#i remember when botw came out and i wanted to play it so bad but couldn’t at home
lesbianpegbar · 1 year
kinda sad that botw sequel is out and i still don’t own a switch and haven’t played botw for myself
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luna-lovegreat · 18 days
Hello!! What's your favorite Zelda game?
- hero-of-the-wolf
Skyward sword :)
I uhh am kind of nervous to share but you asked so ima rant about my life and why I love skyward sword :))
I was the youngest child, which leads to some problems with being included- but with video games I was actually ok with that. I was always a coward- if a character so much as had red eyes I would have nightmares and not be able to sleep for uhhh a bit. So movies and video games gave me wayyyy too much anxiety. Jump scares and being surrounded were terrifying to me- I also felt I wasn't good at video games with the controls. But I did like spending time with my siblings!
Anyways my mom (love her) was one of the adults as a kid who thought video games were evil- she didn't necessarily buy the theory of it rotting our brains, but she did want us to get outside a lot. But one Christmas we did get a wii... and skyward sword :DDD
We played games together- I did the gaming sometimes, but it was mainly my siblings. I always had thoughts/suggestions on the dungeons lol. However we didn't really have enough attention spans as kids to finish it. It was funny because it became a kind of pattern- my siblings would decide to play skyward sword! :D and we would start the game and make it to like the first dungeon and stop XD. We still all remember and have the entirety of skyloft and the opening to first temple + ghirahim boss memorized, but us actually beating the game was a no. The furthest we got on a run was getting the water dragons scale, at which point we enjoyed swimming drowning link until we ran out of steam again.
But I was still so scared of playing video games myself- there was umm. A lot of screaming and panic whenever I was attacked, which was mildly annoying to my family. (Child me was chaotic but we love her <3)
Cut forward years and we ended up stuck in a house together during Covid... at which point my mom threw away all previous ideas of video games being bad and bought us a bunch XD. Then there came a point as (college) adults that we all wanted and bought Switches- my brother says he started the Nintendo "switch revolution" in our family since he was the first
My sister helped me a lot. She was the one who showed me animal crossing as a chill video game, and how I could calmly catch the scorpions and tarantulas in that game (eeeeeeeh). I watched her play botw on wii u and she helped me beat (eiffjjdfkjfkf scary) thunderblight ganon without panicking. After that I decided to have they were fun! Fights still give me anxiety sometimes, but overall I'm actually good at it- which I hadn't expected lol
And then I got skyward sword hd on switch. And this was like. The moment for me I started really loving video games. I played through like me and my siblings used to do (nostalgia man). And I fully finished a video game. And obviously sobbed over sksw Zelink. Then I helped my dad through it- we also played games with him (and he is not the best at it), so me and my dad played through sksw in a summer.
I love all Zelda games are so so good- I've played a lot like the og legend of Zelda, botw, totk, twilight princess- and I just got wind waker and am excited to play it :D
So I love skyward sword as my favourite video or Zelda game ever because of nostalgia- it was my first Zelda game and has a lot memories for me from when we were kids :)
I hope I made sense idk if all of my words were understandable. And also thank you so much for asking I love you forever and might melt whenever asked about myself fifdigjdockng sorry for ranting so long
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1tsjusty0u · 8 months
hiii hihi hiii hello this is raurus disembodied right arm speaking
havent responded to the big reblog chain yet. but that headcanon idea sounded neat...uh uh uh uh. idk if you would like to do some champion headcanons but :]
HI!!!!!! thumbs up take ur time always!!! AND SURE :D
i’ll start with urbosa as she was the one i was think abt currently- i like to think she has stuff both from the queen and zelda: like dishes/cutlery + jewelry from the queen and wall mounts with dried and pressed flowers in them + guardian parts and tools. as such i think she hordes but pretends she doesnt. she has molduking parts/guts and has it as a trophy! i would say she’d keep the weapons as trophies from the molduking but 1. she’d have access to better weapons than those and 2. those weapons likely came from travelers who either died or killed the thing, so itd be like shes reveling in someones death if she took the weapons (looking away from the vah naboris war crime incident.) she’d teach mipha how to make creamy hearty soup + it was probably a dish she and the queen shared a lot (especially if she died due to illness!), i think she’d have a garden (partly due to zelda and partly for resources, either flowers for gods/departed loved ones or stuff like food and such.) or like. 1 potted plant., she had Problems with the shield surfing trial and was frustrated about it, possibly dances for fun + has books on different styles of dance from other races or regions, also because of the flower thing i think she prays to farore the most
mipha!! i think she’d be mildly scared of urbosa (mainly due to thhe electricity thing), SHES JACKED. one of her trials has her defeat flying guardians and trying to do waterblight with her weapons is decently hard. so i like to think combat wise shes horrifying, possible a prankster (especially when younger!), lots of opal and topaz jewlery but enjoys . i. i would say rose quartz but im remembering a certain Something, i feel like revali and her would be like siblings without sibling baggage. like theres definitely a mutual friendship but also Violence depending on how you look at it. they will team up however mipha will also cause psychological torment. i think she’d like to use the small zora sword from time to time and practices either with urbosa , revali, or link with it!, collects fish scales :], possibly knows a bit of armor terminology? king dorephan used to have an armour shop but it was removed (this is said in botw by the lady who gives us the trousers). i like to think she’d like to sit at shatterback point. at night either for the stars the glowing domain or naydra if she could see em
revali!!! he keeps a part dinraals horn as a trophy from his trials, possibly under an adult? its a popular hc due to his cheeks which is common for kid rito however kass Also has it! either way though its a neat idea, when you fight windblight having his gear he actually has a feathered edge sword which i like to think means revali ALSO TRAINED AT SWORD FIGHTING. he didnt have the time because he kept practicing archery but he either A. genuinely wanted to fight link and wanted to even the playing field or B wanted to one up link. or C. he decided to pick it up just in case either due to an Incident or to cover his bases. he likes bomb arrows A Lot and also quick draw bows!!!, it’s debatable whether hes good with kids but he Does care for them as he opened up the flight range for them once i believe, i like to think he likes fish pie, guy is absolutely broke compared to the champions, on one hand itd be Cool if he knew about one of the hebra hotsprings however i dont think he’d venture that far out Or take care of himself unless it was Bad bad (theres no honor in suffering!)
daruk!! this one i dont have a lot on,,,,, i think he’d be smarter than he portrays himself (especially with the standing on lava trial) + still try to lighten to mood, i’d like to think he’d try to draw from time to time!, would get embarrassed if people knew he drew from time to time, respects the idea of the dead souls being in luminous stones and does Not eat them, has not pranked anyone yet but he Gladly would. in secret of course, i like to think he’d throw/punt link like how susie throws kris at enemies. he also does this for revali before he can use his gale sometimes, he can skip rocks in lava and is pretty good at that ‘throw the pouch in a wooden board with a hole’ game
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aurathian · 7 months
Yes, I'm asking about 'love me (and leave me to die)', what about it? 😆
How did you come up with the idea? What's your favorite part of the story (mine is Impa lying to Zelda).
thank you zelmo this fic is like a beast lying dormant within me waiting to be unleashed i need to talk about it so bad 24/7 (read it here)
i don't remember entirely how i came up with the idea, but i was inspired by the carvings the player finds underneath the castle in totk, ESPECIALLY when you can go back and unveil the rest of the carvings covered by rock. i found the lore it revealed so intriguing, and it inspired my favorite part of the story, the scene where link and zelda secretly meet in the middle of the night underneath the castle. (this is the excerpt below the cut!), which in turn inspired the whole fic.
this is usually how most of my fics come about--i get inspired by something and have a scene in my head that i base the story around, which is what happened here. i played around with ways i could fit it into the various zelink week prompts and had to do some tweaking to make it work, but i am so so proud of this fic and everything that it is. like... my planning doc has SO MUCH worldbuilding in it that i just couldnt ultimately fit into the final fic i put so much thought into it.
i also got the idea from botw with zelda's struggle to awaken her powers. she knows what she has to do but she can't do it. the zelda in this story has a similar but not identical dilemma--she (thinks she) knows what she has to do and is willing to do it but when she finds out the truth, she doesn't know if she can. but in the end she accepts it and angst occurs lol.
i already mentioned my fav part of the story but to elaborate. ow they hurt me so much i love angst and tragedy and oh my god they are sooooo in love and sad. this is such a quiet and tender and lonely scene and i love it. here it is (very long excerpt):
“You are much more hopeful than me,” she teases with a grin. “I don’t dare fantasize.” And even though she has convinced herself there is no point in imagining a future, she pictures it in her mind. The tension in her muscles starts to dissipate and she worries she’ll melt. A sparkling blue lake brimming with fish, surrounded by dense forests, in the middle of nowhere, where nobody can reach them…
“You should try it sometime. It’s good for you,” Link suggests, and although his expression is teasing, his words are sincere. So, Zelda tries. 
“On warm days, we can swim in the lake,” she musters, entertaining the idea. “Then we can go home and enjoy some tea afterwards, before turning in for the night.” Imagining such a peaceful scene feels like a sin, but when his palm comes to rest on her face, cupping her cheek, all notions of divinity leave her mind. With a sigh, she relaxes into his hand.
“We can get married,” Link dares to say. “Just us, by that lake, with only the birds and the water as our witnesses.”
Her breath catches in her throat and she wants to say yes right then and there, but her holy senses return for just a moment and she blurts, “And the Goddess Hylia.”
