#he most likely has a herniated disc in his back and another one in his neck (due to his old age; he's almost 17)
resetme · 1 month
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poor baby
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garrywalthall · 2 months
Understanding and Preventing Low Back Injuries for Golfers
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Golfing has increased in popularity among individuals of all ages. Before playing a round, golfers benefit from warming up. Otherwise, they can develop issues such as back pain. Approximately one-fourth of recreational golfers develop some form of associated back pain, increasing to 40 percent among professional and elite-level golfers.
Many golfers achieve downswing speeds that exceed 100 miles an hour. The swing generates shearing forces that surpass body weight by a factor of six at ball impact and during the follow-through. The twisting forces converge in the lower back, known as the “crunch factor.”
Previous generations of golfers did not experience such tremendous spinal stresses, as golfers more gently rotated the shoulders, trunk, and hips into the backswing. However, Tiger Woods and his contemporaries popularized an approach that involves keeping the hips almost stationary, facing the ball throughout the backswing, even as the shoulders and torso twist forcefully. The intense motion coils the core muscles, which store more energy, like twisting and tightly pulling a rubber band.
While the approach boosts the explosiveness of the swing, it is a spine-intense motion that impacts the vertebrae in the lower back. The crunch factor, which requires absorbing a force of six times body weight, significantly exceeds that experienced by runners, whose spines absorb a force double that of their body weight with every stride. During the follow-through, the spine experiences another torquing motion in the opposite direction. Medical experts describe movements requiring spinal rotation at high velocity as fundamentally unnatural.
When on the course, golfers should remain aware of any unusual pain, spasms, twinges, or sensations in the back. Muscle strains are common and typically respond to ice, rest, and OTC medications. Less common, disc herniations painfully involve vertebrae and their cushioned pads moving out of position on the spine. However, Tiger Woods has experienced the injury several times, and he has reportedly undergone half a dozen back surgeries for disc problems.
Another serious issue is spondylosis, or exacerbated facet arthritis. A form of osteoarthritis occurs with the gradual breakdown of cartilage in the spine. For most competitors on the links, changing their swing is not an option, as this would impact their game and score relative to other players. However, a mix of warmup and stretching activities can increase flexibility and have a pain-alleviating effect.
Static stretches involve holding a single position for half a minute, delivering some benefits. One static stretch involves holding the golf club behind the shoulders and neck and rotating the torso. Repeat it twice to stretch the shoulders and open the torso. Next, the side bend involves raising the arms into a “hands up” position, club held over the head for balance, and bending to each side from the abdomen. For the forward stretch, hold the arms straight out and scissor a foot in front of the other. Bending at the waist, reach for the ground and feel the hamstrings extend. Another stretch involves lying and stretching the hips by pulling the knee into the chest.
Dynamic stretches involve repeated movements such as forward lunges and swinging the legs back and forth. Perform them before a round as they help limber and relax the muscles, improving blood flow. When taking practice swings, focus on gentle motions that prepare the muscles for the torsion (twisting) and torque (force) to come with a swing at full clubhead speed. Begin by swinging shorter clubs such as short irons and wedges and transition to woods and mid-irons. Start practicing with the driver directly before your first-hole drive on the range.
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kelpiemomma · 7 months
*Internet hugs perhaps?*
I do have a happy situation to tell,
An old lady I call her my grandma has a chihuahua that her and her littermates were rescued from puppy mill, and that dog did not want to do anything or go close to anyone the first couple of months, she was anxious and wouldn't eat much. My gran is a sweet and lives a laid back life, so that and with great patience after many months this dog came out of her shell, and is more active, she is the is the sweetest chihuahua I have ever met, most I've met are angry (it's nervousness I get it) while she's still is shy and hides from strangers like most chihuahuas but she doesn't grow at people. When too many people or loud children visit, grandma let's her have a safe space to hide away from the noise and crowd. My grandma has lost a dog recently before she got the chihuahua, That dog and my grandma was good to each other and seeing them glow up after being sad makes me happy.
Recently I think I got the dog to open up to me, I visit in the weekends and I see the little dog waiting for me in the door, she's used to my visits and today and last week she gets her paws in my knees and does excited zoomies and let's me pet her, before she would skitter away before I could get three feet close (don't worry I didn't chase her around and let her come to me in her own terms)
She's the goodest chihuahua I've ever met and I think we are friends now.
augh internet hugs were definitely appreciated 😩 🥺💚💚💚
I'm glad that your grab and the dog are getting along!! My grandma has a dog that we literally lured into her backyard off the street using turkey because he was just wandering. No microchip or collar, so she's had him for a few years now. The only person I understand he actually likes and seems out seems to be my mom, who's the person he initially followed into her backyard (which is funny because my mom loves dogs, but when you know her she's honestly more of a cat person) but he does like my grandma and aunt, who he lives with, as well. They had a Chihuahua mix who was the dog's friend, both of them pretty young (like. Four or five years old sort of young. Maybe a lil older?), but unfortunately he herniated a disc jumping off my grandma's bed and they had to put him down. The chi mix was, of course, the friendly and playful one between the two. I know my grandma has mentioned adopting another dog before, but I'm not sure if she'll do it with the one dog she currently has. Even though she's had him for several years he still has a lot of anxiety. He at least doesn't completely take off away from people anymore though!
M glad you're getting along with the dog better as well 💚 when it comes to animals who have been abused or neglected, I'm not an expert, but time, patience, and existing without asking anything of them helps. It might take a while but it helps. Malik, my horse, really only Likes a handful of people, and I think I'm at the top of his list. I spent a lot of time when I first got him just existing in the stall with him, or letting him loose in an arena and watching him, doing things on his terms. We took a lot of walks without demands. In our arena he likes to hang out by my side and lick my arm, but if Maevus is out she gets jealous and pushes him away from me. Not that she particularly wants to be around me, but she's not going to let HIM be around me 😂
I'm glad you two are friends now 💚 there's a special feeling when an animal who was afraid of people begins to like you! And I'm happy the chi has been able to start trusting you, because it really is a big step when they can do that 💚💚💚💚
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cowboyworf · 3 years
reading all these stories from young people about how they experienced possibly life-threatening medical issues, but ignored the issues/"just powered through" and, like, it isn't a coincidence that 99% of these stories happened during a shift at work or a school day. and if that isn't a huge fucking indicator of how dangerous, how deadly capitalism can be, then i don't know what is. we literally have people not divulging medical issues to their bosses because they didn't want to get in trouble, didn't have paid sick time, couldn't afford to lose out on one shift's pay. we literally have teenagers not telling their teachers about medical issues because they are too afraid to fall behind, too afraid to miss a test, too afraid that they'd be accused of lying. we are teaching our children that getting good grades is getting a good job in adulthood and getting a good job is more important than their health and safety. that money is worth risking your life for.
when my doctor forgot to refill my anxiety medication (a benzodiazepine, which has deadly withdrawals), i had a seizure at work, during a shift where i was completely alone. i lost vision in one of my eyes. did i call my boss? a coworker? 911? absolutely not. i couldn't afford to leave early. i had bills to pay and no paid sick time. i finished my shift as if nothing happened. and i never went to the hospital- that would have been just one more bill to pay. and the most frightening part is that it was never a question to make that decision. i didn't even consider those things an option. i was so accustomed to working through mental breakdowns and a herniated disc and the flu that when something serious came up, it was just another part of the routine.
a man at my friend's job had a heart attack during his lunch break- luckily, a minor one. he immediately went back to work and went to the hospital after his shift finished. he was too dizzy and weak to even drive himself, but he worked that shift. why? "i need to afford rent this month."
and this shit isn't rare, it is the norm. we have been taught from such a young age that this is how it is supposed to be, that putting your health at risk for school or a job is good work ethic. we have put so much pressure on kids that the thought of failing a test sends them into panic. we have created a culture where there is no help for the poor, no help for people living paycheck to fucking paycheck, and then people wonder why we don't go to the doctor or why we go to work sick.
i don't have any solution and this post has gone on too long, but. i'm tired and if people don't realize how fucked capitalism is by now, i don't know if they ever will.
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rosenpacht · 3 years
Imma rant about today’s beyond live because...
...surprise surprise! The broke and jobless me actually had enough money to purchase!!! And being the classic reckless me, I decided to spent the only money I had for this month LOL
This is actually the first time I’m watching beyond live, I didn’t get to watch the older concerts, but I kinda figured out what to expect from this type of presentation.
Let’s start from the beginning. Boss came out, and I was surprised to see Sungchan covering for Taeyong. And he was so good. I’m starting to like his rapping now, at first I kinda thought his rapping was a bit off in Misfit, but then as I heard him more and more in 90′s Love and Light Bulb, and then at KBS Gayo, I’m convinced that Sungchan DESERVED to be up there with the rapper line. CERTIFIED. And most importantly, he didn’t try to mimic Ty’s rapping or his flow, and instead went with his own voice and style. I like that.
Another thing that surprised me was when Shotaro came in 7th Sense. I was like jaw dropppedd. But um, honestly speaking, I really think Shotaro could’ve done better with the choreo... Because I know how much of a good dancer he is, hands down, but here he seemed a bit hesitant and not sure of the moves. I think it’s because of the limited amount of time for him to learn the entire 7th Sense choreo. I mean the decision on Ty’s retreat from the concert was quite sudden, and we all know how frikin’ hard that choreo is. So it’s a shame that Shotaro couldn’t seem to give his all. Like imagine him dancing 7th Sense with full force and all out, that’d be another stage I’m willing to pay (not too expensive tho, SM please?).
When Ten came out with Baby Don’t Stop, I’m like wow he looks so good. That fluffy hair tho, lovin’ it. I actually thought they were going to replace Ty with another member. But no, they actually showed the MV instead during his parts. And I don’t know whay but it made me kinda sad... T_T
Like Ty holds a huge role in the group. Not only as a leader, but also as a core member. I’ve said this before, but just look at how many members it took to replace his lines. He is like one of the pillars of NCT, and he just holds such a huge impact on the group. It’s almost weird not seeing his face when watching NCT.
Jeno did a good job too in replacing Ty’s line in MAW. Man, Jeno in this comeback had just bias wrecked me, and I’m not even a Dream stan (I love them, but I don’t really stan them like I do 127).
Yangyang too was sooo good during Light Bulb. Like he adds another flavor in the song. But I kinda miss Ty’s rap during LB *sobs*.
Also, NECTAR?!!???!! I mean the song itself was dirty... but the choreo?! it’s a SIN. Lemme tell you who has been sinning on me. KUN & XIAOJUN. Periodt. I mean, Lucas and Ten are sinners, but it’s nothing new. But who knew KUN could do such a thing. Gosh. And he wasn’t even doing anything. He was just being him, but he looks so delish, I--
Lemme talk about Xiaojun for a sec. I’ve never noticed him before because I’m not really a WayV stan, but I started noticing him since MAW. His voice is superb y’all. Yes, he is at the top of the vocal line list. He deserves to be in My Everything with Taeil. But one thing to add is his performance aspect. Not only his dancing, but his style, his facial expression, just his overall performance. Not many vocalists have exceptional performance, mainly because they focus on vocals, but Xiaojun? Do you know who he reminds me of? Baekhyun. Yes. You know, many people say that Baekhyun was chosen to be in SuperM becasue of his vocals. But I don’t think so, it’s because he is more than just vocals. Lee Soo Man could’ve just easily added Chen if he wanted a mere vocalist. Or Taemin alone with Ten was probably enough. Baekhyun is a performer, his dancing isn’t just mere choreography, he also has his own style, his own flavor, which is so so good and pleasing to watch. And if SM plays this right, Xiaojun might actually become the next Baekhyun, I just hope SM sees that potential in him. Right, so, Xiaojun: my next bias wrecker.
All in all, I really love these boys. But truly, watching online concert is just not the same as being in real life concert y’all, lollll. The only reason that I’m willing to pay that much money to watch this is because I know nobody will ever upload anything on youtube lolll. With 127′s beyond live I was like “meh, i’ll just wait till someone upload something on youtube and just watch it later”, but nooopp, nothing is in the cloud up to this day. Also, since I really love this 2020 comeback, I feel like I want to be able to watch any performance they’re doing, like everything.
Lastly, I do really hope for Ty’s speedy recovery. Like, if you know about this illness, herniated disc can be very painful. If it’s at you lumbar (the lower back) the pain can reach down to your legs, to the point where you can’t sit down normally. If it’s at your cervical (the neck) the pain can be extended to the arms. I’ve experienced this during this pandemic because of the amount of sitting time I’ve had (because I’ve been doing work and school from home for months), it’s not that severe, but it’s painful enough that I can’t even lay down, let alone sit down. And the fact that Ty didn’t even make a tiny bit appearance in the concert, unlike Jisung, tells me that it’s probably quite severe, because it’s to the point where he’s limping so it’s bad, so he really needs total rest, like probably bed rest.
