#i aint got it in me to do the whole thing in one sitting i cant
fortifice · 27 days
the story has been smth so far but lord after like 3 hours i gotta break
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javelinbk · 10 months
Here it is, Beatle People! The official 'Insane Things Paul Has Said About John' list, as created by the people of tumblr. I hope this is a useful supplement to the original McLennon iceberg
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Sources under the cut:
“He was a very cool boy” (@javelinbk)
"Whenever other people do that it always reminds me of John" (@javelinbk)
"We put our names next to each other in our school exercise books" (@beatlepaul4ever)
When was Lennon at his best? "When he was asleep." (@didwemeetsomewherebefore)
"A delicious broth of a boy" (@zilabee)
"A lovely little baby, John was" (@mallowedheart)
"Daddy's room" (@pauls1967moustache)
"We’re songwriting together even if we’re not together" (@midchelle)
"John seemed like some sort of emperor in control of it all" (@blondecasino)
"I'm trying to get my son to have a son and call him Lennon, and then he'll be Lennon McCartney" (@peaceloveandstarrs)
“John and I had millions of fabulous little experiences in Paris” (@divine-sphinx)
"We used to have wanking sessions" (@merseydreams)
"You can be heterosexual and be having a homosexual dream and wake up, and think, 'Shit, am I gay?'" (@skylikeaflame)
"It was a place called Menlove Avenue. [Pauses] Someone's going to read significance into that: Paul and John on Menlove Avenue. Come onnnnnnn" (@s-l-martin)
"I slept with him a million times" (@s-l-martin)
"A wild and woolly genius who it was my pleasure to work with, walk with, talk with, and occasionally sleep with." (@didwemeetsomewherebefore)
"In bed" (@i-am-the-oyster)
"Well, I’m sure Brian was in love with John, I’m sure that’s absolutely right. I mean, everyone was in love with John; John was lovable, John was a very lovable guy." (@whenyourbirdisbroken)
"Dear friend, throw the wine, I’m in love with a friend of mine." (@heartsinthebasement)
"We got very drunk and cried about how we loved each other" (@nikidontsurf)
“Then also we were like married, so you got the bitterness. It’s not a woman scorned this time, it’s two men scorned — probably even worse. And I had to make way for Yoko. My relationship with John could not have remained as it was and Yoko feel secure.” (@thefortunateisle)
"If I was a girl, maybe I could go out and…" (@alienoriana, @majinmelmo)
"You just don’t hang around with your ex-wife" (@javelinbk)
"No, I have a lot of dreams about John, and they're always good" (@notgrungybitchin, @skylikeaflame)
"This (painting) is John’s Room. It just looked to me like John, when he had his long hair and then his cloak or whatever this is. Then I just scratched in that, looked like one of those drawings John used to do. You know his funny little men. So then I called that John’s room … If I’m gonna see a face in a painting it’s highly likely to be his." (@foryouwereinmysong)
"I wish I had sat and just hugged John all the time when we were together.’ (…) I’d just sit around and hug him forever. That’s the depth of my feeling for him" (@theoldmixer)
“Here Today - a love song to John” (@javelinbk, @bluewater9)
"So if you've got someone, you want to tell them you love them, just get it said, don't wait" (@lennon-gal)
And honourable mention for the following stories:
Stalking John all over Liverpool until Ivan officially got them introduced (@only-a-northern-soul)
‘He’s been telling himself and the whole world that nobody cared about writing songs and his music before he met John. He knew George Harrison.’ (@greatsaladavenue)
Quitting his job to commit to the band aka explicitly picking John over his father (@adriansfrombrooklyn)
Writing "Here, There, and Everywhere" by John's pool while waiting for him to wake up and write with him alone in his attic (@aint-that-kind-of-blog-bruv)
Taking the one photo of him and john from that night with the cursed pictures with jane and then blowing it up and hanging it in his office at apple (@pauls1967moustache)
Taking LSD so he could join John in his potentially bad trip (@scurator)
The time he vaulted over a table because another man was touching John and Paul had to physically intervene (@scurator)
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luffyvace · 5 months
HIIII hru !!! may i please ask for some feitan fluffs hcs 😩 i love this tiny man with all my soul
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(omg this reminds me i’m supposed to be doing the whole troupe and chuuya x male reader- i’m so all over the place but the point is another dabble of feitan hcs will be here in the future! 😋)
also ooc/fanon him since this is fluff :)
tw: death…and torture (i use “unalive” instead of d!e/k!ll)
alrighty so you said fluff headcanons and it’s highly likely you’ll get fluffy feitan if you’ve known each other for a long time (since meteor)
i’m going to dabble in reader that is both in and outside of the troupe because i can :)
so for reader that’s in the troupe first of all no pda
hardly any weakness was displayed besides sadness/anger or mourning (and some funny moments)
theres no need for cuddles during business
unless your like uvo and simply don’t care
then it annoys the crap out of him <3
it’s not like he doesn’t want your affection—just not in public
will cuddle you in private tho
y’all usually sit there in silence or read together
he can be a little spoon or big spoon it doesn’t bother him
he tries his best but he’s never let anyone else so close to him before
if you introduce something to him and he likes it he’ll do it back
because why would you do it to him if you wouldn’t want it done to you right?
im gonna assume you have either a apartment which you unalived the owner of or y’all live in meteor still
he’ll let you choose really he doesn’t care where you stay
he’d even unalive a high status person to steal their mansion if that’s what you want
your obviously strong and have some sort of nen if your in the troupe so he doesn’t bother worrying
although if your like kortopi he’ll stay vigilant for you
even though you can use nen to defend yourself as well
btw if your not a pda person the troupe is grateful
aint no body wanna see allat-
he doesn’t know how to cook or clean and since your both from meteor so i hope you learn or already know how
otherwise y’all eat what y’all can when y’all can
whether you steal a five star gourmet meal or just wait for the next opportunity like a vending machine
i don’t advise you ask for a pet by the way
he’ll tortu£ it and i’m not talking about strapping it down or anything
just purely scarring them 😭
if you be firm about him stopping he will
unless it’s a big scary dog or smth
then he’s more likely to take em under his wing and train them to be vicious
will scare people with said animal
for stay at home reader…. (most of these also apply for troupe reader<3)
i say stay at home bc with his portion of money you could buy anything you want
if you tell him what you want u can get it for free cuz he steals it
if you want to take a bath together it would take more than a god to convince him
seriously he sees no reason in it
once you do tho
at first he is on one end of the tub and your on the other
as time goes on he’ll let you lean back into his chest as he scrubs your hair
he lets you play in his hair
don’t tell ANYONE
he don’t like vulnerability so if you tell someone he won’t do it for like 2 weeks
you think he’s never gonna do it again until you crawl into his lap while he’s reading on the bed and ask really sweetly
he’s all yours after that
and yes he lets you play with it :)
you get to put it into all types of styles!!
especially since it’s a decent length!
not really interested in playing in your hair
he tries but the rubber band always ends up tangled in your hair
if you kiss him goodnight he will start to initiate it as well
thats one thing he will forever reciprocate
loves your humor
no matter the type
but he especially loves when you laugh at his dark jokes
youve seen him smile before 💖
warms your heart knowing no one else gets this side of him
not judgmental of your looks for obvious reasons
yall got bigger problems
dismisses anytime you degrade yourself
he be speaking facts
”the way your hair looks gonna unalive you?���
”your pimples will st^b you while sleeping?”
no? you goofy goober so why does it matter
don’t argue him on this
genuinely doesn’t like the idea of you being hurt
by him or someone else
dont expect anyone who does harm to you to see the tomorrow sun
even if you plead for them don’t waste your breath pleading you need to be saying goodbye
real loyal partner
as loyal to you as he is the troupe
you and the troupe are his forever commitments
no matter what he could never stop loving you
you guys practically never argue
hes not necessarily hotheaded but will say what’s on his mind and if someone disagrees he does it anyway
thing is he compensates with you💗
if he knows your nitpicking he ignores it but if it’s genuinely something you don’t like he won’t fight it
also he cleans up well if you don’t like to see blood/gore in your place after he’s done t•rturing someone
he respects and listens to your opinions and feelings
would love if your a sadistic person as well but he understands if your not
also if your not in the troupe he teaches you nen
only the troupe knows your together and where you stay for your safety
your safety is definitely on his priority list
truly cares about and loves you
enjoy!!!! i’ll prob come back and read my own hcs bc I LOVE HIM
thank you for this request i loved writing every letter of it♡
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kkcauseway · 5 months
Oh Baby P3
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Chapter summary: The end is nigh, what you've been waiting for is finally here. Baby is coming! and you have the best support, Joel really is so good at everything he does. It's a hard labour but Joel helps you through it in the best possible way. Chapter warnings and content: Tw-childbirth, pregnancy, waters breaking. Breast/nipple play, I guess pregnancy kink kinda? Unprotected PinV, Caring!Joel, Parent!Joel. Joel being the best girl dad. Events of after the outbreak. Word count: 6.6K Authors note: Part three we made it! The end of an era eeek! i really hope you enjoy reading this!
Series Masterlist I Main Masterlist
You’re sat up in bed when Joel finally wakes. Its only six, but it’s like he can sense when something isn’t right. You’ve been awake for a while, but he must’ve felt your presence leave the room to make the tea or felt as you slipped back into bed but didn’t get yourself comfortable next to him again.
“You okay Baby?” he questions sleepily on seeing that you’re sat up in bed with a cup of herbal tea, visibly tired, but unable to sleep.
“She’s awake so y’know what that means” you groan stroking your stomach with one hand when your back spasms. “And of course, I’ve been having the nightly occurrence of pains” you roll your eyes.
“Oh, y’gonna be okay today?” he sits up studying you.
“Yeah Baby” you reach out to stroke his cheek, “I’m more than-”  
“Used to them by now” he finishes for you. “Yeah, I know Baby I just hate you being like this. Y’know this patrol today, I don’t have to go, Tommy and Maria both said I didn’t need to do anymore especially with how you’ve been.”
You chuckle, “I know Joel, but you’ve also been losing your mind being cooped up, don’t try, and lie and say you haven’t, cus you have. I’ll have Ellie with me all day! You’ll be back before you even realise you’ve gone, trust me I’ll be okay, so stop worrying.” You chuckle, but then wince the laughing causing your boobs to bounce. “Fuck my boobs are really sore” you whine.
And Joel knows exactly what that means he needs to do. In about one of the only ways, he can make you feel better.
He sits up in an instant. Dirty smirk on his face. “They just need a lil bit of loving s’all don’t they?” So, he bends to draw his tongue over your nipple twirling it round and round before biting softly, he then does the same on the other.
He begins to massage them in his warm large palms causing you to moan and writhe. “Needy again aint yah Baby? Never known someone who needs to fuck so often.” He chuckles taking one hand away to find its way to your core. Stroking his fingers through the slick of your wet cunt before spreading it to you clit and circling. Setting a pace that has you nearing release almost instantly.
“Mmm Joel” you whimper.
“Such a good girl, I’ll make you feel good don’t worry” he squeezes your breasts harder. Taking them back into his mouth as he puts more pressure on your clit, whilst shoving a finger in and out of your tight hole.
“Ugh, g- gonna cum Joel.”
“S’it good girl give it to me!” he demands into your breast, not letting up his pace.
You lose yourself after hearing his gruff voice once more. His ability to make you feel things you never thought you’d be able to leaves you forever wanting. So really, it’s his fault you wana fuck all the time.
“Fuck me” you whisper when his fingers eventually leave your core. Still shaking post orgasm. Your whole body already begging to be filled once more.
“Yeah? S’that what y’need?”
“Yeah” you whisper.
He helps you to lie on your side then before slotting in behind you lifting your thigh ever so slightly as he aims himself at your aching cunt. He pushes in all the way on one agonising thrust. Bringing a hand round to touch your breasts once more “I’ll make you feel better Baby.” He whispers into your ear as he begins to move.
“Ugh Joel” you moan.
“Come on Baby know you’ve got another one in there for me.” He coaxes moving slowly within you holding you tight as he finds a new, deeper angle.
Once satisfied Joel then helps you to get ready for the day. It’s Tuesday and as arranged you and Ellie are watching Ted so Maria can go to her important council meeting and of course as per, Joel and Tommy are out on a patrol. The pains you had through the night every so often left you completely restless. You definitely feel as though they’re different, even if it’s only a slight difference. Looking after Ted will mean you have your hands full, you’re already glad of the distraction and it’s not even begun.
On his insistence Joel slowly walks you over to Tommy and Maria’s. Not satisfied until you’re content in the house. There’s no sign of Ellie when you first arrive but it’s not long until she knocks. “Sorry overslept” she utters out of breath when Joel opens the door to her.
With Ellie as your personal ‘aide’ for the day, him and Tommy leave for their patrol and then it isn’t long till Maria goes to meet the council. Explaining they’re determining someone’s fate, on if they get to stay in Jackson or not after an incident on a previous patrol.
You lap up every second of your nephews company. Enjoying him being crazy till he tires himself out and then all warm and snuggly.
You’re snuggling with Ted on the sofa after having some lunch. Ellie offering to wash up. He’s curls up round your bump, his head resting against your chest as he watches a cartoon. He’s sleepy but fighting it. You can’t wait to do this with your own baby.
