#i set it for 24 hours but i wish there was a few hours option
seaside-lovers · 30 days
🌓 Lord Nighty-Knight & Dr. Vulture 🪶
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Ship name/tag: 🌓 i hear the secrets that you keep
Anniversary: March 3, 2024
F/O source: Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate/Megamind Rules!
My backstory: I'm an ornithologist who focuses primarily on vultures. While working with a lappet-faced vulture who lives at my place of employment (a bird sanctuary), we're attacked by a supervillain who can combine things, resulting in me becoming a lappet-faced vulture hybrid. Unfortunately, due to my newly-found mutation, I find it hard to integrate into society and end up seeking out people like me who have been mutated/have super powers.
How we meet: While in a meeting for super humans, I meet Lord Nighty-Knight and befriend him as he also went through an event similar to me that led to his abilities (an accident that caused him to become a being of shadow). However, while I went a more neutral route, he became a villain and joined the Doom Syndicate.
First impressions: I have a pretty immediate crush on Nighty-Knight. He's very unique and I find it attractive. I think he's sweet and I like talking to him.
Nighty-Knight also quite likes me when we first meet. He regards me with interest and thinks I'm nice. We bond easily over our shared origins as well and have several enjoyed topics in common.
Getting closer: After the meeting, we exchange contact information and keep in touch. Even after he ends up becoming a full-blown villain (and knows I don't approve), we still stay friends, starting to meet more often and go out for little dates together. During this time, my crush becomes a lot more obvious with me pining after him, so I ask him out on a date.
He's startled by this as he's quite oblivious to my flirting but ends up agreeing to go out on a date. We start going out more often on dates as we become closer in our relationship.
Beginning our relationship: I ask him to start a relationship with me awhile after we start dating and he agrees, excited to take this next step in our relationship. He's also aware that I'm planning on proposing to him in the near future as we would love to be married.
Ship trope(s): None ATM
Aesthetics: None ATM
Our song(s): None ATM
Favorite forms of affection: I love receiving compliments and being told about how he cares for me. It makes me feel seen and cared for greatly.
Nighty-Knight really likes both physical affection and acts of service. He loves being cuddled and kissed; it makes him feel warm and happy inside. Being a supervillain means he's quite busy, so I like to do things for him - it makes him feel loved and appreciated.
Favorite kind of date: Coffee dates are a favorite of ours. We both enjoy coffee so it's nice to go to a quiet cafe and enjoy drinks together, talking about our weeks.
Ways we comfort one another: We encourage each other verbally as a form of comfort. It's nice to be reminded that it will be okay or that we are there for one another - it's a shoulder to lean on and someone to trust when it gets rough.
What we love most about each other: He loves my care for all living things. I'm passionate about caring for others - humans, animals, and plants alike. He thinks that is an admirable trait and appreciates it about me.
I love his personality. He acts so tough and uncaring but he is extremely caring underneath it all. I love how sweet and funny he is as well. He's a very cool person and I love spending time with him.
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confusedcunny · 2 months
hour 9 out of 24 hour detransition challenge
I have never edged like this before. Coming much closer to the actual edge and still pull away. It's hard, but it also feels amazing, over and over again. Last night my T-dick clitty got so big and swollen, she was 4 cm long! I had to stop rubbing and start humping. But she was so sensitive that even by just humping, I reached the edge multiple times.
Then I went to sleep without cumming. My smooth shaven skin was so sensitive in the soft moving sheets. My clit exposed and peaking out proud, getting caressed with every movement. I edged multiple times throughout the night and even dreamed about rubbing.
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I got up in the morning and realized that I'm only allowed to put on female clothes for another three hours. Wishing I had some more options right now, but maybe that's something to think about for next time. But it does put me in a submissive mood regardless.
Now all I want to do is edge some more. It's incredible how ready my body feels to edge. No need for a long warm up. Just pleasure... My mind, my thoughts, my purpose, it's set on rubbing, humping, edging and pleasure. I have never felt so feminine.
Let's see where the next few hours of the challenge lead to...
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jeankluv · 11 months
Snow on the beach || Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
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Chapter I: The new girl
Words count: 3,8k
Warnings: none(?)
Notes: this is inspired by one of my fav books, it will be a multiple part story, I still don’t know how many but please enjoy. Sorry if there are any mistakes English is not my first language.
Materialist || Next chapter →
You still didn’t know what you were doing in that place, it was freezing, isolated and without any coverage. But you need it, you need to be away from everyone you knew, you need to find yourself and leave those toxic thoughts and people.
You took a deep breath and looked at the map, the house you were going to be staying, it was far from the station, really far.
“Shit…” You said under your breath. “I really booked the most isolated house in the whole town, didn’t I?”
You sighed and started walking, carrying your bags. Despite the freezing weather there was no snow, so you were grateful for it or else you wouldn’t make it to the house.
There wasn’t a single soul in the streets, you could understand why, the weather was freezing. You should’ve called a taxi or a Uber, although it was probably impossible there were any around here. You kept walking, making small stops to catch your breath. It was until a car passed you by and slowed down parking a few meters away from you. You froze, you have seen enough crime documentaries and films to know how this works. The man that got out started walking towards you, waving his hand. Before reaching for you, he slipped and fell to the ground.
“Eh?” You let out.
“Auch!” The man sat and started sobbing his head. “Always the same…”
“You okay?” You said without moving. Holding strongly to your suitcase, just in case you need it to throw in his direction and run away.
The man then stood and started walking towards you. I’m going to die, y/n you have to react! He is much bigger than you but you are faster!
“Young lady! My name is Rosinante, I’m a police officer in the town!” He said, once he was close enough.
A police officer? Dressed like that? You thought about looking at his clothes. He was wearing a heart shirt and… a dark red hood with two heart-like shapes hanging?
“Oh! I know I don’t look like one but here, look!” He said showing his license, he really was a police officer. “Sorry if I scared you! But I was going back home from my shift and I saw you carrying those suitcases with you. Where are you heading to, young lady?”
“It doesn’t matter… Now, if you let me I would like to keep going, sir.” You said starting to walk.
“I can take you. It seems like we are heading in the same direction!” He smiled.
You were really hesitant, could you really trust him? But the sun was already setting and you were still far from the rented house, so it could be a good option to accept his offer, besides he didn’t look like a bad guy.
“Okay… thank you, sir.” You said.
He took one of the suitcases and started walking to his car. “Please call me Corazon or Cora-san. I’m not that old to be called sir.”
You simply nodded. Corazon? Is it because of all the hearts in his shirt?
“You don’t talk too much eh?” He said once both of you were in the car. “What’s your name?”
“No sorry, I’m just tired… my name is y/n.” You smiled.”
“Nice name and tell me y/n, what are you doing in this small town?”
“Getting away from everything, I guess.” You really didn’t want to talk your head hurt and you didn’t want to bother a stranger about your personal problems.
You just wanted to get in a bed and sleep for the next 24 hours at least, your body was exhausted after traveling so much.
“You came to the perfect place then.” He smiled. “This has to be one of the most remote places on earth. Getting away from the busy and fast life of the big cities will be easy here.”
You wished it was only getting away from that type of life but it was much more than that. He didn’t say a word after that, you guessed he understood that you didn’t want to talk about it, so he stayed silent.
“You’re staying in the house that is in front of the beach right? The old lady that used to live there moved back with one of her sons and now it’s for rent, so I guess you will be staying there.” He spoke after a couple of minutes.
“Yeah…” You simply responded.
“That’s great! We will be neighbors!” He said. You gave him a small smile.
The trip continued for a couple of more minutes, until he stop on the side of the road. You looked outside the window and saw the same house that you found on the website when you were searching for a place to stay. Corazon helped you getting your suite cases from his car and take them to the door of the house.
“Thank you, for helping me.”
“Don’t mention it, now that we are neighbors you can come and ask for anything. If I’m not at my home, I will probably be at the police station.” He said placing the suite case in the floor.
“Thank you again Corazon.” You smiled at him.
“Alright y/n! It was nice to meet you! I hope we can get a long.” He smiled.
You both said goodbye and you entered your new house. You took a deep breath, you were exhausted and the house felt so cold, not only for the fact that outside there was probably five degrees and inside there must be like ten or so but because everything looked so empty and lonely.
You sighed, at search for a heater or something to warm the house. You looked around but you couldn’t find anything, there was only a chimney but you didn’t know how it worked.
“Shit…” You murmured.
You opened your suite and took a jersey from it and took one of the blankets that you found in the house. You covered yourself with it and prepared a tea, there wasn’t almost anything in the house. Tomorrow you need to go to the town and buy food. But for now, you could only drink that tea and go to sleep.
You were exhausted, so falling asleep that day wasn’t difficult and almost after throwing yourself into the bed you fell completely asleep. It wasn’t until the next morning you woke up with the sound of someone banging on your door. You looked around, a bit confused after sleeping so much. Checking the clock you saw it was ten in the morning. You drag your feet to the entrances and look who was outside, it was Corazon dressed in his police outfit.
You opened the door and greeted him. “Good morning Corazon.”
“Good morning y/n! Did you sleep well?” He smiled at you.
“I did, thank you again for yesterday.”
“Stop thanking me. I’m here because I’m on my way to the town and I assumed that you would need to stop by the supermarket. So if you want I'll take you there.”
“Oh! But you probably need to go to work, I can go on my own. So please don’t worry.”
