#i was tempted to not put this under a readmore
rosanna-writer · 2 days
we said hello and your eyes look like coming home (22/?)
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Summary: A canon-divergent AU where the bond snaps for Rhys on Calanmai, Feyre unwittingly accepts it, and Fire Night magic proves to be more transformative than anyone bargained for. Feyre drags a mate she hardly knows out from Under the Mountain, then puts him back together as war with Hybern approaches. Warnings: dubious consent, canon-typical sexual violence, canon-typical violence Rating: Explicit Chapter Word Count: ~3.6k
ch. 1 - 10 | ch. 11-20 | ch. 21 - i wouldn't marry me either | ch. 22 - burn all the files, desert all your past lives
This fic turns one year old today!!! Thank you to everyone who's been reading, commenting, and kudos-ing; it's been wonderful to have you along for the ride <3
Some text in this chapter is lifted directly from both A Court of Thorns and Roses and A Court of Mist and Fury.
Read on AO3 or you can find the twenty-second chapter below the readmore.
Rhys wasn't back by the time I woke up the next morning. I'd expected it; we'd spoken through the bond throughout the long night handling the aftermath of the attack on Sangravah, and by the time I'd been unable to keep my eyes open, he'd still been working. I knew Rhys—if he'd slept at all, it had been in his office in the House of Wind, when he'd been too drained of energy to fly home.
The townhouse felt too empty.
It wasn't cold, but like a sentimental fool, I slipped on the dressing gown he'd left on the chair in my room the other day. The fabric was midnight-blue and the size far too big for me—the silver-embroidered cuffs extended several inches past my fingertips.
I padded downstairs, only to be hit by the smell of something baking. Bread, perhaps. And…cheese? Definitely not Rhys.
I crept towards the kitchen. Perhaps I should have been more worried about an intruder, but I trusted that Rhys's wards still kept out anyone who wasn't allowed inside. It was probably Cassian here with food.
Around the corner, I spotted a dark-haired female with her back to me—the first time I'd ever seen her fully corporeal. Nuala.
Cauldron boil me, the last time we'd seen each other, she'd been painting Illyrian markings for luck and glory all over my naked body. I had no idea what to say to her.
But before I could run back upstairs, she turned at the sound of my footsteps. I froze.
She smiled and said warmly, "You look well."
I caught the flicker of recognition in her eyes at the sight of me in a dressing gown that obviously belonged to the High Lord. If it had been someone else, the words might have sounded sarcastic or suggestive. But she really did sound pleased to see me.
My cheeks heated anyway, which was utterly ridiculous. The bond might have been a secret, but it wasn't as if Rhys and I made much of an effort to keep our hands off each other in public—his tongue had been down my throat on the banks of the Sidra more than once already. And yet I still felt…caught out.
"It's good to see you," I said after several moments of painful silence.
Nuala nodded towards a plate of chive-and-cheese scones that I hadn't noticed were sitting out on the table. "Those are still warm, if you're hungry."
Awkwardness aside, I still didn't have it in me to pass up food, so I sat and nibbled on a scone. It was warm, soft, and buttery—I was tempted to scarf it down like an animal but managed not to.
And it was a relief to have something to with my hands and a reason not to say anything. The oven was still on, and Nuala went back to stirring something in a bowl on the counter.
"My sister is gathering intelligence on the soldiers that attacked last night," she said, answering a question I hadn't known how to ask.
Azriel had said the twins were spending time with family after their return from Under the Mountain, and I'd assumed that meant they weren't working. I couldn't imagine what they'd endured during the last fifty years—I barely felt functional after only a few weeks in Amarantha's court. My appetite vanished.
"You don't have to be here. I can manage on my own." I'd run the household of our family of four with far fewer resources than I had now—it would be no trouble to take care of that for just Rhys and me, especially if it meant Nuala and Cerridwen could recover for the rest of their days if they wished.
Besides, Rhys would do his fair share of the work with far less complaining than Nesta ever had.
Nuala smiled. "Rhysand said the same thing. But after last night, Cerridwen and I both chose not to take his offer to retire from service."
"A court needs well-trained spies and trusted servants to remain secure. We're difficult to find on short notice."
The twins saw the storm clouds gathering on the horizon, too. And even after all they'd survived…they were here. Had chosen to be here.
I'd never forget the blanket they'd left for me in that cold cell, not if I lived a thousand years.
"Thank you. For everything."
She shrugged. "We were caught unawares and trapped there. You're the one who walked in eyes open."
We didn't speak of it again after that. I ate another scone while she baked some sort of egg dish with vegetables and a crust. When she put away the flour, I was relieved she didn't mention the raven I'd painted on the inside of the cabinet door. She must have known it was new and that Rhys certainly hadn't painted it.
When I insisted on washing the dishes before heading upstairs to get dressed, Nuala let me.
I dug the plainest gown out from the back of my closet. Not because I particularly wanted to wear it—I was most comfortable in Illyrian leathers or the silky, billowing pants and sheer sleeves of Night Court attire—but because I didn't want to cause a stir if I could avoid it or appear too faerie.
It was stifling to feel this covered up. I'd grown used to the caress of a breeze against my skin when I wasn't in leathers, and if I needed to run, I hated the thought of having to lift up my skirts to do it. Faeries—at least the ones in the Night Court—never made a fuss about bare legs or an exposed strip of skin around a navel.
I could endure this for a few hours, though. I'd been braiding my hair when Rhys winnowed in, directly onto my bed. He lay on his stomach, his head propped up on a fist and his feet in the air to keep his shoes off the duvet.
As usual, he looked aggravatingly put-together, no sign at all of the long night he'd had. Not a hair out of place, and he'd changed into a fresh tunic and pants.
Something like distaste flickered in his eyes even as he said, "You look beautiful." It was the first time he'd seen me wear a dress, I realized—or at least, the first time he'd seen me wear one of my own volition, if the scraps of fabric I'd worn Under the Mountain even counted.
"I don't," I said, voice flat, "and no one likes a liar, Rhys."
He stood and came closer, flicking my nose instead of kissing me hello. "You'd look beautiful in a potato sack."
"No one likes a cad, either."
He huffed a laugh as I tied off the end of the braid and rose from the chair. In a single absurdly graceful movement, he leaned down to kiss me properly while lifting me into his arms to fly. I let myself melt into the warmth of his solid body against mine, and for a moment, I considered getting the damn dress off and Rhys into bed for the rest of the day.
But I couldn't keep putting this off.
I held on tight as we vanished into dark wind and appeared again hundreds of feet over a vast, blue sea. Even though I'd expected it—we'd planned to slip through one of the holes that had formed in the Wall—I let out a shriek and clung tighter to Rhys. The wind roared; water rushed towards us—
Was that a scream from the fearless Cursebreaker? We're not even in free fall. The words seemed to glitter with wicked amusement as they crossed the bond.
Rhys was right, though. His wings strained against the wind but kept our descent controlled, snapping open at just the right angles so we stayed on course. I tipped my head back to take in the particular contented smile he only wore while flying.
It disappeared as we approached the Wall. I couldn't see it, but I felt the crackle of its power setting my teeth on edge all the same. Rhys gripped me tighter.
The feeling got worse as we approached. And as we swept through, there was a horrible moment where I felt ripped in half, as if it wanted to scatter incomplete pieces of me among the mortals and the fae.
But it passed in an instant.
I was back in the human lands. The home I thought I'd never see again.
