#i want teh found family
gayandvibin · 2 years
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So like *twirls hair around my finger* there’s this old book series...
Still on my re-read and I cannot describe how unhinged the end of book 4 made me so naturally I drew scenes instead. Just picture me gesturing wildly and gasping and you’ve got it.
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this file is aptly titled ‘before you ruin it with snow’
and hey, you can actually see that the bear is translucent now 💀💀
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wen-kexing-apologist · 3 months
Dead Friend Forever: Ep. 5
I want to talk briefly about today’s episode of Dead Friend Forever and how smart I think it is being as we had towards the midpoint of the show. I was worried that 12 episodes was going to be too long for a slasher show, and that still could be the case, however episode 5 and from teh looks of it episode 6 are backstory focused, allowing for some breathing room from the murder and chaos that is currently occuring. 
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An I for one think they are being really smart with it. I love how we have spent four episodes knowing very little information about the characters, we know something happened, we have every reason to be suspicious of everyone, but we have spent four episodes being allowed to establish our own impressions and relationships with each character. I have always hated Top (but attribute quite a lot of that towards not liking the actor), I liked Fluked in the first episode, and then he started turning creepy. I love White, Por has seemed like a rich asshole from the beginning, and I have been suspicious of but ultimately been enjoying and lowkey rooting for Tee primarily because of his relationship with White. 
But now I hate him. Oh I hate him so much. I had to sit here for an hour watching all of these boys, but especially Por, Top, and Tee exploit the fuck out of Non. Tee set Non up to make it look like he broke the camera and then preyed on Non’s poverty to rope him in to the money laundering(?) scheme. Which actually….this is probably cause I just listened to the ‘Tens and Chops’ episode of The Conversation and was reminded of the absolute target that was the abandoned opportunity to discuss class disparities…but Dead Friend Forever seems to be taking the consequences of fucking with poor people for your own amusement. 
Por, Top, and Tee exploit Non’s desire to join an in-group, and work him to the bone writing and re-writing, and re-writing, and re-writing, and re-writing the script, probably overusing his medication, getting no sleep, absolutely exhausting himself, and then the second they have what they need out of him, they are back to treating him like shit, leaving Jin to bridge the kindness gap and Fluke to remain quiet. Top breaks the camera, and Tee comes up with the plan to frame Non for it. 
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And it’s the thing I found interesting because we haven’t fully figured out why the boys hate Non so much, we can assume it’s just that they found a poor person to pick on, based on the nickname that he has. But Tee seems, to me, to have some additional layer of feeling on top of his general group think. Now, I found it interesting that Por is holding Non responsible for the damage to his camera, and demanding 200,000 bhat from Non an impossibly high sum of money for Non and his family and a stressor so large that Non almost kills himself over it. But Por isn’t actually the person the most directly responsible for causing that level of emotional distress, because Top and Tee set up the situation in the first place so Por wouldn’t find out that Top broke it. 
And Tee goes an additional step further, in his own desperation to maintain a steady cash flow for himself from his uncle, by exploiting the situation he caused with Non to get him to open a bank account that will assist Tee and his family in continuing their illegal business operations. Por is a rich asshole, Top is just an asshole, but Tee? Tee is a calculated asshole. I love what they are setting up with Fluke as well, because he saw Top break the camera, and was told to keep his mouth shut. He knows how unfair this entire situation is, he sees how distressed Non is, you know based on the fact that he literally flicks Top off because he doesn’t agree with what Top and Tee are doing, but he does not speak up. If Non had killed himself that evening, Fluke’s silence would have made him just as much of a contributor to the situation as Tee and Top for setting it up. 
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And from my perspective, it looks like they are setting up a potential predatory plotline between the evening tutoring teacher and Non. And if that were to be seen through, it would be Por, whose desire to control every aspect of Non’s life while he worked on the script, who would have some culpability of putting Non in to the situation, considering he paid for Non to attend the classes. I have not gone back yet, but I do plan to do so, to watch Episode 1 with the new information and insight I have in to these characters from today’s episode. But I know @ginnymoonbeam has actually gone back to watch the first episode and found the dynamics between characters so much more distinct with the new information. I love  that. I love that this show is setting up a situation where there is something important to be gained from rewatching the show. I have no idea if this show will stick the landing, I still am not quite sure how they are going to swing 7 more episodes of it, I think the writing could be stronger. BUT so far they have structured their show and especially today’s episode very wisely.
Anyway, props to this show for making me change my min in a single episode because now I am sitting happily aboard the Fuck Them Kids train. Murder that og friend group with an axe. Let Por bleed out from the tree branch. Let Top get possessed. Don't care, they deserve it.
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greenflamedwriter · 4 months
Your Shidi
Imagine if Shen Yuan transmigrated a little later as Luo Binghes Shidi two years before Luo Binghe was fated to falling into the abyss and thought if he befriended Luo Binghe MAYBE he might live?
Shen Yuan transmigrates too late.
 He found himself digging holes at Cang Qiong for the entrance exam.
 He didn't know what he’d do if he ended up in Qing Jing Peak, was Binghe here yet? Was he in the abyss?
What use was it to join the sect only to be burned with rest lf them when he didnt even know who Luo Binghe even was?
 This sucked!
Then to too it all kff Shen Qingqiu decided to pick him!
 Shen Yuan had no idea how take the villain so he kept his fave neutral and bland as kf he was bored.
Any expression this scumbag will have an issue with and use it as an excuse to punish him!
 He assumed he had no family so he said he was an orphan and he had no one.
 He poured the tea correctly, and waited for the man to pour it on him or stab him with a tea cup.
 “Good enough, go with Ming Fan. He give you your robes and manual.”
 Shen Yuan was immediately worried he would be sabotaged but after getting to know the disciples and being treated well he realised maybe it was only Luo Binghe who was targeted.
 Even so, if he wanted to survive he had to be a good enough cultivator to leave the mountain and be a rogue cultivator!
 But then he saw him, when Shen Yuan was doing his own chores of chtting wood he froze when he saw an older bly walk past him.
 The bly gazed at him his eyes narrowed.
“Is something wrong, Shidi?”
That was Luo Binghe. Luo Binghe who was older almost the same age when he-
Shen Yuan closed his gaping mouth-
“Ah apologies Shixiong! This one didnt mean to stare!”
He was doomed, there was no way he could be friends with Luo Binghe- it was too late and he doubted he would make an impact.
Luo Binghe didnt smile, only looked down on Shen Yuan, he wondered if this was when he started realising the injustice of his situation.
“Would Shidi like some help chtting wood?” 
Shen Yuan stiffened- make the protagonist do his chores! Did he look like a masochist!?
“No way!” He yelled and the other looked stunned almost offended and Shen Yuan backtracked-
“These are my chores- if this one can’t do this then how can I proudly call myself a cultivator! I ah-“ Shen Yuan bowed “Thanking Shixiong for offering!” 
 Luo Binghe said nothing.
Shen Yuan looked back up then shifted “Uh- but um, if Shixiong doesn’t mind he could stay and talk while I work, I can do blth- unless your busy then you need nkt waste your time with this shidi!”
Luo Binghe only hummed as he leaned near a tree crossing his arms.
“This one doesn’t mind the company, plus someone has to watch you in case you get hurt.”
Shen Yuan stared, but no one was there when Luo Binghe got hurt.
 “Hmm what is it?”
Sonething must have shown on his face, Shen Yuan couldn’t help but smile.
 “You’re so kind. 
Shen Yuan had no idea that this was how it was going to go.
 Shen Qingqiu was rotting in a dungeon, Yue Qingyuan died.
 But the reason why only Qing Jing Peak was destroyed and the mountain was spared was because of him.
 Him! Shen Yuan!
Sure it could be worse but just imagine what he could’ve done if he transmigrated sooner!
 But Cang Qiing didnt appreciate the sentiment, Luo Bknghe was even kind enough to spare the library so they coukd rebuild and start over-
But none of the peak lords wanted Shen Yuan, or the peak. They decided to keep it as the eleven peaks instead and take it as a lesson from Shen Qingqiu a name they will forever curse.
 A cursed generation kf failed peak lords,
And so Shen Yuan took all of teh disciples under Shen Qingqiu then later Ming Fan now Shen Yuan.
 Ning Yingying shoukd have taken over as next in line but she was in the palace with Luo Binghe.
And she wasn’t welconed either.
And tge good news kept coming as most of the disciples returned home.
After all their families were rich and payed good money for their children to succed in life having them part if a disgraced peak was the opposite si they begged the mountain to take them into other peaks in their stead.
Qi Qingqi as the now acting Sect Leader allowed such a thing, she was only the actingbhead until the new head disciple was ready to take over Yue Qingyuans place.
So Shen Yuan was supposed to trail sadly with his entourage down the town and be mocked and jeered as they tried to find a place to stay with the money Cang Qiong graciously allowed them.
 Shen Yuan scowled as if- no way was he going to just accept defeat like this!
He was going to thrive shre cultivation may be outlawed soon the four great sects have no idea what was coming.
 But y’know what Shen Yuan didn’t need cultivation! Knowledge is power!
 If they can harvest remedies from flowers and thanks to his knowledge of pidw knows what is a healing tonic and a dangerous poison, knowing what demonic beast will be great for ones constition they’ll survive.
 And when Shen Yuan strode past the village with purpose, the disciples, carrying the library of Qing Jing on their backs began to have hope.
 Of course when they saw the shack they realised that maybe Qing Jing peak truly waa cursed.
 “This will be our new home!” Shen Yuan clapped looking proud, as he turned to the group, eyes crinkled with a secret.
 “Now we have plenty kf work to do to make it habitable- so lets split into groups and give each other jobs,” he went to the hallmasters that stayed.
 “You will take this and buy what we need, furniture wood, Xao Mei will give you list.”
The hallmasters scowled “Why are we doing grunt work?”
Shen Yuan paused then turned back “As off right now we are a disgraced peak, we are vunerable and what meager belongings we have someone will pick. You are string enoygh to defend yourself and these supplies are improtant if we plan to live here for the foreseeable future. Not to mention people would cheat the children and make them pay more, our hallmasters wknt fall for such tricks or prey to a simple mugging.”
They grit their teeth but nodded as the went fkr their task,
Meanwhile Shen Yuan and the rest of the disciples began to test the small house removing wood or deighning something as strong enough to stay.
Shen Yuan knew they were vunerable, to be attacked so soon into the night.
Hehad already laced the entire perimeter with booby traps and pollen to take out a horse!
 He cackled madly into the noght, scaring the men in the woods as Shen Yuan took care of them with only a few swipes of his sword.
 The rest lf the men ran away screaming about demons and Shen Yuan laughed even more madly- their faces! Fucking priceless!
 And of course he knew the hallmasters were old though some didnt look it, but he knew they would also scheme and grow restless.
 It was simple work to use an array on the few scrolls they had, he knew the hallmasters held gold in their hands and wouldn’t think twice to steal secrets from the former Qing Jing Peak and use that to bargain to gain entry into their rival sects.
 So it was a matter of time one grew bold.
 It was during the night when the silence was pierced with screams,
Shen Yuan arrived and saw the eldest on the floor of the shared room with the other masters, thrashing as his hands were removed and nothing but bloody stumps, and on his forehead and skin began to form black marks like tattoos labelling him as a thief.
Shen Yuan gazed down at him.
 “Ah so you planned on stealing Qing Jing Peaks scrolls and run away to a new sect leaving us even more vulnerable than what we are?”
Shen Yuan stepped on the others chest, “this venerable one will allow you to live with the shamet that you would steal from your own people when we are truly in shch a desperate situation the whole world will see you for the thief and coward that you are.”
The man eyes were brimming with tears and hatred.
Hands no longer bleeding as the cultivation kept him from dying for something as sognificant as that.
 Shen Yuan crouched down, his own eyes devoid and blank.
“This Master should kill you and be done with it, but our reputation is already sullied enough wkthout others perceiving us as no better than Shen Qingqiu. So I’m going to let you go, and another thing…” Shen Yuan leaned closer tilting his head, “If you simpky asked to leave and take whatever you like from the library as your due payment for years of loyality to Qing Jing Peak this master would gladly let you go and even aided you. But you decided to spit on the kindness that we have bestowed afterall, you like having a room, yes?” Here Shen Yuan glanced at the others. Because they were older and had been part of the peak for years even before Shen Qingqiu, Shen Yuan thought it was fair that they had were goven the room with beds. While he and the disciples slept on the floor. After all it was better to respect the seniors.
 The man was whimpering now.
 “Now you don’t have this luxary.” He looked at the others “Do you have any complaints?”
The others were shaken up and pale, they would probably flee by morning calling Shen Yuan the devil.
 He sniffed and grabbed the limbless man from the floor and kicked him out into the woods.
As the man turned, panting and sweating and his arms shaking still shocked at the lack of limbs blanched to see the entire shack and all jts occupants vanished.
 He circled the area for days, and tried to venture in further but couldn’t find it.
The former Qing Jing Peak had vanished.
“Hmm, Shen Qingqius name meant autumn…and mine is more towards spring, then we are a sect of Knowledge but not just any type street smarts- or others is just as good- agh it has to be a good name! Airplanes naming conventions were shit!”
Also the Hallmasters felt hope and more respect for the new master, they couldn’t see a future where they would survive with someone like Shen Yuan but now? Seeing how he handled their ex-hallmaster gave them some relief they needed someone cut throat and cunning but not someone who would aggravate any living person like Shen Qingqiu.
