#i love you forever and ever dallon weekes
savedthescene · 1 month
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Had the greatest time of my life at the last show of idkhow's gloomtown tour
I caught the pick dallon used to play boring !!!!
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le-velo-pour-dru · 5 months
How was the concert?? Tell me everything!
So before the concert started and everyone was waiting in line, I got to meet the AMAZING @mayathexpsychic and @acaesic in-person!! :D 💖 It was amazing, they're both such sweet and cool individuals, and I had so much fun chatting and hanging out with them before the show. It definitely made the wait a lot easier and a lot more fun!! ^^ 💖
When we finally got into the venue, after some waiting, we got to see the opening act, Sego!! I didn't really know what to expect, cause I hadn't heard of them, but oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩❤️ They were so good!! 😁❤️ I'm definitely gonna have to look into their music, I enjoyed their set a lot ^^ 🫶
After that. oh my god. The wait for Dallon to come out was EXCRUCIATINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG IT FELT LIKE IT TOOK FOREVER XD I never knew what to expect when one of the songs that was playing faded out, or when someone walked onto the stage only to be one of the people helping to set up. IT WAS LIKE TORTURE, I NEVER KNEW WHEN HE WOULD COME OUT AND IT FELT LIKE SUCH A LONG TIME X'D 💔
As for how the concert worked, things have kinda changed!! For one, Dallon did a lot less bass playing and a lot more moving around the stage as he sang. Mad IQs used to be special cause he ditched the bass and was just a lead singer for a while, but he did that for maybe half the songs of the concert!! And I'm not complaining at all, Dallon is very fun to watch as he moves around onstage, he has a lot of fun with it and is just very full of energy and charisma!! It's a welcome change in my opinion :) 💖 As for the backing musicians, things have changed too!! Anthony is still his touring guitarist, but there's a new musician too who. I wasn't sure if he was playing guitar or bass or both, but his name was Isaac Paul. There's also a new drummer too, whose name is Ronnie Strauss! Dallon didn't really talk about Ryan during the concert, which I think was a tasteful decision on his part, BUT. HE DID MENTION HIM ONCE 🤭 As he was introducing the musicians, he said, "Turns out you can afford more people when you aren't being stolen from." WHICH WAS SO ICONIC. OMG. IF YOU'RE GONNA BRING HIM UP, WHAT A WAY TO DO IT X3 ❤️ IT WAS SO FUNNY HFXJGCHXFXCGJXFCJGJGXGJCVXVJJGXGJCGJCVJCGJC 🤭
And can I just say, I love Dallon's charisma onstage!! He would talk in between songs, and every time, he was just so charming and personable, it was a lot of fun!! :) ❤️ He's so good at connecting with the crowd, I loved hearing everything he had to say ^^ ❤️ A couple of highlights include:
He asked us if we all had good Christmases, and when we cheered, he said, "Well, that's neat!" in the GOOFUEST voice. It was so silly X3 ❤️
Before Kiss Goodnight, he talked about having fallen in love with Breezy years ago and still being in love with her to this day, and he shared that they did, in fact, kiss goodnight that night. It was really sweet 😊💖
He said that that night, we were all his date, and he was our date (if we're into that sort of thing), which. MADE ME BLUSH AND GIGGLE AND KICK MY FEET A LITTLE HEHEHEHE ☺️🩷 I WISH I COULD BE HIS DATE XFHGJJFXJGCXVJJCVVCJJCVCBJ 🤭💖
Before Choke, he gave a whole heartfelt speech about how much it meant to him that people came to see the show, and how amazing it is that the one thing unifying a room full of strangers is the music that they enjoy, and he finished it with, "Now, if you don't mind, choke yourself to sleep". IT WAS SO FUNNY FHXGJCHJCGXFJGJCXCJGJCCGJBC, HE'S SO AWESOME 🤭❤️
Anyway, moving onto something else: I don't tend to sing along with the songs during a concert, I prefer to just listen to how they're being performed. So while I didn't sing along with most of the songs, I had a lot of fun participating during the parts where he wanted the crowd to sing, like Social Climb and A Letter!! But the absolute peak crowd participation moment HAD to be Visitation of the Ghost!! 🤩💖 From where I was standing, it was pretty hard to see him during the crowd walk... BUT STILL!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT TO EXPERIENCE A CROWD WALK LIVE OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 🤭💖 That song overall is just. absolutely amazing to see live, it was a incredible experience and one of the best parts of the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩❤️
AND. OK. I REFUSE TO SAY MUCH ABOUT DOWNSIDE, BUT. I LOVED IT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH 😁💖 I couldn't really understand what he was saying, but the vibes of the song were sooooooooooooooooo fun and I can't wait to finally hear it on the album!! 😄🩷 Speaking of which, he said a different Gloom Division song will be coming out in two weeks, and I can't wait to find out which one it is!! Maybe it'll be Kiss and Tell, he used that phrase during the concert, so. maybe that was a hint :o ❤️ That's just a guess though, idk what to expect X3
Anyway. It was an absolutely incredible experience!! :3 💖 Dallon is an absolutely phenomenal performer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😄🫶❤️ He's an incredible musician, he has a beautiful voice, and he has so much amazing energy and charisma up on that stage 😁🩷 It was incredible seeing one of my favorite musicians perform live right in front of me, I had so much fun, and I'm so grateful I got the opportunity to go see him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩💖 I had such an amazing time and I can't wait to see him again in April!! ^^ ❤️🫶
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misson-impossible · 2 years
"It was always you"
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(Not my GIF)
Dallon Weekes x Reader
Set in the V&V Era minus Dallon, you are the keyboardist, multi-instrumentals, and backing vocals for P!ATD.
"So yeah guys life's pretty good.." Dallon says to his phone on an insta live. You look at him tears welling up in your eyes from the statement. "Yeah its been pretty smooth these last couple weeks. Haven't had many issues popping up-"
You run out of the room into the bathroom before he could finish his statement and slam the door. You start to sob silently so Dallon doesn't hear you.
Dallon hasn't really spoken to you for a couple weeks for no apparent reason but when he did it was to be an asshole.
After you let all your tears go you walk out of the bathroom and back into the livingroom. Dallon didn't even look up as you walked by and go to your shared bedroom.
He had been your offical boyfriend for about a year and nothing like this had ever happened.
You grab a guitar off the wall and start playing chords as loud and as hard as you can in frustration. Tears start falling again.
"One moment." Dallon says to the phone and sets it down. He walks into the bedroom "Can you stop being obnoxious for once in your life?!" He says in a yell whisper so the phone doesn't pick it up. You raise your head up to him "Will once you stop."
"I could never match yours."
You throw the guitar to the side and Dallon go's back to the livingroom to continue the live "Sorry guys had to adjust something."
You grab a backpack and start throwing stuff in it. You put your guitar in its case and throw it over your back.
You walk into the livingroom and stare at Dallon. After several seconds until he looks up. He sighs "One second guys gotta take care of something."
He stands up and towers over you "Why are you so dramatic?!" He keeps his voice low.
"Me?! I'm not the one who keeps ignoring the person you said you would love forever!" You say loud.
"Its not like we're married!! We live together! I've had a lot going on!"
"I don't care you can at least tell me if you hate me!"
"Maybe we just shouldn't be together anymore.."
"Yeah. We've grown apart. I loved you but-"
Tears start stinging your eyes and run over to the couch and throw his phone across the room "Well I mean sure! You care about random strangers more than me so fuck you Dallon! You can just go and get 45 cent jobs in an alley way that's all your worth!" You scream with tears still falling.
He looks at you shocked but then runs after his phone. A lot of his viewer left but not after commenting things like "Fuck boy" and "Dip shit.". Some of course say that your a crazy bitch and that they are single.
"Goodbye Dallon." You say between sobs. You were about to run out the door but first steal the bass he was playing on the live.
"[Y/N] wait!" He yells. You were already out the door. The bass wasn't he worry. "I'm sorry." He whispers to himself before ending the live.
You walk over to Brendon's apartment he shares with Spencer. You bang on the door several times loudly until one of them answers the door.
"God damn it's 10:30pm!" Brendon says before he sees its you "Oh sorry [Y/N] I- what's wrong?"
You sob "I- he-"
Brendon takes you into the apartment and hugs you "Tell me later."
Spencer walks out of his room to see what happened "Whats going on?"
You just break out in more sobs. Spencer puts his hands up and doesn't speak again. Brendon puts his hand on the back of your head so your head is in the crook of his neck "Its gonna be ok..". He rubs your back.
"We have a third room you can stay in if you need it."
You nod. "Dallon-" you say and that's all you get out before getting into a sobbing mess again. Brendon hugs you again and leads you to the room.
"Whats with the bass?" Brendon asks. You shake your head and put all your stuff on the bed "Thank you." You say with a voice crack. Brendon nods "No problem. Tell me what happened in the morning?"
You nod.
~The next day~
You get up and look at your phone just to see a picture of Dallon as your lockscreen followed with several texts from him. You block him as tears start welling back up.
You walk into the living corridors where Brendon and Spencer sit. "Morning!" Brendon says in a happy tone. You continue to walk but hold your hand out as a wave.
You go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. "No wonder Dallon broke hated you." You say soft and tears well up again. You shake your head "No.. he didn't deserve you. He didn't deserve this face, this personality." You try to make your self cheer up. You force smile and wipe tears so Brendon and Spencer don't have to see you in that state.
After you get your self together you walk about and go to a recliner silently.
Brendon and Spencer look at eachother awkwardly.
"What happened honey?" Brendon says sweet and calmly.
You wipe your eyes again "Dallon hasn't been talking to me much for weeks and we finally broke. He said he's glad he's not me and that we've grown apart. He cares more about random strangers than me anyway. He hates me." You start crying again.
"He doesn't hate you, if he doesn't know what he had. He didn't deserve you anyway." Spencer says to cheer you up. You nod wipe your eyes "Thank you." You say softly.
"We can go over there and get some of your stuff." Brendon says. You shake your head eagerly. "We can go in." Spencer responds to your disapproval. "No you don't have to do that." You say assuring him.
"No we have no problem doing anything for you."
"We can go now even." Brendon responds. Spencer nods.
~At Dallon's house~
Brendon knocks on the door. Dallon answers after a few seconds. Dallon's eyes were puffy from crying. "Hell are you crying?" Brendon asks pushing past him. "[Y/N]?" Dallon says hoping you were with them. "She's not here. Why would she want go see you anyway." Spencer says before walking past him and follows Brendon.
Brendon start just putting a bunch of stuff in a bag. Dallon watches "Tell her I'm sorry. It's been a lot these last few weeks I didn't know how bad it had impacted her." He says and starts crying again.
He and Brendon do the 'bro hug' thing "Will do.".
~Back at the apartment~
You are sitting in your room hugging the bass. Brendon sees you doing that and is immediately saddened after seeing both of you. "Dallon says he's sorry." He's says handing you the stuff. "Sure he is." You mumble under your breath.
