#i also like how with this long layout you can see how i've positioned all the drawings of me in relation to each other
muckingup · 1 year
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here’s my art retrospective for 2022 [as always, also on twitter].
ID and all the writing on these pages below the readmore:
[A yellow page. I’m on the left in a full-body drawing. I’m fat and lightskin with freckles and dark, short, curly hair and dark eyes. On this page I’m wearing a yellowish-orange long-sleeved shirt, an open blue button up shirt, and denim shorts with red shoes. I have wire-rimmed glasses on. A note next to me says “This would be one of my outfits if I was a comic book character.”]
[2022 is written on the top of the page with each number being a different color:   In December 2021 I saved up to buy an ipad and procreate, and I’ve talked before about how it’s genuinely revolutionized the way I’m able to draw.
My old setup was slow and glitchy. I couldn’t draw uninterrupted for half an hour. I’ve mentioned before that drawing with procreate felt like I was drawing digitally for the first time.
This meant I could draw faster and doodle. I could try new things, because I wouldn’t feel like I was wasting time if I didn’t like the end result.
[Two drawings are on the page: a drawing of yamcha, tien, and chiaotzu tending to farmland, and a drawing of tien and yamcha on a wooden staircase outside, enjoying a summer day. Both of these drawings have been posted to twitter before.]
I like both of these drawings but this one [the older one of tien, yamcha, and chiaotzu farming] has less refined rendering because I couldn’t take my time with it. That being said, it still took me 2 years to complete it.
In comparison, with my new setup this one [the summer day one] took 3 days to complete.
[a yellow post-it note is on the summer drawing. it says “I posted these one month apart.”]
[the page has stickers and colored pencil doodles on it. there is a holographic sticker of a sun, a holographic sticker of a strawberry, a doodle of a cloud and rainbow, a doodle of strawberries and a daikon radish, and stamps of green clovers on the page.]
[A black page. Dark red drops are on the page. My hair is up in a curly bun. I’m wearing clear glasses, vampire teeth, a wine-red button up shirt with a rose and leaf pattern on it, a black miniskirt, red fishnet tights, and black boots. A note next to me says “my outfit for a Halloween party. I was a vampire {an inexpensive costume lmao}”]
I applied to the Shortbox Comics Fair and didn’t get in. I kept flipping between “they don’t know what I’m capable of” and “if they don’t know what I’m capable of, that’s the fault of my portfolio.”
[A red post-it note shaped like a drop of blood is being held to the page by a glow-in-the-dark bat sticker. It says “I had to {and have to} prove to myself what I’m capable of. I’m still finding out!”]
I realized that I had fallen into a pattern of approaching each drawing as a puzzle or exercise instead of starting from a place of emotionality or imagination/excitement. It was like I was just proving over and over that I can render instead of feeling genuinely excited about any ideas I had. I was closed off to learning, and to allowing myself to feel things through my art.
[A timeline has been drawn on a piece of dark blue construction paper and taped to the page. A moon cut from roughly textured purple paper is glued to the timeline as well.]
I spent a lot of 2022 struggling with how I felt about art and creating.
Jan: “I don’t know how I’m feeling about art…”
Mar: “I’ve mended much of my relationship to art…”
Dec: “I’ve hit my personal limitation with art…”
Jan: “I’m more aware of the ways I can improve…”
Now, going into 2023 I feel a lot more solid about my relationship to art, even though I don’t know what the future holds.
[A drawing of ??? mob in a field of flowers as a storm cloud approaches is taped to the page. There’s a post-it note on the drawing that says “This drawing was a critical turning point. When I looked at it I realized how much I was just focused on rendering individual things and not focusing on the whole.”]
[Hot pink dots of glitter glue and blue sparkles drawn with colored pencil are all throughout the page.]
[A bright lime green page. Abstract deco stickers in shades of pink, purple, and blue scatter the page. There are also a couple of holographic heart stickers. There are scribbles of glitter from a pen or glitter glue in some of the corners of the page. I’m wearing a pink top with long flow sleeves and a bright apple green pleather skirt, hot pink giant fishnet tights, and olive green platform boots. A note near me says “Birthday outfit!” A note near my boots says “Chunky heels are easier to walk in.”]
[A few drawings have been taped on the page in a row. They are a drawing of Tien, a drawing of Chabago {an OC}, and Mob standing in front of a cobblestone half-wall. Each picture has more complex values than the last.]
Last year I learned more about values. I’ve been thinking more about composition. I plan to keep learning.
[A piece of a pink page of lined paper has been taped on the page. It says “I want to choose expressiveness over complete control EVERY TIME.” Two drawings have been taped on top of the piece of pink paper. They are a drawing of Mob bathed in purple light and standing in front of a large orange cloud with a note that says “still my fav art piece from 2022” and a page of drawings of Emi and Mob from the mp100 mini fan book with a not that says “another fav.”]
[There is a light blue sticky note that says “If a piece of art teaches me something, I save it.”]
[There is a post-it note that looks like a slice of green apple. On it is a list of things I want to do.]
… make a short comic!
… participate in a zine!
… buy lots of people’s art!
… go to a con!
… open commissions!
… do an art trade!
[Underneath the apple post-it note is another slip of lined pink paper with a short list about how I process the way I choose to draw things.]
The way I think something looks
The way the thing actually looks
The way the thing makes me feel.
[A light blue piece of paper has been taped onto the bottom corner of the page. It says “Working harder/more doesn’t necessarily mean you’re making better work.”]
[This page is light blue and says 2023 in pink and white lettering at the top of the page. Gold star stickers and forget me not stickers are across the page, as well as stamps of purple hearts. I’m on the right of the page, wearing a loosely checkered white and blue dress, a being pullover, and brown boots, with a brown and tan bag. A note near me says “Going to the art museum with my best friend <3”]
[A white post it note in the shape of a flower is stuck to the top left corner of the page. It’s a list of things I want to draw more of.]
Things I want to draw more of…
Bicycles, cafes, telephones with long curly wires, pools and the beach, tennis and table tennis, fountains, trains, busses, subways, birds, bells!
[A piece of kraft paper is taped to the page with pink tape. It says “I’ve been doing more to listen to the inner voice of childlike excitement about drawing. It’s nice because that voice is also more honest about when it’s time to take a break. I want to think more about what I want from art, not just drawing.”]
[In the corner, “I’m starting to feel more comfortable with the idea of sharing personal work” is written in pink glitter gel pen.]
[There is a piece of cream-colored paper shaped like a cloud taped to the page with pink tape. It says “New Art Practices” in multi-colored colored pencil with a rainbow drawn in colored pencil underneath.]
New Art Practices:
Draw more compositionally different thumbnails for each drawing I do
Work on compositions and understanding of color, line weight, lettering, inking etc. for storytelling
Render my thumbnails more thoughtfully to facilitate clearer understanding of my concepts and ideas
[Above the cloud paper is a drawing of Mob standing in a field as a warm wind blows. It’s the cover of the mp100 mini fan book. It’s framed by a cream-colored doily. A cream-colored circle of paper is stuck to the drawing by a glittery pink heart sticker. The circle of paper says “ The thing I’m proudest of from 2022 is the fan book I made. I drew all the pictures in one day, then colored them on the 2nd day. I think the quick turnaround stopped me from overthinking, and I felt a great sense of freedom within the process. Still, I wonder what I could make with a week or a month.”]
And if you read all of this, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
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fudgecake-charlie · 5 months
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"They think I’m the least dangerous person in this car, do they? Well, they’re about to learn very differently."
Decided to redraw a moment from On the Getaway Mile by Odaigahara on AO3/ @droidofmay !
This may have taken a ridiculous amount of hours condensed into a few days and I went through it drawing cars and car interiors, but this was an absolute blast to do :D I hope I've done the fic sort of justice.
Process shots and long comparison rambles under the cut!
Welcome to my secret lair!!
I spent roughly... 18 hours working on this, the majority during this week and over the past three days, so I need to share my toils with people <3
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Character/car references and page thumbnails! Featuring an incorrect scene placement and bad camera position. I reread the scene and placed it properly in the actual page. I hate drawing cars!! I was actually the most worried about panel placement when I started this— I was a guy who only did non narrative/illustrative panel pages and layout-less comics, but it wasn't that bad with a script! I could separate beats into panels, note which panels should be emphasised/larger, and assembled that into a page.
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If you compare the fic with this comic, you can see how much dialogue I edited and moments I cut out. I couldn't fit it all on without having to draw even more pages, I wish I could though! Poor Mumbo only gets one line here. I'm so sorry my darling man <3 I also gave him a slight cyborg design because his implants are really important for his character and I needed some way to visually show that, even if it's not canon/mentioned.
The colouring method for this was really fun! It's similar to my aggie rainbow painting method but with less steps, hence narrow value range. It looks pretty and gets the vibe across well though.
Rapid fire points!
I was planning to do 3 different fic comics! Not anymore!!!
This is absolutely for the hotguy comic zine applications. <3 "Can I try rizzing you up // PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" /ref
I drew page 2 first, then 3, then 1. I think you can tell!
Mumbo is sitting on the wrong side and should have his seatbelt on. He's also not carrying the stolen laptop as described.
It's explicitly noted that Mumbo cannot scan Grian like he can with Scar. Whoops!
Transmissions from the Foundation are via Mumbo and Scar's implants, but I couldn't think of a good way to portray that.
Despite guns and weapons being mentioned, I somehow didn't get the opportunity to draw a single one.
I love hand lettering. I also hate it! I will continue to do it.
Here are the no colour pages as a thank you for scrolling <3
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greaseonmymouth · 9 months
As you've asked for asks!:
Do you have any quick-and-dirty book/fic binding methods a terrified-of-failure novice could use to bang something out to get over the first collywobbling step of Actually Doing The Thing? (this may be something I've been meaning to ask for ages)
yes! I absolutely do! in my opinion the best quick-and-dirty bookbinding method is a no-glue pamphlet: you don't have to mess with glue or measuring or cutting anything, all you need is your text, some paper, a needle and thread. you can use the same needle to punch holes if you don't have an awl.
this is going to be a little long but that's because I'm going to write out some fairly detailed instructions for an A5 sized pamphlet. If you don't want detailed instructions and think you can glean the necessary info from photos, just skip to the photos! I've also linked tutorials.
for preparing the text to printing, in whatever software you use (word, libreoffice, gdocs, whatever) make sure your document is set to page size A5. make it look readable. then save as/export that document as a straight-paged PDF. now go to the bookbinder JS tool (https://momijizukamori.github.io/bookbinder-js/), and upload the PDF. source manipulation: none printer paper size: A4 display unit (you can ignore, or choose cm if it gives you anxiety that it automatically displays points) printer type: select single-sided or duplex accordingly* rotate paper: ignore flip on long side: check if you are printing duplex and if your duplex printer flips the paper on the long side page layout:  tick folio page scaling: original page positioning: centered ignore the rest flyfleaf: ignore signature format tick: standard signatures. in the length drop down, this depends on the type of pamphlet you are doing. for folio i generally find 4-5 pages per signature a comfortable thickness. if you have 6 whole A4 pages you can still do that as a single signature or you can split it into two signatures 3 pages each. wacky small layouts: ignore this signature info click the generate preview button to see what your PDF looks like imposed! I love this step especially when I'm doing quarto (A6) or octavo (A7) sized books generate output - click this to generate an imposed PDF
for A6 and A7 sized books the instructions are much the same, except for these you make sure the page size is A6 or A7 in your software, and then you choose quarto or octavo instead of folio. for signature length drop down I keep signature length to 1 for octavos typically and 2 for quartos, as this still refers to sheets of paper, and for octavo 1 sheet of A4 paper will turn into 4 smaller sheets in one signature once folded and cut.
