#i'm not judging sophie either i like sophie
natequarter · 3 months
humphrey: *is unable to speak french, but tries his best to use what little french he does know to try to communicate with his wife and give her something that will make her happy*
humphrey: *leaves sophie alone for the most part, which is clearly what she wants*
sophie: *refuses to talk in the language of the country she lives in despite likely having being raised to marry an englishman and despite the fact that she literally knows english, choosing instead to only talk in french (fair enough, but not exactly humphrey's fault)*
humphrey: *does what she asks him to do to the best of his ability, which is admittedly not much*
robin: you talk, but you not listen :/
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skullcandy11111198 · 7 months
Leveragetober23 Day 3: family
Soon after Breanna came to live with Nana, she got a visit from one of her new big brothers. Nana was all in a tizzy for a few days beforehand, when she first learned one of her children would be coming back home for a few days. Apparently Hardison was a legend around here. Nana was baking like crazy, and when Breanna built up the courage to ask why she was making so much food, she learned that her "big brother and his partners" would be coming to stay with them.
Now, Breanna was pretty open minded, her parents raised her well, but she will admit she did a slowblink when she was first told. No one else seemed to have any thoughts on that topic, no weird or judge-y faces from any of the other children in hearing range, so she shrugged and went with it.
When they finally arrived, she was only more intrigued. Hardison could best be described as a whirlwind. He moved fast and talked faster. His two friends, on the other hand, were the direct opposite. They both smiled when talking to others, and answered rather succinctly, but otherwise they didn't move very fast, and in the scheme of things, barely talked at all.
Breanna wasn't quite sure what to do with them. She had accepted her parents were gone, and her definition of family had to change rather quickly, but every time she met a new child of Nana's, it hit her again how much her life had changed over the last two-ish years. Therefore, she was back in her room, decompressing a bit after meeting Hardison and his "partners."
(After meeting them, she honestly couldn't tell if they were romantic-partners or business-partners. They talked about work, a lot. They were vague about it, but they obviously worked together. On the other hand, Parker was a very clingy person with both Hardison and Eliot. Inevitably she would be hanging off one of them, touching them in some way. Hardison and Eliot were known to share a knowing look with each other too, whenever Parker did something. Parker and Eliot always made sure an orange soda was in Hardison's reach, and Parker and Hardison would make googly eyes whenever Eliot even just talked about cooking.)
A knock on her door distracted her.
She opened her door to reveal a slightly nervous looking Parker, who kept checking over her shoulder while she asked if she could hide in Breanna's room for a little bit. Breanna was unsure about this new person, but eh, why not? When she said as much, Parker beamed and thanked her while sliding inside and sitting on the ground behind where the door would hinge open.
Okayyyy. Breanna hesitantly sat down criss cross apple sauce, facing her. "Not to, like, stop you or anything…but, why are we sitting on the ground, exactly?"
Parker looked at her with a sharp eye. "Well, I'm sitting on the ground. You just decided to do it because I did. Sophie says that has to do with psychology, but I don't remember which theory right now."
"Hey! It feels perfectly reasonable right now to go to ground when the only adult in here right now is doing the same!" Breanna pouted, but all she got back was a small smile from Parker. "And hey, don't distract me! Why are we on the ground?"
Parker laughed, then suddenly went quiet. Breanna started to open her mouth to ask her what was happening when Parker suddenly whipped her hand up to stop her from speaking. A few moments later Breanna heard footsteps walking down the hall, pausing at the end, then turning around and walking back to the main part of the house.
Once she was sure whoever it was was gone, she lowered her hand. Breanna was even more curious now, and slightly worried. She knew Nana, and she knew how she raised her children, but either way there was another woman in her room, an adult, who seemed to be hiding from the other adults. Breanna needed to know what was going on.
Parker must have been able to read her face because when she turned her head back towards the younger girl, she immediately started to explain.
"Okay, so to be honest, I've gotten wayyy better with people. Like, way better. I haven't stabbed anyone with a fork in two months, Hardison and Sophie are really proud of me. But there are still a lot of people out there, and they were starting to get loud, and I don't like loud. Loud means notice and I don't like to be noticed, so I went to the place I was sure no one would check because I know Hardison, which means I know Nana, which means I know they will give you privacy because new people are around, which means people are way less likely to come looking for me in here, and when Nana introduced you, you were really quiet, so you are not likely to be as loud as it is out there. So, safe space."
Breanna's head was reeling from trying to keep track of…all of that but yeah, it made sense, in a weird way. She was the newest kid, and one of the previous kids was coming home to visit for the first time since she arrived, plus they were bringing other people too, so Nana was likely to quietly tell everyone to give her some space.
Breanna nodded definitively. "Okay, that makes sense. But…floor?"
Parker nodded, very serious, "First lesson: even when you're hidden, don't assume you're safe, always hide somewhere in a hidden place. Then you're way less likely to be caught" She paused, eyeing Breanna's head speculatively. "You have really curly hair. That's good. You can hide a lot of things in there, lots of pins, maybe even a key or two." Another pause, Breanna felt like her soul was being weighed. "Do you want to learn how to pick a lock in less than 5 seconds?"
Oh, they were going to be friend-friends. "Okay!"
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officials-isabella · 3 months
Tumblr media
~ Adventures in obey me ~
~ Adventures in obey me ~ ~ chapter 1 ~
This is chapter one
Adventures in obey me
Replace brother au
Replace mc au
Obeyme x Demon slayer x My hero academia x Diabolik lovers
⚠️ Warning cringe
Barbatos walk into diavolo office
" My lord Lucifer sent the paper you requested " said Barbatos.
" For the two news exchange students " said Diavolo .
" Yes " said Barbatos .
Barbatos put files on diavolo desk .
Diavolo open both files .
Name : R/n
Birthday: 5/18/???
Age : ???
Species : Humans?
Power : ???
Mother : Cho
Father : Tom
Sister: none
Brother: one
Info : nothing
Personality : unknown
Name: Isabella Todoroki
Birthday : 1/9
Age : 15
Species : human
Quirks : Decay, Cremation , Ice , Rewind
Mother: Tomura Shigaraki/ Tenko Shimura
Father: Dabi / Touya Todoroki
Sister: Sophie todoroki
Brother : Miguel todoroki
Info : Miguel todoroki is Isabella twin
Personality : cold to unknown people
" I never noticed that " said Diavolo.
Notice what " said Barbatos .
" It said quirks on every other human file except Solomon and this r/n " said Diavolo .
" Should I get mc " said Barbatos .
" Yes " said Diavolo .
Barbatos went to get mc.
He comes back with mc .
" Yes lord diavolo " said mc.
" I have a question " said Diavolo.
" What is it " said mc.
" Why does it say quirks on every human file except Solomon " said Diavolo .
" Well Solomon is wizard in in the human world people have power we call quirks " said Mc.
" The quirks depend on your genetic " said Mc .
After Mc explain quirks to diavolo .
" What is your quirk " said Diavolo.
" I have a mutation quirk that makes me look like a sheep " said Mc
" Oh a cute sheep by the way " said Diavolo .
" Aw thanks diavolo " said Mc.
" What about one with no quirk " said Diavolo .
" Oh there very little of quirkless people " said Mc.
" I thought about add two people for you and solomon " said Diavolo .
" Can I see please " said Mc .
" Yeah " said Diavolo .
Mc look at the files.
" Well Lucifer might made a bad decision " said Mc .
" What you mean " said Diavolo.
" Um Isabella her parents are villains " said Mc.
" Well you can't just judge her because of her parents " said Diavolo.
" True " said Mc.
" Well she has four quirks " said Diavolo.
' Well if it true that Dabi is Touya Todoroki then she likes her uncle shoto " said Mc.
" Huh " said Diavolo.
" He a future hero and he has two quirks " said Mc.
" Oh so where you become a hero " said Diavolo
" Well where I live it called ua " said Mc.
" There Hero schools in bunch of countries we have two in Musutafu " said Mc.
" So your from Musutafu " said Diavolo
" Mhm " said Mc
" Cool " said Diavolo
" I'm in ua but gen class " said Mc
" What that for " said Diavolo.
" It where we make gadgets for heroes " said Mc.
" Oh " said Diavolo .
" Yeah I have a friend named Shinso though he was move to 1b " said Mc .
" oh ok " said Diavolo.
" Barbato go get the brothers " said Diavolo.
" Yes sir " said Barbato .
- The ends -
This is chapter 1 .
I hope you guys like it .
Yes the fact that mc look a sheep will be her quirk .
Aslo if I show to use pictures for my oc .
They will either black or white hair if not will have only have blue eyes .
I will most use the pictures for the outfit because why not
For mc i use use pink hair again mostly for the outfit.
oh so you will see why I added replaced brother au soon.
Info my oc will be the one to replace the brothers .
As all for one train her to match her personality to her worker or partner or friends so she basically will be perfect for mc to replace the brothers with.
Info nana shimura and Lilith were best friends in the human world when they were alive.
You guys will see how Demon slayer and Diabolik lovers has connection with this soon.
I hope you guys like and see you next time .
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sophieinwonderland · 9 months
Dang did you know the system behind KipAndKandiCore had been traumatized due to people spreading rumors about them in the past? I follow their multiplicity account and it looks like they were badly triggered and ultimately hospitalized due to the false accusations you made about them.
Will you apologize? Looks like they never reported EeveeCraft at all (they said as much on their blog), but you said they did? Also is it true that you block evaded to view their blog?
It’s really scary to see that a blog I follow had the owner of another blog I follow sent to a crisis unit. I really hope the system that runs KipAndKandiCore (and Multiplicity-Positivity) are okay! It’s not good to make assumptions about other people. You never know what they’ve been through and how they’ll handle being lied about!
