#hey veronica! you fucked up! hey veronica! you fucked up! hey v
ministarfruit · 2 months
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day 24: plagued by the horrors ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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jesswriteswrongs · 8 months
Black and Blue
Fandom: Shameless (US)
Characters: Lip Gallagher x Female Reader, Veronica, Fiona, Ian, Carl, Steve
Summary: reader turns up at the Gallaghers house freezing and broken
Warnings: mentions physical abuse, mentions of sexual abuse, medical talk
Inspired by Bruised by @theapangea
Minors DNI
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You ran, no idea where you were going, no time to grab a jacket, just running through the snowy night in nothing but your tank and underwear. You could barely focus, running and stumbling and running more, trying not to slip on the ice underfoot. Your feet were numb by the time you found yourself outside the Gallagher house, and the adrenaline that had got you there worn off. You gave two knocks, hoping they were loud enough, before slumping against the doorframe and willing the cold to take you over.
Inside the Gallagher house, Ian was watching a movie with Carl when there was a knock at the door.
“Hey Carl, did you hear that?” Ian asked his younger brother. Carl just shrugged.
“Hear what?” Ian frowned.
“I’m just gonna check the door, make sure nobody’s out there.” He reasoned, pausing the movie. He got up and opened the door to the empty street.
“Must’ve been the wind…” he muttered, before stepping back to close the door. Ian paled at the sight of you, covered in cuts and bruises, freezing to death in your underwear on the porch. “FIONA!” He shouted back into the house. There was a thundering on the stairs.
“What the fuck, Ian? I’m trying to…” Fiona’s voice trailed off. “Bring her inside.” Ian didn’t move. “Now, Ian!” Fiona shouted at him. The middle Gallagher bent down to pick you up, and you instinctively cowered away from him.
“Fi…” Fiona has already seen, and grabbed the thick blanket from the couch. She crouched beside you.
“Hi…” She said softly “look, I don’t know what’s happened, but what I do know is that you showed up at my house and if we don’t bring you inside you’re going to freeze to death. So, what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna wrap you in this blanket and Ian is going to bring you inside. He’s not going to touch you, just the blanket. Is that ok?” You nod slowly, barely hearing her as your brain was catching up with the events of the night. Fiona draped the blanket over you, and then there was an arm behind your back and another under your knees. Ian picked you up with ease and brought you inside the house, the warmth prickling against your skin.
“Carl, go next door and get V, tell her to bring her med kit.” Fiona barked, turning off the TV and clearing a spot on the sofa.
“Hey! I was watching that!” Carl protested.
“Bigger problems, Carl! You can watch the movie another time.” You barely registered this conversation as Ian gently put you down. Steve had appeared on the stairs to see what all the commotion was about.
“Ian, go and grab some of Lip’s clothes, sweats and a hoodie. Steve, I can see you on the stairs. Go put the kettle on the stove. Carl, V’s house, now. Everyone move!” The boys all went to do their respective jobs, Ian heading up the stairs, Carl grabbing his coat and Steve going to the kitchen. Fiona crouched down in front of you.
“It’s going to be ok, we’re gonna get you cleaned up and taken care of.” You nodded, still unable to process words to leave your mouth. Ian was the first back to the front room, clothes in hand. He put them on the arm of the couch so they were in easy reach, then went to the kitchen to “help” Steve. It was only another minute before Veronica entered the house.
“Ok, which Gallagher needs my help now, Fi?” Fiona stood up to greet her best friend.
“Not a Gallagher.” She sighed, leading V into the room. V saw you and immediately swore.
“Holy shit, Fiona! What the fuck happened here?”
“I don’t know,” Fiona said. “She’s a friend of Lip’s, showed up at the door a couple minutes ago and hasn’t said a word. She can hear and she’s reacting, fucking jumped out her skin when Ian tried to bring her inside, but I think she’s probably hypothermic.”
“Where d’she live?” Veronica asked, putting down her bag.
“117th.” Fiona supplied, running a hand through her hair.
“Fi, that’s a half hour walk from here.” V said.
“Yeah, I know.”
“In panties and a blanket?” Fiona bit her lip.
“Blanket’s ours.” Veronica swore again.
“That’s worse than I thought. I need a tub of warm water NOT HOT and some clean towels. Think you can get that for me?” Fiona nodded and went to get what was required. “Don’t you worry, Babygirl, we’re gonna get you all fixed up.” Veronica said to you. You didn’t respond.
Lip had been having a rough couple days, and had gone out for a few beers at the Alibi. He’d had a fight with his best friend about he didn’t even know what, but he knew it ended in her telling him to go fuck himself. He climbed the back stairs and opened the door into the kitchen, where he was greeted by Steve waiting for the kettle to whistle, Ian filling a plastic tub with water, and an air of intensity filling the house.
“What’s uh, what’s going on, guys?” Lip asked. Nobody responded. He moved further into the house and saw you sat on the sofa, Veronica in front of you, gently massaging your hands.
“What the fuck is she doing here?” Lip asked, his voice low.
“Lip…” Fiona warned.
“What the FUCK is she doing here?!” Lip shouted. You flinched, pulling away from Veronica and curling yourself protectively into a ball.
“Phillip Gallagher!” Lip stopped. Fiona only called him Phillip in court. It was only then that he actually looked around. You were balled up on the couch with Veronica and a medical bag in front of you, Fiona had her phone in her hand with 911 already typed in, just then Steve came in with a steaming mug of tea, Ian following behind with a tub of water. Then he looked at you properly. The skin that wasn’t bruised or bloody was pale, your lips practically blue, and you were in your underwear. As he put the pieces together he wordlessly removed his boots and jacket, no longer caring about your fight, and sat on the couch.
“Hey, Bug,” Lip said gently “let’s get you nice and warm.” He pulled you in front of him, pressing his chest to your back in order to share his body heat. He coaxed your legs out, to allow Veronica to pour warm water over them, when he noticed something.
“V, stop a second.” He said
“Lip, time is of the essence here.” She replied
“I get that but just stop and look. She’s had sex tonight.”
“Are you really thinking about your dick right now, Gallagher?” Veronica was getting annoyed.
“Veronica!” He watched as the realisation slowly dawned on her.
“Fiona!” Veronica shouted. Fiona came into the room, phone pressed against her ear
“…yeah, she just turned up at my door, not said a thing and she’s fucking black and blue, Tony.” She put the receiver to her shoulder. “What?”
“Who was it, Bug?” Lip was asking. “Your brothers? Guys from school? Guys from a club?” You shook your head no on each of those. “Your dad?” You stilled, breathing becoming shallow. “Motherfucker… I’m gonna fucking kill him!” Lip clenched his teeth. He turned to Fiona.
“Her dad.” He made a circle with his thumb and forefinger then put his other forefinger through. Fiona’s face immediately set into anger and she put the phone back to her ear.
“Tony, you gotta go now…. Assault, yeah… physical… and sexual… if you don’t, I think Lip will and he can’t go to juvie… yeah, 117th, we’ve got her, just get him.” She clicked the phone off. “Tony’s on his way to find her dad-“
“I’ll go with him.” Lip interrupted, sitting up away from you slightly.
“Lip, I’m not having you in juvie. None of my kids have gone to prison and you’re not being the first. Plus… you’re the only person she’ll willingly let touch her, she wouldn’t even let Ian and we all know he’s not exactly a threat.” Fiona sighed. “You gotta stay here.”
“No, I gotta go and kill the bastard-“ As Lip spoke he moved himself from behind you towards Fiona. There was a rush of cool air as you felt his body heat leave you, and it was all just too much. You suddenly felt everything at once, and started sobbing. The room stopped. It was the most noise you had made since you turned up.
“She needs you here, Lip.” Fiona stated. Lip nodded mutely and sat back down. He put his arms around you, his chest once again pressed to your back, his chin resting on your shoulder.
“Shhhh, it’s ok, Bug. Everything is going to be ok. I’m here, you’re safe.” He soothed. You were shivering violently as the warmth was finally penetrating your skin. “Fi, can you go grab some clothes from my room?”
“One step ahead of ya.” Fiona pointed to the clothes on the couch. Lip nodded his thanks, and held out his hand to Veronica. She handed him a damp washcloth.
“Veronica and I are gonna clean you up, if that’s ok? Then we can get you dressed and warm. You’re staying here for now, you’re not going home.” You nodded your consent and Lip slowly started rubbing the washcloth over your skin. “Can we get her in the bath?” Lip asked Veronica “Would that be better?”
“I barely got her in the house.” Ian chimed in “but you’re welcome to try and get her upstairs.”
“A bath would be better…” Veronica thought aloud “is there hot water?” She looked to Ian and he nodded. “Go run a bath, again, warm not hot.” Ian nodded and headed towards the bathroom.
“We can get her in the bath and clean this blood and… other stuff off while she warms up, see what the situation is, patch her up.” He didn’t want to think about what had happened, if he did he was going to prison, so he focused on helping you instead. After a few minutes, you had calmed to the point of sniffling and Ian came downstairs “Bath’s ready.” Lip nodded
“You ready?” He asked you. “Can you walk or shall I pick you up?” You turned towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Ok, I’ll take you.” He kissed your temple softly, then slid an arm under your knees.
Lip didn’t bother undressing you, not that he could have with the blood sticking to your tank, he just lowered you into the water. He pulled his own shirt off so as not to get it wet, and grabbed the plastic cup from the windowsill. He stayed quiet as he poured cupfuls of water over your shoulders, occasionally pulling at your shirt to loosen the fabric from your skin. The once clear water was a pale pink by the time Lip put the cup down. “Can I take your shirt off?” He asked. You hesitated. “I’m just gonna clean you up, check out your injuries.” You nodded, closing your eyes. He carefully lifted your shirt, pulling the back up over your head and then down your arms. He didn’t react to the gash across your back, or boot print on your kidney, he just picked up a washcloth and ran it gently over your skin.
“Can I wash the blood out of your hair?” He asked quietly. You nodded again, allowing Lip to wet and shampoo your hair, his strong fingers gently working the blood from your scalp. He tipped your head back to rinse the suds, the bath water tingeing a deeper shade of pink. Once your hair had been rinsed Lip stood up “I’ll just be a sec, ok?” He said gently “V, can you keep an eye?” Veronica nodded and headed into the bathroom, looking at the various injuries that he littering your torso. Lip headed downstairs and found Fiona in the kitchen, nursing a coffee.
“You want one?” She asked, holding up the pot “‘s gonna be a long night.” Lip shook his head and went over to hug her tightly. “Lip, you’re too strong to be crushing me like this!” She scolded, before she felt the damp spots on her shoulder. “Oh. Oh Lip…” Fiona hugged her little brother back, trying to remember the last time Lip had cried like that. She held him tightly for a few moments, one hand on his head and the other rubbing his back, while he cried over his best friend.
After a few minutes Lip pulled away, wiping his nose. “Sorry, I just…”
“You don’t need to apologise, Lip. We all have our moments.” Fiona said gently.
“I should, um… I should get back upstairs.” Fiona nodded and shooed him away, shoving the clothes at him. When Lip got back upstairs he found Veronica putting the last few stitches in your back, and grabbed a towel.
“Come on, let’s get you out.” He said gently, lifting you out of the water and on to the towel. He wrapped you up like you were as little as Liam. “You’re starting to warm up, Bug. Your lips aren’t blue anymore…” You noticed his eyes were rimmed red. “V, can you or someone go into my room, second drawer of the dresser at the back there’s a grey shirt. Can you grab it for me?” Veronica went and retrieved the item while Lip carefully dried the water off your skin.
“What so special about this shirt?” She asked
“Softest one I own.” He said, pulling it over your head. He continued to dress you in his clothes, before taking you to his room. Fiona had already left a brush and hairdryer on the bed, figuring Lip would need them. He started brushing your hair gently, blotting the water with a towel, before he turned the dryer on to a low setting. As he dried your hair you looked at the clock on his bedside table, telling you it was gone midnight. You had no idea what time you had left your own house, and immediately felt guilty about bothering the Gallaghers with your family problems. You should have just stayed, not made a fuss, gone to bed, hidden everything under your clothes at school tomorrow and pretended you fell if anyone asked. You and Lip were fighting, you just wanted him to try harder at school, get out of the shitty neighbourhood you both called home, but it had ended in you both screaming at each other, and you telling him to go fuck himself. The hairdryer switched off and Lip followed your eyes to the clock.
“Hey, Bug, no.” He crouched down in front of you. “I don’t care that it’s late, I don’t care that we had a fight. I care that you’re ok, I care that you came to me and you trusted me. Now, Fiona will be next door, you can sleep in here and I’m gonna take the couch.”
“Stay.” It was the first thing you had said all night, coming out quiet and raspy.
“O-ok. I can stay if you’re sure that’s what you want.” You nodded. “I just gotta grab some stuff from downstairs, then I’ll be back.”
Fiona was still drinking her coffee when Lip reentered the kitchen.
“How’s she doing?” Fiona asked. Lip leaned against the counter and lit a cigarette. He took a drag before handing it to Fiona.
“Well, she spoke, which is good. I told her I was sleeping on the couch and she asked me to stay, so I guess that’s what I’m doing. V had to sew up a cut across her back, she has a fucking boot print on one side, the other isn't even skin, it’s just a bruise, her shithead dad fucking raped her and she nearly killed herself getting here, so um… I’m just hoping she’s still in the house tomorrow morning.” Fiona squeezed his shoulder then handed back the cigarette.
“Take some tea up for her, it’ll help her warm up. It’s good you’re staying with her, cuz you gotta keep an eye on hypothermic afterdrop.”
“Hypothermic what?”
“I don’t know. V said something about core temperature dropping because of cold blood? Just… make sure she stays warm and breathing and has a heartbeat, and Lip?”
“Yeah?” He looked round at his big sister.
“Don’t sleep with her.” Lip opened his mouth to argue. “I know you won’t, but I’m just… reminding you, I guess. She might tell you she wants to, but she’s really vulnerable right now. Don’t take advantage of that.”
“I won’t.” Lip said quietly. “I couldn’t do that to her…” Fiona gave him a small smile and his shoulder another squeeze.
“Get some sleep. I’ll call school in the morning, tell them you’re sick.” Lip nodded tiredly and pulled out a mug, making a fresh cup of tea for you.
“Hey, Fi?” He called as she started to leave the kitchen.
“W’sup?” Fiona turned to look at him
“Thank you. For… everything.” Fiona went back over to Lip and kissed his cheek.
“I wasn’t gonna let her freeze.” She got to the door before calling out to him “Make sure you turn the lights off.”
“Will do.” Lip finished making your tea and took it upstairs, turning off lights and appliances as he went. You were sat against the headboard and he handed you the mug.
“It’s chamomile, it’ll help, promise.” You nodded, sipping at it as Lip put on sweats and a tshirt. He got into the bed next to you, pulling the comforter over you both and stroking your hair as you finished your tea. He took the mug from you and put it aside before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “You’re safe now. Night, Bug.”
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skxllz · 4 months
Some gallavich x reader fluff?🥹
I got you anon <3 I threw some other shit in here too
male! reader
“ rock, paper, gun; shoot! — fuck! ”
mickey lost yet another match of his version of ‘ rock paper scissors ’ to kev, resulting in him standing up from his chair and picking it up, only to throw it someplace in complete anger. just like the sore loser he was.
“ HEY! ” veronica shouted, throwing a dishcloth at him, “ take that shit outside! don't come in here messin’ up my bar! ”
“ fuck your bar, ” mickey pointed at her, to which she reeled her head back in return; a ‘ I know he fucking didn't ’ look overtaking v's face before she looked to kevin, expecting him to say something before she leapt over that counter and strangled mickey her damn self.
“ — and fuck you. ” mickey turned to kevin, now pointing at him.
