#ikea pull out pantry
wealllovesloths · 7 months
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San Francisco Transitional Kitchen Photo of a medium-sized transitional l-shaped kitchen with a dark wood floor and a brown floor, an undermount sink, shaker cabinets, blue cabinets, quartzite countertops, a white backsplash, a subway tile backsplash, stainless steel appliances, and a peninsula.
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goddamndesign · 11 months
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Kitchen Dining Photo of a medium-sized transitional l-shaped kitchen with a dark wood floor and a brown floor, an undermount sink, shaker cabinets, blue cabinets, quartzite countertops, a white backsplash, a subway tile backsplash, stainless steel appliances, and a peninsula.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Which Joelkémon is most likely to build IKEA furniture and then fuck reader on it to "see how stable it is"?
Trouble / silence can never be bought but can stand alone. I stg I already had thots about them going to ikea lmaooo you completed my thot 💙🥵.
MALM - drabble / Joel x f!reader
You have a new apartment back in Austin and Joel is helping you move into it even though he wishes you would just "move into his pool house" (as far as everyone else knows). It's so hot watching him do anything remotely construction related. Like using a tape measure to figure out if you can fit a king bed or not. Without turning around, Joel asks, "how long 'til we need to leave for ikea?" You're not listening because you're watching the way his eyes narrow as he looks at the fully extended tape measure, concentrating as his triceps bulge under his tight white Tshirt which rides up and exposes an inch of tan flesh as he holds his arm out. He looks back at you to ask again, "what time do we need to leave? Do you know what time they-" He sees the way you're looking at him. "Oh, you like my long tool, huh?"
You snap out of it and look at your phone, "shit, probably in a few minutes." He presses the button, the tape retracts. He puts it in his back pocket then walks toward you slowly and cockily and kisses you but keeps walking, pins you up against the pantry door. You don't make it to ikea that night but the next morning you do. You get all turned on lying next to him on a bed in ikea. Like the idea that you're in public, next to him on a bed for even less than one minute is so thrilling. Not even doing anything, not even touching, just lying on your sides facing each other. Then he gets that horny look in his eye and you're like. Yeah, MALM, this is the one, because you just want to get home.
When you get back to your apartment he unloads the bed and the way his veins pump over his muscles makes you weak in the knees. As soon as he's done unloading it, you hug him and slide both your hands into the back pockets of his jeans and pull him into you hard with a squeeze. One hot mirror quickie against the bathroom sink later, you agree that's all until the bed is put together. That only makes it harder not to do it. And harder to focus on putting together the bed but he won't break the agreement. It just takes forever. You spend half the day putting the bed together and you can hardly stand how hot he looks doing it.
Finally you finish and put the mattress on and as soon as the mattress is down you stretch out on it, but he's looking at the ikea instructions again.
"Damn," he says.
"Forgot a step."
You brace yourself like the bed could fall apart.
Then he tosses the manual aside and says, "insert wood into hole" before crawling on top of you with a self satisfied smile.
"oh my god, you scared me."
"well, let's see how it holds up."
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johnsgunbelt · 4 months
omg i cant get the thought of price having a teenager niece that lives with him when hes home.
like the kid lives with her grandparents most of the time because of prices deployments. maybe she has messed with wrong coping mechanisms like weed and alcohol. but when john noticed he helped her get back on track and compleat school well and lessen the common dumb shit she dose.
Kids - John Price
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Warnings: None, fluff, Drugs/Alcohol, Abusive household mentions?
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So anon you're so right. JOHN PRICE IS A GOOD FATHER!!!
Price had gotten home from a deployment and wanted to unwind and relax but when he walked in and saw his niece and mother sitting on the couch, he audibly sighed and rolled his eyes. 
“Can’t you just look after her for a month or two? You know how your sister struggles with drugs..” He sighed and looked at her and frowned. “Alright, fine. Tell Savanah I’m never doing this again though, whenever rehab lets her call.” His mother gave him a hug and nodded as she said goodbye to her granddaughter. Price put down his bag in the hallway and then gave his niece a tour.
“Alright so this will be your room, bland I know but I’m thinkin an Ikea trip and a couple of other stores?” “YES! You’re the best Uncle John.” She smiled as she placed her bag down and jumped onto the bed relaxing and pulling her phone out to call her friends. Price smiled only a little as he shut the door on his way out. 
Now it had been months since he got home so he definitely had some food shopping to do, and he realized he had no idea about what his own niece likes. He walked up the stairs to her room and knocked on the door.
“COME IN!” He walked in and saw her on her phone still, but this time on the phone with a couple of her friends. “Hey kid, I’m going to the foodstore. Here's my number to text me what snacks, lunch, breakfast, dinner I need to stock up.” “Okay!” He nodded and walked out and got his shoes and keys. 
He ended up coming back home with bags on bags of food, he sighed when he saw the long ass list he had to buy for her, but he had no problem as long as she was happy. He then placed bags down on the counter and started to unpack everything.
His niece came downstairs and sat at the kitchen island and watched him unpack things while scrolling on her phone, he broke the silence. “So, what grade are you in now?” “9th I just turned 15.” “Jesus, you are getting old. The last time I saw you, you were like 4.” “It’s been that long?” “Yeah kiddo time goes fast doesn’t it?” He spoke softly as he started packing things into the pantry and fridge.