~Weeks later~
You've been living with Brendon and Spencer. You haven't really had many things career wise you've had to do so it's been pretty chillatious. Brendon and Spencer have took care of you and made sure you ate.
Before Ryan and Jon left they had asked you if you would go to their new band. You considered it but ultimately declined after you saw the impact the split had on Brendon and Spencer. You were glad you stayed in Panic! now.
Today you have an acoustic performance for a radio station. These were always fun...
You only had to do backing vocals as Brendon would cover the acoustic guitar part.
You get to the stations set up and sit silently. "You sure you can do this?" Spencer asks quietly. "Yeah.. it's not like I'm dying. Only inside." You respond. Spencer nods.
You and Brendon were going to duet the songs. The station gave you the list of songs There were five of them and they went straight through you. "Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off", "Northern Downpour", "When The Day Met The Night", "New Perspective", and of course "I Write Sins Not Tragedies".
"Can I do this?" you asked yourself. Well you were gonna find out.
You sang all the songs in duet form and as soon as you were done with the last song you stood up and just walked away before anything else could happen.
~Dallons POV~
Dallon saw the performance in his YouTube feed. He held back tears as soon as he saw you. You didn't look as full of life.
The first song was I Write Sins. You and Brendon did the face to face thing which Dallon always laughed at but not this time. The song didn't really get to him, hearing your voice did. The next one however it was different.
It was Lying Is The Most Fun. You looked straight at the camera when you sang "You know it will always be me." It was as if you have sang it straight to him. Dallon had tears falling.
Then there was Northern Downpour. That song is just sad in general but him hearing it come out of your mouth after what happened made it sadder.
Then you sang New Perspective. Dallon felt every word go straight through his heart especially when you sang "Who cares divine intervention I wanna be praised from a new perspective but leaving now would be a good idea so catch me up I'm getting out of here."
Last was When The Day Met The Night. It was like the story of the both of you and Dallon so hearing you sing it he lost it and started sobbing again.
He sees you leave the set as soon as you finish singing and has an idea why. Him.
~Your perspective~
You sit backstage wiping your eyes before tears fell.
Brendon and Spencer came back to you as fast as they could. "It was like the whole set was about Dallon!" You sobbed. Spencer hugs you "Its ok. It'll be alright." He rubs your back as you sob.
You walk out to the car Spencer and Brendon guarding you from pictures as you were embarrassed about the entire situation.
You get to the car and sit in the back seat.
"So [Y/N].." Brendon says driving.
"What!" You yell not wanting to speak.
"See its that time of the month.." He mumbles under his breath to Spencer not expecting you to hear it.
Spencer chuckles.
"You asshole! I can be mad any day of the damn month!"
Brendon and Spencer tense up as you yell at them.
"Brendon have you even had a girl long enough to know what happens? How did they even get it through both of your bone heads?! You both can preform but you're both dumb as fuck! Do you even want me living with you? Dumb fucks I could take you both in a fight any day! Pull over lets go right now!"
"Me and Spencer are going to this performance thing at a bar tonight. Come with us?" Brendon says trying to de-escalate the situation to prevent homicide or even more distracted driving.
"No." You yell back "Why would I want to that that would be rather embarrassing going out in a public bar with you both!"
Brendon looks at Spencer not knowing what to say. Spencer motions in a way to say I don't know. Brendon motions back that he doesn't know and to say something.
"Oh yes you are." Spencer says "You need to get out and around. You can't stay locked up forever. We could be like you dads?"
"What the fuck?" Brendon mouths theatrically to Spencer.
"I don't know?!" He mouthes back in the sane fashion.
You don't respond.
As soon as you pull up you storm passed them both and into the apartment.
~Later, at the bar~
Spencer and Brendon drug you out of the apartemnt and to the bar bit not without a fight.
You follow either of them around just depending on where they go.
About an hour later the music begins. You watch in admiration for some of them and really enjoy it until you hear oh so familiar names.
"Next up we have Dallon Weekes and Ryan Seaman!" The announcer says.
You start to walk toward the door but Brendon catches you "No. You have to listen."
"No I don't!"
"Yes you do!"
He drags you back to Spencer fighting you
"Your not my dad!" You yell.
"Yes I am!" Brendon realizes what he said to late "I take that back Im your brother figure!"
"I don't care!"
Brendon eventually drags you back before it starts.
"Hey so I'm Dallon Weekes and we are gonna be singing a song my friend wrote called "Always". I'm also dedicating this to a girl that probably wants to set my house of fire and murder me so yeah go's like this."
You look at Brendon and Spencer and then back to Dallon. You try to tip toe away but Brendon and Spencer have their eyes on you.
When you actually listened you could feel the emotion in every lyric he sang. After the first chorus tears started to form. Did he still love you? That's all you wanted.
The performance felt so genuine and you just wanted to give him a hug and tell him it's all better now.
After he finishes he walks off. He didn't see you. Brendon and Spencer lead you back stage where Dallon was on his phone.
There were tears in his eyes as well as yours. You immediately ran up to him and started hugging him. "[Y/N]?!" He said exicted and immediately returned the hug. "Yeah!" You say with tears running down your face. You continue to hug and tear up for several moments.
"I didn't think you'd ever forgive me." Dallon admitted.
"I didn't think I ever would when it happened."
Dallon wipes your tears away "I was going through a lot and regretted everything Insaid immediately. I'm so so so sorry I didn't mean anything said or that I called you. I don't think I could ever get tired of you."
"I don't care." You say and kiss him and wipe his tears.
When you turned around Brendon and Spencer were already gone.
"Can I come back." You say and start tearing up again.
"You shouldn't ever have to ask that baby. Yes, you are always aloud its your house too."
You smile "I love you."
Dallon smiles back "I love you too."
You and Dallon walk back into to the audience area close together. You find Brendon and Spencer and they are happy with the outcome.
After you get all your stuff from the apartment you go home with Dallon and finally get to sleep in your bed.
"It was always you." Dallon whispers to you thinking you were asleep. You were glad you go to here those four words coming from the love of your life.
This ending sucks that's all I've got say. This was also really long so.
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svltburn · 3 years
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@southside-forever it got too long for me to reply, so here we go lmao
also you can't do this to me 😭 okay uhh ranked in descending order
5. idkhow and cherry pools - it was my first ever concert and the energy was great but it kinda sucked bc i paid for my cousin's pass and she abandoned me (:
4. the twins of evil tour: palaye royale, rob zombie, marilyn manson - i only stayed to watch palaye royale bc i was injured and didn't really care about the main acts lol, but i made friends with some other ppl while we were waiting for the set. people were stopping me left and right to ask where i got my shirt. i hear marilyn manson pissed on his drummer in the middle of his set.
3. the damned things, he is legend, crobot - i fucking loved this one, actually. could barely understand he is legend or crobot, but they hung out after their sets and they were super cool! plus who doesn't love basement shows and mosh pits!
2. the m a n i a tour: every time i die, machine gun kelly, fall out boy - rekindled my long forgotten middle school love of machine gun kelly and now it's been three years and i'm still not free. almost four thousand people collectively pissing on kid rock. i have never experienced and may never again experience the community i felt during the two hours fall out boy was on stage. i don't think i've ever been happier.
1. idkhow and twin xl - i don't really like openers usually, but twin xl immediately became one of my favorite bands, and they still are. also dallon weekes (the front man of idkhow) held my hand and i still think about it every day.
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
Ivy - Chapter 5
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Chapter 4
When (YN) arrived home the next day, she was exhausted, but wanted nothing more than to see Mikey as soon as possible. She had barely flopped onto her bed with a weary sigh when there was a knock on the door.
“Your Highness?” Christine said as she peeked in the room.
“Yes?” She replied, sitting up.
“I have this for you,” she said holding a piece of paper that was rolled up and tied with a piece of twine.
(YN) jumped up, knowing in an instant who it was from. She carefully slid off the tie and unrolled the paper.
Darling (YN),
I long to see you when you return. I miss you more than my heart can bear. If you can, meet me in the clearing just before sunset when you are back.
Faithfully yours,
(YN) swooned as she fell back across her bed. "Oh Christine, I miss him so much. This week was too long to go without him. I don't know how I'll ever survive in Arboria."
At dusk, (YN) stole along the path hidden deep within the woods, her feet guiding her way and there, sitting beneath a willow tree was Mikey.
"(YN)!" He exclaimed, scrambling to his feet. 
"Mikey!" She ran to him, throwing her arms around her as he lifted her off her feet before pressing a kiss to her lips. "I missed you so!"
"I missed you as well. I believe Gerard and Marie were about to go mad with how I was sulking," he laughed nervously.
"I'm sorry," she said reaching up and caressing his cheek softly. 
He leaned into her touch before taking her hand and pressing a kiss to her palm. He then took both of her hands in his and looked deep in her eyes. "I’ve had a lot of time to think while you were gone, and wanted to see you tonight because I wanted to tell you," he paused and sighed. "(YN), I am the second son of a bookbinder, I stand to inherit nothing. All I have to offer a Princess is my heart. I know this will end in pain, but I love you, I love you so completely and with my whole heart,” he said earnestly.
(YN) felt tears welling up and a knot forming in her throat as she nodded. “All I learned over this last miserable week is that I love you too Mikey. The way you make me feel is more than I ever hoped it would be. When I’m with you, I am happy for the first time in my whole life! But” she looked down as the tears began to fall.
“I know,” he said forlornly, pulling her against him.
“I don’t want him! I don’t want to go!” (YN) sobbed into his shoulder.
Mikey rubbed her back and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I’m sorry my love,” he soothed. “How much time do we have?” He asked when she finally stopped crying.
“If it’s not forever, it’s not long enough,” she said shaking her head, wiping away the tears.
"Then we'll fit as much of a lifetime as we can into the time we have."
(YN) was already awake when Christine came in to rouse her the next morning.
"Your Highness, are you alright? Your eyes are... have you been crying?"
"Most of the night," (YN) sighed. "Do you know, has a noble ever married a commoner?"
Christine could not restrain her surprise. "Your Highness!"
(YN) looked up forlornly. "I do not love Dallon, I love Mikey," she sighed. "If I could end this engagement that I have no say in I could be happy, and maybe Dallon could be as well."
"I've never heard of that occurring before," Christine shook her head sadly.
(YN) nodded. "I thought as much. Please tell me you and Frank are happily in love. Please tell me if there is anything standing in your way that I can help with.”
“We are happy, Your Highness. I did not want to say something that may upset you, but Frank and I are to be wed soon as well.”
“I am so happy for you my dear friend!” (YN) beamed. “I wish everyone that same joy.”
Despite how futile the future felt, it did not stop (YN) and Mikey from continuing their secret rendezvous, making the most of their fleeting time together. Just before the final preparations were due to begin for the long awaited wedding, the King and Queen had another royal trip to attend, but (YN) was allowed to stay behind. And she had much better plans.
That afternoon she threw open the large front doors of the castle and invited Mikey in for the first time. He picked her up, twirling her around in the entry hall as they laughed, reveling in the fact that they were someplace so forbidden together. 
