#good thing i don't have to shoot for world record but only personal bests
I can safely say that watching hollow knight speedrunners have subconsciously installed a need to optimize my own movement while doing random mundane things I usually do every day or ever so often
I can also say that every mess up ends up with me saying "time save for next time"...
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wheeboo · 2 months
laundry day | hansol vernon chwe
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SYNOPSIS. in which it's laundry day and you're in a bit of an embarrassing predicament. PAIRING. hansol vernon chwe x gn!reader (however, sorta implied that reader is more leaning toward fem) GENRE. fluff, humour?, best friends/roommates to lovers WARNINGS. cursing, vernon is checking reader out lowkey, reader embarrassingly wears hello kitty underwear i don't make the rules, ik vernon is mainly chill but in this they bicker <3, this was very stupid n silly lmfao WORD COUNT. 1.6k
requested from @weird-bookworm: lemme be annoying already— noni + #16 and #59 from list 1!! - #16: "You hugged me like your personal pillow." - #59: "Laundry day doesn’t mean walking around in your underwear, but for you, I’ll make an exception."
notes: i'm never good with writing humour but i thought of this stupid scenario and idk how i feel BYEE (cuz ur girl lowkey struggled on figuring out how to put #59 in the story lmao) tysm for submitting this in sky <3 and ty @bananabubble for reading it over for me!
join the 2k celebration!
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You are so stupid.
So fucking stupid.
How could you let yourself get carried away in loading all your laundry that you forgot to save a pair of pants to wear in the meantime?
You replay everything in your head: your overflowing, neglected laundry basket, the utter satisfaction you felt after loading it... right up until the moment you realised every single pair of pants you own was now basically swimming around in a goddamn whirlpool, and now you're left sporting nothing but your underwear and a shirt that didn't offer much coverage than expected.
You let out an annoyed groan, burying your face into your hands and mentally slapping yourself in the face. The chill of your room sends a trail of goosebumps running up the exposed skin of your legs. There really was nothing you could do but wait for your laundry to finish.
Then your head shoots back up, and maybe your bedroom lights up a bit brighter at your metaphorical lightbulb moment, because you think of Vernon. He's the only other option you have.
Tip-toeing up to your closed door, a bit of hesitancy gnaws at you for being so dumb, before you yell out, "Vernon!"
He's probably in the living room right now𑁋you can overhear the faint music of the record player the two of you snagged at this vintage thrift store the other week. A very good and lucky find, nonetheless.
Taking another (and maybe regrettable) deep breath, you call out again, a little louder this time. "Vernon! Can you hear me?"
The music seems to dip down slightly, and after a moment, the record stops spinning, replaced by the sound of footsteps approaching the door. You brace yourself for the door to swing open to reveal the embarrassing state you're in right now, but it doesn't.
Instead, you hear Vernon's voice respond to you through the door, "Yeah?"
"Uh..." You bite your lip because you can't believe you're about to ask this. "Do you have, um... a pair of pants or shorts I can borrow? I'll give it back to you tomorrow."
For a moment you think he didn't hear you because it's completely silent on the other side of the door, and it does absolutely nothing at calming down your racing heart. You see, you probably should be fine with walking around in your underwear with Vernon because he's your best friend and roommate and he definitely would not judge at all, but it's simply not that simple𑁋
"Did you, like, spill Monster on yourself again?" Vernon asks casually, as if it was the most normal thing in the world that you would do (it's happened one too many times).
"Yes, I mean, no, I mean𑁋look, just fetch me a pair and I'll bring it back to you later?"
"Uh, yeah, about that..." He pauses. "I'm wearing my only pair right now since you loaded yours first."
You really should've considered that being best friends with Vernon meant collectively sharing the brain cell of procrastinating when it comes to doing your laundry. Great, just absolutely fantastic. This was very much how you wanted your day to go. Perhaps this is why you're best friends, after all.
"Well, shit," You murmur, more to yourself but Vernon hears it anyway.
"Look, I'm sure it's not that bad, right?" Does he seriously still think you spilled Monster on yourself? "You could probably just𑁋"
You can hardly act by the time the doorknob twists and Vernon peeks his head around the door. But the second he catches sight of you, his eyes flicker over you, before he quickly averts his gaze to the Radiohead poster on your wall. Was it the lighting in your room that's making his face look pink?
You stand there awkwardly, suddenly feeling so exposed in front of him as if some sort of gigantic spotlight was shining down on you. It's not like you haven't been half-naked around each other before, but this feels different... somehow. You don't know why, or maybe you don't want to know.
A cough erupts from Vernon, breaking the sudden silence.
"Oh, wow, um..." He toys with the black hoodie around his head. "I didn't look. I swear."
His eyes dart everywhere except back to you, lingering on the Radiohead poster, the slightly askew picture frame on your desk, just anywhere but you. You don’t know whether to feel relieved or embarrassed.
"Ugh, I'm so stupid." You run a frustrated hand through your hair. "And I have this meeting for work in an hour and I know the laundry won't be done by then. I'm actually screwed."
Vernon thinks for a minute. "You can't like... virtually attend the meeting?
"Or it can't be postponed?"
"What if I file you as a missing person to the police?"
"You're seriously no help, dude," You say, giving him a light shove to the shoulder, but it's hard to suppress the curve to your lips and the small chuckle that leaves your mouth when you see him fall back dramatically.
Vernon snorts lightly. "Well, it's probably better than showing up to work in your Hello Kitty underwear𑁋"
"You said you didn't look, you idiot!" You exclaim furiously, and Vernon literally does not see the way a pillow practically spawns in your grasp and flinging toward him before he can even react. The pillow hits him square in the chest, causing him to stumble backward with a surprised yelp. "Oh my god, just report me missing at this point."
Vernon just laughs as he catches his breath to stand back up, grabbing the pillow up the floor and lifting it up like a shield as if to defend himself from you. Your face is burning brighter than the lava lamp glowing on your bedside table.
"This is so embarrassing," You mutter sheepishly, wanting to unleash another defeated groan again. "I can't believe I'm this stupid to forget to..."
"You're cute."
"...and then I'm probably going to get fired𑁋what?"
Vernon tosses the pillow back onto your bed and clears his throat.
"I said you're really dumb."
That is not what he said.
For a second, the disastrous situation seems to lighten up just a little bit, and your heart is doing some intense, unrhythmic tap dance against your ribs. You heard exactly what he said𑁋that he called you cute in this ungodly predicament𑁋and now he's trying to brush it off?
Vernon cracks a teasing, boyish smile. "And stupid, yeah. You're not wrong about that."
You open your mouth to retort, but the words get caught in your throat, almost like a choked sound coming out instead. So you point an interrogative finger and step closer to him (and yes, still in your underwear), eyebrows furrowing together.
"You called me cute," You state, all firm and serious now.
Vernon's playful look falters slightly, expression shifting to something a bit more guarded now. He rubs a hand at the back of his neck, that nervous habit you've always found sort of endearing throughout time. Perhaps there's a bit more meaning to it now.
The few moments of silence that follow is absolutely suffocating. You can't even tell if time is passing by quicker or slower as the two of you stand there, shifting this uncomfortable weight between both of your feet.
"Yeah," Vernon says simply, quietly. "I did."
You nearly want to laugh for some reason, but you can feel the nerves tickle up your spine. "I'm standing here in fucking Hello Kitty underwear and you think I'm cute?"
You can visibly see the way the lump in his throat tightens as he swallows, his eyes flickering uncertainly between you and the floor.
"Look you just... You caught me off-guard. Like... laundry day doesn't mean walking around in your underwear and all that," Vernon explains, in a tone like he's trying to reason with you. "but for you, I'll make an exception because𑁋"
"𑁋because I'm cute?"
"Because you're so stupidly cute from freaking out when I could just go to the store right now and buy you a pair of pants to wear." Then he sucks in a breath. "And yeah, the Hello Kitty underwear is cute, I guess."
You feign a shocked, traitorous look to your face. "You guess?! It's Hello Kitty, man."
"Dude, do you want me to snatch you some pants to wear or not? Because I'm deadass about the missing persons report," Vernon asks, half-annoyed yet somewhat half-amused. The twitch to his lips doesn't go unnoticed. And the voice of him calling you cute just minutes earlier also doesn't go unheard of too.
You wear a cringy, exaggerated pout to your lips. "Please."
Vernon's face contorts in slight disgust at that. "Please don't do that eve𑁋I'm leaving." And before you can say anything, he's turning around and leaving your room.
You hear the clinking of keys, assuming that Vernon is getting ready to leave to presumably retrieve you a pair of pants to wear for the day. You step up to your doorway to peek into the living room.
"Hey, I owe you!" You holler out to him. "Let me know how much it costs and I'll pay you back."
"No need," Vernon calls back over his shoulder.
"Come on, I'll feel bad," You insist, leaning against the doorframe. "I'll do anything, I swear."
Now that seems to intrigue him, and you watch the way Vernon slowly turns back to you, and maybe you're starting to regret ever saying that to him.
"Okay," he says lightly. "We're watching a movie tonight."
"A movie? What are we..." Then your eyes widen in realisation. "We are not watching Shrek again. I'll end up falling asleep on you because we've rewatched too much."
Vernon just shrugs. "Yeah, like last time. You hugged me like your personal pillow, remember?"
"I..." You stop yourself from responding immediately, feeling a flush creeping up your cheeks at the memory. "Fine, whatever. If I fall asleep again, you can just wake me up this time."
A low, thoughtful hum runs out of Vernon's mouth. "I mean, I really don't mind if you fall asleep, you know. If you're tired and stuff."
You blink up at him dazedly. "Really?"
"Yeah," he answers, and the corners of his lips lift up ever so slightly. "You're cute when you fall asleep on me, anyway."
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another note: guys idk what i just wrote lol its like 90% dialogue n rushed HAHSADSA
taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag @wootify @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @phenomenalgirl9 @roziesmei @mirxzii @bookyeom @parkjennykim @melodicrabbit @bewoyewo @honglynights @bananabubble @treehouse-mouse @tanya596carat @starshuas @totomoshi
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ddoxhan · 1 month
stay by my side
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if there is no one next to you I’ll just be behind you, just stay by my side
word count : 0.9k words
genre : classic angst; giselle x gn! reader; days were never the same anymore but your feelings for aeri will always be unchanging for as long time exists
t/w : nothing :) this is just some good ol' angst
a/n : not much plot to it but ! it's the feels of not being able to forget someone and maybe, you're better off longing for them than try pressing down your feelings. anyone out there longing for their special someone, I just wanna say it's okay to feel that way :3 it may not be the healthiest choice, but allow yourself to long for that person until you feel it's time to actually let them go <3 enjoy !
things were just never the same anymore, it couldn't. I'd keep having dreams about you, about us. those sweet, spring memories we shared now embedded in my head like a broken record. those days when we spent our mornings showering each other with kisses, when we would take night walks in the park, when we talked about spending the rest of our lives together. those days, when we loved each other like there was no tomorrow. we did, but it just didn't last forever just like what we had wished under that shooting star.
