#i need things to go well overall in regards to the eggs or i will die
leviathiane · 7 months
not me coming online to this qsmp news about purgatory.... hell and war on planet earth, i hope red is the cursed team
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trashfangirlsworld · 3 months
something i feel people may not understand is that qsmp needs a shit-ton of money. there are 9 egg admins (not including dapper and pomme) all of them need to be paid at least minimal wage meaning alex's salary will have to be 9× the wage of a minimal worker if he wants to keep them. but that's not all, there are more roleplay admins and workers other than the eggs. such as writers, artists, developers etc. alex needs to pay all of them. and remember, keeping the server up and the translation mod also costs money. this is not going to be easy. that's why he has been streaming so much lately and why the egg merch is so ''expensive'' (not that it's all that expensive. for a figurine shipped globally, it's actually pretty cheap)
he'll need maybe somewhere around 544.66 usd per month? that's a very rough estimate though. i'm using my country's minimum wage x18 + estimated server cost + estimated mods cost and then i just translated it into usd. unfortunately, i'm very bad with money stuff so that calculation is probably shit. somebody better than me can do it. using Brazilian minimum wage, it could be 752.88 usd per month? what i'm trying to say is that it is a shit-ton of money. probably way more than what people imagine.
alex will have to consider different countries wages and laws regarding work as well, so that means that the overall pay might be less or more? it is very complicated and hurts my brain :(
even though i disagree heavly with alex's way of going about things (especially regarding the communication) this whole situation is so much more than just ''pay the admins and fire higher ups!''
Yeah, pretty much all of this, like I said, this is shitty fucking situation, nothing about this is as easy to do and fix like some people claim it is.
Also, q isn't even technically dealing with the union legally yet, because he hasn't been contacted by them beyond twitter (which he isn't using), so that's another thing that's probably gonna stack on top of everything else depending on what happens
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theghostbunnie · 11 months
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Just to preference alot of this is my interpretations/HCs/OC and very little of it is cannonical character analysis:
So her name is Penelope Esther Goldman but she just goes by her middle name Esther, as a funny little nod to know SK and Neil are both named Neil, she shares a name with Mrs Priss and I think I had them go to the same collage or something, might have to do the math on their ages again to see if that lines up
(I HC Carl's last name is Pasternak and Neil's is both, hyphenated.)
She's a incredibly intelligent scientist with extensive knowledge in biology, robotics, chemistry, ect ect. Esther doesn't really emote or exspress her emotions in her voice or face much at all, or well.
Carl when they first met was smitten, he was a groovy goofy goober and still is. He'd do that walrus thing with breadsticks in public at restaurants. He'd skate around with a fanny pack dancing to bee gees. Convince her to go to parties and she'd just be pleasantly content to stand there as he's like "that's fine I can dance enough for the both of us/pos" She had to pass a first aid course and he guided her arms and taught her you can keep the proper rhythm by singing Stayin Alive. He was just really persistent and really sweet and he grew on her okay 😭
Esther didn't really have a respect for philosophy because she didn't really grasp it's value or importance. As she grew to respect him more that sortaa changed.
They eventually got married and really kick-started both of their careers along the way.
(cw miscarriage implications for this next part) Neil's a rainbow baby that happened after several pregnancy losses. It may have been one of the things to strain their marriage but what really ended up doing it in was just the simple fact of life people change and grow apart and can fall out of love so now they can't really interact with each other for long. Their differences and flaws now clash and they butt heads instead of being complimentary.
I'm a firm believer the episode where each camper takes care of an egg they were reflecting their own parents. Carl is embarrassing but he's almost the exact opposite of a smotherer that Neil was showcased to be. His overall parenting style is like he's way more concerned about being Neil's friend than anything.
Esther is the one he's mirroring, here. She treats him like he's fragile almost. She gives him specific everything, down to his bedsheet thread count, knows how to cater to his living needs inside and out. Esther struggles to connect with anyone emotionally, though so her affection in the verbal department isn't as maintained. This never really bothers Neil, it doesn't register as "smothering" to him how much she shelters or caters to him. Because this isn't a kid interested in joining sports he could get hurt in and likes everything in a specific way anyways.
She's more aware socially than Carl is and knows how to not embarrass him in general.
Esther is Neil's biggest role model he wants to be just like her and is mad when he isn't, when he fails to be. He's upset even physically the only thing they share are the eyes. ((Regularly you can't even see Esther's I couldn't help myself in the art above from making them visible/forgot on the cc one but it's supposed to be a bit on "eyes are a window to the soul" thing and she's just that closed off and unreadable. Really only has a soft spot for Neil))
His mother is incredibly intelligent, and just seems so collected to him all the time.. and importantly not over emotional like he can be (his temper specifically.) and ESPECIALLY how emotional his dad can be.
I just love!! Character parallels!!!! How Carl is this emotional goofy person who joked around and danced and played music everywhere and Esther got regarded as "cold" and stiff and Neil is just both of them bc he's so smart but he's also silly. Like he plays video games and gets passionate over little things and allthat and it embarrasses him secretly sometimes, he wishes he could chill out and be like his mother. But the parts of him that reflect his father have always been the parts Esther always loved the most and found endearing. He doesn't know that though.
Neil to an extent even secretly believes if he didn't have his big brain and academic achievements him and his mother wouldn't have this close relationship because this is their shared quality. This is what makes her proud. He's so scared to lose that or disappoint her.
At the same time it doesn't stop him from pinning his parents against each other a bit from time to time. As he knows Esther's go-to move is to spoil him to win.
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konmaao3 · 2 years
My thoughts about season 4
(tagged as tdp critical because I’m focusing on the negatives. It’s long enough as it is although I tried to keep myself short) We don’t really need yet another review, but I wanted to understand why I found season 4 so underwhelming and thus wrote this stuff, so why not post it as well.
tl;dr The storytelling was often immersion-breaking. Many things seemed to happen because the plot needed them to happen, not because they made sense. Irrespective of that, the story felt shallow. There weren’t enough conversations about all the important stuff going on, the dragang just travelled without much character development.
I think my main issues are with 1) the overall storytelling and 2) the characters within the story. Season 4 often chooses the lazy, convenient route (I’ll use the word “convenient” a lot here). In isolation, many of my points don’t matter that much or could be explained by some head canons, but they add up. There were just so many immersion-breaking logical errors and weird behaviours, and also some design choices I simply disagree with.
1) Storytelling
The story of season 1-3 was essentially “in a hostile environment, bring Zym from A to B”, which is all that was needed. What made it great were the characters within the story. So season 4 didn’t have to do something spectacular in this regard, but things were constantly throwing me off, preventing me from getting invested.
No open fire in a huge sunfire elf camp? That doesn’t sound right, there are plenty of nomadic cultures that use fires literally inside of tents. Ancient and medieval and modern armies on the march needed their fires as well. It’s strange that these human-elf misunderstandings only came up after two years. In fact, it seemed as if this plot line hadn’t gotten the memo about the time skip. Because that was the starting point of the whole conflict, it always felt weird. If I ignore that and pretend that there was a believable reason, I don’t have many issues with this story arc.
However, the Aaravos arc had me constantly shake my head:
Zubeia and Pyrrah conveniently leave just when Claudia&Co. climb the Storm Spire.
“The staff of Ziard has been stolen. I’m afraid this can only mean one thing: The Fallen Star has returned.” – Why can it mean only that? It’s a powerful relic, that alone is reason enough for any dark mage to try and get it. Claudia whispered “one step closer to freeing Aaravos” when opening the chest, but if Ibis heard that, he should have simply said “a dark mage stole the staff to free the Fallen Star” instead. But conveniently, this puts the good guys on the right track from the get-go.
Why did Zubeia take the dragang with her? Very convenient that the protagonists are included in the story that way, but there wasn’t really a reason. It’s especially weird that Ezran tags along (the world really needs a 12-year-old boy whose death could cause yet another succession crisis?) and that Opeli just yeets him into this adventure (unless she has a coup in mind, lol).
Why hasn’t Zubeia asked Ezran and Callum about the mirror in the last two years? She knows that it went missing together with Zym’s egg, and someone must have told her that Viren stole that.
For plot reasons, overpowered Zubeia needed to stay behind at Umber Tor, and the collapsed entrance worked well enough. Then the back entrance is supposed to be secret, hidden somewhere in a huge forest, and yet they find it in no time – of course with a local’s help, but they were already conveniently close anyway. Getting to know N’than and earning his trust to a degree that he was willing to risk his life by leading them to Rex was conveniently easy as well.
Rayla told Soren “you better be right behind me”, but after five steps she should have noticed that this wasn’t the case. Conveniently for the plot, she didn’t notice. Of course for plot reasons Soren had to get lost so that he could meet Claudia, but there should have been another way to do that. The drakeriders, including N’than, were pretty much unnecessary and could have made room for more important matters.
TDP usually avoids problems caused by stupid communication, but in the case of Rex it was a close call. Upon seeing him, the first word from the heroes should have been “Aaravos”, followed by “wants to escape, we have to stop him”. Would have saved a lot of time, avoiding drama that didn’t feel real anyway because it was so obvious that it was just the result of bad communication. Why do they even ask for the location of the prison? Would make sense if they wanted to free Aaravos, but they just want to prevent others from doing that.
When even Rex wasn’t immune to the sleep spell, Zym was unaffected for unknown reasons. However, the villains didn’t care about that and let him run away and hide, and then they went one step further and left their sleeping enemies and Soren unsupervised so that Zym and Soren could wake the rest of the dragang (scatter a few more “conveniently” in here somewhere).
Archdragons are intelligent beings. Yet when Rex woke up, he didn’t do the sensible thing – look for Claudia, squash her, then interrogate the others – but threw a temper tantrum like a wild animal, conveniently allowing the villains to escape and forcing the heroes to flee. Conveniently for them, suddenly a hole appeared in the barrier at the gate.
(If season 5 starts with the heroes not knowing where the prison is: Why didn’t Zubeia tell Rex that the dragang are the good guys and get the map from him as well?)
The caterpillar was creepy, the Creature was silly (I had hoped for something more menacing to emerge from the chrysalis, maybe something with Koh-the-Facestealer-vibes). The scene where Viren knelt down felt very out of character, considering how disillusioned he had been until that point, and I immediately suspected that they were trying to set up a dramatic moment that could then be interrupted by silliness. The Creature vomiting all over Viren was just that, but because it was so predictable it was neither dramatic nor funny. The Creature didn’t do anything the whole season that couldn’t have been done by the other characters. I’m sure it will become plot-relevant later, but it could have been interesting right from the start. Given enough intelligence, the Creature could for example struggle for agency and free will against Aaravos who just wants a puppet. Or at least give it some cool powers.
