#hetalia rare pair week
coralcatsea · 7 months
Meeting the Family
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Inspired by this canon panel.
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madam-of-lithuania · 7 months
This is for @hetalia-rarepairweek Day 2, Comfort
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I just wanted to draw Mani and BC together just them relaxing
Disclaimer: iamp Manitoba and iamp British Columbia are not my oc they belong to Ctcsherry
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batataaurdoodh · 7 months
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@hetalia-rarepairweek day 3: celebrity
I really like my outline brush
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artemiswolfheart · 7 months
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They're judging you
Day one - Royalty
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bunny-bun-draws · 2 years
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Starting off with @hwsrarepairweek2022!! Been wanting to participate on this for a long while and this is the week :3c
First day’s theme is writer & artist, with some PruSpa because they are precious uwu hope you all like it!
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sweeet-caroline · 2 years
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Rare Pair Week, Day Two - Hurt/Comfort
Featured Pair: Spain x Nyo! America
Admittedly I’d had this drawing for a little bit, but I thought it’d be good for Day Two’s prompt. So I’d like to portray them comforting each other here as part of my attempt to practice more poses and expressions.
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greengreekeyes25 · 2 years
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Little and ugly drawing, i love amexbel 🇺🇲 🇧🇾
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the-heaminator · 2 years
Hws rarepair week day 2, hurt/comfort. @hwsrarepairweek2022
I do not know how to write hurt comfort please bear with my dumbassery.
It was strange seeing Arthur with Ivan, they seemed so different, one prickly and irritated and the other being childish and threatening, though both were equally murderous.
It started out benign, like any friendship between nations would, occasional chatter about the economy slowly tricking into more personal areas, though it took forever both both of them to admit they had undeniable similarities.
Only a select few others were initially interested, because let's face it, very few people would pay attention to what England and Russia were doing, most rather staying well away from the two. But the few that noticed were in their inner circles, people they would confide to and trust.
Canada, Norway, Romania, Belarus, Japan.
They all realised that the two were slowly falling for each other.
The both were undeniably lonely, living in large houses, empty and gathering dust after the people they had raised had left them, no one but themselves knew how bad it was at the start.
Neither had an easy childhood, as was to be expected of a nation, they coped with the constant loss in different ways, Arthur by growing desolate and seeming uninterested, pushing away affection and effectively secluding himself, while Ivan grew clingy and possessive, keeping people and things with him, due to the fear of them leaving him. Though he no doubt realised this exacerbated the process.
People were scared of them too, almost all having had many bad experiences with them, invasions, killing and controlling, both keeping parts of this nature caused some to still be afraid of them.
Truly their reputations were much more fear inducing than they.
So perhaps it wasn't such a difficult thing to imagine them together, Matthew seeing Arthur and Ivan knitting and gossiping over tea like old ladies, ardently avoiding any form of eye contact. Natalya wondering why Ivan went over to Arthurs place so often, Vlad wondering why he insisted on inviting Ivan. Lukas listening in to an angry and accidental love confession.
It made sense, and it seemed to work without reaching the general audience of nations.
Alfred knew though, no one thought he did, but he found out one day, and they seemed so natural with eachother, Arthur dozing off on Ivans side as Ivan was absentmindedly stroking his hair while knitting. They seemed so comfortable and just so domestic , which is not a word anybody would use to describe either of them, but at that moment it seemed like the most natural thing in the world.
It was during a party, neither being the constitution for partying with lots of people, had both dissapeared, so when Alfred went to look for them, he walked in, thankfully silently, on the scene of painful domesticity.
They both looked so happy and Alfred did not want to take this away from them, he may have not liked Ivan, but he knew Arthur was a better judge of character than he.
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hetalia-rarepairweek · 3 months
Welcome. This is the 2024 edition of Hetalia rare pair week. Please check the pinned post for the rules, banned ships and other important information.
Accepting prompts (send an ask) until 3rd of June 2024
voting on prompts from 3rd of June to 8th of July
Prompts reveal between 8th of July and 11st of July.
Event week between 11th of August and 17th of August.
@hetaliahappenings @heta-on-the-books @hetaliacalendar
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koolkat9 · 7 months
Rare Pair Week 2023 - Day 1
Prompt: Royal || Cottage
Rating: T
Pairing: CuCan
Word Count: 908
Read on AO3
Just You and Me
“You didn’t have to bring all those sweaters and pants,” Matthew tisked. More playful than judgmental, but still a bit nagging.
Carlos rolled his eyes. “Like I trust you when it comes to judging the temperature.”
“Hey!” He nudged Carlos’s hip. “Believe me. In the summer it may not be super hot here, but it’s just the perfect temperature. Especially with the sun. And we’re supposed to have a sunny week ahead of us.”
“You forget I like my heat.”
“Okay, okay. But please tell me you brought some shorts. It can get hot sometimes.”
