#if i have to spend my days off with basically only myself and my dog to talk to.
my luck is so bad it is legitimately just cruel. every day literally feels like i am being punished for every little decision i make. it’s almost hard to believe and yet somehow i’m too dumb to anticipate this…?
#i have previously been burned by usps coming an hour early and not picking up my packages#i woke up at 4:45 am this morning and got out the bed fr by 9. i knew i should have had my packages out as early as possible.#i want to get paid for the items im selling as soon as possible. i want to get a refund for my returns.#and i want these people to get their stuff#yesterday usps returned a package i had sent out to me so its already delayed#i was in the middle of packaging everything up when i noticed a package was delivered#i meant to check my email to see if they sent me that bullshit fucking email claiming to have picked up my packages when they didnt#but got distracted#so naturally. my dad leaves (the only person i could ask to drop packages off at the post office) and only then do i see that dumbass email#delivered an hour ago#i am so serious……..i cannot do this anymore#it is like this every single day#like okay. if the rest of my life is terrible. if i’m losing my mind from social isolation. if my parents quite honestly hate me.#if i have no future and no hope.#if the only interaction i can rely on is friendly coworkers and patrons at the library.#if i have to spend my days off with basically only myself and my dog to talk to.#can the little fucking things go my way? like…half of them? is that possible?#i’m not even asking to have a happy life i’m not asking to be loved i’m not asking to belong i’m not asking for a point to living#man i just want the tiniest of breaks. just. two days out the week? yeah? can i get my fucking packages sent out on time? l#can i get to work on time? with no stress? can i not look forward to eating a salad all day only for my dad to have eaten it?#can i have a normal menstrual cycle? can i stop having back pain? can i be a little comfortable? can i time my birth control correctly?#this is just so exhausting. how am i supposed to do this for years and years and years#my grandma is fucking 91#my great grandma died at like 93#i can’t even do another year of this man#i’m dreading my 25 birthday this september#i don’t know how i’m gonna make it to 30#let alone anything after that#my parents are in their 60s………it’s a nightmare to have to think about living that long
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nonbinaryeggrolls · 4 months
When Someone Tries to Touch Your Hair
JJK men x gn black!reader
I had this idea for a little while and I absolutely love it. As someone who has to literally fight off ppl with a stick to keep them from basically "petting" me, I thought it would be so cute to write about the JJK men sticking up for you
Warnings: Fluff!, no nsfw but MINORS ARE STILL NOT ALLOWED GO AWAY, angst in Gojo's, specified braids/locs/twists in Toji's, unwanted physical touch, I think that's it!
Starring: Nanami Kento, Toji Fushiguro, Gojo Satoru
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Nanami Kento
Of course he remains calm, he's always calm. but trust, inside he is BOILING with anger
Kento adores your hair, it sounds weird but he loves watching you on wash day care and tend to your hair with such detail and precision. Apart of it is so he can learn to do it himself one day so you won't have to spend so much time doing it yourself
He's always buying the best products for you no matter how expensive he knows black hair care products can be.
Design Essentials, Creme of Nature, Mielle, jojoba oil, tea tree oil, hair masks, curling cream-- you name it (or even glance at it in the store) he's already bought it for you
So seeing someone disrespect you by even attempting to touch you makes him absolutely livid
Kento: "I don't know I didn't think it was all that great, the plot didn't really make a lot of sense." Kento said as you two walked out the doors of the movie theater.
Y/N: "What?! I thought it was good, you're always hating on superhero movies you're like an old person. Oh! the boba place closes at 9:30 did you still wanna--
"Oh my gosh I just have to ask who does your hair? It's so pretty!" A young woman around your age popped up from behind you guys, her intensity kind of startling you a little bit
Y/N: "Oh, thank you that's so sweet! I actually do it myself" you smiled and she looked at you in astonishment
"Really? Wow it looks like it was done by a professional, I bet it takes you so long!"
Kento's eyebrow raise and body stiffen in an almost defensive way, he was already anticipating what was coming next
Y/N: "Yeah, sometimes it can. It kind of just depends on how tired I am that d--
Your body leaned back as she reached out to grab the top of your head. Kento wrapped his arm around you and pulled you back by your shoulders, shooting daggers at the woman as if she had just committed an unforgivable act
Kento: "Please step back. You don't need to touch them to compliment them." he reprimanded and held a firmer grip on your shoulder. He wasn't going to yell at a woman he didn't know but he sure as hell was going to get his point across
"O-oh Im sorry I didn't mean anything by it. I just think it looks really ni--
Kento: "Then you can think it's nice from a distance, they're not a dog. Have a good night." Kento intwined your hand in his and led you away to the car. You looked up at him and a small grin grew across your face
Kento: "Don't look at me like that."
Y/N: "You're like a guard dog. Like a snappy little golden retriever." you giggled before planting a kiss on his jaw which he returned with one on the top of your head
Kento: "Cmon lets go get boba."
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Toji Fushiguro
Rage, Rage, and more RAGE
The anger that fills this mans body when someone tries to touch you is immeasurable, ESPECIALLY if its a man
Sometimes you have to calm Toji down when someone tries but its no use, he's already out of his seat and practically ready to kill
Toji is definitely someone who values his personal space, so he completely understood your frustration when you talked about how crazy it is that some people think its okay to try and touch you without permission
He's only seen it happen a few times, thankfully most people had common sense. But there was always that one asshole that crosses the line
You and Toji were out on a late night supply run getting items for Megumis science fair project. You roamed through the aisles of the arts and craft store filling your basket with acrylic paint, styrofoam blocks, construction paper and glue sticks
Toji: "What kind of fifth grader does a science project on soil erosion? Can't we just do something normal like a volcano or something?"
Y/N: "Are you gonna keep complaining all night or are you gonna actually help find everything on the list?" You turned around mad dogging him, both of you were tired and a little bit cranky and snappy at one another. Most of it was playful but some of it intended
Toji: "You look like a pig when you scrunch your knows like that." He chuckled attempting to pull you in for a kiss
Y/N: "You bitch-- Go get someone to open the spraypaints for us!" You said shoving your hand in his face and pushing his head back. Toji sauntered away to find the nearest employee to assist you guys
You stood alone in the aisle for a few minutes scrolling through instagram to pass the time until Toji came back, until a tap on your shoulder caught your attention. A random man, had approached you attempting to spark a conversation. Your eyes jotted back and forth around the area wondering where tf could Toji be and why was he taking so long to get back
"You got a really pretty smile you know that? Pretty hair too, you do this all by yourself?" He asked and took one of your (protective style)'s in his hands
Toji: "Now you..." Toji came up behind the man and planted a firm grip on his shoulder, "...are way too ugly and way too short to think they'd ever want someone like you to touch them. Don't you think?"
The man trembled in place at the vast size difference between the two
He couldn't get a whole sentence in before Toji pulled him back by his hair then slammed him head first into the shelves next to him, making the man scream in pain. The star captured the attention of multiple employees and needless to say it wasn't long until you were being led out of the building by security.
Toji: "Did I do too much again?" He asked from the passenger seat, knowing full well he didn't regret his actions
Y/N: "We just got banned from the store, what do you think Toji?"
Toji: "Are you mad at me?"
Y/N: "Yes I'm mad!"
Toji: "Mm. The blush on your face doesn't look like someone who'd be mad at me." He grinned and you tried to hide the smile that started to form
Y/N: "Shut the fuck up."
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Gojo Satoru
Gojo unfortunately was very ignorant to the topic at first
Maybe it was a cultural difference but when you told him people would ask to touch your hair he thought it wasn’t that big of a deal
“If someone admired your hair so much that they want to get close to it shouldn’t that be a compliment to you? It’s like they’re complimenting an artist for their artwork right? I don’t really see the harm in that, I touch Getos hair all the time and he's fine with it.” He said once before
Nonetheless it led to a very heated argument
He didn’t understand all the fuss around it, that was until he saw it actually happen
Seeing how physically uncomfortable you get when someone you don’t know tries to “pet” you put it all in perspective for him
Y/N: “Gojo, hurry we’re gonna miss the train!” You shouted as you ran through the subway station
Gojo: “I’m coming slow down! I don’t wanna drop anything.” He followed closely behind carrying the other bags of groceries you guys got from the farmers market
You both managed to slip through the train doors in time before it departed. You two managed to find two seats by the window, it was a preferred spot that way you both could gaze upon the countryside greenery as you passed on your way back to the city. Gojo leaned against the window and you leaned against his shoulder, the both of you trying to get some rest after a full day of walking.
The train stopped at its next spot to let on a few more passengers and a tap on your shoulder shook you out of your rest.
“Can i touch your hair?” a young woman behind you asked, but she had already reached out her hand before you could even answer. You pulled back before her hand could touch you
“Oh, um no please don’t do that…” you awkwardly said and turned back around. You looked over at Gojo who you know heard everything but was undermining the situation yet again
Gojo: “Calm down she didn’t mean anything by it, go back to sleep.” He dismissed you, not even bothering to open his eyes as he still laid against the window. You let out a low scoff and laid back against your seat instead of Gojos shoulder like you were before
The next few minutes we’re quiet as you dozed back off until you heard a loud camera click and could hear the girl frantically trying to turn the volume down
Y/N: “Did you just take a picture of me?”
“Oh it wasn't a bad one I was just sending your hairstyle to my friend I think it’s cute.”
Y/N: “I don’t care. Don’t take a fucking picture of me if—
“I didn’t even touch you so calm the fuck down…this is why no body likes to compliment you people anyways. You take everything too goddamn seriously.” she muttered the last bit under her breath but still loud enough to pick up. This sentence being the one that finally caught Gojos attention
Gojo: “What was that?” He stood up towering over the young woman
“I-I didn’t say anyth— I’m s-sor—
Gojo: “Shut up. Delete it. Now.” His eyes pierced through her and she scrambled to reopen her camera and delete the photos. She flipped the phone towards his face to show that they were no longer in her folder
Gojo: “Now go to a different seat. And if you touch them against i’ll smash that stupid fucking phone into the fucking concrete.” The young woman ran from her seat to the other side of the train as quickly as possible and Gojo sat back down. He attempted to put his arm around you but you wanted no part in it, for the next 30 minutes you ignored every attempt he made to get a word out of you. Even on the walk home you were cold
Gojo: “Y/N if you don’t tell me what’s wrong I can’t fix it!” he said as you entered your apartment
Y/N: “IVE TOLD YOU WHATS WRONG BEFORE. YOU DONT LISTEN!” you yelled, something he rarely heard you do, “I told you countless times before that people trying to touch me is a reoccurring problem for me and what did you do? You belittled me and made it seem like no big deal. Why did it take someone being blatantly racist towards me for you to actually start caring? Why did I have to prove the problem to you?” He looked back at you with no words just a stunned expression as he struggled to find the right thing to say
Gojo: “I…I don’t know. I’m sorry.” you rolled your eyes at his lackluster reply and turned away to the bedroom
Y/N: “Whatever. I’m going to bed.”