“Heyyy!” Ted suddenly shouts lifting his head to look down at your stomach.
“What’s up Teddy?”
“The baby kickeded me!”
You laugh “They’re just sayin’ hi! They know that their cousin Teddy is close.” You stroke your belly, and he follows the pattern you draw with his own palm. Content for a second until his crazy three-year-old mind begins whirring again.
“Why am I the baby’s cos-un?” he questions looking at you.
“Why are you the baby’s cousin?”
“Well remember I told you this before, your daddy and Uncle Joel are brothers, aren’t they?”
He nods “yeah, I love my Uncle Joel and my daddy, they’re the bestest!”
“Yeah, they are huh? Well, they are brothers and you’re daddy’s baby aren’t you and then this baby is Uncle Joel’s baby. So that makes you and this baby cousins.”
“Is it fun?”
“Fun being a cousin?”
He nods looking to you curiously.
“Oh yes, the most fun! When I was your age, I loved my cousins more than anyone else in the whole wide world! We had weekends where we used to make blanket forts and eat loads of sweets!”
“Yay! I’m so ‘sited! I want the baby to come now! Can they come now?” he looks to the bump once more.
“They’ll come soon don’t worry, but right now they want a snack! Do you want one too?”
“Yes peaseeee!” you smile at one another then before going on a mission to find food.
Throughout the day you notice the pains you have seem to be slightly different, but you’re so distracted running around after Ted that you don’t take too much notice. It’s always in the back of your mind though that this could potentially be ‘it’, and it’s an exciting prospect.
The day is over before you know it and with Maria arriving back, you tell Ellie she can go and meet Dina if she wants, which of course she does. She jumps at the chance. Anyone would think she hates your company, but then you remember what it felt like to be young and in love-which she definitely is (even if she wont admit it to you), and so you can’t blame her for the way she behaves.
With Ted finally down for a nap you get started on cooking with Maria’s help. Getting some lovely food ready for your boys for when they get back from their exhausting day on patrol. You find this to be the best opportunity to finally relay your feelings to Maria.
“Maria, I think there’s a chance I could be in labour? Maybe I’m not sure. How did you know you were in labour?”
“What? Why are you thinking that?” she startles. “And my waters broke it all started there for me, but not everyone’s waters break right away.”
“Well, these pains today are definitely seeming to be different. Only a little, but they seem to be in more of a pattern too. And they’ve never been in a pattern before.”
“Oh, how exciting! It might be especially if you say there’s more of a pattern.”
“Guess we will have to wait and see huh?” you giggle so excited at the thought it could be.
You leave Maria to go to the bathroom a short while later, with a real sudden urge to go, but stop in your tracks along the way, not even making it out of the kitchen. You feel something trickle and find yourself gripping your stomach.
“Maria!?” it comes out squeaky.
“Yeah?” she turns from the stove to look at you. “What’s wrong, what’s up?”
“How long till the boys get back?”
“Erm only about an hour or so now why?” she looks to her watch then back to you.
“I think my water might have just broke.”
“What really are you sure? You, okay?” she’s quick to be at your side walking you over to a chair and helps you to sit.
“Yeah, I think so. Like I said I’ve had pains off and on all day and I knew they felt different to my usual but of course I wasn’t sure, although it was in the back of my mind, but this now I can feel it leaking out of me. Oh God this is actually happening.” You laugh. Finding yourself not panicking, but everything seems to be hitting you at once and you can’t seem to stop talking. Always one for nervous chatter.
“Okay just take a breath!” Maria laughs “Are you okay? You need anything?”
“I’m fine, excited, nervous” you laugh. “I’m gonna, ouch!” you moan briefly feeling a spasm in your back. “I’m gonna go put a pad on, cus otherwise this chairs gonna get all wet, I’ll be back” you wink.
Maria helps you to stand holding you when your back spasms again.
It’s whilst you’re in the bathroom that you have your first proper contraction. You sway your body side to side as you breathe softly, rubbing at your hardening stomach. You can’t believe it’s finally happening. That the day is finally here after waiting and praying for so long, you can’t wait to finally meet your baby. It makes you smile. You’re at a point in your life that you always dreamed of but never though would happen. Especially with adding the end of the world into the mix. You’ve never ever been happier.
After sorting yourself out you walk back to the kitchen smiling at Maria upon entry.
“It’s definitely happening, had a proper contraction in the bathroom.”
“Amazing… Man, it makes me want another one so badly! Think Ted would love a little brother or sister, don’t you? I’ve radioed down, they’re only 30 minutes out so won’t be long, don’t worry I didn’t say why I was asking would give Joel a heart attack if I did” she chuckles. “But we’ll keep an eye on you, call for Jen if we need her, if not, let’s get some food in you and then you and Joel can go to the clinic afterwards, okay? Unless you feel like you need to go now, if you do we’ll go I’ll drop Ted with Ellie at Dina’s?”
“No honestly, I’m fine for now, the second we need to go, we’ll go. I’m starving though, can’t wait to eat!” you giggle.
“That’s good you’ll need all the strength you can get, so a big meal will work wonders. You just stay comfy here I’ll finish the food.” She smiles at you rubbing your shoulder.
Dinner is served just in time for when the boys make it home. Ted is now awake from his nap, being fed by his mother as Tommy strides in walking straight over to her to give her a kiss. “Hey Sugar.”
“Hey Babe.” She utters against his lips.
You quickly stand to go and find Joel, whose by the door taking off his boots.
“Joel” you utter softly.
“Hey Darlin’.” Evident relief in his face upon seeing you after a long day.
“Hope you’re feeling brave.”
“What, why?”
“My water broke.”
“My water broke not that long ago.”
“Shit” he jumps up “Do we not need to”-
“No not yet” you cut him off. “Second we need to go to the clinic we’ll go. I just don’t want to be in there for any longer than I need to.”
“Okay Baby, whatever you wana do, you promise me you’re, okay?” he pulls you in for a hug.
“Contractions are about 15 minutes apart roughly me and Maria have been working out. It’s obviously going to be a long labour and they hurt, but I’m fine. Very, very glad to have you home though” you kiss him.
“My gorgeous Baby, I love you.” He utters pulling away briefly before kissing you again even harder. “Still can’t believe you’re makin’ me a daddy again.”
“Well believe it” you whisper. “Come on lets go eat before it gets cold.” You smile as he puts his arm round you as you begin walking back.
“Fuck...” you suddenly whimper. Your whole-body tensing and you seek Joel instantly. Turning your body into him as you moan through the pain.
“You got this girl” he holds you close as you moan through the pain, “just remember to breathe” he coaxes.
When the pain depletes you stand and look him in the eye “They aren’t that bad yet, I’m okay I promise” you smile as he smiles back at you. He places a delicate kiss to your forehead as you close your eyes from the feeling. Opting to wrap his arm back around your waist as you continue walking into the room, you note how worried he seems already.
“Jeez y'look like you’ve seen a ghost!” Tommy jests upon seeing his brother.
“No ghosts, I just told him my water broke!” You announce excitedly.
Instantly Tommy’s face changes, to an expression identical to that of his older brothers. Just as you expected.
“Exactly brother.” Joel laughs. “Now do y’get it.”
“Man, family’s gonna be expandin’ again, can’t wait!” Tommy mutters big smile on his face before he begins eating.
“Me too” You reply happily sitting at the table with the help of Joel.
“Unc Joe, the baby kickeded me today!” Ted announces when Joel takes his seat.
He gasps dramatically “did they now?”
“Uhu” He nods.
Joel chuckles lightly. “I’ll make sure to tell her off” he winks to his nephew who tries to wink back but blinks.
“Hey where’s Ellie?” Joel interrupts the silence not long later.
“I’m surprised it took you so long to notice haha, where d’you think?”.
“Need I ask, they’re obsessed with one another I swear” he shakes his head laughing.
About an hour after Joel makes it home it’s clear it’s time for you to go to the clinic. Contractions now around ten minutes apart, but with your waters already broke you decide rather to be safe than sorry. So, you pack up what you need and make the journey over.
Two hours after arriving:
“Fuck it hurts Joel!” you moan.
“I know Baby, I know, you just keep going, you’re doing so good.” He pushes on your back as you lean over the bed.
You breathe in and out the way you’d read to in the preparing for childbirth books Joel had found on one of his patrols.
“Good you got this Baby; y’know exactly what you’re doing.”
“I’m just so tired Joel” you whimper letting out a long sad sigh through the pain “why won’t she just come out!”
“She’s coming, I promise she’s coming, just taking her sweet time; wants to make an entrance. Come on you’re her mama after all, she’s gotta at least try t’be as dramatic as you.”
You laugh, Joel actually manages to make you laugh as the pain finally beginning to subside.
“God help us if she’s like me” you jest rolling your eyes.
“Well, I for one hope she’s just like you, would love to have two of you around to keep me company.”
“Yeah, then add Ellie into the mix, you’re gonna have your fuckin’ hands full Miller!” you laugh.
“Can’t wait” he mumbles instantly. And boy does he mean it. His life will be complete once he has his three girls, even if one of them is looking down on him rather than living life with him.
With the pain now completely subsided you stand up straight, leaning back against Joel’s chest as he cuddles you tighter to him with the squeeze of his arm.
You rub a hand over your protruding stomach.
“God I can’t wait to meet her.”
“Me too Baby, me too.” Joel brings his right hand to your stomach and strokes, his left arm still holding your chest to squeeze you ever closer to him.
“She’s our biggest blessin’ ‘sides Ellie, and of course my Sarah, ain’t never been more excited than when she was born, even if I was shitting myself. I can’t wait to do it all again.”
Joel openly talks about Sarah to you now, it took a while, but he always tells you there’s no one he trusts more than you, and you see Sarah as your daughter too now in a way, never having had the pleasure of meeting her, seeing her gorgeous face in person breaks your heart; you keep the picture he has of him and her out on display constantly. But God you know just how much Joel cherished every single second of fatherhood; that girl never wanted for anything. It makes you smile knowing this baby is going to have the world’s greatest dad.
“Me too I can’t wait. Man I can’t believe we’ve finally made it here.” You finally add placing one of your palms over Joel’s knuckles and you both just stand there. Stroking your bump. Embracing the last moments before the bump is gone and the baby is here. A whole new future awaits.
Joel rests his chin on your shoulder, eventually talking softly into your ear. “Shall we get you comfy before it’s time to go again? Or are you okay staying like this Baby?”
“Erm, I think I’ll get back on the bed actually, yeah. If I sit, will you sit with me, hold me? You’re about the only thing keeping me sane right now.” You laugh before you look at him, your beautiful eye gleam that he fell in love with still evident, even though you’ve been doing this for hours.
He smiles “Course. You know I will Darlin.” He kisses the tip of your nose.
He then helps you to climb back onto the clinic bed and with you sitting in a somewhat comfortable position he toes off his boots and climbs to sit behind you, he spreads his legs to make room so you can get yourself comfortable; head resting on his chest, hands stroking your belly. Joel begins to play with your hair, gently tickling your scalp with his fingertips.
It’s silent for a moment. So comfortable.
“Don’t you think it’s crazy that we made her. That she’s a part of us?” you utter softly; content.
“I know it’s the craziest thing, thought the exact same with Sarah, n’when I held her for the first time and her eyes looked up at me it’s like she recognised I was part o’her. And I just couldn’t believe I made her; well partly. That she came from me.”
“She was so lucky to have had a daddy like you.”
“Think you mean, I was lucky to have her. She was absolutely perfect. The love of my life. I’d never known love like it, didn’t know my heart could hurt that much with this need to protect, to love. She was my Babygirl, will always be my first and she was my entire world. Just like you are, and Ellie is andddd” he reaches down to your belly poking it, “this girl is.”
You chuckle lightly.
“What we gonna call her?” You question as it goes silent once more.
“I don’t know Darlin’ you got any ideas?”
You sigh solemnly “None, yet.”
“Well let’s see her face first, I’m sure when we see her it’ll click.”
“Yeah, I hope so, or maybe Ellie could help pick?”
“I love that idea” he chuckles lightly.
“I can’t wait to- ffff - fuck- holy shit- ugh Joel!” you begin to curl into yourself as the pain waves over you.
“Okay Babygirl, you’re okay just breathe, breathe, good girl. I got you; I got you” Joel strokes your cheek with one hand the other hand being squeezed by yours.
“Fuck- Joel it really hurts. Holy Fuck!”
Maria walks in then with Jen the midwife of Jackson following closely behind, placing on a fresh pair of gloves; obviously coming back to check you once more. Maria observes how you’re curled into Joel. Screaming in agony.
“Oh dear!” Maria says softly as she runs to your side grabbing your other hand and letting you squeeze.
“How we doin?” Jen questions.
“It hurts so much, fuck Jen! How have some people here done this like five fuckin’ times… fuckin’ lunatics!”
That raises a laugh from everybody.
“I know honey I know, it’s so worth it though I promise.” Maria adds.
“Hey, look at me sweetie” Jen asks, and you look up at her the pain still ripping through you. “Just remember the breathing exercises I told you about, okay? Big breath in, hold for four, then out.”
You nod before copying her, eyes watering.
“That’s it, goooood, see you know what to do. You’re a fighter mama.” She smiles at you in praise.
It takes a minute or two longer for you to fully recover from the pain. When you finally spread back out alleviating some of the pressure in your back, you look to Maria with a pained smile as Joel continues to caress your belly.