There was barely time to process that before we were slipping into the space between worlds as Rhys winnowed us to the woods just outside my family's estate.
He'd offered to glamour himself to appear human and accompany me, but I'd said no. Perhaps another time, but…this felt like something I had to do on my own. So I kissed him goodbye and walked towards the manor alone.
The white marble walls and emerald roof were grand, but totally unfamiliar. I passed neat hedges as I walked up the flagstone path, and my heart squeezed at the sight of flowers and shrubs that had been planted there—Elain's doing, no doubt.
At the double doors, I rang the bell and waited, my stomach churning. Azriel's reports had assured me that all was well, but…perhaps it wasn't. Perhaps something had gotten overlooked.
A ruddy-faced housekeeper I didn't recognize opened the door. "May I help you?" she said, blandly polite.
"I'm Feyre Archeron. I'm here to see my family," I said.
Her eyes lit up with recognition at the sound of my name. That was a relief, at least; I wasn't forgotten. "Your father is away on business, but your sisters—"
"Feyre? Is that you?" Elain—Elain. Cheerful and lovely as always, untouched by the monsters and horrors I'd encountered in Prythian. Safe. Just as I'd remembered her.
I nearly sobbed with relief. But as far as she knew, I was merely back from taking care of an elderly relative, so I kept my voice light as I said, "It's me. I'm here while our cousin stays with Aunt Ripleigh to give me a short break."
The housekeeper stepped aside as Elain launched herself at me. I embraced my sister, relieved at how she'd filled out since I'd last seen her. Taken care of and eating right, then. "What a wonderful surprise!" she said.
There were footsteps on the stairs, and I looked over Elain's shoulder to see Nesta standing with a hand braced on the rail.
Staring as if I were a ghost.
I'd forgotten how cunning her eyes were, how cold. There was no reason to believe Nesta knew anything about what I'd been up to for the past few months, yet….she'd always been made of something different. Something harder and stronger.
"What are you doing here?" she said, face carefully blank.
"Visiting. It's…good to see how your fortunes have improved," I said.
Elain's brow furrowed. "I know Nesta's visit didn't work out, but didn't you get our letters?"
She didn’t remember—or maybe she’d never actually known, then, that I wouldn’t have been able to read them, anyway. But it still made my heart sink to imagine my sisters sending letters that were doomed to never reach me. If Nesta had tried to visit, though I doubted she'd actually wanted to see me, some magic must have turned her away.
I shook my head, and Elain ushered me inside, complaining about the uselessness of the post. Nesta continued to stare wordlessly, and I half-listened as Elain recounted the story of the mysterious stranger who'd appeared at their doorstep with a wildly lucrative investment opportunity and given them a trunk of gold just for agreeing.
Tamlin's doing, and it matched the reports that Azriel had given me. I'd expected this. And yet, it still didn't quite prepare me for how strange it would feel for Elain to hook her elbow through mine, apologize for not having a room ready for me, and offer to show me the rest of the house.
The manor was beautiful, if a bit…sterile. Beautiful and richly appointed, but everything was new and untouched, with none of the sense of the age that permeated the townhouse in Velaris. I couldn't help but marvel at it—Nesta and Elain were cared for, with enough money to ensure they'd never be hungry again.
Nesta fell into step beside us, a quiet, stalking presence. Her face was still impassive, and she seemed content to let Elain do all of the talking. But it was better than her flinging insults, so perhaps it was a blessing.
We had tea and sandwiches in the lush garden, which was in full bloom for the summer. After months in Prythian, human food tasted like ash in my mouth, but I didn't care. It had been so long since I'd eaten a meal with my family and had enough for all of us.
Never again would I brace myself for a fight if I dared take more than my carefully allotted quarter after hauling a carcass for miles.
It was simple enough to spin stories about reading to Aunt Ripleigh as she instructed me on deportment from her bedside. None of it was particularly interesting, and instead, I asked about the garden and the social season that I'd missed.
The purple-and-white tulips at our feet had once been bulbs brought all the way from the continent, Elain told me, beaming. She'd tended to them herself, planting and weeding in between the balls and parties and gossip of the social season.
"It sounds like you've been busy without me, then," I said, setting down my teacup carefully.
"It was a welcome respite," Elain said, a shadow darkening her lovely face for a moment. "I'm grateful our situation has changed for the better, but I'll admit this season was a bit…strange."
My blood went cold. Of course this had all been too good to be true. Something was wrong. "In what way?"
"People acted as if we’d all just been ill for eight years, or had gone away to some distant country—not that we’d been a few villages over in that cottage. You’d think we dreamed it all up, what happened to us over those years. No one said a word about it."
I relaxed again. In truth, it was a warmer reception than I thought my family would have gotten after so many years of poverty. It was better than being treated as if we were diseased.
Perhaps something had happened, though. It might explain why Nesta was so quiet. She'd barely touched her food and just stared with those piercing blue-grey eyes that were an unsettling mirror of my own.
"That does sound strange," I said. We went quiet again, and I set my tea down and turned back to my plate. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Elain staring, too. "What?"
Elain shook her head. "You just look so…different. Not in a bad way of course. It's just as if there's a…a glow about you."
I froze. The only sort of people who were ever described as glowing were ones who were happily pregnant. Gods, I hadn't inadvertently given them the impression I was with child, had I?
"Did something happen at Aunt Ripleigh's house?" Elain asked. "Did you…meet someone?"
The tilt of Nesta's head was pure predator as she added, "Did you, Feyre?"
I wanted to say yes. Perhaps I was too much of a coward to admit to my human family that I'd fallen in love with a faerie, but I could have told a few half-truths. I didn't want to subject myself to an interrogation, though.
"Just good food and rest," I said.
Nesta got to her feet, straight-backed and regal as she stared down her nose at me. "We're out of tea. Why don't you come with me to get another pot from the kitchen?" It wasn't a question.
I followed her before Elain had a chance to object or insist on coming with. As soon as we were inside, Nesta's hand clamped down on my arm, and she steered me towards an empty sitting room and shut the door behind us.
"There is no Aunt Ripleigh," Nesta said.
Cauldron boil and fry me. I could kill whoever told her. "Of course there—" I started to say.
"Don't. I saw that look on your face when Elain asked if you'd met someone. She and Father don't remember that beast taking you away, but I do. Tell me what the hell is going on, Feyre."
All these months…Nesta had known. And kept it to herself.
She'd seen through Tamlin's glamour somehow, probably just because her mind was so thoroughly her own that he couldn't have violated it. And if a High Lord hadn't been able to fool her, I shuddered to think what she made of the sentries Rhys had sent, who were supposed to have been unseen by human eyes.
There was no point in hiding the bond from her, too. I pulled the chain with my mating band out from where I'd tucked it under the bodice of my dress. "I did meet someone in Prythian."
"You're married," she breathed. The disbelief in her voice shouldn't have stung as much as it did. Nesta had never made a secret of how thoroughly she doubted any man would ever find me an acceptable bride.
"In a manner of speaking. The fae either marry or mate if the Cauldron blessed them with a soul-bound partner. I have a mate. Rhysand, the High Lord of the Night Court."
Nesta barked a harsh, bitter laugh. I didn't know what to make of it until she said, shaking her head in disbelief, "Mother expected me to marry a prince, but you're the one who's ensnared a faerie king and become his consort."
"I didn't ensnare—"
"Then what? He forced you?"