*if you don't have a duplex printer you will have to manually turn the paper to print on the other side. I cannot be arsed with this so I bought a printer capable of duplex printing (I didn't have a printer anyway). if you already have a printer check what it can do as you might be surprised and go from there.
now to the pamphlets! you don't need a cover - I have one for the long stitch pamphlet but for the saddle stitch one I didn't bother and just made sure the first page had a title on it. you can always take a different piece of paper and print a cover on or or just use coloured cardstock and create a simple cover, but a cover is not necessary unless you're doing a long stitch pamphlet. all you need to do is to punch holes and start sewing. there are a few different stitch types below, I wouldn't say any of them are more difficult or easier than others, but they do look different so...pick one you like the look of and go from there?
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pamphlet stitch (uneven number of holes) I haven't ever done a pamphlet stitch but here's a tutorial for how to do it: https://www.starpointestudio.com/simple-pamphlet-stitch-book-step-by-step/
saddle stitch (uneven number of holes) I realised that what I was thinking of as a pamphlet stitch is actually saddle stitch, as in this A7 pamphlet:
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here's a tutorial for how to sew saddle stitch: https://www.bookbindingworkshopsg.com/saddle-stitch-bookbinding-tutorial/ here's a video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWHkY5jOoqM (sealemon has a lot of bookbinding tutorials and I know many people who like her videos, I used her tutorial for coptic binding way back when I first made a book but I can't otherwise vouch for the quality as I haven't used her videos)
french link stitch (even number of holes) in this one I used french link stitch which I typically use for thicker textblocks that i'm not planning to use tapes with as the french link gives it some robustness, I used it here because I had never done it before and wanted to try it out. I am planning to take these stitches out and re-sew this pamphlet with a cover now that I've found a suitable piece of transformer fanart to use as a cover:
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french link tutorial. it's quite long but it has a colour coded bit towards the end that shows how the thread is supposed to link which i find very helpful to visualise: https://www.handmadebooksandjournals.com/bindings/french-link-stitch-binding/
here's a video tutoral from DAS bookbinding (he is my go to for techniques and he has the most soothing Australian accent as well, though fair warning not all of his videos are for beginners): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4ZPdbaM-Ws
long stitch (even number of holes) for this one I used long stitch and I had a cover. this one is my favourite variation because I can make these pretty and simple covers and the stitch looks nice on the outside as well, so this one scratches the 'i want to make a book' itch for me.
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here's a tutorial that also includes a how to on a cover that is different from my cover: https://lccprintmaking.myblog.arts.ac.uk/files/2020/06/Long-Stitch-Tutorial-A4.pdf DAS also has a video tutorial for long stitch but it's like three videos long, maybe watch it later :'D  here's one I haven't watched but seems decent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnignTL_wDQ
you can use saddle stitch for this kind of pamphlet as well, that's what I did for dozens of ships and hundreds of souls (https://ashmouthbooks.tumblr.com/post/681587080267202560).
I hope this helped!!
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topguncommentbingo · 10 months
Top Gun Comment Bingo
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Hello aviators! Top Gun Comment Bingo is a fandom event where you can sign up to receive a bingo card with prompts, with the goal of spreading love by commenting on fanworks to fill your bingo card. Further information below. If you have questions, our askbox is open or you can email [email protected].
Aug. 14 - Event begins!
Sept. 08 - Event ends. This is the last day to submit your card.
Rules / Guidelines
You can sign up with this form [link] at any moment before the end of the event.
Only works within Top Gun fandom are eligible.
One comment can only fill one square of your card, even if it matches more than one prompt.
Unless a prompt says otherwise, please select works that you have not commented on previously.
It goes without saying but leaving negative comments is against the spirit of the event.
Mark the title of the fanwork on your card after leaving the comment. If it's hosted on a different platform than ao3, please share the name of the website.
To submit your card for prize claiming on Tumblr, post your marked card (or your card + a text list of prompts/fills, if you did not mark/edit the card directly) and mention @topguncommentbingo in your post.
If you don’t have a tumblr or don’t want to post your card, you can email [email protected] or submit via the same communication channel we used to send you your card.
Use the tag #TopGunCommentBingo to talk about this event!
For your first bingo, you will receive bragging rights and a Top Gun Comment Bingo graphic. A bingo is a single row, column, or diagonal of the card.
For a blackout (completing your card), you will receive a 100 word drabble posted to @topguncommentbingo, an additional graphic, bragging rights, and the knowledge that you made 25 creators feel great about their work!
Q: Who's flying this plane?! A: See our Meet the Mods post!
Q: I've signed up -- when will I get my card? A: The first cards will be sent out on August 14th, and then daily as needed. Cards will be accompanied by a text-only list of the prompts contained on the card. Please allow us up to 24 hours to send you your card after completing the form.
Q: What if I don't like one or more prompts on my card? A: You can swap your card once if there's a prompt you want to avoid. To swap your card, contact us with the unwanted prompt via the same communication channel we used to send the card within 3 days of receiving your card. A mod will then send you an updated card.
Q: I don't want NFSW prompts! A: You can request a SFW-only card.
Q: Editing a photo to mark prompts complete is hard... is there an alternative? A: Yes! You will receive a list of all prompts on your card in plain text. We will accept a plain-text list of fills, as long as each fill is clearly associated with the prompt. When submitting a plain-text fill list, please also show your card so the mods know your card layout and can confirm bingo completion.
Q: Does this event include RPF? A: Yes, comments on RPF works centered around TG actors can be used as fills for your card.
Q: What about self-inserts and /Reader fic? A: Yes, these works also count toward fills, as they are still set in the Top Gun universe and include Top Gun characters.
Q: I literally cannot complete a bingo/blackout with only fanworks I have not commented on before. Can I mark fills by commenting on works I've commented on previously? A: You are a commenting beast (positive)! Sure, start double-commenting.
Q: I don't have a tumblr, how do I submit my completed card? A: If you do not have a tumblr account, you can submit your card via the same communication channel we used to send you a card.
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tavyliasin · 2 months
Making the Most of Discord - Fandom Server Layout
As I've had more than a few positive reviews of my delightful House of Hopeful Sinners (aside from the fun fake reviews we put together for the post in my pinned advertising the space) I figured I might use the setup to help demonstrate the potential ways to use the features when making your own server.
This is by no means saying "this is the only right and correct way to set up a server" it's more of a "this is how I manage it and it has worked really well for our purposes, feel free to use what we learned from it in your own spaces!"
I'll put different headings below the cut as we go so you can skip to what you need, and a little shameless self promotion right here for our creative focused 18+ NSFW Baldur's Gate 3 Fandom space~ CWs - Screenshots show mention of NSFW topics and titles. There are no details but some of the topics are words that would be on CW lists.
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Rules, Ownership, and Mods
Starting out your own server is exciting, and we don't like to sit here and think "we're going to have problems", but it really is best to try and anticipate issues and put rules in place to prevent them. This is really going to vary based on the kind of place you are running, but as long as everything is clear your users can feel confident in the space. Nothing can damage a community more than a disagreement that is blown way out of proportion or an incident that gets out of hand. None of us are immune to mistakes, either, so being prepared is the best first step!
Make Your Rules Clear
Ambiguity in the rules is a very easy stumbling block. Keep your rules nice and clear, as specific as they need to be, and make sure that your moderation team are happy with the rules and how you would like them to be enforced when needed. I strongly recommend using a reaction role bot with your rules post so members agree they have read and understood the rules before entering the main server (more on roles and bots later!)
Choose Your Mods Wisely
Temptation might be to choose mods from friends, and that can be a good way to go! However, even with the best intentions, not everyone is going to mod in the way you would like them to. It can often be better to be a little more selective, and either offer the position to people who have mod experience already or use an application form with some questions that will help see if the mods will uphold your server values the way you prefer.
It can also be helpful to cover different time zones if your server is international, and having enough people will mean that nobody feels pressured or guilty if they need a break for any reason. Remember too that mods are volunteers, if you're the owner then final decisions and responsibility will come down to you in the end.
Age Restriction and User Safety
If you want to host NSFW content you need to be aware of user safety. Your most basic tool here is to set channels as age restricted. This is technically enough to cover you legally as the user has to manually confirm via a popup that they are old enough to view the content.
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Personally? I prefer spaces that are explicitly 18+. I ensure this in HOHS by having people specify to a mod what year they were born. People are less likely to lie to someone directly than they are to click away a popup. This said, I do not recommend taking IDs or personal details due to Data Protection laws in various countries (as well as your members' rights to privacy, should they wish it). Verbal confirmation of the year of birth is fine. If you find someone is underage later, you can kick/ban them.
If your space is open to all ages with only some 18+ channels, you may want to verify birth year with users before they get a role to access those channels.
The reason for this is twofold. First, obviously, is safeguarding minors in online spaces. Although we are all well aware that minors access unsuitable content on their own, it shouldn't be encouraged or openly allowed, particularly with socialising with adults. The second reason is that any adult discussing NSFW topics with a known minor - even from an informal educational point of view without any unpleasant behaviour or intention - is very much at risk of ending up on a watch list. I'm very serious on that one. I have friends who have seen entire Discord servers and all their members in real legal trouble and on offender registers because the server knowingly allowed minors to participate in NSFW content channels.
So. Keep all of your members safe, check when you need to, and set up your channels and rules in the way that suits your space.
Categories and Basic Layout
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Layout and Category Names
Your top category should be your welcome area if you have one, with your rules and whatever channel you want people to arrive in first at the very top. It can be tempting to put your admin section at the top, but this can make it more awkward to make your server invitations. Each category should also be nice and clear as to what is found there, so members can find the channels they want even when all the categories are collapsed.
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This is how I arrange my welcome area, which is several channels which all technically contain rules (Contract Signing is the main rule list which users are directed to manually when we verify their age and give them access - more on that later!) but I personally prefer to make it easier for people to find things separately rather then being overwhelmed in one long channel. Use the layout that works for you!
A lot of servers also prefer to have separate categories for NSFW content, which is a very good way to run things if you want to have specifically separated content for peoples' comfort. You won't see that in the HOHS channels though as we are set up to be NSFW by default, and there is essentially only one pure SFW chat channel.
Naming Channels and Server Maps
I also personally prefer easy channel names. Whilst fun nods to fandom things might be an aesthetic/flavour choice, it may not be as helpful for your members to know where a piece of content or conversation belongs~ Having a map with a brief description of each channel's purpose will also help members to navigate, especially in a larger space.
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Whilst it can be nice to use symbols or emojis in your channel names to denote the content (particularly using the 18 symbol for NSFW areas) this might make it a lot harder to link the channels in your server map or for users to link the channel to say "let's move our chat to this channel" when the topic changes, or "there's more on that topic over here". Emojis can work at the end of channel names with less interference, and honestly is something I am considering for aesthetics, though it's a lower priority.
Text Channels, Forum Channels, Voice Channels, and Threads
This is a big one for organisation so I'm going to go over them in sub headings one by one!