“I can examine you again now if you’d like, see how you’ve progressed?” Jen suggests.
“Yeah, okay please, I just need her out” you whimper.
She nods makes her way over to you after washing her hands thoroughly but quickly, wanting to ensure the examination is over before you’re in pain again, asking you to put your heels to your bottom, legs nice and wide apart. You do so swiftly and take hold of Joel’s hands.
“Just some slight pressure okay just take a breath for me.”
You wince as she checks you. Gripping Joel’s hands in your own tight.
“Okay good eight centimetres look at you go girl! Racing through! Won’t be too much longer now okay.”
“Oh, thank God!” you cry.
“Nearly there!” Maria praises before adding “Oh by the way, I just came back in to let you know Ellie’s right outside, she’s there with Dina.” You follow her finger as she points, looking through the small window in the door and find Ellie and Dina both pacing outside “They’re both refusing to leave. Ellie asked if she could come and see you, I said I’d ask you?” Maria continues.
“Yeah, course she can come in, she doesn’t have to ask!”
Maria nods at you with a smile before she walks back outside of the room and fetches Ellie, you watch through the small door window how Ellie gives Dina a kiss on the lips before parting from her. You shift slightly on Joel’s chest in as much as an effort as you can to look up at him.
“So, they’re an actual thing now- finally?”
He looks down at you a smile on his face as he begins to caress your cheek.
“I don’t know Baby, but they look pretty cosy to me.”
“I hope so, Ellie deserves to be happy. Dina’s so good for her; I think they complete each other”
“She does Darlin’ you’re right. And yeah, I agree Ellie seems much calmer with Dina. If that’s at all possible.” He chuckles before he kisses the top of your head.
With Dina and Ellie parted, she walks in, and comes straight to give you a hug.
“Hey Els, you okay?” You kiss the top of her head before she pulls away shocked.
“Why are you asking if I’m okay? Course I am, you’re getting ready to push an entire human out of” she gestures to between your legs. “How the fuck are you?”
“Well Joel’s a pretty good help. So that’s something, but fuck it hurts.” You half laugh half moan.
You try your best not to swear in front of Ellie but a whole human is about to rip itself from your body and if that doesn’t give you a free pass, well then nothing does…
“You best be helping her out properly Dino? Don’t wana hear no reports that you’ve been slacking on the job” Ellie looks to Joel then, pointing her finger.
“Dino?” he quizzes. “That’s new” he chuckles.
“Yeah, well you know being born during the Mesozoic era kinda comes with the nickname.” She says giving a nonchalant shrug.
You laugh then, but you’re the only one, Joel’s face remains straight, emotionally untouched. There’s no reaction whatsoever. Eventually he urges “Hmmm, remind me to bring that back up later.” face still unreadable, but it’s clear he’s joking around.
“Sure thing old man” she winks.
“Enough with the old, s’like you wana send me to an early grave.” He sniggers lightly the seriousness forgotten.
“Yes sir” she salutes. “And may I just add I do not want to do that, you might be old but you’re gonna live forever, please and thank-you.” She smiles and Joel salutes her back understanding and accepting of her demands, like he’d ever leave his girls!
She reaches for your belly then, slowly, and gently caressing it, as she takes a seat on the stool next to the bed.
“So, how’s my little sister doin?”
“Yeah, she’s good, planned her escape well, just a shame I’m paying the price in the way I am” you sigh.
“She’s doing great, they’re both doing great” Jen adds in from the side lines with a smile looking over her shoulder briefly before focusing back on prepping everything ready in the room.
“Hey anyway,” Ellie begins, cheeky smile on her face as she chuckles lightly “you chose to get in this mess, so you gotta get back out of it. Not that I wana think about how you got in this situation… ew” she grimaces.
“Well, she’s got you there hasn’t she Darlin’?” Joel adds softly.
“Yeah, I know, but hey you can’t say you aren’t happy we chose this” you tap her lightly.
“Definitely, I’m super happy can’t wait!” Ellie almost bursts as she replies.
“Exactly!” you shout back.
You wince as another pain begins to take over. Rather than curling into yourself this time you begin to straighten yourself out, sitting upright in your place on the bed. Allowing your upper body to rock slightly. Joel sits up with you adjusting so he can properly access your shoulders as he begins to rub. You scream as the pain rips through you, Ellie grabs your hand, and you squeeze “ahhh fuck fuck fuck fuck” she’s quick to add.“Sorry!” you manage to moan back through gritted teeth.
You pant and pant as your body feels paralysed from the pain. It seems to go on and on, and it leaves you traumatised. Beads of sweat run down your forehead and your eyes well with more fresh tears.
When it eventually begins to ease you drop back against Joel, completely and utterly exhausted. Finally Letting go of Ellie’s hand.
Joel shushes you as you weep quietly; you take quick deep breaths.
“Fuck Joel, I just want her out!” you cry.
“Soon Babygirl I promise soon.”
You then look at Ellie, “I’m so sorry El, I didn’t meant to hurt you.” That makes you cry even more. You really didn’t mean to squeeze so hard; she didn’t deserve that.
Fuck your spiralling. Everyone knows you had no intention of hurting anyone.
“You didn’t hurt me, just didn’t realise you could grip so hard I was shocked, you’re even more badass than I thought” she responds.
All four of you laugh then.
2 hours later
Ellie is gone, shooed away when every other word of the sentences you were stringing together became expletives. The pain unbearable and you don’t want Ellie to be witness to you in this state. Maria has gone back home to her beautiful family showing her face for support a few times before you begged for her to go on home to be the mama she deserves to be, rather than having to be witness to this. It’s just you and Joel. So utterly in love. So desperately in need for one another; to be close. Jen close at hand the whole time but it’s just you and Joel, in your love bubble. Nothing else in the world matters but this moment; cherishing your last moments together before the baby comes.
It’s on the next examination after a particular awful pain that you finally hear what you’ve been longing for “You can push, you’re there!” It’s music to your ears, you let out the biggest sigh of relief, as does Joel.
“Y’hear that Darlin’?” he chuckles excitedly.
“She’s coming” you whisper panting hard.
“She is Baby, she’s comin’!”
“Let me know when you have a pain sweetie and let’s get this show on the road! Soon as that pain hits start pushing into your bum. Don’t want any noise okay you focus all your energy on pushing down, getting this baby out.”
You nod smiling at her slightly still panting.
“It’s coming!” you shout breathing speeding up.
“Okay great sweetie listen to your body and just go with it, push this baby out let’s go!” she encourages.
“C’mon Baby you got this!” Joel screams in encouragement from behind you. Still cradling you the way he has been for hours. His knees are bent as are yours your body fitting into the shape of him. He makes you feel safe, he makes you feel as though you have the energy to keep going even when you’re desperate to quit.
As the pain comes over full throttle you push giving it absolutely everything that you’ve got. It’s silent as you squeeze and squeeze. Face getting redder by the second, but you can feel what’s going on and it keeps you going, pushing till you’re desperate to take a breath.
“Good!” Jen shouts in praise. “Big breath in and go again if you can, let’s get their head out!”
And so, you do “Come on Baby, doing so well m’so proud of you!” Joel encourages gripping his hands over your thighs tighter pushing your knees closer to your chest to help as you push, just as you’d requested.
The second push gets most of the head out and you give once more, not allowing yourself a rest till you know this babies head is free from your body. With one more all mighty, slightly noisy push, you gasp in relief as you feel the head pops out. Your whole body relaxes. You’re panting hard, beads of sweat swimming on your forehead. Joel releases his grip on your thighs in case you decide to move in any way.
“Well done, that was absolutely wonderful!” Jen adds rubbing your knee in praise. “Take some nice deep breaths for me now, wait for the next contraction okay, well done!”
“Can I feel her head?” You question looking into Jen’s eyes your vision blurred as tears threaten release.
“You don’t need to ask, they’re yours course you can” she smiles.
You quickly bring a hand between your legs, gripping your tiny babies head. “Is that hair?”
“Sure is!”
“Oh Joel, you need to feel her and all her hair.” You turn your head to the side as much as possible to try to gain eye contact with him.
He looks down at your sweaty face, the tired replaced with a newfound energy at knowing this is all almost over. “Can I?” he questions you. He’d absolutely love to, but only if you’re certain.
“Yeah” you whisper.
He manoeuvres himself slightly so he can reach over you without shifting you too much, coming to bring his hand to grasp his tiny new babies head.
“Oh” he gasps wetly.
��Doesn’t she feel beautiful” you utter quietly still panting.
“So beautiful” he whispers.
“Oh fuck” you whisper before beginning to pant, “I can feel it coming!” you suddenly shout, the next pain taking hold.
Joel is quick to remove his hand, sitting back in the bed and grabbing your thighs once more, this time your hands join his, willing your legs to be as open as possible to get this baby out promptly.
You push again feeling as the baby much more easily now begins to slide from your body. You quickly gasp between pushes.
“One more big, big push and baby will be here!” and that’s all you need to hear.
You push for a final time screaming the roof down with this one. Your body wills and the baby is out. And then it’s all over. Your body heaves, so relieved, so drained, so excited.
You’re quick to release your thighs along with Joel and you sit up, him following resting his chin on your shoulder as Jen hands you your screaming baby. You cradle them against your chest as they squirm and scream at their first look of their new world.
“Oh, she’s here, she’s here!” you cry. As Jen grabs a towel wiping the baby over as you hold them close.
“M’so proud of you” Joel mutters quietly allowing himself to release the tears he’d been holding.
“Oh, I know shhh” you hold them close to you willing the cry’s to settle down which they do quickly. “Good, shhhh there you go.” You move the baby to be cradled in your arms then; tiny body and face squishing into you as they’re already on a mission to try to find food.
“Guess we should confirm it’s definitely a girl huh?” Joel practically whispers.
You chuckle wetly slowly moving one of the cute bundles legs so you can check. Going into a fit of giggles with that you see.
“Well would y’look at that” Joel chuckles lightly. “Another daughter. How lucky am I!”
“My beautiful baby girl” you whisper to her crying.
“Daddy do you wana cut the cord?” Jen questions after a few minutes.
“Sure.” He quicks takes the scissors from her, and the cord is cut, she’s separate now, her own person.
“Lemme move Baby so you can lie down with her, okay?” You nod as he moves from behind you slowly on the bed helping you to lie back against the pillows. He stands at your side, cooing over his brand-new healthy, pink, content flesh and blood. His smile so wide it hurts.
“We’re just waiting on the placenta okay sweetie, I’m just gonna push on your belly a little, okay?” Jen asks but you’re not paying that much attention, besotted with your new daughter.
“Okay” you nod, wincing at first touch, jumping slightly from the pressure. “Jen wait a sec” and she stops instantly.
“You, okay?” she’s quick to ask.
“Yeah just” you turn to look at Joel. “Will you cuddle her daddy? Whilst we do this I just don’t wana hurt her if I flinch or something.”
“Music to my ears Baby, gimme my daughter, we need some daddy daughter time.” He grabs her gently ensuring she’s still wrapped in the blanket shushing her as she groans; but not before taking off his shirt so he can have some skin to skin contact with her, opting to grab another blanket to further wrap her as he holds her close.
He sits just for a moment with his newborn daughter as she looks to him, and he looks down on her studying the features of her father. It doesn’t take long for her to begin smacking her lips together, desperately needing food. Thankfully, the placenta has now been delivered and so Joel is quick to return his daughter to your chest once Jen has propped you up better with the pillows so nursing will be comfortable.
As soon as you take your daughter back from him, he’s there at hand to help you to ease your daughter into feeding at the breast. No help is needed from Jen as the child latches almost instantly. Guzzling away once a steady flow is being released. It isn’t without winces from you which keep making Joel jump, but you assure him it’s all because it’s new, you’re not in pain just in shock. You’ve grown and birthed an entire human. A human you’re now responsible for. And god she is gorgeous.
She’s out cold after a feed, lying against your chest snoring softly, you and Joel both can’t keep your hands off her.
Joel hears you sniffling softly, and it suddenly dawns on him that you’re crying.
“S’wrong baby? You in pain?” you can hear just how worried he is.
“No, no I just- hiccup- I just am so in love with her, and it’s making me cry and I can’t stop.”
He shushes you gently, kissing your temple “I know Baby she’s so beautiful. You did it! You did it so well, brought her safely into this world!”
“I can’t believe it’s over, after everything we went through.”
“It’s not over Baby, this chapter might be, but we have so much now that’s only just starting. The beginning of so so much!”
“I know, I just I’m so happy and so excited… where’s Ellie, I miss her, and I want her to meet her sister?”
“Jen went to get her. I said don’t bother going to Tommy’s she will be with Dina” he chuckles lightly.
“Haha yep one thing about that girl is, she’s so predictable” you laugh back wetly.
Its about twenty minutes later that Ellie is back, ecstatic at the prospect of meeting her sibling.
“Holy shit, I can’t believe that they’re actually here!” she exclaims as she first enters the room. She runs straight to your bedside admiring her sleeping sibling.
“Ellie, meet your sister” you utter softly.
“Sister? Damn you guys were actually right all along. Haha that’s brilliant. Oh, by the way I brought her this”, she offers over a blue t-rex stuffed toy. “Gotta make sure she’s as educated as me, start her early.”
