#god i love daya...............
dayabot · 2 years
anyway i hope everyone saw this picture of daya and aquaria and Instantly thought of me (as whenever they take pictures together it is solely for my benefit)
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ggigigoode · 1 year
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no one was doing it like them.
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urmomsfavelesbian · 5 months
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the girls 🥺😭
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dayabettyboop · 2 years
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mommy long legs…
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polychromeedge · 2 years
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daya smiling 🥺
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
A Mother in all but Name
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So I cannot thank @ceaserslies enough for this prompt because oh my god did this little thing turn into a really long and hopefully good write. Like seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever spent this much time on something and liked the outcome as much as I love this.
So please enjoy!💖
“So where are we going again?”
“I told you, it’s a surprise!”
Jasmine huffed as they walked down the sidewalk. Daya chuckled at Jasmines pouting, nudging by the blonds shoulder gently. “Come on Jazz, it’ll be fun! I promise.” Days white teeth poking out as she smiled. Ava babbled to herself, uninterested and unaware with the adults conversation and was much more interested in her plastic stroller tray. Her pudgy pink hands smacking the black plastic.
Jasmine sighed and tapped her hands against the stroller handle. “Fun for you or fun for everyone?” She asked, seemingly already knowing the answer. Daya rolled her own eyes at Jasmine and leaned in, her hand inching closer to Jasmines on the handle bar.
“If it was just fun for me, we’d be somewhere very different doll.” Daya said lowly, her lips ghosting over Jasmines ear. She inhaled sharply and gripped the handle tighter. God she hated how easily Daya made her heart skip. Jasmine whipped her head to face Daya, her face red.
“Daya!” She hissed. Her eyes darting away from the grinning giant, praying and hoping to whatever was above that no one heard or saw how incredibly hard she was blushing. Daya giggled and pressed a kiss to her cheek to apologize, her hand now resting on top of Jasmines, wrapping around and squeezing tightly.
“Jazz come on, do you trust me?” She asked, genuinely as they stopped at a crosswalk. Jasmine faced Daya and looked her up and down before breaking out into a heartwarming smile.
“With my whole heart.” Daya smiled back, her eyes twinkling brightly. Jasmine could feel a wave of that same fuzzy feeling wash over her seeing that smile. That bright smile she only ever saw when Daya was with her, her smile. It was selfish but it felt right to call it her smile; she was the only one that could make her eyes glimmer and sparkle, make her look like a little kid with one look and Jasmine treasured that so deeply. Jasmine lay her hand up on the handle and Daya laced her fingers with it.
The aquarium had been on Jasmines list of places to take Ava and now she could cross it of. She enjoyed the calm atmosphere of the aquarium while Daya absolutely adored seeing all the sea creatures. They left the stroller and placed Ava in her carrier and explored the little ocean.
“Be careful Daya.” Jasmine warned as Daya lifted the infant to her shoulders. She couldn’t help but giggle at the twinkle in Ava’s eyes as she was suddenly dwarfing everyone, her two front teeth gleaming in the dark lights.
“Yes mama.” Daya answered, throwing her voice to seem like Ava was the one responding, even waving Ava’s arm. She chuckled and wrapped her arms around Daya. Getting up on the points of her toes, Jasmine tilts up her face and kisses Daya on the lips gently. Daya smiles and kisses back, still holding on to Ava tightly. They pull away, still smiling and Jasmine laughs at how Ava is leaning down, expecting her own kiss.
“Oh baby.” Jasmine coos, craning her head to try and look at the little girl. “Mamas too short to give you kisses.” Ava’s brow creased and her nose scrunched, her arms shooting towards Jasmine as she babbled loudly. Daya laughed at the now squirming baby in her shoulders.
“Now we gotta fix that.” She lifted Ava from her shoulders, getting the baby to giggling before dropping them down to Jasmines level, giving the blond a small heart attack but she recovered and peppered kisses all over the baby’s chubby cheeks.
“Alright,” Daya said, bringing her free hand to Jasmines waist after Ava was back in her carrier. “Let’s go see some fish.”
Jasmine didn’t realize how much she was enjoying herself but it surely wasn’t as much as Daya and Ava. She could swear that those girls didn’t stop smiling as soon as they saw the first exhibit. Ava was immediately entranced by the calming blue lights and fish. Her green eyes wide as they darted from fish to fish. Daya was having even more fun, eyes just as wide and sparkling as Avas. She was ranting to the girl as she pointed to the fish swimming by, Ava babbling in response. Jasmine snuck out her phone and took so many pictures of them both, completely entranced and looking so connected that Jasmines heart couldn’t help but swell.
“Oh my god.” Daya said her eyes pulled away from the fish tanks. Jasmine too, craned her head up and saw what had Daya bouncing on the tips of her toes. There was a small touch tank with plenty of other families surrounding it. In the blink of an eye Daya was of, Ava now facing the tank as Jasmine chuckled, walking behind the two of them. Daya was crouched down her fingers dancing above the water line.
“She better not fall in.” Jasmine warns, her words gentle as she stands beside Daya. Daya rolled her eyes and adjusted Ava to have her tiny hands just barely in the water. She opened her mouth to retort something witty but her eyes instead widen and focus on an incoming manta ray.
“That’s a sea cucumber and that’s a star fish and look! That’s a manta ray like I told you about before.”
“Isn’t that what killed Steve Irwin?”
“That was a stingray.”
Jasmine pouted and rolled her eyes at the comment. Daya snickered and dipped her hand into the water and let her fingers just brush against the rays back. Ava’s tiny mouth drops seeing Dayas hand against the rays back and she dips her hand further down, not quite touching the ray. Jasmine chuckles and Daya giggles before helping the girl, letting her tiny hand touch the slippery back of the manta ray. She squealed and clapped, pulling her hand out of the water when the ray swam away from them.
“Was that fun Avi?” Jasmine asked, moving closer to Daya and pressing a kiss to her head. The little girl only babbled on, still excited about all of the sea creatures. Jasmine looked up at Daya and rested her head against her shoulder.
“No,” Jasmine responded, nuzzling against Dayas neck, one hand gripping her leather jacket. “I just like you.” She pressed a saccharine kiss to Dayas neck, eyes darting to see how pink her cheeks had grown.
“You are so gross.”
“Well excuse me Ms. Betty! I guess I have to take back all of those kisses now.”
“What’re you-“ Suddenly Daya was being peppered with kisses all over her face. She laughed did her best to stop Jasmine but failed. They were certainly loud but didn’t care, they were too busy enjoying their sweet moment. Jasmine finally finished and pulled away from Daya, who was rosy cheeked and giggling. They stared at each other, like lovesick teenagers and let soft smiles settle on their lips.
“Why do you like the aquarium so much, Day?”
“My moms would take me here all the time when I was little. Crystal hated it, but I just remember loving being here.” Daya said, her eyes drifting up to recall the pleasant memories. Jasmine tried to imagine a little Daya, tugging Jackie along all over the exhibits as Jan and little Crystal lagged behind. Little Daya, who probably sat by this very same tank, dipping her tiny hand into the water and petting whatever came her way. She could see just how much Ava was like that little girl and Jasmine couldn’t explain why she was suddenly teary eyed but it was definitely for a good reason.
“And besides, I wanted to give that same thing to Ava, ya know? So she can have one amazing memory with me.” Daya added, pulling Jasmine from her fantasy. She couldn’t help but let her eyes water again at the statement. This woman, this incredible woman was really hers. Hers to love and cherish and have by her side to raise her daughter with. No, Jasmine corrected, to easing their daughter together.
“Daya, you’ve given her so many amazing memories.”
“Cmon Jazz, don’t exaggerate.”
“I’m serious! You’ve given Ava some of the best months of her life. Maybe she won’t remember the moments, but she’ll know the love you have for her.” Jasmine said, looking right at Dayas serene blue eyes. They look mesmerizing in the subdued lighting and blue shades. “You’ve been her parent in these past few months just as much as I have Daya, hell probably more than I have.”
“No, Jasmine-“
Daya feels a tug on her jacket as Ava finally gets her attention. “Mama! Sha!” She says, pointing her finger to a small reef shark, swimming close to them. Both sets of eyes dart to Ava, seeing the small toothed smile as she begins to bouncing excitedly.
“Yeah,” Daya responds quietly. “Yeah bug, that’s a horn shark.” She gave a watery smile. Jasmines chest tightens so perfectly at the sight. Ava giggling with her hand in the water as Daya holds onto her, talking to her all about the shark and whatever other creature swims by. Ava leans her head against Dayas chest and Jasmine sees how the older woman’s breath catches, her hand carefully coming and resting in Avas hair. Dayas lips just barely curl into a smile as she hums and listens to Avas babbling.