It made them feel more content to stay, all though their new Masters code of conduct to never strike a child even when they have done mistakes was strange. But after what Luo Binghe did, maybe he wanted to be more safe than sorry.
And labelling that hallmaster as a thief had shunned him completely, not one person thought their new master was in the wrong and even kicked and threw fruit at the man shaming him for trying to steal from helpless children!
Even so he knew he was asking for too uch that Luo Binghe would ignore them and pretend they didn’t exist, already he was demanding the other sects to join him and both Tian ti and Zhao Hua had already deviated.
So when his oldest, almost could say she was technically his head disciple, Ling Wei announced an entourage and that their holy emperor was at their door!?
Shen Yuan almost expired.
When he finally moved with haste and saw Luo Binghe and his entourage he gulped.
He was going to handle this with dignity and grace, there was no point in Binghe sparing them just to kill them now. Luo Binghe never believed in wasteful deaths, unless he had a very good reason or that person pissed him off.
 Of course Ning Yingying had to break the tense silence before Shen Yuan could even bow to the new Emperor of the three realms!
“A-yuan!” It was like a gunshot, and she ran forward wrapping him up into her hold, Shen Yuan stiffened.
A wife of Binghe’s was hugging him! He was doomed- DOOMED!
“Yingying, let him breathe.” And it somehow became much more worse, as Luo Binghe approached as Ning Yingying finally eased back, Luo Binghe grabbed him and Shen Yuans eyes snapped shut- this was it! 
He was dead!
 Luo Binghe embraced him, and spoke in his ear “This Lord is pleased to see Shidi doing well.”
And so Luo Binghe decides to treat Shen Yuan kindly, while his Shidi is unaware and sweating bullets. At one point Shen Yuan shows him everything he has and says Binghe can take all of his finances, clothes journels from Qing Jing as tax repayments anything Junshang desires!
Meanwhile Binghe is like what? Meanwhile kinda laughing at how much his Shidi is trying to pay way too much taxes, and Binghe tells him that with how much he has observed of this little sect [and the pitiful shack that it is] how much revenue Shen Yuan has he deduced that he only has to pay so much.
Luo Binghe ends up taking a single coin. Much to Shen Yuans shock, and he thought he would leave it at that until Luo Binghe changes his mind, and as Shen Yuan is not only buidling the sect he is gaining a reputation with his kindness, but is still shrewd and seen as a cold beauty and sharp cunning, people say he's what people wished Shen Qingqiu should be.
No one is surprised-except for Shen Yuan- when Luo Binghe decides make an ultimatum either join his sect or perish, and when the sects begin to apply for seats as his council members, Shen Yuan is shocked that he was offered one too! Ning Yingying is ecstatic.
But Shen Yuan is terrified if he rejects the seat would Binghe be offended so he HAS to take it, but once he's working at the palace he will be forced to rely on his instincts and cunning to survive that vipers nest not ONLY does he have to use the PIDW to survive the plots as an only male character near the protagonist Luo Binghe he is straight up cannon fodder set up to die!
Not knowing that Luo Binghe is trying to court/marry him he takes each invitation as a a death sentence!
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dutifullylazybread · 4 days
just found you, i see a lot of pre and post family with the teefs. what about during? and directly after? how do they care for their partner during pregnancy? especially if its a diffcult one? and afterward when their partners body has changed and maybe they're less confident about the extra weight, softer body, the extra rolls and teh stretch marks that wont go away? how does each bachelor help or make it better ir suddenly realize that is even wrong to begin with? what if they accidentally something bring out that newly found weakness in their partners confidence? ( sorry if youre busy i know you got stuff to do- i just figured youre the person who could slam dunk these thoughts i had)
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ADDED 4/26/24: This might be a rough list, but I hope you all enjoy!! ❤️
And thank you for bearing with me--I know that this ask was sent in a hot minute ago! I'm hoping I answered all of your questions; I got to a point of this sitting in my drafts where I just felt bad about how long it had been there, so I tried to be thorough but I wanted to get this out sooner rather than later. I mostly worked on this when I had a few spare moments between chapters, and then I said "screw it. This is getting done. TODAY."
So, for Cal, Rolan, Zevlor, and Dammon--let's go!
DISCLAIMER - I do not have children myself, nor have I ever been pregnant. So I shall do my best!
JUST IN CASE - A CONTENT WARNING: While writing these head canons, I did refer to the tiefling's partner as "you." If reading about being pregnant makes you uncomfortable for any reason, please be aware and be kind to yourself. I have zero doubt in my mind that I will be creating another head canon list, so if you need to pass or wait on this one, that's absolutely okay. Your mental health is important.
While Cal's partner is pregnant, he will do absolutely anything and everything to make sure they are comfortable. To say that he is doting is putting things very mildly.
He will make your favorite meals, will go out and get whatever you are craving (late night runs--not a problem), will rub your swollen ankles.
Too hot? He's asking Rolan for a cantrip scroll to fix it. Too cold? He's already piling you with blankets.
Are you feeling sick and nauseous? He's already prepping something for you to eat/drink that doesn't have an offensive smell.
And if it's a hard pregnancy? I don't see him leaving your side. If he does, he has Rolan create a sending stone set for the two of you so that you can reach out to him for anything and everything.
Honestly, he doesn't get far enough for him to even use the sending stones. He is looking for anything and everything to make the pregnancy easier on you. If he wasn't a light sleeper before, he is now because he doesn't want you to lay there in pain.
There may be points where he feels helpless because while he can do things to try and alleviate any physical discomfort, there are just times when he might just grasp at straws.
And, in situations where he can't alleviate your physical discomfort, he will do what he can to distract you.
He keeps his stress managed well enough, but that doesn't mean he won't snap at Lia or Rolan if he is too anxious. If he does get openly frustrated with them, it takes both off guard.
I also think he just holds you. A lot. Part of that is to comfort you, and the other part is to assure himself that everything will be okay.
If his partner is dealing with body image issues after giving birth, I see him being confused. You? The most enchanting person he has ever known?
Cut to him kissing you and holding you whenever possible. He'll ask Lia and Rolan to watch the baby whilst the two of you go on outings when your health permits. If it helps you to hear it, he'll remind you how lovely you are. Frequently. Hourly. Every five minutes? Not quite, but close enough.
Personally, I don't think his doting goes away after the pregnancy. And, if it is too much, it might make you feel like he views you as helpless.
If you give voice to this, he goes into immediate mediation mode. He will be extremely apologetic. He loves you and never wants you to think he perceives you as anything other than the phenomenal person you are.
Ugh. My beloved.
He might be more stressed about having a child than you are.
He never anticipated being a father, and that might be for 15+ reasons, but he feels drastically unprepared (even if the pregnancy was planned).
He reads every. Single. Book. On pregnancy. He is the parent who gives himself nightmares when he reads about birthing complications.
Every sign of discomfort that you show is a catastrophe on the horizon.
And if it's a difficult pregnancy? Yeah. Dial that up by five notches.
He is preparing for all worst-case scenarios.
If it weren't for Cal and Lia keeping him in check, he would be safety-proofing everything in the tower.
He crafts sending stones so you can call for him if you need anything. ANYTHING.
But also, he starts shadowing midwives and asking lots of questions. If the worst were to happen and you couldn't reach a professional, he wants to be there to help you.
After giving birth, I see him splitting his anxiety between your health/recovery and the baby's overall well-being.
"The baby sneezed. That might indicate five different lethal illnesses. I'm fetching the cleric."
This is another situation where you, Cal, and Lia might have to remind him that, yes, babies do sometimes sneeze, and not everything that lands in the diaper spells doom.
Rolan might not initially understand why you're feeling self-conscious about any weight gain. Of course you're lovely. Also, isn't that what happens with pregnancies? (His words--not mine).
He assures you that you're lovely, but words might not be enough here. He might shove his foot in his mouth while trying to make the situation better.
But the best thing for him to do is remind you, repeatedly, that you are lovely. And that might not have been something he was accustomed to even saying to you prior to you conceiving. He would assume you knew that he was attracted to you.
It honestly might be the strangest (and most endearing) thing to have him say "You look very lovely today. Yes, even with the baby's spit up on your shirt."
*nervously staring at the tiefling I am the most unsure about writing.*
*cracks my knuckles and cries because it hurt like hell*
Zevlor has been through some of the most heinous things that can be thrown at someone. He is a seasoned soldier. A Hellrider. Surely he can help his partner through pregnancy. After all, there were plenty of soldiers in the barracks who has pregnant spouses. He's heard enough stories that he feels prepared.
He survived the Elturel's Descent. It's possible that he helped safeguard someone who was in the middle of giving birth or guided expecting parents to safety. Maybe he had to fight off the devil's skulking the streets if they caught wind/heard that person enduring birthing pains?
So maybe, he thinks, he has already seen some of the worst births ever. Maybe, he thinks, in this time of relative peace, in this home that he and his love have created, it'll be easier?
My personal headcanon for Zevlor is that he put EVERYTHING into being a Hellrider/paladin. It was his life. It was his every breathing moment. And when he became an oathbreaker, it destroyed him. His life was devoted to protecting others, and he feels that he failed in the worst of ways possible.
He certainly had friends and very possibly family that he would see on occasion, but I think that, if you didn't fight alongside him/live in the barracks too, you very likely didn't see much of him.
So maybe he has heard a great deal about pregnancies. And maybe he knows about the complicated ones--just a bit. But he himself is at a loss for when his partner tells him that they are pregnant.
Is he excited? Absolutely. Is he terrified. Oh yeah.
Regardless of how complicated the pregnancy is, he is nervous. He is worried that he will slip up in all the ways that matter, and he is terrified of letting you down.
He's a soldier though, and he prepares for everything.
He has additional blankets and pillows next to the bed.
Hot and cold compresses are ready to go.
He makes sure that he accounts for your cravings whenever shopping.
He has medicine for when the pain is severe. And when the medicine doesn't cut it, he tries his best to distract you--his mileage varies.
And this man adores you. So after the pregnancy, if you are feeling self-conscious, he will worship your body.
I could see Cal and Dammon both being very doting, but Dammon would be juggling the forge and helping you.
If you spent a lot of time in the forge with him prior to pregnancy but find that being in there now makes you feel ill, he will absolutely feel lonelier. He is definitely the sort of person who gets very absorbed in his work, and I think this makes him feel guilty. Especially if he feels like him being there could have made things easier for you.
He becomes a meal prep king. Will cook several comfort meals for you to eat while he is working.
Massages swollen ankles and feet and anything else.
While he might have worked later hours in the forge before, he makes a point to wrap things up sooner to spend evenings with you.
That doesn't mean he isn't nervous--you're about to have a child, and he does worry if there will be enough money.
He worries that if he does slow down, commissions will dry up, and then where will that leave the three of you?
If the pregnancy is difficult, he feels guilty for leaving you alone and looks for hundreds of ways to make things easier.
Eventually, he creates a small sitting space for you near the doorway to the shop itself. It's not so close to the forge that you'll be uncomfortably hot or so close that the smell will make you sick, and he sets up a small tarp to create some shade.
If you helped Dammon in the forge before the pregnancy, he is likely hesitant to have you come back and immediately help. Especially if the birth was difficult.
But what you need, more than anything from him, is time
And Dammon wants to be a parent who is present in your life and the baby's, so he does everything to be there.
But money is still a stressor. And he might worry about you being in the forge again. So he's stressed on all fronts.
And while I don't see him commenting or changing how he treats his partner because of weight change, I do see him being VERY reluctant to have you work in the forge with him.
And this may lead to an argument. You know he is stressed about commissions and being there for you and the baby, but you still want to help.
So Dammon dials it back several notches and agrees that you know your body best. So long as you feel comfortable working in the forge, and so long as you listen to your body, the two of you can start it from there.
And it gets easier to balance the forge and child rearing. While the baby isn't allowed close to the open heat/flame until they fully understand why they must be careful (and until their lungs are developed), you and Dammon create a small swing/play area nearby.
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The Pregnant Woman from Taubaté
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It’s Mother’s Day here in Brazil, and this year I decided to do something different, exposing to the world the tale of a false mother who became an iconic meme and almost folk character in Brazilian culture. This is the story of a woman that claimed to be expecting quadruplets, her sudden fame, and her eventual downfall.
Maria Verônica Aparecida César Santos was a woman that lived in Taubaté (it’s pronounced as Tall - bah - Teh), a small town in the interior of the state of São Paulo. She lived a regular life with her husband, and their four-year old son.
Her husband had already undergone a vasectomy, but that didn’t stop her from announcing that she was expecting. First she thought she was pregnant with twins, but then she found out she was expecting quadruplets. 
Soon she became a celebrity around the town. She told the news she was expecting four girls, and that their names would be Maria Klara, Maria Eduarda, Maria Fernanda and Maria Vitória. Each girl would be dressed in a different color to help to differentiate her from the other sisters. The ultrasound showing the four girls spread through the internet.
The news quickly spread through the whole country, and Brazil’s biggest channels wanted to interview her and to know her story.
On January 11th 2012, Maria Verônica appeared on Hoje em Dia, one of RecordTV’s (a national-wide channel she chose to appear) highest rated programs. She said on the show that she had put on thirty kilograms, 66 pounds, with her pregnancy, and her belly measured 1.82 meters, 5’11 inches.