“What she’s out of the womb maybe three hours and she’s already due a lesson?” Joel remarks.
“Hey, you can never start them too early!”
You chuckle.
“You wana hold her?” you question kissing your daughters head when she stirs slightly.
“Erm, I- I mean yeah I do, but I’m a bit out of practice with holding a baby.” She utters slightly embarrassed “I don’t know if it’s a good idea. I don’t wana drop her.”
“Trust me it’s second nature. Y’wont drop her.” Joel utters standing to allow Ellie to sit in his chair and he then begins to carefully pick your daughter up, shushing her gently when she grunts. She settles fast in her daddy’s arms. He bends slowly to lower his daughter into his older daughters hands. Releasing her only when he sees Ellies confidence shine through, and she settles into the comfortable feeling of having a baby in her arms.
Joel takes a step back coming to sit on the edge of the bed holding your hand as you both watch the sisters bond with one another. Eventually she opens her eyes and stares curiously at her big sister, Ellie brushes one of her fingers over her sisters eyebrows and smiles softly.
You stay like this for a while, content, happy, complete.
“So, what’s her name?” Ellie questions quietly.
“Well, this is the thing” Joel utters and Ellie looks to him curiously.
You add “we thought maybe you’d like to name her?”
“Me?” she’s shocked.
“Well why not?” Joel adds.
“Because I -I mean, seriously? You actually mean that?”
“We actually do” you nod.
“Well, there was actually a name that came to me the second I saw her, but I presumed you’d already have one picked out, so I didn’t say anything.”
“N’what name was that?” Joel quizzes
“To be fair it would fit for a boy too… so maybe I’d have thought it if it was a boy?” it’s clear she’s nervous to say.
“Just spit it out” Joel chuckles.
“Frankie” She announces “I think Frankie Miller sounds perfect.”
“Frankie” Joel whispers.
“Oh, Ellie, I love it.” You mumble trying to hold back tears “so beautiful.”
“Yeah, I thought so too. Well, there we go then! - Frankie Miller, welcome to the world!” she coos down at her sister whose eyes beam up at her. You and Joel are still transfixed on watching the two sisters bond.
“Welcome to the world Frankie baby” you whisper.
“Happy birthday Babygirl” Joel utters smiling.
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curvykittyyssmutfics · 6 months
Catch Me If You Can
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Jojo: where tf u at? called u like 10 times.
Me: ik. call you back inna minute, dam. chill out.
Jojo: best watch yo mouth if u know was good for u.
Me: why Jo? Not like you can do shit bout it rn..
Jojo: where are you y/n?
Me: atta party..
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Jojo: lil girl, swear to God. Quit fuckin playin with me. Drop ur location.
Jojo: right fuckin now.
Me: naw, I'm good.
Jojo: Ma, you playin wit fire rn..
Me: catch me if you can.
I slide my phone into the back pocket of my mini ass shorts with an amused chuckle before grabbing Marie and tugging her to the living room to dance. It's dim and humid but fuck if I give a damn bout that while me and my girl roll our hips to the beat. [ https://youtu.be/e5RUsVqX37Q?si=00j1_Xqfpqf5Ov7C]
Whole vibe got me sweatin my edges out as we grind through 3 more songs; it's a miracle that I even see the front door swing open as I'm caressin and windin my body to the beat:
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Marie and I make it out the back door by the skin of our teeth, giggling as we run cross campus to the next party. It's pitch black and freezing cold out side, but neither of us care as we fly through the brisk breeze. My booty shorts don't do a damn thing to help contain my ass as it jiggles wildly with each step.
We're both wheezing and clutching our sides for air as we fly through the door and slam it shut. It's cracking in here; place is packed with bodies, booze and laughter. Led lights flash allover the room as the music booms, clearly signaling a more lively atmosphere than the last place.
"Y/n! Marie!" Andre beckons us from the corner of room, sitting with his arm slung around Cate's shoulders as he holds up a blunt.
We make our way over, Marie immediately sittin down criss cross on the floor and explaining our narrow escape from Jordan as Andre lights the blunt. Its dark in here too besides the bouncing lights; the air is smoky as fuck in this corner of the room. No way I woulda seen Dre if he aint call out to us.
He takes a few puffs before handing the blunt to Cate. She takes a soft inhale before givin it to me. Just what I need after all that excitement.
I sit, taking deep pulls from the blunt before passing it to Marie. Blowin out the smoke slowly I cant help dippin back into my seat and closin my eyes as I let the tree go to work. It's so easy to let their voices surround me as I tune out their words. The fuzzy, warm sensation wraps my body in a hug, the welcoming high foggin my brain as I recline and laze into the couch.
I'm so relaxed into my vibe that I barely feel Cate tap my naked knee. I turn my head to look at her slender frame leaned into Andre's side.
"You better not let them know we knew where you are; Jordan don't play that shit. Marie might be screwed already but I'm not takin one for the team on this one." Andre says facing Cate, letting her shotgun his hit.
I smirk and close my eyes again before respondin.
"Fine.. Pussy."
"Oh so you extra tough now right? Huh ma?"
Daddy's voice is a low snarl in my ear as my eyes snap open wide. It's comical how quick my cowardly friends scatter as Jordan comes around the back of the couch to stand in front of me.
"Hi, Jordan. See ya y/n/n!" Marie chirps before disappearing into the darkness.
"Don't forget to come say bye before you guys leave." Cate says, dragging Andre off in the same direction.
I'm dying to escape with em, specially wit how Jordans starin at me. Bae look like she on demon time and I'm not sure if I can take whats comin. Got me hesitant to speak knowin I completely got caught slippin.
"Baby," I start sickeningly sweet. "You're here! I'm so happy. Marie said-"
Jordan's hand flashes out like lightening to grip my neck and pull me close. The squeeze makes each shallow breath difficult but the dark stoic gaze piercing my fuckin soul keep me from movin an inch. I do nothing more than limply hold at her wrist while she steps closer to press us nose to nose.
"Tell me one goddamn word that came outta Moreau's mouth. Go head, I fuckin dare you. You're gonna be fuckin sorry y/n."
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I don't think I've ever been so quick to shut the fuck up. The silence stretches for a few momemts, makes me uneasy and I'm sure Jordan knows this. Knows every fuckin thing about me, about my body.
"I went through alotta fuckin trouble to find you, so I dont give a fuck what anybody else thinks, thought or fuckin said."
She uses the grip on my neck to slowly pull me from the couch and put me on my knees, refusing to lose eye contact as the other hand unbuttons her jeans. Full lips upturned at the corner inna smirk, button nose flared.. I already know the plans going through that maniacal mind, know what's comin next. I don't know what's pounding harder: my heart or my cunt.
"You listenin to what everybody else fuckin said but which one of them are here to save you now y/n?"
The cold hard wood floor presses against my smooth brown skin as I shift nervously, watchin as Jordan smoothly transitions. Doesn't even bother to check if anyone's looking as he pulls out his rigid leaky dick and repeatedly taps it across my mouth. Daddy stares down at me lookin absolutely furious, his breathing startin to accerlerate as he makes a mess on my face.
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So lengthy and so fuckin angry, tip flushed the prettiest and deepest of pinks. Thick clear strings of precum smear allover my bare heart shaped lips as he humps forward over and over, doin the same to my cheeks. He looks fuckin anguished from arousal, but still so goddamn pretty as he uses me.
"You know how long I've been like this? How much I needed you? But you wanna play fuckin games. What bout when you need Daddy? Don't I always give you what you want?"
I know his questions are rhetorical, that if I continue with my earlier attitude that this only gets worst. Still my pussy clenches rhythmically as I lean into his touch, knowin regardless off my permission he's about to pay me back for my insolence.
"Jo pleeeease." I whine, utterly shamed and hoping he'll take me back to his dorm. "Somebody's probably watchin, let's go to your room."
"Naw, fuck that. Tongue out." He spits at me.
I comply at the drop of a dime, drooling a bit as Jordan slides the tip of his dick in and out of my mouth. My hands lay limply in my lap as he holds the sides of my face. Head tipped back, dark chocolate eyes still observing the prey at his feet as he moans loudly into the air. I know his antics are purposeful, hoping that someone hears and stumbles upon my punishment.
"And somebody- mmmmm, ohfuck, just like that, princess- is watchin honey. Wouldn't you wanna see a little brat like you get put in their place?"
The fluids drip from his cock to my tongue steadily as he uses it as a slip and slide. I curl my wet pink muscle on every pull out tryin to get an extra taste.
Even when they're not bein nice, I just wanna please em. It would be a lie if I said I didn't test his nerves jus to end up like this: pussy drippin wet and at their mercy.
"Know what? Mmm, ooooh baby girl, just like that.. I think you're pretendin you don't like bein watched. Hooooh fuck, think we both know it was just a matter of time before you showed everyone how much you love my cock."
His pace speeds; mean words and assault on my mouth make my body heat and pussy clench. Wetness plasters my thick brown thighs as i squeeze them together repeatedly for just a hint a pressure. If I wasn't in so much trouble I'd see if I could get away secretly fingering my clit but getting caught wouldn't be worth it. Daddy's pissed and I'd be dumb to test that.
"Jesus christ, thas it. Ahhh, fuuu- so good, ma, so fuckin good! Shit, put that snappy lil mouth to good use. Daddy'll show you how to talk to me nice sweetheart."
Jordan slides further inside my wet warm cavern, the slight curve of him makin me gag as I try to relax and breathe deeply through my nose. His balls, sticky with my drool, play a game of hit and miss as they occasionally slap my chin. The hold on the sides of my face graduate to one of his big hands with a strong grip in my hair, keeping me in place.
"Fuckin best lil dick sucker I ever meeeet! Should came back to the room baby. Mm fuck, mighta showed you some fuckin mercy."
The rhythm of him fuckin my mouth is so erratic and desperate. Poor daddy seems a bit distressed as grunts and groans turn to sexy whiny moans. I wanna hold em in my arms from how he trembles from the intense nut he's about to bust. The way he tosses his head back with tightly shut lids makes me a bit sad I can't see the pleasure in his beautiful eyes.
"Dammit, I'm so close ma. Yeeees, ohfuck. Uhn uhhhhh.. Get ready, bout to fill that pretty lil throat up with some cream!"
I refuse to shut my eyes shut and miss the way Jordan stills his hips, continuing to use the grip in my freshly styled hair to fuck my mouth on his dick. My eyes tear up but I struggle to blink them back, hoping to not leave this situation so fuckin messy. I moan at the thought of them ruining me, throat already sore from his treatment.
"Ahhhh here it is pretty.. Haaaah sh- feels 'mazin y/nnnn. Take it, mmmmm ahfuck! Thas it. Fuuuuuck!"
I'm so ready when I get the first thick, heavy blast. Takes an extra swallow but I get it down before the 2cnd gush of cum can choke me. Still, Daddy's shootin like I ain't already take 3 of his loads this morning before class.
His nut leaks from the corners of my mouth as he pushes in more, givin me a shot straight down my throat. Jordan finally looks back down at me as I struggle around him. He looks so fuck yummy: forhead wrinkled and covered in a light perspiration, a dazed stare in his eyes as his chest heaves for air, and a small smile on his slightly agape plump pink lips. I'm sure if they could could they'd be starin down at me with hearts in their eyes right now.
I can't be more relieved when he slides his dick out, wiping the remaining cum off from his tip on my tongue before stuffing himself into his jeans. I savor a few gulps of air as he pulls me to my feet. Daddy kisses my mouth messily, smacking my ass sharply and tellin me to go say goodbye to our friends.
Yeah the fuck right, with sticky tracks of pre cum smeared allover my God damn face? I can barely contain my eye roll as I turn to walk away. Even if my juices are streamin out my pussy down my leg, ima make em work for their next nut. So I'm out. It's so fuckin easy to pretend to head their way before makin a break for the exit.
"Anybody that recorded that, if I see that shit online or anyone talks shit to my fuckin girl, it's up. Bet on that." Jordan threatens nearby party goers before transitioning, taking confident measured steps toward my hasty retreat.
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A/N: The link provided at the beginning of the story is to a music video on YouTube; its the song I envisioned while writing the fic. It's not needed to read it, it's just a lil peek inside the authors head.
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blvckentropy · 28 days
Okay so I've been sitting on Drake so called "diss track" and I still declare it as the biggest CONTRADICTING ASS track ever. Like I get die hard Drake fans gone be like he won regardless but he hasn't because he made several deep holes in his argument. Granted you probably don't give a damn and that's fine. Overall, neither do I but some of you got so blinded and hyped by his one-liners and his flow that you ain't peep what he really said did you? Ngl, had me sitting here like a was crazy for a minute. Now correct me if I'm wrong cause I also had to fact check myself, but these are the lines that got me like now wait wait....
You said, "The ones that you're gettin' your stories from, they all clowns" just to say "We plotted for a week and then we fed you the information".... which one is it? Are you calling yourself a clown or the ppl you sent the info. to? I'm perplexed.
"What about the bones we dug up in that excavation? And why isn't Whitney denyin' all of the allegations? Why is she following Dave Free and not Mr. Morale? You haven't seen the kids in six months, the distance is wild Dave leaving heart emojis underneath pics of the child"
First and for most, what is your obsession with this woman? Also are we in high school? Why we worried about someone follow count and/or who following who? She a grown ass woman like she can't have male friends. Plus, if irl she with Kendrick every day, why does she need to? And if Kendrick aint worried about, why are you? You caught up in finding out if that's her real bd but where are your evidence? If Kendrick has to, you do too. Childish.
