#house 1x14
preacherboyd · 4 months
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House M.D. | 1x14 Control
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someone talk to me about house md i just watched 1x14 (the one with the patient with the thigh issue that turns into a heart issue bc of bulimia) and i’m insane but i can’t verbalize why other than THIS PARALLEL AND HOUSE’S REACTION TO IT IS THE MOST CRAZY INSIGHT WEVE GOTTEN INTO HOUSE SO FAR
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archive-folder · 8 months
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housepilled · 2 months
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nachthimmelschwarz · 3 months
rewatching supernatural and i just realised that in season one every episode had a deeper meaning. like some lesson you could learn from it besides the main plot we followed.
for example 1x14 was mainly about sams powers focusing on the abilities he has and the murder of his mum and jess. but it was also about family stability (dean being the only reason sam didn't turn out the same as max) and abuse and about the question what abuse is (max being abused by his dad and uncle but kinda also his step-mom because she never helped him even though she knew what was happening). it was about breaking the vicious circle that abuse is ('old habits die hard I guess').
or 1x17. it was about the relationship between sam and dean (the simple joy of teasing your loved ones with pranks which kinda escalated at some point). it was about letting professionals handel things (the first time the ghostfacers interrupt one of sam and deans investigations), but it was also about the power of believing in something (mordecai only existing because people believed in him), it was about the hurt a belive can cause (a girl getting killed because the myth changed).
this is not a hot take I guess most people knew this from the start, but it just occurred to me and I wanted to share.
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So next we're in the kitchen where Joey is reheating Chinese take out in a wok and planning to pass it off as his own cooking. Joey tells Michelle you never saw these take out cartons. And Michelle puts her hands over her eyes in this cute little like peek-a-boo moment. It's adorable. Stephanie pops in and announces she can see the takeout cartons. Joey! Joey! Joey! she says. Once again Stephanie is being the adult in this situation. -Andrea
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pretty fucking rich that the asshole with money and money to spare who bought his way into a hospital only to act like he owns the place, trying to decide who does and doesn't get treatment based on how much money it earn him, is in here accusing HOUSE of playing god. alright
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junipum · 1 year
love his little tappy tap stims on the desk to the song he’s so me
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trickarrows-bishop · 3 months
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mar-sibilina · 11 months
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Vogler: I’m Edward Vogler, new Chairman of the Board. In a way, I guess that makes me your boss. House: I am sorry about the lab coat thing. The dry cleaners destroyed it. 
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dumbbitchawards · 1 year
"House isn't wearing his lab coat!!!1!1!" my brother in christ he has a physical disability that causes chronic pain and he is probably autistic so if wearing comfy clothes helps him work better then maybe just leave him to it
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preacherboyd · 1 year
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House M.D. | 1x14 Control
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persefoneshalott · 7 months
i know people joke about sam and dean not looking like real priests but what I need to know is, is a random priest walking into a wake a real thing that happens in uh Michigan?
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fluentmoviequoter · 5 months
Undo It
Pairing: David 'Deacon' Kay x fem!SWAT!reader
Summary: You get abducted on your way home and won't talk to anyone after you're saved. Deacon vows to undo all the damage done to you.
Warnings: angst, descriptions of injury/threats/torture, SWAT!reader is abducted and held hostage, Deacon gets very protective, fluff.
Word Count: 5.2k+ words
A/N: One scene in this is inspired by Criminal Minds episode "Riding the Lightning" (1x14). I also don't know how to play poker, so I kinda rushed through that. This is completely self-indulgent; the idea came to my mind while watching season 3 of SWAT and I had to write it. Hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think! :)
Picture from Pinterest
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“Two more women have been reported missing from central Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Police Department has not yet commented on whether the recent missing persons reports – of which there have been sixteen in as many days – are connected.”
Deacon mutes the television as Hicks enters. 
“They’re all over us,” Hicks mutters. “But that’s not why I’m here. We got an anonymous tip from one of Luca’s neighbours. There’s a drug buy going down around the corner from his house. You up for it?”
“Who called in the tip? Same guy as last week?” Luca interjects.
“We’re in. Worst-case scenario, it’s another false alarm,” Hondo says.
“That’s the worst-case scenario?” you repeat. “What’s your idea of a good case scenario, walking into the middle of a drug buy?”
“My arrest record is lookin’ a little thin. Let’s roll,” Hondo teases, patting your shoulder as he walks by.
You roll your eyes, smiling at Deacon as you fall in line behind him. Deacon puts himself on your team for the breach, and you find yourself tucked behind him as he enters a bedroom.
“L.A.P.D., on the ground!” he yells.
You follow him in, placing handcuffs on the two men inside. Hondo and Tan clear the other side of the house while Chris and Street enter from the back. No other suspects are inside, but there is a bathroom filled with drugs.
“Looks like you forgot to flush,” Hondo taunts as he raises a small plastic bag.
