#i'm thinking about posting these snippets on ao3 but idk if i should do it separately or as a chaptered work
cellsshapedlikestars · 11 months
Seeing all your cool home updates && half-watching some HGTV w/my mom while drawing had a simple prompt idea if you might be interested! Basically HGTV reno show Jonsa - Sansa is a designer and finally gets a chance for her own show but loses Rob (her #1 contractor) to an injury before filming starts && Jon jumps in (either to help Rob /or/ the studio execs (maybe Targs?) throw him in) and the two have to work together somehow. Idk idk, just wanted to share! <3
No, you have no idea, I already HAVE a house reno wip. It's not super long, but... yeah. I've got that.
Here, I'll post what I have written of it, since we CAN'T GET ONTO AO3.
this isn't exactly your prompt, though I do honestly love yours a lot and sort of want to change mine. If I changed mine, the show Sansa works on would definitely be like Rehab Addict, where she restores old homes to their prior state instead of making them "modern"
But mine is sort of similar? This snippet is just the set up and doesn't include the part where Sansa decides to start a youtube channel for her renovations, (a la WabiSabE, which I used to watch and was probably the inspiration for this fic when I first started writing it like a year ago lol), and everyone starts shipping her with her contractor Jon, who she keeps forcing to be in the videos because she can't really make them without him being in it...
Sansa winces as her car hits another bump and jolts her in her seat.
“You owe me,” she huffs out, hands tight around the wheel.
“I know, I know,” Robb's voice comes through her sound system and fills the car. He's distracted, she can tell, and she bites back a snippy comment. Robb's just so busy, he couldn't possibly get away.
That's not fair, the small part of her brain that's still being rational thinks. Of course Robb couldn't drop everything and come out to the middle of nowhere to deal with their Great Uncle Brynden's estate. Robb's got a new baby and his job.
Robb's got a baby, Arya's got her tournaments, Bran has school, and Rickon's still underage. All of her siblings have lives they can't get away from. All except her.
No significant other, no kids. A tenuous career that she can technically do from anywhere.
“Oh no,” she breathes, when the house finally comes into sight through the trees.
“What's wrong?” Robb asks, his full attention back on her.
“Robb,” she whines, the car coming to a pathetic, rolling stop on the overgrown gravel drive. “It's a mess.”
“A mess?”
She doesn't answer, too busy staring at the mansion in front of her. Or, what used to be a mansion, she thinks.
It's still vaguely house-shaped, but... The roof is missing shingles in multiple places, the windows all seem busted out. The steps up to the covered front porch are fine, but the porch itself has a massive sinkhole, and half the wood looks rotted and ready to crumble.
Gods, if this is what the outside looks like...
“What kind of a mess?” Robb asks. She's just about to start listing the many problems when she hears another car approaching.
“I've gotta go,” she tells Robb. “I think the lawyer's here.” She hangs up before Robb can answer, and watches the other car slowly emerge through the trees up the bumpy road, past the broken gates, and onto the circular gravel drive. It stops behind her and a man gets out. She gets out, too, phone clutched in her hand, just in case.
“Miss Stark?” the man asks, and his face splits into a kind smile when she nods. “Perfect, perfect. I'm Samwell Tarly. It's nice to finally meet you.”
Sansa moves forward to shake the lawyer's hand. He isn't what she was expecting. He's young, for one – maybe only a few years older than her. And he seems just as nice in person as he'd been over the phone. She didn't think lawyers came in nice.
“We should have met at your office,” she says, eyeing up the weeds sprouting from between the gravel and brushing against her ankles. “I didn't realize the road here would be so...”
Mr. Tarly laughs. “This place has been abandoned for quite some time,” he agrees. “I never met Brynden myself, but I’d heard about him. Apparently he decided to up and travel the world and left this…”
Sansa looks back at the crumbling mansion and feels her face scrunch up. She tries to smooth it out. “So, how fast do you think I can sell this?” she asks.
That’s when Mr. Tarly’s smile falters. “Well,” he starts, hesitant, “you see, it’s in such a poor state, I can’t imagine anyone would be willing to buy it.”
“But the land must be worth something? They can just knock it down and-”
“Ah,” Mr. Tarly winces, and Sansa’s sentence breaks off, unfinished. “I suppose you didn’t read all the fine print?” At the slow shake of her head, he grimaces. “Riverrun Manor is a historic property. You, legally, are not allowed to tear the structure down. Anything you do needs to go through lots of committee approvals…”
“So what you’re saying,” Sansa says, closing her eyes as reality crashes down around her, “is that literally no one is going to want to buy this.”
“Maybe if you find someone who’s both very rich, and very interested in Riverlands history?”
She opens her eyes and there must be a glare on her face, because Mr. Tarly winces again.
Then she turns back to the manor, and really looks at it this time. Beneath the grime and the moss and the crumbling wood, she can see what it used to be.
“What if I fixed it up a bit?” she asks, turning back to the lawyer. “What if I just did the major repairs, do you think someone would buy it then?”
She doesn’t want to do that, but it beats letting the property sit around even longer and paying the taxes on it. Or, worse, not paying the taxes and having that on her and her sibling’s financial records.
“I’m not a real estate agent,” Mr. Tarly responds, looking at the building thoughtfully. “But this is a good location, lots of historic stuff around. I wouldn’t doubt you could sell it if the building weren’t… well, that.” He waves his hand towards the manor.
“Alright,” she nods. “Maybe we should head to your office to do the paperwork, though? Then I’ll… I guess I’ll look for a contractor?”
Sam nods, and a bright smile lights his face again. “Oh, I know someone you can call!”
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
I'd be interested in those writing shortcuts 👀 (don't feel pressured though)
Yeah sure! This is in reference to this and this posts.
