#genshin impact white day art
White Day with Ayato, Itto and Xiao
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Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters: Kamisato Ayato, Arataki Itto, Xiao
Relationships: Character x reader
Note: Welp, this took longer that I expected 🤣🤣🤣. I apologize to everyone who's been told 14th of March that it'll be finished either that day or day after. Things have happened, as usual but there it is, finally. White Day fics inspired by official art released by Genshin.
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You’ve been running errands all around Inazuma City. Delivering some letters to the Tenryou commission, meeting with some friends in Komore teahouse, then a quick visit to Aoi for some groceries. When you finally collapsed on a lone bench it was late in the afternoon. You tilted your head back and watched the spring breeze play with Sakura petals when you heard a familiar voice.
“There you are.” The voice was low, smooth, and quiet, like a calm river current. This person needn’t raise their voice to capture people’s attention. Finally, you’ve lifted your head to swim in pools of periwinkle. Ayato was a heavenly vision on most days, but today it seemed like he put extra effort to look good. The white of his kimono was even more pristine, his shoes twice as polished. Meanwhile, you fixed your windswept hair with one hand as you tried to untangle the other out of the shopping bag.
“Good afternoon, Kamisato-dono,” you smiled apologetically as if to find a suitable excuse for your bedraggled state. You were always nervous when you were in his presence in less than your best state.
A slight frown marred Ayato’s handsome features. “Why such formalities? I thought I specifically asked of you to call me by my name.” He leaned down to put his handsome face even closer to yours. You felt your heart start to beat wildly.
“There are people my-” He moved his face closer still with the same innocent expression, but the demand in his eyes was more than clear.
“Ayato,” you whispered and felt your face warm up.
Ayato straightened up with a pleased nod. “Now, it’s time for me to whisk you away, my dear. I was looking for you everywhere but you seem to elude me every time.” You opened your mouth to apologize once more, but then you noticed an elegantly wrapped purple box in his hands.
He lifted the box to you with the softest of smiles, “Happy White Day, my love.”
You blinked at him once, twice, then it dawned on you.
“Archons! That was today?!” You stood up quickly, giving Ayato almost whiplash, as you scrambled for an apology. Ayato reassured you swiftly, saying he understands you were busy.
“Now,” he cuts your stuttering with seductive intent in his voice, “how about we find some more private place, and I feed them to you personally.” Ayato finishes his flirtation with a heavy smolder.
You felt yourself heating up once more when you caught sight of the contents of the chocolate box.
“You’ve eaten some of them.”
He gave you his best faux innocent smile.
“I bought us the chocolates.”
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“Over here!”
A booming voice alerted you of another presence as you wobbled dangerously on the ladder. You were changing lamps around the Komore teahouse and overall preparing the outside sitting for the spring. When the local delinquent decided to pay you a visit. He fooled around quite often recently, and despite other staff being concerned for you, you never were annoyed by his presence. Rather, you find it energizing.
“Itto! Wait!”
His presence was currently way too energizing for your liking as he took it upon himself to climb onto a very old rackety ladder as well. The last thing you see is Itto’s horrified expression as the latter tips over. You scrambled to at least catch the edge of the roof, but alas your fingers only brushed the glazed surface.
You let out a scared yelp as you plummeted to the ground. Your sudden impact on the ground was disturbed by a pair of burly arms.
“Crap! Are you ok? I guess the ladder was frailer than I thought…eheheh.” Itto chuckled awkwardly.
You weren’t prepared for such close contact with the bright amber hues of Itto’s eyes. His goofiness and innocence often distracted you from how handsome the young man was. Thankfully, you haven’t had the chance to splutter some nonsense to cover the reddening of your face, as he gently set you down.
“So, uh…” Itto ran a hand through his white locks as you tried not to focus on the flexing of his bicep as he did so. “I wanted to ask when your shift will be over. I wanted to show you something.”
You patted down your clothes and looked around the teahouse. Everything seemed prepared. You’ll just have to let others know you’re leaving.