Once back in Black Betty, you remove your helmet and lean against Deacon’s side. You keep your head up, and the touch isn’t visible to Tan or Chris across from you, but Deacon welcomes it.
“Need a ride home?” Deacon asks as he offers a hand while you exit Black Betty.
“No, I’m going to walk. I could use the air. Thank you though,” you reply.
“It’s getting late,” Deacon argues.
“I’ll be okay, I promise, Deac.”
Deacon watches you go and considers following you to ensure you get home safe, yet when you promise to call Chris when you get home, he decides he’ll text you later to confirm everything is alright.
The last block separating you from your house seems darker than usual. Speeding up, you reach for your back pocket to pull your phone out. None of your team members would mind staying on the phone until you get home, but your mind immediately goes to Deacon. He’d not only answer but probably be in his car before you finished telling him you were concerned or uneasy. Once your phone is in your hand, you watch as someone steps out of the shadows.
“Evening,” you mutter, nodding once as you step to the side.
“It’s a good one now,” he responds. “I’m Matt.”
You ignore him, but when his hand wraps around your arm, you turn quickly, throwing a punch against his jaw.
“Oh, I told you she’d put up a fight,” a second voice says before two hands land on you from behind.
“Night, night,” Matt says, holding his face as a cloth is pressed to your face.
You fight until everything goes dark, and as your head drops, you see your phone on the sidewalk. You know that Deacon will save you… or die trying.
“Hey, Chris,” Deacon says as he answers the phone.
Chris says your name, sounding out of breath, before continuing, “Have you heard from her?”
“No. I offered to drive her home, but she wanted to walk. Why?”
“She didn’t call like she said she would. She always calls. And now she’s not answering my calls.”
Deacon takes a deep breath, rubbing his jaw as he attempts to deduce where you could be.
“Something’s wrong,” Chris adds.
“I know, I know. Call the team; I’ll drive by her house and meet you there. Hey, Chris,” he waits for her to hum to finish, “we’ll find her.”
Deacon is at your house faster than usual, slowing as he drives past your driveway. A small light is evident on the sidewalk, the only evidence of life in a strip without a streetlight. He parks, jumping out to run across the road and pick it up. 
“No,” he whispers, looking at your phone. 
What makes finding your phone abandoned on the side of the road worse, he thinks, is that his contact is open. You tried to call him, and based on the new crack across the screen, you needed help. You needed Deacon, and he wasn’t here.
“Find anything?” Chris asks when Deacon walks in.
“Her phone,” Deacon answers, laying your phone on the table. “It was unlocked, lying on the sidewalk less than a block from her house.”
“The light-less dead zone?” Luca guesses.
Deacon nods, his jaw tightening as he confirms. He should have insisted on driving you home or been on the phone talking to you the whole time.
“I should’ve just gone with her,” Chris mutters.
“Don’t do that,” Street says, “we had no way of knowing something would happen. Any one of us could be blamed for this, but that won’t help us find her.”
Hondo nods but doesn’t say anything before Hicks rushes in.
“I didn’t see it until now,” he mumbles, opening the computer. “I don’t know how we missed it.”
20-David watches as he navigates to the missing persons' page, a collection of women gathered at the top. Hicks opens the most recent reports, and Chris exhales a sharp sigh.
“They are connected,” she says.
“Yeah,” Hicks answers. “Somehow, we missed the physical appearance connection. Our guys were so interested in the victimology that they probably never even looked at the pictures.”
“They look just like her,” Luca whispers. “It’s uncanny.”
“Do we have any ideas? Suspects? Leads?” Hondo asks. Hicks shakes his head, and Hondo slaps an open palm onto the table. “We can’t just sit here and do nothing!”
“I know that Hondo, but without an idea as to who, what, or why, we don’t have anything to go on. LA county is big, we can’t just start searching aimlessly.”
“First responders,” Deacon says, his eyes and his focus on the screen. “They all work as first responders. Firefighter, EMT, 911 operator. Every one of them. Where were they taken from?”
“Uh, within a mile of their homes,” Street reads. “Six of the six-seventeen, now, visited the Los Angeles county court to inquire about getting restraining orders.”
“Against?” Deacon asks.
Street clicks through the reports before looking up at Deacon. “Asher Nolan.”
“All six against the same guy,” Hondo begins, clicking his tongue, “that’s a lead.”
“I’ll get a warrant,” Hicks says, turning toward his office.
Deacon watches as your picture is added to their list. He knows the team only has 24 hours to find a real lead, or they risk never seeing you again.
“Don’t, Deacon,” Hondo says lowly, standing beside Deacon. “It’s not our fault, not your fault."
 “I offered to drive her home, tried to insist, but she promised she would be safe.”
“You didn’t know, Deac, you couldn’t have helped her.”
