#i only wish troi's dad had been alive
homewrecking-lore · 11 months
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7x07 “Dark Page” // Jann Arden - “Good Mother”
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border-spam · 4 years
Leech Lord prompts : Major don'ts
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Most of his reactivity to disrespect / insult in public is fake, just playing along with the character role he's been assigned. In reality there is very little a random person could say to him to actually evoke a genuine response, because he just plain doesn't care enough about other people for the shit they say to really get under his skin.
The exception is disrespectful /insulting language towards the few he does hold in high value. His parents, Ty, his Oracle, some of his Saints, people who may not see him as a friend, but who he sees as part of his inner echelon. The reaction to that is real, and less theatrical than the over the top physical punishments he'll dole out to people who disrespect him when he's in the public eye. That's for show. If someone threatens a person who he holds in value, or insults them? There's no glittering sneer or snaps of clawed mechanical fingers to trigger cameras to shift to the God King... He just shanks them.
Cannot handle Tyreen using parts of him he'd been forced to leave behind on Nekro in mockery. She used to do it to bite at him, knew it bristled his spines. She knows it's a weak point between his armor plates when she'd call him DeLeon in a disgusted tone when they were alone, or bring up how he was as much of a fuck up as dad, but she hasn't done anything like that since it came to a head a few years ago.
They'd been arguing over something pointless through e-com message, he can't even remember what. Frame design for the $100 + donation popups maybe. She'd been in a filthy mood, he'd been exhausted, and they'd sat for hours later that evening in a meeting about stocks with a tight lipped asshole who's voice could have put a rabid bullymong to sleep in seconds. Ty was snippy, looking for a fight still, and started namedropping, side eyeing him with a cruel grin as she found ways to work the digs into conversation the rest of the room was ignorant of:
"Oh I'd be Leon' to myself if I didn't agree this was a good idea! You really are a veritable ‘Bastion of professional advice, aren't you sir."
He'd been shaking in his seat, white knuckles clenched over the armrest,  unable to respond to what they both knew were hidden twists of the knife to sate her boredom..  but Tyreen hadn't expected the outcome.
 In the back of her mind, Troy has always been a verbal punching bag, someone who can take and take and never really snap. There is a level of safety with him she doesn't have with anyone else, because no matter how enraged he is, or how deep she digs the blade, he's never going to hurt her. Except that night, he did.
She'd heard him stalk into her ship in the early AM and turned with a mouthful of rehearsed fake apologies, but been slammed into the wall behind her before she could even react to the look of cold rage on his face. It was easy to forget how strong he was, how much larger than her he really was, till he was holding her by the front of her shirt nearly a foot of the ground without any effort. She'd scratched at his hand and tried to gasp out a demand to be let go, but he'd silenced her with the deafening impact of his cybernetic into the hull next to her head, and a hissed warning to 
"Never fucking say that name again like that, Tyreen. Never. Mom gave me that, her pop's name, and you made me come here and leave it all behind like it was a lie. Like I should be ashamed of it now, like it’s a dirty secret. The name dad gave me, the name mom gave me, both gone, I've got NOTHING left of who I was here, you f-fucking nasty bitch."
He'd dropped her with a growl, and Ty had tripped over her words, only managed to stutter half of what she'd planned to say as she scrambled to her feet from where he towered over her. She coughed out that she'd never meant it, that it just slipped out and hadn’t been on purpose, but he'd sneered at the clumsy attempt to placate him with lies. Made absolutely clear he didn’t believe her.
She hasn't done it since. Bringing up anything they left behind has been only done to reminisce, and even then rarely. Ty'd never admit to how threatened she had felt that night, it's one of the few times she's really learned from a consequence.
Verbally there is very little that can be said to Sei that shakes her, she's too rigid in her own ego to hugely care what other people say about her, but one thing she's never, ever been able to defend herself against emotionally is the thing that gets muttered behind her back the most.
That she fucked her way into the success she's achieved.
It's not that she's even against that idea, she personally couldn't give a shit what other people do to get what they need out of life, its hard enough without grasping at every opportunity that presents itself.. it's the fact that she didn't do it even when it was an option many times that upsets her so much.
It's an immediate removal of all the work, the pain, the struggle she's gone through just to earn a name for herself, and the fact that people believe it so easily? It cuts SO deep. People close to her are aware it's a major weak point, and it helps that they know it's not true. Friends in high places work well for quashing the whispers of envious priests, but even though slandering a Saint is punishable viciously, the rumors persist, and there are nights when she can't pretend it doesn't eat her alive anymore.
 She's not quite as strong emotionally as she wishes she was.
Physically, for all her bravado and practiced intimidation in communication, Seifa panics if grabbed. Her reaction to being restrained or pushed against a wall, pinned, is completely out of her control and something she's ashamed of. She can't maintain her act, can't keep up the confidence, her throat tightens and limbs get shaky, and it's incredibly clear visually that her the situation is no longer something she’s capable of handling. 
She's tried to practice this fear away, but after years of struggling has come to accept it as a mental betrayal she can't prevent. Unless she's close with the person, physical intimidation - even unintended,  hits her harder than most people would ever expect from someone so apparently rock solid.
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marmar-97 · 4 years
Calypso twins head canon
So there's a side quest in BL3 you can do and it's when you learn about Angel's childhood and what led up to what Jack did to her so I've decided to do one for the twins because I felt like they deserved something like that. Enjoy. (:
|A/N: I’ve been procrastinating for so long and this was collecting dust for months now so I’ve decided to finish it the best I could after coming out of my cave to get back to adding more stuff. Enjoy.|
"Huh? Where am I? Why is it so dark?"
Around him it was pitch black, a light was shining down on him from who knows where, he didn't understand himself.
"Anyone there? I must be dreaming again."
Troy tried pinching himself to wake up but it wasn't working. He just couldn't seem to wake up.
"Dammit, why isn't it working?"
Suddenly he was in some kind of room. He looked around and realized where he was, the room him and Tyreen used to share when they were back on Nekrotafeyo as children. Something caught his eye when he looked around, a boy laying in some bed sleeping. He had his back towards Troy sleeping peacefully. Troy walked over to him and leaned down a bit to get a good look of his face.
"That's, me?"
The little boy was Troy when he was younger. He remembers being sick the past few days before.
"H-hey are you-"
Troy tried reaching out to touch him but his hand went right through him.
He heard two people in the hallway talking as they were coming his way.
"Mommmm is Troy feeling better today? I wanna play tag with him again."
It was Tyreen talking but she sounded younger.
"Hehe we're about to go see and if he is you'll get to play with him."
Playing actually meant training to help Troy get stronger since he was born frail, he's actually made progress. He was shocked to hear his mother's voice remembering how soothing it was. They both entered the room, Tyreen holding Leda's hand skipping with a smile on her face as they walked towards the young version of Troy. They couldn't see him as the grown up version. Well Leda never got to. Leda leaned down placing her hand on Troy's shoulder as she lightly shook him to wake him up softly speaking.
"Troy, it's time to wake up now."
The young male siren shifted in his sleep as he turned over to look at his mom and sister.
"Troy!" Tyreen says in a cheerful yet loud voice nearly scaring both Troy and Leda.
"Inside voice Tyreen." Leda says as Tyreen hugs Troy and ruffles his hair as he giggles.
"Heh, Ty was sure happy to see me huh?"
Leda checks Troy to make sure he was in good enough condition to do some training today.
"You're all set to go play with your sister Troy, you've healed up pretty nicely." He got out of bed as Leda took him towards the bathroom and helped him wash up.
Once that was done, she took them both outside.
"Alright ready Troy? TAG YOU'RE IT!" Tyreen tapped his shoulder and started running from him. Troy started running after her quickly catching up. He stumbled a bit but jumped and grabbed Tyreen's wrist. "I did it? MOM I DID IT!" Leda giggled at how happy Troy was. His joy made her heart happy, that's what she always wanted to see from him, pure joy and happiness no matter what.
Troy watched as his younger self was happy, it had put a smile on his own face and he chuckled. "Man those were the days, those were the days." Tyreen was actually proud of Troy and was happy for him. "Good job Troy, you're getting stronger. Soon you'll be strong like your big sister Tyreen!" She raised an arm flexing it like she had big muscles. "Hehe we're the same age Ty." Troy was catching his breath from running. He wasn't able to run long distances just yet but he ran a bit longer than last time.Typhon came outside kneeling down to Troy's level. "Dad I finally caught Tyreen!" Typhon ruffled his hair smiling at him. "Haha I saw kiddo, say I have a surprise for you in my workshop, come with me." Troy followed his father to the workshop.
"Tyreen, promise me something okay?" She turned her attention to her mother now. "And what would that be mom?" She held one of Tyreen's hands in both of hers looking at her. "Promise me that you will always protect your brother no matter what you go through with him. Never break your family bond." Tyreen gives her a small smile. "I-I promise mom, I'm gonna do my best to protect him." She had a big smile on her face and bright blue icy eyes as she hugged Leda.
"Mom! Tyreen! Look what dad gave me!" They see Troy running towards them while Typhon was trying to keep up with him. "Haha hold on sport, your old man can't keep up with you really." Troy finally made it to them showing his new prosthetic arm. "Whoaaaa, Troy it looks so cool, I want one too dad." Typhon chuckled as he ruffled Tyreen's hair. "Hehe sorry starlight but only Troy gets one but don't worry, I have something for ya, your very own garden that you've been asking for." Tyreen's eyes grew wide with excitement as she gasped. "Really?! Can I go see it now?! Please dad I really wanna see it!" He chuckled again as he picked Tyreen up. "Of course Starlight, after all, it's your garden meaning you can go to it anytime you want to." Troy and Leda followed right behind them to go see the garden for their selves. Everything seemed good that day and everyone was happy.
Until that day happened, where everything went wrong.
Troy then found himself in a different room this time. And what he saw made him speechless and made his heart felt like it had stopped. He couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. It was exactly how he remembered.
It was Tyreen holding Leda while crying. She was turning into a husk.
"T-tyreen, WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?! MOM?!"
Troy was standing a few feet away from them shaking in his spot as big tears were coming from his eyes. He wanted to go to Leda and hug her for one last time but was too afraid to go near his twin, that she'll end up hurting him since her powers reacted to her emotions.
"T-troy, I-I didn't mean to, it was an accident."
She tried reaching out to Troy but he quickly backed away.
"S-stay away from me y-you monster!"
He ran away from her running past Typhon as he saw what had happened.
"Leda? LEDA! Tyreen, what happened to her?!"
Tyreen stood there pinching her arm as her lips quivered, tears coming from her eyes hugging herself.
"I'm sorry dad I didn't mean to!"
Typhon didn't know what to do, but he knew it was too late to try and save Leda. He felt helpless.
"L-leda, I-I'm sorry I couldn't save you."
He felt Leda's hand on his cheek as she gave him a weak smile, tears coming from her eyes.
"T-typhon, take care of them for me, and raise them right."
He kisses her on the lips one last time, her saying her last words which were:
"Typhon, please take really good care of them for me… they'll need you to guide them on the right path…I’m depending on you..."
And that was the last wish Leda asked for. But it was never granted as the twins got older. Typhon told them all about the vaults, including the great vault and the vault keys. He thought they were interested but in reality had a plan all along to leave Nekrotafeyo. But they weren’t on the same page with the plan as Tyreen had something else in mind.
“Come on Troy, before he sees us leaving!”
“Huh? I thought we were leaving with him Ty, we’ve talked about this before.”
