#i might make ones for mordred morgana and gwen but idk
Like BBC Merlin is so much of a we know what's going to happen but we can see it coming closer and closer as the seasons go on. Because we know Mordred is going to kill Arthur. But what's kinda cool is how Merlin kinda drives him to that point and we see Arthur's death and we can also see Merlin's declining mental health at the stage and how it also plays a role. And how Lancelot was so so important to him because he was his friend and he always supported Merlin and his loss isolates Merlin in a way that he hasn't been before. And the second loss, because Merlin can't even publicly mourn for Lancelot afterwards because of the shade's actions. And he doesn't have that relationship with the rest of the knights that he did with Lancelot because none of them know of his magic and he can't tell because magic is illegal. It's also really telling that after Arthur becomes king, he doesn't advance Merlin, but still leaves him a servant despite him being integral to the battle against Morgana. Like I would bump him up to advisor. Yeah... I do love Merlin. And Gwen. Don't get me started on Gwen. And Lancelot and Gwaine and Elyan. And even Arthur, but he is in a position of power and I'm going to judge him for not using it. Changing Fandoms!
So basically, Nancy cheating on Steve is what started making me get more critical of her and the show. Because I was a casual watcher at one point (I got into the show Dec 2020, because my cousin and my mother were watching it so I was too) and then Nancy cheated but it was never addressed and my brain went, This is wrong. And then season 3 happened and the Jancy stuff happened and more alarm bells were ringing. Because I was reading fic and simultaneously watching the show and fic portrayed her as this paragon. So I knew fandom wasn't addressing it either. And I got even more judgy because cheating is objectively bad, but most of it was saying it wasn't cheating or Steve deserved it. And yeah, that's how Nancy cheating got me into this position. Because we do not like cheating in this household.
Like yeah, the media puts all of Robin's work on Nancy's shoulders. Robin says that "Nancy's shot in the dark was a perfect bullseye!" but the narrative never acknowledges that Robin was the one to find that information. Like I agree that the narrative gives all the credit to Nancy and very little to Robin even though Robin is doing the heavy lifting.
yes this is all so true about BBC Merlin! also like it is a tragedy anyway and we know it's coming (which the execution may have not been the best but it's still a tragedy) Lancelot and Merlin's friendship means so much to me honestly - like it's so sad though that Lancelot was the only knight to really know merlin for his magic and etc. YES! it really is showing that arthur keeps merlin as a servant like idk why he didn't at least make merlin have higher status or something ya know? literally all of those characters are amazing and i love them too (also you are so valid about the arthur thing because also ngl i loved him first but a lot of his actions in canon are so yikes to me and i acknowledge that)
anyway lol change in fandoms. legit same about the cheating thing - ngl i really don't remember what my impression was of Nancy at the beginning but now she's just become such a meh character to me. omg i may have also started that year or maybe the year after (wait lol it might have been the year after thinking about it now) but anyway same I was such a causal viewer too. i can't believe that people said steve deserved it but also i can because legit the reactions with steve (especially in season 1) were so expressive that yeah i can see that honestly it's insane how long this ignoring of cheating and the cheating debate has gone on like people are STILL debating about it which is weird because even if people don't see her hooking up with joanthan cheating - SHE STILL EMOTIONALLY CHEATED ON STEVE BY KNOWING THAT SHE WANTED TO BE WITH JONATHAN THE WHOLE TIME IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP!!!! like she knew before she got back together with steve that she wanted to be with Jonathan - that's called EMOTIONAL CHEATING! like anyway that turned into a rant lol.
yeah they put so much of robin's work to nancy - and that line is insane because i believe when robin says that THEY STILL DON'T KNOW HOW IT FULLY CONNECTS TO WHAT IT HAPPENING!! a;lso sirry that i keep using caps lock but i like to use it to emphasize lol. but yeah you are so right
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merlinssaggyyfronts · 3 years
merlin, arthur and the knights going on a cable car because i said so :D
merlin: rides the thing atleast once a month before the knights and arthur arrive- could just fly since magic, but prefers being around the people. says its like riding a really slow dragon. is secretly just a lil bit terrified and places safety charms on everyone when he gets on (leaves charms on after finding out there was an accident that left almost 100 people stuck in those boxes for almost five hours)
arthur: hates it. fucking HATES IT. will never return (inevitably returns a few times from the others insistance). he likes it when you get to the top though, the cool air reminds him of early fall in camelot and being around the nature reminds him of going hunting (merlin brings him hiking and on nature walks after he admits this.)
lancelot: is pretty willing to do some daring stuff. rides the ones without windows just for the shits and giggles (he fears no man. the fact his life ended at his own volition does not help this). he trusts merlins magical abilities enough to be able to ride with ease (and i like the hc that merlins and lancelot got to the others via kilgharrah in the darkest hour pt2) switches between riding with arthur+merlin or with the knights (between going up and down)
leon: loves being in the cable cars, is fond of the heights and breeze and wants to ride the ones without windows, the others (gwaine and elyan) adamantly refuse to go with him. in the end he rides with merlin and lancelot on the ones without windows (merlin has experience riding dragons so hes used to the height and stuff, tho he does ask why leon likes it so much. the answer is ‘i dont fear death anymore, nothing scares me’ ....this concerns merlin alot, so he places more safety charms on them just to be sure)
gwaine: acts like everythings fine but the moment it gets a little bit windy this man is SHAKING. refuses to go up sober, is atleast a bit drunk whenever he does go up just to calm his nerves (tried flirting his way into bringing whiskey up and almost had security called on him). repeatedly asks merlin if he really did put charms on them (merlin swears he does). weirdly enough, he still ends up riding with the knights (and leon, once) for some reason, screaming the entire way (physically and mentally). also tries to feed the monkeys at the top
elyan: same energy as gwaine, but covers his anxiety less well. is shaking alot and is clutching percival (with gwaine on the other side, holding onto percival for dear life). plays it off cool once they get to the top, being the responsible one who stops gwaine from feeding the monkeys (“WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET TRAIL MIX?!”). weirdly enough, he was the same one who even suggested they try riding the hell machines things. once, it started raining while they were at the top and elyan saw a small boy drenched in rain and it brought back bad memories.
percival: lowkey enjoys going on them, tho refuses to ride the ones with glass floors. if given the option he would not ride the skycabs at all, but given the fact his boyfriends elyan and gwaine insists he go, he usually ends up going. comforts a child whos got spooked at the top. at one point got elyan and gwaine to climb onto his shoulders (either separately or together is up to you to decide) to see the scenery (and lancelot, though the man was a bit reluctant). after seeing that, multiple kids got up on his shoulders for a better view. despite all these good things, you will never catch this man riding one of the cable cars unless hes asked and confirmed with merlin mutliple times that tis safe (merlin understands of course, given what happened in their past life).
riding list because i need to talk about this too:
leon, merlin and lancelot (on windowless ones. merlin tries to disappear the rails completely just for the shits and giggles but lancelot (and leons common sense) stops him)
arthur, merlin, lancelot and gwaine (riding with merlin calmed gwaines nerves enough to look out the window and have fun)
gwaine, percival and elyan (chaos boyfriends. percival ends up crouched on the floor while the duo hold onto him cuz sitting on one side wouldnt be balanced)
everyone at once (DANGER, IS NOT EVER BEING REPEATED EVER AGAIN, IF ANYONE ASKS, THEY ALMOST DIED- poor percival ends up on the floor again but merlin sits there with him (still being the skinniest of the bunch has its perks yknow)
bonus: merlin and leon (on the maintanence cart. for reference, heres what the maintanence cart looks like
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bethanyeliseart · 3 years
Time for more after midnight Merlin ramblings!! I'm really just writing this because I need to get these thoughts down. I just got to The Disir episode in my Merlin rewatch and boy oh boy does this one cause a strong urge to cry in absolute frustration more so than the finale(not that the finale doesn't make me want to sob into a lake). It's not that it's a bad episode, it's probably one of my favorites in terms of writing (so this might also be me pointing out things I really liked) like how Revenge of the Sith is my favorite star wars movie but it also makes me want scream into my pillow.