“I could have!” Deacon drops his voice, looking away from your picture to admit, “She tried to call me. When I found her phone, my contact was open. If she had pressed it, or if I had called sooner, she might have been okay.”
“She will be.”
“She better.”
Deacon walks out, unable to look at your smiling face any longer. Hicks comes back quickly with a warrant, and Deacon tries to detach himself from the case. He can’t, not when it’s you.
The clock in the room reads 11:58 p.m. It’s only been four hours since you left S.W.A.T. HQ, though it seems a distant memory. The door opens, and you are still against the bed you’re chained to. 
“You know, I miss when you would talk to me,” Matt says, laying his hand across your throat. “What happened? I know you help people, so help yourself.”
He laughs at his dumb act, amused by the fact that he knows why you fell silent. Your skin burns against his touch, and the cough you want to release feels trapped in your throat. Faint bruises are barely visible in the bright light, but you know that the marks they’ve left are deeper than any bruises that may appear. Assuming you survive, of course.
“Since you’re giving me to cold shoulder,” Matt adds, dragging his hand across your collarbone to rest on your shoulder, “maybe I should return the favor.”
His other hand raises, covered in an oven mitt, as he reaches into a cooler and removes a large chunk of dry ice. You pull your lower lip between your teeth, determined not to scream. The ice meets the bare skin of your shoulder, though you’re unsure when he moved your sleeve. Alternating between burning and freezing, stabbing pain, you fight to remain conscious.
“Functional lessons,” the second man muses as he walks in. “I like it.”
An alarm goes off, and Matt and the man whose name you’ve yet to learn walk out. The ice is left against the skin of your upper arm, melting too slowly against you and the bed. 
“I almost forgot,” Matt’s voice echoes before something pricks your arm and everything goes dark as the pain finally fades.
“Cameras,” Street points out. “They know we’re here.”
“Then let’s show ‘em why,” Hondo says. “Chris, Tan, Luca, go right. Deacon, Street, you’re with me.”
When Deacon feels Street touch his shoulder, he lays his hand on Hondo’s. He wants to get in and get you out as quickly as possible. Many things could happen, too many variables, but Deacon is prepared to risk his life to save yours.
“Gun,” Hondo calls, pushing back against Deacon as they enter a hallway.
“Took you long enough. When my buddy said LAPD was incompetent, I didn’t realise I’d be able to get so much done before you found me,” Matt calls.
“Let’s talk about this,” Hondo yells. “There’s a chance to walk away from this.”
“You mean like Abby?” a second voice joins.
“24-David,” Chris’s voice crackles through the radio, “We got eyes on one.”
“30-David, we have eyes on one east of the front door,” David replies.
“Abby didn’t walk away, though,” Matt says before laughing.
“Neither did Chelsea, or Bailey.”
“Or that pretty little officer. They saved everyone except themselves.”
Deacon closes his eyes, taking a deep breath to stay calm when they bring you up.
“See, that’s where you messed up,” Hondo announces. “You took one of us. Surrender and maybe the DA will work with you, find the other girls and get a reduced sentence.”
“Or, what? Go down in a blaze of fire? Better than ice.”
Hondo peeks around the corner, aiming his weapon. “Last chance, Asher. Put the gun down.”
“Asher? Oh, you mean my boss. He said not to do that.”
Matt raises his gun, and Hondo takes the chance to fire. He rushes out while Deacon covers him.
“Where is she?” Hondo demands as he presses a hand to Matt’s wound, kicking his gun away.
“Frozen by now.”
Matt’s eyes close, and Hondo gestures toward the other hallway as he radios that one of the suspects is down. Deacon nods, leading Street into the hallway.
“Clear,” Deacon says, exiting a bedroom.
“Closet only,” Street informs, opening a door on the other side.
Deacon opens the last door and lowers his gun to his side before he rushes into the room. Street turns in the doorway, covering him.
“24-David, the second suspect is down. It’s not Asher,” Chris radios.
Street turns into the room, joining Deacon by the bed.
“Is that-“
“Dry ice,” Deacon finishes as he knocks it onto the floor.
He removes his glove to find your pulse, elevated but steady. Your skin is colder than it should be, and you don’t respond to Deacon’s prodding or whispered pleads.
“C’mon, come back to us,” Deacon tries again.
“Ambulances are here,” Street says.
You jerk harshly, and Deacon rolls onto the bed, raising you into a fireman’s carry before navigating through the hallways. He feels you continue moving against him, but all he can do is get you help and pray. 
“We’ve got her,” the EMT says, helping to lower you onto the gurney. “Hit the sirens.”
“I’m coming with,” Deacon says, climbing into the ambulance.
Hicks appears at the door. “Go. She needs you, Deacon. Keep us updated.”
“Narcan?” one EMT suggests.
“No, at least not yet.” The ambulance lurches into motion as they strap an oxygen mask over your face. “Brain, I think, not drugs.”