“Your weather is unreliable in many ways, of course I did.”
“We can at least agree on that,” Matthew chuckled, wrapping an arm around Carlos’s waist. He kissed his cheek before guiding Carlos out to the porch.
The sun glistened off the peaceful waters just down the hill. Across the way, trees sat atop jagged cliffs across the way, shutting out the outside world.
“It’s no golden sand beach but–”
“It’s beautiful,” Carlos murmured in awe.
A faint blush crept across Matthew’s cheeks. He looked off to the side awkwardly. “I…uh…Thank you…” He coughed awkwardly before continuing: “Let’s get our swimsuits on and head down to the lake to cool off.”
Carlos smirked, pulling Matthew closer by his belt loops, nose brushing Matthew’s. “You definitely look like you need to cool off.”
Matthew leaned forward and kissed him. “You’re such a tease,” he muttered against Carlos’s lips.
After a few minutes of making out, then a few more minutes to get their swimsuits and sunscreen on before making a run for the water. Matthew dived right into the water, splashing Carlos with his waves.
Carlos stepped back, shivering at the impact. “Pinga!”
“S-Sorry…” Matthew grinned sheepishly. “Come on, just stick your feet in. The shallow water should be warmer.”
Carlos grumbled slightly, but how could he say no when Matthew looked at him with those big eyes and soft smile? He waddled into the water. Matthew was right, it wasn’t so bad though as he ventured deeper, it got cooler so he didn’t go any farther than where the water reached his knees.
Matthew pouted slightly and came closer. Then, his eyes brightened. “Wait! I have an idea.” He clambered out of the water and over to the nearby shed. Spending a good fifteen minutes or so in there, Matthew emerged with an inflatable tube. “Here. Lounging in one of these is probably the best way to spend the day on the lake.”
“Okay…” Carlos agreed warily.
With Matthew holding the tube so it didn’t float away, Carlos took a seat in it. He shivered again as the water hit his butt, but after a few minutes, he got used to it, leaning back and enjoying the sun on his face.
They spent the rest of the afternoon like that. Carlos relaxed on the tube, and Matthew either guided him around the little bay that was near their cottage or lounged in the water as they chatted. At some point, Matthew had started fishing. Carlos assumed it was for dinner. It was peaceful. Domestic even.
As Carlos suspected, They had fish that night. Nothing beat freshly caught fish, especially with Matthew so expertly seasoning it and pairing it with the perfect sides.
Matthew peeked out the window as they finished up dinner. “Perfect timing,” he whispered under his breath.
Carlos squinted. What was his lover planning now?
He was led back down to the lake, and Matthew pushed a canoe into the water.
“Up for a canoe ride before we turn in for the night?” Matthew asked. His eyes shone in the golden evening, almost like an excited child.
Matthew rarely asked for things, and it was even rarer to get that light of excitement ignited like that. And yet, Carlos was starting to see it more and more since they started dating. “Okay. But I never rode one of these things, so you’re going to be doing most of the work.”
Matthew grinned. “No problem. Hop in!”
Matthew took them down the river. Or was it just a thin lake? It didn’t really matter in the end. They arrived at a clearing where the water opened up into a wider body, giving a clear view of the setting sun.
Splotches of yellow, red, purple, and orange ran across the sky, framed by the shadowy figures of trees.
“Up here is one of the best places to watch the sunset,” Matthew mused, looking up at the sky. “The trees and water…I don’t know…enhance it I guess?”
“I get it. It’s very beautiful. And the trees add to the sky.”
They sat there in silence until the sun disappeared behind the trees. The crickets and cicadas set the background music for the peaceful scene. It was as if only the two of them and the sky existed. But it was over far too soon.
Matthew leaned in and kissed his cheek. “Don’t be too down babe, we can always come back tomorrow. Perhaps I’ll take you to the waterfall instead.”
Right. They had two weeks for all the sunsets and canoeing. Carlos smiled widely. “I’d like that.”
Unfortunately the next day it was rainy and cold. No lounging at the lake, no canoe ride, and no sunset. But cuddling up on the porch with Matthew, watching the rain fall was just as cozy. After all, they were together, Carlos couldn’t ask for more.
Pinga = According to the website I found (https://www.baconismagic.ca/cuba/cuban-slang-cuban-spanish/) said direct translation it means dick but is often used similarly to fuck/shit. Feel free to correct me if there is a more accurate cuban term for fuck/shit since I don’t know how reliable the website is lol.
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hermannsprecursors · 7 months
Hetalia Rare Pair Week day 1
Day one: Royal | Cottage
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Two noble princesses, each alike in dignity, In fair Venice is where we lay our scene ... or something like that
Nyo!France and Nyo!Austria
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coralcatsea · 7 months
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Russia seems to admire France, so I think him having a celebrity crush makes sense and would be super cute.