Text Channels
These are your bread and butter basic chat channels. They're wonderful for discussions and general chat, but in my opinion their weakness is in content sharing. Things like fan creations can get lost quickly when people respond to them, so you risk either discouraging the chat about a piece of work or losing work in the sea of conversation.
You can, of course, use slow mode in text channels so that users can only post once in each period of time. For extra busy servers, or open public servers, this can be a useful tool in spam prevention too!
Messages can be pinned in text channels which is handy for instructions, references, or other important information, but you are limited to a maximum of 20 pins and they might not be obvious to all users.
There are other ways to refine your text channels. For example, you can select whether people can post images, voice notes, files, and links into a channel. This is very useful if you need to prevent spam in a more important channel, or if you do not want to moderate the use of voice notes (more on those later).
For things like WIPs, some people like to have a slow mode so one new post every 6 hours and contain the discussion on that post to Threads. This can be helpful for some setups and work well, but it may still make older works harder to find so it's better just for more regular progress rather than a library of works.
Threads are essentially a side conversation within a text channel. They're fantastic for certain purposes like discussing an item that was shared, or containing a long conversation on one topic, and particularly things like discussions on lore and research that people might want to come back to at a later date without having to search through a text channel.
Text channels have a setting for how long threads will remain visible in a channel list.
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After this time, threads are still available within the channel from the threads tab, but won't show up in the channel list until there is new activity inside the thread. Below is what threads might look like when active in the channel list - we use them in HOHS for Kink Specific Chat which means that only the people who have joined the threads will see them when they're active, and allows for people to choose which of those in depth conversations they want to be a part of. Informed Consent, really, and I keep a list of links to the threads in the CW list channel so people have an easy reference to find the content they do want to engage with more.
But these could be used for anything you like, from character specific chats to off-topic discussions, and you have the choice in your role setup to allow any members to create/use threads or have them only created by your mod/admin team so you have more control if you don't want a lot of threads popping up that are harder to moderate. This is how our kink specific topics appear in the channel list, but they are only visible here to those who have joined them. Like text channels, users can mute threads at any time and they won't get the white dot of new activity, or users can also leave threads if they want to leave that conversation entirely. Threads can be locked by moderators or put into slow mode too, so you do have options for control where needed.
(I also just want to note that the Feminization topic thread is not in the slightest bit transphobic or problematic, though it is here because not everyone is comfortable with that content and we respect that in this house~ HOHS is a very LGBTQIA+ positive and inclusive space)
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Forum Channels
These are my absolute bread and butter for sharing fanfiction, art, and resources. Forums are newer to Discord, so it might take a bit of learning and convincing for more experienced users to get used to them, but trust me on this one; when you have Forums set up they are a much better way to display and discuss creative works.
The reasoning really is that works are searchable, taggable, and people can confidently discuss a work without worrying about clogging a chat channel.
Forum posts can look a lot like threads in the channel list, and have a similar timeout method for how long they stay in the channel list with no new comments/activity in them.
This is an example if how I've arranged the HOHS FanFic "Library" - I have covered the names of most of the fic post titles for other users' privacy and left my own visible as the examples for you. Similarly to Threads, only the posts that a user has interacted with will show up in their channel list, so you don't need to worry about everyone's channel lists being swamped with forum posts that aren't relevant to them.
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So here, each of the speech bubble headers is the Forum Channel title. When you're actually in a forum channel you (or any member) can refine how the posts are viewed. Here's some of the art share channels. I have covered the images to protect the works, as I do keep strict rules that art must have a link to the original artwork on a public share by the artist unless the artist is the one posting (ie, no sharing paid patreon only works or things the artist has not made public) so that proper appreciation can be shown to the original.
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So this is in "Gallery View" where each post appears as a square with an image preview if there are images. You'll also see tags on the posts - these are a great way to find works and sort through them! You can have up to 20 tags available, and members can apply up to 5 tags to a single post. The tags can then be selected in the gallery menu to show works with that tag on them. This is what I have under "Main Character Art"
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You can choose the emojis, and you are able to use your server emojis for these tags too if you like! Unfortunately though this is going to be a tedious part of setting up forum channels, you can't copy them over.
As an example of tag filtering and List View of a Forum, here's the Villain Fic Forum. So again we have those friendly grey boxes to protect the privacy of other members, but I've left my content uncovered for you~
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Here you can see I've selected the Haarlep filter, so it is showing works with the Haarlep tag starting with the most recent. List view shows a shorter preview of each piece, and I hovered over the +1 part of the tags on the third post to show you how the extra tags can be seen. The most recent comment is displayed in the preview as well.
So essentially this way people can share their art and fics without worrying they'll get lost. People can also discuss each work in its own post without a long list of threads, and browse older additions based on the tagging system or searching by title in the top bar.
I think that mostly covers forums other than the setup of them which is relatively straightforward - similar to text channels you can use slow mode for both new forum posts and/or comments on forum posts, and the tags can be whatever you want them to be. Just remember you have a maximum of 20 tags for each forum channel and a maximum of 5 per post.
The only other thing is when you are adding tags there might be errors if you have made any other changes to the channel - save those changes with this button before trying to add tags!
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Voice Channels
The last area to look at is Voice Channels. These are going to be harder to moderate, so you may want to consider what your community is like and what you want and need from voice channels.
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Voice channels come with their own chat channel attached which can be useful for those who don't use a mic, those just dropping by who haven't joined the voice (so you can see here I'm not actively in the VC but I can open the chat window), for sharing images/links that you're discussing in voice, and similar.
Some people prefer to have a separate text channel to chat in alongside voice, which can be better for when you're streaming or running activities, because the attached text chat takes up a part of even the popout window for the voice/streaming/activity.
There are more options like stage channels where you can have a limited number of presenters and the audience are muted. This is great if you want to host talks or specific events and watch parties!
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Lots of options so you can age restrict the channels as needed, as well as setting user limits. When a voice channel is active you can also set a status to it. You can choose if members are allowed to do this or only certain roles, but it's a good way to let members know what's going on without joining.
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You might need to be cautious with the quality and settings on these if people have difficulty participating with connection quality.
Again, moderation is going to be a concern in a larger or open server, so make sure you have rules established and that members know who to contact in case of issues. But when used well, voice channels can be a lot of fun and even comforting or inspiring for members to get together and play games or work on creative pieces alongside one another. You can even host watch parties with some services.
Roles and Permissions
Roles are going to be the backbone of your member organisation. Beyond the usual Mods and Member roles, you can use them for a number of different organisational and interactive features within your server.
The Order Of Roles
The function of roles will go in the order you have them in your server. This determines where they show up on the member list (it is optional to have roles separate like this), the image that will show up with a member's name who has the role (this is for level 2 and 3 boosted servers), and the colour of a user's name who has the role.
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So here even if a Haarlep's Helper Mod had the Swinger of Swords role, their name would be that red tone. Similarly if a user chose both Healer of Souls and Friend of Nature, their name would be Yellow because Healer is the higher ordered colour.
Role Colours
The main thing to remember with Role Colours is to ensure that they are easy to read for people using the default light or dark mode of Discord. Those who pay for Nitro may have more options for background colours, but most members will use the defaults. You will see examples when setting the roles that can help you determine if the colour you have picked will work. The default list are balanced relatively well to have contrast to show up in a readable manner for you, so it's more the custom colours that you might have trouble with.
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So that standard dark red is pretty clear on both, but this custom blue is somewhat painful on the dark mode version:
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Similarly this pale yellow is perfect on the dark mode, but against the light mode background it's almost invisible.
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Commonly Used Roles
Some of the most commonly used roles are for pronouns, so users have an easy way to know how to refer to their friends in chat. Some servers like to assign a colour to these for a quick visible reference. I've used images with them in HOHS
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So this is also in the order so that the highest role is the one that appears next to the name (you can only have one image icon unfortunately), and hovering over the image will also show the role name.
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This is just one way you can make use of the roles for your members~ I'll go over making it easy for members to choose them a bit lower down but I would like to mention one of my favourite uses of roles:
Optional Pingable Roles
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These are some of the more basic alert roles I use - members can opt in, and some of them are able to be pinged (notification tag) by any members. So people can use "@ Beta Reader" to ask for those with the role if they're available to help read and edit a WIP, and the admin/mod roles can alert members to server changes with the Server News Alert role.
One way I really like to make use of these for member engagement is character based pings which are perfect for fandom servers like ours~
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These are just a few, I've got them set up for a lot of characters, and allowed anyone to mention the roles. I encourage members to use them for both fics and art, so people with the role know there is new content for their favourite and where to find it. With the bot setup, people can remove their role at any time if they find the notifications overwhelming.
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So this is an example where I used them for a fic, tagging the character roles. We do the same when sharing found works and art, which means those looking for the content don't miss their favourites.
Role Permissions
Your roles can all be customised to have global permissions, and each channel can have its own permission overrides where needed too. So for example you might want a role to be able to post images and files in most of the server, but you might not want that role to post them in a specific channel that you want to keep as text only.
It takes a while but properly setting up each channel will give you better control over the content to reduce the moderation work in the long run (ie, you won't need to ask people not to put things in the wrong places).
A Note On Voice Notes
Voice notes are going to be a very personal preference thing. I generally prefer not to use them, because users may not be able to listen to them at the time which makes moderation more difficult too. I have also seen issues arise from the use of voice notes, especially when people post them with no context note of what to expect.
So, personally, I disable voice notes in my server. I have seen them well used in other places, and they can arguably be an accessibility feature, however if you leave voice to text and text to voice enabled then those who need to hear or use voice instead of typing should still be able to interact as they need to.
I would generally advise asking members to leave at least a few words with their voice note, for example "replying to [username]" or "impression of [character]" or "discussion of [topic]" so that people know what to expect when they hit play. It's entirely up to each of us how we run our own spaces, however, so choose the best option for you and your server~
Helpful Bots and Setup
Bots can help you get the most out of your server without too much hard work once they're all set. These are the ones I personally use and recommend for different features, but there are a number of options out there to choose from!
Reaction Roles
If you have roles, this is the easiest way to allow people to choose and assign them for themselves and change them when they wish!
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So this is using Carlbot https://carl.gg , which I have renamed "The Archivist" for a theme in our server. There are a lot of functions to Carlbot, but the most commonly used are these reaction roles.
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It's relatively easy to set up, but you will need to manually type or copy the emoji code for the reacts you're using for the roles. There are a few other settings you can play with there too, like only allowing those with certain roles to pick up a new role.
It's also a great one to have people confirm they have read your rules to access the main server if you role lock your main channels to the member role.
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One fun feature that Carl (and some other bots) have is Starboard. This is a way for members to highlight their favourite messages on the server and look back at those moments! You can choose how many star reactions are needed for a post to go there, then they will automatically be sent to your starboard channel. You can also choose whether or not to include NSFW marked channels, so if you want Starboard to be SFW only that is an option. One that I didn't take for HOHS given that we are NSFW by default~
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Ticket Bots
This is one of your easiest moderation tools - you can use a bot like https://ticketsbot.net/ which will allow users to raise an issue privately with ease. The command is often /open to bring up a new ticket which mods can then join - it'll show up as a thread for you. It doesn't take too much setup on the dashboard and there are other options, but this can be a lot easier than asking people to DM a mod directly.
Automated Messages
Carl and other bots can send automated messages on a schedule for you. This can also include notifying certain roles, so if you want to have a weekly progress check-in set up for creative communities, or even self care reminders a couple of times per day, that's all very easy to get running and can help you to keep the community ticking over with engagement on a semi-regular basis.
