herhighnessthequeen · 3 years
My Adult Glow-Up
aka: me getting my shit together
Fixing your sleeping schedule -  Yes, way harder than it seems and I completely understand if your job gets in the way; just make sure you're getting you 7-8 hours of sleep bb. Naps are great too!
Eating fucking breakfast - Bagels, cereal, smoothie or just a banana anything to fill your tummy up with food for your meds or vitamins! Treat your body as if you were a toddler!
Smelling good - Super hard to get into the shower sometimes, and I know how comfy your bed is but it needs to happen mama. Dry Shampoo and baby wipes if you’re in a pinch
SKIN CARE - Even i’m trying to keep up with this one, and don't forget sunscreen! I can hear your pores crying for help!!
Complete hygiene routine - this is one of those where it varies from person to person. Ex: brushing teeth 2x a day, Complete showers (exfoliating, hair mask, the full routine) not just quick body showers anymore. Whatever works for you!
Screen time - whether it's TikTok, Tumblr, Instagram you need to stay off of it babe, even 30 minutes make a HUGE difference. When ur in public and have anxiety that's completely fine but try to find something that stimulates your mind like books, articles, podcasts!! Maybe like mine, ‘Your Go-To Bitch’ available anywhere you listen to podcasts! ;> 
Deadlines - TBH anything that you haven't gotten done! Even if they don't have a deadline, let's all get our shit together!, ADHD laundry piles, taking out the trash, deadlines for work all of the above! Let’s ease our minds a little more. Don’t forget to go at your own pace.
Deep cleaning - This is another one that will vary from person to person but one thing i advise is CLEAN YOUR FUCKING ELECTRONICS!! Your phone, AirPods, laptop etc! Just please do it!!!
Make a DEEP WORK playlist - is there that one music genre or couple of songs that make you feel and be productive? Create a playlist that keeps you on your grind and get some shit done!
Go to therapy - this one might be a little harder because of the U.S. healthcare system but there are plenty of free resources online. 
Spend time with loved ones -  No seriously, real loved ones! Family may not your first chance, mine definitely isn't but hanging out with people that make you feel like your floating does wonders which bring me to another point
Communication - Tell people how you really are feeling, I know it might feel like you're a burden or annoying but you're not! Talk/rant about your shitty day at work and if they seem annoyed or burdened by you FUCK THEM!!! Your feelings are valid and you deserve to be heard.  (REVISON: I don’t mean emotionally unloading on some one without their permission, I mean bad friends who roll their eyes, gaslight you into thinking that it’s just your mental illness, and switch up on you every Tuesday . Just people who don’t want to see you winning babe!!!)
Recreate a Nostalgic Meal - Now I’m not saying you have to have a whole ratatouille moment over your dinner but make/recreate something that brings you instant peace, your inner child might miss it more than you think babe.
Don’t forget your worth babe! - I know how hard it is, I used to always look at posts like this and roll my eyes but I hate to admit it but it helps! Don’t forget that you are that fucking bitch and keep your head held up HIGH!
-Your Go-To Bitch 💕💕
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nerdmars · 4 years
🥺 Ily too! 💕
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liturati · 6 years
Glow up!
I am trying a 30 day self-esteem challenge, based on a post I saw on Pinterest by @herhighnessthequeen, and modified to my lifestyle and interests. Depression can get fucked, I’m weaponizing quanifiable results!
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adulttalk · 6 years
Ok so I’m friends with this guy and we click really well but I’m pretty sure he only wants to be friends and I was fine with that until I realized how much we click and have in common and now i wanna date him...how do i make a move?
I would just be honest with him and go for it. Just say, “hey we have a lot in common, do you ever wanna go out sometime?” You can suggest doing something you both enjoy, like going to see a movie you both like or watching a sports event you both enjoy, etc. I’m all for being direct and open because I don’t have time to guess and play games with people who don’t like me. If you want a play-by-play answer, check out @herhighnessthequeen. She gives amazing relationship advice.
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carmen-sandie-go · 3 years
I am gonna start publishing my poetry and writing y'all wanna be tagged ?