"This Epstein angle was the shit I expected TikTok videos you collected and dissected Instead of being on some diss-direct shit You rather fucking grab your pen and misdirect shit My mom came over today and I was like, "Mother, I—, mother, I—, mother—" Ah, wait a second, that's that one record where you say you got molested"
"This about to get so depressin' This is trauma from your own confessions This when your father leave you home alone with no protection, so neglected That's why these pedophile raps and shit you so obsessed with, it's so excessive"
"Touch My Body" by Mariah Carey play, you probably start reflectin"
This whole verse was a misinterpretation of Kendrick's song "Mother I Sober" which I had to educate myself with. Long story short, the song is about his mom SA and how she thought he was by his cousin even when he told her "no" and it forms a bigger picture to his overall family trauma as a whole and so on. So not only did you Mr. " You gotta learn to fact check things and be less impatient" if that ain't the biggest pot calling the kettle black idk what is. You got it wrong (Kendrick pretty much explained it) then double down on borderline prob over the line atp disrespecting his mother and all and every victim of SA? We victim shaming now?
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I never been with no one underage, but now I understand why this the angle that you really mess with Just for clarity, I feel disgusted, I'm too respected If I was fucking young girls, I promise I'd have been arrested I'm way too famous for this shit you just suggested
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*Slow claps* Congratulations you played yourself. What in the fuckery? CURRENTLY....DIDDY DOODLE BOB HAS ALLEGATIONS RIGHT NOW AND HE'S MORE FAMOUS THAN U. And don't get me started on the list....umm...you literally just named one (If you still bumping R. Kelly, you could thank the Savior)
"Only fuckin' with Whitneys, not Millie Bobby Browns, I'd never look twice at no teenager" but you'll look once? Also, someone que up the video with him on stage w/ a 17-year-old. He and I quote "Why you look like that?" "You thick. look at all this" Then kiss her all over her face🤔 Sir a kiss on the cheek or forehead would suffice but I digress.
And correct me if I'm wrong, I believe the only reason Kendrick hasn't even the touch the "beating allegations" is because he covers all that in both Mr. Morale and Mother I sober? If I'm correct, then you basically didn't tell us nothing that hasn't been said on him. Plus you also not fact checking. Where's of your proof? I would think someone with the upper hand would have laid down evidence that you mastermind...oh wait...was Kendrick right along? Now you look like the goofy on defense. Like do Kendrick even have to say anything?
Bruh, but the funniest part on it all. You acting like YOU DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS. YOU DROP A DISS first wanting him to response and now you trying to make it seem like you didn't? My guy, if your actions alone here isn't a manipulation master class. Chileeeeee
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muwapsturniolo · 1 month
✯𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐀𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬✯
IN WHICH... i explain my fav songs of the month and how they match with the triplets.
WARNINGS: sex is briefly talked about but its nothing really.
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I want to start by saying why this is one of my fav songs at the moment. I love Doechii THE BITCH ALWAYS SERVES CUNTTTTTTTT!!!!! this song just does sum to me, it makes me want to go to the ballroom and vouge and do five death drops in a row! the beat, the lyrics, THE MUSIC VIDEO! it reminds me sm of Azelia Banks (that hoe so problematic it's not even funny anymore) and i love it!
now on to why i think this song is perfect for nick
an alter ego is basically a persons second face/persona that we don't see until it's time for it to come out. and one thing i think a lot of people in this fandom forgets is that WE DON'T KNOW THEM! we as viewers have this image of them in our head based off of what they let us see through a screen, and nick doesn't let us forget that. he has stated many times that most of our opinions are wrong (them not being friends with people, la vs Boston debate etc.) and i think that's important.
I'm not saying nick has an alter ego or is two faced,but he is a leo man and them mfs headstrong! and that's what this song breathes!!! it gives a headstrong bad bitch that nobody can say shit to!!! THAT IS NICK!!! NICK ALWAYS PUTTING US AND OTHERS IN PLACE AND ITS NEEDED!!!
"NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH THESE HOES AINT PHASIN ME. NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH BOO BOO BITCH YOU DEAD TO ME" nick does not let this fandom phase him fr. he does wtf he wanna do when he wanna do it. of course he loves us and appreciates us, but he not with our bull shit!!
"IM THE PROBLEM, IM THE VILLIAN. I DONT SEE THESE HOES IN THESE RICK SHEILDS, THROWIN DIRT ON MY NAME AND HE GON HIT STILL!" people love to make nick the villain when he isn't!!! some people fr never had somebody tell them how it is and they just run with the narrative that someone is being mean when they not!!! he not being mean, he keeping it a buck fifty with yall!!! and tbh he don't care if yall see as the villain cuz why? he still got more money than us and we never gon be on his level fr.
@thenickgirl had to let ppl know to stop messing with him!!!!
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this description is going to be a bit different from Nick's and Chris's because I'm focusing more on the vibe of the song. the whole premise of this song (in my opinion) is two lovers just loving on each other! idk why i get big Matt vibes from this song😭 maybe because i love the idea of Cowboy Matt (before anyone say anything I'm making a Cowboy Matt series! it's already being written!) and yeah i don't have to say much more on that topic.
like yall know when Matt be smiling and giggling at his phone in car videos? i could already imagine his girlfriend sending him a pic of her ass in the new jeans and he just-
lemme stop before i write a whole separate fic for this song.
"YOU CALL ME PRETTY LITTLE THING, AND I LOVE TO TURN HIM ON." matt would deff call his girl a pretty little thing. she would be blushing and kicking her feet an ion blame her!!! and i too would love to turn him on!!
"BOY ILL LET YOU BE MY LEVI JEANS SO YOU CAN HUG THAT ASS ALL DAY LONG" matt would not resist looking at his gf ass and he would deff walk with his hand in her back pocket!!
"SO HOP OUT THE PHONE AND BRING THAT SHIT ON 'CAUSE IM GOING NOSEDIVE" matt the munch. pussy drunk. hurry tf up and bring your ass to him cause he bout to eat you out for hours!!!
thank you for coming to my ted talk on why Cowboy Matt is my fav and i need Matt eating me out ASAP!!!
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I PROMISE IM NOT ONE OF THE FANS WHO LOVES SKIES CUZ OF CHRIS!!! I WAS LISTENING TO SKIES WHEN LIFE OF A DARK ROSE DROPPED!! i truly loves skies cuz his music just takes me back to the era of SoundCloud and i was actually happy lmao.
onto the topic.
now, i didn't pick this song cuz chris loves skies, i picked it cuz i feel like to a certain degree, it matches chris perfectly!!! lust doesn't have to mean sex, it could be towards money, adrenaline, etc.
Although Skies does talk about sex in this song, i think he's saying that he's lusting after money and the adrenaline that comes with fame and success, but he's lacking the love that was once there and he's lusting for love as well.
i think that relates to chris's whole being. he's constantly spitting out ideas and created his own brand to chase the bag, chase his dreams. i lowkey like to believe chris is an adrenaline junky. not in a sense of jumping off cliffs or anything, more in a sense of just doing stupid shit like fighting with his brothers and suggesting crazy plans.
idk if my description of this makes any sense i just can't put it into words so imma do the lyrics and try to explain further.
"GET IN MY WAY AND TRY TO BLOCK ME IMMA SHOW AGRESSION" this could be towards a person or himself. I'm not saying chris is money hungry, he's just about his bag. he wouldn't like for anyone, including himself to get in the way of making his dreams come true and if they do, i think he gets a bit hostile. it could be him cutting them off, or simply just distancing himself for a bit. if it's himself i think that's when he gets sad and beats himself up. he said it in a few videos that he becomes hard on himself, or he gets sad before bed and i think that's why.
"GOT NO REGRETS, I MADE MISTAKES, BUT I LEARNED FROM MY LESSONS" this lyrics speaks volumes for chris!!!! i feel like it was said by him that he doesn't regret things he's done in the past or experienced, but he's glad he's learned from them. i think all of them are big on "life's a lesson, learn from it." he doesn't dwell too much on the past, it's done and all he can do is move past it and learn to not make the same mistake with people or opportunities.
"DON'T BE ACTING STARSTRUCKED EVERYTIME THEY SHOW YOU LOVE." this could be towards friendships or relationships. it's no secret LA is full of fake people but it's honestly everyone at this point in time. i think chris realized that at some point. just because people smile in your face and act nice don't mean the friendship/relationship is real. people always want something, and its not always love, it could be sex, money, and or fame. it doesn't surprise him anymore. i think that's why he stick to who and what he knows, especially in the relationship sense.
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i think imma do this every month, this was fun lmao. tell me what yall fav songs are atm!!!
@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @imaslut4kehlani @that-general-simp @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @adoreindie @braindead4l @pettydollie @chrissgirlsstuff @alexis007 @ratatioulle @yamamasjumpercables @luv4kozume @sturnioloslurps @kqyslyho3 @j3tblackt3ars @ilovestarz @lustfulslxt @soimightlikeoldmen69 @tastesousweet @slut4sebastiansallow @whicked-hazlatwhore @stasiesturn @loljackwasfat @nicksmainbitch @ninacutebee16 @mayhem-72 @sturniolosmind @breeloveschris @mattslolita @mattsivy @guccifrog @hysteria-things @mrssturnioloo @koris_009 @patscorner @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @nickuniversity @luverboychris @thenickgirl @riasturns @imwetforyourmom @junnniiieee07 @realuvrrr @milasturniolo @fwskullz @hearts4tatemcrae @mattandchrismakemewett @chrissystur @canthelpit0 @strnilo @demistyles @junovrsmp4 @heartsforchrisandmatt @maryx2xx @vecnasnose0 @freshsturns @xxsturnxx @pettydollie @crimsoncorpse @sturnssmuts @sturniolovoid @m0r94n
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lildrabbles · 9 months
Chapter 5: Getting to know each other
2007! Raph x Female! Reader
Summary: It's been a long day, but you finally get to know more about the turtle.
Warnings: swearing
A/N: sorry for not updating in a couple days! Kinda forget about it, but I just needed to add a couple more things then I was done!
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You were extremely tired by the time you got home. You had to take the subway, which was as usual, full of sketch heads. You fumbled with your keys when you arrived at your apartment door. You heard a door open from down the hall, making you look up. It was your nosey neighbour, Brenda.
"Oh hello there!" She smiled happily.
You smiled to be polite. "Hello Brenda." You quickly got back to fumbling with the lock so you didn't have to talk to her.
"So have you heard the news about this Nightwatcher? I think it's just crazy!" She said, walking over right beside you.
You cringed a little. "O-oh, yeah, it is crazy.."
"Well I personally think he should just stop, I mean it's the police job to do that kind of stuff! He's just putting more people in danger!" She exclaimed.
"Mmhmm.." You nodded before finally getting the key in the hole. "Well, I gotta get going-"
"And that whole thing about the police chase last night was absurd!"
"Yeah haha, ok I gotta-"
"Oh! And that new restaurant that opened in town, you and I should totally go some time for a girl's night!"
"Yes that would be great, but I really have to get going now." You finally managed to finish a sentence.
"Oh yeah of course, of course! Have a good night, hun!" She then turned away, flipping her hair as she walked back down the hall.
You groaned quietly as you walked in your apartment, slipping your shoes off as you relocked your door. You looked around. "Raph?" You called out, half expecting no answer.
To your surprise, you heard a "Through here!" With the gruff, Manhattan accent you had already somehow gotten used to, despite it only being a day.
You walked through to the living room to find him sprawled out on the couch looking at his sais.
"You're still here?" A hint of surprise in your voice.
"You said to stay, didn't ya?" He quirked an eyebrow up.
"Well yeah, I just didn't expect you to..."
"Listen? Yeah I get told that a lot." He said before throwing his sais down on the coffee table, then sitting up, winching a little but otherwise was fine.
You walked over and sat beside him. "What did you do all day?"
Raph shrugged. "Nothing really... I uh, took a bath earlier, if you don't mind."
"No of course not!" You smiled up at him.
He smiled a little back at you, before clearing his voice and looking away. "How was work?" He asked with a gruff voice.
"Eh, tiring." You shrugged, leaning back. He nodded. Silence fell over the both of you, until you decided to break it.
"So um.. when are you planning to go back to the sewers?"
"Depends, when will Doc Y/N declare me healthy again?" He smirked a little.
You giggled. "Well, you still need to let it heal, but... I mean, if your family is worried then it must be best to go back. Do you have first aid down there?"
He nodded. "Yeah, Don has some."
You looked up at him questioningly.
"Oh, he's uh, my brother. My other one is Mikey."
"Didn't you mention something about another brother?"
"Hm?" He furrowed his brows.
"Well, last night you said 'my brother's are probably worried about them, 2 of them at least' or something like that. So do you have more than 2 other brothers?"
He chuckled. "Well, aren't you observant?" He sighed. "My other brother, he's the oldest, his name is Leo, but.. he left a while ago, and I think he aint coming back for a while. Cuz he has to be 'worthy' or some shit." He scoffed.