So, within the existing story many things could have been done better, but as mentioned above the whole premise was weird from the start. It felt as if the heroes went on the adventure not because it made sense, but just because they are the protagonists of the show.
What should have been done differently? Rough idea from the top of my head: To make things interesting, you can’t have a super-powerful ally such as Zubeia around the whole time. So the heroes’ quest could have been a seemingly private one at first that doesn’t involve Zubeia (or the info-dump that took away much from the Mystery) and keeps them in the dark about the world-threatening danger that is Aaravos. It could have started with Callum interacting with Aaravos through the mirror (not knowing who he is), Aaravos promising knowledge about the missing Rayla, e.g. in exchange for the cube or the map to his prison (framed as a hostage situation, blackmail, a simple trade, anything goes).
The threat would have been more subtle. As things stand now, Zubeia should already fly across all of Xadia to warn everyone (especially the archdragon of Ocean … any others left? Sol seems to be out of the picture) and send a shit ton of dragons to the heroes’ help.
2) Characters
Rayla leaves in the morning as if that couldn’t traumatize Callum all over again, but he doesn’t even acknowledge her return at all when waking up (or later when she comes to the valley of graves), only caring about greeting Zubeia. Then Rayla is gone all day, and we don’t know why – to be fair, a mind-controlled Rayla slashing the Zubeia painting as this fanfic proposed would be an interesting reason. We also don’t learn why she suddenly returned – conveniently right when it’s adventure time.
I’m on the fence about Rayla’s and Callum’s behaviour when they see Viren. We don’t know what’s going on in their heads, but it felt odd that Rayla would just leave again after she has just returned, and that Callum would let her go without offering to come with her. Felt like the plot just needed the Rayla-Claudia confrontation so that Rayla could get the coins. But then the confrontation: Rayla says she won’t make a deal with Claudia … but she also doesn’t say what she does want. Taking a hostage usually does involve making a deal. Instead she just holds a sword to Terry’s throat and stands there. And how does Claudia (conveniently) know that two of the coins are Rayla’s parents? Parents and their children don’t look that similar. Otherwise great scene, Claudia’s smug cruelty was bone-chilling, Rayla’s scream was heartbreaking, Claudia giving Rayla the coins was very intriguing.
But then so many missed opportunities to add some emotional depth to the story:
When Callum gets angry at Rayla in his study, Stella interrupts. Ezran forgives her immediately and never talks about her absence, even though she is like a sister to him and it hurt both him and Callum and of course her as well. When Rayla wants to talk with Callum at the top of the Storm Spire – not necessarily about them, but maybe about Aaravos possessing him – Soren interrupts. When Soren talks to Rayla about Callum, the drakerider fighting the dragon interrupts. When Ezran and Callum talk about Callum’s possession and about Rayla, they don’t exchange more than a few sentences. When Callum and Rayla talk in the lava cave, Rayla leaves after just a few words (including “no one can control you” after she saw Aaravos literally do that). No one ever voices their concern about a world-threatening evil about to return to Xadia, apart from one dry comment from Rayla. No one asks Soren how he feels about the fact that Claudia is responsible for that.
Then there is Soren’s reunion with his family. His talk with Claudia was interesting, but – for valid in-universe reasons – it couldn’t actually go anywhere because Claudia couldn’t be honest. Soren thought that she was alone and wants to free Aaravos just because, when in reality Claudia wants to save Viren. But she can’t tell Soren that, because she needs to stall him until Viren and Terry free her. However, once Viren is there, there is a lot to unpack for the family:
Claudia almost killed Soren with Noctu Igne
Viren almost turned Soren into a fire monster
Viren told Soren to kill the princes, then denied it and made Claudia believe him. Would he feel remorse for any of that now?
Soren “killed” Viren’s illusion (which Viren doesn’t know yet)
I wrote a whole fanfic about this confrontation, and even with my hyperfixation on Rayllum I was very much looking forward to it, but what season 4 gave us is … nothing. Nothing at all after S1-3 set up the most interesting family dynamic imaginable.
I’m totally okay with Callum and Rayla not solving all of their issues in season 4, but there were so many opportunities to talk about serious matters, and the season ignored them almost completely. Sure, that can come later … but it doesn’t have to, not all of it. A set-up season is allowed to be interesting as well, and season 4 had the potential for it. The whole “bring Zym from A to B” plot from S1-3 was so interesting because it was accompanied by character interactions and development, things that were missing here.
Some words about the humour:
Honestly, I didn’t mind Claudia’s and Terry’s fart jokes that much. They weren’t funny, but they didn’t have to be and I’m not sure if they were supposed to. They felt in-character because Claudia was always quirky, and if Terry is her boyfriend then it makes sense that he shares her sense of humour. It was humanizing them, making them more than the evil villains who murdered Ibis. Still, the humour of season 4 didn’t convince me (while I often found S1-3 hilarious). I can’t remember many jokes in the first place (were the guardians supposed to be funny? I can’t even tell), much less ones that worked.
So, yeah, season 5 can still fix a lot of things, but on its own season 4 wasn’t great.
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ladyluscinia · 2 years
Saw an accusation that we would not be so convinced Edward needed help managing his life if he was white, as evidenced by not saying similar things about Stede. I'm sorry. That was my bad.
I would like to clarify for the record that I wholly and completely believe Stede Bonnet needs rogue toddler levels of constant supervision to not get himself killed, and I only did not say so earlier because I thought it was obvious to everyone. Moreover, the only reason I don't advocate for getting him his own personal Izzy is because that is too much responsibility for any single person to bear.
Like, Edward predominantly needs a somewhat more extreme and intimate version of a PA because it's the 1700s and he has neither medications nor smartphone reminders. He needs to be prompted to remember active tasks and pending questions regularly. He needs someone to run through draft plans with him to spot missing details. On really bad depression days he probably needs food deliveries and schedule clearing and someone who will refuse to completely fuck off. And on a professional level he needs none of those prior things to be noticable as problems by his crew.
That's... manageable. Izzy can handle that pretty well as an extension of his actual job. And even as Edward gets mentally worse it's not a full overload. Depression days of sitting in his cabin and self-isolating appear to have been on the rise, meaning more covering for him. The suicidal ideation is a really bad sign, but he doesn't seem to be doing it seriously so far. More concerning is his boredom leading to reckless and erratic behavior, but that also seems to just now be approaching a breaking point.
Overall, Edward can, fundamentally, function as Edward Teach and - with a bit of codependent support - as Blackbeard. He's not oblivious to danger despite being distractible, nor unable to get himself out of it should the need arise. He's got an envious number of piracy skills. He's not liable to get himself killed if Izzy loses track him (though good luck convincing Izzy's anxiety of that).
Stede, though? Holy fuck, where is the child leash?!?
Stede Bonnet will walk confidently into a sword without hesitation. He's on a pirate ship but thinks gunpowder is low priority. His first hour in Nassau involved advertising himself as a prostitute, almost getting killed by Spanish Jackie, and telling Blackbeard to "Go suck eggs in Hell!" by accident. He eagerly agreed to a duel he could have died 3 seconds into if Izzy wanted him dead. He uses 40 oranges on a cake because he's never heard of scurvy. He's now penniless and he's never heard of a budget in his life!
Stede Bonnet is a walking invitation to murder or screw over Stede Bonnet, and it will take the concentrated efforts of several crewmembers to keep that man alive. Along with the power of plot armor. Stede should be making zero decisions regarding where they go or - god forbid - what they purchase during a long piracy training wheels program under Captain Oluwande, and letting him talk to people at all is kinda risky.
So for the record:
I think Edward's ADHD / other mental health issues seriously hamper his ability to captain a pirate ship 24/7, so he relies on Izzy and leans heavily on him as needed (causing strain as he gets more and more bored of his own responsibilities).
I think Stede's everything is a disaster in progress, and he's making Oluwande, Lucius, and the rest of the crew viscerally understand what it's like to complete a particularly arduous NPC escort mission several centuries early.
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theseventhoffrostfall · 5 months
Haven't sent a worldbuilding ask in a bit, but I've been thinking about how there are a lot of heraldic beast type monsters that I'm fond of, and figured I'd ask how they manifest in your setting if you've got it figured out. Gryphons are the obvious first ask, which I think you've talked about general gryphon-rider culture in your setting before but if there are any differences in approach to gryphon-rearing across different cultures, or information on what wild gryphons are like and how people deal with them, or any other gryphon worldbuilding you've done I'd like to hear it. You've talked about your settings dragons but haven't really gone into wyverns if they exist, and what relation they have to dragons if any at all. Basilisks/cockatrice and unicorns are others that I have soft spot for in that category if you have an interpretation of either of those in your setting?
Gryphons, if I can recall my own posts, I believe were established as having a lot of convergent evolution as to how they're reared and utilized just because they're very exacting beasts to manage. This includes having to keep them separate from conventional cavalry (as horses fear gryphons and gryphons consider them prey) and needing to be restrained or otherwise sequestered in many cases since, hey, the flying mail courier's mount mauling a stableboy is the sort of thing you don't want happening every week when the mail comes.
This same behavior is also why wild gryphon populations, never having been very high, are diminishing as more wildlands are settled, with hunting parties (either on bounty or simply opportunistic) go out to kill the adults and retrieve the eggs to be raised in captivity. This is, incidentally, why some groups (from kingdoms to ambitious rancher-barons) are trying to beef up the rearing of pegasi despite being overall inferior flyers, fighters and managers of challenging conditions; because simply not being vicious predators that are anathema to your workhorse, uh, workhorses is a pretty big bonus.
Wyverns, to be honest, haven't really gotten much thought from my. I tend to think of young and adolescent dragons (ones too small and vulnerable to warrant that near-divine regard of awe and fear afforded to adult and elder dragons) kind of fill in that ecological niche, in the same way Tyrannosaur adolescents outcompeted whole other species in the same niche. Which I might just make canon and say that wyverns are now extinct for that very reason.
Unicorns I figure for something too rare and unique to be bred or used in a standardized way. They're the sort of thing I think that warrant being treated with some gravitas.
Basilisks, in my setting, take the pretty conventional form of flightless, very saurian birds, with the caveat that while their gaze causes petrification, their saliva cures it and their teeth and jaws are developed for breaking and crushing stone, since they have to eat somehow. Trying to use them for practical purposes or war is a pursuit someone who thinks they're really smart takes a good ol' college try at at least once a decade and it's yet to end well; controlling where a temperamental wild animal looks is a pretty tough set of challenges.
