa Nabila Uzun.” “We relied on our teams the Elites, Paragons, & the Sentinels.” “In the end it was teamwork, love, connection, & bonds that defeated the super villain organization and alliance not fancy ass super powers.”
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mudaship39 · 4 years
Alpha Centurion War:
Present day:
Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria, “I remember that after meeting Breapru and Iesloria again I started to date them after a year of being friends.” “Then after dating the both of them for a decade I then asked for the consent of Breapru and Iesloria and my other fiancées. After that they both became my girlfriends, betrothed, & fiancées.” Alex/Lexi, said, “Breapru with her blue skin, blue scales, black feathers, long black hair, & green eyes she was beautiful.” “Iesloria with her red skin, red fur, long black hair, yellow eyes, & black stripes, she was pretty.” “I am slowly drifting to you.” “We are in each other’s orbit.” “The stars, planets, & moons are calling to us both.” “I am light years away from you but I am on my way.”  “Breapru said, “I remember you and I being a part of the clandestine, top secret, & classified intergalactic compartmentalized deep black intergalactic intelligence and law enforcement agency of Scorpio.” “You, I, & Iesloria were some of its best agents.” For Scorpio if you want a mental image imagine the Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Indigo, Orange, Pink, Black, & White Lanterns of DC. Imagine Blackwatch, Talon, & Overwatch of Overwatch. Imagine Shield, Strike, & Sword of Marvel. Imagine DEO, Argus, Team 7, Outsiders, Agency, & Checkmate of DC. Imagine FoxHound and Cipher of Metal Gear Solid. Imagine Ghosts or Rainbow of Tom Clancy. Imagine ONI of Halo. Imagine Third Echelon of Splinter Cell. That is Scorpio. “We were partners you and I Alex/Lexi.” “So when I saw how kind, compassionate, & open minded you were when you came to meet me when we first met as partners I was instantly attracted.” “When you came to save me on that day I was reminded of why I fell for you in the first place.” “And why I want you to be selfish for once in your life and leave the universe, multiverse, & omniverse to defend itself.” “You always look after others but my question is who looks out for you Alex/Lexi?” “You and the others Breapru and Iesloria,” said Alex/Lexi. 
Breapru said, “My love Cardinal Changeling, you have witnessed and instigated plenty of death, conflict, anguish, slaughter, loss, aggression, & obliteration to last countless Asgardian, Tamaranean, Kryptonian, & Daxamite life spans.” “You were stolen from your home in Hawaii.” “You were forced to become a metahuman and superhuman child soldier who was forced to fight until you were a superhuman and metahuman spec ops and black ops young adult super soldier.” “Since you were a metahuman and superhuman child soldier until you were a superhuman and metahuman spec ops and black ops young adult super soldier you fought across the country, continent, planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse.” “You escaped and were safe but not for long.” “You were stolen from your safe haven your fiancé Rashida Ashanti Bello’s home in Tanzania and you experimented on a giant black site planet that was an intergalactic compartmentalized deep black project where you were experimented on physically, emotionally, intellectually, psionically, & telepathically on a cellular, microscopic, atomic, subatomic, & nanoscopic level.” “You were enslaved on a giant slaver planet that was a deep black project where you were chained, beaten, interrogated, starved, branded, tortured, & whipped.” “You have lost so much of yourself.” 
Iesloria said, “Your war against the Forces of Evil, its leaders, its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements to save the planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse also made damn certain of that.” The Forces of Evil had twelve leaders the eight aliens (with each eight each having the power of Brainiac, Doomsday, Imperiex Prime, Darkseid, Starro, & Mongul of DC comics and Galactus, Apocalypse, & Thanos of Marvel comics combined), the demonic leader the Devil Lord and Demon General (who is as powerful as Diablo, Trigon, Lilith, Nekron, Mephisto, & Dormammu combined), the evil sorcerer (as powerful as Zatanna Zatara, Scarlet Witch, John Constantine, Doctor Fate, Dark Raven, Giovanni Zatara, & Doctor Strange combined), & Greco Roman Titan leaders (the Greek Titan Cronus and the Roman Titan Saturn). The eight generals of the Forces of Evil were like Siren (Hila the sister of Queen Mera), Desaad, Queen Bee (Zazzala of the Hive), Heracles, Steppenwolf, Mongal (the daughter of Mongul), Kalibak, & Granny Goodness of DC comics. The seventeen lieutenants of the Forces of Evil were like Grail the Godkiller, Lashina, Mad Harriet, Knockout, Precious, Gilotina, Bernadeth, Stompa, Artemiz, K’li, Speed Queen, Malice Vundabar, Bloody Mary, Wunda, Sweet Leilani of the Female Furies), and Scandal Savage, & Liana Kerzner of DC Comics. The Forces of Evil’s allies are like the Fearsome Five, Villainy Inc., the Legion of Supervillains, the Injustice Society, the Legion of Doom, Hive, Injustice League, the Brotherhood of Evil, the Secret Society of Supervillains, & the Fatal Five of DC comics combined. The reinforcements of the Forces of Evil the Horde Army are like Zerg Swarm, Star Trek Borg, undead ghouls and zombies of the Lich King, Starro drones, Halo Flood, Brainiac probes, undead Greek Spartan and undead Roman Centurion soldiers, Imperiex clones of Imperiex Prime, Fallout 3 super mutants, Halo Forerunner Promethean Knights, Fallout 4 ghouls, Darkseid's parademons, Resident Evil zombies, Trigon’s demons and archdemons, & Star Wars Yuuzhan Vong. “The Horde Army is made up of those who fell against the Forces of Evil.” “Who in their death were twisted, converted, infested, & warped against their will into monsters to serve the Forces of Evil.” “The Forces of Evil are that cruel, wicked, & malicious.” “These reinforcements that comprise the Forces of Evil foot soldiers is what allowed the allies and leaders of the Forces of Evil to conquer universes, multiverses, & omniverses and is what allowed the generals and lieutenants of the Forces of Evil to destroy planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “The Horde Army allowed the Forces of Evil to kill millions and enslave billions.” “For you spent the last years, decades, & centuries in those shitholes, exchanging hard light plasma fire with the Forces of Evil, its leaders, its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements.” “The casualties of that intergalactic Alpha Centurion War against the Forces of Evil in the Battles of Earth, the Battle of the Sol System, the Battle of the Vega System, the Battle of the Milky Way Galaxy, the Battle of the Polaris System, the Battle of the Xeno Galaxy, & the Battle of the Andromeda Galaxy in the Alpha Centurion War were not just thousands or hundreds of thousands like in world wars but millions and billions of people who became KIA, MIA, POWs, or came home with mental illnesses (of chronic: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, & PTSD).” 
Iesloria and Breapru said, “The oath of your superhero teams the Elites (imagine a superhero team like The Teen Titans, The Young Justice League, Young Avengers, & Legion of Superheroes combined with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the entire Sol System) and the Paragons (imagine a superhero team like The Justice League, X Men, Avengers, the Justice Society of Superheroes, & Doom Patrol combined with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the Sol Star System, Vega Star System, & Polaris Star System) that you founded is, “We have been called, we must answer, we took an oath, we took a pledge, we made a vow, we swore a promise, that no matter the time, no matter the place, no matter the numbers, no matter the odds, no matter the opposition, no matter the risk, no matter the cost, & no matter the sacrifice, we always answer the call.” “When the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse (including the DC Prime, & Marvel 616) were in danger of being suppressed and conquered by these intergalactic subjugators and oppressors.” “You asked them would they answer the call.” “They all answered you.” “They answered your call because they saw someone that they were willing to fight and die for.” “The Forces of Evil came to crush and vanquish the universe, the multiverse, & the omniverse.” “They came to subjugate millions, billions, & trillions of lives.” “You lead all of us in an intergalactic war to deny them.” “Saving the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “When the intergalactic war ended your superhero teams wrote tens, hundreds, thousands, & hundreds of thousands of condolence letters by hand.” “You all did it so that you would always remember that, no matter what our oath as Elites and Paragons says, that there is always a cost, & that there is always a sacrifice.” “Many lives, thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, & billions of lives were lost to save this planet, this star system, this galaxy, this universe, this multiverse, & this omniverse.” “To save them from the Forces of Evil (the multiversal level threat super villain organization and alliance), its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements.” “You don’t owe them anything anymore.” “It is they how owe you Alex/Lexi!”
Breapru said, “You have experienced so much suffering and so much loss.” “You have given them beyond enough.” “Beyond what anyone could or would ever ask of you for.” “Decades with the Earth Space Marine Force Recon had toughened you and centuries with the Sol System Federation Space Navy Seals have hardened you,” said Planetary Empress Beapru. “My worship Alexander Mark “Alex” Smith/Alexandria Macy “Lexi” Smith...I recognize that you believe you hold a certain...responsibility towards this planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “That you feel you owe them something but Cambion Chimera (Alex Smith/Lexi Smith) my love…” “You do not owe these pieces of shit a single fucking goddamn thing!” “Especially after all that they have taken from you!” “Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith they have champions and they have heroes who act as wardens, guardians, & sentinels.” “You did your responsibility.” “You did what you assured your parents you would do.” “You pledged to your parents that you would do what you could to make the earthlings and aliens of the Sol System, Polaris System, & Vega System better.” “You created the Elites and the Paragons and revamped the Sentinels to be champions of the Sol System, Vega System, & Polaris System and the heroes of the Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, & the Xeno Galaxy.” “But you left a Elites, Paragons & Sentinels a hundred thousand times the extent of what you started in your stead.” “You don’t owe them anymore!” “If you chose to walk away right now and never return forever.” “What right do they have to ask you to come back.” “What right do they have to ask you to sacrifice more.” “They have to save themselves Alexander/Alexandria.” “Being a hero is not a job, it is not a duty, & it is not an obligation, for it is a choice, & you can chose to leave.” Breapru said to Cardinal Changeling, “Jade Jaguar (Alex Smith/Lexi Smith), you have suffered more anguish than anyone will ever know.” “You have felt more torment than anyone could ever experience.” “You have performed terrible things than anyone could ever envision.” “You have witnessed the most appalling things that anyone could ever visualize.” “When you close your eyes at night,” she cried her voice breaking, “every single night,” she cried saying, “I know you hear more screaming than anyone could ever calculate.” “I know because every single night I hear you crying from the nightmares caused by your chronic PTSD.” “I hear you begging and pleading for your tormentors to stop hurting you and the people that saw being experimented on or being enslaved.” “You wake up with a snarl, growl, & roar and realize it was a nightmare, that it has been years, decades, & centuries since those events happened.” “That’s when you realize that even though the bullets have stopped.” “The war in your mind does not.” This is a memory of shapeshifter metamorph & changeling superhero Emerald Eagle (Alexander Smith/Alexandra Smith) while asleep hissed, snarled, growled, & roared as he/she/they fired Kryptonian heat vision with tears in his/her/their eyes, “Stop, please I beg you, no more!” “It’s not real, this is real, we are real,” said Kulax Kojir, Carina Bellona Ragorio, Joanna Jacobson, Ylva Helga Olofsdottor, Diona Artemis Megalos, Kaimana Zhao Hokulani Ya Keali’i, & Talia Macar as they held Cardinal Changeling as he/she/they cried into Kulax Kojir’s shoulder. “I am sorry but it felt so real.” “Shh it is okay it was just a dream,” said Iesloria and Brepru, “Did you have another nightmare?” “Focus on us, let us be your anchor, focus on our voices.” “They can no longer hurt you.” “Do you promise?” “We swear to you.” 