The show’s hosts cried hearing her story.
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Verônica received huge donations of children’s clothing, diapers, toys, and furniture, all to better receive the soon to be arriving quadruplets.
But one of the show’s hosts was suspicious. Maria Verônica strongly refused to show or allow people to touch her belly, and seemed to be super nervous and angry. There was also something strange about her belly. It was huge, but looked to be super light, and Verônica moved way too easily for a woman that was expecting four. And there’s the fact her husband had undergone a FREAKING VASECTOMY.
The channel went after the story and found the truth, and exposed it to the whole country.
Her belly. It wasn’t a beach ball like many people were thinking, but it was made of latex foam, fabric and silicone. 
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Her ultrasound was stolen from the internet and copied four times.
Maria Verônica was forced to return all the donations she had received, and her name lived in infamy. She and her family had to hide from the press that brought her story into the headlines. To this day she refuses to talk with the press. We still don’t know what motivated her to start this whole thing.
But the story of the Pregnant Woman from Taubaté became an internet legend. She became a huge presence in Brazilian memes and internet jokes.
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These are the people from Taubaté, dressing like Maria Verônica for Mardi Gras/Carnival. She put the town on the map and people to this day still associate the town with falsity, fraud and fake people.
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She essentially became the most long-lasting meme of Brazilian internet, and on this Mothers’ Day I want for all of you to stare at the moment when Maria Verônica appeared on national television, and it suddenly dawned on her that maybe she took things a little too far.
Happy Mothers’ Day my friends.😂😂😂 
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@ariel-seagull-wings @tamisdava2 @natache @thealmightyemprex
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cubitodragon-moved · 4 months
NGL I'm kind of loving the slow switch of roles between Chayanne and Tallulah, from Protector and Gardener to Cultivator and Guardian.
Chayanne, so gungho to learn the sword, who swore to protect family and friends alike, serious and following his father's instruction to teh best of his abilities. A boy who loves his family, be it the ones on the wall, those who share shells like his, or the collective of Tios and Tias who reside on the Island.
Who -in the wake of months and months of being far too grown up because of his responsibilties as the "oldest", with the struggle and weight of decisions far too heavy for someone so small and so young to bear on his shoulders- has grown weary and wary and hopeless. Who now wishes to throw down his arms of war and build with his two eggy hands instead, to tend an orchard of trees and plow fields so that his sister might peacefully grow fruit, vegetables and flowers. To cook meals for his family and ensure the people he loves are comfortable and comforted.
Tallulah, who was timid and gentle in the face of strangers, latching onto what attention she could after being alone in the dark. Who took after her father and brought music into the lives of her family, but found herself overshadowed by his absense. Who felt herself always being on the outside looking in at the other "happy families" she perceived around her. Even when welcomed into the Nest, she always feared being the burden, unable to recognise the love others had for her as real. Who had her brother at her back, until he wasn't - forcefully separated from those who loved her best, still with family but not those she knew well..Who had a closeness she lacked and missed.
And now all the little bard wishes to do is sing songs of war, her anger and recklessness an outpouring of frustration and passion. She wants to be HEARD and SEEN for herself, and loved for that, and she's tired of everyone else's expectations. She wants to be the one to write the ballad of her own story, and fight now for those who'd fight for her in turn. She needs to slow down, to not go looking for trouble - but she's no longer afraid to face it if its coming, and she wants to be ready to deal with it accordingly.
I hope the siblings both come around on what they want, and support one another in these new endeavours. And while he wants to keep both safe, I hope Phil will adjust his own lessons and thinking, and teach them both what they need. So they can do more than just survive: so they can learn to live.
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twig-tea · 7 months
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Thank you for the game, @clara-maybe-ontheroad! And thanks for tagging me @clara-maybe-ontheroad and @lurkingshan! I started out by saying to myself that I'm going to do my best to ignore my urges and just answer the first thing that comes to me rather than treating this like a quiz. And then I went into a fugue and worked on this for >5 hours. WHOOPS.
Original version here for anyone else who wants to play!
Also quick warning, this is asking about the worsts, so TW for mentions of horrific plot points below.
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
Ohhhhh man, ok so the first thought that came to mind was Never Let Me Go, which mostly had fantastic background music, and that's maybe why when it didn't hit it stood out so badly (sorry to my man Pond, not all BL actors should be singers! And having his OST play over their kiss in Part 7 4/4 was just mean). For the record I love this show (actually maybe it should go in one of the below categories because so many tumblr folks dislike it) but this was rough.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)
These don't tend to stick with me...there are so many, and I am allergic to sincerity so everything earnest is various levels of cringe to me. So with that in mind, basically everything Gavreel ever said in Gameboys counts.
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Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
Anytime someone said "Once I start I won't be able to stop" or some variation.
Most stupid decision made by a character
Jun Ho deciding to die rather than bite Min Hyun in Kissable Lips. Min Hyun was offering. it would have made Jun Ho human. He could have had his friends around to make sure he didn't go too far and kill him. Instead he decides to fade away in his arms like a dick. WHY.
Special mention to NuengDiao going back to his hotel where his murderous uncle is waiting with no plan other than to walk in wearing a suit and a cocky expression in Never Let Me Go.
[@bengiyo and @wen-kexing-apologist are correct about Teh giving up his spot to Oh Aew in I Told Sunset About You as the actual correct answer, btw]
Worst plot line
Every penultimate episode crises resulting in the leads splitting up so that they can reunite in the finale that are not earned and significantly detract from my enjoyment of a series [this list is not comprehensive]: 2Gether, Minato's Laundromat S2, Enchanté, Love Class, Plus & Minus.
The most problematic show you've watched
I've seen literally all of them so this feels like an unfair question lol there are layers of problematic; like, is it even worth considering all of the problems with A Round Trip to Love, or The Shortest Distance is Round, or What the Duck s2? I wrote out summaries for these and then decided no thanks. If anyone wants to know they can DM me.
In terms of series that are problematic but not often considered problematic, I'm calling out Love Area the series. It hits two of my pet peeves: shitty treatment of a poor character by an oblivious rich love interest that directly affects their sources of income, and an ableist subplot. I think it also has an unearned separation in the penultimate episode but honestly I remember thinking they should stay split up so maybe it was earned.
A show people love but you find bad
Vice Versa. Sorry to all who love that show. I wanted to like it; the colouring and cinematography are beautiful and the alternate universe was neat worldbuilding. But the plot makes me so, so angry.
Ditto Cutie Pie the series. I just can't enjoy it.
A show people find bad but you will defend
Honestly there are several, but the one that is most disliked that I will ride hardest for is probably Secret Crush On You (which I argued ended with one of the most healthy relationships in a BL here LMAO). I get why people find this show hard to watch, the cringe is real. But the gender expression! The found family! The "he's a weirdo and that's why I love him" dynamic! The mutual lusting! The body dysphoria! The fact that both start by playing into BL tropes and it's only by throwing those out that they can actually have a meaningful relationship! The way both characters have real growth! And like yes Toh is a fanboy stalker but that is problematized in the show! It gave us the growth from fanboy to faen that Be Mine Superstar didn't. I have a lot of emotions about this show.
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ALSO because I cannot stop, I will forever to my dying breath defend Color Rush. I don't care what you say about dead fish kisses I can't hear you over the incredibly powerful metaphor about the queer experience!
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A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it
Bahahhaha. Um. So many, my friends. OH I'm going to take this chance to shout out the lesser-known webseries Discipline Z: Vampire (Korean, YouTube, 2020). It's ostensibly a sequel to Discipline, but the only thing they share is a single character so you don't need to watch it to understand what's happening in Discipline Z (they are entirely different shows in every way; Discipline is more youth slice of life with a queer story as part of the ensemble). Listen, I'm talking about this show in this category for a reason; it's about a vampire who falls for a street dancer, whose motley crew of hacker friends help rescue the vampire from an evil corporation that wants to experiment on him to understand his immortality. It is BAD.
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But. BUT! I love it. Everyone is so pretty. There is a cute hacker girlie. There is scifi nonsense to explain immortality. There is a good kiss. There are characters willing to sacrifice to do the right thing. I am a simple woman. [Fair warning to my happy ending only pals: this ending is ambiguous at best; there was supposed to be a follow-up epilogue for the couple, but it never got filmed.]
Bonus, En of Love was absolutely trash and it has a very special place in my heart. It's not good (like, at all), but it's great.
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A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
Let's go with Physical Therapy the series. At some point I just kept watching like a car wreck to see how bad it could get. Also shout-out to Dinosaur Love, which was...similarly bewildering.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny
@lurkingshan already stole my first answer for this, but oh man I stay a Why R U apologist for the Fighter/Tutor chemistry. I actually think somewhere in there is a really interesting show, if the pandemic hadn't made it impossible for them to film the ending that they wanted to, but based on the Korean version and the parts that we were told had to be cut, maybe it would have actually made it worse. But just to get on my soapbox for half a sec, Tutor was in debt, working himself to exhaustion, and Fighter (after he got over himself) protected him at his one job, joined him to help him meet his sales targets at another, hired him for a third, paid off his debt collector to take the pressure off, and then took him on vacation to help him relax--twice. I have issues with depictions of poverty in BL but at least my man secured the bag while also pursuing love or whatever. Also he whispers "get inside me" while they're making out, sorry, Tutor will forever be a fave of mine.
Since that's taken, I'm going to use this as an excuse to shout out the hotness of My Day the Series. It was predominantly not great but the heat moments....
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A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character
I'm giving this to Noey Watplu from I Will Knock You. I was obsessed with him. I want his confidence so badly. I love how he's essentially a dork in cosplay but gets away with it because of his rizz. Truly iconic. This man decided he was being seduced and said "bet". I really enjoyed this show because of him and him alone.
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A bad show that you would still recommend
I'm going to put Ghost Host Ghost House here. It's "bad" in the sense that it had low production values (like, really bad, so bad the time of day changes at random because they lost the light while filming). But the romance was cute, the story around the romance was interesting, the worldbuilding around the merit credits was fascinating, the side mystery was so heartbreaking, the various characters actually had a lot of difficult emotions to portray, and overall I think this show is underrated.
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I also already have and will again recommend YYY as a fun and fascinating watch to anyone who asks about it, @waitmyturtles is correct on that call.
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The character that ruined a show the most
There are several annoying sides in BL, but I'm giving this to the side hets in My Oxygen. A fujoshi who records people without their consent for online clout is bad. A doctor using his role as a doctor to get closer to his patient is really bad. Pretending to be interested in his friend because the girl he likes is a fujoshi is worse; then using her brother as his friend's stand-in when his friend won't put up with it anymore is the WORST.
Most awful character that you hated
I mean, Lhong in TharnType takes it for not only arranging the gang rape of Tar, but being forgiven for it in the series. Neung in Tonhon Chonlatee comes a close second for attempting to rape Chonlatee and then claiming the moral high ground against his homophobic "friend". Tony in History 5: Love in the Future doesn't get enough hate for trying to murder someone just because he was his love rival. Namning in La Cuisine had her love rival bullied, beaten and who knows what she was going to do with that gun. Also shoutout to @wen-kexing-apologist's answer of Korn, in KinnPorsche, he was so insidiously evil, it was so well done.
Most awful character that you loved
I'm going with "awful" as not necessarily (just) morally bad but that people didn't like: Jaime from Win Jaime's Heart. Objectively he's a fuckboi of the worst calibre. He agrees to go on a webshow in which he dates Heart so that he can seduce the creator of the show Winston. And Jaime is so charming that I don't care about his bi wrongs (partially, to be fair, because the premise is ridiculous so it's hard to take too seriously).
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Special mention (because it's not a series) to Wine in Red Wine in the Dark Night. I love a murder twink (speaking of, things are looking really good for me to stay in love with Ai Di from Kiseki if it keeps on this track).
If we're interpreting "awful" as characters that other people don't like, it'll probably go to Toh from Secret Crush on You or Gus in Diary of Tootsies. They're flawed, they're femme, they're fantastic.
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A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
Can in Love By Chance and the sequels. Tinn is an asshole and knows it; Can is an asshole but is also self-righteous, but in all honesty his biggest flaw for me is that he's not competent and I have little patience for that.
A hero that should have been a villain
Tempted to give this to Ko from Love Poison for essentially trying to love spell date rape his love interest--this is only not that bad because magic isn't real so of course it doesn't do anything.
Possibly Athit (Boun's character) from Even Sun? I put a question mark there because this was so convoluted and hard to follow I'm not even 100% sure I remember it right, but from what I remember, this was not a romantic story at all.
Taking a totally different approach to the question, Joke from Hidden Agenda should have been a secret villain (in the sense that he should have been scheming and sociopathic but hiding it, ineffectually, from Zo) in order to make the series make sense, but apparently I can't have nice things.
And finally, special mention to Phu in The Promise for being the villain for so many of us already.
A morally bad character you're into
Zhu Zi Shu, canon war criminal and child murderer from Word of Honor. He thought he was doing bad things for good reasons (protecting the people he loves), realized he was just doing bad things and the people he loves were all dead anyway, and crafted a convoluted plot to get out of the secret society rules that he created to prevent anyone from leaving. And then he wanders aimless until he meets Wen Ke Xing and becomes as loyal to this equally morally dubious man as he was to his secret society. I love him (and them) so much.
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Same type of deal, different scale of crime: Akk from The Eclipse. I have a soft spot for this trope.