"Let me give you the grand tour," (YN) suggested, taking his hand, pulling him along.
Mikey seemed to marvel at the ornate decor and paintings. It made her smile that he wasn't disenchanted by everything, like so many of the people who regularly walked through the halls.
"This is the library," she said leading the way into the large room.
"Wow, I've never seen so many books in one place," he said looking around in awe. "But it raises a question."
"You have all these books, and yet you keep returning to my store to buy more," he smiled coyly.
(YN) covered her face with her hands in embarrassment. "Mikey," she whined.
"It's as if you had ulterior motives for coming in week after week," he laughed as he wrapped his arms around her.
"It would appear that the shopkeeper has stolen my heart," (YN) replied looking up at him, and he leaned in and kissed her sweetly.
"It would appear the Princess has stolen mine."
(YN)'s heart fluttered at his words. "Come, I have so much more to show you," she said taking his hand and leading the way out of the library.
As they continued through the castle, she hesitated before showing him the next room. She didn't want to be reminded of what would be happening there in the future.
"This is the chapel," she announced. 
"It's beautiful," he said walking down the aisle between the pews. (YN) watched him and imagined what it would be like if she could walk down the aisle to him.
"What if we were wed before you married the Prince?" Mikey asked, as if reading her thoughts, a coy smile tugging at his lips.
"If only there were a holy man in the kingdom who would, I would do it in a heartbeat," she sighed, joining him at the altar and he took her hands. "If only I knew when I read the story of the star crossed lovers that it would ring so true. Mikey, you know you will always have my heart, no matter what happens?"
"I do. And you know that I will always love you, no matter where you are?"
"I do," nodded resolutely. Mikey leaned in and kissed her and she smiled against his lips.
She again took his hand as they continued on through the ballrooms and dining halls, and up the large staircase to her bedroom.
"And here is where they lock me away," she said dramatically before shutting the door behind them. She watched as he walked through her room, taking it in. He smiled at the stack of books by her bed before he made his way to the window overlooking the forest where they would meet, away from the prying eyes of the castle or city. The setting sun tinting everything gold. "The view is best in the fall."
"Your beauty outshines it any day of the year," he said softly.
She looked up at him and sighed. "I do not believe you know how wonderful you truly are."
"All I know is I'm the luckiest man alive because I've gotten to spend more than a moment with you."
(YN) reached up and brushed a piece of hair out of his face. He smiled back before leaning in and kissing her. She wrapped her arms around him as he started to kiss along her jaw and down to her neck. (YN) let out a gasp, her knees going weak as she leaned back against the wall to remain upright. A thought flitted through her mind and she decided she would act on it.
"Mikey," she gasped
He pulled back in an instant. "Was that too much?"
"No," she shook her head. "Quite the opposite," she said, taking his hand and leading him to the bed. As she laid back against her plush pillows, Mikey climbed over her, but hesitated for a moment, as if to ask if she was sure. She smiled and nodded at him and his lips found hers again, more passionately than any time before.
Chapter 6
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cyncity2000 · 4 years
73 questions tag! tysm @goodlesson , can’t say i’ve ever had anything like this before but hey it’s not like I have anything better to do rn 😅 
answers under the cut! i tag @rene-royale @teenager-confused-tired @sawafilmtoday @onedoesnotsimplystormthebastille if you feel like it, but no pressure bc this is a LOT and took me a couple days to finish lol
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? um. could be worse, could be better?? so 5. 
describe yourself in a hashtag? no. twitter and all its shitty hashtags can go to hell.
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? weird question. nobody?? i wouldn’t want to??
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? not to be all dan smith on main but like...’come to this please’
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? uhhhh idk. i’m very open about most aspects of my personality i’d say
what’s your wake up ritual? stay in bed as long as possible and then YEET at maximum speed so i don’t waste the day
what’s your go to bed ritual? tell myself i should go to bed. pick up my phone instead. regret it in the morning.
what’s your favorite time of day? 2pm or 9-10pm 
your go to for having a good laugh? macdoesit or drawfee videos on youtube. truly the best.
dream country to visit? i wanna go back to england and france, also i’d love to visit literally anywhere i could
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? falling in love with my college roommate probably,, didn’t see THAT coming
heels or flats/sneakers? bitch i’m 5′10″ with size 12.5 feet. converse.
vintage or new? vintage looks cool. i am not cool. so new.
who do you want to write your obituary? idk man i don’t wanna think about that now???
style icon? if you knew me irl you’d know style is not a word in my vocabulary
what are three things you cannot live without? my cat, my friends/gf, and my cd collection 
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? i do not bake or cook, the real world is going to kill me immediately
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? i’d be too stressed to make food for people but i’d love to like. go OUT for dinner with...dodie, dallon weekes, and pj liguori. they’re all just cool people i follow and i wanna know what they’re LIKE. 
what’s your biggest fear in life? failure due to lack of confidence, motivation and direction in life :)))
window or aisle seat? i’d say window but i am long boi so aisle is usually nicer unless i trip someone by accident
what’s your current tv obsession? still supernatural, also brooklyn 99
favorite app? tumblr :D
secret talent? despite my crippling procrastination issues i’ve almost always been a straight-A student 🤷‍♀️
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? drove myself two hours to a concert in february, or maybe the time i did a really hard ropes course or went to the badlands?
how would you define yourself in three words? introverted, distracted, nerdy
favorite piece of clothing you own? maybe my waterparks sweatshirt bc i had a dream last night that i donated it and then went back to the store to buy it back lmao so subconsciously i must really like it
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? you gotta have that one pair of black jeans that goes with anything imo
a superpower you would want? flying. it’s the only recurring dream i’ve ever had and it’s my only answer ever
what’s inspiring you in life right now? all the people doing big or little things to help. the ones doing instagram lives or sending money or supplies to people in need or just giving me more faith in humanity
best piece of advice you’ve received? can’t remember any. why doesn’t anyone give me good advice
best advice you’d give your teenage self? do your laundry on time. don’t wear...whatever that was to school. just wash ur fuckin clothes. also don’t let it bother you that you’re single the whole time. you’ll get there.
a book everyone should read? they both die at the end by adam silvera. you WILL cry. but you will love it. 
what would you like to be remembered for? i have no idea. being a non-shitty person at least.
how do you define beauty? happiness.
what do you love most about your body? idk being tall is kinda nice
best way to take a rest/decompress? get a blanket. comfy clothes. my cat. put headphones on. put some music on or watch youtube.
favorite place to view art? on tumblr and instagram! i follow soo many wonderful artists it’s great
if your life was a song, what would the title be? Oh No (What Is She Doing Now?)
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? piano or guitar. i suck at both and if i could be good at ONE i’d be happy
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? been thinking about this tbh. somewhere on my arm definitely but idk where D:
dolphins or koalas? dolphins!!
what’s your spirit animal? a cat?
best gift you’ve ever received? for christmas my sister bought me a cute lil box meant for displaying concert tickets and it was the most thoughtful thing ever. also the AMAZING studio headphones i’m currently using that my mom got me like three years ago for christmas
best gift you’ve given? probably when i bought me and my best friend tickets to see the Sherlock S4 finale in a movie theater 
what’s your favorite board game? cards against humanity, one night ultimate werewolf/alien, settlers of catan
what’s your favorite color? porpleee 💜
least favorite color? hmm they’re all valid except for like. puke green.
diamond or pearls? neither lol
drugstore makeup or designer? neither 😜
blow-dry or air-dry? blow-dry but i never do bc it takes y e a r s
pilates or yoga? yoga!
coffee or tea? both but only hot tea or frozen coffee 
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? thanks to tumblr the word ‘defenestrate’ has entered my vocabulary and I do not regret it
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? either. chocolate is chocolate 🍫
stairs or elevators? tbh stairs, i’m just a lazy bitch
summer or winter? winter. cold > hot
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? i’d still get tired of it :( i need that variety!!
a dessert you don’t like? none. dessert is dessert and it is all valid if i can eat it
a skill you’re working on mastering? writing, working from home, playing the guitar
best thing to happen to you today? currently watching mike gross play old brobecks tunes :’) he also just saw my comment yay
worst thing to happen to you today? i had cheesecake for lunch. sounds good but it’s the only thing i’ve had today besides a piece of chocolate and my body is Not Happy
best compliment you’ve ever received? someone on fanfiction dot net once left me a comment saying they’d almost cried at my story and called me “a true writer” and it’s honestly one of the only thing that keeps me writing...i’m still mad they weren’t signed in so I’ll never be able to thank them for it.
favorite smell? lemon, cookies, fresh-cut grass
hugs or kisses? hugs!!
if you made a documentary, would it be about? somethin gay probably
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? honestly...probably “who the fuck is keith” fjadskljfd
lipstick or lipgloss? like peyton said chapstick is the only valid answer
sweet or savory? depends how i’m feelin, love both
girl crush? besides the obvious one (my girlfriend), honestly not many? there’s this one girl i follow on insta who’s big in the panic! fandom and jESUS SHE’S SO PRETTY. also the girl who plays kaia in supernatural is CUUUTE
how do you know you’re in love? has only happened to me once but for me...i already loved her platonically for months and then suddenly one day i was like oh. why am i getting the urge to kiss you rn. oh no.
a song you can listen to on repeat? anything by idkhow or bastille. never gets old.
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? not to copy peyton but i would love to know what goes on inside my cat’s head
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? next semester of college!! i got into a super-competitive dorm and i’m gonna have my own room and live with nine other people and gahh i’m just so excited to be chaotic with all my friends again and meet new people :’)
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ohimtherebabey · 4 years
! all of the numbers of questions
first of all, i respect you so much. thank you. second of all, i have already answered 1, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 27 so i’m going to skip those here. 
2. Favourite band? my chemical fucking romance!!!! 
3. Any New Year's resolutions? ive been really trying to be like. outwardly emo and not be embarrassed by it. also, to go to more shows! which ive already achieved and its only march!
4. Favourite music video? helena or desolation row. king for a day is a contender.
6. Panic! At The Disco or Fall Out Boy? thats difficult. i would say fall out boy but they’re really close
8. Do you own a pair of fingerless gloves or skeleton gloves (or the combination)? no :(((( but i want some
9. Do you own any band merch? If so, from what bands? oh yea. ive got a metric fuckton of mcr merch. also concert shirts from panic! at the disco, bastille, the killers, and poppy
10. Got a jacket with pins? yes!!! 
12. Any hair dying or haircut plans for 2020? i’m shaving my head tomorrow!!!
14. Killjoy name? i dont have one. i don’t really like danger days and the whole universe kind of intimidates me
15. Are you into The Used? yes!!! bert mccracken has done more for me than the armed forces
16. Do you want any tattoos? Of what? YES!!!!! i have a lot of mcr designs (as of right now, i’ve got designs for our lady of sorrows, vampires will never hurt you, bullets in general, helena, mama, early sunsets, and welcome to the black parade). also i want a haunted house and some bats and a really stupid t-bone steak that says “tell your boyfriend” to commemorate DONTTRUSTME by 3OH!3
17. Can you play any instruments? Which? yes! but none of them are instruments that i want to play. i have 15 years of classical piano training and 6 years of saxophone from high school band/marching band
18. Favourite My Chemical Romance song? demolition lovers
19. Do you think Twenty One Pilots are emo? i dont think im educated enough to pass judgement. i dont listen to twenty one pilots and i havent heard a song of theirs in honestly 5 years. just from first impression, i would say theyre more generic alternative than specifically emo.