"No!" I had no idea how to look my sister in the eye and tell her a magical stag had done it. Nesta just crossed her arms and stared me down, waiting for an explanation. She said nothing because she didn't have to—there was pure command in just the way she held herself. I took a breath and continued, "Rhys loves me, and I love him. He isn't the one who took me. That was Tamlin, the High Lord of Spring. Rhys got me out and took me somewhere safe. It's a long story, but yes, I am Lady of the Night Court now."
"And this Lord Rhysand is the reason we're now…taken care of?"
I didn't want to give Tamlin the credit. His kindness rang hollow—uncomfortably transactional, in a way—when it was clearly recompense for kidnapping me. And in truth, Rhys was the reason I hadn't worried about Tamlin impoverishing my family a second time in retaliation for swearing fealty to Night. "Yes."
"Then give him my thanks and don't come back here again."
The words might as well have been a slap to the face. I hadn't expected a warm welcome from Nesta, but…I'd hoped, at least, that she'd be something closer to civil.
"What about Father?" I said. "I haven't seen him since I was taken away."
"What about the rest of us? If anyone learns our sister is a fae sympathizer, any standing, any influence we have—gone."
Nesta's hand was resting on the back of an armchair, and she gripped it so tightly that her knuckles had gone white. The set of her shoulders was stiff.
It was the closest to afraid she ever seemed to get.
She had reason to be, as much as it hurt. Our family had tumbled into ruin once, and we'd all nearly starved to death because of it. I could not blame my sister for wanting to cling to the good fortune as fiercely as possible. I knew, deep down, she only did it because she wanted to see Elain safe and happy.
"There's more I need to tell you before I go."
"Stay the night, then. We can speak privately for longer after the servants have left for the day, but you'll need to leave before breakfast."
We wouldn't be overheard in the garden either, but Nesta clearly didn't want Elain to know any of this. I had half a mind to blurt it out before Nesta could stop me as soon as we sat back down with Elain. But this was for the best.
I trusted the walls surrounding Nesta's mind; she'd keep my secrets. But anyone with daemati abilities could pluck information right out of Elain's, and the chances were too high that someone intent on hunting me down might do just that. Elain couldn't know.
"Thank you."
A single nod—downright affectionate from Nesta. "Elain bought paints for you. She'd appreciate it if you left something for her; I know she misses the decorations you left in the cabin."
"I'd like that," I said, meaning it.
There was nothing else to discuss; we returned to the garden after that and made our excuses to Elain for taking so long with the rest of the tea. The three of us spent the rest of the afternoon sitting in the sun, chatting and catching up. Nesta was still quiet, but…we didn't fight. No one insulted each other.
Even as a knot formed in my stomach at the thought of unburdening myself to Nesta later, I savored the peace as I painted foxgloves around the doorframe to Elain's bedroom.
This day had been a gift, and I was intent on appreciating it.
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notebooknonbinary · 2 years
Tagged by the v supercool @bylertruther thank u☺️ (sorry this took me a hot minute, tumblr wouldn't let me do bullet points on mobile)
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it!! Mutuals and followers please feel free I’d love to see!!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!
Haaaha so, the problem is…unless there’s enough fic for me to justify a separate doc to myself, half my WIPs are under shit like [fandom] stuffff or, worse, Untitled Document. On the other hand, some stuff I get optimistic and title properly. My big problem is, I'm pretty okay at ideas--but V terrible at follow through. So um Ymmv
Anyway im gonna base this on whether there’s even a 1% chance I’ll come back to the WIPs for even a second bc otherwise we’d be here all day, I got stuff from 2011 in my docs and I’d literally rather dunk myself in a pool of hot oil than touch those (I haven’t gotten around to deleting them yet shut)
The WIPs I’m Currently Working On:
HS and College AU Part 1–All the Time in the World Draft 2 hey if anyone would like to beta for this btw i'm Big struggling w it atm lmaooo
HS and College AU Part 2: Ro—Name Redacted for Spoiler reasons
Stranger Things fic bits (has future stuff for^^^^)
Stranger things ideas idk (mostly headcanons and plot stuff that isn’t actually fic, and like research and stuff)
Stranger Things Post Series College AU Rough TL (above fic’s timeline^^)
ST react (BIG cringe and Never to be posted. Work on just for fun)
WIPs I Want and Need to Come Back to lmao:
Newsies fanfic (Draft Ver. 3) (my giant 18k baby that I probably will never get back to)
North to Alaska (Fo4)
This is Not a TT Story Chapter 6 (and 7, 8, and 9😭)***Esp! This one
Everything Else lmao:
Untitled Document (like five or six of these lmao)
Merlin stuffff
Mystmess fic????
Fma idea
ME Fo4 cover
i don’t know wtf this is let will be outwardly gay cowards (not as interesting as the title suggests lmao)
Five to Travel PJO/HoO/ToA
LiS2 Timetravel Alt Uni Timeline (Complete outline for the above fic rgjsoiwrj)
LiS2 xover w Coco? (Indulgent and never to be posted prob)
Life Is Strange, Tell Me Why fic idea?
TJM fic Chapter 10-?
GO fic ideas
YOI fic ideas
bits and pieces of fic ideas for ha and JN (u do Not want to open this curiosity door very cringe😔)
Tarsus IV sequel(s) planner (I still kind of want to go back and write a sequel to this it was my baby and one of the only chapter fics I ever completed)
BMC DEH fic bits
dcmk story ideas (mostly just AUs where Ran is in the know bc f u gosho)
And my two most cringe but lovingly researched WIPs that will likely never be finished:
Cablepool Fix-it fic (Seriously Nate, you were fixing his brain and you didn't see the brainwashing wtaf) <- whole title 😌 this bs was 7k
helga foster story ongoing
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displacedentities · 1 year
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N҉E͟W S̸͢͡P͞҉͘͢͠E̛C̴̛Ì̴͜͡Ȩ͟͞S̵͘͘͢͞ Ḑ̷̛̻̱͈̮̔̓͛̕⬤̶̧̪͉͓̑͊͋͘͝ͅ⫷̵̝̳̭̬̣̆̓͗̓͝Ứ̷̧̨̞̫͙̊̈́͘▐̷̛͚͓͕̤͖̓͝͝͝▮̴͔͔̪̭͎̉̂́̋̑▌̸̰̜͖̝́̆͐̈́̈́ͅ█̸̨̗̼̮͊͗͛́̇͜☰̵̧̞͍̗͉̆͒̒̓͌ ̴̧̧̲̼̣̌͊̽͑̓Ṇ̷̨̡̭̙̔̓̽͑̾▀̴͈̼̲͔͎̎͐̈́̉̇█̵̯̱͚̲̪̋̑͗͌͘▀̴̧̢͍̝͈̔̉̒̊̚ ̷̢̘̳̯̪͆̑͒̔͐█̸̪̻̭̦͕̄̍̋̏̚☰̵͓̞͍̰̬̎͛̈́͂͐▟̵̖̣̠̟͓̈́̉̓̐͝
(The following report has been recovered from a corrupted data drive, confiscated from Team Rocket grunts. Some information has been lost, as the hardware was damaged by blunt force, exposure to the elements and saltwater corrosion. The captured individuals are being questioned as to the origin and legitimacy of the data, as it pertains to an ongoing investigation over the sudden disappearance of the Hadal Research Group.)
Mod: Meet the newest addition to my roster, TANGLE! Tangle is a Mewtwo x Dragalge fusion I purchased from @absolutedream-art, and- I love him, I love him so much. I couldn't come up with a clean fusion name of the two species, so I decided to go ahead and not only give him his own species name, but also a baby AND Mega form >:)c I even made a full blank Fakemon template for this!