“Y/n, if I’m offering it’s because I can and I want, so please don’t worry.”
You considered his offer for a moment, it would really help if someone could bring you closer to the town, you knew there was a bus but it passed every hour, you had discovered it the hard way when you arrived at the station yesterday. It is true that you could wait for it to happen again but Corazon really seemed determined to take you. So you nodded and told him yes, he told you that he would wait for you outside while you got ready, so you went to get ready quickly, you didn't want to make him wait too long either.
You cleaned up and put on something a little warm, you really didn't know if you were going to be able to get used to that climate at some point. When you decided to come here it was because of the beautiful beach and the tranquility that seemed to exist, not because of the cold and winter had not yet arrived, so you were really afraid of what winter would be like in this place.
You left the house and saw that Corazon was already in his car. You got in it and Corazon started the car to go to town. The trip to the town was quiet, Corazon told you about the town so you could get to know it better, she also told you that you could go to the police station if you had any problems.
"This may be very nosy of me, but do you plan to look for a job in town?"
“Oh… yes, I have money saved but it will eventually run out, so if I would like to look for a job. Do you know any place that is looking for a worker?” You turned your face, looking at him.
He stood there for a moment without saying anything. “Mmmm… I think the restaurant of the town might be looking for a new waitress. You could ask the owner, Zeff, if they need a new worker.”
“I will, thank you for your help Corazon.”
“Do not mention it and I know I already told you but if you need anything, you can always come to the police station.” He stopped the car, you already arrived at the center of the town. “If I’m not in the police station you can either ask for Sengoku or in the hospital ask for my son, Law. But don’t worry, everyone is really nice around here, I’m sure you will get along really well.” He smiled.
“I will keep it in mind. Now I will go and start exploring the town.” You joke. “Thank you for the ride. I will see you around.” You said leaving the car.
“Bye bye y/n!” He said and left with the car.
You looked around, Corazon left you in the center of the town where most shops were, well actually the few shops. You decided to do the necessary shopping first and then go to the restaurant to ask if they needed people. You entered what seemed to be a supermarket, the establishment was relatively empty, you knew that few people lived in the town but it was also quite early, so it was normal that it was almost empty. You began to look and take what is necessary to start in your new "home". The people who came across you greeted you, almost as they had known you all their lives, Corazon was really right. With what you need already in the car, you paid for everything and left the establishment. Time had passed faster than you expected as you went from store to store, buying what you needed, until you arrived at the restaurant that Corazon had mentioned, the only one in town. You entered it, finding yourself in a cozy environment full of noise.
“OI SANJI!!! I WANT MORE MEAT!” You heard someone screaming from the other side of the restaurant.
“Give me a damn minute!” A blonde guy who was serving responded.
“You’re too slow stupid cook” Was a green haired guy who talked this time.
The blonde guy stopped what he was doing and turned around to face the guy. “What did you say stupid bastard!”
You watched them as they fought, wondering what to do, everything was so crowded and everyone there seemed busy at the moment.
“Excuse me.” You approached one of the people there. “Do you know anyone named Zeff?”
“Zeff? Yeah he…” But the person was cut out before ending the sentence.
“Hello beautiful lady.” The blonde guy from earlier appeared right next to you, making you jump. “My ask, my lady, why are you looking for that old man?”
“I was told that they might need people to work here, so I’m looking for him.”
Before the blonde guy could speak and an old man appeared from inside the kitchen, he was told that he had a long mustache.
“Sanji, stop bothering the young lady.” The old man told the blonde guy, Sanji sighed and murmured something for himself while the old man approached both of you. “I’m Zeff. So you want to work with us?”
You nodded. “Yes I just moved in and I’m looking for a job. I was told that you might have a job for me here.”
“Yes we have a place for you, since this little bastard is always getting distracted.” He pointed at the blonde guy named Sanji. “Your help would be very useful.”
“Thank you so much sir.”
“Please call me just Zeff. Would you like to stay for a bit and see how things work around here? Don’t worry I will be paying you if you stay.” He joked.
“Oh yeah, of course. I would like to start as soon as I can.”
“Alright, Sanji, teach the new girl how things work out here and when your friends leave, come inside to show her everything.” Sanji nodded. “And don't flirt with her, you understand?”
“Yes old man.” He said with a sigh.
“You know I will kick your ass if she mentions feeling uncomfortable or anything right?” Sanji looked in another direction ignoring Zeff. “By the way, I haven’t asked you your name.”
“It’s y/n.”
“Well y/n welcome here.” He said and left, leaving you with Sanji.
“Well my lady.” He turned to look at you with the biggest smile on his face. “Come with me, I will show you around this shitty place.”
Sanji started to show you around, how the things worked there, he also showed you the kitchen, where you had the opportunity to meet the rest of the workers.
“You’re the only waitress here?” You asked him when both of you got out of the kitchen.
“Yes, I’m actually a chef but most of the time I’m out here working as a waitress. Weekends are busier since a lot of people come to spend their days near the sea, but now that you’re here my lady, everything will be easier.” He smiled.
You were about to respond when an orange haired girl spoke. “Sanji, stop flirting with everyone you see, the poor girl will end up running away.”
“It’s okay… don’t worry.” You looked at her.
“Please don’t be so polite.” She smiled at you. “I’m Nami. And these two are Luffy and Zoro.” She pointed at the two boys behind her, you recognize them as the loud boy screaming for meat and as the green haired boy that was fighting with Sanji earlier.
“HI!! You’re new in town right?!” The black haired guy said with a bright smile. “I’m Luffy, let’s be friends alright?”
His energy was overwhelming and his smile was so calm and heartwarming.
“Luffy, you will scare her.” Nami told her friend. “Sorry for that, he is always full of energy.”
“I can see but it’s nice. Nice to meet you Luffy.” You smiled at him.
The particular group chatted with you for a few minutes, mainly Luffy and Nami spoke, the green haired guy named Zoro, only said a few words. Nami mentioned that you needed to meet the rest of the gang and join them from time to time since you were new in the town. They all made you feel welcomed. The three of them said their goodbyes and left, leaving you and Sanji to clean and work for the rest of the missing day
“Where do you leave y/n? It’s already getting dark outside so I could…”
“Don’t worry Sanji, I will take the bus. Don’t worry.” You told him.
Sanji nodded and you both said goodbye, you went to the bus stop to go back home. Unlike your hometown, the bus stop did not indicate what time the next bus would pass. So you sat in the seat to wait for the only bus that took you home to pass. The minutes began to pass when you noticed that you hadn't taken your shopping bags and your bag with your keys and everything were in the restaurant. You cursed yourself and ran back to the restaurant, but as you feared, it was already closed.
You tried to call, hoping that someone was inside and that they would open it for you, but nothing, there was no answer.
“This has to be a joke…” You whispered. “Fuck!”
How was it possible that whenever things seemed to be going well, everything would break down and go to shit? You didn't want to upset Corazon, but in those moments he was your only option and salvation. Hopefully he was still at the police station. With heavy feet you headed for the police station, trying to think of how you would tell Corazon that you had been clueless enough to leave all your belongings in the restaurant.
“Are you going to go in?” A deep voice spoke behind you.
You turned to see a tall, dark-haired young man. Waiting for you to step aside so he could pass and enter the station.
“Oh… yes. Actually, do you work here? I’m looking for Corazon? He told me I could find him here…”
“Corazon?” He softly spoke. “He is inside.” He said and moved to get in.
You followed him and heard him calling Corazon in a familiar way, they were probably close. You then saw Corazon appearing from the corner with a big smile.
“Oh kid you’re here already? Did your shift already end?” He said and hugged the dark-haired guy.
The guy nodded and said something that you couldn’t heard from where you were. Corazon then looked in your direction.
“Y/n!! Hello, I didn’t see you there.” He approached you. “How are you? Did you enjoy your day in the town? Met a lot of people?”
“Yes, it was really fun and I already got a job.” You smiled. “But I have a problem… I left all my belongings at the restaurant, I can’t go back home or enter it.”
Corazon stared at you and you could also feel how the tall boy that Corazon had hugged was looking at you. Barely 24 hours had passed since you met Corazon and he had already seen your clumsy and clueless side. Stupid y/n you thought to yourself.
“Really? Oh my y/n, you went back to the restaurant to try and take it back.” You nodded but Corazon was already answering his own question. “Of course you did, silly me. Well don’t worry, it happens all the time…”
“No it doesn’t.” The tall guy spoke.
Corazon looked at him and then to you smiling. “Don’t worry y/n, it happens. You can stay with us tonight, we have a spare room where you can stay.”
“I’m so sorry for …”
“y/n stop apologizing, okay?”
“No buts, now I will go and get my things. You two.” He said pointing at you and the guy. “Wait for me outside. And Law smiled a bit more, you will scare y/n with that face.” He smiled and left.
So that’s Law, Corazon mentioned him in the morning. So this is his son? You looked at him.
“Are you going to come or are you going to stay there?” Said getting out. You followed him silently and stood next to him.
“So… you’re Corazon’s son?” You tilted your head. He didn’t respond and simply stood there watching the entrance of the station. “He told me you work in the hospital.”
“I do.”
You hummed, he was nothing like his father. Corazon came out and the three of you got in the car to go to their place. Corazon was the one making the conversation, while you talked from time to time. Law didn’t say anything during the whole trip and when you arrived he was the first one to leave the car without a word. You and Corazon got out of the car to go into the house. You were really having blind trust in Corazon, but somehow being around him made you calm, safe.