"Oh..." You didn't wanna pry too much cuz he seemed upset about it, so you moved on with a different question. "So are you all turtles?"
Raph nodded. "Yep. Mutated freaks. Well, I guess there's my dad, too."
"Is he a turtle too?"
"Ah... no, actually. He's not our biological father, um... he's a mutated rat. We're just a family of mutants."
Your eyes widened a little. "Oh!" You then smiled. "Tell me more!"
He grinned a little, happy to finally have someone to talk to.
You both ended up talking for hours, asking each other questions. Raph knew he could trust you. Which was weird cuz he didn't usually ever trust anyone. But there was just someone about you that... he knew he could trust with his and his family's secret.
It was starting to get dark by the time you started running out of questions to ask.
You finally sighed. "Well, you probably wanna be heading back down to the sewers, huh?"
"Eh, yeah probably.. don't wanna worry my brother's TOO much." Raph chuckled.
You stood up and smiled. "Give me a minute, I have something for you and your family."
You then walked over to your kitchen area behind the counter, grabbing a random bag along the way. You started to pack some extra food you had, and some snacks for them as well as some drinks. You then grabbed a small piece of paper, writing your name and phone number on it before sticking it in the bag with the rest of the goods.
You quickly ran to your bathroom to grab your first aid kit and grabbed some extra bandages and gauze and ran back to stick them in the bag as well, just in case they ran out. When you were finished, you handed the bag to him.
He looked dumbfounded."Uh... Y/N this is great but I can't accept this, what about you-"
"Don't worry about me silly, I can buy stuff, you can't. Just... please, take it. My numbers in there too... j-just in case of an emergency or..."
"Or?" Raph tilted his head in confusion.
"... or maybe if you ever wanted to hang out again. You seem like a nice guy, and I would love to see you again other than just the news." You giggled a little.
He blushed a little. "Uh, y-yeah, I would like that too." He smiled. Actually being referred to as a guy and not a turtle mutant freak gave him a funny but enjoyable feeling in his stomach. After he realised what was happening he cleared his voice. "Well i best get going.."
"Right! Right.." You smiled awkwardly up at him while walking him to your window.
Before he stepped out onto the fire escape, he looked back at you. "And uh... I guess I should thank you, Y/N. You saved my life."
"And you saved mine." You smiled. "Ok go, before someone gets suspicious."
He smirked before jumping out, then somehow jumping off the railing and onto the ground on his feet, stumbling a little as the hand holding the bag came up to grasp at his wound. You heard him mutter "fck!", before running off into the night and disappearing into the shadows. You worried about him, but you knew he would be fine.
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artdivadej · 5 months
Survivor's Remorse (XVII)
Part one
Part 11+ 
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"Peeta look, I need you to understand something about your gal...and you need to keep an open mind", Haymitch sighed scratching the back of his head awkwardly.
"There's not much that would surprise me at this point"
"He says that now", Johanna snorts with a wicked grin.
"Shut it Johanna", Haymitch hisses, before turning back to Peeta "Good to know. But ummm. Shit", Haymitch fumbled.
"Haymitch is it some big secret or something I'm not supposed to know about?" Peeta asked looking back and forth between him and Johanna, knowing you regarded her as a sister and told her everything. "Is it why she's been avoiding me?"
"It's not that. It's just really personal and I thought...what with you two actually getting on the way you were, it wouldn't be a problem. I didn't think she'd be going through this anymore"
"Is it an episode? Is she alright?", Peeta asked quickly, his voice cracking with fear.
"Not...exactly? It's an episode of sorts. Do you remember her explaining about the splicing that Snow did to her?"
"Yeah. How are they related?"
"The way she asked you to bite her ass before, aint gonna be nothing compared to what she does to you this week", Johanna snickers.
"She can't help that this happens to her, ok boy?", Haymitch growled before pushing on, bringing his flask to his lips.
"Haymitch what's happening to her!", Peeta began to panic in his desperation, his voice rising.
"About twice a year, the feline DNA takes over. She goes through what Beetee calls 'heat'. Before, she'd have to sit in the house for a few weeks to just sweat it out and suffer through it alone. But now...since she's got you back", Haymitch begins, his lips twisting with distaste and discomfort.
"Hey I helped! I sent plenty of toys"
"Heat?", Peeta's brow raises with confusion, not quite understanding the meaning behind the simple word, or why you'd need toys from Johanna.
"Sex boy! Her body forces her into a concupiscent state where she has to copulate. Because she couldn't do it before, she just had to suffer through it. Try and get it out herself. But it's practically a breeding instinct that she can't control"
Peeta felt the blush start from his collar, before it flared up to his hairline. Oh. Johanna's wicked grin only deepened as she watched him realize what he'd be dealing with for the next couple of weeks.
"Now you're getting it boy", Haymitch sighed with exasperation as he took another swig.
"Is it bad?"
"She produces a pheromone that drives her and us wild. People can smell it within a 500-yard radius. It's why her home was sheltered off at the far end of the Victors Village. Its disorienting and raises the testosterone levels of anyone who gets a whiff. Even I can't get near her without affects and I don't find a damn thing about her womanly", he spat with revulsion.
"Hell, I do. I don't mind it. It's gonna make my sex life even hotter!", Johanna smirked.
"Which means?"
"You'll be out of the public eye for the next week or so. It may go faster since she has what she really wants. We'll all keep you both supplied with food and water, but I doubt sweetheart'll let you out that room until it's gone down some. Like I said before, she can't help it. You're all she's ever wanted and I'm sure the heat will only amplify that when she gets a whiff of you. I'm taking a room on the other side of the manor so I can't hear a damn thing I know will be coming out that room. You two are the worst at keeping quiet. And keep that damn window closed! Or else the whole of the damn Justice Hall will be able to smell you two!"
"I'm staying in the same hall. I plan on using you two to make this week pure debauchery with Onyx and Gale. They'll both be showering me in every slutty fantasy I've ever dreamed of. He and they are going to put their names all over this hot bod", Johanna grinned wickedly. "We thank you for your service"
Peeta felt like he would combust if they said another word but, he had one more question.
"Is there a way to stop it? Or at least dull the sense so she can function? I don't like the idea of her suffering"
"You'll be doing your part to stop that all week. In the meantime, here", Haymitch grumbled shoving a familiar thick red notebook into Peeta's hands. He'd seen you with this when you scurried away from him two days ago. "Aurelius wants you to write. As much as you can, when you can. Whether you're clear headed or not. About everything you feel, see and think. The same goes for her. Snow had her file destroyed so she'd have to find all the answers to the splicing that he did by herself. Beetee and Prim have been working hard these past few years to help figure it out. A lot that we've learned has been because of her impulses and responses to things, but this could really help answer a lot of those questions"
"I will"
"Get going. She's been suffering for two days already. Come get me when she's better", He grumbled turning on heel and stomping down the hall. "Say bye bye to that back boy!", he snarked before disappearing around the corner.
"Yeah she's definitely gonna shred your shit", Johanna giggled pushing Peeta towards the hall. "I filed and styled her nails 3 days ago so you shouldn't be too bad. You're welcome loverboy. Now get going. Nothing worse than needing to cum and you can't get your rocks off"
Peeta groaned but made his way towards the bedroom. The idea of being locked away with you for weeks on end, just drowning in your passion wasn't the problem. Everyone in the building knowing about it was. It felt like such an invasion of a world the two of you had always held so private and sacred. Peeta was glad the staff was minimal right now.
Excerpt from Survivor's Remorse ch 17. Heated
Now available on Wattpad
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pro-mammonologist · 1 year
Hear me out : making the most raunchiest, down right disgusting sextape with mammon and someone accidentally watches it and hears EVERYTHING 🤭
You remained in your demon boyfriend’s arms, scrolling through your phone, looking at social media. Mammon watched with you, telling you to scroll back up and click on things after you scrolled past them, making you playfully scold him. He kept on doing it, laughing at your reaction and trying to fluster you more. It wasn’t until you heard a ping from Mammon’s cell that you put your phone down.
“Aren’t you gonna check that, hmm?” You exaggerated your tone, lacing it with sarcasm.
He huffed and lifted it to his face. “Nah.” He then put it back down and put his arm back around your waist.
“What if it’s important?”
“It’s just Asmo, probably something makeup or fashion related.” He shrugged.
“Okay, you’re probably right.” You returned to your social media before you also received a message from Asmo. “What the hell?”
You opened it and read: ooooooooh~
You typed up a message, disturbed by the vagueness.
Mc: Huh?
Asmo: hehe
Mc: what???
Then no response. Mammon’s DDD rung again. And then two other pings followed. You turned to him, making him groan.
“I was comfy, ya know!”
“Get your DDD and figure out what’s going on.” The pings continued, equally frustrating and worrying the both of you. Mammon opened his DDD and went to the group chat shared between his brothers and then his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped open. He went pale and you started to panic. “What is it?” You pulled his cell to your eyes and saw immediately what it was.
Asmo: guys look! *sends video*
Asmo: they make such a good couple! I’m so happy they’re compatible in all forms! I gotta say I’m a little jealous!
Satan: no fucking way
Beel: ☹️
Asmo: I know, who would’ve thought Mc was that nasty! Wait until 23:42 where they take him into their mouth right after he pulls out of them!
Satan: all I needed to see was the thumbnail. No thank you. Mammon’s little mammon isn’t something I’ve ever wanted to see.
Belphie: I got about 2 minutes in, they already have spit everywhere even though they’re just making out. So dramatic.
Asmo: I think it’s passionate! Romantic! And messy. Our little Mc clearly isn’t shy when it comes to spit! They let Mammon spit in their mouth at around 7 minutes.
Beel: I can’t watch. Please stop telling us what happens.
Asmo: but I didn’t even tell you the best part!
Belphie: if it involves Mammon I don’t want to hear it
Satan: how can it not involve Mammon?
You and Mammon remained frozen, watching as more messages filled the chat. Levi remained silent and, rather terrifyingly, Lucifer remained absent from the chat. Mammon prepared to type a message and then you stopped him.
“There’s no point. Only Asmo and probably Levi will watch it at least.”
“At least!!! Mc! They have no right to be able to see you like that!” He sat up and started typing.
“Uh! Obviously! But typing something will only egg them on, you know that! Plus what about Lucifer!” You tried to reason with him, sitting up beside him. “And the even bigger worry is how the hell did Asmo find the video! It’s on my DDD!” You showed him where your messages were still open with Asmo, clearly not showing any sign of you sending the tape. Despite you telling him not to, Mammon started typing.
Asmo: I found it
Beel: you didn’t send it?
Asmo: it just appeared in my videos one day. I’m not sure how but I’m not upset. Did you not want us to watch it?
Lucifer: A sex tape?
The both of your hearts skipped a beat.
Lucifer: A sex tape that magically appeared in Asmo’s phone? Did Mc send it? Mammon is clearly too possessive to willingly send a video of Mc naked and “doing a whole lotta stuff” for lack of better terms.
You both heaved a sigh, thankful he didn’t immediately lecture you both.
Asmo: could’ve just been fate.
Mammon: Mc didn’t send it! Lucifer, you gotta figure out what Asmo did!
Levi: current status: 5:14. Mammon asked Mc “you’re already desperate, huh?” Directly after Mc said they were desperate for him. Mammon is clearly a little behind.
Lucifer: I will figure out what happened. However, Mammon and Mc, you will need to realize that for evidence, I will likely have to watch it.
Mammon: WHAT
Lucifer: who knows what happened, Mammon. Asmo could’ve snuck in when you didn’t notice and cursed your DDD.
Mammon: NUH UH! I’ve watched that video over and over, ain’t no way.
Lucifer: seems as though you’re the desperate one then, hm?
Lucifer: also, to clarify, I won’t exactly enjoy seeing your little Mammon either. Would you rather me send it to Barbatos to figure out what happened?
Mammon: you know what, I don’t even care. Just.
Mammon: Don’t.
Mammon: Watch.
Mammon: IT.
Lucifer: You know what, I’d rather leave this be as well. Everyone needs to have this video deleted from their library. I will be inspecting everyone’s phones to make sure it’s not there.
Mammon: WHAT
Asmo: okay well don’t be surprised by what you see
Belphie: this government (Lucifer) is too oppressive.
Satan: what will Mc think? Going through her phone? Personally, I think we should overthrow our government (Lucifer).
Beel: I don’t have anything to hide. Just don’t judge me.
Mammon: I’m leaving the House of Lamentation. Nah, the whole Devildom. You’ll never see me again.
Lucifer: 👍🏻
The two of you looked at each other, defeated and deflated. Both of you, hunched over, staring at the messages flying across his DDD. While you wanted to figure out what happened, you just accepted that it’s better not to probe. Needless to say, you were also encouraging of Mammon’s idea of a vacation from the Devildom, not necessarily a permanent one.
The two of you did not leave your room for at least 24 more hours. You just didn’t want to deal with it. However…
Asmo to you privately: want some ideas?
Maybe this wasn’t entirely too terrible.
(This was also so fun akfjdjfndn)
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Modern!peaky boys and a reader who won them in a monopoly. It seems to me that Thomas would be a little irritated, because he has a huge business and he lost this game.