Not gonna lie obsessed with these designs now huehuehue~ Tempted to make an askblog for this guy, cuz I kinda wanna tell his story, but only if people are really interested >u<
Gonna put my thoughts, current info and bonus sketches under the ReadMore cut! cx
MEWELP ("Mewtwo"/"Skrelp"/"Mew"/"Whelp") The Kelp Hider Pokemon PSYCHIC/POISON Ability: Poison Point / HA: Adaptability Moves: Camouflage, Confusion, Water Gun, Poison Tail
Mewelp was created in the Hadal Research Group domed undersea facility, where gene therapy was being studied using the DNA of Water type Pokemon such as Corsola, Slowpoke, and Skrelp for their regenerative capabilities. Mewelp prefers to hide over seeking conflict, using its superior camouflaging abilities to mask itself in kelp and undersea detritus to the point it turns completely invisible. When attacked, Mewelp will attempt to angle its venomous back spine and tail towards the assailant. It loves hide-and-seek, and pouncing from total cover on people and Pokemon that it deems friends and family.
Evolves into MIASMALGA at level 48
MIASMALGA ("Mewtwo"/"Dragalge"/"Miasma"/"Alga") The Wreck Ruler Pokemon PSYCHIC/DRAGON Ability: Pressure / HA: Adaptability Moves: Psystrike, Water Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Gunk Shot
Miasmalga is the "adult" form of Mewelp, having matured enough to evolve the Skrelp portion of their DNA into the full Dragalge DNA sequence. Their thinking and reasoning skills have advanced drastically by the time they reach this evolution, their intelligence on par with a full-blooded Mewtwo. Miasmalga shares the telepathic communication skill of their Legendary genetic donor, and can speak to and understand both humans and Pokemon with fully developed speech and clarity. Their reliance on poisonous self-defense for protection has diminished, instead replaced by great offensive power in the form of psychic and pulse-form attacks. In spite of this, Miasmalga's temperament is typically calm, favoring respect and wisdom over brutality.
Evolves into MEGA MIASMALGA with a Miasmalgite (Root File: C̸̨̺͕̙̤͌̅̀̾͝⬤̴̧̛̭̯̹̹́̔̄͘RR█̷̧̦͖͖̾͆́̐̕͜▄̸̨̛̬̱͕͈̍͌͌͑█̸̥͉͎̯͚́̑̂͋̆P̶̛̪̥̪͖͙̾͒̿̅▀̶͔̌̓͒̈́͝T ̴̳͈̻̅̍̃̈͗ͅED)
MEGA MIASMALGA The Hadal King Pokemon PSYCHIC/DRAGON Ability: Shifting Strands*** / HA: Justified Moves: Psystrike, Megahorn, Breaking Swipe, Gunk Shot
***Shifting Strands is the Signature Ability of Mega Miasmalga. Tendrils around the user's body move and shift to hide and protect it. Raises evasiveness by one stage at the start of battle, and cuts all incoming physical damage by half.
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And here's the bonus sketches from my work doodle book, where I was trying to learn how to block out Tangle's face, form and limb function xD
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viscereye · 3 days
I find the idea of loosing your sanity while being around Vance to be a pretty fun concept (I love it a lot), how far could it go? How crazy would you end up? Would you end up just as obsessed as Vance? Become paranoid? Or something different all together
Let me put this under a readmore since I guess it's a little bit of a spoiler
This mechanic is somewhat hidden so not everyone figures it out, but the point in the game where Vance begs you to indulge in a little bit of cannibalism, the possible choices are actually affected by sanity. If it's too low, you'll end up doing it anyway, one way or another - after all, isn't it all too tempting? Isn't sanity, among other things, the capability to hold back from what's wrong, unacceptable or dangerous (even if it's so very tempting) and choose the reasonable? I imagine it would be best described as a dissolution of barriers, and therefore heavily dependent on pre-existing feelings. If you were scared, it could develop into panic and paranoia. If you were, above all, tempted to just go along with whatever he suggests regardless of the danger, the effects of staying around him for too long would likely make it much easier to make terrible choices like this.
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from what I can gather from your hcs, Peppino is immune to Gustavo's gnome charms. But the MOMENT that little man does something casually cute? Pep's exploding
I am giving poor Gus a bad rep 😭 i am tempted to make an actual post about it so i can put my ramblings under a readmore lmao
He is first and foremost very earnest and very sweet! He is not an opportunist trying to swindle money out of people😭 hes just really small and really cute and he learned that they get better combined tips on days when hes manning the counter 😭 So the little cutesy face is Less about him trying to con people out of things they want, and more like him playing around bc hes like ‘this little face gets us sooooo much money; its clearly bc of my Charm 🥺✨ ’ even tho he knows it wouldnt work on pep 😭
With that said, Gus being like passively cute works on Peppino bc hes just enamored with everything Gus does ☺️ yes even the playfulness of trying to pretend to con Pep is enamoring💖 he is sweet and silly and playful and whimsical and a rlly good and helpful little buddy n friend
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a-zira-fell · 10 months
This post is a Work in Progress and will be edited.
The Second Coming
Jesus comes back in a Judgement Day kinda situation - some Good Omens thoughts
(Footnotes under readmore) (1)
1. Who is Jesus?
At the time of the setting of Season 3 (2026?), he should be in his mid thirties (2)
A carpenter? It seems in keeping with the humour and charme of GO that he may well be a carpenter
I don't care about Jesus's gender at all. Might be a guy, might be a girl, might be neither or both, but what i know for sure is that Jesus has to be queer (3)
2. His Parents
Son of a Carpenter and the 'Virgin Mary'
maybe their names are Joseph and Mary maybe not
Young couple just got pregnant (Jane the Virgin type situation?), decide to keep it, one time there was a weird posh guy who told her she would bear the Second Coming of the Son of God and she replied "I don't even want an abortion, man" and forgot about it (4)
Punk adjacent working class parents in the 90s
Atheist-raised Christ?
3. Jesus had a hell of a weird childhood
Sparks of divine energy at random times, often emotionally triggered
Brought objects to life and revived dead pets for friends
4. Good Omens tie-in
The events of GO 1 may have triggered something in him (5) and since then miracles happen more and more frequently and he's learning to control them
He finds himself speaking truths he can't quite wrap his own head around
There are still bursts that are linked to emotions, so sometimes it's not as easy to hide. With social media and all
It has attracted people to him, some of whon may see in him the Second Coming of Christ. It's true, he knows, but it feels like a dark secret because there is so much he doesn't understand
It's like a cult that he's barely a part of, yet he is the leader
5. His Environment
He's got this close circle of friends but twelve is a lot by those standards and it's mostly just hanging out with some of them at one time
There are few occasions with all of them present but it's always a good time.
Jesus doesn't have a favourite. He has some friends that are closer but everyone contributes to the group.
He still feels set apart from them all except:
6. Judas
is the boyfriend
Absolutely devoted to Jesus but also a natural born helper who puts the cause first and manages the budget of the group as organisers of protests or booths at pride
Crowley finds he is easy to tempt to do many things, but his resolve to protect Jesus is unwavering, temptations that involve Jesus in any way don't catch on Judas (6)
Jesus relies on Judas a lot. He's torn between his fate, this whole unknown side to the world, and Judas, his foot in the real world. His rock in the stormy sea.