“No.” The Hero, chosen by her, shakes his head. “By that lake, there are no goddesses or calamities. There is only us.”
Then surely this lake is fictional, Zelda thinks. For so long she has tied herself to the Goddess and her wishes that to even think of a world without her is blasphemous. But something about the idea is charming… alluring, even, something she desires deep within her. A land, green and lush with sparkling blue waters, untouched by divinity or holy, otherworldly ambitions, a land where the Hero and the Princess are no longer tied to destiny or fate or duty. A land where they are simply Link and Zelda, where they are in love and they hope.
“I would like that,” is all she whispers.
“We have children.” Link strokes her cheek with his thumb. “Two of them, and a pet. A cat, maybe. And we live on that lake and teach them what normal kids are taught and we play with them, raise cows and ponies.”
“They are carefree.”
“Yes, and we live there for the rest of our days.”
Tears are pricking her eyes and she angles her head so he can’t see through the fickle light. “And those kids grow up, have children, and they spend their days there until we become part of the Long Ago, too.”
“And they are not Princess or Hero. Simply our sons and daughters.”
A silence looms, floating in the dusty air between them, and Zelda cannot bring her teary eyes to meet his once again. Because she knows–she knows it's wishful thinking, and that such a thing will never come to pass. For this eternity and the next and the next and the next, there will always be a Hero and a Princess, doomed and destined to save the world. The Princess and the Hero, by blood and soul, bound by fate, were doomed to a life of calamities. In the Now, in the Long Ago, and in the Far Away Future, there would never be a lake void of calamities and goddesses.
“Not in this life, Link.”
“No.” He looks down. “Not in this life.”
“And not in the next, either, or the one after,” she proceeds. Her posture straightens in an effort to hide the shaking she feels in her hands and the quivering in her lips as tears threaten to fall. “Perhaps it is not meant to be.”
She curses herself as his thumb swipes away an escaped tear and he moves to pull her in close, his other hand finding her back and nudging her into him. He is warm and strong, arms firmly wrapped around her, head placed atop hers. He knows it cannot be, and still he fantasizes, bringing her into his head and allowing her to live peacefully if only for a few moments, even in the shadow of her fate.
Her regrets are amplified when she is in his arms, the guilt washing over like a strong wave. In his arms, she is reminded of the talks from her mother and Impa that if she were to be romantic with him, as so many Heroes and Princesses had been before, it would spell the world’s doom. And yet she can’t help it. From such a young age they have relied on each other, understood one another in a way no one else could. It’s only natural, Zelda knows, that sharing a fate so deeply intertwined through thousands and thousands of years would result in, perhaps, a small kiss that became much more over the years; a kiss that turned the Princess and the Hero from an obligatory pair to a couple utterly devoted to each other.
As duty-bound and destiny-aware as the Princess of Hyrule is, she cannot deny her heart.
Link murmurs something in her ear and it makes her heart flutter and sink into her chest all at the same time, so full of love but also brimming with despair.
“My Zelda,” he sighs.
Not in this life, she thinks.
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alasse-earfalas · 1 year
If you’re up for it, I would love to hear director’s cut/commentary on Atmosphere. I’ve had the section where the ladies show up haunting my brain as well as Malon finding out what’s going on and why and asking to go murder a couple parents. ♥️
Of course!! This'll be fun. :D
The girls showing up was never a part of the plan until it happened, haha. Once my brain decided on it, I thought about who would notice their Links missing, how soon would they notice, what would be going on in their eras with the timelines all screwy, and how they would they prepare.
BotW Zelda (Zel / Flora)'s situation was the first one that came to mind, which is why I wrote the meet-up from her perspective. I figured she & at least Purah would notice that the SoR was in use and be like, "????? What the heck is going on???" And of course, since Zel hasn't heard from her Champion in a while, she's going to be worried enough to set out looking for him.
I figured Time and Malon would have some sort of rule or system in place about when Malon should start to worry and come looking for him. So she's all ready to go by the time she notices something off; she grabs her "wife's 72-hour emergency hero-ing kit" and rides out.
Tetra & Aryll are some of the first to notice something's up since they have such an immediate contact method that suddenly quits working. Tetra was going to set out by herself, but Aryll wasn't going to not look for her missing brother.
For Ilia, people suddenly started to forget about Link (idk why my brain decided on this but it did) and even the landscape began to shift as if he'd never existed. This set off all kinds of alarm bells and got Ilia packing to leave almost immediately. She didn't sit still and wait to be rescued during the Twilight Invasion, and she sure as heck wasn't going to sit still for this.
MC Zelda (Zellie / Dot) had a similar weird situation, except it was her that people weren't remembering. She was torn between "is this some elaborate prank" and "wait maybe something is really wrong" when a Minish friend recognized her and was super worried. That convinced her to set out through the portal (entirely, or at least mostly unprepared) to find her Link, because that's who you call whenever something bad happens. [ghostbusters starts playing in the background]
Idk what tips off HW Zelda (Zeldy / Artemis) that something's wrong, but whatever it is persuades her to travel in disguise, just in case.
Once they all arrive and everything is explained, Malon and HW Zelda are the only ones old/mature enough to understand exactly how heinous Sky's childhood situation was. Zeldy sees it more from a military perspective, like: "how could you treat a child—let alone your own child—so poorly that he ends up with mental issues on par with veterans of war??" and sees his parents as vile from that, more of a war-crime perspective.
Malon, on the other hand, has adopted all of the Links and is very mama-bear, "you don't hurt my BOYS" about it. Especially because she's met Sky, I bet they had a nice conversation while he was tending the chickens, she knows what a soft guy he is so hearing that he comes from that kind of a background just pushed all of her protective mama rage buttons.
This was fun!! If you want more details about a specific thing or if you want to hear about another part, feel free to ask! 😊
(As a side-note, I just got finished reading through the entire thing, and oh BOY chapter 155 is a mess. (;ಠ_ಠ) It's bad enough that I'm gonna go back & rewrite it, possibly touch up the chapters after it too before moving on with the story.)
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7-oh-ta1 · 1 year
Hum hum so I'm not 100% finished w totk yet, but I've done the majority of the main quests and found all the geoglyphs... I don't know if it's me being an old fan sourpuss, but even tho the gameplay is really fun and I'm gonna be playing this forever......... you remember how everyone crapped on botw's story for being too short? Well oh my god. I. Are we actually enjoying the Zonai story rn ? 😭 I want to like it so much, but I already don't really like what they did with the Zonai, these godlike beings that came to the surface the same damn way the hylians did and the Minish did too and being worshipped immediately (big fuck you to Hylia) and then those godlike beings gain supreme control over them in government as well?? With insane OP powers?? And I'm supposed to LIKE those characters??? The rest of these supposed godlike being just fucked off somewhere pfft okay. That definitely doesn't leave a big gaping hole in Rauru's story because why the hell is he busy holding dominion over the Hylians? What are his character motivations? Fuck all to do with his people that's for sure !!!! He just wants ultimate rule over the Surface, abusing his unchecked OP powers to forcibly unite the continent into Hyrule and Ganondorf is the bad guy...? For not giving up his country to Rauru? For also wanting control over Hyrule, the EXACT THING RAURU IS DOING?
Meanwhile, I was so excited for Sonia because she's!!!! Sksw!Zelda & Link's not TOO distant descendant!! When we found out she & Rauru founded Hyrule, I thought omg! It's a very new country, so she's going to like a people's queen, just like botw!Zelda is now! A queen who gathers and hunts with her people (as her official art shows her with a basket of berries), and takes good care of them alongside them! It's a monarchy in infancy, so that is not at all farfetched. And it matches the fact that Hylians are very much like little toddlers you have to keep an eye on. And the Hylians are HER responsibility as a descendant of the Goddess...
BUT... instead they already have a castle (Zonai built) and they already have a standing military (against who? Oh yeah, they are conquering all the land to forcibly unite it) and they live in luxury and sip tea in their fucking garden all day. When Rauru does hunt, it's FOR FUN, AND Sonia drags him back to the castle. Wtf???? Also Sonia is little more than eye candy on Rauru's arm?? 😭😭 That was the biggest disappointment. It's made VERY clear that HE is the king and she sits beside him. Why is there misogyny in early Hyrule?? Their deities are women or women-coded, no men at all???? Why is Sonia not the leader of her people and instead its her goat husband?? There's one scene of their "court" where Ganondorf and Rauru talk, and the entire scene, Sonia just sits there with doe eyes and a warm smile. Not one word the entire scene.
That's just the first of my grievances with the story. I really really enjoyed the story of botw. But this isn't me being like, bitter that things are different. I genuinely really disliked the pacing and story this time around :/
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marshmalleaux-queen · 2 years
kinda dead horse I’m beating here but I still have some Opinions™ about Age of Calamity that I just feel like sharing. Spoilers ahead, of course - also it’s long fjkdsjgk
Age of Calamity was cool in the beginning, but for me, it didn’t take long before the novelty wore off.
Don’t get me wrong, of the mainline series BOTW is my absolute favorite. I loved the story, I loved the characters, really everything about it. I get that at the time, BOTW was kind of the “it” thing so they were like “ah, let’s make the next Warriors title BOTW-centric!” but it really feels like less of a Warriors game and more like BOTW 1.5, with some Warriors elements sprinkled in it.