Gojo: “Y/N, wait I—
you slammed the door in his face before he could finish his sentence
story belongs to @nonbinaryeggrolls
do not steal
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ink4blotches · 1 year
Pavitr x reader angst please 🙏🙏
Everyone Loves Heroes(Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader)
I gotchu anon ;))
Got a little confused halfway with this one, so it's a bit confusing to read but bear with me because it's 1am and I'm running on Coca Cola and sour straws :D
Synopsis/Feels: Basically Y/N is this worlds Gwen Stacey, famous for a bit at the end because idk, imagine that press scene from ITSV when MJ was talking to the city after Blond Peter died, reader dies(obv), angst y ag but that's what they wanted, reader is a girl, yeah yeah you get it.
Word Ct.: 885
It was just a normal day. Fighting thugs, feeding stray dogs, eating vada pav, hanging out with the rare, the elusive, the literally famous, singer Y/N Singh, yknow. The norm for Spider-Man: India.
Everything was going normally. A little boring, but normally. Nobody was in a huge amount of danger, and Y/N had worn a lovely outfit, which showed she was in a good mood.
He wanted to spend the entire day with her, to not leave her side. But alas, his duties as Spider-Man prevented him from doing so.
He should've been more careful. He should've stopped and wondered why his Spidey-Sense had been going crazy all day.
But no, he made what seemed to be a tiny mistake leaving her alone.
5 hours later, he's saving a bus from falling off the bridge connecting two cities, after it unfortunately collapsed. Struggling and he can only balance one thing, since even Spider-Man can't balance a bus with one hand.
He thought everyone had gotten away. That everyone on the bridge was safe.
"Hey, look out!"
That's when his heart absolutely shattered. He'd recognize that voice from a billion miles away. It was Y/N Singh. HIS Y/N Singh.
And she was there.
He could barely keep the bus up as he tried desperately to get a look at where his love was.
"It's okay...here, I'll carry you." He watched helplessly, his arms aching from holding a bus up alone, and his eyes stinging from the wind blowing through his cracked lens.
As Y/N grabbed the kid's hand, she seemed to notice the same thing Pav did.
She didn't have enough time to carry that kid away.
So she turned, giving Pavitr a quick glance. And despite not knowing the Spider hero, she put her faith in him to save the kid.
And so, a split second before the bridge collapsed, Y/N Singh tossed the kid, then falling the the streets below.
And Pav was helpless to do anything.
Pavitr tapped one of the microphones once, then a second time, causing the feedback to ring throughout the ginormous speakers set up around town hall.
"Sorry- I've never done anything like this before. And I don't have anything prepared to say..." Pav trails off, glancing at all of the cameras and eyes on him.
Mumbattan had just lost it's most beloved singer, who was well known to be dating Pavitr Prabhakar. It was an absolute bomb dropped on the poor city.
So right now, they needed someone to tell them it was gonna be okay. That, with time, everything would go back to normal. And they would rely on her boyfriend to tell them that.
But alas, Pavitr had also lost a piece of himself. He wanted to go home and cry, maybe even beat himself up for failing to save her.
The only reason he's here is because Gayatri and Inspector Singh expressly asked him to be. So he took a big breath before just...speaking his mind.
"I'll be honest. Y/N and I have been dating for 4 years, as most of you know. And in those 4 years, I found myself more than I had in my entire life before I knew her. I was lucky to know her on such a personal level, and it's...hard. Knowing she's gone. At times she would go on tour for months, but I knew she'd be back. Now...she's gone. Forever." Pavitr paused, sniffing in to stop his nose from running.
"Y/N was an amazing person. She was an inspiration to many, a light in the darkness to some, a friend to all, as well as a daughter to Mr.Singh, and sister to Gayatri Singh. And, at the end of her life, she was a hero.."
Pav thought for a moment. He shouldn't say the next part, he really shouldn't.
But he did.
"But she was also my girlfriend. And I hate that the world took her away from me so soon. As much as it pains me to say it, I can't lie. I hate that she had to be the hero that saved that boy. We all love heroes, and we're all sad when they pass away. And that sadness passes in a few weeks for most. But to me, Gayatri, and Inspector Singh, we can't just turn off the channel and pretend it didn't happen."
Pav knew he should've just stopped there, and everyone else did too.
But in a way he was talking to Y/N as well, hoping that his message would get to her no matter where she was.
"In the end, everyone loves heroes. Until they're the people close to them. Then it's a completely different story."
Pav knew he was condescending himself. He knew he wasn't making any sense. He saw poor Gayatri burst into tears less than 10 feet away from him.
But he had to keep going.
"I just wish Y/N could've been selfish for once in her life. Prioritized herself over a kid she didn't even know so she could stay with me. But she couldn't. It wasn't like her."
Pav took a deep breath, leaning closer into the microphone for his final word.
"And that's what I loved about her."
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trannydykepuppybot · 4 months
How do I get people to treat me like a dog? I'm so fucking burned out and tired of pretending to be a functional human being and I've been basically only domming for months. There have been isolated exceptions, sure, but it feels like I'm running on maybe if I'm lucky once a week ten second instances of relief and counterintuitively self-sustaining trauma. I can't recharge just by taking breaks from being dommey, either. It's like noticing your phone battery is low, so you turn it off for a bit. How the fuck is that supposed to help anything in the long-term? Like, some nice stuff happened over winter break, but then I go home and remember that my normal is this awful situation. And it's not like I don't love my subs, I really do and I do find fulfillment with them, they mean worlds to me, but it's like all water, no food. I can't sustain myself like this. I know this is probably the dumbest fucking thing anyone has ever vented about, "oh, I feel so sad because nobody is calling me a good puppy," but just. I can't handle being in constant control. I'm just not human. I'm not supposed to be like this. I have to keep this mask up and this hat on 24/7 and it's genuinely killing me. I just need to give it up for five fucking minutes. I need breaks. I need time to be myself that I can rely on. I need to know that when I go home after a miserable day of dealing with asshole college students who don't know what a thought experiment is and deranged zionist cishets ranting about the economy, I can stop pretending to be something I'm not. And the unfortunate truth is that I need that process to be facilitated. Maybe it's unhealthy, it probably is, but this is my poison. This is my coping mechanism. This is what I burst into tears thinking about at 3am. I can't fucking live like this. I need to be able to feel like me. I'm a severely unstable half-formed wannabe "woman" who thinks it's a robot dog, and if that's what I'm stuck being, why can't I at least be allowed to feel like the insane piece of shit that I am enough that I don't want to be vivisected and put in a museum rather than spend another month drifting even farther away from the already miserable shit that I am?
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destinygoldenstar · 5 months
I Answer The Would You Rather Questions From TD2023 Episode 17
(IK what you're gonna say about the title, idc, I'm calling it one long season because I feel like it)
Here's the video I'm basing this off of in case you're curious.
Would You Rather...
A) Camp in a Graveyard for a month
B) Go without toilet paper for a week
I WANT to say I wouldn't be scared cause zombies aren't real, BUT I'd be lying cause in real life, I'm anxious like no tomorrow. Plus at least with the other it's a lesser timespan.
(I relate to Damien so hard with this one.)
Would You Rather...
A) Have to wear clown makeup for a year
B) Have your direct messages made public
I don't actually DM that much, most you'd find are a bunch of sex bots that I blocked immediately, and other than that it's really just me answering people's questions about media. So I can't really say I'd lose much.
But honestly, I think clown makeup is actually pretty fun. Didn't say I wouldn't get to design the makeup myself. I'd just be cosplaying as Pomni, and I think I'd be okay with that cause Pomni is adorable.
A ; For the fun of it
Would You Rather...
A) Lose the passwords to all your devices everyday
B) Spend the entire next school year in a hot dog costume
Jokes on you Chris, I'm not in school anymore.
I SUCK at passwords anyway. So, NO THANKS.
Would You Rather...
A) Be Hockey Superstar *Whatever he said*
B) Be the puck that scored the game winning goal in the 1980 cup finals
One, I am not a sports person let alone a hockey person
Two, I was not alive in the 1980s!
I'd go with B cause I don't want to 'be other people'. I do that in fiction already and with my cynical online persona. I don't do that in real life.
Would You Rather...
A) Slide naked down a ski hill
B) Spend a day in a wave pool that uses bark instead of water
I hate the cold. So let alone being naked, it would suck.
But swimming in VOMIT?!
Would You Rather...
A) Popcorn that tastes like poop
B) Poop that tastes like popcorn
Straight up. NEITHER.
I hate both of these so much. I do not understand how Zee can possibly pick one without hesitation. (Then again, it is Zee, so...)
I am SUCH a sensitive eater. I will vomit no doubt at both of these.
I guess technically one isn't s**t, it's just the flavor sucks, so... A?
But if there was an option to pick C, I'd do it.
Screw the rules of this challenge. make it a trick question and have the person fall no matter what. TROLL, Chris. Why wasn't there a troll like that in the challenge? I'm surprised.
Would You Rather...
A) Take truth serum and be questioned by Chef
B) Only be able to eat Chef's cooking for a whole year
Again, sensitive eater over here.
Would You Rather...
A) Eat a bowl of toenail clippings
B) Not shower for a month
I'm actually tolerant to nail clippings, but AGAIN...
He said SHOWER, he said nothing about baths, swimming, deodorant, washing your hands and face, etc. So YEAH, it's actually not that bad if you think about it.
Would You Rather...
A) Eat 200 Lemons
B) Wrestle your best friend's grandpa
I'm a softie, so I'd lose, BUT...
My best friend in particular actually hates her grandparents. So she'd love me if I wrestled them, even if I'd lose.