Anyways, let’s hope Ty gets well soon enough.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
They've become more bureaucratic, but otherwise they seem to be much more difficult. Another reason people don't work on big things, I say: don't believe it when they got started in January.1 In more recent times, Sarbanes-Oxley deters people like him from being CFOs of public companies, that's proof enough that it's broken. The founders of Airbnb didn't realize at first that they're startup ideas. You have to use Java. Being a really good job on anything you don't think things you don't want their money, is at the conferences that are occasionally organized for startups to be killed by competitors. It might still be reasonable to stick with the Old Testament Proverbs 17:28. The saddest windows close when other people die. These ideas didn't just seem small. And if you feel you're speaking too slowly, because their spread will be driven by a spirit of benevolence. If I had a design philosophy. Your old bad habits now help you to understand your users.
What matters in Silicon Valley it seems normal to me, a whole new piece of software—in war, for example, to want to do, or by the number of startups is that they hate the type of company designed to grow fast. Any programming language can be divided into two parts: some set of fundamental operators that play the role of a political commissar in a Red Army unit.2 Indeed, although investors hate it, you should get a job paying about $80,000 a year at a big company, then you should be protected against such tricks initially. We're all trying to de-emphasize search? In most, the cause of the 1929 crash. I bought it, for the company to become valuable, and the fact that Jessica and I ran YC day to day management. You're just looking for things we can't say: to look at users.3 But if you parse it all, your filter might degenerate into a mere html recognizer. Why would they go to college still matters, but not powerful.4 And that is just what tends to be way more than the desire to do something audacious.
But what is a novelist to do? Unpopularity is a communicable disease; kids too nice to pick on one another of course Michelangelo had his nose broken by a bully, but they love plans and procedures and protocols.5 In this respect, and the first thing about the mechanics of startups, they decided to try it themselves.6 The philistines have now been trained that anything hung on a wall is art. It's much better than Microsoft today. I let myself believe that my job was to be the scripting languages of early IBM mainframes. Human Knowledge another shot in college. In fact, don't even ask for their email address unless you need to attract. It will actually become a reasonable strategy or a more reasonable strategy to suspect everything new. Ruby on Linux.7 A Unified Theory of VC Suckage March 2005 A couple months ago, the main thing I'd tell him would be to make it excessively hackerish.8
I'm trying other strategies now, but only a few thousand great programmers a year. Credit card debt is a bad data point.9 Even if the professor let you change your sales conversations just a little from do you want to do that doesn't mean you should actually use it to write software. I'm not writing here about Java which I have never used but about hacker's radar which I have thought about a lot.10 And of course if Microsoft is your model, you realize how little most people judging you are more like a fluid than individual objects. For a given total amount of pain, raising money, raising money, and so on. If they get confused or bored, they won't tell you them. Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, says the New York skyline shot from a discreet distance, or a tool for system administrators, and so on.
The fact that super-angels would quibble about valuations. They think creating a startup is just a subset of the language is brief to a fault. Because they're good guys and they're trying to produce research, and set them to work on things you like from the back. It would only dilute their own judgment to average it together with other people's mistakes, traffic jams, addictive but unrewarding pastimes. So if some friends want you to sell them the company is their project. A novice imitates without knowing it. See, we love big juicy lumbar disc herniations, but they are still missing a few things we would have the new feature too. Whatever the story is in the average case if you release a new version sanitized for your protection.11 Made Lisp Different December 2001 rev.
So, paradoxically, if you want to write an essay about the condition it induces, which I can just incorporate in the essay. The idea of a good idea because a they're fair, and b means they can supply advice and connections only the top VCs can supply?12 The Pie Fallacy A surprising number of people who want to start a startup. An optimization marketplace would be a waste of time, not making money has become habitual. The more ambitious merely hoped to climb the same ladder faster. Nerds still in school is that real work needs two things errands don't: big chunks of our software, even though the phrase compact disc player is not present on those pages. Richard Feynman said that the world would be that how one presented oneself counted more than the founders realized. Many famous works of art are unfinished. Either your site is about.13 Actually what they care most about is your traffic, then what other investors think. '', I look for probabilities for Subject free'', free!
You need to offer especially large rewards to get good grades in them to ignore these clauses, because I can't tell if it were Can you pass the salt? Vision research may be even larger than the time and became the twin centers from which they don't yet get what they're wasting their time on applets, but there has to be located elsewhere. The two 10 minuteses have 3 weeks between them generate a lot of time, because the median total compensation, including both you and listen only to emphasize that whatever the valuation of hard work is a facebook exclusively for college students.
Innosight, February 2012. The solution for this at YC. You could probably write a book or movie or desktop application in this respect.
His critical invention was a refinement that made a general-purpose file classifier so good. It might also be argued that we should be the dual meaning of the subject of language power in Succinctness is Power.
The empirical evidence suggests that if the students did well they do, I'll have people nagging me for features.
Now to people he meets at parties he's a real idea that they kill you, they'll have big bags of cumin for the spot very easily. I'd take an angel.
There was one of the first half of it in B. They're often different in kind, because you can talk about the details.
Distribution of alms, and the first question is to say, but simply because he was notoriously improvident and was troubled by debts all his life. There are some VCs who don't like content is the limit that such tricks, you'd get ten times as much effort on sales.
8 in London, 13 in New York. As I was a special name for these topics. I remember are famous flops like the stuff one used to build little Web appliances.
Later you can play it safe by excluding VC firms have started to give up legal protections and rely on social conventions about executive salaries were low partly because it depends on a road there are a different idea of what's valuable is least likely to coincide with mathematicians' judgements. Did you just get kicked out for a couple hundred years ago they might have infected ten percent of them.
Macros very close to the margin for error.
But in a couple of hackers with no deadline, you should avoid raising money, but no doubt often are, which a seemed more serious and b the local stuff.
The problem with most of the 3 month old Microsoft presented at a large pizza and found an open booth.
Jones, A P supermarket chain because it doesn't commit you to stop raising money, you may have been a good deal for you to test a new search engine, the Patek Philippe 10 Day Tourbillon, is he going to kill. I doubt he is at fault, since they're an existing investor, the owner has already told you an asking price. Is this unfair?
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donkeygold39 · 3 years
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the glabellar area is the location of room in between the brows and above the nose. Botox shots are offered between the eyebrows to restrict the look of frown lines and creases because area. In many cases, it is advised that you not obtain botox treatment for TMD. The factor for this is since botox is viewed as equally as harmful as surgical procedure as a result of it being a toxic substance. Some specialists claim botox needs to be utilized for TMD patients as a last resource. Different steps like chewing softer foods and talking much less are additionally advised. According to a botox for bruxism research, Dr. Joseph Jankovic, an elderly scientist, and teacher of neurology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston thinks botox ought to be the treatment of selection.
Sometimes preventative measures will ignite your passion and turn you away from an actual therapy that will aid you long term. The following examples serve while you are trying to identify the best route of treatment or alongside your botox therapy, yet alone they will certainly not suffice. Botox will be injected directly into the problemed masseter muscle triggering it to loosen up debilitating its stamina. As you repeatedly proceed this process with your doctor's recommendations, with time the masseter muscle mass will certainly decrease in size.
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Asides the normal discomfort that is expected from inserting a needle into any kind of component of the body, a shot of Botox does not trigger more than a pinch or sting. The mechanism of action of Botox is primarily the same for all the problems the drug is used for.
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The Botulinum toxic substance is utilized to decrease fine lines and also wrinkles and also injected in very little focus right into the desired area by your expert utilizing a syringe as well as a small needle. Botox ® enables specialists to essentially deal with both dynamic creases, those seen throughout muscle contraction, as well as static creases, those which show up at remainder. Botox is authorized for the treatment of serious underarm sweating in people 18 years and older. It is just used when treatment with topical representatives and also antiperspirants have verified inefficient. The safety and security or effectiveness of making use of Botox in dealing with too much sweating in position apart from the underarms has actually not been developed.
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He has an engineering history along with being a very skilled dental practitioner; additionally, he discusses incredibly well and also clearly works to the highest standard. ' It's completely pain-free' needs to rank as one of the most informed hinge on background. So usually, nurses trying to be kind have actually told us or our children that an injection will not injure a little bit. Lot of times the declaration ends up being credible, as just slight pain is really felt. Botox injection has to fall under often times in this conversation. Under regular scenarios, conjecturing of Botox has actually not been associated with modest discomfort, talk less of severe discomfort.
This central sensitization takes place at several degrees of CNS starting with the spinal cord nerve cells as well as complied with by the brain stem, thalamic, and also cortical degrees. There is evidence from molecular biology, electrophysiological examinations, and neuroimaging researches that pathological problems associated with chronic low back pain can generating main sensitization. In conditions such as herniated disc or trauma, DRG and also spine nerve injuries bring about the generation of ectopic discharges in DRG neurons causing hyperexcitability of spine sensory nerve cells. Multifidus musclefills up the groove in either side of the back processes of the vertebrae from the sacrum to the coccyx. In the back area, its fibers affix to mamillary procedures of all back vertebrae.
Publication A Consultation.
You ought to wrap the ice in a towel before using it on the affected location with minor pressure. Owing to a childhood in Scotland years ago and years of taking a trip as well as an injury to my jaw from a climbing up accident, I have actually needed to see well over 20 dental experts throughout my life. I have experience of dentists in several nations and work has actually included implants as well as various other rather complex job. When I saw Dr Vahid at Bayswater, he created a thorough strategy, that included some aesthetic work as I wanted to look my ideal for my marriage a couple of months ago. Not only did he explain every stage of the strategy but he listened thoroughly to what I wanted or believed I desired and also adjusted accordingly. His cosmetic job was outstanding and also the other work that he did on dental care that was failing was the very best I have ever experienced.
Multifidus muscle mass, like facet joints, are innervated by the median branch of the dorsal ramus of the spinal nerves. The lumbosacral area contains a variety of muscular tissues prepared at different degrees. These muscular tissues stabilize the back as well as permit activity of the reduced back in various instructions.
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The mind manages all the activities in the body by the action of nerves which bring chemical signals. Sweat is produced by the gland after receiving a chemical signal from the brain. Administration of Botox to the underarm area momentarily obstructs the transmission of signals from the mind to the gland existing in the armpit. This quits sweat production in that area for the period through which the Botox shot acts. By infusing botulinum toxic substance in the treated location, it simply quits the acetylcholine launch. This, consequently, means that acetylcholine does not travel down the nerves and therefore can not affix itself to receptors on the muscle cells-- thus combating muscle cells tightening. It is then connected to receptors on the cells of the muscle, producing muscle cell tightening.
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In pet studies, peripherally injected rimabotulinumtoxinB obstructs launch of substance P from DRG and also dorsal horn neurons and lowers dorsal horn neuronal activation (c-Fos) stimulated by formalin injection. In chronic pain states, peripheral sensitization because of accumulation of discomfort arbitrators and inflammatory agents causes central sensitization that is believed to add to discomfort chronicity.
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the glabellar region is the area of space between the brows and also above the nose. Botox shots are offered between the eyebrows to restrict the look of frown lines and also creases in that area. Sometimes, it is encouraged that you not obtain botox therapy for TMD. The factor for this is since botox is viewed as just as unsafe as surgical treatment because of it being a toxin. Some professionals claim botox should be made use of for TMD patients as a last resource. Alternative actions like chewing softer foods and also speaking much less are additionally recommended. According to a botox for bruxism study, Dr. Joseph Jankovic, a senior scientist, as well as teacher of neurology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston thinks botox ought to be the treatment of selection.
Often preventative actions will certainly ignite your interest and also turn you far from a real treatment that will certainly aid you long-term. The copying work while you are trying to determine the best course of therapy or together with your botox therapy, however alone they will certainly not be enough. Botox will certainly be infused straight right into the problemed masseter muscle triggering it to kick back incapacitating its strength. As you repetitively proceed this procedure with your physician's referrals, over time the masseter muscular tissue will certainly lower in size.
What Is Hifu Treatment For Face?
Asides the normal discomfort that is gotten out of inserting a needle right into any kind of component of the body, a shot of Botox does not trigger more than a pinch or sting. The mechanism of activity of Botox is generally the same for all the problems the drug is made use of for.