Basically it's Merlin and Arthur's decisions, mainly Merlin. I know Arthur has always been arrogant but c'mon man, disrespecting the Disir's sacred place !! While he jokes about Merlin's worries, he usually comes around and sees how serious he is about something this important. That one might actually be because of iffy writing. They tend to wash away any character development Arthur gets, in regard to magic, a few episodes after he gets that development. But anyways, his insolence is what leads to Mordred being hurt, thus leading to Merlin's big dilemma.
Now onto Merlin which is the number one reason I was frustrated. Obviously he screwed up in telling Arthur not to bow to the Old Religion, since the Disir let Mordred live anyway. I do understand why he did it, but as a watcher you obviously shout at the TV all the things they could've done or taken into consideration. All he's been hearing about the moment he stepped into Camelot was how there is this big destiny he's apart of to protect Arthur, so that magic and peace can be brought back to the kingdoms. And Mordred has been made to look like the biggest threat to Arthur. For him it really doesn't get any clearer than a straightforward vision from a seer. But in opposition, Gaius said the future is always changing and there's no clear path. Which yes! And Kilgharrah was the president of the get rid of Mordred club since he was a child. Poor Merlin is pulled in so many directions because he knows Arthur is so fond of Mordred and you can even see that Merlin was beginning to like him at the start of the ep! The little moment of them paying their respects to the sorcerer and talking about their magic! It makes me so emo. Obviously Merlin is devastated about telling Arthur that there can be no magic in Camelot, but the way I think we're meant to see it is that he's hoping that sentiment will be temporary for Arthur. Because no Mordred, Arthur doesn't die, Arthur gets to bring back the magic. (God, Merlin and his relation with his magic and other magic users is entirely something else I could get into, but I won't for now) But aghh that also can just lead to Arthur's further disdain for magic. Like after Uther kicks the bucket due to magic, Arthur states that all magic is evil. So Merlin, you should've taken that into consideration, Mordred's death would be Uther's 2.0 !! The end of the ep makes it clear that had Merlin told Arthur to bow down, Mordred living would be for the better this time. Arthur would welcome magic into the kingdom and maybe Mordred would've told Kara of the good his King had done, she wouldn't die, and Mordred wouldn't seek revenge on Arthur.
Anyways that's just me being like any other person getting frustrated over what if scenarios. While I like to think oh how wonderful it could've been if Merlin had thought this through and given Mordred the benefit of the doubt, I don't think it makes sense in this storyline if he did. To me this story has always been a tragedy so it was never going to have the happiest of endings. Like he told Gaius, he'd grown up, well more accurately he's been traumatized by what happened with Morgana. So after more than 5? years of seeing the constant threats to Arthur, Merlin's not going to take any chances. I'm not an expert in literature, but I think Merlin has a negative character arc and I love that the later seasons highlight it. Props to Colin Morgan for the scene when he's literally tearing up over having to tell Arthur there can be no magic. I freaking love the parallel to s1 the beginning of the end ep, Merlin being emotionally distraught over the decision to help Arthur save Mordred or not both times, but this time it ends with him choosing no.
Honestly I like season 5 because there's so much at stake and I love when things like fate start to come together. But what makes me mad is that we didn't get another season when the plot really requires it. The first way another season could've gone is Arthur doesn't die in s5 and he and Merlin bring peace to the kingdom, fulfilling their destiny (personally I think Arthur would still have to die at the end of s6 at Mordred's hand but the end credits could be him rising idk!). Second is the last season could be Arthur rising again, but not as far as the 21st century. Personally I would love to see Gwen ruling Camelot with Merlin as her advisor, and then halfway through the season there would be an intense challenge and Arthur would rise again. Basically it was rushed which we all know.
It's late so these thoughts are very messy and contradicting. But one of the reasons I love this show is because it makes me think so much about the characters and their decisions! (also I'm a sucker for tragic heroes) Feel free to add your thoughts and opinions below on the Disir episode or just Merlin in general!
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camelotsheart · 3 years
Alright. I’m watching 1x11 and trying a new way of liveblogging. Which is just me writing random paragraphs. Enjoy.
A creature of magic mourning the loss of a creature of magic 😭
“Arthur is a hunter. It's in his blood. Whereas you are something entirely different.“ reminds me of “He is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.“ “You are wrong.” Especially with the way that Arthur then proves what is in his heart by the end of the episode, and how his ‘heart’ is shown to constantly guide him towards the ‘correct’ choice in s5 (e.g. “My heart says do anything I can to save Mordred.“)
“You've got a face like a wounded bear ever since we got back from that hunting trip." Arthur means bear. I have no idea what to do with this information.
The unicorn as a metaphor for those sorcerers who “do no harm�� and thus Camelot serves no purpose in killing them. Especially since people like the Disir and Alator describe the purge as a “hunt”.
The drought serving as a parallel to the events that happened before the purge to Uther, in that Arthur sees all the harm that “magic” is doing to the land and his people, just like Uther witnesses Ygraine’s death. Arthur initially refuses to accept that what happens is caused by him, just like Uther does. But unlike Uther, Arthur is able to acknowledge his mistakes given time (it’s interesting how in the book adaptation of 1x02 merlin makes this comparison too)
“If it is magic, it's more powerful magic than I possess.“ So unicorn magic is more powerful than Merlin’s magic. Would dragon magic be more powerful too? Is that why Merlin couldn’t heal Arthur from the poison of Mordred’s sword tha was forged in a dragon’s breath?
Merlin not understanding hand signals is my life 😂💖
Ok I can literally draw so many parallels between Anhora and Arthur’s first conversation, and Nimueh and Uther’s conversation in 1x09. Especially from how both Arthur and Uther seem completely unable to understand how the ‘curse’ that happened to Ygraine and Camelot was technically their fault.
“And could you bear for your children to see you be executed?“ The way in which Arthur says this breaks my heart because he does understand the feeling of blaming himself for the loss of a parent, just like those hypothetical children would. This is highlighted more by the fact that Evan later plays on Arthur’s insecurities about being his father’s son.
“If you're tested again, you have a chance to end your people's suffering. I know you want that more than anything." Reminds me of what Bradley says about Arthur putting Camelot above everything, even his personal relationships. Compare this to Lancelot and Merlin, who’s “something that is more important than anything” is a person (or people, in the case of Lancelot).
Merlin’s face when Arthur says he’s going to the forest to seek Anhorra out 🥺 Also the way he looks back like he wants to see the exact moment Arthur figures out that he’s eating rat meat 🤣 Merlin’s sarcastic little nod. Arthur’s shit-eating grin. This is what I mean by sibling dynamics.