Jasmine never realized how much she loved that quiet smile. The smile Daya only lets slip when she’s with Ava, whether that be cuddling before bed and nap, listening to her nonsense baby babble, even when she’s just holding the little girl. Jasmine knows she can’t compete with that smile and she’s alright with that; knowing her little girl has something so special with this woman who’s become her mom makes her feel a rush of that sickeningly delightful fuzzy feeling.
A single tear rolls down Dayas cheek and Jasmine brings her hand up, cupping her cheek and gently swiping it away with her thumb. She leans in and presses a gentle kiss to where the tear lay before and wraps her arm around Dayas shoulders, pulling her into Jasmine.
“I love you both, so much.” Daya says, her voice dripping with emotion. Jasmines hums in agreement, placing another kiss to Dayas cheek.
“We love you too.”
A tiny yawn brings the adults out of their confession. Ava now was fully snuggled into Dayas chest, her wet hand gripping onto Dayas shirt before rubbing her eyes. Jasmine chuckles, “I guess someone’s ready to head home.” Daya laughs along with her and nods.
“I think so, and plus, my knees are actually killing me.”
“Not used to being on your knees so long Betty?” Dayas cheeks bloomed into a ferocious pink as they both got up from the ground. Jasmine grinned wickedly, her smile seeming to grow the longer she stared at Daya. Jasmine gasped as Daya flicked water onto her face, her own evil grin coming out. Jasmine huffed and wiped her face.
“You are so in for it when we get home.”
“That’s what I was hoping you’d say.”
They laughed and left the aquarium, hand in hand, the same smile on both of their faces.
They made it home with Ava now awake which meant that bedtime tonight would be an absolute menace but Jasmine couldn’t even think about that when Daya mentioned she had another surprise.
“Are your eyes closed?”
“Yes Daya.”
“Are you lying?”
Jasmine huffed and crossed her arms. “Daya Betty will you just show me already?” She could hear Dayas laughing and she smiled but quickly returned to her bothered expression.
“Alright alright, you can open your eyes now.”
Jasmine opened her eyes and her heart just about burst at the sight. Daya was holding Ava who wasn’t in her previous clothes, but a little shark onesie. The head of the shark kept falling over the little girls eyes and it was most likely too big but Jasmine loved it. Ava was beaming, her little shark fins waving happily at her mom.
“Where did you find that?”
“Gift shops have just about everything doll.” Daya said, now in front of Jasmine and still smiling. “Ava picked it out herself too.”
Jasmine rolled her eyes, placing a hand on her hip, daring to challenge Daya. “Okay I may helped a little bit. Not my fault she’s such a shortie like her momma.” Daya giggled when Jasmine smacked her lightly, her nose scrunched and smiling.
“Sha!” The little girl squealed, Daya throwing her lightly and erupting into giggles. Jasmine pressed a kiss to the little girls cheek.
“Well since we have a little shark now, that means she’s not going to complain about bath time huh baby girl?” Jasmine asked, taking Ava into her own arms. Daya laughed at how wide Avas eyes went at the mention of bath. The shark head shook back and Ava started to whine.
“Actually this specific kind of shark only needs tickles and is severely hydrophobic.”
“She hates the gays? In pride month too?!”
“That’s water you idiot!” Daya flicked at Jasmines forehead and snickered hearing the tiny yelp. “Look, I’ll show you.” That’s when Daya started tickling Ava. She screamed out laughter and squirmed hard. Jasmine joined in the fun, adding more ringing laughs in the apartment. Daya lifted them all up and carried them to the bedroom, getting everyone to laugh even harder. She dropped Jasmine and Ava onto the bed and jumped, getting them all to bounce against the mattress. Ava crawled on top of Daya and Jasmine, her laughs ringing throughout the bedroom.
“Oh no! Shark attack!” Daya yelled. She pulled Jasmine into her chest and Ava down with her, all erupting into a fit of laughter. Jasmine could feel her body ache from how much fun she was having but that’s how she wanted everyday to be. She didn’t care if her stomach hurt from laughing or if her cheeks were sore from smiling, as long as she was with her girls she would be the happiest woman in the world. They all finally calmed down to quiet giggles with Ava nestled between the two adults. Her eyes started drooping and she let out a big yawn before the shark head fell over her eyes.
“I think we have a sleepy shark now.” Jasmine said, her eyes watching Ava’s chest rise and fall. Daya chuckled and brought herself closer and extended and hand out to hold Jasmines. They locked their fingers and squeezed tightly. Looking into each other’s eyes, they both could feel the love they shared, that they created and built together.
“What?” Jasmine asked, giggling
“Nothing, I just like you.” Daya responded, smiling Jasmines smile. She got up on her elbows and leaned over, Jasmine following and met for a tender kiss. The pulled away and rested their foreheads against each other’s.
“You’re just as much her mother as I am Daya.” Jasmine said, her eyes closed, not seeing how Dayas eyes widened and how hard she inhaled. Before she could say anything, Ava’s sleepy hands came up and reached for both women. The sleeping infant mumbled nonsense in her sleep but both understood what the little girl was trying to say.
“I think it’s shark nap time.” Daya quipped, pulling away from Jasmine. The blond nodded and lay back down with Daya following suit. They all nestled close and wrapped their arms around each other. Jasmine watched as Dayas eyes closed and her breath even out.
She really loved this woman and so did Ava. Daya was more than just her girlfriend, if anything she was the person Jasmine wanted to spend the rest of her days with. Daya was the only other person she could think of that she wanted Ava to call her mother. As Jasmine closed her eyes, her mind flooded with wishful fantasies of her growing older with Daya by her side, knowing that they would someday become her reality
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milfsco · 2 years
The urge to kiss Get Dusted Daya is too strong :/
the urge to give her everything she could ever want in the world ,
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arkhammaid · 3 months
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fandom. formula one
pairing. charles leclerc x author fem!reader (fc: none)
about. bestseller author genevieve dedicates her newest book to a special person. the internet tries to find out who it is
content warnings. social media au, not edited/proofread
notes. who doesn't dream about being a world famous author?
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 10'883 others
genevieve_updates The dedication in the newest Bestseller 'When We Were Wallflowers', by @/genevieve. For the first time in her career she mentiones a partner, calling him 'my love' and surprisingly also 'mon coeur'. Who could her beau be?
⤷ user my life is officially over...
⤷ user parents fr 🙏🙏🙏
user "our story now forever immortal and never forgotten" AND WHAT IF I CRY
user don't know if i should cry tears from sadness that mom is taken or happiness that mom is taken
⤷ user at least he makes her happy (delulu)
⤷ user you're so right, tears of happiness then
⤷ user charles as well???
⤷ user hello wtf is happening SINCE WHEN DO THEY READ??
user "YOUR WORDSMITH"???? am i the only one loosing my mind over this
⤷ user no. i just haven't recovered yet
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc, haileybieber and 503'002 others
genevieve My summer was filled with flowers and love, so much love. It has given me enough inspiration to write yet another romance book, even if I promised to return to my beloved fantasy. Yet when the heart calls... who am I to refuse? 'Reverie, Lost in your Love' will be published in November '24!
⤷ user reverie: a state of being pleasantly lost in your thoughts, almost dreaming
⤷ user mom is big brained fr "lost in your love"? yes, yes i will be
haileybieber I will be (im)patiently waiting, as always 💗
⤷ genevieve And I will be sending you the first draft, as always
⤷ user their friendship is so dear to me 🥹🥹
⤷ user icons supporting icons i fear
⤷ user auntie hailey better drop some spoilers!!!
zendaya We're getting another romance by our queen! Rejoice!!
user i just know the cover will be serving cunt (in the most beautiful flowers)
user only four months left... only four months left......
pierregasly super liked by pierre gasly
⤷ user why is he so unserious 😭
⤷ user "super liked" goddamn we're finally reaching the part where he will rate posts he likes
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liked by pierregasly, andferrari007, arthur_leclerc and 1'032'883 others
charles_leclerc Nothing better than summer, sun, beach and a good book in my hands. And of course good company 😉
user the tan 🫠🫠
⤷ user oh my god you're right
⤷ user and it's one of her fantasy ones, from her fae series 👀
⤷ user charles has taste
user first he's in her likes and now he's reading her books... how do we tell him
⤷ user hear me out, genevieve and charles *gets shot*
⤷ user i trust in mom and i trust that she wouldn't fall for a vroom vroom man
pierregasly you already finished the other books?