Hahaha this is such a good one <3
🌿 He isn't going to get mad, its just a game (at least thats what he's telling himself anyway)
🌿It would be a slow painful loss because he's good at the game... He'd keep pulling himself back from bankruptcy over and over until he finally lost
🌿 At which point he would in fact be very embarrassed but trying not to show it. He'd sit there with that emotionless stare like "alright well, that was fun, what're we doing next?" trying to move on as quickly as possible.
🌿 Youd definitely gloat a bit because hes the owner of a huge business and you just managed to beat him.
🌿 And your gloating would embarrass him more but also irritate him so he'd be dismissive like "oh well love its only a game, doesnt work like real business does it,"
🌿 Would end up telling you to run the company for a week, "then we'll see how good you are eh?"
🌿 Basically hes sulking.
🐻 Acts like he cares when he loses
🐻 Doesnt really care at all..
🐻 He just knows that you want him to have a temper tantrum, so he's acting up for you, to entertain you
🐻 Lots of grumbling and groaning and rolling his eyes but its all for show, he actually likes doing anything that means spending time with you.
🐻 Although he can think of much better things to be doing with you than playing monopoly...and he will tell you that.
🐻 Will dramatically get in a huff when he loses, explain why he shouldn't lose, accuse you of cheating... Anything to make you laugh and tease him more.
🐻 Will pretend to sulk until you come sit in his lap, give him a kiss and say sorry for making him play the game.
🍂 Gets confused by the game, he'd lose pretty quickly
🍂 But honestly i think hes throwing the board away before he loses just out of sheer frustration with the whole thing.
🍂 Youre just constantly trying to explain the rules, and when he has to pay tax and stuff he just point blank refuses, "Nah thats not how that works darlin, i dont pay tax..."
🍂 Wants to know why the street names are all in London, "what about the rest of the country eh?"
🍂 Theres honestly nothing you can do to get this man to play properly or understand the game and in the end he really does just tip the table.
🍂 "Next time I'm choosing what we play!"
🌼 Doesnt know why you've got to play board games when theres better things you could be doing like watching the godfather or something...
🌼 (look right, if we had modern peaky boys they'd be the type to make you watch all the mafia movies and the sopranos and stuff just so they could sit and mansplain how "look at this bullshit, that aint what its really like at all... Where the fuck do they get these ideas...")
🌼 But anyway, when you're playing monopoly hes grumbling away, bored games are for people who can't entertain themselves blah blah
🌼 Its all just a front because he knows hes going to lose... And he doesnt want to lose
🌼 He doesnt mind losing as much as his brothers do but he doesnt like to lose... So hes setting his excuses up now and you dont hesitate to let him know you know what hes doing...
🌼 "Just cause you're scared of losing..."
🌼 In the end though john is playing this stupid game with you because he knows it'll make you happy.
🌼 And when he loses he sits there and takes it with a smirk on his face, shaking his head rolling his eyes at you all "Ahh well whatever makes you happy love."
🍀 Bonnies probably quietly quite anti capitalist in the 2020s, and he definitely isnt the indoorsy type that could concentrate on monopoly for as long as it takes to actually play monopoly
🍀 For that reason this games been going on for several days with lots of pauses in between
🍀 And youve heard multiple times "dont know why you like this so much y/n, you know the toffs would never let people like us do any of this shit in real life..."
🍀 But just like john, bonnies playing it with you for your sake, cause he wants to make you happy. Doesnt mean he isnt going to keeo playing it "unseriously" to try and make you laugh
🍀 To end the game he cheekily announces that the economy has just tanked due to a revolution, the means of production have been siezed and all the money in the worlds just gone up in smoke, you're skint, hes skint and now everybody has to go back to bartering and trade like "the good old days"
🍀 "Oh and nobody owns the land anymore dove so me and you, we can go wherever we like... Stop wasting time playing board games eh?"
🐀Acts like he doesnt care but actually does care
🐀He's even more annoyed when he loses because he was cheating!! How can you lose when youre cheating?
🐀Will sulk, will say hes not playing anymore. Will throw the money at you when he lands on your space.
🐀He'll even admit to cheating when he tries to accuse you of cheating (spoiler alert youre both cheating)
🐀 Definitely shoves the board away and messes it all up. Its not even that he thinks he should be good at the game, its that he just doesnt want to lose.
☘️ Won't be able to hide how much he cares about winning
☘️ He played the game as a kid and claims to have never lost. You can believe this if you like, I'm not sure whether he's telling the truth.
☘️ When he senses hes losing he will start to cheat, he'll feel bad about it but he'll try anyway.
☘️ If he gets sent to jail he'll claim he should still be able to take the money for passing go, he would in real life...
☘️ He'll definitely accuse you of cheating when you win... (you're actually not cheating)
☘️ He won't tip the board or be dramatic but he will grumble about how stupid the game is, how its nothing like real business
☘️ He'll tell you hes not playing it with you again, he will reallyyyy sulk about it.
☘️ So much sulking.
☘️ The sulk could last several days
☘️ You'll have to be really sweet to him to heal that wounded ego
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obsessed by olivia rodrigo feels like. jay talking abt amy
Oh definitely, tho there was a point where I was thinking of making it so that the feelings between Jay and Amy were like, where AMY was the one kinda jealous of Jay. That fell through pretty quick tho because it just wouldn't work. It didn't feel right lol (shocker)
This, and misery business by Paramour actually, work pretty well for Jay talking about Amy in Sorry, It's Locked. That was the song that made me think "hey what if Amy was kinda jealous over Alex", specifically the line "I watched his wildest dreams come true and not one of them involving you" cos like, yeah that kinda happened. Alex got a healthy, happy relationship with Amy for at least a couple years before the Operator caught up with him, and that life didn't involve Jay at all, y'know? But the idea of Amy being kinda spiteful and jealous just didn't sit right with me from the miniscule bit we see of her in actual MH.
She seems to kind and reasonable and, y'know, not a creepy dick like Jay is 💀
Definitely definitely definitely
I think it'd be one of those things that didn't stick around for super long, but like, for about a year or so after Alex "broke up with him" in uni and moved away to live with Amy Jay was VERY much "obsessed with Amy because she "stole" Alex from him. And sure yeah yeah Alex and Amy weren't Exes at that point (I'd argue they still aren't because Amy's dead, they didn't break up she died. She's not his ex girlfriend she's his late girlfriend, y'know?) but still, the general vibe of Obsessed by Olivia Rodrigo still stands.
For a year or so Jay was obsessed with Amy almost as much as he was obsessed with Alex, it was just that it was like a hate obsession rather than a love one? He probably just wouldn't shut up about it to their friends. (Fixing this by saying Tim simply forgot because operator shit between uni and S,IL lmao, so it's fiiiiine, he just doesn't remember that jay told him and their other friends so much about his and Alex's FWB relationship in uni. Hooray for memory loss! A writer's best friend when you're writing shit not in chronological order and aren't gonna go fix it all in a second and third draft lol)
I think Jay would still feign ignorance over why Alex moved away, partly because he can't bring himself to believe it is his fault, which it kinda is (because I do plan on making Alex moving away kinda a direct result of Jay's actions across their relationship, because I love using that pathetic wet cat of a man as my personal human punching bag) and he'd act like Amy just stole Alex away from him for no reason, rather than the reason being that Amy talked to alex and was like "hey, the way Jays treating you isnt okay" because she only hears alexs side of the story.
She's still right of course. The way Jay's treating him ISNT okay. It's shit. But they were both shit to each other in uni y'know?
Anyway yeah for a while jay talked about Amy fucking constantly to his friends because he felt 'wronged' by her because she stole Alex from her. (Probably making that a thing where she was like "hey how about you come stay with me for a little bit while your hands are healing up" —yeah hes gonna fuck up his hands, its gonna be a whole thing, you'll see it in chapter 6 of if it aint broken— and Alex agrees and then just, never goes back, he gets all his stuff moved to Amy's and enrolls at her uni instead and all that)
ALSO that line in Obsessed about watching every movie she's been in is PERFECT. I feel like Amy definitely was in at least a couple scenes of Alex's marble hornets, maybe as a background character or in some scrapped scenes, and Jay has watched them all a million times trying to pick her apart and find out why she was better than him, what about her made Alex pick her. He refuses to believe Alex is just straight, and he IS right but like... That would be a reasonable reason for him to stop "experimenting" and get a girlfriend lol
Jay also definitely remembers every detail Alex ever told him about Amy, or that he found out himself. I do think he'd at least TRY to do a little stalking of her and Alex once he moves away. Not a huge amount, he catches himself pretty quickly and tries to convince himself he just doesn't care enough to want to find out more about how Alex is doing now he's with Amy. But like, idk he definitely at least, like, Facebook stalked them or something lmfao. Even if it didn't get up to in person stalking like he got to in MH, he was definitely at least a little weird about them.
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kingkennny10 · 10 months
So This Is Love
Scott Malkinson x gn!Reader
Study date and first kiss with your new boyfriend Scott <3 study date turned movie night! A whole bunch of fluff, ft roommate Red. Also in case yall aint notice, oneshots inspired by music will have pink titles now 😈 also yall i love star wars, 😞 my bad
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Finals are creeping up on you slowly and with it comes the anxiety of failing. This thought prompts you to ask your partner Scott for a study date, you didn’t know it but you lifted so much weight off of his shoulders in doing so, he couldn’t think of a cute way to ask you.
“I was gonna ask you the same thing!” He says with a pout making you giggle. You guys were sitting in your usual cafe you meet at after class. “Wanna come over to my apartment and study?” He asked with a hopeful smile. You guys haven’t been dating very long, maybe a week and a half. The fact that he’s comfortable enough to ask you to come over has you overjoyed. After all both of you wanted to take things slow, not even sharing a first kiss yet, maybe with some luck that will change tonight.
“Sure! What time do you want me to be there?” You asked now holding his hand over the table rubbing it with your thumb gently. He looked up to the ceiling thinking about his schedule, his tongue poking out in thought.
“How about you go home, grab some snacks, and change into pajamas while I get the apartment ready then we can study and maybe watch a movie after? You can spend the night too if you’d like.” Scott said nervously awaiting your input. Your smile never faltered as you looked at him.
“That sounds like a solid plan Scotty! Ill be over in 30.” You said as you got up, Scott followed suit and you pulled him into a hug just outside the door. “See you soon lover boy!” And with that you walked to your dorm leaving behind a blushing Scott. He stood off to the side watching you until you were out of sight before he left himself. You were jittery with excitement your whole way back.
Fumbling with the keys all but twice as you opened the door to your dorm, you shut the door behind you letting out a squeal. Letting out a small apology to your dorm mate Red before making your way to your closet grabbing some pj’s.
“What’s got you all excited?” Red asked leaning back in her rolly chair. She had a big smile on her face due to your excitement.
“Scott invited me over for a study date and a movie, probably gonna spend the night!” You sighed out dreamily. You flopped back onto your bed gazing up at the ceiling. “He invited me over!” You said again almost not believing yourself.
“Amazing progress champ! I’ll keep my ringer on if you need me.” Red said and turned back to her desk typing out what seemed to be an essay. You changed into your pajamas, some flannel pants and an old star wars t-shirt that had palpetine on it. You grabbed a box of cheez itz and a can of pringles shoving it into a backpack along with your laptop and a notbook deeming yourself ready to go.
“Im off Red! Don’t miss me too much!” You chimed slipping on some shoes and grabbing your keys. Red rolls into your line of sight just before you turn around to leave.
“Text me details, be safe, and remember my ringer is on.” Red said again, you gave her a smile and a nod before shutting and locking the door behind you. Heading to your car you texted Scott letting him know you were getting in your car and to send the address. You put your bag in the passenger seat and cut on some lovey dovey music from one of your playlists. Scott texted back with his address and a couple hearts followed by ‘drive safe sugar’ and it made you smile like an idiot.
The drive to Scotts was maybe 5 minutes, what made it longer was after you got there you had to work up the nerves to walk up the steps. Finally making it to the door you knocked to the rhythm of a tune you couldn’t place at that moment. When Scott opened the door he melted at the sight of you, you looked wonderful to him.
“There you are!” Scott said happily. He gently placed his hand under yours leading you inside his home. It was dimly lit, there was an orange tinted lamp lighting the living space and the only other light was coming from the kitchen. “Welcome to my apartment.” Scott said after he closed and locked the door behind you. You were still taking it all in.
“Its so cozy in here Scotty, I love it!” You said next peering into his bedroom where there was blue led lights shining.
“There’s not much decor but, hopefully you can change that in the future.” Scott said shyly as he walked ahead leading you to his bedroom, you blushed at his words which he was none the wiser to. He only had a full size bed and his desk with a full pc set up in his room. He walked over to a door on the side and opened it. “This is where the bathroom is if you need it at all tonight. We can study in here too, you can take the bed or I can pull up another chair and we can both sit at my desk.”
You giggled to yourself at how cute he was, he’s being so polite and shy. You put your bag down on his bed and walk towards him giving him a hug. He hugged you back and brought you down on the bed with him, both of you on your sides.
“Scott your place is lovely, thank you for inviting me!” You said and rubbed your noses together. He pulled you into his chest giving you a short squeeze and a kiss on the top of your head.
“Of course baby, you’re always welcome. Now let’s get to studying so we can watch a movie!” Scott said as he got up. You scooted back to the middle of his bed grabbing your back pack.