7. Miscellaneous
Jesus has for sure taken apart a queerphobic booth next to a church once, at the far side of a Pride Event
He was drunk one summer night and came by a plum tree in someone's yard, plums not ripe just yet. He cussed it out half jokingly, forgetting about magic bursts. Then next day the tree is completely shrivelled up
Got thoughts about Jesus? 💌 (69)
(1) yeah, it's that kind of post
(4) is there one christ per generation? That never goes off bc it's never the time. Like a switch needs to be switched to activate the sleeper agent Christ within. (All humans are made the same. Anyone could be christ.
(2) to my knowledge (adequate) Christ's birth is placed ca 4-7 BC, making him 34-37 in 30 or even 37-40 in 33 ad where his main work that we usually know him from (not the carpentry) took place.
(3) I'll refer to Jesus as he in this post bc that's easier
- is there one woodworker's kid per generation, across the globe that is just Soooooooooo fucking weird?
- does Gabriel visit one mother per generation and activate a Jesus Gene or ...
(5) or was the book of life used to activate that?
(6) I am a firm believer in 'Judas tried to deescalate the situation in Jerusalem before Jesus could come to any harm by choosing the lesser of all evils, which to him seemed to be having Jesus arrested and locked up for the duration of Pesach.' This plan however, spectacularly backfired. He unknowingly sent humanity's God-approved sacrificial lamb exactly where it could be most effectively used. Poor sod. He was just in love and unaware of the power of a mimetic crisis.
(69) This is the last footnote. Please step into my inbox 💌 with opinions and ideas. As I update this post, I will tag to credit ideas that weren't mine.
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daechwitatamic · 10 months
hello. apropos of absolutely nothing i am requesting headcanons for tempting the members with ~ seggs ~ to get them to do something for you. like, say, getting namjoon to learn how to drive. thank you 😌
"apropros of absolutely nothing" aka using our dms against me hehehe
Okay, you're trying to ~convince~ your man to do something you want - that he doesn't really want to do necessarily. But he does... want the payment. But also... it's a game... and he wants to win. We all following this little conundrum?
disclaimer i've never done an ot7 headcanon or anything before sooo this is just for funsies and if you have other thoughts pls share with the class!
uhhhh putting this under a readmore bc i'd say it is NSFW!
1. Would not cave, does not want to do the thing, does not want to give you the satisfaction of winning:
Hobi, Yoongi, and Jin. They spend all day giving you the coldest side-eyes but they are not. giving. in. You can bet your ASS that they take it out on you later when the deal's off the table and there's no dishonor at stake.
2. Wants to win more than almost anything else, but would eventually reach a cracking point. Cracks, rails you into oblivion, and then does the thing because - sigh - that was the deal.
Jimin and Jungkook. Worth mentioning that JK really grits his teeth and tries to stare at the clouds and think gross thoughts but... every man's got his limit.
3. Is so excited that it's a sexy game and he gets to play that the challenge aspect is sort of lost on him.
Taehyung. 50% success rate. Sometimes gives in, sometimes holds out. Depends on the day, how his hair looks, which way the wind is blowing. Yknow. That stuff.
4. Folds immediately at the first sight of a b00b. Does you, and then the thing, doesn't have a single thing to say in his own defense.
Kim Namjoon, no other notes, goodbye.
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witchoil · 2 months
just saw the most insane post on my dash claiming that hating on AI “”art”” is ableist bc it’s a form of “artistic expression” that’s “accessible” to people who can’t do other forms of art and i just want to be crystal fucking clear about this. AI art is not “expression” its consumption. it is an act of consuming the stolen work of others. that’s it.
putting this under a readmore bc i don’t want to tempt the gods and have it blow up lmao
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plushie-neopet · 4 months
I'm going to relive my history with the site a lil, but it's already running long, so I'll put it under a readmore.
When I was first told of Neopets in ~2000 I was frequenting a Digimon oekaki (drawing board) and drawing Lopmon/Floramon/Kiwimon with alarming regularity. I joined Neopets because friends on the oekaki asked me to. I made a blue shoyru, which I painted purple because I liked the user hrobi's purple shoyru Antorcha and the art on the site card for Antikia Lighten. I think at the time I thought the site made the card based on the user's pet.
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I joined my friends' guild, and in a guild event I won a silver paint brush and re-painted my shoyru. It was actually pretty interesting, because I was trying to make her look mirror-shiny in art I made of her, and that taught me a lot about colouring. I played for a bit over a year. I legit talked about 9/11 as it happened in that guilds' lil chat area. I had to calm down an American kid who went by the name 'Piggy' because her parents were REALLY upset about it and she was panicking. And shortly after I lost interest and the login details.
When I came back March 1st 2002, I made my kuroi_muchi account but occasionally I would look up my first account. It was wiped in the purge, however. The first pet I made on my kuroi_muchi account was a gelert... But I didn't connect with the old gelert art and didn't feel inspired by it.. Also, I forgot to capitalise her name, and that bothered me. I pounded her. She still exists on-site, but now she's a Woodland Poogle. As I write this, she is 8005 days old, so she is almost 22 years old, like my account. Her owner plays semi-regularly, but was last spotted about three months ago.
I still have the second pet I ever made on my current main, but she's on a side account. She's a Halloween Aisha named Itla, and given I always drew the red 'outfit' as part of her fur I don't want to remove it to put other clothes on her... She was my first serious roleplay character (a demon catgirl RP'd on MSN messenger) and now I like to joke that she's happily retired.
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Shortly after making kuroi_muchi, I found a Neopet-themed Oekaki called 'Sako's Oekaki'. This drawing board was accessed via Sako the then-shadow aisha's petpage. Sako's petpage is now a jumbled mess of broken script, but it mentions the Oekaki to this day.
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My Halloween aisha was quite popular there! The board focused quite a bit on aishas and roleplay, as well as art. There was an ongoing theme with angel and demon aishas - and my Halloween girl was obviously one of the demons. I'm not even going to say it was cringe - we were kids playing with concepts of belief and morality. I feel like that's pretty important when you are developing your world views. I made a lot of very dear friends there. Actually, I met my first ever girlfriend there. Long distance, but cute and meaningful. One of my friends from that board wanted to make plushie pets together, to match. Plushie grundo/chomby MPs were under 100k np, so we made those. He made a grundo, and I made Kijiwa the plushie chomby. And I kinda fell in love with plushie neopets after that. I wanted to make more... but then conversion happened and they lost a lot of their charm, and gosh they were EXPENSIVE, so I didn't until much later.
When the purge happened a lot of people had long lists of names they wanted, but I only had one. My name is Rain, and I like birds, and I like the meaning of 'rainbird' - a bird that sings to warn of an incoming storm. Rainbird was the only name I grabbed when it was released, and they became the pet to represent me. For a while I lab zapped them, unsure what would work as 'me'... But I eventually decided that they had to be a bird, and I would acknowledge my love of plushies and try to draw them the way they should look. So Rainbird is a plushie bruce. If Toy had been around I might have been tempted, to be honest! But I quite enjoy my fat purple penguin.
Rainbird is female on-site (but uses they/them) because I made them before my own public transition. It's one of the few things I might like to change, if it becomes easier/cheaper in the future. I am aligned more with masculinity than femininity, but... Well, it's fine to have little markers of how I've grown. Hell, I 'announced' my transition subtly with art of Rainbird. Before the pride flags were added to the site, and when discussion of the subject was against the rules. I wasn't discussing it, though. I just... drew a bruce wearing a bow.