“ hey, whoa! ” kev's brows furrowed together solemnly. “ no need to get physical and talk to veronica that way, man! it's just a game. ”
“ a fucking game you're cheating at! ” mick’ smacked the table; leaning over it to get a nice, good, sarcastic smile brewin’ in the male's face. “ ‘cause you're too much of’a dumbass to actually win it over and over. ”
“ ian! ” veronica called to the red head who entered the bar, you trailing behind him. “ get your damn dog and put ‘im on a leash! he's throwing my chairs just because he's pissy that kev keeps beatin’ him at a stupid-fucking-game! ” she was now heatedly scrubbing at the counter top, new rag in hand swinging about aggressively. “ you men and your damn games. grow a pair! ”
you looked at veronica wide eyed, but said nothing. of course you weren't offended by her words, her aggression when she got infuriated just always caught you off guard.
ian sighed and walked over to mickey, who still was going on about losing the dumb game. “ mick’, come on. you can't be that mad over losing a game. ”
“ ian, ” mickey moved away from ian's hand, which had extended to grab at him, and made a gesturing motion towards kevin. “ he fucking cheated. there's no way he keeps keeping me at rock, paper, gun. absolutely no-fucking-way! ”
blinking once, you stared at mickey as if he grew another head. “ how does one cheat in rock, paper scissors- sorry, gun?. ”
“ I don't fucking know! ” the brunette threw his hands up, turning to you. “ he just did, okay?! he's a fucking cheater! ”
“ I beg to differ. ” ian rolled his eyes, now crossing his arms over his chest.
you shook your head as you saw mickey's anger increase. ian was not helping by disagreeing with you guys’ boyfriend.
so, you helped the solution the only way you knew how-
“ kev, ” kevin leaned over, looking around ian's body to make eye contact with you, letting out a ‘ huh? ’. “ ya’ should apologize to mickey. cheating isn't cool. ”
mickey and ian's argument that had started up seemed to stop at that. they both turned to look at you, faces mirroring surprise.
honestly, it was comical, but you kept a stoic face while staring at kevin. you knew he wouldn't catch on, but veronica should.
“ what? ” kevin scoffed.
“ I said, you should apologize. ” you shrugged, twisting your lips to the side; sliding your hands into the pockets of your jeans. “ mickey is upset you cheated. it's not cool to cheat. say sorry. ”
kevin gawked at you in clear offense, “ but I didn't cheat! it was just luck! you can't- ”
mickey looked smugly at ian, glad you were defending him, while the red head just looked at you as if you were insane.
“ oh for fuck sake- ” veronica's loud voice boomed throughout the bar, making kev nearly jump out of his skin. his gaze shifted to her, while her eyes turned to him in irritance. “ just say you're sorry! get this shit over with! I'm tired of this bull. ”
“ but v- ”
“ kevin ball. ” veronica's stern, motherly voice came out and kevin knew not to argue with her then. he pinched his lips together, before exhaling heavily through his nose out of annoyance, and turning to mickey.
the brunette was standing there, arms crossed, looking as smug as ever. he clearly was waiting for his apology.
“ I'm sorry. ” kevin stated, letting his fingers thrung out in exaggeration. “ there, I said it. I'm sorry I cheated. ”
mickey widely grinned, “ good- ” he then snatched the money that was displayed on the table, the loose bills they stacked beforehand for their previous bets. kevin stared wide-eyed as the shorter male pocketed them. “ thanks for the apology. now, I'm leavin’- ”
“ you cant just take my money! ” kev sat up straight, scoffing. “ I earned that fair and square! ”
“ you cheated, ” mickey shrugged, “ so it's my money. ”
that being said, the brunette waltzed towards the door of the bar with a cockiness in his step. kevin looked at you, only to stare disheartedly.
“ uh.. ” you chuckled, rubbing at the back of your neck sheepishly. “ i- um- bye! ” you took out of there faster than he could reply, leaving ian behind.
“ tell your boyfriends- ” ian turned to kevin once he began to speak, “ that there's no more free drinks in my bar. ”
“ did you really have to take his money? ” you huffed, trailing after mickey through your living room and following him to the kitchen. it was your place but he acted as if he owned it.
“ my money, ” mickey corrected, opening the top cabinet and snatching out a box of cinnamon toast crunch. “ he fucking cheated, so the cash is mine. it came out of my pocket to begin with. ”
you rolled your eyes, “ mick’, I know not all of that came from your pocket. you're not dumb enough to agree to a bet unless you're getting more money than you already had. ”
he glanced at you over his shoulder, “ so you callin’ me fuckin’ dumb or something? ”
one blink. two blinks. and then you're staring at him as if he's an actual idiot in that moment. “ that's not what I said at all- ”
“ you said I'm not dumb enough, so that's stating I'm somewhat dumb, just to clarify, right? ” as he argued, he had enough time to go to the fridge and retrieve the milk and pour it into his bowl. so now, he was smacking his cereal aggressively, while giving you a pointed stare.
“ can you not? ” ian sighed as he entered the kitchen, only to dump his phone onto the table so he could remove his hoodie. it was rather hot in your place. “ I'd really like to go a day without you running your mouth. ”
mickey looked at ian with a ‘ are you for real? ’ expression. “ so I run my mouth? ”
“ stop- ” he sighed.
“ no, no- ” mick’ sat his bowl down before gliding over to get in ian's personal space. “ I run my mouth? is it too much for you? ‘cause I could just fucking leave. ”
“ mickey- ” you tried to interfere, but neither of them let up.
the ginger pressed a hard palm to mickey's chest, forcefully backing him up. “ you're not fucking leaving. stop acting so childish! ”
you sighed, this time combing a hand through your hair as you became fed up with your two boyfriends. “ guys! ”
they still didn't bother to acknowledge you, though. mickey was now raising his voice as ian got in his face as well, and it was becoming ugly - you didn't want this leading to something more violent. so, you gritted your teeth, and inhaled.
“ GUYS! ” that finally grabbed their attention.
ian's head swiveled around so that he could look at you. mickey peered over ian's shoulder. you looked to be fuming, smaller fists clenched down at your sides and the space between your brows pinched. “ will you two knock it off?! ”
scoffing, mickey pushed ian back -to which the red head stumbled and glared at him-, only to look at you with disbelief. “ why the fuck am I gettin’ yelled at? he started it. ”
“ you both, ” you gave ian a look that told him he better not open his mouth, “ are being stupid right now. stop- and mickey, you're not dumb, it's just the way I worded my sentence. ”
picking his bowl of cereal back up, mickry rolled his shoulders back, mumbling under his breath. “ course I'm not dumb... I'm fucking smart. ”
you cracked a smile at that.
“ now, ” you pointed a finger to them both, raising your brows. “ no more fighting, right? let's just relax for once. ”
ian glanced at mickey, and mickey glanced at him- but neither said anything. ian then sighed and nodded, “ yeah, no more fighting. ”
“ good. ” you hummed, before shuffling over to ian and pecking him on the cheek, “ thank you. I don't like it when you two argue. ”
“ hey, ” you both looked to the brunette, who had an arm extended dramatically so and a distraught look on his face. “ the fuck am I, chopped liver? ”
a giggle escaped you, “ no! ” and you made your way over to mickey, only to kiss him on the cheek as well. but he scoffed for the hundredth time.
“ that's no fucking kiss- ” he muttered, only to pull you closer by binding his arm around your waist. “ come ‘ere. ”
the male pressed his lips greedily to yours, intaking your warmth and savoring your taste. you could taste the cinnamon-y sweetness on him from the cereal, and it made you grin.
“ I think I deserve one too, ” ian whispered as he came from behind, too hooking an arm around you. you parted from mickey to turn your head and smile at your other boyfriend.
“ I love you guys. ” you chuckled, kissing ian sweetly. he kissed back, softness to his touch.
“ we love you too, doll. ”
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sugarcoatedstarkey · 1 year
Hells Angels
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Pairings - Biker!Drew Starkey x fem!reader
Summary- A group of men get a bit handsy with you.
Warnings- Mention of Bike clubs, fighting, Sexual intercourse, language. (18+)
A/n- biker!drew will be the death of me, writing another one right now that is spicy and he’s mean!
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You had picked out the cutest outfit, you wanted to look good for Drew tonight. You were meeting each other at the local bar, you both usually went there on Friday nights.
You’d have a few beers and play some pool, usually his bikie friends would come say hey and you loved them. They were the nicest bunch of guys, a few of their girlfriends would show up and they weren’t too bad either.
You had showed up 15 minutes early, chatting with Veronica behind the bar and catching up on her love life. Which was an absolute shit show, but you’d never say that to her.
You weren’t even paying attention to your surroundings until a hand touched your bare bicep and you jumped at the contact, expecting it to be Drew. You turned with a big smile which fell when you noticed three guys staring at you.
They made eye contact briefly and looked back at you, moving to surround you. Panic sets in immediately, your throat closing in. “Hey dollface”.
Bile rises in your throat at the nickname, crossing your arms against your chest and standing tall. They weren’t much taller than you thankfully, unlike Drew who towers over you.
“Can you step back please” you asked, you could feel the movement of Veronica behind the bar. She slammed a glass down on the bench and coughed loudly. “Guys, ease up okay”.
They looked behind you and took a tiny step back, however still too close for comfort. “What’s a pretty thing like you doing alone in a bar like this?”.
Your brows furrowed at his comment, biting the inside of your cheek to stop the brat coming out of you. You didn’t want to make things worse, Drew would be here soon. You needed them to back off now.
“I’m waiting for someone”
“Let us keep you company until then”
“No, I’m okay”
“Oh come on dollface”
The taller one's hand makes contact with your waist, clenching his fingers across the material of your jeans and pulling you closer to him. The palms of your hands hit his chest, pushing roughly to keep a distance between your faces. “Get off me”.
Veronica throws a rag across the bar hitting one of them in the face. “Get the fuck out of my bar now” she shouts, pointing to the door. “Oh come on V, we are just having some fun”.
They ignore her protests and look back to you, the other one runs his fingers across the material of the corset. A shiver runs through your spine, disgust washing over you. “You need to get your hands off me… my boyfriend will be here any minute ”.
The guy in front of you tugs harder until you're as close to him as possible, his lips hovering over your ear. His hot breath sends a shiver down your spine, your fingers wrapping around his throat.
The body of the man shudders at the sound of Drew, and the squeeze you have around his throat, eyes searching for him.
Drews face is beat red, leather jacket hugging his frame. He looked good but anger radiated off of him. “Get.the.fuck.off my girl NOW!”.
He is taking big steps, all three guys step back the moment they see who it is. Fear flashing behind their eyes when they see the patches littered on Drews jacket.
He was well known around here, leader of the hells angels. Nobody fucked with the hells angels. Nobody fucked eithe Drew’s possessions.
“Oh no no, we didn’t realise she was with you!” One of them pleads, his hands fly up in surrender and he’s stepping further and further away from you.
With a click of Drew’s fingers the club surrounds them, the music stops and eerie silence fills the pub. People not associated with the club begin to leave, murmuring between the crowd, they get the hint that blood is about to be drawn.
The three guys cower behind tables, Drew’s eyes meet yours. “Go outside baby” he demands, a sweetness overpowers his authority. He steps towards you and runs his fingers against your bicep, leaving a soft kiss to your cheek.
You grip his jacket, pulling him closer. “Please Drew, let’s just get them to leave. We don’t need to end the night like this” you beg, you hated when a fight broke out. You hated blood, you hated the screams. You hated not knowing if Drew was okay.
“Outside now or I’ll get Marc to throw you over his shoulder and lock you in the bathroom”
You bite the inside of your cheeks and storm past him, your small frame hitting his arm on the way out. You didn’t like being bratty but you did not like being told what to do.
The sound of the door slams behind you and you walk towards Drews bike, pressing the palms of your hands into your eye sockets. leaning your frame against the bike.
The sound of glass smashing causes you to jump, pushing the tips of your fingers against your ears, you didn’t want to hear it.
Your eyes are on the door the whole time, waiting for him to walk out. But after 15 minutes it’s only Marc who exits, he doesn’t look like he’s been in a fight at all. He walks towards you and crosses his arm. “Hey chicken”.
“Hi” you whisper, dropping your hands from your ears and staring at him. It’s quiet, no sounds of yelling or glass smashing. “You know he only does this because he wants you to be safe”.
“Well… he doesn’t need to send them to hospital”
“Come on chicken, you know those guys would have done a lot worse if he wasn’t around..”
You nod your head, you know he’s right. Drew only does this because he loves you. He wants to keep you safe, he doesn’t want you to get hurt by assholes like that.
“I just hate the blood and the idea of someone getting hurt” you squeak, you hated how soft you were. Tears threatening to leak once again, your throat aching from holding it back.
“It’s better it’s them, than you”.
He’s right again, you would have most likely been beaten and assaulted down an alley if it wasn’t for Drew and the club. You had to be grateful, they were your own fairy godmothers. Just dressed in black and a little scary.
The door to the pub slams open, Drew storms towards you. You stand up a bit straighter, Marc turns to walk away and taps Drew on the shoulder. They whisper something, Drew’s eyes land on you again.
“Get on the bike”
You don’t argue and do what he says, he pushes a helmet over your head and clips it up all while keeping his eyes off your face. He takes a seat in front of you and you quickly wrap your arms around his waist.
His foot kicks at the side stand and he holds the bike up, turning the key. The rumble of the engine echoes throughout the street. The seat vibrates against your legs.
He doesn’t warn you like he usually does and drives off, your heart drops to the pit of your stomach. The wind swept through your hair, your arms tightened around Drew as he swerved around cars. The sounds of car horns rattled your ear drums, your heart pounding against your chest.
Anxiety bled through your veins, you hated this. You hated when Drew got angry, he let his anger out by being reckless. Usually you weren’t on the back of the bike when he was angry. “Drew! Please slow down!” You pleaded, your arms ache from the strength you used to hold on.
Tears well in your eyes, squeezing them closed to stop them from escaping. It will all be over soon. You’ll be in the safe confinement of your apartment.
He suddenly clicks to how reckless he’s being with you on the bike, he’s slowing down as he comes to your apartment. He wastes no time and jumps off, practically ripping you off the bike.
“I’m so sorry baby… I shouldn’t have driven like that with you on the bike” he whispers, he scoops your face up and presses his lips to your forehead, your arms wrapped around his waist. “So stupid of me, I’m so sorry”.
“It’s okay, you were angry”
“Doesn’t mean I can take it out on you… it wasn’t your fault those pricks touched you”
“Fucking assholes… won’t be touching anyone for a long time”
You screwed your face up as the mental images that flashed in your brain, you leaned up on your tiptoes to kiss him. Thanking him for keeping you safe, he picked you up bridal style and walked you towards the door.
“For such a big bad bikie you're awfully soft” you giggled, pinching his cheeks. He gives you a wide grin and walks you inside, he steps into the lounge room and throws you to the couch.
Crawling his way up your body. “I’ll show you soft” he growled, pressing his lips to yours hungrily. His tongue nudging its way into your mouth, his fingers fiddled with the lacing at the back of the corset. “This thing is so fucking hot but so fucking annoying”.
You chuckled, reaching behind to help him loosen it. Finally free of the material, he pulled your white shirt up and exposed your braless breasts. He began to roll your nipple between his fingers, lips assaulting your neck. “Your mine… no one ever gets to touch what’s mine” he growls into your skin, leaving behind marks of ownership.
“All yours baby… all yours” you whine, grinding yourself against his leg that sat between your open legs.
“Anyone ever look at you… I’ll kill ‘em, I really will”
“Touch me… please”
“All mine” he says as he pulls your jeans and panties down, admiring your naked body under him. You slip your hands under his jacket, helping him get free of his clothing. “All yours”.
His lips touch every part of your body until your tingling mess under him, arousal soaking the fabric underneath you. “I need you Drew”.
He presses his digits to your pussy, parting your lips softly. You let out a breathy moan and drop your head back onto the pillow, pushing your hips up against him. He pushes two fingers inside of you, eyes never leaving your face.