@ellaknowslucifer@tokiore@secret-eden@wolfstarrysky@whythefuckdoiexist@desi-dark-academia@ginasholtsoundboard@babaji-and-his-jadibooty@vaeeee@vaey@autumnalglaze@sassyphotographer@gopikanyari@glittering-galaxy-grapes@mydogisgaytoo@stars-triumphant@just-here-to-escape-from-reality@vanini-head@anarchistmemecollective@jugn00@anxiousgryffindor7@draco-loves-ferrets@emaan-says-ure@crazyas-hell@edgar--allan--h0e@arealweeb@pandas-study-space@@blog-with-luv@ambivertedfrog@local-historian-bunny@blue-inkling@celestialchickensoup@the-nerd-procrastinator@sunflowerkitt@tryingmybestblr@ice-dispenser@icecreamsoftie@elysianxvisions@klutzyfox@itsupsettingreally@themistypoet@bikinijuice@sherlockisactuallyagaysname@leestillyeetschappal@maccharfucker@louiszeastronaut@farhan3d2y@adoginthemanger@verose-queen-of-hell@bookishmuggleborn@saltedslug @studyingatsunrise @s-a-n-a @thegreatsaiyaman3@shybrunettepainter @notes-by-saher@tjdancestillthefeetwearaway@mynerdythoughts @warmachinerox-with-an-x-all-caps@liliactry@nooriiie@law-iz-in-the-air@disneys-desi-child@finechinaghosts@drenched-in-ichor@nochg@momo-all-the-way@desi-orange@wisteriaetc@la-casa-azul@ash-berry@noisydetectivekid
@inaayaat@sarcasticindiantales@desidamsels@starfishaintdumb@gandharvika(i u anna b taggEd byt this has noW bEcomE a List)
@lost-in-pride@thefuturedarklord@starviki @nonojustwantsfriesandfriends @psycho-mocha@fandom-food-fire@didyouputyournameinthegobi@notyourtypicalfool @youdontgettolikemyhaircut@shitaholicshits @massivegothdreamerpanda@desi-student@moon--bug @holding-infinity-and-a-book@zer0grqvity@little-crow-corvere@teenageshizz@romantic-musing@herhighnessthequeen @mindofshe@moeprincess-study@inaseverewolfstardaze@livewithmars@starfaegirl@neontrees1357@wordesthatics@studyingchemeng@weird-u@nouvellestudy@goyghost @lali-life
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yournewapartment · 4 years
What about mod Mo? Haven't seen them for a while Will you get new mods at some point? I know a friend who has a lot of time and would like to answer questions and help people, but they missed the last mod application you guys had
Mod Mo is actually one of my BFFs and I talk to her every day. Butttt I really bullied her into joining the squad and she doesn’t really have the time to work on the blog. But I love that hoe. She actually was a guest on the podcast, if anyone is interested in hearing how hilarious she is...
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Here’s the thing about new mods...
Currently I (that is Mac) am the only person who has the time to really answer asks on a regular basis. And... I don’t really have the time to do it. Honestly I am up to my ears over here! This is the first time all week I’ve sat down.
Besides that... Tumblr has a very outdated interface. There are only two levels of access on shared blogs- access to reblog posts ONLY, and access to do everything else. Why add someone to reblog posts when what I really need is access for someone to respond to asks? Furthermore- to give someone that level of access to my blog means giving them the ability to literally delete it. I can’t even remove the access to someone if I grant it previously! Which means that @herhighnessthequeen can literally delete this blog any time she wants. We are at her mercy...
SO many people have full access to my blog currently, and I am very reluctant to add more. Mimi is amazing and my rock, but she has her own life to live, and my other two mods aren’t even really on Tumblr anymore. I can’t really ask them to prioritize working for free. 
I make $0 from this blog and podcast. My generous Patreon donors (most of which are my family members) pay my hosting fees only. Not really sure how to monetize things more... so... I’m doing what I can while I can. A reminder that I have a Kofi where you can buy me a coffee for $3. And if you don’t have money to donate, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS WARM AND FUZZY PLEASE LEAVE ME A FIVE STAR REVIEW ON ITUNES!!!! If I get enough reviews and downloads I can apply for a sponsor and maybe make some money. I want that MailChimp ThirdLove CareOf money fam!!!