The story was fine - I thought the new villain was kind of clichéd but it makes me think of the older Zelda games where the Dragon to Ganon really was just some evil magic guy. I like that there’s more interaction between the Champions because we didn’t get to see a whole lot in BOTW, and I think the explanation for how you can have the ancestors/successors fight alongside them works fine in the context of the story (that is, it doesn’t feel like a total ass-pull like when some games go “oh!! suddenly time travel!!” or something)
The gameplay was neat, characters have their own gimmicks like in the first HW which I like, it makes them stand out more and gives them some extra utility in certain scenarios. Some of them were kind of tricky to wrap my head around, like Zelda with the Sheikah Slate and the Great Fairies but overall I liked how characters played.
I wasn’t a fan of how keeps/outposts weren’t named or made too terribly distinct on the map - but maybe I’m just misremembering that part. Also kind of nitpicky but I didn’t like how elemental rod usage carried over between battles. Made it kind of a hassle to remember where I could pick up more uses and go out of my way to refill it there, before going into another battle where it was easier to use the rods. I would have liked if they reset after each battle but meh. I also feel like the smithy in this game was either too complicated or too far removed from how it worked in the first HW, and I definitely didn’t get the most out of it like I should have, but maybe that’s just me being bad at reading comprehension or my brain going “less thinky thinky, more hacky slashy” adskjf
I think I was most disappointed when it came to the roster. To be fair, you can’t have a BOTW-centric Warriors game without the essential characters - Link Zelda the champions, their successors, etc. But I think there was a lot of missed opportunity as well. Some characters I didn’t fully expect but was happy we got, like King Rhoam, Hestu, Master Kohga, Purah/Robbie. I ended up loving Terrako and Sooga as well. Maz Koshia was neat and I get where they were going, but he’s kind of... there. kdjfhj
I knew that playable Ganon would be hard to incorporate this time around due to the fact that in BOTW he was an absolutely massive abomination, but something about his design and his gameplay this time around just didn’t sit right with me. Maybe it was his unique mechanic, maybe it was the fact that he reminded me of OOT Ganon if someone on deviantart made an edgy recolor of him, or the fact that his inclusion tacked on at the end really made it seem like an afterthought. And honestly, we really could have done without the Battle-Tested Guardian - that one absolutely felt like an ass-pull, and wasn’t very fun to play as.
Entirely personal preference here, but I would have loved for us to get a Lethal Joke Character™ similar to Tingle in the first HW - my vote would have gone to either Beedle or Kilton. I think it’s such a missed opportunity for them to not have included Kass, but maybe they just didn’t want a third Rito? And I can’t fathom why they didn’t make Astor playable when he’s very much an integral part of the story, whole moveset programmed when you fight him and everything... I remember getting excited for Cia/Volga/Wizzro in HW when they finally became playable so I was kind of expecting the same here.
I also would have liked more dialogue for things like getting x amount of kills, capturing a keep, that kind of stuff, or more dialogue between specific characters outside of just the roster, but I can guess a few reasons why they didn’t add more of that. There’s already a metric fuckton of dialogue in the game as a whole, and the backlog for the little messages getting in the way of triggering certain events was probably a big complaint in the first. And also, maybe they didn’t want to bother giving Link a companion to talk for him so they just cut out anything that could be said on his behalf dkjhfg.
There’s more stuff I could ramble about - like the material system, the lack of costumes for just about everyone except Link... but I think this post is long enough. I also still have lots of wishes about the roster in the first HW but that’s an even DEADER horse.
Speaking of the first HW though, I’ve actually been revisiting it recently, and... I feel sad that for such an old game, I’m still enjoying it more than AoC, even after investing countless hours into the latter. Like, even to this day I haven’t 100%’d HW (granted there were long gaps of not playing, but still), and there’s so much replayability. But I pre-ordered AoC, and even before the DLC came out, I literally only had like 1 more sidequest before there was nothing new to for me to do.
Anyway, I complain too much about games that aren’t really relevant anymore - I should probably try to get to bed at a decent hour tonight.
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soul-of-rei · 2 years
1, 5, 6, 15, 31, 38, aaaand 40 for the loz asks ! info dump to ur heart’s content 🖤
hi frend !!!!!! i hope youre having a good day and yes i. will not be shutting up here AJSKAKAKA <3
1. Is there a Zelda game(s) that you associate with each season or time of year?
i mean,,,,, the obvious answer here would be Oracle of Seasons for everything AHSHSSH but in reality i never thought about this ?? where i live we really don’t have the four seasons (it’s just either hot or rain) so it’s not a thing that crossed my mind until the ask game. that being said tho, TP does seem like a vv cozy game for fall and WW has the perfect setting and vibe for a summer playthrough. other than that, idk !! interesting question tho <33
5. Favorite LOZ soundtrack?
already answered! WW <33
6. Is there a Zelda game that intimidates you/looks too hard?
i will. never be playing the original LoZ and Adventure of Link </3 i have heard nothing but stories on how stupidly hard AoL is and tbh i don’t wanna stress myself out on that. i’ve also discovered that i get progressively worse with zelda games ?? if the game’s release date is close to or back in the 90′s AJSJAJAJ i noticed it with LA, then it became obvious with ALttP. so overall if it was published before the 2000′s i probably won’t be playing it </3 (with the exception of OoT bc its 3D and iconic SHSHSHS)
putting the rest under a cut bc this post is obnoxiously long otherwise
15. Favorite location within Hyrule?
THIS IS HARD IT DEPENDS </3 if i had to narrow down a specific place above all else, it would be Akkala in BoTW <33 it’s just. a really pretty spot especially with all the multi colored trees <33 i would unironically love to visit a spot like that irl if it does exist. but if we’re talking about areas that consistently appear throughout multiple games it might either be Faron Woods or Zora’s Domain. Lake Hylia also wouldn’t be a bad place to visit if it existed irl :00
31. Hardest dungeon played?
OH GOD HI VAH NABORIS WAS??? UNBELIEVABLY HARD AHSHAAHAH i remember i spent an hour in total on just the terminals, so roughly 10 mins each just. trying to figure out how the fuck to do one terminal. by the time i was ready to fight thunderblight i legitimately had a really bad headache but i still pushed through bc i wanted to do all the divine beasts in one go without leaving for anything. the fight came and i beat it first try but??? the fucking second phase with the metal rods that you’re supposed to magnesis was so hard bc Thunderblight was a headache by itself to reach in time before the rods went off SJSJSJSJS shoutout to Revali’s Gale when i first played through it, i swear some of the areas are literally unreachable unless you already completed Medoh </3
38. Creepiest enemy?
i hate skulltulas. i hate spiders, i hate webs, i hate giant spiders ON webs. they’re only reason why i’m not ok with the Skyview Temple and Ancient Cistern in SkSw. i pretend to not see that one sidequest in OoT with the skulltula family, and if ever i get TP i’m making somebody else do the boss fight in the Temple of Time for me. just. fuck spiders AJSJAJJAJA
40. Most out-of-place thing in the series?
this is kinda like the first question in the sense that i’ve never thought about this?? i think Nintendo does a really good job in tying things together and making everything make sense as to why at happens, at least within the game itself. but imo, i never really liked Astor in Age of Calamity for this kind of reason,,,,, he just seemed like an antagonist that was made without warning, just plopped down in the game bc we already know how the events pre-calamity play out and Nintendo needed to spice things up a bit. imo, they still could have told a compelling story (and arguably, a better one) without him having to exist to antagonize the characters. idk, i just really don’t like him as a character </3
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risingsouls · 2 years
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@riice-bled​ asked: 🔥 on something Zelda or another fandom you are into.
Hot Takes! Get Your Hot Takes Here! || Open!
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[HM, I guess I’ll go with Zelda because it’s the only fandom I’m even adjacently apart of these days.
I’m not sure if this is still a hot take or not, but I remember back when I was RPing in that RPC there was a literal “Zelda Defense Squad” going around when Breath of the Wild came out getting pissed when anyone talked shit on BOTW!Zelda. The reason I bring this up is because it’s related to the actual hot take because these guys were the ones that were really tossing around the idea that I disagree with: In my opinion and contrary to theirs and maybe a lot of other people’s beliefs, I didn’t necessarily view the King of Hyrule in that game (King Rhoam? Idk I forget his name; it’s been a very hot minute) as a horrible, abusive father to Zelda.
I can agree that he was very pushy. I can agree that he wasn’t supportive of his daughter and probably didn’t listen to her as well as he should have, forcing her to do something she didn’t want to do. HOWEVER. He is the literal king of this country and father to the only person with the power to defeat the evil threatening the country (and maybe world). He is in a far more nuanced and difficult position than some Joe Blow off the street forcing his daughter to play sports or something. He is having to balance both his responsibility to his country and his daughter as well as he possibly can. He pushes Zelda to work harder to harness her power over fiddling with the Sheikah tech like she wants, which they already have people looking after, developing, etc., because, again, she is literally the ONLY ONE capable of harnessing the only power that could stop Calamity Ganon and save the world. Does he do it perfectly, probably not. But I could never get on board with fully demonizing him, especially when, in his journals, he admits that he feels bad and was going to apologize to her for being so harsh.]
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ampersand-antics · 1 year
Hello again folks, welcome to part... 4? Part whatever-this-is of me rambling about my adventures in totk. Since my last update I've done quite a few new things. Spoilers for late(r) game adventures down below!!! !!!!TOTK STORY AND GAMEPLAY SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!!!