They glance toward Deacon, who says, “I’m a trained medic, I get it. Just do your jobs, please.”
Deacon paces the waiting room for nearly an hour before sitting in a chair and letting his head hang toward his knees.
“Sergeant Kay?” a nurse asks.
Deacon’s head snaps up as he stands.
“The doctor is in her room now. Wants to talk to you.”
Deacon is silent as he walks down the hallways to reach your room. When he enters, seeing you hooked up to several machines and your arm wrapped tightly, his breath catches.
“I’m David Kay – Deacon,” he introduces, shaking the doctor’s hand.
“She owes you her life, Sergeant Kay. Much longer and the frostbite would have been incredibly severe.”
“And the tests?”
The doctor sighs, looking over at you before answering. “Yes, we ran several tests. MRI, CAT scan, and a few others. Her brain isn’t responding like it should.”
“Will she regain consciousness?” Deacon interrupts, his focus aimed at final answers.
“As far as I can tell, yes, sir, she will. When I say not responding like it should, I suppose I should reword. Her brain is responding, there’s no sign of a lack of oxygen or direct brain damage, but she may never recover fully, and will likely never be the same as the woman she was before. Her brain waves aren’t behaving like a woman of her age and health should be.”
“Thank you.” 
Deacon shakes his hand and moves to the corner of your room, typing a short text to Hicks: Get down here when you can. This will be easier in person.
He knows it sounds like you’re dying, but the idea of never having the real you back seems just as dire.
Your eyes blink open slowly against the harsh fluorescent lights. A man is standing above you, and you jerk backwards, pulling against the chain on your hand and the unseen weight holding you down. Prepared to defend yourself, you move to the edge of the bed and let the adrenaline numb your pain while fueling your fight.
“Doc, take a step back for me, please,” Deacon says calmly.
When you hear Deacon’s voice, your guard drops slightly, and your shoulders lose some tension as you locate Deacon. You watch Deacon while the doctor stops beside him, whispering something on his way out.
“She’s not herself, just try to give her space and time. Like I said, this may be temporary, or it may be her new normal,” the doctor reminds Deacon, unheard by you.
The hand that you pulled away from the doctor moves jerkily toward Deacon, and he glances down at your hand and the IV you ripped out. He turns and waves to a female nurse. He stands by your bed, and you watch him, tensing as the nurse touches you to insert a new IV.
“Do you want to be alone?” Deacon asks when the nurse exits.
You don’t speak or nod, but your hand moves closer to Deacon. He smiles, taking it as a yes, before sitting in the chair beside your bed. Deacon knows the doctors’ concern but would do anything to hear your voice again.
When a doctor walks by, you lean harshly against the rail on your bed, and Deacon realises you are uncomfortable around men. Although, for some unexpected reason, you seem fine with him. Deacon stands and closes the blinds on your window, and when it feels like he is the only other person in the world, you fall asleep. Deacon is concerned that you’ll be nervous around him, too, when you wake. Later, when you do wake, your eyes find him, and your body stays relaxed, proof that your relationship with Deacon was not impacted by whatever those monsters did to you.
He looks down at his phone to read a message from Hondo: We got a warrant and a location for Asher. You in?
Deacon apologises as he tells you he has to go. “The team is going after him, and I want to be there. I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
You don’t respond, but Deacon taps the edge of your bed as he leaves, only inches from your fingers. While he’s gone, you don’t sleep. The night passes, and by mid-day, when you’ve gone a whole day, 24 hours, without sleep, the nurses give you a dose of melatonin to help you relax. You drift off, falling asleep against your will, and your mind goes to Deacon.
Deacon is still gone when you wake, but there’s a computer sitting in the chair he previously occupied. You pull it onto the bed, catching the SD card that slides off the top. After you insert the chip and see only one video on it, you start it after looking out the door.
It’s the men who took you, Matt and the other one, standing over you, threatening you before growing bold enough to carry out some of their threats. When they start touching your throat and talking about your voice, you slam the computer closed and rip the memory card out.
Standing from the bed, you pull the IV cart with you to the cabinet. Your tattered clothes are still in the patient's belongings bag, but someone also brought your backpack from S.W.A.T. HQ. You look out the door again before changing and stay close to the heart rate monitor and IV cart. Once dressed and ready, you duck beside the door, waiting for a large enough group to walk by. When one appears, you rip your IV and pulse-ox off, falling into step behind them. You walk out unnoticed and set out without a real destination in mind. Sticking to the shadows, you find yourself in a familiar neighbourhood.
When your heart rate plummets, the machine beeps, and several nurses abandon their stations to run into your room. They check the bathroom and the far side of the bed before finding your commander’s phone number.
“Hicks,” he answers.
“Commander Hicks, she’s gone.”