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So... TLDR... I don’t know what to do. Maybe soon I’ll asks for more mods. Please be patient with me, I am trying my hardest!! Lots of love.
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mysidestudyblr · 6 years
Thank you soooooooo much for tagging me @alittlesucculentstudies
Nick name - my friends call me Jo or Jojo
Zodiac - Leo
Height - 5'0 I'm so shooooooort
Languages spoken - English I'm learning Dutch and Spanish right now
Fav Fruit - Peaches are fruits right?
Fav season - FALL
Fav scent - apple cinnamon
Fav color - Blue
Fav animal - sea bunny
Fav character - Rock Lee from naruto lol
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate - hot chocolate it's supper yummy and even if you forget about it and it cools down you can still drink it cuz its chocolate milk!
Number of blankets - I usually only sleep with my comforter but I'll add another blanket if I get cold
Date blog was created - hmm can't remember but this is just a sideblr to share tips I found across tumblr
I don't know a lot of people but I'll tag @polcry @einstetic @physicaltherapyqueens @herhighnessthequeen aaaaaaand @lawblrworld
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bougiediaries-blog · 7 years
Hey! Do you have any blog suggestions? xx
hey boo! some blogs i love are versaceluxury /  satin-bae / suckstbh / abeautyobsession / lifestylebymarley / glowuptips / herhighnessthequeen / tiffanychanelgucci 💖
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herhighnessthequeen · 3 years
Tips that have helped me with my depression.
Disclamier: These are things that have helped me personally stay busy but happy after an attempt. Take what you need and leave what you don’t bb <3
‘Just do it’ mentality - Trust me the last thing I want to do is chores and let’s face it simple hygiene stuff like brushing your teeth, showering etc. However, since my recent hospitalization, I have forced myself to get back into a routine and back to human civilization. So if I don’t want to wash the dishes? Annalee, fuck it and just do it! Laundry? Annalee, fuck it and just do it! Fake it till you make it right?? It saves my mind at the end of the day.
Cleaning - I hate it so say it but it’s true, a clean space is a clear mind. Start small! Bedside table, washing your bedsheets, clearing your bathroom counter. Small steps and go at your own pace! Each task is a step to a cleaner and more organized space.
Therapy - personally I have a therapist which I highly recommend but thanks to terrible healthcare in the U.S it’s out of grasp for others. Now this one may not be for everybody, depending on the circumstances. But bb its time; therapy, shadow work, self reflection, even healing you inner child is a start. Ex: Going for ice cream and eating it at a park was a great start for me and my inner child. There are almost plenty of resources for free therapy, most depend on your location. Please approach that cautiously and safely 
Meals - Being in the behavioral hospital was overwhelming but the thing i’m surprised it helped me with is recognizing my hunger cues. Most of us are not breakfast people, and I am definitely not one but it’s what has been keeping me going; and by going I mean out of bed (even if I go to bed right after i’m done) Please eat bb, you deserve it.
Finding a hobby - Most people might have this one down and other may not but find something that makes you happy even if you’re not good at it. Mine is plants, i’ve killed a couple a lot along the way but spending time on them brings me true joy. Find that spark again
Self Isolation -  Living with BPD has been a challenge when it comes to me isolating myself, so i’ve said fuck it and started making plans with friends and it’s been working?? Sure there were some cancelations but some real connections made non the less. Say yes to the friend that you always cancel on! I know it’s hard but it’s like a work out, you feel so great afterwards! (I’d take this with a grain of salt because I know how hard it is to be around certain friends. Triggers, snide comments etc)
NO FRAUDS - In the words of Mrs. Minaj. I don't need no, frauds. I don't need no, drama when you call. I don't need no, fake. Coming from someone who just let go of her FAVORITE PERSON (bpd term?) recently I know it’s fucking hard to let go but I needed it and have been feeling so much better without the dead weight. If someone has come to your mind after reading this chances are you need to let them go bb!!