“The King must wonder if you are even his son.“ I absolutely do not like how Anhora chose to do the test with Evan here. I hate it. But it does prepare Arthur for a lot of things. It prepares him to do things his father normally would not do. It prepares him to ignore when people compare him to his father (not that it worked with Agravaine, but Arthur does eventually come around most of the time with Merlin’s help). I find it like a mini 5x03 in a way. Also the fact that Arthur doesn’t even try to defend himself by saying that the looter would have been executed by the law of the land anyway; because deep down he knows that reasoning is wrong. What needs to be changed currently is Arthur’s arrogance in regards to his honour, not his internal morals. He has already proven his internal morals with saving Mordred, laying down his life in 1x09, as well as rescuing Ealdor and his reaction to finding out Will was a sorcerer in 1x10. Right now, Arthur needs to be able to accept that he is wrong.
“Besides I would rather starve than beg my enemies for help! What of our kingdom's reputation? Have you no pride?” “I cannot think of my pride when our people go hungry. They're all I can think of.” I’m screaming over the fact that what ends up beating sense into Arthur is his love for his people. I want to cry. He loves his people so much that his battle cry is “for the love of Camelot” 😭❤️
“Very well. But if you'd caught the sorcerer, I would not have to. That's your responsibility! One day you will understand what it takes to be King!” One day, Uther, you’ll learn to blame yourself for other people’s suffering.
“My people are starving. Camelot is on the verge of collapse. And it is all my doing.“ IT DIDN’T EVEN TAKE ARTHUR A DAY TO LEARN THIS I WANT TO CRY 😭 FUCK YOU UTHER YOU DON’T DESERVE ARTHUR AT ALL. (also the fact that Arthur fiddles with Ygraine’s ring as he says this 😭❤️)
“I trust Arthur with my life” the fact that arthur proves that trust right both in this episode by drinking the goblet and in the previous episode by admitting that he “of course” would not kill Will despite thinking he was a sorcerer.
Why the hell does Anhora use a sword to cast the vine spell.
“I thought I told you to stay at home.” Every time Arthur calls Camelot ‘home’ for Merlin I 🥺
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Are those carvings... horseshoes...? Making the shape of a heart....? I--
(Sorry guys. By this point it’s 200% certain that my shipper brain is going to take over. Please expect a lot of screaming)
“What kind of ridiculous test is that? What does that prove?” “What it proves is for you to decide.” Which means that by the end, Arthur realizes what this test proves. And he proves what is truly in his heart by sacrificing his life for merlin. Remember “To sacrifice his life to save Gwen’s... I can’t imagine any man loving me so much.” “I certainly can’t imagine that either” “That’s because you’re not like Merlin. He’s a lover” “Yeah? Maybe that’s because I haven’t found the right person to love”. Remember how in the book adaptation this episode, it says that Arthur proves that there is love in his heart by giving his life for Merlin? Remember “there was magic at the heart of Camelot”? Remember how in the book version Arthur doesn’t deny having love in his heart when Anhora says so when the Unicorn lives again, and instead turns his head to smile at Merlin--
“I’m glad you’re here, Merlin.” @thebookluvrr1816​ More 1x11-finale parallels to scream about 😭 The book version describes Merlin’s surprise at this statement, and how he thought it was “ironic and unfair” that they understood each other "at the very moment that death was about to tear them apart.”
“No, I will drink it!” “As if I’d let you.” Someone stop these dollopheads from having a domestic about who will die for the other i beg
“You know me, Merlin. I never listen to you.” reminds me of “I’m the king Merlin, you can’t tell me what to do.” “I always have. I’m not going to change now.” Also, in the books Arthur actually says “farewell, Merlin” after this. Book Arthur is way more suave just saying.
“This was Arthur's test, not yours.“ idk but this reminds me of the fisher king saying “For this is not Arthur's quest, it is yours.“
“You've killed him! I was meant to protect him!” This is going to sound harsh but by this point I think Merlin was still putting Arthur’s destiny above Arthur himself. In the books, there’s a distinct difference in how he feels about Arthur’s death in this scene compared to 1x13 (I’m amazed at how fast his feelings changes, actually). Here, I feel like he focuses more on his own failure to protect Arthur as part of his destiny, but in 1x13, he says that the idea of destiny not being fulfilled was nothing compared to the idea of not being by Arthur’s side. I wonder what happens between this and 1x13 for Merlin’s feelings to change so much.
Merlin’s smile as he looks down at Arthur sleeping 🥺
Arthur looking at Uther’s hand on his shoulder as if he’s trying to identify a foreign object 🙂 I can never say this enough but fuck you Uther.
“When he who kills a unicorn proves himself to be pure of heart, the unicorn will live again.” this is a stretch but it reminds me of “when Albion’s need is greatest, Arthur will rise again.”
And that’s done! I have a small meta that ties the theme of Arthur and magic in this episode to the same themes in 1x10, but I might do it on a separate post since this one is already so long 😂
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monotonous-minutia · 3 years
Merlin mini-rant
I really like the show but one of the things that doesn’t sit quite as well with me is the handling of who started as possibly my second-favorite character, Morgana.
I like heroine Morgana. She’s sassy and spunky and sweet, has a little more humility (and possibly humanity, at least at first) than Arthur, so they balance each other out at the start. Despite the fact that (and I’m still not really sure why they do this, because it doesn’t last long) the narrative seems to ship them at first, they have a really sweet, genuine sibling relationship that helps build the foundation of their friend group/found family. Morgana is physically strong and agile without the narrative making her sacrifice her femininity to be so (as is too often seen). She’s also very smart and talented in ways that others aren’t; while several characters are off winning physical battles afar, she’s at home winning battles with words. There are many episodes in Season One where the story would not have ended as well as they did if she hadn’t said what she did, to whom she did. She knows the ins and outs of the palace, she knows who’s who, and she knows what everyone’s priorities are, so she can almost always find the right thing to say to make them see sense, and often come to realizations that help them grow as people. She has a deep, innate empathy to those around her regardless of rank, while still recognizing ranks enough to utilize her power appropriately (and sometimes just be a little priss--she’s young, y’know). She’s incredibly gay with Gwen and I love it.
I also like villain Morgana. Her journey from the above-described heroine to the ruthless villain we see by the end of the series is well-thought-out, and the slow deterioration of her morality based on the events she goes through is both heartbreaking and makes me want to bang my head into the wall. She continues to be incredibly powerful, still using her wit and words as weapons, as well as becoming an alarmingly great sorceress. Her degeneration from the stately figure we see early on to the deranged witch by the end of the action is meticulous. And the fact that she’s still very attached to Gwen even after all these developments, and even when Gwen makes the choice to stay in Camelot, is an interesting touch that adds a depth to her that isn’t always seen with villains.
But I gotta say I love heroine Morgana more, and not really just for emotional reasons.
I’m not mad that the main villain of the series ends up being a woman, because the idea that women can’t be villains is just ridiculous to me. And, as said before, her arc is very well-written imo, so it doesn’t seem like a cop-out, like “we just wanted a girl villain bc girls are bad.”