“No no no- I need your cock… I can’t wait any longer”
“Want to appreciate you baby, want to show you who’s the boss… who the bad bikie leader”
“Please… please don’t make me wait”
“Hmm, okay baby girl… only because I love you”
He moves the two of you, your legs straddling him. You don’t give him time to play around and sink yourself down his cock, gasping at the sudden intrusion as though you didn’t just bring it on yourself.
His fingers clench around your waist, your palms pressed against his chest. You move yourself against him, pulling yourself off his cock and dropping back down until you set a steady pace.
His eyes casted down to your breasts that bounced with each movement, one of his hands left your waist to fondle your breast. “Your fucking perfect”
“I love you” you whisper, he pulls you against him. Pressing his lips to yours once more. “I need to keep you safe baby girl… so many rotten people out there”
“I know baby… but you need to stay safe, look at those hands” you grab his hands, pressing your lips to the grazes that littered his knuckles.
You hadn’t had a chance to clean him up like you usually would after a fight, you both stared at one another as you moved against his cock and kissed his wounds.
“I am safe, nobody can hurt me”
“Someone could… but I won’t let that happen”
He grins at your words and moves you back onto the couch, laying his body on top of yours. Your hands wraps around his biceps as he moves above you, one of his arms hooking under your leg to angle himself deeper into you.
You squeeze your eyes shut, that familiar buzz and lightheadedness washing over you. “I’m so close, baby”. He nods his head, arms shaking slightly as he holds himself back.
He reaches down to press against your bundle of nerves, pleasure shooting through your body. “Oh god”.
You move your legs to sit up high against his back, his cock buried deep inside of you. Your toes curl and the butterflies swarm your belly, his face screws up as he feels your walls pulsate around his swollen cock. “Shit baby”.
“Right there… oh god Drew! Right there”.
You're coming around his cock, digging your nails into his shoulder blades. He follows behind, your walls milking him dry as you both come simultaneously. A light sheen of sweat develops over your bodies.
“All mine” he whispers, pressing his lips to your collarbone. “All yours”.
🏷️ @vigilanteshitposting @drewstarkeysleftfoot @cameronmedia @pedrisgatorade @its-ria-07 @teresalesbian & @illicitfixations @outerbankspov @whoisdrewstarkey
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myocsfanfictions · 5 months
South Side Story
Shameless Fanfiction Season 1
Desna Hills has come living in the Southside of Chicago four years before. Taken in by Kev and V, Desna is close friends with the Gallaghers. Let's see how this Southside story unfolds.
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Chapter 2
Fucking Lip Gallagher!
That was all Desna could think about that day. He had even promised her he would have helped her with math, that asshole.
She was trying to study, but her fight with Lip kept repeating in her mind. She was used to it. It wasn't the first time it happened. For as much chemestry there was during sex, and how close they seemed to get everytime they did it, as they spoke there was always some distance.
Lip was like that: sassy and intelligent, but he was also a smartass and closed off. For Lip everything could be risolved with quick remarcs and everytime Desna felt like they were going somewhere in their relationship he put off acts like the one of few hours prior.
"Fuck..." she muttered as she closed her book.
"You're here, babe?" Veronica's voice came from the living room.
She liked to be called V and she was beautiful. That how Desna would describe her, beautiful inside and out. She had a great heart and she was strong, Desna hoped that one day she would have become just like V.
"In the kitchen!" Desna said. V's steps could be hear clearly, since she was wearing high heels, as always.
"I saw the lights," she said putting the keys on the table before walking towards Desna, "You're not sick, right? I thought you were going to be at the Alibi this evening," Desna smiled at her worried tone, but she shook her head.
"I just..." the girl said, flipping the pages of her notebook, "I had to study, and my head hurt, so I decided to stay home."
V's eyes were on her as she set down next to Desna.
"You sure it's the only reason?" V asked waiting for her answer.
Desna shrugged her shoulders, "I may have had a fight with Lip," she admitted.
"Again?" V asked with a frown as she stood up to fill a glasses of water, before moving to the medicines drawer, "Seriously what's going on between the two of you, lately?"
Only Ian knew about Lip and Desna situasionship. They were just having fun, nothing to say to the world about, that's what they had said at first, even because it was thrilling, the thought of sneaking away to have sex together. But since they started it, they had started to fight more, and that really affected Desna. She liked Lip, a lot, and she wanted to lose him as a friend, but she didn't want to lose what they had now.
"Just stressed... I think..." Desna muttered sipping the water V had given to her, to swollow a pill.
"Babe," V said sitting again next to her, "I see how you look at Lip."
"I don't look him in anyway," she said trying to hid the blush on her cheeks.
"Oh you look at him alright," she fired back making Desna cover her face with her hand.
"V," she begged, but the woman kept talking.
"Why don't you tell him?"
Desna turned towards her with wide eyes, "Tell him what?"
"That you like him," she said nugging the girl, who shook her head.
"It wouldn't make any difference," Desna said shrugging her shoulders, "I like what... we have now, I don't want to ruin it," V took a breath but she kept listening, "That does not mean that I like fight with him, or what we said to each other."
"Why? What Gallagher said?" V asked, ready to defend Desna. And she really appreciated her reaction, but that was something between her and Lip only.
"Nothing that I didn't say to him as well," Desna said, "It's that, I don't know... today is more difficoult than other times," she finished getting a deep breath.
Lip was so involved with her during sex. He said that he wanted her, just few hours ago, that he loved fucking her, why could he not say those things even in other situations?
"Hey, babe" V said making Desna look in her direction, "Boys will be boys, too stupid for us," that made Desna laugh, a laugh followed by on of V's, that moved her hair from her shoulder, "What about going out with me and Fi, tonight?"
"What? Really?" Desna asked happily, "Can I really come?"
"Of course!" V exclaimed, "Now run up, get washed up, do make up and put on a pretty dress, and we are going to have lots of fun tonight. Only us girls, no boys."
"I like the sound of that," Desna said nodding her head. And V smiled brightly at her.
"Then go on!" She said, "Go get ready!"
Desna liked to go out with V, but she didn't do it frequently. V and Fiona were best friend and Desna was only sixteen now, so it made sense that most of the time the two of them wanted to spend time together alone. But when they asked her to join, she was truly happy. It made her feel like an adoult, and even beautiful, powerful.
She looked at her dresses, but she already knew what she wanted to put on. It was a simple black short dress, but she liked how it fit on her. It had simple strapes, and the skirt was short, but it hugged her body perfectly. She had bought it with V for her sixteenth birthday and V had told her that it seemed like it had been created for her.
Desna was quick to put it on, running to her wordrobe once again to take black high heels. Then she put on some make up and fixed her hair, deciding that she would gave left it loose. She looked at her reflection for some more, before heading out the stairs where V was waiting her, ready to go.
"Are you reade, pretty lady?" She asked opening the door. The two of them though had to go to the Gallaghers first, waiting for Fiona. Desna wasn't exactly happy to had to see Lip, but there wasn't much she could do, so she followed V into the house right next to theirs.
The two of them entered from the kitchen door, the one at the back of the house and V immediately ran up the stairs, calling for Fiona. Desna decided to stay there, everybody seemed to be upstairs, so that seemed tge safest place.
"Wow!" Carl's voice made her turn to the living room, where the boy was looking at her with wide eyes "You're hot..."
Desna chuckled, "You're drooling, buddy" then she set on one of the stools in the kitchen. The boy walked towards the fridge, glancing at where she was as he was taking something to eat, then suddenly he turned towards Desna.
"So, I really have to be eighteen before asking you out?" He said curiously.
And she nodded, "You really have to be eighteen before asking me out," she confirmed. Carl scoffed.
"It's too far away," he said before giving her a smirk, "I can make you happy."
Desna couldn't help but chuckle, he was so young and already a flirt. Carl Gallagher would have had many girls crushing on him as he got older.
"I'm sure you can," she said nodding her head, "But not now."
Carl looked at the sandwich in his hand nodding his head, then his gaze went on her.
"Just wait and see," then he want into the living room.
He was so persistent. Desna looked at him fondly as he watched the TV, such a little troublemaker. Carl was probably her favorite Gallagher.
Then suddenly she heard some steps coming from the stairs next to her, and as she turned, Desna saw Lip stopping midway, looking at her.
"Oh..." he muttered and Desna didn't miss the way his eyes observed her body, but she decided to ignore the blush coming to her cheeks because of that stare.
"Hey..." she said quietly.
"Hey..." he muttered, before taking those last few steps that kept him from the kitchen, "You are..." Desna looked at him, waiting for what he wanted to say, but he just coughed shaking his head, "You are going out."
Desna could not help but feel disappointed, why was he looking at her like that if he could not even give her a complimenti?
"What give me away?" She said standing up.
He shrugged his shoulders, "You either going out or you are here to seduce me," but she just shook her head.
"I think I'll pass, thank you," Desna answered turning her back to him. And he gave out a chuckle that only pissed her off.
"Are you still angry?" He asked.
"I don't know," she answered with fake calmness, "Are you still an asshole?"
At her words he make few step to get close to her, "Look whose talking," he said as she gripped her own arms, giving a glance in Carl's direction to make sure he wasn't looking at them.
"I'm not an asshole," she answered turning to look Lip in the eyes.
"And what makes me one?" She could feel his breath against her face beacuse of how close he had gotten.
"Let's check, did you fuck Karen?" Lip gave out a mocking chuckle.
Desna could not stand him anymore so she walked out the door. But she could hear Lip's footstep behind from behind following her outside "So, you're acting crazy because you're jealous?"
"No, because you are a jackass!" She exclaimed.
"Oh, a jackass too?" He asked the mocking tone never leaving his voice.
"And I've got many more, don't tempt me," she said trying to walk faster feeling him close behind.
"You always find a way to get pissed at me and I am the jackass?" He said before gripping Desna to make her turn stopping her from leaving, by taking her arms in his hands, "What's wrong with you?"
She was doing her best to not let anything slip from her lips; she didn't want to tell him that him going to Karen Jackson only to hurt her actually did, she didn't because they weren't a couple and they were not exclusive and she liked to have him close, she didn't want for he to not be there. She didn't want to ruin shit, but Karen's presense really pissed her off.
"Hey," he said moving a strand of black hair from before her eyes, to behind her ear, "What's wrong?"
Desna bit her lips, she really didn't want to cry in front of him, she didn't want to seem desperate for his touch, even if she was. And she didn't want to lose him.
"I..." she muttered "I might be jealous of Karen Jackson," he smiled at her words but she shook her head, "But because you always bring her up when we fight, and it feels like..."
"Like?" He asked as his hands moved to her hips.
"Like you want to hurt me," she admitted, finally looking him in the eyes. He was intensingly staring at her, as he brought her closer to him. He leaned forward his head so that his forehead touched hers.
"I don't wanna hurt you," he whispered, his arms sneaking around her waist, "Not on porpuse," then he chuckled, "I guess I am an asshole after all," he then looked at her again, she could not look away from his eyes, and before she knew it, she whispered "I want to kiss you," and in a moment his lips clashed on hers, the hold around her waist was thighter as her hands moved to his face, so to pull him more into the kiss. Desna closed her eyes as she savored every second of that moment. Soon her hands move to his hair as the kiss got more passionate.
"I have to tell you something," Lip said when they broke off to take hair, his hold still secured around her hips as he got ready to talk, "I didn't have sex with Karen," he said looking in her eyes, then he took a breath, "But she blow me."
"Fuck, Lip," she said trying to get away from him, he didn't let her move.
"Hey, hey" he kept say to get her attention.
"I really don't want to know!" She protested still trying to break free from his arms, but he didn't let her go, "Let me go, please!"
"I am sorry," he said making her stop her movements, "I am sorry, but I..." he continued before taking a deep breath, then he leaned forward to put his forehead against hers, that didn't move. Still wondering why he was apologizing, they weren't exclusive. They had decided it.
"Please, don't..." Lip took another deep breath, "I want you" he said, and she didn't know the reason why those words had such a strong impact on her, but she found herself bringing her hands in the back of his head once again.
"I want you too," she said before leaning forward to capture his lips with her gor another kiss. He immediately responded eagerly, briging her even closer, so that in between their bodies there was no space. His arms hugged her, as she deepened the kiss more. They felt so great in the arms of the other, it was so beautiful and addictive. It didn't matter what they said they would always found each other like that.
"I don't want to hurt you," Lip said, not letting her go, those words made her smile, as he put his forehead against hers, "I just got angry because I wanted your support with Ian."
She observed his blue eyes got clouded with nervousness once again, "You know what I think about it Lip."
But he shook his head, "No, he would have tell me," he said finally, "If he really was he would tell me, he would trust me," Now she understood what has gotten him so worked up.
Desna put a hand on his cheek so the he could look at her, "Maybe he is just scared, this things aren't easy to figure out."
But he shook his head, "He would have told me."
"Alright, alright," she said caressing his cheek to calm him down, he seemed to enjoy her touch, "Why don't you try to talk to him? Maybe he wanted to tell you."
Lip seemed to think about what she had said before nodding his head, "Yeah, yeah, maybe I'll talk to him," he muttered. Desna looked at him for a moment before leaning forward to give him a kiss on the forehead.
"So, we good?" He asked, rubbing his nose against hers, who smiled.
"Yeah we're good," at her answer he pecked her lips again.
"Des!" V's voice made Desna looked at the house, then she turned to Lip.
"I have to go," she said, not that she really wanted to leave his arms.
"Yeah," he answered nodding his head, "Are you planning on having sex with someone tonight?"
His question made her smile, and she shook her head, "No, no sex tonight," she said and for some reason he let out a breath, before giving her a kiss on the cheek, "Have fun."
"Thanks," she said ready to walk away, but before doing so, she leaned closer to him to whisper in his ear, "But tomorrow I could use some help finding my phone," Lip chuckled.
"Really?" He asked with a grin, before pulling her close by the back of her neck, "Tomorrow morning at 7.00 in the van?"
Desna pecked his lips "Tomorrow, at 7.00 in the van."
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skyeeuphixia · 7 months
𝚕𝚒𝚙 𝚐𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚐𝚑𝚎𝚛 // 𝚒 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚔
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lip gallagher x girlfriend oc (Delilah)
summary: in which lip is given an ultimatum
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warning/s: alcoholism, violence
words: 3.4k
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"I don't like it when you're drunk Lip. Find me when you're not."
That was the last thing that Delilah said before leaving the Gallagher house. 
Lip stayed glued to his spot as he stared after his girlfriend, his eyes filled with nothing but regret. He couldn't turn around. He couldn't face his siblings, or Kev or V, all of them stood behind him. 
He didn't want to see Veronica judging him. He didn't want to see Kevin looking shocked. He didn't want to see Debbie sad. He didn't want to see Carl and Ian angry. 
But most of all...
He didn't want to see Fiona look disappointed in him. 
2 years ago, when Lip asked Delilah out on a date. Fiona gave him one piece of advice:
'Don't fuck this up, cause that girl is special'
But now he's afraid he had done just that. 
How did he let himself get to this point? 
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After building up this reputation of being the family genius, it was a real smack in the face when he got to college and realised how difficult it was. Suddenly he wasn't a genius surrounded by stupid and average students anymore, now, everyone was smart, smarter than Lip, and he found himself unable to keep up.
College wasn't as easy as Lip believed it would be.
Lip excelled in school, acing every class, scores so high and consistent that a college professor believed he was a cheat (which Lip swiftly disproved) and the first Gallagher to get into college. 
Not to mention, he didn't realise that College would take up a lot of his free time as well. Sure in high school he'd get homework, but it would take about 30 minutes, and then he'd get the rest of the day to himself. But college was an entirely different story. He was drowning in assignments, a never-ending stream of readings, essays, and exams. He barely had time to sleep. Trying to balance; College, Family issues, assignments, a relationship and taking care of his basic needs were proving difficult to manage. And it was beginning to take a toll on him. He was almost never able to relax.
But the occasional drink did seem to help, however.
"Hey, so I was thinking-" Delilah says, walking alongside Lip in the direction of his class, Delilah went to the same college as Lip, unfortunately, their classes were at different times, so their schedules rarely lined up, they stayed in different dorm buildings and those dorm buildings were at opposite ends of the large campus.