I admit, that I still love you, the same or maybe even more than I did back then. I truly believed that we were meant to be, and no one can tell me otherwise as I've seen those eyes of yours bear the same endearment for me as I do for you. it sounds cheesy, but I am willing to be if it's you. however, as much as I want to let go of you, I don't think I'd ever come to terms with the fact that you did. we were so beautiful, don't you think so? it was as if the world revolved around us. I know we will never be able to go back to those days, to love each other again.
every night that came and went in the same repertoire. staring straight at the ceiling, reminiscing the times I still had you in my arms, crying myself to sleep, jolting awake from the same nightmare, hugging myself back to sleep. the pain was almost unbearable when it gets to the nightmare. it was my regrets for not doing my best for you, and the mistakes that I wished I hadn't made. I could never stand to see tears in your eyes, especially if it was because of me. on the day you left, you looked me in the eye, with tears threatening to roll down your crimson cheeks. that moment broke my heart to pieces, noticing the burning sensation of the wind against my skin.
it seems I have already lost you, with no chance to turn back time.
when I'm sober, everything I did numbed me to the core. when I wake up to your side of the bed empty, seeing that the once lively space all dull with silence, the fridge slowly emptying, leaving nothing but water and some alcohol. it's like I stopped functioning properly when you're not with me. the flowers that you loved so much don't look as lively, the warm breeze that greeted us daily slowly getting chilly, the stars that we spent hours looking at don't sparkle as much. you brought so much color to my world, and it returned back to being monochromatic, like those times before I met you.
you brought so much joy to my life, and I have never felt so grateful for being alive. it was the first time I felt so euphoric, fortunate to see that very smile of yours when you look at me with such affection. that smile was for me, because of me, only me. you made me feel like the luckiest person on earth to love someone as wonderful as you are. I can only hope you felt the same way as I did.
all the things in my life took a turn, not a good one at that, after you left. you took a part of me with you when you told me that things weren't working out. what did that mean? was I not doing good enough? did your feelings for me change? there were so many questions I want to ask, but sometimes, they were better left unanswered. these daggers piercing through my heart are more than enough to leave me bleeding profusely till I can't feel love anymore.
as I spent each day, yearning for your warmth and affection, there's something that I've come to realize as I take a step back to look at things. there will be no one else who would be able to fill your spot, not even with time. it's been months, almost a year that I've been standing here, not knowing what is wrong with me. that's because, nothing is wrong. everything made so much sense.
I love you and nothing can ever change that fact. even if you don't love me anymore, that's okay. all I will do is just stand here right behind you, protecting you from the shadows. although there might not be someone who would be by your side all the time, I will be right here behind you. until the day I get the chance to stand next to you, be the one you can rely on, I will be here for you.
there will be a day where we meet again, whether it be by chance or fate. and when that day comes, I want to be stronger than I am now, to give you that smile you loved so much when we were us. until then, I will take this role as your dark knight. looking over you from somewhere you wouldn't notice, offering you a hand when you struggle, finding solace right here. I know you would be able to tell that I am here, but please, leave me be. for the day I am able to let you go, will hopefully come.
so let me stay by your side for now, aeri.
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euphoriiabts · 6 months
Idol Jake x Idol Y/N
When fans start shipping you with TXT's Huening Kai, Jake is quick to see the clips and tiktok edits, causing a huge wave of jealous to overcome him that you've never seen before in your life.
You come home from your group's music video shoot to find Jake sitting on the living room couch, scrolling through TikTok.
"Whatcha looking at, babe?" You ask curiously as you walk towards him.
"Is he better than me?" Jake replies, causing a spout of confusion to bloom in your facial expression.
"Is who better than you?" You ask, confused, looking at him quizzically as if you're taking my last math exam of the year in high school.
"Kai. Is he better than me?" Jake answers, no specific tone of voice being detected, but you can tell he's jealous with the vein that pops out of his neck from his anger.
"Why are you asking me that?" You question as you sit down next to him.
"Just answer the question-"
You shake your head, "No, Jake, he isn't better than you, you know that," You reply, thinking for a moment before continuing, "Is this about the fans?"
Jake looks up at you and for the first time since you arrived at home, you could finally see his facial expressions. He had a hint of anger, possession, and jealousy in his eyes, but his gaze softens when he meets yours.
"Look at the edits, baby, the clips and the pictures? They make you guys look so good together.." Jake whines and pouts like a big man child despite being 21 years old and judging by his tone of voice, you know that he needs reassurance, so you look him in the eyes and move a strand of hair out of his face.
"Baby. It doesn't matter what the fans think they know or how they feel because I'm your girlfriend and nothing is going to change that, okay? I love you and you are the only person in this world that I want."
"But what if-"
"Nuh uh, no 'but what ifs', I don't want to hear you talk down to yourself, do you understand me, Sim Jaeyun?" You say, cutting him off before he can finish his sentence. Jake just nods and that was the end of the conversation that night, but if you knew Sim Jaeyun any better, you were already well aware that he was going to need a lot more reassurance than that.
So you went to bed, cuddling extra close in his arms that night and running your fingers through his hair as we relaxed and fell asleep quickly. The rumors about you and Kai only grow more intense, the fans dying and begging to see more. You try your absolute best to comfort and reassure Jake that fans just have a tendency to act that way and you think it's going well until one day your management holds a meeting with you, telling you that your group is going to be doing a song collaboration with ENHYPEN. At first, you assume that it's all just a coincidence, until after the song is recorded and you guys release the teasers, Jake gets extra touchy in all of the TikToks the groups make together. You weren't the only one who was catching onto it, in fact, every last member of both yours and his group started saying things about it.
"Jake, you're so close to Y/N in this one, even the fans have noticed. You know how much trouble you could get in if it was leaked that you guys are dating, right?" Jungwon states and the reaction Jake gives says all too much that he is definitely up to something.
"Sim Jaeyun, what are you plotting?" You ask, raising your eyebrows as you speak, looking at him with your hand on your hip, maintaining a stern look on your face. You look him directly in the eyes and you swear for a moment you saw him grinning, but you couldn't get a good enough look to confirm before his face goes back to a normal one. Jake nods,
"I understand, I'll be more careful." Jake says to Jungwon, ignoring your question. You shake your head and brush it off, hoping that he'll stick to his words. As the next few weeks move forward, your collaboration has been completely released and the speculations about you and Kai have almost gone entirely radio silent as new dating speculation between you and Jake builds. You lay next to Jake in bed, watching as he scrolls through TikToks about it, smiling to himself.
"Are you proud of yourself?" You ask rhetorically, already knowing the answer to the question.
"Look, babe, they think we'd make a better couple than you and Kai.." He states happily as he points out one of the comments on a post. And with that, the new rumors calmed your jealous boyfriend down and you never had to hear about another dating rumor again.. Until about two weeks later when you open your Twitter notifications,
"Omg did you see Jake and Chaeryoung? They're so cute together, look!"
"No literally they'd be such a cute couple."
"Something HAS to be going on!!!"
"I'll be so happy if they're dating, OH EM GEE"
You stare at the comments and quotes on your phone as you feel a huge wave of anger and jealousy overcome you,
"Oh HELL no.."
A week later..
1 Notification: Twitter.com
"Pop Crave: According to Dispatch, ITZY's vocal line member Y/F/N and ENHYPEN member Sim Jaeyun are reportedly dating! An anonymous tip-"
You didn't get time to even finish reading the tweet before you heard your boyfriend yelling your name from the other side of the house,
"Y/F/N what did you do?!" Jake yells, anger and amusement apparent throughout his voice.
Well this was going to be a fun week for the both of you..
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geekyimagines · 1 year
The Walking Dead
Maggie Greene/Rhee x GN!Reader
Romance, fluff, slight!angst
Set mid season 11 at Hilltop. Reader is crushing on Maggie and thinks it's unrequited. It is indeed requited. Maggie is also kind of stressed because, well, *gestures vaguely at her life*.
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Barely anyone went with Maggie to Hilltop after the Commonwealth made their offer. Those that did struggled with the lack of food and the near constant onslaught of walkers. It was a hard life and many were reconsidering their choice to go to Hilltop.
You never did.
You had known Maggie since the farm. She had always considered you her best friend, the one person she could always rely on. Meanwhile, Maggie was your secret crush.
Of course, you never admitted your feelings to her. Whether it was because of her absolute love for Glenn or the fact that you couldn't imagine her being interested in you, the idea of actually confessing how you felt made you nauseous. If confessing didn't ruin your friendship, it would at least make things unbearably awkward. Maggie meant too much to you to lose her like that.
You loved her.
So of course you followed her when she became a leader, and you never once regretted choosing her over the Commonwealth.
Even now, as your empty stomach gnawed at itself and hot bile rose to your throat in the heat of the midday sun, you couldn't bring yourself to regret your decision. You were busy hammering up sheets of old metal to patch up the holes in Hilltop's wall. The Whisperers had ruined the place, but by god you were going to rebuild what they had torn down even if it killed you. This was where Maggie and Hershel called home. This was where Glenn was buried. Hilltop was important.
A light chuckle came from behind. You smiled at the sound, knowing who it was without having to look.
"You tryin' to go for the world record for sweat in a shirt?" Maggie teased. "You're close to beating Daryl at this point."
You turned and gave Maggie a smirk. She was standing in her stained red shirt and jeans, her blonde hair loose, and her hand shading her eyes from the sun. There was a toothy grin on her face. It was one of the rare times she seemed to be in a genuinely good mood.
"Just doing my job, boss," you replied playfully.
"I think it's time you took a break. Don't want you fainting out here 'cause you overworked yourself."
You were going to argue when you felt a bead of sweat roll down the length of your spine and another slide over your left temple. It was a hot day and you had been working all morning on the wall. It was better than having to go out and deal with the dead, at least.
"I suppose a little rest wouldn't be too bad," you agreed, setting down your hammer on a nearby bench.
"Good, cause I wanna talk to you about somethin'."
Maggie nodded her head towards the mansion. "Inside," she said. "You need some time outta the sun. Any longer and you're either gonna cook or burst into flames."
"Probably burst into flames," you mused, squinting up at the clear blue sky. "It feels like a 'burst into flames' kind of day."
Maggie huffed a laugh and together you headed into the mansion. Only Lydia was inside when you both entered. She was sitting in one of the armchairs sharpening her knife. She flashed you and Maggie a kindly smile as you both headed upstairs.
When you reached the top, Maggie led you into one of the bedrooms and closed the door behind you. You sat on the corner of the bed, relief shooting through your sore limbs, and wiped the sweat off your brow with the back of your arm. Maggie watched you with amusement dancing in her eyes. You gave her a puzzled look.
"What's so funny?"
"You must have been real tired to look that happy to sit down."
"Well, going for the 'most sweat in a shirt' record is hard work."
A solemn look darkened Maggie's face. She came and sat beside you on the bed.
"It ain't fair you workin' this hard."
"We all have our part," you reassured her. "I don't mind. It's just what we have to do until things get better."
"Hershel's out guarding wall with Elijah," said Maggie, clearly lost in her own thoughts. "You're working to the point of dropping. Everyone's starving. I know we just gotta keep going, but I hate seeing everyone suffer like this." Her sad green eyes turned to you. "I hate seeing you suffer."
"I'm fine, Maggie," you assured. "You don't need to worry about me."