I wish that systems weren’t so quick to judge other systems. And I especially wish that systems wouldn’t say things about other systems that they aren’t even sure are true. Looks like you really hurt that system with your words… Yipes!
I’d like to know if you plan on apologizing. Because if you’re not, I don’t want to follow you anymore. What you did was really hurtful and I’m so scared that something like that could happen to me too!
I'm sorry that things got to this point. And I sincerely wish them them a speedy and healthy recovery.
I used to enjoy seeing their posts. We weren't friends exactly. Never really interacted outside of public reblogs. But their posts always put a smile on my face.
Then around December they started reblogging posts attacking me. In May, they @'d me, calling me transphobic and bigoted. They've accused me of supporting zoophilia. Actually, in the same exact post where they tagged Eeveecraft while having Eeveecraft blocked and accused Eeveecraft of being racist, they attacked me and Cambrian Crew, calling them a longtime ableist, and repeated the zoophilia line and called me a "proud racist." (I don't think classifying me as a "promoter of transX" is accurate either, just because I've listened to the transX community and am generally neutral on the subject. But I'm also not too offended by that one. 🤷‍♀️)
I would hope someone with trauma relating to people spreading false rumors about them would be more careful doing the same to others.
For the record, I didn't do that.
I said they attacked Eeveecraft, because yes, their post is attacking them. They may not see their character assassinations and accusations as personal attacks, but I certainly do. And I think many others reading that post would as well.
I also never said they reported Eeveecraft. Someone asked me if I knew falsely reported them, and I said the following:
Sorry, I have no clue who was responsible for falsely reporting them. 🤷‍♀️ The problem is that it really could have been anyone. When I said “attacking,” I’m referring to the fact that this happened shortly after an argument with Kipandkandi hurling accusations of racism at them. Could they have falsely reported @/eeveecraft? Maybe. Not long ago, they reblogged a post I made that called out SAS’s hypocrisy on posting screenshots of Tumblr posts, and tagged it with “#sophie get banned challenge.” So would they be willing to report someone who said something they didn’t like, even if it didn’t violate any rules? I think so. But just because it’s something they’d be willing to do doesn’t mean it’s something they did.
I then went on to list other possibilities.
My belief is that Eeveecraft wouldn't have been banned were it not for them instigating anti-tulpa rhetoric and tagging Eeveecraft in a post accusing them of being racist that made it easy for potential harassers to reach them, despite knowing Eeveecraft had them blocked.
If you look at Kipandkandi's blog though, you will find months and months of attacks against me. Some made directly by them. Some reblogs of attacks against me. Reblogs of reblog of my own posts. And that's not to mention the callout post on their positivity blog.
I'm not sorry that I mentioned them twice after months of enduring constant damaging personal attacks and character assassinations from them in silence.
I'm sorry things escalated to this point. I'm sorry I ignored a problem and let it fester until now. Maybe addressing things earlier would have been better. Maybe I should have talked to them a long time ago. Maybe I ignored things too long and that's how we got here.
But as for what I posted now...
I would ask anyone out there how they would feel and react to an account that is constantly spreading rumors about them, attacking them, reblogging posting attacking them, calling for them to get banned, etc.
How would that make you feel? How would you respond?
Because personally, I think I've shown a great deal of restraint through this. More than most people would in the same situation.
It hurt, but I bottled everything up and let all of the constant personal attacks slide off for months, only actually acknowledging them when they switched their focus to attacking other members of the tulpamancy community like Eeveecraft and Cambrian.
I never want to hurt anyone. But I'm also not going to remain silent while they hurt the community and people I care about.
If you don't want to follow me because of that, then that's your right.
But I wanted to give you the context and let you make your own decisions.
Having said all of that, I really do wish them the best. I'm angry and frustrated with them. I've been confused why they seemed to develop such a deep, personal hatred of me over the past months. But I don't hate them. I genuinely still care about them and want them to be happy, healthy and safe.
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sea-owl · 1 year
Spring's Rebirth Chapter 5
Penelope sat in the library as she watched King Colin and Lady Francesca gather scroll after scroll.
"What is all this for?" Penelope asked.
"If you are to be queen you must know the workings of your kingdom," King Colin said, half in jest. "Fran will help advise you until you get the hang of it."
Lady Francesca nodded. "After that we can start searching for your own right-hand advisor."
"I haven't agreed to be queen," Penelope reminded them.
"Yet," King Colin and Lady Francesca said together.
Penelope looked at the mountain of scrolls that was now taller than her. She has never honestly seen so many scrolls in one place, Lord Odysseus' archives being the exception. Well, it will give her something to do until she figures out how she's going to convince King Colin that he made a mistake.
Unrolling the first scroll Penelope began to read.
The job of the Underworld is to have a place for souls after their mortal bodies can no longer contain them. A system was set in place determining how a soul may spend the rest of their eternity based on how they lived their mortal life. 
If a soul is judged to be good or heroic they are sent to Elysium where they can rest in a blissful life. If the soul has committed crimes against man or gods, they are sent to the Fields of Punishment where justice may serve that was not given in their mortal life. If a soul is neither good or bad, if it was ordinary then to the Asphodel Meadows it went where it may rest until it is ready to reincarnate. 
Penelope blinked. "There's a meadow down here?"
Portia was exhausted. She has spent many nights looking for her third daughter. At first when Felicity told her that Penelope was not with Phillip Portia thought Penelope had just wandered too far. It was not the first time her curiosity had led to her sleeping overnight away from home. Portia could handle that. All she had to do was distract herself with her other daughters and hang a lamp outside the door incase Penelope wandered in at night. When Penelope did not come home after the second night is when Portia started her search.
She checked with Penelope's few friends. She rechecked with Phillip incase he saw her in the time passing. With Mary and Kate. With the wine god, Michael. With the demigods, Sophie and Gareth. Even Penelope's acquaintance, the recluse forge god, Simon. All of them had not seen her.
It was now the mandatory monthly meeting for the Court of Earth which Portia was taking to her full advantage of in her search for her daughter.
"Lord Odysseus," Portia said, approaching the god of history. "Have you seen my daughter? I know sometimes she likes to listen to the stories you pick up."
Lord Odysseus was a younger minor god. His physical appearance put him around King Benedict's age. Brown hair pulled back at the nape of his neck, and scruff on his face. He was a collector of past events and the stories they told.
"I'm sorry Lady Portia, but no I have not seen Lady Penelope since the Solstice Gathering," Lord Odysseus answered.
Portia sighed. It was the same answer she had gotten from all the others. She knows other immortals did not care to notice her daughter but do they truly think so little of her that no one would think it strange for her to be wandering around days away from home?
"Thank you Lord Odysseus," Portia bowed. "If you see her please let her know I am looking for her."
Lord Odysseus bowed back. "Of course Lady Portia."
Portia looked around, who else could she ask?
"Have you still heard nothing about Penelope?"
Portia turned to see Phillip. "Phillip, I'm surprised to see you here, usually they have drag you to these."
"I was hoping to hear something about Penelope as well," Phillip said. "Have you spoken to King Benedict or Lady Eloise yet?"
Portia snorted. "We both know the Bridgertons don't pay enough attention to know anything."
"It doesn't hurt to try," Phillip urged.
No it doesn't Portia agreed. She was running out of options either way. No one she's spoken to has seen Penelope and Portia can't leave until this forsaken meeting was over with. Might as well make sure she checks every box she can.
Portia bowed to King Benedict and Lady Eloise when she reached the throne. "My king, Lady Eloise."
"Lady Portia." King Benedict nodded. "Is there anything you need? Are the crops not doing well?"
"No my king," Portia said. "I actually wish to ask you if you have knowledge on the whereabouts of my daughter Lady Penelope. She has not been home in many nights."
At first King Benedict said nothing, as if he thinking over his answer. Portia finds herself leaning closer. Does he have some information? Is she close to finding her daughter?
Finally King Benedict shook his head. "I'm sorry Lady Portia but I have not seen Lady Penelope since the Solstice Gathering."
Portia wanted to scream. How has no one in this blasted court have any knowledge where her daughter could be? Is her search too narrow? Portia could find no reason why Penelope would travel to the Court of Heaven or the Court of the Underworld. Despite her curiosity, Penelope has always stayed within the Court of Earth.
"Th-thank you your highness," Portia, her voice cracking.
Court was officially called to order, and Portia took her seat next to Phillip. Taking deep breathes she missed the way Phillip's eyes narrowed on Lady Eloise.
Phillip watched Lady Eloise the whole time court was in session. The goddess of the hunt and knowledge was a known talker, but her lips had not once moved since Portia asked about Penelope. Add in when they were asked King Benedict's brown eyes remained calm while there was a flash of something in Lady Eloise's gray eyes.
She knows something, Phillip was sure of it. He was tempted to tell Lady Portia, but the poor mother was stressed enough without false hope. No best if Phillip figured out what she knew first.
With the death of King Edmund and his domains being split among his three older sons the Underworld could no longer support any form of mortal life . . .
Penelope rubbed her temples; her eyes had started to blur out the words between support and life. The potion, while very affective and long lasting, was wearing off. Her head pounded with her headache coming back with vengeance. She really needed to get a hold of some feverfew.
"Are you alright?" King Colin asked her.
"Lady Francesca's potion is wearing off," Penelope answered. She put her head down and covered her eyed with her arms to block the limited light. "I need to get a hold of some feverfew and ginger."
Lady Francesca tapped her chin. "We shall ask Lord Phillip to bring some next time he brings a new batch of souls. In the meantime, I believe Uncle Nicholas has said that salmon is good headaches. We could have some smoked for dinner. I can also work on making another batch of potions."
King Colin nodded. "Sounds perfect. I'll have Dunwoody tell Cook."