Hicks hangs up on the nurse but walks into the room less than ten minutes later. He looks through everything, noticing that your bag is gone and your IV was ripped out intentionally. Hoping to find something before your team comes back, Hicks opens the computer on your bed. While Hicks is searching, Deacon walks in with a small bag of your favourite snacks and a book to pass the time. 
“Calm down, Deac, we’re gonna get answers,” Hicks begins.
“Where is she?” Deacon demands.
“I don’t know. The nurses called as soon as her heart rate stopped tracking, so she can’t be more than thirty minutes ahead of us.”
“I’m going to find her.”
“Deacon, stay with me. We’ll call in the team and-“
“I can’t; I think I need to be alone for now.”
Deacon leaves, setting the bag in his passenger seat and wishing it were you instead. He’s lost you twice in the last few days, and once he finds you, he will do everything in his power to keep you close forever.
Walking into his house, Deacon slows when he sees a pair of shoes under the rose bush in his front yard. He pulls his gun and demands the person come out slowly.
You slide toward him with your hands up and your eyes on him rather than his gun. When he sees your face, he holsters his gun quickly and squats to your level.
“Can I touch you?” he asks quietly.
You give your first answer since waking in the hospital: you nod. 
Deacon helps you stand, keeping an arm around you as he leads you inside.
“Help yourself to anything, okay?” he offers as he closes the door. “You can shower, take clothes, whatever you need to be comfortable.”
You pull away from Deacon and disappear down his hallway. He hears the water turn on in his shower and pulls his phone out, his finger hovering over Hicks’ number before deciding to find out why you left the way you did. 
When you reemerge, with wet hair and dressed in Deacon’s clothes, you join him in the kitchen and stand closer to him than he expected. He sets two cups before you: a mug of your favourite tea and a glass of ice water.
“Are you hungry?” Deacon asks. You shake your head, and Deacon adds, “Hey, you’re in charge right now. Whatever you want, whatever you say, goes.”
You pick up one of the glasses and look toward the couch. Deacon chuckles as he picks up the other, placing a hand on your back and leading you to the couch. Once you sit, you keep your free hand in your lap as you drink. Deacon wants to take your hand, hold it, and tell you how sorry he is, but you aren’t ready, as far as he can tell.
Suddenly, though, you turn toward him, and he recognizes the look in your eyes, shaking his head and chuckling before he begins talking. His voice has always been soothing to you, his presence like a safe house. You fall asleep to the sound of his voice, and your head falls onto his shoulder.
Deacon remains perfectly still throughout the evening as the sun sets, unwilling to disturb you, even at the cost of his comfort. His phone begins ringing in the kitchen, and he moves out from under you to answer. You wake when you feel his absence, looking around until you find him.
“Hey, Commander,” Deacon greets. “Yeah, I know… I’m worried, yeah.”
You stand and walk away silently. Deacon watches you, staring down the empty hallway as he says goodbye to Hicks. 
Entering his bedroom, you find your backpack and pull the memory card out. You reappear with the small envelope containing it, and Deacon waits until you nod, wringing your fingers together, to take it. He finds his computer and inserts the card; his headphones are plugged in, and he decides to use them, unsure of what’s on the card.
Waiting, you stand beside the couch, holding your hands together. You can’t hear the video, but Deacon's facial expressions tell you which part he’s watching.
“Where’d all that fight go, huh?” Matt asks, pushing against your throat until you nearly lose consciousness.
You can’t fight back, and they’re enjoying it too much.
“You said one word and then nothing. What am I supposed to think? Maybe you don’t want to talk. Maybe you shouldn’t. That’s why we told the others. And we made sure they believed it before… well, you know.”
“They didn’t even scream,” the other man adds. “Silence is beautiful on women.”
“What if,” Matt begins, drawing a large blade from a case beside the bed. “We made sure you couldn’t talk again? Cops have to be able to use the radio, so at the least, we’ll know you can’t call for help.”
The blade lays against your throat, and your eyes close, silent but physically preparing to fight.
Deacon’s eyes slide to yours before returning to the screen briefly to close the computer. He moves to sit on the arm of the couch before you and looks up at you with big brown eyes. You want to talk to him so badly, but you can’t. Deacon raises his hands, and you don’t hesitate to lay yours in his. He rubs circles on the backs of your hands, your callouses and warmth melting together.
“Everything they said was wrong,” Deacon begins.
Deacon notices that you lean in toward him with each word he says. He stands slowly, concerned that his size or the proximity will overwhelm you, but you keep your hands in his and follow his eyes as he stands. With the new angle, Deacon can see the bruises forming around your neck, from your collarbone up to your jawline. Deacon’s hands raise to rest on your shoulders, bringing your hands along in his. His thumbs rest gently above your collarbone.
“What they said, what they did, was terrible.” And Deacon plans to undo every word and touch, even if it takes forever.
You lean into Deacon’s touch, trusting him with most of your weight as his phone rings again. He moves an arm around your shoulders, leaning back against the couch as he answers.