"But I do worry about you. All the time." Maggie shook her head, her eyes drifting up to the ceiling. "God, every time you go out beyond the wall I just keep thinking of ways I'm gonna lose you too."
"Hey, I'm fine." You gently grab her hand, which she quickly clasped between both of hers and held like it was the only thing keeping you from disappearing altogether. "I'm not going anywhere."
"You know why I can't lose you, don't you?" she asked, looking you directly in the eye. A small smile tugged onto her lips. "Why I can't have you burstin' into flames out there? Apart from Hershel, you're the most important person in my life."
Your heart fluttered. Even though you knew you would always only be her friend, it was good to hear that you mattered so deeply to someone you loved.
"Well I know you're the most important person in my life," you replied happily. "I'll always be there when you need me."
"Good," said Maggie. A mischievous glint came to her eye. "About time you came clean though."
Your mind went blank, confused. You blinked at her dumbly.
"Come clean?" you asked.
She raised her right hand and brushed her fingers across your cheek until her palm was flat against the side of your face. Her hand was warm, even against your overheated skin. The wide grin she wore was somewhere between adoring and downright wicked.
"You know I know about your crush on me, don't you?"
You choked on air.
"I-I'm sorry?!" you spluttered, alarmed.
"Relax!" she laughed, dropping her hand from the side of your face, only to grab onto your hand again. "I've known for a long time now. You're not as good at hiding it as you think."
"Oh god..." Your stomach felt like a hole had been punched through it. This was everything you had feared. "Maggie, I'm so sorry -"
"What are you sorry for?! It's a good thing!"
"I-It is...?"
"Of course! It'd be really awkward if I was the only one with feelings here."
"Y-You...? Huh...?"
"How about I make myself a little clearer for you then?"
Maggie gripped the sides of your face and pulled you in for a kiss. Her lips were soft and moved gently against your own. Your heart thumped loudly in your ears. Your mind had already been flung out of the window at her confession. All that was left was bubbling joy and the wonderful feeling of Maggie.
Maggie was kissing you. It wasn't just a fantasy anymore. This was actually happening. Maggie was actually kissing you.
When she eventually pulled away she was smiling broadly. However, one look at your dazed, lovedrunk expression and she burst out laughing. You laughed with her.
When Maggie sobered from her amusement, she rested her hand on your arm and gave it a light squeeze.
"I figured it was time I told you," she said. "I want to move on with my life. I want to be happy. I want to be with you. You think you're up for that?"
You placed your hand over the top of hers on your arm.
"Always have been."
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anemoarchonhoe · 1 year
Please please please-- bayo!reader styling on the impostor in SAGAU PLEASEEE
I saw the post and instantly i got hit with this AHAHA
Imagine this:
It's like the Bayonetta vs Joy fight.
You vs. the Impostor, both pointing guns on each other's faces. The acolytes are both frozen in place surrounding you both, confusion evident in their faces as they try to pick out which one is the fake and which one is the real deal. They were only able to snap out of it when the Traveler took off and stood behind you.
"This is the real (Name)!"
You roll your eyes. "Of course I am the real one, shooting star. When have I ever had that gold band floating above my head? And my signature beauty mark? The impostor doesn't have it." You turn to look at the fake. "Were you even trying?"
Then there's silence between you both. The impostor makes their move.
By move, it meant a dance battle.
You let out an "ooh~" and exchanged provocative dance moves. And when you bested the impostor? They lashed out and fought you. But alas, they didn't even last against you and were forced to relinquish their glamor, showing their true form.
Imagine it looked like Jubileus. Then you do a summon chant and use your hair to summon Queen Sheba and everything makes sense to your acolytes now. You're the real deal! After all, according to the ancient records of you, the god of this world can summon beasts and familiars using your hair. How could they have been so blind...?
They hope you could forgive them, but you simply look at them with an eyebrow raised and an impish grin.
"Now, now. While I don't mind this body worship and praise-giving kink you guys have, I'd prefer to be treated like a normal person. Or at least establish a safe word? Too much of a good thing ends up stale and disgusting the more it goes on, darlings."
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iohourtime · 10 months
Ryosuke Yamada: SIDE B - Change
anan 2347
(There is some paraphrasing of the original article. Please let me know if there are any errors.)
Note: This is part 2 of a 2 part interview. You can read “Side A - Expression” here.
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Yamada Ryosuke has been involved in various forms of expression, but there is one thing that he has cherished above all. That's the job of an actor. When he participated in his first drama “Tantei Gakuen Q” at the age of 13, he discovered the enjoyment and had been passionate [about acting] since then.
“I simply like this genre of work and this feeling of love has never changed since my first drama. With respect to acting, I have to become someone I haven’t seen or know before, and to do that, I have to think hard about who this person is and why he feels this way. However, the time [thinking about these things] is fun. The feeling is like when I just made a new friend and it is really nice to spend time with that person. I’d wonder about the kind of person he is, and the more I find out, the more interested I am. I think [the process of discovering a new character] is close to that. If this character is a historical figure, I can do research into the history and background of the person; if this character is fictional, I can make it up using my imagination.”
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What comes to mind is a character in the movie "Moeyo Ken" released two years ago - Okita Souji, a genius swordsman of the Shinsengumi who is said to have died at the young age of 27. While there is a strong impression of him as someone with a tragic fate, but as played by Yamada san, who smiled innocently as he committed brutal murder without hesitation, his innocence was more intense than his fragility and was realistically portrayed.
“That movie was special. I think a big factor was that I was staying in Kyoto during the filming, so I was able to immerse myself in the real thing the whole time. When I went back to Tokyo, I was only doing group activities or recording variety shows, so there was little time to return to reality, and I felt that my sensibilities were gradually sharpened. I got so caught up in the role that it became normal for me not to drink or eat anything during that time, and I got sick... It was something I have never experienced on set before.”
The reason why he was so absorbed in his acting work was because he had tasted moments that shook him just by thinking about them.
“Just like with today’s shoot and when I was on set, there were moments when the actors, the camera operators, the lighting team, the audio team… and everyone involved were completely engaged as they worked together. It was the best feeling when I encountered these [moments] and I feel like I'm desperately trying to relive these moments again."
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Because he valued his acting career, I wanted to ask him about his position as an idol. Perhaps because of this title, there are times when his acting is viewed with prejudice.
“I think it's more because I'm a Johnny's rather than being an idol, but I accept that as my destiny. There are hindrances with being a Johnny's, but on the other hand, there are things I can do because I'm a Johnny's and I think that's a huge benefit. If I don't want others to complain about me, I can only silence the discourse with my abilities. In fact, some of my senpais have done exactly that. On the contrary, it is only due to my own lack of ability that I can not do it. The idea is rather simple."
In the midst of such a conversation, he casually said, "Being an idol may be your vocation."
“Since I don’t know much about the world outside of [the entertainment industry], I won't be able to use [my skills] out there (laughs). However, since I've been an idol for a long time, I'm good at presenting what is needed [of me] in an instant. Although I also have a clear idea of what to do. However, what is asked of me is not always the same, so it is important to keep track of [the requests] and that is quite difficult. If I don't study how to present myself properly, I might not be able to do it. I've been conscious of that since I was small, so I'm good at it."
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For example, during a live performance, your image is projected on the large screen at the venue.
“Basically, there are about 15 to 20 cameras installed at a live venue and the “switcher” decides when to cut one camera feed and switch to another. The other day, the switcher praised me, saying, "It's amazing that no matter what situation, no matter where the camera is faced, Yamada kun can find and look at it 100% of the time." I haven't been very conscious of this up till then, but if he said so, it must be true. Nowadays, cameras have a light that turns on when it is live, so the moment it lights up, I can find it in about a second no matter how large the venue. I want everyone at the venue to enjoy the show equally, whether they are sitting in the front row in the arena section or at the stands at the back of the dome. When [the camera] happens [to face me], I can interact through it so it can be seen by a lot of people, and I think that will be fair to everyone who has come [to the concert]. So when I think about that (including the technique), I feel that [being an idol] is my vocation."
However, he has been active since his early teens and there were times when he resisted being an idol.
“But it's work. It's amazing to know that there are people who are happy because of our hard work, right? I've thought about quitting several times in the past, but I still haven't quit, so I guess that's what I want to do after all."
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He is the type who obsessively pursues things that he likes from the start. Gaming is something that exemplifies this. Among the games he’s enthusiastic about is "Apex Legends" and he reached the highest rank of Predator in February this year. Only the top 750 players in the world can attain the Predator rank. [T/N: Ignoring the 14+ hours of live streaming when he got the predator rank, he also just streamed for 9+ hours in the morning I wrote this part. Obsessive sounds apt.😅]
"Simply speaking, I find gaming fun. Especially when I’m playing with the pros, my motivation shoots up and I feel like I need to get better and I want to get better. After all, I want to do well. I want to be good at acting, I want to be good at dancing, and I want to be good at singing. Once I'm hooked, I want to taste and see the same thing all the time, so I keep doing the same things and that's not a problem. In my mind, rather than hard work, I feel like this is what happens when I pursue what I want to do.”
He started a gaming channel on YouTube called “Leo’s Playground” (Leoの游び場) two years ago, which is now a popular channel with about 860,000 subscribers. [T/N: I just checked and it’s now at 924,000 subscribers.]
“Regarding this, I am just really enjoying myself. I’m not conscious of being watched, it’s like I’m revealing my private life (laughs); it is really just a hobby. There are people who enjoy watching it, new fans are also increasing, and that’s a plus for both myself and the group, so I'm really grateful for this era. For me, I’m glad I can show my kouhai’s that there are other paths like this."
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Yamada san said that since last year, there has been a big change in his approach to work. He used to think more about the group than anyone else and take the lead, but he said he's become more focused on himself.
“There was a time last year when I felt a little out of sorts. I cannot say more about that but after going through that, I thought I should take better care of myself.”
And at this time, he is turning 30.
“You may look at me like this (laughs), but isn't 30 years old a proper adult? It's the age when I have to look at myself and think about how to live. Up to now, I have been thinking about how to give back to the group through my solo activities. As a result, I have chosen not to do some jobs or things. But from this point on, I don't think I’ll make it too complicated and simply go “I’ll do it because I want to do it” or “I won’t do it because I don’t want to do it”. I think I should prioritize myself more. Of course I'll continue to do activities for the group and the fans, but it has always been a 70/30 split, where 30 were things I did for myself, so I'll try to reverse the ratio. I don't know if this choice will turn out to be good or bad, but I'm going to give it a try anyway." [T/N: About damn time.]
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blackr23 · 1 month
Something Hyunjin never forgets. The trio of faith, love, and friendship
The belief inherent in what you want to express. Friendship and love for those who stand together. Something Hyunjin never forgets.
byLee Ha-yan2024.04.29
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Even though it was a long shoot, he didn't lose concentration on each shot. It was surprising
. The fan meeting was in full swing. I felt good throughout the preparation as it was a stage for our fans, Stay, and I feel like that energy continued until today's filming. It feels like you are not alone and that Stay is with you.