Penelope peaked up at them, her eyes narrowed and one eyebrow raised. She couldn't eat that. One should never eat food from another court unless they planned to stay there permanently.
King Colin noticed Penelope's glare. "Relax Pen. I meant what I said when I promised you that the crown would not be placed on your head until you asked. The salmon we have is imported, all our food and drink are."
Penelope placed her head back down. Imported salmon. Imported was good. Imported food went under many spells shipping out and in to be able to be eaten by other courts. Her mother blanketed those spells onto her fields dedicated to trade. She can work with imported salmon until Phillip came down with new souls and she could ask him for-
Wait a minute. . .
Penelope peaked her head back up. "Why is Phillip bringing souls down to the Underworld?"
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who-is-page · 8 months
I'm very curious, as both a follower of yours and Sophie's for a long time, why you have her blocked? Is there something that prompted it or is it just personal/general annoyance. Not judging, I also block people that I just see too often on my dash and dislike seeing their posts often. But also if there's something more serious, I'm curious. (And I totally understand if you don't answer this, which is totally within your rights)
I've had her blocked for so long, that I haven't the foggiest clue of why exactly I originally did. ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌ I block really liberally to curate my Tumblr feed, especially regarding syscourse because we and our partner system both predate -genic terms and discourse.
Actually, checking my notes, it might have been sparked from an incident last year when supposedly Rouke asked her if she thought Nazis shouldn't be met with violence and she responded that only nonviolence was appropriate? But I can't find the actual link to that event anywhere, and I've also had Rouke blocked for ages for being pro-KFF (cuz we don't support historical revisionism from a group with its roots in the anti-otherkin community in this house, as y'all already know) so honestly who knows. It doesn't really matter much either way, because I'm going to keep her blocked because of the sheer amount of syscourse her blog focuses on. That stuff is draining as fuck for my system and we avoid it like the plague.
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What is the most historically accurate film of Sisi you have seen?
Can you rank all of them you have seen from most historically accurate to least?
what one is your favorite?
thank you!
Hello! One of my major goals (?) on this blog is to make an Ultimate Tier List of Sisi Adaptations, but I still haven't been able to. But here is an overview of the media that I've watched so far, ranked for most "accurate" to the least:
Sisi (2009): By far the most historically accurate Sisi portrayal that exists. I've already talked about it a bit the other day, but this mini series covers from Elisabeth's engagement until her coronation as Queen of Hungary, and includes important events such as her daughter's death in 1857, the Italian War of 1859, Elisabeth's illness and departure to Madeira, the abuse her son Rudolf suffered in hands of his tutor and her intervention to stop it, among other things. We even get as a side plot her brother-in-law Maximilian and his ill-fated adventure. It is clear that the writers knew the history they were adapting, and put care in having as much historical moments as posible. Which incidentally is also the series biggest weakness: it's too short for the amount of events it covers. The pacing is too rushed and many of the story lines are not properly developed. It is not entirely accurate either: the writers couldn't (or didn't want to) get away of the romantic myth and put great emphasis in Elisabeth's marriage as a great love story (weirdly this didn't stop them from romanticizing her friendship with Andrássy either). I pity that this wasn't a full series because it had the potential to be a great show.
Elisabeth das musical (1992-): my favorite piece of media about Elisabeth ever. I also already talked about it but for a musical whose argument is that the assassin of Empress Elisabeth is trapped in a loop in the afterlife in which he forever must tell her story while he's judged for his crime this is a surprisingly accurate and nuanced take of her life. While a bit outdated now (the idea that archduchess Sophie was an evil mother-in-law or that Sisi and her father had a close relationship have been disproved for a while, for example), I think this musical actually got her personality, or better, it got that we can't truly know her: she was a complex person, she was full of contradictions, she was human.
Sissi Trilogy (1955-1957): a classic is a classic. A heavily romanticized take on the early life of the empress, these movies are not particularly accurate, but they're fun to watch nonetheless (except the third one. The third one is a bad movie, fight me)
Sisi (2021-): I'm weirdly fond of this show, I'm sorry. Like I know that objectively is a very trashy, poorly written attempt at a historical drama, and yet I can't help but finding it fun to watch. And for all its flaws (which are PLENTY, and I complained a lot about them here), at least it tried to do something different with some of the characters. I vaguely remember someone saying that RTL is like the CW of Germany, so following the comparison I would say that this show is kinda like Reign: a hot mess that you either love to hate, or you learn to love with time.
The Empress (2022-): my deep dislikeness for this show is no secret to my followers. In fact I owe them a review, which I begun but never finished, because every time I enter the doc I'm reminded of how much of a disappointment this series was for me, and I don't want to keep writing (I will eventually I promise it). This series has all the problems of the 2021 Sisi series and none of its redeming qualities. If you go through my livebloging tag you'll find what I disliked, but to put it short: this series is so disconnected of reality that can't be enjoyed as a historical drama, but it is so poorly written that can't be enjoyed as a piece of fiction either. It's just not fun to watch at all.
The King Steps Out (1936): The only time in history that the USA attempted to make a Sisi movie, and yes it ranks even lower than The Empress that's how inaccurate this is. This was an adaptation of an operetta (that would end up being the basis for the first Sissi movie), and other than "emperor is expected to marry his cousin but end ups falling for her sister instead" the story has nothing to do with history. I also just didn't like this movie at all.
Not Sisi Media But Features Sisi As A Character:
Ludwig II (2012): I LOVE Hannah Herzsprung's Elisabeth. She gave us a Sisi we never saw before: the friend. She is Ludwig's friend and wants the best for him but this doesn't stop her from criticizing him; she loves him but also loves her little sister and is FURIOUS when Ludwig dumps Sophie. To me this is one of the most loving takes of her that exists, and for that I adore it.
Ludwig (1973): THE BEST enigmatic and mature Elisabeth, period. Romy is sublime, every one of her scene feels like a master class in acting. I don't rank her over Hannah's Elisabeth because I don't like much the plot they gave her (they turned her friendship with Ludwig into a sort-of-romance and she also mistreats Sophie), but in terms of acting this is by far the best performance.
Mayerling (1936): Elisabeth appears only for one scene played by a woman that looks nothing like her only to give love advice (???) to Mary Vetsera and then leaves. An absolutely boring and forgettable portrayal, I don't know why they even bothered including her (also fyi this movie is bad).
Ludwig II (1955): literally who is this woman. She's Elisabeth in name only, they stripped away everything that made her interesting and turned her into a cardboard cutout romantic interest for Ludwig II (who's straight here LOL). Worst Elisabeth that I've seen so far hands down (btw this movie is also bad minus some scenes).
Special Mention:
L'aigle à deux têtes (1948): This isn't a Sisi movie nor features Sisi at all, but the character of the Queen is clearly inspired in Elisabeth. Here we follow the widow Queen of a fictional kingdom and an anarchist that attempts to kill her but ends up being protected by her. It's the adaptation of a play and it shows: the action happens in closed spaces and it's made up mostly of dialogues. It is a psychological movie (and also an enemies to lovers romance lol), and it may be boring for some since it's mainly just characters talking, but personally I loved it.
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lottieurl · 1 year
i don’t know how to feel about this episode either.
the lack of horror elements this season is getting annoying to watch. season 1 was excellent at teasing what’s to come and uh there’s absolutely nothing going on in that department in season 2.
the jackie feast should have been gorey and fucked up but i was willing to excuse that because the baby was yet to be born and given the build up? i was absolutely expecting something out of this world and just awful to happen.
nothing against sophie and her acting because damn! she acted so very well but uh. i’m not sold off on the whole shauna wanted the baby thing. that dream sequence was unsettling but it was weird because when has shauna shown an ounce of love to this kids prior to the birth?
this baby is what doomed her relationship with jackie right? maybe the upcoming episodes will deal with this but uh. the resentment i’d expect from shauna to feel about this baby isn’t there. not in this season at least. which sucks but maybe i’m just reading the room wrong.
i really love this show and it’s character work because it’s excellent but uh, not a fan of the execution for one of its biggest plot lines
hmmm idk if i agree overall about the horror elements missing cause to me the jackie feast for example was genuinely unsettling disturbing upsetting and so on which happens ALMOST NEVER. i'm not a good judge of what's scary in general cause horror just doesn't scare me and rarely genuinely manages to disturb me. so for example with s1 i was actually SHOCKED to find out any of that was scary or disturbing to people. so in terms of how i'm personally affected.. well s2 hits much harder. and feels darker in general which is a fitting progression in my opinion. but because of that i really did think they'll go really dark with this pregnancy storyline and it's like they were too scared to? like even the fact that shauna's feelings regarding that baby confuse me aside it's like. why didn't we even see the dead baby? that's the show unafraid of gore in every other ep since the pilot COME THE FUCK ON whose sensibilities are you afraid of hurting
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zoyalannister · 1 year
Good news, my friend judged the unedited prologue of Endless Sunlight good enough to be posted here as a preview, so I'm doing it to give you an idea of what to expect and how the story changed from the first version and how it's adapted to the events of Chain of Thorns.
One note, this is the only chapter I can publish here without being permabanned because the story is going to be dark. I mean, Stephen King-like dark. So, if you don’t feel like reading it, that’s fine, I have other fanfics on my profile that you can enjoy.
Now after my usual blabbing, I leave you to the prologue.
Endless Sunlight 2.0
"When did you last sleep?"
The question took Grace’s attention away from the notes she’d been studying for the last few days. She met Jesse's concerned face and realized that she didn't have an answer. The last hours had blurred together: she knew she was close to finding the answer she’d been looking for, and every time tiredness threatened to win her over, Grace was quick to draw an Energy rune on her arm to keep herself away and use the bolt of adrenaline to keep going.
She rubbed her eyes.