These are all pretty 'fic style' stories, because they scaffold off pre-existing canon. It's like you're walking inside of a pre-built house and you're putting up new wallpaper and designing the rooms. Novel style is like if you're building the entire house. So these are really great for fun and if you have writer's block or have problems starting a story. They're also really good if you're practicing your dialogue, scene composition, characterization, etc - they are not good for developing skills on how to build the house, but if you're trying to work on actually making a readable story they're great methods to practice. They're also a lot easier to make good lol.
While writing these out I realized that they're almost entirely AUs. This is because I like AUs. You don't have to do AUs, you can adapt these however you want if you just like writing canon. Loser. Anyway, these are my low-effort stories:
A series of disconnected scenes that take place over a long period of time. If you have an idea in mind (or you just want to use the OG work's timeline), then you can show scenes or moments over a long period in time. For example, ages ago I wrote an AU story following the life of one character. One scene for 2008, one for 2010, one for 2012 etc.
Rewriting canon. If you have an AU idea or have a way in mind to change canon to something you think fucks harder, then you can use pre-existing episodes or season plotlines and just add your own flavor to what already exists. If you write for BNHA you aren't allowed to do this. That's the rule. How is all BNHA fic 600k AUs where one extremely minor detail is changed. God they're boring.
Alternate viewpoint/missing scene of a story you have. Like you can do this for canon too but that sounds super boring. This is actually something I do in order to help the quality of the main story - if I'm finding myself writing a super complicated character, I write another story about him from his POV to help give me a handle on him. Or write her parts of the story from her perspective. It's a writing exercise to help me figure out the character and it is also easy and fun.
"X Meets Y". Do you really like Legally Blonde? Do you think your favorite character being Elle Woods would be really funny? Stuff like that. Would it be really funny if your blorbo was Sharpay Evans? Yes it would be. Yeah I DID write a story many years ago that was "X meets Teen Beach Movie", why?
I don't know how many other people out there have extremely convoluted entire AU ideas, but if you have the whole AU in your mind then it is incredibly easy to write little stories or snippets from the AU. Like, so easy. A stand-out scene in your mind, the life of one supporting character, an alternate POV, whatever. Literally whenever I want to write something absolutely 0 effort whatsoever I go back to one of my 3 bugfuck stupid AUs and write something for them again.
This is actually something I think everybody should do, because it is basically how I learned story structure: find the trashiest, most formulaic genre you can. Watch or read something from that genre, or just collect genre conventions. Use the pre-packaged and pre-written formula to structure your own story and fill in the blanks.
(Also, these aren't very tropey or reliant on shipping/romance beats, which is nice if you want to get away from that stuff)
Nowadays, I find all of that helpful when I feel like doing something 0 effort. When I was a less experienced writer and I deadass did not know how to build a house, then these were really helpful for learning what wallpaper looks good and what arrangement of furniture creates good fung shui and what couches go best with that coffee table. They're also good passing. Seriously, these are like the most popular stories on my AO3. People eat this shit up. Why. They're so lazy.
IDK, these are what I do because they're the kinds of stories I like to write! What you find easy to write will be different. This is all a very personal list. I can see my personal thumbprint (no romance, AU central) really clearly. I'm kind of curious now: what are y'all's favorite low-effort, easy, fun stories to write?
Also as a heads up if your story doesn't have any sort of conflict in it, then it will actually very difficult to write. Trust me. Conflict makes you voom. Do it. Please. Love of god.
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koinotame · 6 months
hi! it's me, nana / koinotame!
if you're wondering why i went inactive and then deleted, my mental health kind of (really) tanked... and i ended up deleting my blog in a fit.
Tumblr media
it's getting better bit by bit though! and i've been wanting to get back into writing (and talking abt my unhinged/yan ideas i can't really talk to anyone else abt), so. here i am! for now, at least
as for my previously posted writing, there's some good news and some bad news: the bad news is that everything i wrote directly into tumblr (99% of snippets, a lot of ask answers, most exact content warnings, etc) is gone. the slightly less bad news is that iirc there were very very few posts of mine that weren't reblogged by anyone at all, so they're probably still out there? feel free to send them my way if you find any and i'll rb them. @/midnight-remembrance also has reblogged a couple of them! there's a couple snippets i have saved in some places, so i might repost those on my own as i find them, but there's very few of those. the good news is that anything longer (proper writing — oneshots, hcs, yan alphabet responses and so on, prompt responses, etc) is safely backed up where i originally wrote it! some of it is also on my ao3, which is the same username. feel free to send me asks about any you'd like to see again and i'll repost them! i might not post them if i feel too embarrassed about/wish i hadn't posted them, and i might rewrite/heavily edit some of them, but i think there's only a handful that fall into the former category and none of them were particularly popular. either way, no harm in asking!
as for some other updates: i'm a little divided on whether i want to keep posting explicit nsfw or not so we'll see. i might just keep it out of main tags. idk yet. regardless of what decision i make, this blog is still strictly 18+ and that will not be changing. since we can reply from sideblogs now, this is a sideblog and not my main now. why? sometimes i prefer to check up on a blog frequently instead of following them for a couple of reasons, but this felt very awkward when they were following me. so this being a sideblog relieves a bit of that stress. if this makes it sound like i have severe brain worms, it's because i do. to that effect though, if we interact every so often feel free to consider us mutuals regardless of whether or not i'm actually following you =w=b tbh i.............. am not really into genshin anymore. i might post about it here and there but i just Do Not (really) Care about it anymore. scara aside to some degree i also have no clue what's going on post inazuma lol whatever projects or commitments to writing or etc i had made beforehand. i forgot all of them so just pretend that never happened ok? ok i'll also probably be posting more sparsely, but we'll see! and (this is obviously the most important bit) i have no clue where i put the mika edit so we're back to my og classic pfp. the header scales terribly and is temporary, please ignore that too
all that aside, as a treat for anyone who sees this in time,
*roughly 6/22 done, but fairly quick to write. roughly one paragraph per character (sneak peek line: "it's not too hard to be discreet with his unique magic when someone really deserves to fall face down a flight of stairs. or three. oopsie. odd they don't remember it, huh? well, he had nothing to do with that.") **more realistic isn't quite the right word(s)... probably won't post this one to the main tags regardless. won't be doing all of the characters (only important/relevant ones) and won't be writing more about/expanding on, so this one is just like. a one off experiment sort of thing. overall less violent than most takes on the au + leans a bit (or lot, depending on how you look at it) more on the religious aspect of self aware aus. i wrote a couple paragraphs a while ago, then rewrote them, but i'll only finish/post them if there's interest for it (sneak peek line: "aether has deluded himself and cast You aside entirely on his own—and when You finally grace them with Your real presence, zhongli is certain aether will be the first to fall from Your grace.")