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I think I won a gold BC trophy for this picture.
It's probably silly that I can connect a lot of memories to a pet site. It's probably silly that I have a rainbow chomby plushie on my desk right now, when I'm in my mid-30s. It's probably silly how sentimental I'm feeling about all this. It's probably silly to be running a blog dedicated to a 25 year old site and the art that people make based on it. Sometimes it's nice to be silly.
This year I made Teald - based on an OC I have been writing and roleplaying for years. It felt like coming back, looping around to something familiar. I will take inspiration from strange places, and I will bring my inspiration back to places I know. I am glad the NCUCs came back - realistically, that faerie lenny mp probably would have sat in my SDB for years more. I just don't like the converted lenny art. But I knew that if Teal was anything, they'd be a faerie lenny.
I don't know why I felt like sharing all of this. Perhaps this too is a little marker I am leaving online, so I can look at it years from now and remember. If you read it all... well, thanks. Thanks for coming on this stroll down memory lane with me. There's more I didn't add - I have many more Neopets, after all! But this felt worth sharing, or at least writing down somewhere.
Stay excellent.
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roaringup · 7 months
Eventful day yesterday!
I think I want to start trying to use emojis to designate people I’m seeing who aren’t themselves on tumblr, because initials are getting confusing when the letters are the same and I’m increasingly feeling a little odd about full names. So I’ll say I saw both 🐦‍⬛ and 🪐, we’ll see how that works out for me. I didn’t get home until late.
In the morning I left for 🪐’s (beautiful, it turns out) house, which I’ve never been to before; it’s relatively far away and would normally just be a single hourlong train ride, but was complicated by an annoying shuttle bus situation. I met zir husband and a housemate. Zie made me brunch and we walked in the woods nearby.
I’m going to put the rest of this under a readmore because it’s a long diary entry kind of thing and some of it is about BDSM
Then we played. It was only the second time we’d done that, and the first time I saw/used their stuff. 🪐 has a nice big bag of toys, including the same Wartenberg wheel I do—I was so tempted to use one in each hand, but didn’t on this occasion—wooden paddles, which I do not have; and this delightful thin metal cane meant for impact that was great for doing nasty temperature stuff, because it was long and already cold to the touch. I did a little bit more non-pain mindfuckery, first tries with some ideas I want to refine and deepen and try again.
Then I went straight to 🐦‍⬛’s. We walked the dogs (they have one and are sitting one), got pizza, and just talked for a long time. They gave me some needles and two more needle hammers and a gua sha, and taught me how to use the gua sha. It isn’t painful if you do it as you’re meant to, with enough oil, slowly enough to let the sensation subside before the next stroke, etc. I didn’t do it that hard or attempt to use it in painful ways because it was my first try.
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The way you hold this tool is that the divot in it sits in the web between your thumb and index finger. You scrape it along the skin, following the lines of the muscles, and it brings blood flow to the areas you scrape, which can feel good and warming if you’re stiff, etc. Done hard enough it causes beautiful and surprisingly intense bruises—that was what interested me!
It was so fun to be taught about the gua sha, and fascinating how all these things 🐦‍⬛ told me about it are things I already know from SM, or things that immediately made sense based on prior experiences. The big one was that if you give intense and not entirely pleasant sensation to a small area, it often feels nice to finish by to massaging that spot plus the broader area around it afterwards, because doing so sort of draws your sensory awareness back into that body part in a way that makes the pain-specificity subside. Some other details about muscles and bones and bloodflow and how people process sensation.
Anyway, that was an enjoyable day overall despite the transit not going well. Today I talked to Robin in bed for a long time, talked to a friend on the phone, had some leftover saag paneer I made, did a bunch of jigsaw puzzling, and wrote this up so I remember. I might bake some cookies later with some weed butter that’s in the fridge.
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serenofroses · 6 months
because I was trying to come up with some dark ideas regarding my verse's Jadus. because reading character sharing in discord server had made me felt my ideas were underwhelming and not (gothic) dark enough as I hoped to aim for.
uh im putting this under readmore to be safe...
and as a likely chance that Jadus has a tenacity to shows signs of possessiveness as they don't trust anybody else (except Marr) around Ania, reminding the Sith Lords and/or nobles with a veiled threat during the Sith party, making it clear that Ania belongs to theirs.
of course one noble ignored that warning, forgetting about Jadus' Imperial family status and their position on Dark Council, and ended up made the morning Imperial news headline like "some buggar decided to tempt fate with death by aggroing Darth fucking Jadus who choked and drained the life out of them."
That became the most gossiped about.
Jadus did Ania a favour by getting rid of those rich nobles for giving her unwanted flirtations courtship that she doesn't feel comfortable with and she had told them politely she's not interested. Ania preferred women and Jadus knew this by stepping in sensing her distress through the Force Bond.
Jadus does mean business (and they did made a promise to Ania that they'll protect her from powerful Sith and people, via Dark Meetings/Dark Propositions story).
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monty-glasses-roxy · 10 months
cassie and her dad managing roxy's dogisms? based on your stories i mean stuff like her zooms, howling / barking, allergies, sleeping in weird places etc.
Oh this is a fun one. There's so many dogisms to deal with, but in the case of managing them, it's more teaching Roxy what is and isn't okay to do, when she can do these things and accommodating for it wherever they can. Gonna put some of this under a readmore for dashboard convenience
Obviously, she can't catch ducks for any reason at the local park and she can't just randomly stat barking for funsies when they have neighbours. Her chase instinct being so high is a pain for the first one and is mostly about her building impulse control she's never particularly needed before, but the barking isn't too big of an issue. She'll bark very occasionally, and is always very tempted to when actual dogs do, but that's pretty much the exception, and making friends with local dogs is probably not the worst thing for her to be doing anyway. The howling isn't a problem at the start. It's mostly a problem when she gets too excited or is incredibly sad/lonely and just needs to vocalise it. If it wasn't so loud people on the other side of town could hear her, it'd be fine so she has to settle for little half howls instead. It's not as fun though :( They make exceptions for her though! If it's only every so often and not the middle of the night, it's fine but they have a feeling the neighbours would complain if she did it too much, hence the limits. As she settles in, and starts to feel happier about where she is, it becomes a bit more frequent though
Sad pupper whines and other such dog noises for all ranges of emotion are totally fine though. She's probably invented a few new ones for herself with the fact she can speak. Fun fact: Roxy learns fairly quickly how to combine a howl with her singing voice and she's so damn proud of it. She can howl and bark as much as she likes in the Plex ruins so with DJ making the music and a borrowed stereo CD player, she's got plenty of time and space to practice and get all the loud energy out before she goes back to the flat. They live in a flat (apartment) by the way, hence the need to not howl there or bark too much there literally everyone in the building would hear it lmao
Anyway, things like running on four legs instead of two, the tail wags, the ear swivels and stuff don't exactly need much managing, but I will say, it can be very funny. She's darting around on her fours at a park with Cassie and some asshole comes up to them to demand Cassie put her dog on a leash. Roxy stands up, stands over Cassie, very obviously dressed like anyone else hanging out at the park would be and shows only a few teeth as she asks if there's a problem here. The reactions range between horror, shock, embarrassment and anger, and some people are just very funny to surprise like this lmao. If she were taller, she could loom over them too and add the intimidation in there but she's not so the teeth snapping will have to do
Speaking of teeth! That takes some getting used to! She can't just snap her teeth at people or snarl at people that piss her off and that's the most annoying thing to her. She doesn't care to improve her impulse control that much for this, she finds it's much easier to remind people she can rip their arm off than to pretend she's 'civil' as many of these people put it. More fun too.