20. Are you into Taking Back Sunday? not really. i’ll listen if its on, but i won’t seek them out
21. Do you wear any make up? only the shittiest smudged eyeliner in the world
22. Do you have black painted nails? yes! i just painted them 2 hours ago (im not allowed to have painted nails at work but im on spring break this week so theres no work)
23. Have you got any band posters? Of what bands? i have a few mcr posters, a panic! at the disco poster, a fall out boy poster, and a pierce the veil poster
24. Do you want any piercings? yes!!!!!! i already have my septum and several ear piercings, but i want at least one lip piercing, a nostril piercing, more ear piercings, maybe an eyebrow, my nipples. i want to stretch my lobes, too.
25. What's your opinion on All Time Low? Sleeping With Sirens? Pierce The Veil? i FUCK with pierce the veil. my second favorite band of all time (im listening to a flair for the dramatic as i answer these questions). i dont like sleeping with sirens but i thank kellen quinn for his services on king for a day. i fuck with all time low (predictably my favorite atl song is a love like war because vic features)
26. Do you think it's just a phase or that you'll be emo/punk\scene forever? i take being emo too seriously for it not to be permanent. 
28. Are you into Black Veil Brides? not really, but i respect the fuck out of knives and pens
29. Do you like any newer emo/scene/punk bands? Which? i love love love destroy boys. also: currents.
30. What's your favourite music genre besides emo/punk\scene? either like. folksy alternative (hozier, florence + the machine) or old school country (johnny cash, dolly parton, marty robbins)
31. Are you into Mindless Self Indulgence? not really
32. Favourite Fall Out Boy song? golden
33. Are you mostly into the so-called "emo trinity" or "emo quartet" or do you listen to a lot of other bands too? most of my listening history is my chem + bands outside of the emo trinity/quartet. i dont really make a habit of listening to panic or fob, and never twenty one pilots. mostly its pierce the veil and bring me the horizon. a lot of evanescence, too.
34. What's your opinion on Waterparks? Palaye Royale? I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME? i only know one song by waterparks, so i dont really have an opinion on their music, but awsten annoys me so much. ive dont know anything by palaye royale, so i cant pass judgement. idkhow is pretty good. i dont know too much by them but i liked what i did know. i think dallon did a great job at bringing back the weird stuff that made panic! so good
35. Are you into Bring Me The Horizon? YES. ive been nonstop listening to count your blessings for two weeks now. 
36. Favourite solo project by a emo/scene\punk band member? i love all of frank’s solo projects (i go apeshit for leathermouth and death spells in particular). i love hesitant alien. also i’m really digging hayley william’s solo stuff so far
37. Are any of your friends IRL emo/scene\punk? no. and it makes me sad. 
38. Are you into drawing? If so, show some of your art! only kind of and none of it is good. this is something i did based on a fragment of sappho last summer.
Tumblr media
and here’s a quick thing i did for its not a fashion statement, it’s a deathwish
Tumblr media
39. Favourite colours and colour schemes? im too much of a revenge fucker to not say black/gray/dark red
40. What are some of your favourite lyrics? a LOT of them are from selfish machines, just a warning. “i’m wanna hold your hand so tight, im gonna break my wrist” “i’d steal you flowers from the cemetery” “there’s no room in this hell, there’s no room in the next” “another knife in my hands, another stain that wont come off the sheets, clean me off, im so dirty babe” “decapitate her and bring her head to athena, unlike her sisters she aint no deathless God” “holding on to cold hands and sunken eyes hasnt held the same charm as it once did”
41. The Black Parade or Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge? this is such a difficult question for me. the demo lovers are everything to me, but, as i have said in the past: the black parade is the best album ever written. that doesnt mean its my chemical romance’s best album though. i’m going to say three cheers (that answer will change a thousand times).
42. What's your opinion on Paramore? Green Day? Blink-182? LOVE paramore. the riot! cd is a permanent fixture in my car. i fuck with older green day. like american idiot and dookie green day. i dont really care for blink-182
thank you again for the questions
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hellofanimagination · 5 years
Masterlist as of 3/11/19
~Notes On My Writing Encourages Me To Write~
Bold=Contains Smut
Italics=Just Angst
(^)=Male Reader
(!)=Multiple Current Relationships (With the reader)
(+)=Basement AU
(*)=Punk AU
(@)=Danger Days AU
(%)=High School/College AU (or implies that they are younger)
(-)=Vampire AU
(&)=Parent/Pregnancy AU or involves kids (such as  Bandit)
(#)=Self Harm TW
Fall Out Boy:
Eternal Summer (%)
I Am Beautiful With You
Bad Trip, I Couldn’t Get Off
I Got Troubled Thoughts
I Would Sing You To Sleep
Lullabye (&)
Moan For Me
Blue Bubbles
^Part 2
Kisses on The Necks Of “Best Friends” (%)
Cause It’s Just Trust
Allie, I Was So Good Back Then
Take This To Your Grave
Cinderella She Seems So Easy
It’s Not A Side Effect Of The Cocaine (^)
Call Me Maybe
Moving Pictures (&)
My Chemical Romance:
Urie’s House, 11 Tonight (%)
Don’t Go
I Need You
Doctor Way
First Time (+)
^Part 2
Nicotine Kisses (*)
Hold Me
Study Date (*) (%)
Love Will Kill You (*) (%)
Too Fast (+)
Don’t Save Me (@)
Kiss Me You Animal
I Hate The Ending Myself (@)
Thief (@)
The Boys And Girls In The Clique (+) (%)
^ Parts 2 and 3
Not So Secret (@)
My Friends Blur (+) (%)
^Part 2
Dance, Dance (@)
You Belong To Me I Believe
Marry Me
Playground Eyes (#)
Blow Me..A Kiss (+)
They’ll Say It’s Not Worth It (+) (%)
Reinvent Love
Right Down To The Blood (*)
In A World Of Bad Dreams (-)
^Part 2
My Perfect Stranger (&)
In A Bullet’s Embrace (#)
Sounds Of Love-Notes
We Are The Dream (&)
Do It Now And Do It Loud
Young And Loaded (@)
A Love That’s So Demanding
^Part 2
What Are We Waiting For?
My Best Friend’s Brother
I Don’t Do ‘Parents’ (%) (*)
Remember When You And I Would Make Things Up? (&)
Protect Me From The Troubles Of My Own Skin (^) (#)
Hot For Teacher (%)
I Don’t Believe In Luck ($)
The World’s a Broken Bone (%) (+)
The World Is Ugly (#)
Everybody Wants To Know (%) (*)
It Was Always You (+)
Birthday Touches
Burnt Waffles Made With Love (&)
Don’t Bless Me Father For I Have Sinned
Blink Back To Let Me Know (%) (Fem!Gee)
Fight Me (Knight AU)
^Part 2
Tattoos Of Heroes Without Capes (@)
This Is How We Met, Cause We’re Fucking Nerds
We Will Stumble Through Heaven
I Can Make Your Heart Slow
Being Blue Is Better Than Being Over It
^Part 2
We Can Be Heroes (+)
I’ve Always Held My Doubts So Close To My Heart
Well There’s No Way I’m Kissing That Guy (-)
I Never Said I’d Lie And Wait Forever
^ Part 2
This Is A Love Song In My Own Way
I’ve Got An Uncommon Love ($) (@) (!)
Can You Feel My Heart? (+)
In The Morning It Will All Be Better (+)
This Is The Best Day Ever
Bachelors For Bad Luck Girls (%)
I Want You In My Life
Only You (Asexual!Reader)
Dirty Little Secret (+)
I Promise You This
Lips Pressed Close To Mine
Sleeping Beauty
Without A Sound
If You Look In The Mirror And Don’t Like What You See (+)
Tell Me I’m A Bad Man ($)
Keep Running (@)
Cold On This Inside (^)
Such A Happy Mess
Throwing Stones At A Glass Moon (@) (&)
Follow Me Down (%)
We Spark and We Fade (Vampire Hunters AU)
Thin Line Between A Good And A Bad Idea
The Pros And Cons Of Breathing (#)
I Found The Cure To Growing Older (%)
Houston We’re Going Down (@)
Until You’ve Had Yourself A Hurricane
Spooky Scary And Drunk AF
Unashamed (^)
Comback Of The Year
Hesitant Alien
^Part 2
This Is How I Disappear
Don’t Wanna Fall In Love (*)
Shut Me Up
Fantastic Bastards 
Hand Of God 
Victims Of Love
Lightning In A Bottle
Sweet Fun (@)
Hold A Lover Close (*) (%)
A Kiss And I Will Surrender
Say I Like You, And We Can Get Out
Promises That We’ll Make
I Don’t Believe In Luck ($)
Let’s Get These Teen Hearts Beating. Faster, Faster
Back To The Street Where We Began
I’ve Got An Uncommon Love ($) (@) (!)
Sometimes We Take Chances
Bruises On Your Thighs
Imaginary Wedding Gown (&)
Tell Me I’m A Bad Man ($)
Can’t Help Falling In Love
^Part 2
Up Against The Picket Fence
Stressed Out
Kiss And Tell
All My Feelings Exposed (^)
Let Me See Your Moves
You Can Have My Heart
Summer Time (^)
My Heart Is Yours (%)
Something My Soul Needs (^)
They Say Quitters Never Win
No Pairing:
Takes One To Know One
Untitled (Submission)
Not Another Boy Band (Genderfluid!Gee)
Hesitantly Me (Reader is Gee’s sister)
Lost Boys (mcr are fucked up and homeless, reader helps them) (#)
Panic! At The Disco:
I’d Do It All Again. I Think You’re My Best Friend
Milkshake Smiles (%)
^Part 2
I Just See The Sky
Girl, I’m Just Impressed With Your Face (Artist!Ryan)
Where Can I Go When I Want You Around (Prince!Ryan)
Nearly Witches
Another Observation (Agender!Ryan)
It’s Nice To Think You Are Always Wanted
Shh…It’s A Secret
You Rattle My Bones
She Had The World ($) (!)
^Part 2 ($) (!)
Film The World Before It Happens (!)
Free Form Poem (RyanxReaderxJon) (Submission)
Bear Bottles and Gun Shots
Beach Trip
You’re My Dream
Chocolate Kisses
Game Over
Nothing To Write Home About (%) (!)
5 Seconds Of Sam (%)
Mad At Nothing (!)