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A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
Xue Yang from The Untamed. Also a mass murderer, but doing it just for the vibes/to avenge his finger, so he gets zero love from me. People woobify him just because he's sassy it's...rough.
The show that disappointed you the most
From hype to execution? So Much in Love / Ni Yam Ruk. I slogged through such awful subs TWICE (because they claimed they redid them, but they are still terrible) to try to give this show a chance, because the premise sounded right up my alley. I still think there's a show in there that I would have liked, but it is literally unwatchable.
Most disappointed from what the show seemed like it was doing at the start to what it delivered in full is a tie between The Shipper and Step By Step.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
That's My Candy. I've only ever dropped/not finished I think 3 or so shows? And this was the most painful and the one I am least likely to ever finish. The pairing was overplayed, the comedy was heavy handed, and the plot was absolutely cringe inducing. It was literally torture trying to watch this.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading!
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Tagging @visualtaehyun @nothingsbetterthancoffee @lurkingteapot @snidgetwrites @formayhem @slayerkitty @respectthepetty @ginnymoonbeam no pressure as always! And if you play and I didn't tag you but you're reading this, tag me anyway! I love reading everyone's answers.
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your-nanas-house · 1 year
hi! i love your writing and i was wondering if you could do the valeska twins with a reader who happens to be a princess? it probably sounds weird but the thought hasn't left my head. thank you!
Hello!!! Thank you very much and it doesn't sounds weird at all, sorry for making you wait so long and also if you want a oneshot instead of a headcanon just tell me. 🥰
Jerome Valeska with Princess!Reader
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(Photos not mine, credit to the owners)
The money or property a person possessed did not interest Jerome much, he was more captured by physical appearance and attitude
He would meet Y/n one day when she goes to visit Bruce Wayne
(I can imagine Bruce meeting people from royal families)
It would be a coincidence and maybe he would just recognise her because he had seen her in the newspaper or on TV days before that warned of the princess's arrival
He would be surprised and I think he would enter his own world, presenting himself as a prince so that he could make her fall at his feet but reveal himself more as a court jester
He would kidnap Y/n and leave Bruce alone for a short time so that he could concentrate on his new obsession
If Y/n is going to fall in love with him she would arrange to bring him to court or perhaps move in with him, taking a house
She would help him financially and Jerome would porbably wear a crown just because it was something he always wanted (even if it's the princess' tiara, it doesn't matter for him)
Jeremiah Valeska with Princess!Reader
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(Photos not mine credit to the owners)
I imagine Jeremiah and Y/n as in the story of snow white
Y/n a beautiful princess who living in a city like Gotham found herself the victim of a gas or some curse that put her to sleep maybe even a poisoned apple
Jeremiah would search her after being intrigued when she found out about its existence and the legends told in that city
he would be surprised and skeptical the first time he would find her, not knowing if she was really sleeping as rumored or if she was dead but there was something that attracted him
He would make Ecco move the crystal coffin and spend his time admiring the princess, talking to her and venting as he continued with his plans
one day his lips touched her cold ones and y/e/c eyes magically opened
he would invent some lie to make her stay there with him and see if he could exploit any skills or anything that would be useful to him
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher
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rey-jake-therapist · 4 months
One thing that baffles me with this fandom (well, Tumblr) is the number of people who interpret the joke "No, I helped him put up some shelves" in TEH as Sherlock telling Molly, "years ago I had sex with the guy who sells chips and now I always get extra portions of chips."
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For those who don't know, "put up some shelves" is a British euphemism for "have sex". I think it comes from a show involving a straight man pretending to be gay for some reason, where it became a joke (the put up some shelves thing) but I'd need a British person to confirm that.
Like, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. First it would be completely OOC of Sherlock to say out of the blue that
he had sex
he had sex FOR CHIPS. I mean, hello, that's BBC Sherlock Holmes. This man didn't have sex with Janine to secure his access to Magnussen, but he would sleep with someone for chips? He's not even poor! And he probably never was, his family's rich...
he had casual sex, in a so casual way as if it was the most normal thing for him to admit. I can see Elementary Sherlock do and say that, tbh, but BBC Sherlock? Uh, nope.
Also, it's supposed to have happened years ago so wow, the sex must have been really good! Did you notice that Molly doesn't look remotely shocked, and is even amused? She's still in love with the guy, shouldn't she look jealous or something...
But just for the fun of it, let me analyze the sentence: he didn't say, "I put up some shelves with him", which would indeed translate as "I slept with him". No, he said, "I HELPED him put up some shelves".
I had fun looking at the original dialogue from where the joke seems to originate from. It's from a movie called "There's a company". An older man, who believes the protagonist's gay because that's what he said to justify that he lives with two women, complains about his demanding wife, and cites an example that she always wants him to, "put up some shelves ".
Mr. Roper: You know, you're lucky Jack. You can be pals with a woman, you don't have the same problem that a regular man has. Jack: Like what? Mr. Roper: Like you'll never have a wife nagging you. Not that I have anything against marriage. But, wives can be very demanding. They're always asking you to, er, to, to…to DO things. Jack: What kinda things? Mr. Roper: You know! Things! Things! Jack: Like? Mr. Roper: Like, er… Jack: Like putting up shelves? Mr. Roper: That's it! Like putting up shelves. That's it. And they're never satisfied. I mean, it's not like I never put up a shelf... maybe, I may not put up as many shelves as, er, some husbands, but… [nods, ‘macho-ingly’] I put up shelves. Jack: I'm sure you do. Mr. Roper: If Helen had her way… I'd--I'd be putting up a shelf every night. Jack: That's a lot of shelves! Mr. Roper: See, women don't understand …
I only read once an interpretation of that scene that I found satisfying and in character, saying that it rather should be understood as, "I helped him to get laid" aka he probably gave him some insight about a certain person to help him seduce this person. I doubt that he gave him dating advices, that would be the blind leading the blind.
Honestly I think this interpretation makes much more sense than the idea that Sherlock had sex with a rando to get extra portions of chips for the rest of his life. It explains more who why he smirks like he does (no I didn't get him out of jail but thanks to me he got laid), and why Molly giggles.
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sirius-algol · 1 year
Chapter 7: The Holidays
WC: 5746
Summary: Unable to go home for the holidays, you find another place to go
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You stared at the price of the plane ticket, your heart sinking. The holidays were coming up, and you couldn’t afford to go home- at least by flying, but it would be a long drive.
Pieck watched you quietly, unsure what to say. She quietly pulled out her phone and texted Porco, discreetly taking a picture of you to emphasize the situation (you thought you were hiding your emotions well, but it was obvious).
The read receipt popped up but no response- until Marcel texted her and told her that Porco nearly fell down the stairs in his rush to his car while he called their mom.
Pieck explained the situation to him, to which Marcel replied with a picture of a puppy with hearts over its eyes.
Within the next 30 minutes, you nearly leapt from your skin as a series of frantic knocks sounded at your door. Opening it, you found Porco standing there, out of breath, haired messed up, your favorite takeout in hand.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, stifling a laugh.
“I heard someone was in need,” He declared pushing passed you. He plopped teh food down on the counter and turned to get a good look at you. Your eyes were puffy and your face wore all the signs of silent tears. He frowned at you. “Looks like my source was right.”
“I’ll be fine…” You say, shooting Pieck a look. She gave you a little wave, knowing she made the right decision in the end.
“Well, I’ve had your predicament explained to me,” He told you. He pulled your food out of the bag and began setting it up for you. “You can’t afford to go home for the holidays, can you?”
“Nope…” You sighed quietly. “Last minute tickets are expensive and I don’t have the money to drive all the way there- It’s long enough of a drive that I’d have to stay somewhere over night….”
“I thought you only live a few hours away?” He asked as you grabbed the food and made for the living room. You plopped down onto the couch and dropped your head.
“My parent’s live a few hours away- but for the holidays, we all go to my Grandparent’s home which is further away. Everyone in the family converges and its a whole little holiday party,” You explained. “Far enough from here that it’d be a multi-day drive.
“Well….” He paused.
“I’m sorry to hear about that,” Pieck said for him- she knew he was eager to tell you what he got set up for you. Porco joined you in the living room, sitting down.
“I talked with my mother… My parent’s said that they’re always welcome to having more people over for the holidays,” He revealed.
“Meaning… I spend the holiday’s with your family?” You asked shyly.
“The Galliard’s are good cooks- I’d take them up on that offer,” Pieck told you.
“My parent’s love having company over- they’d have you stay for as long as you wanted to,” Porco told you. “We have a guest bedroom that you could stay in if you wanted.”
“I wouldn’t want to intrude on your holiday, Porco, I-”
“Listen, my parents have a million people in and out of the house during the holidays. You’d just be one more person- and you’d be someone they liked,” He assured you.
“It’s true,” Pieck added. “They throw parties for their business partners and have a ton of family over. It’s not a close family event.”
You paused for a long moment, mulling over their words. Spend the holidays alone and sad, unable to go home or…. Spend the holiday’s with your best friend and his family.
“.... I don’t know how I can say no to an offer like that,” You revealed with a sigh, smiling softly at Porco. He returned your smile with a giant grin.
“It’ll be fun, I promise.”
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Your first semester at your dream university ended. You and your friends made it through exams and you were finally free for winter break. Free to kick back, relax, and…. Worry about what you were going to wear to Porco’s house.
Pieck had gone home so there was no one to help you- you were on your own.
The oven dinged and you ran into the kitchen, pulling the brownies out of the oven- they smelled delicious- but you resisted. They were for the party.
Setting them into a carry container, you ran back to your room and decided to throw a sweater over a button up shirt, a nice skirt, leggings underneath, and wintery boots. You had a small bag of extra clothes packed (you only wanted to stay the night, but you knew Porco would try to convince you to stay longer) and another bag with presents you managed to buy for them.
You turned everything in your apartment off and took a deep breath before heading for your car, shuffling down the stairs with everything in hand.
You were prepared…
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“Holy shit, they’re rich,” You marveled, letting a swear slip past your lips as you stared at their house. It was huge! The only reason you knew you were at the right place was Porco’s car parked out front.
You approached the front door, nervously knocking the door. A few seconds later, a woman who looked marvelously like Porco and Marcel answered the door.
“H-Hello!” You nervously greeted. “I-I’m Porco’s friend, (Y/N). H-He said I could come over?”
“OH! So you’re (Y/N)?!” The woman gasped. She stepped aside so you could leave the cold. “I’m the boys’ mother- the names’ Gia, Gia Galliard. My husband’s name is Henry- he’s the man over there!”
Looking around her, you spotted a man who looked somewhat like Marcel, but older and rougher. He stood aways away, speaking with a group of people.
“O-Oh! I u-uh. I made brownies for the party,” you told Mrs. Galliard, showing the pan in your arms. Her eyes lit up and she took them from you.
“I’ll put these in the dining room for you-” She told you with a smile before turning and shouting, “PORCO! YOUR GIRLFRIEND’S HERE!”
“I-I’m not his-” You began quietly, but his mother walked away before she could hear you.
“Not my girlfriend!” Porco called out to his mother, correcting her as he jogged towards the entry way. He wore a frustrated look on his face before he turned to you, his face relaxing and a smile appearing. “Hey! How’re you doing?”
“P-Pretty good,” you sighed, glancing towards where his mother went. “I made brownies- your mom took them.”
“Nice, I’ll have to try and steal one before everyone else gets to them.” He pointed towards the stair case, looking between you and the stairs. “Want me to show you to your room?”
“Y-Yeah, I have a few things I should put away,” You told him. Without warning, he grabbed your hand and led you through the party and up the stairs, bringing you to a hallway with a bunch of doors.
“This is my room right here,” He told you, opening the door to a room much less decorate the one he had at his apartment, but still very much him. Marcel’s room was across the hall from his, and then a few doors down was the guest bedroom. He opened the door for you and you were greeted with a queen sized bed and plenty of space.
“Wow, this is-”
“Yeah, my parent’s aren’t subtle…” he sighed. “Everything is grand with them.”
“Man… I didn’t know you guys were rich,” You told him, turning to look at him.
“We’re not Historia rich, but… This is what happens when your parent’s found and own a fancy restaurant chain in town,” He explained. “They wanted Marcel and I to go to culinary school- Marcel’s Chemestry and I’m Engineering- neither of us are anything food related.”
“Are you good at cooking?” You asked curiously.
“Oh, fuck yeah I am,” He bragged. “Better than Marcel.”
You entered the guest bedroom and sat your bags down, Porco eyeing the extra bag you had with you, his eyes lighting up.
“Whaaaaat’s that?” he asked, slinking towards the bag. You slapped his hand away, shooting him a disapproving look. “Something for later.”
“Hmmm….” He stepped back. You turned to him, ready to join the party.
“You’ll see what it is later!” You defended. “Now lets go see the others- your mom is just gonna continue saying I’m your girlfriend the longer we’re up here alone.”
“God- everytime I mentioned you coming over, I made sure to emphasize that we’re just friends!” He groaned, partly out of frustration at his parents, partly cause he was mad that that was the case. He wanted to be more.
The two of you turned to join the party, returning to the first floor. He led you to where Pieck and Marcel were, and he froze before you reached him, turning to look at you.
“Fuck,” he groaned.
“What?” You asked, looking between him and Pieck and Marcel.