“This…” “Everything that happened…” “Is all my fault,” said Alexander/Alexandria. “If I just could have done more.” “It wasn’t your fault Alex/Lexi.” “There was nothing more that you could have done Mack Smith/Macy Smith.” Iesloria said, “You gave them blood, sweat, & tears.” “You sacrificed to them your heart, your soul, your mind, your friends, & your family.”“So I ask you, what more will you surrender for them, Alex/Lexi?” “Will you sacrifice what’s left of your friends and family the Superhero Antihero & Supervillain Legionnaire United Strikeforce (the coalition between the Elites, Paragons, Sentinels with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the universe, multiverse, & omniverse) that you created in the 40th century to finally defeat the Forces of Evil?” “What’s left of your heart (your adoptive children Maria Garcia Morales, Tadashi Sato, & Nathaniel “Nate” Nguyen and your future biological children with your wives).” “What’s left of your sanity (those people that you saved from that slaver planet and that giant black site planet who became your adoptive family)?” “What's left of your reason to fight (The superhero teams the Elites, the Paragons, & the Sentinels)?” “What’s left of your soul (your wives who are extraterrestrial aliens, wives who are Indigenous women Indigenous to Turtle Island, wives who are Indigenous women Indigenous to Pasifika or Oceania, & wives who are women of color)?” “These fucking assholes do not fucking deserve you Alex/Lexi!” “They never did, they never have, & they never will!” “They are not fucking worthy of you!” “If you chose to turn your back on this universe, multiverse, & omniverse who the fuck are they to fucking judge you?!” “Whatever you do, even if you decide to abandon this planet, this star system, & this galaxy of this universe, this multiverse, & this omniverse.” “I will not leave your side my love.” “You will discover yourself Alex/Lexi and when you do.” “I assure you that this planet, this solar system, this galaxy, this universe, & this multiverse will go completely quiet.” “I guarantee you that men, women, & beyond (those who are nonbinary, Turtle Island Indigenous two spirit, Polynesian Indigenous Pasfika mahu, agender, bigender, & genderfluid) will not fall for your magnificence but for your strength and your power.” “I swear to you, Alex/Lexi that those who are heterosexual, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, demisexual, or asexual will venerate what you have flourished into and hold you as someone to admire.” “I vow to you that your allies will watch in astonishment as you overcome what they cannot.” “I assure you that your adversaries will tremble before you in terror beseeching for your infinite mercy, boundless kindness, or limitless compassion.” “That King/Queen Alexander Mark Smith/Alexandria Maria Smith of the Principality of Ethania, Europa.” “That is something that we, Breapru and Iesloria, pledge to you.” These two alien extraterrestrial women in front of him/her/them knew the force and the dominion he/she/they hold. The planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes, & multiverses that he/she/they could effortlessly subjugate. Yet protects and still looks out for them as if they were blood. X’Hal and Rao, as if they were from the same planet, as if they were from the same solar system, & as if they were from the same galaxy. He/she/they with the power could easily conquer them but they would never be imperialists and intergalactic colonizers as someone who despises imperialism and colonialism and as someone who rebelled against the Terran Empire of the Sol System to free the colonists of Lunar, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, & Triton from the hegemony and dominion of the planet Earth. This action led to the creation of the United Federation of the Sol System made of Earth, Lunar, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, & Triton. “No matter what may be wrong, Alex/Lexi.” “No matter whom or what has harmed you.” “I will always be there for you.” “But whomever or whatever has injured you.” “Your wives, Empress Ohoi Nessars, Queen Diona Artemis Megalos (daughter of Ares and Athena) of Greco demigods of the Greek Mount Olympus, Chieftain and Paramount Warchief Rashida Ashanti Bello of Tanzania, Chieftain and Warchief Ylva Helga Olofsdottor (of the Aesir Valkyries of Asgard), Queen Adrianna Acosta of South America, Queen Carina Akali Ragorio (daughter of Mars and Venus) of Roman demigods of the Roman Mount Olympus, Chieftain and Warchief Kaimana Zhao Hokulani Ya Keali’i of a nation in Polynesia and a kingdom of the empire of Atlantis, Sultan Nijah Nadra Nadar, & Empress Kulax Kojir, Queen Talia Macar.” “As well as Empress Breapru and I Empress Ielsoria who are all imperial royalty.” “Will have the sum of our kingdoms, the whole of our empires, & the total of our planetary empires, volley down devil hellfire and cascade down divine holy fire upon all of those who wish to do so!” “You have had and will always have our undying fealty,” they both said as they kneeled before him/her/them on one knee and struck both of their hard light plasma long swords into the ground. They could both tell he/she/they were a warrior  and a soldier with the way he/she/they held himself/herself/themselves, his/her/their posture, & his/her/their arms somewhat bent ready to be brought up in a moment’s notice to defend himself/herself/themselves at any time. Even now he/she/they are still super soldiers. 
Breapru and Iesloria two alien extraterrestrials who were in a polyamorous triad relationship with each other and Alexander/Alexandria said, “Your first death it started a cosmic war.” “You were killed after the Elites and Paragons vs Sentinel Superhero Civil War.” “You were murdered because they the metahumans and superhumans of these planets, star systems, & galaxies started to fear your potential power, influence, supremacy, & control.” “You were killed by a monster created by humans and aliens of these planets, systems, & galaxies.” “It was a beast made out of divine iron, mithril, celestial titanium, orichalcum, heavenly bronze, etherium, uru, adamant or adamantine, stellar steel, & adamantite.” “It was a creature that was made sentient with aether, divine magic, nether, arcane magic, celestial magic, & esoteric magic.” “You died as a knight and paladin when you fell in combat fighting the behemoth to defend the citizens of Magical County.” “Out of fear they murdered you and sent a weapon to kill you a queer disabled Indigenous person of color and Indigenous Pasifika person of color superhero.” “It started the Alpha Centurion War with the Battles of Earth.” “The Alpha Centurion War began when the Forces of Evil a supervillain organization and alliance, their leaders, their generals, their lieutenants, & their allies realized the universe, multiverse, & omniverse no longer had its defender and protector to safeguard it.” “They destroyed and obliterated planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “They conquered and subjugated universes, multiverses, & omniverses.” “They invaded and proceeded to kill millions, enslave billions, & cause trillions to go home with mental illnesses.” “You were brought back to life with the power of a power totem in the form of a magical necklace.” “In the Battle of the Sol and Vega System and in the Battle of the Andromeda Galaxy and the Battle of the Milky Way Galaxy you fought the Forces of Evil.” “Your second death ended a stellar war in the Battle of the Polaris System.” “You were then forsaken by the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & universe.” “When the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse abandoned you and let the generals and lieutenants of the Forces of Evil execute you with a hard light halberd spear.” “The Forces of Evil struck you down in Final Reckoning like a Lance of Longinus.” “It was a spear made out of nth metal, adamantium, timonium, & vibranium covered in element zero, chronoton, kryptonite, dark metal, inertron, & element x.” “When intergalactic war ends suddenly a cosmic hero becomes a threat to intergalactic world governments.” “So they assassinated you.” “They feared you with your charisma and charm would inspire more to be revolutionary, militant, anarchist, & radical.” “So they killed you when they had no more use for you.” “You died to defeat the Forces of Evil.” “The Forces of Evil, their leaders, their generals, their lieutenants, their allies, & their reinforcements were then banished to the Void and the Breach.” “The metahumans and superhumans of these planets, star systems, & galaxies never deserved your love.” “The humans and aliens of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse never deserved your admiration.” “You were the twice dead risen King/Queen of Iuyamnia.” “The Monarch ordained long ago to end the ceaseless night that has plagued these planets, star systems, & galaxies of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse for years, decades, centuries, & millenia!”  “You were the champion and hero fated since ancient times to end the everlasting night.” “You were the warden and defender ordained since ancient times to ultimately return the sunrise to the cosmos freeing it from the perpetual shadows and ceaseless darkness!” “The blue, yellow, red, & white stars and suns will come back with the dawn because you defeated the Forces of Evil!” 
“Cardinal Changeling or Scarlet Shapeshifter (Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith) he/she/they only had one wish.” “That was to soar through the endless outer space ceaselessly.” “He/she/they had one desire and that was to forever be in the single place that he/she/they truly felt alive.” “That is the cosmos of the universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “For it was his/her/their true kingdom and empire.” “He/she/they don’t even have a planet, star system, or galaxy to call home.” “Not after he/she/they were betrayed by the humans and aliens of these planets, star systems, galaxies.”  “They were killed by a monster created by the humans and aliens of these planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “It was a beast made out of divine iron, mithril, celestial titanium, orichalcum, heavenly bronze, etherium, uru, adamant or adamantine, stellar steel, & adamantite.” “It was a creature made sentient with aether, divine magic, nether, arcane magic, celestial magic, & esoteric magic.” “And he/she/they as a knight and paladin fell in battle against this titanic behemoth fighting it to defend the citizens of Magical County.” “He/she/they don’t have a universe, multiverse, & omniverse to call home.” “Not after they were forsaken by the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & universe.” “When the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse abandoned him/her/them and let the generals and lieutenants of the Forces of Evil execute him/her/them when he/she/thy died in the Battle of the Polaris Star System.” “The Forces of Evil they murdered him/her/them with a hard light halberd spear and stuck him/her/them down in Final Reckoning like a Lance of Longinus.” “It was a spear with a blade forged with nth metal, adamantium, timonium, & vibranium covered in element zero, chronoton, kryptonite, dark metal, inertron, & element x.” “His/her/their Iuyamian species home planet of Iuyamia is no longer his/her/theirs anymore.” “Even though that planet was once cherished by his/her/their grandmother Marie Gabriella Bahr Smith a pureblood Iuyamanian who was a displaced diaspora and a war refugee.” “He/she/they are a dragon and phoenix meant to be free to soar across the universe.” “When all his/her/their intergalactic warfare was done after the Alpha Centurion War he/she/they did not have peace, tranquility, or serenity.” “He/she/they smolder like dragon fire and freeze like dragon ice.” “He/she/they soar beyond  in endless space yet he/she/they cannot ascend.” “Soar with the grace and elegance of an archangel and strike quick with the ferocity and fury of an arch demon.” “Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith was known to be the Devil of Romulus Nebula and was known to be the Fallen God of the Zephyr Nebula.” “He/she/they are said to be a warrior who soared through the Alpha Centurion War against the Forces of Evil rousing both terror and respect in allies and enemies alike.” “In the course of the perpetual waves of time from a wrinkle of revolution shall the tempest ascend and out of the void and the breach gazes the eyes of a devil and a fallen god.” “The oracles, shamans, & seers all say, “Behold the Devil of the Romulus Nebula and the Fallen God of the Zephyr Nebula.” “A celestial and stellar entity and divine and heavenly being with its ethereal and wraithlike body.” “An organism with its cardinal halo shrouded in divine holy fire, its midnight demon horns shrouded in scarlet hellfire, its obsidian demon wings shrouded in black hellfire, its ebony prehensile tail shrouded in ruby hellfire, its gold angel wings shrouded in ivory holy fire, & its scarlet fallen angel wings shrouded in firebrick holy fire.” “The demon and fallen angel soars through the cosmos while horror, war, carnage, devastation, bloodshed, & death follow its silhouette below.” “That is until metahuman and superhuman men and women unified together to forge a sanctified divine halberd spear.” “They later gave it to a champion to wield it hurling it through the heavens like a Lance of Longinus.” “But in the final reckoning struck down the demon and fallen angel.” “A hero is suddenly a threat to intergalactic governments the moment an intergalactic war is over.” “So they killed him/her/them for he/she/they were a singularity.” “But they forget that the Alpha Centurion War was won because of the actions of Alexander Kana’i Mack Ryuu Francisco Makoa Smith/Alexandria Ataahua Macy Haruka Francisca Kamalani Smith.” “Alex/Lexi is that demon or devil and fallen angel or fallen god as the celestial that was betrayed by those he/she/they saved as a dark hero.” “He/she/they needed them.” “But when he/she/they needed them most they betrayed him/her/them.” “The seers and oracles say, “While the devil sleeps dormant that is when Kryptonian turns on Kryptonian, Atlantean turns on Amazonian, New God turns on Old God, & Tameranean turns on Daxamite.” “His/her/their own blood and insanity rapidly envelop the earth, the seas, the skies, the heavens, the stars, the planets, & the moons of this universe.” “From the pits of misery awaken the Fallen God and Devil of the Romulus Nebula and Zephyr Nebula with its charcoal and crimson wings blazing in regal radiance for all mortals, demigods, old gods, new gods, titans, great old gods, & dragon gods to witness.” “Nothing in the star system, galaxy, & universe is his/her/their equal.” “For he/she/they are a being without fear.” “He/she/they look down on all who are overconfident.” “He/she/they are an emperor/empress over all that are arrogant.” “They are an emperor/empress over all of them as the Fallen God of The Breach and Devil of The Void.” “He/she/they were a star that fell from space and crashed to the earth.” “When history beholds a great change the Fallen God and Devil of the Romulus and Zephyr Nebula reveals himself/herself/themselves first as an evil demon who is a harbinger and bringer of war, death, violence, bloodshed, & destruction.” “The fallen god and the devil are two sides of the same coin.” “As a demon it uses its might to volley death and destruction upon the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, & multiverse and then it dies.” “The demon who slaughtered his/her/their way across the cosmos was slain.” “However after an interlude of slumber the Fallen God and Devil of the Romulus Nebula returns.” “But this time not as a demon but as a fallen archangel that is a dark hero destined to save the universe.” “His/her/their existence filled the star system, galaxy, & universe for but for a few millennia before he/she/they ultimately disappeared.” “The world awaits a champion to cast light.” “The world awaits a hero to banish the darkness when the world is shrouded in shadows.” “The world awaits a warden, sentinel, protector, & defender to act as a beacon of hope and faith in hopelessness and desperation.” “His/her/their followers patiently await his/her/their return.” “They have waited for years, decades, & centuries for their knight and paladin to return.” “When the universe is in danger they’ll appear again as a dark hero once again.” “But will he/she/they even save a universe, multiverse, & omniverse that betrayed him/her/them?” 
Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith said, “I am not immortal nor do I like to be.” “People seem to misunderstand.” “I am not an old god, a titan, a new god, great old god, or a dragon god.” “The Celestial and Stellar entity and Divine and Heavenly being is just a transformation where I become a nigh immortal or immortal by shapeshifting, transmutation, & transfiguration.” “I know it has three wings that seem divine.” “It’s a form I gained with my power of absolute adaptation.” “Once I leave that form I am no longer immortal and immortal.” “I am just like any other metahuman and superhuman.” “I can still be hurt by hard light, laser, plasma, energy, or ballistic bullets.” “I can be injured if something is strong enough to negate my superhuman durability and supernatural healing.” “I can still be killed by execution with adamant, mithril, or nth metal swords.” “I will die of old age someday since I’m still mortal.” “People seemed to have deify me as of late.” “I even have a cult I didn’t ask for.”  “I am not sure I like that.” “I don’t like it at all as an Indigenous Pasifika person of color.” “I guess people need someone to believe in so why believe in the person who ended a cosmic and stellar war and stopped what many considered to be Armageddon or Judgement Day.” “I mean I don’t blame them.” “I brought back hope and faith for so many as a paragon and exemplar and they latched on to that.” “I chose to be a hero.” “It wasn’t because I was chosen by the gods, fate, or a wizard.” “In fact they said I would never be worthy.” “They said I would never be pure of heart.” “So them saying I was sent by higher powers just rubs me the wrong way you know.”
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6o64vhegms What is a hero?  “Did you know I was not chosen,” asked Alexander/Alexandria. “Everyone says I am a true hero.” “But fates did not come and tell me that I am the half blood child of a god or a titan ordained to end the darkness.” “Gods didn’t tell me that I was their champion destined to save the world.” “A wizard didn’t come and tell me that I was the hero fated to defeat a great evil.” “As a metahuman and superhuman child soldier I was always the joke and the underdog.” “I always failed but I always got up.” “I was the weakest metahuman and superhuman.” “Everyone told me to give up.” “But I always was hard of hearing.” “Through blood, sweat, & tears, through hard work, sheer motivation, fortitude, & determination I became one of the best and unlocked my full potential.” “I became the best SSSS class young adult metahuman and superhuman black ops and spec ops super soldier.” “I like some was never chosen unlike the others.” “I was never worthy.” “I never thought myself as a hero.” “I always thought myself as an antihero or supervillain.” “But one day the planet, the star system, the galaxy, & the universe needed a hero.” “They called a hero to save them, to defend them against the space naval armada of alien and human traffickers of metahumans and superhumans.” “No hero answered the call.” “They broke their oaths as heroes!” “I swore to them that I would never do the same!” “I was never chosen.” “But on that day, I chose myself.” “I became their hero, their chosen one, & their champion!” “Every single time,” he/she/they said as their voices broke, “I answered their call no matter the opposition, no matter the cost, no matter the time, & no matter the sacrifice!” “I gave an oath to always answer the call!” “I would never fail them unlike the others!” “And so after stories were made how I was always chosen but in fact there was no fate, no gods, & no wizards to declare my the chosen one, the hero, or the champion.” “No when it all mattered in the end I chose myself.” “That is why I chose to fight against the first, second, & third iteration of the Forces of Evil.” “My version is better don’t you think.” “That sometimes you are not chosen but you chose yourself.” “On that day I answered their call and so inspired by my initiative others joined me.” “We became the Elites (imagine the Teen Titans, Young Justice League, & Legion of Superheroes) and later we became the Paragons (imagine Justice League, the Justice Society of Superheroes, & Doom Patrol).” “Everyone has yet to discover Alexander’s/Alexandria’s skill, potential, & talent.” “There will be a day, month, or year when he/she/they shine brilliantly.” “Maybe then Ylva Helga Olofsdottir, Kulax Kojir, Joanna Jacobson, & Talia Macar will finally notice them.” “The planet, star system, galaxy, & universe thinks that Laurissa Owen Jones and I are some perfect, flawless hero/heroine and heroine who defeated the great evil the Forces of Evil all by ourselves.” “The truth is were are both flawed.” “But in reality we both failed a lot and learned a lot together.” “We relied on each other and our platonic unconditional love for each other.” “We relied on our bond that connects our hearts, minds, & souls together.” “We relied on our friends Chun Hei Kim, Amelia Himmat Mishra, & Maysa Nabila Uzun.” “We relied on our teams the Elites, Paragons, & the Sentinels.” “In the end it was teamwork, love, connection, & bonds that defeated the super villain organization and alliance not fancy ass super powers.”
4 notes · View notes
mudaship39 · 4 years
Alpha Centurion War:
Location: Omnicron:
Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria, “I remember that after meeting Breapru and Iesloria again I started to date them after a year of being friends.” “Then after dating the both of them for a decade I then asked for the consent of Breapru and Iesloria and my other fiancées. After that they both became my girlfriends, betrothed, & fiancées.” Alex/Lexi, said, “Breapru with her blue skin, blue scales, black feathers, long black hair, & green eyes she was beautiful.” “Iesloria with her red skin, red fur, long black hair, yellow eyes, & black stripes, she was pretty.” “I am slowly drifting to you.” “We are in each other’s orbit.” “The stars, planets, & moons are calling to us both.” “I am light years away from you but I am on my way.”  “Breapru said, “I remember you and I being a part of the clandestine, top secret, & classified intergalactic compartmentalized deep black intergalactic intelligence and law enforcement agency of Scorpio.” “You, I, & Iesloria were some of its best agents.” For Scorpio if you want a mental image imagine the Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Indigo, Orange, Pink, Black, & White Lanterns of DC. Imagine Blackwatch, Talon, & Overwatch of Overwatch. Imagine Shield, Strike, & Sword of Marvel. Imagine DEO, Argus, Team 7, Outsiders, Agency, & Checkmate of DC. Imagine FoxHound and Cipher of Metal Gear Solid. Imagine Ghosts or Rainbow of Tom Clancy. Imagine ONI of Halo. Imagine Third Echelon of Splinter Cell. That is Scorpio. “We were partners you and I Alex/Lexi.” “So when I saw how kind, compassionate, & open minded you were when you came to meet me when we first met as partners I was instantly attracted.” “When you came to save me on that day I was reminded of why I fell for you in the first place.” “And why I want you to be selfish for once in your life and leave the universe, multiverse, & omniverse to defend itself.” “You always look after others but my question is who looks out for you Alex/Lexi?” “You and the others Breapru and Iesloria,” said Alex/Lexi. 
Breapru said, “My love Cardinal Changeling, you have witnessed and instigated plenty of death, conflict, anguish, slaughter, loss, aggression, & obliteration to last countless Asgardian, Tamaranean, Kryptonian, & Daxamite life spans.” “You were stolen from your home in Hawaii.” “You were forced to become a metahuman and superhuman child soldier who was forced to fight until you were a superhuman and metahuman spec ops and black ops young adult super soldier.” “Since you were a metahuman and superhuman child soldier until you were a superhuman and metahuman spec ops and black ops young adult super soldier you fought across the country, continent, planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse.” “You escaped and were safe but not for long.” “You were stolen from your safe haven your fiancé Rashida Ashanti Bello’s home in Tanzania and you experimented on a giant black site planet that was an intergalactic compartmentalized deep black project where you were experimented on physically, emotionally, intellectually, psionically, & telepathically on a cellular, microscopic, atomic, subatomic, & nanoscopic level.” “You were enslaved on a giant slaver planet that was a deep black project where you were chained, beaten, interrogated, starved, branded, tortured, & whipped.” “You have lost so much of yourself.” 
Iesloria said, “Your war against the Forces of Evil, its leaders, its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements to save the planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse also made damn certain of that.” The Forces of Evil had twelve leaders the eight aliens (with each eight each having the power of Brainiac, Doomsday, Imperiex Prime, Darkseid, Starro, & Mongul of DC comics and Galactus, Apocalypse, & Thanos of Marvel comics combined), the demonic leader the Devil Lord and Demon General (who is as powerful as Diablo, Trigon, Lilith, Nekron, Mephisto, & Dormammu combined), the evil sorcerer (as powerful as Zatanna Zatara, Scarlet Witch, John Constantine, Doctor Fate, Dark Raven, Giovanni Zatara, & Doctor Strange combined), & Greco Roman Titan leaders (the Greek Titan Cronus and the Roman Titan Saturn). The eight generals of the Forces of Evil were like Siren (Hila the sister of Queen Mera), Desaad, Queen Bee (Zazzala of the Hive), Heracles, Steppenwolf, Mongal (the daughter of Mongul), Kalibak, & Granny Goodness of DC comics. The seventeen lieutenants of the Forces of Evil were like Grail the Godkiller, Lashina, Mad Harriet, Knockout, Precious, Gilotina, Bernadeth, Stompa, Artemiz, K’li, Speed Queen, Malice Vundabar, Bloody Mary, Wunda, Sweet Leilani of the Female Furies), and Scandal Savage, & Liana Kerzner of DC Comics. The Forces of Evil’s allies are like the Fearsome Five, Villainy Inc., the Legion of Supervillains, the Injustice Society, the Legion of Doom, Hive, Injustice League, the Brotherhood of Evil, the Secret Society of Supervillains, & the Fatal Five of DC comics combined. The reinforcements of the Forces of Evil the Horde Army are like Zerg Swarm, Star Trek Borg, undead ghouls and zombies of the Lich King, Starro drones, Halo Flood, Brainiac probes, undead Greek Spartan and undead Roman Centurion soldiers, Imperiex clones of Imperiex Prime, Fallout 3 super mutants, Halo Forerunner Promethean Knights, Fallout 4 ghouls, Darkseid's parademons, Resident Evil zombies, Trigon’s demons and archdemons, & Star Wars Yuuzhan Vong. “The Horde Army is made up of those who fell against the Forces of Evil.” “Who in their death were twisted, converted, infested, & warped against their will into monsters to serve the Forces of Evil.” “The Forces of Evil are that cruel, wicked, & malicious.” “These reinforcements that comprise the Forces of Evil foot soldiers is what allowed the allies and leaders of the Forces of Evil to conquer universes, multiverses, & omniverses and is what allowed the generals and lieutenants of the Forces of Evil to destroy planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “The Horde Army allowed the Forces of Evil to kill millions and enslave billions.” “For you spent the last years, decades, & centuries in those shitholes, exchanging hard light plasma fire with the Forces of Evil, its leaders, its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements.” “The casualties of that intergalactic Alpha Centurion War against the Forces of Evil in the Battles of Earth, the Battle of the Sol System, the Battle of the Vega System, the Battle of the Milky Way Galaxy, the Battle of the Polaris System, the Battle of the Xeno Galaxy, & the Battle of the Andromeda Galaxy in the Alpha Centurion War were not just thousands or hundreds of thousands like in world wars but millions and billions of people who became KIA, MIA, POWs, or came home with mental illnesses (of chronic: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, & PTSD).” 