"-after my class, either I can go to your dorm, you can come to mine or we can go to the library or something and do some studying together. Cause I have an essay to do, and you have that essay due tomorrow which you'll probably want to go over, and we can help each other out," she suggested with a smile.
"Yeah uh, I can't I'm going to that party tonight," Lip says his hands in the pockets of his jacket, looking down at his feet as he walks.
"The frat party? But you hate people like that," Delilah remarked, a puzzled expression on her face.
"Yeah, but, it might be fun. Plus, free booze is a good way to forget about all the jerks," he chuckled.
"But what about the essay?"
"Don't worry about it, Del," Lip replied nonchalantly.
Delilah stops walking, tilting her head as she looks at her boyfriend, analysing him intensely. Lip takes a few moments to realise that she's no longer beside him, he turns to look at her but she speaks before he has a chance to question her.
"Have you even started the essay?!"
"Yeah, yeah of course I have," He excuses, looking back down at his feet. Delilah walks back up to him, standing directly in front of him.
"Look at me," She says, still staring at him intensely, causing Lip to reluctantly raise his head to look at her. "Have you started the essay?" 
Lip had one weakness and that was Deliah. Delilah seemed to be the one person he could not lie to. He didn't want to say it out loud, she already knew the answer, he could tell, so he simply shook his head at her. 
Delilah looked at him with an indescribable look of shock, disappointment and disbelief, "Lip it's due tomorrow! This isn't like homework, this will affect your grade!"
"Yeah I know, but I'll...I'll get it done I swear!" Lip promises.
"So you're not gonna go to the party?"
"Nah I'm still gonna go I promised my roommate but I'll just do it when I get back,"
"Lip...this really isn't a smart idea, please just come study with me," Delilah begged, she already knew his grade was currently at a D, and she was worried that missing this essay would be the beginning of the end. 
"Del...I'll, I'll just go for like an hour, and I won't drink and I will go straight to my dorm and do the essay," He tells her, looking at her genuinely. 
Delilah looked at him with a look he couldn't quite describe, but it was the look she gave him when he initially doubted going to college and the look she gave him when he briefly dropped out of high school. It was the type of look that said 'I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.'
"Promise?" She asked, holding out her pinky to him, causing Lip to chuckle at the gesture.
"I promise," He locked his finger with hers, and they continued walking toward Lip's class, sharing a small smile, their words no longer necessary.
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No drinks turned into one drink.
One turned into two.
Two into four.
Four into seven, until Lip woke up in his dorm the next day with no memory of how he got there. A quick look at the clock indicated to him that it was two in the afternoon. Not only had he not done the essay, he hadn't even shown up to his lesson. 
Lip just lay in bed staring at the ceiling, wallowing in his own self-pity before there was a knock at the door. Somehow, in his severely hungover state, Lip got himself to the door, opening it to reveal Delilah, whom he let in without question. 
"Hey, Emma mentioned her boyfriend told her you didn't show up today, you ok?" Delilah inquired, her concern evident as she stood in the middle of the dimly lit room.
Lip, battling nausea, managed to mumble, "Yeah, just uh...not feeling great today." 
Delilah, however, was beginning to notice the telltale signs – Lip was wearing the same clothes as the previous day, avoiding the light streaming through the window, and his breath reeked of alcohol. The pieces fell into place. "Are you hungover?"
Lip, still battling the pounding headache and the queasy feeling in his stomach, attempted to conjure up an excuse, but Delilah's perceptive gaze left him feeling exposed. He scratched the back of his head nervously. He shifted uncomfortably under Delilah's gaze, his attempt at avoiding eye contact was now more conspicuous than ever. He cleared his throat and mumbled, "Hungover? Nah, it's not that... I just had a rough night's sleep, you know?"
Delilah's expression remained sceptical. She was no stranger to Lip's occasional indulgence in alcohol, and she was also aware of how alcohol affected his family so she knew all too well what could happen if he overdid it. Her concern deepened as she approached him, placing a hand gently on his arm. 
"Lip, you're wearing the same clothes as yesterday, and you look like you haven't seen daylight in a while. And why does your breath smell like a distillery if it's not a hangover?"
Lip sighed, realizing that he couldn't keep up the charade any longer. He looked down at the floor, feeling ashamed. "Okay, fine," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I had a few drinks last night, and then a few more, and... I messed up, Delilah."
"Lip, you promised me you wouldn't drink, especially not on a school night. I trusted you. And what about that essay you were supposed to finish?"
Lip's guilt was written all over his face as he tried to avoid the confrontation. "Look, Delilah, I know I messed up, but it was just one night, you know? I didn't think I'd end up like this."
"Lip you're not in high school anymore. You can't do this. If you keep making mistakes, if your grades continue to slip, you'll get expelled and then what? Love, you have so much potential, you can do so much with your life, why are you wasting it?"
Lip finally met her gaze, and he could see the disappointment in her eyes. "Delilah, I promise, this was a one-time thing I won't let it become a problem. I messed up, and I'm really sorry. I'll work harder, I'll catch up on the essay, and I won't let this happen again."
Delilah looked at her boyfriend, she didn't know how to feel. She wanted to believe him, and part of her did, but part of her was screaming at her not to believe him, part of her believed Lip was already in too deep, but Lip was as stubborn as they come as if he would ever admit he needed help.
"ok...I'm choosing to trust you,"
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As the days passed, Lip's descent into a pattern reminiscent of his father became increasingly apparent. The vibrancy that once characterized him began to fade, replaced by a weariness that settled in his eyes. His dishevelled appearance mirrored the neglect of his responsibilities, and the promise he made to Delilah seemed to be slipping through his fingers.
His academic life suffered the most. Lip was back to his high school ways, and started missing classes regularly. The threat of expulsion from his professors became a persistent shadow, hovering over his academic career. Lip's disregard for his education mirrored the same lack of concern that had marked his father's life.
Alcohol, once an occasional escape, became a daily crutch. It wasn't just about relaxation anymore; it was a way to numb the growing dissatisfaction and disappointment within him. The scent of alcohol clung to him like a familiar companion, and the lines on his face deepened as the weight of his choices pressed down.
Delilah, consumed by her exams and unaware of Lip's unravelling, found herself distanced from the person she once knew. Their interactions became infrequent, and Lip's excuses for his absence grew thin. She knew something was wrong, but she was busy and was never able to find a time to meet him, and over text, it's hard to tell what state someone's in, so Lip was able to perfectly mask his drinking through the protection of a screen. The promise of love and support now seemed like a distant memory.
The similarities to Lip's father became more pronounced. The cycle of self-destructive behaviour, a pattern Lip had sworn to break, now threatened to consume him. The downward spiral was not just about missed classes and too many drinks; it was a reflection of a deeper struggle within Lip—a battle between the person he aspired to be and the shadow of his father that loomed over him. But every day he still told himself the same thing.
I'm not my fucking dad. 
When the next break in the college term came, he returned home to his siblings, which was both nostalgic and haunting, as he realised how much he loved it yet didn't want to be stuck there. And how did he handle those haunting thoughts? By drinking of course. 
The Gallagher siblings noticed this of course, but they wrote it off as Lip destressing after a long college term, after all, they didn't know this was an everyday occurrence for him. He's lip! He's supposed to get out, he's supposed to be ok! He's fine!
And for the first few days he was, he was able to fall under the radar as his siblings dealt with the usual Gallagher chaos and was currently drinking a beer on the couch as his siblings did their own things around him. Yet he had forgotten something, in a drunken haze a few nights previous, he had invited Delilah over, reality was about to smack him in the face, and he had no idea.
When he answered the door and saw Delilah, he felt his mind running at a million miles an hour. He didn't know why she was there. What she wanted. If she could tell he was drunk. His mind was both blank and full of thoughts at the same time, and the sudden shock of his girlfriend being stood in front of him, made all the guilt he had been drinking away come back.
"Del! Hey...uh what are you...what are you doing here?"
"You invited me? You don't remember?" She chuckles.
"Sorry sorry, things have just been uh, crazy you know how it is here, come on in." He says, stepping to the side to let her in. 
Delilah offered a faint smile as she stepped into the chaotic Gallagher household, where the usual mayhem of the family's daily existence continued unabated. Ian was nowhere to be seen. Frank, was ranting about some new get-rich-quick scheme in the corner to Kevin. Fiona and Veronica were cackling about the events of their last night out. And Debbie and Carl were arguing about something stupid. Lip's siblings had become accustomed to the chaos, and so the presence of his girlfriend had gone unnoticed.
"I tried to call and check it was still okay for me to come over but you didn't pick up, I thought I'd come anyway though...I've missed you"
Lip's heart sank at the sincerity in her voice. He had no idea how to explain the disarray of his life to her, especially now that she was standing right in the middle of it. His attempt to mask the smell of alcohol on his breath with a forced smile was feeble at best.
"Missed you too, babe," he mumbled, his words slightly slurred. "Sorry, it's just a bit chaotic here, you know how it is."
Delilah nodded, seemingly understanding, but there was a flicker of concern in her eyes. She had always been perceptive, and something about how Lip was acting didn't sit right with her. Delilah finally at Lip more closely, her brow furrowing. "You seem...off, Lip. Is everything okay?"
Lip tried to laugh it off, but it came out as a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, just... you know, dealing with the Gallagher circus. It's uh...it's been a long day."
Delilah wasn't convinced, but she let it slide for the moment. However, as she continued to talk to Lip, the pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together. Lip's slurred words, the distant look in his eyes, and the fact that he was clearly trying to hide something were all red flags. Delilah notices the two empty beer bottles on the coffee table in front of the couch, the one place nowhere else was and the final piece slides into place. "You're drunk again...aren't you?" 
Lip's eyes darted around the room, desperately searching for a convincing response. "Drunk? No way, Del. I mean, yeah, I had a couple earlier, but it's nothing. Just needed to unwind, you know?"
Delilah's concern deepened, and a mixture of disappointment and hurt flashed across her face. "Lip, we talked about this. You promised me you wouldn't let alcohol become a problem again. What's going on?"
Lip could feel the weight of his broken promises pressing down on him, and he struggled to find the right words. "It's not a problem, Del. Just a couple of drinks. I've got everything under control."
"Don't lie to her," Ian's voice suddenly came from the stairs, in a tone so cold so...displeased, it caught the attention of everyone in the room.
"What do you know Ian?" Lip slurred slightly, becoming slightly agitated as all the attention in the room was now on him, there was no hiding from the truth now, and Lip knew it. 
"What do I know? I know that since you've been home you've drank up to 5 beers a day, some days more. I know that it's clearly a problem if you're lying to Delilah about it. I also know that you've missed almost all your classes and you're on the brink of being kicked out of college!" 
Everyone in the room stared at Lip a few people letting out a shocked 'what?!', except for Delilah who just looked hurt, she trusted him...and he broke it.
"How do you fucking know that?" Lip slurred, pissed off that his issues were being exposed. 
"You left your email on your laptop open," 
"You had no fucking right-" 
"Ok! Lip this is not the right time for this, if there's a problem we can talk but right now let's just leave it," Delilah says sweetly, almost as if she was talking to someone younger than her as she places a gentle hand on his shoulder, which Lip only shrugs off.
Lip's anger flared, fueled by the alcohol coursing through his veins. "You had no right to snoop around my stuff, Ian! This is my life, my business, and I don't need you or anyone else judging me!"
Ian's expression remained unyielding, his concern masking any irritation he might have felt. "Lip, this is everyone's business when it's affecting you like this. We're your family, and we care about you. We don't want to see you self-destruct."
Lip's voice grew louder as he tried to defend his actions, his words slurring together. "Self-destruct? I'm fine! I can handle a few drinks, and missing a few classes is not a big deal. College is overrated anyway."
The room seemed to grow tense as Lip's rant continued. Fiona, his older sister, exchanged worried glances with Ian. Delilah, however, remained remarkably composed in the face of his anger. "Lip, I'm not here to judge you. I'm here because I care about you. But you can't deny that something's not right. We can work through this together, but you have to be willing to admit that there's a problem."
Lip's frustration only mounted as he felt cornered. He shook his head, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. "You're all overreacting. I don't have a problem. I can stop whenever I want. You all don't get it," he ranted, his voice rising. "I can handle my shit. I'm not like Frank. I'm not some fucking alcoholic!"
Delilah could see that Ian was also starting to get heated, and she was worried that he and Lip would begin to get physical and fight one another. She knew Lip's defences were up, she knew he felt judged, intimidated, and guilty, and having everyone there was making things worse for Lip, not better. 
"Ok, maybe this isn't a conversation we should be having with so many people," She chuckled nervously her voice still gentle, She moved closer to Lip, trying to defuse the tension. "Love, let's just go outside, and we can-"
But when Delilah's hand touched Lip's shoulder, he reacted with more force than he intended, shoving her away, unintentionally causing her to hit the wall. The room fell silent, and everyone took a defensive step closer, their faces reflecting shock and anger.
Lip stared at Delilah, his eyes widened with regret, realizing he had acted impulsively. Delilah, after a moment of anger, looked down, composing herself. She glanced up at him, restraining her tears.
"I don't like it when you're drunk Lip. Find me when you're not." Her voice quivered slightly before she swiftly made her way out of the Gallagher house. 
Lip stayed glued to his spot as he stared after his girlfriend, his eyes filled with nothing but regret and tears. He couldn't face his siblings, or Kev or V. He didn't want to see the judgment. He didn't want to see the shock. He didn't want to see the sadness. He didn't want to see the anger.
But most of all he didn't want to see the disappointment. 
It took a few moments, but he turned around to face them, his body trembling slightly, as a few tears escaped his eyes, the Gallaghers distraught at the sight of their broken brother.
"W...why did that happen?"
▪️ • ▪️ • ▪️ • ▪️ 
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powderblueblood · 5 months
The level of detail and thought you've put into hai is incredible!
I have a question. I love how you've described Eddie as a rizzless loverboy (my favorrite kind) so I need to know how he managed to get with an ice queen like Nicole. Not to mention some stuff with Chrissy later and even Cass but I'm most curious about Nicole, especially since she's a former friend of lacy's and he describes her as the one person who's meaner than lacy. I need details. How did it all go down? i like to imagine that she approached him. What makes me sad is that I think she probably did it just to say she lost her virginity but I also like to think that they all find him hot but they just wont say it because he's the town freak
NONNY COME THROUGH I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!!!!! hard agree on nicole approaching him because she's nasty as fuck in all the wrong era-typical ways and he's scared as hell of her (like, she really could bite and not in a cute way). but i also agree about these girls secretly being endeared to him. i mean, we saw it with chrissy-- he has a knack for making people feel safe in vulnerable little moments. but unfortunately, people (teenagers) are also diiiiiiicks
so fuck it, let's blurb it out! or
content warning: swearing, wildly unsexy implication of sex, nicole summers sucks dude, teenagers scare the living shit out of me, me attempting to incorporate dnd terminology, GRANNY ECKER KLAXON, there's also an easter egg in this for the rest of the story if you know where to look word count: 2.6k (lol what)
part of the hellfire & ice universe (duh!)
She's gotta be doing community service.
It's Easter, right, so this has gotta be like... a Jesus thing. But she doesn't seem like a Jesus person.
It's the only precedent that would explain what Nicole Summers, jaw jutting out in an exaggerated scowl, is doing serving Meals on Wheels to the less fortunate dwellers of Hawkins' favorite trailer park. Her red hair blazes in the sunlight, searing into his retinas--
But that could also be the weed talking.
"Ma'am, like, I don't know what to tell you, you're signed up to receive these."
"And I don't know what to tell you, little girl," Veronica Ecker Sr., affectionately and fearsomely known as Granny to him, grits from the doorway, "but I'm perfectly capable of cooking my own darn food."
Eddie's been lingering around the Ecker trailer, see, waiting for Ronnie to be freed from yet another M*A*S*H appointment with her grandmother ("Ever since she stopped going to church, it's like, all Alan Alda all the time," quoth Ronnie) and run through his latest Hellfire campaign.