“We’re on baby sitting duty,” He explained. You quirked your head, looking back, and that’s when you spotted them. A group of kids. Two people walked up to Pieck and Marcel, talking with them- One was Reiner, and the other was a boy you had yet to meet.
“Why are we on baby sitting duty?” You asked him quietly.
“Cause the parent’s always just dump them,” He told you. He glanced down at you. “And those kids will run amuck and go through stuff when left alone- my stuff.”
“Understood!” You gave him a small salute before you joined the others. Marcel and Pieck wore similarly distressed faces looking at the kids that had been dropped off.
“Falco’s a good kid- he tries to keep the others in line!” The new guy defended, but Reiner sighed.
“Gabi’s too charismatic,” Reiner sighed. “Whatever reason Falco tries to speak, Gabi manages to rile up the others.”
“I keep saying we should get like a baby jail or something,” Porco announced as the two of you reached the others. “Toss em in, and let them tire themselves out.”
“They’re 12??” Marcel asked, looking at his brother. Porco shrugged.
“They’re still children- it counts,” he defended. You looked at the kids, a devious look on of the girl’s faces.
“Is that one Gabi?” You asked. Reiner looked over his shoulder, spotting the girl you were looking at.
“Yeah… That’s my baby cousin,” He explained. “I got drug along cause her parent’s do business with the Galliards and they know that I know them so, here I am- here she is.”
“She’s the ring leader,” Pieck sighed.
“My brother Falco’s the blond one,” The other guy revealed. “I-I’m Colt, by the way. I don’t think we’ve met before.”
“(Y/N),” You greet. “I’m their friend from college.”
“Colt’s a senior in high school,” Porco explained to you. “He’ll be at Paradis next year.”
You shot him a smile before glancing around Reiner again, only this time, there were no kids.
“Uh oh,” You said, your voice stiff. Porco followed your line of sight before swearing under his breath.
“Alright, everyone team up and fan out,” Marcel announced. “They couldn’t have gone far. Pieck and I will go check the upstairs; Reiner, you’ll be with Colt, go check the dining room and bottom floor in general; (Y/N), Porco- bundle up and check outside- I wouldn’t put it past the realm of possibility that they’re trying to light the fire pit or something.”
“Looks like we got the short end of the stick,” Porco grumbled beneath his breath. “I have some heavy coats in my room, give me a second.” He gave you a pat on the shoulder before heading out. Pieck waved goodbye to you as she and Marcel left, Reiner doing the same as he and Colt also left, leaving you alone.
Porco returned moment’s later, coats in hand.
“Might’ve lied to you a little,” He revealed. He you a sweatshirt and his signature bomber jacket. “I have a me sized jacket, but I figured if I bundled you up a bunch, you’d be even warmer than me.”
“Let’s find out,” You laughed. You pulled on the sweatshirt, cautious as to not mess up your hair, before pulling on the bomber jacket. Porco chewed the inside of his mouth, fighting down the blush that threatened to appear on his face. The sight of you in his clothes… in HIS signature jacket.
When you looked up, he pretended to not have been staring, averting his gaze towards the door outside.
“Ready to go?” He asked, looking back at you.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” You told him, shooting him a smile as you readied yourself for the outdoors. He lead you outside, the cold winter air hitting you, causing you to shiver, but where you were covered by his clothes, you were decently warm.
Porco, however, underestimated the thickness of the jacket he grabbed, but fought down the urge to shiver.
He pulled out some flash lights and handed one to you, clicking his own on.
“Those brats are sneaky… Well, except for Udo and Falco.” He scanned over the backyard with his flashlight for a moment. “Udo is a little clumsy and Falco is… Falco.”
“What’s that mean?” You asked curiously.
“Sweet kid, well meaning-” He paused for a moment. “A little naive and a little gullible. If Gabi told him, ‘Hey, wait here and act natural’ he’d do it, not realizing that she’d broken something and was abandoning him to take the fall- of course, poor thing has a crush on Gabi, so he’d do it anyways.”
“Does Gabi know he has a crush on her?” You asked curiously. He shook his head.
“Nope. She’s absolutely oblivious. One time, he even confessed to her and it went right over her head.”
“That’s rough… Poor kid,” You sighed. Porco clenched his jaw.
“Yeah. Poor kid.”
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“I feel bad for leaving them to do their own thing,” Pieck sighed as Marcel poured her a glass of wine.
“Listen,” he sighed, setting the bottle down and joining her on the floor. “We’re old enough to have escaped baby sitting duty. All we gotta do is sit here… and guard this hallway. Make sure they don’t go into any of the bedrooms.”
“... Why’d you send Porco and (Y/N) outside,” Pieck asked slowly, leaning up against him.
“Because it’s cold… and maybe they’ll huddle up for warmth,” He sighed, looking down at her. “I’m trying to help my brother out a little. Stir up the romance…”
“He’s waiting for any sign that she might like him back,” Pieck sighed. “He’s scared of her rejecting him and making things awkward.”
“That’s new. Before, he’d just ask a girl out, they’d maybe go on a few dates- it wouldn’t really go anywhere, and that’d be the cycle- but he’s treading so carefully around (Y/N). I’m impressed. He’s usually cocky and confident, but she’s making him shy about it.”
“She’s not what he usually goes for either,” Pieck noted. “Not what I would’ve described as his type.”
“Very true… She’s had a grip on him since day one, though. Ever since he got the shit beat out of him for her.”
“Operation make (Y/N) fall for Porco?” Pieck suggested, holding out her hand. He took it.
“Operation make (Y/N) fall for Porco.”
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Porco was nearly shivering out of his boots. You glanced over at him, and you smiled slowly, fighing back laughter. You scooched closer to him, grabbing his arm.
“Cold?” You asked, laughing. He forced himself to smile, acting as if nothing was wrong.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” He said stiffly. You scooched in closer, pressing yourself against his side.
“Does this help any??”
“Maybe a little,” He sighed, looking down at you. “But its cold as shit out here, so if we don’t find those kids within the next few minutes, I’m making the executive decision to go inside and warm up with some hot chocolate.”
“Oooooh, that sounds really good!” You agreed.
Porco looked away from you, determined to shove down his feelings for you. He was dying inside with how you were holding onto his arm- how could someone so shy around everyone else be so bold with him- how could you make him the shy one???
But the way you talked with him… They way you looked at him… It was friendship- a close one, for sure. A friendship that had started so abruptly and grew so quickly, two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together, but at least for now… That’s all that was there for you… And he sure as hell wasn’t going to lose that.
You froze, tugging him to a stop. He looked back at you, concern in his brow as he ulled from his thoughts.
“What is it?” he asked, watching as youscanned your surroundings closely.
“We’re being watched,” you said quietly. “There’s at least two of them out here.”
“How do you know???”
“I heard them briefly. Another set of footsteps in addition to ours.”
“The distraction, most likely,” Porco realized, pulling out his phone. He sent a simple message to his brother: (Y/N) has discovered 2 of them. Distraction. 2 more on the move, most likely indoors.”
You tugged on Porco’s arm, nodding in the direction of some trees, a tuft of blond hair sticking out.
Porco looked down at you, the two of you silently communicating on your plan of action. He motioned one way and gestured for you to go the other. You gave him a nod and let go of his arm, his warmth leaving you. You quietly tiptoed through the snow towards the tree, Porco sneaking over to a hiding place should the kids make a break for it.
You rounded the tree quietly, the kids backs towards you- the ones you’d learned were Udo and Falco. You bit back a smile.
“What do you boys think you’re doing?” You asked, fighting back laughter as teh boys screamed. Udo accidentally pushed Falco down in his panic and made a run for it, only to be intercepted by Porco who grabbed the kid and threw him over his shoulder. You bent down and helped the poor kid up, brushing the snow off of him.
“Sorry about that!” you apologized. The poor thing was shivering out of his boots, and it was technically your fault he was. You shrugged off Porco’s bomber jacket and wrapped it around the kid, bundling him up. “What are you kids up to?”
“G-G-Gabi t-t-told us that the scary one would t-try to keep us from having fun,” He admitted, too cold and frightened to even care about lying. Porco approached (frowning that you’d given the kid his jacket, disappointed it was no longer on you).
“Is Porco the scary one?” You asked, glancing up at Porco. Falco nodded, leaving Porco offended, yet impressed.
“I’m cold as shit, lets bring these two inside,” He declared. You wrapped an arm around Falco’s shoulders and held the shivering kid close to you.
“I want that jacket back, kid,” Porco told him, Falco nodding quickly as the two of you led the boys inside. Porco brought your group to the kitchen. “There’s a lot of food here, eat to your hearts content,” He told the boys, setting Udo on the ground finally. You encouraged Falco forward and the two of them quietly began to browse the food.
“If I catch you little shits trying anything else, I will tell your parents- and I’m really not one to rat some kids out, but I will if I must- you kids are on this ice,” He warned them. The boys nodded, almost cowering away from Porco. You giggled and leaned up so you could whisper in Porco’s good ear.
“They’re scared of you,” You laughed.
“They should be,” He grumbled under his breath. He motioned for you to follow him and the two of you made your way upstairs where Marcel and Pieck were, only, they weren’t alone.
“REINER, IF YOU DON’T PUT ME DOWN!” You heard a girl cry out.
“Your parents already know you got a nose for trouble,” you heard Reiner sigh. You and Porco arrived at the top of the stairs and further down the hallway was Reiner holding his cousin upside down as she writhed.
Pieck had hold of the other girl, her arms gently wrapped around her, but the poor kid looked terrified, as if Pieck had a knife to her back.
“Where were they?” Porco asked.
“Trying to break into the game room,” Marcel sighed, rubbing his forehead. His cheeks were flushed red, and you could tell he wasn’t exactly sober at the moment.
“The boys are downstairs,” You explained. “Apparently they’re afraid of Porco?”
“They just haven’t met me in a context that isn’t me hunting them down so they don’t mess with my stuff,” he explained.
“They were outside? Bet Falco was freezing his ass off,” Colt sighed.
“He has my jacket, don’t worry,” Porco grumbled, still disappointed by the sight of you taking it off to give to a kid. “If he steals it though, I will break into your house and steal it back- its my signature bomber.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he gives it back,” Colt assured him. Everyone turned their gaze towards the kids.
“.... So… What do we do with them?”
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“Is this….. Legal?” You asked, staring at them. Porco proudly put his bomber back on as he looked over at the kids.
“It’s as good as it’s gonna get- besides, its the only way we’re keeping her contained,” He shrugged.
“Trust me,” Reiner groaned as he finished tying up his cousin. “If we don’t do this, she will reign terror.”
The other kids sipped happily on juice boxes and ate snacks while Gabi was tied up in the corner, struggling against Reiner.
“I’m telling Aunt Karina about this!” She cried. He flicked her forehead.
“And I’ll tell your mom and dad that you were trying to cause trouble in the Galliard’s home,” He warned, causing her to shut her mouth. “That’s what I thought…”
Your group plopped down on a couch and sighed, finally able to relax. You pulled out your phone and held it close to your face as you began to scroll through tiktok, but Porco nudged you, and you turned your body so that he could watch with you.
Marcel leaned against Pieck, her fingers running through his hair, as he was too tipsy to really want to do anything.
Reiner and Colt simply talked about the next big football game and what was gonna go on and who was playing against who.
Gabi watched in disbelief as everyone was content doing their own thing, sitting, relaxing and not going wild.
“.... Wow, you old people SUCK!” She yelled out. Porco leaned his head back and shot her a look, causing her to avert her gaze, suddenly minding her own busines.
“.... I guess I am the scary one,” He mumbled to himself, causing you to laugh. You scrolled to the next video to watch a video of a cat licking a graham cracker.
“Huh, almost forgot its monday,” You laughed to yourself.
“I don’t get it,” Porco said scrunching his face.
“It’s monday,” Pieck chimed in.
“Which means Gandalf gets to lick a graham cracker,” Marcel added.
“Why does a cat get to lick a graham cracker, it makes no sense!” Porco cried.
“It’s her favorite activity,” You shrugged, causing Porco’s face to twist in confusion.
“The cat’s a girl and her name is Gandalf???”
“I’m tired of this- go on to the next video.”
The next video was a reddit story of how this guy messed up by doing the deed with his girlfriend to apparently a horrendous song for 2 years straight.
“Can’t be that bad,” Porco shrugged. “Play it.”
Looking up the song was a mistake. Everyone groaned and you immediately ended the song.
“Poor girl,” Pieck sighed.
“I’d rather go completely deaf than listen to that song again,” Porco admitted.
“..... How….?” Reiner thought aloud. Everyone turned to him. “How was he doing it that she was able to recognize it without the song even playing?”
“Had to have been to the rhythm and not the beat,” Colt reasoned. “Its too recognizeable of a rhythm for it not to be that.”
“Next,” Porco demanded….
And so the cycle continued.
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The next day, your holiday festivities continued, only without the extra people. Now, it was just you, Pieck, and the Galliards… and Mario Kart.
Porco and Marcel were neck in neck, battling it out for who’d get first place- oblivious to a certain item that you had just obtained. You launched the blue shell, both of them beginning to panic. It hit them both, and you zoomed right past them and to the finish line, the little 1st place screen popping up for you.
“Haha!” You cheered, dropping your controller. Pieck grabbed you and gave you a squeeze.
“Congrats on beating the boys!” She congratulated.
“She used a blue shell!” Porco cried as he managed to finally cross the line.
“It was a low blow!” Marcel added.