"Uhm… I don’t know, maybe Tuesday?"
Grace knew being honest had been a mistake when her brother became even more worried.
"Grace, it's Friday."
That explained many things.
Jesse sat down in the chair next to hers and put his hand on her shoulder.
"I know how much this means to you, but your obsession is becoming unhealthy. I'm worried about your well-being."
The first answer, the one that Grace was always able to restrain, was that Jesse couldn’t understand how much this research was important to her. Lucie was alive. They were newlyweds.
He couldn’t possibly understand how she felt and why she couldn’t think about anything else that wasn’t her research.
Even sleep deprived, Grace found herself able not to snap in front of her brother.
But she didn’t reply, either. She had no energy to keep having the same arguments they had for the last two years.
"You should learn to let go, Grace. Even Anna found peace."
If you want to call peace going to live on the other side of the world because she can't stand living in the same city she lived with her brother all her life…
"I can't give up now," she said instead. "I'm close to the solution, I swear."
Jesse took a deep breath.
"Grace, I cannot stand next to you as you slowly destroy yourself. Do you know why Lucie and I anticipated the wedding by three months?"
"I never wondered, Thomas and Alastair changed the date of their wedding four times already–"
"Lucie is expecting," Jesse interrupted her. "We're going to have a child this summer."
That shut Grace’s mouth. She hadn’t expected that.
"Congratulations," she said. "You'll be a great dad."
He smiled for the first time since they started their conversation.
"Thank you. But this means that I won't be able to take care of you if I'm busy with the child."
His green eyes were full of concern.
"Grace, I am scared of leaving you alone with your obsession. I'm afraid of how you will reduce yourself if I'm not there to stop you."
Grace forced herself to smile. 
"Don't worry, Jesse. I will be alright, I promise."
It was so cold Grace had to cover the lower part of her face with the scarf. It was the second winter after the battle of Westminster and many things had changed.
She wore runes now and her knowledge of the Grey Book was much deeper than it had ever been. She trained almost everyday with either Sophie or Cecily Lightwood. She spent all her free time working in the Fairchild's lab, either carrying on experiments she found on the notebooks in the lab or starting her own. She had correspondence every month with Anna, who now lived in the Mumbai Institute, where she asked how her family was doing and told Grace about her new life in India.
One thing had been the same: she’d been tormented by the words that Christopher’s ghost told her.
You're my unfinished business.
Grace had lost her sleep mulling over those words. She never had a closure with Christopher. She craved for the chance of talking to him again, even though she was well aware that it would only be a dream.
That was until she met Merrill.
Her name was actually Mary Ellen, but she told Grace that Merrill sounded more exotic, and she was a warlock who dwelled in experimental magic.
The meeting had changed the course of Grace’s life.
"I believe that there are many dimensions–or alternative universes–where the world is different from ours because some events went differently," Merrill had said.
Grace's interest had immediately sparkled, becoming a full-fledged fire before she realized it.
The idea that somewhere, in one of these universes, Christopher may still be alive had settled in her mind. She could find him. Talk to him.
Have a proper closure with him, and not be an unfinished business anymore. 
Grace had started meeting Merrill everyday for the next two weeks, when the warlock intended to go to the Spiral Labyrinth to pursue her research.
"Never assume that the dimensions are aligned," was one of the first things Merrill told her, while Grace took notes so fast that her left wrist hurt. 
"What do you mean?"
Merrill regarded her with a sympathetic smile.
"I mean that it may not be the same year as here. The man you’re looking for may be a child or an old man."
Grace didn’t wonder how she knew she was looking for a man, she just nodded and wrote down everything.
She hadn’t told anyone beside Jesse about her research of other dimensions. Despite meeting Cecily Lightwood for training at least three times per week and the consistent flow of letters with Anna, Grace thought that telling them that Christopher may be alive in another universe and then crushing their hopes to meet him would be utterly cruel. 
She wouldn’t give the Lightwoods another pain.
As for the Merry Thieves, she didn’t talk to them. They'd never been her friends in the first place, and Grace didn’t blame them if two years after they found out what she’d done to James they didn’t want to talk to her. Only Lucie started talking to her in the last few months, and Grace was ready to bet she was putting effort out of love for Jesse.
Not that she interacted with any human being beside her own brother.
Grace and Jesse had divided the Blackthorn inheritance, and she’d bought a tiny apartment for herself. Now all the walls were covered in papers with notes, speculations and calculations about the other universes and how to reach them.
(Sometimes, when she came back to her apartment and found herself surrounded by all the paper sheets she hung on the walls, Grace understood why Jesse was worried for her.)
But now she was sure she’d found the solution to her dilemma. 
Grace arrived at Hyde Park and sat on a bench, looking at the mundanes strolling around despite the cold winter night.
Grace took a piece of paper from the pocket of her windbreaker and, with her shaking hands, sent a fire message.
She stopped breathing. 
What if it didn’t work?
The fire messages could cross the magic borders of Idris and the Institutes, but what if they couldn’t pass–
"The audacity of Shadowhunters will never cease to amuse me," a voice said. 
Grace turned around. In front of her there was a Seelie male, a tall and handsome knight. 
"I am not making a request out of your goodness, but I am here to bargain."
The male studied her for a while.
"The Queen will decide that."
Grace followed him. She felt, more than saw, the passage in the Seelie realm. It was warm enough for her to unlace her scarf.
The Queen smiled when she saw her, and Grace thought well of bowing.
"My greetings."
"You are polite, at least."
Grace couldn’t understand if she was mocking her or not, but she didn’t let herself be bothered by her words.
She met the Queen's gaze, and found herself on the receiving side of an amused gaze.
"So, why are you here?"
Grace took a deep breath.
"I am sure you know about other dimensions, because if it's not the Spiral Labyrinth then it's your knowledge–"
"You didn’t answer my question. Why are you here?"
She had to tell the truth, Grace understood. 
"I–I lost someone two years ago, in the fight against Belial. I want to meet him again because I must talk to him, and I think he may be alive in another dimension."
The answer seemed to satisfy the Queen. The female looked at her with amusement.
"Are you absolutely sure this is your wish? Meeting the man you lost?"
Grace swallowed and nodded.
"Yes. There is nothing more I wish for than seeing Christopher Lightwood again."
The Queen's grin grew wider.
"Of course, I can grant this if it is what you wish. But what do you offer in exchange?"
Grace’s heart was beating crazy against her ribcage. She could actually meet Christopher again…
"I offer you knowledge," she said.
She quickly explained how to reach her apartment to the Seelie Queen.
"My home is full of annotations and studying about other dimensions, I'm sure that it's a valuable exchange."
The Queen nodded.
"I accept this offer. You will meet Christopher Lightwood again."
Grace for a moment though she could cry in joy. She recalled Christopher's gentle smile when he talked to her, his empathy, he who understood her despite all the horrible things she’d done. 
She was looking forward to seeing him again.
The Queen made her follow through a series of hallways, and Grace found herself in front of a leaf curtain. 
"This dimension is called Thule," the Queen said, making a gesture towards a lesser Faerie. He opened the curtain, showing what looked like the London skyline. "You will find Christopher Lightwood."
Grace faintly thought about a lesson that Jesse taught her long ago, back when she was still a child and they were each other's support in Tatiana’s household. The Faerie's gift always hid a trick.
But her burning desire to meet Christopher two years after his death was too strong to resist, and it crushed all her hesitation and distrust.
Grace jumped in without a second thought.
It was like a Portal, but ten times worse. She hit the ground with force, her head still spinning in a circle and a vague feel of nausea. 
She reached for her stele to draw an iratze on herself and relieve the pain in her side and right leg, but she didn’t find it. It must have fallen away from her.
"Holy fucking shit!"
A familiar–and yet, different–voice reached her. 
A moment later, a man was kneeling before her, and the cold touch of a blade under her chin forced her to raise her head.
She gasped: the man in front of her was an adult, probably in his late twenties, and his face was covered by a beard. He had his long hair tied in a bun, and he was broader than he'd been at seventeen, but Grace had no doubt.
The man in front of her was Christopher Lightwood. 
He wore glasses in this dimension, too, but his violet eyes were empty of all his kindness and carefulness. 
They were looking at her with pure hatred.
"I can't fucking believe it. Grace Blackthorn?"
She couldn’t even nod. Anxiety started to rise in her chest.
Christopher was a gentle and compassionate boy. He couldn’t be this man who was staring at her with contempt while pointing a blade under her chin.
"My only regret is that I couldn’t witness your death, but I guess we can fix that now that you came back."
Grace had a million questions. Did she die? Why did Christopher want her death? Why–
He took away the blade from under her chin.
"I want it to be fun," he said. Grace noticed only then that there were other twenty people, mundanes at a first glance, circling around her. 
"And I also feel generous, since it's almost Christmas."
Grace was too stunned to speak, but he looked at her with even more hatred.
"You have thirty minutes."
Then, the man who looked like Christopher regarded her with a grimace that she would have never been able to imagine on the real Christopher face. 
He was looking at her like a hunter would look at his prey.
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goldilocks-pony · 2 years
Tough Guy Chapter Two
Yes, I haven't forgot about this fic.