“Yeah I know but change of plans bro, I wanna get off this hell hold already.”
“Tch, can’t believe you lied to me, I’m staying here with dad.”
“Why? So he could just keep controlling you and keeping you held hostage here? Have fun with that while I go and rule the universe all by myself. After all, I’m your main life source and you need me to keep you alive.”
He stopped in his tracks at that last part. It seemed like he had no other choice but to leave with her if he wanted to keep living. It was also his dream to rule the universe alongside his sibling, and to also feel wanted for once.
“Ugh fine I’ll go, just don’t talk to me wherever we’re going.”
“Knew you’d pick my side lil bro.”
And that’s when they left on a ship to Pandora. Ever since landing here they’ve gotten pretty popular by becoming false gods but the bandits here worshipped them nonetheless. Troy knew how bandits' brains on Pandora worked and that’s how they saw the twins as gods(so-called). They were always putting on an act for their fans acting as if everything’s okay but when they’re alone, their mood is on an emotional roller coaster.
“Ah, don’t even gotta say anything Ty, neither do I, just know that I’ll never forgive you for what you’ve done back there two years ago.”
She was going to protest against him but knew she wouldn’t win since Troy has a gift of using his words wisely against someone. He was born with something special at least. Tyreen left the doorway of his bedroom leaving Troy alone for the rest of the night. Once she was gone he pulled out his ECHO device and contacted someone. After a few rings the voice on the other end answered.
“Dad, it’s me, Troy.”
Troy knew that he couldn’t cut his dad out of his life for good after leaving Nekro, he’s his offspring after all. They communicated that night until Troy eventually got tired and ended up sleeping. He remembered it all like it was yesterday. Getting in contact with him after so long made Troy feel happy. It’s like his father finally cared about him, he hopes he do.
“I’m ready to go home already… hopefully things will change if we ever go back…”
He woke up the next morning with an empty feeling inside his body but it vanished once Ty was banging on his door telling him to get ready for today’s stream. He got ready and looked at his ECHO device smiling at it. He left his room leaving it behind and a message was left for him when he got back.
“I miss you and your sister, hopefully you two will return home someday. I love you both, I just wish I could have raised you both better.”
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borderlandsthirst · 4 years
Flame Angel au
Has a long gash going down her back at a slanted angle, it’s decorated with the twins’ snake symbol and a pair of dragon wings. 
Triple pierced ears, a small hoop for the earlobe and studs for the other holes. 
Long kinky hair kept in a ponytail, left side of her hair shaved around the ears. 
Has smaller scars over her body from years of abuse, use to try and cover them but now wears them with pride. 
Fashion since is nonexistent, just like the twins she wears an inconsistent color scheme. 
Has her own symbol she wears on the back of her jacket. A dark orange, six-winged serpent surrounded by flames. 
Has a pet Spiderantling name Natty who grows up to be a badass Spiderant Queen. 
Long post under the cut along with psychological destress and dark thoughts.
Mostly shattered, years of mental and physical abuse has left Koetai in a state of numbness that only eases when the twins are around. 
It’s a bit unstable, can fly off the handle sometimes and takes it out on the followers.  
Has accidentally scratched Tyreen once while having a fit, it didn’t really affect her physically but emotionally she understands what it means to be treated poorly by your parents. Even if it’s not the same kind of trauma. 
Sometimes she’ll just shut down while in the safety of the Cathedral, while working with a saint or one of the twins she just stops and stare into the distance. Takes a while to bring her back 
Has stolen small unimportant items from the twins to take with her while she’s in the field so it feels like they’re with her. She needs them with her. 
Feels empty when the twins aren’t around or isn’t being praised by the followers, she’s the right hand of the twin Gods, she’s the enforcer. How can nobody see how powerful and important she is? 
Is a bit sadistic, will toy with Crimson Raider soldiers like a cat and then kill them in the most gruesome way imagine with her bare hands or a weapon that’s either her’s or theirs. All with a smile on her face. 
Takes pleasure in all pain, mostly people she knows are innocent and not fighters. Why should she care about the pain of children when nobody cared about her’s? 
Crazy, that’s to be expected after everything that’s happened to her. 
Will fake you out in a heartbeat, one second she’s quiet and smiling real menacingly in your face, the next you’re lying on the ground bleeding while she walks off with your money and loot. 
Only when she’s with the twins can the girl she could have grown into is revealed, kinda shy in interested in music and crafting. And yoga, she has to be at ease to keep the twins at ease when they’re about to snap. 
Loves Troy and Tyreen but would never tell them (they’ll figure it out on their own eventually), because to her they are real Gods. 
When she’s focused on something she’ll get real quiet so her concentration isn’t broken. Sometime she’ll stick her tongue out the side of her mouth, Troy and Tyreen have many pictures. 
Gets along with the twins amazingly well, it’s almost like they’ve been together forever. Will let Tyreen do her hair and makeup, will let Troy do her nails. All three of them will sleep in a pile. 
Is standoffish towards literally everyone else, the bandits of Pandora remind her too much of a crazy, shitty father. 
See the cultist as demons, they aren’t even lost souls, just ants on the surface of a dry ass planet, but the twins have given them a chance to seek out salvation. She just loves the part where the follows fall out of line, although she hates seeing the twins angry, she loves the killing part.
Has a pretty nasty scar on his right shoulder leading down to the area across from his ribs. 
Troy protects his damaged area with a skin friendly and cushiony gel liner filled with medical beads. It hugs his shoulder and keeps his bracer in place without causing more harm to his body. 
Wishes for nothing more than to be normal like his sister, he constructs a prosthetic using stolen Hyperion tech that (surprisingly) still works and sprays it his skin tone. 
He has built up muscle mass (but is still skinny around his ribs) still has his eight pack (or is it a six pack?) 
Will cake on so much eye shadow you wonder if it's just a part of his face. And wears more eyeliner that is necessary when in front of a crowd. 
Has nipple piercings, gauges, a lip piercing, and a di- 
Still has the things in his arm (because Idk what they are) that are medical ports the pump nutrition into him. And so does his spinel connecter.  
Hates his body, even though he has an eight pack he loses weight at a dangerous rate, he has to eat lots of meat every day. 
Has night terrors often and usually wakes up with a knife in his hand. He wishes he could muster his powers to heal himself a real right arm. 
Tyreen usually has to come and calm him enough to get him back in bed, on especially terrible nights she’ll have him sleep with her for comfort.  
When alone he mumbles his mother’s name like a mantra, Leda Calypso. Like saying her name with keep him from going insane. 
Is angry at Tyreen for latching onto him as a fetus and almost killing him, but knows that she obviously didn’t mean to, this kind of thing happens sometimes to twins. And it’s not like she could do anything about the Leech, she was a fetus. 
Doesn’t stop him from hating what happened. Even though he loves his only family member. 
Has found himself thinking about very dark things involving Tyreen and blood. 
Making his prosthetic look like a real arm only broke him more, but even if it looks real, he knows it’s not. 
A mask of channeled angsty goth teen energy, not as dramatic as Tyreen, but when he is it’s a fucking show. Overconfident in himself and cocky. 
Doesn’t like when the followers get too close to him, Tyreen, or Koetai. Will act like he gives a damn about his followers at a distance, but if they get too close? He crushes they’re skull with his cybernetic. 
Is a cold and viscous beast with no remorse for anyone, will stump in your ribcage just for looking at him. 
Keeps his personal saints at an arm's length, on Koetai can get close, anyone who steps out of line is, well, dead. 
Behind closed doors he’s all over his machines, he loves to tinker and build. He created the blueprints for the COV’s guns, Koetai’s buzzaxe, and countless other knickknacks across the camps of Pandora. 
Loves beatboxing, will make up some horrible beat in hopes that Tyreen or Koetai will rap or sing to it, can actually sing himself. Has sung the girls to sleep before. 
Records personal logs for himself whenever he’s in the mood, it can be about anything, personal issues, how being the GodKing makes him feel, how there’s really only one asset in his life that’s keeping him together. 
Love to bake, surprising to someone who doesn’t know him. But Troy loves sweets and it’s hard to get that on Pandora, so he makes them himself. 
Tyreen has a matching scar on her left shoulder blade where she was connected to Troy. 
She wears at least two layers of clothing to ensure it stays hidden, it doesn’t matter if it’s hot out, if her scar is covered then she’s satisfied.  
Has perfected a balanced look of dark makeup to make her look grown and sexy since she has a baby face. Sharp eyeliner, dark blue or black eyeshadow, and variety of dark lip-glosses.  
Works out with Troy (but not too much, just enough to stay in shape) so she has a nice four pack. 
Also has piercings, cute little studs for her ears, a nose piercing, nipples too, and a cl- 
Has her mother’s last name tattooed across her lower back. And has the COV logo tattooed on her right shoulder (really to match the eye on Troy’s shoulder.) 
Doesn’t wear a glove on her left had (since it doesn’t do anything nor does it really match the outfit.) 
THICK THIGHS SAVE LIVES, while big booties end them. 
Can HEAR the Leech talking to her, trying to convince her to consume more, feed more, TAKE MORE. Has even told her to leech her brother more times than one. 
Was once teetering on the edge of insanity because of the constant whispering in the back of her head, but over the years she’s managed to push it back. But sometimes the voice breaks through again. 
Because of the voice she barely sleeps, it’s not like she needs to, but she can’t even if she needed to. 
Loves her brother with all her heart but feels like he hates her for what she’s done. Sure, she wasn’t even born yet, but she almost killed him before he was even born. 
Actually despises the fact she’s a siren, if she wasn’t a siren Troy would messed up, mom would still be alive, and dad wouldn’t have treated us so coldly. 
Doesn’t have it together as much as she likes to think, would have a mental breakdown behind closed door, Troy has only seen it once and spent hours with Tyreen as she sobbed uncontrollably into his arms. She made sure to never let him witness that again. 
Tyreen has clawed at her tattooed arm a few times, scratched thick deep cuts that immediately heal close, just to be scratched open again. 
Only perusing the Grant Vault for Troy’s sake, hopefully all that power will keep his stable for the rest of their lives. 
Egotistical and shamelessly smug. Thinks she’s big shit and that she’s on top of the world. Lives with a shit-eating grin on her face while in front of the camera. 
Actually convinces everyone around her that she truly does care about of her followers (but is really still afraid of them.) Wouldn’t hesitate to punt-kick one in private though.  
Enjoys followers throwing themselves at her feet to offer gifts and praise, but if anyone touches her, even accidently, they’re dead. They’re not even allowed to kiss her boots, she doesn’t want their saliva on her clothes. 
When away from public she is extremely soft and sweet, kisses? She gives kisses to her brother and to Koetai, she is also pretty chill. 
While Troy bakes, Tyreen cooks. She may not need to eat real food but that doesn’t mean she can’t if she wants to. Pasta, sandwiches, a fucking baked potato? You name it, she can make it.  
Loves to sing, her mother said she had the voice of an angel, will perform a little concert for Troy and Koetai and feel flushed and proud afterwards. 
Enjoys painting like no one would believe, has a painting station in the corner of her room where she spends a good amount of time painting pictures of her loved ones, which is only three people, not including her father. 
Enjoys just, sitting outside on her balcony with the fresh air, even if the air is dry and smells like skag shit.  
First time I’ve ever written anything like this and I’m sure I did it badly, still more to come, should work on a position structure or something. Also need to make a layout of the common and working rooms.