Would You Rather...
A) Eat pudding directly from a gorilla's armpit
B) Jump from a plane with a parachute packed by your ex
In the episode, they make this sound worse than it actually is.
Or maybe that's just me because I actually DON'T HAVE AN EX
(At the time I am posting this)
Even if I were to break up with my partner just for the sake of doing this, (then get back with her afterwards) she is very skilled with this sort of stuff, has made several crafts like this, and I trust her completely.
Usually I'd hate falling, or anything that involves a vertical motion like that, BUT there's a parachute so it wouldn't be that bad.
And at this point, you'd know I'd do basically anything to get out of eating nasty stuff. If my choices are something to go off of my character.
Would You Rather...
A) Fight one bear
B) Fight 100 Rabid Kittens
I'd lose no matter what.
I am a HUGE cat person, so at least I'd be used to the kitten's scratching and biting. And maybe I'd tame them rather than fight them. That's my method of fighting.
Bear? I'd DIE.
(Also i love Wayne and Raj here. They're so cringe in the wholesome way)
Would You Rather...
A) Give up texting for five years
B) Lose your bathing suit at a crowded wave pool
I text my partner ALL THE TIME, and I will NEVER GIVE THAT UP
At least with this option I could just run away, just one embarrassing moment rather than stuck there for five years or something.
And if someone said took a video of me and posted it, uh, JAIL FOR THEM, CAUSE THAT'S ILLEGAL
Would You Rather...
A) Dirt poor but celebrated as a great poet
B) A filthy rich lawyer who puts guilty criminals back on the street
Hello. I'm a writer.
I ain't gonna put people in danger like that.
Would You Rather...
A) Be genetically merged with a warthog
B) Have Chris McLean as your dad
First off, who f****d a warthog to begin with?
You know Chris as a person, you know it would be AWFUL
Looks don't matter, I'd say
Would You Rather...
A) Apologize for something you're not sorry for
B) Go bald by the time you're 23
In the episode they act like this is a really hard one because it's Chase.
I knew what he was gonna say right away. You see ONE episode with this guy, you KNOW his answer.
Anyway, for MY answer,
I'm not a jerk.
Yeah I have stuff I'm not sorry for, but it is leagues better than hair loss. Let me tell you.
Also I realized Julia didn't get questioned at all. What's up with that?
What are your answers? Reblog them. I'm curious.
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prongsmydeer · 1 year
Ayesha Liveblogs the Good Place S1-S2
I’ve watched this first ep like three times and it took me until now to realize Michael is probably named after the show creator lmao
“One of the other people in your neighbourhood is your actual soulmate, and you will spend eternity together.” I just noticed Eleanor turning around and checking out Jianyu 
What happens if you were already married to your soulmate? Do they have a separate afterlife for singles 
“Why does she still have that accent? No one else here has an accent.” Chidi’s accent should definitely sound more Senegalese or at the very least have the tinge of a Francophone if there’s any accent retention after-death
Love how even when Tahani and Eleanor are being snarky about each other it’s through the lens of finding each other cute:
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Unclear if the look on Jianyu/Jason’s face is guilt or worry for himself lol:
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“It’s merely the construct of a dog. It feels no pain, or joy, or love.” This is because all dogs are in the Other Good Place LOL
Honestly I’m with Eleanor I didn’t realize Chidi ever had his own apartment in this show lol
“I won’t let you down... starting now.” I enjoy that Chidi’s face is a cross between ‘what have I gotten myself into’ and genuinely endeared by Eleanor’s ridiculousness
“I got a present for you... Senegal.” “That’s not a present; that’s just common decency.” Talking to white people really be like that sometimes
“I have what doctors call ‘directional insanity.” I’m Chidi, Chidi is me
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I admire Jason’s prolonged stoicism lmao that takes dedication 
“Basically my life’s work is 3,600 pages of garbage.” Every writer has this feeling every so often LOL
“Not to mention, you have a rockin’ bod.” I really do hope they make a point of Eleanor being bisexual 
Lmao the transition from Jianyu to Jason is INCREDIBLE someone give Manny Jacinto an Emmy 
“Everyone here thinks I’m Taiwanese. I’m Filipino. That’s racist. Heaven is so racist.” GOD THE WRITING ON THIS SHOW IS INCREDIBLE
“Is she single, or is she married to Michael?” Team Jason/Janet 4ever
The depiction of Florida on this show is right on brand with everything I have ever imagined about Florida 
The hope on Eleanor’s face when Chidi offers Jason a lifeline GOD we love a man
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“I am here to learn about ethnics.” Everything Jason says is so funny I’m losing my mind
Kristen Bell is really the only person who can pull off this role of being so excited for doing the bare minimum of human decency and actually make it endearing 
Based on Michael’s timing of showing up every time Eleanor and Chidi are mid-argument I wonder how much of his day is just dedicated to creeping on them in preparation for dramatic moments lmao
“It’s very... middle thermometer.” They’ve managed to capture my South Asian parent-child experience in less than ten words lmao 
Disclaimer/sidenote: Despite saying this, I am exhausted of the way people in western media write South Asian parents lmao. Give me an Ek Ladkhi scene where the parents are also willing to beat down people who insult their kids. It’s so one-sided:
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Rich people are wild I cannot imagine giving up millions of dollars just because my parents loved me less than my sibling. Even if you didn’t want the money it could serve so much use to other people
I love how down Eleanor is to have sex with any person she meets given the right circumstances
“I know we’ll never be soulmates, but we’re friends.” ARE YOU SURE ELEANOR
“How do you row a boat?” With great difficulty; oars are very heavy
Which woman is so hard up for available friends that they would entrust Early Eleanor with a dog with kidney disease
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“She’s so pretty like Nala from the Lion King.” The levels to this comment
"Three person couple.” “Does not compute.” Janet said no polyamory rights kjhkjhkjhjk
I really enjoy this montage of Michael and Eleanor enjoying human activities they are truly #friendgoals lmao
“Do you like France as much as I do?” “Well, they enslaved my country for 300 years, so no. But, they have great museums.” “Yes.” Tahani and Chidi’s conversation about France kills me lmao
I guess Tahani can’t really fault colonialism since she’s British LMAO
I like that they experiment with all the younger main characters together lmao there’s some implied chemistry in a lot of directions with Eleanor, Tahani, Chidi, Jason and Janet 
Eleanor: But leave up the sexy mailman. To remember me by.
Chidi: [nods seriously]
Janet’s delivery always kills me but her Count Chocula Sobs and whispered confident, “Yeah,” is truly something else:
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“Those are the coolest boots I’ve ever seen in my life.” I’m so Chidi sometimes u catch urself telling very pointless lies for either a very mediocre reason or no reason at all just because ur caught up in a conversation and can’t stop saying things to fill the silence and then later it haunts u
“Killing is one of the most famous moral no-nos.” Every line of this show is beautifully written
KDJHFKSJHFKJ I love that this episode is the turning point for Chidi actually having his own moral failings
"And even if she were okay, it would be too painful for me to live with these lies.” CHIDI U HAVE BEEN LYING SINCE EP 1 LMAO IT’S A LITTLE LATE TO DECIDE U DON’T WANT TO
“The problem in the neighbourhood is me.” Say what you will about Eleanor at least in the afterlife she really cares about her friends:
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“You will spend eternity with murderers, arsonists, and people who take off their shoes and socks on commercial airlines.” By this metric, at least one member of my immediate family is going to The Bad Place
If, as by Michael’s measure of Eleanor we are counting on the impact of our actions and not just intentions (i.e. Eleanor making her cousin happy as a positive) then objectively it is bizarre that none of the good Tahani has done for others through charity or even just like, hosting events for other people, means anything in the afterlife. What gives
“You’re too nice to humiliate.” I feel like this is foreshadowing of Michael being a Ineffective Demon and Great Friend
“There should be a medium place for people like me who kind of sucked, but in a fun, chill way.” [Sad chuckle] “I agree.” Awwww Chidi is sad to see her go
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“You should smile more.” Adam Scott really has mastered the art of portraying an unpleasant man lmao
“You know, it doesn’t matter if you know things. All that matters is what’s in your heart.” Jason said Himbo/Bimbo rights
“Sorry you’re snorting the... concept of time?” I’m sure people on cocaine feel this way occasionally
“Who are they gonna believe, me, or a woman?” Men really do be like that sometimes 
“He’s the wise, eternal Judge who sits on high, has the final say on all disputes between our two realms.” “And his name is... Shawn?” The real tipping point for believing this is not The Good Place should’ve been how every person in charge of it is depicted as a white man lmao
Djfhkjh I forgot when Tahani found out about Jason. The end of episode reveals are great they really do know how to make you want to watch the next one 
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How does Tahani know every celebrity EXCEPT Ariana Grande lmao 
“Oh Ariana, we’re really in it now.” God. I love Jason so much 
“Hooking up with someone with the exact same name is kind of a fun, narcissistic fantasy, I could be into it.” [’NSYNC voice] bi bi bi
Who in their right mind would let Chidi be a team captain lmao
“Congratulations, Chidi. You filibustered recess.” Kjfgjdhgj teach them early  
Every time Eleanor mentions a political philosopher I had to study I feel sympathy for how truly boring they are lmao. Honestly I didn’t retain much
Chidi running away because two beautiful and fun women have expressed feelings for him, is really a my-diamond-shoes-are-too-tight scenario
Janet giving Jason his favourite kind of wings 💗 They’re so sweet
“So you also love Chidi? And you just told him, right before I did?” “Technically you told him that he loves you, but yes.” lmao u right Eleanor
Happy Pride Month to Tahani whose every interaction with a man screams of comphet LMAO
I know Eleanor and Tahani is not what they’re aiming for here but jhgkjhg:
Eleanor: Are you ready to take our bonding to the next level?