"I'm not saying that you don't, I'm just saying that--"
"You're making me miss my program."
"I'll eat it." Eddie doesn't know who said that or why it sounds like his voice, until he figures out that he said it, which is why it sounds like his voice. Jesus, that shit he lifted from his dad was strong.
Granny Ecker and Nicole Summers elicit almost identical reactions of annoyance once they clock that he's there, lingering in the outfield.
"Junior, if you don't--"
"Oh my God. Ew."
Eddie plants his hands on his hips, half in the hopes that this might look authoritative, half mirroring Granny. "Well, y'know. Waste not want not."
Granny considers him, then apparently considers that this might not be such a terrible idea. Her laser focus directs back to Nicole.
"I don't give a shit. I'm not eating that tripe."
"I'm not just-- authorized to pass off meals like that. There's a system."
"Wait, you need clearance for stuff like that? In Meals on Wheels?" That'd be Ronnie's voice, head popping over her grandmother's shoulder. "Oh, hey, Eddie."
"Hey, Ron. You ready to--"
"Veronica, get back inside. I need you to hit that thing back to record when M*A*S*H comes back on. I don't want any commercials on my darn tapes."
"Oh my God, forget it!" Nicole breaks, stalking towards him with a foil-wrapped tray. She stays a safe distance away and thrusts it towards them-- something something freak cooties, some new line of bullshit that her and her dumb little clique had come up with in middle school. "Here. I don't need the whole freak council weighing in on this."
Eddie takes the tray and considers the shiny foil wrapping. His reflection is all distorted in there, a funhouse mirror but way, way worse. This makes him compelled to be unwisely honest to Nicole, who's already making tracks away from him. He jogs to catch up, foil crinkling as he moves. "Well, now I feel bad."
"It's like robbing from old people. Maybe you should give this to another old person. Like a super skinny one. Who might need two."
"Fuck 'em."
"Gee, Nicole, you're really buildin' that stairway to heaven, huh?"
"Ugh. What?"
"The meals-- the Meals on Wheels. It's a nice thing to... do. Fuckin'... forget it." Eddie stops dead; he might be loaded right now, but he knows which side his bread is buttered on. And he hasn't got any bread. He thinks it might be mashed potatoes, green beans and some rubbery chicken. Anyway, he turns heel-- this conversation isn't going anywhere.
"Hey, freak." The derisive nickname comes calling from Nicole's end. Ring-ring. "Are you stoned right now?"
"De-pendsssss," Eddie murmurs, the 's' sound going on for like five minutes, "Are you... a cop right now?"
Nicole busts out a giggle. It's kind of a pretty noise, if a little grating. She's kind of pretty. Eddie remembers when she had braces in middle school and whenever she'd pick on him, she'd kind of spit on him too. Gross. But still kind of pretty.
"I know how you can make it up to me."
Jump-freaking-cut and Nicole Summers is sitting with Eddie in that creepy wooded area near Forest Hills, making a miserable job of rolling a joint out of a dusting of his dad's weed and a torn-open Pall Mall. His buzz has kind of come and gone, and in its wake the knotted, deadened trees are looking extra gnarly.
"God, I suck at this."
You don't suck. You just need practice, is what Eddie would say if it were anybody else sitting with him, but all he manages is, "Eugh."
Because she does suck. And he's too nervous to further verbalize himself. He holds his hand out and she drops the comically conical attempt at a joint into it.
Deftly, Eddie re-rolls it just like that. "Practice, baby. Only way to Carnegie Hall."
"Wait, what?" Nicole murmurs, brow furrowed.
Eddie wishes he didn't phrase it like that either. "Um. Nothing. How come you're doing Meals on Wheels?"
A guttural sigh comes right from the center of her chest, which Eddie can almost see, thanks to her super low-cut tank top. Her cleavage is all freckled and hiked up, thanks to the Wonderbra that he's been painstakingly avoiding tracing the outline of with his eyes. "My fucking aunt. She's like some do-gooder Christian nutso, she runs the whole thing."
"Oh--" but Nicole's not done. She kicks a toeful of dirt up just as Eddie ignites the end of the joint and takes a harsh pull.
"I'm stuck with her this whole break because my grades were shit. I'm supposed to be in Maui, y'know."
Eddie wordlessly passes the joint on. Knew it was a Jesus thing. And like, boo-hoo, he guesses? He doesn't have any real pity for Nicole Summers right now, because overall she fucking blows. She's mean as hell, for no good reason.
Ronnie came up with a good analogy for it one time; like, put up against that chick Lacy that she hangs out with, Nicole is mean like a bad dog. She just keeps barking and barking and barking and barking and it is relentless and it's busting open your eardrums and she's snarling and you're too scared to get in her way so you just tolerate it. Even if it fucks up your whole day.
That Lacy girl, though, she's mean like a guillotine. One sharp drop and you're done. Dead. Headless horseman.
"I know which one is worse-- Nicole, obviously, because it chips away at you and it's so freakin' loud. But I know which one I'd prefer," Ronnie had said, "I feel like if Lacy comes for you, you've really earned it. Like, you possibly deserve to perish."
But ultimately, curiosity will be the death of Eddie Munson. And so will girls. And so will boring Spring break Sundays.
Nicole half-chokes on a lungful of smoke and Eddie's got to pat her on the back so he doesn't get nailed for her murder or whatever.
"God. Gross," Nicole gripes on recovery. "Ugh. My whole family is in Maui, but I'm stuck here and like-- I even told people I was going to Maui and it's like-- so fucked."
"Totally." Eddie makes pincer fingers towards the joint. "Don't bogart that."
But Nicole is holding it aloft, totally off on her own journey, and Eddie wonders if the weed has hit her that fast or if she's just completely self-involved.
"I even sent postcards to people, pretending I was in Maui. If you wanna know something really pathetic."
It takes a second for Eddie to decipher it, but it seems like she's saying that she's been sneaking around Hawkins incognito all break because she told all of her sucker friends she was in the Central Pacific.
"You completely said that sentence backwards."
He notes that down to tell Ronnie about later.
"Shuddup, freak."
"Man, it is so completely uncool of you to keep calling me a freak when you're literally smoking my weed."
"You took my Meal on Wheel."
"Meal on Wheel for a well-rolled joint does not an even trade make, Summers!"
"So why did you say okay?!" Nicole barks, and Eddie finally gets a grasp of that joint. He's up, he's off the log they were occupying. There is a buzz to be had here, a good time rolled tight up in these flammable papers and he is not about to waste it by letting Nicole Summers verbally wail on him.
"Because I am obviously a veritable moron of the highest knight's order and I had time to kill before M*A*S*H was over!"
That rhymed.
Nicole looks up at him with her green eyes narrowed, this horrible, puggy grimace wrinkling her face. And then she says something so beyond the realm of Eddie's comprehension that he's sure the weed is turning on him.
"Do you wanna, like, hook up?" Nicole says-- scratch that, Nicole snarls.
"What?!" So this level of fuckery doesn't make sense to Eddie because nobody's around. Like, if Nicole takes a shot at the freak and Hagan and Carol and Tina and Lacy and Cass aren't around to hear it, did it even happen?
"I'm serious," Nicole deadpans. "I kind of... look, so I kind of wrote to some people that I hooked up with someone on vacation and, like... I could make that not a whole lie."
"Nicole," Eddie says, in a tone about as measured as he can manage, which is not very because his balls seem to have vacuumed themselves back into his body, "Are you asking me to aid and abet your elaborate scam in which you're currently pretending you're in Maui getting, what... railed by like, a surfer?"
"Wow. That's actually kinda close to what I've been telling people."
He would later find out that she said her premiere paramour was a board waxer.
Eddie inhales a lungful of smoke so deep and so urgent that it makes him feel like Hunter S Thompson-- that is, to say, certifiably insane. Because Eddie's never been... Like, he's made out, or whatever, and grazed a boob like once, but...
In an ideal world, he would not be in the woods. In an ideal world, there might be some perfect declaration beforehand, and he might be indoors, and he might be wearing cleaner underwear. In an ideal world, it would not be Nicole Summers.
Roll Perception. Is this really how it happens? Maybe she secretly... likes me?
The D20 in his brain lands a nat one.
Yeah, maybe. But you've been wrong about that before.
Nicole gets up, and he can just about see the cogs turning in her head, trying to intimate an expression of sultriness. It's such a thin mask that he can basically see her rolling her eyes behind it.
"C'mon. You can't tell me you haven't... thought about it," she tries, dropping her voice in volume and pouting her lips.
And Christ, Eddie hates to be such a guy about it, but... you hate to look a gift horse in the formerly-braces-clad mouth.
I haven't thought about it. I think you suck. But I also think this might be my one shot at something for a long, long, long, long, long--
"God, quit thinking about it and kiss me, freak."
It's almost hot, it's like lukewarm at the very best, which is good enough for Eddie so he goes for it. Lips on lips, but Nicole apparently doesn't follow rhythm very well. There's a lot of dry macking, not a lot of... sensual action. He's almost starting to feel sorry for her.
But then-- well, let's just cut to the chase since that's the flavor du jour, then her hand is on his dick. Through the jeans, obviously, she's not a belt ninja but it's very much there. Flesh and tendons, palming at him.
In this situation, Eddie's not a hard sell. Badum-tsssss.
He uses one hand to hook around the back of her neck, tilting her head toward him-- using this opportunity to kiss her right, or what he assumes is right, while she's distracted. Nicole cannot focus on two things-bad kissing and dick handling-at once, unlike Eddie, who uses his free hand to feel her boobs.
"Siddown on the log," she breathes. Just what you want to hear in the heat of passion.
"Uh-- okay," and he does what he is told. Because she's still a pitbull, at the end of the day.
"Do you, like, have anything?"
"Like... the clap?" Eddie sorta-squeaks as Nicole positions herself over him, one knee either side of his thighs. She's got good balance. Is she in cheerleading? Or is that the other mean one?
"No, you fuckin'-- like a condom."
"Oh." His heart sinks. There's a box of Trojans that Ronnie jokingly bought him after he tried to lay a smacker on her-majorly misguided move, by the way!-but he doesn't--
Wait, shut up. They were literally having this argument the other day, he and Ronnie, about that tiny pocket on pairs of jeans. You know the one. Ronnie was trying to explain that it was for cowboys to keep their watches in, whereas Eddie was arguing that there's no way that cowboys need a watch, dude. They go by the sun in the sky. Like men, so the pocket obviously had to be for emergency prophylactics.
He'd even demonstrated, slipping a good ol' Troj into the tiny fold!
Eddie, in his over-excited state, almost knocks Nicole off the log trying to dig the rubber out. "Voilà."
"Whut," Nicole mumbles.
"Do you take Spanish?"
"No, French."
"... okay."
Here it is. This is it. He's about to get his dick out in the scary wooded part by the trailer park where he once tried to dig a hole to China. Fuck.
But all of a sudden, Nicole is fumbling. Her movements are suddenly weird and unsure and reserved and tight. Badum-- fuck off.
"Hey, y--y'alright?" Eddie murmurs, almost brushing her hair off her face. But that feels too intimate. Even considering the circumstances.
"Have you... done this before?" she says, lips pursed and small as she fiddles with his belt.
"Um." To truth, or not to truth? That is to lose any and all hope of losing one's virginity. "I--"
"I haven't."
A little moment of silence hangs between them. That's not a bark. That's a real girl in there.
Eddie swallows, despite the precipice of opportunity. He finds his throat is very dry, sandpaper going down. That feeling-- it's a distinct sensory recall. A favor someone once did him at a birthday party.
Because Nicole's a dick, but she's still a person.
Not that she'd give him the same grace.
Oh well. Building his stairway to heaven, and all that shit.
"We don't... have to." He nods, resolutely. Partially for himself. He even puts a hand over Nicole's, where it lingers on his undone fly. "Seriously."
Nicole's eyelashes flicker and she stares at him for a drawn out beat. As if she's considering him. Really considering him. Outside of the bullshit dichotomy in which they live. A crease eventually settles in her brow, looking at him like, are you serious, loser?
"No, I obviously want to."
Want to with me? he nearly chances.
"Just don't be, like... weird about this after," she instructs. "It never happened."
"I'm not gonna. It didn't." That sounds too soft, so he snorts a little at the end.
Eddie barely has time to ask her if she's okay before it's lights out for him.
The most unforgettable thirty seconds of Eddie Munson's pubescent life up to that point begins with a scoff (his) and ends in a scoff (hers).
But that dog ceases barking for at least three weeks following. No biting in the hallway, no harassment in the parking lot. Even when Hagan sniffs around him, Nicole doesn't jeer on. She averts her eyes.
It's no declaration of love, but at least he got a free dinner out of it.
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hotdilfs11 · 7 months
Mafia Boss-Thomas Shelby x Reader pt6
✩summary: The Shelby knew this girl when she was very little. However, when her mother passed away (at 16) everything changed and everyone drifted away from each other. Now after seven years Veronica is a mafia boss in her fathers business. Her father sent her to Birmingham on business, will this play off well?
✩pairings:girl named Veronica(POC) x Thomas Shelby
✩warnings: Alcohol, lots of cursing
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I started to blink rapidly while leaving Thomas' office as tears welled up in my eyes. I felt weak and distressed as I started marching away from Tommy's office, trying to look for Dante so I could leave and never be bothered by Thomas. I walk into the brightly lit room full of happiness and laughter, tears running down my cheeks, pushing through the crowd, still looking for Dante.
I stop and gather my thoughts, scanning the room rapidly until someone walks up behind me.
“Hey Veronica, have you seen Thomas?"
I turned around quickly, realizing it’s fucking Grace. My eyes narrowed, forming a piercing glare as my anger starts to boil over. I looked into Grace's emerald green vivid eyes in disgust. “Fuck off Grace," I forcefully said as I watched the happiness drain out of her face. I walked away quickly, not caring about her or anyone else; I just needed to find Dante. I rapidly swarmed through the crowds, pushing everyone out of the way, until I bumped into a familiar figure. I look up to see that it's John.
He looked confused, but then he looked at my face to see that I was crying. His eyes grew soft. "V, what's wrong, dear?” he said while wiping a tear from my face. I pushed his hand away. “I just need to find Dante John and go home." I demanded
John nodded his head like he understood what I was going through. "Okay, Veronica, calm down, and I’ll help you."
I gave him a half-smile as he put his hand on the small of my back, guiding me through the heavy crowd. I walked up to him, telling him I needed to leave immediately. I said my goodbyes to John as Dante guided me out of the insufferable crowd of people. As I’m about to walk out, I hear someone call my name. “Ronnie!” they yelled. I looked back to see Tommy chasing after me. Dante turned around as his body started to tense up. He started to become overprotective as he pushed me behind him, but I touched his shoulders and looked up at him. "It's okay, Dante, go get the car." He looked at me, unsure about my decision, but I gave him a nod, reassuring him. Dante walks away from me, going to get the car.
I started to feel a sense of sadness overcome me when I saw Tommy come closer to me. "Ronnie," he says, slowly stopping in his tracks. He kept a fair distance, trying not to upset me even more. I looked down at the floor "No, Tommy,” I said quietly.
“I want you, Veronica, please." He looks at me desperately. He looked scared and emotional when he said those words. I want him too, but I don’t know if he’s actually going to commit, be a good boyfriend, or maybe a husband. I keep telling myself this isn't good for business, but as I keep looking into his icy blue eyes, and my thoughts fly out the window. I just want him and only him. I try to fight it, but I don’t know if I can handle it anymore.
I looked at him, unable to even spit out my words, staring deeply into his gorgeous eyes. "Tommy..." I sighed. I looked away from him, unable to control my emotions, but I felt Tommy's forceful hand gently tilt my chin over to look at him. “I love you and only you." I felt breathless when he said those words. Butterflies started to form in my stomach as I started to inch over to Tommy. I got so close to him that I felt the heat radiate off his body.