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prosopopeya · 3 years
i’m bad at music and only listen to like 5 bands but here’s a collection of songs i would put onto a general spn mixtape bc either they 1) aren’t about dean/cas or 2) don’t map exactly perfectly onto the pov of one character/are an au or 3) are fun
the “i’ve been listening to taylor swift for two months straight” collection:
here’s a song crowley would listen to and drink and think about dean and cry:
‘tis the damn season + We could call it even / You could call me "babe" for the weekend / ​'Tis the damn season, write this down / I'm stayin' at my parents' house / And the road not taken looks real good now
here’s a song for literally everyone on spn:
marjorie + And if I didn't know better / I'd think you were listening to me now / If I didn't know better / I'd think you were still around / What died didn't stay dead / What died didn't stay dead / You're alive, you're alive in my head
here’s a song for claire when cas showed up again before she forgave him:
closure + It's been a long time / And seeing the shape of your name / Still spells out pain / It wasn't right / The way it all went down / Looks like you know that now
here’s a song for the entire purgatory experience. is it about dean/benny? bc dean was so focused on cas, and sam, and dean eventually had to kill benny and send him back to purgatory to save his brother? is it about how dean thought he left cas behind in purgatory, how he spent a year searching endlessly for him? is it about how cas keeps leaving dean: first, rejecting his hand in purgatory, then running off with the angel tablet? anyway i have 1000 feelings and should write a purgatory fic one day
coney island + And I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island / Wondering where did my baby go? / The fast times, the bright lights, the merry go / Sorry for not making you my centerfold / Over and over
here’s a song that doesn’t map exactly bc it talks about childhood and dean and cas were not friends then however it is about dean and cas (or maybe benny too bc of the pirates who knows):
seven + And I've been meaning to tell you / I think your house is haunted / Your dad is always mad and that must be why / And I think you should come live with me / And we can be pirates / Then you won't have to cry / Or hide in the closet / And just like a folk song / Our love will be passed on
speaking of benny here’s that high school au where he’s pining for dean endlessly but he also knows that dean was never his either:
august + Your back beneath the sun / Wishin' I could write my name on it / Will you call when you're back at school? / I remember thinkin' I had you
the “5 songs for how 5 years ago all i listened to was death cab on repeat” collection:
a classic song i shouldn’t have to explain:
some boys + Some boys are singing, some boys are singing the blues / Joylessly flinging with the girls that they're bringing / To their rooms, and then leave when they're through / Some boys are sleeping, some boys are sleeping alone / Cause there's no one that's keeping them warm through evening / And they know that they're on their own / 'Cause some boys don’t know how to love
is this one about dean? is it about sam? is it about cas? we just don’t know
you are a tourist + And if you feel just like a tourist in the city you were born / Then it's time to go / And define your destination / There's so many different places to call home / Because when you find yourself the villain in the story you have written / It's plain to see / That sometimes the best intentions are in need of redemptions / Would you agree? / If so please show me
this song is about peter and jason from bare which means it is also about dean and cas high school au:
we looked like giants + God damn the black night, with all its foul temptations / I've become what I always hated when I was with you then / We looked like giants in the back of my grey subcompact / Fumbling to make contact as the others slept inside
this song isn’t about dean bc he’s an asshole to cas on a regular basis but i think of him every time i hear it:
you can do better than me + I have to face the truth / That no one could ever look at me like you do / Like I'm something worth holding onto / There's times I think of leaving / But it's something I'll never do / 'Cause you can do better than me / But I can't do better than you
this song is too clingy for crowley and dean however it is about crowley and dean:
i will possess your heart + How I wish you could see the potential / The potential of you and me / It's like a book elegantly bound, but / In a language that you can't read just yet / You gotta spend some time, love / You gotta spend some time with me / And I know that you'll find, love / I will possess your heart
the “sometimes spotify shows me new things” collection:
this song is about both winchester boys bc of all the car imagery (dean) and also bc the singer is planning on escaping (sam):
this year - the mountain goats + I am going to make it through this year / If it kills me / I am going to make it through this year / If it kills me / I drove home in the California dusk / I could feel the alcohol inside of me hum / Pictured the look on my stepfather's face / Ready for the bad things to come
this song is 100% what charlie would put on a playlist for dean to celebrate him coming out to her:
bad liar - selena gomez + I was walking down the street the other day / Tryna distract myself / But then I see your face / Oh wait, that's someone else / Tryna play it coy / Tryna make it disappear / But just like the battle of Troy / There's nothing subtle here
does cas keep his hands to himself? mostly yes but he still listens to this and thinks about dean
hands to myself - selena gomez + The doctors say you're no good / But people say what they wanna say / And you should know if I could / I'd breathe you in every single day / All of the downs and the uppers / Keep making love to each other / And I'm trying, trying, I'm trying, trying
i wish i could quote this entire song. this entire song is about dean except for the specific bit in the beginning about the mom calling insane and high and the pov rejecting her:
a better son/daughter - rilo kiley + But you'll fight and you'll make it through / You'll fake it if you have to / And you'll show up for work with a smile / And you'll be better, and you'll be smarter / And more grown up, and a better daughter / Or son, and a real good friend
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pennywise-sewerslut · 5 years
Thirteen Hours (2)
Lindsey woke up to screaming. At first she thought it was just her dad and Janet fighting again, it happened frequently. But the screaming continued, and she noticed that it was frantic. She rose from bed, slowly, groggy, like maybe she had been drugged. She didn’t remember going to sleep, didn’t remember crawling into bed.
“What the hell is going on?” She mumbled, wobbling into the hall.
“Did you put Troy to bed?” Her father asked, eyes wide with terror. “Did you make sure he was in bed?”
“Yeah, I even checked on him. He was sound asleep. What’s going on?”
“Troy’s gone.” Her father’s voice was shaky, and her first emotion was one of relief. Troy was gone, finally, but then guilt washed over her in waves. Troy was gone.
“What do you mean Troy’s gone?”
Her father stepped aside, and she took a hesitant step into her brother’s bedroom. Lindsey understood now why Janet couldn’t stop screaming. There, above Troy’s bed, on the soft periwinkle wall, “Goblin King, Goblin King, Wherever You May Be…”
“Is…is that blood?” Her jaw fell open, and she stared at the wall, stomach clenching queasily. “I’m gonna go find him.” She turned on her heel, ready to run to her bedroom.
“I can’t lose you, too,” her father’s grip on her arm was firm.
“You won’t. I’ll find him, dad. I’ll bring him home. I promise.”
She changed quickly, pulling on leggings and an old baseball tee, moving so quick that she put her shoes on the wrong feet at first. She let out a strangled cry as she went to fix them.
“I’ll be back.”
She didn’t bother saying any other goodbyes, running out of the house and heading straight to the carnival. At this hour she didn’t think anyone would be there, but she had to look. Troy liked the carnival, and she had to make sure he hadn’t just snuck off to play. She knew you wouldn’t find him, knew deep down that Troy would soon just be another missing kid poster in Derry.
The carnival grounds were empty, like she knew they’d be. Well, mostly empty. She heard a giggle, deranged, somewhere to her left. She snapped her head in that direction, drawing in a shaky breath.
“So, so, so scared. Silly little thing, yes she is. Silly, silly. Wishes him away and then comes looking. What a silly girl, so silly, so fickle,” there was that giggling again, that sick, sick sound.
“It’s you, isn’t it?” She stared hard into the shadows, looking for the source of the voice. “You’re the one taking the kids.”
“You wished him away, now poor, poor little Troy is going to die all alone and scared in the dark. Tasty, tasty, scared little boy.”
“I didn’t mean it!” She cried, stomping your foot like a petulant child.
“Did you think this was a game? Silly girl. Pennywise likes games, yes he does.”
“You like games?” Her head shot up, gears in her mind turning. “Please, let’s play a game?”
A figure walked out of the shadows then, tall and looming, though its gait was lurchy. A clown stood before her, and there was something familiar about those blue eyes, and it was unnerving. But she didn’t flinch back, though she could feel herself quaking.
“She wants to play a game with Pennywise, yes she does! What kind of game?”
“Any kind you want!” She blurted, “If I win, you have to let Troy go.”
“And if Pennywise wins?” The clown leaned forward, saliva dripping from its mouth. She shuddered. Lindsey didn’t want to know what would happen if this clown won.
“Then…then you can have me and my brother both.” She didn’t really think things through before she said it, and when the clown’s face split into and even wider grin, she realized she had more than likely just signed her own death warrant.
“Fine, fine. Pennywise will win, Pennywise always wins. Silly human,” he giggled, and his face drew murderously serious, “Thirteen hours, little human. You have thirteen hours to find your brother. Thirteen hours to find Pennywise’s home. If you win, you get him back. Alive. But if you lose,” the clown opened his mouth, and a long tongue slid from between his jaws, licking a broad stripe up the side of her face, “If you lose, I will gobble you both up!”
She looked around, terrified to find herself standing at the edge of the barrens instead of the carnival grounds. She blinked rapidly, head snapping in every direction. How’d she even get here? A disembodied voice spoke then, the clown, and she wasn't sure if she was actually hearing it or it was in her head.
“Thirteen hours once you reach the sewers, pretty thing.”
“Well,” she inhaled a deep breath, looking down at her feet, “No time like the present, huh?”
She hadn’t been in the Barrens for years, and she didn’t quite remember which way she was supposed to go, and in the early morning grey light, she realized that the Barrens were far more terrifying than she remembered them being.
“What the fuck are you doing in the Barrens at 5:30 in the morning?”
She jumped, spinning around and almost losing her footing. “What the fuck, why do you keep doing that?” She glared at Bobby, who stood a little ways away from her, smoking. “Why are you in the Barrens?”
“I like walks in the morning. You didn’t answer my question.”
“It took my brother.”
“What took your brother?”
“I…it’s a clown. I think. No. I don’t know. The thing taking kids. It took Troy.”
“So, you’re in the Barrens chasing a clown? Fuck, why do all the pretty ones have to be crazy?”
“Will you help me?”
“Find a clown? No.”
“That’s not…just help me find the fucking sewers.”
“You are kidding.” Bobby barked out a laugh, and it made her grit your teeth. “Okay, no you’re not. I think you’re kind of full of shit, but alright. Come on then,” he walked past her, shoulder brushing hers as he did so. Lindsey huffed as she trudged behind him, glaring daggers into his back.
He stopped several yards away from the gaping maw of the sewer. His nose wrinkled, and he turned to look at her with those burning blue eyes.
“Which way do I go, once I’m in there?” She asked, peering into the darkness. She looked over to Bobby, eyes questioning.
“I wouldn’t go either way, but you go ahead and go whatever way you want to go. I’d just go home, honestly.”
“He’s my little brother, I can’t just…leave him.”
“Well, he’s only half your little brother, right? I mean, that’s what you said last night.”
Lindsey shot him a dirty look, and he simply shrugged it off. She sighed, looking between him and the tunnel into the sewers. “Can I have a cigarette, please?” Her voice was small, and Bobby studied her with serious eyes before offering her one, lighting it with steady hands.
“You’re about to go wading through shit water,” he mused.
“All of Derry is shit water, dude,” she deadpanned. The two of them made eye contact, and in moments they were both in a fit of giggles. When she had finally calmed down, Lindsey smoked in silence, looking him over as she stepped out her cigarette. “Well, if I die, thanks for the cigarette.”
She said nothing else, just took the first steps towards the sewers. She stopped just outside the entrance, remembering what she was told by the clown. Thirteen hours once she stepped foot in the sewers. Thirteen hours to save her brother.