Sleep, Love
Let’s Just Pretend
Midday Naps (%) (Kellin Quinn Imagine)
Emo? Emo. (%) (Dan Howell Imagine)
Young Love As Sweet As Can Be (%) (Dan x Reader x Phil)
More Than You Bargained For (Dan x Reader x Phil)
Zero To Hero (Tyler Oakley Imagine)
Magic In The Midnight Sun (Brandon Flowers Imagine)
You Stole My Head (Dallon Weekes Imagine)
Hey, Baby I’m Not Your Superhuman (Except That I Am) (Spiderman Imagine)
Screaming Daydreams (Submission (Poem, no ship)
I’m Trying My Best (Submission, William Beckett x Reader)
171 notes · View notes
Ballon For Life, Dude. (Dallon Weekes x Reader)
For: @fandom_queen_4life (on Wattpad)
Request: I have a request!! You’re one of the best oneshot writers I’ve seen in forever, so, it would mean a lot if you did this.
Ok, so, it would also be a Dallon x Reader (I’m a little addicted to iDK How currently). So, the scenery might be a bit angsty, and so, I apologize in advance. So, the reader is just chilling with Zack while they waited for the boys to change. But, then they heard arguing. Because Dallon wanted to leave, and Brendon was kinda pleading for his best friend not to. It escalated quickly, and Zack had to break the two up. So, Brallon was done. Dallon actually had a nervous breakdown at home, where the reader was with him and kinda told him that it was gonna be alright and that she was sure that Brendon didn’t hate him. Then, timeskip to when iDKHow formed. When they released 1981 EP, Brendon helped promote it (like the instagram post) and went to Dallon’s to try and make amends. Then, it could end in like, something cute or something-
I dunno, it’s probably a bad scenario, but, it would mean a lot to me nonetheless- Thanks for reading, cause you easily didn’t have to ;)
Note: It hurt my heart just reading this prompt, and then writing it was pure heartbreak because I miss Brallon so damn much. Also, this is more a Brallon oneshot than a (Dallon x Reader).
Warning: A. N. G. S. T.
It was normal for there to be noise wherever the Panic! boys were. But said noise was usually a combination of laughter, singing and playful banter – not aggravated yelling. That’s why when the angered words of Brendon and Dallon ricocheted off of the walls all through the hallway of one of the concert venues, you and Zack immediately ended your own conversation and hurried to the room three doors over.
When you reached the dressing room door, you managed to duck down just in time to avoid getting hit in the face by a water bottle, courtesy of Brendon.
“I can’t fucking believe this!” the singer laughed bitterly, focusing his steely gaze on Dallon, “You’re a fucking asshole, you know that?”
Your husband scoffed and leaned down a bit. “Really? I’m an asshole? You’re the one who’s too fucking arrogant and self-centred to even let me speak!”
“You’ve already said what you wanted to say, didn’t you?” Brendon shrugged in a mock show of nonchalance, throwing his hands out and arching his brows. “You wanna leave. You’re leaving. Like a fucking traitor.”
You noticed Dallon’s hands twitch slightly. He swallowed hard and when he spoke, his voice had an eerily calm tone to it. It was unsettling.
“I’m a traitor for wanting to try and actually make a name for myself instead of playing second fiddle to you?”
It was Dallon’s turn to laugh now, except his was a real one, because Brendon’s selfishness had left no room for anything other than amusement.
“Wait, I forgot…” Dallon lazily pointed a finger at himself, “I’m supposed to see you as my saviour, right? I should be falling to my knees and worshipping the ground you walk on because you felt charitable enough to allow me to be in your fucking band. And not as a real member, oh no – I would only be awarded the title of ‘touring member’.”
“Fuck you,” Brendon spat, eyes wild as he took a few steps towards the taller human, too pissed off to even think straight, “I gave you countless opportunities to become a full-time member – you’re the one who rejected all of them! And hell yeah you should be thankful to me; I gave you a chance when no one else would, you prick!”
The singer reached out to shove his friend, but Dallon hit his hands away.
“That’s exactly my point, Brendon! I didn’t want to be a full-time member of the band! I wanted to be the lead singer of my own one. That’s all I’ve ever wanted and now I finally have the chance to do that. As my boss, I understand why you’re pissed. I do, I get that. Me leaving is gonna cause one hell of a nightmare.” Dallon’s features softened and the anger drained from his eyes as he slumped his shoulders and looked at Brendon imploringly. “But as my friend…fuck, dude, I thought you’d get it. I thought you’d be happy for me.”
“How the hell can I be happy about the fact that you’re fucking walking out on me?”
Brendon was borderline incensed at this point. He knew that he was offside, and he knew that he was being unforgivingly selfish, but he had been through this exact thing too many times before and every time it happened, it reopened that wound from 2009, and he was left being infected with the same pain over and over again.
His anger was really just a desperate attempt to prevent his best friend from leaving him – just like all the others did – and he prayed that Dallon would read between the lines.
Unfortunately, Dallon was too far-gone to even think of it.
“Why is me leaving to start my own career suddenly such a big taboo, huh?” Dallon huffed impatiently, running his tongue over his teeth. “The others-“
“Exactly my fucking point!” Brendon growled, pulling at his hair frustratedly before jabbing a finger in Dallon’s chest, his breathing growing ragged. “Ryan, Jon, Spencer – they all fucking left me! You-you’re all I have left, damn it!”
Brendon had grabbed hold of Dallon by the front collar of his suit jacket, catching the taller man by surprise. Before the bassist could react, you and Zack rushed forward and separated them.
Zack pulled Brendon back and dragged him to the other side of the room, speaking softly and trying to calm him down while you began leading Dallon out of the room.
“Yeah,” Brendon shouted after the two of you, voice cracking from the strain of all of the emotion, as he struggled against Zack’s vice grip, “yeah, that’s right. Leave! Fucking leave just like the rest of them!”
You’d known Dallon for ten years, and you’d been married to him for five out of those ten, but you had never seen him more broken than the night of his and Brendon’s argument.
The moment the two of you crossed the threshold into your home, your husband broke down. He collapsed into your arms almost instantaneously, sobbing into your shoulder and trying but failing to stop the tremor that was wrecking his body.
All you could do was hold him and comfort him as best you could, shushing him and rubbing up and down his back the way you always did when he was feeling troublesome. Tonight, though, you didn’t seem to be enough, because a half hour later, his sobs were yet to subside.
“Shh, honey,” you tried again, pulling him closer into your embrace and pressing your lips to his head.
“He hates me,” Dallon finally managed to choke out. The clear devastation and heartbreak in his voice broke your heart. “He fucking hates me, (Y/N).”
“Baby, he doesn’t-“
“I didn’t wanna lose him, (Y/N). I-I didn’t. That was the last thing I ever wanted.”
“I know. Hey,” you mumbled, pulling back a little so that you could wipe away the tears free-falling down his angelic face, which was now blotched from all the crying, “He doesn’t hate you, okay? I promise you that. You guys’ll be okay. You’ll be okay.”
Your promise was seemingly failing to ring true, however. Because almost a year after Dallon officially departed from Panic!, he and Brendon were yet to have a proper reconciliation.
The few times they were forced to interact were during meetings with the label or management team, and they were civil – not more than that. You could see it eating away at Dallon, tearing him apart from the inside, but he never brought it up, so you refrained from asking about it for fear of causing an argument.
The fans were understandably shattered over the news of the bassist’s departure, but for the most part they were nothing but supportive and loving, something which you were incredibly thankful for; Dallon needed it now more than ever.
The two men were not the only ones feeling the effects of the rift between them; it was affecting you greatly. Besides the fact that Dallon was your husband and his pain was your pain and all of that, you too were suffering from Brendon-withdrawal symptoms.
You and him had formed a close bond over the years, and you loved him like a brother. So you too were beginning to become increasingly miserable at the lack of Brendon in your life.
That’s why when you saw the post made by the Panic! accounts on Twitter and Instagram, you were understandably ecstatic. You shot up straight on the couch as your eyes took in the picture, and the booming sound of Dallon running down the stairs told you that he had seen it, too.
“(Y/N)!” he wheezed breathlessly, skidding to a halt at the end of the couch.
You nodded briskly, eyes still glued to the screen. “I know.”
Before either of you could say anything more, the doorbell rang.
“You get it,” Dallon waved it off, rushing over to the armchair, “I need to- need to reply to this or… something.”
You did as he said and went to answer the door, eyes widening once you saw who your guest was.
“Uh… Dall?”
“I can’t come to the door, (Y/N)!” he insisted urgently, gnawing on his bottom lip as he hovered his fingers over his cell, “I have to message Brendon! Shit, what do I say? Maybe I should just call him. Should I? Should I call him?”
“I… don’t think that will be necessary,” you half-smiled, ushering Brendon inside.
Dallon turned to you with a frown, mouth open as he prepared to argue with you. His words caught in his throat when he saw Brendon standing next to you.
The musicians stared at each other for a little while, while you stood to the side with an expectant look on your face. You were about to yell at them to communicate, damn it, when both of them started rushing towards each other.
You gasped and reached forward, preparing to pull them apart but recoiled in a mixture of surprise and elatedness as they threw their arms around each other in a massive hug.
“I’m so sorry,” Brendon apologised.
“Me too,” Dallon agreed.
They pulled apart and shared a laugh. Dallon lightly punched Brendon in his shoulder. “I missed you, dude,” he admitted.
“Yeah,” Brendon breathed with a nod. “Look, Dall, I acted like a complete dick. There’s no excuse for my behaviour. I was just- I was scared, alright? After everything that’s happened, I couldn’t handle the thought of not having you around. I mean, you’ve been a part of Panic! for longer than any of the other original members have; you’ve been my road-wife for the better part of a decade.” He blinked back tears. “Hey, I’m really happy for you; you’re one of the most talented motherfuckers I’ve ever met, and I’m super hyped that you’ll finally get to live your dream. The only reason I lashed out was ‘cause I’m gonna miss you a fuck ton.”
“Dude,” Dallon replied softly, breathing out too, “I’m gonna miss you, too. You think leaving was fun for me? ‘Cause it most definitely wasn’t – especially with the way it went down. And I’m sorry, too, for what I said – I really am grateful for what you did for me; that shit was unreal, and I’ll forever be thankful for that. But yeah, man, I’m just stoked to get working on my own shit. It’s been a long time coming.”
Brendon nodded in understanding and closed his eyes for a second. When he reopened them, he smiled at Dallon and opened his arms, cocking an eyebrow.
“As long as we can reinstate our monthly laser tag dates from here on out, I’m good. We good?”
Dallon laughed and gave an eager nod. “Brallon for life, dude.”