Post Embed Fixing
Meet one of my favourite content bots - Keto (Click here to add it to your server). This one takes site links to Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and others and puts a proper visible or playable version in the server.
This is so useful particularly for TikTok where the standard Discord setup will show you a still image with a play button on it.
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You can see here that the bot automatically takes the link and converts it to a playable video (which is a still image here, but you can see the buffering bar on there). As with other bots, I gave it a nickname in the server for flavour and fun~
Good Gods That's A Lot Of Work
I know, right? Setting up a server isn't something you can do overnight, not if you want to have a larger space. Often servers will reorganise as they go, making more space as they find what their needs are, but if you can set up how you want it from the start, that can make things a lot easier so people don't have to adapt and adjust as much to a change.
Any Questions?
I think I covered pretty much everything other than the very basics of server setup, but I am more than happy to help any of you with questions about the setup, use of forums, channel layout, and anything else you need with your Discord organising~
And as always, those who share our values are welcome in my House of Hopeful Sinners~
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vro0m · 6 months
Do you think the younger drivers have an advantage on the track because they play those driving video games so often? I was thinking about Gran Turismo and an article I've read about surgeons who play video games regularly having better precision in surgery than the ones who don't play.
So I wonder if the F1 drivers who play driving simulation games in their downtime are better off than the ones who don't. Idk all the ones who play, but Norris and MV come to mind
Hiii Anon! Very interesting question! I wasn't sure how serious I should get with the answer but in the end I followed my heart and went serious and extremely long because that's always what I do anyway.
Tl;Dr : No, probably not.
There's two ways video games could impact real life F1 skills, and that's through training of skills directly or indirectly related to F1 driving.
The first possibility is training skills so tightly similar to the ones used in real life F1 racing that it transfers to real life racing. Think of actual sim driving for example. It can be used to learn unfamiliar circuit layouts, where to brake, where to accelerate, etc. I don't know enough about the F1 racing games to know if they are accurate enough for it to transfer, but I guess if they are it could help learn the circuits. However, it also means the in-game physics need to be good enough for the car to react in the way it would IRL, otherwise it's pointless when it comes to where to brake, for example. We know that's what they're trying to do with professional driving sims and when the on-track data and the sim data don't correlate that's a big issue for the team. And we also know that the car performance vary a lot between teams so how accurate can the video game really be?
Another thing to take into account here is that driving an F1 car is extremely physical, and when you play a video game you don't get all the physical feedback and sensations you would driving the car, which makes it way easier. Your vision would be more stable without the vibrations and the bottoming and the bumps in the road etc. You can focus more easily without the noise, the radio comms, the pain, the exertion, the heat, etc. But also you're missing info like physical sensations, wind, probably to some extent watching around to see where the other cars are, etc. So racing sims can never be accurate enough.
However, there's also indirect skills. I've kind of mentioned that one or twice before when listing what I would test the drivers for if I was hired to study their cognitive and psychological profiles, but there are more general cognitive skills that they're bound to have unusual performances in compared to the general population, otherwise they wouldn't be able to do what they do. For example, their attentional skills must be different to most to be able to deal with the distractions I mentioned earlier such as radio comms, visual disturbances, vibrations, pain, etc. for a whole race. I would bet on their short term/working memory, which allows for the active retention of information (think mental calculus : you need to remember the numbers AND apply an operation to them), to be very good, because they're being told their times and other people times and need to conclude stuff from that, etc.
So a possibility is that playing certain games (and not necessarily only racing ones) serves as training for these transversal skills that aren't exclusively tied to racing an F1 car. We have data that suggests that it is the case, and that video games can be beneficial for so called soft skills. BUT. Really though?
See the thing is my thesis was on a subject parallel to this and so I've learned a thing or two about the effects of video games and one such thing is that even though we do have studies that show positive outcomes to playing video games, the skills learnt through video games unfortunately don't transfer to new contexts very well. Even when said video games are actually gamified training programs rather than commercial video games. It means for example (and this is a made up example to be clear) you might have data showing that people who play Call Of Duty a lot have above average visuo-spatial skills due to learning to shoot people precisely and quickly but that doesn't necessarily help them navigate an unfamiliar environment IRL better than average because although both tasks rely on visuo-spatial skills, the task they've trained for (shooting people in a video game) is extremely specific and the gains don't necessarily generalise to other similar but different tasks (finding your way in a new city).
So all in all, I don't think them playing video games makes much of a difference. Not in a direct training way, especially as people who have access to actual professional racing sims + regularly drive actual cars around actual circuits ; they would learn way more by doing the real thing, especially for years, than, say, by playing fun video games during their winter break. And not in an indirect way either, because they're bound to be such outliers in the relevant transversal skills anyway that I don't think playing video games would make much of a difference. It's not impossible that directly or indirectly the video games are somewhat beneficial for them, but imo the gains would be negligible.
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mobolanz · 7 months
For the OC questions: 5, 24, 31 and 40!
Sweeeet!:D thank you for yet another ask oml <3 🤧
Let's see!(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
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Oh pretty much my semi-self insert & sailor moon oc Mia Hideno (Amethyst as a villain) 🤧 I mean it's also the one I have the biggest history with, and my 2nd most developed and thought out one after Evelyn(unless we speak lore/inspo wise where it's an equal footing) . Like imma be fr here I'm surprised that an anime/manga that named 90% and counting of its villains after minerals/gemstones there wasn't anyone in canon after that (like,,,it can be the sailor earth of villain ocs <3). Plus I'm very much set on how her story goes (with multiple endings.) So all I need is to resume my SM rewatch that was paused after aot pt.3 trailer was released and I'm on it! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
And like,,, her and demande,,, my og oc ship that's still kicking today 😆💎💐 what I clung on to until creating reinelyn :")
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why??
Ahhh right, I knew right away who would it be and that reminded me- I don't think I've introduced aya here yet have I?:3
Because shopping with her would be the dream tbh. Your wardrobe would feel like a blessing had struck it. Also she sweet 🤧🤧
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31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Just one? :c I'm going with main trio for this one
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Evelyn: mostly just pretty and cute aesthetic pictures and philosophical/ motivational quotes. She doesn't have that much free time on her hands so when she does it rather be in a positive territory that doesn't drain her further. Although should she befriend anyone also continuously support whatever they make by sharing it with commentary.
Mia: exclusive art account. A close resemblance to the one I have myself indeed (semi-self insert indeed xD). Should she have a personal one kinda like Evelyn's but also a lot of character meta/analysis posts reblogged. For certain a villain apologist 😆
Cecille: mostly short personal posts, doesn't bother with anything that isn't pfp and a snarky line for the blog title. probably gets anon hate claiming her attitude is ass so she replies with one 🥱 (as in "ain't reading all that") and leaves it. (I love her 🤧)
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
Honestly nothing overly specific of an event considering I kept a lot about them to myself for a long time but,,, let's say these
For Mia just about how everytime I have a brainrot for her it's like the muse had struck me I had to keep a list if I burn out before doing them all so it can be pulled for next time 🤧💐
In Evelyn's case it's more recent knowing pretty much everyone I talk about her with is interested & likes her🥹. I mean that really gives me a chance to go and further ny writing skill and it's also nice to look in her tag and see old and new stuff
My pride and joy that's what she is ✨ :")
Some oc questions
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heartsoulrocknroll · 10 months
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Kings Island trip report!!!!! June 2023.
Kings Island was as great as I had hoped. I had been wanting to go here so badly for so long, and it exceeded expectations. Beautiful park, great operations, great rides. Loved it. Now let's talk coasters.
1) Mystic Timbers -- 5 rides -- This has been one of my most anticipated coasters for a long time, because of how insanely fast it looks in POVs, and I was not disappointed. It absolutely feels as fast as it looks -- the pacing is excellent, the transitions are quick, and the airtime never stops. The twisting drop is fun, and every hill delivers with the negative Gs, from the larger hills to the smaller banked hills. However, the out-and-back layout causes Mystic Timbers to lack the twists/turns that make Thunderhead feel so out of control for me. As a result, while I love both rides, Thunderhead remains my favorite GCI by a small margin.
2) The Beast -- 4 rides, including 1 night ride -- The Beast may be one of the most iconic roller coasters in history, but it is still ridiculously underrated among enthusiasts. Because of that, I went into this ride with low expectations. And boy oh boy, was I blown away. The first drop into the tunnel rocks. The setting deep in the woods is incredible. The ride feels like it is never going to end. The finale after the second lift hill is, of course, the highlight. The unnatural banking on that shallow drop is a crazy sensation on its own. And then, the love of my life, the double helix in the tunnels!!!!!!!!! The continuously increasing speed plus the LATERALS plus the tunnel wall being right beside my head on the left side of the train!!! All of this is crazy enough during the day, but at night, deep in the woods where you cannot see what is coming next??? WTF????? I waited over an hour and a half for my night ride, and my god, for the way I was losing my mind during that ride, it was sooooo worth it. A large part of me wants to put The Beast above Mystic Timbers. It's impossible to choose.
3) Diamondback -- 4 rides -- This is one of my favorite B&M hypers, right up there with Goliath. It's hard to choose between Diamondback and Goliath, as they are both great for different reasons. The airtime on Diamondback is unlike any of the other B&M hypers I've ridden. Diamondback may not (key word here is may) have a hill that outdoes the first hill on Mako in terms of one singular moment of sustained floater, but cumulatively, Diamondback has way more airtime than Mako. Even in row 7 (the closest to the front that I rode), the airtime hits. But in the back row??? I managed to be the least stapled I've ever been with this type of restraint, and I thought I was going to die on the first two camelbacks because of how sustained (and relatively powerful) the floater air is. Even the drop off the midcourse and the small hills after the midcourse give good airtime. And I love the splashdown on this ride, not only because it looks cool, but because you can actually get wet in the back row if you try.
4) Orion -- 4 rides -- This ride is extremely underrated. I think people who act as if there is some kind of night and day difference between Orion and Fury are insane. The height and the sense of speed alone are amazing, but Orion also has a great mix of forces. The first drop is excellent and basically indistinguishable from Fury's first drop, giving great airtime all the way down. The positive Gs at the bottom of the first drop are awesome. The inward banked hill after the drop does nothing, so that's one legitimate complaint. The speed hill after the turnaround and the camelback that follows are the standout elements. The speed hill gives borderline ejector airtime, while the camelback gives great floater. I also like that this ride has a helix to add some more positives into the mix. The helix is not as intense as I would have hoped, but it was still good. (Maybe I'm just spoiled by the beautifully sustained positives of Goliath's 540 degree helix.) Overall, just a great ride.
5) Banshee -- 1 ride -- I really needed to ride this more than once to get a good feel for it, but I just didn't have time, and honestly, I didn't really want to because of the restraints. I try not to let little things ruin my opinion of a ride, but I cannot get past those vest restraints on some B&Ms. Anyway, I liked this ride. The drop is huge, and there are no midcourse brakes, so this ride has breakneck pacing and crushing positive Gs, which I love. However, the inversions are more gracefully profiled with far less whip than the other inverts I have ridden. I found the slow inline twist at the end to be particularly out of character. The snappy inversions are the main reason why I have loved every other invert I've done, and because Banshee falls short in that regard, it ranks as my least favorite invert. (Also of note, this ride rattles hard for its young age. I personally don't mind that, but thought it was worth mentioning.)