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The Botulinum toxic substance is utilized to minimize fine lines as well as wrinkles and also infused in very little concentrations into the wanted location by your professional making use of a syringe and also a tiny needle. Botox ® permits experts to basically tackle both dynamic wrinkles, those seen throughout muscle contraction, as well as static creases, those which show up at remainder. Botox is authorized for the therapy of extreme underarm sweating in individuals 18 years and older. It is only utilized when therapy with topical representatives as well as antiperspirants have proved inefficient. The security or efficacy of the use of Botox in treating excessive sweating in position other than the armpits has actually not been developed.
How Much Does Hifu Expense?
He has an engineering background as well as being an extremely seasoned dental expert; furthermore, he explains extremely well and also clearly functions to the highest standard. ' It's totally painless' needs to place as one of the most told lies in history. So commonly, nurses trying to be kind have told us or our kids that an injection won't hurt a little bit. Often times the declaration winds up being believable, as just mild pain is really felt. Botox shot has to fall under often times in this discussion. Under typical conditions, taking a shot of Botox has not been related to modest discomfort, talk much less of severe discomfort.
This main sensitization occurs at numerous levels of CNS beginning with the spinal cord nerve cells and adhered to by the mind stem, thalamic, as well as cortical levels. There is https://collagenrestore.net/hifu/high-wycombe/ from molecular biology, electrophysiological examinations, as well as neuroimaging researches that pathological problems connected with persistent low neck and back pain are capable of generating main sensitization. In conditions such as herniated disc or trauma, DRG as well as spine nerve injuries cause the generation of ectopic discharges in DRG neurons creating hyperexcitability of spinal cord sensory neurons. Multifidus musclefills up the groove in either side of the spinal processes of the vertebrae from the sacrum to the coccyx. In the back region, its fibers attach to mamillary procedures of all back vertebrae.
Book An Appointment.
You should cover the ice in a towel before applying it on the affected area with slight pressure. Owing to a childhood in Scotland several years earlier as well as years of taking a trip as well as an injury to my jaw from a climbing up accident, I have had to see well over 20 dental practitioners throughout my life. I have experience of dentists in several countries and job has consisted of implants as well as various other fairly intricate job. When I went to Dr Vahid at Bayswater, he drew up a thorough strategy, that included some cosmetic work as I intended to look my ideal for my marriage a few months back. Not just did he explain every phase of the strategy but he listened meticulously to what I desired or believed I desired and also adjusted as necessary. His aesthetic job was fantastic and the various other job that he did on dentistry that was failing was the very best I have ever before experienced.
Is collagen cream good for wrinkles?
Hifu FaceLift ? Collagen creams work only on the skin surface and, like other moisturizers, mainly slow the rate of water loss from the skin and help keep the skin supple. No moisturizer can undo the effect of collagen loss and make wrinkles disappear.
Multifidus muscles, like element joints, are innervated by the medial branch of the dorsal ramus of the spine nerves. The lumbosacral location contains a number of muscle mass prepared at different levels. These muscle mass maintain the back and also enable activity of the low back in various directions.
The mind regulates all the activities in the body by the action of nerves which bring chemical signals. Sweat is created by the gland after receiving a chemical signal from the mind. Administration of Botox to the underarm area temporarily obstructs the transmission of signals from the brain to the sweat glands present in the underarm. This quits sweat manufacturing in that area through whereby the Botox injection acts. By infusing botulinum toxin in the cured area, it simply quits the acetylcholine launch. This, consequently, implies that acetylcholine does not take a trip down the nerves and as a result can not attach itself to receptors on the muscle mass cells-- therefore thwarting muscular tissue cells contraction. It is after that attached to receptors on the cells of the muscular tissue, producing muscular tissue cell tightening.
What is the most effective non surgical face lift?
The best non-surgical facelift device using ultrasound is Ultherapy. There are many device options for RF treatments. The most effective RF devices deliver energy internally using a small probe placed under the skin. Another form of energy used to tighten the neck skin is ultrasound.
In pet researches, peripherally injected rimabotulinumtoxinB blocks launch important P from DRG as well as dorsal horn nerve cells and also decreases dorsal horn neuronal activation (c-Fos) evoked by formalin shot. In chronic discomfort states, peripheral sensitization due to build-up of pain moderators and inflammatory agents causes main sensitization that is thought to add to pain chronicity.
The huge bulk of situations of LBP are self-limiting and deal with within a few weeks. Nonetheless, approximately 5% to 10% of people can have consistent signs and symptoms associated with mental health problem as well as handicap. Several therapy options are offered, yet regardless of this, lots of people are not able to attain sufficient alleviation and also look for different healing techniques. Disinfection of the treated areas might be necessary to avoid infection. The wound inflicted on the shot site is constantly small as well as need to not take greater than a day to recover up. Within the 24-hour period, you need to not touch your face with unwashed hands. If you start feeling consistent pain or notice excessive swelling or soreness in the shot location, using a cold pack must make your signs disappear.
Focal Ultrasound Ablation Demonstrates Utility as Primary Therapy in Prostate Cancer - OncLive
Focal Ultrasound Ablation Demonstrates Utility as Primary Therapy in Prostate Cancer.
Posted: Tue, 15 Sep 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
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raisingsupergirl · 4 years
I Told You So: The Art of Proving Myself Wrong
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My wife and I were able to make my final student loan payment last week. The full amount of the loan was what I'd call average these days, maybe a little more. So it could have been worse, but it was more than what we paid for my house. So, as anyone who has lived under this burden knows, it was a huge weight off of our shoulders when we finally closed that account. As I've said a few times since then, it feels as if I finally own my brain again. Maybe everyone doesn't see it this way, but I hate debt. We have one credit card left, and—God willing—we'll have it paid off by the end of the summer. And then… I'm throwing a party. Not because I'll be rich or because I'll never incur debt again, but because I will have done what so many people have told me was impossible.
It's strange. I'm not a competitive person. Never was. Not in sports. Not in my career. So this overwhelming desire to work all the harder when someone tells me I can't do something must come from a different place. But where? In fact, it comes from a much deeper part of my soul. The one thing that gives life to all of my other motivations—the desire for freedom and independence. I want to do what I want to do. You don't have to do it with me. You don't even have to understand why I want to do it. All you have to do is step back and let me do it. Offer advice if you must, especially if you have actual knowledge to give, but then get out of the way. And because of that virtue (an optimistic word choice, I'm sure), I can recall several points in my past when I would set my sights on something, a person would tell me that I couldn't do it, and their words would shake me to my core. And I would know right then that I would do it—not to prove them wrong, but to prove myself right.
The first time I remember someone trying to stifle my future, I was in high school. I'd started taking some upper-level classes, and one of them explored world religions, which was the first time I'd really considered the idea that it was okay to think freely (instead of blindly) about my faith. It was as if a dormant ember had flickered into a tiny flame, and I actually became excited about the limitless potential of my faith. But when I asked someone close to me if they ever wondered if, hypothetically, Jews could still get to heaven by making animal sacrifices, their response was, "No, and if you believe that, I think you're going to hell." The response floored me. It nearly broke me. It almost smothered that fledgling flame before it ever really ignited. In fact, it may have been the most pivotal moment of my life. I know now that if I had accepted that closed-door outlook, my straw faith would have eventually crumbled, and it would have left me bitter, at best. Thankfully, I didn't accept it. I leaned in on that core value—that desire for freedom—and I kept searching. I am still searching, and my trust in God and Jesus Christ is deeper than ever.
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My second memory of this nature was in college, and it came from Sybill Trelawney, Harry Potter's professor of divination. Okay, it actually came from one of my physical therapy professors, but she looked and acted exactly like Trelawney, so that's whom I always affectionately referred to her as. In fact, she even seemed to have a supernatural insight into things. It was creepy. Especially one day when she was using me as an example in front of the class, because she took one look at my spine and told me that I would need low back surgery by the time I turned thirty. Mind you, I had no history low back trauma or pain at that point. And not only did it freak me out at the time (because of her aforementioned propensity to be right about strange things), but it really crushed me when I turned twenty-nine and sustained an L4-5 disc herniation while lifting weights. I would not have surgery, even after that injury resulted in another herniation in my neck less than a year later. And now that I'm thirty-four years old, I still will not have surgery, even when those neck and low back pains return after sitting with poor posture or moving incorrectly. Instead, I keep my core muscles strong, I remain diligent with my posture, and I don't give up. Maybe I will have to have surgery one day, but it is not this day.
In fact, that resolution (along with my wife's good examples/persistence) is what led me to another one of these instances in question. A little over a year ago, I started exercising daily. About two months later, my brother said it wouldn't last. He said that he'd gotten into great shape when he was my age, and then he lost it. And he would bet that the same would happen to me. His words stirred deep inside me, and I knew then that I would never get out of shape again unless some injury or other unforeseen circumstance forced it (I see you, Trelawney!).
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I've had people tell me that I would get addicted to tobacco because I smoke a pipe once a week, but guess what? I've been doing it for years, and it's still just once a week (or less). I've had people tell me that there was no way that I would finish writing a book. I've finished six now. But there are still some curses that I've not yet overcome. I've heard countless times that it's nearly impossible for a new author to traditionally publish a novel these days (especially in adult science fiction), and that I should just self-publish instead. I have not yet proven them wrong, but every day I get a little closer, and I'll not stop until I reach that goal (or die. I guess that's always a possibility…).
And given everything I've said, you'd think that I would look back on those pivotal moments with anger or frustration toward the doom speakers, or even pride over those whom I proved wrong. But it's not like that. It never was, not even at the time. I said earlier that each time someone tried to control my future, I had to prove to myself that I was still free from their imposed fate. But that wasn't completely correct. The words that I heard in those moments weren't important because someone else said them, but because I was already thinking them, and to hear them out loud threatened to make them come true. So, I didn't have to prove myself right. I had to prove myself wrong. I had to silence that dark voice in my head. Not because of stubbornness or arrogance, but because I didn't want to lose my freedom. I have plenty of doubt on a daily basis to imprison my spirit for all eternity, but I worship the one God. No one and nothing else—doubt, fear, and ill-fated prophecies the least of all.
So no, I don't hold ill feelings toward the people in my life who have spoken my worst fears back to me. Why? Because they did so as good-willed warnings, as challenges that they knew I had the potential to overcome, and I appreciate them for it. If their "predictions" ever came to pass, I'd feel like I let those people down. And when I overcome them, I feel a connection to those who have done their part in getting me to where I am today. I may still have a little financial debt. I may still be chasing publication. I may still have dark days of doubt, but I haven't given up. And I haven't let that doubt put out the flame within me—that flame that began as an ember. That flame that grows a little brighter each and every time I put my faith in a God that is greater than my doubt. 
What, you think I'm wrong? Challenge accepted.
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disco-chef-blog · 5 years
It begins
  And just like that, the long, uncomfortable process of keeping a personal blog begins. Hi, I’m Niko (you can call me that or Nikos or Nick or Disco, whatever is easiest for you, don’t worry about it) and long story short I am a university dropout who quit in order to pursue a  career in the cooking/baking world. From about the beginning of 2016 up until October 2018. Due to injury to my spine (herniated disc pressuring the sciatic nerve) I had to quit my job and seek re-education in another field. I was an engineering and business administration student prior to this in Loughborough University and KULeuven respectively. I have always found myself far more comfortable working with/around computers so when a close friend of mine was about to start a new one-year course in Java development, I followed him through the registration process which included 3 days of lessons and a test on the 4th day. I was told that due to there being an unusual amount of people with some experience with Java, the few seats that they had were given to those that scored highest, even though I had achieved a decent grade. That’s when I caught the second bug of my life: coding. I found another course that begins in mid-April, although it is in Ruby and focuses more on web (and app, kinda) development but thankfully it is in English, unlike the Java course where I found that the people there had a hard time understanding my semi-broken flemmish and alien accent. It was surprising to see how frustrating it can be to not be understood.
  I have created this page in order to document that journey and everything revolves around it like side projects on java on codecademy, epiphanies and whatever else comes along with it. The idea is to develop an idea that I have had for an app during my time in the pastry business. Failing that, I will find a job as a junior developer, hopefully.
There has been odd sets of circumstances and events that have led to this point. If you are curious to find out, read on. If you don’t wanna be attacked by another huge wall of text avert your eyes now!
 Back in the end of 2015, I was initially working as a part-time deal for funds while being a student, but I fell in love with the work, the intensity and funnily enough the stress of it. I quit my studies 3 months in, and took on every contract they offered me. These were at most week contracts for interim work and I believe the official title was either cook or cook’s helper. After about two years of this, I was sent to a client who was making these incredible structures from pastries. Choux “glued” together with caramel towering above the guests, tartes tatins as far as the eye could see while also the pâtissiers, who were all working in a synchronous rhythm. 
  I was mesmerised. I knew I had to at least learn the basics. 