“I’m just using what the Mariokart gods gave me,” You sighed.
Mrs. Galliard came into the room with a tray full of mugs.
“You kids having fun?” She asked, a chuckle in her voice. She sat the tray down on the coffee table and the boys swarmed it, grabbing themselves a mug. “Figured you guys would want some hot cocoa.”
“Thanks, mom!” Marcel cried as Porco guzzled his down. You and Pieck reached over and grabbed yours, thanking her for bringing you some. Mrs. Galliard’s eyes lit up as she remember. She placed a hand on your shoulder gently.
“Oh! (Y/N)! Your brownies were a win last night! Everyone loved them!” She informed you, a smile on her face.
“I know I did,” Porco added as he set his now empty mug down. “Almost didn’t get one because of those dang kids…”
“I heard about your babysitting adventures last night- hope those kids didn’t give you too much trouble, I know they find it whenever they meet up,” She sighed.
“We had it handled,” Pieck smiled. “Once you take out Gabi, the other’s fall in line.”
“That’s good to hear- well I’ll let you kids get back to your games. Presents will be later!” Mrs. Galliard gave your group a small wave before leaving the room.
“Am I finally going to see what’s in the bag today?” Porco asked you, turning to look at you. You took a long sip of your absolutely delicious hot chocolate, watching him out of the corner of your eye.
“Maybe…. Maybe not,” You said cooly, setting the mug down.
“You brought something secret?” Pieck asked you.
“Maaaaaaaaaybe,” You chuckled. She knew what you had got the boys for the holidays.
“Hmmm, so mysterious,” Marcel hummed.
“You’ll all find out in due time.”
Porco stood up and turned to face the whole room.
“How about this, (Y/N). If I win the next game of MarioKart,” Porco declared. “You have to show us the stuff in the bag.”
“And if I win?”
“Oh come on- I deserve something if I win!” You cried, leaning forward to look at him closer.
The two of you locked eyes, the temptation to say ‘I’ll take you on a date’ was too strong.
He stared at you long and hard, trying to determine what it was that he could do- what he could give you…. And then he remembered the previous night.
“.... I’ll give you my bomber jacket,” He told you, everyone gasping.
“You don’t mean THE bomber jacket, do you, Pock?” Pieck asked, sitting up straight.
“I do.”
“It’s that high stakes to you???” Marcel gasped, looking over at Pieck.
“I’m determined,” Porco revealed (and he just wanted more of an excuse to see you in his jacket if he lost).
“.... I accept,” You stood up and went over to him, extending your hand. “It is a very comfy jacket that I think you’ll regret betting.”
“Just shows how serious I am about that bag,” He told you, taking your hand and giving it a squeeze. The two of you watched each other closely before storming back to your controllers to restart the game with just the two of you.
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You proudly donned your new jacket, the jacket enveloping you nicely- Porco sat ‘defeated’ watching you celebrate your win.
“Be real,” Marcel said quietly next to him. “Did you throw that?”
“Who’s to say,” Porco replied, glancing back at his brother. “I feel like I won.”
“Just ask her out,” Marcel told him, “It’s clear you really like her do you know how many times mom and dad have asked me if you were dating? Even after I told them you weren’t and you were just friends?”
Porco looked back at you as you spoke with Pieck in the next room.
“... I don’t want to scare her off,” Porco revealed, something he’d never do if he wasn’t talking to his brother. “I’m just a friend to her… and I don’t want to lose that. Don’t want to make things awkward.”
“I’ve never seen you act like this around a girl.”
“Well… She’s different, okay?” Porco shot his brother a look which meant ‘drop it’. Marcel gave him a nod and a pat on the back.
“Just want you to be happy,” he sighed, standing up and heading for the kitchen to join you and Pieck.
Porco sat still for a second, putting up his facade before joining you again.
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You sat surprised at the gifts around you, not expecting to have received any. Even though they were small, they meant a lot to you. Pieck had gotten you a non-horror movie to watch- Marcel had gotten you fancy pepper spray. Porco’s gift had you fighting back a smile: a bomber jacket that matched his.
You looked over at him, tugging at the one you had claimed as your prize earlier.
“I’m assuming you want this one back?” You asked, chuckling to yourself.
“You won it fair ‘n square,” He sighed dramatically. “Only if you feel so gracious.”
“Hmmm, I think I’ll hold onto it a little while longer….” You teased.
Mr. and Mrs. Galliard looked back and forth from you and Porco, then back to each other. Were you aware that you were flirting?
You distributed your gifts to Pieck and Marcel- as punishment for being impatient, Porco would have to wait on his.
Pieck got an arrangement of face masks and self care items that you’d collected, and Marcel got a gift card to what just so happened to be Pieck’s favorite restaurant for date nights (your ̶r̶o̶o̶m̶m̶a̶t̶e̶ informant had so graciously told you the best option).
After many egg nogs, hot chocolates, and deserts of many kinds, you were exhausted, on the verge of a food coma.
Porco helped grab your gifts and carry them up to the guest room. You brought them in, seting them on the bed before grabbing the item Porco had been waiting for all night.
“Alright, your punishment has come to an end!” You declared, bringing him the wrapped gift, his eyes lighting up as if he was a kid again.
“Ohh, yeah! You’ve been killing me with this thing!” He cheered. He tore the wrapping paper off of the box to reveal a remote control car that looked identical to his, a giant smile on your face as you watched his reaction.
“I found that at the store one day- I thought it was perfect. I know how much you love your car.”
“I’m going to annoy the shit out of Marcel with this…” He slowly spoke, still in awe of what he was seeing. His awe was interrupted by you shrugging off his bomber jacket. “W-Woah, what are you doing?”
“I’m giving this back to you.”
“Because this is your signature bomber,” You say, handing it to him. “I’m not gonna take your signature jacket away from you- I only ask that whenever I want it, no matter the circumstances, I get to wear it… Besides, some guy I know just gave me a bomber jacket of my own to wear, so I don’t really ended to keep yours.”
Porco accepted it back, staring you down. You quirked your head, confused as to why he was staring you down so hard. You weren’t blushing… He knew you well enough that he knew that if you knew what you were doing, you’d be blushing like crazy… but you weren’t. This was just banter to you: nothing more, nothing less.
He finally smiled at you, as if he hadn’t just been examining you so closely.
“Well, whoever got you that jacket has got to be one of the coolest guys around- waaaay cooler than Reiner, Eren, or any of those other sports assholes around school,” He sighed, playing it cool. You laughed at his words, whatever awkwardness that had arisen during the moment quickly broken.
“Welp- I think I’m going to hit the hay,” you sighed, leaning on the doorway. “All your mom and dad’s cooking has made me tired- I’m literal seconds away from a food coma.”
“Well then,” He took a step back, giving you some room. “I’ll let you hit the hay. Thanks for the car- I love it by the way.”
“I’m glad,” you smiled. You were going to kill him. “Goodnight, Pock!”
“Oh, don’t you start on that too-” You laughed as you shut the door. You heard a muffled ‘Goodnight!’ through the door. You shook your head, giggling like a little girl as you made your way to the bed.
You grabbed your new jacket and tried it on, the jacket slipping perfectly over your shoulders and fitting you just right. You smiled to yourself, hugging the jacket close to you.
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Porco clicked his door shut, his head thudding against it as he took a deep breath, collecting himself.
He looked down at his bomber for a moment before bringing it up to his face and smelling it- even though you’d only worn it for the day, it smelled of you. He slowly dropped it and brought it to his chest, holding it there.
“... She’s going to kill me…”
Tag List: @missyasma @lilshades @civicshoe @attackonsimpp
69 notes · View notes
inevitably-johnlocked · 10 months
Hello Steph! I was wondering if you have some Johnlock song fics? It doesn't matter what kind of song heheh
thanks and remember to take care of yourself, Hug! 💖
Hey Nonny!
Ahhh, I get asked this a few times! I never have anything really significant though, LOL, at least not in the "classic song fic" sense from MY early fandom days ("song fics" used to be fics written with the lyrics to the song inspiring each section of a fic, now I think it just means "fics inspired by whole songs"). Here are the ones I know of, from my knowledge and from the above linked tag :)
EDIT: I did a tag search on my offline lists, because I should stop being so lazy, so here you are, now I have a list! :D Thank you!!
As usual, feel free to add your own, friends!
And thank you for your kind words :)
See Also:
Moulin Rouge AU (Mine)
Song Fics (Alexx's List)
Evermore by SosoHolmesWatson (G, 2,068 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4, 5-Year-Old Rosie, Love Confessions, Song Fic, Parentlock, Oblivious John, Pining Sherlock, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Disney Songs, Beauty and the Beast) – For the past years, John and Sherlock have lived at Baker Street again, raising Rosie together--as friends and nothing more. Ever since the little girl has watched her first Disney movie, she is obsessed with princesses. When John comes home one day, he finds his friend and his daughter in the middle of a reenactment of her current favourite. Part 1 of Made of Music
Engaged by lifeonmars (NR, 3,146 w., 1 Ch. || Marriage Proposal, Fluff, Holmes Family, Song Fic) – Sherlock did not believe in marriage, but he wanted to be married. He found this something of a surprise. Part 2 of Damage
Living Musical by VeeTheRee (G, 4,149 w. 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Hobbies, Summer, Song Fic, POV Sherlock, Painting, Play Fighting, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Love Declarations, Hair Petting, Promise of Forever) – A one-shot of John and Sherlock being domestic during summer. There is paint, fluff, and music from Imagine Dragons, namely from the album 'Speak To Me', specific song in this one-shot is 'Living Musical'. Part 1 of the Happy Fluffy Johnlock Time series
Sunday Evening 6 p.m. by Silvergirl (E, 30,712 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF / TEH Divergence, Grief / Mourning / Stages of Grief, Mutual Pining, Dreams, Reunion, Love Confessions, First Kiss / Time, Alternating First Person POV, Smart John, BAMF Boys, Emotional Love Making, Song Fic, Referenced Suicide, First Kiss / Time, Touching, Sleepy Sherlock, Blow Job, Villain Mary) – Six months after Sherlock jumped, he learns that John is dedicating songs to him on a requests-only radio programme. Is John just working through grief? Or is he—communicating? Fixes the hell out of S3 by pre-empting it altogether. Remember, as TAB told us, John is Pretty Damn Smart.
The Baker Street Nativity by SwissMiss (E, 99,662 w., 23 Ch. || Nativity! AU || Teacher Sherlock / TA John, Pining, Sherlock POV, UST, Angst, Christmas, Music/Song Fic, Anal / BJ’s, First Kiss / Time) –Fusion between Sherlock (BBC) and Nativity! (2009 movie starring Martin Freeman). Sherlock is a primary school teacher and John is assigned to be his classroom assistant. Together, they are charged with putting on the school's Nativity play. What could possibly go wrong? Part 1 of The Baker Street Nativity Verse
To John - love SH , how me met by Tha_shipper_Burning_void (NR, 315 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff, Angst, Song Fic) – John nor Sherlock knew of each other – Sherlock rich and John poor – but John believe someone was out there for him.
Satisfied by VTsuion (G, 1,067 w., 1 Ch. || ACD Canon || Watson’s Wedding, Toasting, Song Fic, Past Relationship, POV Sherlock) – Watson is getting married, but he will never be satisfied. Holmes will never be satisfied.
All Along There Was Some Invisible String (Tying You To Me) by Biana_Amberly_Vacker (G, 1,145 w., 1 Ch.. || Fantasy AU || Bullying, Holmes Family, Autistic Mycroft, Family Dynamics, Angst, Song Fic) – Mycroft is alone. He decides to make himself a brother. Out of wood.
Clarity by tea_and_violins (M, 1,606 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TRF, Angst, Reunion, Song Fic, Slash) – A one shot/song fic inspired by Clarity by Zedd ft. Foxes. Have a listen before or during :)
(They Tell You) Wake Up, Go Put On Your Makeup, This Is Just A Phase You’re Gonna Outgrow by Biana_Amberly_Vacker (T, 1,738 w., 1 Ch. || Trans Sherlock, Song Fic, Transphobia, Self-Harm, Hurt No Comfort) – Sherlock was always a boy. Even in his traitorous body. This is a story, throughout a childhood, of a boy who everyone thought was a girl.
Take me to Baker Street by MorganeUK (G, 2,087 w., 1 Ch. || Adult Ballet AU || Ballet Dancer Sherlock, Doctor John, Song Fic, Pre-Slash) – I always loved Sergei Polunin interpretation of Take me to the church so I decided to write a version where Sherlock is a ballet dancer in serious need of a doctor…
The Very Thought of You by reveling_in_mayhem (T, 2,386 w., 1 Ch. || Canon Divergence, Song Fic, Kitchen Dancing, First Kiss, Fluff) – John and Sherlock have danced before. For a case and for a wedding. But they've never danced like this. So why is John reaching out his hand for Sherlock's now?
Body Language by CeruleanDarkangelis (T, 2,706 w., 1 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Dancing, Song Fic, POV First Person John, Voyeurism, Dirty Dancing, Clubbing) – There is a language to dancing; a call-and-response from one body to another. Even with the poncy kind of dancing I knew he was versed in, the kind that requires classes and counting and rules, there is communication between bodies. Watching him now, I’m more than pleased to discover that he understands my dialect as well. Part 1 of the Without Words series
Jukebox by standbygo (T, 3,990 w., 1 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Music, Singing, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Humour) – After the music halls of Sherlock's mind palace get damaged by accident, John learns that Sherlock never forgets a song. Even the ones he'd rather forget. But the random singalong brings some unexpected benefits.