6) Invertigo -- 1 ride -- This inverted boomerang is so much better than a traditional boomerang. It is incredibly forceful and didn't really bang my head at all.
7) The Bat -- 1 ride -- This is a completely different ride than the only other Arrow suspended coaster I've done, Iron Dragon. The Bat has a great sense of speed, as it is continuously descending throughout the ride. The setting in the woods is nice, and the swinging is crazy in parts, particularly coming into the final brakes.
8) Racer -- 1 ride -- I love my woodies, but these old PTCs just aren't the intense ride experience that I need. This one actually did give a little bit of airtime on some of the hills, and it is very smooth since the recent track work. Just a nice, fun ride.
9) Adventure Express -- 1 ride -- This is one of the better mine trains I've done, but it's still a mine train.
I didn't ride Flight of Fear or Backlot Stunt Coaster, as I have already ridden their clones at Kings Dominion and wanted to spend my time on re-rides on the top 4. But they would rank at #9 and #10 respectively, following Racer.
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lazar-codes · 1 year
04/05/2023 || Day 9
I dedicated most of the day to going over data structures, namely linked lists. I had already learned about them in class, but it's always good having a refresher. Not to mention there's a huge confidence boost when you can now implement them much quicker than when first learning about them.
In other news, I completed about 90% of my Wordle replica project! I honestly wasn't expecting to make as much progress as I did today, but holy cow am I really pleased with myself. I thought the remaining work I need to do would be around error checking, but the only error checking I don't have yet is to ensure that the user typed in an actual word; the rest like making sure the user can only type in 1 row at a time, and needs to fill all the input fields, is done. Plus, I still need to mess around with the visual layout in CSS, but other than that, we're all good to go! I'll post a photo below the line, as well as some things I learned.
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As you can see, this pretty much covers it! I also have the cases where the letter shows yellow, but it doesn't show here.
The major thing I learned today: how to access children nodes from a div. I have things set up where each row is a div with class="row" and id="rowX", where X is the respective row number, and each div has 5 input fields, with id field1, field2, etc...Like so:
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Now, I only want 1 row active at a time, and when I finish with the row I want to deactivate it and activate the next one. I can distinguish rows by their id, and changed the accessibility as such:
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Here, we get the child nodes of the "row" div (aka all the input fields) and iterate through them, where i will represent the index/position of the particular node. Because we're iterating over it sequentially, when i=0 we'll be targeting the very first child node, with is field1. This allows me to only edit input fields in a particular row.
This is also super helpful when changing the colour of the input field to represent whether the letter is in the correct place or not, shown here:
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Again, this allows me to target a specific field in a specific row.
Oh, I also learned how to clear the input fields after page refresh, but I'm not gonna try to explain it; I've talked long enough.
Ok, that's my rambling. I'm really happy this works and I learned how to do this!
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birubilirubin · 2 years
Shuichi Akai Emotional Line
Previously I've found some accurate evidence about this CP, so I tried to analyze it, and it took 10 years to prove this cp is real, maybe this CP is a little controversial, and some readers almost don't want to accept or close their eyes to this CP, and sadly  some of these CP fans who have so few fans hiding  because it was hit by a thunder storm, and the actions of some people who spread hatred on others for the sake of paper people.  Once again I emphasize as long as the author wants to draw it like that, you have no right to spread hatred.
 First of all I feel that Conan's emotional line portrayal has a strict style that a reasoning comic should have.  CP who wants to be described in detail will definitely make detailed explanations and progress.  For example, Takagi and Sato have published several Police Department love stories.  Shiratori and Kobayashi also have an image of the gradual heating of their relationship and the irreplaceable misunderstandings used to promote their relationship.  Chiba and Miike are very dramatic, unable to recognize first love, not to mention Shin-Ran and Hei-Kazu who are sprinkled with petty love scenes throughout the book.
 Seeing this, as long as Gosho wants to form CP, he will cast quite a lot of shadow.  Unfortunately from the point of view of Shuichi-Akemi and Shuichi-Judy's past, Gosho doesn't pave the way for both parties in an interaction that warms their feelings.  While it's a bit harsh to say this, Gosho really doesn't show any concern for Akemi or Judy in the comics, not to mention any further emotional portrayal.  From this, it could be seen that Gosho had absolutely no intention of forming these two CPs.  At least let Judy get her revenge on Vermouth, and become FBI boss in the future.
 Frankly, it's basically impossible for a CP who doesn't have clues and shadows to become an official CP in Conan Because CP involves the emotional line of the character, and then involves character development, it can even be said to be part of the character growth of the two people involved in CP.
 Just like Shin-Ran, the influence and significance of the two sides to each other was very important.  If one role is omitted, the establishment of other roles will definitely not be complete.  For Conan one of the important motivations for him to take action in order to meet his childhood lover Maori Ran who is very important to him, he wants to restore his body, or to protect her, it can be said that Conan's driving force is Maori Ran.  Therefore, forming a CP is basically the same as forming a character, there must be various details and layouts, and will never be skipped.
 When Gosho portrays CP, it also focuses on portraying the influence of the two sides on each other, and that is a positive influence.
 For example,
 1. Shiratori started to become a police officer because of the cherry blossoms straw that Kobayashi gave him.
 2. Haneda Shukichi inspired by his encounter with Yumi and has the motivation to challenge the seven crowns.
 3. Miike always remembers the traffic rules because of Chiba.
 4. Fushae also remembers Professor's warm words praising her hair like ginkgo leaves.
 Currently, the CP depicted by Gosho is very warm, and the plot description of each CP when they are in love is also a very heartwarming plot, so it can be seen that Conan's portrayal of CP tends to be positive and warm.
 Then, let's look at Shuichi-Haibara.  Shuichi initially had a complicated face, and  now he is happy, fond of children, his monitoring, his personal protection, and delivery of food after disguise.  Then saw Haibara who was gradually becoming cheerful, loosened her guard, became more relaxed.
 I can confirm that Gosho is intentionally portraying the positive influence the two have on each other, and this is one of Gosho's requirements for portraying CP.
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 (By the way, in the Scarlet chapter, Shuichi , who did you eavesdropping?)
 How would you like to see Shuichi-Haibara's CP?.
 First Gosho is not just a childhood lover control.  Of all the types of CP he forms the equation is pure love.  For example, Kogoro likes young girls, but his love is only for Eri.  Regardless of age or whatever, the definition of love for Gosho is pure love to be true love.  So if you want to see this CP, you have to think from the start Shuichi treated Haibara as a woman, and there was a genuine feeling of wanting to protect her.
1. Shuichi ambiguous treatment for Haibara.
  Starting from the promise of protection that Rye said for Sherry. According to some people this promise is just an ordinary promise that will be displayed in the final stages of the battle. On the other hand I think Gosho wrote this promise of protection to Akai during the Rye period there must be a story behind it, and not just an ordinary promise, there must be a preposition and a back sentence. Akai wasn't the type to make promises like this easily. He is not conan the hero of justice. He only has one life. So this promise is a very important promise to a person who is very precious to him. This promise of protection also affected his emotional line which also influenced his actions which resulted in his failure. If Akai's emotions weren't affected in any way, he might already be at the top of the organization, and managed to find out the facts about his father's case.
At first Akai uses everyone as his tool just to find the truth about his missing father, the line of emotion here is negative. Then he sacrifices Jody to destroy the organization, the emotional line is negative. Suddenly who knows when he said this promise of protection to Miyano Shiho, his line of emotion turned positive. So what was the reason Shuichi changed his resolve? Right now the answer that comes to mind is love. Gosho himself has a point of view about pure love. Like Amuro who likes Elena. So I think Shuichi's first love wasn't Jody, lover doesn't mean love. Just like the Akemi he used to get to know Shiho. Akai's relationship with Jody is also due to her relationship with Vermouth. Seeing the way Akai treats Camel and Jody, he treats Camel better, but he has a bad mouth with Jody. Camel even knows better about Akai's favorite whiskey. Jody doesn't know anything about Akai, So Jodie's guess about Akai in the red and black chapter can’t be trusted
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There was an interview that asked this before, (I read the original interview in Japanese) and Gosho was a little confused about the answer, he replied that Akemi who lived in his heart was because Akemi had died, appreciation for the dead is to remember her in the heart. Like Akai who will always remember Scotch in his heart. So regardless of their age, Shuichi's feelings were purely wanting to protect the person he loved. So that could explain some of Subaru's redundant protective measures.
Next from Shiho's point of view. She is a girl who is strong on the outside but longs for love and needs someone on the inside. Even though she said she didn't need protection, it wasn't true. She recognized Shuichi with just one sentence, and instantly remembered his unforgettable promise of protection. She started to believe in Conan because Conan risked his life to save her from danger. She started to rely on Maori Ran and felt that she was protecting her like her sister. This meaning of protecting was a very precious thing to Shiho.
2. The misunderstanding between Shuichi and Shiho.
Conan as a third party believes that the organization killed Akemi because of Shuichi's relationship, so he thinks when Shiho confronts Shuichi she will be angry and even hate him. Conan thinks that way because he missed the opportunity to save her sister due to his incompetence. Haibara was angry and cried infront of him. Until the bus case Conan sacrifices himself to save her, and then she starts to believe in Conan, but the fact is not, which are actually Ayumi who influenced it. Haibara refuses Conan's protection. This meant that this promise of protection really had a big impact on her.
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The picture of Shiho remembering Shuichi illustrates the following problem: First, Shiho remembers Shuichi without hatred. Second, Shiho didn't know Shuichi's real identity. The organization did not link Akemi's death to Shuichi’s disguise, and withheld information about Shuichi's true identity from Shiho. In Shiho's mind, Shuichi was not the culprit who killed Akemi. When Shiho appeared on the scene, she had already emphasized that the organization killed her sister. She also doesn't hate Shuichi because of Akemi's death. Shiho remembered Shuichi only two descriptions, one was her sister's boyfriend, and the other was the one who betrayed the organization. Both of them hinted at Shiho's previously mentioned feelings, and Gosho had alluded to these two aspects. Shiho misunderstands that Shuichi is the sister's boyfriend and the one who betrayed the organization.
  • Sister’s boyfriend means that Shuichi did not tell Shiho about his fake relationship, and did not explain his identity and purpose of joining the organization to Shiho, and based on this pretending to be a couple with Akemi was one of the misunderstandings between them.
• The one who betrayed the organization meant Shuichi left without saying goodbye. Why didn't Shuichi explain everything to Shiho before catching Gin? Why did Shuichi leave without saying goodbye to Shiho? The one who said that he would protect her with his life just disappeared. The implication is that he said he wanted to protect her with his life, but why did he leave her. This is the biggest misunderstanding between them.
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  3. Hints on the Scarf
  Subaru cars have a total of two doors. Shiho had to take off the scarf and walk to the side door like the animation team did, but she climbed up on Shuichi's thigh (in reality, the space in the car was narrower), but Shiho subconsciously crawled on his thigh without any shame. This wasn't something a woman could do to a grown man she didn't know, or even a grown man she knew, and Gosho drew it on purpose. In chapter 1072, this is the first and only time Gosho positively describes Shiho's feelings for Shuichi. The real relationship between Shiho and Shuichi must be very close, trusting each other, and feeling comfortable with each other.