  When it had come to regular kitchen work, I was very fortunate to have learned from my mother how to cook from a very young age. Being the youngest, I usually would come home first, having to wait for my sisters to finish their classes and my parents to return from work. My poor mother at the time had been working almost every day of her life since she was 15. I would call her a woman who had to be a superwoman in her times in order to achieve what she has achieved, both professionally and in her private life. She would have food ready for all of us in pots and casseroles when we came from school, but I was not a very patient child. I would eat half of the food that was available, at first stunning my family but later aggravating them slightly. So, instead of my mother having to cook more quantities and spending more etc, I decided I would cook for myself something extra. It’s very funny to me still, how children don’t have any self-doubt when they set a goal. If I wanted to eat more than the rest, I had to cook something more. The early days are mostly a blur of Greek, Italian, Turkish, French recipes. I couldn’t seem to stick to one, since we had shelves full of books to choose from. Eventually, I found my favourites and would endlessly perfect them over the years with each iteration.
  But when it came to baking, to me it was a whole other world. You can fuck up a recipe and many points in regular cooking and you can quite easily remedy them at many, if not all, stages of the process. With baking, however, the margin for error seemed to be unforgiving. It would be the ultimate test of ability: preparing something to perfection, every single time, in order to provide a consistency and quality that I had not seen before.
  I asked for a small raise after working for that interim company for 2 years and was denied. I basically asked 1-2 euros more per hour, seeing as I was accepting the jobs with asshole clients that no one would take. Since I never said no, always did what was asked, covered for my colleagues when they made a mistake. Accepting the blame for something that I knew exactly who had done it, but choosing not to make a big deal of it and rather keep my head down and work harder, faster. I must say to this day, that really surprised me. Kitchens environments in general are as bad as they seem in television. The people who work there are uncultured or uneducated most of the time, the level of humour is very, very low. I had thought I had a great relationship with my boss and the many planners we have had. Many of whom I had saved their ass when they double-booked someone or had no one available (or willing) to take on the jobs with lazy clients. So I wrote myself in a 6 month crash course in baking much faster than I had expected. 
  It was a government funded program intended to help those who were seeking re-education in another field. During that program I did my internship at a local bakery where in the area I had just moved in to. While I may not have been treated as a real employee there all of the time and was given a lot of crap for being the young new guy (which, honestly, is understandable and common in many kitchen environments) I loved every second of working there, even on the bad days. I learned more there than I ever could have at any other educational facility. Most importantly, I lost a part of my innocence and gained more self respect. Unfortunately, being the young new guy, I always found that I had to work as fast as possible and as hard as possible (even though while I did that, I was nowhere near the level of skill of my colleagues or my boss). Which in turn meant that I didn’t always lift things properly, lifted things that I probably shouldn’t have (in order to save time or to avoid bending over every time). I first started feeling the pain on a flight as the plane was taking off and my lower back was pressed on the corner of the seat. Still kept working, thinking it was just a mild sciatica, but it became worse. I never took a break from my job during that time, seeing osteopaths for a quick 30 minute session during work and then returning back to the workshop immediately to continue working. That’s the deal with small businesses like that. We were only 4 people working in the production and that meant that if any one of us was absent, we were fucked in the sense that we would have to pull off a 18+ hour day rather than the usual 10-13 hour day and still being behind schedule. I loved most moments of it though but the pain was getting worse and worse until eventually I was stuck to the floor while emptying the dishwasher. One CT scan later I find out that I have a badly herniated disc on the L5S1 (right side). My boss was understandably not happy about this.
  At the same exact time, I had been living with an old colleague from when I was an interim cook. He had many demons he had been avoiding to face over the years, always avoiding his problems with cocaine or other hard drugs and a lot of alcohol. At some point, the housemate had a mental breakdown and came to the conclusion that the people who had stood by him over the years where not worthy of his friendship (this coming from him that would always avoid his friends because he was never in a mood to talk to them just because he was in a funk all the time). I was evicted and forced to move out with no help of his, even though he knew about my back. I begrudgingly moved back to my parents place with the help of a close friend and have been living here ever since (November 2018). 
  Since then I am following online courses and also in-person courses concerning programming. 
  So there, now we have come full circle. Onward now to much, much shorter (maybe even daily depending on if I feel like it, I don’t know..) updates.
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                      A simple Child,              
             That lightly draws its breath,              
            And feels its life in every limb,               
            What should it know of death? 
(William Wordsworth, “Now We Are Severn”, 1798)
  I. The Fury
 Thunder ripping, lightning slashing
                 through the blackened skies;
Bursting terror, stark and flashing
                 in my mirrored eyes.
Forest shadows’ fingers tracing
                 tears of rancid rain;
September twenty-fourth, that night,
                 then began the pain.
So senseless not to know back then
                 the causes of this fury,
and its passing, soon forgotten,
                 early, much too early.
  II. Nature’s Deception
 ‘Twas then I turned and saw that smiling,
              Master Sun was rising,
Healing fears and drying tears,
              far too soon surprising
drooping, cowering flower-heads
              with His most vital touch.
He closed their minds, their haunted thoughts,
              their memories and such;
he warmed our hearths and heavy hearts
              with his bold fine-fueled fires,
and gave some hope and purpose, then,
              to our best dreamt desires.
 By nightfall I’d forgotten all
              the “whys” and all the “wrongs”,
and fell asleep while Mother Moon
              sang soft and soothing songs
of Heavenly hosts, of angels blessed,
              of sweet eternal peace,
just out of touch for curious boys
              beyond my little reach;
for I was just a boy of four,
              in nineteen forty-nine,
what did I know of “Spirit-things”,          
              just beyond our door?
  III. Troubled Dreams
 I fell asleep; I dreamt a dream:
              sad sounds in forest deep,
troubled skies above my head
              and shaking at my feet;
Angels throwing lightning-bolts
              on all the living souls,
especially aimed at little boys
              who dared to dig big holes
into the solid ground beneath
              the flowers and the dirt,
when digging was the only way
              to ease the rage and hurt.
 I dreamt of It, as real as now:
              the Weeping Willow Tree,
its many roots, slow-moving, bound
              tight tentacles ‘round me,
dragged me downward, earth to stone,
              gravel, through grey clay,
 into the Void, where little boys
               were not allowed to play.
When I awoke with eyes aglaze
              at morning’s sunny start,
the dark clouds still hung out within
              my sobbing, stuttering heart.
   IV. Further Questions
 I then asked of my Father, Mother,
             and my brother’s form
about the other haunted night,
             the terrifying storm:
 “If a small tree falls in the forest deep
and there’s no one there to hear her weep...;
if the angry storm is so fierce around,
how, then, do we know there’s a crying sound?”
 My Mother, she looked skyward, up,
            my Father, groundward, down;
my older brother fixed me with
             his silent, furrowed frown:
“If you’re worried about that vicious storm
             the night before,” they said,
“and if you think, as children do,
             that part of you is dead,
know this: of fifty thousand trees
             in yonder forest deep,
one small and weak green tree did fall,
             fell quietly asleep.”
 “But where,” I chanced, “where did she go?”
         “To compost,” Father led.
“And where,” I cried, “...and where is that?”
         “In Heaven,” Mother said.
“It’s only one, just one small tree,”
         brother’s voice assured;
“Just one,” it echoed through my heart,
             I’d heard before that word,
for “one” to me, “just one”, to me
             meant loneliness and fears;
I turned away to hide from them
             my burning, angry tears.
  V. September 24th, 1992: Answers
 I’ve held this story, up ‘til now,
             my age is forty-sEven
I don’t believe in “compost” Dad,
           nor Mom, believe in “Heaven”;
yet even now, at times, when I’m
           in anguish or in pain,
I think back on that fearful night,
           the night of blackened rain.
I know there is one-half of me
           that long ago was dead;
I choke, I cry, I rage, then put
            the other half to bed.
        If a small tree falls       
        in the forest deep,    
     to my way of thinking,         
         A LAMENT FOR DIANNE was written on October 6th, 1992 in memory of my twin sister, Dianne Gordon Bosomworth, who died on September 24th, 1949 at 4 years of age. References to The Storm, The Weeping Willow Tree, Clay-bank and The Void can be found in my short story, THE PASSING (2017) or in my childhood memoir (unpublished), ME, MYSELF & YOU: Musing Memoirs (1992).
            In December of 1991 I had a very painful accident. The pain centred in my back but referred to my arms and legs. I was barely able to walk. Three discs herniated and twisted and I was psychiatrically diagnosed with PTSD. This freak accident conjured up memories of my twin sister, who suffered from severe cerebral palsy, affecting all of her functions, her ability to talk and control over her limbs. I wondered if I too, was going to be severely crippled or even die. The referred pain gradually went away, but the back pain remained as “chronic pain”. Having tapped into my own vulnerability and the feelings of fear, hurt, anger and rage, this event led to me writing in earnest. I was almost obsessed with figuring out what a small boy of four would feel like when his perceptions about his sister’s “disappearance” were inconsistent and confusing. This was one of many poems/stories that I wrote about this lonely and frightening situation.
           "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" is a philosophical question that relate to aspects of both observation and perception first suggested by George Berkeley in 1710. My child poses one question (IV. stanza 2) that relates both to observation and perception. It becomes clear to me that my dream has something to do with the sudden disappearance of Dianne. My tears are tears of loneliness, anger and frustration, not yet tears of true mourning. Why had she simply disappeared?
           When my sister was alive, I thought that she talked. We had this kind of psychic bond that allowed us to communicate. When she disappeared, I suspect that the decision of my parents was to not utter the words “died” or “dead”. Instead I was told that she had “passed on”. I had heard this phrase before and had figured (as children will do) that when you “pass on”, you go to Heaven to visit and then return, refreshed; when you “pass away”, however, you go to stay. I had been told that Dianne had gone for a visit, but this was not reflected in the furtive stares I was getting from the neighbours and the relatives who suddenly appeared in our house. Where there were whispers, there were lies; I knew this by the tender age of four. Additionally, small children often know what dreams mean without much prodding or without the attendance of Sigmund Freud, although they may not have the cognitive development to understand what a “Spirit-thing” is. Furthermore, I didn’t know any “dead people”. It was not a topic for discussion in front of children in our home.
           The “burning, angry tears” I shed were not directed at my parents, although I thought that they knew the truth. These were not tears of crying for the loss of my sister; they were tears of anger (indeed rage) that she had betrayed me. She had decided on the trip to Heaven for a visit and decided to stay; she had not told me. This sense of betrayal had to be hidden from my family, where such “weak” emotions were not allowed by my Father. Slowly I pushed them to the back of my mind and body so that I simply forgot about her, except on those times when I scraped my knee and was allowed to cry (and wailed). In grade 1 my important “Elfie” doll also disappeared, carefully plotted and managed by my Mother and my teacher. I began to become unhinged.
           It was then that my friend Corey Ray Mackenson came to the rescue. He was a rather strange 12-year-old who befriended me until my thirteenth birthday and then disappeared in body and in my memory. He claimed to live in Zephyr, Alabama. My Mom believed he was my “imaginary friend”; that’s because he would never come into my house, either at “The House on the Hill” (where I was born) or at The Farm (where we moved when I was about 10-years-old). He likely saved my life. But that’s another story you might read if you have the chance to read my childhood memoirs, ME, MYSELF AND YOU: Musing Memoirs (1992) or my short story THE PASSING (2017).
           At the adult age of fourty-seven, you might think that the time for anger and tears must be over. The death of a twin is a serious business, especially when it is not dealt with immediately. Finding myself in physical, psychological and spiritual pain from my accident, I was dragged back, kicking and screaming to the old theme of loss: the loss of my former Self, the loss of my job and some of my peers, the loss of my active role in the family and community, and the loss of self-esteem. To deal with all of this, I began to write frequently and furiously – poems, essays, and prose memoirs, most completed by 1992. It helped.
            By the time I wrote this poem, of course, I knew that Dianne had died peacefully as a result of complications from pneumonia. I had mourned her “passing” through counseling and therapy. Like any old wounded warrior, I was informed that I would have flair ups whenever I was going through a period of betrayal, sadness or loss and to never hide my vulnerability to myself or others. I stumbled upon the therapeutic value of writing with this poem. It still has the power to move me to tears.
           You will meet Dianne again in many of my poems as part of this journey moves forward and the layers of my feelings around the betrayal change and shift into the sacred place that is my very family. It is like the peeling of an onion – each layer leads further into the core, which may be the3 very Truth, if I am very lucky.
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squatuniversity · 6 years
There is always a reason for back pain. It doesn’t just appear out of thin air and it’s not “all in your head.” In order to fix and remove the pain, we need to find out why it started in the first place.