"I love you too." We both got lost in each other's eyes, and time seemed to slow down. Our hearts raced in synchrony while desire filled our eyes. I could feel his warm breath brush against my lips, and his hands lock gently around my waist. Our eyes locked in silence as he pushed me into his warm and firm body, feeling the tension rise in his body. Our faces drew closer and closer, not paying attention to the world around us. Our lips started to linger open, touching but not kissing, but when we looked into each other's eyes, we said fuck it as our lips crashed together. I wrapped my arms around his neck, bracing myself for his kiss. Tommy's hungry lips started to deepen the kiss as my tongue danced on his. His lips were so addictive and intoxicating that I couldn’t get enough of them. I tried to catch my breath, but Tommy grew hungrier and hungrier. Our bodies pressed together as Tommy grabbed my waist tighter and tighter as my hands tangled in his hair. We pulled apart from each other; we were both breathless and full of lust. “Only you,” he said breathlessly.
notes- Thank you for thee support. I love you all I will be taking any ideas(well please give me an idea😭). Anyways my next stories will be about twd or spn so stay tune for that.
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Time for a chandsaw oneshot to add to the collection!
The taste of drain cleaner hit her tongue before Heather realized what was happening. This was no prairie oyster, but a liquid death. She choked immediately, trying to expel it. A hand that wasn’t hers shoved its way past her lips. Fingers down her throat. Veronica? She gagged and gagged. How long can a person go without breathing? The next thing she knew, she was retching and finally ejecting that horrible drain cleaner.
“T-that’s it Heather, get it all out…” Had Veronica been crying? “I’m so sorry. He tricked me. I never, ever wanted to hurt you.”
Heather threw up on her own this time. The taste was even worse coming back up. It was startling to see so much blue. How much had she consumed? Her chest heaved as she caught her breath. Veronica was kneeling in front of her. The phone was sitting off the hook. She must have called 911.
At the hospital, doctors frantically ran about and provided treatment. There were second degree burns inside her throat. They said she was lucky to be alive. Veronica was frantic to explain that it was a freak accident. There was a mixup in the kitchen. Heather had never seen the girl have so many panic attacks in a row. And yet she could do nothing. It wasn’t until several days later that she got the full story of what had been done. And really, she knew JD was bad news but how dare Veronica try to undermine her and take power for herself? If her guilt wasn’t so genuine she would plot revenge against the girl too. But for now, ending JD was a good enough goal. As punishment, Veronica would have to help.
“Anything! I’ll do anything!” Veronica was so quick to agree. She hadn’t left her side since she was admitted, missing school. That was unheard of. Heather tried to speak, but it still hurt too much. Instead she had to write out what she wanted to say. She handed the note over.
“Yeah, I can help come up with a plan. Hey uh, Heather and Heather wanna stop by today to see how you’re doing if you’re up for that. What should we tell them?”
Heather glared and shook her head. Too embarrassing to give all the details. “Okay! I’ll just give them the same story I gave your parents. I promise, JD will get what he deserves. Just hang in there.” Veronica squeezed her hand and walked off for a moment. She was doing that a lot. Touching her, then isolating herself.
Heather and Heather visiting was a drag. McNamara just played twenty questions with a doctor. Duke spent half the time in front of a mirror, not even fully present. Veronica was the only one that actually seemed to want to be here. After half an hour, the pair left, and Heather was just relieved. It was less lonely to be alone with Veronica. Where was she, anyway?
“V…” Once again, her voice died in her throat. She’d get it back if it was the last act of her short life. She wandered towards the bathroom and saw the door was shut. On the other side of the door, she could hear panicked sobbing. Heather knocked.
“I-I’m fine.” The worst lying she’d ever heard. And she heard bad lies before. But she wasn’t trying to lie.
“Let-“ Heather burst into a round of wheezing and coughing. “P-pl-“
“Okay. Okay. Please don’t…don’t strain yourself.”
She opened the door. Her eyes were red, wet, and swollen. Her makeup was completely smeared. “I’m sorry, I can’t help it. I can’t make the…guilt…go away. I was just so angry. I fucking slept with JD and said I was done with you. He took it too far.”
Heather could only nod in response. She hated not having her voice yet. There was a lot she wanted to say about JD.
“I know you’ll probably never forgive me. I’ll do whatever it takes to bring him down. And I promise, I won’t let a boy sweep me off my feet like that ever again. I can’t be trusted.” Heather raised an eyebrow. Veronica was really talking down on herself about this. It must be destroying her. It was then she wondered, when was the last time this girl had even slept?
“Well anyway. Enough about me. They’re gonna take a look at you tomorrow and if you’re able to talk by then, you can go home.”
Thankfully, things looked far better in the morning. Although she was still on the mend, doctors were stunned when Heather was capable of saying a few words at a time already. Her recovery was praised in the whole wing as she was sent home with Veronica. Her parents had found an excuse to be out of town…in other words, not deal with the embarrassment.
Back in her room where it all happened. Heather saw the blue stain on the carpet and nearly cringed. While Veronica religiously started to scrub at it, she noticed a couple things out of place. Her copy of The Bell Jar sat on her bed instead of the nightstand. And there was a crumpled paper with some pencils on the floor. She cast a glance at the brunette who was still cleaning.
“My book.” She couldn’t say much more to clarify what she meant, but Veronica followed her gaze and got the point.
“That must’ve been what JD was doing…he was convinced you’d die and wanted to stage something. Obviously, I didn’t listen to him.”
For the first time, Heather was afraid of JD.
“I know. I didn’t want that either. I was lucky to even be able to save you at all, really.” Two more words came to mind. Something she thought she would never say.
“Thank you.”
The blush in Veronica’s cheeks gave her new life. And so they spent the afternoon together, cleaning and plotting the demise of Jason Dean.
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justablah56 · 6 months
Since you seem to be having a bad day, I threw together a little ficlet for you. Read/respond at your leisure (whether that's in 3 minutes or not until next year)
It had been a long fucking day.
It was a full day of teaching for Terry Jr, with a bad cold wiping out the entire drama department of San Dimas High (which had only been two teachers and a tech in the first place). There was screaming, and snotty noses, and one or two kids bursting into tears, and by the time the school bell rang, he was just about ready to collapse. And, of course, that was clearly asking too much, because it was drama club that day. 2 whole hours of dealing with kids who are meant to be off book two weeks ago, and still hadn't learnt half their lines. It was a fucking nightmare.
Now, dear reader, don't misunderstand. Terry absolutely adored his job and the kids he worked with. But today was one of those days where you just want to roll over and hide back under the covers.
The train had been cramped and noisy, even if the journey had been mercifully free from the kids usual loud arguments. (Why they insisted on riding back with Terry Jr, he had no idea. It was baffling though that Scary waited for him, and they were going to the same house. Although, somehow, her friends always seemed to stay over longer than expected.) Honestly, it was a relief to lock the door behind them all, the kids rushing off to the garden for soccer practice - mostly moral support to be honest.
Terry wearily pulled off his shoes, before turning to Scary.
"Hey, kiddo, I'm gonna go have a lie down. Let your mom know, okay?"
Scary, for once, didn't seem to protest either the request or the nickname. She just nodded, frowning.
"Yeah, sure. Go have a nap or whatever." He ruffled her hair a little (this did elcit an irritated groan. He may not be her dad, but she was still his kid and it was his duty to embarrass her in front of her friends after all) and headed upstairs.
Terry didn't bother to turn on the lights as he collapsed down into the bed, just letting himself he enveloped by the darkness and the comfy sheets. He felt bad about breaking his normal routine of kissing Veronica when they both got home, but honestly he just couldn't handle doing anything other than laying down right now.
He lay there with his head burried in the pillow for maybe a minute, maybe an hour, when he felt the bed dip.
"Hey, Tear-Bear. Bad day?"
There was his amazing wife, the light of his life. Her hair was flying loose from her bun, and even in the dark Terry could see that her office clothes were slightly rumpled.
She was stunning.
"You know, you gotta stop picking up Nicky's pet names. He has far too many." Terry mumbled as he grabbed her hand, tiredly bringing it up to his lips.
"Ah, but that would mean I don't get to hang out with your wife as much. Darling." A familiar weight draped itself over him, tail curling round his leg. "Dropping round unexpectedly and hanging out with V without you is half the fun."
Nicky's voice was a soothing rumble against his chest. Somehow, just having his two partners here made it easier to relax. Even if Nicky had definitely not announced that he'd be coming over. Veronica kicked her feet up and slung an arm over Terry's shoulder, pulling him closer.
"Come on, time for you to rest, TJ."
okokok I've hoarded this fic long enough , ive probably reread this AT LEAST 5 times now xnsnmsms anyways it means *so very much* to me that you decided to write an adorable little ficlet for me bcs i was not feeling good <3333 this lil fic is literally *so* cute i don't know how to properly convey to you how much i love this but icy i love this so much . thank you <33333
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teacupcollector · 2 years
Love Lost - Part 2 (Fiona Gallagher/Reader)
Summary:   Meeting Fiona was a whirl wind of emotions. Leaving her was something you regretted but didn't have a choice in doing. When an injury sends you back home you are reluctant to see her again. Especially with Steve/Jimmy back in the picture. You cannot guarantee her happiness so why ruin it by coming back into her life? Loving from afar is all you can do...  
Warning: Illusions to Suicide, Past Violence Resulting in Injury, A lot of angst
Fiona knew where to look after checking all the usual hangout spots. She made her way to her old job at the sports bar. Looking through each alleyway on the way there she finally gets to a spot. When looking she sees a body laying behind a dumpster.
You are nudged awake by a foot and look behind you from your laying position. "We aren't your fucking charity case!" You know that voice and you smile. "Hey Beautiful..." You say grunting while sitting up. "Get the fuck up!" She shouts and you sigh and turn to face her.  When you do this, she gasps. "(Y/N)..." "Not as pretty as before huh?" You say with a sad chuckle. "W-What are you doing here? You should b-" You shake your head. You recognize the quiver in her voice, and it breaks your heart. "I have nowhere to go Fi..." You say with a laugh. "Why the fuck are you laughing!" She shouts and paces away. "You should have come ba-" "Would you have let me in if I did come back home?" You ask and she stays silent. "I didn't want to burden you... And plus you have Steve..." Fiona turns around with a hurt expression. "I'm not mad..." You say and sniffle. "After the last time I didn't expect you to wait for me... You're happy and that's all I wanted..." You say with a teary smile and lean against the wall sliding down. "Why are you always trying to play the hero!" She shouts. "Why are you doing this for us! Why give us your compensation." "You know why my love..." "W-What about your happiness? You don't need to do this!" "It doesn't matter if I'm happy Fiona!" You exclaim. "It matters to me that you and all those lovely kids are fed, warm, and safe!" You say as tears slip past your cheeks. "You are fucking deaf in one ear and missing a limb! How do you expect to survive with no money!" "Its doe-" "It does matter (Y/N)! It fucking matters!" While this is all happening footsteps coming from the mouth of the alleyway. " It really doesn't Fi... I don't matter... At least to not anyone important." Fiona crouches in front of you and picks up your chin to look at her. "I love you so much Fiona... It's like I can't breathe without you!" "(Y/N)..." "Nothing else matters. You, the kids, V and Kevin... You ar- were my family." You sniffle. "Thinking of you guys and the kids letters were the only thing that kept me going." Fiona is rendered speechless as you talk. "Giving you that money was showing my love from afar.... If I did that one last thing, I could die happy." You say with a sob. "Die happy? One last thing? What do yo-" Fiona suddenly looks to your side to see a handgun laying on your duffle.
"No... Baby no..." Fiona begins as her face becomes wet with tears. "I was working up the courage to do it... I wouldn't be a burden anymore... This..." You say wiggling your stump. "...and my heart wouldn't hurt anymore." You cup her face with your good hand and she surprisingly leans into it cupping that hand with her own. "I never wanted to hurt you! I never wanted to leave! I lo-" You are cut off by her kissing you. You sob into the kiss and move your good hand into her hair pulling her closer. She grips onto you as if you were her life line. Her tongue swipes your bottom lip and you immediately allow her to enter. Your tongues fight passionately and Fiona crawls into your lap straddling you. Suddenly there is a cough and you both pull apart. You both to see a man with brown hair and blue eyes holding baby Liam. He has a hurt expression on his face. Accompanied by him were the kids, Veronica and Kevin. You let out another sob when you see them. Fiona jumps off your lap and runs up to the man. That's when the rest of them run to you. You cry out in happiness as they pile themselves on you in a hug. You kiss everyone's forehead ignoring the throbbing pain from you arm. Kevin lets go first and takes the gun putting it behind his back in his waistband. "I have missed you all so much!" You cry. and they all latch onto you for a while. "So, you lost an arm?!" Carl exclaims and this causes you to laugh when Debbie scolds him. You take off your hat so they can see your missing ear. "Cool!" Carl says but this sight seems to bring tears to the rest of them. "You can touch it... It doesn't hurt to much just be gentle." You say turning your head and Carl gently touches it. You scream which in turn makes them scream and you burst out laughing. Veronica out of habit smacks you on the bad arm and you let out an "Fuck ow!" and she immediately begins to apologize. You smile and sigh. After all this you can hear an argument from the mouth of the alleyway and the man stomps away but not before handing Liam over. You sigh. "That was Steve wasn't it..." You say and they all nod. "Shit... This was the last thing I wanted to happen..." Debbie is the last to let go and she holds your hand. "Were you really going to kill yourself?" She asks her voice quivering. You stay silent for a moment then nod. "I didn't want to be a bu-" "You're not a fucking burden now quit saying that shit!" Lip exclaims.
All of them help you stand up and you stumble with a laugh. Veronica wraps an arm around you and kisses your forehead. "You can stay with us right (Y/N)?" Debbie asks and you look over to Fiona whose head is hanging low cradling Liam to her chest. "She won't let me stay Debs... I can't just drop in on you unannounced." "Yeah, well you kind of already did that bullshit to me..." Kevin says as he picks up your duffle bag and whatever else was on the ground. "Yeah... I'm sorry about that..." You mumble and Kevin pats you on the back with a soft smile. "Don't worry about it." He says and you look over at Fiona. "I ruined everything." "You didn't. They weren't really doing well to begin with." Debbie mumbles. "That doesn't matter right now. Lets get you home..." Lip says wrapping an arm around you and guiding you out of the alley way.
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glitchy576 · 6 months
Fight for me, I'll fight for you
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Veronica Sawyer x Heather Chandler x Reader x Jason Dean
Y/n stepped into the lunchroom, a huge smile on her face. Why was she happy? She just was. 
Veronica stared at the Heathers with disappointment because they just bullied her ex best friend. She looked away from the three laughing girls to see an angel gliding around the cafeteria. She instantly went to talk to the girl. 
Y/n squeeled when she heard a voice right next to her. Y/n returned to her smile when she saw it was just Veronica. 
"Hello V, how are you?" 
"Good thank-"
A booming voice screamed for the whole hall to hear. 
Veronica silencly hissed under her breath. A girl dressed in red appeared in between the two quiet girls. 
"Hello Y/n, where are you going to sit?" 
"I don't actually know yet." 
"Then come sit with me, Heather, Heather and..." 
Heather Chandler hitched her breath before finishing. 
She let out with a long breath. Y/n simply noded, Chandler took her hand and when Y/n wasn't looking Heather glared at Veronica who stood in shock. 
"Y/n so what's your favorite color?" 
"Um well I suppose (F/C)."
"Hm interesting." 
Heather signaled Heather (Duke) over her ear. 
"Get a uniform in that color, now!" 
Heather snaps. They all sit down, with Heather on Y/n's left and Veronica her right side, as the other two sit across from the three. 
"So Y/n,"
Chandler says grabbing her chin so she'd look at her. Chandler looks down her lips and licks her own. Y/n looked up somewhere and suddenly had a way wider smile. 
Veronica blurts out. 
"Do you wanna go on a date?" 
Veronica rushed, she didn't want Heather to have anytime to ask Y/n the same question. Heather Chandler gasps and glares at Veronica. 