Iesloria and Breapru said, “The oath of your superhero teams the Elites (imagine a superhero team like The Teen Titans, The Young Justice League, Young Avengers, & Legion of Superheroes combined with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the entire Sol System) and the Paragons (imagine a superhero team like The Justice League, X Men, Avengers, the Justice Society of Superheroes, & Doom Patrol combined with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the Sol Star System, Vega Star System, & Polaris Star System) that you founded is, “We have been called, we must answer, we took an oath, we took a pledge, we made a vow, we swore a promise, that no matter the time, no matter the place, no matter the numbers, no matter the odds, no matter the opposition, no matter the risk, no matter the cost, & no matter the sacrifice, we always answer the call.” “When the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse (including the DC Prime, & Marvel 616) were in danger of being suppressed and conquered by these intergalactic subjugators and oppressors.” “You asked them would they answer the call.” “They all answered you.” “They answered your call because they saw someone that they were willing to fight and die for.” “The Forces of Evil came to crush and vanquish the universe, the multiverse, & the omniverse.” “They came to subjugate millions, billions, & trillions of lives.” “You lead all of us in an intergalactic war to deny them.” “Saving the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “When the intergalactic war ended your superhero teams wrote tens, hundreds, thousands, & hundreds of thousands of condolence letters by hand.” “You all did it so that you would always remember that, no matter what our oath as Elites and Paragons says, that there is always a cost, & that there is always a sacrifice.” “Many lives, thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, & billions of lives were lost to save this planet, this star system, this galaxy, this universe, this multiverse, & this omniverse.” “To save them from the Forces of Evil (the multiversal level threat super villain organization and alliance), its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements.” “You don’t owe them anything anymore.” “It is they how owe you Alex/Lexi!”
Breapru said, “You have experienced so much suffering and so much loss.” “You have given them beyond enough.” “Beyond what anyone could or would ever ask of you for.” “Decades with the Earth Space Marine Force Recon had toughened you and centuries with the Sol System Federation Space Navy Seals have hardened you,” said Planetary Empress Beapru. “My worship Alexander Mark “Alex” Smith/Alexandria Macy “Lexi” Smith...I recognize that you believe you hold a certain...responsibility towards this planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “That you feel you owe them something but Cambion Chimera (Alex Smith/Lexi Smith) my love…” “You do not owe these pieces of shit a single fucking goddamn thing!” “Especially after all that they have taken from you!” “Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith they have champions and they have heroes who act as wardens, guardians, & sentinels.” “You did your responsibility.” “You did what you assured your parents you would do.” “You pledged to your parents that you would do what you could to make the earthlings and aliens of the Sol System, Polaris System, & Vega System better.” “You created the Elites and the Paragons and revamped the Sentinels to be champions of the Sol System, Vega System, & Polaris System and the heroes of the Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, & the Xeno Galaxy.” “But you left a Elites, Paragons & Sentinels a hundred thousand times the extent of what you started in your stead.” “You don’t owe them anymore!” “If you chose to walk away right now and never return forever.” “What right do they have to ask you to come back.” “What right do they have to ask you to sacrifice more.” “They have to save themselves Alexander/Alexandria.” “Being a hero is not a job, it is not a duty, & it is not an obligation, for it is a choice, & you can chose to leave.” Breapru said to Cardinal Changeling, “Jade Jaguar (Alex Smith/Lexi Smith), you have suffered more anguish than anyone will ever know.” “You have felt more torment than anyone could ever experience.” “You have performed terrible things than anyone could ever envision.” “You have witnessed the most appalling things that anyone could ever visualize.” “When you close your eyes at night,” she cried her voice breaking, “every single night,” she cried saying, “I know you hear more screaming than anyone could ever calculate.” “I know because every single night I hear you crying from the nightmares caused by your chronic PTSD.” “I hear you begging and pleading for your tormentors to stop hurting you and the people that saw being experimented on or being enslaved.” “You wake up with a snarl, growl, & roar and realize it was a nightmare, that it has been years, decades, & centuries since those events happened.” “That’s when you realize that even though the bullets have stopped.” “The war in your mind does not.” This is a memory of shapeshifter metamorph & changeling superhero Emerald Eagle (Alexander Smith/Alexandra Smith) while asleep hissed, snarled, growled, & roared as he/she/they fired Kryptonian heat vision with tears in his/her/their eyes, “Stop, please I beg you, no more!” “It’s not real, this is real, we are real,” said Kulax Kojir, Carina Bellona Ragorio, Joanna Jacobson, Ylva Helga Olofsdottor, Diona Artemis Megalos, Kaimana Zhao Hokulani Ya Keali’i, & Talia Macar as they held Cardinal Changeling as he/she/they cried into Kulax Kojir’s shoulder. “I am sorry but it felt so real.” “Shh it is okay it was just a dream,” said Iesloria and Brepru, “Did you have another nightmare?” “Focus on us, let us be your anchor, focus on our voices.” “They can no longer hurt you.” “Do you promise?” “We swear to you.” 
“This…” “Everything that happened…” “Is all my fault,” said Alexander/Alexandria. “If I just could have done more.” “It wasn’t your fault Alex/Lexi.” “There was nothing more that you could have done Mack Smith/Macy Smith.” Iesloria said, “You gave them blood, sweat, & tears.” “You sacrificed to them your heart, your soul, your mind, your friends, & your family.”“So I ask you, what more will you surrender for them, Alex/Lexi?” “Will you sacrifice what’s left of your friends and family the Superhero Antihero & Supervillain Legionnaire United Strikeforce (the coalition between the Elites, Paragons, Sentinels with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the universe, multiverse, & omniverse) that you created in the 40th century to finally defeat the Forces of Evil?” “What’s left of your heart (your adoptive children Maria Garcia Morales, Tadashi Sato, & Nathaniel “Nate” Nguyen and your future biological children with your wives).” “What’s left of your sanity (those people that you saved from that slaver planet and that giant black site planet who became your adoptive family)?” “What's left of your reason to fight (The superhero teams the Elites, the Paragons, & the Sentinels)?” “What’s left of your soul (your wives who are extraterrestrial aliens, wives who are Indigenous women Indigenous to Turtle Island, wives who are Indigenous women Indigenous to Pasifika or Oceania, & wives who are women of color)?” “These fucking assholes do not fucking deserve you Alex/Lexi!” “They never did, they never have, & they never will!” “They are not fucking worthy of you!” “If you chose to turn your back on this universe, multiverse, & omniverse who the fuck are they to fucking judge you?!” “Whatever you do, even if you decide to abandon this planet, this star system, & this galaxy of this universe, this multiverse, & this omniverse.” “I will not leave your side my love.” “You will discover yourself Alex/Lexi and when you do.” “I assure you that this planet, this solar system, this galaxy, this universe, & this multiverse will go completely quiet.” “I guarantee you that men, women, & beyond (those who are nonbinary, Turtle Island Indigenous two spirit, Polynesian Indigenous Pasfika mahu, agender, bigender, & genderfluid) will not fall for your magnificence but for your strength and your power.” “I swear to you, Alex/Lexi that those who are heterosexual, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, demisexual, or asexual will venerate what you have flourished into and hold you as someone to admire.” “I vow to you that your allies will watch in astonishment as you overcome what they cannot.” “I assure you that your adversaries will tremble before you in terror beseeching for your infinite mercy, boundless kindness, or limitless compassion.” “That King/Queen Alexander Mark Smith/Alexandria Maria Smith of the Principality of Ethania, Europa.” “That is something that we, Breapru and Iesloria, pledge to you.” These two alien extraterrestrial women in front of him/her/them knew the force and the dominion he/she/they hold. The planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes, & multiverses that he/she/they could effortlessly subjugate. Yet protects and still looks out for them as if they were blood. X’Hal and Rao, as if they were from the same planet, as if they were from the same solar system, & as if they were from the same galaxy. He/she/they with the power could easily conquer them but they would never be imperialists and intergalactic colonizers as someone who despises imperialism and colonialism and as someone who rebelled against the Terran Empire of the Sol System to free the colonists of Lunar, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, & Triton from the hegemony and dominion of the planet Earth. This action led to the creation of the United Federation of the Sol System made of Earth, Lunar, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, & Triton. “No matter what may be wrong, Alex/Lexi.” “No matter whom or what has harmed you.” “I will always be there for you.” “But whomever or whatever has injured you.” “Your wives, Empress Ohoi Nessars, Queen Diona Artemis Megalos (daughter of Ares and Athena) of Greco demigods of the Greek Mount Olympus, Chieftain and Paramount Warchief Rashida Ashanti Bello of Tanzania, Chieftain and Warchief Ylva Helga Olofsdottor (of the Aesir Valkyries of Asgard), Queen Adrianna Acosta of South America, Queen Carina Akali Ragorio (daughter of Mars and Venus) of Roman demigods of the Roman Mount Olympus, Chieftain and Warchief Kaimana Zhao Hokulani Ya Keali’i of a nation in Polynesia and a kingdom of the empire of Atlantis, Sultan Nijah Nadra Nadar, & Empress Kulax Kojir, Queen Talia Macar.” “As well as Empress Breapru and I Empress Ielsoria who are all imperial royalty.” “Will have the sum of our kingdoms, the whole of our empires, & the total of our planetary empires, volley down devil hellfire and cascade down divine holy fire upon all of those who wish to do so!” “You have had and will always have our undying fealty,” they both said as they kneeled before him/her/them on one knee and struck both of their hard light plasma long swords into the ground. They could both tell he/she/they were a warrior  and a soldier with the way he/she/they held himself/herself/themselves, his/her/their posture, & his/her/their arms somewhat bent ready to be brought up in a moment’s notice to defend himself/herself/themselves at any time. Even now he/she/they are still super soldiers. 
Breapru and Iesloria two alien extraterrestrials who were in a polyamorous triad relationship with each other and Alexander/Alexandria said, “Your first death it started a cosmic war.” “You were killed after the Elites and Paragons vs Sentinel Superhero Civil War.” “You were murdered because they the metahumans and superhumans of these planets, star systems, & galaxies started to fear your potential power, influence, supremacy, & control.” “You were killed by a monster created by humans and aliens of these planets, systems, & galaxies.” “It was a beast made out of divine iron, mithril, celestial titanium, orichalcum, heavenly bronze, etherium, uru, adamant or adamantine, stellar steel, & adamantite.” “It was a creature that was made sentient with aether, divine magic, nether, arcane magic, celestial magic, & esoteric magic.” “You died as a knight and paladin when you fell in combat fighting the behemoth to defend the citizens of Magical County.” “Out of fear they murdered you and sent a weapon to kill you a queer disabled Indigenous person of color and Indigenous Pasifika person of color superhero.” “It started the Alpha Centurion War with the Battles of Earth.” “The Alpha Centurion War began when the Forces of Evil a supervillain organization and alliance, their leaders, their generals, their lieutenants, & their allies realized the universe, multiverse, & omniverse no longer had its defender and protector to safeguard it.” “They destroyed and obliterated planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “They conquered and subjugated universes, multiverses, & omniverses.” “They invaded and proceeded to kill millions, enslave billions, & cause trillions to go home with mental illnesses.” “You were brought back to life with the power of a power totem in the form of a magical necklace.” “In the Battle of the Sol and Vega System and in the Battle of the Andromeda Galaxy and the Battle of the Milky Way Galaxy you fought the Forces of Evil.” “Your second death ended a stellar war in the Battle of the Polaris System.” “You were then forsaken by the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & universe.” “When the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse abandoned you and let the generals and lieutenants of the Forces of Evil execute you with a hard light halberd spear.” “The Forces of Evil struck you down in Final Reckoning like a Lance of Longinus.” “It was a spear made out of nth metal, adamantium, timonium, & vibranium covered in element zero, chronoton, kryptonite, dark metal, inertron, & element x.” “When intergalactic war ends suddenly a cosmic hero becomes a threat to intergalactic world governments.” “So they assassinated you.” “They feared you with your charisma and charm would inspire more to be revolutionary, militant, anarchist, & radical.” “So they killed you when they had no more use for you.” “You died to defeat the Forces of Evil.” “The Forces of Evil, their leaders, their generals, their lieutenants, their allies, & their reinforcements were then banished to the Void and the Breach.” “The metahumans and superhumans of these planets, star systems, & galaxies never deserved your love.” “The humans and aliens of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse never deserved your admiration.” “You were the twice dead risen King/Queen of Iuyamnia.” “The Monarch ordained long ago to end the ceaseless night that has plagued these planets, star systems, & galaxies of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse for years, decades, centuries, & millenia!”  “You were the champion and hero fated since ancient times to end the everlasting night.” “You were the warden and defender ordained since ancient times to ultimately return the sunrise to the cosmos freeing it from the perpetual shadows and ceaseless darkness!” “The blue, yellow, red, & white stars and suns will come back with the dawn because you defeated the Forces of Evil!” 