Thank you for reading x
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wilderat · 2 years
i'm glad ur having so much fun answering, i'm having a lot of fun asking! ok so it doesn't seem like i'm just squeezing you for cool media, how about this: what's your favorite memory of each month this past year? as in from this time last year to now so we get 12 answers this time instead of 5 >:)
my sense of like. time passing and also my memory are both so bad i had to just like scroll through my phone camera roll and try to figure out things from this past year . but without further ado
april 2022: maybe cheating bc it was the last day of the month but the car seat headrest show!!! so much fun i love that band and it was my first concert in a hot minute. thank u gay furries.
march 2022: there was one day i just got on the bus and went down to the dog beach and sat there watching the dogs and the sunset :) there was a lesbian couple set up near me and i watched one of them comb their terrier's lil beard and i honest to god teared up about it lol
february 2022: i can't remember much from this month i think i was playing a lot of pathfinder wrath of the righteous. and watching the winter olympics. that was good i love getting REALLY into men's figure skating every four years it's like the one time my mom and i have a common interest
january 2022: i spent all of january in a haze of succession-posting.
december 2021: i spent all of december in a haze playing animal crossing.
november 2021: saw idkhow AND ricky montgomery live this month!!! both some of my favorite artists and both put on wonderful shows, dallon weekes in particular is an INCREDIBLE performer and a stunningly charismatic frontman. also got to hang out with a friend from twitter at idkhow (hi lu!)
october 2021: another two shows this month, fall was really the season for me going to concerts lmao. badflower and the front bottoms - i am embarrassed to admit how hard i went for tfb but not at all embarrassed to say the same for badflower. those guys rock HARD dude!!!!
september 2021: this was the month i spent on a roadtrip with my (now) roommate up the west coast!!!! it was the most fun i've had possibly ever - we spent about three weeks making our way up to seattle, sleeping in a dinky lil pt cruiser, visiting national parks, visiting my roommate's gamer friends, visiting my old haunts from when i briefly lived in washington for two years in fifth grade, etc. etc. such a great experience and i'm so glad i got to have it.
august 2021: saw the used and coheed and cambria with my sister-in-law! i love the used and coheed is one of my sister-in-law's absolute favorite bands so this co-headlining tour was, like, specifically made for us lmao. bert mccracken's still got it. also, roommate and i took a sort of proto-roadtrip for like three nights loitering around san diego as a rehearsal of sorts for the full-send trip. saw some beach, some sea lions, lots of canned soup.
july 2021: my birthday :) had a small handful of friends over, fucked around in the pool, had some cake. nothing crazy but still good fun
june 2021: went to "emo prom" at an emo coffee shop and won prom king by pure chance (like, it was a "guess the number i'm thinking of and whichever of you is closest wins" thing. i guessed 69. as a joke). i am THE inaugural emo prom king now and forever <3
may 2021: you know, i really don't know. i think i did nothing this entire month. i do not remember a thing. sad! oh well, there's other months.
march 2022: there was one day i just got on the bus and went down to the dog beach and sat there watching the dogs and the sunset :) there was a lesbian couple set up near me and i watched one of them comb their terrier's lil beard and i honest to god teared up about it lol
february 2022: i can't remember much from this month i think i was playing a lot of pathfinder wrath of the righteous. and watching the winter olympics. that was good i love getting REALLY into men's figure skating every four years it's like the one time my mom and i have a common interest
january 2022: i spent all of january in a haze of succession-posting.
december 2021: i spent all of december in a haze playing animal crossing.
november 2021: saw idkhow AND ricky montgomery live this month!!! both some of my favorite artists and both put on wonderful shows, dallon weekes in particular is an INCREDIBLE performer and a stunningly charismatic frontman. also got to hang out with a friend from twitter at idkhow (hi lu!)
october 2021: another two shows this month, fall was really the season for me going to concerts lmao. badflower and the front bottoms - i am embarrassed to admit how hard i went for tfb but not at all embarrassed to say the same for badflower. those guys rock HARD dude!!!!
september 2021: this was the month i spent on a roadtrip with my (now) roommate up the west coast!!!! it was the most fun i've had possibly ever - we spent about three weeks making our way up to seattle, sleeping in a dinky lil pt cruiser, visiting national parks, visiting my roommate's gamer friends, visiting my old haunts from when i briefly lived in washington for two years in fifth grade, etc. etc. such a great experience and i'm so glad i got to have it.
august 2021: saw the used and coheed and cambria with my sister-in-law! i love the used and coheed is one of my sister-in-law's absolute favorite bands so this co-headlining tour was, like, specifically made for us lmao. bert mccracken's still got it. also, roommate and i took a sort of proto-roadtrip for like three nights loitering around san diego as a rehearsal of sorts for the full-send trip. saw some beach, some sea lions, lots of canned soup.
july 2021: my birthday :) had a small handful of friends over, fucked around in the pool, had some cake. nothing crazy but still good fun
june 2021: went to "emo prom" at an emo coffee shop and won prom king by pure chance (like, it was a "guess the number i'm thinking of and whichever of you is closest wins" thing. i guessed 69. as a joke). i am THE inaugural emo prom king now and forever <3
july 2021: my birthday :) had a small handful of friends over, fucked around in the pool, had some cake. nothing crazy but still good fun
august 2021: saw the used and coheed and cambria with my sister-in-law! i love the used and coheed is one of my sister-in-law's absolute favorite bands so this co-headlining tour was, like, specifically made for us lmao. bert mccracken's still got it. also, roommate and i took a sort of proto-roadtrip for like three nights loitering around san diego as a rehearsal of sorts for the full-send trip. saw some beach, some sea lions, lots of canned soup.
september 2021: this was the month i spent on a roadtrip with my (now) roommate up the west coast!!!! it was the most fun i've had possibly ever - we spent about three weeks making our way up to seattle, sleeping in a dinky lil pt cruiser, visiting national parks, visiting my roommate's gamer friends, visiting my old haunts from when i briefly lived in washington for two years in fifth grade, etc. etc. such a great experience and i'm so glad i got to have it.
october 2021: another two shows this month, fall was really the season for me going to concerts lmao. badflower and the front bottoms - i am embarrassed to admit how hard i went for tfb but not at all embarrassed to say the same for badflower. those guys rock HARD dude!!!!
november 2021: saw idkhow AND ricky montgomery live this month!!! both some of my favorite artists and both put on wonderful shows, dallon weekes in particular is an INCREDIBLE performer and a stunningly charismatic frontman. also got to hang out with a friend from twitter at idkhow (hi lu!)
december 2021: i spent all of december in a haze playing animal crossing.
january 2022: i spent all of january in a haze of succession-posting.
february 2022: i can't remember much from this month i think i was playing a lot of pathfinder wrath of the righteous. and watching the winter olympics. that was good i love getting REALLY into men's figure skating every four years it's like the one time my mom and i have a common interest
march 2022: there was one day i just got on the bus and went down to the dog beach and sat there watching the dogs and the sunset :) there was a lesbian couple set up near me and i watched one of them comb their terrier's lil beard and i honest to god teared up about it lol
april 2022: maybe cheating bc it was the last day of the month but the car seat headrest show!!! so much fun i love that band and it was my first concert in a hot minute. thank u gay furries.
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le-velo-pour-dru · 8 months
okay i’ll ask you the same question then :) fav dallon weekes album!
OHHHHHHH THAT IS A MUCH TOUGHER QUESTION WHEN IT IS BEING ASKED TO ME THAN WHEN I'M THE ONE ASKING IT- 🤭💖 Hmm... I will always and forever love The Brobecks, but. I think my heart lies with Razzmatazz ❤️ I'm not even sure what my reason for that is, it just feels right :) I love you forever and ever Razzmataaaaaaaaazz ^^ 🫶
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lukamoonvibe · 6 years
What A Catch (Rylon)
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Word Count: 569
You die here, then you die there. There is no way out once you enter.
Yeah, sure. Hi, my name is Ryan Ross, I’m twenty-seven and I believe that this new age of electronics will be the end of the human race.
This so called ‘Oasis’ the government speaks of doesn’t exist, it’s not real.
It’s a trap, a mighty swift kick in the arse for anyone who believes they’ll survive.
This whole ‘life’ is a simulation on mass level.
But no one wants to believe me.
Especially not Brendon.
Biggest fucking mistake of my life was trusting that arsehole with my heart.
He tried to persuade me to join him, try find the oasis.
I very, ehem, kindy denied and look where it got me.
Sitting alone, in a hotel room in New York City.
No Phone.
No Laptop.
I smashed the hotel room tv and told my them to put the repairs on my bill.
I haven’t seen or heard from my so called ‘friends’ in three years.
Hope they’re enjoying their virtual reality oasis fucking adventure.
See the government thought, ‘Hey, let’s roll out this full proof plan. Let’s get rid of physical screens, computers, tvs, phones. Stop making them and just give the worlds population VR goggles, for free. Nobody will object because it means they don’t have to leave their house ever. Anything that happens in VR also happens in reality.’
You see, the goggles connect to your brain, so it tricks it into thinking you’ve got all your vitals in check, even if you don’t.
Of course, they didn’t count on G.L.I.T.C.H.
That was what they called the virus that wiped out more than half of the world population two years ago.
But the number one rule of the goggles was once you entered you couldn’t leave.
Of course, I only knew this because I know someone who cheated the system.
You see this person, is the most brilliant and amazing being to walk this earth.
The reason that HE is this is because, this person, brilliant, amazing, talented being.
Of course that’s not his real name.
His real name is Dallon James Weekes, he’s thirty-two and he’s a fucking supervirus.
This man, wiped out half of the world population by simply making the mistake of wanting to join the craze.
Dal can cheat the system, he can simply exit the VR and walk back in the real world.
Of course this has its disadvantages.
You see Dallon fell in love with, get this, Brendon.
Yeah that fucking prick.
Anyway, he’s so madly in love with this arsehole that he thinks I’m crazy when I tell him that Brendon’s not worth his time and that he could do so much better.
But he said the only way I could prove that was if I joined him and then we could live forever in the VR.
Funny really.
The things you’ll do for the one you love.
That was the last time I ever spoke to Dallon, or saw him.
In fact, I am happy.
Because it’s his fault now and he has to live with it forever.
But now I am free from the ‘life’ I was living.
But I was right it wasn’t real to begin with.
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onestowatch · 7 years
First Look + Q&A: I Don’t Know How But They Found Me Travels From The ‘80s To Release Debut Track & Video
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If you could encapsulate an entire film & art collective into an individual person, that would most definitely explain the personality of Dallon Weekes. Imagine if famed film director Quentin Tarantino was a good-looking musician with a great head of hair and magical glitter tears painted on his face—add in a heavy dose of vintage-synth sounds, a unicorn-hair colored drummer, and you’ve got Dallon’s latest project: I Don’t Know How But The Found Me.
If you’ve ever had that friend who references ‘80s movies dialogue, random BBC television crime series and other obscure pop culture facts--then this is the band for you. Just as “I Don’t Know How But They Found Me” may be the best band name you’ve ever heard, you’ll be happy to hear that it comes from the ’80s cult classic film Back to The Future and that essentially everything surrounding the band (imagery, lyrics, etc.) has some sort of ancillary material that you can read up on in between the elusive song release schedule.
You may know Dallon as the long time touring bassist from Panic! At the Disco, and drummer Ryan Seaman is best known from Falling in Reverse, The Bigger Lights, and Weekes’ former band The Brobecks. The long-time friends are taking their next-level project and leaking sonic magic and visuals all over the Internet.