⤷ charles_leclerc Breezed through them 😆
⤷ arthur_leclerc He's waiting for November
⤷ pierregasly aren't we all?
user the filter is back..
⤷ user the filter never left
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liked by charles_leclerc, zendaya, gigihadid and 3'029'746 others
genevieve "J'adore ton sourire, ma belle." I remember hearing these words for the first time, I remember his own smile he gave me back then, and I just knew, I love him. Thank you, Charlie, mon coeur, for standing by my side, for being my inspiration, my defender against the cursed writer's block. Your passion inspires me to write even more, so I'm proud to announce once again, another romance book. 'Winterbliss and Midnightkiss' will be available in March '25.
charles_leclerc Tu es incroyable, ma belle ❤️
⤷ genevieve Right back at you, my champion
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taglist. @lilypadlover , @adorablezhui , @peqch-pie , @namgification , @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel , @aimixx , @themercyverse , @lem-hhn , @lupicalbestwolf , @akiraquote
DO YOU WANT TO JOIN THE TAGLIST? please send a non-anon ask to be added to the taglist. taglist can be general taglist (all fandoms and all works), fandom taglist (all works within the fandom), series (all works for specific series) or nsfw taglist (all nsfw works and all fandoms).
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836 notes · View notes
sexhaver · 3 months
i love the dedication myself and other turbo-MTG-brain-damaged Johnnies have for theorycrafting bespoke game states involving Panglacial Wurm and nonreversible mana effects (usually Selvala, Explorer Returned or Chromatic Sphere) that would be unresolvable under the Comprehensive Rules, thus proving their fallibility, like theologicians asking the old "could God create a rock so heavy even He could not lift it" chestnut.
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the crux of the issue here is that Selvala and other mana sources that move + reveal the top card of your library like Chromatic Sphere and Millikin are "nonreversible" because they reveal information from a hidden zone (your library). normally if an illegal game state arose for some reason, you can just reverse 99% of the possible actions in the game, but these guys are the exception (note the last sentence):
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now this would be enough of a headache on its own, but then you add in Panglacial Wurm, notably the literal only card in the game that you can cast in the middle of searching your library. this, in turn, lets you activate mana abilities. including ones that interact with the top card of your library. the top card you can already see (but nobody else can), because you're in the middle of shuffling your library. and in the very likely event that some illegal game state arises (say you need 4 extra mana to cast the Wurm and Selvala only reveals 3 nonland cards), you explicitly CANNOT reverse these mana abilities.
you see the problem(s).
and it's a genuinely interesting line of questioning because as it turns out the main answers we (rules alchemists) get from judges boil down to "come on now, if this actually happened in a real game, the judge would know you created this situation on purpose while knowing how close it is to cheating and hand you a warning/game loss", which is more of an engineering answer than a mathematician answer imo. and then you start pressing the details further and end up in bizarre territory where you could be handed a warning/loss for "intentionally creating an illegal gamestate" when you try to cast Panglacial Wurm without enough mana because of Selvala, Explorer Returned RNG or even misplays like accidentally tapping Millikin for mana before Mul Daya Channelers, as described here. also a special shoutout to this thread:
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they are doing things on MTGSalvation that Richard Garfield doesn't know about
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777rare · 1 year
ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS PT.3 (song edition pt.1)
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THIS CONTAINS MENTIONING OF seggs so please scroll if ur below 18+
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• If chiron in aquarius/11th HOUSE effects were put in a song, it would be -
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Lilith in libra,scorpio,capricorn,Taurus
Lilith in 7th,10th,1st,8th,6th
Venus in aquarius,capricorn,scorpio
Pluto,Lilith dominance
Venus-pluto aspects(esp. Square, conj)
Pluto-lilith aspects.
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• If Gemini Mars were Horny, the best song to describe it is -
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• If capricorn/10th HOUSE Venus/lilith were a song it would be-
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• If uranus conjuct mercury/venus in 12th house and the native has someone on their mind all the time, the best song to describe it is-
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• if Capricorn moon has 2 horny sides it either be-
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• If cancer mars men expressed their love through a song it would be-
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• The two sides of Air Mars when they're horny are-
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I've noticed a lot of people with sexual/personal planets in EARTH placements(esp. Capricorn, Mars or moon) love listening to slowed reverb. Or even listen to music that's got slow beats, sexy or sensual beats that make them wet or feel sexy. Also, these guys look hott in slow motion vedios with a slowed reverb playing in the background.🔥😩🤤
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Hope y'all enjoyed today's post! Have a great day ahead!🏝💘
Feel free to reblog and tag me when you do❤🙌🏻
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pommpuriinn · 25 days
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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪. 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉’𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓂𝑒, 𝑒𝓈𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑜 3
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。𖦹°‧ pairing 。𖦹°‧ - idol!yeonjun x superstar!oc x idol!jungkook
。𖦹°‧ synopsis 。𖦹°‧ - a love triangle between Hollywood’s sweetheart, Korea’s golden maknae, and Gen Z’s IT boy. Estrella is a very busy woman never had time dating with all her photoshoots, movie offers, recording sessions, dance practices, and public appearances. As she’s doing a little world tour promotions for her latest mini album ‘You & Me’, and let’s just say that stop last a little longer and it becomes a little too interesting.
。𖦹°‧ a/n 。𖦹°‧ - yj enters the chat (੭˃ᴗ˂)੭
Italics = korean
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It’s 6am and the whole team has made it to their dressing room where Sana and Daya are doing Estrella’s hair and makeup. “Ok first will be the ‘You & Me’ stage, but before that you have an interview with the three mcs txt’s Yeonjun, Park Jihu, and Woonhak.” Megan explains. “They will basically ask about your song and what’s the charming point in the dance along with how is your time in Korea so far?” Megan was giving the basic run down. “I’m nervous~” the four girls giggle at Estrella’s cute pronunciation. All morning Estrella has been practicing her little speech making sure she doesn’t stutters or mumble her words.
“You got this Estrella.” Daya boops her nose affectionately. Estrella smiles, “thanks.” Both Sana and Daya were done doing Estrella’s hair and makeup, so it was now time to change her into her first stage outfit. “So pretty!” Sana gasps at the sight of Estrella. “Custom by Chanel, and they did so good.” Megan covers her mouth trying to hold back her squeals. “Thank you Chanel gods.” Estrella prayed. “Ok let’s get going. Your call time is soon and it’s better to do a little small talk with the mcs, so you can get a bit more comfortable.” Megan opens the door for Estrella. “Ok.” She sighs, still a bit nervous. “Fighting!” Sana holds her fist up encouraging Estrella. “Yeah fighting our little star!” Daya follows Sana’s hand motions. “We’ll be watching on the tv.” Sana points at the tv mounted on the wall. “Thanks, I’ll do my best.” Estrella sent kisses before leaving.
Megan walked Estrella through the halls and as they were walking many staff would whisper how pretty Estrella is, and some would try and hold their excitement since they’re fans of her. As they made it to the stage a staff member was explaining to Megan that Estrella will look into the main camera and stand right in between the two mcs. “Oh my god, I feel like I’m dropping off my child on her first day of school.” Megan snicker at herself kinda feeling emotional. “Why do I feel the same though?” Estrella laughs, trying to calm down her nerves. “Again don’t feel nervous. You done this plenty of times, and plus I’ll be waiting right down the steps so you’re good.” Megan squeezes Estrella’s arms comforting her. “I know.” Estrella pouts. “Fighting!” Megan whisper yells before hugging Estrella and walking off the little stage.
Estrella was currently the only one there which gave her time to practice what she was going to say while fixing her ear-in that helps her translate. “Eleven is about-“
“Hello~” the three MCs greeted Estrella. Estrella got startled, but quickly got over it and said ‘hello’ back while giving them little bows. “Oh, she’s pretty!” Jihu gasps making the two guys chuckle. Estrella took a second to process what Jihu said to her. “I’m pretty? You’re pretty too.” Jihu instantly got shy and shakes her head ‘no’. “I’m Jihu, nice to meet you.” She’s embarrassedly introduced herself. “I’m Woonhak.” One of the male mcs bow towards Estrella. As Estrella eyes left Woonhak and moves on to the next person it was like the whole room went silent, and all she could hear was her own heart beating. He towered over his partners and his fox like eyes met her doe ones. “I’m Yeonjun.” Estrella didn’t show her instantly attraction towards him.