Upon entering the house you noticed something different from yours, it was that warmth and feeling of home that yesterday when you entered your new home there was not. The walls had pictures of Corazon along with some people you didn't know and Law. You stared at an image of what appeared to be Law as a child holding a frog and a scalpel.
“Law has always been a big fan of surgeries.” Corazon laughed behind you.
“Is he the surgeon here?”
“No, he is just a doctor, we don’t have the equipment to do operations in this small town, you have to go to a bigger town or city.”
You kept watching the pictures, noticing that there weren't any pictures of Law as a baby or Corazon and Law together when Law was little.
“y/n come here.” You went where Corazon was. “You haven’t eaten anything right?”
“I eat something at the restaurant before closing.” You told him.
“You sure you don’t want to do anything? We have plenty of food.”
“No it’s okay, I would like to go to sleep.”
Corazon nodded and showed you the bedroom where you were going to spend the night, he also gave you some old clothes that he had so you could sleep with. When he left, you changed and went to sleep. You woke up hours later, you knew it only had passed a few hours because it was still dark outside but you really needed to drink some water, so you went for a drink. Not expecting to find anyone you walk to the kitchen but there he was Law, reading a book in the middle of the night in the kitchen.
“Hi…” You whispered, not wanting to disturb Corazon who was probably sleeping.
You didn’t get a response, but you knew he heard you because he looked at you. Why was he like that?
“Isn't it too late to be reading?” You asked him while drinking the water.
“You ask a lot of questions you know?”
“And you don’t respond to any of them.”
He stayed quiet, reading and passing the pages of the book he was reading.
“Are you always this rude? I’m trying to be nice and…”
“I don’t want you to be nice or be your friend.” He closed the book and stood up.
“You…” But before even speaking he left the kitchen and disappeared in the darkness of the hallway.
You tried to be positive, that he was just probably tired and that’s why he had that attitude towards you, after all you were a new face, who appeared out of nowhere and was staying the night at his house. You would speak again with him in the morning to fix everything and start all over.
“Be positive y/n.” You told yourself before falling asleep in the bed.
And that’s it for the first chapter, please let me know your opinion on it 🫶
See ya ❤️
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adminbryantsaki · 2 years
Day 24 of Spicytober featuring Alpha! Keigo Takami x Omega! Reader.
(I do not own Keigo Takami/Hawks. Horikoshi Kohei does. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spice, or brew of coffee, move on.)
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Wc: 826
Tw: ABO, Kidnapping, pregnancy.
Breaking News: Wing hero Hawks has gone into his spring time rut! He has been spotted around the city in search of a mate! Approach with caution if you wish to volunteer as a potential mate! This has been going on for about a week now as several Omegas, Betas, and Lunas have been disappearing, suspected to have been taken by the hero, only to return a day or two later with reports of being bred by him. He is still seen around the city in search for his mate! will he find his mate this year or will he have to wait until next year? Stay tuned to find out!
You were walking along the sidewalk when you had seen the headline and you read the article. You rolled your eyes and put your phone away before you turned into the side street to access your workplace when a gloved hand covered your mouth, stopping you from screaming. You began to struggle but you were quickly pinned down against the brick wall of the building, facing the amber colored eyes of your captor. You were surrounded by vibrant scarlet wings and a scent of cinnamon, cedarwood and warmed apple cider filled your nostrils. You were looking at the very hero that you had just read about and he had picked you as his next potential mate. You stared up at him with wide eyes as you were trying not to be thrown into your heat just by the pheromones coming from the Alpha. He watched you for a few moments before speaking. “Don’t scream. Just come with me and I’ll make it easy for you.” He spoke quietly. There was something about his voice that made you melt into his touch and press yourself against his chest and hold onto him just before he took off from the ground, flying far from the city and to the countryside where there was a green blanket of trees below you as he flew down, closer to the tree tops before gently landing with you in his arms. “Why did you bring me here?” You asked.
“I’m getting low on options for a mate and you were the next one on my list. I brought you here to see if you can handle my rut.” He told you as he pulled you into the rather decent looking log cabin he had flown you to. Once inside, the smell of cinnamon and cedarwood was only stronger, making your mind grow fuzzy and your limbs feel heavy. He held you up when you collapsed against him. He noticed your scent patched you had placed on your neck that morning before you left for work, peeled them off gently and discarded them into the nearby garbage can. He carried you to his large nest in the middle of the living room and laid you down inside before climbing in next to you and taking in your scent. “You Smell so good. Now tell me, baby bird. What’s your name?” He asked. You had to let your brain process his question before you responded. “I’m Y/n.” You told him. He hummed in response and kissed you roughly and pinning you to the floor of the nest. He tore your clothes of and exposed his seeping cock before slamming it into you and thrusting fast and hard into your cunt. You let out moans of pleasure as you were bred over and over, being given his clutch in sessions as to not stretch your womb too quickly. He bit down on your neck and shoulders, marking you over and over, telling you that you were his, that none of the others had made him feel this way, that he knew that you were the one, and that he should’ve gone to you first.
Hours later, when the sun was going down, He was spent for the day, having collapsed next to you, holding you close, keeping his wings around you. You watched as the sun set, knowing that you were most likely pregnant from all the cum that had been pumped into you. You eyelids were heavy from all the activity the day had brought you. You knew that you had to call in to work tomorrow morning telling your boss what had happened to you but you figured that you’d be on tomorrow’s morning news as you had been seen with Hawks as he flew out of the city. That didn’t matter right now as you had been claimed by the hero and you were too sleepy to keep your eyes open. You fell asleep in your mate’s arms, happy, satisfied, and now pregnant with the hero’s babies. The end.
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puffpasstea · 2 years
A/N: Thanks, again, for reading and sharing! Special shoutout to the anon who messaged me last night. I hope you like this one!
As always, comments, thoughts, suggestions, criticism etc. are welcome and encouraged!
Read Chapters 1, 2, and 3.
Chapter 4
I fumbled with my keys for what felt like an eternity: my hands shaking, missing the keyhole a few times, rotating them in the wrong direction once or twice. When I was finally inside, I let my coat, shoes, and bag all drop to the floor and ran straight for my bed.
Lying on my stomach, face planted into the pillow, the kiss played in my mind on a loop. What on earth possessed me to do that? Seriously, what's wrong with me?! The first person to show me kindness and the slightest bit of attention had me sticking my tongue in their mouth in less than 24 hours. I shifted to lay on my right side and wondered what Harry must be thinking right now. Uncomfortable, embarrassed, shocked, violated, disgusted.... the options were endless. And he'd have every right to feel that way.
My mind was racing with fragmented thoughts. I wish I could go back in time and take it all back. I need to apologize. I shall never show my face at work again. I should just pack up and move. Shifting again to lay on my back, I thought about what I'd want to say to him. I really don't want him to feel used or objectified. It wasn't like that. He just made me feel so comfortable in my own skin and made his home and his group of friends so warm and welcoming, and he went out of his way to be nice to me, no questions asked, expecting nothing in return. And I hadn't felt the touch of another human being since 2019. I just got caught up in the moment.
Gosh, even my apology sounds pathetic. There's really no way to save face here. I don't know that a dramatic explanation is necessary. Surely he has more important things on his mind than my fuck up? We don't even know each other that well. He'd probably forget all about me in no time. A part of me wanted to explain and apologize until I'm blue in the face. The other part wanted to run, hide, and avoid him for the rest of my life.
The buzzing of my phone in my pocket finally put an end to my circular thought spirals.
Dad (12:01 am): Your mother is upset.
Dad (12:02 am): She thought she was doing something nice for you.
Dad (12:03 am): You should still come. If not because you miss us, do it because she misses you. Can't you compromise to make your mother happy?
Seeing those messages appear on my screen was the last straw, tears immediately ran down my face.
The sun was rising over the hill by the time that I'd finally stopped sobbing and decided to get ready for work. There was a lot of insurance paperwork to be done if I was going to take out our rare books and collectables to be used on set this afternoon. I gathered my ID card and work items and tossed them, along with my phone, into last night's bag. Leaving my father's texts unanswered, I made my way to work.
The security guard on set glanced at my ID, confirming that my name was indeed on his list, and let me through. Not five seconds after I crossed the security barrier, Harry appeared in front of me.
"We should talk." He blurted out.
I hadn't yet had a chance to decide if I was going to choose the apology route or the run and hide route. Why is he ambushing me?
"I'd love to, but I'm running late to drop stuff off." I sprinted away as fast as my shaky legs could take me. So, run and hide it is.
Less than an hour later, as I was waiting for the director to sign her portion of the insurance papers, Harry approached me again, "Is now a good time?" he smiled nervously and made a conscious effort to uncross his arms.
"Actually, it's not. I- need to check on something. Shouldn't leave these books unattended until the papers are signed for real."
His face dropped and he sighed audibly. "You can't run away forever, you know."
I pretended not to hear him as I walked away. I knew I was acting childish. Why is he doing this? Why must he torture us both? This is excruciating and endlessly embarrassing for me, and I'm sure it's no walk in the park for him either. Why won't he just, let it go! It pained me to do this to him, but the thought of actually standing in front of him and having to look him in the eyes as I explain to him the logic behind my stupidly leaping to his side of the car and kissing him without warning felt a million times worse. I'm just choosing the lesser of two evils.