4. Shuichi's Revenge.
At that time, Shiho was already under his protection. So he could get his revenge when he reunited with Gin, this revenge doesn't only refers to Akemi but also Shiho. His revenge he couldn't do 2 years ago, because Shiho was still in the organization, if he acted then, Shiho would be in danger. Shuichi felt sorry for Shiho for not being able to protect her when she was in such a dangerous situation in her life. Because of his incompetence caused many tragedies to happen to Shiho such as her shrinking body, she was willing to be shot dead by Vermouth, and the death of her older sister. Even though Shuichi doesn't really love Akemi, she is still a precious sister to Shiho. Therefore, Shuichi thought of Akemi, and remembering her in his heart was a normal. This kind of feeling was not contradictory at all, just as Conan would try his best to protect Maori Ran while thinking of Ai. You can't say that Conan is a jerk just because he thinks of two people at the same time, but his love can only be given to one person.
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vegebulmazine · 2 years
Hi! I saw mod apps were open and I’d like to know a little more, if you don’t mind.
- What is the timeline (even if vague) for the zine? When does it kick off, and how long do you expect the zine to take? I’m asking because my schedule varies during the year, some periods I know I couldn’t fit mod work in, but other periods would be okay.
- What kind of skills would be needed as a mod? I’m thinking mostly of art/writing mods, and shipping mods (sorry I don’t remember the exact titles and can’t look them up without closing the ask). Would I need to know how to use specific software (writing/art), be located in a certain area (shipping), stuff like that?
As you can probably guess from this ask, I’ve never been a zine mod before, I know that’s a requirement to apply but depending on what you expect from a mod, I’m hoping I can use some other experience to help you!
I hope you have a wonderful day! Vegebul ftw!
Hello @tinyfrenchowl !!!
Of course! I'll happily answer all your questions!
-The timeline hasn't been secured yet because it will be settled & finalized on the first Mod meeting. Although I can give you an estimate of what I've thought.
Zines creative periods take 3 months min. So we would be looking at a schedule like this:
- Mod Apps: start 28/08 - end 20/09
- Mod acceptance emails go out 22/09.
- Estimate Mod joining server period: 22/09-24/09.
-Contributor Apps Open: 30th October- 30th November.
- Contributor emails out: Dec 15th
-First Check in: Jan 10th
- Second Check in : Feb 10th
- Third Check-In: March 10th
Due day: March 20th.
Putting together the zine: March-April
Pre-orders open: May
Shipping: June-July.
As for skills to apply for a Mod position in regards to those positions are:
-Art Mod: Have anatomical, compositional, color theory knowledge etc, be able to help contributors with their pieces & give advice. Make little drawings/ doodles for the graphics & the carrd.
-Graphic & Layout Mod: for this one you have to have a little knowledge in graphic design (with any software you use!) & also be able to put together the final book ready for printing.
Editor Mod: You don't need any specific software for this position but you do need to be able to read several different pieces and help the writer with any cohesive or spelling errors. You'll have to give the formatting mod the OK that all stories have been checked & read and that they are good to be put on the final PDF.
-Shipping Mod's requirement to have past experience & know how to create labels with traking numbers as well as be knowledgeable on shipping internationally.
Having experience as a Mod isn't required for all the positions! I like to give people the chance to see how the Modding process works, be it as Mods or Intern mods ( that help out and are there mostly to learn hands-on! ). One can't ever get experience if you haven't got the chance.
If you have experience that you believe can be useful, let me know on your app! For example if you've worked on a school newspaper as editor, if you have a degree on languages, if you have done graphic design before... let us know what you know & want to bring to the project!!
Futhermore, in each section of the Mod App you can find the requirements for each position ( in case I've forgoten some), so read 'em carefully! Any questions don't hesitate to ask!
Thank you for your ask & interest!!!
Can't wait to see your app♡♡
Take care! VegeBul 4ever☆
-Mod Mystic
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ajcgames · 2 months
Dev time!
I got around to sitting down at my desk today to work out some of the ins and outs of conveyor belts, and how I might try and implement them.
This has clearly been a solved problem for a long time now. There are countless games that use this game mechanic to let players automate the process of moving things from point A to point B. But it felt like an interesting programming problem to solve.
Since part of the fun of a logistics game is the simple act of connecting things together, the manual placement of belts in the manner of your choosing is a really important factor for me. Making this as frictionless as possible is also important, but that's a problem for another day. For now I needed to consider the actual programming involved.
Conveyor belts don't really come as one whole unit, you typically place them down in segments to creates straights and corners. You can usually upgrade them to faster variants, or ones that carry more items. I'm keeping things simple for my game though.
Since a belt is made up of individual segments, we can already make some assumptions about how a belt works:
We know that a belt segment either has an item on top, or it's empty.
An item can only exist on top of one belt segment at a time.
An item takes a fixed period of time to transit across a single belt segment.
An item will either be passed on to an adjacent belt, or stop (or, get passed into a machine).
With these rules in mind, it seems reasonably easy to see how a belt actually works in code. Even moving an item on a belt becomes trivial, because we can consider the 'start' of the belt as zero, and the 'end' as 1. There's some normalisation math happening here that takes into account the elapsed time between game logic loops, but it's pretty straightforward.
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When an item is placed on a belt, it will travel from the belt's start (0) position to its end (1) position. Once it reached the end, it will 'hand off' the item to a neighbouring conveyor belt segment. If no such belt exists, we can just stop the item from moving any further, and the belt remains at position '1' (stuck).
We can then just add a bit more code to prevent handing an item off to a neighbouring belt segment if it already contains an item.
Extending this a bit further should make it fairly easy to create zig-zagging chains of belts.
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I'm pretty keen to get a prototype of this working. I've set up a bare bones Unity project with a basic grid layout. I'll be adding some code to let me put down some placeholder 'belt' segments and change their direction. I'll add some other code to let me click to add an item onto a belt as well, which should test how it all works.
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A basic unity project where I've set up a grid that will serve as the placement snapping guide. The intention here is to be able to click and place conveyor belt segments.
I enjoy these kinds of programming problems. They're not super complex, but still require a bit of forward thinking.
There will, of course be edge cases for the resulting game. What happens when the user tries to destroy or modify a belt segment whilst it has items on? Deny the action? Allow it and destroy the item? Refund the item to the player? These are questions that can be dealt with later, thankfully, and will be very dependent on what kind of player experience I'm after.
That's probably it for now. Hopefully the next update will have some sort of prototype attached!
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happysandwichsuit · 7 months
15 Hilarious Videos About replica handbags online
My best friend instructed me another working day that replica handbags she received herself a pretend bag.​ She explained that it had been just a cheap a single also! After i read that, I used to be like, "What?! You simply got a pretend bag?" She seemed to be all enthusiastic about it, however.​
I bear in mind going for walks from the markets of Hong Kong one particular time and currently being intrigued by all of the awesome replica luggage on sale.​ Becoming an avid lover of designer items, I was straight away drawn to them.​ I discovered how intricate they looked and the attention to element was practically nothing short of remarkable.​ I wished to inquire about to find out much more but I was not absolutely sure if it absolutely was legit or not so I just saved it to myself.​
Small did I understand that All those replica luggage were being basically very talked-about and extensively recognized.​ Absolutely everyone preferred a piece of luxury without having to pay the significant price tags.​ I could see why people today had been getting to be so directed to it.​ It was as If your baggage had been an extension in their individuality, enabling them to specific their taste and course quickly.​
The widest number of duplicate baggage looked as if it would appear within the spring.​ Every corner of the industry had a variation of measurements, types, and costs.​ The shopkeepers have been pleased to answer all my thoughts and I even managed to pick up a number of one of a kind parts.​ The intricate ending and premium high quality definitely shocked me.​ I could not believe the level of workmanship which was put into the luggage however the positives unquestionably outweighed the negatives.​
I took my reproduction baggage residence and applied them on multiple occasions.​ I am able to confidently say that I obtained my revenue's truly worth when it comes to use and good quality.​ I felt like 1,000,000 bucks each time I placed on a different accent.​ It built me a great deal much more confident and complemented my attire in a way that only designer goods can.​ I have now come to be somewhat of a collector and under no circumstances overlook an opportunity to take a position in a new reproduction bag.​
The secondhand market place of reproduction luggage has actually been escalating massively over the past couple of years and This may be a fantastic location to get them in a cheaper price.​ There are lots of dedicated Web sites and apps for buying and promoting substantial-conclude replica bags so It really is getting simpler to obtain beautiful pre-cherished pieces.​ I've managed to pick up some great discounts from thrift stores much too.​
Because of their flexibility, my replica bags can also changeover from day to night time appears to be like without difficulty.​ You can find a little something pretty high-class about possessing a piece of great Italian craftsmanship which can elevate any outfit.​ Even though I am within a rush and have only time to pick out a handful of accessories, I am specified that my reproduction baggage will constantly make the cut.​
Among the best issues about replica baggage is that they don't have to suit into a specific design and style or pattern.​ You may layout them any way you want and Categorical yourself in ways that authentic designer bags cannot.​ Not to mention which they come in a number of shades and materials so I am always spoilt for preference.​ I am also amazed to uncover that they are extra long lasting than true designer luggage in selected situations.​
I now understand why so Lots of individuals are so fond of reproduction baggage.​ They are really reasonably priced and fashionable and really well suited for everyday use.​ Regardless of whether you are a maximalist or maybe a minimalist, there is a replica bag out there for everyone.​ You can not go Erroneous whenever you invest in a bit of substantial-conclusion craftsmanship that oozes with charm and sophistication.​
In the beginning, I did not realize why she was so happy about it.​ I imply, won't she recognize that pretend products haven't got the same top quality since the legitimate kinds? I used to be surprised that she failed to Feel 2 times about it.​ I certainly instructed her to rethink her selection.​
But then, she started to demonstrate to me why she planned to purchase the pretend bag.​ She claimed that the original bag she desired was way too costly and she or he was trying to find a more cost-effective just one.​ Now, I kinda comprehended her.​ I mean, we have all been there proper? We would like something very nice but the price tag would not suit our spending plan.​ This is why An increasing number of individuals are turning to phony bags.​
But that's not all.​ My Close friend also pointed out that many of the phony luggage she found online glance even better than the original ones.​ I had been like, "That is definitely not legitimate!" But she insisted that it had been true and confirmed me a handful of images.​ I gotta say, the faux ones did seem very good.​ I had been starting to modify my mind about fake bags.​
And afterwards, one of my other close friends chipped in.​ He said that purchasing a pretend bag may not be this type of terrible strategy as it's more cost-effective, and that the standard of the faux may be as good as the original kinds.​ That's Once i started to genuinely see why men and women acquire faux luggage.​
Of course, I'm continue to not confident that it's all right to obtain phony merchandise.​ I suggest, It truly is nevertheless a counterfeit product and i am from the idea of supporting the individuals that steal other makes' designs.​ But I am able to now realize why people would Select faux bags, especially when their finances is restricted.​ I suppose all of it boils all the way down to your individual desire.​
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racingliners · 8 months
F1 Re-Watch 2013: Round 13 - Singapore
So I've been taking my sweet time in carrying on with my 2013 watch through bc a) following the 2023 season is eventful and b) I wanted to ensure I would have the proper time to watching Singapore in full because, for anyone who's new here, it is one of my absolute favourite races and on top of that it's a Seb win at Singapore so this race needed my undivided attention.