Delete the playlists babe! - Delete the Mistki, delete Marvin’s Room by Drake, delete godspeed by Frank, delete any songs that you usually cry in the car to. Trust me this isn’t the mania talking, just delete the sad/heartbreak playlists
If you’ve completed all of this and feel like it’s way too much, I completely understand and by all means go at your own pace and LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!! Personally all of these have been keeping me out of bed and not self-loathing 24/7. Maybe it’s mania, maybe it’s not but it’s been keeping me going for more than 6 weeks?  xoxox
-Your Go-To Bitch
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herhighnessthequeen · 3 years
New Moon, New Me
As most of you all know we just had the most powerful day yesterday with the Lion’s Gate Portal Peaking around 7ish Am. I’m curious to hear what some of you had planned/did yesterday. I would like to share a couple of things I did.
Bay Leafs: people refer to it as a burst of energy and others refer to it as wishes, it’s as simple lighting a bay leaf on fire and what you do after is up to you.
I wrote my manifestations onto the leaf and used all-purpose and good fortune oil on the bay leaf (PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL WITH FIRE, I always use long tweezers so I don’t burn myself and a cauldron to drop it in when it gets too crazy)  You may use more than one leaf, also make sure to charge your leaf with your intention before putting oil. (OIL IS NOT NECESSARY)
Candles: Whether you’re spiritual or into the occult. Candles are very useful with manifestation and a powerful tool.
I anointed my candle with eucalyptus oil and rolled it towards me with basil and cinnamon. Burned the end with a lighter to stick it onto my work tray. In times when I don’t have a proper candle, I tend to use birthday candles which are an affordable and quick fix.
I’d just like to remind everybody that everyone’s practices are different and there are no right or wrong materials to use as long as you are safe and protected.
Happy manifesting and blessed be!
888 Xoxoxo 888
-Your Go-To Bitch 💕✨🧚🏼
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herhighnessthequeen · 3 years
hey guys.....
just wanted to do a quick update, as most of you know I haven't really been active since I've started working. Most of it was mental health issues that were stirred up from starting work again but lately, I've just been dealing with a cluster of health issues and there isn't a sure reason as to why so far. I've been extremely nauseous and really sensitive to anything for months and my anemia is worse for several other reasons. It was really affecting my performance at work so I decided to quit and take time for myself. I have been in and out of doctors' offices but there are no clear answers for my stomach issues and I just feel weak all the time and even dropped 15 pounds in the past couple of weeks. There isn't really a reason why I'm telling you all this and I'm in no way am I looking for pity or any health advice. but I feel like we're besties so I wanted to keep you updated so there you go!!!
Love you all, take care of yourselves and take it easy <33
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herhighnessthequeen · 3 years
Coming soon to Your Go-To Bitch….
I'm going to be recording next week with Mac from @yournewapartment!!!
Please send in any questions you may have for them!!!
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herhighnessthequeen · 3 years
New Podcast Episode is up bitches!!!💕
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'Your Go-To Bitch' has been gone for a while and she is here to fucking stay! We go through what's been happening for the past couple of months and my mental health journey. Please enjoy and know I'm here to stay! See you next week xoxo
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/your-go-to-bitch/id1534530684?i=1000530009842
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4P095sv1NZE8DIePLWvrz5?si=oYqbNELuTHOnsMfoMZaOdQ
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herhighnessthequeen · 3 years
Hey Bitches💕💕!
Podcast update! I just finished editing my update and I’m so excited for y’all to listen! There will be a warning because I spoke about my recent attempt. Hopefully yall will enjoy and the episode will be up tomorrow! and yes I CRIED 
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herhighnessthequeen · 4 years
‘Your Go-To Bitch’
Whether you’ve known me for years or just a few days, Herhighnessthequeen is close to my heart and many of yours, I wanted to create something where I can continue spreading my ho-tips/self care pixie dust while also revealing a me you may have never known. Let's chat and whine about the daily dumba*s obstacles that come with this 3D life; with inspiration from my personal ‘Go-To Bitches’ and ‘Your Go-To Bitch’ herself. Let me bring that energy and introduce you to my love child that is ‘Your Go-To Bitch’.
Coming soon to:
Apple Podcast
Google Podcast
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herhighnessthequeen · 4 years
Hi so I have a podcast coming soon.....
I didn’t know how to tell y’all because I get into my head too much, so there it is!
Details coming Friday!
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