i have one other new thing immediately ready for posting that'll get posted in a couple of days but that one's pretty silly
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birlwrites · 8 months
🎢, 🍦,💖,🤗,😬, 💔, 🤲?
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
oh, definitely career goals: tyrant - it's unhinged from chapter 1 and only gets more so
🍦 What’s the sweetest fic you’ve created so far?
i was torn so i picked 2 afslghjksdf - the first one is sun and shadow, aka the pjo au, and the second is the point of creation, which is a check please fic with lardo/ransom in which lardo is a composer and ransom is a poet and they make art for each other and it's very soft
💖 What made you start writing?
hmm i don't think there was ever a set Moment - i've always been coming up with stories, and i'm p sure my parents have some picture books/graphic novels/comics/idk what to call them drawn by yours truly at age <5. i started actually like, typing stories in a word processor in about 4th grade because my best friend was writing a story and i wanted to copy her
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
3 things: first of all, try not to jump straight into posting your stuff somewhere like ao3. get a feel for what you like writing and what makes you happy before you start introducing things like 'how many people kudosed my fic today' - there is SO MUCH fic out there, and it can be very hard to build an audience/find your people, especially when you're just starting out. there's no reason to demoralize yourself right away. build up your sense of what YOU like before you start worrying about whether other people like it. (sharing your writing with your friends is different - they're your friends, not faceless internet people ashfkjhsf)
second of all, it's important to make sure that you're actually enjoying the process. writing fanfic should be fun - if it feels like a chore or an obligation, it might be time to step back and see if you've accidentally turned it into a job instead of something you do solely because you enjoy it
third of all, writing a complete fic beginning to end is a skill in and of itself. don't expect yourself to just sit down and bang out a multichap fic with flawless pacing and an amazing ending. that's something that requires practice. the best way to practice is to finish what you start. you don't have to finish absolutely everything - as i said, this should be fun - but just be aware that if you want to complete your fics in a satisfying way, you need to practice writing complete stories. one-shots are a great way to start!
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
ohhhh man
honestly, the entire concept makes me wince, but tbh probably lachrimae. i feel like that's the one most likely to inspire the 'why aren't you writing original stories, you should be writing original stories' reaction
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
i have a few, all regulus angst - we've got implode--, survived by, and happy birthday, which i wrote when i was ~15 and, if i do say so myself, KILLED IT.
implode-- is about sirius rescuing a mostly-dead regulus from the cave, survived by is about sirius finding death eater regulus after evan's death (there's a theme LMAO - that's a fic i wouldn't be able to write these days, i'm too attached to evan now), and happy birthday is canon-compliant snapshots of regulus's life from age 11 to age 18
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Voldemort says, "Do you consider yourself a fighter, Regulus?"
It could pass for conversational—silk floating on water. He hisses the tiniest bit on Regulus, a tiny whistle of air after precisely pronounced syllables like an ice cube against the back of Regulus's neck. Regulus's mask gleams at his side, awkward and useless in his hand—he can't put it on, but he can't put it away, and so there it stays, a glimmering ghost in the sun.
What sort of answer does Voldemort want? He doesn't want Regulus to fight, he wants to keep his Seer safe, but there has to be a reason he's asking, a reason he called Regulus in the first place.
Regulus doesn't consider himself a fighter. He's... flexible. He bends, goes around instead of through. Fire and brimstone have always been more Bellatrix's thing, and Voldemort must know that.
"You," Voldemort says, "have a habit of responding to my questions with silence."
send me fic writer emoji asks!
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thedubiouspeach · 1 year
New Layout New Me!
I think it's only fair that since I've been nothing but an enigma on this site that I properly introduce myself!
Hi! My name is Bliss! I'm a 25-year-old LGBTQ+ & Neurodivergent writer. I am a Jhin main first and a human never. My fixation is primarily Jhin-centric, but I tend to hop across a multitude of fandoms!
Said fandoms include:
League of Legends
Baldur's Gate 3 (Astarion-centric interest)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Sonic The Hedgehog
91 Days
Sun Haven
Buddy Daddies
Blue Exorcist
Yuri On Ice
Kuroko no Basket
Soul Eater
Dragon Ball Z
Steven Universe
Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra
Suitor Armor
I'm a hopeless romantic and throw together ships whenever possible because it's fun and I enjoy exploring dynamics. I sometimes find myself in Rarepair Hell and it is of every fault of my own.