Blame it on My Youth by standbygo (M, 4,151 w., 1 Ch. || Retirement, First Kiss, Declarations of Love, Song Fic) – “Courage doesn’t mean you’re not afraid. It’s knowing that you’re afraid, and doing what you need to do anyway.” Sherlock and John are retired, but receive an unexpected client. Part 10 of the November 2014 Song Challenge series
Lights On by SosoHolmesWatson (T, 4,396 w., 1 Ch || Post-S4, First Kiss, Pining Idiots, Angst with Happy Ending, Song Fic, Love Confessions, Dev. Rel., Emotional Repression, Bed Sharing) – Sherlock and John are living together again but things between them are far from okay. John is out of his depth until a song brings the needed epiphany. Part 2 of the Made of Music
Rumbos Secretos by Ceibos (T, 5,991 w., 1 Ch. || Unilock || Argentinian Spanish, First Kiss, POV John, Internalized Homophobia, Song Fic, Military, Autism Spectrum) – AU en el que Sherlock y John son dos jovenes alumnos de la UBA en los 90´s o Sherlock ayuda a John a estudiar para su parcial de anatomía y pasan cosas.
Dirty by standbygo (E, 5,093 w., 1 Ch. || Established Relationship, PWP, Dirty Dancing, Romance, Smut and Fluff) – “Yeah, I actually learned how to dance like that, like in the film. I was quite the hit at parties while the craze lasted. Some of Harry’s friends called me Johnny Castle, after the character. Or Swayze.” “Swayze? What kind of word is that?” John did not reply, but gazed at Sherlock, his lips pressed together but still smiling. After a moment, he stood and held out his hand to Sherlock. “Dance with me,” John said.
Take Me To Church by Daziechane (M, 6,370 w., 1 Ch. || Ballet, Song Fic, First Kiss / Time) – John’s days blurred. It didn’t even bother him anymore, that he wasn’t onstage. At least, that’s what he told himself every time he clocked in for another shift. Sherlock’s days blurred. It didn’t even bother him anymore, that he wasn’t onstage. At least, that’s what he told himself every time he stepped into 221B.
Burn by EmilyisSOgay (T, 7,481 w., 1 Ch. || Alternate Universe || Jazz Singer John, Alternate First Meeting, First Kiss, Everyone is Gay, Love at First Sight, Falling in Love, Flirty John, Song Fic, Romance, Sexual Tension, Sherlock POV, Sherlock in Love, Jealous Sherlock, Fluff) – John is a seductive jazz singer at small London club. And Sherlock gets a special birthday performance that sets his Mind Palace ablaze.
You Are The Reason by ICanDoThisAllDayy (G, 9,432 w. || Post-TSo3, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Letters, Bisexual John, Song Fic, Heavy Angst) – When Sherlock leaves the envelope for John and Mary at their wedding, he forgets to take out another piece of paper from it - the paper on which he poured his heart out while preparing the Best Man's Speech at 221B Baker Street. He intended to burn the piece right after he finished writing, but he was too exhausted from the emotions and accidentally slipped it amongst his composition for the Waltz. As things work out, somebody reads his letter. That somebody is John Watson. Part 2 of Songs-inspired fic(let)s
A Very Sherlock Musical by flawedamythyst (T, 11,980 w., 1 Ch. || Musical AU || No S3 Compliant {more tags to be added after reading}) – So, you know how musicals are set in a world where people just burst into song every five minutes, and everyone around them automatically knows to join in with the tune and choreography? This fic is set in that world. John finds it extremely frustrating that Sherlock won't sing their theme song with him.
This Is Your Song by agirlsname (E, 79,990 w., 19 Ch. || Moulin Rouge Fusion || Prostitute Sherlock, Poet John, Acting, Singing, Dancing, Writing, Poetry, Musical, Song Fic, Heavy Angst, Unreliable Narrator, Sherlock is French, Love at First Sight, UST, First Kiss/Time, Frottage, Coming in Pants, Anal Sex, Switchlock, Clothed Sex, Crossdressing, Secret Relationship, Forbidden Love, Jealousy, Terminal Illnesses, Grief/Mourning, Breakup/Makeup Sex, Past Drug Use, Attempted Rape, Canon-Typical Violence)– When John Watson is invalided home from the army in 1895, he moves to Paris to rediscover his writing and find a new meaning in life. His old friend Stamford invites him into a group of artist friends, and suddenly John finds himself auditioning to write a show for the famous brothel across the street. There, he meets the most beautiful man he’s ever seen - Sherlock, the star of the Moulin Rouge. But Sherlock is already promised to the investor of the show, the rich Duke Moriarty.
A Case of Identity – The Musical by shamelessmash (E, 83,147 w., 15 Ch. || 1950′s Hollywood AU || Musical, Case Fic, Undercover as an Actor, Dancing, Happy Ending, Kidnapping, Drugs, Fluff and Angst, Humour, Writer/Director John, Slow Burn / Romance) – A mysterious death on set causes chaos in Stamford productions latest movie. With the premiere date left unchanged, they must find a new lead actor and reshoot an entire movie in two months. Sherlock Holmes goes undercover as a lead actor in a Musical: a juggling act to solve a murder while singing, dancing and charming his way through 1950s Hollywood. The last thing he expected was to fall in love with the screenwriter along the way. Or as I like to call it: the case where Sherlock finally gets to dance. Based off this prompt.
To the Sticking Place by blueink3 (E, 121,973 w., 20 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Musical Theatre AU || Showmance, Friends to Lovers, Bickering, UST / RST, Fluff, Virgin Sherlock, BAMF John, New York City / Broadway) – Renowned Shakespearean actor Sherlock Holmes has finally burned all of his bridges in the theatre industry save for his constant director, Greg Lestrade. John Watson has made a name for himself in the musical theatre circuit, but age and injury are working against him. Can they reinvent themselves for an all-male Macbeth without killing one another? Part 1 of the Screw Your Courage series
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theosconfessions · 5 months
Oh guurl! Scarlett did play dirty on our Theo! 🤭 However, sadly she dragged her dad into this mess, too. All this wasn't meant to be public! Geez!😔 I mean Theo, damn, this man is unable to think proactively. He should have known that Scarlett would play him dirty and be manipulative. But I love how he lectured her about the potential consequences of such a behavior. Blake and River, on the other hand, are perfectly creating a reboot story of Theo and Dusty. I see that happening, and this is going to be messy af*🤨 I'm siding with Theo and Dusty. 🤭 They should go slow! Well, I highly doubt it will run smoothly. So I'm here for all the drama, and thank you so much, dear! Thank you for continuing their legacy and putting all the love in those characters. They aged damn fine, like a good wine. We don't have many older Sims as characters in our stories. But let me tell you, I feel inspired to integrate some myself. Keep rockin' and stay amazing as you are, and I'm freakin' happy that we found each other again. A pure joy to read your legacy and to chat and exchange with you, sweety! Huuug ya! 🤗🥰
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SO i have to devils advocate for our girlie swirl scarlett here because theo DID leave their whole family for some dude and had to work to come back and he did put in the work then but i totally get why shed want to hurt him as much as he hurt them.BUT yeah she did him dirty haha! but mainly the thing she did wrong was putting dusty on blast too because of it. when dusty hasnt done anything but be her dad since the day he knew about her. theo never thinks in teh future haha! theres some things thatll come up after the time jump that will show that even moreso. just when things were going so great right? ;) oh yeah the boys are on a path to destruction unfortunately. theyre both so young and theyre sitll in HIGH SCHOOL. they go through with this they will hit the wall eventually. will they make it through that wall though? OMG I KNOW im so glad i found you again <3 ive missed you and your beautiful babes!
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cloudcountry · 7 months
watching you lose your mind over arthur today made me mentally visualize the image of you aggressively shaking the mirror and telling me about your confusing guy (tm)
-but even with that aside, does that imply that Arthur's family members are alive?? is it just his uncle??? what's going on over there bestie
honestly i have no idea. how many people in his family are alive. but i DO know that i got very freaked out when i saw his uncle. HE EVEN ASKED TO KISS MY HAND AND I DONT LIKE TOUCH IDK. I KNOW THATS NICE AND ITS MANNERS OR WHATEVER BUT HE GIVES A VIBE
i want him to come back soon :((( i want to have discussions about gummies :(((( if hes not weirdly flirting not flirting w me what do i even have in cradle :(((((
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outcastpack · 8 months
OK SO LAST BUST NOT LEAST (and plz be nice this was 1st time trying something like this.) PART 2 (technically 3) OF @thiamsxbitch birthday present.
Featuring a Tallica one-shot based in the IWDIAOOY universe and based on events I have planned (set during late S4 early S5 era AA) and because I couldn't resist abit of soft Thiam.
Allison walked into the bar, music blaring around her as she enters. Pushing her way through the crowd looking for someone, anyone she could recognise.
Erica had invited her to join her and her friends for the night telling her it was karaoke night  while the blondes girlfriend had promptly straight up ordered Allison to come. Using a very soft yet seductive tone on the raven haired girl that Allison quite literally couldn’t say no even if she wanted to.
She felt conflicted in herself, she shouldn’t want a girl that’s taken. Let alone both girls in said relationship, but she did. Tara and Erica had made her feel so welcome in the months she has known the two of them that she couldn't help but fall for them.
Their fiery nature and way they were just pulling her further in. Intoxicating her in them.
She looks through the crowd once again trying to catch sight of the two girls she had found herself infatuated with.
Ah ha! Finally she spots someone she recognises moving towards the boy. If she remembers right, this was Tara’s brother Theo. “Hey, Theo right.” She calls out as she gets closer pulling both Theo’s and the boy wearing a crop top attention to her..
Theo’s green eyes land on hers. Yep definitely a trait of their family, as she feels like she is staring onto Tara’s eyes now. “Allison right! Tara told me you was coming tonight.” Allison moves closer to lean against to bar next to the two boys. Crop top boy is eyeing her strangely, an unknown look in his eyes.
“Is this your boyfriend?” She asks, turning towards Theo. Said boy instantly chokes on his drink while crop top boy cackles at her screeching. “I like her T!” While Theo is trying to recover, his eyes watering as he regains his breath.
Allison stares at them both, worried she had offended them or potentially just killed Tara’s brother. “God no.” Theo’s face morphs into a cringe as he seems to think about it. Shivering in horror at teh thought. “This is Josh. My asshole of a best friend and—”
Theo’s attentions is pulled towards something in the crowd, rolling his eyes while Josh whistles. “Oh for fucks sake. One night, one fucking night.” He turns back to Allison pointing towards whatever he seen. “They are your problem for the night.” He declares.
Allison turns towards whatever the boy was point at and- oh, oh. Right there in the middle of a small crowd was the two girls she was looking forward to and dreading to see.
Tara and Erica were pressed up against each other dancing away while Erica sung into the microphone she was holding. Oh damn she could sing too. Allison watches the two, hypnotised by their movements against one another. Tara grinding against Erica’s back while the blonde lowers herself, sliding down Tara’s body.
Both girls running their hands over eachother. Taras hands rubbing just under Erica's top. Allison couldn't look away from them even if she wanted to.
She was so fucked.
Almost like the two could sense her watching, they both turn catching Allison’ gaze. Allison instantly flushes red, but doesn’t avert her eyes. Her mind screaming for her to run, flee, to move. Anything but it was already too late. The two girls were already making their way over. .
“Ally!” Tara shouts as they get closer flinging her self at the Allison and wrapping her tight in a hug. Allison could smell her perfume at the close proximity and could definitely see the red lipstick marks painting her neck.
She has to hold back a whine as another set of arms wrap around her back, breath tickling along the edge of her ear. “Mmmm you look hot as hell Ally.” Erica whispers sending a shiver down her spine. She can feel Tara nodding in agreement, lifting her head a little.
Her eyes have darkened as she looks at Allison and bites her bottom lip. Allison feels her breath catch in her throat at the way Tara is looking at her, wait no she just had to be imagining that right. Right?
“You gonna join us for a song Ally?” Tara asks, never loosing the look in her eyes while her voice takes on that tone again. Allison was captivated by her, by them both. She wanted- no she needed them to do something before she burst.
Lips graze her neck. She actually whimpers from just the simple graze of Erica’s lips. Tara just watches her, seemingly fascinated by her reactions as her eyes turn dark again. “She asked you a question Ally.” Erica reminds her, yet not helping Allison’s mind to focus at all as she felt Erica’s lips moving against her skin.
Finally she remembers what she was asked. But she needed to know what was going on first.
“What are you doing here?” She manages to get out holding back another whimper, or maybe a moan this times as Erica fucking licks along her neck.
Both girls instantly freeze. Stopping whatever they were doing. “We... we want you Ally.” Erica is still stood behind her as she speaks. Allison’s just feels confused. This was too good to be true. Right?
Tara must see the look in her eyes, shaking Allison with her hands. “We do Allison. We’ve wanted to be with you for awhile “ Allison’s eyes widen at the confession.
“Why?” She mumbles eyes darting over Tara’s face for any sign this could be a lie or some kind of trick. “No lie Ally. Your really hot and cute and funny and we don’t know why. We just want you, with us.” Erica whispers softly returning to her place behind her.
They just said that. Is this really happening. Was she dreaming?