“I’m done for today. I’ll just put down an apron and I’m ready to go!” you said as you have him a bright smile.
As if you haven’t had enough climbing for the day, Itto brought you to one of the biggest sakura trees near the city and started climbing it.
“Uhh…Itto, I’m not sure about this,” you said as you watched him prop himself on one of the thicker branches. He turned towards you and with a winning grin, he extended his hand towards you.
“Trust me.”
And you did. You let him pluck you from the ground as if you weighed nothing and place you next to him. Then, you climbed the tree with him in tow as he watched your every movement in case you slipped again. Until you finally sat at the place he deemed perfect.
With the swinging feet, you watched Inazuma city from afar as if you could place it in the palm of your hand.
“Pretty neat huh? I found it by accident when I was flung by a ruin guard.” he winced, probably remembering the impact. You couldn’t help but giggle, he always brought a smile to your face. As Itto listened to your cheerful laughter, he felt his heart skip a beat. It’s now or never.
“You’re…You’re really awesome, you know that.”
You turned from the landscape and looked at Itto in surprise at such a heartfelt confession. You noticed pulling a bouquet out of nowhere. After closer inspection, you noticed it was a bouquet made out of lollipops.
“I meant to get you chocolates but I forgot…so I had to improvise…” he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. He popped one in his mouth and handed the bouquet to you.
“All of these, just for you!”
The endearing smile, the spark in his eyes, and the sugary treats in his hand. It was all too much, you couldn’t help yourself.
You plucked the lolly out of his mouth and before Itto could react, you placed a big smooch on his lips. He tasted sweet, just as you suspected.
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The formidable yaksha tightly grips a small box wrapped in a ribbon. Easy now, he practiced this many times. He approaches you, reveals his intentions in the clearest way possible, and then gives you these chocolates. No need to be nervous, and yet as your charming smile catches his sight he suddenly forgot the speech he prepared.
He swallows a lump in his throat and steps forward. At that moment he notices a person talking to you. They’re standing rather close for his taste, and there’s this besotted look on their face. You accept a suspiciously looking package and wave them off. Xiao finally comes to you and watches as you put the package onto the pile with two other ones.
This can’t be real.
Was it his bad karma that caused this? You confessed to him last year. Approached him with a hopeful smile, adoration in your eyes and almond tofu carefully wrapped in a bamboo leaf box. Only when he rejected you he realized just how much your happiness means to him as he saw your face fall with such heartbreak. Now, he’s on the tables have turned, and he’s the one standing there dejectedly with a useless gift in his hands.
“Xiao, good to see you!” your cheerful greeting irked him even more. “It’s been a while, how are you?”
“I see you’ve gathered quite a group of admirers.” Xiao ignored your question and tried his hardest not to be spiteful toward you. He clutched the chocolates in his hands. It feels a little ridiculous to give you these, considering…
“Hm, what is this?” The Adepti watches in horror as you swipe the box out of his grasp. Unlike other boxes on the pile, you unwrap this one immediately.
“Mint cookies? I haven’t had those in ages! A bakery in Mondstadt stopped making these. Where did you…?”
“I didn’t-that is…I made them.” Xiao stammered with a blush rising to his cheeks.
You finally looked at him, balking.
“You…you made these??”
Xiao wrought his hands together. This wasn’t part of his speech, what were those words again? The truth is, he doesn’t want to admit that ever since his rejection, he’s been thinking about you constantly, that all this time he looked for ways to get you back, that he traveled all the way to Mondstadt and terrorized local confectionery until they surrendered their cookie recipe to him, or that he spent next months learning how to make these, one burned batch after another until the cookies were perfect.
Instead of waiting for the answer, you pulled one out of the box and bit into one. Xiao waited with bated breath. He did everything to hone his baking skills until they were honed to perfection.
He let out a breath when he heard your appreciative hum.
“These are amazing! Just like I remember.”