“Hicks. I only have a minute. She’s here, at my house. She’s safe… Yeah, I’ll keep an eye on her… See you then.”
“Thank you,” you whisper against Deacon’s chest, your voice rough after not using it.
His eyes widen as he wraps his other arm around you. “It’s no problem,” he promises.
You point to the bedroom, and Deacon nods before releasing you. He watches you walk away, and the echo of your voice wraps around him like a warm blanket.
When Deacon rises for work the following morning, he has a message from Hicks inviting him to stay home with you if he needs or wants to. Walking into the kitchen, you’re standing in your own clothes with your backpack at your feet.
“Can I go with you?” you ask, voice barely audible.
Deacon doesn’t have the heart to tell you no, so he takes you back to work. As he walks to the car, he texts the team a quick heads-up that they may need to be quieter around you because you’ve been through a lot, and slow behaviour seems to be the key to making you comfortable. He hopes your new unease around men doesn’t extend to the other men who saved your life.
The team tries to follow Deacon’s advice, but when you hear an obnoxious yell from a beat cop, you tuck behind Deacon and grab his fingers. 20-David knew you had feelings for Deacon but seeing him be your safe space like this is a whole new element for them to witness.
You, Deacon, and Hondo are watching Hicks interview Asher Nolan. They can’t tie him to any of the abductions, but he seems to know too much about some of the other women who were taken. Hicks is getting nowhere and is ready to walk out.
“I’ll go in,” you tell Hondo. “But only if you come with me,” you add quietly, looking at Deacon.
“She only goes in if I go too,” Deacon adds protectively, looking at Hondo.
As you walk in, Asher’s eyes find you.
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” he croons.
“Don’t look at her,” Deacon snaps.
Asher’s eyes move to Deacon long enough to ask, “Do you ever smile?”
“Well, you should be with someone who smiles, sweetheart. Come closer and I’ll show you how nice my smile is,” he tells you.
“Tell us where the other women are,” Deacon demands.
“Oh, that kind of information needs to be earned, don’t you think? I have an idea, though, we play poker. You win, and I tell you what you want to know.”
“And if I win?”
“I get to smell her hair,” Asher answers, staring at you.
“No deal.”
You know you need the evidence. Finding the other women is the key to getting a conviction.
“Okay,” you say.
Looking over at Deacon, you hope your look conveys your thoughts: ‘Please win.’
You look at Deacon’s hand, hiding your smile when he tucks a card behind another to disguise his winning hand. The moment Asher shows his cards, asking you to come to his side, you let your lips raise slightly.
“Oh, looks like I missed a card,” Deacon deadpans, revealing his royal straight flush, all spades.
Asher slaps the table, his handcuffs creating a sharp echo. Deacon stands, and you follow, standing behind him.
“Mulholland Drive, by the dam,” Asher admits. As Deacon approaches the door, he says, “I’ll find a better place for you; the best for the last.”
Deacon tries to lunge for Asher, but you step between them and push Deacon out of the interview room. 
“Thank you. For winning and keeping him away from me,” you whisper, your hands still pressed against Deacon’s chest.
“I’ll always protect you.”
Hicks steps out, asking to speak to Deacon, and you nod before walking the other way. Deacon meant it, and you know he will do anything to protect you.
You enter the locker room, surprised to find it empty. Sitting on the bench before your locker, you drop your head into your hands. The quiet is nice but also allows your thoughts and memories to run rampant. One thought of Deacon silences the dangerous and painful thoughts, and you will your mind to remember what it was like to be held by him.
Deacon finds you waiting alone in the locker room and moves silently to join you. He sits beside you, and you turn toward him, taking his hand and tracing his fingers.
Your touch is magnetic, and Deacon never wants to let you go. 
“I- I know you watched the video, but I want to talk about it. If that’s okay,” you begin, looking at Deacon’s hand.
“Of course.”
“They told me to stop talking, not to scream, and I listened. I’m sure they were lying, but they made me believe that last girl, Melissa, was still alive, so I thought – hoped – that if I listened, they’d let her live. Focus all of their time and energy on me, you know. Then they started touching my neck and pressuring me to talk. When I didn’t they started hurting me, choking me and laying knives across my neck before leaving.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know Hicks was at the hospital and found the computer, and I don’t know if they recorded it, but they threatened to pull my vocal cords out and put the knife in my mouth. Talking just- it felt like I was betraying her, I guess, even after I knew they were in custody.”
Deacon moves to his knees in front of you, keeping your hand in his as his other hand raises to cup your jaw. He ducks his head and kisses your neck, wiping away the memories of their touch with each gentle movement. When he reaches your jaw, you lower your chin and meet his lips, kissing him.