‘Ah, this is what Megan must have meant last night. But I can’t help myself’ Estrella bit her lip. “I’m Estrella Blue, and please guide me.” Everyone was a bit shock at Estrella’s little Korean. “That was good!” Woonhak praises Estrella. Estrella was getting shy with all the compliments causing her to hide a bit behind Yeonjun. “Cute~” Yeonjun coos. Estrella looks up at him with boba eyes hearing him calling her cute. She was trying so hard not to kick her feet and giggle. The staff started counting down before going live and Yeonjun guides Estrella back into position by him ghostly placing his hand on the small of her back.
“Everyone we have a really special guest with us that flew from the States to Korea!” Jihu starts the segment. “Really?! Who must it be?” Woonhak acts curious, making Estrella hold in her laughter. “Come on, how do you not know Woonhak-ssi?” Yeonjun acts offended. “Ta da!” Estrella pops in frame. The mcs act surprised making it harder to not laugh, but Estrella kept it together. “Hi I’m Estrella Blue~” waves at the camera cutely. “It’s a honor to have you here today Estrella-ssi.” Jihu smiles at Estrella. “Thank you I’m so happy to be here and perform.” Estrella mentally pats her head for not stuttering. “Right! Your song ‘Eleven’ is so popular here in Korea much like all over the world. Can you tells us more about ‘Eleven’?” Woonhak asks. This is all Estrella was practicing all morning, it’s her big moment. “Yes!” Estrella nods. Estrella grips the mic with both hands already feeling nervous again. “Um…’Eleven’ is a dance pop song that expressive romantic feelings for someone, and basically saying you make me feel more than a ten, you make me feel like an eleven.” As the camera shows the two other MCs clapping for Estrella’s little speech, and as she was paying attention to them she didn’t notice that Yeonjun snake his arm behind her and pats her back. It was like a ‘you did a good job’ but it still sent Estrella butterflies.
“How about you show us the charming point of the dance?” Yeonjun asks, looking down on Estrella. Estrella hums, “sure.” The music cue and starts playing the chorus. All three of them started hyping Estrella up making her chuckle before getting to the hip part of the dance which she quickly changed serious. The audience couldn’t help but cheer seeing Estrella’s facial expressions. “Wow, wow!” The mcs clapped for Estrella. “Thank you~” Estrella claps for herself. “Maybe you should teach Yeonjun hyung!” Woonhak suggests.
‘This wasn’t apart of the script in my head!’ Estrella hears the translator speak in her ear-in, as she was freaking out. “I just need a little help on the hip part of the dance.” Yeonjun speaks in English. “You know the dance?” Estrella asks in shock. “I had too, you’re our special guest.” Yeonjun doesn’t know where all this confidence came from. He was equaling if not more nervous than Estrella, but not from having to speak more because his idol and crush is right in front of him. Pictures and videos do not do Estrella justice with how beautiful she looks in person and Yeonjun is in ‘awe’.
Did he not listen to a word that Estrella was saying while giving him the quickest tutorial on the hip move because he already knew. He was practicing the choreo in his waiting room the whole time. He did spend the 2 minutes trying to see every little detail on her and just was admiring her. “Yeonjun hyung you got it right?” Woonhak snaps Yeonjun out of the trace. “Of course I got it.” Yeonjun confidently answers while getting into position. “Ok music cue! Please~” Estrella calls to the staff. Estrella was surprised by Yeonjun’s dancing, she smiles at him as they made eye contact which almost messed up Yeonjun. “You were so good.” Estrella places her hand on Yeonjun’s arm along with giving him a thumbs up.
‘What are we?’ Yeonjun thinks while looking back at Estrella basically giving her heart eyes.
⭒˚‧ ︵‿⭒ཐིཋྀ ཐིཋྀ⭒‿︵ ‧˚⭒
Next is finally performing the first song ‘You & Me’, and as Estrella walked up the stage she was surprised with the stage design. “It’s so pretty!” She squeals making her fans laugh at her cuteness. “Let me introduce myself,” Estrella clears her throat. “Hi I’m Estrella please cheer loudly for me starrys!” The audience cheers while waving their lightsticks. Estrella then remembers about yesterday and how she met Heemin. “Oh is Heemin here today?” A loud scream coming from the left side caught Estrella’s attention. There stood Heemin waving her lightstick frantically, “there you are. See I remembered, thank you for coming Heemin.” Estrella blew kisses at Heemin’s direction.
Once she saw her dancers go up on the stage with her, she knew it was time to get in position. “Please cheer loudly starrys!” Estrella quickly said before the music started. (Song and dance)
⭒˚‧ ︵‿⭒ཐིཋྀ ཐིཋྀ⭒‿︵ ‧˚⭒
“Excuse me, sorry excuse me.” Yeonjun raced to his dressing room just so he can watch Estrella perform. “Wah~ she’s too gorgeous.” Yeonjun looks up at the tv seeing Estrella little winks and flirty smiles. It felt like she was singing to only him and no one else. Maybe he is a little delusional, but who isn’t nowadays. “Are you going to try and talk to her?” One of his male staff members asks. Yeonjun looks at him with eyebrows raised and wide eyes, “are you crazy?” Making the staff member laugh. “She’s way out of my league.”
Yeonjun continues to watch the performance and feeling envy of the male dancer that was dancing with Estrella, wishing it was him instead. “I mean you’re handsome. You might have a shot?” The staff member shrugs. “You’re not helping me or my thoughts.” Yeonjun huffs, and throws himself on the couch while groaning. Yeonjun was thankfully that Inkigayo kept Estrella being the special guest a secret otherwise Yeonjun would’ve been freaking out the day leading up. ‘Wait special guest? Why does that sound so familiar? Like I heard it before-‘
“Estrella is coming to the Hybe building?!” Yeonjun scares everyone in the room. “Oh…we forgot to tell you.” Another staff member speaks. “Yeah, Jungkook is suppose to show her around.” Yeonjun stops his eye from twitching from hearing the news. Instead he grabs the nearest pillow and slaps it over his face and yells into it. “I feel better now.” He acts like nothing happened.
⭒˚‧ ︵‿⭒ཐིཋྀ ཐིཋྀ⭒‿︵ ‧˚⭒
“Did it look good?” Estrella is now back in the dressing room getting ready to perform ‘Eleven’. “You looked amazing!” Sana squeals, while doing her makeup again. “The stage was on point too.” Daya compliments, as she’s putting Estrella’s hair in a ponytail. “Thank you guys. You both did so well too.” Estrella thanked her girls.
“Since Megan isn’t in the room right now. What’s up with you making those lovey dovey eyes at mister mc.” Daya couldn’t help herself. While Sana and her were watching the interview through the tv they both gave each other the ‘look’ while watching Estrella interact with Yeonjun. “Stop! I was literally thinking about what Megan was telling yesterday and he just popped up.” Estrella whines. “He’s just so tall and cute–i can’t!” Estrella shakes her head, making the girls laugh.
It was finally time to perform ‘Eleven’ and once again Megan walks Estrella to a newly themed stage. “Once you finish performing don’t leave the stage because everyone is going to come back in and then they’re going to do the award ceremony.” Megan explains while checking Estrella mic pack and soothing her outfit. “Award?” Estrella questions. “Mm, every music program here gives an award to the group with the most votes. It’s pretty important here to the idols.” Megan gives a briefing. “Ah ok.” Estrella gives the ‘ok’ sign making Megan chuckles.
⭒˚‧ ︵‿⭒ཐིཋྀ ཐིཋྀ⭒‿︵ ‧˚⭒
The second Estrella steps on the stage cheers erupted shocking Estrella. “Oh my gosh,” she smiles big. “Thank you starrys~” Estrella waves at everyone. “You give me lots of strength.” Starrys gave loud cheers making Estrella pout trying not to get emotional. “Stand by.” The staff speaks through the mic. Estrella and her dancers get in position, “we got this everyone.” She whispers to her female dancers. Everyone could see how much Estrella loves the stage with the way she carries herself within the performance, and how effortlessly she sings and dances, along with her animated facial expressions. All the idols were watching from the sidelines amazed and instantly getting inspired by watching such a big admirable artist perform right in front of them.
As the performance came to an end Estrella did heart cheek pose causing everyone to scream, even the idols caught themselves slipping while cheering. The cameras briefing cut so the idols can get back on the stage to start the award ceremony. Estrella didn’t know where she had to stand, so she went all the way to the left side away from the cameras. Many idols were bowing at her which she of course bowed back, but it was funny because once Estrella bows back at them they would freak out with excitement making her giggle at them.
