#i LOVE the characters
brunchcorpse · 1 month
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Rewatching supernatural.... they guys!!!!
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biggest12fan · 4 months
'time heist' starts with stuff like "oh yeah the bank of karabraxos, most secure bank ever, zero successful robberies ever" and then the episode continues and the bank has like 5 cameras in total and a lot of conveniently big vents. 0 sensors, 0 nothing, just a mind soup alien
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sinvulkt · 4 months
My latest obsession
"It's said that people can never see their true faces. At best, they can see their reflection in the mirror, but there's no way for them to see their actual selves. So isn’t it illogical for people to compare themselves to others? In the end, it may be the case that only other people have the right to evaluate us. Perhaps all we can do... is hone our skills."
— Nagyunn, from the Ember Knight, Episode 75
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lover-praxis · 4 months
begging please don’t burn me at the stake but i’m not convinced yet of jegulas. i read art heist baby, but like i need more reading recs that will get me on the ship. pls send recs this way bc i wanna get the hype
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thatoneacecryptid · 20 days
Dare I say, TAZ vs. Dracula may surpass Amnesty as my favorite season
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ironwingedhawk · 2 years
Society if OBX writers knew gay people existed
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afanofmanyhats · 1 year
Is there a word for when your blorbo is an entire setting or universe rather than a singular character
Because that's basically how I feel about Avatar: The Last Airbender and BIONICLE
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lediz-watches · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel: Season One
Because I basically implied I was gonna do it.
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I have watched the first season. If you've found my fics you know I had a lot of fun with it. So now let's talk about it for what it is... so far. Because Alastor's semifinal scene... -gestures vaguely in mild frustration-
That annoyed me more than the end of Squid Game season one, now I think about it. But let's come back to it after we talk about the show as a whole.
Because I did really love it!
So the basic story, as per the pilot, is that the Princess of Hell is sick of Heaven killing her people every year, and so dreams up a rehabilitation centre, with the idea that sinners can redeem themselves and get into Heaven. But unfortunately, Heaven has their own agenda, and has actually decided to completely wipe out every sinner instead. The first season covers six months as the princess desperately tries to prove her hotel works before the next time Heaven's exterminators arrive. Spoiler that isn't a spoiler because the trailers said so: she does not.
And the fact that's not a spoiler is ultimately the flaw of the show. In eight episodes, they couldn't afford for that to be a spoiler - it was just an inevitable fact.
The long and the short of it is that the story of Hazbin Hotel's season one should have been at least eighteen episodes. I'm not saying that as a hater - I understand that this show was a risky, expensive sell, and eight episodes would've been tough to convince anyone to produce. They did great with what they got.
The animation on this show is genuinely amazing for its style. They skip the details in weird sections, but there's movement when it matters, there's character work, there's gorgeous little DETAILS. The soundtrack is great. There's only a few songs I didn't love, and the actual voice work is amazing. This was a well produced show.
But it was too short for what it was doing.
We needed an episode for each individual character, instead of sharing each one between two. I actually didn't mind Alastor not being in half the episodes, because of his whole deal, but when he was, we should have learned more about the overlords and gotten more foreshadowing. But we just didn't have TIME. So we got these snapshots of amazing characters and I just honestly couldn't bring myself to care about them.
Like Sir Pentious. I actually loved his story, and especially his final episode, but I'm pretty sure we spent like ten minutes with him IN TOTAL, so like... who the hell cares?
And I said in my post about the pilot that the show was going to hinge on Charlie for me, and... it didn't. It really didn't. Because she's... not developed enough. I simply didn't understand her motivation - or perhaps the word is 'believe' her motivation. She's this all-loving princess... from Hell. She loves her people... and wants to kick them all out of her kingdom? Not once in this series did I genuinely see an example of Charlie LIKING Hell. She LOVES Heaven when she goes, and she SAYS she loves her people, but... frikking show it, woman.
And the annoying thing about that is that because we didn't have enough time to develop her character, I don't know if that was intentional. Because there are a couple of instances that make me think it WAS. There's a subtle sort of cruelty in Charlie that could have been very, very interesting if I could trust that it was intentional. She rakes Angel Dust over the coals without noticing, she lovingly goes along with Alastor tearing strips off her Dad's already fragile emotional state, her way of saying that Heaven is going along with her is to gleefully point out "they're at each other's throats!", she's got nastiness in her, and... yet no one mentions it. So maybe it's not supposed to be cruelty, maybe it's just the writers are kind of nasty, and maybe I'm just looking for something outside her physical form that marks her as the princess of Hell.
Instead, I was sold on Hazbin Hotel by Vaggie, of all characters. Who in the pilot, was just THERE, as far as I was concerned. But her story of redemption and being saved by her ability to love, and having to confront who she was versus who she wants to be? That was lovely. I bought that. I would have liked more time with her to see how she used that love, but it was beautiful for what it was. I enjoyed Vaggie's character.