I am a little mad that when the main villain turns out to be a woman, it leaves only one woman in the principle cast of heroes. Not that Gwen can’t totally hold her own, but it would have been nice to have her dynamic feminine duo with Morgana (and their ridiculous gayness) for the rest of the series, rather than leaving the majority of the action up to the men. Plus, I think keeping Morgana around as a hero might have given Gwen more outlets to be involved in the main action as well, since these two are definitely a power couple.
Dramatically speaking I think it might have worked better, too. Again, I like the villain arc Morgana gets--it isn’t rushed and it’s well-thought-out. But I think it would have been even nicer to have them be two different characters. Maybe keep Nimueh around for a few extra seasons, and/or introduce someone else with the same powers Morgana ends up with. Or keep Morgause; she could even still be Morgana’s half-sister, but Morgana refuses to join her, adding another layer to the hero/villain dynamics. Her backstory could be similar, and we could see parts of it along the way as it intertwines with the rest of the plot.
But I would have loved to see Morgana stay in Camelot as one of the lead heroes. Early on she doesn’t seem to have any desire to gain the throne (and I always thought the whole “she’s-actually-Uther’s-biological-daughter” thing was a cop-out anyway), so I can totally see her finding herself in a supportive, advisor-type role to Arthur as he takes on more and more responsibility. Their sibling dynamic would provide a lot of genuine sweetness and sassy banter throughout. She could continue to provide valuable assistance during the adventures, using her words and knowledge and influence to help out, becoming wiser as the years go on and helping Arthur build a strong kingdom.
She could have continued her super-sweet relationship with Gwen, supporting her as she slowly becomes more important in the court, vouching for her despite her rank, and continuing to be incredibly gay.
I think it would have been really cool if she and Merlin connected early on about their magic and confided in each other. I would have loved to see the two of them struggling together as they harness their powers, and bonding over that; and Merlin for once being able to take on a mentor-type role where his contributions are actually acknowledged, as he helps Morgana through the early stages of her revelations. Plus, it would help both of them feel much less alone, which not only saves Morgana from the villain path, but also gives Merlin some of the attention and support that he needs and never effing gets.
I think it would be funny if Arthur’s impression that they’re flirting continued throughout the series as a running gag, especially as they’d be making excuses to spend more time together so they can help each other with their magic. They could even use it to their advantage at times to get him off their backs. (On that note, I can see Morgana concluding the series with no other love interest than Gwen, though it would also be funny if she continually received suitors that were more running gags or funny side-plots to other stories).
I can almost see it like this: instead of refusing to tell Morgana that he also has magic in 2x3 (“The Nightmare Begins”), Merlin actually does tell her, so instead of her going to the Druids and starting that path of conflict, she and Merlin become closer and her goals become more focused and she’s less scared, and that prevents her from going down the path of darkness.
As Morgana works to understand and control her powers, she could learn about its history and lore and the Old Religion and stuff and be able to help identify sorcery and mythical creatures when they come across them.
And her relationship with Mordred could add yet another layer to the hero/villain dynamic; she could take on a mentoring role for him when he joins the Knights, maybe even helping him out with his magic and trying to get him into her and Merlin’s little “magic circle.” Merlin’s suspicion of Mordred could cause some juicy personal conflict between him and Morgana, and Mordred’s inevitable betrayal would be devastating in a dramatically satisfying way, if that makes sense.
All in all, I do like villain Morgana and her whole villain arc; but I would have liked it even more if she’d stayed in Camelot as one of the heroes, keeping her place in the principle cast of characters and remaining an important part of their friend group/Disaster Bi Club.
anyway....those are my thoughts...idk if anyone on here even knows what I’m talking about lol but I wanted to get it out there; I usually do my TV show rants on Twitter but the character limit for posts prevents long stuff like this.
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Okay based on the post I reblogged earlier, here's some things that I think would have greatly improved Morgana's journey and character development.....
More reflection on the emotions she'd felt, later on. A reminder in later series that Uther had made her feel alone and ignored and that she saw and disliked his cruelty, yet had to live with it, for many years. Her hatred was not just an unfortunate result of Merlin's mistakes. A reminder that she existed as a person long before he knew her and those experiences shaped her too.
At least some conversations between her and Morgause where she questions things... For example in 2x12 (is that the episode with the knights of Medhir?? I think so??) we could have had...
Morgana: Will the knights hurt the people? The ones who don't fight?
Morgause: What does it matter?
Morgana: There are good people there. I know them... I don't wish to see them hurt.
Morgause: They would all see you burn, sister. There can be no good people in Camelot while Uther is King.
Then having Morgana nod, and agree, but look deeply worried and upset by this. Cut shot to Arthur, Merlin, and Gwen to start the next scene, or even just Gwen, because Morgana still cares about her and knows her to be a good person.
Maybe have her repeat some of Morgause's words, the ones that were used to convinced her before, said as though she's now trying to convince herself. She turns on the citizens of Camelot as Queen and someone tries to scream out that they're innocent, they're good people, and she pauses, but repeats that "no, there can be no good people in Camelot while they still see Uther as King". Because she still has those doubts, she still has to convince herself, but they've become her.
Far more on her reaction to Morgause's death. Let that be what fully turns her against her Camelot, that she was alone again and it was their fault and there was no one to grieve with her. Let her hurt and her grief be as powerful as her anger, let her be a sister and a loved one as well as a villain.
Some real justification of her hatred for Arthur. Her issue with him never seems. to go beyond "he's the same as his father" and "it's my crown" which, I don't know how to explain, but it seems like a missed opportunity for personal tension and the complexities of their characters. He did terrible things, but he also saved Mordred, and went against Uther to do the right thing on multiple occasions. They used to be on the same side. There are several times that they both go against Uther, together, as a team. Arthur cared for the servants, broke the law for his friends. Morgana seems to completely forget this, and they that were raised as siblings for several years. Would it be so hard to have some hints of that later on? Even if it's just that she can hurt him personally.
Or if that personal connection is going to be completely disregarded, let her say that. Let her hurt them with it.
Arthur: Why are you doing this Morgana? We were friends, we were family...
Morgana: You are nothing to me, Arthur Pendragon, and you never will be. You proved that well enough when you killed my sister and massacred my people.
(He does say "I thought we were friends" and she replies "As did I, but alas we were both wrong" but I just feel that could have touched on the family aspect too. They weren't friends, they were siblings, and they turned against each other entirely.)
She could have struggled more with turning against Gwen, given Gwen more opportunities, tried to convince her that she was right. When Gwen betrays her, Morgana brushes it off, because she expected it. But I think after years of having her as her only friend, that would sting far more. They were so close in series 1 and 2 and I don't understand how that was so quickly twisted away. There's no real reason for her to hate her, the first time she tries to kill Uther it's because of Gwen's father. Show me them being close again in early series 3, and having Morgana genuinely struggle with how to unite the parts of her that hate Camelot and value Gwen.
Show her desperation and fear, maybe show her where she was locked away for 2 years. Give her back that characterisation defined by her fear (of things other than Emrys) and hurt, and let that shift naturally into anger instead of trying to take away all her emotions that make her 3d. Having Emrys suddenly become her one and only fear feels like it reduced her to a far less complex character. Swords still hurt even if they're not gonna kill her...
Idk there's probably others but I feel like any of these could have been so easy with just slight changes to conversations, expressions, or cinematography...
I'm really tired it's nearly 4am. Might add more if I think of them.