So I should have completed the Goron questline by now. Butttt I haven't. I just. Don't like the fire temple. I really like the ideas that I've seen so far, and the way they make use of the minecarts, plus adding Yunobo onto there to serve as a missile launcher. But it's dark and ominous and hot, three things I don't really like lmao. Plus I kept getting all confused. I got one of the locks and then just put down the travel medallion to keep my progress and left. I have the full Sheikah set now!!! I'm currently trying to upgrade it all to lvl2 to get the night speed up boost. The way I play totk, I'm mostly out at night sneaking around, so it'll be helpful. I'm also planning to go grab Sheik's Mask soon. I have the Sheik amiibo so I did a little time-travel-fuckery last night trying to get it. Imagine my surprise when I got paraglider fabric instead!! I looked it up to make sure the mask was still there (because, you might not know this, but I am a huge fan of Sheik) and I got a glimpse of where it is before I closed out. I'm probably just gonna follow a walkthrough to get it honestly because I want it Soon. I've sworn to myself not to follow any walkthroughs for totk but I think this time I"ll allow it. I also got the full Yiga set!!! It was so fun being able to go into the hideout and see them as people you can talk to and not just as nameless faceless enemies. I mean... they are still just nameless faceless enemies... but now they're nameless faceless enemies with a little bit of pizzazz. Also the earthwake technique?? AMAZING. Now I haven't used it in combat yet (bc I'm bad at remembering to use special skills in combat, sue me) but I love the way it was implemented into the game. I love the fact that it was implemented into the game in the first place!!!! AMAZINGGGG. Also I was Not expecting to get an off-brand Thunder Helm there what the fuck that's so col. The Yiga get so much more development in this game and they're even slightly more capable. Not by much tho.
I also have a newfound love for Lookout Landing. It's the first settlement of the game (if you follow the story path) and over time in the game it populates with members of other races??? As we all team up for one united stand against the newest apocalypse??? Amazing I love it. I loved seeing Bularia and Muzu and Harth there, but the most emotional I got was when I talked to this random Gerudo guard at the gate, who said something along the lines of "You helped us save our home, now it's our turn to help you save yours. You just focus on your goals and know we've got your back." From a story sense that is just so fuckin sweet, since Link has been forced to do everything all on his own carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Except now he has help. (also pls I want that for me ;-;) And the music in the Lookout Landing just. it vibes. I don't really know why it hits me so hard but it does. There haven't really been many songs in the totk soundtrack that stood out to me yet (though I think once I start studying the ludomusicology of all this, that'll change, just like with botw). But I really love the Lookout Landing music. It's so hopeful compared to everywhere else. One thing I wish they'd done was make it so little elements of the different culture's soundtracks got implemented into it when they came to the landing, like it did in Tarrey Town. Maybe it does do that and I just didn't notice but I definitely noticed in Tarrey Town so.... Speaking of! Another place with music I liked! I finally made my way into Hyrule Castle proper. Like, the one in the skies. I don't know why I always thought it was so off-limits, this is a sequel to Breath of the Wild of all things, I shoulda known I could go up there. But anyways. The music there? Oh. My. God. I didn't think there was a version of Hyrule Castle theme that could freak me out and make me on-edge more than the BotW Hyrule Castle did. Boy was I wrong. It's so creepyyyy. I still like BotW's Hyrule Castle more (I miss Zelda's Lullaby ;-;) but this is definitely more fitting to the themes of this game (creepy floating ruin) and botw's is more fitting to it (ruins of a great majestic power that's now a shadow of its former self)
uhhh yeah i think that's all i have to say for rn. tune in for part 5 in a bit!
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ggthydrangea · 2 years
hi tabi my dear!! i'm sorry for my late response 😭
yes exactly!! it's freeing to do stuff alone sometimes, it kinda started bc one summer i wanted to watch a scary movie that came out (hereditary) but no one would watch it with me LOL so i decided i'll just go by myself. i used to worry what other people would think but i realized i quite enjoy my own company so now i'm more comfortable doing it! (and of course, since im a minho bias, this reminds me of his latest vlog where he went camping alone haha that was such a comfy cozy vlog 🥺 my mind is still there)
dont worry, i have "cannot shut up disease" too so i totally understand 😂😂 i have also heard of rowoon but i don't think i watched the dramas he was in! also chani was in that snow prince stage last year with mark and lino 😁 and oh my gosh, that mirotic stage with taeyang and hyunjin 😳 taeyang's pose in the beginning AHH
wait i know some of these sf9 songs you mentioned!! i LOVE o sole mio, what a great song. and i've seen the dance practice for KO because of that beginning part where they're rotating the members, that is simply insane!!!! i listened to all the other songs you sent, and they are really catchy omg?? and their choreos are so cool!! is taeyang the one in the sleeveless shirt in the now or never mv? hahahaha. also i love your sf9 info doc <3 it seems like there are a lot of quiet cuties in the group hehe 🥺 i love that!!! also i watched the horror dance prank video LMAO youngbin saying "i was really looking forward to seeing a ghost" famous last words and the way they all freaked out when the bat fell from the ceiling
yeah snowboarding/skiing are so expensive so we'll see if that happens hahaha 😅 i kinda know how to skateboard though and it seemed fun but idk! def one day it seems cool to learn. oooh have you read any good books lately? i like to read as well ^^ i havent watched any anime recently but i have watched a good amount (did you watch/read spyxfamily? that was the last one i watched i think and it was pretty funny). what video games do you like to play? im only a casual gamer, kpop takes most of my brain space 😂😂 i still havent finished zelda botw lol. and that is so cool that you dance too!! how did you get into dancing? i dont know anything about dancing and it always fascinates me to watch dancers move their bodies the way they do!! there is this duo whose dances i really like to watch (i didnt know this when i first found him but the guy, sean, actually did a dance collab that i love with taeyong and mark from nct too!! (also god mark is so hot in that video hahaha)
All good no worries! I can be slow to respond myself, and life happens!
Oh nice! For me it started in college, just with how classes and stuff worked out, I spent most of my time alone and had to go out of my way to hang out with friends, and I started to enjoy some of that alone time, I like just vibing sometimes.
I wish I could tell you what dramas he's been in, but honestly I'm really bad at remembering anything. XD The Mirotic stage is a lot but it's also fun!!! All of them killed it! Those stages with different groups together are so fun, a multis dream come true. 🥺 Now if there could somehow be a stage with both Chan and Taeyang I would die happy... 😂
You have good taste if you love O Sole Mio. 😔 I'm glad you like them all!!! Lemme check to see the only one I remember being shirtless is Hwiyoung... Okay Taeyang does have some shirtless outfits but so does Hwiyoung so I'm not sure which one you're talking about for Now or Never. XD
I'm glad you love my doc!!! I really love sharing SF9 with people so it made for a nice little reference to help! Haha that video... Those poor guys... It was so funny but I also felt so bad for them. 😂
I haven't been reading much recently, but earlier this year I read this YA dystopian book called Unwind! It was really dark but also really interesting, I liked it a lot! How about you?
I'm so behind on anime but I love some of them out there, I could ramble forever just talking about my favorites. I did watch the first season of Spy x Family, it was cute!
I don't game much these days, but I like a lot of the Nintendo stuff like Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, but also smaller series like TWEWY, Style Savvy, all sorts of games!
My mom wanted me doing something active and after looking around she somehow found Irish dance, I'm not sure how. XD This was back when I was a kid so I don't really remember. Dancing is so fun I love it a lot!!! Ooo those are really cool!!! I'm nowhere that good I just do it for fun, but I love seeing good dancers, it's so amazing to see all the things they do!!!
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lemonlurkrr · 3 years
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@aureateart​ ok. My favourite parts of twilight princess  (and some other random thoughts about TP sprinkled in there) taken from my monster TP word vomit google doc :
Link lmao
Ok but for real, I like this incarnation of Link :)
I love Ordon (it just seems like such a chill and cozy village)
ALSO love how easy it is to interpret Link as being a sort of older brother figure to the Ordon kiddos. It’s just,, super cute? AND GHHH nice nice good thanks nintendo for giving me characters to care about/characters that I can imagine Link caring about
He didn’t sign up for any of this (tbh, none of the Links really signed up for this jshdjsd). But I mean like, dude was just going to take a trip to castle town, drop a gift off for the royal family, and come back. But haHA oopsies he did get to castle town eventually but definitely not the way he expected hsjdhsd
He’s just a little dude?
everything is new for the player AND Link
She’s cool :)
she really just
*teleports into your jail cell* hello whore.
I am no master at writing but AYYYY she do got a character arc!!!
She was actually pretty helpful sometimes, I ALWAYS checked in with her before turning to a game guide
Other NPCs
Love all of the TP character designs (ASHEI’S ARMOUR??? AOWOAOAOOAO)
Saving Zelda and all of Hyrule was important yea but thinking back maybe it was more like, the Ordonians and the kids were what was pushing Link to keep on going
I like the Resistance members :) Very video gamey of them to have one NPC assigned to each dungeon but hey!!! Kinda cool getting to see a little glimpse of each of em
Idk, it’s just fun to imagine Link popping into Telma’s bar after each dungeon and taking a little rest :) (or to celebrate? maybe just chat, idk, give this man some downtime!!)