Dallon’s return to center stage comes as more than just music, but more of a concept with a whole backstory. After falling down an accidental virtual rabbit hole with 1980’s cable access talent show videos on YouTube, Dallon knew that his new project only made sense as a band from the early 1980s who appeared on the Superstar Showcase Cable Access TV show and had their tapes and songs go missing for the last thirty years. I Don’t Know How But They Found Me is the best-kept secret living in a time capsule all these years, if albeit by accident.
For the last few months, the band has only released bizarre GIF’s on their Instagram and has had no music released officially, until today. But they’ve leaned into the mysteriousness of it all by playing small shows all over Los Angeles--capturing the attention of fans wondering just what the f*** is actually going on. The lucky ones who have managed to catch them live have kept the rumors flying. The duo are charismatic and theatrical and everything you hoped for from a band with a matching theatrical name.
With their first release, “Modern Day Cain,” those strange Superstar Showcase GIFs suddenly make sense--as the band appears as a musical guest on the show, complete with a random grandma on the organ. Take a look at the video here, and then get the firsthand account Dallon in our Q&A below.
OTW: How did this whole thing start? How did you and Ryan meet initially, because he's obviously in a different band, and you were on tour with Panic. How did it happen?
Dallon: Ryan and I have known each other for like 10 years. He used to play drums with Brobecks for a while, which was my band that I did before Panic. I've been wanting to make a record on the side for a while, and he was always in a similar situation--being a hired musician, playing for another band, so it made sense. I brought him in to play some drums on the record that I was making. It had been a while since we had hung out. I was telling him about what I was wanting to do with this project, and he was really interested, and wanted to be a part of it.
OTW: Where did the band name come from?
Dallon: It comes from the movie Back to the Future, when the Libyan Nationalists find Doc Brown in the parking lot at the Twin Pines Mall. I've always just really liked that--not just that part in the movie, but that phrase. “I don't know how, but they found me”--I just always liked the sound of it. It always implied that there was another story behind that sentence. It's not part of the movie; you had to create it for yourself. Maybe that's the writer in me, trying to make sense of people being vague.
OTW: Everything has been super secret so far, with the exception of a few LA shows. Why so secretive?
Dallon: Having this whole thing be a big secret was really a fun way for us to get it started. We didn't want it to be a secret forever, as fun as it was. I think anyone who's creative, who makes a project, or some kind of art--they want that thing to be as successful as possible, and that's the case with us. We will try to think of some stuff to keep people on the lookout. It's been working for us--having things that people need to discover on their own. I hope that that's always a part of what we do.
OTW: Let's talk about the video for “Modern Day Cain”, how did you come up with the concept of the band appearing on a weird cable access show?
Dallon: While I was in the middle of making the record, I was up late one night and I fell into this weird YouTube vortex of these old cable access talent shows from like thirty-something years ago. It was so bizarre to see this parade of people--like each of them were so sure that this cable access show was their big shot and that they were going to be a star. I was fascinated by it. I immediately fell in love with it, and I wanted to be on this show so bad, but obviously that’s not really possible. The whole idea of IDK being an act from thirty something years ago, who was on this show, and got that chance--that's where it started.
OTW: So your live shows, you play bass, Ryan plays drums. That’s kind of an obscure thing to do live as a duo.
Dallon: We use backing tracks when we play live, which is a pretty common thing now. It wasn't so much ten years ago. I think it used to have a really weird stigma attached to it. If you were a band, and you were using tracks, people would really look down on that. I think over the last decade, it's become more commonplace, more acceptable. When we went into this, we wanted to make sure first and foremost that it was something that was going to be fun for us, but also something that would be simple and inexpensive, so keeping it a two-piece made sense to do for those reasons. I make all those tracks on my own at home--they're taken from the record.
OTW: How does the songwriting process work? Do you guys play other things when you're writing?
Dallon: I'm not a great guitar player, but I do play a little bit. It was the first instrument I ever learned. I think the only thing that I don't really dabble in is drums. I wouldn't call myself an amazing musician, but I do dabble in just about everything.
OTW: “Modern Day Cain” —the song itself— Is there a concept behind the song? What do the lyrics mean to you?
Dallon: It was inspired by a TV show on BBC called Broadchurch. Particularly the priest character, who is played by Arthur Darvill. I really got into that show. I still love it--I have a soft spot for BBC shows in general. When I was in the middle of writing this new idea I had, I was really inspired by that character and his part in the series.
OTW: I feel like there's ancillary material, like assignments that we need to be given to read and watch before we listen to IDK. What are you inspired by?
Dallon: When it comes to drawing inspiration, there are bands and artists that I love that I don't necessarily ever want to sound like or that don't necessarily trigger me to write something new. I think inspirations are more subliminal, they can come from anywhere. They can come from things like a TV show or a movie, or a commercial you heard when you were a kid. They come from everywhere, because that stuff is all around you. All of these exterior things are going to influence you somehow--whether you know it or not.
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OTW: What do you hope happens when somebody hears the song or sees the video? What do you hope happens for them?
Dallon: I hope that when people come across it or discover it, that it strikes a chord--that it means something. Anytime that I create art, it has to mean something to me first. It's always my hope that I won't be the only one that cares about this thing. When I put it out into the world, I hope someone else will care about it--maybe not in the same way that I do, but it will carry some kind of meaning for them.
OTW: What is your relationship with Panic! At the Disco at this point?
Dallon: Brendon [Urie]'s my friend--he and Spencer Smith changed my life. I owe a lot to both of those guys. Brendon has been generous enough to keep me around for eight years, and still have me play bass for Panic when they go on the road. It's an amazing job, and I love being part of it.
OTW: So let's say it's five years from now--what do you think you would want the project to be like then?
Dallon: Oh man, “what if’s” are always a little dodgy. I just want this project to be as successful as it can be. If we're making art that resonates with people or not--I hope that we are--but that's what I see this whole experience as: an exercise in making the best art that I can make and hope that it connects with people.
OTW: When you first got up on stage to play the first show ever, and no one had heard anything, was that nerve wracking?
Dallon: To be away from center stage for a long time--I sort of had to figure out how to do it again. The last time I did it was in Brobecks, maybe like six or seven years ago. It's also one of the many reasons why we wanted to start playing around LA secretly, to find those roles again and figure out how to do this thing. We knew if we going the standard route of a press release and a big announcement: "Hey come look at us,”--that there would already be a built in fan base, ready to come see. We didn't want to exploit that. We didn't want to take advantage of fans that way. We wanted to find out our roles again and how to do this thing first and the best way to do that was to start playing secretly.
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OTW: After you played your first song live, and people seemed to like it, did that ease your mind?
Dallon: It eases your mind, it makes you feel 10 feet tall, like you're on top of the world. That was another one of the reasons that we wanted to play live shows secretly. LA crowds are notoriously unimpressed with people. It's an entertainment town, so they've seen it all, and they see it all on a really regular basis. To catch the attention of an LA crowd is a challenging thing to do. We wanted to take that challenge head on. We wanted to play for a room full of strangers that didn't know who we were, didn't care, and weren't there to see us and see if we could get their attention.
OTW: What's the story with sticking your pick on your forehead? You do it in the video and you do it on stage.
Dallon: I've just done it for years. As a musician, you go through picks like they’re nothing. They just sort of tend to disappear on you, and fly away. I guess the habit started when I was in The Brobecks. It was a really, DIY project, really low budgets, and picks were a hot commodity. They're probably your most common expense. Rather than dispose of one, anytime that I had to switch from picking to playing with fingers, I would just stick it to my forehead so that I didn't have to lose that pick and have to buy another one later. Pretty much everything I do, was born out of being a necessity somehow.
OTW: What about the glitter tears? How is that a necessity?
Dallon: Oh, that is definitely a necessity right now. I wanted to do something that made me look and feel different from how I am on stage with Panic or Brobecks. I wanted everything to be new--to feel new on stage. That's not something I've ever done before, so I thought I would give it a try. It helps to put me in the zone of playing an IDK show.
OTW: What’s next for IDKHBTFM? Is there a plan or are you just going to see what happens?
Dallon: There is a plan, but we're playing everything close to the chest right now, because we're still a DIY operation. We're trying to figure out the best way to put a record out. There is a whole bunch of stuff, that we want to put out and release into the world. It's just a matter of finding the right way to do it and the matter of timing too. Nowadays, you don't necessarily need a record label to put music out, you know you can do it from your kitchen table or anybody, anywhere, with a laptop and a microphone can make a record and put it out. That's pretty awesome I think. We want to put our stuff out on a scale that's as large as we can.
For More on I Don’t Know How But They Found Me:
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/idkhow/
Web | https://www.idkhow.com/
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
Ivy - Chapter 4
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Chapter 3
(YN) took every chance she could to sneak off and be with Mikey. She would go to the bookstore, like usual, during the day, and he would meet her in a clearing in the dense woods that surrounded the castle when the shop was closed. Christine had been dutifully covering the Princess’ tracks when she was out, and when (YN) couldn’t leave the castle, Frank was carrying messages between the couple.
She had been spending so much time with Mikey that she had completely forgotten she was due to be going to Arboria for a ball celebrating her and Dallon’s engagement until she woke up one morning to find Christine packing a trunk.
“What are you doing?” (YN) mumbled sleepily as she stirred.
“Your Highness, you’re going to visit Dallon’s kingdom for a week, have you forgotten?”
(YN) groaned, burying her face against her pillow. “Yes. And I didn’t get a chance to tell Mikey that I’ll be gone.”
“Would you like me to have Frank deliver a message before he has to prepare the carriage?”
“Yes please,” (YN) said, throwing off her blankets and rushing to her desk to prepare a letter. “Speaking of, how are things with you and Frank? Is it love?”
“Your Highness!” Christine blushed, but a smile crept across her face. (YN) laughed a little as she started her letter.
Dearest, I am so sorry that I have forgotten an obligation and will be gone for a week. Please know I do not wish to go on this trip, but sadly it is my duty as part of my station in this kingdom. I will miss you greatly and you will be on my mind the whole time. Yours, (YN)
She sealed the letter with wax and handed it to Christine to have Frank deliver. Once she was alone in her room, she ran her hands over the gown she’d wear to the ball and imagined what Mikey would look like dressed in formal attire, accompanying her to a ball. Her hand in his, his other hand on her waist, twirling around the dancefloor, not keeping their feelings a closely guarded secret any longer.
She sighed as she sank back on her bed. If only it wasn’t just a far away fantasy.
A while later, (YN) was in the carriage as it drew through Ravenswood on the way to Arboria. She leaned forward so she could see out the window and watch the now familiar streets pass by. As they passed her beloved bookstore, she spotted Mikey leaning against the doorframe watching the procession. She gave him a small wave and he returned it with a sad smile and a nod before turning back into the store.
(YN) sat back and blinked away the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks and hoped her parents would not notice. She felt like she was betraying Mikey by going to Arboria, but she had any choice in the matter. She wondered how it would be possible to pretend to be happy for a week when she was already absolutely miserable.