“Cardinal Changeling or Scarlet Shapeshifter (Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith) he/she/they only had one wish.” “That was to soar through the endless outer space ceaselessly.” “He/she/they had one desire and that was to forever be in the single place that he/she/they truly felt alive.” “That is the cosmos of the universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “For it was his/her/their true kingdom and empire.” “He/she/they don’t even have a planet, star system, or galaxy to call home.” “Not after he/she/they were betrayed by the humans and aliens of these planets, star systems, galaxies.”  “They were killed by a monster created by the humans and aliens of these planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “It was a beast made out of divine iron, mithril, celestial titanium, orichalcum, heavenly bronze, etherium, uru, adamant or adamantine, stellar steel, & adamantite.” “It was a creature made sentient with aether, divine magic, nether, arcane magic, celestial magic, & esoteric magic.” “And he/she/they as a knight and paladin fell in battle against this titanic behemoth fighting it to defend the citizens of Magical County.” “He/she/they don’t have a universe, multiverse, & omniverse to call home.” “Not after they were forsaken by the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & universe.” “When the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse abandoned him/her/them and let the generals and lieutenants of the Forces of Evil execute him/her/them when he/she/thy died in the Battle of the Polaris Star System.” “The Forces of Evil they murdered him/her/them with a hard light halberd spear and stuck him/her/them down in Final Reckoning like a Lance of Longinus.” “It was a spear with a blade forged with nth metal, adamantium, timonium, & vibranium covered in element zero, chronoton, kryptonite, dark metal, inertron, & element x.” “His/her/their Iuyamian species home planet of Iuyamia is no longer his/her/theirs anymore.” “Even though that planet was once cherished by his/her/their grandmother Marie Gabriella Bahr Smith a pureblood Iuyamanian who was a displaced diaspora and a war refugee.” “He/she/they are a dragon and phoenix meant to be free to soar across the universe.” “When all his/her/their intergalactic warfare was done after the Alpha Centurion War he/she/they did not have peace, tranquility, or serenity.” “He/she/they smolder like dragon fire and freeze like dragon ice.” “He/she/they soar beyond  in endless space yet he/she/they cannot ascend.” “Soar with the grace and elegance of an archangel and strike quick with the ferocity and fury of an arch demon.” “Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith was known to be the Devil of Romulus Nebula and was known to be the Fallen God of the Zephyr Nebula.” “He/she/they are said to be a warrior who soared through the Alpha Centurion War against the Forces of Evil rousing both terror and respect in allies and enemies alike.” “In the course of the perpetual waves of time from a wrinkle of revolution shall the tempest ascend and out of the void and the breach gazes the eyes of a devil and a fallen god.” “The oracles, shamans, & seers all say, “Behold the Devil of the Romulus Nebula and the Fallen God of the Zephyr Nebula.” “A celestial and stellar entity and divine and heavenly being with its ethereal and wraithlike body.” “An organism with its cardinal halo shrouded in divine holy fire, its midnight demon horns shrouded in scarlet hellfire, its obsidian demon wings shrouded in black hellfire, its ebony prehensile tail shrouded in ruby hellfire, its gold angel wings shrouded in ivory holy fire, & its scarlet fallen angel wings shrouded in firebrick holy fire.” “The demon and fallen angel soars through the cosmos while horror, war, carnage, devastation, bloodshed, & death follow its silhouette below.” “That is until metahuman and superhuman men and women unified together to forge a sanctified divine halberd spear.” “They later gave it to a champion to wield it hurling it through the heavens like a Lance of Longinus.” “But in the final reckoning struck down the demon and fallen angel.” “A hero is suddenly a threat to intergalactic governments the moment an intergalactic war is over.” “So they killed him/her/them for he/she/they were a singularity.” “But they forget that the Alpha Centurion War was won because of the actions of Alexander Kana’i Mack Ryuu Francisco Makoa Smith/Alexandria Ataahua Macy Haruka Francisca Kamalani Smith.” “Alex/Lexi is that demon or devil and fallen angel or fallen god as the celestial that was betrayed by those he/she/they saved as a dark hero.” “He/she/they needed them.” “But when he/she/they needed them most they betrayed him/her/them.” “The seers and oracles say, “While the devil sleeps dormant that is when Kryptonian turns on Kryptonian, Atlantean turns on Amazonian, New God turns on Old God, & Tameranean turns on Daxamite.” “His/her/their own blood and insanity rapidly envelop the earth, the seas, the skies, the heavens, the stars, the planets, & the moons of this universe.” “From the pits of misery awaken the Fallen God and Devil of the Romulus Nebula and Zephyr Nebula with its charcoal and crimson wings blazing in regal radiance for all mortals, demigods, old gods, new gods, titans, great old gods, & dragon gods to witness.” “Nothing in the star system, galaxy, & universe is his/her/their equal.” “For he/she/they are a being without fear.” “He/she/they look down on all who are overconfident.” “He/she/they are an emperor/empress over all that are arrogant.” “They are an emperor/empress over all of them as the Fallen God of The Breach and Devil of The Void.” “He/she/they were a star that fell from space and crashed to the earth.” “When history beholds a great change the Fallen God and Devil of the Romulus and Zephyr Nebula reveals himself/herself/themselves first as an evil demon who is a harbinger and bringer of war, death, violence, bloodshed, & destruction.” “The fallen god and the devil are two sides of the same coin.” “As a demon it uses its might to volley death and destruction upon the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, & multiverse and then it dies.” “The demon who slaughtered his/her/their way across the cosmos was slain.” “However after an interlude of slumber the Fallen God and Devil of the Romulus Nebula returns.” “But this time not as a demon but as a fallen archangel that is a dark hero destined to save the universe.” “His/her/their existence filled the star system, galaxy, & universe for but for a few millennia before he/she/they ultimately disappeared.” “The world awaits a champion to cast light.” “The world awaits a hero to banish the darkness when the world is shrouded in shadows.” “The world awaits a warden, sentinel, protector, & defender to act as a beacon of hope and faith in hopelessness and desperation.” “His/her/their followers patiently await his/her/their return.” “They have waited for years, decades, & centuries for their knight and paladin to return.” “When the universe is in danger they’ll appear again as a dark hero once again.” “But will he/she/they even save a universe, multiverse, & omniverse that betrayed him/her/them?” 
Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith said, “I am not immortal nor do I like to be.” “People seem to misunderstand.” “I am not an old god, a titan, a new god, great old god, or a dragon god.” “The Celestial and Stellar entity and Divine and Heavenly being is just a transformation where I become a nigh immortal or immortal by shapeshifting, transmutation, & transfiguration.” “I know it has three wings that seem divine.” “It’s a form I gained with my power of absolute adaptation.” “Once I leave that form I am no longer immortal and immortal.” “I am just like any other metahuman and superhuman.” “I can still be hurt by hard light, laser, plasma, energy, or ballistic bullets.” “I can be injured if something is strong enough to negate my superhuman durability and supernatural healing.” “I can still be killed by execution with adamant, mithril, or nth metal swords.” “I will die of old age someday since I’m still mortal.” “People seemed to have deify me as of late.” “I even have a cult I didn’t ask for.”  “I am not sure I like that.” “I don’t like it at all as an Indigenous Pasifika person of color.” “I guess people need someone to believe in so why believe in the person who ended a cosmic and stellar war and stopped what many considered to be Armageddon or Judgement Day.” “I mean I don’t blame them.” “I brought back hope and faith for so many as a paragon and exemplar and they latched on to that.” “I chose to be a hero.” “It wasn’t because I was chosen by the gods, fate, or a wizard.” “In fact they said I would never be worthy.” “They said I would never be pure of heart.” “So them saying I was sent by higher powers just rubs me the wrong way you know.”
 What is a hero?  “Did you know I was not chosen,” asked Alexander/Alexandria. “Everyone says I am a true hero.” “But fates did not come and tell me that I am the half blood child of a god or a titan ordained to end the darkness.” “Gods didn’t tell me that I was their champion destined to save the world.” “A wizard didn’t come and tell me that I was the hero fated to defeat a great evil.” “As a metahuman and superhuman child soldier I was always the joke and the underdog.” “I always failed but I always got up.” “I was the weakest metahuman and superhuman.” “Everyone told me to give up.” “But I always was hard of hearing.” “Through blood, sweat, & tears, through hard work, sheer motivation, fortitude, & determination I became one of the best and unlocked my full potential.” “I became the best SSSS class young adult metahuman and superhuman black ops and spec ops super soldier.” “I like some was never chosen unlike the others.” “I was never worthy.” “I never thought myself as a hero.” “I always thought myself as an antihero or supervillain.” “But one day the planet, the star system, the galaxy, & the universe needed a hero.” “They called a hero to save them, to defend them against the space naval armada of alien and human traffickers of metahumans and superhumans.” “No hero answered the call.” “They broke their oaths as heroes!” “I swore to them that I would never do the same!” “I was never chosen.” “But on that day, I chose myself.” “I became their hero, their chosen one, & their champion!” “Every single time,” he/she/they said as their voices broke, “I answered their call no matter the opposition, no matter the cost, no matter the time, & no matter the sacrifice!” “I gave an oath to always answer the call!” “I would never fail them unlike the others!” “And so after stories were made how I was always chosen but in fact there was no fate, no gods, & no wizards to declare my the chosen one, the hero, or the champion.” “No when it all mattered in the end I chose myself.” “That is why I chose to fight against the first, second, & third iteration of the Forces of Evil.” “My version is better don’t you think.” “That sometimes you are not chosen but you chose yourself.” “On that day I answered their call and so inspired by my initiative others joined me.” “We became the Elites (imagine the Teen Titans, Young Justice League, & Legion of Superheroes) and later we became the Paragons (imagine Justice League, the Justice Society of Superheroes, & Doom Patrol).” “Everyone has yet to discover Alexander’s/Alexandria’s skill, potential, & talent.” “There will be a day, month, or year when he/she/they shine brilliantly.” “Maybe then Ylva Helga Olofsdottir, Kulax Kojir, Joanna Jacobson, & Talia Macar will finally notice them.” “The planet, star system, galaxy, & universe thinks that Laurissa Owen Jones and I are some perfect, flawless hero/heroine and heroine who defeated the great evil the Forces of Evil all by ourselves.” “The truth is were are both flawed.” “But in reality we both failed a lot and learned a lot together.” “We relied on each other and our platonic unconditional love for each other.” “We relied on our bond that connects our hearts, minds, & souls together.” “We relied on our friends Chun Hei Kim, Amelia Himmat Mishra, & Maysa Nabila Uzun.” “We relied on our teams the Elites, Paragons, & the Sentinels.” “In the end it was teamwork, love, connection, & bonds that defeated the super villain organization and alliance not fancy ass super powers.”