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'Trinity' earrings made of white gold, pink gold and yellow gold set with diamonds, extra large 'Trinity' bracelet made of white gold, pink gold and yellow gold, large 'Trinity' ring worn on the right hand, middle and ring finger of the left hand The 'Trinity' rings worn are all Cartier. Black leather vest and pants are all Versace.
It's a huge love (laughter). On March 20th, my 24th birthday, congratulations poured in from all over the world. The feeling of receiving this much love
is too much. I am a person who only expresses my feelings deeply to the few people I have known for a long time, so when my birthday comes, I get nervous thinking about various things. But the fans’ congratulations are 100% pure sincerity. Maybe that's why I feel happiest and most comfortable when I am congratulated by my fans.
When I met <Elle> three and a half years ago, it was a time when 'Back Door' was the only K-pop song selected by <Time> magazine as the best song of 2020, surprising everyone. Now that so many records have been set, is that a distant memory or
not? There have been many things to be thankful for, such as my last mini-album entering Billboard's 'Hot 100' chart for the first time, but it's not easy to feel it except when I'm on stage. I am not the type of person who is satisfied with certain achievements. I think we are happiest when we feel recognized for where we stand. Back then, I accomplished what I could at that time, and now, there are things I can accomplish because it is now.
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The large 'Trinity' ring made of white gold, pink gold, and yellow gold worn on the index finger and the 'Trinity' ring worn on the small finger are both Cartier. The white t-shirt and pants are all from the stylist's collection.
Like winning the Best K-Pop award at the MTV Video Music Awards last year.
It still feels like a dream to be on the same stage as foreign pop stars I've always liked and respected. So I try to enjoy the atmosphere and stage more.
When I saw the behind-the-scenes video of the charity concert held in Paris earlier this year, I was very hesitant to ask my favorite artist for an autograph.
I was so nervous (laughter)! I hesitated, so Yongbok (Felix) took me personally and got my autograph.
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The large 'Trinity' ring worn on the index finger and the 'Trinity' ring worn on the small finger are both Cartier. The white t-shirt is from the stylist's collection.
I also thought that “They only look at the results and success” in the lyrics of the song ‘Blind Spot’ from the most recent album <樂-STAR> was like a Stray Kids story. Since my debut in 2018, I have gone through a lot of things to get to where I am now.
I have really come up step by step. I think the reason the members' affection for the team is so unusually great is because they all vividly remember the process of struggling to climb one step at a time. Looking back now, it feels like a period of preparation for a leap forward.
The process is important, but only when you achieve a certain level of success can you envision the team's future with peace of mind. For Stray Kids, 7 years after their debut,
it seems like they are still in the process. We don't want to be satisfied with what we've done, and we want to do more. I still believe that the invisible process of effort is important and that the results will follow.
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‘Trinity’ necklaces made of white gold, pink gold, and yellow gold are all Cartier. Leather jacket is System Homme. The black pants are from the stylist's collection.
You're not satisfied or relieved at all (laughs)
Not only me but all the members feel that. The K-pop scene is really broad. Since there are many new teams debuting, I can't help but feel like I don't want to be left behind and I want to be confident in my current position. We've come this far thanks to the love of our fans, but if our skills aren't up to par, it won't be that embarrassing.
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The 'Trinity' earrings set with diamonds, the 'Trinity' ring worn on the middle and ring fingers of the left hand, and the extra large 'Trinity' bracelet made of white gold, pink gold, and yellow gold are all Cartier. The leather vest is Versace.ㅍ
It was amazing to see them practice and happy to perform the ‘Great People’ stage at this year’s Golden Disc Awards. I hope that being able to fill tens of thousands of seats in overseas stadiums and headline festivals
still shows the spirit and ambition of a rookie. When I was a rookie, I was still watching the passionate performances of senior artists and thought, ‘This is really cool. I should become like that too.’ As I've become more experienced, I've gained some leeway, but I don't want to give up my passion.
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The 'Trinity' necklace made of white gold, pink gold, and yellow gold, the 'Santos de Cartier' necklace with a layered yellow gold chain, and the 'Trinity' ring made of white gold, pink gold, and yellow gold worn on the right hand are all Cartier. The sleeveless top and denim pants are both from the stylist's collection.
Even after debuting at the age of 18, I wanted to learn more about dancing, so I entered the practical dance department at Seoul Performing Arts High School, and I am still famous for my greed for practice. Even when Hyunjin looks back, the section that I would like to praise for working really hard was
the fall of 2021, when he was preparing a dance video as the 'Artist of the Month' on the studio dance channel. The entire process, from the moment I received the offer to appear and thought about it, to practicing and filming, was difficult, but it was a time that helped me grow one more time. In particular, since the other performers debuted around the same time as us, I felt particularly pressured to appear on behalf of Stray Kids.
Nevertheless, the reason I did it in the end
was my desire to win. A desire to compete with oneself. I can't help but feel distressed when I actually don't live up to what I thought I would be. I wanted to overcome that. Without giving up because of fear. And I've been living really hard these past few months! I am diligently taking dance lessons in line with the changing dance trends.
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'Trinity' necklace made of white gold and black ceramic set with brilliant-cut diamonds, 42mm 'Ballon Bleu de Cartier' watch equipped with an automatic winding mechanical movement, and white gold 'LOVE' wedding band set with brilliant-cut diamonds worn on the right hand. Ring, the 'Trinity' ring with a brilliant cut diamond setting worn on the left hand, and the 'Trinity' ring made of white gold and black ceramic are all Cartier. The white t-shirt and pants are all from the stylist's collection.
How do you feel when you see an empty concert hall before the audience enters? In the video I posted on Instagram of myself running across the protruding stage, I commented 'happiness', but
honestly, I thought 'Wow, what if I make a mistake in such a large concert hall?' I think about it more. There is also a sense of pressure to meet people’s expectations. Nevertheless, I feel overwhelmed when the song starts to resonate during rehearsal. Actually, I am happy with the entire process. Being able to stand on such a big stage and have so many people watching us.
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daniella-19 · 1 year
And You Are?
I walk out from my room as soon as i saw the sky turn dark and the moon began to shine. Weird isn't it? Isn't it's time where people have rest and sleep? well not for me. It's where the time i go to work or you can call it task? I don't know.
"Adrienne , what are you waiting for? The clock is ticking. time is not waiting for us."
blah blah blah blah that's all i hear. i stare into the blonde hair woman's black eyes. i don't care what she said.
i roll my eyes and just walkaway. rude? i am , got any problem?
i sit at the black chair where my other coworker is there too. the dark room only got light from the lcd infront of us all. let's hear what is the rant for tonight.
"Good evening everyone i believe you all already know the reason we are here tonight? since the news is spreading wild right now."
i look at them with boring eyes
'Another boring speech , just get to the point can you?'
"One of the powerful and the most expensive gem in the world has been stolen 2 days ago. We already try to find the clue and all but it doesn't seem to have any positive result from it. so i hope all of you can help us with it." he continue
"I expect a lot from you Miss Adrienne Cassandra."
i lock my eyes into his
"reduce your expectation to zero , i can't promise anything. i just do my job" simple reply i gave him.
his serious face of course didn't give any expression.
"now you all can do your work and you can get the detail about the gem and the stealing detail in your tab soon. I'll be going then , do your best and don't disappoint me."
what a pain. Sometimes i do regret doing this job , it's also one of a reason why i don't have any family beside me right now. pathetic.
i walk out from the room as soon as i got the information from my tab.
"what does this people think when they're suppose to guard an important gem in the world? pain pain pain and pain."
Well let's just move to the 'crime scene' i guess.
i walk around in the city untill i stop infront of the museum that is suppose to have the gem. they 'suppose' to. It's thier fault for being reckless and now they ask other people to solve it.
bu there's one thing that makes me question. The gem is secured with 50 guards , laser , CCTV, gun and other destructive weapon that could kill people in a blink. so how does this burglar? no this person who steal the gem get through it? it almost impossible.
i walk in to the museum and look at the CCTV recording in my tab.
a black shirt , cap , pants and even wearing black mask person. is that laser from his eyes? the laser shoot the electric box and make the lights off , this include the laser and other electronics thing in the museum and with that , the CCTV is end.
but from the body figure it's look manly. so the suspect is a man. but what is the gem for?
what is his motive? and who is he?
.... to be continue ....
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zero-cycle · 2 years
I saw the thing about speedrunners fundraising for reproductive rights? I don't usually watch speedruns, so I was wondering if you could give me some more information on them? Maybe a suggestion on which to watch?
Hi, welcome and thanks for your interest!
If you just generally want to learn about speedrunning minecraft, this document created by twice former world record holder Couriway should cover most of the modern strategies used. If you want to dig more into the technical stuff (which is super interesting and after i started getting more into mcsr, I know now more about the f3 menu than I'll ever need), K4yfour on youtube is a great place to start.
There's a A Lot of runners participating and who you'll enjoy to watch will vary wildly, but I'll try to give you some different options, which should cover both streaming styles and timezones.
The most "beginner-friendly" is probably Couriway (he/him, twitch.tv/couriway). He's also one of the two people behind this whole thing and the person who had the initial idea! I have it on good authority (I'm friends with some of his mods) that he'll be streaming daily for this charity event and you can just check him out. He tends toward calmer and more relaxed streams and as one of the few people in mcsr with a lot of experience in no reset runs, he's probably the chillest streamer you'll find. He's also absolutely cracked at the game and does not run with calculators. He does, however, use axis calculated which is probably going to look like using a calculator to you anyway unless you're familiar with how it works.
He usually starts streaming in the middle of the afternoon for europe.
Mads (any pronouns, twitch.tv/madsenvy) and Eli (any pronouns, twitch.tv/elisthetic) would be two more beginner choices, since both of them aren't regular runners themselves. I can't vouch for their stream style since I've never watched them, but every time I talked to either of them they were very nice. There's also a decent chance that both of them will have more experienced runners on stream to help coach them through runs (no matter what Feinberg will probably show up in mads' stream since they are together), so that could also be a fun way to learn more about strats.
On the other end of streaming schedules we have Draconix (he/they, twitch.tv/draconix6) and Moley (he/him, twitch.tv/moleyg). They're from New Zealand and Australia respectively and both cracked out of their mind. Moley especially already has experience with no reset runs so tuning into his streams will probably be fun.
Another late-night (for them) and early morning in europe streamer would be Switch (any pronouns, twitch.tv/switch). Their streams are very similar to Couriway's in my opinion, very chill and relaxed vibes, though occasionally chat can completely derail a conversation and Switch enthusiastically participates in the derailing. Definitely always a fun time.
Also lovingly known as the only european streamer that actually streams at european times, Marcus (he/him, twitch.tv/fireworkss) is another, more laid-back streamer. He always likes to answer questions though and his chat is small, but very nice.
Fulham(he/him, twitch.tv/fulham), who's british and it is blatantly not reflected in his stream schedule, has announced he'll be coaching Jojosolos on friday, who's occasionally been running lately, so this is also something you might want to check out!
And then finally, President Poundcake (he/him, twitch.tv/president_poundcake) is my last recommendation. While he isnt't the best at speedrunning (notably compared to his peers, half of which are former world record holders anything between twice or thirty times over), he absolutely makes up for it with hilarious streams. He's extremely funny and can make every minute of eight hours of resetting straight entertaining.