Warnings: Intrusive thoughts, thoughts of manipulation, detention center
Tagging: @theoutsidersisruiningmylife, @sarcasticpenguini, @cha0s-incarnated, @sophie-i-guess13, @mx-misty-eyed, @serpentski, @thefingerinthemiddle, @pasta-and-isopods, @james-fucking-hates-dallas, @papa-no-cheese
Waking up to a stranger in the bed across from you isn't what you expect on an average morning, but being here was hardly average. He couldn't even say it was the first time something like this had happened. Then again, he had spent a lot of time here.He had woken up before the sun had even fully rised, as per usual. He grabbed the deck of cards that lay near the head of his bed and started shuffling. He wasn't great at card games and usually only played to show off his shuffling skill. He'd deal for all the local poker games that went on in bars. Not the classiest job, even for a juvinile delinquent but it paid, and lord knows if he kept getting locked up Buck might just start making him pay rent. It's not like that dead beat had trouble making due, not as much as most the greasers, but he was tired of Dallas going in and out of every center in the state. Regardless, Dallas kept shuffling despite it not taking up enough space in his mind to keep him entertained. Hopefully soon someone would check on him and let him have a book. He usually wouldn't even give a second glance towards books but it's about the only way to keep from insanity here. He glanced at the kid who laid across from him. He was a bit stocky but well built, and had long redish brown hair. A bruise had stained his left cheek bone, kid must've gotten into some fight to get sent here. Either way, he couldn't judge him just yet, when he wasn't even concious. Curiosity nearly got the best of him as he took a breath to clear his troat and wake him up, but then he realized that he wasn't there when he went to sleep. Who knows what time he got to sleep last night, you never have a restful first night sleep here anyway. Waiting for something, anything, was not Dallas' favourite task. In fact, it had to be one of his least favourite things to do, but it wasn't something he could avoid in here. He dealt out the cards to play solitare, the only game he knew that you could play with only one's self. As he sat down the last of the deck the boy across from him tossed in his cot and then sat up, his legs swinging from the bed and hit the concrete floor with a clunk. His hand reached up to rub his eyes, clearly he hadn't had enough sleep. His voice also indicated he was in need of a good drink of water as well when he blurted, "Good morning, I know it's probably not typical to wake up to a stranger in your room." He chuckled after that, Dallas couldn't see how waking up with a stranger could be anything but eerie unless you were drunk the night before. Regardless of the other boy's obvious attempt at being friendly, Dallas met him with a cold and sharp tone, "What's your name?" The other boy had a slight hesitation, as if he wasn't expecting such a harsh tone, when he finally replied, "Keith, but everybody calls me Two Bit." Dallas pondered such a nickname, he looked down at the floor until he finally spoke up, "Well, 'Two Bit', my name's Dallas. I'm not here to be your friend but if you have any questions I can show you the ropes of this place." Last time Dallas got a roommate he got on bad terms very quickly which made it unbearable to stay with him, the only reason he never punched him was because he didn't want an extended sentence. Besides, maybe the staff would notice him helping this 'Two Bit' and would write him a good word. Two Bit inturrupted his thoughts, "You gonna play cards alone? I know a few games." Dallas sighed, "Yeah sure, you know how to play black jack?"
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i just finished stellarlune and i need to make up for the time i lost not hitting the “view post” button on your posts tagged as stellarlune spoilers so. ramble at me if you want. gonna go scroll your blog forever and ever now
I saw all the notifs from you scrolling my blog; did you have fun? Did you have a good time? I hope so! Anyway, I have no idea what I'm going to end up rambling about so we're about to find out together.
I feel as though both so much and nothing at all happened. And also that it was all thrown at me very quickly. When I was making the timeline there were two points where several days pass at once (there's a week taken to prepare for the Trix meeting we don't see, and Sophie goes through several days stalling for her confession) so that likely contributes to it. And I can't help but feel it's a bit jarring.
Reading through (at least the first time, that may change with rereads) it felt like we'd skipped a step or two to get to where we were. Sophie started going off about Elysian and power sources and I was sitting there like girl slow down what are you saying.
I think my overall conclusion is that this is the sokeefe book. Not in the sense that this is the book where sokeefe went canon, though that's true as well, but as in this book exists for and is dedicated to the arc of sokeefe. That was it's primary focus start to finish, from Ro's teasing and the letter in the beginning to the kiss at the end. Sophie was focused on it and thinking about it, so we couldn't get away from it, even though there were other things peppered throughout. And I think that's why it's kinda meh to me at the moment. I don't dislike it, but it's dedicated to something I don't happen to care much about.
I can understand why it was done, as this has been something building up for the better part of a series and does take more time to address, but even with a whole book focues on it sokeefe somehow still felt rushed. Truly incredible how that happened. But either way, Stellarlune is intended for an audience with different interests than mine--which is totally fine! I loved Unlocked (and still do), while many in the fandom hated it when it came out. I'm not saying it's bad, just that it's not my favorite :)
I don't have a copy of Stellarlune with me at the moment (my dad's borrowing it) so I'm probably forgetting to touch on things but like. This felt like a very character focused book, and with a limited number of characters. Even with everything else that happened in the book, that's what left the biggest impression.
Oh! Rayni! I can touch on her! To be 100% honest my first reaction was "..Rayni??? that's your name?" Something about it caught me of guard. I was very satisfied to see the tribunal from book one come back around, as I hadn't expected it to. And I do appreciate the idea of someone going through similar hardships to the rest of the kotlcrew and turning to the Neverseen instead. That part about how the Neverseen got to her first or however it went? Chef's kiss. I absolute love that idea and her connection to the Neverseen, it being her only option and all that. Rayni herself? I'm still warming up to her, but I do enjoy having her around and am pleased to know more about her, even though it seems a little late to be adding in completely new characters to the books.
OH and Elysian. Can also talk about that too! I've said it before and I'll say it again: Stellarlune feels like the first half of an arc, so I don't want to judge it until I read the next book and see how it plays out. That being said, what. What is going on. This has been planned from book one, apparently, but it also feels completely out of left field. There's a power source and it's a person? This person is their world's best kept secret? There's so much going on in that that without the full information I don't think i can nearly get into it the way I want to. Do they power the Lost Cities? Do they control it all from behind? They like, turned of people's abilities, so do they grant abilities to elves? Are they where abilities come from? Who, what, when, where, why, how? Elysian raises so many questions and I can't ask them because I don't have the info to ask the right questions!
I'll just say one more thing: Sophie is. a lot right now. She got on my nerves this book, but I also can't blame her for it because she's 14 (15 in elven years). I can completely understand why she acts the way she does but it also makes me want to shake some sense into her like please please please think about things and stop yelling at people who are trying to help you. But being 14 fills you with rage so like, i get it even if oof.
Anyway those are some of the impressions this book left on me and I am so so curious to read the next one because I need answers. I need to know. I gotta know what's been cookin in Shannon's brain for the last 14 years.
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ravs6709 · 2 years
Won't You Shine With Me (Oh Distant Star Of Mine)- Hekster, Kam, Marelliana, Fedex
Act 1. Act 2. Act 3. Act 4. Act 5. Act 6 (here).
Or read on ao3 here!
Word count: 3.7k words
Act 6 to my revue starlight au! And wow, it's the finale! It's been super fun writing this! I've had the ending in mind since the beginning, so I really hope this conclusion is satisfying!!! If you've enjoyed this story, do watch revue starlight!!!
Warnings: censored swearing
Stina woke up to a cold bed. It wasn't like she hadn't woken up in her bed without Sophie there before, but there had always been the barest trace that she was there. Stina got up and noticed that Sophie's suitcase was missing from where it had been, and Ella was missing from the nightstand where she would usually sit when not in use. It felt like ice cold water had been dumped on her.
What are you doing? she asked herself. Remember last night?
Stina picked up her phone.
"The number you are trying to call is unavailable."
She huffed.
"The number you are trying to call is unavailable."
She clenched her jaw.
"The number you are trying to call is unavailable."
"What the hell," Stina murmured, switching tactics and trying texting.
-- Sophie what the hell (UNDELIVERED)
"Stina?" A voice called out, and it took her way too long to realize that it was Linh. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," she said, flinching when her voice sounded more like a squeaky cry. "I'm fine."
"Last night, from the audience seats, we saw—"
"I know what happened," Stina gritted out, her heart throbbing at the reminder. "I'm going for a walk."
Without waiting for a response, Stina stepped out of the room, uncaring that she was still in pyjamas. The walk didn't really help, not when she kept calling Sophie's number and she kept getting the message that the number wasn't available. She got ready for school in a daze, still in shock from what had happened. Her hairclip sat on her nightstand, and when she put it on, she was acutely aware of its weight.
When class started, the seat in front of her was empty. Stina closed her eyes, then walked to where Mr. Forkle was sitting at his desk.
"Where is Sophie?"
"Sophie Foster has transferred out of Foxfire."
The class burst out in outrage.
"Foster left?"
"Where?" Stina asked.
Mr. Forkle sighed. "I am unsure. You can see the paper that was left on my desk for yourself. All paperwork necessary for this was submitted."
On the desk was a paper, Stina picked it up, scrutinizing it. At the bottom, there was a stamp of a familiar alicorn. Oh, of course.
"She didn't submit this," Stina said.
"Excuse me?"
"I said, Sophie did not submit this."
"How can you be so sure?"
"That stamp," she declared. "The alicorn. The—"
"Stina," came Linh's voice from beside her, a subtle warning.
She took a deep breath, calming herself. She couldn't just mention the revues just like that. There was that punishment. And judging by the genuine confusion on Mr. Forkle's face, it meant that he wasn't in on whatever the alicorn was doing. He was also the oldest teacher who knew a lot, meaning that no other teacher could be involved in this either.
"The alicorn is our school mascot," Mr. Forkle said, "the stamp has been in use for a long time. Or is there something else I need to know?"
She shook her head. "No, there is nothing."
"If that is all, I would like to announce that the first draft of the script for Keeper of the Lost Cities has been finished. Edits are being made at the moment, so for today, we can run through the first few scenes. Additionally, since Sophie Foster has left, her role needs to be filled. We don't have time for reauditions, Fitz, could you take the role of Quinn?"
Stina opened her mouth to object, then realized that there was no other choice.
She left, she reminded herself. She left. But why did she leave?