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anarchist-caravan · 4 years
(My) TOP Discovered Albums of the year 2019 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Here again, for the fourth year in a row! Ready to go through the list of discovered music that I have found this year. It has been quite a long year. The thing that is different from the other years is that I have felt a little bit more stressed about the list. I don’ t know why. Just is. And that is a good judgement of what my year has been about. Stress. Angst. Hardships. Fatigue. And Surprises.
I always think I won’t be able to find any new music each year. But I am always mistaken. Thousands of albums down the road. And ain’t that the best thing. Amidst the times. 
And thus, a lot of the music I found this year, that has been put on this list is of the more chill side. Not anything too harsh. Just.... a stream of consciousness.
As Usual, Albums I have encountered throughout the year are listed below -with only the last five in a true top order:
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Mad Doctor X - Picnic with the Greys (1997)
A picnic we should all attend, -don’t forget the Oui’d!
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Tomb Mold ‎– Planetary Clairvoyance (2019)
Dang, that’s death metal done well.
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Moor Mother - Analog Fluids Of Sonic Black Holes (2019)
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Darzamat - In the Opium of Black Veil (1999)
Good AF black metal. 
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karl sanders - saurian meditation (2004)
Darker than you think. Hypnosis.
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The Dolphin Brothers - Catch the Fall (1987)
Richard Barbieri and Steve Jansen plays wonderous synth-pop akin to something... I cannot remember right now. But they are good nonetheless. 
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Reiko Kudo - Rice Field Silently Riping In The Night (2019) 
(Dis)harmonious multi-instrumental live-recording’easque music with singing and (soft) noise. 
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Michael Stearns - M'Ocean
Michael Stearns makes the most chill music in the universe. Except for maybe that one U.F.O. trip album that can be chill in the scary cold sense. 
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Henryk Górecki - Kleines Requiem-Lerchenmusik
Classical album of the year. Górecki always delivers. 
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Fast techno-trash metal band. 
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Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Death And Flamingos (2019)
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows is a band that will always have a special space in my heart. Their music got me through the most part of high school. The dark ambivalent songs. Yet, never forgetting the ironic twinkle in the eye. 
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Earl Slick - Zig Zag (2003)
That edge of the seat feel of rock; next stage to come, just: SLICK.
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Kooba Tercu - Kharrub (2019)
You will be grateful I rec’d this jammin’ piece of fast jumping action of absurdity and happiness. :)
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Red Snapper - Making Bones (1998) 
Trip Hop Album of The year. Seeing to what trip-hop releases there were around the time of this album’s release, I am so fucking surprised I had never heard of these before. They are just as brilliant as the all too famous Portishead, if not with an upper edge in a lot of cases. 
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Supercar - Three Out Changes!! (1998)
Shoegaze of the year. Lovely. CHILL. Summer evening breathe’
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Anna Domino - East & West (1984)
Timeless synth-pop with rich textures of dreamy lyrics that ensnares you into a downtempo that.... goes up.
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Troy Gregory - XAVIERA (2018) 
Monumental Prog.
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shit & shine - bad vibes (2018)
It is What it Says. Yeah I am on Acid’
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Datarock ‎- Face The Brutality (2018) 
Norwegian indie masters. I love Datarock very, very much. I’ve listened to them since the 2007 release Red and I don’t know a band with as much coercive pop in each track. This album was a surprise find, since I was convinced they were out of the loop.
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HIZAKI grace project  - Curse Of Virgo (2008)   
Symphonic Metal. Hizaki is a master of the guitar. Such Riffs. If you need to drain your brain to metal and feel energized but still mesmerized, this is it. 
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Institut Für Feinmotorik ‎- Abgegriffen (2011)
Coolest Experimental Band of the year. Go check them out on youtube. The making of the music here is truly an Experience.
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Deafkids ‎- Metaprogramação (2019)
D-beat, Raw Punk, Downtempo ... band from Volta Redonda, Rio De Janeiro - Brazil. NOISE.
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 WipEout Omega Collection OST (2017)
The wipeout games are and will forever be my favorite way of anti-gravity racing. The music to Wipeout Omega Collection is as stellar as ever, a great list of electro and techno musicians. 
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Hammer Bros. - Police Story (1997) 
Imagine being at an underground hardcore noise rave party in 1997. Imagine the beat blasts. The speed. The energy. Just the grinding shouts, the beat, and you. Ready to dive. BURN. WATER. REPEAT.
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AFCGT ‎– Square Microphone Tapes 
Noise rock galore. Glory. Wonderful. Gnarly. Intelligent. Different. Moody.
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Future Of The Left ‎– Human Death (2013)
Great leftist lyrics. Another one of RIk’s rec’s. Just Awesome. Good Music. Hate on capitalism and its endless bringer of deaths. 
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Molchat Doma* ‎– Etazhi (2018)
Youtube rec of the year. Darkwave energies en masse!
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3.2 - The Rules Have Changed  (2018)
The follow up to the infamous To The Power Of Three album from 1986 by Emerson, Lake and Berry. The first record was hated on by many, but I love it. And this very late follow up is a huge accomplishment and honoring to the late people involved. A record my dad would have liked. I just love prog music. Sigh. 
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Saori Kobayashi - Terra Magica (2016)
Ethereal Game Music is not easy to make. Yet somehow, Saori manages it. No wonder really. She was behind Panzer Dragoon. Masterpiece album for what a tribute it is.
“Terra Magica is a love letter from Saori Kobayashi to her fans. Featuring the same rich, melodic tones that defined the iconic soundtracks of Panzer Dragoon Saga and Panzer Dragoon Orta, Kobayashi invites listeners to enter the world she has created, while encouraging them to create their very own story to match the progression of the music.“
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ENTROPY CREATED CONSCIOUSNESS - Impressions of the Morning Star (2018)
Symphonic Doom Metal of the year
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Sleaford Mods - Divide and Exit (2014)
Rec of the year by @planetsedge​ - Rik has served several discs on this list this year.
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Mobile Suit Z Gundam BGM Collection (Vol.1 - Vol.3)  (1985)
The title track to this animé, sung by Mami Ayukawa, and its subsequent soundtrack is probably one of the best I have heard. 80′s animé has the best soundtracks, mostly. 
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K2 - Iron Kulture 7' (1996)
Noise artist of the year.
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Klaus Dinger + Japandorf (2013)
Surprise find of the year in the sense of knowing the artist in other bands (NEU! and Kraftwerk) but totally missing this somehow. Late late find. Total love. Electronic mists will seep into your ears listening to this. 
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Beak - >>>
Pop-like krautrock. Laid back, but with thought behind it. Allé Sauvage is my fave track. Just the perfect amount of mystery and rhythm and synths. First list find of the year. 
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The Muffs - Alert Today Alive Tomorrow
20 years ago The Muffs released this album, and I wish... the years had been kinder. This album helped me a lot though when I found it. A lot of nostalgia will arise listening to this. 
Damned if you feel alright ~
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BIG STICK - LP (2019)
EARWORM OF THE YEAR!!! Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co Butter Calamari Co Co ButterCalamari Co Co Butttttttttttttttteeeeerrrrr. 
In the bodega. 
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Jesca Hoop - Stonechild (2019)
Indie folk niceties. Chill, interesting blend of rock and singing elements. Not mystical, but still with mysteries. Got third place because I kept remembering it so much. It penetrated my skull. 
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Doji Morita - A Boy (1977) 
This album was an early find and should be my album of the year. Morita’s voice is amongst the softest and kindest I have ever heard. And she has all the wonderful aesthetics to boot! Acoustics with accompanying strings and pianos in most of the tracks. It isn’t, because the N’1 is such an explosion of a surprise. 
The third track, ふるえているネ (One who is trembling) is my favorite. I do tremble at the very thoughts expressed in this track. The bird wings at the end... yeah. Every track on this album is a masterpiece. 
Music as pulling one’ s strings of the heart. That is what this album is about. 
I will keep it at that with the words. No more has to be said. Just listen, you will understand. 
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Kagami - Star Arts (2002)
Explosive, Happy, Creative, Constantly Changing Originality.
 Techno. Disco. TeSco.
Toshiyasu Kagami was a genius in his genre. I’ve heard a lot of techno mixes and textures in my life, but not anything like this before. 
Each track slaps you in the head and forces you to the rhythm, only for you to go.... HMMMMMMMMmmmMmmMmMMmmMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM when the flow enters its synergies of musical delight. What else is there to say when your ears are filled with such pleasant sounds. Just when you think it won’t change up, it will change up. Impossible to predict. Dancefloor killer. Intelligent Mixes. 
No philosophical analysis, only my body moving to the most energetic beat EVER.
Concrete Masterpiece. My album of the year in 2019. 
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all the theories i never got to elaborate on
may you rest in peace you beautiful sons of bitches
minor spoilers regarding the cloth map.
this is it!! goodbye until I beat the game! 
finish mask of mayhem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (lol i never did)
That one about the Meta Guardian (Sentinel) being called the ‘meta’ guardian in the game files
Make a post on people who could get artificial siren powers from Tannis/Athenas, including, but not limited to: Maya/Lilith getting their powers back, Moze, Ellie, Moxxi, Lorelei, Ava unlocking her powers, Tannis herself, etc. Also, if the ‘universe-destroying power’ is creating more than 6 sirens, that’d be awesome. I do wish there was a scene where the entire party gets a new power/action skill for the final battle.
analyze all the new merch + maliwan joining the cult
all the cool broken shit you can do in bl2 like letting zer0′s hologram ragdoll and leaving claptrap to dance in captain flynt’s boss fight area without activating the fight (and breaking the game!)
also punk girl masterpost because... lord knows she’s a conundrum
The preview of the art book, notably the page describing the twins as being opposite color schemes (cause THAT’S not suspicious or foreshadowing in any way, im sure) i mean COME ON
think about how the twins got their siren powers bc apparently they were born into a ‘cage’… a vault... or a testing facility... two options here. maybe both tbh lol. compare the likelihood of hyperion testing (e-tech/slag experimentation/siren knowledge/old color scheme) vs atlas (color scheme matches more with white, typhon deleon connection, secret gortys project to open the vault of the traveller could have sister projects). also if typhon is their dad... that’s hilarious lol
and i know it’s been confirmed that the twins were conjoined and that’s probably how they got their shared powers/tattoos, but lemme ask something:
Troy’s tattoos appeared after birth. that’s been pointed out not only by me, but a bunch of other people in the fandom as well.
Tyreen says that “when we were born, our father had to cut him off me. now i’m the only thing keeping him alive”.
so what’s the truth? 
Tyreen says they were separated at birth. Troy’s tattoos would argue a completely different point: if Ty was a Siren at birth, you’d think her tattoos would have spread to Troy while they were conjoined. but clearly that’s not the case- since Troy has a full sleeve of normal tattoos that were overwritten by his red ones (of course we don’t know the details of siren tattoos interacting with normal tattoos. maybe they just don’t get inked because of the glowy/power/ethereal aspect of them. but there is the fact many of the cultists are mimicking troy’s tattoos on his arm, which makes me think they had a reference at one point)
now, i know that cut content is non-canon until confirmed by the devs, but given that we know the entire commander lilith dlc was written with borderlands 3′s plot in mind, i don’t think it’s coincidence we found that Angel’s powers/tattoos didn’t manifest until she was five.
maybe tyreen made troy and herself get these powers so she could heal him easier thru her knowledge of the vaults
or like as an experiment they (whomever they actually are- atlas, hyperion, undisclosed evil science company) forced siren powers to manifest in tyreen to see if she could keep her brother alive/to see what would happen and it ended up being she had to keep him alive because they were killing him
troy did a no no and touched a vault thing and got some powers and blew his arm off and tyreen now has to take care of him with her new siren powers like a disgruntled older sister
actually now that i think about it you’d think troy is the one in charge here because tyreen has to take care of him lol
plot twist troy becomes the leader and ty fucking hates it
either way i still would not be surprised if she kills him because... i mean. he’s the brains of the operation, yes, but once she wins, she doesn’t really need him anymore.
double plot twist she goes for the kill and he stabs her with his kickass sword and she’s all like :O
and the VHs are in the background like *sips juice from juice box awkwardly*
maybe when tyreen got her powers, troy got his even though they were seperated (or the other way around), since they had been conjoined at some point (even if they had been separated at the time).