He knows this is real, not just something to distract you. He doesn’t, however, know that you know that, too. You have loved Deacon for a long time, and…
“Thinking of you kept me alive. You kept me alive, Deacon. I’ve been in love with you for years and being away from you made me realize just how much. I never want to be away from you again,” you confess, holding his hand and heart.
Deacon knows you will be uncomfortable around men for a while, but never around him. He vows to continue his mission of undoing their words and actions, but he will love every version of you along the way.
“They found Melissa, she’s still alive,” Hicks announces in the doorway.
As the door closes, Deacon kisses you again. You saved Melissa, he saved you, and now he knows it.
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year
Jake Peralta Whump | Brooklyn 99
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1x01 Pilot - Manhandled, thrown, held at gunpoint 1x02 The Tagger - Career in jeopardy/threatened 1x03 The Slump - Really bad day, "cursed" 1x04 M.E. Time - Squeamish 1x05 The Vulture - Angry, spanked twice 1x06 Halloween - Falls from the ceiling, concussion, falls into Terrys arms, handcuffed, painfully slams onto table 1x07 48 Hours - Exhausted 1x08 Old School - Very hungover, aches/pain, reprimanded 1x09 Sals Pizza - Punched, manhandled, talks about childhood trauma 1x10 Thanksgiving - Talks about sad childhood x2, manhandled, choked 1x11 Christmas - Santa fight, held at gunpoint 1x12 Pontiac Bandit - Exhausted 1x14 Ebony Falcon - Chest bumped to the ground, worried, punched multiple times, numb arms 1x15 Operation Broken Feather - Denial, feels betrayed 1x17 Full Boyle - Pepper sprayed 1x18 The Apartment - Daddy issues, feels doomed from eventual homelessness 1x19 Tactical Village - Jealous, heartbroken 1x21 Unsolvable - Very sleep deprived, depressed/heartbroken, drunk 1x22 Charges and Specs - Very drunk, reprimanded, fired
2x01 Undercover - Picked up/arrested, punched, balls knee'd, cuts burn/pain, held at gunpoint, bummed 2x02 Chocolate Milk - Head manhandled, back issues from Terrys 'body slam,' exhausted x2, feelings hurt, tortured (forced to eat carrots) 2x03 The JimmyJab Games - Attacked by fire hydrants, still heartbroken 2x04 Halloween II - Robbed by bears, falls, hurt by barbedwire, arrested 2x05 The Mole - Feels betrayed, exhausted, slapped 2x06 Jake and Sophia - Hurts his hand 2x07 Lockdown - Passes out (flashback) 2x09 The Road Trip - Slapped 2x10 The Pontiac Bandit Returns - Daddy issues, gut punched 2x11 Stakeout - Punched 2x13 Payback - Exhausted, collapse, numb, sad 2x14 The Defense Rests - Heartbroken/depressed 2x15 Windbreaker City - Heartbroken/depressed, obsessive 2x17 The Boyle-Linetti Wedding - Finger pain, hearbroken 2x18 Captain Peralta - Major daddy issues, major denial, abandoned, feels hurt, confrontation 2x19 Sabotage - Suspended, feels betrayed, almost hit by a truck, held at gunpoint, kidnapped, restrained, gagged, life threatened, trust rooted daddy issues 2x20 AC_DC - Painful fall, limping the whole episode, cracked ribs/broken toes/thumb fractured, hit by box, extreme pain, addicted to work, hit by a car, hospitalized 2x21 Det. Dave Majors - Drinks really strong drink, annoyed, nervous, hurts his fingers, goat jumpscare
3x01 New Captain - Punched x3, briefly sad 3x05 Halloween III - Witch jumpscare, exhausted, throws up x2 3x06 Into The Woods - Falls, surrounded by poison ivy 3x09 The Swedes - Annoyed the whole episode, disgusted, briefly held at gunpoint 3x10 Yippie Kayak - Diehard situation, punched unconscious, hostage/restrained, headache, held at gunpoint, checked out by EMTs 3x11 Hostage Situation - Handcuffed/betrayed, daddy issues !??! 3x12 9 Days - Has Mumps, constant pain, drunk from cold medicine, delerious, mump painfully poked multiple times 3x14 Karen Peralta - Slams into multiple things, falls, major daddy issues, angry 3x15 The 9-8 - (Making Boyle jealous), uncomfortable between friends, punched, nards kicked, pain, tackled 3x16 House Mouses - Flattened by Scully, knocked unconscious, restrained 3x17 Adrian Pimento - Knife to throat/restrained, jumpscared, daddy issues, talks about therapy, held at gunpoint 3x19 Terry Kittens - Daddy issues, screaming scared, sleep deprived 3x21 Maximum Security - Worried, beaten up 3x22 The Bureau - Exhausted (1 pullup) 3x23 Greg and Larry - In danger, life threatened