Honestly it was just kind of nice that Link wasn’t entirely alone. I mean, I know Midna was there the whole time, but I am always for giving Link a big group of friends (see my love for hyrule warriors, age of calamity, and LU LMAO)
Hero’s shade, very very cool, kinda sad he died with regrets but HEY. He got to pass on his knowledge eventually
AND the connection to OoT?? AND assumed to be related by blood too????? GOOD SHIT
Ilia, I REALLY really wanted to like her (er, it’s not like I dislike her, she’s just,,, kinda there for me).
It definitely seems like Nintendo was pushing to make her the romantic interest, but GHHHHH they really threw that out of the window for me by having her lose her memories
I saw a text post a while ago that said it would have been interesting if Ilia was Link’s sister instead and YES!! That would have been cool too :0
Wish we got to know Zelda a little more
I feel like we barely know anything about her
Idk man, like I said earlier, I never really had any sort of drive to save Zelda during my playthroughs
She obviously knows Midna, so maybe if they gave us just a little bit more of that relationship I’d be more interested in her?
Botw has good world building too, but each race felt kinda,,, isolated? I absolutely love the different architecture and vibe each town has (and all the the weapons too) but ghhh yea everyone felt so separated. As far as I can remember, we don’t see tooo much of the races interacting with each other? Now that I’m typing that out maybe that’s to be expected because of the calamity but KLSJDKJFD ANYWAYS THIS IS ABOUT TP
The world feels nice and alive, love how populated everything is
Castle town I like castle town a lot, it feels dense and busy and I really like how you can’t talk to every NPC you see
Very cool very fun that we got to see the Gorons hanging out in multiple spots
kinda wish we got to see the Zoras a little more (I guess they are a bit limited since they need water but GHHHH the tp zoras are so prebby,,)
BUT HEY, I do remember seeing a zora or two hanging out in the hot springs around death mountain after beating the lakebed temple (I think, might have been a different dungeon) 
but aaaa would have been nice to see them in at least a couple of other places. I think it would have really added to the “congrats Link!! You’re restoring peace to Hyrule” feeling you get from seeing the Gorons hanging out in Kakariko and Castle Town
Love how chill it is and how it’s kind of separate from Hyrule proper
They really do seem to be doing their own thing apart from the rest of Hyrule
Just kinda adds onto the “he’s just a regular dude minding his own business” kind of vibes I get from TP Link
Also I like Ordona :)
Love their design
And love how they’re not exactly like a pure white?
Different spirit representing each aspect of the triforce my beloved
But yes hi I think Ordona is very cool
Who are you, how did you get here, which goddess do you represent? Do you even represent one of the three golden goddesses? Do the Ordonians know about you? Have any of them ever SEEN you??? Do they worship you? Does anybody even know about the existence of the light spirits?? FUCK so many questions but ghhh I like how they broke the status quo a bit by throwing in a fourth spirit :)
I feel like this one is kinda weird but I like that voice sample they used in the light spirit music. It’s spooky and pretty at the same time :)  
cutscenes mmmmm
Ok ok, the spooky lanayru cutscene is very good
IT just
Idk man
It just hit different
I like the music
And seeing the light spirits swimming around in the light juice water whatever it is
Summoning the light arrows?
AND HHHHH “Lend us the last of your power!” THIS IS IT. This is the final battle.
Seeing Zelda bow down, and then Link putting his hand out 👌👌👌
Link: ok bud, let’s do this together :)
Connection to OoT (did I already mention this? Maybe., Whatever)
Very cool nintendo :)
I love seeing connections between all the diff zelda games.
Because like, on one hand, they’re all separate from each other because of yknow, individual hero stuff. BUT ALSO, they’re all connected because of the reincarnation stuff
Grrrr walking through the sacred grove and going “The Hero of Time walked around here a long time ago” FUCK THATS SO COOL
Is the Hero’s Shade watching me? What does he think of me? DIsappointed? Proud? The Hero of Time went through HELL so this timeline didn’t have to deal with any of the shit Ganon was gonna pull with the triforce, better not fuck this UP Link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Midlink is cute
Kinda hurts that she smashed the mirror but that was probably so Nintendo didn’t have to worry about people going “but what about the twili??????” for any of the other games LMAO
BUT ALSO LIKE SKJDKLJFJ There are some pretty massive plot holes in TP anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever it’s fine we’ll just use this for angst because GOD do y’all like angst
So is Shadlink
Honestly don’t know where this ship came from but it’s cute so whatever
Love Midna’s theme and how they referenced the dark world theme from ALttP (I remember trying to learn the dark world theme on the piano and doing the Leonardo DiCaprio point meme at the little jingle I recognized from Midna’s theme)
Hyrule field theme SLAPS.
Apparently references a couple of the other over-world themes from the previous zelda games (I got this from 8-bit Music theory’s video on the over-world zelda themes, he talks about TP at around 11:40 but def recommend watching the whole video if you’re into music analysis stuff)
So there’s this bit of the Hyrule Field theme, I don’t know the official name for it but I remember seeing somewhere it being called the “at an advantage theme” since yeah, you hear it during the boss music whenever you expose their weak points. FUCKINGGG LOVE THAT. Didn’t notice it during my first playthrough, but hearing it during my second was like a little easter egg for my ears every time :)
Midna’s lament is very pretty (and fun to play on the piano)
I didn’t care for it too much when I started playing the game but hearing it in ZREO’s arrangement of the Hyrule Field theme literally makes me turn into a puddle of emotions. Also hearing it around and of the Ordon kids (I think it plays after Link saves Colin) AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Orchestra piece #1 and #2 HOLY SHIT???????????????? 
Literally, the first time I listened to those I just,,,, plugged in my headphones, volume 100, layed on the floor/against my desk and silently vibed. I don’t know what the hell it is, but those two just fit so well with TP?? I still avoid listening to them nowadays cause if I DO I definitely will get overwhelmed with the “god I love this game so FUCKING MUCH” kind of feels.
Wolf link sucks at singing
the first time I heard him howling Zelda’s Lullaby I lost my shit because LKSJLDKSGLKJFSKG god that was.,, Bad. Anyways, hearing him howl some of the songs from OoT was cute :)
VERY GOOD. IT’s like 10 minutes long and GOD do I love every single second of it. It doesn’t have the same energy as the skyward sword staff roll or the orchestra pieces but GOD does it hit good??
Nice and calm after that big exciting adventure. Maybe it would have been more fun or emotional to have a higher energy piece but it was really nice getting to sit back and watch the camera fly around Hyrule. Seeing like, the Gorons and the Zoras having a good time, the kids returning to Ordon? GOOD SHIT.
and AAAAA that end, when you hear the main Zelda theme and see Link riding off out of Faron woods on Epona… good shit. It gets you thinking, where the hell is he going? What is he doing? Off ot do more adventuring? Going to help out the resistance or something? Going to help Zelda? Or maybe he’s trying to figure out a way to restore the mirror of twilight? Whoooo knows.
I also want to acknowledge the instrument/samples they used for all the twili stuff.
They’re all just so unique and contrast SO well with the rest of the TP OST. LIKE FUCK!! Anytime I hear the screech from the Twilit Kargarok? Sends a shiver down my spine. I associate those sounds SO strongly with the twili realm. (Like, the same way you associate the BSHEWW VVWWMMM sounds with light sabers)
I love it so god damn much
literally any time there’s a certain sound or motif associated with something I lose my shit
Sacred grove sacred grove sacred gro-
lovely lovely lovely so much fun playing that on the piano. AND again, I did the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme when I heard the theme from the lost woods come in GHHHHHHHH
shoutout to TP Faron Woods for helping me study and get through all of my schoolwork
BLEGUUHHH can you tell that I really love music?
and also yea I guess TP is kinda cool too :\
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m0mmyxsuckyxsucky2 · 3 years
Idk what to write at this point💀
L x gamer! gn! Reader
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- if you guys aren’t in a relationship, he would always see you play games on your Nintendo.
-he doesn’t mind tho! He likes to watch you play.
- but when you guys are in a relationship, he begins to notice all your unhealthy habits and healthy ones.
-he tries to help you sleep if you wouldn’t because you need to defeat a boss.
- “s/o, you need to sleep. Especially if you play video games all the time. it’s very unhealthy for your eyes, Unless you want to have a bad eyesight of course..”
- “... fine, I’ll just save this part.”
- this man can be terrifying asf if he wants to.
-if you can’t sleep because you have the boss you need to defeat in your mind, he’ll gladly help you so.
-by petting you, murmuring sweet nothings, rub your back softly, brush his slender hands through your hair, LITERALLY EVERYTHING THAT MAKES YOU AT EASE AND CALM.
-you may think at some point that he hates seeing you play video games, but the truth is that he loves seeing you play any kind of games.
-he loves the determination in you, the fact that you won’t give up makes him determinate in his cases.
-hmm.. let’s say you play a game but you give up, he would be disappointed.
-BUT if you come back (with a glass of water or sum) and play it again, even if you’re frustrated.
-.. now that makes him go wild.
-normally the people he has cases with is not so determined, so unlike you of course.
-it just gives him so much motivation, and it lasts weeks (Maybe even more).
-you know he’s rich, right?
-be ready to be spoiled dude.
-you want the legend of Zelda botw? He already bought you one.
-oh! That new game you’ve been wanting came! Oh wait, L just gifted you one.
-he would give you every game you want, because you’re his partner (plus he wants to see your determinate cute face).
-he would also take a walk with you for fresh air.
-he doesn’t want you to end up like him.