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gwemrys · 4 years
In your opinion...what are the main plot holes/general things that didn't make sense in Merlin? Especially in season 5? Curious to see if other people have the same thoughts!
damn where do i begin..... in general definitely arthur’s character never developing one bit...... like honestly the guy would learn something new and id think oh things might finally change for the better :) but literally i think in between episodes someone kept pushing his reset button for kicks because ???? hes still a dick at the end of the show ???? all this talk abt him having a good heart but never showing us any systemic change in that fucked up land of his..... only the sentimental bits abt him being good to some ppl and him being sad abt things like. i feel like his redemption arc wouldve been so beautiful bc its not like his personality was designed as one that could never get better?? it was just lazy writing..... they didnt even bother redeeming him they didnt even think it was necessary........
in s5 i think the whole mordred thing had potential but it was done wrong..... merlin being scared of mordred makes sense but rly the way in which they showed it was so out of character. colin’s acting largely ‘makes up’ for how ooc it is but especially that whole ep with kara is so..... not merlin..... idk how to explain but. u know. also in the earlier seasons where merlin is literally fucking over this child bc a dragon told him so..... LIKEEE the writers did not know who merlin was did they...... THIS WHOLE MERLIN MORDRED HATE IS FAKE NEWS........ merlin would never and in fact did never ...... ur screen was lying to u
and also morgana’s arc..... her turning against camelot and uther made so much sense and controversially i dont think even merlin couldve stopped her...... but she turned unnecessarily and disproportionally cruel just..... inbetween seasons...... at least show us how she got there !!!!!!
also the way gwen was treated throughout the whole show but especially in s4 and s5 idk its. too much to even get into right now but she deserved so much better and other ppl have said it more eloquently than i ever could im sorry this is rly vague but im tired. they just did her so dirty
this is just from the top of my head but there are so many other things jkhd i might add things later / elaborate when i feel like it idk
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fishoutofcamelot · 4 years
Gwen and Merlin sing together sometimes while doing their chores
Bro i have this headcanon too!
They started doing chores together back in season 1, when Gwen was still showing Merlin the ropes of being a servant. He got the hang of it quickly because he's a fast learner, but they liked working together so they kept at it.
However. Gwen was a very shy person in season 1, and very easily flustered. I know a lot of people think she had lots of friends, but idk i kinda headcanon that she mostly stuck to Morgana, too shy to put herself out there. She had to work up a lot of courage to go up to meet Merlin like she did, probably with help from Morgana. So Gwen didn't start singing right off the bat.
But Merlin most definitely started singing. He's very fond of noise, and doesn't like it being quiet much. Not to mention he got the singing habit from his mom, as they used to sing together. If he and Gwen are not talking, then he's humming. And she finds it funny/endearing to hear him hum, but she doesn't call him out on it because she's worried he'll stop if she does.
After her father's death, listening to Merlin hum is a great comfort to her.
One day, she recognizes the song he's humming and can't help pointing it out. Then he actually starts singing it out loud, and without thinking she does too - she gets embarrassed when she realizes what she did, but also loved the feeling. So she hesitantly starts humming along with him while they do their chores.
Eventually, as they become closer friends and as Merlin's presence helps pull Gwen out of her shell, they evolve from humming to singing. Arthur hears them once, but doesn't make fun of them.
And then...then Merlin goes missing. And for a few days she's left to do her chores alone. There is no one to sing or hum with, and it's...heartbreaking. She doesn't want to accept that he's gone, gone like both her parents. But then Arthur says he's going after Merlin, and while she can't help being elated that maybe he'll be brought home at last, she's also terrified that Arthur will get hurt. The bandits might not have left the forest, and unlike Merlin he doesn't always come back unscathed. It's usually Merlin's job to keep Arthur safe, somehow, and without Merlin by his side she's horrified that she'll lose another friend so soon after losing her closest one.
Merlin comes back, though. And Gwen sings loudly and shamelessly when he does, not caring who might be listening in, just wanting to enjoy Merlin's presence. She knows what it's like to lose him, to do chores without him and feel the strict silent isolation of it. She never wants to feel that again.
And then she is banished. He wants to go out and help her pack her things, help her pull her cart to the border, but she won't hear of it. Associating with an exiled woman like that would put a bad mark on him. And plus, a part of her feels she doesn't deserve any help.
Being banished is painful and lonely, and in those darkest moments it isn't thoughts of Arthur or even Elyan that comfort her. It's Merlin. The one man in all of Camelot who believes in her innocence even when she herself doesn't. The one man who doesn't care.
When she's sad and lonely, she sings through her tears.
Then she becomes queen, and at first she's just relieved to be back in Camelot. Of course, her relief becomes frustration when she realizes just how hard being a queen is. But whenever she's at the verge of a panic attack, Merlin is there to comfort her with a little song. Usually those ones are off the top of his head, random lines that don't even rhyme but are usually exalting the glory of the queen.
But worlds of queens and servants are vastly apart. Merlin tries to make time for her, but he always has to follow after Arthur or do chores for Arthur. And Gwen has her hands full with queenly duties, so she can't always make time for Merlin either. He sees her stand to the side at court meetings, and he often serves her and Arthur dinner when they eat together, but it's rare for them to interact much beyond that.
She tries to get used to doing her queen duties without that familiar noise nattering at her side, and she urges to sing while walking down the corridor - but it's unbecoming of a queen, so she keeps quiet.
It's so lonely, being the queen. Sometimes she wishes she'd never taken Arthur's hand and remained a servant. She always feels bad when she wishes that, but nowadays Merlin isn't around to help her when she's upset. Just as she probably isn't around to comfort him when he's upset, either.
When Mordred arrives, Merlin hardens up and pulls away from just about everyone. Even Arthur and Gwaine. Long ago, Gwen might have been the only person able to coax an answer out of him, but now they've grown too distant. But it doesn't surprise her that Mordred ends up betraying them. She wonders if Merlin knew all along.
Well, at least there's one good thing to come of all that Mordred business: Arthur's death certainly brings her and Merlin back together.
Thanks for the ask! <3
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coinofstone · 4 years
2x11 The Witch's Quickening
Hey Arthur, remember last time you were on a manhunt in Camelot and it led you to Morgana's chambers, and she talked you out of searching them and later admitted that she'd been hiding a fugitive in there? Have you learned NOTHING
And Merlin too, he doesn't like, double back and confront Morgana or suggest Arthur do that?
Why is Arthur yelling at Merlin so much in this? Who wrote this episode.
::Coin watch the show instead of playing on her phone challenge::
Morgana being manipulated by a nine year old
Why is Arthur insulting the food as if Merlin cooked it himself? Every other meal he brings up is from the palace kitchens but on this occasion Merlin cooked himself? Ok.
Even the fkin dragon is OOC in this ep
Morgana is so much more intelligent than this.
Gaius needs to bring this to Uther in the throne room like a member of the public? He couldn't get a private audience with the king? Ok.
I really don't remember this episode being so terrible, maybe I'm in a bad mood.