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calebscalamity · 1 year
So... the critic scores for the Mario movie are finally coming out, and to say that there's been a less-than-favorable response would be an understatement. Usually don't delve too deeply into topics like this, but with all the misinformed takes going around I think I gotta throw my own hat into the ring, ya know? Before we start the match, Obligatory disclaimer that ya'll are entitled to your own opinions regarding the Mario movie and don't have to engage with every criticism thrown its way, nor should you. Don't let what some random internet stranger says online deter your enjoyment of the film and whatnot. With that being said, some misconceptions definitely do need to be cleared up.
Starting off small, it seems like a lot of people don't actually understand how sites like Rotten Tomatoes work. They'll pull up critic reviews from other media seen as bad by the vast majority as evidence that the critics don't know what they're talking about, but it's not so black and white. RT works as a reference site for viewing different critic reviews. They add up different assessments from multiple professional critics on a specific movie and spit out a general percentage of the amount that rated it positively vs negatively. When RT says a movie got a 53% rating, what they really mean is that only 53% of the critics who reviewed it rated it positively. It's never the exact same people reviewing different movies, which is likely where the disparity comes from. Jumping off of the critics themselves, the arguing points many of them bring up regarding the flaws of the film are met with plenty of scrutiny from others. I've seen a lot of backlash and mockery over the flaws that they do mention. However, looking at some of the reviews myself, I don't think a lot of them were being too unreasonable, and they're likely just the result of them having different expectations as critics. For example, the most commonly cited critique I saw was the overall plot of the movie. The general consensus seemed to be that they found the story to be far too formulaic and uninteresting to have any significant appeal, and that most of the entertainment came from the abundance of easter eggs and game references found throughout the film. While this on its own has incited a lot of backlash from fans of the movie, I think the enjoyment factor from critics vs audiences is an overall interesting talking point that I unfortunately don't see spoken about much. At the end of the day, this is a film targeted towards children and fans of the Mario series. While that's not necessarily a bad thing depending on who you ask, it does have potential repercussions on how people outside that demographic will react to it. I'm sure the two groups I mentioned before will probably have a blast with this movie and see it as a pretty great outing, but would a person who isn't familiar with the games or isn't even a gamer feel the same way? I mean, I've dabbled with a few Mario games from time to time and did enjoy them, but I don't really hold any significant attachment to the franchise in general, and it doesn't seem like I'd gain a whole lot from this movie as a result.
Comparing it to the Sonic Movies, while I did indeed naturally enjoy the first two films as a fan of the Sonic games, I can also acknowledge that I personally find the story on its own to be well-structured and easy for others to follow regardless of their relationship with the Blue Blur. This movie in contrast is likely made especially for the fans to enjoy. As a Mario movie? It's probably a solid outing and a delight for the people within that fanbase. But as a movie on its own merits? That seems to be what a lot of the critics are judging it as and many of them aren't finding much substance within it.
And I know that people will come in saying that I shouldn't be expecting some super deep story from the Mario series and that the games are known for having simplistic stories, but that's precisely the problem. You can usually excuse a bare-bones plot in a video game because most people are there for the actual gameplay, the story is just a nice bonus. But when it comes to such a radically different medium like film work, you can't get away with having a non-existent story in such a way, and there needs to be a tight structure of some sort to garner people's interest. Furthermore, I also don't think we should be overlooking these critiques with defenses such as the source material or younger audience. Something being made for kids shouldn't be an excuse to not try, and I feel like the best kids media are the ones that don't talk down to children and feature genuinely good writing in their stories that other demographics can naturally also come to enjoy simply because it's good writing. The Lego Movie and Puss in Boots were also marketed toward children, but they both also had good writing that many other demographics were able to appreciate. Like I said before, I don't think the Mario movie primarily being aimed at fans of the franchise is necessarily a bad thing, but it can certainly leave a lot to be desired for someone who might want the movie to be able to stand on its own detached from the source material.
All in all, I feel like people are massively misinterpreting information and the job of critics in general when it comes to debates such as these. I won't deny that critic scores alone shouldn't be your only indicator of quality when it comes to media like video games and movies (The aforementioned Sonic movies are sitting in the mid to high 60s on RT, but lots of others hold them in high regard), but I think it is worth analyzing their problems with said media and how that might impact your overall enjoyment. Let's just try not to see things so black and white all the time. To anyone planning on seeing the Mario movie, I hope you guy's have a great time and fully enjoy yourselves!
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I finally got to ride Runaway Railway!
I finally got to go to Disneyland for the first time in a while, and finally got to check out our newest ride!  While I generally liked it, I also found it sort of... odd?  So I sorted my thoughts into the Good, The Bad, and The Ugly:
The Good:
-The operations!  This thing JUST opened but there’s already no need for a virtual queue/boarding pass and the line waits never got past 65 minutes or so even during a crowded day.  Lately, smooth operations with reasonable lines have become a MASSIVE BLESSING and a rarity at Disneyland so I have to give props to this.
-That QUEUE!  I love it so much, it’s so well done with just the right of Toontown humor and whimsy.  The only downside is... How the heck do they make a museum of Mickey and not reference ANY of his video game roles???  I understand not mentioning Kingdom Hearts since that’s partly owned by Square, but Epic Mickey was a major thing, reintroducing Oswald to the whole Disney canon!  How hard would it have been to just add in the paintbrush or the keyblade somewhere?
-Actually taking advantage of being trackless!  Aside from a few effects, Rise of the Resistance still feels like it follows two general “tracks”.  Runaway Railway actually has the cars moving in crazy random-feeling patterns that definitely feel like they could not have been accomplished without this technology.
-Catchy theme tune!  It feels like it’s been a while since we’ve had a Disney ride with one of those.
-Tailoring the Easter Eggs to the new location!  I noticed the Great Movie Ride references were removed, which is a nice attention to detail.  Batuu West still has Lights Motors Action Easter Eggs despite that show never existing on the West Coast, simply because Disney didn’t care and just copied Galaxy’s Edge entirely verbatim.  I’m not sure yet if Runaway Railway West has any Anaheim-specific Easter Eggs added, but at least taking out the Floridian ones shows some care to detail.
-Generally looks better in person than on film.  A surprising amount of the screens have this layered effect where there’s actual depth in them.  Like, in Goofy’s train compartment, it definitely seems like Goofy is standing in front of the train interior background; cameras flatten this effect out when filmed.
The Bad:
-The presentation on the ride portion feels weird and uneven.  I know you’re supposed to get a sense of seeing different things depending on which car you get, but it felt more like I just kept arriving to a scene early or late, or missing some parts of it, instead. (I rode twice, once in the first car and once in the last)
-The ride is a LOT rougher and jerkier than I expected based on video footage.  This subsequently places it in a weird spot, thrill-wise.  It might be a bit intense for the little-kid audience its Toontown location suggests (alternately, it might give some grandpas and grandmas whiplash), but it’s also not quite intense enough to be an actual thrill ride.
-Doesn’t take as much advantage of its 2.5D projection-mapped style as it could.  The transforming factory/park scene shows the real potential this style/technology has, but for a lot of the ride it just feels like screens.
The Ugly:
-The Mickey and Minnie animatronics look WORSE in person than they do on camera.  It’s not just that they’re projection-faced, but the decisions the designers made with regard to nose and ear placement for the duo make them look really wrong.  They were going for “2.5D”, with the ears and noses being placed in perspective as if the characters were drawn, but instead it just comes off as them placing the facial features in the wrong places.  Mickey’s nose looks like it’s growing out of where his cheek should be.  One of his ears is on the wrong side.  I’m not the biggest fan of the art style of the new shorts to begin with, but even then I know these designs could be translated into real space better.
I like this ride, and I’m glad we got this addition to Anaheim, especially since it felt somewhat unexpected.  It finally revitalizes a long-neglected corner of the park, and I think with a few adjustments it could be a truly great ride.
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padawan-crevette · 1 year
7, 8, and 14 for the pride asks :)
Hi there! :)
7. Are you the "token" queer person in your family?
As far as I'm aware yes, at least I'm the only one who's out and a lot of relatives have made it clear they perceive me as the odd one out, but then again I only know a fraction of my family so I really can't say
8. Describe your gender without using any words traditionally related to gender:
"Error 404: Not Found"
14. How do you think other factors like neurodivergency or upbringing have impacted your identity?
(This one ran long, sorry! And thank you for asking it, it was very fun to answer!)
My parents are ND too, no matter how much they're in denial over it half the time, and I think it showed in the way they raised me with hardly a thought for gender stereotypes until puberty hit and my dad got all overprotective about it. I think they also don't understand gender as well as they think, because what they say doesn't match up with what they do. Especially as far as gender roles go, you can see it's a learned thing and not quite something they understand because it's absolutely not consistent across the board, and that really bled over onto the way they raised me. You can probably imagine how confused I was when other people, particularly at school, started expecting me to conform to certain ideas in regards to my behavior and tastes.
It definitely took a long while for my autistic ass to even get it lmao and I think both of these things play a huge part in the way I understand gender as a concept only in relation to other people and the way they identify and define themselves. Encountering the word "agender" was even more a revelation than "non-binary" was, and honestly such a relief. Same for asexual and aromantic. As much as I am a big language nerd overall and love to read, defining myself in single word labels was a big struggle for a while, and had the same flavor as struggling with finding the right words to express myself and my emotions in my daily life, which is one of the things that first made me relate with posts about autism. Figuring out I'm autistic helped me understand my identity and how I function the same way figuring out my gender identity and orientation did, and it's all something I'd never have bothered to do if I hadn't felt the need to find people I belonged with when many pushed me away or questioned who I was. Hell, I never thought of questioning my orientation until my friends in high school talked about being straight/gay/bi (the only three labels they knew) and asked me my preferences. My immediate response was a confused "I can't just... Idk, like people??" in part because growing up in very tiny countryside villages, I wasn't really exposed to queerness as a concept for a while, and what thoughts I may have had on the subject were filed under "marked for later", and in part because when the question came up I only had some vague thought that maybe gender had nothing to do with liking someone or not.
Same goes for being aspec and poly, my flavor of neurodivergency comes with being somewhat confused about people and feelings and emotions most of the time, and it took a long while for me to have some idea of what I felt and wanted. But getting there came along with meeting some truly lovely folks, and spending hours talking about it together and finding out we had so much in common.
In conclusion, I'd say my neurodivergency absolutely plays a part in the way I perceive and understand things, including every queer label I identify with, but really all of the above is interconnected in a way that feels very much like the chicken and egg question. And my upbringing at least let me grow up in a space where, more often than not (at least when puberty wasn't getting in the way of my parents' behavior towards me), I didn't feel like I had to think about gender, and I believe that helped me be comfortable with that the way I am now, as an adult.