-he loves seeing you play horror games, like fnaf or smth.
-only because he loves your reactions and the way you just talk to yourself.
-“hehe.. you can’t catch me now stupid ducks!”
-“s/o, there is one right behind you-“
-I think dark deception is his favorite game from now on.
-he would feed you his sweets while you play too! (AWW).
- cuddling while you play video games plus you giving him a forehead kisses every now and then?That makes him blush AND STILL KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE LMFAO
-he would stare at you to get motivating back.
-playing video games together? that would be so much fun.
-He would try and play, he even tries to beat you by remembering all your tactics.
-poor boy gets teased by matsuda of how you can beat him.
-so you decided to beat matsuda up by defeating him many times at super mash bros.
-Let’s say he was so devastated.
-you in the other hand laughed yourself to death, to the point where L was asking you if you were alright.
-overall good boyfriend, 10 out of 10 tbh👍
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I wrote this shit late af💀
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redloftwingfeathers · 3 years
I feel like talking about the shit Zelda not only had to put up with but also what she subconsciously summoned herself and you're going to sit and listen and maybe cry with me okay? Okay.
While I don't think that was very cash-money of 'Hylia' to make Zelda wait until she's reached true, unrelenting despair to finally find her light, it made me wonder how everything came into play that made her journey so painstakingly hard, and not just Hylia pulling fast ones from the clouds. (Trust me I wanted to blame the goddess so bad after that moving performance at the spring of power but wait!! there's more!)
Things I'm looking at are specifically Zelda's anxieties of wanting to be a scholar but having to throw herself to the dogs of religion to keep Rhoam happy, the HEAVY depression she carries with not just from the loss of her mother but also just constantly being berated by her father and feeling like she's not good enough for Hylia, the jealousy and anger she harbors towards Link in their beginnings and how it effects her growth.
All of these are things (coming from someone who is very mentally ill) are ingredients that distract Zelda from her goals, intentional or not.
Zelda has a classic case of "I wanna do This Thing (studying, traveling) but I have to do That Thing (religion, strict orders) instead and now the fun is sucked out of it and my mind is buzzing and now I don't know what to do girl (hylia) HELP"
What's even worse is despite her hand-picked maturity, she KNOWS what is right and what she needs to do (her level of self awareness is impeccable sometimes) but she is still just a child in the end, wanting to live her life without dictation, which causes frustration and anger and can lead to self-doubts.
Starting with the loss of her mother, Rhoam claims that Zelda did not cry at all during the ceremony, and that it proved to him he could still be a strong king with how unwavering his daughter was. And although that's shown as an "awe inspiring" moment, it shows Rhoam does not understand how the processing of grief registers differently amongst people, especially children. She may have not showed it when she was, what, 6? (Not every normal 6 year old understands the fragility of mortality) but you can definitely see it affects her later on as Zelda grows older. It may not be entirely visible at first, but the way they portray it in HWAoC (I know its not entirely canon but bare with me on this) she longs for her mother's advice and comfort when her pleas and ideas fall deaf on the king's ears. Her mother seemed to be a very wise and compassionate queen, where Rhoam is a wise and a very bite-the-bullet king.
When stakes are high he trusts what he thinks needs to be done, and he enforces Zelda to finish her training Because she is part of his plan to push back the calamity. He knows protocol, and there's no room for creative thinking when the land of Hyrule is in danger. (Disclaimer: I hate Rhoam but I can also try to see what Nintendo was doing. He's not intentionally mean, he's an assertive dad that wants to see his daughter succeed (and also hella depressed) but he's really fucking bad at it and comes off as a dickhead. He is the embodiment of a boomer that does things the old fashioned way to get things done).
But all of this pressure he is putting on her, taking away things that make her happy so they don't distract her from her duty, shooting down her ideas because he wouldn't know how to even approach it from his standpoint, it really does a number on Zelda and really births her insecurities.
No matter how hard she prays and dedicates herself to Hylia, it doesn't work. Her mind is distracted, filled with fear and very little hope that the magic isn't Working. What even kicks me in the jaw more is that she's putting all of her effort into these prayers, and it's not even her wish she's making. It's Rhoam's wish. Her Ancestral Family's wish. That's why it hasn't sparked. She's praying on the behalf of her father and ancestors and not herself because she firmly believes there's other ways to settle the score. Zelda knows the importance of her role but its just not clicking when someone else is forcing you to do it. It just doesn't work like that.
Moving onto her liaison with Link, she is, well, in the beginning very irritated with him. Even a little bit after being chosen by Fi. But I don't think she MEANS to be angry at Link, he didn't do anything wrong in all honesty. She shouldn't take out her anger on him, but she's jealous, and he exists...so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When Link is suddenly chosen by the sword at a drop of a hat?? Yeah she's relieved, but there's also undertones of resentment. All of her Champions are here at the ready and she's still trying to figure out what shoe goes on first. She is the goddamn Princess of Hyrule, one who carries the blood of Hylia in her veins, and this random tiny knight who, mind you, fought tooth and nail to be her escort ends up finding his role before her? She is riding the struggle mule up Mount Lanayru (and I don't really blame her). And when she's exploring the shrines?? She makes it very clear to him she can work independently and does not need an escort, which although understood (freedom is a peace everyone strives for) she is careless regardless of her careful planning and efforts. She's a Princess, wandering Hyrule unarmed (and without her powers) with a horse as her only mode of transportation. You won't see yourself as a target even if they're pinned on your back, and with her determination to utilize these mysterious shrines as more Sheikah tech is being discovered is making her blind in remembering where she's placed in social status. It's dangerous, and I'm glad Link is there to see what she fails to see.
That's another thing too. As they progress and strengthen their friendship, Zelda sees Link as a mirror to question what her role really means. She uses him as guidance to help understand her situation, asking him "If you were told your whole life This is what you're meant to do, to take up your family's legacy...but one day realize this isn't what you want, would you still take the path you've been told to take?" In this case I think it's safe to say this is what Link knew he wanted. He loves being an aid to those in need, and becoming a knight despite following his father's path, this felt like his true calling. The spirit of the hero is VERY strong in his soul, and when he sees someone in need of help [Zelda] he's going to aid them whether they want it or not.
But Zelda still feels so lost, she feels so disconnected from her ancestors, as the previous daughters in the royal families were Given their powers at birth and meant to be awakened when the time has come. They were all given the gift of premonition, to be a medium for Hylia and a messenger of the gods, and overall able to keep Ganon away from the world no matter how many times he crawls back from the depths of hell. Being told your whole life you're meant to be like your ancestors, but not being able to fulfill any of those roles? It makes the past seem like one giant fairy tale when in you're in BotW Zelda's shoes.
No voices, no premonitions, no secret awakenings...Nothing.
At this moment, I finally understood why Urbosa said to Revali about Link. She said he is a constant reminder of Zelda's own failures. Link found his calling by following his instinct. Zelda has yet to figure out what she really wants, and is clouded by judgements not only from her father and people, but from herself too. With every passing day she is undergoing a meltdown, questioning if she is even meant to be apart of this whole plan anymore, probably something among the lines of "Was it meant to be someone else? I'm the only daughter, and yet I can't even do my one job." She lost everyone and everything, she's frightened, it feels like she's lost her faith in the gods, or even dare say, the gods lost faith in her.
But through absolute despair when Link just about gives his life for her protection, that's when it all clicked. She found her power and strength through Link, who was the one that, all this time, taught her about what she needed to do to awaken her powers without even directly telling her. Every conversation she had with him, she saw herself in Link. She saw all the effort he gave into becoming a royal knight, the unwavering determination in his eyes with every Lynel he slew, a never ending supply of optimism and hope no matter how high the stakes were. And yet he was also Free. He followed his path blindly, not even knowing where he'd end up, as long as he knew he was
able to protect those in need. And she wanted that.
He was her mirror, and Zelda managed to awaken herself when that mirror cracked.
Living the burden of being part of a prophecy and saying you're ready for anything, is very reckless. Understanding the heaviness that comes with sacrifice is not truly understood until it starts happening to you.
Zelda found her wish, her independence through Link. Her mind is finally clear and she understands what her role means in all of this.
She is meant to protect, to save, to understand more than just personal loss.
Zelda couldn't stand by idly anymore after everyone told her to do something else and let others handle the job. That was the last straw when Link stood in front of her, shield weak but at the ready when that guardian approached. She saw the desperation and said NO, which finally broke her seal. She chose to sacrifice herself, igniting her powers just as Hylia did for her people. She chose to save her last, literally dying hope, because Ganon cannot be fought alone.
He was the connection, the literal link, she needed to awaken her powers. And I just find that so fucking great.
Anyways thanks for coming to my TED talk I've been typing this for like 4 hours now
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aurathian · 3 years
Hello! I’ve been binging your fics/oneshots and given that your requests are open, I figured I can’t pass this opportunity up! There is a severe lack of “Zelda reacting to Link with his hair down” fics for botw zelink, so my request is just that! :D
heyyyy anon i hope you like what i came up with!!
Zelda had many memories of Link. They were what compelled her to keep holding out for his awakening over the course of one hundred years. She relied on them for comfort, and in her imprisonment of malice, she remembered them often. One thing she noticed throughout all of them, besides his silent and stoic manner, was that he always had his hair pulled back into a ponytail. It was styled (well, she used that term loosely, considering he cared not for looks) the exact same every time—two strands hung loose to frame his face and his hair was parted to the side.