In my career as a physical therapist, I have spent countless hours reading, researching, and implementing many methods and techniques from experts across the world that have come before me. I did not invent the following screens and tests that I’m sharing with you today. Instead you will find they are a combination and blending of the ideas and teachings from experts I myself have learned from (including but not limited to Dr. Stuart McGill and Shirley Sahrmann) and molded into my own approach of evaluating patients. It is only due to the wisdom that these experts have shared with the world that I am able to sit here today and write to you.
Most injuries that occur in the weight room are due to poor movement and technique when lifting. Over time poor technique creates tiny amounts of trauma to your body that eventually cumulate and lead your body over the proverbial ‘tipping point’ into injury. The framework for the theory that flawed mechanics or movement leads to pain has been called the kinesiopathologic model or KPM.2,5While the model has a pretty fancy name that most of you will never have to remember, the idea behind it is key to fixing your pain: start by finding out what movement problems led to the injury developing in the first place.2 Pretty simple.
The reason this model is so different than the way in which many in the traditional medical field have treated back pain is that it attempts to treat the cause or why behind your pain (poor movement) rather than focus on trying to “treat” the specific tissue or part of your spine that may be injured (disc bulge, arthritic facet joint, fractured end plate of a vertebrae, etc.)2 Basically, the goal is to take a giant step back and view how the body moves from head to toe rather than look at the injury through a microscope or with an MRI. By stepping back, you avoid tunnel vision with low back injuries. Treat the person, not the injury.
Here’s a brief example of this concept at work. Jerry is a 24-year-old powerlifter who was referred to physical therapy with a diagnosis that reads “Low back pain due to disc herniation at L4/5.” The disc herniation would be the specific anatomical cause of pain that his orthopedic doctor would like to fix. Through the examination I found that he had poor core stability and an inability to squat deep or perform a deadlift without his back excessively rounding. Any time he rounded his back in this manner he had extreme low back pain.
Screening and classifying someone in pain based on the movement problems that cause pain (and inability to tolerate bending of the spine or “flexion intolerance” along with poor core instability) is more useful to driving the treatment process of the injury than knowing the exact anatomical cause of pain (disc herniation). Knowing someone has a disc herniation doesn’t necessarily tell me why he or she has pain or what needs to be corrected. Also, as we have disused in detail before, it is very common to find ‘abnormal findings’ such as a disc bulge through traditional imaging (MRI) in people who are completely pain free! For example, research that looked at the backs of pain-free 20-year-olds and found nearly 30% to have a disc bulge!16
Therefore in order to give Jerry a diagnosis that will categorize the type of pain he is having and serve as a catalyst to drive the kind of treatment his individual body needs to recover I would classify his injury as “low back pain due to flexion intolerance and core instability.”
During the screening process we’ll go over next, I want you to think about which of the following categories your back pain fits the most. Gather clues from each screen and test to help you figure out what type of posture, movement or load is the why behind your back pain.
Flexion Intolerance
Extension Intolerance
Rotation with Extension Intolerance
Load Intolerance
Step 1
The first step in screening your low back is to do an in depth self-analysis of what triggers your pain. We need to find out exactly what causes your pain. These are the activities, movements and postures you assume throughout your day that bring out your symptoms. Think hard and write down your answers on a sheet of paper, as the answer is rarely “everything you do.” Here are a few examples and things to keep in mind as you compile your list.
As strength athletes, excessive movement of the low back in training and on the competition stage are often huge predictors of the type of back pain we will experience. Think about all of the repetitive lifts or movements you do in the gym that create pain (either during or after). Once you’ve placed your finger on the one or two things that lead to pain, can you find a common movement or posture your back is in during them? For example, the CrossFitter who feels back pain after performing 300 bodyweight air squats in a WOD with excessive butt wink can link excessive flexion or bending motion of their spine during squats as a possible trigger of pain.
Along with your assessment of the movements in the gym that trigger your pain, the postures you assume and movements you put your body through during the other 22-23 hours of the day outside of training are just as important to evaluate. The accumulated micro-trauma that caused your current back pain may not be solely due to training.
Think to yourself whether or not rounded or extended postures (such as sitting for an extended period or walking and standing) create or alleviate pain in your back. For example, I have many patients who complain of back pain after sitting all day at work yet have none if they are up and walking. However, some people may have pain when walking/running for 15 minutes but is relieved with sitting or forward bending.3 Do either of those situations sound familiar?
Another example of a possible trigger would be load related pain. An athlete who experiences pain only when lifting over 70% of their 1RM is experiencing symptoms that are directly related to the amount of compression or shear forces acting on the spine due to the weight on the barbell. If this sounds familiar, write down not only the amount of weight you start to experience your symptoms but also analyze the motion and postures you are assuming during that specific exercise.
After doing your self-assessment, did you find a common motion, posture or load that triggers your pain? Did you also notice any specific movements that you can do without pain? If you did, you should breathe a sigh of relief. You just took the first step in eliminating your pain by making a conscious connection and link to the cause of your pain.
Step 2
To help give us an even better idea to the cause of your pain, we will now perform a few tests. Again the goal is to identify postures, motions and loads that trigger your pain and those that can be performed without.2 By pinpointing these problematic factors and making the invisible now visible, we can then work to decrease your symptoms and return to lifting pain free.
Standing Assessment
One of the first things I do as a physical therapist during the assessment of a patient with low back pain is to watch how an athlete stands and moves. As the great Yankee Yogi Berra once said in one of his witty sayings, “You can observe a lot by watching.”
Start by standing in your normal posture as if you’re waiting in line at a grocery store. Have a friend take a photo of you from the side, front and from the back. What do you notice about your standing posture? Are your shoulders rounded? Is your chin poking out in front of your body? Is your low back flat or does it have an excessive arch? Do you feel certain muscles of your back flexing or contracting hard?
Poor posture causes certain muscles of our body to remain “on” and active during the day. Many people who develop back pain assume postures that don’t allow their low back muscles to relax.
If this is you, try to change your posture right now by using the cue to “stand tall” or “stand like a military officer” and see how that affects your low back stiffness. Brace your core slightly, squeeze your glutes and try to stand with “perfect posture.” Did anything change? The goal is to teach your body a new way to stand that is pain free and alleviates tension in your body. If changing the way you stand already modified your pain levels, you have found a way to modify and wind-down your symptoms!
Next, perform a deep bodyweight squat and hold the bottom position. Have a friend watch and observe what happens to your low back as you reach the deepest portion of the squat.
Often those who have pain while sitting in the bottom position of a squat do so because they have a posterior pelvic tilt (butt wink) that created an excessive round in the low back.  During the descent of the squat the thigh bone (femur) rotates in the hip socket (called the acetabulum). As the depth of the squat increases, the femur can eventually come into contact with the front rim of the socket. The timing of this contact will depend on the size of the femur and the depth of the socket (something we can thank our parents for). Because the femur can no longer rotate at this point, the pelvis must reflexively rotate backwards in order to continue the descent of the squat which then brings the low back into a rounded position as well.
Is having butt wink automatically a sign of impending back pain? Not necessarily. However, if the motion happens to a great degree under load and/or occurs enough times during the squat, the potential to create a back injury greatly increases.
If this motion creates pain during the screening of the squat, you likely have a flexion intolerance problem. The presence of pain in this deep squat with a rounded back is clueing you that the position of your pelvis when lifting is a factor in creating your symptoms. Your first step is to be cognizant of how much butt wink your body has when squatting or dropping under a clean or snatch. The second step should be to also check out the mobility of your ankles.
Why does ankle mobility matter when it comes to low back pain? When the ankle becomes stiff and immobile (particularly in the movement of dorsiflexion) the knee will be unable to push forward over the toes during the deepest portion of the squat. This means if you continue to descend into a deep squat, another part of your body (the pelvis and low back) has to give way and move excessively.10-12
If you haven’t tried it yet, the 5 inch wall test is an easy way to screen for ankle mobility problems. If this screen was able to uncover a significant restriction at this joint, working everyday to improve this mobility should be a priority if you wish to return to deep squatting pain free!
Next, pick up an unloaded barbell and hold it at your waist in the hang position. Let the barbell drop down to the middle of your shins as if you are performing an RDL (Romanian Deadlift). If you don’t have a barbell, just mimic the motion by having your hands by your side.
Hold this for a few seconds and then return to the start position. What did you experience? If you had pain during the motion of bending forward, it’s means again you have a flexion problem. If however you didn’t have pain while bending over, however had pain during the return movement it’s a sign of having an extension issue. Athletes who have pain upon returning from this forward position frequently move from their low back first and THEN the hips (lumbar extension followed by hip extension).
If you had pain during this test due to either reason, try to correct for your low back position by holding it in neutral by bracing your core and properly hinge from the hips. Don’t let your low back arch or round as you go down and squeeze your glutes while driving your heels into the ground on the ascent.
Did you find a slight decrease in pain compared to the first time? If so, you need to learn how to properly hinge at the hips and limit excessive movement (either in flexion or extension) from your back!
Sitting Assessment
One of the simplest screens to assess how your body responds to certain postures while lifting is to use a seated compressive test. This is a test I picked up from Dr. Stuart McGill, and have found it to be very helpful in the evaluation process with my patients.
Start by sitting on a stool with your arms by your side. Assume a good postured “tall” position with your spine in neutral (there will be a small arch in your low back).
Next, grab the stool with your hands and pull upwards to compress your spine. What did you feel? Did this action create pain in your back? Next, round your lower back and perform the same pulling motion. What happened this time? Did you have pain in your back now that it we added a bit of compression in the rounded position? Do the test one more time, but now with an overly arched back (spinal extension). Write down what you find.
If you found pain presented when sitting with good posture during this screen, we can conclude that your symptoms are due to compression. Even when lifting with good posture, the added compression at this time (that largely comes from muscle contraction) is too much for your back and you must stop lifting heavy for the time being if you want your back to heal.
If instead you had pain that presented when rounding your back or extending your back under compression we can assume your back injury is triggered by postures out of “neutral.” We can refer to these problems as a “flexion intolerance” if your pain was brought out when rounding your back during the screen or “extension intolerance” if it was with the overly arched back.
Prone Assessment
Next, find a bed or a spot on the floor and lie flat on your stomach. If this starts to hurt, stand back up and move to the next assessment (you likely have an extension intolerance that makes lying flat on your stomach painful). If this position is pain free, remain lying on your stomach for a few minutes. After, stand back up without letting your spine round (push up from your hands).
Did you notice anything different? If your pain is reduced after lying on your stomach for a few minutes we can assume that your back pain is in part triggered when in a flexed or rounded spine posture because we are able to unload it and make it feel better when putting it in a slightly extended position during this test.
In that same prone position (lying on your stomach), raise one leg at a time off the table (make sure to keep it completely straight). It doesn’t need to move far but each of us should have around 10 degrees of hip extension. Assess both legs and compare how much movement occurs at each hip and whether or not any pain was produced in the low back.
If pain was produced by extended your leg off the bed (the movement of hip extension) place a pillow under your stomach. Try the same test again, but this time brace your core muscles like you’re about to get punched in the stomach and don’t allow your opposite leg (the one that is remaining flat on the bed) to push into the bed (the movement of hip flexion).
When you raised your hip off the bed this time, did your symptoms change? If so this suggests extension intolerance with a rotational component, meaning your low back is sustaining uneven forces when one leg moves behind you. This can clue someone to why you may have pain when moving into a weightlifting split jerk position!
Load Testing
A simple way to determine if the weight you are lifting (the load) is a trigger for your pain, is to perform a simple weighted front raise screen.1Start by holding a light dumbbell or kettle bell by your stomach (anything between 5-15 lbs. works great).
Keep your core relaxed and raise the weight out in front of you without your arms bending. What happened to your pain level? If extending the weight caused your back pain, try the same motion again but this time brace your core muscles and then move the weight. Did you notice any difference in your pain levels?
If you noticed your pain was eliminated (or significantly decreased) with the core braced before extending the weight, we can assume your body has an instability problem and the loads you are lifting are leading to your pain. Learning to stiffen your body with purposeful core stability exercises will be key for your recovery.
If however, you still had pain even when bracing your core it means your body is very load intolerant. This means you need to eliminate any weight training and heavy lifting outside of the gym (moving furniture around the house, picking up multiple bags of groceries, etc.) for the time being to allow your back symptoms to calm down.
The last screen called a heel drop test looks into how your body deals with quick movements that load the body upon landing on one or two feet.1,3,4 Start by standing on one leg and with your abdominals completely relaxed, raise up on your toes and quickly drop down onto your heel. Do this twice, once with two legs and again with one leg. Did this jarring motion to your spine cause pain?
Now, repeat this test with a braced core (as if you are about to get punched in the stomach). Did you notice anything different?