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antirepurp · 2 years
ok im ready to sit down and give some real thought to frontiers beyond nonsensical first-impression fueled gushing let’s go gamers
im not here to discuss the gameplay tbh like it’s good and fun and all that jazz but im more of a story kinda guy y’know. anyway.
reflecting on the story while watching the credits gave me sort of similar vibes to the first sonic movie in the sense that, all the building blocks and the ultimate vision were there, but the pacing was just a tad too fast to explore everything to their full potentials. the beginning felt definitely more fluent in that regard, thought this could also be just my experience in wanting to explore/get all the memories and THEN do all the plot shit in one go lol. i do think the ending needed a little something more special, i was hype to be in space but then it lasted a grand total of a single cutscene which was... not as cool as it could have been. same thing with sage, and my goodness i have a lot of thoughts about her
i seriously wish they had explored the whole corruption thing more! it seemed like such a huge deal but then it sorta. got thrown aside at the last moment. like okay fair how else would they have solved this issue without using resources to like idk create new playable characters for a single segment in which they save sonic or something? but i would’ve liked more, hm, spice in the whole situation. maybe the corruption overtakes sonic and, for a while, the story would force us to act against our friends. perhaps sage would be the one to stop sonic when he begins to threaten eggman’s safety, perhaps she is the one who gets shlorped into the corruption to stabilize sonic, perhaps the two of them are, for a brief moment in time, the same entity, and defeat the... whatever the final boss was together uh. it was some, corruption shit right? was that ever really addressed like the mechs and shit were ancients’ tech and there was another threat which was the fucking thanos planet or whatever?? and that planet was like possessing the mechs through cyber space?? did they actually address this or did i take too long fucking around to remember the plot anymore
regardless im overall fine with the story though! i can see why people would have issues with it, it’s far from perfect, but still a step-up from the 2010s sans sonic boom. i loved the interactions with amy and tails specifically, seeing the former become a more fleshed out character from what she’s used to and having a lot of things with tails addressed as well, especially forces. knuckles was a bit more history focused i feel but i think that fits him honestly
sage though... i was left craving more interactions with her and eggman, more direct ones anyway. the egg memos and the occasional cutscene was fine sure but i feel like something is still missing. either way im a sucker for sentient AI characters, i love how both her and sonic operate morally grey grounds for the most of the game and both see one another as enemies more or less (even if sonic is a lot friendlier towards her.) she’s a very interesting character and i do want to see more of her, im very much a fan of the implication that she might return in the future, and that it’s implied that frontiers leads up to a more cohesive narrative within sonic games from what we’ve had! i mean it would be a fucking shame to throw a character like that away, especially with the character development she brings out in eggman as well.
im not entirely sure how i feel about the ancients being aliens, it’s a bit... well, we had aliens before so did we really need more of them i guess? that said i am fucking obsessed that since the ancients are related to chaos, and chaos is related to chao, that chao are just heavily fucking mutated ancients that became babies it’s fucking hilarious to me akjsdhajds
the last thing that like actually bothers me is the goddamn mural that appeared in the sky and in the end on eggman’s machine, i severely wanted it addressed but we never really got that? i mean it has something to do with cyber space and the ancients but the hell is it? also i lowkey hate that every time i see it i read it as “up” but that’s just me aksjdhd
ah. i probably will have more thoughts later on after i’ve let my brain soup sit around for a while. but frontiers is good, pretty fucking good. and sticks confirmed please show her in a mainline game soon i miss her so much
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topreviewin · 6 months
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pyjamamoat81 · 1 year
The 7-Minute Rule for Plastic Bags: To Recycle or Not: Essential Answer
Please load out the following type to submit a Ask for for Quote to any of the adhering to firms detailed on Acquire Your Provider Detailed on this Power Page Overview Everything you need to have to know concerning plastic bags and their use. A full listing is in order. The post above details the concerns to be looked at through a prospective vendor. http://castshow2.xtgem.com/__xt_blog/__xtblog_entry/__xtblog_entry/31575423-plastic-bags-to-recycle-or-not-essential-answer-can-be-fun-for-anyone?__xtblog_block_id=1#xt_blog ought to possess a total reference from the maker of plastic bags to receive an suggestion of the product's attributes. The product may not satisfy all suitable or details demands. You are going to discover: What is a Plastic Bag? A Plastic Bag makes use of the very same strategy of holding chemicals in reusable bags as an liquor bag. When you utilize a plastic bag you know it's going to smell really like your favorite beer, and the plastic bags are utilized to help produce your private preferred beverages cooler and cleaner. Plastic bags likewise behave like a safety and security internet, using protection in locations you might not possess get access to to, such as at work, during the course of a service appointment, and during the course of your property cleansing. Plastic Bag Materials Types of Plastic Bags And much additional … Phase One – What are Plastic Bags? Plastic Bags – For the the majority of component, non-reusable plastic bags aren't a bad thing because they're safer and also are much less likely to include any sort of chemical clutter that may ruin your items, particularly while in usage. Rather, plastic bags may supply significantly more safety for your private gadgets. A plastic bag is an unwoven solitary item poly fabricated container for keeping, carrying, and packing of a large selection of items and components. Such compartment is commonly designed to keep 50 grams worth of a appropriate body system conditioner/food pill or two to three things having organic products such as pork, milk and eggs, as well as in order to avoid leakage and contamination of uncooked materials. Plastic bags are typically made use of in home units such as power gadgets, fridges and heating units. Though they are really thin and easy to bring, plastic bags are solid, water resistant, and store their design under usual make use of. I discover the most popular bag dimension for bring is 7". I likewise lug my most-used and usually quite sizable bags and are going to carry merely one every day. These are a genuine pain to carry, but they can be helpful. The truth that I likewise have two large-type bags and three small-type bags gives them a bit more body weight while being much easier to hold. Plastic bags are helped make coming from a wide array of plastic polymers with polyethylene and polypropylene being the most popular. In truth, plastic bags may be likewise utilized to produce a wide array of glass, steel, metal and also hardwood products that require high high quality products. Although the overall level of popularity of plastic bags has not dropped over the past few years, that does suggest that the plastic bags we market are obtaining much better and a lot better at defending our little ones from hazardous ecological products. The assortments and types of plastic bags are affected by the products made use of to manufacture them as well as their design, dimension, color, types of closings, and style. A popular kind of plastic bag utilizes the term "bollies of plastic.". Some plastic bags have many styles of plastics; various other are developed to go with any kind of single kind or style of bag. What Regarding "Non-Glazed" Non-glazing Non-glaze allows for the removal of a part of a bag. Polyethylene plastic bags vary by their thickness between high, reduced, average, and linear, while polypropylene bags are crystal clear, possess exceptional flexible strength, and are warmth and chemical resistant. Plastic bag fullness is measured by area place, sky tension, and air flow unit attributes. For plastic bags, area area is evaluated in g.d. and air tension is evaluated in kg.d (m.).
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Polymers made use of to create plastic bags happen from handpicked organic gas or refined unrefined oil that is pressurized and superheated to isolate the natural polyethylene chains that are polymerized to create resin pellets. This kind of substances are the basis of the polymerizer's chemical structure. Breadboard Plastic Gaps There were actually likewise tiny spaces in the product's building led to by cracks in the chain that induce a large quantity of lead. Variants in the amount of pressure and warm produces material pellets of different qualities to make the several designs and styles of plastic bags. These pellets can be used for lots of different purposes, coming from making simple home devices to cleaning debris and particles things, likewise relying on the amount of plastic utilized. The dimension, shape and weight of each bag are additionally different. They can easily be utilized to produce a plastic ball of measurements to hold all the personal products and elements for your home.
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sliceadvice77 · 2 years
Everything about Weight Loss Smoothies
Shakes are super basic to whip up and create for a delectable morning meal. It's like throwing a fruit together! It try therefore great in the microwave. MY Most current VIDEOS MY Most up-to-date VIDEOS You may likewise make the money itself from the veggies at the end of a small dish or in a delicacy bag and use it as a pastry brush to shower in the butter. It's likewise great tasting. Merely add a handful of tablespoons of butter on leading to complete up the filling. And you may toss whatever ingredients you possess on hand into a food processor and voila! Once you make use of it, it will certainly seem like a creamed vanilla bean covered. I enjoy it! You simply require to create 1 mug of this recipe coming from scrape, you can offer it through yourself or if you as if to placed it for a go. We help make ours all year round Recipe based: For the a lot of part, you desire to whip up this things to your impulse. Plus, you can personalize them to your way of living and taste. Tailor, and transform your diet plan. We'll provide you dishes and resources we've formulated to assist you. Discover more regarding our brand-new nourishment, nourishment treatment options, and diet learning. For the new foods in your diet plan you can add to your private calorie criteria so you're ready to consume also even more. You can easily obtain all of the brand new foods items on your checklist today! Well-balanced shake recipes might likewise be really good for weight loss. An additional crucial thing to don't forget about Paleo is whether you just like the foods. While they might vary (a little bit of little bit) from food items you eat, they're all healthy. It's always far better to know what healthy foods you're getting, after all, not what your traditional diet is all regarding! What's in your Paleo Smoothie? Paleo is no longer going anywhere. “Healthy, well-balanced shakes can easily be a great add-on to a well-balanced diet regimen for body weight loss and basic health and wellness,” claims Julie Andrews, RDN, the founder of The Healthy Epicurean. The nutritional perks of eating a nutrient-rich healthy smoothie also make the item a well-balanced selection, states Andrews.“ You can easily inspect out a complete listing of all the health benefits of nutrient-rich Smoothies at The Healthy Epicurean. Not all smoothies are made equivalent, though, as some may be higher in sugar and fats than others and some might contain fewer nutrients that support body weight reduction and overall health, she keep in mind. For everyone who's appearing for methods to consume much better, there's likewise the nutrition inquiry: It is not clear how much sweets a biscuit consists of, but some studies have suggested that at least half the fats in the little volumes of the white-containing cookies are converted to fat when you eat them. What must you placed in a morning meal healthy smoothie? 1 tablespoon clean strawberries (1 mug), 1 cup milk, or 2 mugs plain yogurt. For the healthy protein, include 1/2 the routine yogurt to your eggwhite and skim dairy, after that incorporate the berries and milk. This is the method that your natural yogurt ought to go after that. 2 mugs prepared chicken bosom (1 mug), 1 cup skim milk, or 1 cup milk, or 1 mug raw egg, milk, or egg whole. “Create certain your breakfast healthy smoothies are wealthy in healthy protein, otherwise, you are going to very most likely be famished way before lunch break,” says Keri Gans, RDN, writer of The Small Change Diet. “Also, a little fat and thread are needed for satiety as well as overall nourishment And if you’re looking for some excellent active ingredients to consist of in your shakes, Gans highly recommends any kind of style of berry, fruit, green spinach, cabbage, avocado, low-fat ordinary Greek natural yogurt, low-fat dairy, non-dairy dairy choice that includes healthy protein, chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, and nut butter. If you need to have some severe smoothie inspo, below are some healthy and yummy shake recipes to make an effort. These are vegetarian smoothies made in a few quick steps, to make them in to the excellent healthy smoothie. You can easily check out out some wonderful dishes from some wonderful folks at vegaryfoods.com. You require these very easy, healthy and balanced self-made vegan shake recipes! I made this creamy Vegan Smoothie through using vegan coconut flour.