My benevolent plan, however thoughtful, was ultimately shortsighted. I'd failed to account for the 6:00 PM break on the schedule where everyone was free and the catering truck came by with snacks.
"You can't possibly have somewhere to go this time." Harry showed up with a cup of coffee and a plate of food. Why is he always feeding me?
"I know you take your coffee black, so, no, you don't have to go change it. I brought napkins and utensils too. No excuses. Please sit down?" though his tone was confident and his work choice was careful, he was blushing as he spoke. Looking into his earnest eyes, I couldn't bring myself to walk away this time. I sat down and accepted the refreshments.
"Harry, listen-"
"No, you listen. Let me speak before you change your mind and decide to run again."
I chuckled. Now it was my turn to blush.
" I think we should talk about what happened last night. I don't want to make a big deal out of it--"
"Okay, then don't!" I couldn't help but interrupt him again. It wasn't intentional. Simply hearing him utter the words "last night," "talk," and "big deal," made bile fill my stomach.
"You're really bad at following instructions aren't you? I said listen and let me speak."
"No. Look, if you really don't want to make a big deal out of it, then, can we just-- can we just pretend it never even happened? Never speak of it again? Like ever?"
He didn't say anything for a while. But he never broke eye contact the whole time, he looked me straight in the eyes as he tucked his lips in, and slowly frowned.
"Is that what you want? I mean, is it really what you want?"
What's that supposed to mean? Why is he making it sound like a trick question?
I nodded then finally mustered the courage to reply, "yeah...it's what I really want."
He continued looking at me, his expression unchanged. Then he shifted in a split second. Looking down at the fruit he'd brought us, he picked up a fork and stabbed a melon bite, "fine, then, consider it forgotten." He bit into his fruit.
The silence that followed gave my mind time to wander. Is he mad at me? Had I made the right decision? Why does it feel tense and cold between us? How do I go back to the instant ease from before I went and fucked it up? I ruined things; I should be the one to fix them.
"Hey guys! Mind if I join?" Harry's cast mate from last night, Christopher approached us.
"Have a seat, mate!" Harry scooted to make room for his friend.
Christopher looked at me and asked if I've been here all day. I explained that I'm only needed in the afternoon. To babysit some fancy books. He laughed and asked if I chatting was allowed during book-watching duties. "If you're serious about what you said last night. About not minding our literature questions, I mean. Could really use some help." Harry's head jerked as he looked up from his plate, shooting Christopher a look that his friend didn't seem to notice. Harry's eyes quickly shifted towards me, as if waiting on my response. "Sure! It'd be nice to have some company while I'm just sitting there, in between takes."
My words were directed at Christopher but my eyes searched Harry's face. For what? I wasn't sure. Approval? forgiveness? encouragement?
At the end of a very long night shoot, I gathered the books that I'd come to set with, and got ready to head out. The actors were back at their trailers, changing out of costumes, checking their props in, and getting ready to leave too.
I ran into Harry again at the parking lot.
"Need a ride?" he asked as he walked up to me.
"Ah, no, thanks. I got my own." I pointed towards my car. We stood there. smiling nervously at one another.
My phone buzzed. it was probably my dad again, so I wanted to ignore it. But Harry's intense gaze was making me feel transparent and nervous, so I needed to focus my attention somewhere else.
Christopher (12:01 a.m.): Thanks so much for all the help today! It's already made a world of difference in my scenes. Can I please buy you dinner sometime? as a 'thank you'?
Harry watched my face relax and my smile grow as I looked at my screen.
"What is it?" he asked mirroring my smile.
"Nothing, just a good work day, you know?"
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deadguydeathmatch · 1 year
Welcome to the Dead Guy Death Match Elimination Round!
Due to the broad nature of death as a concept, most of the submitted characters only received a few votes each causing a massive tie. I figured the fairest way to sort out this issue would be to hold an elimination round to let you guys vote on who you want to make it into the bracket.
There will be two elimination rounds the first of which will start on Monday the 3rd of April at 3pm BST and the second will start on Saturday the 8th of April at 3pm BST.
Elimination Round 1 will feature polls of 5 or 6 unrelated characters (all of the matchups were generated randomly) for you to vote on. The lowest voted character will be eliminated and all of the remaining options will progress to the bracket.
Elimination Round 2 will feature polls of differing numbers of characters from the same or similar media and only the highest ranked character among them will progress to the bracket, all of the others will be eliminated.
Both sets of polls will last 24 hours.
I've tried my best to only include official images for all of the characters on the polls but I'm not familiar with every series listed so, when the polls go up, if you notice I've used a fanart or cosplay image without permission or credit please let me know and I'll add credit and correct it for any future appearances of that character.
The matchups are listed under the read more and hyperlinked to the polls
I apologise if I’ve accidentally spelled something wrong or used a wrong name for something, I’m not familiar with every series listed.
There will be spoilers for many series ahead.
Round 1-
Poll 1-
Leif- Bug Fables
Claire Foley- Professor Layton
Magne- My Hero Academia
Koki Kariya- The World Ends With You
Matsuri Kanroji- Demon Slayer
Tiso- Hollow Knight
Poll 2-
Polly Geist- Monster Prom
Beetlejuice- Beetlejuice
Kim Namwoon- Omnicient Reader’s Viewpoint
King Arthur- King Arthur
Chidi Anagonye- The Good Place
Duncan- Dragon Age
Poll 3-
Breakdown- Transformers
Varl- Horizon
Captain Orimar Vale- Skyjacks Podcast
Deep Throat- The X-Files
Connor Murphy- Dear Evan Hansen
Poll 4-
Catherine Earnshaw- Wurthering Heights
Johannes Cabal- Horst Cabal
Mr Boddy- Clue
Galivar Kholin- Stormlight Archive
Seth Gordon- All For The Game
Poll 5-
Jay Gatsby- The Great Gatsby
Billy Loomis- Scream
Esmeralda- The Hunchback of Norte Dame Novel
Kili- The Hobbit
Charles Vane- Black Sails
Poll 6-
Ned Stark- Game of Thrones
Hua Cheng- Heaven’s Official Blessing
Skelly- Hades
Nate- Levarage
Owen Carvour- Spies Are Forever
Poll 7-
Andre Grandier- Rose Of Versailles
Ash Lynx- Banana Fish
Jade Irinka- Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish Granting Engine
Hugo Oak- Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Evelyn Hooper- Less is Morgue
Poll 8-
Pandora Hearts- Xerxes Break
Bow- Inanimate Insanity
Sam Cortland- Throne of Glass
Matoro- Bionicle
Tigerstar- Warrior Cats
Poll 9-
Deadman- DC Comics
Bunny Corcoran- The Secret History
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight- Saw
Tobias Tattersall Hawthorne- The Inheritance Games
La Signora- Genshin Impact
Poll 10-
Erik- The Phantom of the Opera
Diggory Graves- Hello from the Hallowoods
Max- Sam and Max
Nicholas D Wolfwood- Trigun
Pip Pirrip- South Park
Poll 11-
Pedro Madrigal- Encanto
Midori- Your Turn To Die
Charles Foster Kane- Citizen Kane
Rufus Emeterio- They Both Die at the End
Tuuri- Stand Still Stay Silent
Poll 12-
Manny Calavera- Grim Fandango
Howard Hamlin- Better Call Saul
Tanya McQuoid- White Lotus
Diallos Hoslow- Elden Ring
Sayaka Miki- Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Poll 13-
Meiji “Menma” Honma- Anoha: The Flower We Saw That Day
Chiyoko Fujiwara- Millenium Actress
Mari- Omori
Simon Karin- Pathologic
Lee Everett- The Walking Dead
Poll 14-
Rachel Amber- Life is Strange
Jason Grace- Riordanverse
Violet Harmon- American Horror Story
Vylad Ro’Meave- Minecraft Diaries
Chara- Undertale
Poll 15-
River Song- Doctor Who
Queen Serenity- Sailor Moon
Sliver of Straw- Rain World
Manny- Swiss Army Man
Mr Nobody- Transistor
Poll 16-
Shizu- Slime Tensei
Michael Afton- Five Nights at Freddy’s
Neil Perry- Dead Poet’s Society
Silhouette- Watchmen comics
Garret Jacob Hobbs- Hannibal
Poll 17-
Junpei Yoshino- Jujitsu Kaisen
Okudera- Yakuza 5
Shinichiro Sano- Tokyo Revengers
Yuri Nakamura- Angel Beats
Emily- Corpse Bride
Round 2-
The Owl House-
Caleb Wittebane
Star Wars-
Kanan Jarrus
Obi Wan Kenobi
Owen Harper
Ianto Jones
Ace Attorney-
Mia Fey
Deid Mann
Critical Role-
Mollymauk Tealeaf
Star Trek-
Jennifer Sisko
Tasha Yar
Quincey Morris
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Final Fantasy-
Aerith Gainsborough
Ysale Dangulain
The Last Of Us-
Joel Miller
Sarah Miller
Riley Abel
The Vampire Diaries-
Nora Hildegard
Stefan Salvatore
Klaus Mikaelson
Avatar: The Last Airbender-
Avatar Kyoshi
Avatar Roku
Hatoful Boyfriend-
Nageki Fujishiro
Ryuuji Kawara
Black Butler-
Grelle Sutcliffe
Angelina Dalles
How To Train Your Dragon-
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock 2
Stoick The Vast
Les Miserables-
Gavroche Thenardier
Eponine Thenardier
John Winchester
Buffy The Vampire Slayer-
Jenny Calender
Tara Maclay
Infinity Train-
Simon Laurant
Sally Face-
Sal Fisher
Larry Johnson
Pat Butcher
Pete Martino
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liaromancewriter · 2 years
So Over It
Premise: Cassie meets Ethan’s plus one and makes a long overdue decision. 