“Estrella-ssi please move to the center.” The staff member came to Estrella guiding her to stand next to Woonhak. Right after the mcs start reading their little script which Estrella was just scanning the audience giving little waves at them. Honestly, Estrella wasn’t really paying attention because in her head she knows that she not going to win, she just got there plus she doesn’t know who’s the most popular groups here. That is until she saw her face being a nominee, “huh?” Estrella is surprised. She watch as all the numbers max out on every category crowning her the winner. The confetti canons scared her causing her let out a little scream making everyone laugh at her reaction. Jihu passes the little award to Estrella while Yeonjun passes the big flower bouquet to her. “You were great, congratulations.” Yeonjun smiles at her. Estrella thanked them before grabbing the mic Woonhak had for her. “T-thank you, I’m really surprised right now. I literally just got here yesterday and I’m very thankful for all the support I have been receiving. I will be sure to repay all this support with even better music and even better performances, thank you starrys~”
Estrella was about to walk off before Megan stopped her and quickly explained that she had to do an encore stage. Estrella pulled her dancers back up and they all sang and danced to ‘Eleven’. Estrella even made a fan sing the chorus while jumping around touching her fans hands and blowing kisses.
Just before heading out of the broadcast station Estrella filmed about 6 TikToks with different groups. Estrella instantly changed back to her regular clothes before the whole team made their way out to the car. Many fans waited for Estrella to tell her how well she did, to make sure to rest, and to hand her more fan letters. Estrella and her team made it safely to their car while accepting the letters from starrys. “Thank you again starrys. Get home safely and eat lots.” Estrella gave a couple of poses before rolling up her window.
Estrella lets out a big yawn and rests her head against the window. “I’m going to take the fattest nap.” Estrella got herself comfortable. “You find Yeonjun attractive huh?” Megan crossing her arms. “What?!”
You & Me album
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Eleven(title track) originally IVE
You & Me originally JENNIE
Don’t blink originally AESPA
Hard to love originally ROSÉ
Holy moly originally IVE
Looking at me originally SABRINA CARPENTER
All night originally IVE
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taglist»-♡→ @iveivory @jjkluver7 @lively-potter @angie-x3
55 notes · View notes
dayabot · 1 year
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happy daya day everybebby
49 notes · View notes
urmomsfavelesbian · 1 year
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happy birthday daya 💛💛💛
45 notes · View notes
dayabettyboop · 2 years
2 notes · View notes
thesecretsofthedivine · 7 months
Zodiac Playlist 🌠
mars - sleeping at last
ride - lana del rey
bathroom - montell fish
fun - troye sivan
fireball - pitbull
stayin' alive - bee gees
god save our young blood - børns
anti-hero - taylor swift
talk that talk - rihanna
clumsy - fergie
venus - sleeping at last
breakfast at tiffany's - henry mancini
chanel - frank ocean
kiss it off me - cigarettes after sex
snooze - SZA
want u around - omar apollo
habit - still woozy
peach - kevin abstract
nonsense - sabrina carpenter
talk - hozier
mercury - sleeping at last
pov - ariana grande
mood ring baby - field medic
glittr - aldn
running wild - g eazy
island in the sun - weezer
japanese posters - rebounder
master of none - beach house
faerie soirée - melanie martinez
ways to go - grouplove
moon - sleeping at last
where did the time go - lord huron
ho hey - the lumineers
my love mine all mine - mitski
idle town - conan gray
k. - cigarettes after sex
italo disco - last dinosaurs
glue song - beabadoobee
sea of love - cat power
fourth of july - sufjan stevens
sun - sleeping at last
dancing queen - abba
let me blow ya mind - eve, gwen stefani
money - cardi b
literal legend - ayesha erotica
kitty kat - megan thee stallion
carmen - lana del rey
my kind of woman - mac demarco
amber - 311
chemtrails over the country club - lana del rey
mercury - sleeping at last
tell me something i don't know - selena gomez
the boat i row - tame impala
girl next door - copperpot
crying in the chapel - elvis presley
iwillbreatheintoyou - bones
down to earth - umi
bambi - clairo
virgo's groove - beyoncé
are you satisfied - marina
venus - sleeping at last
sweet talk - saint motel
lover - taylor swift
in my head - ariana grande
pink funeral - beach house
fashion - britney manson
normal girl - sza
sit still, look pretty - daya
comfort crowd - conan gray
we fell in love in october - girl in red
mars/pluto - sleeping at last
private - russ
dirty paws - of monsters and men
borderline - tame impala
dead to me - kali uchis
not dead yet - lord huron
i can't handle change - roar
animal - sir chloe
vigilante shit - taylor swift
death - melanie martinez
jupiter - sleeping at last
here, there and everywhere - the beatles
canyon moon - harry styles
can't sleep - k. flay
sunset chaser - ragamuffs
only if - steve lacy
the balancer's eye - lord huron
youth - troye sivan
cherry bomb - the runaways
bloom later - jesse
saturn - sleeping at last
living on my own - freddie mercury
princess diana - ice spice
high stakes - bryson tiller
therefore i am - billie eilish
successful - ariana grande
i wouldn't ask you - clairo
radio - lana del rey
vienna - billy joel
mastermind - taylor swift
uranus/saturn - sleeping at last
you don't own me - saygrace
better friends - between friends
night fever - bee gees
mortal projections - djo
transparent soul - willow
she moves in her own way - the kooks
dare - gorillaz
hits different - taylor swift
arabella - arctic monkeys
jupiter/neptune - sleeping at last
love my way - the psychedelic furs
technicolor beat - oh wonder
made for love - concorde
ivy - frank ocean
my song - labi siffre
ultimately - khai dreams
bella luna - babe rainbow
ride - wave to earth
fishtail - lana del rey
127 notes · View notes
n7punk · 23 days
"Our Love Is God" Fic Notes
OLIG finished off yesterday! For once I almost nailed the length, I was expecting 12 chapters but didn’t want to commit early on. HI I TRIED TO POST THIS SO MANY TIMES but apparently it was TOO MUCH TEXT in a single block and it wouldn't give me that error, I just had to GUESS because I knew that's been a problem before. Anyway. Here it is finally.
Obviously the West End and Off-Broadway cast recordings, but also I did still primarily use a separate curated playlist:
Good For You — Dear Evan Hansen (original Broadway cast)
The Worst Person Alive — G Flip
Ego Talking — Fletcher
Take Your Time — Chloe Moriondo
You Don’t Want Me Like That — Rachel Bochner & XANA
leave me for dead — GAYLE
pity — Charlotte Sands
Bodybag — Chloe Moriondo
spite — Charlotte Sands
butterflies — GAYLE
Tantrum — Charlotte Sands
Killbot! — Chloe Moriondo
I Don’t Like The Quiet — The Haunt
Celebrity (Blood Bunny Version) — Chloe Moriondo
Doing Better — FLETCHER
Bad Girl — Daya
Not To Be Dramatic — Zoe Clark
My Perfect — Gen and the Degenerates
Often — Lauren Sanderson
Pretending — FLETCHER
Epilogue Life:
The original cast of Heathers played on stage for just over a year before most of them move on to other projects with the major cast change. Heathers (gay version) runs for about two years, going through two more cast changes, before closing. The original cast does go to see the new cast and cheer them on, but it is kind of weird to see someone else acting out a role that became like breathing to them. Overall the remake is taken very well but has just run its course by the time it ends. There will be another revival in a few years and it actually uses both the straight and gay versions of the musical between cast changes.
Catra carries Shot in the Dark for its entire two year run before it dwindles into a temporary retirement and gets revived with a new cast a few years later (same sets and such). She’s the defining lead for the show and obviously on the cast album. She’s really, really proud to have originated a magicat-led show and makes her new origination goal a sapphic role.
After Shot in the Dark, she takes a supporting role in another musical for eight months before leaving early to join Adora and Netossa on a new project. They don’t actually interact a lot in the show and aren’t love interests or anything, and they’ve long since learned to balance their careers while in different shows, but it does allow Adora to propose to her during final bow (with approval from Netossa). Adora tipped their parents off and they’re both in the audience to watch her say yes.
(Adora knew she was going to accept, hence the public proposal, and Catra’s relationship with her mom has gotten better now she’s a successful, independent adult. Also Felina would have been So Sad to miss it so Adora told them both). Oh also they moved in together as soon as their leases came up lmao.