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Ad - Continue Reading Listed below 1 Strawberry Banana Smoothie Get Inspired Everyday A smoothie mix standard: strawberry fruit, of training program. You'll likewise be treated to a range of treats including one of America's greatest tastes: strawberry. Acquire out smoothie diet plan , try these strawberry fruit smoothies, for the first opportunity. 3. A Strawberry Banana Smoothie With Fresh Strawberries You might presume to miss out on a fruit, but it's really only one sip of clean strawberries.
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snifflesthemouse · 3 years
Harry’s the Problem. His wife is the symptom. He is the real Diana 2.0 Wannabe...
         Since the Oprah interview aired, my whole perspective regarding the spare and his spouse has shifted. It would seem that I’m not alone in my thought process as more and more media outlets start reporting similar stances. Just recently, there was an article suggesting Harry didn’t change; but rather, he is only finally revealing his true self. The more I think about it all, the more I’ve come to the realization #6 is the real culprit behind everything.
         I’m not saying that his wife doesn’t have her own agenda or shares responsibility for her part in all this. Her hands are far from clean. What I am saying is it’s finally time for all of us to consider the cold, hard truth. Harry is his mother’s child. Harry is the bad egg, and his wife is only a side effect of the real problem here.
         Had it not been for the Oprah interview, I would have never put it all together. The problem with oversharing is too much information gets put out in the public. Most assume PR firms would worry about oversaturation in the press, but the real problem comes from personal interviews they cannot control in real-time. Puff pieces can be edited before publishing so facts and statements align; live interviews cannot. Over time, one of two patterns form from this oversaturation. Consistencies, repetitions, and similarities can be found in oversaturated truth-telling. Inconsistencies, changes, and huge differences result from those like Harry who prefer their trousers scorching hot from bursting into flames from deception. When you consistently lie, the only constant is the inconsistencies. 
         Now, those of us who have been following these two already know by now inconsistencies and changing stories should be expected. But the Oprah interview really highlighted some interesting things I had previously missed. The interview with Dax Shephard only solidifies my theories. Up until lately, those two have been together through most everything. Very seldom have we seen Harry alone in an interview or speech. There’s never a time where the missus isn’t popping up. James Corden proved that. Then we have the Oprah interview where she was supposed to be the star of the show. But, that was the moment it all changed. That interview was the moment she became the understudy. 
          Think about it. Who is the one being used in the media lately? Most people would suggest that the impending delivery of child number dos is why the missus is absent. One would then argue the Apple + special with Oprah started production well before the second child was a topic for discussion. The missus is being used less and less on camera or in the media. Everything is all about Harry. Forget about when Harry met Sally; Harry Met Hollywood! 
         Harry is the one doing the interviews, dropping projects, and talking with big Hollywood names. Even their announced Netflix projects are focused on one of Harry’s pre-married concepts. All the wife has going for her is a book that’s only number one in the “Books written by ex-Royals who couldn’t hack it” category. Seriously though, as of this posting the Bench is #2130 on the Amazon Books list, #12 in Children’s Black and African American Story Books, #73 in Children’s Emotions Books, and #167 in Children’s Family Life Books. Being pregnant isn’t a disqualifier for being interviewed. But, apparently being just the wife is.
         So, if it was his wife’s plan from the beginning to marry Harry, get him to abandon his family, move to California, and become a big star with a Prince for a husband, her plans have been ruined. And if you think about what she said in the interview with Oprah, you can actually see the moments she told us all exactly that. She clearly tells Oprah Harry was her direct link and source to the Royal Family and everything she needed to know. She didn’t misspeak or misunderstand a thing; she was telling us that Harry’s next to be markled. In every weird answer or revelation where she gave her versions for why their child(ren) were without title, saying they wed three days before the chapel, or having to cry out to HR since Harry failed to help her while she was so depressed she wanted to kill herself and her unborn child... all of it. It was all just the beginning. It may seem like she is attacking her husband’s family, but Harry’s the real target now.
          In just a couple sentences, she managed to reveal who Harry really was. Harry, of all people, should (and does) know how to navigate the press. Clearly, he failed to not only help her acclimate to Royal life, but it could also even be argued he set her up for failure for the get go. Let me give you an example. When my husband introduced me to his family for the first time, he told me little tidbits of information he found important for me to know. He essentially prepped me for the meeting so things went well. He wanted his family to like me because he loved me. I wanted them to like me because I loved him, too. So, I took to heart everything he told me. Yet, Harry’s wife shared with the world how little Harry cared about that. She credits Fergie with teaching her to curtsey, google for teaching her the National Anthem, and even said Her Majesty made her feel especially welcomed. So how did Harry not do more? If they started seeing one another in the early Summer of 2016, how is it Harry failed to teach or explain anything to her prior to meeting his grandmother, the Queen, when he had months and months of time to do so? How is it he failed his wife so miserably, she didn’t even understand basic UK custom, laws, or protocols? Why might you ask?
         Simply put, Harry is so much like his mother, all he knows is how to play the victim narrative while using the link to the Royal family as a nonstop ATM machine. Many people aren’t honest with themselves when it comes to Diana. She wasn’t the Mother Theresa everyone makes her out to be. Mother Theresa wasn’t a Mother Theresa either, though. Did Diana do some great things? Absolutely. Did she do them only because they were nice or great? Absolutely… not. Diana’s PR team would even have her switch up her charity causes whenever they felt it was getting to martyrdom level. They’d refer to her PR stunts as flavors. Does that sound like an innocent woman?
         Not to me. This whole time we all have seen his wife as the root of all issues, but she’s the side effect. It’s becoming more clear by the day that Harry searched out her. He wanted someone with the basic Hollywood connections that he could capitalize. Someone that seemed so controlling and ambitious it would be easy to believe they were controlling him, too. Of course he knew she would invite all the celebs she did. He probably inspired that guest list. Instead of guiding her in the press and in British society, he leads her to slaughter. He hides behind her repeated gaffes and wokeness to keep on his own mission.
         You see, Harry is obsessed with his brother eventually becoming king, being the “Second Son of Diana” and being the misfit. He is obsessed with his brother and father. They are all he talks about. When you obsess on something like that, it is more revealing than anything you say. Harry’s true motives aren’t protecting his wife and children. His real motive is making a name for himself like his mother did. If he can manage to get some revenge by making the Firm feel some backlash, hey that’s a bonus. 
         While his wife may think in her mind she will be the next Diana 2.0, the truth is we all missed who really will be. Harry is the one wanting to be Diana 2.0. If that’s the case, then that means the much older spouse for whom there are two children with, aka the wife, would be his Charles. Remember, Diana lost her HRH and titles. And we have Harry being very aggressive and pushy, to the point it seems he is trying to get ahead of a Palace announcement of them losing their titles. But it makes sense now.
         They aren’t trying to lose anything, but instead Harry keeps opening his mouth to create pressure in the media. He knows his wife does not want to give those titles back. But if he himself keeps saying outrageous things, then it would put everyone in ultimatum mode. Either Harry will push hard enough that Parliament and the Queen will have enough, or the press will get so critical of the two, Harry will push his wife to agree to returning the titles.
         Harry is following the Diana business model. While in the Royal Family, they both were seen as rock stars who had more star power the the Sovereign, which was an issue. Then, they couldn’t take all the abuse, coldness, and inhumanity, so they bolted for freedom. Instead of putting the past behind them, they use the past to monetize grief and trauma in such a way, they become their own brand. Right now, the trauma being monetized comes from the past, but the problem will soon come when that trauma is tapped out. He will need a source of new pain or victimhood. Enters the wife stage left.
          The wife is a tool. She of course has her own plans and thinks she is the one in control or the genius. She thinks she is the one everyone wants to work with. But it’s becoming clear to her that isn’t the case and she’s been played by her elite buddies. They all want him, not her. They all duped her for him. If I can see it, and I can see her already finger pointing that Harry is the failure here, then she can see it. And that means paradise will soon be lost in those Montecito hills. His wife won’t go down without a serious fight here. I wouldn’t even be surprised if she eventually causes him to lose his special visa. 
         Overall, Harry hides behind his wife like a beard or shield protecting him from the press’s glaring lens. He lets her do and say whatever she thinks is great so he can keep plotting his own plans. He allows her to take the fall, look stupid, pull stunts people can see through, etc. for a reason. He isn’t completely sure he can make it in his new California life. He knows he can’t if he keeps her for too long, but he also knows he needs an exit strategy in case it blows up. So, he pins the press to attack her as the true culprit. If they split and he has to, he can return home and play the victim of her. If they split and he is doing okay in Hollywood, she can be the reason he plays victim to big named people like Oprah and Gayle. 
         I can see it now. An Oprah Special with Harry tonight on Apple +. Something cheesy or corny that is almost plagiarism. Like Narcissus and the Prince or something. Watch. Mark my words. Oprah talking to Harry about surviving the marriage while trying to rescue two small kids, being in the spotlight as a Royal while being gaslit by a narcissistic wife… yes I can see the green screen set up now.
         I know this is difficult to digest, but I do ask you to try. While his wife is not innocent, she clearly is guilty for her own part indeed, his wife isn’t the true problem. The true problem here is a man who has a serious issue with living in the shadow of his future-King father and future-King brother, and his future-King nephew, that he has chosen to use the same exact attack model his own mother used to merch and marginally disrupt the institution that made her a star. Harry and his mother both wanted the entire spotlight, but both knew they could never have it the way they wanted it. So, they wrote their own victimhood narrative.
         And here we are now. Mark my words. Harry will keep pushing until those remaining titles are removed by them forcing the hands of Parliament and the Queen. Or, they’ll push and push in the press so much the outrage and hypocrisy will leave them no other option but to renounce and re-gift those titles and rights to the line of succession. That is what he wants, even if his missus doesn’t. Also make no mistake about it. Harry is the real Diana 2.0 wannabe, not his wife. Keep an eye out. I have this gnawing feeling that soon enough, there will be plenty leaks from the wife about the husband. She won’t go quietly into the Beverly Hills… but neither will he.