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluffy Angst. Words: 990 Trope: With Someone Else
A/N: Set in Book 1, after Project Christmas Wish and a few weeks before Miami. Submission for @choicesaugustchallenge​ Day 24 prompt “You wear [insert option] well.”
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Cassie Valentine enjoyed her morning coffee, inhaling the life-affirming scent while seated on the stuffed chair beside her bedroom window. The world outside was snowy white and cold; inside, it was colorful and warm.
She wasn’t due at work for another few hours and was enjoying the quiet time. She had learned in the last six months that the hospital could take over your life. And it was important to create balance when she could. Today was one of those moments.
She glanced down at her phone when it pinged, a smile spreading when she saw who it was.
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A few days later…
Cassie leaned her elbows on the nurses’ station and took the weight off her feet. She bit back a yawn, exchanging a commiserating look with the tired-looking nurse on the other side. She picked up the iPad and reviewed the lab results for her next patient, sighing in relief that there wasn’t anything to worry about.
There were still twenty minutes until midnight and the beginning of a new year. Elsewhere in the hospital, there might be signs of celebration. Here in the ICU, the mood was quiet and somewhat somber, keeping with the types of patients and severe cases the unit managed.
She absently looked around, wondering if there was time to grab a coffee from the residents’ lounge, when her eyes fell on the woman sitting on a chair in the hallway. That in itself wasn’t unusual since the ICU often had patients’ families waiting at odd times. But she was dressed in a beautiful long red gown with windswept light brown hair, a lovely pendant necklace, and matching earrings.
There was something exquisite about her style and, Cassie thought, a classic beauty that likely made heads turn. The woman must have felt her watching because she looked up from her phone and stared right at her.
Abashed at getting caught, Cassie half waved, smiled and slowly walked over.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stare,” Cassie said by way of greeting. “I love your dress and couldn’t help admiring it.”
The woman smiled graciously. “Thank you. I had very different plans when I put it on earlier tonight.”
“You wear it well. Are you visiting a relative?” Cassie asked, curiosity taking over.
“Ah, no. My date is a doctor, and he was paged for a patient consult,” she explained. “We were at a New Year’s Eve party, a fairly swanky affair.”
“Oh, what rotten luck,” said Cassie sympathetically. “And now you’ll miss the countdown.”
“I suppose.” The woman nodded before throwing Cassie a laughing look. “Between you and me, I think my date was relieved to get the page. He’s not into social events. I’m Dana, by the way.”
“Cassie. Hopefully, you’ll get a chance to salvage what’s left of your night,” she said.
Dana winked. “Oh, I intend to. The way he looks in a tux?” She fanned herself dramatically.
Cassie grinned, enjoying the unexpected girl talk.
Cassie stilled at the deep voice calling her name. She glanced over her shoulder to see Dr. Ramsey walking toward them. Her heart skipped a beat at seeing him wearing a dark wool coat over a tuxedo that looked like it was made for him. The tailored lines accentuated his physique, and she got a sinking feeling in her gut as she connected the dots.
“Dr. Ramsey,” she said formally, trying very hard to hide how much the sight of him affected her.
“There you are. All done?” Dana inquired, coming to stand beside Ethan.
“Yes,” Ethan nodded. “Just give me a few minutes to confer with Dr. Valentine, and we can head out.”
Cassie kept a smile on her face as she exchanged goodbyes with Dana. All the while, her heart was breaking inside at the thought of Ethan dating someone else. And more, if what she inferred from Dana’s comments was accurate.
She followed Ethan to the nurses’ station, where he gave her instructions about the patient he’d been paged about. She listened absently while a thousand different thoughts crowded her brain.
“Is that clear?” She tuned back in to see Ethan watching her warily, one eyebrow raised in question.
“Yes, Dr. Ramsey,” she said. “I’ll monitor the vitals and page you only if the numbers fluctuate beyond the normal range three consecutive times.”
“So, you were listening,” he commented.
She made a face but didn’t rise to the taunt. Cassie started to turn away when he put a hand to stop her. He quickly glanced around, making sure no one was close enough to listen.
“Can you check in on Naveen?” he said quietly. “I had hoped to drop in, but with Dana….” He shrugged.
“I understand, Dr. Ramsey,” Cassie said, her voice whisper soft. “I’m due for a break in thirty and will head down then.”
“Thank you, Cassie,” he said gratefully, clearing his throat and stepping back. “Goodnight then.”
She nodded, unable to get the words out past the lump in her throat. Her imagination was running wild, thinking of how Dana and Ethan would spend the rest of the night together.
Cassie watched Ethan help Dana with her coat, the other woman looped her arm through his, smiling up at him, and then they walked out the double doors together. She thought Ethan looked over his shoulder at her for a second before the door closed behind him.
But maybe that was wishful thinking. And perhaps she was deluding herself to think there could ever be anything between them. Ethan had been clear about his feelings that time when they tested the fMRI machine.
“Any intimate feelings are just neurochemical responses to heightened stress and frequent exposure to each other.”
Whatever she felt, what she thought she had seen in his eyes last week, it was an illusion. Nothing more than a crush on her medical hero.
And it was time to grow up and get over it.
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All Fics & Edits: @potionsprefect​ @trappedinfanfiction​ @bex-la-get​ @mysticalgalaxysstuff​ @genevievemd​ @choicesaddict5​ @jerzwriter​ @rookiemartin​ @schnitzelbutterfingers​ @vi-writes-stuff​ @coffeeheartaddict2​ @quixoticdreamer16​ @dorisz​​ @zahrachoices​​ @lucy-268​​ @a-crepusculo​​ @jamespotterthefirst​​ @ofmischiefandmedicine​​ @headoverheelsforramsey​​ @takemyopenheart​​ @gryffindordaughterofathena​​ @queencarb​​ @crazy-loca-blog​​ @natureblooms24​​
Ethan & Cassie only: @custaroonie​ @lady-calypso​
@choicesficwriterscreations​ @openheartfanfics​
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nek0mars · 2 years
a rant about Jumin’s BE2 (yeeeeppp) --> SPOILERS
So I just finished playing Jumin’s route for the second time around. This time, I had my sights set on snagging a Bad Ending. I wanted to skip past Bad Ending 1 (since I didn’t really want to act like all those women than Jumin hates), and that brought me to BE2 as my second option. I’d already seen YouTube videos of this BE, so I told myself I wasn’t going to be surprised or fazed, but I proved myself wrong. The process leading up to the BE was not cool. I have this headcanon thanks to someone who replied? left notes in the tags? (one of the two) that MC is on the brink of those “split personalities.” Once she starts thinking one way, the thoughts from what she could have thought completely vanish from her mind. It’s funny that the answer choices you can pick on Jumin’s route (to BE2) are: --> Let’s work this out together and be patient,,, we have all the time in the world. OR --> LET’S GET MARRIED, I WANT TO STAY IN THIS APARTMENT FOREVER, DON’T LET ME LEAVEEEEE!! Paraphrasing, but C’MONNNNN, there’s such a big gap between the two that if those were actually two separate options that MC thought she had...I would be just a teensy bit concerned. Jumin’s options, on the other hand, seem more realistic. He either has to choose to be patient for you so you can experience and grow a trusting bond and love together with “all the time in the world”... OR You encourage his dark thoughts in keeping you locked away in his apartment, where only he can tell you what to do, and you have no choice but to listen to him. Saying something like, “...make it so that I don’t ever escape from you, even if I wanted to” ISN’T OKAY. LIKE, GIRL, THAT’S SAYING YOU’RE GIVING UP YOUR FREE WILL. What if one day she really wanted to leave? MC convinces Jumin that the feelings he’s feeling, the desires to imprison her...are okay. She convinces him that it’s mutual. Every time I see the CG for BE2, I look closely. I think after staring at it a bit, you see that Jumin’s smirk is less than innocent. He has complete control over MC. He’s telling her what to do, and she’s obeying every wish and whim he has. He owns her. It’s unnerving. For any of you all saying this ending isn’t “bad,” let me first say I understand. Maybe something like this that’s STAGED and SCRIPTED would be okay. In fact, some people like that! It is legitimately a kink to be told what to do! But “kinks” like that should have their limits. There’s always boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed (hence, safe words, scripting, etc.) and this ending isn’t staged or scripted. MC must listen (and most likely do) everything Jumin says 24/7. This isn’t just something she’s doing for an hour or two, no, this is all day, everyday. Yes, she has everything she wants. Money, a handsome (boyfriend? it never mentions if they get married in BE2), and everything material thing she could ask for. But the cost her new life comes with is the cost of free will. And we can conclude that she can’t leave the apartment on her own anymore. A few more things before I wrap up! Some of the dialogue from Jumin heavily reminded me of Rika. He always has to keep tabs on MC to make sure that she’s not “being unloyal”. My least favorite line he says is: “But don’t be afraid. Whatever mistake you make, I will never abandon you.” Sound familiar? Sounds to me like Rika telling Ray she wouldn’t abandon him. (That being said, it also reminds me of Ray always begging MC not to leave him during his route...) To top everything in BE2 off, he ends it with the well-known words: “Don’t forget. We are in love.” Ooh, I hate that. Trying to put myself in his shoes, I’m attempting to feel that feeling of love, and it’s genuinely not there. It’s a hollowed out façade of “love”, if that’s what he really insists on calling it. I hate to break it to you, Han Jumin, but I don’t believe that “obsession” and “possession” is love. (I think we all know from V’s route that obsession usually leads to terrible things...) Still, his route has its redeemable traits, and his Good Ending really is a good ending. Anyways, sorry for the longer rant, I had a lot to say about this one, lol. I’ll be doing one for Seven’s route next (just give me about 11 days LMAO). Thanks for reading!!