During her one hundred years of fending off Calamity Ganon, she came to understand that, wherever she was, she had no body. No hair, no fingers, no stomach. Yet, she had a soul, and that soul longed to feel herself again, soft skin against smooth nails, hair through her fingers. It was the little things that they had taken for granted.
She longed to do her hair once again.
So, one of the first things she did after Link defeated Calamity Ganon, and subsequently saved her from the otherworldly limbo in which she’d been trapped, was braid her hair. She did it slowly, savoring every feeling of her fingertips on her locks, every subtle and light tug on her scalp, the sound her hair made like grass in the wind.
In the stable that night, where she sat on the bed Link had rented for her and carefully braided her hair, she stopped to stare at him. Despite losing his memories, he was still the same. His hair was in the same style he swore by one hundred years ago. Ponytail, sideburns, side part.
It annoyed her. He had a body for much longer than her. He had fingers and hair and a stomach and he didn’t even bother to take care of them. How ungrateful, she thought.
But she didn’t say anything to him that night and fell asleep long before he did.
The next day, they set off in the direction of Hateno Village, a name that rang vague bells to her. He explained that he had purchased a house there. On the way, though, it began to rain, so they stopped at a cabin just past Fort Hateno. They sat under the overhang and watched the rain fall.
“I’m going to go get some firewood,” he said at one point, moving to lift himself off the ground. She reached out and gripped his shoulder.
“No. I’ll do it,” she offered, pushing him back down and she stood instead. “You’ve been doing everything.”
He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but instead shut it as she walked away. As she did, she didn’t cover herself from the rain; it was something she hadn’t felt in a lifetime, and she relished in the cool drops as they spattered her skin and wet her hair.
When she returned to the cabin with a bundle in her arms, Link was fixing his ponytail. Hair in one hand, he stretched his band with the other, but it snapped. He stared at it in his palm and frowned.
“Do you…?” he looked up at her questioningly, and she shook her head.
“I don’t have one,” she replied apologetically, dropping the firewood beside him. He sighed, let go of his hair, put his chin in his hand.
She breathed out a quiet woah. His hair reached a little below his shoulders and, despite how messy and unkempt it was, she found it charming. She cleared her throat, brushed a strand of sunny hair behind her ear, and sat down next to him.
“What’s wrong?” he asked when he caught her staring. She blushed and looked away.
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
He side-eyed her as he picked up the firewood and coaxed her inside where they fueled the fireplace.
They set off again the next day, where the rain stopped but puddles still dotted the road and the grass was still damp. The entire time, she gazed at his thick, light brown locks, the way they came to rest on his shoulder, the way he looked slightly more rugged (in a romance novel sort of way, the kind she wasn’t allowed to read one hundred years ago), the way she couldn’t believe he didn’t wear it down more. But it made sense, the logical side of her knew, because long hair infringed on one’s ability to fight.
When they entered Hateno Village, he turned to meet her gaze. “You keep staring. What’s wrong?”
“N-nothing. I’m just daydreaming,” she said hastily. He squinted at her suspiciously before leading her to his small house, a little run-down, but cozy nonetheless. He helped her get situated, showed her the picture of the Champions that he put on his wall, to which she said nothing and only stared.
Then, at the table that night where they ate the mushrooms and meat he’d cooked, she was staring. Again. And he caught her. Again.
“Seriously, Zelda. Is there something on my face?”
She sighed with a nervous smile. “No. I just… um…” She set her fork down. “I like your hair.”
“This?” he said through a mouthful of meat, gesturing to his messy, dirty mane. Zelda nodded. “Thank you, I think.”
“Link, will you let me play with it?”
This time, he was the one blushing. “Play with it?”
“Yes. Like braiding it, styling it, you know.”
“Why can’t you do it on yours?”
“Because I like your hair,” she answered honestly. “It’s… nice.” He looked down at his plate, almost empty.
“Okay, fine… you can play with it, I guess.”
That night, she kneeled behind him on the bed while he sat on the edge, and she braided his hair up and over his head, like she’d once done with hers long ago.
“You look like me,” she said triumphantly.
He didn’t say anything, but she caught the small smile blossoming on his face.
“Was that so bad?” she asked as she got off the bed, allowing him to situate himself under the covers.
He shook his head. “No,” he agreed, and beckoned her to get into bed with him. She did so, and he continued, “I think you should do that more.”
She closed her eyes and smiled. She dreamed of all the ways she would do his hair tomorrow.
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corpsentry · 3 years
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ao3 link
fandom: botw pairing: zelda/link rating: g notes: established relationship, post-canon, (pensive) holidays
Zelda stares at him. “What are you, a poet?”
“No,” Link leans against the table like a portrait of god splattered against an average household surface. “I’m Link.”
Hope runs a sharp course in a village like this.            
He tries to eat the icing before they’ve started decorating the cookies like a dog jumping into a pile of leaves before there are leaves to jump into.
“It looked sweet,” he explains when Zelda asks him what in the name of Hylia he’s doing. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, leaving a blue streak the size of a scar on his face. Zelda frowns.
“Sorry.” He looks up at her from under his lashes, blinking innocently.
She contemplates pouring the entire bowl of icing on his head, then decides that it’s too much effort and returns to her berries. “It’s not my hand that’s dirty.”
The clock on the wall says it’s fifteen minutes past four. There’s a poisonous spider attached to the ceiling lamp. The berries she purchased from a passing merchant (one of the donkey variety, not the horse; the donkey merchants offer better prices and funnier jokes) are not the freshest, which says less about the merchant and more about the distance between Hebra and Hateno, but they’re sweet. Sour-ish, tangy, with bite. Zelda is very big on the culinary arts. Restoration is a holistic effort, after all.
Link seems to have finished having a long and very serious conversation with himself in his head. He emerges from his wintry stupor with a stupid look on his face while she continues to grind the berries into a pulp.
“But my hands are your hands?” he says, honest as the day he was born. The second time.
“What are you, a poet?”
He takes offense at this. “No,” Link leans against the table like a portrait of god splattered against an average household surface. “I’m Link.”
Zelda stops grinding the berries for long enough to realize she has outdone herself. The berries are not a pulp. They are not a paste. They are not the perfect texture for combining with three times the amount of white icing so that one can make a perfect batch of cookies dripping in blood-red sugar. They are a liquid.
She licks the mortar thoughtfully. Link makes an expression at the oven that suggests he wants to climb inside of it and see what it does. Zelda walks him into the table until he’s leaning back over the bowls and the berries and she’s staring at the underside of his chin.
“Yes,” she confirms, more for herself than the vaguely human-shaped disaster trapped in front of her. “You’re Link.”
Christmas in Hyrule is not a celebration of anything in particular. It probably was, at the beginning, but in the years since their ancestors’ civilizations rose and fell and rose and fell and then gave up on the rising and decided to stay in the earth until they sprouted into new trees with new names, the meaning has been lost. This seems like a fair thing to give up in exchange for the festivities themselves, which are silly and full of minor contrivances like turkeys filled with smaller turkeys and children running in blood-red clothing to the highest point in their village.
Christmas in Hyrule is not a celebration of anything in particular, but when Link wanders over to the table with a kitchen knife in one hand and asks her what she’s going to do to all these cookies, Zelda feels abruptly and inexplicably like it should be. It’ll be the harvest season again soon, but that’s not for a few months. No one’s birthday happens to be on the twenty-fifth, though her father’s is close. She stares at the table and tries to come up with a prophecy on the fly, something that will impress the boy with the sky stuck under his eyelids, but draws a blank.
“I’m going to eat them,” she says stupidly, feeling stupid, feeling suddenly like she might cry.
He puts down the knife and picks up a rolling pin. She loves him more than all the horses in the world combined.
“Sounds good. Can I help?”
Here’s what Link remembers. First of all, he remembers waking up in a blue box as the blue slowly drained out of the box and the ceiling wilted into view. He remembers meeting her dead father and thinking he was a hoot and stealing all of his shit regardless of whether it was useful shit or not-useful shit. He remembers having his own death narrated to him, atop the ruins of a temple that someone erected to time, while the land whose name he had forgotten reached towards the heavens (him) (he was heaven, at least for a while).
“Wasn’t that traumatizing?” Zelda asked him when he described it to her the first time.
Link thought about this. As he did so his hands in her hair stilled, her braids still half-done, his fingers clasped loosely around a few strands of gold. “It was,” he finally said. “But so was everything else.”
Second of all, he remembers the events of the calamity in thirteen fucked-up pieces. Twelve of these were given to him by Zelda, who had gone out of her way to document their demise in the hopes that one day someone might take notice and pull the shivering ghost out of the water. The last one was a gift from Impa, who had gone out of her way to make sure that he would be suitably guilted into wanting to save the world, and therefore, at the end of the times and in spite of all of his personal wants and needs, do so.
“That one was traumatizing.” She didn’t have to ask this time. He had figured out by this point that she cared very much about his mental health despite him not knowing the first thing about self care (he had a tendency to launch himself from high places, which was perfectly fine until he realized he had left the paraglider at home) and was going to unpack all the dirty dishes in his head even if he was fairly content with letting them pile up.
This made her sad. Both Link’s response and the fact that his survival mechanism for the first three months had been to pretend he was not, in fact, sleeping in a burning building.
“I’m sorry,” she said, touching the side of his face. He turned into the palm of her hand, his eyes closed.