"Y/n do you wanna go on a date with, me?" 
"No Heather I asked first!" 
"Guys i-"
The girls said standing up. 
"Heather Veronica," 
Heather stated as she slapped Veronica. 
Veronica snapped back. 
Y/n screamed grabbing everyone's attention. 
"I'm not going on a date with either of you!" 
"What why?" 
Veronica asked getting closer to Y/n and frowning with concern. 
"I have a-"
"Jason Dean?!" 
The girls said staring at the boy who pulled their crush closer to him by the waist. 
"Y/n, and I would love you for you unlike, Heather." 
She hissed. 
"I'm not leaving JD, just date eachother or something, but you know I'm happily in love, so bye!" 
Y/n and JD walk out of the cafeteria leaving Heather and Veronica heart broken as they stare at the closing doors. 
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leelei1980 · 1 year
Part 18 - Beauty and the Freak
Let’s play a game🌶️
Mature 18+ Smut Minors DNI
" This definitely does not qualify as a scary movie Princess ." Eddie looked down at the movie case as he pulled it out of my backpack.
" It has ghosts in it Edward." I put a bag of popcorn in to the microwave and punched in the time, then hopped up and sat on the countertop as I waited.
Eddie walked over and stood in front of me, I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him in close." It's Ghostbusters, Sweetheart. "
" It's a compromise. You get ghosts and I get laughs, win win."
He leaned in and kissed my neck. " We probably won't be watching much of it anyway."
" Why is that Mr. Munson?" I couldn't help myself,closed my eyes and sunk into him. His lips were so warm and soft.
" What happens every time we watch a movie? We make out or we have sex."
" Not every time." I backed away from him, eyebrow raised. " Do you think I can't resist your charm? "
A slow smile spread across his face and he ran a finger down my cheek. " You haven't been able to so far."
" I love your confidence." I smiled right back at him. " I think we should play a little game. Let's see who can hold out the longest, resist temptation. No physical contact."
He chuckled." I am up for a challenge."
The microwave beeped and I unwrapped myself from him, and he backed away a couple steps. I slid down the counter and looked up at him. "Your going to lose Munson. "
He smiled down at me and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. " Good luck Sweetheart." He grabbed the bag of popcorn out of the microwave then strutted into the living room  giving me a perfect view of his tight ass , and then sat on one end of the couch.
I smiled. This was going to be fun. I opened up the refrigerator door." Hey Baby, would you like a soda or a beer?"
" Sure, I'll take a Coke."
" Coming right up!"  I slowly bent down  to grab a couple sodas from the bottom shelf, and felt his eyes on me. There were two things Eddie Munson couldn't resist, my ass and my breast. I pretended to shuffle around containers on that shelf , stalling so that he would get an eyeful. I grabbed the sodas , slowly stood up and closed the door. I picked up my backpack that had a bunch of candy in it for movie night, then walked over swinging my hips, laying it on pretty thick, and handed him his coke.
He smirked." Thanks doll face." He winked at me. Jesus.
I sat on the opposite side of the couch , one full couch cushion between us and he laughed.
" Afraid you're not going to be able to resist the urge to touch me?"
" I always sit on this end and you know that." I put my drink on the stand beside the couch and opened up my backpack, took inventory then pulled out a box of skittles and threw them over to Eddie.
" Thanks Sweetheart." He smiled.
" Welcome baby." I pulled a tootsie pop out of my bag and unwrapped it. "Cherry, my favorite." I brought it to my mouth and licked it, put it into my mouth and swirled it around then pulled it out with a pop. I flicked it with my tongue then licked it again. I looked over at Eddie and smiled when I saw him swallow hard. " How many licks does it take Ed's?" I watched him watch my mouth so I licked my lips.
" The world may never know sweetheart." He blinked, snapping out of his daze then was back in the game again. " Its warm in here, are you feeling warm? I'm feeling warm." He stood up and slowly pulled his shirt up over his head, his ink on full display, his abs, his cute little belly button,his pants hanging low on his hips, the V pointing down to his-" You alright Princess?" He threw his shirt on the floor and walked over in front of me, grabbed the stick of my lollipop popped it out of my mouth then stuck it in his. "Yummy."
" Well that was rude."
He threw his head back and laughed, god, I wanted to kiss his throat. I'm going to fucking lose. I need to pull myself together.
" You know your right, it is toasty in here. " I grabbed a scrunchie from my pocket and put my hair up into a messy bun, Eddie once told me that there was something about the act of me putting my hair up , or putting on lip gloss or putting in earrings that he found sexy, I would use that to my advantage. I tugged on the collar of my shirt, " I think you had the right idea baby." I sat up on my knees and untucked my shirt , then made direct eye contact with him while I unbuttoned my shirt all the way . I bared my shoulders."So much better." I ran a hand down my neck, my chest. I watched his eyes follow my hand then settle on my breast, he licked his lips. I pulled off one sleeve then the next then threw my shirt to the floor. " There! Now I'm comfortable." I looked up through my lashes and smiled.
He shook his head and smirked. " So we are getting comfy now Doll face? Sounds great." I watched his hands go to his belt, he unbuckled it then slowly pulled it through the loops and tossed it away . " Now that is better."
I wanted to touch him so fucking bad, I wanted to trail kisses all over his body, but I was too proud. I knew he could see it written all over my face. I plopped back on the couch , grabbed the bag of popcorn and decided to stuff my face as a distraction.
Eddie looked at me with a shit eating grin on his face. " What's the matter darling? "
" Your so annoying."
He laughed again." Awww, baby , just touch me, I know you want to, then this stupid game will be over."
" I wouldn't give you the satisfaction." I huffed, then put some popcorn in my mouth. " I'm sitting here drooling over you and you barely even flinched. I used all my tricks. I thought once the boobs came out it was game over but no. I'm clearly revolting."
" You look so fucking cute when you pout."
" But not cute enough to touch. Any other time I swear to god you would be all over me."
" Your goddamn right I would. But you see Princess I am trying to show you that I have self restraint, that I am not the only one in this relationship that is a fucking horndog. " He took the lollipop out of his mouth and pointed at me ."You are just as guilty as I am. I don't know if you have ever noticed, Sweetheart, but 70% of the time you are the one making the first move. I am just innocently laying there ,head on your lap and you lean down and kiss my neck, or nibble on my ear. There was that one time you straight up reached over and grabbed my junk. That was fucking bold babe, and I loved it." He finished off the tootsie pop.
I smirked. " You think I don't know how I get when I am around you? I am sitting on your couch with my tits out, cramming popcorn into my face to distract myself so that I don't attack you."
He twisted some hair around his finger and brought it over to his mouth, started chewing on it." What would you do to me if you weren't cramming your face full of popcorn?" He knelt down in front of me, big brown eyes searing into my soul.
I put down the popcorn and sat up straight in front of him. " You want to know? Alright." I bit my lip then slowly looked him over, my eyes stopping at his." First I would cover your mouth with mine, your lips would taste sweet,like cherries from your pop.Then I would wind my hands in your hair, give it a little tug, because I know that you like that, pull your head back and kiss your jawline, suck on your earlobe, kiss your throat, work my way down. Tonight I'm feeling a little feisty, I would nibble on your shoulder, I bet you would like a little bite, wouldn't you?"
Eddie swallowed hard and nodded.
" Thought so. I would run my fingernails down your back, not enough to scratch but enough to give you chills. Then I would kiss every single tattoo you have, slowly working my way down, my hands unbuttoning your jeans ."
" That sounds fucking amazing Princess. " He was staring at my lips, I could see his breathing quickening.
I leaned forward a little more  and whispered." How about if I were to slide my hand down your pants , wrap my hand around your cock and stroke away. How does that sound baby?"
Eddie groaned , then leaned in and whispered , his breath giving me goosebumps."How about I push you back on the couch , strip off the rest of your clothes and bury myself deep inside you? Make you cum so hard your legs will be shaking the rest of the night? How does that sound Sweetheart?"
Fuck, I'm done. A little whine slid past my lips. I slowly backed away and saw a smile spread across his face. He was just about to say something when I covered his mouth with mine, slid my tongue into his mouth. He did taste like cherries. He matched my intensity, this tongue tangling with mine. I moaned into his mouth, the pent up sexual energy from the night finally being released. My body was humming and I hadn't even touched him yet. We pulled apart gasping for air.
" You win." I nuzzled into his neck and started kissing it , working my way down, lightly biting his shoulder, as promised.I heard him groan.
"Fuuck, Sweetheart." He reached behind me and unclasped my bra, slid it down my arms and threw it to the floor. He pushed me back onto the couch.
" Baby , pants, take off your pants." I demanded as I slid my own off, not wanting to waste any time. I wanted him, needed him right now.
He quickly took off his pants, his dick springing up, hard and ready. I bit my lip, I was ready.
" Eddie," I whined." Please fuck me."
" What do you want me to do baby? Say it again."
" I want you to fuck me. "
He carefully lowered himself down on top of me. He took my face in his hands and kissed me again softly then pulled away, kissed my neck, my chest , latched onto my breast, teasing my nipple with his tongue, then working his way over to the other. He was lingering, taking his time .It felt so good. I ran my fingernails lightly down his back. I felt him shiver.
I felt his hand in the inside of my thigh, spreading my legs wider." Your so wet,"
He slid the tip of his cock up and down my slit, practically making me whimper with need. " Are you ready?"
" I'm so ready baby please." I begged.
He lined himself up with my entrance the slowly slid himself in.
I moaned. I was so full, but in the most wonderful way. He slowly pulled out then buried himself into me again, this time further, making me gasp.
" You good?"
" So fucking good. Keep going baby, please."
" You feel so fucking good. You take it so fucking good." He picked up the pace. " My sweet girl, taking me in so well."
I arched my back , wrapped my legs around him to pull him closer. His head dipped down and he kissed me again. I wound my hands through his hair pulled. He moaned into my mouth.
He pumped harder and faster relentlessly and I could feel the wave of pleasure wash over me, hitting me hard. I cried out and a few moments after I felt Eddies body shudder, and he called out my name, I kissed his throat as he climaxed knowing that it would only intensify it for him. He collapsed on top of me and I held him close as we caught our breath.
" That was so worth it , even if I lost."
Eddie turned his head to look down at me." Neither one of us lost Darling, I would say we were both winners. " he leaned down and kissed the tip of my nose, then lifted himself up on his elbows.
I smiled at him then gasped." Oh god Eddie , I left a mark on your neck! I'm so sorry!"
" A hickey? Really?" He laughed." Baby, it's fine."
" I'm sorry Ed's." I reached up and gently touched it with my finger.
" Really Sweetheart it's fine. I will wear it like a badge of honor. Besides, it is more important that I don't leave one on you, Lucy would never forgive me if she found a mark on her little girl."
" I think your shirt will cover it. I don't want the boys to see it. "
" You think that they will think of you differently if they see this little love bite? "
" Maybe? I want them to think of me as the funny smart girl, not the slutty girl that leaves hickeys on her boyfriends neck."
" They would never think that." He brushed a hair out of my face and kissed my lips. " I'm totally showing Harrington though."
I laughed. " Are you serious?"
" Yeah, but like casually. Like I'll pretend to scratch my neck and pull down my collar. He's going to be impressed."
" Your such a dork."
" But you love me."
" I do."
Eddie rolled off of me and helped me up. I ran off to the bathroom and came back wearing one of his hoodies and a pair of his sweatpants. He had gotten back into his tshirt and boxers.
" Your ass looks way better in those sweatpants than mine does. So round and full." He slapped my ass as I walked by.
" Sure , now you'll slap it." I plopped back down on the couch and got comfy." It's kind of funny how this whole thing started because you didn't want to watch Ghostbusters. But now that we got the sex part out of the way..."
" It's ghost and Bill Murray time, I know." He popped in the movie and pressed play, then he curled up next to me ,laying his head in my lap.
" I promise I won't nibble on your ear."
" I mean if you really want to.." he looked up at me and smiled. " Will you play with my hair though?"
" Of course lover boy. "
" Your the best. "
" It's the least I can do, I mean you did deliver on the shaky leg promise."
He laughed." A promise is a promise."
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zaceouiswriting · 2 years
The Truth: Not much of a stranger
Character: Reggie Mantle x male reader, Sweet Pea x male reader
Universe: Riverdale
Warnings: None
You did not get into school the next day, after you almost jumped off the bridge. As normal, your parents tried to talk to you, but guessed, it was one of „those“, days and called the school, that you were sick.
While you were graveling in your inability to do anything right. Your phone vibrated relentlessly. Calls and texts from your friends in the hundreds. Even form Reggie, the last person you wanted to hear anything from. All of them concerned, but only your ex-boyfriend, mentioning his actions. Him asking you, if you could talk this out, broke you. 
He seemed to think, that this is just a minor misunderstanding, which could be changed, with talking. If it is this way, he is way more dumb, than you ever thought.
After school, some of your so called „friends“, even came to your house. Thankfully your parents weren’t there, so nobody opened the door for these traitors.
The day after that, you even with feeling, like this day could only be worse, got out of your bed. Doing your normal morning routine. Just to step in the school and got bombarded by your friends, questions and shit like this. But you haven’t talked to any of them. Except for Archie, which you learned, wasn’t at the party either. He still was blissfully ignorant for what happened. Or Veronica, actually did not tell him.
For the entire day, you hanged out with Archie, holding him away from everyone else, „What is going on (Y/N), is there something you want to tell me?“, he asked a bit cockily with making his eyebrows dance for you.
Of course you took this as a joke. He knew he became attractive and since then played a bit with you. Not with Kevin because he wasn’t the type for these jokes.
But you smile slowly faded, as you realized that you needed to tell him, because if you didn’t, no-one would. So with a stern look in your eyes, you finally looked at him directly, „There is something I need to tell you. You don’t want to hear it, but someone needs to tell you, because V-“ 
„Hey, (Y/N) can we speak?“, Reggie interrupted you in the for him perfect moment.
The shock was visible in your eyes, as both guys looked at you, „No Reggie, we can’t. I try to tell Archie something. So if you could kindly fuck off, I would appreciate that.“
Immediately, you could see Archies questioning look, at how you just talked to your seems to be boyfriend. Because nothing was official yet, as you guessed.
„Please, let us talk!“, he asked more energetic. 
Jus as you wanted to again let him down, Archie suddenly stood up. „I let you guys alone, you obviously have something to talk about,“ he told you uncomfortable, before walking off.
Which let you to angrily stare at Reggie, „What the fuck was that? Wasn’t it enough to cheat on me? Now you need to let me look like a bad guy?“
Reggies strong demeanor broke almost instantly. His saddened eyes, once let you fell to his side, to make sure he was okay. Now it just makes you angry, „Tell me Reggie, what did you really want? Did you tried to prevent me from telling him? Is it that what you want? That I’m just as disgusting like all my friends?“
„It would hurt Veronica, if-“
For a moment you completely blacked out of rage. Just to find you again, getting stared at by everyone outside. And Reggie with a bright red mark on his right cheek. You gulped hardly, as you realized, that you just had slapped him.
„Why don’t you crawl to her, if she is that important to you Reggie, because we are done!“ Only the last part was almost screamed by you. 
Only Cheryl and Archie, weren’t there that day. So because you couldn’t find him, you got to her. Telling her everything. But asked her to keep it a secret for know, cause you want to humiliate them. Make everyone aware, what snakes they are.
„How about we go out today? It is Friday and there is someone I want you to finally meet.“ You were taken aback. Never thinking, that you were close to her, but it would explain a lot of things that had happened in the past. With a saddened smile, you agreed, to meet her later at her house.
At your own home, your parents were happy, that you again came out of your room and even spoke to them, for a short moment, before telling them, that you wouldn’t be there that evening and maybe the night. But also told them, that Reggie was no more and that Cheryl would take you to a party.
Of course they were confused, because Reggie was your rock, but not questioned you further for the moment, just being happy, that you talked to them at all.
At Cheryls place, you sat in her red bedroom, completely finished, just waiting on her. But she didn’t take as long as you expected. Because only ten minutes in, her manicured fingers, suddenly snatched your phone from you.