Adora led one show in the mean time between Chicago and their show together, but it was smaller, not as demanding as Veronica, and she was really excited to hop on a project with Netossa and Catra again. She decides to make originating a gay role and collecting cast albums her career goal, in addition to getting in a few specific shows she and her mom looked up to when she was growing up. She already feels pretty fulfilled with her early career though and considers everything else the cherry on top.
Rest of the cast quick hits: Mermista plays Velma center stage in Chicago along with Adora. Fitting her braid in that wig cap is definitely a challenge lol. Sea Hawk starred in a Hello, Again short revival run which Catra and Adora were dying sitting through, but they support all their fellow cast members when they move on to new shows. Perfuma finally got up the nerve to ask Scorpia out on their very last night performing in Heathers together, getting her flowers and then revealing after the show — when everybody was already crying about it ending — they were from her. It was a very confusing confession until Perfuma was finally able to spell it out for her that she wanted to go on a date with her. Scorpia enthusiastically agreed (still crying before the whole “last show” thing), and then gushed to Catra later about how she couldn’t believe Perfuma liked her while Catra nearly tore her hair out listening to the obliviousness. Glimmer and Bow got to play a couple that were already-together side characters in a musical and that’s what finally gets them together because Bow realizes oh, I can’t risk losing this, and Glimmer is done trying to play the jealousy game because it clearly didn’t work and she doesn’t really have a flirty relationship with any of her new cast so they can finally just be honest with each other.
Chapter 1: Auditions
⦁ Things like homophobia and Christianity are usually world aspects I avoid in my fics, but they’re both present in the musical so they had to at least be mentioned in this.
⦁ Oh I should say this will have mentions of all the triggers warned for in the fic.
⦁ Adora and Catra both gave good but not necessarily the best auditions of the day separately. Catra’s was really good when she got permission to do it in her natural register and threw in a growl (she wasn’t actually audibly straining yet, but Netossa scouted her specifically for her voice and knew she was pushing it up near the top of her range), but her Candy Store was a little more uneven thanks to the lack of practice and register change. Adora did just fine in her regular song and really good in her Beautiful reprise, but there were people that did sing a little better technically. That doesn’t mean they would have been better over the course of the show itself, though, and what Catra and Adora had going for them was it looked like they were considering involving fists (the sexy or the fighting kind, take your pick) the moment they were on stage together. They eyefucked their way through both songs with such insane chemistry Netossa was like oh we can sell Fight For Me with these two EASY.
⦁ (Fight For Me is the second song in the musical where Veronica basically see JD in a fistfight and thinks it’s so fucking hot she immediately falls for him, and then they actually spend time together and it seems like they have similar views of the high school around them. And they do! But they definitely have very different solutions. Anyway, it’s a quick romance plot setup that doesn’t pretend not to be based solely on sexual attraction at first but that works and is realistic! The actors just need to have chemistry to make it read right, and damn do Catra and Adora have that).
⦁ Okay, every Veronica has been pretty, but there was some metric that made them not perfect conventional. For the first two Veronicas this was pretty much being brunette with messy hair lmao. For the West End, Veronica was played by Carrie Hope Fletcher, who I think is gorgeous and has blonde curly hair, but she faced a lot of backlash for being “too fat” to play Veronica. Adora is close to the Hollywood ideal, which is the point Netossa is trying to make: someone who could play Heather Chandler in one version of this show ends up the Veronica because she commits the sin of not meeting society’s hetereonormative expectations. Bigots will throw you out for any association with queerness. However, still meeting all those other metrics is what allows her to slip in with the Heathers as long as she helps them out and dresses femme — that’s part of her transformation, going from jeans in the opening number to skirts for the rest of the musical until the final sequence. When show starts, she’s wearing jeans and a ratty flannel with her hair in a ponytail. It’s a quick change outfit, so she runs behind the set to pull it off to reveal her main outfit beneath, brushes her skirt into place, and lets Netossa fix a scrunchy with a big bow on it on top of her existing ponytail to complete her transformation into a feminine popular girl.
⦁ “Janis Dean” is a reference to Mean Girls, and yes, that’s in-universe.
⦁ Catra got the casting call specifically because Netossa needed someone to match JD’s register — plus the growls in the right places added a lot of emotions to his songs. Including the sex ones.
⦁ Changes in Netossa’s version: - The aforementioned “Pretty Veronica” thing. When the Heathers give her the makeover she puts on the iconic skirt and has to wear skirts for the rest of the show, performing femininity in every extra way she can, to make up for her “deviance” of being bi (also, she’s bi. It’s another thing where any degree of deviation is grounds for rejection). - The line delivery (and some content) has been tweaked for the fatphobic stuff to match the changed metanarrative that comes from Scorpia, someone who isn’t actually overweight, playing Martha. The commentary then becomes that nothing is good enough and society’s fatphobia is thrown into light as completely unreasonable. The whole point of that aspect of the show is that it illustrates how awful the characters are, but genuine fatphobia and using it as a plot device to show a character is morally corrupt looks awful similar, so by having someone who is basically just tall and strong play Martha it makes it extremely obvious that the demands are unreasonable. This ties in well with Heather M’s story, where she does have that model body type and is pretty and popular but develops an eating disorder because she’s afraid of losing that. - Obviously a lot is different with JD. She “chooses” to be a lone wolf/outcast because of her personality and views on society, but there’s obvious undertones in their dialogue in the 7/11 that even if she did want to choose differently, she couldn’t because she would be rejected for being a dyke, so is she really making a choice at all then? She goes by JD specifically because it’s more gender neutral than Janis. She couldn’t ever be a Heather and she couldn’t even be a Veronica either, because Veronica could at least be comfortable putting on a matching skirt with her friends while this JD is butch, so she hangs out in her trench coat at the fringes of society. There’s also undertones to her being the only magicat in school due to her father moving around and not caring if he brought her into a hostile — conservative, racist, homophobic, etc — area. - Heather M. is only in with the popular girls for safety and there’s some dialogue around this in the bathroom scene with Veronica. It’s kind of public information (not officially stated but implied in her social media) that her actress, Perfuma, is trans. This wasn’t planned at the time of the casting call, but Netossa worked on it during workshops and the backstory became that Heather M started transitioning how she could before high school and is continuing to “in secret” now. Some people have clocked her though and she sticks so close to the other Heathers to keep herself from being the target of terrible bullying. As long as the Heathers tolerate her (Heather C is on a bit of an ego trip about having blackmail material on her and essentially owning someone in the palm of her hand), she’s given a pass and “has the best (cishood) assumed” about her. - Veronica and JD’s relationship is a little more secretive in this version, but the Heathers do know and Duke later tell her to just be careful not to “dyke it up” at school or they would out her (currently she’s just kind of clocked by some, not confirmed to the whole school). After Heather C’s death, Duke basically threatens Veronica to stay at her heel like Heather M or she’ll out them both.
Chapter 2: Workshop
⦁ You would have to be fucking blind to not realize Adora and Catra have history even in the glances of them Netossa and Spinnerella saw, and Netossa spent the first part of workshop trying to unpack whatever was going on with them. She had to put together the clues to figure out what it was. Once she decided exes was a likely story, she confronted Catra about it because she figured talking about it was the only way to handle the resentment. She was partially using reverse psychology and partially being honest about not resolving all of it being good for the show.
⦁ I made Freeze Your Brain more homoerotic. In the musical, JD does his entire song facing Veronica or walking around the stage and then offers the drink to her at the very end. He does not get in close and offer her the drink and then sip from it after her in an indirect kiss with her lipstick prints on the straw, but mine’s better.
⦁ In the actual show, Heather Chandler doesn’t put on any death makeup. The Off-Broadway would shine a blue light on her after she died to give her an other-worldly appearance and the West End didn’t seem to do anything at all, which was a mistake imho. In this one, when she “rises from the dead”, she does it a bit more dramatically and zombie-like under a blue light, and then she on-stage reaches over for her vanity and starts powdering her face, looks back at Veronica and says “What? I want to look good for eternity” and finishes as Veronica and JD write the rest of the suicide note before collapsing so the cops can find her.