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Avatar: The Way Of Water
“Avatar: The Way Of Water” would’ve been an easy five-star movie to end the year if it wasn’t for a few minor issues.
Jake Sully is now a proud father of two sons and two daughters with his wife, Neytiri. Things are going well until his tribe is threatened by the return of Colonel Miles Quaritch. While his human body died at the end of the first film, his consciousness was downloaded before his death. With his saved consciousness now uploaded into and younger and stronger Na’vi avatar, he’s more dangerous than ever. Jake and his family are forced to flee and seek asylum with the Metkayina, a clan of reef people.
So, this was my first time ever watching Dolby Cinema in 3D. I was excited about the experience. It’s been so long since I’ve actually seen a 3D movie in theaters and the novelty is nostalgic for me. Unfortunately, I found out that I wasn’t meant to watch movies in Dolby Cinema 3D. I found out that astigmatism can affect the viewing experience of 3D movies. I have had astigmatism my whole life and it’s not bad by any means, but it’s more severe in my left eye. That meant that when I put on my 3D glasses, the bottom left quarter of my left lens looked completely black. My glasses have a special coating on the lens to aid with astigmatism, so I thought the fix would be to put on my glasses under the 3D glasses. The problem was that it made the glasses heavy and reduced my peripheral vision, which wasn’t ideal for a big screen format. The glasses also dug into my nose. After a while, it became a surreal experience for me because it felt like I wasn’t watching a movie, but rather remembering about a time I was watching a movie (if that makes any sense). Still, I wanted to get that out of the way since it could’ve experienced my score in a subconscious way, even if I try to judge the movie without that little hiccup. I even thought about rewatching the movie in 2D, but there literally aren’t any options to watch it in 2D unless I just watch it in plain digital. Still, I think my criticisms of the movie still hold up regardless of how I personally watched the movie. My main criticism has to be the constant changing of frame rates. A lot of this movie was shot in the standard 24 frames per second, but some scenes, particularly the action scenes, were shot in 48 frames per second. It genuinely threw me out of the experience because it started to look like a video game cutscene. I get why filmmakers choose to shoot with such a high frame rate. It reduces motion blur and makes the scenes look more natural to some people. I don’t subscribe to that belief. There’s a reason why a lot of people complained about the frame rate in the Lord Of The Rings movies. My second criticism was the inclusion of one too many subplots. I feel like cutting the ‘befriending a whale’ subplot could’ve easily been cut. It would’ve definitely shaved off a couple of minutes of this super-long movie. Kiri’s subplot of having a different birth never gets resolved and only feels like it was included as sequel bait. Still, the rest of the movie was phenomenal. Like the first movie, I felt like I was transported to a whole new planet. The visuals were stunning and everything looked fantastic. This sequel does what every good sequel does and that’s expanding the world. I loved the new setting of the reef tribe and how they did things. I thought that the villains were still the weakest part of the movie, but they were significantly better. I stated that the movie was long, which is justified as being a 3-hour and 12-minute movie, but the pacing is still perfect. I think the only character I truly had a problem with was Spider. I had a hard time pinning down his motivations because he flip-flopped sides between each scene. Neytiri was given less to do, but the final climactic battle with her and Quaritch more than made up for it. I just wished that the choice she made in that final confrontation would’ve had a lasting effect on her and Spider’s dynamic. Jake acts a little out of character in this movie, but it’s in service of the emotional payoff, which delivers in spades. I genuinely got choked up in some of the scenes toward the end. This movie has definitely got me excited about the future of this franchise. I know James Cameron already has a bunch of sequels in the works and I’m definitely going to be in theaters for them. I just wish he would ditch the whole 3D gimmick.
Watched on December 31st, 2022
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3wisellamas · 2 years
Deltarune Halloween Prompts Day 10: Creepy (Web) Crawlers
Damn, another empty can. Spamton had hoped that the dumpster behind the Cyber Grill would come with better food than what he'd been scrounging up recently, but so far he'd had no such luck -- empty boxes and cans and jars, every crumb rinsed out, nothing wasted. Where the hell were they throwing out the actual food, whatever the customers left on the plates that they didn't want?
Oh, right. He'd sold them a top-of-the-line garbage disposal back in '97. He remembered the sale almost like it had happened yesterday. "[Extended Warranty], TWO HUNDRED FIFTY [big ones], AND FOR W HAT? SO I CAN [sink lower than I ever] AND NOT EVEN FIND GARBAGE FOR [2 for 1 Dinner Special!]?!"
Sinking against the side of the dumpster, Spamton sighed. There was a whole city of other trash cans, in which he stood a very small chance of finding something, he'd even take one of those radio chumps' stale CD bagels at that point, but it'd been a long night, and weighing his options he'd rather turn in hungry than keep searching and be exhausted in the morning.
Mornings were for sales, for finally turning his fortune back around! So what if his stomach growled even louder? He'd soon have enough Kromer to live like a king again, just like back in '97! He just had to find the right opportunity! The right customer! The right sucker!
Cursing a little as he pulled himself up the high dumpster walls, he finally sunk down into his brand new apartment. He'd thrown out a few bags to make some room in the middle of the dumpster; on one end was his kitchen, or it would be if he'd found any food to store there. On the other, his living room, with the comfortable trash bag recliner he'd set up to relax in after a long hard day of sales (or, more often, a long hard day of no sales), and his trusty old rotary phone on the floor right below it, long since unplugged. And in the middle, his bed, or more accurately, his pillow, which he inelegantly collapsed onto, careful not to crush his nose on the thing again as he snuggled into it.
Yes sir, the food situation aside, Spamton G. Spamton was definitely moving up in the world. His apartment was far from the one he'd had in 1997, but still, no more cold, cramped garbage cans for him! His stomach's growling echoed horribly in those things, kept him up all night.
It kept him up that night, too, though, even without the echo. No matter what position he got into, or how many old newspapers he draped over himself to block out the cold Cyber City air, he just couldn't shut down for the night. Either he was finally starving to death, or it was time to finally see an Ambyu-Lance about that abdominal pain he'd been ignoring for a while...
"GOD [$-*!] IT!" Kicking off the newspapers and slamming his pillow into the dumpster wall, Spamton climbed back out into the night, resuming his hunt whether he wanted to or not.
Nothing in the can behind the tea shop.
Nothing in any of the cans around the Network Neighborhood.
He could've sworn he smelled some cheese in one of the alleys off 1101th street, but by the time he got there all that was left was a swarm of satisfied Maice.
And of course, the 24-hour bars were all empty, the last patrons of the night having finished off the bowls of free nuts and bolts.
Searching the Trash Pile for the tenth time that night even proved fruitless; there just wasn't anything remotely or theoretically edible to be found, anywhere in Cyber City.
"[&!$*] IT I'D EAT [greasy grimy] [Arthropod]S IF I HAD TO!!" Well...Spamton WISHED he didn't have to. But, as he shoved one final pile of trash out of his way there they were, a whole nest of computer bugs, far from a rare sight in Cyber World. "WELL.........[food on the table] FOR [Limit one (1) per customer] I SUPPOSE."
Slowly, he forced himself to reach down, snatching one of the many-legged critters as the rest of them scattered into the surrounding trash. Instantly Spamton retracted his arm, clutching it in pain -- the pixels in his hand flickered before momentarily reforming themselves, the glitch thankfully lasting only a few seconds. Only a small sting, but it still hurt like hell!
"OH NO YOU!!" As the bug tried to run and rejoin its colony Spamton pounced, slamming a discarded plastic cup over it, and slipping a card underneath, trapping his meal so it could neither escape nor sting him again. "[Gacha game]!! [Now you're playing with] ALL MINE!!"
Spamton hesitated again, though, watching as the insect crawled up into the cup, letting him remove the card to get a closer look. Its long body seemed to be covered in tiny hairs, ending with two sharp barbs sticking out one end, no doubt what had stung him before. Underneath, dozens of little legs carried it as it investigated its prison, and its prisoner jumped as it suddenly reached the lip of the cup and brushed against his hand again. But this time his pixels stayed in place, the touch in fact...soft? Harmless. Friendly, even, if Spamton even remembered what that felt like. A few stray memories surfaced as those hairlike feelers crept along his pixels, which proved to be the most unpleasant part of the whole encounter, his data being processed just like the web content these things normally crawled, but even that brought some strange comfort on such a lonely, hungry night.