Good luck, and if you have more questions, if you shoot me another ask or a dm i will Probably see it.
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scienceshir · 27 days
WARNING a long ass post ahead, but only because this beef got weird and crazy af (imo) lol
Lol this beef even made the educators who met/knew of J Cole while he attended St. John's university come out lol. This woman said she interviewed him for something in relation to the school and said he always had a good head on his shoulders and was not surprised that he made a smart move:
That being said, I hope he continues to be smart and stop fucking with Aubrey, forreal. The reasons for Cole to keep his distance from dude just keeps on adding up. Cuz why his house getting shot at. Why he dealing with drivebys (or possibly setting them up for public sympathy). Whether that shooting was real or not, its messy and dangerous. I really like Cole, so I am praying the union they had is done and Drake is not on the fall off. We don't wanna hear it. Not because Kendrick obviously doesn't like him. But like we notice, every time he comes around Cole, Cole has to deal with some damn stray/negativity. Mess follows that dude, and I don't like how he handled/reacted to Cole for apologizing. Its a good thing Cole made that last minute move to exit or he would be mocked by the entire world like Aubrey or something. The only thing they are taking seriously about Aubrey now is them predator/pedo allegations. The feds could be watching him/his crew, cause them allegations Kendrick threw were serious (as are the allegations that Aubrey threw to Kendrick), and Aubrey didn't really do himself justice when he responded at all. I personally hated that molestation approach he took, thats just me. Out of all the disses, that was the first time I truly felt disgusted by what I was listening to. I know its battle rap, but there had to be a better way than that. Anyway, One of the main reasons I hope Cole distances himself is because of how low key spiteful Aubrey acted towards Cole for dropping out. He acted like the trolls on the internet did. As I mentioned before, it was obvious Drake didn't take the apology decision well at first. But still, a month goes by, and on his Family matters diss, Aubrey did that shit again. And everyone noticed- some were even taken aback that he kept poking at it, so much so, the top comment under the official video is about how he threw another stray at cole:
I think this is why in "Not like us", Kendrick said Drake "Did cole foul, why you still pretending", after mentioning how Drake disrespected tupac. Kendrick was def reacting to the family matters diss because he mentioned Drake's slave comment. So I think by "foul" he meant that Aubrey of all people is the one that keeps throwing jabs at Cole, knowing Cole was doing what was truly best for himself/his life. He should have been understanding or like "whatever" by that point, but clearly he was not. Kendrick himself didn't even react that way to the apology and he was the one that got a whole diss record thrown on him from cole. If ANYONE should be hanging that over Cole's head after a month, its Kendrick. But Ken did not, Aubrey did, just like Cole's haters did. Thats interesting. And yeah, that makes aubrey seem entitled and like he really didn't care , he just wanted Cole to still be involved probably because that would have served him more. Yea, Aubrey is never beating the "user/shady/fake/not a good person" allegations. In my opinion, he showed Cole his hand with these multiple poor apology reactions. I really hope this entire situation finally made Cole re-evaluate and start being more careful with who he works with and lets get close to him. I don't think he been the best at that these past 2-3 years. I think he always just cared about the music and making music/making money. But this beef should have showed him, he really should start caring. This beef was like a domino affect. It got sad and ugly for almost everyone. Many things showed showed you can not trust these people or be too friendly with them. Aubrey's own crew has moles in them and is trying to help take him down. Cole got lucky because this got ugly for almost everyone, including their families. And we don't even know if Ken and aubrey were really telling the whole truths on each other or if they was just spewing the worst lies/rumors just to destroy each other (although obviously there is more "evidence" for the allegations against drake)
Kendrick still the winner in my eyes if I had to pick between him and Aubrey. Cole is still a winner to me for doing something that I could tell in many ways was best for him and in the long run he will probably appreciate his decision even more. He graduated from a good university with a 3.8 GPA and we see why
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pika2482 · 5 months
AOTD 12-21-2023 - The Fox and The Bird (OK Goodnight)
[All albums are rated subjectively based off my own enjoyment]
There are so many things I can say about this album, but I'll start with the usual;
OK Goodnight is a Prog Rock/Metal band that did a large part of the soundtrack for RWBY. Casey Lee Williams, daughter of one of the show's writers, Clearly has a knack for telling some of the most gut-wrenching stories, as shown in their second studio album, The Fox and The Bird. This album was written, recorded, and produced over a three year span, and by God it shows in it's master craftsmanship.
It follows our two main protagonists (Take a guess who) in their quest to return the rain to their homeland, which has been stricken with drought for some time. After hearing a rumor from The Racoon, they set off on a journey to collect a set of totems from a Very interesting cast of characters. I will not spoil anything from there, as this is a required listen for anyone with working ears.
The story is told in such a poetic story-book type way. The lyrics are artistic as they are concise and direct, and unlike Pink Lemonade (Closure in Moscow), which I had to use it's Genius page to keep track of the story, I barely even needed to read the lyrics to keep up with this one. Every aspect in each song serves both the story, fantastically painting the scene, characters, and their personalities, and also the music itself, with it's fantastic intertwining melodies and powerful, driven beats and riffs. I kid you not, I can remove the vocals from any song and you'll be able to tell me Exactly what type of character the song is about, between your headbanging and the tears in your eyes towards the ladder half.
Oh yeah, sidenote, this album is The Only artistic / entertainment medium to ever make me cry. So yeah, there's that.
While this album had MULTIPLE 9's and 10's individually, only one song can stand out as the Highlight for me:
The Bear.
With it's powerful yet simple lead guitar riff, it's melody, it's immensely powerful chorus, and the ONLY vocal growls I have ever liked. That with it's immensely powerful lyrics, an argument between our protagonists and The Bear between needing one another to survive in this world, or survival of the fittest, encompasses so many of this albums themes and drives such a hard and clear message that shoots right from my headphones into my heart. It changed my taste in music forever. I don't think I would have EVER gotten into this heavier style if it wasn't for this song.
Other standouts include The Fox and The Bird, The Racoon, The Falcon, The Bird and The Mountain. Yes, that is nearly half the track list as standouts. Yes, this album is that good.
If I HAVE to critique it over anything, it's The Dream. The Dream works as an instrumental Interlude to mirror The Nightmare earlier in the album. It starts as mainly ambient before dropping into this Massive ODESZA type soundscape that gives the Exact sensation as a really good dream (How the Fuck?) that starts slowly building up into... nothing. The goddamn track blueballsed me! This is hardly a complaint as this is what a lot of my good dreams do. If this was expanded into a full track it would crack my top 50 Easily, but, it has to serve the story first. And the story takes you directly into the grueling roars and gray stained claws of The Bear.
Overall, The best album I've ever heard and it's not very close. It changed my taste in music, made me cry, and made me buy it's CD. 10/10, would listen again, and again, and again, and again.
Favorite Songs: The Fox and The Bird, The Racoon, The Falcon, The Bear, The Bird, The Mountain
Least Favorite Songs: The Dream
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Bear and The Fox and The Bird are my number 1 and 2 favorite songs of all time, and The Racoon and The Falcon are also present on my Top 50 playlist.
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WTNV Quick Rundown - 25 - One Year Later
This episode marks a year since the debut of WTNV. So let's see if it's got any lore, facts or quotes of interest!
Today's opening mirrors the Pilot's, which is also touching.
The quote 'mostly void, partially stars' debuts (comes from?) here. It is related to Jeremy Godfrey sadly looking out of a window on his ruined 50th birthday at the DGBAandAFC (so...long...). It's ruined because it seems the people from under lane 5 are finally on the attack.
Carlos has decided to get to the bottom of things whilst everyone else over-reacts. Cecil really heaps on the descriptions of Carlos as perfect here, especially remarking that his hair has been 'fixed' by time. He is extremely worried about Carlos and attempts to ground himself by reminding himself that Carlos 'will' attend the ceremony he invited Carlos to in order to celebrate Carlos' first year in NV.
Carlos discovers and announces, quite triumphantly, that the city is not a huge city hundreds of miles below NV, but a tiny city about 10 feet below NV that has spent a year making spires towards the upper world which (when stood in the pit) only come up to Carlos' knees.
Carlos is then attacked by the residents of the little city, who are able to draw blood and cause him to fall. Cecil, extremely distraught, goes to a pre-recorded message (which mentions the house that doesn't exist and how scientists are offering $5 to anyone who will go up and ring the doorbell) after cursing everyone and everything for letting Carlos die. Carlos is however, fine, rescued by the Apache Tracker. He is mortally wounded doing so and dies in this episode. Cecil remarks that he is still a racist and a jerk but also a good man with NV's interests at heart. His dying words (in Russian) are "It's ok. It's ok. I knew this would happen. You can have my car."
Teddy Williams is a licenced doctor.
Carlos asks Cecil to meet him outside of Arby's. Cecil cuts to the weather to do this, which must have lasted a long time for him to go there and get back. Carlos is there in a flannel shirt and jeans, sitting on the hood of his car. He muses about how he's coming to understand NV more and how he just wanted to see Cecil. Carlos puts his hand on Cecil's knee (to communicate his affectionate feelings) and Cecil rests his head on Carlos' shoulder.
Weather: "Sunday Morning Stasis" by Joseph Fink
Cecil may have the ability to teleport, as he manages to get into the locked house of Becky Canterbury to interview her about an airliner which briefly appeared in her hallway whilst she was taking a shower and may or may not be the same one which appeared in the gym before, mere seconds after the event happened (this freaks her out considerably).
The local chapter of the NRA has begun market testing some possible new slogans. These include: “Guns don't kill people. Blood loss and organ damage does.” “Guns don't kill people. People kill guns.” “A list of things that kill people: 1. Conceivably anything. 2. Not guns.” “Guns don't kill people. We are all immortal souls living temporarily in shelters of earth and meat.” and “If you say guns kill people one more time I will shoot you with a gun and you will, coincidentally, die.” To vote on the new slogan, simply fire a gun at the object or person that best represents your choice. (fun fact, some of these are/were available as bumper stickers at the store!)
'All children in Night Vale are missing this week, so there’s no current safety issues. Hope we find them!' (lmfao)
'We understand the lights. We understand the lights above the Arby’s. We understand so much. But the sky behind those lights, mostly void, partially stars, that sky reminds us: we don’t understand even more.' (often quoted and very sweet) He then signs off as usual.
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just2bubbly · 3 years
"Goodness, where are we?"
"How am I suppose to know?"
"It's your palace. You live here, not to mention you have a computer in your brain to figure out. Any more reasons?"
What happens when you get kidnapped in your own palace? Bizarre!
More bizarre if you happen to know the kidnapper.
Ship: Kaider
Words: 2.8k
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Cinder's Perspective-
"Goodness, where are we?" Kai questioned, his voice a bit higher than usual showing his panic.
"How am I suppose to know?" she retorted, her eyes trying to adjust to the pitch-black darkness around her.
"It's your palace. You live here, not to mention you have a computer in your brain to figure out. Any more reasons?" he cited.
"Yeah," she said dryly. 'Why did being near Kai rob her of her senses?!' her mind seemed to ask herself.
"I don't know," she stated after having done her best at trying to locate their position.