Current ships and their ship names if they have one in my mind's eye:
Jhin / Rakan - Golden Lotus
Jhin / Pyke - Red Water Dreams
Jhin / Yone - Method Acting
Jhin / Yasuo - Freelance Artists
Jhin / Varus - Sacrilegious Shots
Jhin / Vladimir - Crimson Affairs
Jhin / Pyke / Rakan - Weight In Gold
Jhin / Rakan / Yone - Standing Ovation
Jhin / Rakan / Yasuo - Travelling Show
Jhin / Pyke / Rakan / Yasuo / Ezreal / Akshan - The Men Pile
Irelia / Xayah - Kingslayers
Irelia / Xayah / Akali / Nilah - Sparring Practice
Irelia / Xayah / Akali / Nilah / Neeko - Battle Born
Xayah / Sett - Fisticuffs
Shusei Kagari / Shinya Kogami - Kissed Knuckles
Satoru Gojo / Kento Nanami - See No Evil
Hiromi Higuruma / Kento Nanami
Satoru Gojo / Kento Nanami / Hiromi Higuruma
Yuji Itadori / Megumi Fushiguro
Yuta Okkotsu / Toge Inumaki - Speak No Evil
Jun / Dr. Wornhardt
Jun / Vaan
Dr. Wornhardt / Jun / Vaan
Jun / Vaan / Donovan
Jun / Van / Donovan / Dr. Wornhardt / Darius
Rei Suwa / Kazuki Kurusu
Ryouta Kise / Yukio Kasamatsu - Kisamatsu
Daiki Aomine / Taiga Kagami - Kagomine
Kotaro Hayama / Shun Izuki
Kotaro Hayama / Taiga Kagami - Hot-Head Express
Katsuki Yuuri / Victor Nikiforov - Victory/Victuuri/Victuri
Shadow the Hedgehog / Sonic the Hedgehog - Sonadow (duh)
Goku / Vegeta
Rin Okumura / Renzou Shima - Cotton Candy Complications
Shiro Fujimoto / Mephisto Pheles
Nero Vanetti / Angelo Lagusa - Russian Roulette
Katara / Zuko
Trevor Belmont / Alucard / Sypha Belnades - The Usual Suspects
Death the Kid / Crona
Pearl / Bismuth
Sapphire / Ruby
I won't participate in ship discourse. I just won't, it's not worth it. I have my reservations on certain things and Imma keep it to myself.
What I will do is participate in fandom, fandom activities, and the occasional discourse about the shows/games/comics themselves!
Interests & Hobbies:
When I'm offline I tend to read here and there.
I write mostly romantic/ship-related fanfic and even original works with original characters! Occasionally, I post poetry when I'm in A Mood(TM).
It's an absolute delight to talk about all of my characters that I've taken so much time to craft <3
I make playlists on Spotify and Youtube based on stories I've written, favorite characters, favorite ships, and original characters! I'll be adding those links to my Carrd once I have them both up-to-date c:
I'm not entirely sure what I should be posting on Tumblr? This site is very awkward for me and I feel a tad isolated every time I open it. So if anyone has any ideas of what they'd like to see or a better way to be more engaging drop me an ask!
I might make a post for snippet requests and whatnot that y'all can choose from as well! It'll take a bit, but it'll be up eventually lol.
If you wanna find me anywhere else like Twitter, AO3, Commaful, Wattpad (Idk why, but it's an option), and more then you can find my Carrd in my bio!
Thanks for reading this far and getting to know me! If you have any questions then you know where the ask and DM buttons are c:
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lilacline001 · 2 years
tagged by the lovely, the wonderful @bylertruther tagging @booksandpaperss and anyone else who wants to!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!
Goodness okay... First off, let me say, that I'm looking at this projected two years until S5 as a fun time, where I can play in the Byler/Stranger Things sandbox without canon throwing off my groove. So I'm really excited to write and share some of these stories!
I'm just adding some of the quotes now because I'm modifying the rules okay. I didn't read the rules fully at first.
"Older Relationship" - byler wip, and then under that i have some Will POV angst about growing up queer and some Mike POV about learning how Will likes to be loved. IDK if I'll ever post this. I'm glad I did it though it helped me get in their heads a little. Basically, a character study.
Avatar: The Last Airbender - byler wip. I've actually posted some of this on AO3, and I might return to it one day... "When Will comes back from the dead, his hair is white; his eyes are blue. "
Ripple Effect - byler, the Byer's stay in Hawkins AU, which looking back on, I wished I had titled it something else. I love the story , and I do plan to return to it! I have some working chapters, and plans for character bonding stuff~ I wanted desperately to write a Halloween chapter for Halloween, but I ran out of time. *sobbing* Anyway, here's a working chapter titled "Will Byers vs. a Jealous Mike" "Part of Will's brain is short circuiting because Mike is so close- his dark eyes, his sharp cheeks. Will can feel Mike's breath waft over his face, and Mike's ears are pink.  If Will focused on any of those things though, he would quite literally loose his mind.  So he forces himself to think.  THINK, BYERS."
Nocturne - my bat/vampire AU that has me by the throat rn. I'm so serious. I love this AU! I'm excited with the direction its going. It keeps growing and growing, and if I stay focused I have a feeling this thing might be massive. Like Mike has a lot of stuff to work through, and I have a major plot line and then smaller plot lines keep popping up. For example, the whole Max and Mike relationship exhibition wasn't originally planned, but now I'm committed to it. Anyway, the next chapter should be up soonish.
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stargaze-sunflower · 3 years
Hello! Could you do some Dewey and Louie bonding? Or maybe Dewey protecting his brothers? Your writing is amazing btw.
This ask is from way back when I was taking prompts sajdskj I'm sorry its so late but I dug up something that I wrote for the green beans discord and it sort of fit this so I cleaned it up a bit :]
The context is that Dewey and Louie have been stuck in a magical forest that shows them their worst memories, but it kinda starts near the end of that story so asjdkkjsa anyway I hope you enjoy!! <33
Dewey’s worst nightmare used to be Huey being freakishly tall, but now that he’d been introduced to freakishly tall trees in a disturbingly magical forest, he might be reevaluating that decision.