Tahani: [gay intrigue]
Ahhh Uzo is such a good friend he knows Chidi and he’s so chill about him being anxious I love this dynamic I feel bad that Chidi’s dead
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“Does anyone here object to this marriage?” “Of course we do, how could we not object?” “Yes, it is a terrible idea.” “Overruled.” JANET KJHJKGHJKFH
Get someone who looks at you the way that Jason and Janet look at each other:
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“True love is what Janet and Jianyu have.” YEAH IT IS
Digital Getdown being on the Jasonet wedding playlist was really an iconic move
Really it has to be a very mundane kind of torture to having someone foist a love confession on you lmao but I guess [Sartre voice] Hell is other people 
“I got ten bucks to my name. I spent 8 of it on this burrito, and the other 2 on the guac.” Been there Pillboi
The fact that Jason thinks Michael is Janet’s dad kkjdhgkjhg 
“I wasn’t a failed DJ, I was pre-successful.” I want to live in Jason’s brain
God we love a man who has emotional intelligence. Jason may not have a lot of logical reasoning skills but he knows how to calm someone down and how to love 
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“Even when I do nice things, I’m only doing something so I get something out of it—the ability to stay here—which means none of this had any real moral value.” This is excellent Tahani foreshadowing but also I call bullshirt. 1) Doing good things inherently makes you feel better, so I think it would be very hard to find entirely selfless actions and 2) If you give care, time, or money to just causes and helping others whether you’re doing it for recognition or not you still have vastly improved someone’s life. It DOES count
“What if he reboots me and we fall out of love?” 😭😭😭 Let them be together!!!
Having Mindy live with her incurable addiction but be unable to fulfill it is a very medium thing to do
Eleanor’s first act of making herself comfortable in the Medium Place being putting photos of Tahani, Jason and Chidi 😭😭😭😭 She is SO endearing
Ajfhdkjhfsj Chidi immediately still wanting to jump in to defend Eleanor even after watching firsthand all the horrible things she did what kind of wholeass love and friendship
I have so many questions about where Janet’s genitals are located based on those diagrams, why did the second one not work
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“I brought you two a little treat.” Oh my god Michael in Janet’s outfit hjkhkjhgkjfdk
Also I know it’s meant to be some form of torture, and like remind them of their impending doom. But what I see is a guy giving his friends a little snack
“I’m sorry Eleanor, but I engaged a ride-or-die protocol, so I’m loyal to Jason forever.” Get u a wife like Janet
The real question is why they had Kristen Bell play her high school self in a flashback if they were going to cast a teenager to play her later anyway 
Also as much as I love Kristen Bell: Definitely not a high schooler LMAO 
Maybe to draw a distinction between things she purposely did without regard for other people (as her main self) vs. when she was subject to other people’s neglect as a kid 
“I was dropped into a cave, and you were my flashlight.” Eleanor saying goodbye with a reference to Plato’s Allegory of a Cave the ROMANCE
I’d heard that the actors didn’t know about the reveal until they shot this scene so I’d be curious to see if they broke at some point 
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“Didn’t you raise like, $1,000 for charity or whatever?” “60 billion actually. But it didn’t matter, because my motivations were corrupt.” Yeah call me a consequentialist but for one final time: I just can’t buy that doing nice things for a selfish reason COMPLETELY negates it??? Tangibly improving someone’s life situation, no matter what reason, seems like a good action. Fuck you Kant
“Side note, I might legit be into Tahani.” Tahani’s [gay surprise] expression oh my god 
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I love how quick Eleanor is to think on her feet. Improv master lmao
Hjhjhkjhkjhlkjh now reading the credits: Pleased that they cast a Bengali actress as a Real Eleanor (who said she was from Bangladesh—even though they were accurate for Manny Jacinto’s ethnicity I wasn’t really sure if they would be regionally specific, like as far as I know William Jackson Harper doesn’t specifically identify as Senegalese
Also: Kills me that Bambadjan’s real name is Bambadjan, which implies both that his name is better than whatever name they had in the script, and that he is playing himself
“Eleanor - Bad Place,” would actually be one letter less than “Eleanor, Find Chidi,” but I understand that the message is less about identifying the lie and more about finding morality and her friends
We are finally progressing into the parts of the show I don’t know/remember 
“I won’t let you down.” “I think you will. I think this entire project of yours is stupid and doomed to fail. I think you’re going to be retired, eliminated from existence, and burned on the surface of a billion suns. And I have no doubt that you and your cockamamie experiment will go down in history as colossal failures.” “You know I think that—” “Toodeloo.” My high school guidance counselor to me when I said I wanted to go to school out of province lmao
“I can’t wait to have breakfast with Kant, and lunch with Michel Foucault, and then have dinner with Kant with Kant again so we can talk about what came up at breakfast.” “I’m sorry Chidi, all the great philosophers in history ended up in the Bad Place.” I believe this
I thought for a second Pedro, Angelique and Pevita were ALL Chidi’s potential soulmates and got excited, but straight people strike again lmao:
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I have been wondering for a while whether or not sexuality plays into soulmates though. Does anyone have platonic soulmates in the afterlife lmao
“But good, would I go as far as to say to say you look good? Doubtful.” Chidi trying to be the appropriate amount of nice turns into negging lmao
Rhkjhgjhgg Eleanor immediately recognizing the slightly more whack energy this time around
“Charmed, I’m short.” Fghgkhgkgh the immediate fixation on her soulmate’s height and appearance in a way she didn’t do so meanspiritedly for any of the gang. Tahani said all of my friends are hot and Eleanor’s the only one allowed to be short
Tahani said: If Eleanor’s busy, I’ll step up to the plate to represent the Girlies Who Are Seconds Away From Losing It at All Times:
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“Some of the [soulmate] pairings are platonic, some are romantic.” I guess that answers that question
Honestly didn’t think about it until now but it’s impressive that Jason can wear a Buddhist’s monks’ clothes the exact correct way based only on a single observation. He shows his intelligence in his way!!
“I am a Ferrari, and you don’t keep a Ferrari in the garage.” Vicky aka Real Eleanor knows her worth
The parallel storylines revealing what each character has been doing are very fun
Genuinely impressed by how much prop paper Kristen Bell just ate
“I’m too young to die, and too old to eat off the kids menu! What a stupid age I am.” Me too, Jason:
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I also think having to go to a jazz show would tip me off that I’m in hell
“This is your soulmate, Tahani.” I know you can have a platonic soulmate now but I believe in my heart that this one wasn’t 
“Can you just chill out? Is that possible, Janet? Can you just chill out a little?” “Nope, it’s gonna be the same every time.” Me talking to my mother LMAO
“We are on strike until our demands are met.” #PayYourWriters
It’s impressive how many times Michael has managed to lose most of the only four people his entire neighbourhood is designed for
Chidi not hesitating for a second to tell Eleanor he loves her back:
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“How many times have Chidi and I slept together?” “Eight different days, but like 20 different sessions.” GOOD FOR THEM LMAO
“I want to team up with you guys.” Michael said: Let me in the gang 💗
I am also genuinely endeared by Michael. His definition of torture is honestly so polite. Jazz and froyo LMAO 
“I’m sorry, has it been 100 hours?” Hahahaha I love how Tahani is genuinely intimidated by Eleanor’s confident dismissal 
Ethics question: If Tahani’s lack of care of other people is the reason she ended up in the Bad Place, do they also take into account the emotional abuse by her whole family and the way other people insistently dismissed her for Kamilah as part of that motive? Does enduring that so many times without complaint not tip the scales in her favour at all?
“And since you’re the only actual humans here, I’m on board for whatever fun little schemes you guys come up with.” Janet’s ride-or-die protocol is still engaged at heart
“Make all your memos one page, max, with pictures.” Vicky would’ve fit right in for the [Redacted] presidency
“These Millennials, they have no work ethic. Oh, sorry, a Millennial is someone who’s only been torturing people for a thousand years.”
This really is a good summary of what it’s like to take a philosophy class:
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“Man, repressing your feelings is great.” Michael’s midlife crisis is very human man, down the to convertible and the much younger woman
Gdhkhdkjdh Tahani 🤝 Michael
Having very benign visions of what being tortured is like, as with someone throwing a better party than you
This is the line I quote most from this show out of everything:
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[Gasps] “A family pack?” Me 🤝 Eleanor
Unprocessed spicy memories bubbling up in the middle of a mundane task in a communal space 
“You’re cool, dope, fresh and smart-brained. I’ve never seen you dance, but I bet you’re good. Because... you’re good at everything. You’re awesome. Be nicer to yourself.” Tahani 🤝 Jason 🤝 Jason
Falling in love anyone who is nice to you for more than a few minutes
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“What do you think about writing a rap musical about Kierkegaard?” I want to read the songs that Chidi wrote LOL
“My name is Kierkegaard, and my writing is impeccable. Check out my teleological suspension of the ethical.” THANK YOU CHIDI FOR IMMMEDIATELY DELIVERING
You can tell this was filmed in 2017 because it is PEAK Hamilton era
“Plus they’re all French, so they’re going to the bad place automatically.” HGGHKGHGHKGH. Oh the French
“You’ve never dated anyone like Jason before.” Not Tahani getting love advice from Jason’s ex-wife
Take a shot everytime someone in this show says, “This is why everyone hates moral philosophy professors.”