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ka-za-ri · 3 years
Someone on Ao3 said something about showing Diavolo the tape Simeon and Lucifer made with you. Things spiraled down from there. Y'all know what kind of trash I'm all about being. A follow up to Press Play Pairing: Simeon x Diavolo x Reader Genre: PwP Smut Wordcount: ????     Tags: Smut, Porn without plot, Sub Dia, Voyeurism, size kink, dirty talk, sex toys, orgasm control, orgasm denial, pet play Summary: Simeon hatches a plan to include Diavolo in his next feature film.
There was a certain tension in the air you couldn't quite place. The pointed glances Diavolo made over his cup made you uneasy. It was made worse with how Simeon seemed blissfully unaware of just how heated the Demon Lord's gaze was whenever he glanced at the angel. You felt out of place, to say the least; but there was no getting out of a personal invitation to tea from Diavolo. "I do hope classes are going well for you." Diavolo broke the silence with mundane chit chat, though there was still the underlying feeling that he was hiding his true feelings from you. "Have you found things to do to alleviate your stress?" 
Before you could speak, Simeon answered for you, his tone matched Diavolo's; chipper yet oddly restrained. "Oh yes, we've gotten into the habit of meeting up to go through a movie on Lucifer's watch list. It's quite extensive. Everyone benefits from a little stress relief at the end of the week, don't you think?" Diavolo laughed jovially, his expression no longer as tense when Simeon explained your weekly "relaxation" activities. "Oh absolutely!" Diavolo agreed. "Nothing like a good movie and some quality time with friends!" You heard his voice lilt just slightly at the end, an oddly fragile note to his overall happy-go-lucky attitude. Was that a… pout you saw forming at the corner of his mouth? 
Simeon chuckled, taking a small sip of his tea, ignoring whatever signs the demon lord might have been dropping. “Yes, the quality of time spent with my dear friends has been nothing short of exquisite. It is such a shame that Lucifer is away on business this week and we will have to skip out on our regular meetup. I was so looking forward to the film this week too.” 
“Oh, what was on the watch list this week?” Diavolo’s eyes lit up in excitement. “Was it something I’ve seen before?” 
“Ah, we were… going to view a film we shot together.” Simeon’s smile was ironically innocent for what he had just said. The silence that followed from his statement said volumes and only added to the tension in the room. 
“Oh.” Diavolo finally stuttered, blushing madly. “Lucifer has advised me of your ah… filmmaking endeavors, I hear you’re quite the director.” It was your turn to blush. Diavolo knew of what you did with Simeon and Lucifer. Lucifer told him about the film you had made. Even if it hadn’t been said out loud, you had thought the recording would have been a secret between the three of you. “Well. I uh... “ You stammered, trying to come up for a defense for yourself. 
“Well, since you’ve already screened my latest work, what are your thoughts?” Simeon cut you off. The look in his eyes had changed, there was a glint of mischief and the heat in them matched Diavolo’s. “I’m always open for constructive criticism.” Diavolo looked to the side, to the ceiling, to the carpet below, anywhere but right in front of him where Simeon sat. He cleared his throat and loosened the collar on his top. “Well. If uh.. I had a say in it, I think I’d like to perhaps partake in the sequel you had planned?” his voice faltered and for once, you saw the vulnerability in his expression. Diavolo was lonely. Despite all he owned, he was feeling left out of gatherings. There was a hint of desperation in his voice as if he had put all his eggs into one basket, hoping to be included in this activity. 
His expression was everything Simeon had hoped for. Diavolo had walked into every trap he and Lucifer set up for this very moment. The pleading expression and the puppy dog eyes he was giving Simeon were just a bonus. The angel’s face broke out in a wide grin while he regarded the redhead. “Well, since you asked so nicely, it’d be rude of me to not let you join us. It’d be a good surprise for Lucifer to come back to, yes?” 
Diavolo’s face brightened instantly. He nearly leapt up from his seat in excitement. The tension in the room broke instantly once he heard he was to be included in your rendezvous for the week. “Oh how great! I’ll make sure my evening is free! Bar--” 
Simeon silenced Diavolo with a simple gesture, holding his hand up to stop the demon prince from going too ahead of himself. “But first….” The pitch of Simeon’s voice dropped an octave. He stood up, sauntering to Diavolo and gazed deep into his eyes. “To land a role in any film, a proper audition is needed, yes?” 
“Ye-yes…” Diavolo stuttered, looking down at the angel who was mere inches from his face, the smile told millions of secrets that he had only begun to unravel. In his flustered state, he didn’t even notice Simeon’s subtle movements until something was pressed into his hand. Diavolo didn’t need to look down to know what it was. The weight and the shape in his palm told him all he needed to know. Simeon retreated, satisfied once recognition flitted across Diavolo’s face. “Well, I’ll see you later tonight! I have to help tutor Luke a bit and prepare some snacks for the movie. See you!” He waved and made his way to the door. As he passed you, he slipped something into your hand. 
“Prep him well, will you? He’ll need all the help he can get.” 
You waited until after the door clicked shut to look down and have your suspicions confirmed. A little remote, no doubt one that was connected to the thing Diavolo had in his hand. 
There was a long gap of silence, one which made the tension grow once again. The two of you stared at each other for what felt like hours and you sat there frozen in your seat. Who would make the first move? Who would speak first? Would Diavolo even consider submitting himself to such humiliation? Surely he wouldn’t? “Well…” He cleared his throat, his blush turning his cheeks as red as his hair. “Think you can help me with this?” 
There was a certain charm to the way he was so sheepish and how he hesitated with his words. It made you want to take care of him, take charge and promise him everything would be all right in the end. “Of course.” You replied smoothly, pushing the shakiness out of your voice as you took control. Simeon did task you with ensuring his proper preparation, the last thing you wanted to do was disappoint the angel. 
You strode over to where he was and slipped the control into your pocket for the time being. You gently guided him to bend over the arm of the chair he was just sitting in. “Relax.” you reassured. “I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” 
You kicked his legs apart, making sure his knees were bent to prevent him from passing out.Your hand caressed the swell of his ass and he shivered under your touch. The smallest traces of a moan left his lips and he quickly buried his face into the cushions to hide from the shame. You hadn’t even done anything to him and he was already trembling. “Are you excited?” You asked, tracing the cleft of his ass, trailing your finger up and down the seam of his pants while you waited for an answer. You noticed the crotch area was already rather tight and you couldn’t help but smirk, realizing how affected he was by the simple gesture of being invited to movie night. 
“I… I’m a little nervous.” he admitted, stuttering. The normal confidence he had around others was all but gone as he submitted himself to your touches and your approval. “I don’t… I don’t want to disappoint.” 
“You could never disappoint.” You cooed, reaching around to undo his pants. “Just remember to breathe.” Your hand dipped between his legs to grasp his half hard cock, earning you a loud gasp. His dick twitched in your hand as you felt just how large he was. Even without being fully erect, he was a girthy monster, your hand was barely able to circle around his shaft and your walls clenched at the thought of possibly taking him in later that night. 
“There now, see? Just like that, be good and show me how excited you are for tonight.” You encouraged, stroking his length and watching his body language change from nervous to lustful. You slid his pants down his thighs to gain better access to his cock. Looking down and seeing his member hanging hot and heavy between his legs was such an enticing sight. His balls pulsed with need, nearly ready to release his load prematurely if you kept teasing him. 
“My, my, you’re quite hard already, aren’t you? I know you’re going to be perfect for the audition tonight.” You praised, letting go of his cock to palm the smooth, soft swell of his ass. He whined, once again burying his face into the cushions, ashamed at how turned on he was from just the thought of later activities and your teasing touches. 
Diavolo shivered, unable to process much outside of the fact that his precious exchange student was currently making him feel a certain way he couldn’t quite comprehend. It felt good to be the center of attention. It felt good to be under you, at your mercy and letting you take the lead. It only made him anticipate the activities to come. “I’ll… I’ll do my best to impress.” “Oh, I’m sure you will.” You smiled softly and plucked the plug from his hand. Even if Simeon and Lucifer had left you out of planning to get Diavolo involved with your movie nights, you were rather satisfied with the outcome to say the least. You assessed the plug and had to admire Simeon’s taste. It was slim, long and textured in a way you imagined would tease the demon prince for hours but not enough to make him cum. You traced Diavolo’s ass crack with the tip of the toy, paying close attention to his body language and memorizing the moment you had the demon prince himself bent over and at your beck and call. “Well now… this wouldn’t be very good to go in dry…” You mused before you sauntered around him and placed the toy at his lips. “Make sure it’s nice and wet, won’t you? You wouldn’t want to get hurt taking this all in, now would you?” He looked up at you, his golden eyes filled with a fair amount of lust in them before he dutifully took the toy into his mouth, obediently licking and sucking it until it was coated with his saliva. You could see how much it hurt his pride to do such a debauched thing based on how hard he was gripping the cushion below him, but his hard cock told you how much it also turned him on. He couldn’t even hold back a moan when the plug hit the back of his throat as you pushed it in further, ensuring he got every inch of it coated. “Good boy….” You praised, patting his hair softly and admiring how pretty he was whenever he blushed. Once you deemed it adequately lubed up, you went back to his waiting ass and pressed the toy into that tight hole of his. You heard him gasp at the sudden intrusion before his whole body seemed to relax and he let out a breathy groan. In no time, he was pressing himself against the toy, willing it to go deeper and deeper into him. He was eagerly moaning at this point, cum beaded at the tip of his cock as he was finally getting the attention he craved. “Aww look at that, it went all the way in so fast.” You praised, giving his ass a quick pat before pressing the toy into him as far as it would go. He rewarded you with a particularly lewd moan when the tip of the plug brushed against his prostate and made him see stars. “You were waiting for something like this, weren’t you?” “I… I maybe…” he mumbled, his words were muffled by the cushions. It was adorable. He was so eager to join in on the fun. You could tell just how lonely he was and how jealous he had been when he found out Lucifer was having these movie nights without him. It almost made you forgive Lucifer for showing him the movie you made. Almost. You giggled once everything was in place. Getting his pants back on was no easy feat considering how hard he was, but there were still a few more hours before you were supposed to meet back up with Simeon. Not to mention, he had quite the mountain of paperwork to do still. “There you go, all nice and tidy.” You announced once he wearily buckled his belt again. The bulge in his pants looked almost painful and you resisted the urge to reach out and fondle him. Instead, your hand went to your pocket and you clicked the power button. The reaction was almost instantaneous as Diavolo doubled over, collapsed onto his knees and his whole body trembled when the toy buzzed to life. His soft, breathy moans couldn’t cover up the hum of the toy in his pants and his embarrassment was only intensified by this fact. His cock throbbed in his pants, yearning for freedom once again, but he had duties to attend to even if his mind was far removed from them. Possibly the most arousing part was how attentive you were, how much care you showed him as you toyed with his body. That, was the most erotic part of it all. He had lost all power over you and now, you controlled him at the touch of a button. You watched writhe a bit longer, admiring how his body contorted as he tried to find more stimulation somehow without begging for it. After a while, you lowered the intensity of the toy until it just barely vibrated at regular intervals just enough to remind him who was in charge. “I’m sure you have so much work to do before we get to meet up with Simeon again.” You said, acting as if nothing was wrong at all. “I actually have a report I need to work on too. Do you mind if I stay here and ask you questions?” “N-no.. not at all.” Diavolo managed to stutter out. It took all his strength to stand back up, when he did manage to get back on his feet, he felt light headed, his mind was solely focused on pleasure and not anything else he had to get done. However, with you pulling out your books and settling down at the table to get to work, he made his way back on shaky legs to his desk where his mountain of documents awaited him. Diavolo yearned to touch himself while his lower half was hidden by his desk. It would have been perfect for him to just get a little bit of relief from the torment you had wrought up on him. However, he knew better than that. He knew if he could be patient, there would be a much greater reward than the immediate relief he sought. 