“We’ll get out of here,” Dewey said, softer than he might’ve, had it not felt like something was watching them. “We always get out.”
“Yeah, sure, we always escape magical forests that trap us and show us our worst memories,” Louie grumbled, sarcastic and defensive; tired and lost.
“You know what I mean,” Dewey said, standing up from where he’d been kneeling in a patch of bright green and glowing moss. He held out a hand for Louie to take. “We’re two-thirds of the Duck Boys, we’ll be fine.”
“It only takes once, you know,” Louie said, taking his hand and rising on slightly shaky legs. “And then always turns into sometimes, and my mental health will somehow get worse.”
“We’ll be fine,” Dewey reiterated, his chest squeezing a bit at Louie’s words, at the fact that he was so scared of sometimes. “I mean, we could probably use some help, sure. Or ideas. Or a miracle.”
“I’m afraid I’m out of stock,” Louie said drily.
Dewey laughed a bit, glad that most of the horrible tension from earlier had dissipated into something more manageable. Running from reruns of their worst memories until Louie collapsed into a panic attack had not been the fun adventure he’d been hoping for.
Still holding Louie’s hand, Dewey turned to take in their surroundings for what had to be the thirtieth time. There were trees as far as he could see, and they were taller than he could even fathom, so much so that he couldn’t see the sky, couldn’t tell if it was night or day. Patches of glowing green moss were spread haphazardly across the forest floor and growing near the bases of the trees. And speaking of trees…
“Do you think we should try climbing?” Dewey asked, his head tilted backwards at an uncomfortable angle as he searched for one worth a try. All the branches were at least twenty feet in the air.
“Nope, no. Absolutely not,” Louie said, tugging on his hand as if to shake the thought of it from his head. “I’d rather you didn’t fall and die, thanks.”
“Maybe one of those giant deer we saw earlier would catch me.”
“I don’t really want to see that either.”
“What? But it’d be so cool!”
“Do it on your own time, then,” Louie said, but a small smile was pulling at the corner of his beak, and Dewey grinned.
“That sounds like a challenge,” he said, teasing.
“That was the opposite of a challenge,” Louie said. “That was a thinly veiled plea to never leap into the arms of a giant deer.”
Dewey pouted playfully. “You’re no fun.”
“No, I just happen to have common sense and a healthy fear of injury.”
Something in the air shifted.
(“Fear, you say?”)
Dewey jumped about a mile in the air, startled, as Louie yelped in poorly concealed surprise. The voice seemed to come from all around them, layered and echoing and amused. Slowly, they turned around, and with wide eyes they took in the figure in front of them.
It was a child, glowing with the same light that had formed imitations of their family members just a few minutes ago. The child looked like a ghost, or a hologram, and despite its youthful appearance, Dewey got the feeling that it was older than anything he’d ever met before; ancient and magic and terrifying, like the trees surrounding them and the creatures they’d encountered throughout their adventure.
But it looked like a child.
The figure smiled, and Dewey blinked, feeling Louie’s grip on his hand tighten as they stared at the entity in front of them.
“Who are you?” Dewey blurted, forgoing a polite hello in favor of getting straight into whatever this was.
(“I am the forest,”) the child said, as if that were a perfectly normal and reasonable response. For their family, it might as well be. (“Why are you here?”)
“Trust me, I’d rather not be,” Louie spoke up, stepping out from where Dewey had subconsciously stepped in front of him. He gave the forest spirit a long, resigned look. “So if you could point us towards the exit, that would be great.”
(“There is no exit,”) the forest said, that amused undertone to its voice again, and then it smiled. (“But there is an escape.”)
“Okay, uh, can you point us to the escape, then?” Dewey asked, already frustrated by the word games the thing was playing.
The forest hummed as if deliberating, and the leaves around them rustled in an echo of it, low and haunting. Dewey felt Louie shiver.
(“It is something you have to find for yourself,”) said the forest spirit, floating forward a bit. (“All I can be is a guide. It is up to you, whether you leave or not.”)
There was a moment of silence, in which Dewey got the impression that the trees were breathing, or something equally as ridiculous.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Louie asked, growing bolder in his irritation. “We want to leave. Let us out.”
(“Freedom is not free, child,”) the forest said, for a moment sounding exactly as ancient as it really was. Sounding sad, almost. (“You have to give me something in return.”)
Dewey glanced back at Louie with a question in his eyes, and Louie just shrugged. Bargaining with the forest. Sure. Now he’d seen everything.
“What do you want?” Dewey asked.
(“An answer,”) said the forest, tilting its head to the side as it examined them. (“An answer to a question.”)
“Great,” Louie said flatly, exhaustion and resignation seeping into his voice. “Ask away.”
What Dewey had expected was some sort of riddle, or trick, or maybe an impossible task. What he got was something completely different.
(“What are you afraid of?”) the forest asked, and Dewey’s breath caught. The child frowned. (“No one ever tells me the truth.”)
“This has happened before?” Dewey asked, and the spirit shrugged.
(“I’ve lived for centuries,”) the forest said, looking around at the trees that were growing tall and proud around them. (“There are always those who wander.”)
“And do you let them leave?” Louie’s voice was careful in the way that meant he was scared. Dewey lightly squeezed his hand.
(“It depends on what they tell me.”)
Dewey swallowed, feeling the pressure begin to press in on him from all sides. He was the older brother here; he had to make sure they made it out.
“Okay,” Dewey said, after a few long seconds of eerie quiet. “I’m sacred of heights, and thunder, and— and rivers.”
He heard Louie’s rushed breath of surprise at his declaration, because there were definitely some things in there that his brother hadn’t known.
(“That is the truth,”) the forest acknowledged, (“but it is not enough.”)
“Why not?” Dewey asked, halfway to being offended.