“im the only thing keeping him alive” is making me do a thonk.
it does make me curious to know if he’s a new breed of Siren, like a different eridian timeline version. if the Eridians locked away all the Eridium and junk in the Destroyer’s vault, then maybe they needed a different power source for these kinds of Sirens (either before or after Eridium).
something like… idk… lifeforce..? being bottled into energy shots that can be shared amongst people, so it’s not entirely like siren powers (troy powering up enemies) which are unique to sirens. (i get the feeling the expanding health bar mechanic isn’t unique to ratches) (s- seraphs??)
And maybe Tyreen is dying similarly to Troy (be it from their powers being split up, complications from birth/surgery, weird experiments when they were kids), but she’s getting all her energy from the eridium in the background and thus doesn’t really feel it
meanwhile, Troy has to live off the red energy and that’s only obtained through tyreen atm. maybe the crystals are like an emergency supply, too. no- he won’t use it right during the intro cutscene, because Tyreen is Right There and she JUST absorbed someone’s life force. she can give it to him right away. no need to waste the ones around his neck. also to power up other people
Did the twins use the Eridian temple stargate system™ to get to Promethea faster than Sanctuary-III? 
Cause i can’t imagine Lily would be so surprised the twins beat us there if her teleportation powers allowed for bigg space travel… unless they have their own ship (and if they do, is it that blue and yellow one with the red symbols/writing?), but then, we probably would have seen it in orbit around the planet like we did the CoV satellite on pandora. unless the asteroid belt made them force land? but then wouldn’t sanc-iii have to land, too? is that an old moon of Promethea’s, by the way? it looks like someone just took that giant space gun and blew up Promethea’s moon. i feel bad for it :(
i would not be too surprised if the temples (we’ve seen one on Pandora, one i am guessing on Eden-6, and i am guessing one on Athenas- given the map i would guess the symbol indicates a temple so we can say Promethea, too) were a teleportation network so the twins could get from planet to planet quicker than we can. kinda explaining how they seem to be always 1 step ahead. i mean that and also they have typhon’s notes im assuming so of course they’re going to be one step ahead at all times.
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flowerrose14 · 5 years
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(It’s past midnight in the UK...So...Happy Father’s day!! ^^)
It’s been 23 years since Tom disappeared, however, the night before he did, Melonie was already pregnant with Travis and Trey, and she wanted to discuss names, Tom had told her he wanted to call his son, “Troy” since his dad was going to call him that, he honestly wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for his dad.. Tom would of loved his children, he would of been a great dad...
Anthony- havin responsibility forced on to you out of the blue was kinda strange for him, cause...HE WASN’T RESPONSIBLE AS ALL! He had no clue why this child liked him so much, why Penn would follow him around and call him a “Hero”, he’s still got no clue till this day...Anthony would protect Penn at all costs, and he still dosen’t really know what Children need, he thinks just a “normal” life would be perfect...Penn loves both Anthony and Universo, in his eyes, they’re amazing father figures and he adores them, Universo has helped both him and Anthony, he wants to one day thank both of them and get a better life, better future for them, it’s his dream..
Kooper- Oh boy...A over protective brother, to now an over protective father, ain’t that great? Kooper would do anything for his little Starlight, even his two trouble makin sons, he loves them all dearly and wants them all to be happy, he’d give them anything if he could. Luna is important to Kooper, he tries his best to be a good father, but even he can make rash desicions and bad choices, and can be a bit too over protective...
Jeff- Meeting Shawn was a blessing itself, now having a family and a bundle of complete joy, let’s say this little goof ball has never been happier!! Jeff loves the bones of his new daughter, Jasmine, she’s sweet, adorable, and he never wants to let go of her, he may not know what in the world a father does, but he’ll figure it out, eventually!
Theo- Though Theo is niave and a huge kid himself, he knows exactly what to do for Lloyd, he needs to protect him, from everyone in that mansion, the workers are kind enough to help Theo with his new kid, give him tips on what to say and all...All Theo knows is that if Lloyd is happy, he’s happy, he’d never want to lose him, if he’d did...he’d lose apart of himself aswell...Loko would win then...
Silus- Silus had only one night with his little sunshine, he made sure every second counted...He had woken up in the middle of the night and took Candy out of her crib, and he began to fly with her, showing her the stars and night sky, he wanted to show her all the beauties of this world, he wanted to make her laugh, smile, he wanted to make her happy from the moment he saw her... He never got the chance to...He would of been a great day...
....-Lost memories, all Blake knows is that he’s seen this man before, he’d never met him before, but a simple bullet was enough to get the job done...
Loko-...Loko had a very...Strict father...His father never showed him any respect, hell, his father said he was “A complete Joke to this family” was enough to confirm that...He wants his father respect, and if it means spilling some blood, let the game begin~
Jill- Jill’s father was a good man, he wanted to help this place as much as he can, he wanted to bring justice to those who deserved it, he wanted this world to be safe for his little Jilly Bean! Her father once took his hat off and placed it on her, saying she would be a perfect cop, she wanted to follow in her hero’s footsteps and make him proud.He would be...If he was still here...
Troy-He wanted to have a father, he honestly needed one from the hell he went through, Ashton constantly breaking him, William trying to kill him, all cause he was good at magic, he wished he knew Tom, he wanted to meet him so badly, the only thing he has that’s closest to his father is his hat...But... After meeting Holden, and seeing what he’s willing to do, and has done for him...He seems like a father, someone that protects you, makes ya happy, and scares you a bit...Yeah...Troy sees Holden like that...Like family...He wants to thank him, so much for all he’s done for him, he will one day, he promises that..
I wish you all a amazing father’s day, I have to thank my dad for so much, especially putting up with my malarkey .w. I know they can be tough on ya aswell, and say things that can be completely out of line, but it’s all from either worry, stress, or the way they think, family and parents are suppose to love you, and with love comes stress, cause when you love someone, you’re gonna worry bout them no matter what! just know deep down, they love you, and always will! <3
Universo belongs to the perfect m’lady @rainecloud020604 !!! >////<
Luna belongs to the brilliant @mindytiger ^w^
Shawn and Jasmine belong to the amazin @paint-splatterblog x3
Holden belongs to the most lovely @angiewolf09 (*cough* thank you for the candle gal, she shall be Blake’s mother UwU)
I hope you all enjoy! ^w^
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hippychick006 · 5 years
1.01 - Pilot Recap/Review
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Original Air Date: 13 September 2005
Episode 1 of a 327 Episode Watch
Lawrence, Kansas, 22 years ago…
…Nope, more like 37 now… sobs
Love this episode, so many iconic brother moments and the start of the epic love story of Sam and Dean (creators words, not mine).  Where do we even start?
Intro is a little difficult to watch now, with so much changed with Mary from this original episode over the years –with her a) being a hunter, b) making the deal and c) the family not actually being as happy as they are portrayed in this episode which kind of screws up John’s story for me, but this is my only negative, and it certainly wasn’t an issue at the time the pilot aired.  
Weechesters!  First words from Dean to Sam: “Night, Sam” and if these are the last words (and both are alive), I will be a very happy bunny!
John (handing baby Sam to Dean): Take your brother outside as fast as you can and don't look back! Now, Dean, go!
Wee!Dean telling Wee!Sam it will be okay.
I love how John picks them both up as he runs.  Also love that shot of John and his two boys on the hood of the Impala at the end of the intro.
Now, Stanford University...
Nope, almost 15 years ago – add a few decades for each brother for their hell experiences
Our first glimpse of Baby!Sam as he peeks around the door, reluctant to go out for Halloween: “Do I have to… you know how I feel about Halloween?” Boops nose, he’s so gosh darned cute! Ignores the later canon that he doesn’t like Halloween because he puked in front of a girl (or similar story as I can’t remember it fully).  Also forever bitter we don’t get the deleted scene where it’s suggested that Sam dress up in something slutty. “Slutty Dorothy, Slutty Alice…” 
Jess is rightfully proud of her boyfriend for scoring a 174 on the LSAT which is “scary good.”  I’ll take her word for it as I have absolutely no idea what an LSAT is.
I love how Sam is instantly alert at the noise in the apartment. Hunter instincts.
Urgh, the first ever broment. I mean they’re fighting, but it’s still a broment!  I love the whole fight scene and how it was shot.  Instant chemistry.  Excuse me while I watch it several times.  Will never be tired of the “Woah, Easy Tiger!” from Dean.  Question though, why was Dean fighting Sam?  He broke into his brother’s apartment and he didn’t think to go “Wait, Sammy, it’s me, stop trying to punch me!”  Also, Jensen is gorgeous, these are my favourite Dean years.
Dean, stop hitting on Sam’s girlfriend!
Call to action that starts the whole thing: Dad’s on a Hunting Trip.  And he hasn’t been home in a few days.
Exposition Kripke!!  Though we do find out a lot, Sam was chucked out, wouldn’t pick up the phone if Dean had called, and they were “raised like warriors”. Dysfunctional family?  Hello, yes, I’d like to watch 327 episodes of this show, please!
Brother feels!
Dean: I can’t do this alone
Sam: Yes, you can
Dean: Yeah, Well, I don’t want to
What the hell is a gold wave?  Was that made up?  That sounds made up.  Me as a writer.
Dean: “You know, in almost two years I've never bothered you, never asked you for a thing.”  This is so sad their relationship got to this point and they hadn’t seen each other or spoken. 
Dean telling his brother to skip the job interview.  He really wants his Sammy back.
Before the end of the show, I want to see Sam using that lethal looking knife he packs in his duffel in this episode. Just once.
I like the MOTW in this one, Lady in White was a good starting point for the show.  Troy is the first victim we see with her and since he’s a cheating scumbag, I don’t feel sorry that his guts are now splattered all over his car.
Dean asking Sam if he wants breakfast.   Lawyer boy is concerned about how Dean paid for it – “You and dad still running credit card scams?” Sam is also concerned about Dean’s music collection
Sam: I swear, man, you've gotta update your cassette tape collection.
Dean: Why?
Sam: Well, for one, they're cassette tapes. And two… Black Sabbath? Motorhead? Metallica?... It's the greatest hits of mullet rock. (*cough* Vince Vincente Sammy *cough*).
DEAN: Well, house rules, Sammy, Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.
Sam protests Dean’s use of Sammy, but as we know, Dean’s the only one who gets to call him that (except later seasons where everyone seems to call him that).
I love Sam’s face when Dean is searching through the box of fake ID’s.  He’s horrified.  He can’t believe Dean is going to use a fake badge.  Oh Sam.
So much brotherly bickering in this episode:
Sam stomping on Dean’s foot and Dean whacking Sam on the head.
Dean smacking Sam’s hand and Sam wheeling Dean’s chair out of the way so he can take over control of the computer in the library when they look up the case.  Dean smacks Sam on the shoulder in return. (first ever scene they filmed according to Jared).