The same reason she pushed you off the stage and took the position of the Top Star, her brain told her.
So she left? Just like that? She didn't even fulfill the promise to become stars with me.
She was absently aware of a copy of the first act being placed on her desk (when had she sat down?).
Just perform without her. You've been doing it for the past ten years. You performed Keeper of the Lost Cities just fine without her just last year.
Yeah, but not a lead role.
So what? You need her to hold your hand to perform? You act like you've never performed a lead role before.
Stina didn't have any lines until Act 2, when Quinn would get to the Lost Cities. A good thing, because she was not in the mindset to read any lines.
When lunch came, Stina headed straight for the elevator, only to find a blank wall. The elevator had disappeared.
And when she got back to her place, she had to get used to the fact that her room would once again only host two people rather than three.
("Sophie!" Stina screamed, stomping towards Sophie, tears pricking at her eyes. She put her hands to her hips. "You're leaving?"
Sophie frowned. "Yeah."
"Why are you leaving?" she demanded. "Can't you stay?"
"I'm going to another school in a different country."
"But you promised!" She grabbed Sophie by the shoulders and squeezed. "You're a liar!"
Stina huffed and turned away, ready to leave. Sophie grabbed her hand.
"I didn't forget our promise!"
Stina wanted to just leave, but the tears in Sophie's voice made her turn around. "When are you coming back?"
"I don't know."
"There's a lot of years in school!" Stina said, "my mom told me that! You don't stop school until you're an adult, and that's too long!"
To Stina, who was five years old, the idea of not seeing each other until they were adults sounded like forever.
"How do I know you won't forget?" Stina asked.
"I remember everything!" Sophie declared. "I will never forget! The next time I see you, we'll be on the stage together!"
Sophie looked so earnest, eyes shining with determination, and for a brief moment, Stina forgot why she was angry in the first place. "Is that a promise?"
"A promise!")
Stina had always gone along with what Sophie had wanted. Sophie never begged her parents to stay, and even now she wasn't sure why Sophie had to leave that first time. Sophie was the one who made her watch Keeper of the Lost Cities in the first place.
The weight of the alicorn hairclip was heavy in her hands as she shoved it into a drawer, along with the picture of her and Sophie that she always had sitting on her nightstand. It'd be easier like this, to not have to look at them.
"You're so stubborn, Sophie," she whispered, then left the room to go for a walk.
When Stina passed by the old building that she'd first watched Keeper of the Lost Cities in, the area was being fenced off. She didn't even need to ask what was happening, as she watched various trucks pull up into the area. 
It was only a matter of time before that abandoned building would be torn down. It only took up space that could be used for other purposes. Still, her heart ached. Surprisingly, she did not cry.
Time passed. A few days. A week, then two. Sophie's number was still inaccessible. They all continued to practice their roles for the play.
It should have felt just like last year, she should have felt excited and nervous and stressed and elated. There was supposed to be that passion in her that drove her to become a star.
"So, Quinn, huh?" Stina recited, resting an arm on Fitz's shoulder. "The elf raised by humans. Isn't that interesting?"
"More emotion, Stina!" Mr. Forkle called out.
She was supposed to feel all of those things. So why was it that Stina couldn't feel a single thing as she acted out the role of her favourite character to her favourite play?
"Everyone, move on to the next act. I will be back in a few minutes. Stina, could you come with me?"
Stina followed Mr. Forkle out of the room.
"Is my acting that bad?" she asked him.
He sighed. "You're fully capable of performing better, it's why you were chosen for the role. Is this about Sophie Foster?"
She closed her eyes, trying to steady her breaths. "Please don't tell me to get over it."
"I had no intention on doing that. Instead, I want to ask if you think you'll be able to handle your role. It's early enough that I could switch you with someone else if you think that would be better for yourself."
She opened her eyes, surprised. She kind of expected a long scolding.
"I want do this," she said, but the words sounded hollow to her ears. It sounded like someone else was speaking.
Mr. Forkle looked disbelieving, but he nodded.
They continued acting out their scenes, and as Stina recited her lines, she was acutely aware of every error, of every way that she could do better.
Somehow, she couldn't bring herself to care.
What... just what have you done to me, Sophie? You take away our promise, and what am I left with?
She was fully aware of what she had told Linh, when her conviction had been tested. She'd felt the passion then, but now?
Nothing. I'm left with nothing. I have no reason to stand on the stage anymore.
("Failing the auditions means failure as an actor. It means losing everything.")
Those words were what Sophie had told her. Sophie had become the Top Star, leaving the rest of them to fail their auditions. Yet it was only Stina who was struggling now. What was it then? Was Sophie wrong about the losers losing everything? How could she even come to that kind of conclusion? None of the others ever seemed so worried, and she had a feeling that stakes as big as "losing everything" would have made them wary. Even Stina hadn't taken it that seriously.
So why? Unless...
("Did Silveny bring you here for the revues?"
"Yeah," Sophie said.)
Why Sophie? Why would Sophie be brought over from another country? Why did Sophie know more?
Unless... unless Sophie had participated in the revues before. It was a completely outlandish thought, but somehow Stina felt as if it explained everything. What if Sophie had lost the revues before, and was using this time as a chance to regain her lost glimmer? Except...
Stina got in the way and jumped headfirst into the revue, putting herself at risk.
The door slammed open. "We're here to distract you and oh—"
Stina whirled around and saw her friends. It was only at their concerned gazes at her that she realized that she was crying.
"What do you all know about the Stage of Destiny?" she asked them.
"It's a stage lit up by the glimmer of the performers, able to create the wish of the Top Star," Dex explained. "Is this important?"
"If the Top Star could gain a blinding glimmer, where does it come from? And what happens to the glimmer of those who failed to win?"
It was Tam who caught on first. "Are you saying that she chose to spare us?"
Hearing Tam ask that question made her more firm of her opinion. "I'll be back."
"Hey!" Stina yelled. "I know you're still here!"
Stina kicked at the wall; once, twice, three times.
"I'm not an idiot! I know you're down there!"
There were no hall monitors in the school this late, and maybe kicking relentlessly would cause a ruckus and ring the alarm, but Stina didn't care.
"I'll stay here until you answer me!"
"Stina Heks?" That high-pitched voice asked. She couldn't see Silveny, but could hear her from a speaker above her. (That had never been there, but Stina knew better than to question it). "Why Stina here?"
"You know why here! Open this damn door and bring Sophie back!"
"Bring Sophie back? Can't do that!"
She pounded at the wall. "You brought us into this! I know you can fix this!"
"I can't!"
She hit the wall again. "What the hell do you want?" Her heart pounded, she felt adrenaline running through her, she felt more at that moment than she'd felt for weeks.
"See glimmer! See blinding light! See entertaining story!"
"A story?" she screamed, kicking the wall again. "All of this for a story? Are you f*cking kidding me?"
"Your story tragedy!" Silveny said.
"Says who? Who says my story has to be a tragedy?"
"Story tragedy from beginning! Telepath leave Empath!"
"Give me my happy ending!" she demanded. She looked up. "Don't I deserve a happy ending? Is that so much to ask for? If you're here to look for a good story, can't it end happily?"
When Silveny didn't say anything else, she decided that there was no use trying to talk anymore.
-- Maruca send me a copy of the script
-- don't you have your own. did you lose it
-- I need the entire play
-- i can't just send you the script??? it's still being revised???
-- That's fine. Don't bother printing just make a copy and share it
-- what do you even need it for
-- I'm not Keefe dw. This is entirely personal
-- fine
A few minutes later, and Stina had a copy to their script of Keeper of the Lost Cities. She opened it on her laptop, then opened a new, blank document. She was no writer, and she wasn't familiar with script formatting, but this would have to be enough.
Hunched over in her chair, Stina carefully retyped the story of Keeper of the Lost Cities. Most of the lines were the same, but she changed some of them, especially regarding Quinn and Trina. More references to the ending, the separation. Quinn was not the type to betray anyone. To Stina, that kind of ending was too unexpected.
The aftermath of gathering the light of the stars was hardly mentioned, and Stina wondered if there was a price for gathering the kind of light that would give you answers, just as there was a price for standing on the Stage of Destiny. Quinn would never betray anyone, but Quinn would most certainly put the well being of everyone else first. 
(Sophie was the same.)
It took a while to go through the entire script, to choose what parts should stay and what should change. The act of writing was more difficult than expected, even if she already had so much to work with. The ideas didn't come easy, the dialogue she added wouldn't be polished, the foreshadowing too obvious instead of not enough, but Stina was pouring her soul into this play. When she got to the scene with the shove, Stina knew exactly what the next scene would be.
So she pinned that hairclip back to her hair and she wrote.
Stina stared at the wall.
"You think Foster's in there?" Keefe asked, startling her.
"It doesn't look like it'll open by itself," Dex said. "Here, this can help."
She took the crowbar from him.
"If she's there, bring her back," Marella told her.
"We're counting on you," Biana added.
"We'll wait for you two on the stage," Tam said.
"There'll be lead roles waiting for the both of you, it's what we've decided," Fitz said.
Linh rested a hand on her shoulder. "We'll take care of everything else, just bring her back."
Stina nodded, then jabbed the crowbar at the wall, uncaring of the cracks. She kept jabbing, poking and poking until the bar completely went through, metal slamming against metal. There it was now, the elevator was right there as if it had never left.
She pried the doors open, and past those doors were a set of stairs.
"I'll see you soon," she said, then began her descent down the stairs.
The stairwell was dimly lit as she made her way down. But she kept moving forward anyway. At the bottom of the stairs, there was a door labeled Theatre.
With her axe in hand, Stina went in.
If the stairwell was dark, then this place was an abyss. Not even the light from outside could illuminate anything. The doors clicked shut behind her, and now there would definitely not be any light to illuminate anything.