Hours later they arrived in Arboria to great fanfare. (YN) felt the same nerves as when she first met Dallon, but this time it was worse since she did not have the comfort of being in her own home and she knew what the expectations of her were. Dallon and his father greeted them and brought them inside. The building and the grounds it sat upon were beautiful, but it felt so alien to be there.
"Would you like to see more of your soon-to-be kingdom?" Dallon offered once they’d finished their tour of the castle.
"Certainly," she smiled wearily. Her body was aching from sitting so long in the carriage earlier in the day, but she knew she must be a good guest. 
"I was inspired by you on your visit, I started learning more about my kingdom,” she said with a bit of pride once they were on their way.
"Oh really?"
(YN) nodded. "I learned there are many skilled tradesmen in my town. Wonderful gardeners who grow beautiful flowers and sustenance, bakers who make the most delicious treats, it's lovely. Do you have a bookstore?"
"I believe we do-"
"My town has the most wonderful bookstore! They bind the books themselves, most with the finest leather bindings that they can craft, and the smell is divine! And the nicest young man works there," she said, practically swooning.
Dallon let out a chuckle. "Well I'm sure you'll become just as enamoured with the books made here."
"I wonder if we could have them delivered from Ravenwood," (YN) said mostly to herself as she gazed out the window. 
"I suppose we could," Dallon answered.
(YN) glanced back at Dallon and tried to hide the excitement she was feeling. If she could have Mikey visit under the guise of delivering books, it wouldn't be perfect, but it would be better than never seeing him again.
As they continued their tour, (YN) did have to admit that spending time with Dallon wasn't terrible. She felt like they could get along well as friends, but she just didn’t find herself attracted to him romantically. Every little thing he did she compared back to Mikey; from how her hand fit in his, or how his lips felt as they grazed her cheek, or the way he looked at her. It wasn’t empty, maybe it was a look of pity, she couldn’t be sure, but the affection just wasn’t the same.
The week dragged on for what felt like forever, but finally it was the last evening of the trip, and the ball was about to begin. (YN) donned her favorite blue gown, steeled up her nerves, and descended the grand staircase into the ballroom.
“Presenting, Princess (YN) of Ravenwood,” the butler announced and the crowd turned to watch. At the bottom of the stairs, Dallon waited for her and she had to admit he did look handsome.
“Are you alright?” He leaned in and asked softly as she took his hand.
“Mmhmm,” she nodded, but she wasn’t. The event made everything feel real and official, soon she’d be here forever and the thought overwhelmed her completely. She didn’t want this, she wanted to be with Mikey.
But she did not have time to dwell on her feelings, as they immediately began greeting the guests. Names and faces blurred together in a flurry of curtsies and bows and well wishes.
After the initial rush of people, she found herself sitting on a couch, away from the crowd next to Dallon, finally finding a moment of quiet.
“I believe I’ve greeted enough people for the rest of the year,” Dallon sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Then we better push back the wedding date,” (YN) suggested, only partially joking.
Dallon laughed. “Maybe so,” he said, settling back and draping his arm over her shoulders. (YN) glanced over at him and he smiled back wearily. That’s when (YN) noticed a young woman watching them across the room that hadn't come over to greet them. The look of utter sadness on her face was heartbreaking.
"Dallon, who is that over there?" (YN) asked.
Dallon looked over and the smile faded from his face and he sighed. "That is Lady Leigh and she is one of the most wonderful, beautiful, caring people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing."
(YN) felt like she had the air knocked out of her. Dallon loved this poor girl who never stood a chance, and now she was being forced to see the man she clearly loved in return be flaunted and celebrated with another woman, someone who didn't, and could never, love him like she did. She realized it was probably how Mikey felt when he watched her leave town almost a week ago, and that made it all the worse.
She reached over and gave his hand a squeeze. "I'm so sorry," (YN) whispered.
Dallon nodded. "It’s not your fault. It is simply our duty."
Chapter 5
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diataragmenos · 7 years
friendly callout post to a lot of cool people
mostly friends but also cool youtube/twitch community folx, kinda a follow-forever but not really??? i feel sappy anyway let’s do this
hey @avidaddy i love talking with you about random shit and you being my mom friend and thigh touchin buddy and fellow odonovan-support mod and everything. you’re the best and getting to know you has been such a wonderful feeling. i love reading your posts about fall out boy and mkdm and grump things and twrp things and dallon weekes (even tho i have no clue who he is) and everything else and just going through your blog.
hey @spaceraytrash thanks for putting up with my bullshit for the last few years, i dunno how i’d get by without you. i don’t thank you enough. you’re also a great fucking mom friend and i can’t forget about all the times you helped me crawl out of dangerous headspaces so many times. it’s strange how we met through amber but man i dunno where i’d be emotionally and mentally without you.
hey @kannibalizmus you’re so so fucking important to me. you’re an awesome friend and you do a lot of great shit, you got this man. be in love with rafe adler and nathan break and all of them fictional boys. they all good. you are the dad friend and i appreciate you a lot. you fucking go man. it’s crazy to think (at least for me) that i was simply a fan of your work and i thought you were amazing. you still are. if you ever feel like no one cares about you or think you’re a worthwhile person i do. i always feel like you are.
hey @ranchman thanks for being my friend through all the the years, sometimes its weird to think that we’ve known each other for so long i sometimes forget we knew each other irl. thanks for being super supportive and i wouldn’t know what i’d do without our friendship. you’re the cool gay/bi friend and you rock that fuckin binder man. you go do the art and go to pride and be a fucking awesome person.
hey @godclear you’re an amazing person and fellow mod. thanks for letting me be a mod on darkmlm-suggestion. thank you for helping me make sense of my median system and kin/id stuff. you mean a lot to me too and i hope whatever good or bad things/feelings that go on in your life that you have people (and your kitties) with you to help you through thick and thin. you’re a great friend. (sorry about not making any posts recently, life’s being a little busy and dumb)
hey @tomokotrainer i know we don’t talk much but damn thank you for being there. just on my dash. you’re a wonderful person and thank you for being a friend. thanks for sending me those good feelings when i felt like shit about the us election. thanks for drawing me that one time, it’s super sweet and i still love it and think about it a lot.
hey @guy-kai thanks again for those kind words on that shitokayimgay post a while back. i know we don’t talk much either but god i hope you’re doing great. you’re a cool as fuck friend too. i don’t have much to say but man, you’re fucking cool.
hey @eshapples you’re cool as all hell, like honestly thanks for making me feel welcome to the chiliofdestiny community. you’re an amazing person and artist and i hope you and mitch are doing well. definitely you, kit, zappy, core, forout, ikke, retro, @leafpad, @annesqf, @ikarimonster, @thehumansentry, and everyone else made the codfam feel open and welcome and you’re all cool as shit. but especially you eshap. also those old codiscord videos will always be classics i go back to when i need a laugh.
hey @23-v you are cool as shit. you introduced me to amber if i remember correctly and thanks for making me feel welcome into your little circle of birbcorps. you’re an amazing artist and i love your species and mtt dergs. thank you for introducing me to fr (even though i’m basically dead there now, it was definitely fun). you, pup, shade, ethan, wash, bloodi, quail, kazul, @alxias-ch, @silly-skdaffle, @alyaludi. all of you. (i can’t remember who has tumblr and who doesn’t)
hey @paxtongrump, @zombieslayerswagg, @burtersnerch, @ross-o-rossism, @scoutnerd, @keenveins, @ghostigoo, @time-for-a-nap (and @avidaddy again) thank y’all for making me feel welcome in the grumps community honestly, i don’t talk to most of y’all but just following me makes me feel appreciated, even though i rarely ever post my own stuff of the grumps.thank you for letting me exist among you and appreciating these grumpy game friends. also thanks cassie for lowkey making stout train 2017 a glorious thing that exists; thanks for being jack walsh’s mom.
hey @ro-sea, @ooshimadeafunny, @skellyscoo, @ughmarkiplier, @lum1natrix, @mamataco, and all the big markiplier/jacksepticeye blogs out there, thank you for making these communities feel welcoming and loving. i know i don’t post much of my own stuff about them but thank you for letting me exist among y’all.
hey @dawn-of-the-third-nate, @natewantstotumbler, @the-weaver-of-worlds thank you guys for also making me feel welcome in appreciating nate. i know we don’t talk either but just following you guys gives me that warm fuzzy feeling i get from the markiplier, jacksepticeye, and game grumps communities. thanks for letting me exist among you.
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dork-with-a-uke · 7 years
for the question post: 1-15, 30-40, 65-end
holy shit uh okay why do u troll me like this
1. Are looks important in a relationship?
i think they’re fairly important in the beginning, ygm? but after you get to know the person it matters less and less
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
you tell me, man. i don’t know. 
3. Are you a virgin?
4. Are you in a relationship?
i’m pretty single mydude
5. Are you in love?
6. Are you single this year?
i am single all the years ok
7. Can you commit to one person?
i think i would be able to, yeah. 
8. Describe your crush
cannot describe something that is not woop
i mean this guy in my class is pretty cute n people ship us but i,..,. yk. we’ve barely ever spoken (is prom the opportunity? tune in in twelve hours to know!) 
9. Describe your perfect mate
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
nah. love is something you work towards. 
11. Do you ever want to get married?
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
as in, cheating? fuck no. you dont cheat by accident.
13. Do you get jealous easily?
14. Do you have a crush on anyone?
apart from maybe-that guy i talked about earlier but nah
15. Do you have any piercings?
got both my ears pierced but like,…,the normal places
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
i’ve never considered plastic surgery and honestly idfk what i’d change
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
oh yes. definitely.
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
how did u know
33. Have you ever had sex with a man?
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
still nope
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
yes. every person i’ve kissed was older than me
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
don’t think so?
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
sdfkj yes
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
absolutely. it’s kinda weird.
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
if u mean like…….brendon urie, then yes
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
no. i have, however, written stuff about someone. 
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?
i ,..,,. uh.  im not sure how to answer this
66. What is your favourite roleplay?
you know im starting to think i might be too inexperienced to have reblogged this shit
67. What is your idea of the perfect date?
a nice cafe and then a walk? or like, movie night. 
68. What is your sexual orientation?
im figuring it out? but possibly bi 
69. What turns you off?
bad.,.,,. mouth hygiene? 
70. What turns you on?
lmao notsorry
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?
strangely i do not have those dreams 
72. What words do you like to hear during sex?
huh. i’d like to know.
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
remember little details about me and act on them
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
their teeth. oops. 
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
does the fact that i can’t remember make me a terrible person
or does it make this thing really sad
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
i.,.,,.dont remember that either
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
no adult-minor shit
78. What’s your dirtiest secret?
i should keep that one to myself
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
one of my closest irl friends is just.. ditching me for other people. yeah. i get friend jealous. 
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
three days ago? on a livestream?
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
ryan ross
brendon urie
dallon weekes
that guy in my class
eddie redmayne i love eddieredmayne
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
my friend fred. it’s cool. 
83. Who was your first kiss with?
a guy i’d known forever! it was at 4am during an anime marathon. tasted like coffee.
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
what last relationship
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?
i highly doubt so 
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