Chapter 3: Previews
⦁ Once again changing the staging for my version (jokes on you, this isn’t just a Catradora fic, it’s me writing my ideal version of Heathers). Usually Heathers has some kind of bi-level stage. This one has catwalks hidden along the backs of the lockers, but they also have more sets. They have house facades they slide in front of the high school set/lockers for the croquet scene (Freeze Your Brain is the closest song) through to Heather’s murder, sliding them away again for The Me Inside of Me. They come back for Our Love Is God, although the second level with JD’s window isn’t brought back until the very end of the show. Kurt tries to climb the same trellis Adora used to get into JD’s window to escape JD as he chases him down. The full facade doesn’t come back until it’s time for Meant To Be Yours so JD can climb through Veronica’s window (that was once his). It is wheeled out as the entire stage narrows in on the center stage for the pep rally and finale.
⦁ Veronica doesn’t rebutton her shirt until after the nightmare scene in the West End version (I honestly can’t remember for off-Broadway), but for this show Adora just isn’t super comfortable hanging out shirtless in front of crowds every night, especially knowing some people are perverted about the lesbian version of Dead Girl Walking, so Netossa said buttoning her shirt and putting her clothes back on before they fall asleep was fine back when they were deciding what Catra was going to do since JD rips his shirt off undoes his buckle during this scene. Adora could have done it (she wears the bodysuit for Mona, after all), but Netossa didn’t mind making that small tweak for her. Catra cared less, but also because she’s not in the kind of underwear that straight guys like. They decided she would have a high-coverage sports bra, the kind that can pass for a binder, on (for this scene and for the entirety of the show since Janis Dean is supposed to be firmly butch). Catra does most of JD’s usual choreo here, minus the belt thing, because they do the version of the choreo where they never stand up and Catra isn’t wearing a belt at all.
Chapter 4: Candy Store
⦁ No wonder she was what way indeed, huh, Catra? Well, multiple. No wonder she was so frustrated, because Catra is infuriating when she wants to be. No wonder she was so hung up on her, because Glimmer also wants to fuck her inexplicably. No wonder she lived and breathed the word homoerotic, because Catra made sure they lived on the razer edge of it at all times. No wonder she was down bad, because again — see the last two point. This line is less of an insult and more of Catra being too magnetic for anybody’s good, honestly, but that annoys Glimmer because she doesn’t want to like her (like that, or at all) so it definitely comes out like an insult and Glimmer is good with that.
⦁ I need you to picture Catra’s “What?” after the brat comment in the same tone of voice as Elle Woods saying “What, like it’s hard?” because Catra definitely wants it hard.
Chapter 5: We Can Start and Finish Wars
⦁ I was nervous about doing this scene just from a trigger perspective, but I figured it would be okay if I kept it all contained to this one chapter, and it was something I really wanted to cover. It was my first thought when I heard You’re Welcome (since it was a new song). I also wanted to explore the support a cast really gives. You don’t have to improvise every night or anything, but there’s always something that pops up over a show and you have to adapt for when you’re doing shows night after night. This is why casts really have to have each others’ backs and are often close. Every person on that stage would have done what they could to help Adora get through the show, but Catra, Bow, and Sea Hawk were the only ones who could have helped in that specific scenario due to their roles, and Adora was good enough at covering it up that only her best friends noticed.
⦁ This chapter was a turning point for them between the lines with the show and reality blurring and Catra realizing (though trying to repress it) how important Adora is to her.
⦁ They do workshop a version of the scenes where Kurt and Ram just don’t come as close in contact to Adora and end up being even more slapstick with each other in place of the more aggressive choreography moments, and during Never Shut Up Again they don’t even come close to Veronica, instead running around the stage to tell the audience/school. They only use it once on Adora’s signal, and Bow voluntarily opts for it once based on vibes and Sea Hawk immediately adapts, but Netossa is right: it’s a good thing to have, and she’s really glad Adora agreed to collaborate on something.
⦁ This last scene wraps up the rest of the show to verify it goes well, but it’s mostly here just to showcase Good Director™️ Netossa. She really cares about her people a lot even when she’s a hard ass.
⦁ Adora doesn’t keep up too much with comments due to what she mentions about knowing there will be homophobia in them, but she’s not totally tuned out on them and a long flood of notifications still draws attention. After this time she becomes more committed to not reading them much, though.
⦁ Yes they’re going to the same dinner place featured later.
⦁ While out at dinner, Glimmer and Bow try to ask her how she’s doing and she gives them an even more abridged version of what she told Netossa and Catra because she just doesn’t want to think about it anymore, but of course Glimmer and Bow are super supportive, and Bow is really enthusiastic about them choreographing an alternate version of the scene because he just wants Adora to be okay and is proud of her for taking that step.
Chapter 6: No Time to Knock (I’m a Dead Girl Walking)
⦁ Chapter title from DGW
⦁ Dead Girl Walking honestly didn’t look that different that night, and Netossa did miss them making out after the lights went down because she was scrambling looking for a scrunchy, but she could tell Catra was going further with the choreo than she was supposed to, especially with the kiss during the kitchen scene when Netossa had given up looking for it until the show was over, and in a situation like that Adora couldn’t say no or stop her without changing the intent of the scene, hence Netossa threatening Catra about the consent issue despite how Adora didn’t seem upset. It’s just something she has to do as director. I ended up reducing it to a one-sentence mention later in the fic, but I thought about having a scene where, after a few nights of them kissing on stage, Netossa goes to Catra’s dressing room and asks her if Adora ever gave her permission for that, to which Catra says yes she’s fine with that, and Netossa corrects her and says did Adora ever give you verbal, explicit permission for that at which point Catra goes quiet and Netossa then demands she go to Adora’s dressing room and secure it before she’s allowed to leave for the night. Cure Catra awkwardly standing in Adora’s doorway asking Adora if it’s okay for them to kiss during the show as Netossa stands down the hall and waits for her. Adora was very bewildered but could tell Catra was being put up to it from the way she kept glancing to the side so she just agreed because she didn’t want them to get in trouble and Catra quickly fled. It just didn’t even up fitting in the flow of the story because it meant verbally acknowleding what they were doing earlier than they were supposed to so that’s why I changed it to Netossa privately asking Adora instead of forcing a confrontation, which is the better thing for Netossa to do anyway rather than force Adora to deal with it if she really were uncomfortable (the reason she did it in this version of the scene was because she was 100% certain it didn’t bother Adora but was doing her duty as director).
Chapter 7: Happiness Comes / When Everything Numbs
⦁ Chapter title from Freeze Your Brain.
⦁ Forever thinking about ND’s “and it was” comic.
⦁ Real shoutout to the person who informed me about the official stage recording of the later version of the West End Heathers because I definitely did not remember any of the dialogue outside of songs and it let me take notes to write scenes like the croquet scene, which is like 50% similar to the one that actually takes place in the musical. A lot of the dialogue not overtly related to Veronica’s queerness is the same, but a little bit of the action was changed around to extend the scene for the extra dialogue and include using an actual ball, because Glimmer being frighteningly accurate at hitting things with a giant mallet felt right.
Chapter 8: Fight For Me
⦁ Heather tries to get Veronica to admit she’s into girls so much so that she can have blackmail over her to keep her in line, although she doesn’t actually need her to admit it, she just knows Veronica would be more afraid of the threat whenever she makes it if Veronica is aware it’s something Heather has 100% confirmed to be true.
⦁ I didn’t include it because I didn’t want to have to cover every scene with differences in here, but in the 7/11 Heather bothers Veronica more about clearly being into girls and is mildly homophobic to JD. Then, in the scene after Dead Girl Walking and Veronica’s nightmare, as Veronica is freaking out about getting to Heather and making amends before Monday, she tells JD in clear terms “She’s going to out me and tell the school I’m bi” which is what Adora was referring to in chapter three when she mentions this version of the musical having the word bisexual in the opening act.
⦁ I know what y’all are going to think this was inspired by, but it’s actually inspired by a fucking Try Guys Korean bbq video where they went karaokeing afterwards. I’ve never been to a karaoke place like that and it got me thinking.
Chapter 9: Big Fun!
⦁ When the show started, Bow and Sea Hawk were both given like packs of the exact same underwear (one in blue variants, one in red variants, and one in black variants) so they could match throughout the show. It’d be easier to coordinate if it was all the same pair, but they wanted the variety for people who came to multiple shows. They actually have a lot of fun coordinating and then, on their own, decided to get a pair of those classical heart-print boxers that they throw in occasionally. Sometimes that’s just based on a day when they don’t want to wear something as revealing as the tighty-whities they usually wear, but usually it’s as a gag.
⦁ It was too awkward to shoe-in here, but part of reworking the choreography around You’re Welcome included the decision to have robes backstage for Bow and Sea Hawk, which they don’t often use, but if it’s a night where Adora is getting overwhelmed intermission is a lot more comfortable if Bow and Sea Hawk aren’t wandering around naked. Sea Hawk’s has feathers along the collar and cuffs.