Conversely, here’s what Link doesn’t remember. He doesn’t remember the first time he swam in the lake near Hateno (not the one with the frogs, the one with long reeds growing at the bottom that tickle your feet when you swim past), though he swears it must have happened. He doesn’t remember what his worst childhood fear is (his list of things to be constantly terrified of was overwritten when he woke up in the blue box; they’re still working on overwriting that new list now). He doesn’t remember how Hyrule celebrates Christmas, how they stuff the turkeys full of smaller turkeys and the children go diving from high places, and he doesn’t remember that they do all this for no reason other than that their ancestors did it, and their ancestors’ ancestors did it, and that their ancestors’ ancestors worshiped a legend, not a god.
“I’d like to deliver a batch to Kakariko,” Zelda sighs, looking out the window at the long shadow of the sun on the fields.
Link shuts off the water in the sink. “And I’d like to kiss you,” he says simply. “Is gift-giving part of tradition too?”
Zelda blinks at him. “Yes, but, how do you know that?”
He shrugs. “Magic.” He gestures at the poisonous spider in the ceiling who they’ve named Bartholomew. “A mistake.” She walks over to the kitchen sink and wipes her dirty hands on his shirt and then pulls him closer, smelling the cinnamon in his hair. “A miracle.”
They hold the annual Christmas dinner under Uma’s tree, between the bridge above the stream cutting perpendicularly through the village and the house that used to stand occupied, but now houses a respectable flower arrangement and several candles. It’s an intensely traditional affair, with the turkey emerging from the butcher’s at eight o’clock sharp to enormous fanfare and the children running up the hill a little after that to harass Purah and ask her for spare machine parts that they can use to build water guns. There’s dancing, because Hyrule has not and likely never will shake off the habit of celebrating anything it is given the chance to celebrate (mourning is a habit they will not let themselves sink into), but it’s slow and syrupy, the apple cider warm, the lights shimmering.
Zelda talks to everyone she can talk to. She never got the chance to do so a hundred years ago between the empty cycles of prayer and the long-standing never-quite-resolved feud she had with her father, and now the war is over and the Hateno of a hundred years ago is gone. It’s a name on a long list of regrets she can do nothing about, except this.
“I love your hair,” she says.
“Thanks.” Nebb sucks audaciously on a leg. “I hate it.”
Pruce, who runs the general store, is sitting in the grass with his guitar the way he was the last time Zelda distracted a trio of musicians and disrupted the flow of the universe. He’s playing a song which he says, when asked, was passed down to him from his great-great-grandparents, who in turn received it from their parents, who lived before the calamity. The notes are soft and melancholy, but it’s the kind of song you can dance to if you try hard enough. The residents of Hateno have been trying all their lives. Through the aftermath of the calamity, when the boy fell but the fort stayed standing and soldiers came limping up through the hills to ask for water; through the winter years, when the harvests were bad and they had to bury happiness in an unmarked grave; through an era of hope, when the boy woke up on the plateau, and wandered back to them with a sword in his hand and a legend on his tongue. The residents of Hateno know resilience like most people know to wash their face when they wake up. Give us this day our daily bread. Give us strength, and water, and miracles. Give us what it takes to keep going.
Merry Christmas, says Sophie from the clothing boutique, and Zelda is trying very hard to remember who is who and mostly succeeding but she wants to ask Sophie if she celebrates Christmas for a reason. Has she had a slice of turkey yet, does she like turkey? Has she ever been in love? The questions prick her skin like needles. Her grip on the stem of her wine glass tightens.
She says Merry Christmas back. The average Hylian does not live long enough to see a hundred. It is a blessing, then, that someone was willing to wait that long for her.
“I haven’t seen, uh, Link around,” Sophie continues, her hands knotted behind her back. ���Is he okay?”
“Oh no, I mean, yes, I mean probably—”
Which is when it dawns on Zelda like a horse emerging from the brown earth that most of her anxieties have a name: his.
She checks the roof of the house in Hateno first because it seems like the obvious answer. When it turns out the obvious answer is wrong she checks the pond in the backyard, and then the pond slightly further away, outside of the village but close enough to be a scenic spot for sad people who need a place to go on Sundays. After walking around in circles for a while it occurs to her that she hasn’t looked inside the house, only around and above it, as if Link were a bird that can only be found in high, fast, free places. Strange. That doesn’t seem right.
She finds him on the second floor, with his knees drawn up to his chest and his face hidden. He might appear to be sleeping if not for the fact that his shoulders are too close to his ears and the interior of the house is shining. Someone went on a cleaning spree. Someone had something they wanted to hide.
Zelda feels her stomach turn sharply.
He looks up.
“Is it over already?” He turns to peer out the window above his head. “That was fast.” He looks back towards her, arranging his limbs so he looks less tense, so the tension bleeds into the floor and stays there. “I thought it’d take longer.”
Link blinks at her in the warm syrupy darkness like a stray cat in a town full of ghosts, tail upright, poised to run. Good, Zelda thinks. Be on edge. Think about things. She sets the wine glass she hadn’t realized she had brought with her on the bedside table. She sits down in front of him.
“You didn’t want to be there, did you?”
Silence unfurls between them. There’s not much space for it to move around. He’s close enough that she can track the precise trajectory guilt takes across his face. It starts in his eyes and slides down his cheeks and ends in the way he brings his hands together and begins to fiddle absently with his gauntlets. He bites his lip.
“I wanted you to be happy.”
Zelda groans and hides her face in her hands and then curls up on the floor and dies. Just kidding! She doesn’t do any of these things. She’s too busy staring at heaven’s imprint on his face.
There are a lot of things Link remembers. He has told her about a large number of them, in part because she always asks and in part because he seems to have a lot more to say now that everyone who placed the sky on his shoulders is dead. He remembers the important things, like how to swing a sword and how to defeat evil. He remembers the awful things, like dying.
Link’s head is a balloon with an infinite number of hallways. The inside is reliable and steady and whatever lives in there stays in there, but the exterior is frightening in the way that watching a child heave a snowman over the edge of a cliff is. What happens when the inside of the balloon and the outside of the balloon meet? What strange chemical reactions; what magic?
There are a lot of things Link remembers. To the detriment of Zelda and the world that she represents, he remembers how to die for people. Since the calamity ended he has had less cause to do this, which is a good thing, which is the only reason she can sleep at night, but the habit is a ghost on his left shoulder. He turns down things people give him in exchange for a higher purpose.
She sighs.
You wake up in a room full of strange blue light. Someone is speaking to you for the first time in your life. In that singular emerging moment in this new world, they have defined beauty for you.
She reaches for his hands. “You see, right, Link.”
You wake up and there is a voice in your head. She calls you Link. That must be your name. You must be real.
He doesn’t want her to touch him, not in this moment, not with Christmas hanging over their heads like a big bad moon which is going to crash into the earth, killing everyone instantly. He’s on edge and he doesn’t know why. He’s walked back into the burning building and he doesn’t know why. Maybe solitude contains fewer reminders of happiness. Maybe he’ll never get used to waking up beside the sun.
You wake up and you are afraid of everything. You wake up and you are everything. You wake up and everything is yours to save, or abandon, or leave to ruin.
Zelda holds his hands with gently herculean force. She leans into him, her eyes shining with bitterness and frustration and anger. “You can’t just decide what’ll make me happy, Link.” Glitter, stars, the voices of angels in his ears. “Your hands are my hands. Get it?”
He clears his throat. “That doesn’t seem like a very healthy relationship.”
Zelda doesn’t flinch. “I waited a hundred years for you to come back from the dead.”
“That’s true.”
When do they get to the part where the war is over and it starts to feel like it? When does the transition end and the aftermath become its own story, separate from the hundred-year-corpse of conflict, from the misery it birthed in its absence? She’s said all that there is to say. The rest has to be done, has to be acted out with blood and bone, rebuilt like the castle they rode away from on that second first day of her life as Hyrule stepped shakily off of the cold balcony of twilight. Zelda doesn’t know what it’s like to cry anymore, but she can tell you a thousand stories about sadness. She’s lived in it for so much of her life. For so much of the time since, she’s kept it pinned up on the kitchen wall.
“You’re a mess,” she says miserably. “Merry Christmas. There is no Christ. We made him up a long time ago to feel better about ourselves.”
He laughs.
“I figured.”
Figured what? Figured I couldn’t make up a prophecy about Santa? Figured the kids were all joking about the cliff? Figured I wanted you to like this country despite everything it’s taken from you, despite everything it made you give up?
Zelda exhales.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Have I ever said no?”
She frames his face with her hands. Idiot sandwich. Idiot boy. Idiot miracle. “Have you ever said yes?”
“Yes?” He looks confused for a moment and she has never wanted happiness for him more. “I think so?” He frowns nicely and she considers carving his heart out and hanging it on the wall. “Yes.”
She kisses him. Merry Christmas. Dress up in red and climb a cliff near the house you grew up in. Take a boy home and build him an altar. Go to a party and leave early and spend the rest of the night talking about how you’ll never get over the body in the attic, and then point at it and laugh. There will always be a body in the attic. There will always be wisdom, courage, and grief. But the first time he sees a pile of leaves and jumps headfirst into it with his eyes squeezed shut and his knees tucked to his chest, you will forget for a moment that you watched the world end from a tower in the sky, you will forget that hurt is the least dignified part of history, and you will think, instead, of the weightlessness of angels.
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