Anyway, we need more Frussia in this fandom. 👀✨
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madam-of-lithuania · 2 years
Please make a fanfiction or fanart
Notes and Reblogs are Highly appreciated 🙂😊💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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batataaurdoodh · 7 months
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@hetalia-rarepairweek day 5 : historical
thanks to @astrophilic-soul for the references and ideas ‼️ ✨
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misteria247 · 1 year
Here's some of my fanfics that I've written that I'm super proud of personally-
Universal Collision: My Tmnt/Rottmnt crossover fic. It's one of my personal favorites that I'm incredibly proud of. Despite it not having many chapters, I'm thrilled with what I've gotten down so far!
Of Love and Heartbreak: One of my Lupin III fanfics. It's a oneshot involving my favorite OT5 as well as a character study on Jigen Daisuke. Mainly the aspect of his love life and how his past effected him currently in the present. It's also one of my longest oneshots and I'm super proud of it!
The Roles We Play: Another Lupin III fanfic as well as my first one for the fandom ever. It's a fic that again is an OT5 kind of thing but instead it focuses mainly on the LupZeni/LupJig/JigZeni pairings. It also features an injured Zenigata and a feral Lupgang of which I love and adore.
The Princess and Her Dragon: A reader x Malleus fic for Twisted Wonderland. Basically it's a romance story that's got a twist in it. The main protagonist is actually a reincarnated princess who breaks a powerful spell that has been placed on Malleus and his group. Lowkey incredibly proud of this one.
The Dragon's Son: Also another reader x Malleus story but with the reader having grown up and leaving Twisted Wonderland. The reader accidentally takes something more with her though and six years later, she returns to Twisted Wonderland with her beloved son Elliott. Pretty pleased with this one.
My EngIta Week submissions: I'd been asked to join a Hetalia rare pair week last year and had a blast writing for it! I'm honestly incredibly pleased with how my little stories turned out!
These ones are the ones that I'm most proud of and are the ones that I put a lot of effort into them. While I'm proud of all my stuff, it's these ones that I feel like are some of my best written stuff that I've ever published within my lifetime.
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floralcrematorium · 7 months
Could you do 📚, 🏠, and 🔥 for the Hetalia ask thing? Oh and in honor of rare pair week, 💘?
Thanks for the ask!!
📚 What part of the webcomic/manga is your favorite? Could be a single strip, an event, a character arc, etc.
Hands down, it's the furby strips. I love furbies. And we got what? 3 chapters full of them?????? My discord and spotify profile pics are of furbies from the strips lol. I need to draw England with my horrible Princess Diana furby from my storyboard class lol
🏠 Quick! You now live in a mansion in the middle of nowhere and you've got your choice of three nations to live with. Who do you choose as your new housemates and why?
Francis -- Are we really that surprised with this one? We're gonna cook, draw, and then he can judge me for my fashion sense. I'm an adult who still shops at Hot Topic and he's not gonna like that Listen, it's the only place I can get edgy pants in plus sizes
Yao -- This man deserves more love and appreciation. Like with Francis, we can also cook and draw! I would also just love to talk to him. I want to hang out with him so bad. Like you don't understand. I don't know why he's been a longstanding favorite of mine but I admire him and wouldn't be irritated by him like I would be by many other characters.
Kateryna -- Ukraine's jumped up on my list of favorites in recent years. Like with Francis, when I write for her I take the bits and pieces I like and elaborate on them while I find a way to rebuild the weaker aspects of her character. I think she deserves to catch a break -- she's always been the one others rely on and she deserves to be Pampered and Appreciated. I think she's also got hobbies that I'd like to have more experience with (gardening, general outdoorsy activities/fitness, and textile arts). I also imagine her being a similar clothing size to me, so having a dress up kinda day would be really fun!
TLDR: Francis, Yao, and Kateryna because we have hobbies we can do together
🔥 Are there any popular/widely accepted headcanons you don't like?
Gonna be real with you on this one, I don't know what widely accepted headcanons are floating around these days other than if Prussia is a loser virgin vs chad sex god. I don't care about the spicy side of things because I just have zero interest (✨Asexuality✨), but I guess I'm on Team Loser Virgin because I think that's just really silly
💘 What's the most obscure pairing you've got a soft spot for?
Sigh. Framano.
It entirely has to do with the RP I have with someone. That's what introduced me to it. I was unsure how I felt about it at first, but it quickly grew on me
You will see rare pair week content from me, I just don't know if I'll be able to get it out during rare pair week. I've got a majority of part one written, so maybe I'll save part two for after rare pair week? Let's see.
I think this ship can go one of three ways. A: two people unexpectedly brought together and are uniquely positioned to deal with each other's baggage. B: horrible toxic codependeny. C: stubborn assholes gifting each other more and more expensive wine to one up the other. They are constantly competing
Hetalia Asks
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