(“What are you afraid of?”) the forest spirit repeated the question gently. (“More than anything.”)
“More than anything?” Dewey parroted, and the forest nodded. He’d never met a forest who could nod before.
Sighing, Dewey turned to look at Louie, who was staring back at him in resigned bewilderment. The glow from the moss cast him in an eerie sort of lighting, but he supposed it reflected the mood well enough. Eventually, Louie broke eye contact and sighed.
“Okay, sure, if we tell you our greatest fear, then you’ll let us leave?” Louie asked, apparently making sure that if he bared his soul, it would be for a good reason.
(“Yes,”) said the forest, simply. (“You will be free.”)
“Great, not ominous at all.”
“Do you even know what your greatest fear is?” Dewey asked, glancing at Louie over his shoulder. He wasn’t even completely sure if he knew his own.
“I’ve got a few ideas,” Louie said absentmindedly, not meeting his eyes, and Dewey’s stomach twisted into anxious knots.
(“Will you tell me the truth?”) asked the forest spirit, and it almost sounded like it was excited. (“It has been a long time since I’ve heard honesty.”)
“It’s been a long time since I’ve practiced it,” said Louie, “but I’ll do my best.”
The forest nodded, something like a wry smile pulling at its lips. (“That is the truth.”)
“Thanks,” Louie said, and then in the same breath: “I’m afraid of being useless. Of having nothing to offer that makes me worth keeping around. I’m afraid of hurting people, of letting them down. I’m afraid that I’ll be left behind because I’m the only one who doesn’t always like where we’re going.”
Dewey stood rigid in the wake of Louie’s confession, his hand gone still and clammy in Louie’s tight, shaking grip. The weight of the words was not lost on Dewey, who suddenly had something new that he was afraid of. He never wanted Louie to feel like any of that was even possible.
“Louie?” Dewey’s voice wavered around his little brother’s name, but Louie ignored him in favor of staring challengingly at the forest spirit.
There was a long pause, in which everything was hauntingly still.
(“That is the truth,”) the forest said eventually, a bit of pride making its way into its voice. (“Thank you.”)
“Yeah,” Louie said, sounding equal parts fragile and relieved. “No problem.”
Big problem.
“Louie,” Dewey said, looking at him with confused, hurt eyes. “Why do you— You know we’d never do any of that stuff, right?”
Louie just shrugged, smiling a bit awkwardly.
“Somedays it seems more rational than others,” he said, and then, “It’s your turn.”
Reluctantly, Dewey turned back to the forest spirit, who was standing there serenely and watching them patiently. Right. His greatest fears.
“I don’t like to think about being scared,” Dewey opened up with, deciding to just wing it. “So I guess I’m afraid of being afraid. I’m afraid of missing out, being ignored. I’m afraid that no one will ever think I’m special or unique. It would really suck to be thought of as boring, you know?”
(“I do not know,”) said the forest spirit, kindness shining through its old eyes as it looked at him. (“But that is the truth. Thank you.”)
“Sure,” Dewey said, feeling slightly sick. “Anytime.”
“Though preferably never again,” Louie added, his voice thin and weak.
Dewey turned to look back at him, and found nothing but sadness and understanding in his gaze.
“You’re special, Dewey,” Louie told him, “and the fact that we’re standing here talking to a forest spirit is testament enough to the fact that you couldn’t be boring even if you tried.”
Despite himself, Dewey started chuckling, and Louie joined in with giggles soon after, all of the tension tumbling out of them in the form of laughter. The forest spirit smiled at them.
(“Laughter is rarer than honesty,”) the forest spirit mused. (“Or at least it is so where I come from.”)
“It depends on the person, I think, more than the place,” Louie said, and how did their lives reach this point? Making casual conversation with the embodiment of a magical forest. “Can we go now?”
(“Of course,”) said the forest, leaning back against a tree, seeming completely at ease. (“I told you the truth. You may go.”)
“Why did you need to know our greatest fears?” Dewey asked suddenly, overcome with curiosity. “Are you holding them hostage now? Will we not be afraid anymore?”
(“I am a magical being,”) the forest spirit said, smiling up at the leaves above them, (“but even I cannot make you fearless.”)
“Then what was the point?”
(“To make you brave.”)
“Brave?” Louie asked, frowning a bit.
(“Honesty and Bravery are closely connected.”) The forest shrugged. (“To have any of either is to wear your heart on your sleeve.”)
“That’s another thing I’m afraid of,” Louie said softly, a bit wonderingly, and Dewey glanced at him sharply. “Being known.”
(“And yet you are,”) said the forest, glancing at Dewey and smiling softly. (“And you are loved all the same.”)
“I’d call that a miracle,” Louie said, a wry grin growing on his face even as Dewey squeezed his hand in a silent reprimand.
(“You may call it whatever you want.”) The forest around them began to change, the trees shrinking and shifting in the corners of Dewey’s vision. (“But I call it the truth.”)
The glow of the moss began to fade away, leaving behind a depressing normalcy. The trees had molded themselves into a mere shadow of their former glory, sunlight passing through the leaves that hung shortly above them. Before long, the only thing left of the magical forest was the figure in front of them, fainter and more translucent now that its home was back in… whatever realm it had come from; Dewey didn’t really know much about the logistics of magical forests and such.
“Bye,” Dewey said awkwardly, uselessly, and the forest spirit laughed brightly, eyes crinkling.
The laughter lingered even after the childlike figure had disappeared, until even that was carried away on the wind, leaving Dewey and Louie standing in a perfectly average sort of forest, staring at the spot where the last of their adventure had just vanished into thin air. Too much had happened in the past few hours. Too much to even begin to process.
“That was… something,” Louie said faintly, and Dewey snorted.
Understatement of the century.