"I have no idea where we are!- This place is off the records," she said explaining their situation.
"Are we kidnapped?" he proposed.
"Why would someone do that?"
"We are very important people. You are the Queen of Luna. I am the Emperor of the Eastern Commonwealth. The question is why would they not?" he said, matter-of-factly.
"We have been at peace for over a year with Earth. The Lunars have taken a liking to the new way of life. I don't think they would kidnap us," she tried to argue- nonetheless, her mind convinced her to believe that they were kidnapped.
What better reason to come up with other than kidnapping when one finds themselves in a dark chamber?!
"Then we are trapped," he suggested as she had discarded his previous sensible idea of being kidnapped.
"Probably" She stayed silent unable to think about any sane reason to be stuck in a dark room.
"We are stuck," he announced to which she nodded for having nothing else to say.
"Are you sure this place wherever that is- is in the Palace?"
"I guess so- minutes ago we were walking near The Throne Room. We have to be in the Palace, unless-"
"Unless we were knocked out and don't remember anything about it," Kai completed.
"I don't think we were knocked out," she commented.
"And why would that be?"
"My brain did not signify anything about 'System Reboot'- besides I don't think anyone of us remembers about waking up!" she explained her line of reasoning.
"Uh- okay!"
"Do you have your device?" she inquired, her brain seemed to have dawned upon the bright idea of contacting one of her friends.
"No, it's my room- I left it behind. What about yours?"
"Iko wanted it for something," she said, losing hope of seeking any sort of help.
"Do you think we are kept as hostages?" she speculated aloud.
"I am not sure. The last time I was kidnapped it made more sense," he said, using sarcasm at a time where it was least expected.
"Yeah and I was the kidnapper," she said dryly.
As her survival instinct kicked in, she examined the room and it did not look like it was a prison cell. It had no way to escape, neither a window nor a door. She wondered how they had ever entered it.
Kai sighed and sat, his back against the wall- pulling the black-tie that he was wearing loose and opening the collar button of his dress shirt.
"What are you doing?" she questioned, trying to keep her voice distinct.
"Making myself comfortable. I barely have the energy to remain standing for another minute," he confessed, as he rubbed the sole of his palm into his eyes.
"Are you okay?" she queried, suddenly very conscious about checking his health.
"I don't know, I'm tired and haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks. Moreover, this dark room is not really helping my case!" he conceded.
She thought of how she had not noticed his fatigue since he had landed on Luna. He really did his best at hiding his weariness from the onlooker.
"Are you going to stand there all this time?" he demanded, making her come sit beside him. They sat in silence not sure about where to start the conversation from. However, the silence felt comfortable, almost serene if not for their setting.
"I feel like we are trapped here," he proclaimed after what felt like a sufficient amount of time had been spent in silence.
"Thank you for the observation Kai, I thought we were having a party here," she added, her every word strong with sarcasm
"Oh really!" he exclaimed with fake disbelief. They stared at each other challengingly- none of them ready to back down until they recalled their scenario. Kai looked away making sure to groan in frustration. Always the responsible one.
"I mean- I don't think we are kidnapped or taken hostages-"
"Enlighten me then why we are here?" she snorted failing to understand him.
He glared but elaborated, "I guess we lost our way and are just trapped in some room which happens to be off records."
"Why do you think that?"
"Well, why would they kidnap two people madly in love with each other?"
"What does loving each other have anything to do with kidnapping?" she asked incredulously.
"Come on Cinder if you were kidnapped won't I be drastic to find you and vice versa- we are stuck together-"
"Kai, although I appreciate the gesture of you being desperate to find me in case I was kidnapped, you have watched too many romcoms and sitcoms. Whatever your line of reasoning is, it suits some drama better than the condition we are caught in." she tried her best to explain this to him without trying to chuckle at his dorkiness.
"Besides, how do you even get time to watch dramas?" she asked, trying to figure out how Kai had free time when she seemed to be drowning in paperwork all the time.
"I have a day off just to watch romcoms," he said with so much conviction she believed him there.
"Really? You are allowed such privileges?" Now he really had her attention- an entire day off! Cinder had had to work on Christmas as well.
"No just kidding," he interrupted before she could ask any more questions. She looked at him shocked and muttered something under her breath that made his lips quirk up.
"Kai, besides there are other people to be worried about you. I hope they don't think the Emperor of Eastern Commonwealth got kidnapped on Luna."
"Cinder, they won't think Lunars kidnapped me or you for that matters," he said trying to assure her.
"You never know! The look that Prime Minister Bromstad was shooting my way, makes me believe he wanted something like this to happen to question my moralities!" She huffed in frustration as she failed to keep her nerves in check.
"Do you think they would have started searching for us?"
"They better be- Thorne would definitely notice me when he does not find someone to annoy," She joked trying to calm herself down while trying to think about good reasons to explain this situation.  Apparently, 'lost in my own palace' was not the best option she had.
She thought about how she was going to justify her and Kai's absence in today's meeting- but that was really not the worse part. The graver part of their absence would be the murmurs that would go around among the world leaders as she and Kai would enter the conference hall-provided if they ever left this forsaken place. Not to mention the rumours that would question her among her own court, once all the leaders would return back.
Words stopped coming out of her lips unable to keep the conversation going, as her mind tried to grasp the after-effects of this activity.
They had been together under the same roof after a year and all they had to said to each other were formal pleasantries. They had been in the presence of each other for the last 9 hours 27 minutes (let's not address the seconds) and their words had have been nothing but distant. Seldom they went about their duties using satire to converse better except it felt a bit too awkward to be normal and considered casual.
Although Cinder had talked with him on comms numerous times, meeting him in person after a year felt different!
Whoever said long-distance was hard-was very very correct!
Cinder had run so many scenarios of her greeting Kai for over a week- thinking about all that she would have to say in the limited period of 3 days. Alas, reality had been very disturbing. She had very stupidly stumbled over her words in an undignified manner over the sight of him. Thank goodness and all the stars for she had not blurted something more idiotic unfit for the Queen of Luna. When their gazes had met, she was going crazy by just thinking about him and now as if fate was rewarding her for her own stupidity-she had no idea what to say to him stuck in a room alone. Uh!
"I missed you," he blurted out of the blue. It was so unexpected, she contemplated if he had said that just to fill the infinite void of silence between them.
"You missed me?" she challenged, knowing very well that it was not the best thing to say. The appropriate answer would be ' I missed you too." Cinder was never the one to be following rules- hell, she had worn trousers suited with a dress shirt to her own birthday party instead of the classical ball gown she was supposed to.
Even if she would not admit it loudly, she felt happy hearing those words -never having the joy of hearing them from anyone else.
It was the first time someone had said those very said those words aloud to her. Iko never had a chance to miss her as she was constantly with her. She had known Kai and the others for over a year only throughout which the idea of rebellion and their unforeseen, sudden deaths was constantly looming over them -so words of missing each other had never been vocal.
She had a chance of saying 'Miss you' to Peony uncountable times but even then that had never happened. Cinder had never gone very far away to be missed by anyone. Until now.
He nodded and she cursed the darkness wondering if Kai's ears had turned pink.
"Is that so hard to believe?" he asked, failing to keep the concern out of his voice.
"No," she muttered and softly added, "I missed you. Beyond your wits and imagination-"
Unsure if had heard it or not but as she felt him take her hand and move closer to her ear she knew he had heard her. His lips were at her ears and the sudden contact made her shiver in excitement.
"I can imagine- you know having experience with- missing your aunt and all. "
She knew it without being able to see that he was smirking- without caring about how rushed, reckless and rash her actions were - her lips were on his and as if he had anticipated such a response out of her, he was kissing her back without a moment to lose. It felt good to have him near her- just moving her hand through his dark black hair while he held onto her other hand- her cybernetic one. It was not much of symbolism but she felt assured that he wanted her- whole- with her cybernetics, just like she wanted him. It had been mere seconds since their lips but she was already out of breath. Her lungs were burning from the want of oxygen just like her heart that had gone warm with desire.
She moved back to breathe yet she was just millimetres away from him- their foreheads touching. Their eyes locked and the next second they were doubling over with laughter-vibrant and clear.
The kiss was brief yet sweet filled with assurance and hope but it felt like it had broken all spells of awkwardness between the two. This moment was so full of love and happiness, that she wanted to bottle it up and drink from it again and again once Kai would be gone. Her worries were forgotten for a while, as she took in his lean frame, his long hair that fell over the copper-brown eyes that looked like they were looking through her soul as if she was some sort of art.
"I missed you," she whispered in the crook of his neck meaning each word.
"Me too!"
She inhaled his scent- closing her eyes as she took in the exhilarating smell of cedar and sharp mint.
"Kai," she whispered back.
"Look," he told.
"We are no longer inside the room"
"What?" she said her eyes opening to look around- it was true. She was not in some dark room, she was a few feet away from the Throne Room.
She whirled around not trusting her eyes, "How is this even possible? We were trapped just now and now-"
"You don't sound so happy?"
"What?! I am obviously happy but-"
" Is being trapped with me so bad?"
"Kai! No-"
Realizing he was just playing around with her she huffed and glared at him while he settled for a grin. He was going to be the end of her!
"Kai, Be serious! " she ordered her voice commanding. However, her eyes held no anger only bewilderment.
"Oh yeah- I completely forgot. I got caught, more like trapped somewhere near the left of the Throne room. Can you figure it out for me? The place is like some sort of magical room it appeared out of nowhere and it was gone."
"Hmm..sounds interesting!" Iko mumbled, her face full of concentration as her slender fingers tapped on her chin as if thinking deeply.
"Were you alone?" she inquired.
"Ac-actually there was someone else with me." She was not sure if she wanted to share details of her time in a dark room with Iko but convincing herself she admitted, "Well, I was stuck inside with Kai."
As if this piece of information was very vital, her eyes sparkled as they changed their colour to bright, joyous, warm yellow.
"A private place- no disturbance," she said pointedly.
"What?"Cinder asked confused over her remark of 'private place'. The smirk on Iko's pretty face made Cinder suspicious and then it clicked together- like a painting kept inside water becomes clearly visible once the water goes still.
"Uh! Sorry, I was just thinking about a few things-" he said, his eyes glossed up with emotion much similar to wistfulness.
"Are you feeling nostalgic Emperor Kaito?" she proposed, not quite sure about what Kai was remembering.
"Probably yes," he admitted his head turned to look at her among the company of her friends.
"You have memories attached to this place. I can only imagine the young Emperor grieving over the loss of his first wife. I hope your heart has found peace without my aunt around."
"It has been a hard year but I have found solace without dear Levana," he said with such a grieved tone that it was almost convincing if not for his eyes that were twinkling with humour and mirth.
"Let's hope you have a good time in my abode, Emperor."
"That I would surely have," he said with a smirk playing along his very pretty and tempting lips which was followed by a wink.
"I guess we have had enough flirting for the evening. Now if you two would move-"
"Captain why would you disturb them? They look so adorable together" Iko squealed casting a look of love towards her.
"Aces, If they had continued I would have thrown up," Thorne complained earning a glare from everyone around him especially Cinder who was on the verge of strangling him for having disturbed their moment.