Still, Stina kept moving forward. She did not know where she was going, which direction she was moving, but she would find Sophie within this abyss.
Soon, there was the faintest light. She followed it, and the source of that light in all of the darkness was Sophie. She was laying down, staring up dazedly.
"Stina?" Sophie asked, eyes wide. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to bring you back, obviously." She rolled her eyes. "The others are waiting for you." I've been waiting for you. I've been waiting for ten years, and I won't let you out of my reach now.
"I can't leave."
"Because you've chosen this as your Stage of Destiny?"
"I lost everything, once," Sophie told her, standing up to face her. "I nearly forgot our promise, my reason for being on stage. I was given a chance to gain everything back, but then there was you, and you jumped in to save me. And I knew then, at that moment, that I could never steal your glimmer the way mine had been. The others have been welcoming, and I can't believe that I was willing to take it from them either."
It was something that Stina had pieced together, but now she was hearing a confirmation directly from Sophie.
"So you blame yourself?"
"It's not about blame. Someone needs to take the fall for the greed of the stage performers."
"So you're just going to stay here? Forever?"
Sophie smiled wanly. "If that's what it takes."
"We're not performing our play without our lead actor."
"They would have re-casted."
Stina let out a breath. Why couldn't she just understand? "They're probably spamming Forkle's email right now, demanding that you'll be casted as Quinn again."
"There's no point, the play's already in progress."
"It's not the same without you. You shouldn't have to be here alone! A play needs every single one of its actors!"
"You can do it without me."
"Isolated in this vast space," Stina began, staring right at her. "To stay alone is not your place."
"Stina, no," she said, brandishing her sword. "Stop this."
She ignored her. "I am Stina Heks, a dazzling night sky will be created."
There was no grandeur to her speech, no spotlights shining on her. The only light shining was Sophie's dimming light that would surely run out, would leave her in total darkness.
There had been one star in this space before, but now there were two; Stina pouring her own light into her axe as she swung upwards, then across like a 'T'. The light of that 'T' pierced the darkness, and the darkness began to fade.
"You're changing the stage," Sophie told her, sounding genuinely pained. "I'm doing this to protect you all!"
Stina charged forward. "We never asked for it! Why do you have to take it? We all chose to participate in the revues! We all sought out the light of the stars!"
"I don't want to hurt you—"
"You're hurting me by doing this!" Stina screamed, her voice cracking. "It's been awful without you! You leaving takes away my glimmer!"
Just as Stina was about to slice through Sophie's golden button, her own had been cut, her jacket falling to the ground. She stood there, frozen, as the stage split into two, her side descending, while Sophie's ascended, as darkness began to envelop her. A door to the exit appeared behind her.
ACT --, SCENE --
The world should have grown darker, but instead, there was light, a brilliant burst emerging from Stina. The platform rose several metres.
"You did everything in your power to save everyone, Quinn," she said, looking up at Sophie's light. "Keeper of the Lost Cities ends as a tragedy, but what defines a tragedy? What defines the end of a story?" The stage rose higher. "When Trina falls from the Point of Purity, what stops Trina from rising up and climbing again?" Higher, ever higher. "Trina's not the type to give up either! Trina would want to save Quinn, and I want to save you!"
Now, they were level with each other, eye to eye, only a small gap between their stages.
"Stop this!" Sophie yelled. "You'll only ruin yourself!"
"That's fine by me! Ruin me! Steal my glimmer! I'll regain it!" She picked up her revue jacket and put it on, the button repairing itself. 
"Reborn, I am Stina Heks! A dazzling night sky will be created!"
"I'll jump back on to the stage no matter how many times I need to! And I will drag you on to the stage with me!"
The gap between their stages vanished, and Stina charged forward, illuminating the dark, the world erupting into a multitude of colours. They stood on a familiar stage, with familiar red seats and a worn-down stage, with old curtains and technology that remained unused. Sophie looked towards those seats where they had both sat in once. "I've always, always wanted to perform with you here."
Stina held her axe in the air. "Then let's do it."
"All these tragedies that have fallen our way, We stand here on the stage. I am Sophie Foster! With you, let us perform our play!"
They charged at each other again, weapons held high, only this time, they were both smiling. Even when Sophie's jacket fell off her shoulder, they both continued to smile.
"Hey, Sophie," Stina whispered, taking her hand to help her get up. The toes of their shoes touched each other, resting on the Position Zero symbol. "It's time we head home." The revue outfits were replaced by their regular ones, and Stina read the text that Linh had sent her. "We've got a play to perform, one that isn't a tragedy."
(And then a couple brief things about the aftermath, but could not be fit in properly - ended it off there because i wanted the act -- scene -- to show stina is forcibly continuing her story - linh finds stina passed out in front of her laptop while she's working on the script - she reads through it and sends itto maruca - the other playwrights decide they like the new ending of kotlc as a happy one. They don't use too much of stina's script, just enough to justify that happy ending - hekster are the leads to that year's performance kotlc, and it is fun - what happens the year after that? who knows. but they plan to be together through it all)
Here's some fun facts
1) this au wasn't originally gonna be hekster. I planned this out to be solinh and fluffier before realizing that linh doesn't fit the role the mc plays (technically, stina even less, but stina's vibes were something i could work around plus her bitterness made for good angst)
2) the ships were gonna be implied. Then I got to the "I hate you" part of the kam revue and then went "Oh crap they'regonna kiss" so then I made them all explicitly romantic. Also it's self-indulgent because revstar also only gives implications (at best.)
3) The names Quinn and Trina were used as they had the same meanings as Sophie and Stina (wisdom, and pure respectively, though the one for stina was more of an obscure definition because i wasn't vibing with 'christian' as a definition)
Kotlc taglist: @keefeinnit , @my-swan-song , @impostertamsong , @subrosasteath , @when-wax-wings-melt
Want to be added/removed from the taglist? Just let me know!
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redsilkstudies · 1 year
Falling Stars in Howl's Moving Castle (2004) || Art Research
NOTE: this post contains spoilers for the film
Since my short is going to feature either a comet or a meteor shower/shooting stars, I decided I wanted to look at some scenes from a favourite childhood movie: Howl's Moving Castle. I would have provided video clips but could find very few, so instead I will make use of GIFs made by other Tumblr users.
Stars feature quite prominently in this animated classic from Studio Ghibli. The original book by Diana Wynne Jones heavily features a piece by Elizabethan poet John Donne, the first verse of which goes:
Go and catch a falling star,
    Get with child a mandrake root,
Tell me where all past years are,
    Or who cleft the devil's foot,
Teach me to hear mermaids singing,
Or to keep off envy's stinging,
            And find
           What wind
Serves to advance an honest mind.
The film largely abandons this as a plotline as it does many elements, using the novel moreso as source material than as something to be wholesale adapted. But the importance of stars remain. In a threatening message to Howl (in the English dub), the Witch of the Waste tells him "You who swallowed a falling star, oh heartless man, your heart shall soon belong to me."
Over the course of the film we learn that stars are heavily associated with magic. Madame Suliman, a minor villain, uses star-like spirits to drain the Witch of the Waste of her powers and to attempt to do the same to Howl. This scene is quite unnerving, with a children's choir chanting and long shadows stretching across an illusory landscape. The star-spirits, circling in a ring with hands held, are uncanny not-human beings.
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In the film's finale, protagonist Sophie travels back in time to the garden in the Wastes to see a shower of stars across the water. In the book this was largely short comedic adventure for Sophie and Micheal as they tried to puzzle out the "spell" they mistakenly believed Donne's poem to be, but in the film it is a melancholy look at Howl's past. Watching the bright bursts of light gutter out in the water, a child Howl decides to save one. To do this he gives it his heart. This is the moment in which Howl's pact with fire demon Calcifer is formed, as that is what the star turns out to be. Howl's heart keeps Calcifer alive and in return Howl gets access to magic.
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The stars in Howl's Moving Castle are wonderfully animated. Something I think is particularly effective is the mixed use of cold and warm colours--the centre of the star is white light with blue edges, but it emits bursts of pink and orange colour to look really radiant and magical.
These colours are quite accurate to what a falling star might look like in a world like Ingary, judging by pictures of Comet Leonard captured just this winter by photographer Andrew McCarthy of Arizona. He took these photos on December 26th.
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I'm definitely going to be studying the animation of stars in Studio Ghibli as well as referencing real celestial events like Comet Leonard.
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viscountessevie · 2 years
I’d agree about the body type differences, Phoebe and Hannah are on the skinny (and as someone pointed out stereotypical period heroine) side whereas Ruby’s body type is like Florence Pugh’s which im not sure what the proper term is for. Ruby is shorter than Phoebe a bit but so is Florence, and between them Flo is the one I’d say is closer to Phoebe’s (and Hannah’s) body type so I get what that anon was saying about conventional attractiveness and wishing Fran’s new actress didn’t really fall under that
Thanks for the ask anon! Okay so I've seen this pop up a few times now. Before this ask, it was mentioned in my previous ask and I think that anon may have gotten it from a post in the main tag that I've seen before but for the life of me cannot find it right now. So if anyone sees that post mentioning Hannah not being like Ruby in physical likeness please do let me know in the comments thanks!
I just want to put this out there as a blanket statement: As someone who has always been skinny and not targeted to be ridiculed because of her weight, I feel like I'm not the best person to talk about this. So if anyone else better equipped wants to weigh in on this please feel free to do so!
That being said, here is my two cents: I kept googling the girls and comparing to see what 'different body type' I was missing because honestly the only thing I see is Ruby has a rounder face than Hannah and Phoebe. However, in this full length picture, she's looks to be my height and weight so I'd consider her skinny since her build reminds me of mine.