Something that does need some accommodating though is the need to chew. Cassie's dad makes a habit of giving her bones from the butchers to chew on and she'll sit there for hours chewing on them. The other part of this is that she's got quite big claws and likes to use them, so Cassie and her dad have a box they put scrap paper in for her to tear apart. She's now the household paper shredder. But as a back up to that since they only have so much scrap paper, Cassie's dad also sets up a board covered in sisal in her room, sort of like a cat scratch for her to run her claws through. It's not as good for her, but it works.
The zooms are a little harder to accommodate, and Cassie's dad was initially in favour of her holding them back and containing them, but has since learned that it's really not possible for her to hold off on it. He's mostly just worried so won't notice something and either break something, hurt herself, or crash into Cassie and send her flying through the wall or something. The solution is just 'avoid what sets them off until she can go outside and run around to her hearts content'. Obviously, that's not always doable, but it's the best they've got. The only time she's not allowed out on her own is when it's late or dark out because Cassie's dad worries about how safe that is. Like, sure, she can defend herself but she shouldn't have to, ya know?
Now, the sleeping in weird places isn't too much of a problem. It's not like she's an actual dog that's not allowed on the furniture (though Cassie's dad soon jokes about that once the shedding season starts if she has one) so she doesn't need to be particularly creative about it at the flat. Where this is a problem is when she's hanging out at the ruins of the Plex. Sure, it's cold as fuck in there given it's abandoned aside from animatronics, there's no heating system anymore and there's holes in the walls, but if she can find a cosy spot such as in a sunbeam from a hole in the ceiling, she absolutely will take a nap there. She's got a curfew now though and this becomes a problem when Cassie's dad comes to find her and they've all fucking lost her because she vanished to take a nap somewhere. Some of the Minis are with her of course, there's a rule she's not allowed to go anywhere in the Plex on her own anymore just in case something happens, but finding her can be really hard sometimes. It's like a needle in a haystack and Cassie's dad has had to talk to her a lot about disappearing like that and not getting home before her curfew. She normally either goes quiet or says she was home and every time she does that, he gets a little sad she doesn't see the flat as her home too yet. But he supposes it's a little difficult when her first home was the only life she'd ever known until very recently so he's not about to grill her about it or anything. If she wants to talk about how she's feeling about all of that he just makes sure she knows the door is open for her to talk to him. Thankfully, she doesn't miss her curfew that much. It helps that it's only ten minutes before they normally have dinner. She likes her food too much to not be there for it, ya know?
Anyway, yeah, there's only a few things they have to sort of support her with while she learns to keep a lid on it, they try to accommodate her as much as possible. And a lot of things that come up are double sided too. She starts slowly getting more and more protective of her room, something that can be attributed to a wolf's territorial nature, but that also means she's starting to value the space more and starting to see it more as her own space that belongs to her. And all they need to do to not stress her out over it is to just. Not go in there without her permission anyway. Which they weren't really doing all that often anyway (just on occasion, like if someone was vacuuming or whatever) so it's not like it's too big of a problem. All she has to do when these things start to bug her is tell Cassie's dad when these things start getting to her and it's totally fine. (Though that is another issue all on its own but that's not for this post) The goal here for Cassie's dad isn't to have her be 'normal' or anything, it's just to make sure she's comfortable in her own fluff while she grows into the world she's in now. And thus, he needs to make sure her second home (as Roxy has decided it to be) is as comfortable, safe and accommodating to her as possible, as he feels is his job as a parent. (Even if neither he or Roxy have always seen him as such)
Yeah... on that last note, Cassie's dad is gonna eventually be the proud father of both Cassie and Roxy. Just... a bit of a slow transition into that I'd say. For a million and one reasons.
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bedlund · 2 years
OK SO im tempted to read dta but im trying to figure out like. whats the plot about? are they just surviving? is there some action? do they just have really long monologues?
first of all they are not just surviving they are living
i’m not putting this under a readmore but some vague plot spoilers ahead. Okay so. in a way the plot of the four books is sort of expanding. book 1 is very much about ‘dean+cas interpersonal issues’ book 2 is about dean+cas+chitaquans and book 3 and 4 are chitaqua+other camps/towns
considering this, book 1 starts out kind of slow on the plot i guess. but there is so much backstory to be established and fights to be had. not really long monologues but really really long dialogues. kind of the same goes for book 2 (my love<3) we’re still in chitaqua but we’re getting to know the whole camp. dean has to work through some exciting events that went down at the end of book 1 [brownie emoji]
the real action happens in books 3 & 4. whew. they fight they run they celebrate Insert Winter Holiday they travel the realms they have very disturbing dreams about traveling the realms. you’ll laugh you’ll cry you’ll shake your fist at the sky you’ll scream into your pillow you’ll highlight the most insane lines you’ve ever read in your life you’ll want to read fanfiction based on a fanfiction and you WILL purchase hippo paraphernalia
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There's a good chance that when Splinter figures out how to control his ghost powers, he's not going to turn back into his mutant form, or at least not completely.
Edit: put the rest of this under a readmore - hadn't realised how long it got when I wrote it
Trying to keep himself looking normal consumes a lot of energy. His ghost form doesn't because, as much as he doesn't want to admit it, that his true form now.
Think of it like being carrying a bag of weights around constantly vs only having to pick the weights up when you want to work out. One of those options is going to exhaust you a lot quicker and may even hurt you, whereas the other option should allow you wiggle room to only do what you can handle that day.
Plus forcing himself to hold his normal form for long periods of time is part of the reason he got stuck unable to transform - he'd totally depleted his energy reserves and was in very real danger of destablising himself. His spirit needed time to relax and heal.
When he can shapeshift again thanks to lessons with Karai, he is tempted to use his old mutant form again.
But he decides against it.
Splinter doesn't want to exhaust himself by pooling all his resources into looking like he did when he was alive. He'd rather use his energy spending time with his kids, training with them, and if necessary keeping them safe.
But the idea of being in his ghost form all the time does not appeal to him. He's still got a lot of hang ups about it that he needs to work through.
Also Mikey once saw ghost form! Splinter out of the corner of his eye and screamed. It was early for them, Mikey had just woken up, and that combined with not getting a clear look at his dad meant Mikey thought he'd just seen a squirellanoid in the Lair.
There's also the fact Splinter doesn't know how many people he actually wants to know he died. Close friends and family are fine, but he doesn't want strangers to know. Plus he'd rather people not treat him differently because of it.
So he decides to go for a third option: he makes a new form.
It takes a while - it's not the same as just shifting from one to the next, he's making something new.
The new form is bigger than his original mutant one. He's a lot larger in his ghost form, and forcing himself back into his original form felt cramped before he got stuck in his ghost form, never mind after weeks unable to change back.
But fitting into places in his ghost form can be difficult - it's not necessarily that he can't fit, it's that it's difficult for other people to be in the same room as him. There's a reason Donnie took samples from Splinter in the common area instead of his lab. Ghost rat dad is huge.
(I've not figure out how big yet. Only that his tail is the same length as his body + possible extra limbs means he's going to be big. Even if we go for just a two foot increase in height, that'd make him a couple inches above 8 foot tall with an 8 foot long tail. At the moment, I'm thinking he'd be roughly the same height as Super Shredder or a Triceraton.)