"Thorne, they are not being adorable now that you have disturbed them," Iko whined to an amused and proud looking Thorne.
Forgetting the two who had very unapologetically interrupted their exchange, Cinder whispered, "Next time somewhere bit private, unlike my throne room. How about that Emperor?"
He cocked his head and agreed, taking a pause as if pretending to think about it, "Your wish is my command, My Queen."
It made complete sense- the room appearing and disappearing while her schedule was clear, with no one but them on the floor while they were trapped. Later, she was secured after quality time spent with Kai. It was obviously Iko, she should have known.
"Iko," she yelled as her friend slipped away from her chambers.
"You asked for it," she shouted back.
And like perfect timing Kai, walked along. She supposed that this was part of Iko's plan as well.
"What did you ask for?" he asked, coming to stand beside her while she rested her head on his shoulder.
"That room- it was Iko all along!" she offered.
"Apparently it was not just Iko- it was Iko AND Thorne."
Her friend was going to get a hell lot of yelling later but right now Cinder was thankful for what she had done.
A/N: Okay, the entire book series has the phrase 'Miss You' said only 4 times. I drift a bit away from canon in this part of the fic because Cinder did say 'miss you' to Peony while she was in quarantine and to Kai while he was leaving for Earth after the revolution. Even he had said those very words to her before Thorne dropped him off to New Beijing.  I just choose to avoid those moments, probably because those words did not carry much meaning in the heat of the revolution. I believe Cinder feels guilty for never having expressed her thoughts of fondness for Peony in the pandemic- type of society that they lived in, where life was not exactly what I would call guaranteed.
And well Angie aka @gingerale2017 - Thank You for the request. I know I took  too much time to revert back to it (I think approximately 4 months) but I did not really find a nice plot until now and I have made a few changes just to align with my ideas- so if you were expecting something different... I'm sorry! It felt wonderful writing this! :)
Thank you again! <33
Be sure to reblog or comment if you like it!
I do take prompts for TLC (ship- Kaider), so if you want to you can hit me up with them!
Taglist: @cinderswrench @gingerale2017 @linhcinder686 @shellyseashell @ladyvesuvia (Tell me if you wanna be added/removed)
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Love On-Set (Pt. 04 of 10)
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Pairing: Dacre Montgomery X Reader
Summary: You knew acting on Stranger Things season 3 would be a challenge, and you also knew, from the start, you'd have to work closely with Dacre Montgomery. But is wasn't a big deal for you, since this is your job and you're determined to act professionally. You had it all figured out, or so you thought, until the moment you were out face to face with Dacre. Then, this job became a lot harder than it was supposed to be, since you can't seem to focus whenever you're around Dacre. And you'll have to be around him a lot until the end of production.
Word count: 3K
<- Previous part (03)
Next part (05) ->
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Breaking Character
You meet Dacre at the entrance of the hotel's gym, which is a little crowded already. He guides you in and you decide to start with the bike. Dacre goes straight for the weights, obviously. But you manage to get a bike that gives you a perfect sight of where he is, and as you work out, you watch him. He gives you a few glances, but you manage to look away just in time. At least you hope you do. After a while, you decide to move to the treadmill to run for a few minutes. Thanks to the weekly visits to the local gym near your house, you're able to keep up the pace for a good amount of time before getting tired and deciding to stop. Dacre is still doing his stuff, so after refilling your bottle with cold water, you walk over where he is, sitting on a bench right before him. He's currently lifting a barbell that looks unbelievably heavy.
“Are you done already?” He asks in a sassy tone.
“I'll get a few more followers at your expanse just because I didn't like your tone, Mr. Montgomery.” Taking your phone, you open your Instagram and start making a video of Dacre. He looks incredible, so handsome right now, and the fact that he's shirtless only makes it better. You have to control yourself not to check him out more than you should. “Straight to my Instagram story.” You tell him as you put some emojis on the video and tags Dacre before sharing it with the whole world.
“Come here for a second.” He says, laying the barbell down.
“What for? If you think I can lift any of those things you must be going completely insane.” Despite being suspicious you stand up, leaving your phone on the bench.
As you walk over him, Dacre hands over his phone to a dark-haired man who was switching weights. “Can you record this for me?” You hear him asking. “Just a few seconds.” He kindly smiles and thanks to the man when he nods.
“Are you going to prank me or something?” You stop before him, arms crossed. Without saying anything, Dacre pulls you with him, placing you between him and the barbell. “Dacre, what–” You're cut short when he suddenly bends down and picks the bar up again, quickly standing up straight, trapping you in between his body and the bar. “What the hell, Dacre?”
“Hold it, c'mon.”
“I won't hold this thing. I can't lift it.” Keeping your voice low, you give the man with Dacre's phone a glance. He's actually doing what Dacre asked, filming you two doing whatever this is.
“Trust me.” It's his lower voice, right in your ear that makes you surrender and do it, holding the bar a few inches away from where his hand is holding it. Slowly, he starts moving. Everything you can do is mimic his movement, your eyes wandering from the bar to his right arm, noticing how his muscles are tense. “It's not that hard is it?”
“Not when I'm lifting exactly zero pounds.” You snap back, being forced to give a step back when Dacre brings the bell bar way too close to your body, and your back collides against his chest.
“That's enough, thanks, buddy.” It takes a while for you to understand he's talking to the guy with his phone. The man nods and puts the phone down before moving away, back into doing anything he was doing before. And probably wondering what the hell is going on with you two.
“Are you going to post that video?”
“Really?” Doesn't he know that it will get people talking?
“Why not?” Dacre drops the bar suddenly, and it makes a loud thud when it hits the floor, making you give a little jump.
“Damn it, Dacre!” You exclaim, a hand on your heart. “What about not killing your co-star before she finishes shooting the show?” Still a little startled, heart racing, and not only for the bar falling, you go back to the bench to get your phone.
“Now I'm exhausted already. How am I supposed to go to work?” Checking your feed, you see there are already a lot of people answering to your video, mostly your friends asking about Dacre... And some of your co-stars, but no reason to answer since you'll have to face them eventually.
“Done.” He says, and at the same time, you see the notification. Clicking on it, you're redirected to Dacre's story, where you see the short video of him standing behind you, ‘helping’ you lift the bar. In bright red letters, he wrote ‘the best personal trainer (Y/N) could ever get’.
He really did it. And he doesn't seem to care. “So you just made me look like an idiot. I'll get back at you for that.”
“Idiot? You look so hot in this video, I almost reconsidered posting it.”
“Me?” It comes out abruptly because you just can't believe it. Any of it. You can't believe he posted the video, you can't believe he just said you looked hot. You're confused and you need time to clear your mind. “I really think we should go now. Shower, have lunch, and get ready to work.” It will sound like you're running away, but you need some time away from Dacre. Your heart needs a break from beating so fast.
“Yeah, we probably should.” He puts his phone in his pocket before making his way out of the gym with you. “Why don't you come over to my room? I can get some room service and then we head off to set. It's just us so we can go in my car.”
“Sure.” You're quick to answer, immediately changing your mind. “I can be there in thirty minutes.”
“Room 1404.”
Thankfully, there are no incidents during lunch. You two just chat and joke around, and almost get on set late. The first scene is much more simple. It's just Amy and Billy bumping into each other, a small chat before they part ways, both annoyed at each other. Once that's done, you change into the second outfit, and the make-up and hairstyle it slightly changed. Night has already fallen when you get into position, waiting for the signal.
In this scene, Billy finds Amy walking home alone, at night. He's pissed that she's so reckless after they just learned about the Mind Flayer, in a scene that will still be shot. So when she refused to go with him, they have an argument. It's a turning point, with the tension between then being explored further, leading into a partial confession and an almost kiss. That's how James calls this scene.
And, as if the scene itself wasn't enough, you're mind is still at what happened at the gym. This will be hard. Maybe as hard as the actual kissing scene.
“Alright. Ready, everyone... And action!”
You start walking fast, the camera before you easily following your pace.
“Amy, get inside that damn car right now,” Billy says, seconds before reaching you and grabbing your arm, forcing you to stop. “You're not walking home this late with that damn Mind Flayer out there.”
“Stop–” Giving your arm a push, he lets go. “–trying to act as if you care. I know you don't.”
“If I didn't care do you really think I'd be here?” He steps closer, towering over you, and you have no choice but to step back. “Running after you like an idiot?” Your back hits a car parked on the sidewalk, just at the right place. “Do you really think I'd put any effort into trying to drag your ass out of the street?” Dacre slams both his hand on the car, and you make sure to make Amy give a little jump, followed by an annoyed expression.
“I know about the little games you play, Hargrove. I won't fall for them.” Raising your voice on the last sentence, you try to push him away, uselessly.
“It's funny how everyone in this town thinks they know me.”
“Oh, I don't. I don't think about you, Hargrove. At all.” With a sassy smile, you wait for his reply.
But it doesn't come. He just stands there, as his eyes change. From irritation to... Kindness. And you recognize Dacre as he breaks through Billy. “But I think about you. I think about you all the time.” Your heart starts racing again, more than before because this is not Billy. And you know the difference very well.
Frozen, not sure if you should take this as improvisation and follow his lead, you rest your back against the car, as Dacre follows your movement, his face now only two inches away.
“Cut!” The shout brings you back to reality, and Dacre immediately steps away. “I like what you're doing, but I don't think the line fits well on the scene.”
“My bad.” Dacre apologizes.
“Again. From the moment you slam your hands on the car.” James commands and you go back into position. “Action!”
“I know about the little games you play, Hargrove. I won't fall for them.”
“It's funny how everyone in this town thinks they know me.”
“I don't. I don't think about you, Hargrove. At all.” It's hard to keep Amy's mean smile on, not to break character and... You don't even know. But this is getting a little too hard to handle.
“Why do I have the feeling you're lying to me, princess?” He leans closer, so close Amy has no choice but to turn her head away, and when you move, you feel his breath in your neck.
“If you don't get the hell away from me right now, I swear–”
“I can't wait to see what you'll do.”
Then Amy snaps, pushing Billy away, hands on his chest, using all the strength she can manage. She's beyond pissed now, she's upset. Frustrated with her dangerous feelings towards the bad boy. “You're such a jerk!” You exclaim as Dacre gives a few steps back. “You know exactly what you're doing and you keep doing it!” The pushing turns into slaps, as Amy tries to get rid of Billy's arms, holding her. “I don't wanna be one of your flings so stay the hell away from me.”
“What do you wanna be then?” He asks, arms keeping you still, dangerously close to his body.
“I–” You're cut short when Dacre's hand comes to your cheek. For a moment you think he'll kiss you, your skin burning under his touch. The lines are forgotten, and it doesn't matter how hard you try, you can't remember it.
Then a loud noise startles you, bringing Amy back and Dacre falls back into character, looking at something over your shoulder. “We gotta get out of here.” He follows the script and you do the same, setting free from his grip.
“I'm not going with you!” Then it happens, Billy bends over and grabs Amy's legs, throwing her over his shoulder. The sudden change makes you gasp for air, quickly following to the next line. “What the hell? Put me down right now!” You yell, noticing how some of the extras start acting, moving from inside the houses to the porch to see what's the commotion about. “I'm not kidding, Billy. Put me the hell down!”