It was just unfortunate that he would have to suffer for hours to get to his goal. And as he finally settled down to start going over contracts with neighboring lands, the toy inside of him hummed to life once again, sending jolts of pleasure through his body until he couldn’t see straight. Just as he felt like he was about to pass out from being denied the ability to cum, the vibrations stopped and he was left on edge. Breathlessly, he would glance over to you diligently working on your report, the perfect image of innocence before him even though he knew that in your palm, you held the incarnation of sin itself. 
It would be a very long afternoon indeed for him. 
Diavolo wasn’t wearing a leash, but he might as well have been with how eagerly he followed after you down the long hallways and to your usual meeting room where Simeon awaited you two. The promise of snacks wasn’t a lie as the scent of popcorn and cookies got stronger the closer you got to the room. You threw the door open and grinned widely when you arrived. “We’re here!” You announced with Diavolo in tow. 
The lights were already dimmed and a rather familiar film was playing on the screen. You blushed madly when you were faced with the movie you had made earlier with Lucifer and Simeon. Diavolo seemed to be absolutely entranced with the images flashing across the screen. There was an unabashed adoration that flickered across his face and a yearning you couldn’t quite place in his expression while he watched the lewd acts play out. 
“And you’re late.” Simeon chided, his gaze was hard and cold. “Not a very good start to the auditioning process, now is it?” His voice cut through whatever daydream Diavolo was in and the demon prince stood up straight in attention. Ah, he’s in one of those moods… You smiled sheepishly, ushering Diavolo in and shutting the door behind you. “I’m sorry, I got wrapped up in finishing my latest report so that the rest of the weekend is free.” You explained, hoping for some mercy; though you knew it likely wasn’t going to happen. 
He ignored your excuses and busied himself with setting up the camera. Simeon took one long look at Diavolo, his expression was unamused and he almost seemed bored. The angel finished fidgeting with the camera before turning to Diavolo. “I have high expectations for you. I’m hoping for a rather riveting performance.” He had the smallest of smiles on his face before gesturing to the bed. “Why don’t you start by showing me how well you can undress yourself.” Simeon took a seat in the corner of the room, crossing his legs and leaned against the armrest of the chair. His gaze never left Diavolo as the prince sheepishly climbed onto bed and started to undo the layers he had on. You moved to help him but Simeon stopped you, beckoning you over to sit on his lap while Diavolo did his thing. 
“Come now, the view from here is so much nicer, isn’t it?” 
You nodded dumbly, not able to resist Simeon. The sound of your moans coming from the television had you remembering exactly what he had done for you just a few weeks prior and you squirmed in his lap. 
“I hope you’re looking forward to this.” The angel murmured. “It’s not every day that we are graced with the presence of Lord Diavolo himself. We should make the most of this, yes.” He smiled sweetly, grasping your breasts while he trained your gaze back at Diavolo who was in nothing but his boxers. There was a noticeable wet spot at his crotch and his hard cock strained against the soiled fabric. Even in the dark, you could clearly see the outline of it and once again, imagining what it might be like to take him. 
Just as Diavolo started to peel off his boxers, Simeon stopped him with a quick gesture of his hand. The redhead audibly whined. He was so close to being free. Yet, he knew better to disobey if he wanted to impress his audience. He couldn’t help himself from stealing glances at the screen. Watching you get fucked by both a demon and an angel had him wondering just how tight you would feel beside Simeon and he hoped to experience that later that night. He licked his lips, barely aware of Simeon getting up and getting a hank of rope from one of the drawers. It wasn’t until he felt the weight of the rope on his shoulder did he realize something was happening. 
“Distracted are we?” Simeon teased, covering up the screen just as the film behind him reached its final climax. The sounds of shouting and moaning echoed in the room and Diavolo blushed at just the thought of what that scene looked like. However, he had more pressing concerns to worry about in front of him. Simeon looked like the very definition of sin in that skin tight get up he wore regularly. There was a reason why he didn’t enforce the school uniform rule on the angel. The eye candy was much too tempting for him to resist. 
Simeon’s fingers were deft, gracefully working Diavolo’s arms behind him and securing them in place with intricate knots. “There we go. Now, you can focus much better, yes?” Diavolo nodded, his eyes now solely entranced and fixated on Simeon. “Yes… sir.” There was a genuine smile when Diavolo let the title slip from his lips. “Oh… I like how that sounds coming from you. Call me that again when you cum.” The angel swooped in, kissing the demon prince deeply, pushing him onto his back and settling between his legs. He beckoned you to come over as well to join them. Once you joined him between Diavolo’s legs, Simeon finally started to take off the last piece of clothing he had on. 
“My, my. What a mess he made.” He commented, noting the large stain on the boxers before tossing it to the side. “Did you have fun this afternoon?” You nodded, holding up the remote to the toy still inside of the man below you and pressed the button to put the vibrator on the highest setting. “I sure did!” You giggled while Diavolo screamed, writhing from the stimulation. Simeon ignored him, his attention affixed to you and his eyes were filled with pride and adoration. He stroked your hair before kissing you as Diavolo watched helplessly. When the kiss broke, you were breathless and more than ready to entertain whatever whim Simeon had. 
“Now… what shall I do with you... “ Simeon finally turned to Diavolo and casually stroked the man’s length, making him squirm even more. The buzzing in his ass slowed and eventually stopped, giving him some reprieve. “Aww, the batteries must have died.” Simeon pouted. “No matter, It’s time we gave our … pet a new toy, yes?” “Sounds like a plan.” you agreed, reaching between Diavolo’s legs to slowly pull the plug out while Simeon continued to tease his dripping cock. “What did you have in mind?” 
“Come with me, Let’s go looking together.” He suggested, leaving Diavolo right at the edge of a climax. “The night is still young, my prince. There’s so much fun to be had.” 
Diavolo was left in silence as Simeon led you away to a corner of the room he could not see from his place on the bed. HIs mind raced with the possibilities of what was to come and it only made his dick twitch in anticipation. A small puddle of cum pooled on his abdomen as his cock continued to leak and when Simeon came back to see the mess, he could only tsk at how poorly Diavolo was misbehaving. “My, my…” He chided, smearing the fluids across Diavolo’s abdomen. “This just won’t do.” He shook his head, feigning disappointment before selecting a cock ring and securing it around the base of his shaft. Diavolo hissed at the feeling of being so restricted after just having a taste of freedom. “There….” Simeon smiled, patting his member. “Now we can have all the fun we want without worrying that you’ll cum too soon.” His expression was so sweet, it almost made Diavolo sick, but he didn’t have much time to dwell on that fact. Part of playing with him meant you and Simeon dressed him up in the prettiest toys you had. Nipple clamps with bright red jewels were affixed to his chest. A delicate chain connected them and that was soon attached to the collar you placed around his neck. “A proper leash for a proper pet.” You explained, patting his cheek softly. His heart melted seeing you so content. Your touches sent him right into bliss. The pain at his chest felt negligible when he was able to bask in the attention he was getting. It had been so long since he had been pampered in such a way. He had missed those intimate touches, those longing looks. He craved being coddled and here you and Simeon were, giving everything he could dream of. Though he was barred from entering heaven, he wanted to believe that what he was experiencing in that very moment was akin to paradise. Diavolo struggled against his bindings, wanting to return the favor, he wanted to thank the two of you for showing him what it felt like to be adored. He whined, putting on the most impressive pout he could muster. “Please… I want to touch…” Simeon paused in the middle of undressing you and scoffed at the request. “A little early for begging, isn’t it?” He mused before completing his task. “Our pet’s a little talkative, why don’t you shut him up while I do a little disciplining?” You nodded, crawling up Diavolo’s side and straddled his face. You pat his head once more before lowering yourself over his lips. “Keep me entertained, why don’t you? I promise if you do a good job I’ll sit on that fat cock of yours.” You didn’t give him time to reply before grinding yourself down onto his face and letting his tongue do the work. 
Simeon smirked, parting Diavolo’s legs so he could properly situate himself between them. He could spend hours watching you ride the prince’s face if only he didn’t have more important things to do. The angel waited for you to get a hold of the headboard to keep yourself stable while grinding down on Diavolo’s face in between breaths. From the sounds of your moans and your breathy sighs, it seemed as though the prince had quite the talented tongue. Simeon wondered briefly what it would feel like if he was in your position before he steered his focus back to what was right in front of him. Having prepped Diavolo earlier meant that the toy he had chosen slid in with little resistance. In fact, it was as if the thick dildo was being sucked into the prince’s hole with how easily it went in. “My, oh my….” Simeon mused, impressed with how quickly Diavolo seemed to adjust to taking the toy. “We really do have to teach you patience, don’t we?” Simeon started a sinfully slow pace, fucking Diavolo with the toy and simply taking the time to admire every reaction he was able to pull out of the man below him. His moans were muffled but there was no denying the pleasure he was getting out of this. It only made it more sweet to torment him and deny him his climax. 
Time and time again, he would pull the toy almost all the way out before inching it back inside. Even with the cock ring on, Diavolo’s member throbbed and his seed dribbled from the tip. Simeon made sure to tease the rest of the demon’s body, tugging at the chains to the nipple clamps, placing soft kisses all along his thighs and pelvis but pointedly ignoring the aching cock that begged for attention. He loved seeing Diavolo’s muscles tighten anytime he was close to getting what he craved and only drove him to tease the man below him right to his breaking point. 