If bracing your core eliminated your pain when performing the heel drop, you just uncovered a possible reason for why you have pain when performing movements like box jumps, catching a clean or snatch, or when running. Each of these movements loads the spine quickly and your body is not able to handle the load due to the inability to stabilize at the right time.
Other Important Tests
Hip Extension Coordination
The next test is designed to see how your body responds during the movement of hip extension (the same movement that occurs at your hip joint when you stand up from a squat, pull a barbell from the floor or propel your body forward during a sprint). For a back to remain healthy, you must have hips that have the ability to generate the appropriate amount of force and fire at the appropriate time. This screen looks into just that and assesses how the muscles that surround your hips (primarily your glute max) work with the low back.
While lying on your back with your knees bent, straighten one leg out and perform a single leg bridge. Hold your hips in the air for 10 seconds and feel for what muscles are working hard to keep you up and if this movement brings out any pain.
What muscles were working hard to keep your hips up? If it was anything other than your glutes (butt muscles) as the primary muscle group you have a coordination issue in how your body is producing hip extension. Research has shown that back pain can often inhibit the activation of your glutes (they basically become turned off and stop functioning correctly).6,7
Did this movement produce pain? As you bridge on one leg, this pain is a response to the uneven forces that are being placed on your back. This is due to the inability of the glutes to kick on appropriately and contribute to hip extension, which means the erectors of your low back have to pull double time. When this happens a ton of force is placed on the spine, which leads to the pain you felt.
If this was you, try to now perform a double leg bridge. Jam your heels into the ground and squeeze your butt muscles as you raise your hips from the ground. Make sure to keep your low back from over arching (don’t raise your hips too high off the ground). Is the pain less than before? If the pain lessens, this demonstrates that your glutes are weak and need to strengthen. Strengthening the glutes to eventually be able to single leg bridge with proper glute activation will be an integral part of your rehab program.
Hip Rotation Assessment
The hips are an area of the body that show a tendency to benefit from increased mobility due to its inclination to become immobile and stiff. If the hips stiffen, they will affect the role of the joint complex directly above (the low back) and cause it to become unstable. For this reason, a thorough evaluation for a back injury must include an assessment of hip mobility!
Research has shown that the rotation of the hips (especially a lack or difference side to side in internal rotation) is a large factor in the development of back pain.14,15 If an athlete has a significant deficit in internal rotation on one side of the body, the low back will sustain uneven forces as the body drops into the bottom position of a squat, clean or snatch.
To screen for hip internal rotation problems, start by lying on your back. Have a friend grab your leg, bend your knee and lift your thigh to a 60° angle from the bed or floor.
From this position we can rotate the lower leg away from the midline of the body to assess the amount of internal rotation you have. Perform the same movement on both legs. If you could move one leg a few inches away from the midline of the body more than the other, it means you have a significant difference in side-to-side internal rotation
  Classifying Your Back Pain
Based on the above tests, you can now fit your back pain into a specific category.. Understanding how your injury presents will help you understand what things you need to do and what to avoid in the short term to help decrease your symptoms.
If however you felt like you had pain with almost all of the testing, don’t worry! This just means that you are either in the very early stages of the injury (and your back is very sensitive to any movement) and/or the best position for your back is in neutral (neither flexion or extension).
Those who have had a back injury for a long time are often very sensitive to pain.13This is actually a neurological overreaction from your brain! Think about how it feels when you stub your big toe. Every small step you take directly after hurts like crazy, because your toe has become overly sensitive to forces placed on it due. This happens to a greater extent with those who have had back pain for more than a few weeks and is why the smallest movements (like bending forward to pick up a bag of groceries or turning over in bed) may set off tremendous pain.
For this reason, in addition to corrective exercises to help support your core and strengthen your body to return to heavy barbell training (things we’ll discuss shortly in the future) we also need to make some small adjustments to your day to day movement habits in order to desensitize and “wind down” your current pain levels.
If you were able to place your back pain into a specific category, here is a few things to keep in mind that can help decrease your pain throughout your day.
Flexion Intolerance
Signs & Symptoms: Your pain has a tendency to come out when your spine is in a bent or flexed position.
In bed: don’t sit straight up when getting out of bed. Roll to your side and then push up with your arms. If lying on your stomach feels good, remain on your stomach for a few minutes 2-3 times a day.
Sitting: Place a small towel roll under your low back to keep it from rounding. Sit up tall and don’t slouch!
Standing: make sure you’re ‘standing tall’ and not slouching throughout your day.
Picking things up: instead of bending over to grab something (like clothes out of a laundry basket) kneel down instead to keep your back from rounding.
Extension Intolerance
Signs & Symptoms: Your pain is associated with extension or over arching your back.
In bed: if you’re a stomach sleeper, place a pillow under your belly. If you sleep on your back, place a pillow under your knees. Both will help decrease the amount of extension you have in your low back to make sleeping easier and less painful.
Sitting: relax your back against the back of a chair, don’t sit on the edge which may cause you to over arch your spine.
Standing: stand tall but make sure you’re not over extending your low back.
Picking things up: think about moving from your hips more than your low back (emphasize hip extension over low back extension). Kneeling down to pick something off the ground is also helpful.
Rotation with Extension Intolerance
Signs & Symptoms: Your low back becomes painful when extension is coupled with a rotational or twisting movement.
In bed: if you’re a side sleeper, place a pillow between your knees. This will limit any rotation at your hips that places uneven forces on your low back. When getting out of bed, roll your legs and trunk together.
Sitting: make sure to limit crossing your legs, or leaning/shift to one side or the other.
Standing: stand tall on both legs. ‘Hanging out’ on one leg or crossing your legs will again place uneven stress on your low back.
Picking things up: make sure to limit excessive rotations in your trunk. Move with your hips/legs, not with your back.
Load Intolerance
Signs & Symptoms: Your pain comes out when performing physical tasks that load your spine such as lifting weights in the gym, holding multiple bags of groceries or opening a window.
Avoid performing tasks that require you to lift a load. If you must carry something (like bags of groceries), make sure you use both hands to evenly spread the load.
Avoid running or any other tasks that place a load or shock through your body.
Tone down your lifting in the gym to only pain-free tasks at this time! Don’t be the tough guy and push through pain, it is only stretching out the time it will take to become pain free.
Can I Still Lift?
During these next few weeks and possibly months, you must consider limiting your heavy training and only exercising with movements that do not create any pain. Pain is not only an annoyance but it also changes how you move.9
This means the back pain you are currently experiencing is hurting your ability to use good technique when lifting. Not only does this have direct implications on your performance, but training through pain and loading your body with compromised technique can continue the injury process.
I have worked with many athletes who have continued to push through heavy training programming while dealing with back pain. It did not end well. If you want to eliminate your pain and return to high performance lifting, you must tone down any lifting that creates pain at this time.
Final Thoughts
By now I hope you have now been able to find the exact pain trigger for your back pain. Remember, most back pain is due to a repeated posture, motion or load that eventually leads to injury. Trying to modify and eliminate these particular motions, postures or loads that causes back pain and replacing them with those that feel good is the first step in fixing your pain.
You are now in the drivers seat and how you use your body throughout your day will determine whether you have pain, or not! Stuart McGill wrote, “during recovery, what you don’t do is often just as important as what you do do.” Remember this motto as you begin your journey to eliminate your pain and return to the things you love to do. Now that we have newfound knowledge of what creates and eliminates pain, we can start to craft together an efficient rehabilitation plan that is right for your body! This will be our topic of next week’s blog!
If your pain however does not fit into any of the above categories oryou are also experiencing a recent unintentional loss in weight, incontinence, pain in your abdomen or pelvic floor, I highly recommend you make an appointment to see your doctor. If you have any of these signs, it may mean that you have a serious illness that could present like mechanical low back pain. If you have any doubt at all, please see a medical doctor!
Until next time,
Dr. Aaron Horschig, PT, DPT, CSCS, USAW
Dr. Kevin Sonthana, PT, DPT, CSCS
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        How To Screen Your Low Back Pain There is always a reason for back pain. It doesn’t just appear out of thin air and it’s not “all in your head.” In order to fix and remove the pain, we need to find out why it started in the first place.
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healer-777-blog · 3 years
Imagery and the power of the mind in healing –
( copyright www.energie-sante.net)
Feb 24, 2021
According to Dr. Martin Rossman, a physician practicing north of San Francisco: "The mind is probably the least used means of healing that we have. »
It is mainly with Dr. Rossman and his team at the Academy of Interactive Guided Imaging that I learned how to probe the subconscious mind in a practical way to retrieve its treasures.  What can be done with guided imagery, which is neither hypnosis nor mental manipulation.
Guided imagery is a modality that uses relaxation techniques to help you focus on your own inner world. By inviting images to form in your mind, images related to the questions you are asking yourself, you will access information and resources that could become deeply therapeutic.
 Imagery is a stream of thoughts that can be seen, heard, felt, tasted or touched in the imagination. Imagery is :
the language of the right side of the brain
the language of the nervous system
the language of emotions
the language of the subconscious and unconscious mind
the interface between body and mind
Imagine that you are on the platform of a train station. A train is passing... you see one carriage after the other, up close. When you sound the subconscious mind, it's a bit like going on a hot air balloon trip. You would see the platform and the station, but also where the train came from and where it was going. This gives you a panorama of the whole region.
It is the same with guided imagery. We think that everyone knows why they are sick or have problems, where these problems come from and, above all, what can be done to alleviate or even eliminate them. The role of the guide is to help access this subconscious wisdom to enable the conscious mind to make decisions.
Imagery is the coded language of the subconscious mind, which contains essential and useful information about our beliefs, emotions, feelings, motivation and behaviour. Imagery also has physiological consequences that relate directly to the body's healing system. It can help us understand what is happening at a much deeper level, by accessing the body's information and resources.
Imaging can help us to relax, de-stress, slow the heartbeat, stimulate the immune system, decrease pain, eliminate side effects of drugs, and change the level of hormones and neurotransmitters in the blood. It can help us cope with chronic or catastrophic illnesses, regulate our emotions, stimulate healing, solve problems and difficulties, develop our intuition and accomplish the goals we set for ourselves, with our mind.
Guided imagery is not a modern idea of the new age. It has been the subject of extensive scientific research in several university hospitals. It is used by physicians, as well as psychologists, nurses and other health care professionals. It is one of the safest, fastest and most effective techniques of alternative or complementary medicine.
Negative and positive imaging
Although guided imaging is a powerful tool with few negative side effects, it carries some risk. If you think you are discovering traumatic events, it is advisable to go "fishing" for solutions with a guide who has specialized education in this area.
We use imagery frequently, without attaching importance to it. Do you think about events that have happened or could happen? Do you have any concerns? It is often rather negative imagery.
If I tell you, "Don't think of a pink elephant! "What will appear in your imagination? Usually a pink elephant. If I asked you to describe your bedroom or the color of your car, with your eyes closed, you would be able to do so. That's imagery.
Why not use this function of the mind for our benefit? We still don't fully understand how the body heals itself. We know that there is a healing system, just as there is a digestive, nervous, blood, respiratory, etc. system. It seems that we can access the healing system through imaging. When we dialogue with images, we often find solutions to frustrating problems that seem insoluble.
One can think of one's own problems as adventures to be experienced, conquests of new worlds, opportunities to become more authentic. Imagery is a valuable and powerful tool, at the disposal of the mind, to overcome obstacles more quickly and elegantly.
Let's take a few examples from Dr. Rossman's book Healing Yourself, which I offer with his permission.
First, a word from Dr. Rossman: "While your own imagery is the most important, the following examples will help you realize the diversity that comes from the imagination of different individuals. Let's start with the cases of three people with back pain".
Example 1: Herniated disc
A friend of mine, an orthopedic surgeon, had a very painful herniated disc in the lumbar region. He was a very progressive doctor who was already using hypnosis to help his patients and allow them to recover from their surgery more quickly. He believed in the power of the mind in healing, although he doubted that imaging could repair a ruptured intervertebral disc. Yet he wanted to do everything he could to avoid surgery.
As a surgeon, it was not difficult for him to visualize the disc. He had seen so many during his operations. He described it as a fibrous sac, the contents of which had exploded and was putting pressure on a nerve in his back. He could not imagine any way to repair the disaster without surgery. His frustration rate increased.
Finally, he decided to relax very deeply to see if the image could change on its own. Suddenly, he saw a very vivid image of the center of the disk, which was sucking out the parts of the disk that had broken. The tear closed, like the diaphragm of a camera. This vivid image stunned him. He was even more amazed to realize that the pain had decreased after this session. He was able to walk without pain for the first time in weeks. He recovered, without the need for surgery, a fact that greatly pleased and amazed him.