He only laughs as you push his back, swinging your legs. Dacre tightens the grip on your thighs, forcing you to stop moving. “You're very stubborn.” He mutters under his breath, finally putting you down and opening the passenger door. “Get. In. I won't let you walk–”
“Cut! Cut!” James says, quite impatient. “I want you to do something else there. From the moment you put her down, I want another confrontation. Do you guys think you can improvise it?”
“Yeah.” You mutter as Dacre nods.
“Good. Get in position then.” He orders and Dacre picks you up again, slower this time since there's no need for Billy's rush. “Alright. Action.”
“You're very stubborn.” He repeats as you're put back down, and you wonder what to do next. But when Dacre pushes you against the car, in a similar position from some minutes earlier, your mind threatens to go blank again. “Let's settle this, princess.” The different weight on the last word almost makes you break character, but to laugh this time. “If you don't get inside this damn car immediately and stop complaining, I will kiss you. Right here, right now. And I know you won't resist me.”
You're sure both Amy and you are paralyzed now, unable to move, or think, and you have to struggle to get your brain to work again. Dacre's eyes are so soft, you can't find Billy in them. You wonder if the cameras can get it... You wish there weren't so many cameras and lights on both of you now. “You wouldn't do that.” The words find a way out, thankfully.
“Really?” Dacre's arm encircles your waist suddenly, pulling you close, pressing you against his chest. “Try me.”
If you don't move, Amy or not, you'll kiss him. You won't even wait for Billy to fulfill his threat. So your hands nervously search for the door handle, breathing out in relief when you find it. As you turn around to open the door, his grip still holds you, and you're only free when you step inside the car, closing the door shut a little too violently. With your eyes focused on the car parked a few feets ahead, you only listen when Dacre gets in the driver's seat.
“Alright, cut!” Relieved this is over, you hope not to do it again. It'll be the death of you. “It was amazing. Whatever the two of you have going on, it's great. If you keep this level, the kissing scene will be one of this season's best moments.”
Glad that the day is over, you wave at Dacre before getting out of the car and heading to your dressing room. Your head won't stop spinning, thinking, replaying what just happened. It was only Billy... Right? All those times you thought it was Dacre, it wasn't. You can't allow yourself to believe that. Part of you wish you didn't come here with Dacre, but you did, so you have to meet him again when you're ready to go. The ride back to the hotel is filled with light conversations, nothing about the scenes you just did. But there's an elephant in the room, you can feel it, and you think Dacre feels it too, by the glances he gives you every now and then. Sometimes it looks like he'll say something, then he just gives up. You wonder if you should say it, end the tension. Ask him if you did something wrong. But every time you feel the words are just about to flow out, you blush and look away.
How are you supposed to get the kissing done when you're so... Lost.
But when you reach the elevators, you decide to ask him. You decide to be brave for once and follow Dacre's advice of not holding everything back. He did say he'd listen, that he wouldn't be scared. “You broke character, didn't you?” It comes out suddenly, and he immediately looks at you as you lean against the elevator mirror.
“Half a dozen times.” He answers after taking a deep breath. “And so did you... Right?”
“Quite a few times, yes.” Looking down, you swallow hard. “It was a disaster. Well, almost.”
“Because I–” You're damn phone ringing cuts you off, and, rolling your eyes, you pick it up. “It's Natalia.”
“Answer her. It's my floor anyway.” Dacre gestures at door, and right above it, you see the number. “We'll talk later, alright?”
“Yes.” You mutter, a little sad that the doors just opened.
“Bye.” Dacre leans closer for a quick hug and to place a kiss on your cheek, as he's been usually doing.
As you watch him leave, the doors closing again and separating the two of you, you finally answer Natalia. “Hey. What's up?”
“(Y/N). Are you in your room?” As she speaks, you hear Millie saying something in the background.
“I'll be getting there in a minute.”
“Alright.” Then she hangs up.
You have sixty seconds to recover from the day before meeting Natalia and Millie at your door. Smiling in a very weird way. As you approach, taking the card from your pocket, you raise an eyebrow. “Something wrong?” You ask as you open the door, gesturing for them to get inside.
“No... Of course not.” Millie mutters, searching for something on her phone. “Just this.” When she shows you the screen, you sigh. It's the video Dacre posted on his Instagram story.
“That was just... We were at the gym. Working out.” It's stupid to do this. They won't let it go. Throwing yourself on the couch, you cover your head with a pillow.
“What you call ‘working out’ I call flirting.” Natalia states, and when Millie pulls the pillow away, you see Natalia bending over the back of the couch as Millie sits down next to your legs.
“But nobody was flirting. We were just making fun of each other.” You wait for them to say something. Anything. But they don't. The two girls just keep staring at you, smirking. If they only knew what happened today... “What?”
“You like Dacre, don't you?” Millie inquires, folding a leg under her.
The first instinct is to say no, and the word is at the tip of your tongue. But it doesn't come out because you suddenly realize it would be a lie. It gets stuck, as it washes over you. Nobody has asked this before, and you've been avoiding to think about it. But now that the right words were said, you know it. “Damn it.” Muttering under your breath, you cover both your eyes.
“We got our answer.” Natalia sing-songs.
“He likes you too. You know that, right?”
“Of course he doesn't, Millie. Just because he's nice to me it doesn't mean–”
“There's a huge difference between being nice and doing what he's doing, believe me.” Millie stands up, pacing around with both hands on her hips. “Now, tell us everything.”
@baker151910 @shinydixon @dreamin-of-dacre @hanoi15 @lickmymelanin @skykittystuff @foccus @multific @uncookspaget @kellysimagines
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lemontongues · 3 years
so a friend linked me this article (thanks @mindshelter!) and it does cover a good number of my qualms with tom taylor's writing, which are also part of why i'm... hesitant about a) him being the one to make jon bi and b) jon being the character they decided to go with. i'm not going to articulate anything as eloquently as this article does, but as much as i think the general move of "making (a) superman queer" is a great one, and i certainly don't begrudge anyone their joy over representation, the context it's happening in makes me personally a little uncomfortable. further explanation under the cut
tbh i think this article is even. a little light on its criticism of taylor's writing? he's proved over and over that he's utterly insensitive, and to me his "woke" writing is completely juvenile. it's the power fantasy of an entitled white man who is convinced that if only we gave the right person (him, presumably, since i can only read jon and dick as his self-inserts) all of the power and money in the world, they would magically be able to do everything perfectly and make everything right. he echoes internet talking points but there's no understanding demonstrated of why the world is the way it is or the work that would be required to fix structural inequalities; neither dick nor jon ever even has a conversation with a member of one of the groups afflicted by the issues he's supposedly tackling in these books about what needs to be done to make things better. dick isn't shown actually talking to any homeless people about how they became homeless or what they need to get back on their feet, and jon bounces from one real-world crisis to the next while hardly exchanging a word with the victims. there's very much a savior complex at play in the implication that dick and jon are the ones who will be able to single-handedly fix the real-world problems being flippantly addressed, giving no credit to the millions of people who have actually spent their lives trying to fix these issues
for me it also ties into worries about jon as "the queer superman" because i mean.... future state: superman of metropolis? jon already has a track record of thinking he knows what's best for everyone and acting impulsively on that belief. he literally shrank metropolis and put it under a glass dome (which b mentioned is? a) something that happened to a kryptonian city that clark was never able to reverse and b) also something that contributed to pa kent's death?? apparently braniac bottled metropolis and clark dealing with that prevented him from getting pa treatment for an also braniac-induced heart attack? so that's. interesting.) a writer making jon bi at the same time as he's leaning so far away from the humility that makes clark lovable is.... troubling to me in the era of "the gays are trying to steal my rights". when a character has already had a "seriously fucked up and IMPRISONED AN ENTIRE CITY POSSIBLY FOR WHAT THEY PERCEIVED AS MONTHS?? out of fear and arrogance" story line and then you have another writer uncritically barreling headlong into "superman should be the earth's benevolent despot" territory out of some misguided self-insert fantasy about being able to magically fix everything that's wrong in the world if only he could shoot laser beams out of his eyes!! and that is the superman you decide to announce is bi...?
it just doesn't sit entirely right with me. clark and damian, two of the only characters jon has any actual relationship with aside from his mom as far as i know, on-page telling him that clark "never did enough" as superman because he had the humility not to presume that he had the power to single-handedly fix all the world's problems? and that jon should feel comfortable going further than that and doing whatever he thinks is right to "be the cure" of the problems rather than merely addressing the symptoms, without even cautioning him to spend time among the people he clearly feels so alienated from? and the narrative painting that as..... good advice? he literally. damian crafts him a fake identity and he tries to go to college to experience being a "normal person" and a school shooter fucks it up for him (that's not me describing it that way, that's literally how it's framed in the comic. the school shooter ruined jon's big day*) and he picks up his jeep and sadly flies to the moon with it and this is the guy who's being encouraged to use all of his infinite wisdom to do. whatever he wants to the planet. because of course he will be absolutely, unquestionably right.
tbh the narrative setup is actually more familiar as that of a villain, and while i don't think that there's anything inherently wrong with queer villains, or queer characters having complicated stories, it does kind of bother me that something that's being capitalized on as a huge, shining beacon of positive representation for the queer community is being handled so clumsily that it's actually hard for me to imagine how they're going to turn it around without someone having to take jon down a peg (also not a great look for your queer superman!). how do you pull him back from this narrow-minded, oblivious, "might makes right" story that taylor is crafting?? so far the only time dick or jon has done anything actually acknowledged as a mistake in nightwing or son of kal-el is when theyve been ~valiantly trying too hard to do the right thing~, and dick... suffered no actual consequences for it (he gained a powerful potential ally, in fact), which doesn't give me a lot of hope for it being a lesson jon learns organically.
(and all of that is without touching on the fact that in son of kal-el #1 damian hands jon "an underground stream called The Truth, which reports what others are afraid to" which. does that remind anyone of anything? is it familiar at all? so that means we're either endorsing "underground news that the mainstream media doesnt want you to know about" uncritically in the year 2021 or superman's first boyfriend is going to turn out to have, at best, some sort of "meg in disney's hercules" situation going on. well played, tom.)
anyway, that's most of my issue, i think. i could nitpick further about how painfully bad, bordering on nonsensical, taylor's writing is, but i think the more important part is the way he's setting himself up as a Woke Issues Writer type of guy when he's not actually doing any of the work, and the concerns i have for what that will mean about jon as a bisexual superman. he's saying the right words and talking about the right issues, but only to prop up his protagonists as being Untouchably Good And Right (which, i can only assume based on his response to criticism about ableism in his writing and the recent backlash to injustice, is also how he sees himself). what that's going to actually lead to in terms of characterization for jon concerns me.
*see also: jon going to jail for protesting for refugee rights, and once he's arrested we.... dont see a refugee again at all, except jay. it's briefly mentioned that they're being released, giving jon the opportunity to protest getting special treatment for having a famous father (need i point out how baffling and performative that sentiment is when he keeps being encouraged to take the fate of the entire planet into his own hands because he's the son of superman) and then we're back to fussing over how brave jon was to get arrested. you know, the one superhuman in the crowd. i just cant with this series.
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