Being careful of the stinger, Spamton held out his hand palm-up, letting the bug crawl out onto him. Its tiny feet tickled in the worst way, but he resisted the urge to shake it off. "...MAYBE I CAN [Carside-2-Go] TONIGHT INSTEAD." Grinning, he cupped his hands, giving the creature enough room that it didn't try to take off as he sprinted back home.
Jumping back into his apartment, he fished the plastic cup back out and set it in his living room, next to the phone. "YOU KNOW, IT DOES GET A LITTLE [One is the loneliest number] SOMETIMES?" He tried to pet his new insect friend, getting another sting for it, but once again his hand reconstituted itself with just a little shaking out. "I'LL CALL YOU [Willy Daze here for Toxi-Clean!!]"
Patting his new pet a couple more times and fetching it a used handkerchief blanket, Spamton tucked it into its cup "bed" for the night, and himself as well, finally able to ignore his growling stomach enough to fall asleep.
The next morning he tore the dumpster apart in a panic, horrified, as he awoke to an empty plastic cup.
"[Willy Daze here for Toxi-Clean!!]" Of course, though, the insect didn't reply, having vanished overnight. Disappointed, Spamton slumped into his trash bag recliner, once again facing another day alone in a goddamn garbage can.
"Useless piece of junk!" One of the garbage disposals he'd sold to the Cyber Grill back in '97 suddenly made a surprisingly soft landing onto his pillow, along with half a plate of old, rancid-smelling spaghetti code.
Spamton's prayers were finally answered, and forgetting almost completely about his other troubles he hurriedly wolfed down his breakfast, but not before he split out a couple strings of code and a scoop of sauce into his pet's cup, laying it out for them just in case.
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jennygamble · 26 days
Well...I spoke too soon about the pain. They day we left for UW, the headaches set in. They start by creeping up the neck, then my body gets disoriented by nausea and extreme smell aversion, and then the crown rises to the top throbbing around my head until I can time my ibuprofen/Tylenol assault. It's been one week now where I feel that I have been in full combat. Today marks 24 hours without taking a pain med and I am so grateful. It has been a bit scary wondering to what we attribute all of this. The shift in chemo to Methotrexate from Topotican (which helped my vision) could likely be to blame - typical chemo side effect which I have been able to avoid. But these symptoms are also all signs of leptomeningeal disease and increases in the cancer cell count (cytology) in cerebral spinal fluid.
The layer floating above (or below) all of this is...what next? There are very few options with LMD and I have now worked my way through one of them (Topotican by intrathecal therapy). Just finished a brief treatment of methotrexate which helped with vision, but possibly destroyed quality of life with horrific headaches. So now...I am off to University of Washington, Fred Hutch Cancer Center for Proton cranial/spine radiation. I feel nervous, of course, to have my brain radiated. They said it will slow down my short term memory for awhile and to that I say...what if my brain function was bad in the first place!?
I am profoundly grateful to my doctors and to my doctors' friends and colleagues who are guiding my way. So many friends have checked in and received NOTHING from me in return. I am sorry. I am figuring out how to communicate better with everyone when I get knocked down and have no energy for anything. My preference is to just NOT get knocked down but I am up against something a little harder to control than I would care to admit. Please know all your wishes and messages are so appreciated and are giving me the strength to continue to beat the odds.
So the latest plan is to start cranial spine therapy on Monday, May 20 and finish Tuesday, June 3 at UW. I am determined (now that I will have super powers radiated into my brain) to figure out how to use this blog more consistently as a central spot to give updates. (And also give Carin a break from sharing updates that are changing constantly.)
An extra thank you to my local crew for brining food over these next few weeks - as it is going to be challenging to wrap up the school year from UW! So much love to all of you!
Much love!
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aflyingcontradiction · 2 months
Day 24/61 of the busy times
... and I didn't think it would be THIS period that has me on the brink of a breakdown, but I guess maybe if I get my breakdown in now, I'll be all stable when things get serious (... wishful thinking, I know).
At any rate, neither my work situation nor my health situation have really improved. In fact, both of them at least briefly got MORE stressful. Fortunately things seem to be slowing down at work and (... TMI coming up): I did conveniently have a gynecologist check-up scheduled MONTHS ago for today that I can hopefully convert into "Please tell me something I can do about my situation because it is kinda making me want to hack off my lower half and exist as a torso right now" (I do think things have improved slightly from a few days ago when everything just felt like somebody had taken a cheese grater to my nethers. Now it's just specific areas that do, which is still rather unpleasant. And I've tried the usual remedies and they've only made things worse so now I'm all out of options aside from wait it out and hope or cross my fingers hard that this doctor will be neither dismissive nor clueless nor pissed off that I'm showing up despite now being on my extremely inconveniently timed period, which obviously makes the whole general check-up thing moot...) TMI over
Anyway, I cannot be productive in this state, nor a supportive partner (though I'm trying. I really am. I did successfully ferry my partner to another appointment and set up more future stuff for her today and I'm trying to get my work-work done but household chores are sorta not getting any attention and I got like five hours of sleep, tops, and I'm two seconds from snapping at everyone at every moment and I hate this quite a lot).
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aditisaudagar · 2 months
Good camera, keeps a good eye on things!
I have been having issues with my neighbors overstepping their boundaries at our apartment complex, the last one where they were on my front steps. After that incident I immediately began looking at cameras both as a deterrent and for evidence if they were to do something like that again. I know many people with the ring doorbell, so I thought that would be a good option
The doorbell was easy to install and setup, it has a bracket with 4 screws that the doorbell itself clips to and has 2 security screws to prevent theft. Before putting it in place it has to be charged, as long as you’re using battery. It took about 2 1/2 hours to charge from a quarter battery out of the box. It includes a charging cable and all mounting hardware out of the box. After running it for a week on default power settings I am down to 89% battery, so it’ll last a while, but it’ll have to be taken down for a few hours occasionally to be charged. My one wish was that the battery was removable so I could have 2 packs I could swap out, but it isn’t the end of the world.
Video quality is pretty good on it, day time viewing is great. Night vision is a little dark to see, but it is on me due to where I had to mount it. I mounted it directly on the door, the only problem with that is it picks up the white trimming around the door more than anything in the dark. My solution was to put a small motion activated light under it, it allows me to see the footage alright if someone happens in the dark. Under better mounting circumstances it works well at night
The ring app has a very nice interface, it is very user friendly and you can easily save clips if needed. The app will notify you of motion or people at the door, so you can see quickly what’s going on. It will also allow you to change settings on the camera to save power and such. In terms of connection issues, I haven’t had any that other users have reported. However the WiFi access point it’s connected to is only a few feet away through the wall so I really can’t speak about installations further away. It is worth noting that it only supports 2.4Ghz WiFi, I would check what your network supports first.
There is a subscription, Ring Protect, for this and other ring cameras. It’s 3.99 for 1 camera, $10 a month for all cameras, or $20 for a “pro plan” with 24/7 monitoring. For 1 doorbell camera I am using the $3.99 one, however if I ever need more cameras I would definitely use the $10 one.
It is also compatible with Alexa, I am able to use my echo speaker as a ringer for when someone pushes the bell
Overall I am very happy with this doorbell camera I would definitely recommend it. I know a lot of people wouldn’t like the subscription part, but it makes sense since they’re storing your cameras footage. It’s less of a worry than a thief taking an sd card out of similar. Even just have the camera there has already acted as a deterrent, those neighbors have walked by but haven’t done anything near my porch since. The only people that have been up there are people that should be like the mail and such. With this I feel way more secure!
Ring Video Doorbell, Satin Nickel with All-new Ring Indoor Cam, White - Amazon Link:👉 Check Out Now
(This site contains product affiliate links. We may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links.)
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Amazon Link:👉 Check Out Now
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missspringthyme · 4 months
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February 8th, 2024
So before I explain today, I have to give a little context for last night. Due to not having a period in over a year, I missed the retrospectively obvious signs of what was about to happen and bled onto my sheets while I was blow drying my hair. Why was I blow drying my hair? Because I decided to make sure I showered before coming to my sister's because from what she's described, I'm not stepping foot in hers. This also meant that I didn't go to bed until past midnight even though I had an alarm set for 5am. Lovely.
Alarm goes off, I'm in hell. After a few too many snoozes, I get up and start to get ready. I've packed all my toiletries already, so I'm using my B list backup products. This includes a brand new tube of concealer that is allegedly the same shade as the one I've packed, but this is a lie. It looks clown white on my face. I decide that perhaps I could fix it with some bronzer, but I don't use it very often and the one I have in a palette I mostly use for my eyes. Now, I look like an orange. I try my best to fix what has gone wrong, but I look at my clock and see I'm running out of time. I drop third culture Australian's hairdryer in front of his door, skip breakfast, grab snacks and rush out the door. Google maps estimates that I will not get to the bus station by 7am, I still have to try.
I power walk through the cold, misty morning where the only signs of life are the bakeries. I press my feet into the ground again and again until my 30 minute walk becomes a 24 minute walk. I'm going to make it in just the nick of time. I get there and I wait and wait and wait before discovering the heist I've pulled off on myself. I put the time the bus leaves as 30 minutes earlier in my calendar so that I would get there on time. I only wish I had stopped to eat breakfast.
Bus ride is fine, I mostly sleep. Get off at Rotterdam to get my train to Utrecht and sit freezing for about an hour. I manage to get on an earlier train and sit next to a woman who smells like my grandma. Like a bathroom after someone's blowdryed their hair, a little perfumey. I haven't smelled that in a very long time and I think about it the entire train ride.