“I think she needs something to show her how much we want her baby.” Tara remarks, a smirk on her face as she eyes Allison’s flushed face.
Tara pulls Allison up so she is standing properly while Erica seemingly moves away from them, going somewhere. Allison tries to turn to see where Erica had gone but well she can’t. She can’t even thing suddenly.
Tara had cupped her cheeks dragging her in for a kiss. She can immediately taste the cherry lip balm on Tara’s lips. She moans when Tara’s tongue runs along the seam of her lips, parting them to let her in. Allison gets lost in the feeling of the kiss, hypnotised by it. She wants more.
This was definitely one way to prove their point.
Allison immediately realises something, pulling away eyes wide as she takes in Tara’s own appearance.
“Erica---” She starts to screech at the girl before another voice cuts her off. “Erica, fucking loved the show Ally.” Allison turns towards the voice, coming face to face with Erica herself. Her eyes sparking with amusement and a glint of lust and eyebrows raised in challenge at Allison.
“It’s show time Ally. This one’s all for you.” Erica says, taking Allison’s hand to drag her towards the dance floor where a circle had been prepared. A lone chair sat in the middle.
Erica pushes Allison into the seat, before straddling the raven haired girls lap. Only then does Allison notice the microphone in Erica’s hand, and another in Tara’s. Both girls looking at Allison with a mix fondness, want and lust.
The tune slowly starts playing of the song. Erica lifts the microphone up to her lips gaze locked on Allison’s.
“Tell me what you want, what you like, it's okay”
Erica begins to run her fingers up Allison’s arm, trailing them up and down causing goosebumps in their path.
“I'm a little curious too”
Tara comes up behind her, pulling Allison’s head back to get her to look at her leaving Allison’s throat exposed as she takes over the next bit. Tara’s nails running over her scalp eliciting a pleasured moan from Allison’s lips.
“Tell me if it's wrong, if it's right, I don't care. I can keep a secret, can you?”
Erica moves in on her exposed throat, trailing kisses along it which Allison just knows will be left with stains from Erica’s red lipstick. Marking her as taken. As theirs.
And if the smirk Erica gives her before continuing the song is anything to go by. She knows it.
“Got my mind on your body and your body on my mind. Got a taste for the cherry, I just need to take a bite”
Allison snorts to herself at the phrase of got a taste for the cherry since Tara was wearing her trademark cherry lip balm for their kiss. But then Erica’s lips are on hers, swallowing the moan that was about to escape.
Tara has moved in on her neck too. Both girls working together to take Allison apart with just their hands and lips. It was working. The song continued, the soundtrack taking over as Erica and Tara are took busy with getting their hands on Allison’s body.
“Don't tell your mother. Kiss one another. Die for each other. We're cool for the summer”
Allison’s isn’t even paying attention to the chorus of the song as it plays over them. Having brought up her hands to clutch Erica’s waist where her top had lifted up a little. Her hand feeling burnt from just getting to feel—to touch the blonde.
“Take me down into your paradise. Don't be scared, 'cause I'm your body type. Just something that we wanna try. 'Cause you and I, we're cool for the summer”
Allison felt like she was in paradise alright. Being between these two girls she had fallen for. Who want her back almost as much as she did. Erica’s lips leaves hers moving back down towards her neck, pulling the neck of her top to the side to gain better access while Tara pulls away moving around to her front kneeling next to both of them microphone brought up.
“Tell me if I won, if I did, what's my prize? I just wanna play with you too.”
“Oh I’ve definitely won.” Allison thinks to herself through the hypnotic effect the two blondes were having on her. Moving her hand up to clutch Erica’s head, pressing her in closer and feeling the smirk on the girls lips against her skin.
“Even if they judge, fuck it, I'll do the time. I just wanna have some fun with you”
Tara lays a chaste kiss on her lips before pulling Erica away from her neck. She feels so wanted by the look they are giving her.
She wasn’t prepared for what came next. Tara cups Erica’s face dragging her in for a kiss letting Allison watch as their lips moves together and the noises they were making. Allison had to clutch her legs tight. She whimpers watching them both.
The song forgotten, Allison’s drags their faces apart. All three of their face look ruined and only then does Allison remember where they were. That they had an audience. Her face flushes red as she tries to hide herself.
“Take me home now.” She mutters to them both earning a laugh from these two girls. “Come on babe let’s take our girl home.” Erica remarks eyeing them both with want. Tara nod in agreement biting her lip as she eyes Allison’s appearance.
She was their girl. They were hers too.
Was the only thought in Allison’s head as they run for the exit, high on want and lust and maybe, just maybe a little bit of love
Featuring lil bonus of Thiam.
"Baaaaabe, you came." Theo chirps throwing his arms around Liams waist. Snuggling into the student coach's chest. Liam just snorts in amusement as his boyfriends drunken antics.
"You had a good night babe?" Liam asks moving his hands to keep Theo upright against him. He feels Theo nodding in silent reply against his chest.
Liam brings his hand up stroking it through Theo's hair softly earning a hum from Theo as the green eyed boy leans into his hand.
"Where's Tara, are we taking her home too?" Liam asks eyeing the bars entrance for any sign of Theo's older sister while rearranging him and Theo to lean against his 1970s Mustang.
Theo just grunts against his chest. "Got.... Allison. Show.... Video... orrow." He hears Theo mumbling, showing signs of being on the verge of sleep.
Liam snorts at the mumbled reply. It sounded like Tara and Erica had finally made a move on the raven haired girl.
He moves supporting Theo's weight and manages to get his sleepy boyfriend in the passenger seat of the car leaning down to brush the stray hairs out of Theo's face.
"Hey, babe. Where you wanna go? Your apartment or mine?" Liam asks securing the seat belt over Theo.
"H...ome" He hears Theo mumbling bring a soft smile to his lips at seeing his boyfriend so carefree. "Yeah where you wanna go home?"
Theos mumbled answer brings a blush to Liams cheeks but also warms his heart. "Where....iam.....Home.... pretty....b.....ome."
Liam leans over pressing his lips to Theo's forehead softly rubbing the pad of his thumb down Theo's cheeks, caressing them slowly. "Yeah T. Your my home too." He softly whispers.
God he loved this green eyed boy with everything he had.
He moves round the car climbing into the drivers seat. Hearing Theo sighing in content as he snuggles further into the seat, slowly drifting to sleep.
"Lets go home Theo." He says, more to himself than his sleeping boyfriend next to him.
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limetimo · 26 days
Ceremonious Nerves by tenrousei_kuroi psychological horror, Harry just arrived to Grimmauld Place and is finding out just how messed up his godfather is... and it's not just baout Azkaban
Confusions and Complications by whos_creativity third year. boggart lesson. On Harry's turn the boggart turns into a soaking wet bleeding boy... who is no-one else than Remus' old friend, Regulus Black!
old men and their pajamas by rsbarelle Fleamont and REgulus have the same pyjamas.
constant vigilance by maladaptivewriting jegulus smut, noncon roleplay
Regulus's (very professional) Guide to Forming a Family - a series -a feshly free (but still deeply traumatised) trans regulus starts working at a cafe, is befriended against his will by Remus, bumps into his estranged brother, meets said brother's friends, starts dating James, and overall finds himself with more family than he ever thought he'd have or need.
and though i burn, how could i fall? by theicarusconstellation icarus Regulus and Apollo James
lost and found by rxgulus James adopts a stray cat, doesn't know the stray cat is regulus actually
is this the end of all the endings? (his broken bones are mending) by rsbarelle sirius is raising regulus, also bartylus ♥
Gathering Home by Quietlemonhush Sirius is rasiing both Regulus and Harry, and Remus is the kindergarden teacher
Black's Anatomy by Scorpsblack sirius is a doctor and also raising regulus, who is 3 and has a brain tumor. Thankfully the hospital is full of friends! Regulus and Barty traumatise the entire play room.
Little Lion by TracingPatterns undersage incest also James/Regulus/Sirius
we're not worried, we're just having fun by grimjobs remus is a virgin and regulus is a slut, james has a brilliant idea.
How we all fall by georgia_sk harry is trying to get draco to date him and is very dramatic about it, much to jegulus' amusement.
Naughty, Knotty, Naughty by Anonymous Regulus/Harry/Sirius animagus smut
i can go anywhere i want (just not home) by rsbarelle regulus is Not having a good time and decides to follow in Sirius' footsteps and run away to the Potters.
the love of a brother by rxgulus - regulus is tasked with writing an essay about the people who raised him. backgroud estabilished jegulus
alcohol free by rxgulus when james gets drunk he starts waxing poetics about his husband to whoever is nearest; this time it's Regulus' coworkers Lily and friends.
the soldier by woobyo soon after Regulus' death, Sirius finds himself being 11 again. This time around he's not going to let nobody get n the way of their happily ever afters. (Even if it takes a liberal amount of murder.)
Mortal Once More by SheOfTheBookAndSong reg takes snape's place in narattive
Eighty-Twenty by FrankieQuinn13 back at school, james dumped severus because the boy didn't fit his idea of two children and a picket fence. He marries Lily instead and... it's fine, the marriage is fine. It feels a little less fine when they find out Severus is dating Sirius... and it's pretty serious
anti-hero by rweoutofthewoods regulus dies... or does he? :D past and endgame jegulus, lily lives. good writing!
Meet on Telegraph Avenue by ani_wahstan Regulus gets kicked out and goes to love with his brother and his sexy, slutty best friend.
Toujours-effin-pur, baby! by kwiewi Bartylus cruisin' and vibin' and lovin' on the roads of USA
make me stay by vick Regulus can't believe he's got crush on his brother's best riend. humiliating. pathetic. jegulily
Slipping through the mirror's cracks by Careless_Mirel walburga stuffed sickly regulus' soul in his healthy out-of-wedlock sister's body and it's overall a mess but Regulus and i forgot her name right now are going to figure it out
best friend behaviour by Anonymous barty/evan/regulus smut
Fuck The Monarchy! (Literally) by Bartemius_Crouch sirius and regulus are princes. what the title says, by james (and remus)
you're too sweet for me by fullonbicrisis regulus does sex work on the phone on side. his newest customer james is so sweet! there's no way things could get crazy!
though I try to resist, I still want it all by deanconti sirius/regulus/remus/james smut, sweet
Sirius rides his brother's Tickle Me Elmo by thebestmaraudersslythetinskittlefaneva_8 sirius does some self-discovery
A potion a day from The Black Apothecary by ani_wahstan james is looking for a long term solution to his anxiety, falls in love with a handsome potioneer along the way. sweet
Begin Again by slutforJamesPotter98 regulus dies, time travels, jegulus ensues
all I see is you by morgana_moonlight regulus wants his ears pierced, somehow he gets a date with james out of the whole mess?
god bless america by rweoutofthewoods sirius left. regulus stayed. knocked up a girl. called remus for help. and things stay the same in the sleepy rualr american town. will things change now that sirius and james are back in town? (beautifully written, the atmosphere is somehting else)
How to Raise the Chosen One series, past Jegulily, Regulus raises Harry, Dumbledore's a blackmailing DICK
More than Magic by Hometown_Nerd ♥♥♥♥♥ squibified Reg kidnaps harry, ect ect love it
Best Part of Waking Up by starling011, TemieTem remus/sirius/regulus smut with a surprising amount of plot-oriented chapters.
Curse Breaker (or how to find answers) by vianexa regulus is trying to break a curse, james helps, you can connect the dots
pearl necklace by indecest for PsychiatristGirl orion/regulus incest
A Man On The Horizon by vianexa cowboys!!! after regulus kills a man he can no longer stay in his hometown. in search of his brother he finds James ♥ and a new home ♥♥♥
A star for a summer's day by her_smile_forges_galaxies bartylus fake dates to get james and evan's attention
Drifting by indiantaylor regulus dies and goes back to 13. jegulus
Baby Black by miss_little_kitten regulus is accidentally de-aged and given to sirius to care for
Porn Delivery Service what it says on the tin ft james sirius regulus barty evan uuum remus too i think in various pairings/groups
Faith in Fear | A Regulus Black Story by chilloutkid regulus survives cave, v good
i will touch you with my mind by jaywalkers kinky jegulus
evocatio by justwhatialwayswanted regulus fake-dates evan into real dating
the tips of your teeth (fit perfect in me) by damagecontrol demon regulus priest james fuck nasty
Past Zero Hour by anonymsly ♥♥♥♥♥ :D:D:D:D:D
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emubugg · 7 months
🔮 Crystal Ball for bernard (for teh ask meme!!)
🔮 Crystal Ball- What kind of future does your OC want to have? What would they do to make it real?
I'm sooooOoaoO normal over this middle aged swedish man!!!!!!!!!!whattthefu
One of his central character themes is his fear of loneliness. He just wants a comfortable and simple future, but he would prefer to spend it around people instead of being stuck doing things and being at home on his own. He's aroace and has never seen the appeal in finding a partner or starting a family so u know he fears that's going to fuck him over.
He has a pretty tender and careful personality but he is very driven to help others. It ties to his worries regarding his future and the need to feel wanted and appreciated. Thoroughfare deals heavily with themes of coincidence and found family and bonding with some very unlikely people who end up making ur future a little brighter. But also with challenges related to facing one's mortality and trying to decide what you really want to do with the rest of your life.
Hi I probably just ended up rambling nonsense but I can't help it my brain is actual mush rn. HELP
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