Michael said: Chidi please adapt to my practical learning style
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“But I tell her she’s pretty a hundred times a day, and she’s never said I’m pretty once.” Illegal. Tahani should be court-ordered to tell Jason he’s pretty
I believe in my whole heart that Janet lost a thumb because even as their couple’s therapist, she is still in love with Jason
“I’m your hottest friend. No, Tahani. I’m your nicest fr— no, Jason. I’m your friend!” LMAO at least Eleanor is self-aware
Fkfkjfhfjfh I guess technically Michael was doing his job by torturing Chidi
Also imagine the psychological trauma Chidi absorbs from having to decide to kill people so many times in the trolley problem. A reboot button would be helpful for him now 
“Aw, I’m happy for you guys.” [retches and vomits out a frog] JANETJASON ENDGAME
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Michael’s little evil laugh also gets me every time. I love Ted Danson
“I call them ‘opposite tortures.’” “Do you mean, ‘presents?’” Hahahaha
Chidi’s a better or more morally stagnant inflexible than I am because I do think making people happy is a good thing even if the gifts are bribes in pursuit of forgiveness 
The way Janet malfunctions every time she supports Jason and Tahani. SHE’S IN LOOOOOVE
“Glitches may be a sign that your Janet is processing or disseminating information that is incompatible with objective truth.” Because she’s lying about her feeeelings
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[Chanting] “Kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me.” Janet is perfect and also Jason was right she is Michael’s family LMAO
“The reason is friends!! You’re my friend, Janet, that’s why I can’t kill you.” MICHAEL SAID I AM A DEMON WHO CAN GROW
“This is my new rebound boyfriend Derek. I made him!” OH MY GOD
I guess Tahani and Jason have one thing in common aside from being hot: Their irreverant disregard for everything outside of themselves hahahaha
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The cut between Tahani and Jason having a picnic and deciding to get married vs. Chidi, Eleanor and Michael having an ethical dilemma about whether to break them up the greater good of society (themselves)
“That [teacher-student relationship] used to happen a lot at Lynyrd Skynyrd High School, but this time you won’t be arrested.” 1) Someone please help the people at this high school and 2) We know that these are not the vows Jason is meant to have. Send Nude Pics of Your Heart to Me lives in my heart forever
Fjfkhfhfkj Poor Janet, she’s been through more human emotions in the past couple of weeks than in any iteration of herself before:
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Eleanor ready to take the opportunity to forget she’s in love with Chidi jghkghg
“This isn’t about your wind-chime penis, in fact it’s not about you at all.” Underrated line from Janet LMAO
[Concerned] “Can you get pregnant from reabsorbing?” I would like to believe this is a lingering hint of jealousy from Jason
This episode is emotionally a bummer for all involved couples 
“You really did just come here to chat. To shoot the shirt with your ole pal Eleanor.” “I guess so, why?” “It’s just a very human-y thing to do.” Michael and Eleanor are perhaps my favourite friendship
Eleanor said I’ve only had Michael as a friend for two weeks but if anything happened to him I’d stake the eternal souls of everyone in this room and then myself:
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“What the here, dude?” Hahahahaha also a good line
“The other worst moment of Tahani’s life? Every other moment of her empty, pointless life.” This is like that scene in She-ra where they’re like ‘this feels way more personal compared to fire’ 
However, I do appreciate the dropping of hints that Michael is laying out: “Derek” Bortles - last song of a party -  the train/trolley
Janet’s version of magnet intoxication wanting to braid people’s hair is Peak Drunk Not-A-Girl in the Bathroom of a Nightclub Energy
[Sobbing] “You’re my friends and I wanted to save you.” I love one (1) Demon Buddy
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Honestly props to Eleanor for figuring out Michael meant for them to stay because I personally would’ve interpreted the mention of Mindy St. Clair as enough reason to go 
“Here’s a willing sex robot and two duffel bags full of cocaine.” Mindy’s Medium Place is going to tip the scales in favour of the positive for her I guess lmao
“Maybe I should’ve realized this wasn’t the good place because of all the diarrhea.” “Maybe you shouldn’t be eating frozen yogurt right now.” Jason providing our Asian Lactose Intolerance Representation 😌💕
It actually does make sense that Eleanor loves Chidi when Chidi does not return those feelings because aside from the fact she has had that knowledge several weeks longer than Chidi, she is also a person who has consistently trusted her gut, and her gut tells her that she loves him, whereas Chidi needs time to think it out
“Once, you handed him a tissue right before he sneezed nd that simple act of anticipating his needs made him fall for you.” 1) Cute and 2) This isssss a love language
Ghkhgghkghg Michael coming into this with no plan and hoping to discover one along the way. Relatable demon 
The height difference with Tahani and everyone else is really apparent in this shot:
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Chidi and Jason in particular doing the same dance move is so endearing. They all have something in common!! 
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“All every wanted to was to know what it was like to be human. And now we’re going to do the most human thing of all. Attempt something futile with a ton of unearned confidence and fail spectacularly.”
Michael 🤝 Greed from FMA
Being primarily motivated by their love of their homies and general inclination towards more human emotion than any of their counterparts
“As long as I’m with you guys, I’m always in the Fake Good Place.” I want to give Michael a little kiss on the forehead
 “I just made an aphorism.” I just learned a new word
“Any time I had a problem and I threw a molotov cocktail, boom, right away, I had a different problem.” Jason does think outside the box
Tahani’s American accent is actually very good lmao 
“Principles aren’t principles when you pick and choose when you’re going to follow them.” I understand here Chidi means ‘principles’ to mean ‘fundamental truths’ and not ‘moral decisions’ but when it comes to an ethical principle, a person is always going to decide to follow it or not. That is the nature of being autonomous 
Unrelated to anything that’s going on in the Bad Place, the costume change really highlights that Manny Jacinto is so incredibly handsome, look at him, he’s like a painting:
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Fully did not realize that Dax Shepard makes a guest appearance in the Bad Place. However. I believe it 
“Hang out with Johnny Depp enough, you become pretty good at lying.” This feels like a prophecy of some sort
“But then I remembered: I’m a naughty bitch.” The dialogue in this show has really transformed since they started being allowed to swear
“A moral particularist, like me—I’m one now, I just decided—would say there’s no absolute rule. You have to choose your actions based on the particular situation.” Turns out I am also somewhat of a moral particularist, Eleanor 
Honestly shocked and perplexed that it’s taken THIS long for anyone to catch Michael in a lie
Say what you will about Jason, he’s very good at molotov cocktails and knowing his own heart
“Goodbye Eleanor.” MICHAELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. He is the best demon buddy they could ever ask for:
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I don’t know who I envisioned as the All-Knowing Judge of All Realms but I do feel like Maya Rudolph is a strong choice
“In the words of one of my actual friends: Ya basic.” I love Michael absorbing Eleanor’s vocabulary
Tahani’s soft gasp and “Oh no,” at what the spa employees and bikini waxers think of her kjgkhgjhg. Fair and relatable but you’d think it’d be the butlers and waiters, considering it’s a morality test
The gang wanting to all stay together in their failure or success 🥺 I love them
You know, I think Tahani letting go of what her parents think of her IS success, even if it’s not technically the exercise
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Eleanor choosing not to reveal that she is the only one who has gotten past her fatal flaw (selfishness, as opposed to Chidi, Jason and Tahani failing to get past their indecisiveness, impulsivity and care of how others think of her) is also her being selfless 
“Hey guys! How ya been?” THE GANG’S ALL BACK TOGETHER:
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“If I’m right, the system by which we judge humans, the very method we use to deem them good or bad, is so fundamentally flawed that hundreds of millions of people have been wrongly condemned to an eternity of torture.” THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN SAYING, MICHAEL
“Whatever progress I have made, it’s because you and I have become friends.” I love Tahani and Eleanor’s friendship, they’re so sweet
“Jason, I love you.” “Oh, word?” “Word.” JASONJANET ENDGAME 💘
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They all love each other so much they don’t want to be in separate Medium Places 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 THEY ARE THE CUTEST FRIEND GROUP
Hahaha, I notice that her roommates call her Elea-NOR instead of Elea-NER like her friends do which feels like something intentional 
“Do you want to come to Lauren’s baby shower?” “Do you want to chew on my ASS-ortment of brownies that I will be bringing to Lauren’s baby shower?” [Eleanor Shellstrop voice] Pobody’s nerfect
“That took a lot of courage for you to admit that, and I admire your honesty. You stupid skank! How could you do that to me? I hate you!” Newly Not Dead Eleanor is about to learn about moral particularism 
“I still think he’s kind of hot.” “I guess, in like a sick Victorian boy kind of way.” “Oooh, yeah yeah yeah, I want to like, feed him soup.” Brittany is fun. Also I know they said Benedict Cumberbatch but this is exactly how people talk about Timothy Chalamet
Michael loves his friends so much he cannot help but nudge them along through Moral Interventions at the Sports Bar:
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“I argue that we choose to be good because of our bonds with other people, and our innate desire to treat them with dignity. Simply put: We are not in this alone.” I LOVE this brand of moral philosophy
Also this last nudge to bringing them back together is a really great way to end this season. This show is SO GOOD 
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
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Oh yeah, coming home to fucking NOTHING sucks. God, that fucking blows. It's so quiet. If you check the fridge it's just like "It hasn't changed." We are in the holding pattern portion of the game, like P3P after Ryoji's ultimatum.
god does every persona game do this bit, the simulacrum of despair?
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Killing time until the next story beat, there's been some mumblings around town that honestly reminds me of Apathy Syndrome from P3P? Like the higher density of shadows is making people mean and not wanting to do anything. It's definitely not something I wanted the reminder of now.
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AIN'T NOTHING MORE DEPRESSING THAN TENDING TO THE VEGGIES ALONE. Like oh my god I'm kind of surprised Reverie's pals don't start coming over? I guess, out of universe, this is a chance for the player to wrap up and grind SLinks they haven't had time to focus on, but in universe, it's baffling that, like, Yukiko and Yosuke and Teddie aren't trying to show up every night and coming up with excuses to bring dinner.
Speaking of neglected social links.
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DEVIL SOCIAL LINK: GET. which i only got bc i needed just a little Courage boost to finally fucking unlock
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FORTUNE SOCIAL LINK: GET. god the threshold for Naoto is ridiculous, not only is he locked to the late game BUT there's a massive Courage check needed to even spend any time with them. Bonkers.
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Naoto, when I look at you, I hear "Modern Girls and Old-Fashioned Men" in my head, I don't want to hear any lip from you.
So far, Naoto's slink is about a break-in at the Shirogane Estate and their room getting robbed. Naoto tries to play it off because what's going on in Inaba is obviously more important, but also a master detective getting robbed is an insult to her pride too, and so there is an almost childish petulant desire to get revenge for the insult.
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the what thief now
Next we'll meet a character called the Joker who kills people with rumors and the timelines will collapse.
I am genuinely hoping this slink picks up a bit bc right now I don't have many strong opinions on it actually. SHRUG
Over in the Aeon Slink, which I am abusing the omikuji box to powerlevel, Marie is starting to remember stuff but as soon as she does it keeps slipping her mind again.
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The bamboo comb keeps coming up, which sure is convenient since I haven't forgotten Edogawa's lecture on Izanagi and Izanami. I don't think Marie is Izanami, but she's tied into it all somehow.
I mean, logically, signs do point to her be Izanami. However, her arcana is the Aeon and that alone makes me feel like the figure who said "I'll kill 1000 every day" doesn't really fit. That dog don't hunt. However, I don't know which one does, so.