⦁ Glimmer’s best friends all have abs and she has no idea how sharp her elbows can be.
⦁ Glimmer did realize she was flying a little too close to the sun with Adora if she responded to Catra’s flirting.
⦁ Yeah Catra brought her strap.
⦁ Catra was just a little tired during that show, so she asked Entrapta for some of the drain cleaner as a pickup since it has a lot of sugar, and she was taking a few seconds to rest before she had to go be feral on stage again.
⦁ When I first told my friend Meta I was doing a Heathers fic, Catra downing the fake drain cleaner like shots was one of the first jokes they made and I had to include it.
⦁ Adora thinks there is — a chance — that Catra wants to be dating after this exchange where she says it’s not “a problem”, but she’s definitely worried about saying anything too soon or too presumptive and scaring her off, so she’s just going to lowkey keep acting like they’re seeing each other and hope Catra will open up enough for them to have a conversation about it eventually.
⦁ The people at stage door the night they got “dinner”, and the night they actually got dinner, and the night they went home together, all definitely thought they were dating but only the ones from the first night even thought that might be news. The girl who was a big fan of Catra kept it to herself and her friends, but one half of the couple publicly tweeted the picture they got with Catra and Adora that night mentioning they got to take photos before they went off on a date, but that picture didn’t make its way back to Catra because she wasn’t tagged in it and not that many people “noticed” per se. Final bow was when everyone was like ah so there is something fruity going on there, but even then a lot of people weren’t sure, and it’s something that just got solidified over the coming months as they were seen together more, kissed in public, got a little sappy on Instagram, etc and everyone retroactively realized they were right.
Chapter 10: Beautiful
⦁ Usually the chapter titles are either lyrics that match the chapter or a song that features in a chapter, but in the case of “Beautiful”, it was a thematic match. Beautiful features Veronica picturing her future and the next phase in her life. For this chapter Catra is also exploring her future and her next steps. And also she’s gay for Adora.
⦁ The First Contact scene started as a Mass Effect joke (iykyk) and then I ended up including it. I honestly thought I was going to cut it because it’s kind of random but the point was to show how long they’ve known each other and they have their own world of games and jokes that they lost when they lost each other, so I ended up keeping it.
⦁ Cheekbone > Clavicle > Cupid’s bow (aka Achimenes longiflora) > Gums (aka Alveolar process).
⦁ Catra freezes up after Adora asks what she gets for a good show because she can’t bring herself to say “Me.”
⦁ Shot in the Dark is one of the episodes of the show I’ve rewatched the most, when they find Melog and Catra learns about the power of friendship. The musical was either going to be called that or White Out tbh (real ones know my relationship with that episode) but Catra is playing a magicat specifically in this role so going with the Melog episode felt right.
Chapter 11:
⦁ The blanket came from Lance, actually.
⦁ What’s my ideal choreography for Meant To Be Yours? So glad you definitely asked. This scene is usually presented so abstractly I don’t think someone unfamiliar with the musical/movie would even know Veronica is hiding in her closet. My ideal version (with the staging already set up in this play) is the house facade with the window being rolled in on one side of set (only one just cuz there isn’t time) and JD appearing on the other side of the window (with the light off so it’s more like he’s creepy in the dark) and doing his knock knock thing. Veronica in the middle of the stage panics and runs to the back of center stage, where it’s carefully choreographed for the ghosts (Kurt and Ram) to be rolling in an open doorframe that she runs through and Heather slams behind her. Then Kurt and Ram would lean against each side of the doorframe making fed up and “can you believe this dude?” faces at each other as JD has his whole villain speech in center stage before going to pound on the door and finally wrenching it open to reveal Veronica hanging on the other side with Heather kind of “in the corner” making a comedic fake shock face looking between JD and Veronica as JD breaks down. When he leaves and Veronica struggles to get down for a second, Heather would roll her eyes and help as Kurt and Ram wheel off the door and then quickly move the house facade off stage as it transitions to Dead Girl Walking (Reprise).
Chapter 12:
⦁ My idea for this AU was that Catra would have a “stage mom” and then their acting coach would have been Shadow Weaver to get that Trauma Backstory™️, which means Catra needed actual parents. I already had the pair from Trade Today For Tomorrow, so I wasn’t going come up with a new set of names, but it does feel kind of wrong to have changed Leona to be a “bad” mom. In general, if/when I do use them again, I’ll be using their TTFT personalities. Also, in this AU Leona isn’t awful or anything, but she really wanted to be an actress and it didn’t work out so she has been pushing her child in that direction even when it was painful, which gave them a tense relationship. Most of my other Catras would be thrilled to have parents like this, but Catra doesn’t have that context for None or Very Bad parents, so she’s just another person with an awkward relationship with her parents and doesn’t think about it too much.
⦁ Catra used to spend Christmas ever at Adora’s house and then Christmas at her own/moms’ when they were kids.
Chapter 13:
⦁ My original idea for a childhood dream musical was to stick Adora in Wicked because you know Mara is a sucker for that show, but for mezzo-soprano it’s mainly Elphaba, and the whole point was giving her a role that wasn’t lead. I settled on Chicago because something LGBT is happening in that prison and I think Mara and Hope would both like the show. Adora is going to play Mona in Chicago, a fairly minor character who gets a solo verse in Cell Block Tango when describing why she killed her lover for cheating on her. She appears (namelessly) in more songs but also gets off-stage time, and that song is absolutely ICONIC, so Adora is really excited to get to take part in it, even if it’s pushing the absolute limits of her dancing ability. She does a lot of practicing leading up to the show, so Catra is worried for a bit about her getting too busy and their relationship faltering about, but it balances out after the initial push. Adora’s moms are super psyched when they hear she’s going to be in the show and the marketing team ends up releasing the Broadway cast’s version of Cell Block Tango online at the open of the show to drum up hype for it, so Adora really hits one of her big career dreams — though still with room to grow, if she can get it with a larger role and a full album. This role shows her that headlining isn’t all there is to musical theater, though, and having smaller parts can really by worth it for the off-time.
⦁ Uh so. Mona’s outfit. The outfits for the inmates in Cell Block Tango are usually pretty close to lingerie. Adora has a bodysuit, because it works for the song and she’s more comfortable being covered in something skintight than just wearing two pieces, but it’s still quite a Lot for her parents to see it. They know what they’re in for though and everybody just neglects to address it after the show when they praise her voice. Catra loves Adora in the outfit though.
⦁ Based on my previous formatting Shot in the Dark, Chicago, and Hello, Again should actually just be written out without italics, but because the nature of the titles (length and formatting) make it confusing without italics and clunky with quotes, so I ended up just being inconsistent between them and Heathers.
Original Outline:
I outlined this one pretty heavily going into it, in the way I used to for my fics where I’d write like a one-sentence summary of every scene planned in a chapter going in. Of course, I knew I would add and change scenes as I went, but I was pretty faithful to the outline outside of additions. I was outlined out to chapter 8 but thought it would expand to about 12 chapters between the ending I hadn’t outlined (I needed to be closer to it to know what the right conclusion was) and scenes adding themselves in along the way to up the count, and I finally put that count on the fic when I was writing chapter 10 or so, but then I realized I fucking forgot about the cast album and I got the idea for the bar scene so all of Chapter 12 ended up getting added and expanding it to 12 chapters.
The only “big” thing that didn’t happen was the catnip thing, which was mostly a joke I outlined anyway, but it was just too much from several angles so I cut it before I finished it. The idea was someone pulling a prank on Catra by putting catnip on her vanity and getting her lowkey high. Non-destructively pulling something on a castmate’s dressing room is pretty common antics, but this felt… very targeted and tense even though the castmate was doing it fairly innocently and just ignorant of that angle to it, so I didn’t want to go through with it. Catra was going to corner Adora though and demand if she fucked with her dressing room, and when Adora was obviously confused by the confrontation, fall into her arms and aggressively scentmark her even as she growled explaining the vandalism, which Adora offered to clean up for her and let her use her dressing room to change so she didn’t get more exposure to it. Again, the “getting a castmate a little high” thing, even accidentally (they didn’t realize it had much of an effect) was just not a line I — or the cast — wanted to cross, though.
The 4th anniversary SPOP Big Bang is going to run May 12th-18th and I’ll be posting daily for the first few days with my magical realism AU Lightbeam along with my amazing artist partner who made an illustration for every chapter! Keep an eye out for it :)
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