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mudaship39 · 4 years
Alpha Centurion War:
Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith his/her/their had many ex lovers who were superheroes, antiheroes, & supervillains. For his/her/their many exes imagine people like Kid Flash (Wallace Rudolph “Wally” West), Supergirl (Kara Linda Danvers or Kara Zor El), Galatea, Divine, Nightwing (Richard John “Dick” Grayson), Ravager (Rose Wilson Worth), Osiris (Amon Tomaz a Muslim Middle Eastern person of color), Stargirl (Courtney Whitmore), Chloe Sullivan, Red Arrow (Roy William Harper Jr.), (Tula), Hawk (Holly Granger), Red Robin (Timothy Jackson “Tim” Drake an Asian person of color), Red Lantern Bleez, Shazam (William Joseph “Billy” Batson), Black Bat (Cassandra Cain an Asian woman of color), Herald (Malcolm Anrold “Mal” Duncan a Black person of color), Blackfire (Komiand’r or Komi Anders), Green Lantern Iolande, Dove (Dawn Granger), Cyberion (Victor “Victory Stone a Black person of color), Oracle (Barbara Joan “Babs” Gordon), Bushido (Ryoko Orsono an Asian person of color), Hawkfire (Mary Elizabeth “Bette” Kane), Static Shock (Virgil Ovil Hawkins a Black person of color), Starfire (Koriand’r or Kori Anders), Killer Frost (Caitlyn Snow), Talia Al Ghul (a Muslim Middle Eastern woman of color), Wonder Woman (Princess Diana Prince of Themyscira), Shim’tar (Artemis Bana-Mighall), Huntress (Helena Bertenelli), Kaldur (Kaldur’ahm or Jackson Hyde a half Atlantean half Afro Carribean Black person of color), Isis (Adrianna Tomaz a Muslim Middle Eastern woman of color), Cheshire (Jade Crock Nguyen an Asian woman of color), John Constantine, Powerwoman (Lucy Lane), Traci 13 (an Asian woman of color), Talia Al Ghul (a Muslim Middle Eastern woman of color), Red Hood (Jason Peter “Jay” Todd a Latino person of color), Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders a Afro Latinx woman of color), Tempest (Garth), Jynx (Jennifer Jinx “Jenny” Hex a Muslim Middle Eastern woman of color), Blue Beetle (Jamie Reyes a Latino person of color), Batwoman (Katherine Rebecca “Kate” Kane), Dolphin, Enchantress (June Moon), Power Girl (Karen Starr), White Lantern (Kyle Rayner a Latino person of color), Nyssa Al Ghul (a Muslim Middle Eastern woman of color), Jessica Cruz (a Latina woman of color), Knockout, Liana Kerzer, Scandal Savage, Maxima, Firestorm (Jason Rusch a Black person of color), Steel (Natasha Jasmine Irons a Black woman of color), White Raven (Queen Rachel Raven “Rae” Roth of Azarath a Hindu South Asian Indian woman of color), Troia (Princess Donna Stacy Hinckley Troy of Themyscira), Zatanna Zatrara, Vixen (Mari McCabe a Black woman of color), Caitlyn Fairchild, Omen (Lilith Clay), Bumblebee (Karen Beecher a Black woman of color), Solstice (a Hindu South Asian Indian woman of color), & Argent (Antonia Louise “Toni” Monetti) and so many others from DC Comics).
He/she/they had many ex lovers as someone who lived from the 22nd century to the 60th century. He/she/they as a intergalactic superhero, antihero, or supervillain also had many ex girlfriends, boyfriends, or partners who were alien extraterrestrial men, women, or nonbinary people who had yellow, orange, pink, red, green, blue, violet, & purple skin, fur, scales, feathers, & or hair. He/she/they as an intergalactic private soldier, assassin, bounty hunter, & intelligence agent also had many exes who were bipedal anthropomorphic extraterrestrial aliens with scales, fur, or feathers. These alien humanoid exes and ex lovers were from across the planets, star systems, & galaxies of the universe, multiverse, & omniverse. “These aliens they promised him/her/them technology if he/she/they stayed with them.” He/she/they had many ex lovers who were bionics and cyborgs. “They promised him/her/them cash and credits if he/she/they stayed.” He/she/they had many ex lovers who were inorganics such as gen 4 robots, androids, & synthetics who were basic and primitive to gen 10 robots, androids, & synthetics who were sophisticated and advanced. He/she/they were in intellectual and emotional relationships with several smart human artificial intelligences and several alien artificial intelligences. “These inorganics they promised him/her/them knowledge if he/she/they stayed with them.” He/she/they as a metamorph, changeling, & shapeshifter who sold his/her/their services as a SSSS rank guild member and adventurer who was a rouge, fighter, ranger, gunslinger, cleric, paladin, alchemist, mage, wizard, witch, sorcerer/sorceress, & warlock also had many ex partners from magical realms and dimensions who were mythical or mystical humanoids. They had many ex lovers such as demigods, angels, demons, half angels, half demons, half angels/half demons, arch angels, arch demons, gods, goddesses, devils, fallen gods, fallen goddesses, devils, titans, & titanesses. “They promised him/her/them godhood and immortality if he/she/they stayed with them.” “To let him/her/them transcend and ascend into the divine.” They had many ex lovers such as pure blood vampires, pure blood werewolves, draenei, highborn elves, wood elves, dark elves, night elves, drow, blood elves, half elves, homo magi, Amazons, light fae, dark fae, succubi, incubi, orcs, trolls, half orcs, half trolls, high orcs, high trolls, giants, & oni. “They promised him/her/them kingdoms and empires if he/she/they stayed with them.” He/she/they had many ex lovers who were sirens or mermaids, harpies, satyr, centaurs, lamia, & demibeasts or demihumans. “They promised him/her/them gold, silver, & gemstones if he/she/they stayed with them.” 
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mudaship39 · 4 years
Alpha Centurion War:
Location: Omnicron:
Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria, “I remember that after meeting Breapru and Iesloria again I started to date them after a year of being friends.” “Then after dating the both of them for a decade I then asked for the consent of Breapru and Iesloria and my other fiancées. After that they both became my girlfriends, betrothed, & fiancées.” Alex/Lexi, said, “Breapru with her blue skin, blue scales, black feathers, long black hair, & green eyes she was beautiful.” “Iesloria with her red skin, red fur, long black hair, yellow eyes, & black stripes, she was pretty.” “I am slowly drifting to you.” “We are in each other’s orbit.” “The stars, planets, & moons are calling to us both.” “I am light years away from you but I am on my way.”  “Breapru said, “I remember you and I being a part of the clandestine, top secret, & classified intergalactic compartmentalized deep black intergalactic intelligence and law enforcement agency of Scorpio.” “You, I, & Iesloria were some of its best agents.” For Scorpio if you want a mental image imagine the Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Indigo, Orange, Pink, Black, & White Lanterns of DC. Imagine Blackwatch, Talon, & Overwatch of Overwatch. Imagine Shield, Strike, & Sword of Marvel. Imagine DEO, Argus, Team 7, Outsiders, Agency, & Checkmate of DC. Imagine FoxHound and Cipher of Metal Gear Solid. Imagine Ghosts or Rainbow of Tom Clancy. Imagine ONI of Halo. Imagine Third Echelon of Splinter Cell. That is Scorpio. “We were partners you and I Alex/Lexi.” “So when I saw how kind, compassionate, & open minded you were when you came to meet me when we first met as partners I was instantly attracted.” “When you came to save me on that day I was reminded of why I fell for you in the first place.” “And why I want you to be selfish for once in your life and leave the universe, multiverse, & omniverse to defend itself.” “You always look after others but my question is who looks out for you Alex/Lexi?” “You and the others Breapru and Iesloria,” said Alex/Lexi. 
Breapru said, “My love Cardinal Changeling, you have witnessed and instigated plenty of death, conflict, anguish, slaughter, loss, aggression, & obliteration to last countless Asgardian, Tamaranean, Kryptonian, & Daxamite life spans.” “You were stolen from your home in Hawaii.” “You were forced to become a metahuman and superhuman child soldier who was forced to fight until you were a superhuman and metahuman spec ops and black ops young adult super soldier.” “Since you were a metahuman and superhuman child soldier until you were a superhuman and metahuman spec ops and black ops young adult super soldier you fought across the country, continent, planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse.” “You escaped and were safe but not for long.” “You were stolen from your safe haven your fiancé Rashida Ashanti Bello’s home in Tanzania and you experimented on a giant black site planet that was an intergalactic compartmentalized deep black project where you were experimented on physically, emotionally, intellectually, psionically, & telepathically on a cellular, microscopic, atomic, subatomic, & nanoscopic level.” “You were enslaved on a giant slaver planet that was a deep black project where you were chained, beaten, interrogated, starved, branded, tortured, & whipped.” “You have lost so much of yourself.” 
Iesloria said, “Your war against the Forces of Evil, its leaders, its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements to save the planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse also made damn certain of that.” The Forces of Evil had twelve leaders the eight aliens (with each eight each having the power of Brainiac, Doomsday, Imperiex Prime, Darkseid, Starro, & Mongul of DC comics and Galactus, Apocalypse, & Thanos of Marvel comics combined), the demonic leader the Devil Lord and Demon General (who is as powerful as Diablo, Trigon, Lilith, Nekron, Mephisto, & Dormammu combined), the evil sorcerer (as powerful as Zatanna Zatara, Scarlet Witch, John Constantine, Doctor Fate, Dark Raven, Giovanni Zatara, & Doctor Strange combined), & Greco Roman Titan leaders (the Greek Titan Cronus and the Roman Titan Saturn). The eight generals of the Forces of Evil were like Siren (Hila the sister of Queen Mera), Desaad, Queen Bee (Zazzala of the Hive), Heracles, Steppenwolf, Mongal (the daughter of Mongul), Kalibak, & Granny Goodness of DC comics. The seventeen lieutenants of the Forces of Evil were like Grail the Godkiller, Lashina, Mad Harriet, Knockout, Precious, Gilotina, Bernadeth, Stompa, Artemiz, K’li, Speed Queen, Malice Vundabar, Bloody Mary, Wunda, Sweet Leilani of the Female Furies), and Scandal Savage, & Liana Kerzner of DC Comics. The Forces of Evil’s allies are like the Fearsome Five, Villainy Inc., the Legion of Supervillains, the Injustice Society, the Legion of Doom, Hive, Injustice League, the Brotherhood of Evil, the Secret Society of Supervillains, & the Fatal Five of DC comics combined. The reinforcements of the Forces of Evil the Horde Army are like Zerg Swarm, Star Trek Borg, undead ghouls and zombies of the Lich King, Starro drones, Halo Flood, Brainiac probes, undead Greek Spartan and undead Roman Centurion soldiers, Imperiex clones of Imperiex Prime, Fallout 3 super mutants, Halo Forerunner Promethean Knights, Fallout 4 ghouls, Darkseid's parademons, Resident Evil zombies, Trigon’s demons and archdemons, & Star Wars Yuuzhan Vong. “The Horde Army is made up of those who fell against the Forces of Evil.” “Who in their death were twisted, converted, infested, & warped against their will into monsters to serve the Forces of Evil.” “The Forces of Evil are that cruel, wicked, & malicious.” “These reinforcements that comprise the Forces of Evil foot soldiers is what allowed the allies and leaders of the Forces of Evil to conquer universes, multiverses, & omniverses and is what allowed the generals and lieutenants of the Forces of Evil to destroy planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “The Horde Army allowed the Forces of Evil to kill millions and enslave billions.” “For you spent the last years, decades, & centuries in those shitholes, exchanging hard light plasma fire with the Forces of Evil, its leaders, its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements.” “The casualties of that intergalactic Alpha Centurion War against the Forces of Evil in the Battles of Earth, the Battle of the Sol System, the Battle of the Vega System, the Battle of the Milky Way Galaxy, the Battle of the Polaris System, the Battle of the Xeno Galaxy, & the Battle of the Andromeda Galaxy in the Alpha Centurion War were not just thousands or hundreds of thousands like in world wars but millions and billions of people who became KIA, MIA, POWs, or came home with mental illnesses (of chronic: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, & PTSD).” 