Also First Ever Winsync!  When they interview Troy’s girlfriend and say at exactly the same time: “What do they talk about?”  
Also, in this same scene, someone needs to remind Jensen he’s playing Sam’s brother, not his boyfriend.
Love the whole scene on the bridge at night, Dean slamming Sam up against the side just because he talked about their mom.  You. Are. Brothers!  
Sam may not be happy about using fake credit cards, but he’s more than at home with a lock picking kit.  I like how Sam yanks Dean inside the room.
Sam tries to apologise for talking about their mom.  
Dean: No chick-flick moments
Sam: Jerk…
Dean: …Bitch
Dean leaving the motel, spotting the police then calling his brother to warn he’s been made and telling him to take off.  
Sam placing a false 911 call to allow Dean to escape and Dean being resourceful in getting out of the cuffs.
Sam demonstrating exactly why you shouldn’t talk and drive.  Luckily he runs over a ghost and not a real person.  
Uh, That Constance bitch is in the car with Sam demanding to be taken home. Sam refuses and she takes over controls, locking the car and mentally driving it home.  Constance: “I can never go home.”
Sam: You’re scared to go home.
Constance, you get your hands off Sammy. Sam: You can’t kill me.  I’m not unfaithful.  I’ve never been!  Constance: You will be.  Uh no, he said he wouldn’t, stop cheating Constance and go after the real douchbags!
Hurt!Sam – Constance is digging into his chest, going for his heart.
Big Brother Dean to the rescue – he shoots her in the face, but she keeps reappearing.
Sam’s had enough, “I’m taking you home.” To Dean’s shock, Sam drives his baby straight into her house.  
Dean helps Sam out of the car, while Constance looks at a photo of her and her children.  She’s not happy with Sam and Dean, tking the sideboard to slam right into them and pin them against the car.  Luckily, before she can do any more damage, her ghost kids turn up and they all melt into the floor.
Sam gets the kill count on this one. Sam: 1, Dean: 0.  Dean’s proud as he slaps Sam on the chest right where Sam had been injured. Dean: You found her weak spot. Nice work, Sammy.
Sam: Yeah, I wish I could say the same for you. What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak?
Dean: Hey. Saved your ass…. I'll tell you another thing. If you screwed up my car?... I’ll kill you
Oops, the car is damaged, one of the headlights is out.  Sam seems okay though, he checks co-ordinates their dad left earlier while Dean drives.
Dean just wants to hunt with his brother and Sam just wants to be safe, but at least Sam wants a relationship with Dean: “And maybe I can meet up with you later, huh?”
Dean: You know, we made a hell of a team back there.
Sam: Yeah.
Jess made Sam cookies ☹
Sam’s tired and flops down on the bed, it’s such a peaceful moment and he’s happy and then blood drips on his forehead and it’s just…
Big brother Dean to the rescue again (though I don’t think they should have cut what brought Dean back). Dean literally has to drag Sam out of the room and I’m always here for Dean manhandling Sam.
The scene at the end, Dean looking at Sam, worried about his brother, Sam looking at him, sighs and nods, tossing the shotgun he’s been checking into the trunk.
Sam: We got work to do
Yes Sam, 326 more episodes of work to do!  I really miss these early boys so much, they’re both so dragged down with constant crap over the last few years to the point of being almost unrecognisable.  
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border-spam · 4 years
Troy HC dump
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These span all eras and are valid for the Troy I write , some are 18+ so read more at your discretion:
Hugely into any puzzle / collection echo games (think puzzle and dragons), and uses them to relax very often in private. Finds puzzle games really destress him and help him sleep. Has spent an insane amount of money in them.
Keeps his own personal coffers and the amount he spends wouldn’t even be noticeable against his almost infinite wealth , but he’d be intensely embarrassed if anyone found out how much God King Calypso spends on gatchas.
Hair is naturally very thick, his iconic hairstyle was originally born out of frustration after going for a bandit mohawk, realising how much work that was going to be every day, then swiping it all forwards and hoping for the best.
Has v little torso hair but does pluck the patchy little bits he grows for the aesthetic, bitch.
Incredibly hygienic for a Pandoran, but more so with his oral hygiene than anything else. Had to keep a rigorous cleansing routine for the first few months after his jaw mod and just kept it up from then on.
Understands a huge amount of different languages, but not fluently. Leda taught him the basics of a lot of language cores and he can understand and read a lot relatively well. Cant speak or write them though, and keeps this skill close to his chest.
He’s intensely clever and realised early how useful it was to understand what sponsors were saying to each other in “private” by using another language during meetings with the twins. He’s turned having his intelligence underestimated so often into a weapon he wields with great skill.
His hand writing is atrocious. He can read it fine, but not even Tyreen can half the time. Almost proud of having his own shitty shorthand code he can use for notes.
Can count the amount of times he’s worn underwear by choice on his one hand since adulthood. Didn’t have any on Nekrotafeyo, and fuck it. Freedoms comfortable and let’s you have very low slung pants.
Very low slung pants are very good at distracting possible competitors/business partners enough during interactions to either cause them to slip up, or underestimate his cunning again. Either works fine for him, he gets attention, and the upper hand. Win win.
Snores really bad from a combo of mods and compromised respiratory system. Modded tongue tends to slowly extend the deeper his sleep gets, and he’s woken up with it over his eyes before. Will completely deny he snores, only Tyreen has heard it and she’s clearly lying, right?
Did most of his own piercings and barely flinched. Full on SOBBED after he pierced his nips. Sat on his bathroom floor for an hour waiting for the pain to pass while strongly second guessing his life decisions.
Gets extremely emotionally invested in classical music / soundtracks and falls asleep listening to his fave playlists often. Has nicer dreams when he does than if he doesn’t, and also feels like it helps boost his creativity while working. Doesn’t know why.
A combo of keeping his neck covered under the collar, and the scarring on his throat, has left it hyper sensitive when uncovered. A caress will instantly have him snapping viciously or melting into a gasping mess of goosebumps and shivers depending on who’s hand it was.
Super comfortable with nudity, his self esteem issues are focused on his body’s layout and the self perceived damage/disfunction of it, nudity doesn’t come into play at all.
That is, as long as his bracer is on. What’s under the bracer is the one part of his body he would be terrified of showing to someone he valued in a vulnerable situation. Any COV worshipper stupid enough to think just because they can touch him naked means they could try and touch under the bracer is going to really miss their hand afterwards ( if they are still alive to miss it ).
Would love to be able to play a musical instrument well but he’s struggled with any he tried before as only his existing hand is dextrous enough for one. Would really appreciate and treasure someone with the patience and kindness to teach him, but knows that would mean dropping the God King persona, and can’t justify damaging their reputation just for something that would make him happy.
Gets recognised instantly regardless of how he dresses or looks, which he loathes. There is no way to hide his height or build, let alone the markings on his face. Really misses being able to just wander and explore like he could in the COV’s early days.
Really, really, really loves food, but his ill health means he can’t eat the way he’d like and often has to avoid foods he wished he could eat more. God King Calypso is known for being exceptionally choosy about the food he eats. In reality, Troy just can’t trust a lot of the overly rich food he’s served.
Massively enjoys cooking in his Sanctum when alone, and would treasure doing so for anyone he sees as a friend. Has, very rarely in the past, and loved seeing how surprised they were that he’s not useless at it.
Solely drinks alcohol to get drunk, can’t really taste beer very well and doesn’t enjoy most spirits. He’s a functional alcoholic but would deny he relies on it or other drugs (he absolutely does) and blows off concern from medics as it being something he chooses to do, not needs.
Wishes he could smoke Pandoran weed but wouldn’t risk the damage to his weak lungs, tends to make tea with what he grows in his ship, shares it with Tyreen a lot. She can’t touch plants, so he has no problem doing the green thumb work and sharing with her when she needs to relax.
Unless their dad had thought it to them or they saw it in an echo show, then the twins had no grasp of basic social do’s and don'ts when they reached Pandora.
Troy would have no problem sitting in a merger meeting picking his nose while Tyreen scratched her ass in front of board members. They learned a lot of their social skills the hard way, having been asked to please, please stop by priests and saints.
Has never won a burping competition against Tyreen in his life. Is genuinely irritated by this.
Can’t dance. Can strut and pose, has a great sense of rhythm, just cannot for the life of him do anything dance wise. Please don’t ask him to it will end in tears (his).
Savant with numbers, sees them as patterns like his dad did. Thought everyone could till he met people on Pandora. Gets aggressively frustrated with anyone who he needs to explain his process for reaching a mathematical conclusion to, because they never get it.
Complete idiot tier for animals. Likes them a lot, just doesn’t know what any of them are and no one is in a position to correct him without risking embarrassing the God King publicly and having their neck snapped.
Calls everything he sees a Skag. Rakks? Flying Skags. Bullymongs? Arm Skags. Skags? “Those bitchin lil’ mouth dudes.”
Really enjoys art and has a beautiful defined style with spray paint. Dumbs it down for propaganda, but his Sanctum is filled with canvases that are experimental colour and line pieces. Very much likes working with holy iconography but tends to only illustrate Tyreen this way in his own time..
Spends a lot of hours in the Mechanicum and knows a lot of the Tinks in higher leadership position by name. Likes to talk engineering with them and feels comfortable enough to drop a lot of the God King persona and actually enjoy the conversation.
A Troy who’s excited and interested in a discussion is all twinkling eyes and gentle, eager smile. He often has to remind himself to shift back into persona mid conversation, and it can be quite.. sad.. to see him go from so clearly happy, back to an icy, scathing asshole.
Incredible at lying but cannot bluff for shit. Play any card game with him and he has instant facial tells (squints and sticks his tongue slightly out the side of his mouth when looking at his cards). Doesn’t understand why he could never win against his dad or Tyreen, probably never will.
Would never wear his reading glasses publicly, thinks they completely destroy his overall aesthetic and lines of his face mods. Won’t accept his’s wrong about this from anyone, though he personally likes how much more like himself he looks when wearing them in private.
Tyreen was so sick of seeing his ass crack, she was the one who suggested the overly tight belt that became part of his outfit. All his pants that are the right length are far too wide in the waist for his narrow hips. He could just get fitted ones now, but the low slung waist line + belt combo is part of his look at this point.
Incredibly high pain tolerance for almost everything, says he barely felt the tattoos and genuinely means it. The constant pain from the bracer and damaged shoulder joint has let him numb to most other relatively low levels of pain.
Is an amazing kisser as long as what you enjoy is the threat of being consumed alive. Troy’s mouth is a self designed weapon, verbally and physically, and he’s never been in a position to learn to use it tenderly. Doesn’t let worshippers choose to kiss him when bedding them, and is aggressive with it if he chooses to kiss them.
Would love to learn how to be tender from someone who cared for him and he felt safe enough with to allow his persona to slip and be vulnerable with, but as the years go on and the God King becomes more in control, Troy has become resigned to the fact that it’s something he will never have.
Very self conscious about his hygiene and showers usually twice daily if he can. Everything on Pandora is covered in sweat and filth, and he can’t risk getting infections considering the amount of open ports along his body. Really enjoys scents and has a surprisingly large collection.
Gets highly irritated with public displays of affection. Intensely, soul crushingly envious.
This gets dangerous late God King era as he becomes more and more violent. People have learned to be extremely careful to not show affection to each other in viewing distance of him at all, or risk losing a limb. Or worse.