Husk and Angel were a nice little love story, but as I said in the other post, I wasn't there for it. I respect their episode, it was technically amazing, and I am in awe of everyone involved in the creation of the Poison sequence, while Loser, Baby has joined multiple of my spotify playlists, but... yeah, that's all I have to say about them. Enjoy, fandom, I know you love them. But I don't care. Their contracts are way more interesting to me than their characters, I'm sorry.
Niffty, the little darling. I love her. I love what she did. But she's comic relief and that's it. I have no further feelings about her. I am actually okay with that, as long as that's all the show wants me to feel about her.
But then... Alastor.
Oh, Alastor. You fucked up sacrifice to Heaven, Hell, and Fandom.
I mean, obviously I love him. Amir Talai is amazing, Alastor's design choices are fascinating, and the titbits of legitimate character we get from him, verbal or not (THOSE STITCHES) are sweet ambrosia, but... But.
I wouldn't mind if Alastor wasn't actually important. If he was just there to provide world building - if his whole deal was just sitting in the radio tower to introduce and close off each episode like the Greek Chorus, occasionally descending to connect the characters with people outside the Hotel, I would be very happy.
I would also be happy if he was actually a main character, working either for or against Charlie. I loved his scenes with Vaggie, and Charlie, and his duet with Lucifer was amazing, BUT.
As of episode eight, I'm not even convinced Alastor is actually a character! At this point I wonder if Alastor isn't actually a mask that Eve, of all people, is WEARING, and the man we think we've been getting to know sold himself to her to protect someone he cared about and hasn't been sentient since the day he died. GOD I hope that's just a crackpot theory borne of frustration because I AM FRUSTRATED with the hints and bits and pieces. And THAT is how I left the series as a whole. Frustrated.
Because just as the show IS amazing despite its pacing, Alastor IS a great character. I love Chaotic Neutral chaos goblins that save the universe because they're one of the idiots that live there. But by episode eight, I wanted some kind of closure. By the end of that episode, I wanted to be sure of whether I was rooting for Alastor to knock Hell out from under Lucifer's depressed feet, or for Charlie to save him from himself.
And like I said, right now, I'm no longer even sure he's REAL. And if all this just turns out to be Charlie's legitimately good intentions against Eve's revenge scheme... That's... egh.
That's less interesting to me. That's not a story of choice and redemption, that's just yet another love conquers all story and guys, I grew up on Sailor Moon too, but... can we try a new one?
Give me Charlie being confronted with her own motivations, and learning how to actually LEAD. Not just... repeat Vaggie's story of fighting for the people she loves on a grander scale.
(Oh god... I just realised how much that would cheapen Vaggie's story. Oh god, please don't do that!)
There's a theory that I saw that I'm a little in love with, about Alastor actually having been sold to Heaven AND Hell by his mother and father respectively, and that his arc is legitimately about him trying desperately to free himself from both. And THAT is an interesting story, and an interesting way for Charlie to grow, as she has to learn to realise that sometimes you get put in crappy situations and you can dig, and fight, and struggle, and all it does is drag you down deeper. Recovering from THAT is rehabilitation.
And that's the story I want at this point.
And I just don't think we're gonna get it in another eight episodes. Not when the Huskerdust nation must be appeased and Lilith's whole story needs to play out, and...
But. Whatever. I did love this series, and I will be watching it again, and if they release the soundtrack on CD I will be buying it, and if the show gets a DVD release I'll be buying that too.
But yeah. It was not long enough to be deep enough, and I end it frustrated.
...I'm gonna go listen to the soundtrack again.
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chimchiri · 1 year
Goddamn I'm so... deep... I love.. ponies so much...hnnnnnhghhh
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strawberrydragon24 · 5 months
This game has got me in a chokehold and I am pretty happy about that and the story an absolut masterpiece
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glamphantasm · 5 months
Bets on Nightbringer as a story beat never being mentioned again? 🙄
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inkykeiji · 18 days
Good morning captivating clari!!!!
I didn’t ask before BUT do you selfship with Choso 👀 can you tell me a little bit about your relationship dynamic with him?
good morning sweet vixen my love!!! ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) i hope tuesday is treating you well bb <33 oooh okay so i don’t actually selfship with choso!! :o the only jjk character i really selfship with is sukuna, but we don’t really have any lore or anything like that (。>﹏<) i’m just his lil pet girlfriend and he is my owner boyfriend;;; standard stuff, really c:
do you selfship with choso or any other jjk characters??? ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
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takamoris · 4 months
I’ve said it like. Three times a week since I started playing it. But FFXIV is really just the goat.
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falafel-plus-waffle · 2 months
dungeon meshi is a pretty baller show
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moo-blogging · 9 months
So i just finished the entire AOT manga (yes 34 volume of it) and I'm unsure how to react to the real world. Would you please excuse me while I cry
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innovativestruggles · 3 months
our stoic boss is changing
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He went from a stoic, scary looking, non-smiling, not good with kids to someone who talks so much more after spending one day with Saku.
He's thinking of her smiling face and her words.
He loves her your honour 😭
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