Iesloria and Breapru said, “The oath of your superhero teams the Elites (imagine a superhero team like The Teen Titans, The Young Justice League, Young Avengers, & Legion of Superheroes combined with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the entire Sol System) and the Paragons (imagine a superhero team like The Justice League, X Men, Avengers, the Justice Society of Superheroes, & Doom Patrol combined with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the Sol Star System, Vega Star System, & Polaris Star System) that you founded is, “We have been called, we must answer, we took an oath, we took a pledge, we made a vow, we swore a promise, that no matter the time, no matter the place, no matter the numbers, no matter the odds, no matter the opposition, no matter the risk, no matter the cost, & no matter the sacrifice, we always answer the call.” “When the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse (including the DC Prime, & Marvel 616) were in danger of being suppressed and conquered by these intergalactic subjugators and oppressors.” “You asked them would they answer the call.” “They all answered you.” “They answered your call because they saw someone that they were willing to fight and die for.” “The Forces of Evil came to crush and vanquish the universe, the multiverse, & the omniverse.” “They came to subjugate millions, billions, & trillions of lives.” “You lead all of us in an intergalactic war to deny them.” “Saving the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “When the intergalactic war ended your superhero teams wrote tens, hundreds, thousands, & hundreds of thousands of condolence letters by hand.” “You all did it so that you would always remember that, no matter what our oath as Elites and Paragons says, that there is always a cost, & that there is always a sacrifice.” “Many lives, thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, & billions of lives were lost to save this planet, this star system, this galaxy, this universe, this multiverse, & this omniverse.” “To save them from the Forces of Evil (the multiversal level threat super villain organization and alliance), its generals, its lieutenants, its allies, & its reinforcements.” “You don’t owe them anything anymore.” “It is they how owe you Alex/Lexi!”
Breapru said, “You have experienced so much suffering and so much loss.” “You have given them beyond enough.” “Beyond what anyone could or would ever ask of you for.” “Decades with the Earth Space Marine Force Recon had toughened you and centuries with the Sol System Federation Space Navy Seals have hardened you,” said Planetary Empress Beapru. “My worship Alexander Mark “Alex” Smith/Alexandria Macy “Lexi” Smith...I recognize that you believe you hold a certain...responsibility towards this planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “That you feel you owe them something but Cambion Chimera (Alex Smith/Lexi Smith) my love…” “You do not owe these pieces of shit a single fucking goddamn thing!” “Especially after all that they have taken from you!” “Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith they have champions and they have heroes who act as wardens, guardians, & sentinels.” “You did your responsibility.” “You did what you assured your parents you would do.” “You pledged to your parents that you would do what you could to make the earthlings and aliens of the Sol System, Polaris System, & Vega System better.” “You created the Elites and the Paragons and revamped the Sentinels to be champions of the Sol System, Vega System, & Polaris System and the heroes of the Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, & the Xeno Galaxy.” “But you left a Elites, Paragons & Sentinels a hundred thousand times the extent of what you started in your stead.” “You don’t owe them anymore!” “If you chose to walk away right now and never return forever.” “What right do they have to ask you to come back.” “What right do they have to ask you to sacrifice more.” “They have to save themselves Alexander/Alexandria.” “Being a hero is not a job, it is not a duty, & it is not an obligation, for it is a choice, & you can chose to leave.” Breapru said to Cardinal Changeling, “Jade Jaguar (Alex Smith/Lexi Smith), you have suffered more anguish than anyone will ever know.” “You have felt more torment than anyone could ever experience.” “You have performed terrible things than anyone could ever envision.” “You have witnessed the most appalling things that anyone could ever visualize.” “When you close your eyes at night,” she cried her voice breaking, “every single night,” she cried saying, “I know you hear more screaming than anyone could ever calculate.” “I know because every single night I hear you crying from the nightmares caused by your chronic PTSD.” “I hear you begging and pleading for your tormentors to stop hurting you and the people that saw being experimented on or being enslaved.” “You wake up with a snarl, growl, & roar and realize it was a nightmare, that it has been years, decades, & centuries since those events happened.” “That’s when you realize that even though the bullets have stopped.” “The war in your mind does not.” This is a memory of shapeshifter metamorph & changeling superhero Emerald Eagle (Alexander Smith/Alexandra Smith) while asleep hissed, snarled, growled, & roared as he/she/they fired Kryptonian heat vision with tears in his/her/their eyes, “Stop, please I beg you, no more!” “It’s not real, this is real, we are real,” said Kulax Kojir, Carina Bellona Ragorio, Joanna Jacobson, Ylva Helga Olofsdottor, Diona Artemis Megalos, Kaimana Zhao Hokulani Ya Keali’i, & Talia Macar as they held Cardinal Changeling as he/she/they cried into Kulax Kojir’s shoulder. “I am sorry but it felt so real.” “Shh it is okay it was just a dream,” said Iesloria and Brepru, “Did you have another nightmare?” “Focus on us, let us be your anchor, focus on our voices.” “They can no longer hurt you.” “Do you promise?” “We swear to you.” 
“This…” “Everything that happened…” “Is all my fault,” said Alexander/Alexandria. “If I just could have done more.” “It wasn’t your fault Alex/Lexi.” “There was nothing more that you could have done Mack Smith/Macy Smith.” Iesloria said, “You gave them blood, sweat, & tears.” “You sacrificed to them your heart, your soul, your mind, your friends, & your family.”“So I ask you, what more will you surrender for them, Alex/Lexi?” “Will you sacrifice what’s left of your friends and family the Superhero Antihero & Supervillain Legionnaire United Strikeforce (the coalition between the Elites, Paragons, Sentinels with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the universe, multiverse, & omniverse) that you created in the 40th century to finally defeat the Forces of Evil?” “What’s left of your heart (your adoptive children Maria Garcia Morales, Tadashi Sato, & Nathaniel “Nate” Nguyen and your future biological children with your wives).” “What’s left of your sanity (those people that you saved from that slaver planet and that giant black site planet who became your adoptive family)?” “What's left of your reason to fight (The superhero teams the Elites, the Paragons, & the Sentinels)?” “What’s left of your soul (your wives who are extraterrestrial aliens, wives who are Indigenous women Indigenous to Turtle Island, wives who are Indigenous women Indigenous to Pasifika or Oceania, & wives who are women of color)?” “These fucking assholes do not fucking deserve you Alex/Lexi!” “They never did, they never have, & they never will!” “They are not fucking worthy of you!” “If you chose to turn your back on this universe, multiverse, & omniverse who the fuck are they to fucking judge you?!” “Whatever you do, even if you decide to abandon this planet, this star system, & this galaxy of this universe, this multiverse, & this omniverse.” “I will not leave your side my love.” “You will discover yourself Alex/Lexi and when you do.” “I assure you that this planet, this solar system, this galaxy, this universe, & this multiverse will go completely quiet.” “I guarantee you that men, women, & beyond (those who are nonbinary, Turtle Island Indigenous two spirit, Polynesian Indigenous Pasfika mahu, agender, bigender, & genderfluid) will not fall for your magnificence but for your strength and your power.” “I swear to you, Alex/Lexi that those who are heterosexual, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, demisexual, or asexual will venerate what you have flourished into and hold you as someone to admire.” “I vow to you that your allies will watch in astonishment as you overcome what they cannot.” “I assure you that your adversaries will tremble before you in terror beseeching for your infinite mercy, boundless kindness, or limitless compassion.” “That King/Queen Alexander Mark Smith/Alexandria Maria Smith of the Principality of Ethania, Europa.” “That is something that we, Breapru and Iesloria, pledge to you.” These two alien extraterrestrial women in front of him/her/them knew the force and the dominion he/she/they hold. The planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes, & multiverses that he/she/they could effortlessly subjugate. Yet protects and still looks out for them as if they were blood. X’Hal and Rao, as if they were from the same planet, as if they were from the same solar system, & as if they were from the same galaxy. He/she/they with the power could easily conquer them but they would never be imperialists and intergalactic colonizers as someone who despises imperialism and colonialism and as someone who rebelled against the Terran Empire of the Sol System to free the colonists of Lunar, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, & Triton from the hegemony and dominion of the planet Earth. This action led to the creation of the United Federation of the Sol System made of Earth, Lunar, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, & Triton. “No matter what may be wrong, Alex/Lexi.” “No matter whom or what has harmed you.” “I will always be there for you.” “But whomever or whatever has injured you.” “Your wives, Empress Ohoi Nessars, Queen Diona Artemis Megalos (daughter of Ares and Athena) of Greco demigods of the Greek Mount Olympus, Chieftain and Paramount Warchief Rashida Ashanti Bello of Tanzania, Chieftain and Warchief Ylva Helga Olofsdottor (of the Aesir Valkyries of Asgard), Queen Adrianna Acosta of South America, Queen Carina Akali Ragorio (daughter of Mars and Venus) of Roman demigods of the Roman Mount Olympus, Chieftain and Warchief Kaimana Zhao Hokulani Ya Keali’i of a nation in Polynesia and a kingdom of the empire of Atlantis, Sultan Nijah Nadra Nadar, & Empress Kulax Kojir, Queen Talia Macar.” “As well as Empress Breapru and I Empress Ielsoria who are all imperial royalty.” “Will have the sum of our kingdoms, the whole of our empires, & the total of our planetary empires, volley down devil hellfire and cascade down divine holy fire upon all of those who wish to do so!” “You have had and will always have our undying fealty,” they both said as they kneeled before him/her/them on one knee and struck both of their hard light plasma long swords into the ground. They could both tell he/she/they were a warrior  and a soldier with the way he/she/they held himself/herself/themselves, his/her/their posture, & his/her/their arms somewhat bent ready to be brought up in a moment’s notice to defend himself/herself/themselves at any time. Even now he/she/they are still super soldiers. 
Breapru and Iesloria two alien extraterrestrials who were in a polyamorous triad relationship with each other and Alexander/Alexandria said, “Your first death it started a cosmic war.” “You were killed after the Elites and Paragons vs Sentinel Superhero Civil War.” “You were murdered because they the metahumans and superhumans of these planets, star systems, & galaxies started to fear your potential power, influence, supremacy, & control.” “You were killed by a monster created by humans and aliens of these planets, systems, & galaxies.” “It was a beast made out of divine iron, mithril, celestial titanium, orichalcum, heavenly bronze, etherium, uru, adamant or adamantine, stellar steel, & adamantite.” “It was a creature that was made sentient with aether, divine magic, nether, arcane magic, celestial magic, & esoteric magic.” “You died as a knight and paladin when you fell in combat fighting the behemoth to defend the citizens of Magical County.” “Out of fear they murdered you and sent a weapon to kill you a queer disabled Indigenous person of color and Indigenous Pasifika person of color superhero.” “It started the Alpha Centurion War with the Battles of Earth.” “The Alpha Centurion War began when the Forces of Evil a supervillain organization and alliance, their leaders, their generals, their lieutenants, & their allies realized the universe, multiverse, & omniverse no longer had its defender and protector to safeguard it.” “They destroyed and obliterated planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “They conquered and subjugated universes, multiverses, & omniverses.” “They invaded and proceeded to kill millions, enslave billions, & cause trillions to go home with mental illnesses.” “You were brought back to life with the power of a power totem in the form of a magical necklace.” “In the Battle of the Sol and Vega System and in the Battle of the Andromeda Galaxy and the Battle of the Milky Way Galaxy you fought the Forces of Evil.” “Your second death ended a stellar war in the Battle of the Polaris System.” “You were then forsaken by the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & universe.” “When the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse abandoned you and let the generals and lieutenants of the Forces of Evil execute you with a hard light halberd spear.” “The Forces of Evil struck you down in Final Reckoning like a Lance of Longinus.” “It was a spear made out of nth metal, adamantium, timonium, & vibranium covered in element zero, chronoton, kryptonite, dark metal, inertron, & element x.” “When intergalactic war ends suddenly a cosmic hero becomes a threat to intergalactic world governments.” “So they assassinated you.” “They feared you with your charisma and charm would inspire more to be revolutionary, militant, anarchist, & radical.” “So they killed you when they had no more use for you.” “You died to defeat the Forces of Evil.” “The Forces of Evil, their leaders, their generals, their lieutenants, their allies, & their reinforcements were then banished to the Void and the Breach.” “The metahumans and superhumans of these planets, star systems, & galaxies never deserved your love.” “The humans and aliens of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse never deserved your admiration.” “You were the twice dead risen King/Queen of Iuyamnia.” “The Monarch ordained long ago to end the ceaseless night that has plagued these planets, star systems, & galaxies of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse for years, decades, centuries, & millenia!”  “You were the champion and hero fated since ancient times to end the everlasting night.” “You were the warden and defender ordained since ancient times to ultimately return the sunrise to the cosmos freeing it from the perpetual shadows and ceaseless darkness!” “The blue, yellow, red, & white stars and suns will come back with the dawn because you defeated the Forces of Evil!” 