Dewey opened his mouth to respond, but the harsh sound of the bushes to their right moving around pulled his attention away. Huey and Webby came tumbling through the underbrush moments later, looking wild and worried. Dewey and Louie turned to look at them with wide eyes, and Huey sighed in relief.
“We’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Huey said, rushing over to them to pull them into a hug. “Where have you been?”
“And why were you holding hands and staring at a tree?” Webby added, scanning them for injuries.
“It’s a long story,” Dewey managed, finally letting go of Louie’s hand as they shared a look.
“Yeah,” Louie agreed, looking back at their other siblings, “and we’re not telling it until we’re far, far away from anything resembling a forest.”
“The trees have eyes and ears,” Dewey said, nodding seriously, fighting a smile when Huey and Webby looked properly baffled now.
“And the forest talks like a poet from like, 80 centuries ago. I don’t—” Louie cut himself off with a yawn. “I don’t know. I’m tired.”
Hueys face softened into something concerned and caring.
“Okay,” said Huey. “Okay, let’s go home.”
The wind ruffled their hair gently as they were led back towards the Sunchaser, and somehow the rustling of the leaves sounded like a goodbye. Dewey looked towards the sky and smiled.
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for-the-ninth · 2 years
So I’d love to know that if Cullen has to “earn” Shielan’s approval what does Shielan have to do to earn his approval? Because idk why he would care for someone who is outright awful to him in general and dismisses his trauma (despite having literally seen the memories) and struggle trying to break his ties to the chantry?
Ah yes, another anonymous Cullenite complaining about Cullen being treated like the criminal he is.
Listen, the excerpt you're referring to hasn't even been posted on AO3. It's one of many preview snippets of later chapters I've written that require context to understand, which you don't have bc you haven't read the fic. So I'm not terribly inclined to give you personally - someone who does not understand Shielan's history, motivations, or values, bc again, you've not actually read my shit - a thorough answer. But I will expand for the sake of those who do read and enjoy my fic, as a lil meta treat for anyone curious.
First things first, Cullen's trauma is valid and what he went through was awful. And it doesn't justify the harm he inflicted and endorsed on people who did not cause him that trauma. People who can't understand that very basic concept just aren't gonna like this fic.
Secondly, Cullen doesn't have to earn Shielan's approval. He wants to, because he admires her strength, resilience, and leadership and he (unlike some of his fans, apparently) knows he fucked up. The mages of the Inquisiton, Kirkwall survivors among them, petitioned for his removal as Commander, and he resigned and imprisoned himself voluntarily. He's heard from the survivors of the Rite of Annulment. He knows all won't be forgiven - and he's trying to do better anyway. Because your accountability process shouldn't be dependent on the forgiveness of your victims. It places too much pressure on their shoulders and stifles your own growth if they choose not to forgive you.
Now if you'd read any of the actual story, dear anon, you'd know just how laughable it is to suggest Shielan earn approval from anyone. She left her own clan before her vallaslin even healed, knowing damn well she probably wouldn't be allowed to return. You really think she gives a shit what some templar fuck thinks of her? (Spoiler: she def doesn't lmao). Shielan cares about justice for her people and the mages of Thedas, not her oppressors.
She did indeed see a singular memory of the day Uldred took the tower. But neither Cullen nor anyone else has told her exactly what happened, so she has no context for this memory and no understanding of how that event affected him. And at this point in the story, she doesn't fucking care, which brings me to my next point...
It's an enemies to friends to lovers story, ya fuckin goon! It's exactly what it says on the tin! Try reading the tags next time!
I'd personally love to know A. why you even felt the need to type the hot sewage that just left your virtual mouth when you haven't read my fucking writing and B. why you think a Dalish mage should give two fucks about a guy who has actively oppressed her people and thought of them as subfuckinghuman for over a decade.
I look forward to hearing your answers! 🥰😘
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halliewriteshockey · 3 years
man i really want to get into writing and be as big on ao3 as you lmao. you're what I look up to when it comes to my goals that I want to achieve. Ik it took years and years and years of hard work on your end and obviously I'll need to put in the same amount of dedication to even INCH towards where you are but I rely want to be as popular and as loved as you are. I've always wanted to be a full-time and professional writer/author but my writing is stiff and awkward and man IDK.
Oh hon. Do you want me to share a snippet of some of my oldest writing? I mean, I'm not sure I can even find any after all this time, so you may just have to take it on faith that that shit is bad. Stiff and awkward doesn't even begin to describe.
The first step to being good at something is to suck at something. Allow yourself to make "bad" art, because you're still making art and that's what's important.
All I can tell you is to read. Read voraciously. Edit mentally as you read, fix the prose the way you think it should be in order for it to flow better. This is a habit I got into years and years ago, and it's helped hone my inner editor until I do it without even consciously thinking about it.
Read books about how to write. Read books about plot, articles on creating characters. Follow blogs that give writing advice in bite-size chunks. @ticklefighthockey does breakdowns of her writing process sometimes and whether you're into hockey rpf or not, you'd be a fool not to read them because they're not only educational but they're fun to read. For that matter, read books about how not to write. Read your favorite authors and analyze the way they turn phrases, how they capture emotions. Read authors you don't like and examine how they do it wrong (in your opinion) and how you'd do it differently.
All of it will enrich your own writing. Everything you take in will make what you put out that much better. And I don't mean just published writing. Do it with fanfic, Tumblr posts, everything you consume. Read critically, not passively.
And please don't compare yourself to anyone else. The person you are is wonderful and kind and delightful, and a pleasure to know. And if you're willing to put in the work, I promise the rest will follow. <3
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failedintsave · 2 years
G, M, I, L, F for the ask!
Sakaksjssjks perfect, thank you for the giggle
G- Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
I wrote Rejoin pretty much start to finish, but now I go all kinds of out of order. Most of my WIP start as random scenes I jot down and then build out from and/or struggle to connect into something coherent. Lots and lots of disjointed docs.
M- Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
I've been thinking about two different Nategaar ideas lately, one of which I thought of a while back and haven't touched. Nathan's family has an annual tradition of going to Disney every summer since he was school age, but now that he's moved out to live in an apartment with the band, Oscar and Rose assume he won't want to continue those trips and they go on a second honeymoon. Nathan is disappointed and too broke to buy a ticket and go see Mickey on his own, so Skwisgaar suggests they start a new tradition...which idk what that is yet so I haven't started writing it.
I- Do you have any guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Oh writing angsty bullshit for sure haha, except I feel no guilt over it. Reading, I think maybe caretaking of some sort. When those prompts were going around a while ago I was LIVING. I love sickfics. I just want everyone to get tucked in and fed soup please thanks.
L- How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Not enough as I should. Mostly just edit as I go, then do a final read through out loud to make sure stuff sounds ok, spelling and formatting edit in ao3 and then I'm sick of looking at it, so off she goes!
F- Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it
From S is For...
"So boys," Rose began without preamble. "You've got the house to yourselves all weekend. I would like to see it still here when we get home on Sunday."
"Yeah, mom. We're not gonna burn the place down."
"Please no crazy parties."
"I know."
"The neighbors might not appreciate it."
"That said," she turned the chicken with a pair of tongs, other hand busy dipping and breading another piece. "I know that normally you don't like to...have company over."
Nathan paused his sorting, turning his head towards his mother. Skwisgaar continued putting away cans of beans and corn, but something about the inflection of Rose's voice pulled his attention from his task.
"But I understand that you're both young men. As long as it's nothing wild there's no reason you couldn't have a guest or two."
"Just make sure you use protection."
I'm very amused by Nathan's utter mortification during Dethfam when Rose is talking about frostbite etc. and I wanted to have a scene where he's similarly embarrassed. She just wants her boys to be responsible!
[Fanfic asks]
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ooooh i love your halloween au!! i don't usually love writing outside of canon, but this is a really interesting world and i love how you incorporated elements from canon! (actually i think i'm lying when i don't like aus... because i loved the mermaid au... and the mafia au... and the soulmate one.. and the okay i'll stop now) would you ever continue any of the fics from this week? also congrats on doing the full week! thank you for the excellent writing
waaa thank you so much!! and LOL AUs can get super fun, so many things to explore!! 
IDEALLY...i’d like to refine/expand all of them so i can post to ao3, but chances that i’ll actually do that.........are kinda slim........lol. since i’ve already written them i’ve like, satisfied my own desire with the thing. :’) buuuut even though i said i wasn’t going to flesh out the mermaid au, a part of me is like....but you could try...there’s so many things i have to work out though which makes it preemptively daunting though. but maybe i’ll post snippets or scenes if i keep thinking about it?? truth to be told, i just really want to write a vicious protective mermaid shinobu scene haha. 
the mafia au is the one with the least background, so i’m probably not gonna do much with that one. soulmate and halloween/fantasy au...idk, they’re also preemptively daunting to expand. i had a hard time with the soulmate au (might try a different kind of soulmate au, sometime?) and i dunno, i don’t think i can hit as hard as i want to with it, and the fantasy au was fun to think about but...i feel like there should be a whole quest, and that’s too long of a road for me to want to go on LOL. i’m also not the best as like, more fun “casual” stuff, so the college au feels like it’d fall flat with my writing style?? idk. idk! if i did end up revisiting these fics, i’d probably have to just wholly rewrite them. when i set out to write a fic, i usually have a general vision of the whole thing, so to have a “completed” fic to work off of is like...super weird for me process wise that i don’t think i’ve ever done? (hm. maybe i should try it......no promises though....)
thanks again!! i’m still super excited that i did the whole thing on time, haha. >:3c
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kingsofeverything · 6 years
Did you ever post a plot summary of Heading for Limbo? I thought I knew what it was about but all these snippets are confusing me. It sounds amazing though, I'm a big fan of your works, and I can't wait to read Heading for Limbo. Do you know when it's going to be published? I saw that you're working on multiple things right now, and something for the Summer Exchange and I thought I'd ask if you have a release date planned. Have a lovely day and good luck with whatever you're working on right now
Thanks so much! I did post the summary that I plan on using on ao3, but I’ll put it here again:
Childhood best friends who’ve fallen in and out of touch with each other since Louis’ family moved away when they were thirteen, Harry and Louis find their paths crossing again and again. Each time, no matter how many miles apart or how many years it’s been, it’s as if no time has passed. They fall back into their easy friendship, until life intervenes and sends them on their separate ways once more.
When Harry discovers some life-changing things about himself, Louis is there for him, however he needs. But it’s all temporary because Louis has plans that will move his life from New York all the way to L.A. and the distance isn’t the only thing between them.
The pieces of their twice broken hearts are scattered from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
I really don’t know as far as when it’ll be up. My beta is working on my summer exchange now because it has to be Brit picked as well and has a due date and that’s about 2/3 done. She also writes (uhhhh have you read her stuff? You should. Here’s her ao3.) and is working on her stuff too, plus she betas for other people. She might know but idk lol @louandhazaf 
After she betas it, I still have to edit, and I have someone who’s going to preread for me, so kind of like a second beta. Since the fic is so long, etc. 
But also! Keep in mind with the WIP word game sentences and snippets, you’re only getting a sentence or two and there’s no context, so something can seem like it’s one thing, but in the fic, it’s something completely different. There are, I think, four snippets from HFL posted. I was wrong, there are 5. Here’s a link, but also the tag is tagged/hfl-snippet in case the link doesn’t work. 
If you have any specific questions, I can try to answer them. 
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