You know, not for nothing, but from Mordred's perspective Merlin is being an absolute dick, not only siding with the oppressor but actively working to sabotage their plans and hurt their people. As we, the audience, are privy to the reasons behind this, WE don't necessarily questions Merlin's actions, WE know he's after the crystal because he's trying to prevent Mordred and Morgana from teaming up and bringing harm to Arthur - that's all good and well but like... Merlin could never bring himself to kill Mordred because he's just a boy, but yet he's allowed the boy to go off and become somewhat radicalized (I say 'somewhat' because honestly, it's not all that radical to plot to overthrow the king that has been waging a genocidal war against your people for twenty fucking years) without ever trying to bring him into the fold. If Merlin had explained his and Arthur's destinies to the boy, made an argument for waiting out Uther's reign in the hope that Arthur's reign will bring peace and magic back to Camelot, but which may not happen if he sees his father killed by sorcerers, and explained his reasons for hiding who he is from Morgana, regardless of Mordred's ultimate destiny to be Arthur's doom, Merlin would've at least had a shot at cultivating an alliance or at very least an understanding between them. Instead, all Mordred sees is this supremely powerful sorcerer who isn't even a druid, serving the very people that would bring an end to their entire race if they could. Although, it seems as tho Mordred has forgotten who exactly snuck him out of the castle and back to the druid camp in three first place. Makes you wonder if Morgana never explained to him that she was believed to have been kidnapped when they found her with the druids last time, and that she went along with that lie for her own safety.
Tl;dr: communication is important kids!
Do I even need to point out how much sense Morgana's little tiff with Uther did not make? Or her sudden distrust of Gwen? If anything she should think Gwen would be an ally considering a) her father was killed by Uther, as an innocent victim of Uther's war on magic, b) Gwen was party to Morgana's previous involvement in aiding and abetting a druid fugitive, c) Gwen L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y sacrificed herself to save Morgana from Hengist's men, the is zero reason to question Guinevere's loyalty to Morgana, and d) Gwen has never said a WORD against sorcery or hinted at any kind of prejudice against druids or anyone with magic.
I looked up the writing credit for this, it's Jake Michie who is also credited with some fantastic episodes like Lancelot, Beauty and the beast, and the Lamia to name a few. It was directed by Alice Troughton who has also done some good eps, including other eps written by Jake Michie, so like I really don't understand what went wrong here.
Oh God there's a commentary track on this episode. I don't wannnnnaaaaaa but maybe I'll learn something, like why it turned out the way it did.
Commentary by Julian Murphy, Alice Troughton, and Katie. I do not have high hopes.
Katie right off the bat explaining shit that's important to note, God I love her on these tracks. Apparently, this was one of the last things to be shot (Merlin films everything out of order and films several episodes concurrently, depending on filming location.) and it was being shot while three other episodes were being wrapped up - so they had FOUR episodes filming concurrently and a lot of THIS episode was directed by Julian Murphy, and Jeremy shot some of it as well. This COULD explain a lot of the inconsistency, but I question how much since Julian seems to be involved in filming lots of scenes in lots of episodes. But I guess it's possible that just that on top of the rush to finish and the pressure of so many spinning plates in the air right at the end. They've just said that for this episode they had the least amount of days to shoot it out of all the episodes they've done, which is partly why they had so much going at once. It's as good a reason as any to explain it being so off, but I don't really see that explaining the wildly off characterization.
Katie going on the whole thing about Alvarr-as-revolutionary and Alice picks up on Morgana's sort of desire to be in that position and they're having a quite meaningful discussion then Julian:I think she just thinks he's hot 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Katie says the script changed a lot even as it was filming, and that things were being changed as it was filmed so I'm kind of thinking for whatever reason this entire thing was a mess and that's why it came across looking so disjointed to me.
At least Julian realize the soup scene was terrible.
Idk why they're ganging up on Katie over the chemistry between her and Alvarr. She says she wasn't playing it that way and that she wasn't feeling it and they're just like "yea uh huh sure."
They're talking about having two units filming like a few feet away from each other in the forest, while there is another two units going in France.
Julian says they had added Alvarr's girlfriend in because they wanted to dramatize his charisma and calculation... but it's not manipulation - ?????????? Someone get the man a dictionary. 'We added a random blonde in four him to kiss so that the audience knows he's got a girl already, who sees him working his charm on Morgana and comments on it 'you played her well', but Alvarr isn't actually manipulative' ??????????
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They've just pointed out two entire significant beats within a sequence that was constructed on set and off script. Arthur's confrontation with Alvarr in the forest and Merlin's slow motion tracking the crystal to show its got a powerful draw. The more they describe the specifics of filming the more it sounds like an utter disaster which kind of makes me feel bad for being so harsh on the episode.
I keep having to rewind to focus on what they're saying and I feel like I've been watching this episode for about 4 hours.
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Awkward bit of prop-exposure there. Trying to work out what LK could even stand for.
Idk everyone's really happy with this scene between Morgana and Uther and I'm still sitting here thinking the dialogue was utterly ridiculous.
They talked about changing that final scene, where Uther clearly knows/suspects it was Morgana who helped Alvarr escape, so that it doesn't prematurely push the story too far ahead. They cut a look Morgana gives Merlin which, rightfully so, because it would've been too much too soon. The ending to this episode still feels wholly unsatisfying to me. I understand the little tag with the dragon yelling for Merlin to release him, I don't mean that, but the ending to the main story where Alvarr just escapes and Uther not only accepts that but also accepts that Morgana must've helped him. Overall Uther's been entirely sort of neutered throughout this episode, which I understand that partially has to do with it being Morgana, but like, in previous episodes when she's been so defiant against him, he's had her by the throat and locked her in a dungeon overnight. So I just doubt understand him being so subdued here, especially since he directly threatened her when he found pr Mordred escaped, and now another druid's escaped and he essentially knows she was involved given how she spoke to him, yet he doesn't do anything? Just wildly inconsistent behavior.
Anyway apologies for overanalyzing this episode, I realize I tore it apart pretty thoroughly during the commentary and the post became quite long. I wish there was a way to add a cut on mobile but there isn't. I'll have the S2 finale post up in a few hours - I might hold off on posting until I've watched the extras, I didn't do that for S1 but then I felt the extras didn't quite warrant a whole post on their own, so I might just tack on any thoughts I have to the 2x12 post. We'll see.
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tlcyellow · 5 years
merlin s3 ep5: the crystal cave
buckle up bitches. i am BACK (i say this every time and you are right to be wary every time)
- merlin and arthur are running through the forest while being chased by an angry mob?? it’s unclear why. but they come across a creepy area called “the valley of the fallen kings” and merlin is fully certain that it’s cursed and, to be fair, it is giving off a lot of cursed vibes
- arthur has been SHOT (with an arrow. i should clarify that the medieval gang chasing them doesn’t have rifles)
- merlin gives arthur a gentle slap in the face and says “come on dollop head i need you to recover” which is.... romantic??
- merlin casts a spell and nothing happens which... happens a lot? for supposedly the most powerful warlock ever 
- some other warlock appears and heals arthur, leaves him lying there and then is like “come with me merlin. into this creepy cave.” and idk about you but i don’t forsee this going wrong at all
- the cave in question turns out to be the crystal cave that the episode is named after and it shows visions of the future with morgana (looking HOT) on the throne and merlin as emrys (my fav character)
- merlin is understandably upset by this and the other warlock is like “look into the crystals again” and it’s just a montage of katie mcgrath looking sexy and badass and killing uther which i think is what we all needed to see
- arthur is awake now and him and merlin are walking through a cornfield and arthur is trying to compliment merlin for helping him out earlier but merlin is all stressed and ignoring him and arthur seems genuinely confused and hurt aw 
-  okay so it’s morgana’s birthday and arthur tells merlin he’s going to give her a dagger which is what he saw her killing uther with in the crystals. so merlin freaks out of course but it’s then revealed that it’s not the same dagger as the one in the vision and he’s relieved and even tells arthur that he thinks it’s ugly lol
- LMAO merlin is getting ready for morgana’s birthday feast and he comes out in his usual neckerchief ensemble and is like “how do i look gaius?” and gaius is literally like “the same as you always do” BOOM. ROASTED.