“Cardinal Changeling or Scarlet Shapeshifter (Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith) he/she/they only had one wish.” “That was to soar through the endless outer space ceaselessly.” “He/she/they had one desire and that was to forever be in the single place that he/she/they truly felt alive.” “That is the cosmos of the universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “For it was his/her/their true kingdom and empire.” “He/she/they don’t even have a planet, star system, or galaxy to call home.” “Not after he/she/they were betrayed by the humans and aliens of these planets, star systems, galaxies.”  “They were killed by a monster created by the humans and aliens of these planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “It was a beast made out of divine iron, mithril, celestial titanium, orichalcum, heavenly bronze, etherium, uru, adamant or adamantine, stellar steel, & adamantite.” “It was a creature made sentient with aether, divine magic, nether, arcane magic, celestial magic, & esoteric magic.” “And he/she/they as a knight and paladin fell in battle against this titanic behemoth fighting it to defend the citizens of Magical County.” “He/she/they don’t have a universe, multiverse, & omniverse to call home.” “Not after they were forsaken by the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & universe.” “When the metahumans and superhumans of this universe, multiverse, & omniverse abandoned him/her/them and let the generals and lieutenants of the Forces of Evil execute him/her/them when he/she/thy died in the Battle of the Polaris Star System.” “The Forces of Evil they murdered him/her/them with a hard light halberd spear and stuck him/her/them down in Final Reckoning like a Lance of Longinus.” “It was a spear with a blade forged with nth metal, adamantium, timonium, & vibranium covered in element zero, chronoton, kryptonite, dark metal, inertron, & element x.” “His/her/their Iuyamian species home planet of Iuyamia is no longer his/her/theirs anymore.” “Even though that planet was once cherished by his/her/their grandmother Marie Gabriella Bahr Smith a pureblood Iuyamanian who was a displaced diaspora and a war refugee.” “He/she/they are a dragon and phoenix meant to be free to soar across the universe.” “When all his/her/their intergalactic warfare was done after the Alpha Centurion War he/she/they did not have peace, tranquility, or serenity.” “He/she/they smolder like dragon fire and freeze like dragon ice.” “He/she/they soar beyond  in endless space yet he/she/they cannot ascend.” “Soar with the grace and elegance of an archangel and strike quick with the ferocity and fury of an arch demon.” “Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith was known to be the Devil of Romulus Nebula and was known to be the Fallen God of the Zephyr Nebula.” “He/she/they are said to be a warrior who soared through the Alpha Centurion War against the Forces of Evil rousing both terror and respect in allies and enemies alike.” “In the course of the perpetual waves of time from a wrinkle of revolution shall the tempest ascend and out of the void and the breach gazes the eyes of a devil and a fallen god.” “The oracles, shamans, & seers all say, “Behold the Devil of the Romulus Nebula and the Fallen God of the Zephyr Nebula.” “A celestial and stellar entity and divine and heavenly being with its ethereal and wraithlike body.” “An organism with its cardinal halo shrouded in divine holy fire, its midnight demon horns shrouded in scarlet hellfire, its obsidian demon wings shrouded in black hellfire, its ebony prehensile tail shrouded in ruby hellfire, its gold angel wings shrouded in ivory holy fire, & its scarlet fallen angel wings shrouded in firebrick holy fire.” “The demon and fallen angel soars through the cosmos while horror, war, carnage, devastation, bloodshed, & death follow its silhouette below.” “That is until metahuman and superhuman men and women unified together to forge a sanctified divine halberd spear.” “They later gave it to a champion to wield it hurling it through the heavens like a Lance of Longinus.” “But in the final reckoning struck down the demon and fallen angel.” “A hero is suddenly a threat to intergalactic governments the moment an intergalactic war is over.” “So they killed him/her/them for he/she/they were a singularity.” “But they forget that the Alpha Centurion War was won because of the actions of Alexander Kana’i Mack Ryuu Francisco Makoa Smith/Alexandria Ataahua Macy Haruka Francisca Kamalani Smith.” “Alex/Lexi is that demon or devil and fallen angel or fallen god as the celestial that was betrayed by those he/she/they saved as a dark hero.” “He/she/they needed them.” “But when he/she/they needed them most they betrayed him/her/them.” “The seers and oracles say, “While the devil sleeps dormant that is when Kryptonian turns on Kryptonian, Atlantean turns on Amazonian, New God turns on Old God, & Tameranean turns on Daxamite.” “His/her/their own blood and insanity rapidly envelop the earth, the seas, the skies, the heavens, the stars, the planets, & the moons of this universe.” “From the pits of misery awaken the Fallen God and Devil of the Romulus Nebula and Zephyr Nebula with its charcoal and crimson wings blazing in regal radiance for all mortals, demigods, old gods, new gods, titans, great old gods, & dragon gods to witness.” “Nothing in the star system, galaxy, & universe is his/her/their equal.” “For he/she/they are a being without fear.” “He/she/they look down on all who are overconfident.” “He/she/they are an emperor/empress over all that are arrogant.” “They are an emperor/empress over all of them as the Fallen God of The Breach and Devil of The Void.” “He/she/they were a star that fell from space and crashed to the earth.” “When history beholds a great change the Fallen God and Devil of the Romulus and Zephyr Nebula reveals himself/herself/themselves first as an evil demon who is a harbinger and bringer of war, death, violence, bloodshed, & destruction.” “The fallen god and the devil are two sides of the same coin.” “As a demon it uses its might to volley death and destruction upon the planet, star system, galaxy, universe, & multiverse and then it dies.” “The demon who slaughtered his/her/their way across the cosmos was slain.” “However after an interlude of slumber the Fallen God and Devil of the Romulus Nebula returns.” “But this time not as a demon but as a fallen archangel that is a dark hero destined to save the universe.” “His/her/their existence filled the star system, galaxy, & universe for but for a few millennia before he/she/they ultimately disappeared.” “The world awaits a champion to cast light.” “The world awaits a hero to banish the darkness when the world is shrouded in shadows.” “The world awaits a warden, sentinel, protector, & defender to act as a beacon of hope and faith in hopelessness and desperation.” “His/her/their followers patiently await his/her/their return.” “They have waited for years, decades, & centuries for their knight and paladin to return.” “When the universe is in danger they’ll appear again as a dark hero once again.” “But will he/she/they even save a universe, multiverse, & omniverse that betrayed him/her/them?” 
Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith said, “I am not immortal nor do I like to be.” “People seem to misunderstand.” “I am not an old god, a titan, a new god, great old god, or a dragon god.” “The Celestial and Stellar entity and Divine and Heavenly being is just a transformation where I become a nigh immortal or immortal by shapeshifting, transmutation, & transfiguration.” “I know it has three wings that seem divine.” “It’s a form I gained with my power of absolute adaptation.” “Once I leave that form I am no longer immortal and immortal.” “I am just like any other metahuman and superhuman.” “I can still be hurt by hard light, laser, plasma, energy, or ballistic bullets.” “I can be injured if something is strong enough to negate my superhuman durability and supernatural healing.” “I can still be killed by execution with adamant, mithril, or nth metal swords.” “I will die of old age someday since I’m still mortal.” “People seemed to have deify me as of late.” “I even have a cult I didn’t ask for.”  “I am not sure I like that.” “I don’t like it at all as an Indigenous Pasifika person of color.” “I guess people need someone to believe in so why believe in the person who ended a cosmic and stellar war and stopped what many considered to be Armageddon or Judgement Day.” “I mean I don’t blame them.” “I brought back hope and faith for so many as a paragon and exemplar and they latched on to that.” “I chose to be a hero.” “It wasn’t because I was chosen by the gods, fate, or a wizard.” “In fact they said I would never be worthy.” “They said I would never be pure of heart.” “So them saying I was sent by higher powers just rubs me the wrong way you know.”
What is a hero?  “Did you know I was not chosen,” asked Alexander/Alexandria. “Everyone says I am a true hero.” “But fates did not come and tell me that I am the half blood child of a god or a titan ordained to end the darkness.” “Gods didn’t tell me that I was their champion destined to save the world.” “A wizard didn’t come and tell me that I was the hero fated to defeat a great evil.” “As a metahuman and superhuman child soldier I was always the joke and the underdog.” “I always failed but I always got up.” “I was the weakest metahuman and superhuman.” “Everyone told me to give up.” “But I always was hard of hearing.” “Through blood, sweat, & tears, through hard work, sheer motivation, fortitude, & determination I became one of the best and unlocked my full potential.” “I became the best SSSS class young adult metahuman and superhuman black ops and spec ops super soldier.” “I like some was never chosen unlike the others.” “I was never worthy.” “I never thought myself as a hero.” “I always thought myself as an antihero or supervillain.” “But one day the planet, the star system, the galaxy, & the universe needed a hero.” “They called a hero to save them, to defend them against the space naval armada of alien and human traffickers of metahumans and superhumans.” “No hero answered the call.” “They broke their oaths as heroes!” “I swore to them that I would never do the same!” “I was never chosen.” “But on that day, I chose myself.” “I became their hero, their chosen one, & their champion!” “Every single time,” he/she/they said as their voices broke, “I answered their call no matter the opposition, no matter the cost, no matter the time, & no matter the sacrifice!” “I gave an oath to always answer the call!” “I would never fail them unlike the others!” “And so after stories were made how I was always chosen but in fact there was no fate, no gods, & no wizards to declare my the chosen one, the hero, or the champion.” “No when it all mattered in the end I chose myself.” “That is why I chose to fight against the first, second, & third iteration of the Forces of Evil.” “My version is better don’t you think.” “That sometimes you are not chosen but you chose yourself.” “On that day I answered their call and so inspired by my initiative others joined me.” “We became the Elites (imagine the Teen Titans, Young Justice League, & Legion of Superheroes) and later we became the Paragons (imagine Justice League, the Justice Society of Superheroes, & Doom Patrol).” “Everyone has yet to discover Alexander’s/Alexandria’s skill, potential, & talent.” “There will be a day, month, or year when he/she/they shine brilliantly.” “Maybe then Ylva Helga Olofsdottir, Kulax Kojir, Joanna Jacobson, & Talia Macar will finally notice them.” “The planet, star system, galaxy, & universe thinks that Laurissa Owen Jones and I are some perfect, flawless hero/heroine and heroine who defeated the great evil the Forces of Evil all by ourselves.” “The truth is were are both flawed.” “But in reality we both failed a lot and learned a lot together.” “We relied on each other and our platonic unconditional love for each other.” “We relied on our bond that connects our hearts, minds, & souls together.” “We relied on our friends Chun Hei Kim, Amelia Himmat Mishra, & Maysa Nabila Uzun.” “We relied on our teams the Elites, Paragons, & the Sentinels.” “In the end it was teamwork, love, connection, & bonds that defeated the super villain organization and alliance not fancy ass super powers.”
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