Sex drive only gets higher as time goes on. For the first few years he much preferred pleasuring himself rather than interacting with the squalid heaving masses of followers throwing their bodies at him, but by the time of the God King era in later COV years, he can’t stand touching himself anymore. He doesn’t want to touch his body, and the God King is more than happy to let others praise it nightly instead.
Sleeps with huge cushions he brushes off as being for comfort, but deep down he knows its because their weight and pressure helps him not feel so alone.
Squints a lot and is known for scowling, but it’s mostly due to terrible headaches, not eye sight issues or his mood. The dark eye makeup helps with the glare a little but he’s noticeably paler than his sister due to the bright sun causing them more often than not and him preferring to stay in the shade of indoors.
Has kept every single thing given to him out of kindness. Will keep sugar packets if someone brings him a coffee with one out of concern for him looking tired. If he feels it was done because they like him and not out of respect for his title, he will keep anything he’s been given.
Most of the people who gave him these tiny things he’s kept.. well.. they aren’t around anymore (no one he’s gotten to know well chooses to stay very long ).. but he still likes to look through them sometimes when he needs to be reminded he’s possible to like.
The collection looks like a little box of trash to anyone else, but bar his old jacket his father made for him out of one of his own that he still keeps hidden away, it’s probably his most treasured possession.
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Chapter 1
It’s not unusual for Parker Troy to have dreamless nights; in fact, it’s pretty typical. She’ll wake in the morning feeling well rested and better off than before. But there are nights when she does dream. These are the nights that rip her apart from the inside and cause her to wake disoriented. When Parker dreams, she’s thrown into what she calls the other world.
Imagine the multiverse theory is true and somehow you can connect with a different universe- that’s what Parker thinks is happening to her. In some universe, in a parallel place, she is awake and sending images back to this universe where she is asleep. They’re less like dreams, and more like memories, more like a coexistence in someone else’s brain. She knows this other girl is her doppelganger, though. She once saw herself in the mirror, but instead of her usual long red hair, she had a short bob that came just past her chin. The other her still had freckles, blue eyes, and the scar above her lip from an accident when she was 4.
It’s odd to see how her life could have been different. How Parker II’s life is full of joy and happiness and friendship while her only real escape from the world is living through someone else’s memories while she sleeps. She often wonders what’s worse: wishing for a life you know is unattainable, or wishing for a life you know could have been reality, if only things were slightly different.
It takes a while but slowly, Parker sees the differences between her world and the other world. In her own world, Parker had a younger brother, Emmet, who had died. In the other world, Emmet was still alive, thriving as a sophomore in high school. Those glimpses were always the worst, and the most confusing. It’s hard to tell sometimes what is a real memory, and what is a memory from the other Parker. But there are many times she wakes from what is certainly not her own memory and can’t bring herself to get out of bed. Her Dad never blames her; he just takes one look and understands she needs time.
That’s another difference she’s seen; her parents. Parker has lived with her parents since she was born, but her mother had often been absent from the house. Parker remembers when she was two years old and Emmet was born she had been so jealous of all the attention he was getting. It wasn’t just that he was shiny and new, but her mother was actually there in the house, but wasn’t spending time with her. It didn’t last long and her mother was quickly on to bigger and better things, but Emmet was always her favorite. When Emmet died, so did her mother.
She remembers reading The Hunger Games in English class and having to leave because of how much of her own mother she saw reflected in Katniss’s mother. After Emmet died, Parker’s mom hadn’t said a word. For three months, she sat around the house, going through the motions until one night, she disappeared and left a note. All the note said was “don’t look for me.” No “I love you” or “I’m sorry” or any semblance of emotion, just “don’t look for me.”
In the other world, Emmet was alive, her mother was always around as well as her father. It was like a dream come true.  Parker hoped that while she was watching Parker II, Parker II could see into her world and understand how important it is to hold on to Emmet.
The memories were a funny thing, because not a lot of them were different. There was the family situation and all the horrors that went along with that, but the world itself seemed to function the same exact way. Parker II was happy, something the regular Parker hadn’t felt in some time. A large portion of that happiness come from her friends. They were the most common characters in the memories, but Parker still didn’t know much about them.
The time she heard one of their names was when it was said by the girl. They seemed to be on a picnic in the park by Parker’s house, it looked exactly the same as it did in the real world. It was just the three of them, Parker, the boy with shiny bronze hair and a smattering of moles across his face, and the girl with a laugh like sunlight and eyes that glistened in the reflecting sun.
They were sitting chatting when the girl turned to the boy and said “Dirk Walsh, your hair is getting more and more out of hand,” before reaching over and tucking a lock behind his ear. Her stomach lurched as she watched the shy smiles between the two of them.
Why do I care? she thought to herself as the girl continued to run her hands through his hair. Soon, she moved on to poking at the moles up and down his arm, always staying in contact with him. Parker could feel her face burning out of jealousy. Why do I wish that was me? I don’t even know either of them.
Pretty soon, they all laid on their backs on the blanket they were sitting on, talking about unimportant details and laughing in-between. The laughter that followed chased Parker into the darkness as her body began to wake up.
Once she had returned to reality, her phone vibrating under her pillow, telling her it was time to get up, she had all but forgotten about the dream. As usual, she took her time getting up and out of bed to get ready for the day. It wasn’t until halfway through the school day until she remembered.
At school, Parker was somewhat of an outcast. She was a senior but hadn’t made too many friends throughout her time at school; having your brother die when you are a freshman seems to make you less friendly. It wasn’t until she was at lunch and heard a table near hers burst out into a fit of laughter that she remembered.
At the first sign of laughter, choked on the water she was drinking as she was thrown back into the sunny patch of grass. She took a minute to gather herself and stop the spluttering before quietly whispering, “Dirk Walsh” to herself. Parker’s first thought was to take out her cell phone to see if she could find his doppelganger in the real world, but unfortunately, school had a strict no cell phone policy.
The rest of the say she was buzzing with energy and excitement. This was the first time she has discovered something from the other world that didn’t make her sad but rather intrigued. After school was out, she calmed herself enough to drive herself home and pull out her laptop to get to work.
She typed the name “Derk Walsh” into the search bar of Google and waited, but nothing popped up. It took her several more spelling attempts, and even more Facebook scrolling to find him.
“Dirk Walsh,” she read out loud to herself, “lives in Huntington Massachusetts, and is currently a senior in high school.” She clicked through his pictures, and grew more and more disheartened as she realized, he’s a real person, i have no reason to contact him or ever meet him.
She closed her laptop and went about the rest of her day, itching to get to sleep to see if she could gain any more insight into the life she craved so much.
Is there a way to vicariously live through yourself? she asked herself as she climbed into bed and set the alarm on her phone. Probably, but that’s a problem for another time.
It was never instantaneous, the process of observing a memory. Sometimes, it started off as a weird dream that morphed into a memory, but it was easy to tell the difference between “weird, sugar induced dream” and “temporal connection between universe memory.” Dreams were always soft and fuzzy, sort of out of focus,  while memories were sharp and clear like something in high definition.
This time, Parker started off by dreaming. The dream itself wasn’t memorable, she was at home and was making herself breakfast when she ran upstairs to grab her phone since she had forgotten it. When she opened her door, she knew she was in a memory. The colors shifted from the muted, washed-out colors to the intense vibrancy of a memory.
It wasn’t anything unusual, Parker went and sat down on her bed and seemed to be waiting for something. Why am I just sitting here? After about a minute, the door opened and the girl walked in. Her hair was pulled into a sleek ponytail behind her head and she didn’t meet Parker’s eyes until she quietly closed the door behind her.
Parker watched as she took careful steps towards her and stood up to meet her halfway. Suddenly, deep brown eyes and immaculate eyebrows were all she could see as the breathed the same air for a moment.
Although memories are sharper and clearer, Parker still wasn’t sure who moved first. She couldn’t see anymore but she could feel. She felt the fuzziness of the girl’s sweater under her hand as it rested on her shoulder. She felt the small breeze from the ceiling fan against her cheek. She felt the gentle touch of shaky fingers against her cheek. She felt the softness of lips pressed against her own.
They were moving in sync, in a connection that only comes with time and patience.
This isn’t the first time they’ve kissed.
Their movements morphed from a chaste kiss into something more powerful, more meaningful. Parker felt like she was going to cry. The pure emotion involved in one, simple kiss, was more than she could handle.
I want to wake up now.
They finally broke apart, resting their foreheads together for a moment before pulling back to look each other in the eyes. Their arms were wrapped around each other’s bodies, holding in a tight embrace as Parker felt herself sigh.
She heard herself whisper something with such reverence and emotion, she was pushed almost over the edge. The word itself was simple, but it carried so much raw power in the way her voice cracked and the way her body seemed to be trembling, as if she couldn’t get it out. She had to draw a breath before and after she said it, shifting in the girl’s embrace.
“Salma,” she had whispered as she clutched tightly to the other girl’s waist and shoulders and squeezed her eyes shut, blocking out the rest of the world.
Salma, Parker repeated to herself. What a simple name for the girl who seemed to be so much to her in this world. She opened her eyes and seemed to be quickly engulfed by Salma’s deep brown eyes. She held eye contact as she leaned back in but the leaning never stopped. Parker’s whole world was quickly surrounded by deep tones of brown and black as she was thrown into the abyss between awake and asleep.
Next Chapter
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evils-corner · 7 years
Every even number on the list!
I misread that as every number on the list rip so I did them all
1. What’s your favorite candle scent?
Hmm…I think it’d probably be…anything vanilla honestly! Vanilla is just my favorite smell/one of my favorite flavors ;v;
2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
Auli'i Cravalho! She just seems so fun and kind and just aaaa ;;v;;
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
Hmmm…….I’m…not sure…..probably….aaahhhhh probably Dwayne Johnson tbh he’s so funny and awesome I frickin love him
4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
Well I don’t really plan to get married for a while so….maybe somewhere in my early 30s? 
5. Do you know a hoarder?
Yeah it’s me I hoard snacks and regret
6. Can you do a split?
s n o r t s I can’t even straighten my leg out all the way hon I’m the most UNFLEXIBLE motherfucker you’ll find
7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
I think I was…8 or 9? It scared me so it took me a while to do it ;v; 
8. How many oceans have you swam in?
I haven’t even seen an ocean in person
9. How many countries have you been to?
Exactly One
10. Is anyone in your family in the army?
Ah..not anybody who is still alive, no. My grandpa was though! 
11. What would you name your daughter if you had one?
If I ever decide to have kids, I always wanted to have twins, a boy and a girl..the girl’s name I really wanted was Vanessa
12. What would you name your son if you had one?
The boy’s name I always wanted for the twins was Vincent ;v; 
13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test?
uhhhh 40 something? I missed two weeks of school because of strep throat and I had to take the test anyways because my doctor kept putting off sending a doctor’s note, so there was no ‘’proof’’ I was actually sick ;o;
14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?
Definitely Go Diego Go! I liked Dora but I liked him better, because he rescued animals all the time and had that little jaguar with him ;v;
15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight?
When I was eight….I think I was a spider witch that year! Ironic since I’m very terrified of Spiders haha
16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series?
I have read all of them…I didn’t enjoy Twilight, haha, I was pressured into reading it by my friends so :/ Not even mentioning how…bleh they were to begin with but that made it even worse..
17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent?
Um. I guess American? Midwestern. Whatever accent I have now. People from the coasts/other countries have told me I have an accent, like a lilt in the way I talk so…? I mean I don’t hear it but….that’s probably because. I grew up around it. with it. lmao it’s whatever
18. Did your mother go to college?
19. Are your grandparents still married?
Uh on my mother’s side they are, but not on my dad’s side
20. Have you ever taken karate lessons?
21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is?