At the station I text my sister and tell her I arrived early. I lean against a railing near the turnstiles and wait for her to show up. I'm a little zoned out so she manages to scare me when she comes to say hello. She gives me options for lunch and we decide to find a restaurant in the city center because she never eats out and it's her birthday. We walk for a bit and pop into a store that I loved in Scotland. Inside, my sister finds one of those hats with a propeller on top and I take some pictures of her wearing it. She keeps saying she wants to go back and buy it. She also seems entranced by a geldautomaat that is just a yellow room filled with ATMs. She explains that it's because there's "no real banks here".
We find a little cafe that looks like it has good options, it's raining so we were looking for somewhere indoors but not too expensive. My sister doesn't like making decisions and she keeps telling me to do it for her because it's her birthday. She tries to order in dutch and doesnt do half bad, but eventually switches to english. I also find out she doesnt know what halloumi is, but we get fallafel pitas anyway, She does pay for my lunch, I'm guessing because she knows that I've not really had a ton of money because of the paying for family therapy thing, but I tell her that it's done. We talk about how and why that ended and about our family and speaking German and a bunch of other things.
We head back to go pick her bike up from the huge storage building. She's very excited to show me it, and she's talked about it repeatedly since moving here. The only empty spot we had found was a rack that was off the ground that seemed to be stuck, so I has helped her lift the bike up into it. Alas, when we retrieved the bike we discovered how to get it to slide out and down, you live and you learn
She has class today so we have to head to her campus quickly, and she offers for us to either take the tram or for me to ride on the back of her bike. I've never ridden on the back of a bike before so I go for that option. It's more difficult than I thought it would be (I was warned it was an ab work out but its actually my hip flexors that are burning), and I have to be careful with my legs because my sister keeps riding a little to close to the side of the road (she smacks me into a cone at one point). As she bikes, she point s out things we pass. Why this or that building is important or interesting, or the grocery stores that she likes best.
At her dorm, I drop off my stuff and meet the people she lives with before we go to pick up some flowers that are waiting for her at reception. The note says they're from my mom. Afterwards, she gives me a tour of her campus. I can see why she chose to go here, it suits her well, but it feels like a little bubble. Everyone here stays and lives on campus and everything she needs is a 5 minute walk away. Very American style. After she comes back from class we get ready to go out and eat dinner with a few of her friends. We go to a pizza place 15 minutes before the kitchen closes, but they still bring out a birthday tiramisu for her, which was incredibly delicious. We eat quickly and leave so that the restaurant can close. We stop and look and look at some tiles painted with chairs on the way back and I think of my insane AP lang and comp test that had the most batshit pieces of text i've ever read in my life including a long on essay on chairs and what they tell you about their owners.
Back on campus, my sister decided to take a running leap into a puddle and fell fully on her ass in the mud. Luckily, she was wearing her yellow raincoat, but her backside was still fully covered in mud. She decided the best course of action was to shower fully dressed in her concrete shower, but eventually I had to help her using the little hand held shower head. She was sad she couldn't wear her jeans anymore because she was counting on them to make a more basic top work, so I tried to help her find a different birthday outfit. Eventually she settled on something and her friends started arriving for the little get together she was having. She served chips and blue takis(?) And frantically washed cups and mugs so everyone would have a glass to drink out of. Their kitchen has a mouse so she doesn't trust any of the dishes in there.
They took photos and eventually everyone left to go to a reggaton night except for a few of her friends who brought out a cake covered in different photos of things that she likes/represent her. She thought for a moment and then blew out the candles, before begging everyone to please eat as much of the cake as they could. We then went to her campus bar, where we played some darts and danced. Initially my sister wasn't going to do this tradition where you stand on the bar and drink a cup full of shots while "its my birthday" plays in the background, but she caved and did it anyway. She also finally agreed to wear a paper party hat while we danced. Her friends kept trying to get her to dance with guy, but she was not having it. If she ever ends up dating anyone, I will be truly shocked.
We go to bed at 3 in the morning.
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inrepost · 5 months
Hiding Instagram Content from Others: (Profile Picture & Story)
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In the vast landscape of social media, Instagram stands as a prominent platform for personal expression and connection. However, with the ever-increasing importance of privacy, many users are seeking ways to selectively share their content. This article delves into the nuances of hiding Instagram content, specifically focusing on profile pictures and stories.
I. Introduction
A. Brief Overview of Instagram Privacy
Instagram, known for its visual-centric approach, allows users to share moments through images and stories. Privacy concerns have become a paramount consideration for users, leading to the exploration of features that enable a more controlled sharing experience.
B. Importance of Hiding Content
In a world where online presence is significant, users often find themselves wanting to share selectively. Hiding certain aspects of your Instagram profile can be a strategic move, providing users with the ability to curate their audience and maintain a level of privacy.
II. Profile Picture Privacy
A. Steps to Hide Profile Picture
Securing your profile picture from unwanted eyes involves a few simple steps. Instagram provides settings that allow users to control who can view their profile picture, offering a personalized approach to privacy.
B. Benefits of Hiding Profile Picture
Hiding your profile picture goes beyond mere secrecy. It can be a powerful tool for individuals who wish to engage with a more targeted audience or maintain a level of exclusivity.
III. Story Privacy
A. Methods to Hide Instagram Stories
Instagram stories, a popular feature for sharing moments that disappear after 24 hours, can also be shielded from certain viewers. This section explores the various methods available to hide stories effectively.
B. Reasons for Concealing Stories
From personal moments to more professional content, there are diverse reasons why individuals may choose to hide their stories. This could range from maintaining a sense of mystery to controlling who has access to specific aspects of their lives.
IV. Balancing Privacy and Engagement
A. Finding the Right Privacy Settings
While privacy is crucial, finding the right balance is equally important. This section guides users on adjusting their privacy settings to align with their comfort levels while still fostering engagement.
B. Impact on Social Interactions
Exploring the impact of heightened privacy settings on social interactions, this subsection addresses the potential changes in user engagement and how users can navigate this dynamic.
V. Alternatives to Hiding Content
A. Adjusting Account Privacy Settings
Beyond hiding specific content, users can explore adjusting their overall account privacy settings to create a more customized Instagram experience.
B. Creating Close Friends Lists
Instagram offers the option to create close friends lists, enabling users to share content exclusively with a select group. This alternative provides a middle ground between complete privacy and open sharing.
VI. Addressing Privacy Concerns
A. Common Misconceptions
Clarifying common misconceptions surrounding content hiding, this section aims to dispel any myths that may deter users from utilizing privacy features.
B. Clarifying Privacy Settings
A comprehensive guide to Instagram's privacy settings, ensuring users have a clear understanding of the options available to them.
VII. Real-life Examples
A. Stories of People Benefiting from Content Hiding
Sharing real-life anecdotes of individuals who have benefited from strategically hiding their content, illustrating the positive impact on their online experiences.
B. Experiences of Balancing Privacy and Engagement
Personal stories of users who have found a harmonious balance between privacy and engagement, providing inspiration for others navigating similar choices.
VIII. Future Trends in Instagram Privacy
A. Potential Updates from Instagram
Anticipating potential updates from Instagram, this section explores the evolving landscape of privacy features and what users can expect in the future.
B. User Expectations and Preferences
Examining user expectations and preferences regarding privacy on Instagram, shedding light on the evolving demands of the user base.
IX. Conclusion
A. Recap of Content Hiding Methods
Summarizing the various methods discussed for hiding content on Instagram, empowering users to make informed decisions about their privacy.
B. Encouragement for Personalized Instagram Experiences
Encouraging users to embrace personalized Instagram experiences, striking a balance that aligns with their comfort levels while fostering meaningful connections.
#instagram #Content #story #reels #Googleアドセンス #instalive
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ajdrawshq · 5 months
ngl I'm not finding the right filter however I am finding all the wrong ones (featured three types of colorblind filters and an inverse one)
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got my parent to buy the game though :3
JFJSK yeah thats exactly what i ended up doing. inverted seems fun to play around with :3
as for the blue/night light one, heres all the ways i can get to it that i know of (probably worth noting that i use windows 10 ?) bc ironically its Not accessible from color filters (unless u already have it on) for some reason, complete with visuals since the languages are different but the layout should be similar based on ur screenshot of the color filters -
if i had a nickel for the amount of times my phone deleted most of one of my posts in the past 24 hours . ANYWAY
so the first n easiest way is by clicking the notif icon at the very bottom right here, which already shows the night light option for me. its also possible that it could be hiding in there w a bunch of other stuff so click Expand (above "location" for me), which is a thing i didnt know about until a few minutes ago
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and if its not there, to settings we go!
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from here, u technically have 2 options. one is to just search something like "night light settings" or "blue light", but im not sure if its translated literally enough for that to work ?
so instead we're going to "system" at the top left
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and the first thing it shows is display settings, which should have the night light option right under ur normal brightness settings!! weirdly enough it says i dont have it on despite it very much being on right now. we're gonna ignore that and click "night light settings"
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anddd there we go! u can either just hit the button and switch it on and off manually, or schedule it for certain times of day if u feel like it. and u can choose how strong it is which is epic
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and that should be it i think!!!!
also!!!!! congrats on getting the game!!!!! :D i wish u luck on ur looping adventures w the sillies :3c
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