#had to ramble
satari-raine · 6 months
I'm still not used to fully talking on here but I just have to talk for a minute about Sleep Token and Wembley.
They did fantastic. After touring so much this year, doing back-to-back shows, dealing with a band member having to take a leave of absence for most of their final tour, incorporating new changes to their routine and style, and with Vessel having hurt his voice during such a huge show, they did fantastic.
I watched along with Discord. Mostly lurked. And everything I saw from the effects on stage, the fun antics, the performances, the playing - guitars, bass, drums, the dancers, the choir - they did fantastic. And Vessel. I said it in chat that he doesn't need to hurt himself or his voice to earn the love of those who listen to his music, but he kept going. He sang, and pushed through when he had every right in the world to put a stop to the show and focus on his health. He kept on going while also giving to the crowd the chance to carry him through, and seeing everyone - from those on stage with him to the crowd to people in chat and what I saw on here - still loving him, loving them?
They did fucking fantastic, and I dare anyone tell me otherwise. As a community, we should be celebrating them despite any differences of opinion - being kinder and supportive of one another is literally everything they've shown with III's situation and in general. It's what so many of us showed back to them with the hand salutes for III and the marked ? on our hands during specific songs. Their new outfits have fan-made decals to them, for fuck's sake. They are absolutely, without a doubt, genuine about making everyone feel loved.
Look, I'm just a stranger on the internet at the end of the day but this band has come to mean so much to me since I found them, to the point where they've honestly kept me going some days - them and the wonderful people I've met through them - and I just need them to know that they did fantastic, their music still brings people together despite hiccups along the way, and regardless of any of those hiccups, they are so loved. Loved beyond belief.
The night didn't just belong to all of us at Wembley, but to them, too.
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wrathofbloodeye · 2 years
dennis nilsen had a moon in cancer and a venus in scorpio.
moon in cancers are often deeply emotional, especially towards others and are quite nurturing. they search for people who could essentially be soulmates, lifelong companionship rooted in vulnerability.
venus in scorpios have a mysterious, yet seductive aura about them. the love they give and seek is transcendental. they show their love with so much intensity and devotion, it can be intimidating.
i think this explains his fear of abandonment and having an almost nurturing role with the victim’s corpses. but he was unable to really connect with anyone living, due to other components of his life and personality.
knowing this information is honestly sad to me. he could have been a really lovely partner given different circumstances. neither him nor his victims were able to find someone to spend a happy life with in the end.
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djcarnationsblog · 1 year
Selecting and Atsushi
So, remember that SSKK fic I made a while back? Yeah, so I was thinking about it recently and I came to a conclusion:
Being a DJ fits awfully well with Atsushi. Morality-wise.
There’s more to a DJ than just playing songs and hyping up a crowd, although it seems that way from an outsider’s point of view, like I did for Akutagawa. There;s careful consideration of the age group, the type of music to play, what gets the crowd up and dancing, the songs people want to hear, how many times they want to hear it, etc etc.
Being a DJ means a lot of people-pleasing, especially since it is one of those jobs intertwined with the entertainment industry. It’s a whole lot of giving, and not much recieving, unless we’re talking cash and a good night to party.
Atsushi would do really well in a job like selecting. He’s very intentive with details, and very willing to do things for people rather than do things for himself. His own perception of himself aligns with the work ethics of being a DJ.
As a DJ myself, I know what it’s like to have a crowd love you for your talent, praise you for what you can do. It feels like a thank you, or a payment towards all that you do for them, however small. I think that’s something Atsushi doesn’t take for granted, craves for it even. That praise and approval, the ability to let people enjoy their night all because of him.
It would definitely leave a big imprint on him.
Not only that, but it’s easy to identify Atsushi as a good DJ. Not a Bad One.
Not the ones that play their own music how they want, when they want, with no regard for the crowd. Not the ones who are the only ones at the party having fun, while everyone sits idle, not caring for the music that plays. Not even the ones speaking or cheering into the mic every five seconds to the point where you can’t even enjoy the music cause all you hear is talking talking talking.
No, Atsushi’s the good kind of DJ that’s always out for request songs, who works carefully to seamlessly transition between one good song to the next, who runs off out into the crowd and completely abandons his turntable set to coax people into dancing with the really fun music. He’s the good kind of the DJ who makes games to get the crowd excited, who hardly touches the mic unless he really, really needs to.