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Marie's pretty fun. I like her agony over the failure to remember anything subsiding when she realizes she goes have memories, the ones she's making now. Renewed hope and determination after an event of pure desolation seems to be the Aeon's modus operandi in both P4 and P3P. Or, that is my assumption, basically, as I'm not familiar with the card myself.
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There is a whole fucking lot of nothing to do as I grind SLinks and wait for the next plot beat. I do like that P4 actually gives you opportunities to talk to the links you've maxed out rather than leaving them complete with nothing to add.
Also Yosuke, someday we gotta do drag again but take is seriously. You'd look amazing, I am completely certain.
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also hey adachi hey remember when we were talking about Persona and you didn't know what that was, so hey I made you one special, just for you
i think it might help you cause like
it'll help you, like
learn how to give a shi--
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trash-monkey · 11 months
Ran's Little Dragon
Chapter 7
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Once calming myself down after the crying fit I started moving around to have a closer look of my cage only to find a small wide hole in the right corner but I'm too thick to get my body through it.
'The only way to get myself through it is to lose whatever fat my body has and not only that I don't know what's through it or if there's even other exits to get back out........I have to get out.......I can't wait for Papa.'
A single tear runs down my face as I accept the decision of having to stave myself to be able to escape my captors which will take days to do so and be painful but I got to do it, some time pass before I get to see the man again when he brings me food and water which he out into the dog bowls.
'I hope whatever dog he has or gets eats him alive in his sleep.'
I frown when he throw them in causing some to fly out and not waiting to see if I even eat he stomps out, two pieces of bread with one slice of cheese and an apple.
'Looks like they're going to starve me even if I didn't already decided to do so'
Carefully rationing the water and food through the day as I try to entertain myself as much as I can until my captures cuts the lights out for the night leaving me in darkness except the moon shining through a small window with bars over it which I crawl over to the side closest so I can put my face between the bars to look up at the moon.
"Whoever is watching over me, please help." I wishpered to the moon before curling up into a ball in the back and try to get some sleep, the next morning I'm rudely woken by freezing water being pour on me as it causes me to sit straight up gasping only to see the man holding an empty bucket which he let it fall to the floor with a clank.
"Bathroom" He snarles at me while pointing to the bucket before shutting and lockimg the cage door again, now completely wet and cold concrete doesn't mix well.
'I'll get sick and died before Papa could find me'
It only solidify my decision on what to do if I don't caught a cold before I can escape, I shiver as I pull my clothes except my underwear off to ring out all the water but I had to keep off my socks and shoes to air dry. I move the bucket into a corner next to the door before backing into a corner where the concrete isn't wet to crouch on so my feet can't get colder then they already are which I spend all my time in until the man return at some point of the day to refill the dog bowls, this time it's just three slices of bread and water so I once again rationed it. I eat one piece then with a few small sips of water, eat another at sun down, and the last one in the morning along with what I have left of my water which hours later I wince at the pain and growling of my stomach demanding for more.
I screamed in my mind as the man that I'm now calling the Handler drags me out of my cage and the room I'm being kept in, men and women are scattered around the large room though they don't pay attention to the Handler basically dragging me through the room on a metal leash like a dog. He brings me through a door where I'm forcefully strapped to a chair though I tried to resist only to be met with a slap to the face causing my lip to split out and bleed, a mean looking woman covered into tattoos and tight clothes with a cigarette hanging from her mouth makes her way over to me.
"What does Boss want?" She asked as she moves behind me.
"He decided to put him in the ring to see if he can get something out of the mutt that's worthwhile." My fingers turn white from the tight grip I'm giving the arms of the chair from the Handlers words he spoke as he cross his arms over his chest with a annoyed expression on his face.
"So him being one of the executives son isn't good enough?" She talks around the cigarette as I can hear her black painted fingers take ahold of something and hear a snip which I quickly figured out she's cutting my hair.
"Apparently, I just hope he brings good entertainment before Boss gets rid of him." He replied to her before turning to me.
"Listen and listen good or do I have to smack you around a little more?" He points a finger at me which I give a shake of my head causing the woman working on my hair to hiss.
"Good, now here's the deal! The big Boss wants you in the fighting ring we run and if you being in a large amount of cash he might give you more then what you already got, you understand mutt!" I shake my head in understanding again only to get a slap from the woman to stay still.
"There's five ranking in the ring, Leiko is the lowest and the one you'll start with, Kata is fourth, Ryo is third, Davuth is second, and Samuru is the highest anyone can get. Inorder for audience to know what rank the fighters are the rank will become the surname of the code name the Boss gives them. Like you, Ryuu Leiko." He snarled before leaving me in the hands of the woman which she moves in front of me.
"Boss loves having his fighters matching their code names." Her smirk causes more fear to swell up inside my chest which is clearly painted on my face but she ignores it as she continues on styling my hair, from growing my hair out to have it like Ran in his teen years and to now where the woman had it stylized into a spiky jet black Mohawk that runs down my neck with the hair on the sides of my head are cut extremely short and dyed a dark green like the tips of the Mohawk. After giving her handy work a few more glances she calls a mean looking man in and just like her he has multiple tattoos scattered across his body along with piercings on his face as his head is bald.
"Code name, Ryuu." He nods to her before unstrapping me from the chair and to being strapped down again but on my stomach this time, the man rips off my shirt to show my back before feeling the coldness of something wiping my back clean and letting it air dry.
"What you think of this?" The man's voice is rough sounding when showing something to the woman as I can feel paper on my back but she disagrees with him causing him to show something else.
"No, I think he'll like the wings all the way here and some peeping to the front." Her finger trails from arm to the other and the man hums at her suggestion right as the door to the room opens, in the position I'm in doesn't allow me to see the man's face but I can see his shoes and hear his voice.
"Just come to see the progress." His voice is deep and rough but I can tell that he's an important person when I hear the two speak in a submissive tone as they hand their papers to him.
"The Higher Boss decided that you two are in charge of him." He raffles through the papers.
"But ain't Billy in charge of him?" The woman asked in disbelief.
"Billy is in charge of prisoners, he..." I feel him jab at me with the papers
"Isn't anymore as he just became a fighter so get him ready in three days for his first match." His tone says the matter is final.
"Of course, sir!" The two once again spoke in a submissive tone as the man lays the papers on my back before leaving not knowing he had picked one of the papers and hand it back to them.
"Shit! Fucking hell!" The woman yelled once she's sure the man is out of hearing range.
"Mercy..." The man softly calls to her which she snapped her head to him.
"NO STAN! I don't want this child to be a fighter under me! At least Billy wouldn't have the kids death on his conscience as he doesn't care about shit! I would rather have one of crazed animals instead of this kid!" She paces around as she lits another cigarette in stress.
"Mercy, I'm right there with you but we can't go against orders specially if they're from the Higher Boss! You know what'll happen if we don't! We got three days to help him have a better chance of surviving the ring." He reasons with her.
"I don't know what's worse, him surviving to be haunted by it or death?" I can hear her tears.
'These two seems to be kind people being forced into situations that are out of their control like it's forcing me to shed whatever child like attendances I've had been clinging on to act like the child I am.'
"Don't worry, I'm more strong willed then you think! But with your help I can get through this!" I expressed which surprised the two that I can speak perfectly for my age and to try to ease the woman's worries about the situation, she sighs and wip her tears away.
"We need to get to work." She takes the rolling chair on my left with Stan is on the right as he sticks something onto my back which he smooths out before taking it off again, immediately I grit my teeth when I hear the buzzing of two tattoo guns.
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georgekirrin · 7 months
Hey buddy!! For the ask game: 11) favorite myth? 24) what would you consider part of your personal aesthetic? 38) what is your love language? [And/or dealer's choice, if there's one you don't feel like answering and something else you'd rather answer!!] Have a lovely day <3
ohhhhhh hard questions lol
11) Favourite myth has to be Black Shuck. He's a giant spectral dog said to haunt the coastline where I grew up. There are only a few dates you're likely to encounter him, supposedly, and the story of how he got there changes depending on who you talk to, but it's agreed he's a death omen and whoever sees him will die imminently. He's supposedly the inspiration for Hound of the Baskervilles, but there are a lot of black dog myths in England and I'm pretty sure all of them claim ACD was inspired by them lmao
24) I don't think I manage to have a coherent aesthetic, mostly because the autism demands comfort over style. I definitely wear a lot of knitted looking jumpers, and my house is a jumble of blankets, fluffy socks, plants, notebooks and interesting rocks
38) Going off the original list, probably acts of service but I could psychoanalyse myself for that 😂 If I'm allowed to make some up, parallel play or going for walks. Basically if I deliberately spend time with someone and try to make their life easier in some little way that's me yelling that I care about them from the rooftops lmao
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nausikaaa · 6 months
15 Questions Tag Game
thanks for tagging me @aristocratic-otter, i've never seen this one before!
Were you named after anyone?
Not quite. My dad is named after his dad but with a middle name, which my grandad doesn't have, and then my name was chosen to have the same initials as my dad.
Do you have kids?
Nope, but I'd like to one day.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Only at work. It's not really a way of joking that I find enjoyable among friends and everyone in my family has basically no sarcasm detection, but it's a great way to respond to genuine assholes in a way that gives me plausible deniability. I work at a pub, so there are a lot of assholes, and my boss think it's hilarious when I backchat them, but I still have to be careful not to outright argue.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
I'm always quick to notice how new people treat service workers. I'm basically face blind, and should probably put more effort into remembering faces.
What's your eye colour?
Dark blue.
Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending. I vastly prefer reading something scary to watching it. I allow myself one horror movie a year on halloween.
Any special talents?
Not off the top of my head... Nope, I've got nothing except the apparently rare and useless ability to vibrate my eyeballs. It's good for briefly wowing people, I guess.
Where were you born?
A hospital. What are you, a cop?
What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, and in the warmer months I like to walk. I practise mixology occasionally. I also have a small herd of goats and spend a lot of time with them. i also makes candles and wax melts when the motivation takes me.
Have any pets?
Yeah, hahah. Seven goats, and then as a family we have two dogs (a miniature schnauzer and a cockerpoo), four ducks and five freeloading chickens. My mam also has 29 sheep that I help out with.
What sport do you play/have you played?
I have dyspraxia which means I'm abysmal at most sports, but when I was younger I was really good at trampolining and dodgeball. I like to swim, but don't get the chance very much.
How tall are you?
5' 1". That inch is very important to me.