You gave the yaksha one of your most beautiful, dazzling smiles, and before he could think it over, Xiao hear himself saying: “I would make you these every day if you chose me.”
You felt your heart skip a beat. At this point, Xiao’s face went completely ruddy but he tried to maintain his composure by looking as stoic and unflinching as ever.
“Well…” you wiped the remaining crumbs from the corner of your mouth, “how can I say no to a deal like that.”
You pulled him close and Xiao could only hopelessly close his eyes in shyness as you pressed another cookie to his lips.
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Happy White Day!
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Credit goes to @plus_Q_, thanks for the nice artwork!
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lionbearfox · 8 months
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inktober 11: have i ever mentioned how i think about rukkhadevata and nahida constantly? because i do. every day of my life. anyways. rukkhadevata deserves to be incredibly tall. just an absolute tree of a woman (pun intended). towers over the entire archon meeting :)
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Model references for -Baizhu & Changsheng -Lyney & Grin Malkin Genshin Impact
*As of 24 April 2024 Baizhu's references have been replaced with an updated version
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kampfkewob · 3 months
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small Enjou because the White Day pic caught me off guard 💦
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kzr-art · 3 months
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Happy White Day ⛓️🎩
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raeziiy · 3 months
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imagine being a yumejoshi.... (me.)
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a-neru-neru · 3 months
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white day is a thing
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s2402z · 3 months
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He has a present for you!🎁
Also, I realized I didn't post this Valentine's Day art I did last year on Tumblr yet, so here it is! (Originally posted on Twitter and Instagram on 14 February 2023)
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snoozel · 3 months
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baizhutravels · 3 months
Happy White Day! The nuis worked very hard to make some special treats just for you!
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Does it look like me?
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Changsheng cookie!
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roseapov · 3 months
Genshin White Day Artworks! 2024!
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Here, take my hand and look this way. Three, two, one—— Oh, the magic trick worked! Thank you for your outstanding cooperation. Now, sweetie, I'd like to invite you to pick a chocolate and pop it in your mouth. Whichever one you choose, I guarantee you it'll taste better than you can imagine~
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"The weather has been rather sorry of late, and we've had more patients coming in as a consequence. Most have been suffering from wind-cold dampness, presumably because they haven't been looking after themselves properly..." "Thinking of you and your outdoor escapades, I was worried that you might have been neglecting your health too. So, seeing as I had some free time today, I decided to come over and check in on you." "It seems like my concerns were misplaced, though. Despite how long it's been since we last saw one another, you're still looking as healthy and energetic as ever." "...Instead of just rabbiting on like this, will you hurry up and hand it over! I've already fallen asleep and woken up again, but somehow the cake you were planning on giving the Traveler is still in your hand!"
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Judging from your expression... you haven't forgotten me, have you? What do you mean by "Abyss Lectors all look the same, come back in human form"? ...It seems the farewell gift I gave you at our last parting failed to leave a strong enough impression. I even went out of my way to pick some lovely flowers for you this time. But our Highness knows not of my coming, so I can't help you pass on any messages. So, do you think you can forgive me at last? Oh, come now! Lower your weapon and let's talk this over...
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Judging from your expression... you haven't forgotten me, have you?
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Judging from your expression... you haven't forgotten me, have you?
What do you mean by "Abyss Lectors all look the same, come back in human form"? ...It seems the farewell gift I gave you at our last parting failed to leave a strong enough impression.
I even went out of my way to pick some lovely flowers for you this time. But our Highness knows not of my coming, so I can't help you pass on any messages.
So, do you think you can forgive me at last? Oh, come now! Lower your weapon and let's talk this over...
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wifeylyney · 3 months
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♡Lyney white day Official illustration♡
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dalandan012 · 3 months
Why nobody gaf about jean birthday art. Idgaf about those skinny white boy men and that enjou guy. Where is my jean hype. Justice for my girl. My Husband please
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averaillisa · 2 years
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playing around with random color palettes! ^w^
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