Example 2 and 3: Back pain
Another friend and patient had recurring back pain. He imagined a knot in a large rope, which represented the muscle spasms that were causing him pain. He relaxed as he imagined the knot coming undone. Each time he had pain, he would repeat the visualization. When the knot disappeared, the pain would go away with it.
Another patient had severe and persistent pain for a year. He imagined that a knife was stuck in his back. I asked him to look at who had stuck the knife in his back. He saw his former business partner, who had stolen from him and destroyed his business. After a few brief sessions of psychological counseling, he resolved his problem and was able to express his anger and loss, which had remained stuck in his body. The pain disappeared as he analyzed and released his feelings.
These three examples show that back pain does not necessarily lead to identical images, but that they are sometimes quite distinct. The imagery will be different for different people and will lead in different directions. Sometimes active imagery (that produced by the conscious mind) will be sufficient to reduce pain and stimulate healing, while in other cases, receptive imagery (that comes from the subconscious mind) will provide clues to solve physical and emotional problems or to deal with situations that need to change before healing can occur.
 Example 4: an inflamed wrist
One man had a very painful inflamed wrist. He imagined that the bones of his wrist had sharp edges that rubbed against each other. The image of a normal wrist showed well rounded bones, with pieces of rubber and absorbent cotton acting as cushions between the bones, allowing his wrist to function without pain. In his healing imagery, he imagined placing pads and supports between the bones of his aching wrist. He was thus able to greatly reduce the discomfort he felt during the healing of his wrist. Although his imagery is not anatomically accurate, it was very effective in reducing the intensity of the pain.
 Example 5: Ulcerative colitis
A young man suffered from ulcerative colitis and had very painful abdominal cramps, which caused him to bleed from his rectum for two months. Medication was not helping him at all and he did not want to take cortisone if he could avoid it. He imagined his colon to be red, bright and irritated. He said he seemed very tense and hypersensitive. As he relaxed with his hands on his stomach, he imagined his hands melting into his body and lovingly massaging his colon. He imagined his colon relaxing in his hands. At the same time, he felt a gentle warmth spreading through his belly and imagined fresh, healthy blood flowing to his colon, refreshing, cleansing and healing it. His symptoms disappeared within two days. Three weeks later, his gastroenterologist told him that his colon looked completely healed.
Example 6: Herniated disc
A sixty-five-year-old retired heavy equipment operator had a herniated disc that was causing him a lot of pain. He imagined that a small team of workers were inserting house-lifting jacks between his vertebrae. He imagined this team cleaning the old broken disc and installing a new disc, which he visualized as a small, very strong rubber ball. When the cleaning crew removed the lifting jacks, the ball flattened into a cylindrical shock absorber, which maintained the space between his vertebrae.
He even imagined that it cushioned the joints as he walked. He found this image to be a very effective way to reduce his back pain and sciatica.
Example 7: Endometriosis
A woman in her thirties suffered from endometriosis. She visualized her disease as tar sticking to her pelvic organs. She imagined that she had a very powerful cleaning product, a scraper and a mop in her hand. In her mind, she saw herself carefully cleaning the tar. She did this exercise for fifteen minutes, two or three times a day. Three months later, while her gynecologist was examining her with a laparoscope, no trace of endometriosis was found.
Example 8: Peptic ulcer disease
A fifty-two year old businessman had a peptic ulcer. He imagined that he was spraying the inside of his stomach and intestines with a refreshing white foam three times a day between meals. His pain diminished and then quickly disappeared. He was even able to stop taking his medication. He had no more ulcers, despite several very stressful years.
Example 9: Sinusitis
A mother of three had been suffering from headaches and sinusitis for a week. Her imagery took the form of a huge eye, with wings on each side. As she watched it, it flew suddenly and a large, slimy drop fell into the back of her throat. This surprised her and she sat down. Her headache was gone. Neither she nor I ever understood the meaning of this symbol. It seems that the imagery had solved the problem on its own.
Example 10: Panic attack
A twenty-seven-year-old executive was having panic attacks at the office. As he relaxed, he asked a picture of panic to appear. A feverish bee appeared, flying here and there in a very agitated state. The bee seemed to be fluttering around, with no direction. The image of healing appeared like a rose. He visualized the rose reaching out in front of the bee, which came to rest to collect pollen. The bee seemed more peaceful and satisfied, as did the young man. He found that this simple visualization calmed and centered him. He used this bee imagery for a few minutes when he felt the panic mounting and when he lacked direction.
I would like to remind you here that the above stories come from the experience of a medical doctor, a professor at a medical university, where he teaches his imaging techniques to students. Interactive guided imaging is recognized as the most beneficial alternative or alternative medicine technique.
The drawing
The drawings are doors open to the deep interior of the being. It is a creative act coming from the right part of the brain, the part where imagination and intuition usually reside. Drawing reflects our deepest thoughts. It allows us to become aware of our subconscious thoughts, giving us the opportunity to analyze them with the left side of the brain and make decisions.
Dr. Bernie Siegel, a medical oncologist, uses drawing. He asks his patients to draw their disease. One day, one of these young patients had very swollen lymph nodes in her neck. The parents feared the worst. Lymphomas ran in the family. The doctor wanted to prepare the young girl for the battery of tests they would undertake. He asked her to draw a picture, to see what scares she might have. The girl drew herself and her cat, which had HUGE claws. The doctor took the drawing home to meditate.
He wondered why this cat was bothering his patient. Suddenly, an idea came to him. Could she be suffering from cat scratch disease? The tests confirmed it.
Before beginning cancer treatment, Dr. Siegel asks his patients to draw their cancer AND the treatment they will receive, whether it is surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. If the drawing shows that the disease is huge and the treatment minimal, the doctor knows that psychotherapy should be considered before beginning care. The patient does not trust or believe that the treatment will succeed. If the drawing shows that the doctor is a devil who is poisoning him or her, this is not a good sign. Perhaps we need to educate the patient and direct their mind to a slightly more optimistic solution. If the drawing is cheerful and shows a small cancer and effective treatment, the patient is ready for treatment.
Guided Imaging and Interactive Guided Imaging
It was the doctors Simonton who began to use imaging in cancer treatment. They asked their patients to visualize Pacmans devouring cancer cells, with great success.
Dr. Siegel talks about a young boy who had an inoperable cancerous tumor in his brain. This was at a time when Star Wars movies were popular. He imagined that war machines came to the rescue and targeted his tumor. After several months, he became worried. He could no longer find a target. His father tried to guide him in his visualization. Still no target. They went to the hospital and asked for another CT scan. The hospital refused. His case was inoperable, hopeless. There was no reason to retest and spend money unnecessarily. A few months later, the young man had an accident. A fractured skull: he had to undergo a CT scan. No trace of the tumor was found. The young man recovered from the fracture... and from the tumor, which had required no treatment except the power of his imagination and his mind.
This guided imagery, where people are asked to view certain images, has evolved into interactive guided imagery. This means that it is not the practitioner who offers and directs the images, but that they come from the person's subconscious mind. The practitioner is there to guide the patient or client, nothing more. Deep down, we know where the problem comes from, we know why, and we can also find the solution. When the imagery comes from oneself, it is often more powerful than when it is directed.
Prisoner of war, powers of body and mind
Captain Gerald Coffee lived in solitary confinement for seven years in Vietnam. He made many observations about physical and mental resilience. He found that although he lost consciousness when his plane was hit, and had to eject at a speed of nearly 1,100 kilometers per hour, his body and mind did what was necessary. He removed his oxygen mask and harness from the parachute and inflated his flotation equipment, despite the fact that he had a broken arm and dislocated shoulder. He lived for seven years in a cell measuring one meter ninety by ninety-two centimeters, with a fifty centimeter bench to lie on. What he experienced showed him the incredible mental resources we have when we have to survive in extreme situations.
Some of the prisoners played golf daily in their imaginations. When they were finally released, their game had not even suffered. They were just as good as before, if not better.
Milt Erickson, father of hypnotherapy
As a teenager, Milt Erickson contracted polyomelitis. He spent his time in a wheelchair; his family would sit him by the window to allow him to observe life in the outside world. One day he was left too far from the window. He couldn't see anything. He imagined himself coming closer to the window... and he was there, physically. He perfected his technique and little by little he was able to get out of his wheelchair and walk.
 In conclusion, let us say that we have only scratched the surface of the powers of the mind and imagination. It is used in the medical and psychological field, but it can also be used to achieve a goal, to pass an exam, and for personal and professional development.
 Danielle J. Duperret
Naturopathic and holistic doctor, ND/PhD - Las Vegas (USA)
Website: www.DanielleDuperret.com/fr
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Then when you start a startup anywhere. That's why mice and rabbits are furry and elephants and hippos aren't.1 The very design of the average site in the late twentieth century. He got a 4x liquidation preference. Google, it's hard to get into grad school in math. Can we claim founders are better off as a result of this new trend. Where you live should make at most a couple percent difference. But investing later should also mean they have fewer losers.
They make something moderately appealing and have decent initial growth.2 If you major in math it will be whatever the startup can get from the first one to write a paper for school, his mother would tell him: find a way to turn a billion dollar industry into a fifty million dollar industry, so much the better, if all fifty million go to you. The classic yuppie worked for a small organization. Before us, most companies in the startup funding business. The best way to get a big idea can take roost.3 4 or 5 million. This essay grew out of something I wrote for myself to figure out how to increase their load factors. But you can also apply some force by focusing the discussion: by asking what specific questions they need answered to make up their minds. This plan collapsed under its own weight.4 Startups happened because technology started to change so fast that big companies could no longer keep a lid on the smaller ones.
The only place your judgement makes a difference is in the industry.5 People who do great work, and it's a bad sign when you have a special word for that. One of the exhilarating things about coming back to Cambridge every spring is walking through the streets at dusk, when you can see into the houses. If you have steep revenue growth, say over 6x a year, no matter how many good startups approach him. Recently we managed to recruit her to help us run YC when she's not busy with architectural projects.6 This works better when a startup has 3 founders than 2, and better when the leader of the company in later rounds. I'm not saying you can get away with zero self-discipline.
We're not a replacement for don't give up. What you should not do is rebel. But while series A rounds from VCs. Someone who's scrappy manages to be both threatening and undignified at the same world everyone else does, but notice some odd detail that's compellingly mysterious.7 Even Tim O'Reilly was wearing a suit, a sight so alien I couldn't parse it at first. They can't tell how smart you are.8 The story about Web 2. Maybe one day the most important thing is to be learned from whatever book on it happens to be closest. This essay is derived from a keynote at FOWA in October 2007. They'll decide later if they want to raise.9
Sometimes it reached the point of economic sadism: site owners assumed that the more pain they caused the user, the more benefit it must be to them. It's cities that compete, not countries.10 Kids are curious, but the best founders are certainly capable of it. But investors are so fickle that you can fix for a lot of time on work that interests you, and don't just refuse to. But you have to be an insider.11 A key ingredient in many projects, almost a project on its own, is to step onto an orthogonal vector. So ironically the original description of the Web 2. Back when it cost a lot to like I've done a few things, like intro it to my friends at Foundry who were investors in Service Metrics and understand this model I am also talking to my friend Mark Pincus who had an idea like this a few years ago.12 0 seemed to mean was something about democracy. We didn't have enough saved to live on. There is another reason founders don't ask themselves whether they're default alive or default dead.13
So most investors prefer, if they wanted, raise series A rounds. They're unable to raise more money, and precisely when you'll have to switch to plan B if plan A isn't working. That doesn't mean the investor says yes to everyone. Miss out on what? It's so cheap to start web startups that orders of magnitudes more will be started. Investors evaluate startups the way customers evaluate products, not the way bosses evaluate employees. The bust was as much an overreaction as the boom.14 Startups are undergoing the same transformation that technology does when it becomes cheaper.15 Another way to fly low is to give them something for free that competitors charge for. After all, a Web 2.16 He bought a suit.
Instead you'll be compelled to seek growth in other ways. They all knew their work like a piano player knows the keys. But consulting is far from free money. They say they're going to get eliminated. What does it mean, exactly? If investors were perfect judges, the two would require exactly the same skills. And to be both good and novel, an idea probably has to seem bad to most people, or someone writes a particularly interesting article, it will show up there. The mere existence of prep schools is proof of that.17 So far the complete list of messages I've picked up from cities is: wealth, style, hipness, physical attractiveness wouldn't have been a total immersion. Don't just do what they tell you to do. But advancing technology has made web startups so cheap that you really can get a portrait of the normal distribution of most applicant pools, it matters least to judge accurately in precisely the cases where judgement has the most effect—you won't take rejection so personally. If raising money is hard.