Favourite subject at school?
Classical civilisation! But if we're not counting sixth form, then history or english language.
Dream job?
I would love to be a published author, but failing that I've always been interested in working at a funeral home, preparing bodies. Honestly, I really like my current job, but it's only part time and the only career progression would be running a pub, which I wouldn't want to do.
i tag @forabeatofadrum @j-nipper-95 @sunshinesalmon @simonsnowsfreckles @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @artsyunderstudy @prettygoododds @ic3-que3n @imagineacoolusername @alexalexinii and @supercutedinosaurs
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in-christalone · 1 year
Who are your top ten blorbos?
Alright! I finally have time to answer this! Girl I have had so many blorbos in my life, I’m gonna start from current and work my way along. (Current blorbo is subject to change so number #2 is truly #1)
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1. 𝒯𝒶𝓃𝒿𝒾𝓇𝑜 (current) I’ve been holding off on making him my blorbo but let’s face it, I couldn’t anymore, just look at him. Kindness radiates off him, he loves and cares for everyone, it just swept up my heart along with it.
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2. §ðrå and ℜ𝔬𝔵𝔞𝔰 (do you see what I did there? ¬‿¬) listen, KH1 came out when I was in 2nd grade, I immediately fell for Sora, I remember this one fic on quizilla I read of him, wish I could find it and re read it. §ðrå is a carefree, quirky, silly lil guy who gets way over his head but loves his friends dearly. ℜ𝔬𝔵𝔞𝔰 likewise when KH2 came out when I was in 5th grade I was smitten, he was a broody lil guy, awkward at times but determination written all over his character. He desired to be his own person. I think it’s their blue eyes that initially made me swoon lol
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3. ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕠𝕣 Let me tell you something, I bought his game (Detroit Become Human) AND a ps4, just because he was my blorbo and I needed more content of him. Ended up spending $300, playing the game once, then donating them to a friend
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4. 𝑅𝑒𝓃𝑔❀𝓀𝓊 𝒦𝓎❀𝒿𝓊𝓇o (his kindness drew me in, he was also full of a lot of gusto, I liked his voice and his sword skills, but then my co-worker expressed she was simping too and I respectfully backed down, weird right? Why would I I mean he’s not even real anyways. If you asked if I still like him I kinda do but his character design is too loud for me now
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5. 𝙰𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝙽𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚓𝚒𝚖𝚊 (he’s an older blorbo but he checks out) I mcfrickin was so in love with this dude when I was like 23, from Bungou Stray Dogs, his kindness and eyes won me over
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6. ꪊꪀᛕꪀꪮ᭙ꪀ (Mystic Messenger) I almost feel like this one was almost a Stockholm syndrome situation, the writing in this game I thought was just so good. I was definitely the type to stay up till 4am to experience all the chats. Unknown himself was a deeply misunderstood character and I even saw myself in him sometimes
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7. 𝔇𝔯𝔞𝔩𝔲𝔠 oh my beloved Dral, why did they have to put such a charming and funny character in an anime with bewb jokes every episode, really such a pity. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t watch the ‘vampire dies in no time’ ,he is the only redeeming quality of the show. Funny, charming, ditzy, and not to mention, he fits my Victorian aesthetic but seriously if you struggle with lust don’t watch this show there’s no sex scenes or anything but there is nudity
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8. 𝔻𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕒. listen, he’s got a pretty design and I was weak for it. Captivating, it was like a siren call that I couldn’t resist. Additionally he’s got the Dazai Osamu personality (AND THE SUB VA) cmon what do you expect? Anyway, I basically got over him by finally simping Tanjiro. (Why’d I have to get over him? well, he’s a demon. The worst one at that
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9. ░S░u░g░a░w░a░r░a░ (Fun fact! Suga and I are the same age, only 9 days apart!) another sunshine boy, oh boy. I was never into those sports animes but I gave a haikyuu a chance and I was glad I pushed past the first few episodes, Suga cares for his friends and his goal is to be the biggest supporter he can be, even if it means he’s on the sidelines, a selfless guy, melted right into that pot.
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10. JɄ₦₭ɆⱤ QɄɆɆ₦ do you want honesty? cause I’ll give you honesty. I’m not proud of this one but I’m also not afraid to show my flaws. When I watched her cinema trailer for the first time, I tried to pretend I didn’t feel anything but I’m gonna be real, I totally did. I read fan fics, attempted to draw her a few times, played her.. A LOT. But I’ve repented of it. Again, I’m putting it here for honesty’s sake. She was a blorbo, I haven’t played overwatch in like a month as part of my repentance
Well, that’s my 10 most memorable blorbos! Thank you for such an interesting question!
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angelmartinez2022 · 1 year
story one
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 ok.. so i never really use this blog for much. So I've decided to start using it to get some of the crap echoing in my skull out. Maybe if I write about these feelings, confront them and drag them out into the light of day
they will go away. My family is basically nuts. Long story short. 
My father was a very good man but I think he was too caught up in enabling my mom's bad behavior. My mom was what I now realize a very selfish person, concerned with only my sister and my sister's children. Many times to the exclusions of my own needs. I have a lot of other stories.. but ahh right now I wanna get the story of this lil fella outta my head.
That's right folks.. A bloody green ranger toy. HOW may you ask, does a green ranger toy play into the chasms of my mind ? Really simple. This lil guy is a reproduction of the original. See the lil hasbro dealy down in the corner?
But many years ago back in the summer of 1994, I had some extra money from my baby sitting and dog walking jobs. Relying on my folks for money was after a certain point just plain stupid. I had to rely on them for insurance and a few other things, but spending money. Fun money, and yah even clothes and food, no. NOPE. My pride got the better of me and I got sick of listening to people ( mom) bitch about what I ate, how much clothes cost, and how sorry and wasteful I was. I really got kinda tired of it. It's not that they refused to provide it. They did. But it came at the price of having to hear her constantly criticize me. My weight, what I ate, What i wore. So my brain simply went to the place.. WELL.. if I stop asking them to provide these things. They will lose that control. So I just started getting my own things. That was the situation the summer that the original of this lil fella came out. Originally he was about half of what he is now, 13.00. So he would have been like six bucks. (Yay inflation!)  There was a mall on the hill that had Kaybee toys in it. Despite the fact that I was a teenager myself, I enjoyed the show a lot. And this lil asshole in green spandex was my fave. I loved green, I loved dragons, And Pretty boy mc fluffuly hair was kinda cute. So… yah He was my fave. So thinking not much of it I brought this lil fell as a model to help me learn to draw them. Fast forward to that fall. See my sister had gone off and gotten knocked up back when I was Ten.. Par for the course with people of my mom's religious persuasion. It is The DUTY of the younger family members to help when the older sibling has a baby. Especially when she comes home from whoring around out west, without a penny to her name. She came home with her demon spawn in her belly and my childhood effectively came to an end. For around six/seven years I had been putting up with it. My sister's child, though he claims he loves his auntie now, was EVIL. I have scars from where this lil asshole assaulted me.  Maybe I should forgive him but I refuse to forget. Specifically this incident. For some ungodly reason. My parents decided that weekend we were all going to spend time at the grandparents house out in the small town in eastern KY. I HATED it. I was basically Belle in that town. Girl with a brain stuck in a town that only values a woman on how many babies she can crank out and how fast. To this day they hate me because I, after finding out I was fucking sterile, chose degree's over children. Not even bothering to account that Children are an impossibility for me. Nope, being a pregasaurus rex is all that matters there. That is how your value as a woman is determined in that family. My dad's family wasn't as bad, due to my Grandpa Jim being very progressive and very education oriented. Honestly without my Grandpa Jim, I'd probably have gone stark raving mad when the occasion came to visit this town. BLEH. 
So this weekend.. because I wanted to work on some art and drawings. I shoved my lil green buddy there in my bag and took him with me so I could practice drawing his shield and stuff. So picture that.. Someone minding their own business .. with their own toy… not bothering anyone else and working on a drawing. Peaceful right? That peace was very quickly shattered. Noa, the demon seed of my sister had never noticed my lil green ranger toy there before. Sometimes he and I watched the show together when I was forced to babysit the lil shit. 
So he liked the show too. He spots my toy sitting on the table as I am drawing him and comes up. Promptly reaches up onto the table.. takes my figure and starts to make off with him. I Stop him, take Tommy back and tell him. "No kid, that's mine. You can't have it." "but I waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant  it!!" I tell him no again and then pack up my drawing stuff and head up stairs to get some peace and quiet. It does not last long. I'm on my bed now drawing, and here comes my sister. "Did you take that toy from Noa!" She shouts.. pointing at the green ranger that I remind you, I paid for and was mine. "NO," I tell her flatly, "HE tried to take it from ME." "Well," She huffs, "GIVE IT TOO HIM." "No," I replied, "no, it's my toy and he can't have it. They sell them at Kaybees, when we get back to civilization just go get him one." "NO give it to him now!" She snarls, "You're too old for that anyway." "Well I don't care if I am too old for it," I shrug, "I paid for it, It's mine. If he wants one, buy him his own." I proceed to pick up the toy and shove it back into my bag. "You either give me that toy or You're gonna get it," She tells me. I ignore her and go back to my drawing. She storms off down the steps and not 10 minutes later I hear my mom standing at the bottom step, screeching like a fucking banshee.