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And to me personally, Florence Pugh is more curvier than any of the three Bridgerton girls.
As Trivia @hptriviachamp has mentioned in our discussions; "While she wished for better body diversity in bridgerton, neither Ruby nor Hannah fulfil that, and she's not gonna judge their acting ability by their looks- and that goes either way." And I feel the same way.
Would it have been great if we got more body diversity via Fran's new casting? Yeah! It would have been great to have a fat actress like Nicola or Barbie Ferreira to portray a character like Frannie. It would definitely minimise the villianising of plus size characters on the show through Penalty at the moment.
But we got Hannah Dodd and so there's no use wishing for someone else. Maybe we could get a curvy or plus size Sophie but we'll see!
My friends and I have speculated that the production team only wants Nicola and Penelope so that the spotlight can be shined on her as the token fat character sigh.
Relevant addition from Zara @jeanvanjer (with some edits from yours truly to make it flow better!): 
Plus size Sophie works if they’re not following her story in the book exactly. But (for Frannie) as a rich girl and one of the Bridgertons would’ve been perfect for that rep. Even in other countries, back in the day, being bigger or curvier was a sign that you were well off. As for existing rep in the show, we’ll only get Nicola who I hope doesn’t get pressured to lose some weight for intimate scenes. There’s also a problem in any sort of Media that there’s just specific type of Plus size that’s acceptable. I mean as far as “plus size” rep goes and not what should really be fat rep because aesthetically there’s a difference right?  This was an opportunity to show a diverse body type as a “diamond” Hannah is, I’m sure a wonderful actress, and deserves the role but there are definitely actors out there who are just as talented but don’t look like models. If they have an opportunity to recast a role, they should’ve been more conscious of how they could again positively represent a community that is always undermined especially when it comes to “aesthetics”. 
Overall, I'll say it's okay to be sad and wish for more body diversity in the show but I honestly don't think Ruby brought body diversity into the show in the first place.
Thanks again for the ask and if anyone who is actually plus size and wants to add on this - feel free to via reblogs or comments (because my ask box is flooding and I'm going close them soon! Thanks for understanding :))
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Hi! I've been looking around for What Not to Wear on the Red Carpet and still haven't found the full episode (but it definitely has been saved because there are clips of sophie raworth on that show). BUT jo brand does meet the duo again on The Graham Norton Show S02E06 and they have another confrontation. if you manage to find that, thatd be cool because i cant find that episode either lol
Oh, thanks for that! For anyone who doesn't know, this message is because one of my "white wales of comedy" - things I know have been recorded but I can't find the recordings - is the time Jo Brand appeared on What Not to Wear - specifically a special called What Not to Wear on the Red Carpet - and according to legend (by which I mean, according to her book), told Trinny and Susannah to fuck off because she'd rather go on wearing anything she likes. Which mostly means, in her words, potato sacks. And that should be fine, because women, and for that matter, men, on TV should be allowed to wear potato sacks without it being a big deal.
This is what Jo Brand explained in her book. It is different from what my mother believes, as throughout my teenage years, I had a number of major fights with my mother while What Not to Wear played in the background, because a perpetual battle during those years was her trying to make me dress like a girl and/or just like a person who gives a shit about what I'm wearing, and part of her efforts to get me to care abut this involved making me watch What Not to Wear with her. And I'd tell her that this show is bullshit, and she'd ask me to just give it a chance and try to understand what they're saying about the importance of dressing according to appropriate sociological standards for one's demographic, and then it turns into a big fight where I'm upset because I think she's judging me because I just don't feel whatever she does that makes her care so much about matching her clothes to expectations for how women should dress, and she thinks I'm judging her because I don't share her her interest in it. Like... I'll dress up if it's what I have to do to get and/or keep a job. But it's not a hobby for me.
Anyway. I hear there's an episode of What Not to wear, the show that caused so many fights between my mother and I, in which Jo Brand says pretty much that to Trinny and Susannah. I've never found the episode, but I've read about it in both Jo Brand's book and in articles, and I really want to see it. I’ve posted about that before, and I love that someone out here is looking for it for me. I'll see if I can find that Graham Norton episode that you mention.
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Hey popcorn, do you like Sansa? Thoughts on her? What would you like to tell the Jonsa stans.
I have heard so much from Dany antis, that Dany is unsuited for Jon, her temper, her actions. Now I'm a great Dany fan, don't care at all about Jon and his arc, and not a fan of Jonerys. How is their pairing bad Incestuous but Jonsa a good Incestuous pairing - something Ned stark would have approved of.
Hi there 🤗
Well those are a lot of questions XD
I do like bookSansa, not showSansa (not a fan of Sophie or how Sansa was written in the show, sorry), but bookSansa I do. In a way I think she is a good representation of how self centred young people are and how they will hurt others significantly without that being their intention. I like flawed characters like her as I think they feel very real. And back in the days of seasons 1 and 2 most people I knew couldn’t stand her. I had a friend who called her Sonsa instead of Sansa (sonsa is Portuguese for a person who is kind of fake and posing). And my general impression was that people were too hard on her. Yes we have other young characters, sometimes younger, that are not immature like Arya and Dany, but to me the surprise isn’t someone Sansa’s age acting like she did, it’s someone of Arya and Dany’s ages acting so mature and having such a deep understanding of the world and such a high emotional intelligence.
At the same time, I also feel for the tragedy of her story. She had a highly privileged and sheltered life that did not prepare her for what the world would throw her way, and the mistakes she made all came with a very high disproportional cost. I feel this is true of many of us out there. Our parents try to protect us, but in protecting us too much they do not prepare us for life, and this makes growing up much more painful. 
Besides this I also like that her story mostly focuses on court drama #dramaalert which as y'all know I LIVE FOR THE DRAMA; and many of the characters around her are very VERY interesting like Little Finger and Myranda Royce which is a queen - if only Rhea Royce was like her, Daemon's marriage wouldn't have been such a sh:t show XD change my mind!
So all in all, I am interested in her story and I am here to see her trying to seduce Harry the Heir like #majordramaalert and what exactly Little Finger will do next.
Do I think she will ever be queen or queen of the North?
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But I still want to see how it goes for her yes 😂
As for Jonsas…
First, I see no problem with people having crackships. Like ship whomever you want I don’t care 🛳⛴🚢 as long as you don’t come to me and make or want to force me to also like it. I don’t care what you like. I might be puzzled at a few choices but it’s a free country so what I think of other people’s ships is my issue not theirs. Personally in the asoiaf series, I don’t think I have any non canon ships currently (though in the past I did like the Theon/Sansa pairing in a like weird AU - don’t you dare judge me). And this was WAY before season 5 btw so not show induced. In other series I do like some crackships, like in Harry Potter I love the Hermione/Draco crackship especially in movie canon and I blame the incredible chemistry Tom and Emma had because WoW the possibilities. Plus a slytherin and a griffindor together makes all the sense in the world but ok JK 🙄 have it your way 😂
Second, around the time of seasons 1 and 2 when I wanted some fanfiction the majority of pairings I saw were either Dany/Jorah (wtf was wrong with the world 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮 oh wait this is the same world who ships Rhaenyra with Criscel… yeah makes sense) or Dany/Jon. I also saw a lot of Arya/fAegon. Like vast vast majority.
I don’t remember ever seeing a Jon/Sansa fic and in fact, I remember I was not only shocked at more recently finding out how many people shipped them (good for you if you like them and can see it) but how they actually (trying not to laugh here and failing) tried to justify it with the books?!
Hello?! Excuse me?! Did we read the same sh:t?!!!!
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How?! Just… just how?!
Like back to me for a moment, I love Draco/Hermione fics (movie based ok? In the books he was pure trash, Tom made Draco so much more charming and funny), but I am not going to try and justify this with book or movie material (past the actors looking good together). I accept this only exists in an AU. The fact that Jonsas try to justify it it’s just… and the abuse they inflict on ACTUAL people because of a crackship is nothing short of disgusting.
What I would say to them you ask?
Nothing. I don’t know them. I don’t want to know them. They do them and I do me.
What I would say to everyone, however, is, you don’t have a right to go and pester others. You just don’t. Nor to insult someone because you don’t agree with them. Nor to chase them. Stay in your lanes. Like is it so hard so see something you don’t like and just unfollow or block the person? What gives you the right to insult someone to their faces and stalk them to no end?
Fandom is something for us to enjoy. We should focus on what we love not what we hate. We should try to find people who share our views or that we can have healthy debates with. And it is absolutely not ok to bully others.
I think when something is doing us more harm than good it’s when we have to stop. And this is what I advise many Dany antis who spent more time obsessing over her than their faves. But this is my view. I would never go into another person’s blog to tell them this and I appreciate that if I bother any of you, you make good use of the block/unfollow button. Friendly reminder that I do not answer haters or trolls <3 I laugh at them and delete. I come here to have fun not fights, and if I want a fight, I have one face to face. I put my money where my face is and I am not a keyboard warrior.
Now to end this on the positive note of wincest ❤, again, I struggle to understand how anyone who is bothered by incest - even if it’s “only” cousin-cousin, uncle-niece, aunt-nephew - and big age differences and underaged marriages can appreciate the asoiaf series, I just do. Like dude, go watch/read something else, but don’t get outraged at things the author clearly enjoys writing about and does NOT portrait in a negative light. 
Also friendly reminder to any anti-targ fan who is a fan of other houses and that is very bothered by incest that house Stark had two uncle-niece marriages. You’re welcome besties <3
Also, also, Anon let me hug you because I am a major Dany fan that - at the risk of being cancelled - admits they don’t care about Jon all that much. I mean, it’s the Dany show I am here for all the way!
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All the best to you Anon! And sorry that I took so long to answer 🤗
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