You guys studied for close to 3 hours before deciding it was time for the movie, you pulled out your snacks as Scott pulled up a website that has almost every movie. “So star wars it is?” Scott asked looking over at you with a smile. You laughed as you opened up the pringles.
“Easy pick huh, it’s gotta be the first episode though.” You said putting a pringle in your mouth. He set up his speaker and made the movie full screen.
“You wore the shirt, how could I not. Also great movie choice by the way.” After pressing play on the movie he moved his chair out of the way and joined you on the bed.
“Maybe we can be Anakin and Amidala for halloween?” You asked offering over the pringles. He smiled as he took some pringles.
“You’re such a nerd.” He said not taking his eyes off of you, he was sealing every detail in his memory.
“You’re one to talk, with all your rebel propaganda!” You said watching the movie begin. He was still watching you with a dopey smile on his face.
“I never said it was a bad thing sugar. I like having a partner with shared interests.” He said and you finally met his gaze. Your face began to heat up at the thought of him watching you for so long, his mirroring yours. Like magnets both of you began to lean into eachother, you made one quick glance to his lips before you closed the gap kissing him slowly. You felt the heat from his cheeks before you raised your hands to cup them. When you pulled away you giggled.
“Since when did you become such a smooth talker Scott?” You asked with a smile. His face was red with embarrassment as his eyes shot to his lap now too embarrassed to look at you now.
“I-i don’t know, I’m sorry!” Scott tried to continue but you stopped him with another peck on the lips. You smiled at him again as he melted into your touch with the most love drunk expression you think you’ve ever seen.
“There he is.” You said placing another kiss on his nose. The night went on smoothly from there, cuddled up on his bed watching all of the star wars movies. You made sure to send Red an update that you guys kissed and you’d explain tomorrow before falling asleep in Scotts arms.
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When i tell yall scott means so much to me, i mean that shit!!! Hes such a lil cutie patootie, how can you not write all the most adorable tooth wrotting fluff for himmmmm 💕💕💕 such a sweetheart!
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this one aint a story, sorry folks 😔✊
warning, this is nsfw : contains cnc, somno, breeding kink, bondage mention, and also sex toys.
there's a scenario down below for x readers but it's not really written well.
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does Cale Kim knows anything about kinks???
i lowkey feel like he would be knowledgeable about sex in general and u knoww, but he never really dives into the whole topic and the possibilities since he's busy suffering in his first life sorry lol
so when he regressed and possessed the body of KRS, he never really thought that he was gonna be smashing anyone since he's gonna devote himself to taking care of his niece.
but then damn, OG!KRS's ex girlfriend (yes do not fight me on this, i believe if he'd ever fall for anyone, it would be someone who knows KRS best) is really nice and mature and loving and kinda hot too so —
obviously she would notice that he's not the OG KRS and he'd have to come clean at one point.
anyways fast forward, they fall into a relationship and when they FINALLY have sex, it was gentle, loving, sweet, and oh-so-invigorating for both parties.
then she just goes "you know, you could just ... fuck me in my sleep."
and rattled, cale!krs would say, "but that's not right..."
"i just gave you my consent," she says, "you're absolutely allowed to do whatever you want."
"but what if you don't like it at that time?" he'd asked because OUR MAN IS A RESPECTFUL SIGNIFICANT OTHER AND CARES ABOUT CONSENT YES YES THE BARE MINIMUM
"then we'll make up a safeword."
so then his gf would explain all about safewords and kinks because tbh cale!krs knew NOTHING about kinks — if he had a preferred one, he wouldn't realized it's a kink before she says that "oh, that's what you're into?"
so he explores his sexual preferences with her, saying whatever he thinks he's into and trying it with her, figuring out how things work. he's into the whole mirror thing and cowboy girl position, also likes breeding and bondage a lil bit too much. inflation on the stomach when he's inside of them makes him feel 😩😩😩 he loves edging too and be a complete prick.
he does the thing where he will rub his cock alongside their pussy until he's hard and brushes his tip on their clit until he comes himself.
sees his partner bending down and he's feeling particularly horny? he's putting his large hand on their hip and slowly going down to rub their pussy though their pants, grinding his bulge against their ass. could fuck you on the spot if he wants to but always thinks about where his niece is first because nobody wants to be caught red-handed 😭
so during the times he's learning and to help him with trying out his sexual preferences, his gf takes him to a sex shop or just shows him a bunch of sex toys online, explaining how they work and stuff like that.
he's into cock rings more than pocket pussies, says he already got you so it's unneeded HAHAHA
the topic of self-pleasure toys comes up so he asked his gf what kinda toys she uses and she whips out the cute lil rose and the vibrator wand.
she explains to him how they work and stuff like that and OUUHHH BABEYYY cale kim WANTS to test them out.
just imagine here,
he's sitting naked on the bed, you on top of him with his dick rubbing on your pussy. he's testing out the levels on the vibrator in one hand, the other mindlessly rubbing your clit and plunging his fingers into your hole repeatedly, making sure you're wet enough to take him in later.
you have one arm around his neck so he'll be able to look down onto your pussy and easy access to your chest.
"we'll start slow," he says, putting the wand on the lowest setting and taking his sopping wet fingers out of you. he licks them clean before saying, "now spread your legs and take me in, doll."
you did as he told you so, having to lift yourself up first and slowly pushing his cock into you, filling you up to your stomach. he first allows you to get used to his size before you began to bounce on his cock, movement small and not erratic.
he lowered down the vibrator to your clit, brushing the vibrating sphere against your throbbing, red clit and when he felt you immediately tightening your walls around him, he let out a breathy, "fuckkkk"
it's a bit of a work having sex with a vibrator but the sounds you were letting out and the way your body reacted was more than enough for him to keep going.
he would sometimes squeeze your breasts with the other hand, pulling on the nipples and biting and leaving hickeys all over the breast he could reach.
you were creaming all over him, the base of his cock white with your fluids. you would have orgasmed so many times that night because having your pussy throbbing around him was an addictive feeling to Cale!KRS and he would make you cum over and over again to the point you'll be squirting all over the bed.
when he finally comes, it was hot and so much to the point it was dripping down to the sheets because you were filled to the brim. he'd turn off the vibrator and set it aside, hugging you and giving you kisses along your shoulders and the sides of your breasts.
"d-do you want me to pull out?" he whispered. yes, cale kim is a nasty man and he would like it if he could sleep while still inside you.
"do it slowly," you'd say, sore and sensitive. you were sure if he moves, you'd cum again. your legs are still trembling and your clit felt abused.
he wraps his hand around your hips, lifting you gently up and letting his cock slide out of you. his cum immediately dripping down out of your hole. you let out a sigh, feeling the previous load lesking out of you and as if you were perhaps the dirtiest person out there to have this much cum inside of you and loving it so much that you're a bit sad it's leaking out.
"fuck," he whispered, letting you sit on top of him and his own cum leaking out, wetting his flaccid dick.
"we should do this often."
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drottni · 1 year
LBFAD Rewatch Part 10
1. When your cheap ass friend starts becoming generous and your immediate thought is "is she broken? Is she possessed ?"
2. Okay can we just talk about the creativity of the "shes deeply in love with me and thats why the Bone Orchid is killing her" arch. Like the way they stitched that in there so we could have the whole "I have to get her to hate me " angst. *chef kisses*
3. Xunfeng: Wait so the Moon Queen is not going to live long?
DFQC: Over my dead body >:(
Xunfeng: Or....hear me out. Over HER dead body! Eh? Eh!
DFQC: *jail for Xunfeng*
4. Xunfeng: I cannot give you the sword. You will destroy it. You are the last hope for the Moon tribe
DFQC: *angry exasperated face* If one more person says that to me---
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5. Xunfeng kicking DFQC while he is down:
Me: You little menace.
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6. Idk how many times I will gush over his acting, but ya'll. Wang Hedi looked soooo genuinely torn. Like his facial muscles rippling with checked anger. His tight grip loosening as Xunfeng's words start to hit home. The rippling anguish in his eyes as he realizes just what he is doing and how much of a risk he is taking. God.
7. Omg the absolute hell ish pressure cooker my poor baby DFQC is in. Like ya'll imagine everyone relying on you and just trusting in you to handle the enemy cuz you got mad crazy powers and you have to sit there and not have a panic attack because you no longer have the mad crazy powers and you will most likely lose either your people or the person you love. OOOH GOD. Get him out of there! I got second hand panic attacks watching this
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8. XLH: Im gonna make the Phoenix Crown out of the flowers Big Blockhead planted for me when I came to Cangyan sea.
Jieli: You're such a romantic you dweeb. Loser -_- (I love you, you beautiful innocent soul)
9. XLH: I dont care who I was. All that matters now is I will be his wife *blush*
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10. DFQC giving her an out. Telling her she still has time to save herself before the war. Hoping that she does leave but also that she doesn't. Her barely holding back tears as she continues to discuss the wedding. Both of them losing their shit as the reality sets in. AAAHHHHHH 😭😭 Reminding each other of their promise. "Whatever happens, we face it together". (him also realizing at this point the absolute betrayal hes going to have to put her through) omg.
11. If your demon hubby doesn't sit by your bedside while you sleep despite having 1001 and other things to look after, namely a whole ass war...drop him. DFQC supremacy.
12. "In this world what is real and what is fake? I only know that I love DFQC, that is real. It is more than enough" >>>>>>>>> any other love confession
13. DFQC: Because I know them well. One was my bestfriend. The other was the woman I wanted to marry.
Me on my first watch: was? WAS?? WAASSS?!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?
15. XLH: this food is the one I hate. THIS RIGHT HERE is going too far.
she's just like me fr. dont mess with food.
16. DFQC about to sacrifice his body, soul and spirit to save his people.
XLH: *in danger*
DFQC: Sacrifice is canceled. We are saving the love my of life. Again.
17. I dont even have words for that scene. Never getting over that. (actually i have words and they are too many.)
18. I just wanna say that in my first watch, I did not process that she actually died for the longest time. Despite the whole setup and slow mo. I just kept thinking nahhh DFQC going to think of something and save her. Aint no way he letting her die.
With this thought in my mind, I just imagine how it must have felt for him. How absolutely helpless and devastated. 😭
19. My mans out here straight up suicidal and burning his primordial spirit faster and faster, getting irritated with all his bros for trying to give him their primordial spirit 🥲🥲
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mrsjobarnes · 2 years
Tales of a Call sign
Rooster x reader 
Italics are past tense
Word count: 613 A/N ~ Hey yall! I’m always so nervous to post because I don’t have anyone to proofread it. Lol Anyways enjoy! Also, this is the original song, not the Elvis version 
Like and comments welcome! 
Please do not steal my work! 
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“Hey, Siren you come’n  to the Hard deck or not “ Phoenix shouted 
“Yeah, here I come,” I said. 
 Most people got their call signs in an incredible way. Phoenix got hers because of her strong will, Fanboy got his because he was a nerd. I honestly have no idea how Bob got his. Maybe it stands for ‘Best offense Boy’? No that’s stupid, but it definitely not ‘Baby on Board’. I got mine because of one fateful night of karaoke. I’ll set the scene, it was some whole in-the-wall bar at the naval academy and Rooster had convinced a bunch of people plus Phoenix and I to go to karaoke. He asked me to sing 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart’ with him. Now I’m not proud to admit this but I have the world’s biggest crush on Rooster, he doesn’t know and never will. As we got off the stage and went back to the group everybody was flabbergasted. After they stopped hooting and hollering Phoenix came up to me and told me to should go back up and sing a solo. She said hangman made a bet that I wouldn’t, which got Rooster interested. 
“Come on Y/n, you killed it up there earlier. Also, Think about the look on his face when he owes Phoenix…. How much money” we both looked to Pheonix. She made a smirk that could rival the Cheshire cat. 
“$150,” she said. My jaw about dropped, Rooster rubbed his hands together like he was planning something. Normally I’d be all in on it but I just sit and watch. 
“I don’t know guys, that’s a lot. Plus what if I mess up” I said with wide eyes. Rooster grabbed my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. Damn, I could get lost in those eyes. 
“How about I go up there and play the piano?” he suggested. That’s another thing I love about him, he is so generous and kind. 
“Fine” I say. After I told rooster the song he quickly pulled up the sheet music and walked me over to the stage. The group before us was halfway through. “Rooster I can’t do this” I said while my breath picked up. He grabbed my shoulder 
“Breath Y/N, you can do this. You don’t have to, but think about the look on Hangman’s face when he has to pay phoenix” he said before pulling me into a hug. It’s finally our turn as Rooster sets up I decided to talk into the microphone, 
“Hello again, my name is Y/N and this is Bradley on the keys. Im going to sing a song that my grandma used to sing to her husband whenever he was in trouble, which was a lot. It is also for my good friend Jake over there, So enjoy” I look back a Bradley. He smiles and starts to play. I belt out the first note “ YOU AINT NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG” as I sing I get into it and so does Rooster. By the end the entire club is Howling along as it ended we got a standing ovation. We walked off the stage and Bradley wraps me in a hug and kisses my head. 
“You were amazing up there Y/n” I blush and thank him. We walk back to the group just in time for Hangman to pay Phoenix. 
“You did pretty good up there Siren” we all looked at Jake with a puzzled look. “What siren are good singers that can kill. I thought it was a fitting nickname” he said, throwing his hands up. We all laughed. From that day on  I was dubbed Siren. 
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