Going for a mid-point was something of a comprise. And his kids all look so small! It's like back when they were babies all over again.
Grey and Black fur is also easier to maintain than brown fur. His inky ghost form kinda has his old markings, so it's mainly a question of finding a dark grey that contrasts enough the markings can be seen.
Eye colour may cause some issues. In his ghost form he either doesn't have anything like eyes, or there are green/blue lights coming from his eye sockets. So his options are either go for his normal orange-brown eyes, or green/blue ones. The new form is designed to be easier for him to maintain, but he still wants to look recognisably like his old self so that his kids can look at him and go "Yep, that's Splinter!"
Number of limbs is up in the air and may depend on what he's doing. Like maybe he keeps the standard two, but sometimes it'll be like:
Raph: This would be alot easier with more hands.
Splinter: More hands?
Donnie: Yeah, I think you're right. I'll go - father what're you doing?
Splinter, who has grown two more arms: Raphael said we needed more hands. I thought this would help
Raph: Splinter, I meant, like, ask Leo and Mikey for help.
Splinter, retracting the extra arms back into his body: Oh
Donnie: ... I don't know whether to be fascinated or weirded out
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whypolar · 11 months
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Colour test Grandpa is complete. Feat my assistants (helped by meowing for attention, trying to escape when I went outside to spraypaint, and standing directly on top of pieces of gunpla while I was putting them together).
Things I learned under readmore:
-I have discovered I do not especially like Gundam markers for trying to draw clean lines. Painting details with enamel paint and a brush is easier. It might have been different if I put down masking tape to keep the edges clean... but I don't want to do that. For me, that defeats the purpose of using a marker.
-I like colouring in bigger areas with them, though. It's fun.
-My black Gundam marker seemed to create an uglier and bumpier surface than the other colours, which all went on very smooth... hm. Not sure why, but lesson learned.
-The brown and silver paint I chose are not what I was hoping they would be. I found better alternatives for next time in my dad's old paints, though, so at least I won't have to spend more money. 😎
-I messed around with a couple different blues, so I know how they all look together now. I also did some tests on spare pieces of runner to figure out how to make a gradient... it's a tempting idea. Not sure if I dare.
-I underestimated just how much more difficult it is to put together a painted kit than one right out of the box. I will be preparing the pegs better next time, I'll tell you that much. Should probably wait longer for everything to cure before I start forcing pieces together as well, once I'm using an actual nice kit and not one that cost me $8, aha.
It'll likely be a while before I can get my hands on the Zulu, but at least now I have a clearer idea what I'm doing!
...I never minded the little safety flags on my gwitch kits, but I kind of wish I sharpened this guy's v-fins now. Tragic.
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blood-bound · 1 year
Poison & Photo Album for Mark & Pory!!
SORRY 4 THE DELAY. i Struggled with some of these answers and I've been so tired. and then i went to the ER 4 my bf lmao. But OC questions are soooo appreciated. Also my Mark Memory Post got long so. putting under a readmore.
poison: vices/bad habits? what are they? how do they affect your OC?
Porphyria: Other than the stuff I've already talked about with her being hasty, impatient at times, etc., she's a pretty wholesome girl. In her gameline PCs have to take a vice - hers is hasty. When combined with her fate and time magic, as soon as she has checked with fate and/or time, she takes action, doesn't wait for others. Or if she doesn't see a risk she'll just. Continue on. *usually* this is fine. This vice also sometimes manifests in impatience with her cabal if they take a long time to discuss something. So I guess this vice causes some tension w her cabal but she's so sweet and also capable they forgive her <3
She trusts fate so once she knows her path, she rushes in basically.
As for habits: She's tried hard to not abuse her magic about seeing into the future with yes/no questions. In fact she has built the GOOD habit of starting the day with peering into time and asking "Will i die today" and "will anyone in the cabal die today" so that if they would have died they can take action to prevent it LOL. But despite this, it is quite tempting to peer into the future way too much, before any action, makin stuff Boring. I expect that she will continue to get worse with that until something forces her to realize she needs to Chill W It. Then I can make it so she has the """bad""" but really Fun habit of giving people Cryptic Prophecies rather than being clear about it, dammit. She is So Silly. <3
Mark: Oh Mark. Mark is also silly but in a less fun way. It's hard for me to cite a specific vice for him. Being embraced certainly brought the worst of him out in some ways though - he's less honest, he's more solitary, more selfish, and more prone to feeling superior. I suppose that's the biggest one - he definitely would look down on other people, not yet in a cruel way, but there's a touch of Tremere/Julius arrogance there that was very mild before (standard professor superiority complex brought up to 11 yanno). He's underestimated folks before due to this (i could cite examples but it'd take SOOO long to type out the context.) It's still not that bad though. Mark tries very hard to be good n' normal.
He DOES have a lot of denial, idk if you'd classify that as a vice or a bad habit but it is Definitely there. Such as him being in denial that he's normal lol. He won't even admit to himself that he's depressed and doesn't have much intrinsic motivation due to that. All he does he does for Julius, or out of fear, or for Sampson right now. Like he has these plans of using eternity to research and record history but he's just... not doing that yet. He fills his time with other things external to him. It will get harder to do that though, Mark will have to face that eventually... but not yet.
Also when/if he falls in love he will have the Bad Habit of excusing all of his lover's actions saldkflkdsjfsd
photo album: describe one of your OCs’ favorite memories.
Porphyria: Ohh I imagine a lot are all about her children, really. Like she loves her cabal but her kiddos I mean cmon. Her daughter's first laugh. Son's first steps. But the question says 'one of' so I can describe one that's after she became a mage.
And that is when she beat a master of fate magic at a game. How does that work? Well..
She has a demon in her head, called a goetia. She still doesn't know that little sucker is in there, but it represents a vice, in this case, I believe stubborness. Well anyway, this little demon suggested that she challenge him to jumprope. Porphyria isn't one to question voices that only she can hear, so she did it. And.... well PORPHYRIA didn't cheat... but the goetia MIGHT have manifested and tripped him...
She still doesn't know how she won, but she will never forget the look at that mages face.
Mark: some gay shit. One of his best memories was his first kiss cause it was when he realized and admitted he was gay - like yeah Mark you're obsessed with this dude, he isn't just your friend. Real sweet. Another good one was probably winning his first street race... so that's highschool good memories.
Continuing down memory lane... when he moved out, in his dorm alone for the first time, I say is a good memory. And I would say in undergrad he mostly didn't go to parties or have a good time but there was ONE really good party that gave him life for months LMAO. made out with a boy he had just met and never saw again. he felt so cool. Mark has never been publicly out but this period of his life was prob when he got the closest, when he cared the least about hiding it. Then i imagine he started taking his studies and career more seriously and thus being closeted was more important.
Further down... grad school memories... (master's and phd) - when he FINALLY got that really nice car he had been saving up for and drove it around for HOURS, definitely not getting enough sleep that weekend, may have gotten a speeding ticket, but its fine it was worth it. And then not the actual graduation ceremony, but when he went home with his full dissertation and degree and got that set up. Ough. good n' proud moment for him.
Then he got a job as an adjunct soon after with Dr. Armatto's (touchstone) help and... his happy memories after that would have mostly been with Sampson, so they are tainted now. So I'll stop there <3 lol.
Since being turned, he's had moments of intense relief, or even pride or ecstasy in fucked up ways (with julius and/or the beast), but idk about happy memories he looks fondly back on :/ sorry Mark.
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