(also the race replay is two and a half hours)
I did watch this race at the time, and apart from Seb being iconic we also have the now-famous Webber-Alonso taxi ride, and my only other memory is Jev crashing out which 😭
fair warning I may go off about how pretty the track is, like, a lot:
Getting slightly triggered about Crofty talking about humidity after watching Qatar 2023, but we move on
*deep inhale* Singapore preeeeeeeeeetty 😍
So, starting grid overview!: Seb pole (🥰), Rosberg P2, Grosjean P3, Lewis P5, Fernando P7, Jenson P8, Dan P9, and Jev 12
Man, seeing Perez down in 14th knowing he won the race last year is quite the F1 whiplash.
Super Soft and Mediums are the tyre compounds for this race, and all but one driver (Sutil) are starting on the super softs.
oh. my. god. Seb's v sparkly helmet. I ADORE it.
[Formation Lap]: Aaaaaand cue the mad dash of mechanics and engineers running back to the garages.
"Let's go lesbians let's go!"
(am I talking about the mechanics, or the drivers on the formation lap, who's to say?)
(plot twist it's both)
oooh infrared camera on the tyres, love that
Seb's championship lead was over 50 points at this point in the season, please inject it into my veins at the earliest opportunity
[Start/Lap 1]: Rosberg leads into turn 1!!!
but he goes wide and Seb retakes P1
Also Fernando's up into P3, man's had speedy af starts since the dawn of time
[Lap 2]: whew the gap between Seb and Nico is already 1.9 seconds
argh Lewis has to give a place back to Massa for going wide, he's now P7
"Sebastian Vettel half a second quicker on this lap" THAT'S THE LION OF SINGAPORE BABY!!!
Lewis is running a non-yellow helmet but the camera isn't focusing on him for long enough for me to be able to tell what colour it is. It looks kinda pretty though.
(Stay tuned for more thrilling Helmet Watch updates)
[Lap 3]: oof Dan's down to P14 after starting P9
Current top 5 is: Seb, Rosberg, Alonso, Webber and Grosjean
With Seb having a 4.6 second gap over P2. 🏃‍♂️💨
Remember when they briefly called sprint race winners Speed Kings? That's Seb rn.
Gosh I will never ever tyre of watching the cars drive round Singapore, I really do love the track layout.
Every street circuit apart from Monaco wishes they were the Marina Bay Street Circuit.
Anyway, start replay! You can see Dan get bogged down, hence the drop in track position. Also Nico's start was pretty aggressive, had he not ran out of track he'd probably still be leading
oh, Lewis did the same thing to Massa as he did at Singapore this year 😭 (still love you mate don't worry)
[Lap 5]: "Remember there are safety cars out there, save your tyres" You can hear the mild passive aggressive 'Seb slow tf down' in Rocky's voice dvbjdfbj
He's 6.4 seconds ahead of Rosberg
[Lap 6]: Not much overtaking going on rn has to be said
[Lap 7]: Gosh I miss it when the cars had glossy liveries, they look so shiny under the floodlights
This is mainly why I have beef with matte liveries ngl
[Lap 8]: "Alonso P3 is holding the pack up" Singapore 2013 🤝 Monaco 2022: Bono calling out Fernando for on-track nonsense
I assume this is all to do with track gaps and pit windows and all those things I don't currently have the brain to do maths for
Oh I'd forgotten all about Seb and Mark's gearbox issues from Monza, they both have the same gearboxes in their cars rn
(I don't think we had any gearbox issues this race, but my memory of 10 years ago is obviously patchy)
[Lap 9]: Anyway, no change in grid order. The track is still pretty.
And a David Beckham sighing in the Merc garage!
[Lap 10]: Gap between Seb and Nico now just over 7 seconds
[Lap 11]: And Raikkonen is the fist car to pit, he takes another set of super softs
Comms and Ted speculating that with the tyre wear the drivers are reporting it's looking like a 3-stop race
[Lap 12]: An Alonso fastest lap, while Gutierrez and Jev pit
oof, replay of Lewis having a lock-up while chasing Massa
[Lap 13]: Rosberg with a 3.4 second gap over Alonso
[Lap 14]: Webber pits for mediums, Massa did the same a lap earlier
Jenson also pitted.
[Lap 15]: And in comes Alonso, also for mediums.
And Nico being called in to cover him almost immediately
Suddenly, Tom Jones
Anyway, traffic wise Alonso came out behind Di Resta, who's doing a great job at holding him up
[Lap 16]: and in pits Rosberg for mediums.
Merc with the double stack, Lewis has also pitted.
Top 5 currently: Seb*, Rosberg, Di Resta*, Fernando and Webber. Interestingly with Alonso being unable to pass Di Resta his gap to Mark is now only 1.2 seconds. (* = still to stop)
and cut to Maldonado v Perez v Hulkenberg for 11th
✨midfield spice✨
[Lap 17]: Seb with a 30 plus second gap over Rosberg, so he should retain the lead when he pits at the end of the lap
and he also takes on a set of mediums, and keeps the lead of the race
[Lap 18]: Di Resta remains the only car on track left to pit, Alonso still can't get past him
[Lap 19]: Seb is still doing Seb things, 8 second gap ahead of Rosberg
[Lap 20]: Make that 8.5
And Alonso is *still* behind Di Resta,
"These tyres feel terrible" "Message understood" The predecessor to "Bono my tyres are gone?" or are they genuinely shit? Lewis this is why I have trust issues
Helmet watch: finally a slow mo shot of Lewis, his helmet looks like it's all over silver which I love!!
(I absolutely will try and find pictures for my post-re-watch blogging later)
also also hi Merc pit wall!
[Lap 21]: After 84 years, Di Resta pits for his first stop
The top 10 is now: Seb, Rosberg, Alonso, Webber, Grosjean, Lewis, Di Resta, Massa, Jenson and Raikkonen
[Lap 22]: I don't know about you, but I'm feeling twenty-two...
(sorry, I had to)
[Lap 23]: Still not much racing going on
But Grosjean just set a purple first sector 👀
"We've seen a lot less driver errors this year" I fear an incoming commentator's curse now
[Lap 24]: And cut to Tom Jones sat with the Lotus mechanics
and in racing news, there's just over 4 seconds covering 3rd-6th place
And a Toto sighting in the Merc garage!
[Lap 25]: There's Dan in the wall at turn 13 😭
He's absolutely fine, the front end is ever so slightly dented as he was braking for the corner.
But there's are Safety Car
(also silly me for getting my Toro Rosso's confused)
[Lap 26]: and in come a whole bunch of cars to pit under the SC, though Seb, Rosberg and Webber have stayed out.
[Lap 27]: Can't say I have a lot of thoughts, I did manage to find pics of Lewis' helmet though! It's an early version of his white and red helmet design he ran for a good while, one of my favourites of his
[Lap 28]: Rocky giving Seb some restart coaching, bless
Alright I've restrained myself for long enough, the Singapore skyline at night is bloody gorgeous
[Lap 29]: "If Ted's been doing maths I want to hear this in full" I will give Crofty that one right
Ted's back! He thinks it's going to be a 57-58 laps race (ie hitting the two hour race limit before the full race distance of 61 laps)
[Lap 30]: SC in this lap!
"The radio failed when I talk" That's definitely something you want to hear mid-race 😬 (This was Rosberg hopefully talking to his engineer)
Anyway, looks like Seb's restarted!
[Lap 31]: Post SC pit-stops, the top 5 is: Seb, Rosberg, Webber, Lewis and Alonso
If we get a Lewis v Fernando battle I fear my heart may not take it
[Lap 32]: oof that's a lot of marbles on the main straight
Meanwhile, Seb is back to doing Seb things, 4.1 gap to Rosberg
Not Lewis thinking he'd ran over debris and asking to the to check his tyre pressures. stress.
I think he's fine
[Lap 33]: Seb fastest lap 🥰
"More collective groans from the sofas of the world" Respectfully Crofty, shut up.
Niki vibing at the back of the garage with David Beckham
oof Romain being told to pit because his engine is having a problem with air consumption??????
"What is wrong with this car" Great question mate
This is the most bizzare thing I have ever seen.
He's just sat there while a Renault engineer puts some air into the car.
Sheesh. He comes out in 21st.
[Lap 35]: Right, hopefully we don't have to do that again.
Also no I'm still not used to hearing GP on Di Resta's team radio.
Fun fact, super soft is the same in Italian as it is in English. This was brough to you by Andrea Stella's radio to Fernando
[Lap 37]: Seb has a 12 second gap over Rosberg. 🏃‍♂️💨💨
ooooooof replay of Gutierrez juuuust missing the barriers as he went off the track, well saved has to be said.
[Lap 38]: and just to add to Rosberg's woes he has a chunk of rubber stuck in his front wing, which is losing him a little bit of aero performance
[Lap 39]: ✨another Seb fastest lap✨
and a Lewis PB!!
Ahhh, RBR want Seb to build another pit stop gap in case he needs it. clever.
oh no Romain DNF :(
[Lap 40]: we're at 40mins left of race time.
Thankfully the TV graphics still have a lap count
[Lap 41]: Webber pits for another set of mediums
sounds like we might get another pit stop shuffle
[Lap 42]: and lo and behold in comes Rosberg, also pitting for another set of mediums
and he's jumped by Webber!
They're down in 11th and 12th but that will likely change with the cars ahead pitting.
Though there's a change Alonso (now P3) can go to the end
[Lap 44]: STOP THE RACE!!! JENSON IS P4!!!!!
also in comes Lewis , who also stops for mediums. He comes out in 10th
Okay now we can stop the race JENSON'S P3!!!!!
Seb also called into pit.
[Lap 45]: He takes on a set of super softs, and is clear ahead of Alonso in P2.
livery watch: god the glossy red Ferrari under the lights really does hit different, I miss it 😭
meanwhile Rosberg is arguing with his engineer about the strategy and whether or not he should be pushing or saving his tyres
this is all under the assumption that Fernando has to stop again when he technically doesn't have to.
[Lap 46]: Anyway I'm jus to going to stare at Jenson being P3 on the timing screen because I have MISSED IT SO
Perez is also running P5, McLaren have potentially pulled a blinder.
[Lap 47]: The slow mo shot of Seb in his sparkly helmet >>>>>>
[Lap 48]: The Merc pit wall realising they're going to have to overtake some cars since those ahead on track are trying to run to the end
since those guys (Alonso, the McLarens and Raikkonen) all pitted under the SC, it's not surprising that they're trying to stretch their second stint out for as long as they can
[Lap 49]: First Webber, then Rosberg get past Gutierrez who's on older tyres
aaaand as does Lewis. (Webber now P7, Rosberg P8, and Lewis P9)
[Lap 50]: It's quite fun watching this strategy stuff play out because at a regular track, it would absolutely favour the 3 stoppers, but with Singapore being a street track it's slightly more difficult to make it work
[Lap 51]: I find it hilarious that Seb going so fast is going to be the decider as to whether or not the race goes to full distance or the 2hr time limit. King shit.
(I love him your honour)
[Lap 52]: He has a 13.5 second gap over Alonso in P2.
"Lewis Hamilton is starting to gain on his team mate" *2014-2016 flashbacks*
[Lap 53]: Damn I wish I had snacks, watching Webber and the Mercs charge through the field is so fun
[Lap 54]: Jenson is still in P3 but I know he doesn't finish there :(
and Webber gets past Hulkenberg for P6!
and Raikkonen gets past Jenson 😭
it was fun while it lasted
Top 3 now: Seb, Alonso and Raikkonen
[Lap 55]: And both Mercs take Hulkenberg
Di Resta in the barriers, though not by much.