My dad is out with my Mom's father some place so I am aware that I am caught in there with all my female relatives on my mom's side of the family. Mom, Sister, Nanna, and Auntie. I know I will be ganged up on the moment I go down stairs. I make a point of leaving Tommy in my bag and head down so that the yelling can start. Start it does. For a good thirty minutes. Basically telling me what a selfish lil brat I am for not giving my nephew that toy. HOW horrid of a person I was for hogging the item that I PERSONALLY paid for and not giving it to him. I tell them he can't have it and promptly get slapped in the face by my mom. I am not the five nine amazon that I am now. I was a bitty lil 17 year old that was about two sauce packets tall. And my mom knew how to slap someone and make it hurt.  She slapped me so hard my nose tried to bleed. Then told me that IF I didn't go get the toy she was gonna slap me again. All of my female relatives backed her up. I told her NO.. Got slapped again and she went and got the toy out of my backpack herself. She then asked me if I was going to give it to Noa. I Once again told her no. So she told me in no uncertain terms that If Noa couldn't have the toy. Neither could I. She tossed my Green ranger into the trash. Had my Auntie bag it up in front of me and haul it out to the trash can. Eventually Dad came home and saw the red hand print and found out what had happened. Told my mom she had no right to make me share something I had paid for with my own money. Or simply take it from me because the demon seed wanted it. He went to get it but by then it was too late. The trash had been picked up and my green ranger was gone. He offered me the money to replace the toy but I told him no. The same thing would just continue to happen as long as Noa and my sister were around. Mom would take their side and the things I loved would keep dying. It was a long time before I ever saw that toy again. A year ago I saw one on hasbro and my darling husband asked me , without knowing the story actually, if I wanted it. This was because he knows my love of power rangers. He got me the reproduction and it sits on my desk  for the world to see. To pay him back this year I bought him the white one because that was his favorite. But he never had it taken away, just never got one. So yah.. Proof that my mom, sister , auntie and nana were fucking nuts. They destroyed my power ranger toy because I refused to give it to my nephew. Plain and simple.
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blobikins · 8 months
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hi heres a look at my EPIC PETS on og neopets!!! a summery of what they are all about:
BigBluebell is my baby, precious butch daughter, i imagine her as a quaint farmer who likes living out in the country, shes painted christmas only for the brown fur and gold horns lol, shes the one i have read all the books
DarlingDaydream was created on the latest poogle day and painted pastel with one of the 4(!) FFQs i got from the faerie festival that just ended, i wanna customize her really pretty but im still planning that so shes just got the gay pride stuff on her lol
DustyDetective, as you can see from his age there, was made less than 2 days ago for me to spend another one of my FFQs on (i even shelled out some irl money for the first time to buy more pet slots orz) ive had a custom idea saved for forever on the fan site dress to impress for a steampunk uni and now im slowly working on gathering all the items for it (a few of them were part of the pool of new quest items TNT added to the faerie fest so they all suddenly jumped in price)
Flub_S2 (i call him flub season 2 for no reason) was adopted from a kind stranger here off of tumblr, he came with a zapped yellow dogglefox which looks to good together with him. right now i have him dressed like a slob bc ive imagined him as a spencer-from-icarly type weirdo artist whos just at home hanging out in his boxers with his dog painting all day lol
LordTheseus was a pound find and I loved the name so much i adopted him and made him a cunty gay guy. I painted him faerie with one of the FFQs before i realized the prize shop was basically giving away faerie pbs lol i also recently dropped like 3mil on buying him the darigan gruslen from the FF bc i missed logging in a day or two and couldnt get the prize myself ;;
SoftSybil was the first pet I made! I kinda imagine her as like the extrovert sister to the introvert Bluebell, so I painted her disco a while back and just kinda left it at that, but idk i might mix it up and totally redo her eventually i just dont know what i want with her lol
TurboFritz is also a pound find and my current lab ray pet, she started as a zafara and my goal was to zap her to robot, which is still my current goal, but for a while she was a ghost shoyru and looked pretty cool, but i still keep zapping her to try and get something cooler
im saving my remaining 4 pet slots until i really know what i want to do with them, so thats it for now!
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souldivided · 1 year
finally coming to terms with the idea that i might be plural. if i am i think there’s only one other guy in here. he’s kind of like me when i was in high school so he would be a snapshot (i’ve been spending the day on pluralpedia). but it’s just him and me and i am the original. i’m going to give some backstory on relevant stuff i guess.
first a note: the blog name is not supposed to be related or anything, i don’t believe in the concept of souls for myself. it’s just a username i’ve been squatting on for awhile and thought i could use it here. just to be silly. thanks
i have ID’ed as a dog therian since around 2017. i learned about tulpas through the therian community but was not sure about my beliefs and if they were for me. i was ultimately skeptical of them, but when i had a mental health episode i tried to create some, a giant sentient teddy bear and a fictional character that i won’t be identifying because it embarrasses me. these two acted as my protectors and helped encourage me to do basic tasks for awhile, but ultimately they were just akin to imaginary friends as they were outside my body and i do not take them seriously.
about a year ago i started taking medication for my ocd. most weird mental health related things in my youth i have attributed to that since i’ve felt more “normal” since starting it.
however, there is another guy in here, who as previously mentioned is similar to how i was in high school. he does not talk to me at all so it is really hard for me to decide if he is actually there. he only comes out when i’ve taken too much emotional stress and his purpose is to be pissed off for me. his main thing is lashing out at people but he is very quiet beforehand, i don’t notice when he switches in because he just sits there fuming until he lashes out. he retreats once i’ve calmed down and i don’t know where he goes, i believe he is there in the headspace(?) but i can’t access it or communicate with him except when he is out. i have a huge lack of knowledge about him but for some reason know some mundane things, like his music tastes (which are part of mine, i like a lot of different music and i can tell that he likes 90s grunge and post-punk, which i like but i like other stuff too. here he differs from how i was in high school because i didn’t listen to that). i also know he likes skateboarding. i don’t skate but i think it’s cool. ironically the only times i’ve ever tried however, it was like the opposite feeling to what i normally get from him. very happy and excited. it’s not something i’m super into but i might try to learn since he likes it so much. more generic stuff like name, age, sexuality, i don’t really know. he is definitely a masculine presence like how i viewed myself back then, though now i am genderfluid. i think that he’s 15-17 in age and i assume him to be bisexual because i was, but he might be straight idk. i call him Jason because it seems sort of right. during that time in my life i used j names, never that one though.
here is picrews of us, me on the left and him on the right. i won’t be talking much about myself or giving my real name here for privacy reasons, but no one who knows me knows about Jason so whatever
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so yeah that is my story if anyone who knows more about plurality or systems than me wants to comment or DM me i would REALLY appreciate it
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bebecue · 1 year
Omg you play the violin??? That's like so cool dude! You surprise me like every week omg you're like so cool! You took a korean class a while ago? You play the violin? You have dogs? Wow you're like the kind of adult I aspire to be someday!! Many of the adults I know just work so much that they don't do much except scroll insta when they're off work, you have like actual hobbies and it's so nice to see!
okay i was like that actually just a few months ago and i was like that while i was still working my corporate job but i decided i wanted a life outside of work hehe
i actually only started playing the violin a few weeks ago!! i used to play when i was still in school but gave it up because of studies. i always liked it but i basically forgot everything i learned so I'm starting again as a beginner!!
and i wish i was still actually taking korean classes, they were so fun and i met some cool people but right now it's too far to actually try and get there, so i had to stop going :( i have to stick with duolingo for now lmao
and honestly i would find myself spending 6+ hours on my phone after a 10 hour day at work it was so unhealthy.. if i managed to turn my life around, you can do it too!!! tbh violin as a hobby does require some investment and i'm so privileged and lucky to be able to do it but it's easy to pick up anything that doesn't require you to spend that much. if you wanna dance, sing, learn a new language, you can do that all online... i have a friend who now folds beautiful pieces of origami and he started by just practicing on scrap pieces of paper he would get from his work and watching stuff on youtube... i used to play netball for a community team which was also free, i just had to turn up!! hobbies are so good for your mental health and for building a sense of community with other people.
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time to declutter my brain by making some LISTS!!!! 
time available to me in the immediate future:
had amazing weekend in pittsburgh! am flying home tonight so will have about 5-6 hours of airport and flight time where i can work on whatever
i have only one meeting & one tiny work task on the agenda for tomorrow so i will have that entire day
wednesday morning is packed with meetings but i’ll be finished by 12 and then will have the rest of the day to run errands, pack, and do other last-minute trip stuff
thursday morning will be a bit of a mad scramble but then i will have 10-11 hours of sustained work time on the plane to use however i want
things i need to get done: 
pre-trip errands. i ordered a shitload of travel clothes & other stuff that all arrived this weekend, so i need to try everything on, decide what i’m taking with me, and drop off all returns before i leave. i also need to buy dog food, water plants, and pay some medical bills.
campus visit. i’ve gotten too far in the weeds with all the prep work and research, which is fine, like i needed to do that reading and thinking, but also now it’s time to step back from it a little bit and start thinking about the pieces i’m going to pull out for the actual talk. the sooner i can get a detailed outline together the less stressed i’ll feel, so i think i may spend tonight’s plane ride outlining by hand (since writing things out instead of typing helps me organize my thinking more efficiently). i want to think about several possible configurations for that hour, and then i also want to create a to-do list so i have a clearer sense of the stuff i need to prep or script in the next couple weeks.
i know i am going to put a lot of pressure on myself to do this “perfectly” or whatever, but i want to try to gently push back against that impulse. i am so prepared for this interview. the presentation doesn’t have to convey absolutely everything because i will have the entire day to answer questions and bring up things i want to mention. my goal is to not get lost into the details but to keep my messaging simple, direct, and compelling. i also read a bunch of articles in the chronicle this morning about how hard it is for universities to recruit and retain talented admin staff right now, and that made me feel a bit better about going into the interview. interviews are two-way evaluations and if they are interested enough in me for this role to invite me to campus, they are also going to be feeling some pressure to make this a positive experience and to convince me that this is the place i want to be.
IUI planning. i test tomorrow but kind of have a gut feeling this cycle didn’t work! i know i’ll be disappointed if the test is negative but i also think i’m so busy with other stuff that i’ll move on pretty fast and be ready to try again. i just need to reach out to my doctor before my trip to see what she thinks about squeezing something in around the travel and the campus visit - the timing will get a little hairy so it might not be worth it to try this month. we’ll see! but i have to do that before i leave as i need to know if i should take the meds with me & i also will need to set up my sister with the info to call the donor bank for me.
fic comments. lol my goal for this last cycle was to do 14 comments in 14 days and i only managed to do 4!! i will cut myself some slack here as when i set the goal i didn’t know about the job interview yet and didn’t anticipate that other stuff would fill all that open time. but i might try to do a few more on the plane tonight - maybe i can get to 7 at least. 
okay! there’s a lot ahead of me but honestly i think i did a ton of good work in march and that has prepared me to roll into a very busy april in a reasonably calm state of mind. i can handle everything that lies ahead. and wow i’m about to have a very cool travel experience too!! and basically two full weeks where  don’t have to think about my current job for even a second! i know i’ll probably be tired at the end of the trip but i hope it’s also a good brain break for me.
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