- uh oh arthur ended up getting morgana the dagger from the vision because merlin told him the original dagger wasn’t pretty enough. merlin u dumb bitch
- morgana is meeting with her sister in the woods and is wearing the same outfit that merlin sees her killing uther in so he uses magic to push her down the stairs 
- he brings her to gaius and it’s revealed that she BROKE HER SKULL in the fall
- merlin feels horribly guilty now that she might die but idk why he goes to such great lengths to protect uther at all. uther is nothing but a dick and it’s very clear that arthur would make a much better king if uther was out of the way
- merlin sees gwen crying in arthurs arms because she’s worried about morgana and then arthur comes in looking for his sword belt and he can’t get it open and is all upset and i feel so bad for him. also bradley james is SO FINE
- uther, on the other hand is an absolute bitch and i don’t care about his emotions at all  
- ohmygod it’s reealed that morgana is uther’s real life daughter and he had an affair with her mother. i totally forgot about this twist and it only makes me hate uther more 
- morgana is going to die, like, the next day and i bet that merlin’s gonna pull some dumb shit like saving her just like he did with mordred 
- LOL he tells the dragon he wants to save morgana and the dragon says (exact quote) “merlin have you learned nothing?” and merlin is like “she’s uther’s daughter” and the dragon is like “bitch i been knew” and merlin’s like “i’m the dragon lord and you can’t refuse me” and dragon’s like “okay i guess but when arthur dies in the season five finale just know it’s your fault” and then breathes?? on merlin?? which gives him the power to save her??
- morgana is awake and merlin is an idiot. this all played out exactly as i expected it to
- lol uther is like “thank you so much gaius” and gaius, genuinely confused, is like “i didn’t do anything” and uther’s like “riiiiiiiight *wink wink*”
- plot TWIST morgana was listening while unconcious and overheard uther confessing that he is her father and she is pissed and wants revenge even more now so this has all backfired spectacularly 
next epsode: the changeling
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Merlin au fanfic idea:
Merlin is in collage. He moved into his uncle's place after he died with his little brother, Mordred.
Merlin puts an add up saying he needs roommates. Gwen answers it. She's very excited to live with Mer and Mor. She's in school for early childhood education.
Mordred has aspergers, making normal school really hard for him. Gwen helps teach him as much as she can.
Arthur and Morgana are rich as shit siblings. Their father cuts off their funds after Arthur was hit with a DUI. Morgana ducked up too somehow, DUI as well??
They get kicked out, Gwen who is friends with Morgana tells her that Merlin has a spare bedroom. The siblings move in with the trio.
They have to learn to live a not so rich lifestyle.
Basically a story about stressed Merlin, concern Gwen, snoby Arthur and Morgana, and a Mordred with far too many parents.
"Can I have a snack?"
"No Mo, dinner is almost done."
"But Morgana, Arthur and Gwen said I could have a small snack. 3/4s of the house said so. That's over half. We live in a democratic society, therefore I should get a snack."
"...Fine. One fruit cup"
Idk, I've had this idea for a few days. Half tempted to write if people like the idea. Might be ship-y if people want it.
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chronotopes · 7 years
hi could you explain why merlin is Bad?
hi , i could! srry for not replying to this message earlier, i only realized i’d gotten it in school today. 
so on the off chance that this was an “is merlin problematic? what did he do?” kind of message, i’d advise you to google it bc that’s not unnecessary - and merlin certainly can be criticized thru that lens - but it’s just… not a very interesting way to criticize media. 
anyway, these are the main three reasons that i think merlin is bad
an inability to challenge its own status quo
subsequently, an inability to let its characters’ struggles pay off in any kind of meaningful way
ultimately, a fundamentally skewed morality at the heart of its conflict. 
ok so what i mean is 
point 1) the status quo thing is pretty clear, the most obvious example of this is the secret that is merlin having magic, but a secondary one is how, for FOUR SEASONS!! , uther just Won’t Fucking Die. but i’m going to use the former as an example; by the time the third and fourth seasons roll around, merlin’s complete inability to spill the beans about magic a) stretch all possible suspension of disbelief w/r/t arthur’s intelligence, and b) block the way for any kind of interesting/meaningful character development. 
point 2) which in turn results in merlin getting mired down in a kind of tragic spiral that ultimately logically results in how the show actually ends. which is TREMENDOUSLY SAD, and not in the good way that, like, hamlet or something is sad. i’m not saying.. shows can’t end sadly… but it’s very much a senseless, unfair kind of ending. season 5 of merlin isn’t just a fantasy show, it’s a greek tragedy, and it’s miserable. part of this is that merlin WON’T TELL ANYONE ABOUT HIS MAGIC, but another part is that he listens far far too much to kilgarrah and gaius and ~destiny~ 
and the show seems to frame this as if he’s doing a reasonable thing when like.. he’s not. and i feel like . i don’t want to be that guy who’s like “if i rewrote this show so that everyone’s nicer, everything will automatically be better”, but in the alternate universe where merlin is a good show, he ultimately comes to the conclusion that the salvation of arthur does not lie in the death of mordred but in the restoration of magic to camelot, which is, you know, his actual job. and everyone lives. 
point 3) in the alternate universe where merlin’s a REALLY good show, morgana’s.. not the villain. or at least she’s not as unequivocally “evil” as the show seems to want its audience to believe she is. because morgana’s right. “but she kills people”, one might say, and , oh dear, so does merlin! all the time! yes it’s a requirement of his job, but he spends the 50% of his job that isn’t saving arthur’s ass and making up flimsy stories about how arthur saved himself PROTECTING A GENOCIDAL DICTATOR. 
so like…. in the alternate universe where merlin is a really really good show, it starts off more or less the way it does but creates merlin and morgana as foils to one another on opposite sides of a genuinely complicated and challenging moral divide. (that or it plays out like it did in the show until the point where merlin isn’t a TOTAL DICK and TELLS MORGANA ABOUT HIS MAGIC, and then they like. team up or something idk.) and in this show where morgana’s the hero, she and gwen are gay and end up ruling together idk. the main point i want to make is like….. the show seems to want you to root for merlin, right up until the end, and it’s not like i’m opposed to morally gray heroes - if this show didn’t interest me, i wouldn’t be talking about it right now - 
but like… it is so senseless to have half your main characters die with what they were supposed to be working for completely unrealized. season five episode five the disir genuinely feels like it’s something out of a gritty au “darkest timeline” fanfic but instead it’s just the show. the show is its own darkest timeline. that makes me sad more than anything. 
however it did produce some pretty sick fanfiction so who am i to say anything
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froggybangbang · 7 years
@ashes-and-dust​ tagged me (eons ago) in a thing that starts personal and then degenerates into tv show stuff?? and... well here it is
1.) Why did you choose your URL?