While that happened Webber got past Perez
[Lap 56]: ...and now Jenson
I am equal parts thriving and in the trenches
[Lap 57]: 🚨5 laps remaining klaxon🚨
and Rosberg takes Perez
oh Massa's here
and Webber's shortshifting issues have returned.
[sirens, gunshots, the distant sound of sobbing strategists]
Rosberg gets past Jenson, and Lewis gets past Perez.
[Lap 58]: And Lewis overtakes Jenson into turn 1
I have no idea where any of these guys are position wise. Damn the scrolling positions graphic.
[Lap 59]: and as I say that it scrolls back: Seb P1, Alonso P2, Raikkonen P3, Webber P4, Rosberg P5, Lewis P6
But Webber's just been told he has to nurse his car to the end
[Lap 60]: We've also got a 4 car battle for P8. Jenson, Perez, Hulkenberg and Sutil are all running nose to tail
And both Mercs take Webber in the span of a couple of corners.
[Lap 61]: Final lap!!
something about the duality of Red Bull drivers, the onboard with Webber does not sound healthy.
While Seb has 34 seconds over Alonso.
[Finish]: and SEB WINS IN SINGAPORE!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
King. Shit.
Alonso P2, Raikkonen P3, Rosberg P4, Lewis P5, Massa P6, Jenson P7, Perez P8, Hulkenberg P9 and Sutil round out the top 10.
WHEW. That's probably one of Seb's most dominant wins ever. Which is like iconic as hell. And he drove so fast that we did make it to full race distance. I only really enjoyed the latter stages of watching the 3 stopper cars carve their way through the field. The nature of the circuit meant they had to work for it, and they were all really great overtakes.
So that was very, very fun. Next race - South Korea!
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scaredsimp · 2 years
better half
(part two) Damian Wayne x Female! Reader
part one
description: Damian is over at (Y/N) house to study for the project. Adorableness ensues. Also, the only time I use Y/N is in the description.
warnings: one bad word
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After the initial shock of being paired up for the project, you were very excited about it. After all, you would be able to spend multiple uninterrupted hours with your dream boy, who your 50% sure is also into you.
However, that didn't stop you from panicking whenever you heard a knock on the door. You looked through the peephole just to make sure it was Damian and twisted the multiple locks to the unlocked position. Come on, people, this is Gotham; of course, you need twenty locks.
You mustered up a confident smile and welcomed him in explaining how your parents were doing business stuff and were away on a trip.
“you can put your schoolbooks anywhere. The bathroom is the second door on the left down the hall. Oh! And help yourself to the pantry when you get hungry.” You’ve gotten used to explaining the layout of the house to your parent's dinner guests.
You were trying not to let your confidence crumble as you realized he hadn't said anything since he arrived, not even hello. but after what felt like an eternity of awkward silence, Damian spoke in a mildly monotone voice, “you have a nice home.” Okay, that was a good sign, at least he said something. “thankyou, we can work in here.” gesturing to the living room where you had already placed your books.
He was actually sort of pleasant to work with; even though he swears up and down, he prefers to work alone. You were both feeling content yet stupid as you kept getting caught staring at the other whenever they were taking notes or pointing at a piece of information in their workbook.
Hours passed, and you felt your eyelids getting heavier. “for this part to work, we would need to change this sect-“ Damians’ sentence is cut short as his eyes landed on your sleeping frame. It was a rare sight to see your face so relaxed, considering that you're always laughing. He wasn't sure how to handle the situation. should he wake you up? No, you looked so tired and needed to rest. But he doesn’t think leaving you without saying goodbye is a good idea either. His decision was made for him when a high-pitched beep coming from his pocket woke you. The beep meant batman needed him.
“hmm?” you groaned, sitting upright and shaking the wrist your head had rested on “oh shit. im so sorry! how long was I asleep?” you frantically said. “you were not asleep long. I hope you don't fall asleep often in front of people you barely know.” he said, slightly worried how easily you could leave yourself defenseless even if it weren’t intentional. “I've never done that before. I guess I must trust you,” you said, offering a smile. Damian's back straightened at that. “I must take my leave. we should finish the project this time tomorrow.” “works for me,” you said as you helped him gather his school books. You were disappointed he was leaving and hoped you had not scared him off.
“I… I had fun.” Damian offered a faint yet apparent smile. That was enough to ease your mind. “im glad.” returning the smile as you watched him from the doorframe get into the limo pulling into your driveway. You gave him one last wave goodbye before he was gone. you shut the door and immediately started screaming with joy, throwing both fists in the air victoriously. “YESSS!”
Damian watched her from the tinted windows of the limo close her door. He continued to stare at the door, thinking of what you said to him. You trusted him. You trusted him. He couldn’t spend a whole lot of time thinking about that right now. Right now, Gotham needed him. he picked up his phone and texted something to an unnamed number.
‘i'm on my way.’
I hope I was able to capture the transition y/n made from not being sure if Damian hated her and viewing him as far away to seeing he obviously doesn't want her dead and as more approachable. the next chapter I'm gonna actually have to write for bruce.
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avayarising · 3 years
Map of Zuko's cabin
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[A pencil sketch of Zuko's cabin, as seen from above, with labelled items. At the top of the picture is the port wall, with a long, narrow horizontal window, a red and gold dragon image (presumably a religious icon), and the altar with candles; there is a lamp mounted on the wall to either side of the window. Right is the fore wall, with a door and a long banner either side. On the floor in front of the wall is a series of square plates. At the bottom of the picture is the starboard wall, with the large Fire Nation banner and a lamp mounted on the wall to either side of it. Zuko's pallet and mattress are in the left corner along with an additional banner that may be temporary; in the right corner are a set of storage jars and bowls and a low cupboard. On the left of the picture is the aft wall, with Zuko's dual dao mounted in the centre of the wall and a long banner either side. In front of the dual dao is a writing desk. In the centre of the room, running from port to starboard (top to bottom of the picture) is a rough rug made of coir or equivalent. At the bottom of the picture is a label reading 'not shown: grated vent in centre of ceiling'.]
So when I mentioned sketching a map of Zuko's cabin so I could work out how to frame this picture, @lynzine wanted to see the map. Well, that map was in no state to view, so I've drawn up and labelled a neater, clearer copy.
Incredibly long and detailed explanation and highlighting of various oddities follows.
I've used screenshots from Episode 1:02 The Avatar Returns, Episode 1:04 The Warriors of Kyoshi, and Episode 1:13 The Blue Spirit in putting together this map. There are some differences; most notably, in The Blue Spirit Zuko's bed is centred on the starboard wall, directly under the large banner, and the additional banner in the aft starboard corner appears to be missing.
I labelled Zuko's bed as 'pallet and mattress', because in this shot (Aang and Zuko facing off in The Avatar Returns):
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it looks like the mattress is on a thin base of some kind. But when Aang blows the mattress into the air to hit Zuko:
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it's plain that there is actually nothing under it but the coir mat. There's no bunk, frame, lip, or fastening to hold it in place, which seems odd given that this is a seafaring vessel – which does have bunks in another room Aang looks into:
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So why not in Zuko's? I can imagine that mattress really slipping about in a storm, even with the rug underneath it. (Similarly, all those clay jars in the corners of the cabin, which don't seem to be fastened to the floor or enclosed in frames, seem rather hazardous.)
However, it being loose means that it's feasible for Zuko to have moved it (or for it to have slid) to directly under the Fire Nation banner in The Blue Spirit:
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There's also no sign in The Blue Spirit of the grey banner with the central red band that hangs above the bed in The Avatar Returns. I wonder whether it might be there temporarily to help retain a little extra heat by the bed when they're in the cold South Pole. Though I'd have thought that, since the mattress can be moved easily, Zuko would have moved it away from the aft wall, which is clearly an external wall and will be colder than the centre of the room.
Zuko's cabin has at least two external walls, port and aft:
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This shot (above) from The Avatar Returns shows the ship from the outside. The vessel is moving from right to left across the screen, which means we're looking at the port side. A window halfway up the high tower is lit in orange – this is from Zuko's firebending as he fights Aang, so this is the window in Zuko's cabin. It's noticeably off-centre and located towards the aft of the ship, but from the inside it's clear that the window is centred on the wall of the room. The remaining space forward is taken up with a corridor which the cabin door lets onto.
(I want to also point out here that Zuko's room being so high up must, again, make it truly awful to be in during a storm or high seas. It's a good job Zuko never seems to suffer from sea-sickness.)
The starboard wall of Zuko's cabin abuts either a staircase or another cabin – I'm not sure which – it depends on how wide that tower actually is. But note that, in The Avatar Returns, Aang is crossing the screen from right to left both when he opens Iroh's door and when he passes Zuko's open door (and doubles back when he spots his staff). This suggests that (a) he's going from one to the other and (b) there is somewhere past Zuko's cabin worth going to. So I'm guessing Iroh's cabin is next to Zuko's, and at the end of the corridor there's a ladder or very steep stair, mirroring one that must also exist where Aang came from.
(Although against that, the lighting level behind Aang is very different when he opens Iroh's door from when he opens Zuko's door, suggesting that there's a window on the corridor giving on to Iroh's room but not in the corridor by Zuko's room.)
There seems to be a worrying lack of storage space. There is one small, low cupboard (to the left as you enter the door), one wide shallow drawer (in the writing desk under the dao), and the aforementioned jars and bowls, none of which have any visible contents (and I'm not sure what they could contain in any case). There's no sea-chest, trunk, or wardrobe. Does Zuko have a separate dressing-room/armoury? (No; when he's helped into his armour near the start of The Avatar Returns, that's happening in his cabin.) Where does he put his clothes when he goes to bed; does he hang them on the floor?
There are four long narrow red and black banners, all of the same design, two on either side of the door and two on either side of the mounted dual dao. Aang wraps Zuko up in one of these (the one to the left of the door) in The Avatar Returns, and Zuko burns it away completely to escape from it. But looking at the shots of the cabin in The Blue Spirit and The Waterbending Master, none is missing, so it looks like Zuko got it replaced.
Another thing I can't work out is how the heating and lighting system works. There are glowing squares in a line on the floor forward, including one right in front of the door:
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I assume these are meant to be heating plates or vents, because I can't think why else you'd have a row of glowing squares in your floor. One would have thought it would be most efficient to run the heating as a hot water system, but these are definitely panels glowing reddish-pink, the same sort of colour as the lights on the port and starboard walls. I have no idea what is going on with either.
They could be piping gas or petroleum round the ship and burning it locally for light and heat (the lamps are attached to piping), but for heating that's less efficient than burning it in one place (the engine) and them moving the heat around. In any case, if they're using gas or oil for heat and light then surely they'd use it for the engine too, and the smoke would be cleaner.
Unless they are electric lights/heat panels? The glow in the floor panels does look rather like a heating element. But that seems rather inefficient too, compared to using the engine to run a central heating system, and there's no sign of electricity in use in the rest of the Fire Nation, not even the Palace.
Finally, the ceiling has large convex cornices down the fore and aft sides, which I assume contain beams for structural stability. There's a large grated vent in the ceiling, which implies a gap between the ceiling and the floor of the level above.
So that's what I've been able to work out about the layout of Zuko's room and its position on the ship. If anyone can shed any light on the areas I'm not sure of, please feel free!
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