How could I not he expresses my feelings better than I do
22. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to?
Joyland! It shut down unfortunately haha, and I was too young to really remember most of the rides…the only one I remember was the Haunted Shack, because I didn’t WANT to ride it I wanted bumper cars…the giant spider on the wall on that ride made me cry ;o;
23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in?
If you had asked me a few months ago/a year ago I would’ve had a solid answer, but now…? Um…I don’t know ;v; I would say Spanish for convenience, and a lot of my favorite phrases/songs are in Spanish so..
24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray?
It depends, most of the time I spell it Gray but if I’m doing something/writing something/reading something where it’s spelled grey I’ll spell it that way
25. Is your father bald?
No, but he’s starting to get a nice bald patch >:)
26. Do you know triplets?
yes I do! Taylor, Tony, and Troy are they’re names~
27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
um…..Titanic, I don’t….really like romance stuff….
28. Have you ever had Indian food?
I don’t think I have, no
29. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant?
hm…probably the Cheescake Factory, or Panara Bread
30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden?
Yes and I’m in love with the breadsticks they’re so g o o d
31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ’s, etc.)?
My dad does, he belongs to Costco but I don’t 
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
Nicholas. I was named after Nikola Tesla so it was already decided to either be Nicholas or Nichole
33. If you have a nickname, what is it?
Nikki or Evil :o 
34. Who’s your favorite person in the world?
okay you can’t make me choose just one? like that’s unfair I have too many??
@datonegaimidnight @acrylicqueen @charmyjouta are some of my fave people weeps they’re awesome and always make my day better 
35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs?
Suburbs. I mean, rural is nice because it’s quiet and you can see the stars I’m love the stars so much ple a s e but I don’t like to be so disconnnected, so far away from everything
36. Can you whistle?
no…I can kinda sorta not really if I suck air IN but..I can’t whistle normally/well rip
37. Do you sleep with a nightlight?
yayaya I do, I have multiple. The one in the bathroom is really just so I don’t trip or anything, but the one in my room is for my paranoia ;v; 
38. Do you eat breakfast every morning?
Ah no, I rarely eat breakfast…mostly because eating too soon after waking up makes me feel sick all day haha, or I just don’t have time to
39. Do you take any pills or medication daily?
I take vitamins but that’s about it? 
40. What medical conditions do you have?
Ah lemme see…I’ve got mild scoliosis, and there’s…something wrong with my left eye I don’t remember what it’s called/if there’s a name for it but the nerves grew wrong so sometimes I can’t see outta that eye…I think those are the only physical medical conditions I have? I’m not gonna touch mental illnesses since I don’t even know what’s going on up there tbh I’m just a hot mess up there 
41. How many times have you been to the hospital?
For myself, I’ve only been to the hospital….once I think, when I fractured my arm. I’ve been multiple times with family/to visit family ;v;
42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
43. Where do you buy your jeans?
Wherever I can get them relatively cheap (Normally I go to Walmart or JCPennys or something)
44. What’s the last compliment you got?
Someone at work told me I have really pretty eyes ;v; 
45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?
I used to, but I barely remember my dreams anymore haha..I’m not even sure if I’m having dreams tbh
46. What flavor tea do you enjoy?
ah the only kinda tea I’ve had and enjoyed was Earl Gray, so…that one >w
47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
Six pairs…I don’t really. Like having lots of shoes haha I just have a pair for any situation (Tennis shoes, work shoes, dress shoes, snow boots, and two pairs of slippers)
48. What religion will you raise your children to practice?
I don’t think I’ll raise them with a religion tbh since I don’t practice any specifically :u if they want to go to church/want to try something I’ll certainly let them, but I’m not gonna force anything on them
49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real?
I was 8 and I cried
50. Why do you have a tumblr?
This started out as an ask blog for some rp characters I had, my Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Team Dark Aura. Though eventually I just liked Tumblr as a way to escape/post and look at funny pics/posts/etc so I turned it into my personal blog and stayed :U
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pennywise-sewerslut · 5 years
Thirteen Hours (1)
It wasn’t like she wanted to babysit. She hated babysitting. But her parents, well, her father and step-mother, insisted on it. Always. Every weekend.
“Can’t you just…not go out? Or hire a babysitter?”
“You know better. We can’t trust anyone with Troy.”
“Then why the fuck don’t you just move out of Derry, Janet?” She napped at her step-mother, glaring over the top of her book.
“Don’t talk to your mother that way, Lindsey.”
“She’s not my mother, Jesus Christ. If you guys are going out anyway, why can’t you just take Troy to the carnival? You didn’t even ask if I had plans.”
“You should tell us if you have plans. You’re 18, you should definitely have plans,” Janet was exasperated, and opened her mouth to say something else when Troy came bounding down the stairs. At 6 years old, Troy was just at that age where he was annoying when he was spoiled. But Lindsey couldn’t say anything about it, couldn’t try to make any kind of point without getting in trouble. Her mother had had the right idea, leaving Derry ten years ago. Hell, most of her friends got out of Derry within a week of graduating, but here she was, stuck in this hellish town, taking care of her half-brother.
Her father hated that she called him that, asking what the other half of him was if it wasn’t her brother. Lindsey had responded with a hasty “Not me,” which her father appreciated even less. But Lindsey couldn’t consider Troy her brother, not when her dad treated him better than he had ever treated her.. Janet had been his secretary at the time Lindsey's mother left, and it took less than six months for her father to officially bring her into the house. And Lindsey fucking hated it.
“Are we still going to the circus, sissy?”
“Not a circus, Troy. It’s a carnival. And yes, we are. Janet and Dad won’t be home til real late, so we have to be home before it gets too dark, okay?”
“Or else the Goblins will take me?”
Lindsey nodded, mustering up all her self control to keep from rolling her eyes, “Or else the goblins will take you.” Janet had told Troy that the thing taking kids was a goblin, but when Troy said the word, it was as if the goblin was an entity of its own. Lindsey thought it was a stupid thing, telling Troy it was some made-up thing and not a human, which it was. Making Troy afraid of shadows and not people was stupid, and as far as Lindsey was concerned, made him more at risk. Not that anybody ever listened to her though.
She waited while Troy bid his parents good-bye, and displeased by the fact she was babysitting again, she flipped her father and his wife the finger as she slipped out the door, calling after Troy not to get too far ahead.
“What did we just talk about, dude?” Lindsey called, watching as the pep in his step faltered. Fear flicked across his face and he hung back to make sure he was able to walk beside his sister. Good, let him be scared. Maybe he would listen better.
“Can we get cotton candy when we get there?” Troy asked, smiling up at Lindsey. The kid was good. Cotton candy was her favorite, and she couldn’t deny that.
“Yeah, alright, you twisted my arm. We can get some cotton candy. What about popcorn, kiddo?”
“Popcorn’s my favorite!”
“I know.”
The carnival wasn’t bad. Lindsey would have preferred to have gone on her own, but she supposed it was okay taking Troy. At least it got her out of the house for a while. She bummed a cigarette off a carnie on their way out, and Troy immediately started whining.
“Mom wouldn’t be very happy about that,” he lamented to her right. She shot him a dirty look and he withered beneath it.
“Your mom isn’t the boss of me, so I don’t care.”
“You don’t like my mom very much, do you?” For being so small, Troy really wasn’t stupid.
“Your mom doesn’t like me, buddy.”
The pair of them walked on in silence. Sometimes Lindsey wished whoever was taking children would take Troy, or even herself. How much easier her life would be, if she could just get far away from Janet. Her father didn’t seem to find any issue with her insisting Lindsey stay living with them, despite the fact she should have been moving off to get her own apartment. Christ, she hated living at home.
The walk didn’t take too long, and Lindsey stopped outside the house to finish her cigarette, handing Troy her bag of cotton candy and the house key.
“Go on and get your pajamas on, kiddo. I’ll be in in a minute.”
“But what if the Goblins get you?”
“They don’t want a scrawny grown-up like me, they only eat little kids like you. And I think I hear one coming! You had better get inside, T! Quick before they smell you!” She snickered when Troy ran towards the front door, making quick work of the lock and shutting the door fiercely behind him.
“What’s the point in scaring him on purpose?” A voice behind her made her jump, and she spun around.
“You fucking scared me, asshole.”
“Sorry. You want another one of those?” The stranger asked, gesturing to Lindsey's smoldering cigarette.
“Yes, please. Who are you?” She eyed him wearily, taking him in. He had the most beautiful blue eyes sbe had ever seen, and cheekbones she was certain you could cut yourself on. And hell, was he tall, which was saying something. She was already tall, standing just under six feet, but still he towered over her.
“Bobby, sorry. I’m here visiting my grandparents.”
“You picked one hell of a time to come visiting, Bobby,” she snorted, leaning forward so that he could light her cigarette.
“Oh yeah?”
“Kids are going missing like nobody’s fuckin’ business. I’d be careful, if I were you, honestly. Derry’s weird. Nobody takes too kindly to strangers.” It was then she noticed the red balloon tied around his wrist. Had it been there the whole time? It must have been, balloons didn’t just show up out of nowhere.
“You mean the goblins?” He asked, pointing his chin towards the front door of the house. Lindsey rolled her eyes.
“His mother seems to think that telling him goblins are taking kids, and not some creep, is going to make him safer. It’s stupid. Why make him afraid of something imaginary, and not actual humans?”
“You’ve thought about this a lot. The whole town seems to think it’s something inhuman.”
“Listen, dude. Bobby? Listen, Bobby. Monsters aren’t shit compared to the cruelty of other humans. It’s something that kid is gonna have to learn eventually, I just wish his mother felt the same.”
“Are you his step-mom, then?”
“Fuck no,” she snapped. “Sorry, I don’t want kids. No, he’s my half brother.”
“What’s the other half?”
“Not me.”
“So, despite everything, you intentionally use the goblin line to scare him?” Bobby asked you, raising an eyebrow.
“He listens better when he’s scared,” she shrugged. “Sometimes, though, I really do wish the goblins would come and take him away.” She whispered this last part, but she was certain this new stranger had heard her, something flickered in his eyes, like he knew precisely what she wished for. “I really do gotta get back in there, though. His mom will flay me alive if she finds out I left him in the house alone for this long. It was nice meeting you, maybe I’ll see you again,” she shrugged.
“Before you go, though. You want this balloon?”
Lindsey almost choked on her breath, turning back to him, finding the balloon tied around a cigarette instead of his wrist. Long fingers kept the string pinched between them, and her eyes widened a bit. He smiled, a beautiful thing, and she simply had to take the balloon, it was as if there was something other than her acting, pushing her forward.
She smiled, a timid thing, and went inside, locking the door behind her. When she peeked out the living room curtain, Bobby was gone. In the dusty grey light of dusk, it seemed as though this tall man had never been there at all.
She went upstairs, tying the balloon to her bedpost, before hunting down Troy and making sure he was all ready for bed.
Once he was all tucked in, she went back to the balloon, carefully untangling the cigarette. Before she lit it, she noticed the spindly black letters written on it.
Bobby Gray
was scrawled on one side, and as she turned the cigarette in her fingers,
Watch out for the goblins.
It was creepy, she hadn’t remembered seeing him writing anything, but she hadn’t remembered seeing the balloon, either. Oh well.
Once again, she found herself wishing the goblins would take Troy in the middle of the night.
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