Atsushi’s the selfless, people-pleasing kind of DJ that DJs are supposed to be.
He’d be flawless at the job.
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tariah23 · 4 months
Oh…. Well, it’s over for Crunchyroll I guess
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cadaverkeys · 6 months
You guys rlly don't realise how much knowledge is still not committed to the internet. I find books all the time with stuff that is impossible to find through a search engine- most people do not put their magnum opus research online for free and the more niche a skill is the less likely you are to have people who will leak those books online. (Nevermind all the books written prior to the internet that have knowledge that is not considered "relevant" enough to digitise).
Whenever people say that we r growing up with all the world's knowledge at our fingertips...it's not necessarily true. Is the amount of knowledge online potentially infinite? Yes. Is it all knowledge? No. You will be surprised at the niche things you can discover at a local archive or library.
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dye-it-rouge-et-noir · 3 months
Hello! I come with some good news! In the EU, a law has been passed restricting generative AIs (particularly ones that pose a high risk). I hope other areas in the world follow suit, but this is huge! It'll take a while to be applied as well, though this is still a major win for everyone.
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adrianfridge · 2 months
Height gap romance except the shorter one is frequently depicted in situations where they are contextually taller. The taller one sitting while the shorter one looms over them. Both of them lying in bed with the taller one’s head pressed to the shorter one’s chest. The shorter one straddling the taller one’s lap and leaning down for a kiss. The taller one on their knees as the shorter one tilts their head up. Please, it makes me go feral
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New concept idea: blackout poetry of the bible but make it as gay as possible (and good omens themed of course)
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fleshdyke · 5 months
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um. insects crustaceans molluscs and small fish in there?
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o0kawaii0o · 1 month
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arr-jim-lad · 6 months
i cant even properly explain how it emotionally affects me when my cat comes up to me for cuddles. small creature walks up to me, a giant, in search of a gentle touch, because he trusts me completely. that is what love is. that is what the universe is built for. i want to cry
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tariah23 · 2 months
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AJ: AA is 50% Apollo trying too hard to sound cool in front of Klavier and 50% Klavier twirling his hair in reaction to it
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moomoorare · 2 years
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
I think something a lot of other people can relate to is the way that you get so conditioned to discomfort that you stop registering it.
I remember sitting at the table with my family, eating dinner as a child. I’d try to eat, because of course I was hungry. But sometimes the flavor or texture was so repugnant that it moved into a category of Not Food.
“Two more bites before you can leave the table.”
“I can’t,” I’d say, trying to explain the impossibility.
But because I was a child they heard, “I won’t,” and made me sit at the table. I’d sit in dull agonized silence, bored and hungry for hours until bedtime when they’d give up. I’d hate myself for not eating and my parents for forcing me to sit there. The few forcefeeding moments ended in vomit.
They’d say, “If you don’t eat this you can’t eat a snack later,” and I moved past trying to communicate my discomfort into accepting that I’d just be hungry.
That state of affairs didn’t last, because my parents realized nothing could force me to eat so they catered to my palate, worrying they’d starve me. But the message stuck. If you can’t do anything about a situation, just accept the suffering.
A few years later my mother called me off the playground to ask, “Are you limping?”
I shrugged. My feet had hurt for a long time, but that was just the way things were now. My mom pulled my socks and shoes off and gasped. The soles of my feet were covered in huge painful planters warts.
“Why didn’t you say anything?!” She demanded but I could only shrug at her. I’d learned a long time ago that saying things about my discomfort didn’t matter, so now I had no words. Sometimes things hurt and sometimes they don’t. I simply accepted and did my best.
Now as an adult trying to learn to improve my own conditions can be hard. If I make food that I can’t eat I’ll force myself to sit at the counter still, full of guilt and self loathing, trying to will myself to eat it.
At first I needed my betrothed to gently take it away to present me with something I could eat. Now on my own I can usually admit that it’s not happening before too long and get something else, but I still feel guilty.
Laying in bed at night waiting for my betrothed to finish getting ready I let out a huge sigh of relief when they turned the lights off.
“Why didn’t you turn them off if they bothered you?” they asked the first time it happened.
“I didn’t even know it was bothering me until it was gone.”
Assessing my physical state now to see if I can improve it is something I’m still relearning but I’m relieved to finally have the space and support to do it.
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sadmages · 9 months
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In my mind palace my tav and Astarion are playing the exact same game of 5D chess and they don't realize it yet
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