You must all know this by now, lol. Okay so 1-I’m French Canadian, a popular insult for us by the English is “Frog” and I highly believe in claiming back insults.2-The first online url I had (well second. I had wolves has my special interest back when I was 12 so ‘wolfy136′ was the first, fleeting url I got) was after I joinned the HP fandom, with my favourite character, thus Lunard136/Lunard1 was born (that’s moony. my wolf special interest faded in the background but it’s still there to show lol). I started going to other websites than HP ones and I was starting to feel like that url wasn’t good for those so I thought long and hard about something I could be me and not fandom related so I wouldn’t have to change it again (because change is good but I hate it) and I came up with “Froggy”. Only to find it was used already. I was tired of the old 136 so I decided to had something about me in the url, something about my temper (I’m definitely a fire sign) and added the “bangbang” because I catch like a barrel of powder. (you dirty mind you if you thought I’d use it as a sex reference! Shame on you! except lol yeah I knew how it sounded and I was fine with letting people who don’t know me think I’m a nympho. what better way to hide I’m not really all that interested in sex, which is weird and not normal, right? right.)
2.) What’s your middle name?
Very few Quebecois have one, those who are afflicted by the old tradition, weather because their parents are religious or because it’s a tradition and nobody questions it have (for girls) Mary Godmother’sName FirstName LastName (for boys) Joseph Godfather’sName FirstName LastName. That’s the format and absolutely nobody goes by the first two to the point that my passport doesn’t even show them because I was told not to put them in if I’m not using them (???!!!? but okay!) anyway my are Mary Diane Kristine LastName
3.) If you could own a fairytale/fictional pet, what would it be?
I’d love a tiny dragon? I’m pretty sure I said “I want a X now!” a few onth ago but I can’t remember what it was... But honestly if I can, in my life, befriend a corvid that’s like. the dream goal. It has been for ever.
4.) Favourite colour?
hmmm I really love orange. every shade but especially the dark burnt one. I also like dark green, dark blue, dark teal and dark purple a lot? I’ll go with orange
5.) Favourite song?
That’s.... not something I can answer. Honestly how can you pick one? IDK I really love In Hell I’ll be in Good Company these days? I really love Phillip Glass’ Violin Concerto No.1 2nd Movement if you prefer no voice. Also Dream Fragment from the Chrono Cross OST because I’m a sucker for music box.
Here are a few of my Spotify playlist, for those interested.
A Little Bit of Everything is pretty much all the songs I like and remember to put on spotify (if spotify has them. They lack in Quebecois music)
Music Rec is songs that you might not know about that exist and you should listen to them, but this doesn’t get updated very often
RN is the playlist that keeps changing. My current obsessions are on that one
In the Summertime are songs for a nice warm summer day with a light breeze and a hammock (or something. maybe a few friend in the backyard and a beer.)
And Sunday Mornings is the playlist I’m listening to mainly on sunday mornings (It’s playing right now) because it fits the vibe of a sunday morning when you start your coffee and still might have an eye glued down
6.) What are your top three fandoms?
errr I’ll go with HP, 1D (*glares at @ashes-and-dust​*) and....hmm. I’m not really active in any of the others anymore. but I guess Sherlock?(though Pacific Rim or Cabin Pressure also fit third place but I think I still read more sherlock fic than I do PR or CP)
7.) Why do you enjoy Tumblr?
This hellsite is my main place for interacting with sensible human beings. I also LOVE *those* posts. you the ones where one person asks a questions/ places a random thought and then.... it just. takes a life of its own? and everyone knows them? The Guam Cookie post is one. The many Aliens finds Humans Weird also. but then there’s the smaller ones like just. They are exactly the kind of stuff I’d be saying with my (ex? maybe?)friend in Rimousky like you say something, and they add something in a deadpanned way that is bviously exagerated/insane and then you add on it and they add on it until you are at the stage that you won’t be buy mayo because, really, having to marry someone from an island so you could get away with murder is much too much effort. That’s why I love tumblr.
ugh I very rarely watch tv anymore these are hard.
1. Merlin
2. Doctor Who (until season 5/6 anyway. Moffat killed it)
3. Torchwood
4. The X-Files (haven’t seen the reboot but I’d love to!)
5. ...... Sherlock (I guess? But I still haven’t watch the last xmas special nor the last season? Moffat killed it?)
hmmmmm..... *shakes the Ponds, Martha Jones and Dona Noble in her hand to see which will get out* I’m going to go with Dona. I’m not so in your face, but I really relate with her and she had an awesome friendship with 10, not afraid to give him a good earful if he went overboard.
Shit idk. I mean Uther and Morgana where mean shit but I loved their characters for what they were..... I’d say between Uther and Mordred? idk. 
Oh shit. Dude do you have any idea how many episode there is of the xfiles?? I’m going to go with the one on the boat, because that’s the one that popped into my head right now (immediately followed by that black and white one when Mulder meets the Gunmen for the first time... that CELL PHONE OMG) and any moment when Scully and Mulder have SASS going on.
The first season is the best without a doubt. I’ve loved the second season but in the first one the story were even more concentrated on one story per episode and it was very well thought off and they didn’t overdo it yet, which they tented to do afterwards, as well as letting more episode be one story and not following canon anymore. I’m actually sadden at my lack of consistency at following Elementary.
Oh. er... Ianto/Jack. but. like. I don’t like to think about that because of children of the earth.
I know it sounds weird but I really see Arthur and Gwen as bromance who agreed to marry because throne? They have a great chemistry but I just don’t buy it.
The first episode I’ve seen was on TQS with the french dubbed version of the first episode we see the guy that can dislocate every bones in his body to crawl in small places. then I got hooked and rented the VHS of the series, bought books of the series, the official magazines, unofficial biographies (my gosh is the internet cheaper) and watched every episode (at some point switching in the English version on Fridays) until Mulder got abducted. Tried to watch that season but didn’t care to not miss an episode... then I just... forgot to tune in. so that’d be since.... according to WIKI the first episodes in French were in 1994 and “squeeze” is the third one.
Because of Doctor Who.
Grahhhhh okay I’m going to go renewed series because fhjdsahlsb and it’s still hard but I think I’ll go with David Tenant. Tough Karen Gillan is good too. Oh! fuck and John Simm fuck I forgot John Simm and Life on Mars! damn. Okay John Simm
You drive a hard bargain. I’ll go with the X-Files; 4
as in proportionally? because I’ve see all of them, but I *think* merlin has more episodes? Though I’ve watch Torchwood more often I think?
I’m not sure I’d like to be anyone on the x-files that sounds like a very dangerous life. although wait no not true! one of the gunmen! They have the coolest job in the series.
*stares* Not like that. 
HAHAHA well. YES, mainly because IT IS a thing between DW and Torchwood.
The Master and Donna? If, you know, the Master got his murdering tendencies in check. idk I’m not good at pairing people. I pick and chose those who exist in the fandom.
Damn.... I mean Andrew Scott alone.... but then it got cringey... but I don’t particularly like Gwen but I’m pretty sure it’s not the casting..... I’ll go with Torchwood.
I do not know Merlin’s Soundtrack well enough to comment on it and I think the X-files’ is pretty lacking, but Sherlock has some very good music, the Irene piece is on of my favourite.
Blergh. I don’t want to tag because lazy. go ahead and give me the answers, though. Especially the music ones I’m always interested in finding new music!
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