4x01 Coral Palms, Pt.1 - Depressed, Holt jumpscare, hit by gokart, weird wrist, scared of snakes, tackled, reprimanded (redepressed) 4x02 Coral Palms, Pt.2 - Punched multiple times, headlocked 4x03 Coral Palms, Pt.3 - Falls over fence, calf scratched, queasy/gagging, (+great Holt bonding), throat punched, held at gunpoint, shot 4x04 The Night Shift - Crutches, hair intervention, picked up by Terry, limping, pain, falls over fence 4x05 Halloween IV - Terry jumpscare overreaction, betrayed 4x06 Monster in the Closet - Falls through roof 4x08 Skyfire Cycle - Relived trauma pantsing people 4x09 The Overmining - Angry 4x10 Captain Latvia - Cut palm (bleeding), thrown against a wall, unconscious 4x12 The Fugitive, Pt.2 - Betrayed, held at gunpoint 4x14 Serve & Protect - Feelings hurt 4x15 The Last Ride - Bruised thigh, crying 4x16 Moo Moo - Talks about depressing childhood 4x17 Cop-Con - Hungover, chest pain, literally on fire, gag/dizzy 4x18 Chasing Amy - Scared, worried, slams into bars 4x19 Your Honor - Claustrophobic, daddy issues 4x20 The Slaughterhouse - Water & milk drugged, extremely jittery 4x21 The Bank Job - Hungover, held at gunpoint, framed, arrested 4x22 Crime & Punishment - Hardcore framed
5x01 The Big House Pt.1 - Life threatened multiple times, jumpscared, aggressively beaten up x3 (limping/cuts), scared 5x02 The Big House Pt.2 - Solitary confinement, daddy issues/panic, blackmailed, life threatened multiple times, on meth, very jittery 5x03 Kicks - Daddy issues, nightmare, prison trauma, confession/suspends himself, sad 5x04 HalloVeen - Jumpscare x2, prison trauma, restrained, betrayed 5x06 The Venue - Daddy issues 5x07 Two Turkeys - Sad childhood + daddy issues 5x08 Return to Skyfire - Tired, painfully thrown to the wall 5x09 99 - Daddy issues 5x10 Game Night Pt.1 - Emotional 5x11 The Favor Pt.2 - Emotional/daddy issues 5x12 Safe House - Stir crazy, throat punched, tear off mustache pain, held at gunpoint, daddy issues 5x13 The Negotiation - Held at gunpoint, hostage, sad childhood, brokenheart 5x14 The Box - Embarrassed, relationship tested, angry outburst, hit by a chair, bloody nose 5x15 The Puzzle Master - Hand twisted, jealous, hand cramp 5x17 Dfw - Very nervous, shared daddy issues 5x18 Gray Star Matual - Intimidated 5x19 Bachelor/ette Party - Sickly drunk, guilt, heartbroken 5x20 Show Me Going - Daddy issues, worried, scared 5x21 White Whale - Stressed, 5x22 Jake & Amy - Life threatened, jealous, emotional
6x01 Honeymoon - Stressed 6x02 Hitchcock & Scully - Trapped 6x03 The Tattler - Annoyed, angry outburst, therapy denial, betrayed, angry 6x04 Four Movements - Body slammed, beaten up and sobbed offscreen, pain 6x05 A Tale of Two Bandits - Emotional 6x06 The Crime Scene - Bad childhood, sleep deprived, losing sanity, looks horrible, guilt 6x09 The Golden Child - Choking, heimliched, probably broken rib, punched unconscious, kidnapped 6x10 Gintars - Nervous, guilt 6x11 The Therapist - Massively in denial, hates therapists, held at gunpoint/captured, confesses, emotional 6x12 Casecation - Daddy issues/bad childhood, scared, life threatened (bomb) 6x13 The Bimbo - Emotional x2, bad childhood, height insecurity 6x14 Ticking Clocks - Arm punched x2 6x15 Return of the King - Feelings hurt, angry 6x16 Cinco de Mayo - Tazed x2, betrayed, emotions manipulated 6x17 Sicko - Career threatened x2, almost bit, insulted 6x18 The Suicide Squad - Punched, betrayed, imprisoned, depressed
7x01 Manhunter - Undermined 7x02 Captain Kim - Stepdaddy issues/trust issues x2 7x03 Pimemento - Scared of heights 7x04 The Jimmy Jab Games II - Falls from the ceiling, pain, trips, ceiling falls on him, extreme pain 7x05 Debbie - Knocked unconscious, restrained 7x06 Trying - Hungover, sad 7x07 Ding Dong - Daddy issues, uncomfortable the whole episode, emotional 7x08 The Takeback - Angry, feels betrayed, smushed, threatened 7x09 Dillman - Sad, framed 7x10 Admiral Peralta - Punched 7x11 Valloweaster - Trips, therapy 7x12 Ransom - Held at gunpoint, kidnapped, restrained/threatened
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So later that night we're in the kitchen where the family is toasting to Robin. -Andrea
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