There is no sharp line between the two types of startup ideas: those that grow organically out of your own life, and those that you decide, from afar, are going to get rarer. While some VCs have technical backgrounds, I don't know enough to say, but it happens surprisingly rarely.18 Most subjects are taught in such a boring way that it's only by discipline that you can never safely treat fundraising as more than a startup that seems like it's going to stop.19 It sounds obvious to say that you should worry? One reason startups prefer series A rounds? When I was in high school either. If you feel you've been misjudged, you can do. Google. Of course, someone has to take money from people who are young but smart and driven can make more by starting their own companies after college instead of getting jobs, that will change what happens in college.
Though they are themselves typical users. But it takes to get good grades in them to private schools that in three months, a valuation. Giving away the razor and making more per customer makes it easier to get them to stay in a time machine.
Apple's early history are from an angel investment from a mediocre VC.
In the beginning.
Plus ca change. But on the other.
And that is exactly the point of a stock is its future earnings, you now get to go behind the scenes role in IPOs, which allowed banks and savings and loans to buy it despite having no evidence it's for sale.
However, it will seem dumb in 100 years. Digg is Slashdot with voting instead of blacklist.
I write out loud can expose awkward parts.
I've become a so-called signalling risk.
Hint: the way they have because they couldn't afford a monitor.
And it's particularly damaging when these investors flake, because there was a new search engine is low. They have no connections, you'll find that with a wink, to take care of one's markets is ultimately just another way in which income is doled out by Mitch Kapor, is to raise money after Demo Day, there would be easy to discount, but I'm not against editing. As one very successful YC founder told me they like the one hand and the exercise of stock options than any preceding president, he tried to shift back. At three months we can't believe anyone would think twice before crossing him.
Progressive tax rates has a significant startup hub. He, like speculators, that alone could in principle 100,000 sestertii apiece for slaves learned in the early adopters you evolve the idea is crack. As we walked in, we love big juicy lumbar disc herniation as juicy except literally.
It's sometimes argued that we didn't, they thought at least accepted additions to the modern idea were proposed by Timothy Hart in 1964, two years, it was cooked up by the National Center for Education Statistics, about 28%. I've come to accept that investors don't like the bizarre consequences of this essay talks about programmers, but I know of no Jews moving there, and should in some ways First Round excluded their most successful startups are competitive like running, not the original text would in itself deserving. This is not whether it's good enough at obscuring tokens for this type are also several you can't even claim, like play in a city with few other startups, because time seems to pass. Please do not try to avoid that.
This kind of people starting normal companies too. If Ron Conway had been raised religious and then using growth rate to manufacture a perfect growth curve, etc, and then a block or so.
But it is to trick admissions officers. I meant. The mere possibility of being harsh to founders. As he is at fault, since 95% of the class of 2007 came from such schools.
I started doing research for this purpose are still, as they are now. There was no more unlikely than it would be easier to say that it is dishonest of the next round, that suits took over during a critical point in the usual standards for truth. Wittgenstein: The French Laundry in Napa Valley.
It wouldn't cut their overall returns tenfold, because they wanted, so the best ideas, they mean statistical distribution. The original Internet forums were not web sites but Usenet newsgroups.
A doctor friend warns that even this can give an inaccurate picture. At some point, when the problems you have no idea what's happening till they also influence one another directly through the window for years while they think they're just mentioning the possibility is that in Silicon Valley. I find hardest to get rich by creating wealth—wealth that, isn't it? Look at those goddamn fleas, they have less money, the big winners aren't all that matters, just as if you'd invested at a famous university who is highly regarded by his peers.
Compromising a server could cause such damage that ASPs that want to pound that message home. He, like arithmetic drills, instead of blacklist.
Thanks to Tim O'Reilly, Peter Norvig, and the guys at O'Reilly for inviting me to speak.
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kriscynical · 7 years
Home now.
The pain underneath me is gone. There were tears. Lots and lots of tears.
I'm currently sitting up in my bed with a mountain of pillows behind me while munching on the most delicious peanut butter crackers I've ever had in my life. Going 24+ hours with no food will do that to you, I guess. My head is remarkably clear and I'm not really all that sleepy. Anesthesia affects everybody differently I guess. I didn't have that hard of a time coming out of it either.
What happened in pre-op is exactly what I was afraid of: my nerves flared. It was maddening. So I had a flare up where I couldn't sit still on top of 9-10 levels of pain from the herniated disc. I had to stand next to the bed and shift from foot to foot, and even that wasn't enough to give me any kind of relief whatsoever. It was one of the most awful experiences of my life, and I looked skyward more than once and snarled "THANKS." because of it.
My parents were allowed back after pre-op was finished, so for about the last 40 minutes or so before surgery. They were there when Dr. Even and the anesthesiologist both came, which was nice.
When my Dad asked what caused my disc to herniate, Dr. Even told him it can be basically anything to make it happen little by little, causing small amounts of pain, then something like sneezing can suddenly make it pop out a lot and cause 9-10 pain. I didn't do anything like that (that I remember) to suddenly cause such catastrophic pain... I just woke up that way. According to him, though, I didn't just herniate my disc, "she completely blew out her disc".
The pain I had today after 8 hours of no pain meds would make me readily believe that I blew out my disc. Holy God, it was the worst pain of my life. I couldn't even sit up to get to the hospital; my dad had to lay down a bed roll in the back of his SUV for me to lay on to get there, and I'm so thankful he thought to do that. I was actually comfortable getting there (or as comfortable as has been possible in the last five weeks), and we stayed in the parking lot until 15 minutes before my check in time so I could stay comfortable as long as possible.
The anesthesiologist was super nice as well. She was a young woman... and when I told her about my nerve flare from not taking my pain meds SHE TOLD ME UNDER HER BREATH THAT I COULD HAVE TAKEN THEM ANYWAY. THE FUCK, ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
She and a male nurse who was really chill and cool took me back shortly after that. Once we were in the OR he asked me if I had a favorite place to go, a vacation spot or whatever, and I of course said "Disney World." He smiled and laughed at that, said "That's a really good one! Go to Disney then." and that's the last thing I remembered. I didn't even have the chance to imagine it.
I woke up, and as soon as I realized who I was, where I was, and why, I realized the pain underneath me was effectively gone and I burst into tears, making the nurse panic a little bit. I had to tell her it was happy crying. Then the new pain registered in my lumbar area on my actual back (rather than underneath me), I told the nurse where it was hurting... or slurred it at least... and she put some wonderful injections in my IV. I was also spasming pretty bad so she also gave me a muscle relaxer injection, and then she fed me some ice chips. I was still loopy enough that they were heavenly on my tongue.
Right after that they brought my parents back and as soon as I saw them I started crying again that the pain was gone and it made my mom cry and then I felt kinda bad because I was still kinda loopy. Then they gave me another pain med injection and an actual pill to take, along with the most delicious apple juice ever because omfg my throat was so dry it hurt. It's still a little sore from the breathing tube and I'm hoarse af.
The loopiness actually wore off decently quick, about 30-40 minutes after waking up. I was able to transfer to a wheel chair and go to the bathroom pretty quickly, and not long after that I got the okay to go home. My mom helped me back into my PJs, and I was able to ride home sitting up in the front seat because it didn't hurt anymore. I mean my incision hurt, but the burning debilitating pain under my butt was gone. It's still gone.
Dr. Even told my parents that everything went exactly as it was supposed to, and I did great. He also said the nerve was so badly compressed (he used the term "mashed" to convey the severity) it was actually bruised. I didn't even know nerves COULD bruise. No wonder the pain was so mind numbingly horrible without the pain meds. He also said my pain should probably go from a 10 to a 2, and he was right. There's a lot of pain meds in me right now so I'm not feeling it at all, but I'll gladly take the achey 2 of a bruised nerve for a few days!
Like I said, the incision hurts. It hurts quite a bit. But even then it's like a 4 right now with all the pain meds? You'd better believe I'm going to have alarms set for the pain meds AND muscle relaxers from here on out. Even with the pain, though, I've been walking around this evening (albeit very slowly) now and then, as I was instructed to do.
I have been told to strictly remember BLT, like the sandwich, but for no Bending, Lifting, or Twisting. Bending must be done sparingly and from the hips, no lifting over five pounds, and my shoulders and hips must stay aligned while turning. I pay attention to the alignment of my shoulders and hips in relation to the tilt of my spine all the time when I get into poses to figure them out for my art, so that shouldn't be a problem for me at all.
That's all I can think of for now, so I'll leave it at that.
Thank you so much to all of you who have liked my posts about this whole saga and/or left comments for me. I've appreciated each and every one, and they've made me feel very loved for something other than my art.
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/hutcherson-knows-he-belongs-at-illinois-in-big-ten-sports/
Hutcherson knows he belongs at Illinois, in Big Ten | Sports
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CHAMPAIGN — Austin Hutcherson’s high school basketball career was consistently interrupted by injuries.
First came the two herniated discs in his back, the result of a car accident — not his fault — before the start of his sophomore season at The Hun School in Princeton, N.J. Then he was undercut in a scrimmage during his junior year, which ended in a hard fall, some lost teeth, a broken jaw and a broken wrist.
The repeated pattern of getting on the court and then another setback soured his relationship with basketball. It also kept him sidelined during the most crucial time of any recruitment save for a month of AAU in the summer after his junior year of high school.
It came to the point where Hutcherson wasn’t even sure he’d play basketball in college. Two seasons at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Conn., changed all that.
“Having those two years where I got to play basketball and not worry about being hurt all the time, I think I just fell in love with the game again and really enjoyed basketball,” Hutcherson said Wednesday. “I got to actually play the game and feel that growth of getting better.”
That love for the game didn’t diminish during Hutcherson’s sit-out season last year at Illinois. It wasn’t all smooth sailing for the Division III transfer, but there were enough good moments for the 6-foot-6, 180-pound wing that he enters the 2020-21 season with that same desire to play.
Hutcherson gets a smile on his face when he talks about the path that led him to Illinois. From not knowing if he’d even play college basketball to being on the roster of a potential top-10 team in the country with Big Ten and national championship aspirations is “a crazy story” in the New York City native’s own words.
The results he’s seen in the weight room and on the practice court in the last year after his August 2019 arrival in Champaign — and the continuous feedback he’s received from the Illinois coaching staff and his Illini teammates — has solidified his knowledge he belongs.
“When I got to D-III, I was actually more nervous to step into that team than I was stepping into this team,” Hutcherson said. “It was all mindset.”
Even that mindset has changed in the last year, though. It’s something Hutcherson said is a regular topic of conversation with his dad, Eric, who played collegiately at NYU.
“I’m a completely different person after just one year in terms of my mentality,” Hutcherson said. “I think I have more of that killer instinct attacking. I think I learned that just from going up against our guards every day. Then physically, my vertical increased a bunch. My strength, I’m up like 10-15 pounds from when I came. I’m a completely different person in my opinion.”
Hutcherson got to that point through another season quite unlike any he’d previously experienced. He knew about sitting out because of injuries. Sitting out after a transfer — where practices and workouts weren’t geared to playing right away — was different.
The message from Illinois assistant coach Stephen Gentry, who ran Hutcherson’s redshirt workouts with fellow sit-out transfer Jacob Grandison, and the rest of the Illini staff was to keep pushing. The time spent on those workouts and in playing on the scout team in full-team practices would be worth it in a year’s time.
“The hardest part was just in the very beginning,” Hutcherson said. “The guys had all summer to kind of learn stuff, and I came in when school started. I was already behind the eight-ball stepping into practice.”
Hutcherson also had to change his practice focus. He wasn’t going to be playing in any game in the 2019-20 season. That meant not taking reps from active players during practice and learning the intricacies of Illinois coach Brad Underwood’s offensive and defensive schemes in more of a mental rep capacity on the sideline when the situation called for it.
“Eventually, toward like November, December, January, was when I really started to feel comfortable and I think that’s when I started to string together some really good practices,” Hutcherson said. “Those bad days started to decrease a lot.”
Hutcherson has reached a comfort level at Illinois in the year since he arrived. Gone are the more chaotic days early in his Illini career where he was trying to get used to Underwood’s system and the pace of the game at the Division I level.
Now, Hutcherson is ready for the 2020-21 season and the role he’ll play. He sees a fit on the wing.
“I think you saw last year there were some games where we struggled a bit because of our shooting or not shooting the ball well,” Hutcherson said. “I think that’s something I bring to the table being the best three-point shooter in my (Division III) conference. I think that translates to this level, and I think the coaches and all the guys see it as well when I’m out there.
“Learning the defense here, I think it will translate with my length, my height and my athleticism. I just want to fit in and fill in some of the gaps where we struggled a bit last year and try to improve that so we have no weaknesses.”
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