He counted the times you came on top of Diavolo and decided that maybe after your second orgasm you could rest a while before he finally ramped the pace up. “Rest a bit and watch,” Simeon gently guided your tired body to where he sat, letting you sidle up against him in content while he continued his work. He worked in a methodical, almost calloused way when it came to controlling every aspect of Diavolo’s pleasure that evening. It was equal parts arousing, amazing and terrifying to you just what Simeon was capable of. Diavolo gasped for air once you were no longer on top of him. He stared at the ceiling, not sure what he should do next. The taste of your essence lingered on his lips. He was sure he could have continued until he either passed out from lack of oxygen or you did from overstimulation. Unfortunately, that scenario would only remain being a dream and he could only daydream about it. He was instantly snapped back to reality when Simeon roughly shoved the dildo that had only been teasing him all the way in without warning. 
The prince let out a choked cry, his whole body tensing in the sudden roughness. He loved it, he loved every second of the sweet torture the two of you had come up with. He couldn’t tell when the pleasure stopped and the pain began, but he didn’t care. He wanted more of it, he craved the attention and would do anything to be on the receiving end of it. Glancing down between his legs, his heart skipped a beat when he saw how happy and content you were snuggled up against Simeon who was relentlessly fucking him. There was a tenderness in your expression that he wished you would direct his way. 
“Look at you… So sensitive.” Simeon cooed, tugging at the chains attached to Diavolo’s sensitive nipples. “I’ll bet you could have just cum without me touching your cock at all. You’re that much of a needy slut,, aren’t you?” He chuckled, slamming the toy inside of the prince once again. 
“Y.. Yes…” Diavolo sputtered arching into the thrust, wishing that the toy would go deeper, stretch him wider, do something to tip him over the edge. “I… I need…” 
“You need?” Simeon repeated. “We’ll have to teach you some lessons, now. Good pets don’t need anything. They beg for what they want.” 
“I… I ahhh~~” Diavolo’s brain short circuited when you had grabbed a nearby vibrator and pressed it against the tip of his cock. Whatever he wanted to say promptly flew out the window as he was thrown into a world of bliss. “I… I…” “Use your words.” You encouraged, turning the vibrator on higher. “I can’t understand what you’re saying.” 
He wanted to fuck. He wanted to be fucked. He wanted everything all at once but he couldn’t express it with how overloaded his senses were. “I … I want to…” 
“Go on.” 
“I want to fuck… I want to fuck you and cum… please. I want to cum so bad. I did good, right? You weren’t bored right? I can keep being good, just let me cum, please, please please. I’ll be the best slut you’ve ever seen.” 
You looked up at Simeon, wondering if the angel approved of Diavolo’s groveling. His expression betrayed none of his emotions and he simply pressed the toy further into Diavolo’s ass, garnering a loud, appreciative moan from the man beneath him. “Very bold words… I hope you’re ready to live up to them…” He said quietly. 
“Yes, yes. I promise I will! I’ll do so good. I’m a slut, a fuck toy for your entertainment. I’ll do anything for you. Please, just… I want to cum so bad. Can I please?” 
“Hmmm” Simeon hummed softly, carefully considering Diavolo’s words. “Yes, you may.” 
Diavolo gasped, his heart nearly beating out of his chest when he received permission. However, his excitement soon grew into dismay when Simeon produced a long length of ribbon to tie the vibrator against his cock. “Wh.. wait, you said I could cum…” He whined. “I said you may, I did not say when.” Simeon stated smoothly. He reinforced his statement by turning the toy onto its highest setting before he pulled you into his lap. The angel had your back towards him and he spread your thighs out to let Diavolo see just how drenched you were. Simeon reached between your legs and spread your lower lips, toying with your clit and making you moan in need. He wasn’t ready to reward his new pet just yet. 
What he was ready for was making Diavolo watch you getting fucked. There wasn’t enough desperation yet, not enough hopeless need coming from the prince. “Is this what you want?” Simeon asked, grunting as he was balls deep inside of you. “Is this what you want to feel? How hot they are? How tight they’re going to be around your cock?” The pace he set was hard and fast. You had craved being filled after being eaten out so thoroughly before and Simeon’s cock was filling every craving you had. You ground your hips down to meet every one of his thrusts, loudly moaning every time his cock hit the most sensitive spots inside of you. It wouldn’t be long before you would be climaxing around him and he knew it. As soon as he felt your walls fluttering around him, he slowed his pace and let your racing heart calm down just enough to leave you hanging. 
You whined squirming in Simeonn’s lap, hoping he’d keep going, but he stayed still and observed Diavolo’s expression instead. You followed his gaze and you were met with the most delightful visage of the debauched prince, blushing and desperate for attention. Tears were freely flowing from his eyes as he babbled incoherently, begging to experience the same thing he was witnessing. 
“Please… sir, I want to cum” His voice cracked. “May I now please cum?” “What do you think? Do you think he’s deserved it?” 
You pretended to ponder over your answer, dragging out Diavolo’s torture for a few moments more. “I think he’s done well enough to be rewarded.” 
“Hmm, I think so too.” Simeon agreed. 
He was loathed to leave the warmth of your pussy as he laid you down on the bed; but he was sure his cock would be satisfied soon enough in other ways. The toys were taken away, the cock ring removed and Simeon waited a moment for Diavolo to get his wits about him before offering your body up. “Well, go on. You’ve earned it.”
Even with his arms still bound behind him, he was able to roll onto his sides and bring himself onto his knees. It was rather impressive, to say the least how quickly he got between your legs and plunged himself into your waiting hole. Though Simeon’s cock had stretched you out earlier, nothing compared to how full you felt once Diavolo was sheathed within you. You wanted to savor the moment, but there was no time to think as he started to pound you with his cock. 
It was your turn to be a blubbering mess. The fullness, the roughness, the wanton need that oozed out of his very being was intoxicating and you were lost in the pleasure of it all. “Oh, good boy.” you praised, reaching up and pulling on his hair to encourage him to keep going. “What a good slut you are.” Hearing your praise only made him go feral with need and he redoubled his efforts to gain more of your compliments. Diavolo was so lost in the moment, he nearly forgot Simeon was there until he felt something warm press up against his ass hole. His pace stuttered and he looked back in confusion. That bit of disobedience was met with a hard slap across his ass cheek. “No one said you could stop.” Simeon hissed, pressing himself into Diavolo. 
“Prove to me how good of a slut you are and make us cum at the same time.” He demanded. 
This was it. His final test. He put everything he had into turning himself into the perfect pet, the ideal fuck toy for the two of you. Diavolo resumed his pace inside of you, making his strokes long and hard while his ass clenched around Simeon’s cock to ensure the man behind him was enjoying the hot tightness there. His own pleasure didn’t matter to him anymore, it was pleasure in itself to serve the two of you. 
Euphoria was reached when he was the best slut in your eyes. 
Diavolo did as he was promised, making both you and Simeon climax at the same time. You were the first to crumble. Your inner walls clenched around his cock, sucking him in deeper, milking him. All the while, Simeon’s thrusts became erratic as he reached his climax and spilled his seed deep into the demon prince. The moans coming from his lips were the most delightful symphony. 
“Go on, show us how pretty you are when you cum.” 
Finally having the permission to climax, Diavolo slammed himself into you, burying himself as deep as he could go before releasing his load into you. The hot spurts of his seed filled you and you swore you came again just from that feeling alone. The groan that came from the back of his throat sounded more like a possessive growl to you and the heat behind his golden eyes was practically palpable. 
It took a long moment for the three of you to come down from the high of such an intense climax. Simeon was the first to recover. He carefully extracted himself from Diavolo and went about finding some towels to help clean up the worst of the mess you had all made. Along with that came the snacks he had baked earlier and water. Setting everything aside, he finally freed Diavolo’s arms and the demon prince visibly slouched in relief as his aching muscles finally got a chance to relax. 
He wasn’t ready to leave the warm confines of your pussy just yet and shifted himself to cradle you against his chest while Simeon fed you cookies and made you sip some water. Diavolo’s fingers brushed your tousled hair and you stared at you with nothing but admiration in his eyes. “So, do you think I’d get a callback after that audition?” 
Simeon chuckled softly, sliding back into bed with a bowl of popcorn and offered some water to the prince who gulped it down eagerly. “Absolutely. You’re the perfect fit for the role.” 
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ooops-i-arted · 2 years
You actually hit the mark in regards to something that the fandom doesn't often address. It doesn't feel like these showrunners really get what it's like to work with kids and mentor them. Even if they do, it's not being portrayed well with these characters. As much as fans latch onto the Din&Grogu bond, the bounty hunting lifestyle can at times be unstable and stressful for a traumatized child. It's been that way since the first season. Now it seems like because the writers want to set up some kind of heartfelt reunion for the cash cow duo, Luke needs to be shown as the more emotionally detached and "worse" option, who puts a child at risk and doesn't understand familial relationships (of course he's written very OOC for this to even happen because that's not Luke). Most likely for Grogu to quickly return to Din and maybe they'll go back to being on the run, unless the child becomes involved the Darksaber conflict and gets kidnapped again and Din needs to rescue him again. It's a real shame, Grogu would have benefitted so much from being in a safe environment to learn emotional regulation and coping skills with the real Luke Skywalker, while still maintaining contact with Din in some way.
Yup, you hit the nail on the head. Yes, a close relationship with a caregiver is VERY important, one of the most important things for a young child, especially one with trauma. But a stable environment is important too. Grogu NEEDS to know what to expect out of his day, otherwise he's going to be under constant stress. That's why schools rely so heavily on a routine. Also, watching your beloved caregiver put in stressful, potentially harmful situations? Not good for Grogu's mental health, although good for us the audience watching.
To be fair, repetition is boring. Even on my own Class Dojo site, I don't post the carpet time we do the exact same way every day, or the song we sing every time, so on. I post the fun stuff, like today when we all went sledding. But there's still a balance that could have been struck with Grogu's training between realism and good-for-media and just-an-Easter-egg parade. Overall I wish Luke and Grogu had had more opportunity to bond, develop a teacher-student relationship, and still Grogu could have doubts they could have addressed together. Luke got SHAFTED by his writing in BoBF and it hurts my heart because he doesn't deserve that. 😭
Also I personally think the choice and how it ended up being handled in the finale would've had a lot more weight if Grogu had spent some real time with Luke and training as a Jedi, and if Luke had been written as a more supportive teacher either way. Luke having high hopes for himself as a teacher and for his first student, but ultimately doing what was best for Grogu, would have been a more in-character arc, and a more compelling one.
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