„Really (Y/N), you reading his messages? No! Absolutely not!“, she stated, as she locked my phone in one of her drawers. „You will get it back tomorrow. But for today, we have fun, and you forget about this asshole!“ 
Just then, she took your hand and pulled you with her, to a motorcycle on which she sat herself on, giving you another helmet and drove you two off.
Later on, as you finally realized where she was driving you too, you became uneasy. Trying to think, why she was getting you two in serpent territory. Immediately the pictures of this night, came back to you. And the kind eyes the stranger had.
Standing right before their headquarters, your stomach began to turn. But only for a moment, before reality kicked in. Your former low hanging head, was straight, directly lookin in front of you, a serious look on your face.
Cheryl did not see any of this, just guiding you inside. Where you were absolutely overdressed. So much, that it wasn’t even funny.
Not long in there, a beautiful girl, came up to you, kissing Cheryl, before turning to you, „And who is this love?“, she asked your friend, that had taken you there.
„This is (Y/N), I told you about him.“ 
For a moment she just seemed to look you up and down. „I remember, the jock lover, right?“, she asked her but looked at you. Which gave you a very prominent red shadow over your cheeks.
„I want you to meet my friends.“ She turned around and pointed at a cute short guy, sitting in a booth, „This is fangs, one of my childhood friends and that besides him is-“, she stopped for a moment confused, „Where is he?“
Suddenly someone tapped on your shoulder, which activated a fight or flight moment. Of course you choose fight. You grabbed the arm, especially one of his long fingers, „How broken to you prefer your bones?“, you asked threateningly without even looking behind you.
A deep husky, velvet voice, called out to you, „I prefer them in tact. But I believe you do too.“ Just then, his other hand engulfed your body. Which reminded you of the evening in the rain again. Your head spun around faster than you thought possible. There he was, the guy who had saved your life.
„Nice to see you again,“ he grinned at you, obviously flirting.
„You two know each other?“, Cheryl asked suspiciously.
At which the stranger nodded energetically. „Yes, I found him on the wooden bridge, soaking wet, disoriented. I asked him, where he was going. He wasn’t really there in his head, as he came to himself, he asked me where he was. And immediately tried to presumably go back home. I even tried to give him a ride, but he blow me off, quite uncalled I might add.“
You starred at him with an open mouth, still holding his finger or more his hand now, while his other arm, stabilized you, as if he knew, that you knees became week from just looking at him.
Finally after he told his little fake story, he looked back down at you, winking, before finally letting go of you again. Finally you learned his name, `Sweet Pea´ a strange but fitting name for a seemingly bad guy like him.
Cheryl was still somewhat suspicious. Knowing how good your inner compass was, but also remembered you telling her, that someone helped you in the rain. And was just happy, that you two seemed to get along.
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rainy-sys · 2 years
alright that’s it ive had it up to here. someone draw me some designs of a dsmp/heathers the musical au
did i catch your attention?? cool, this is a long post, details under the cut
cw for everything in heathers bc it has pretty heavy topics, if you are squeamish, please do not read further
• wilbur isnt jd here, d r e am is, and he’s built like his old eboy looking skin. the one with white hair and a suit n stuff. mans dressed like jd though, which means he looks like wilbur, but he’s not. and it’s also funny bc this specific skin is drawn so fancy all the time but this one is just. a raccoon you found in the alley that offered you a cherry slushie
• pre-death (preferably like,, pogtopia time) wilbur is veronica, because my brain said “fuck you”. also his theme is blue and it makes me happy because ghostbur <3 and veronica’s fake unalive scene he looks like ghostbur. sobbing this hurts me too okay i dont want to think about it too hard either. anyway semi-unhinged wilbur without his coat. blue highlighter fucking bitch (affectionate) AND AND. HIS BROTHER IS ALSO THERE. AND ALSO. ANGST BECAUSE YK HOW VERONICAS MOM WALKS IN ON THE FAKE DEATH?? NAH NAH. TWAS TOMMY.
idk where to drop this but this is actually in a college. tommy is in highschool though and knows ranboo and tubbo, they are all 18 because that’s senior year and bee boy needs to be old enough in my mind to have graduated early and because of the “flirting” n shit that’s pulled when ranboo gets stuck having to deal with mex
• the heathers are schlatt quackity and george, schlatt being red, quackity green, and george yellow. listen: schlatt dies by drinking canonically, and why did heather c need a drink?? and also its another form of poisoning!! also he’s a mythic bitch in canon anyway. and also george. with the uh. with the sleeping pills. plus quackity canonically always getting brushed off and stuff.
• “who are the jocks” theyre toned down like hell (because hell no i hate the jocks and my brain automatically filtered it down to them just not knowing how to actually flirt) but they’re mexican dream and ranboo. listen. listen. ranboo’s very mentally ill okay. mex got to him like “eyy man i heard you like football eyy me too do you not have any football friends??? broooo let me teach you how to talk to people man” and ranboo was like “oh cool thanks :D” and then his little mind got corrupted and he just. doesnt know any better. nor does mex because of his canonically fucked up home life both dsmp-wise and musical-wise. the jocks overall radiate “NAHH THERAPY?? GET A ‘THERAPIST’?? MAN THOSE ARE FOR PUSSIES NO WAY” energy. and i know i said college but listen okay i have a solution. ranboo is tall as fuck and plays good because of how fucking skinny and lanky and tall he is. hes hard to fucking catch. he’s college level. he’s on college team. case closed. anyway most of the very bad flirting is done by mex and ranboo just kinda nervously laughs along because “god damn gotta keep up appearances :D” and because he thinks that’s what normal flirting is. “HEY WHAT ABOUT THE FAKED GAY UNALIVE WHERE THEY ACTED LIKE THE JOCKS WERE GAY FOR EACH OTHER??” yeah in this au, wilbur and dream made up that those two were hiding they were gay, but they didnt try to imply that they were gay for each other. anyway *proceeds to cut out the entirety of dead gay son*
• martha is tubbo because i may be a little bit of a sucker for some beeduo angst. yk bc this is the musical version. also tubbo’s overall little childlike innocence sorta thing. and also he’s just a little quirky. he seems like he’d be the best fit, plus that’s what my brain did. also i love him. “tubbo underscore, my brothers best friend since they were in diapers” theyre besties your honor <3 “but this is in college??” yeah yeah but here’s the solution: tubbo graduated early so he’s like the youngest guy in college. “no friends?? nothing to distract you from your studies!! ;v;” thats another reason hes bullied and hated, everyone calls him a nerd bc he graduated early yk???
• “but but but the romance thing between jd and veronica????? with dream and wilbur??????” yes?? are we going to have a problem??? you got a bone to pick?????? (/ref) anyway i didnt choose this, this idea overall came to me from like four (4) scenes in a dream.
and before you artists start (if this gets anywhere), i would like to mention that one of the things that was consistent from the musical that projected onto the characters were uh. the outfits. so anyway i dare you all to draw my 3 smp heathers in their skirts. and make them sassy as fuck
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myocsfanfictions · 5 months
South Side Story
Shameless Fanfiction Season 1
Desna Hills has come living in the Southside of Chicago four years before. Taken in by Kev and V, Desna is close friends with the Gallaghers. Let's see how this Southside story unfolds.
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Chapter 10
They were all in the Gallagher’s living room, every each one of them was talking at the phone, asking to whoever they could reach if they had either spoke or seen Frank.
Desna had been calling every single person she had on her phone, but no one had come across the man. She didn’t know how to take that information; it could be a good sign that maybe he was just passed out under a bridge or at the side of the road, maybe in an old abandoned house, he did that sometimes. But it could even mean that if he hadn’t be seen it was because he could be dead as well.
Suddenly a noice made them all turned towards the window just to see the phone V was using being pulled back from out the window.
“Motherfucker!” Veronica exclaimed before running out of the house. Probably Kev had woken up.
“Anything?” Fiona asked.
But nobody apparently had seen Frank since the night before. How was it even possible? He was loud, rude and bothersome, someone must have seen him.
Their attention was caught by Debbie that started to cry. Poor baby, even if her father was an asshole she could not stop loving him. Desna walked closer to her as Fiona tried to sooth her, “Don’t worry Debs,” she said, “We are going to find him.”
Desna was really hoping that Frank Gallagher hadn’t died on his kids.
“We split up,” Fiona said looking at all her siblings, “All the regular spots, okay?”
Desna’s phone buzzed in her hand to alert her that someone had just send her a text.
“Shit,” she muttered, before walking to Fiona, “Fi, I’m sorry, Kev asked for me to help him today,” Fiona touched her arm, shaking her head.
“It okay, you’ve done a lot,” she said, and Desna touched her hand to try and give her comfort.
“The Alibi is a regular spot,” Desna said trying to sound encouraging, “I’ll keep my eyes open.”
“Thank you,” Fiona said before turning towards her sibling to decide where they would have to go. Desna took her bag and jacket heading to the door, but as she did she didn’t miss the look that Lip was giving her. He had his arms crossed as he observed her, but when their eyes met he turned away, giving his attention back to his sister.
“Finally!” Kev exclaimed as Desna entered the bar, frowning at his tone.
“Whoa! What got you all worked up?” She asked as she put her bag down, behind the counter.
“Bills get higher, no fucking phone, had a fight with V, want for me to go on?” Kev answered as he moving past her to go the back of the bar.
“Then go home, fuck her and come back with less steam!” Desna protested, before noticing her colleague looking at her, “Hey Jess,” she greeted with a small smile.
“Someone is nervous,” the woman said owning a glare from Desna, that took a rag to go and clean some tables. She looked around to study the face of all the customers: Tommy drinking at the counter, Billy sleeping on the counter, four man laughing loudly in the corner of the hall, a woman drinking her beer, her eyes glued on the TV, clients waving to Desna’s direction to make an order, but there was no trace of Frank Gallagher.
“Jess?” Desna said walking back towards the counter. The woman looked up as she was cleaning a glass.
“Did you happen to see Frank Gallagher today?” She asked. Jess seemed to think about it, but then she shook her head.
“No, didn’t see him,” Desna scoffed, before thanking her. She took a look at her cellphone but there were no calls or texts. It was becoming worrying. How could it be possible that no one had seen the man. Where the fuck was he? Did he left the fucking country?
“Des! Clients!” Kev shouted and Desna turned to him with wide eyes.
“The fuck, Kev!” She argued back, “You wanna argue with me as well?”
“Can we stop thinking about fucking Gallaghers for a day or two?!” He asked in exasperation.
“That’s why you argued with Veronica?” She asked.
“Take orders! I love you!” Desna looked at him with a frown.
“Jeez, calm down man…” she said walking towards the clients.
She had worked for two hours, checking her phone as often as she could, but there was no sign of the Gallaghers. She could not believe she was actually worried about Frank Gallagher. She had never liked the man. Selfish and narcissist, leaving his children with no money, but spending everything that he had on alcohol and drugs. Parents that didn’t act as such was one of the things that Desna hated. Nobody forced anybody to have kids, just don’t fucking have them if you have to make them struggle all their life.
Suddenly the door of the Alibi opened, revealing Lip entering with Karen on his heels, aggressively throwing Kev’s cellphone on the counter.
“What the fuck Lip!” Desna exclaimed, but Lip was glaring angrily at Kev.
“You can shove your phone up your ass, alright?” He said, “No more freebies from me like doing your taxes every April, because you can’t understand the instructions!”
“You didn’t want him to use your phone?” Desna asked Kev in disbelief, that stutter without answering.
“Fucking asshole.”
“Hey! Don’t talk to him like that!” Desna argued moving towards Lip, that glared at her too. But before he could answer Kev talked, arms raised up.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey take it easy, all right?” He said moving to the front of the counter, Lip turned to look at the man, that was now using his usual laid back tone, “Look, Frank isn’t far, okay? He never goes far?”
“I know, but it’s last Friday,” Lip explained, his tone much calmer.
“Last Friday?” Kev asked, “So what?”
“Kev, the disability check,” Desna explained, “This is the check day,” finally realization got him.
“Oh Jesus! Fuck me!” Kev exclaimed “Jess! Frank Gallagher, did he leave with anybody when we kicked him out last night?”
“Name me one person who would be caught dead with him in that condition?” Jess answered, and Desna’s eyes immediately move to Lip, who turned away from biting his lips.
“Steve was definitely gone by then, so Frank wasn’t with him,” Kev thought out loud before turning to the costumers “Hey, anybody seen Frank the Plank?”
“Steve?” Asked Desna.
“W-which Steve?” Lip asked looking at Kev.
“‘Steve’ Steve. Fiona’s new Steve,” Kev answered. Then Karen move forward.
“In here?” She asked.
Kev nodded, “Talking to your dad. Friendly enough.”
“What time?” Desna asked and Kevin though about it for a moment.
“Hours before closing,” he answered. Lip for silent thinking about it for a moment, before starting to walk towards the door.
As he made a step, Desna talked “If you need anything-“
“Don’t worry about it,” he answered avoiding her gaze, “Karen.”
“Thanks, Kev” she said with that annoying fake sweet tone, then she tuned to Desna, “See ya.”
Desna ignored her, finding herself looking at the ground, turning only when she heard the door close.
“Sweet, Jesus,” she heard Kevin say, “I didn’t understand it was that bad,” Desna was fighting the tears that where threatening to fill her eyes.
“Don’t worry, Kev,” she said walking back behind the counter abounding to look at Kevin.
“Have you heard?” A man shouted entering the bar, “A body has been found under the EI!”
Blood froze in Desna’s veins as she and Kevin share a look of dread. What if it was Frank?
“Shit…” Kevin muttered.
“Kev, we have to tell them,” Desna said and the man nodded immediately.
“Take your things,” he said at her that rushed to her belongings as Kev turned to Jess.
“I’ll leave it to you,” he said opening the door so that Desna could ran out.
“You think it’s him?” Desna asked as her and Kev made their way towards the Gallaghers, “I mean, could it really be him?”
“I don’t know, bug,” he said, his body tense. The chances that the body was Frank Gallagher were high; nobody had seen him in more than twelve hours, nothing. Frank was an asshole but his kids cared about him: Fiona was going out of her mind, Debbie cried and Lip…
She just hoped that it was not.
“Hey,” Kev announced their entrance, immediately moving towards V, “Can I talk to you for a second?” Desna’s gaze fell first on Debbie, sitting on the coffee table sobbing surrounded by her siblings, then she noticed Lip and Karen in the doorway between the living room and the kitchen. They had probably just arrived. Desna wondered if Lip had already talked to Steve, since he was in the house with them.
“They…” she muttered getting everyone’s attention, “They’ve found a body under the EI.”
Their faced all paled as they looked at her.
“When?” Fiona asked, getting up, her voice shaking.
“N-not so long ago,” Desna said.
“We… we gotta go,” Fiona said turning to her siblings, “Get your things, we have to go,” they all started to get their jackets and as they were ready they started to exit the house. As Lip passed by her, they look at each other silently. He bit his lips, trying not to show his worry, but she knew he was. Her hand moved to his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. Lip nodded his head lightly before walking out followed by Karen. The two girls shared a glare, but they didn’t say nothing to each other, too busy to follow the group to see if the body was actually Frank’s.
They ran all the way to the EI, they saw the police already making the measurements. Desna could see the body as she put her hands on Carls shoulders standing in front of her. From where they were it was not possible to see the face, his clothes could resemble Franks though and that made her pull Carl close to her. When she saw the forensic medic getting closer to the body, her breath got stuck in her throat. Then he finally turned the body and Desna closed her eyes as everyone screamed with joy.
It was not Frank Gallagher.
Carl turned in her arms hugging her around her waist, and she immediately hugged him back with a little smile. Turning to find Lip glancing in her direction. Her lips moved in a small smile, and he gave her a little nod, his gaze finally more relaxed.
Frank Gallagher wasn’t dead. Then where the fuck was he?
Tag List: @th3h0nkz @aunicornmademedoit
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