“Uncle John you know you’re gonna have me longer than 2 months right..” John rolled his eyes and chuckled, “I assumed I was, you got school still or summer break?” “Break is just ending so I go back on Monday.” He nodded, and he asked for the address so he could see how far of a walk it was or if he needed to drive her. He ended up letting her decide to walk there when it was warm or hot out and if it was cold he’d drive her.
Now it has been a couple of months since she’s moved in, around 5. She decorated her room and Price got her a new phone and TV just because it made her happy. At this point he considered that kid his own. So when she came home drunk, he wasn’t too shocked, just a little worried.
“I’m gonna throw up-” “You’re over the toilet seat so go ahead I’ll hold your hair, I’m right here.” She then proceeded to throw up her guts into that toilet. And when she was done he carried her to bed and tucked her in, laying a towel on the floor and a bowl next to her just in case.
“You’re not mad right?” “No, we've all been teenagers once. But we are talking when you sober up.” She nodded and dozed off to sleep as Price got a phone call, it was her mother and he answered. “Oh hey John…” “Hello to you too. I’ve got your kid in case you care.” He scoffed at his phone and went out back to smoke while on the phone as his niece rested. “Well that’s actually what I’m calling about, you see…I’m as you can tell an extremely unfit mother. And uhm, you seem like a fit parent, so I’m taking it to court, I’m giving up my custody rights to you.” John nearly died, he wasn’t ready for this responsibility he’d have to quit his job unless someone watched her-. “What? Savannah you can’t just do that she’s your child plus I have a JOB. Who the hell would watch her?” “Our mother and father offered. Plus we have another sister who said she’s willing to.” 
John shook his head and sighed. “You’re awful Savannah, I would’ve fought you in court anyways this whole situation is fucked she’s 15. Do you even know anything about her life besides her name?” “I’ll miss my Autumn forever.” “You’re not even her mother to her, let me know the court dates I’ll be there. Bye.” John then hung up the phone and put out his cigarette and then he saw Autumn sitting on the couch waiting for him.
“How long have you been sitting there?” “Long enough to know you’re going to court, what’d you do?” John sighed and checked to see if she was a little more sober now and it seemed like she was so he dumped it all on her as best as he could. She did cry but she was so grateful that John would be her legal guardian, he’s been more of a parent then her actual parents.
Now it’s been around 8 months, John got custody and her mother was back in rehab. John was being deployed in a month so he was preparing the house for his mother to come stay at. “Do you haveee to go?” “Depends, you want a PS5 right?” “Yes..” “Then I’ll be back in 3 months.” She giggled at his joke and she went to go grab a snack, as she heard a knock on the door and opened it she noticed 3 very tall men.
“Hey uhm-I don’t think-UNCLE JOHN!!” All the three men looked at her confusion as John ran to the door to greet them. “Ah sorry, this is my niece Autumn, but I’d call her my daughter.” Autumn held out her hand shyly as she looked at all three of them as they all walked in and sat on the couch, she sat at the kitchen Island as John kept cleaning she got to know them.
“So you’re all in the military? But only Simon covers his face?” Simon smiled and responded “Right.” “So you’re an oddball?” “BE NICE.” She heard John yell. “I AM DAD-” John smiled to himself and noticed how she called him dad, he’s never felt so proud of himself before.
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I got a bit of a silly request. Maybe poly tf 141 + los vaqueros (+ König if you want to) X male Swedish reader?
They’re going to ikea to help out furnishing the reader’s new apartment. Except they all keep butchering the names of the different furniture.
I imagine König would be the closest since German and Swedish have their similarities.
But I swear Soap would absolutely destroy the pronunciation. Poor gaz, rudy, price and Alejandro would try but fuck it up too and Ghost would get frustrated and in the end just not try. He’d sulk and make up some dumb argument that he doesn’t need to pronounce it “correctly” cus ikea is dumb for keeping it Swedish even in other countries or smth like that.
(Ik it’s a bit random but I’m Swedish and I think it’s so cute when I hear (mostly) English speaking people try to pronounce the words. Especially if the words include Å, Ä and/or Ö.)
[A/n:I would probably be able to pronounce Swedish words, with alittle help, also I'm not sure what you mean by poly, like if their all in a relationship or just all them together without the relationship part so I just went without. Thank you for requesting]
Summary: They help you out with your new home, but all the Swedish words have them struggling
Type:Scenario: 141 + Los Vaqueros + König + Swedish!M!Reader, a tad bit of Soap X Ghost and Gaz X M!Reader
Usually they wouldn't do this, especially all together. 141, Los Vaqueros, and an additional König where all there, in ikea, that was in Sweden. It was a surprise, to all of them. Sure they hang out sometimes, and do stuff together, but help furnish someone's house? That's on a whole nother level, but you're like family to them so of course they'd help. Price thought it'd be a disaster, it was. Soap was flirting with ghost abit, but that was normal, the others don't know how Ghost has so much patience with him. Price was looking at things to decorate his office with. Alejandro and Rodolfo were talking about random things. You, Gaz, and König where in your own little world, looking at everything possible before being dragged away by Price. Price knows what it's like to move into a new place and since this is your first apartment he doesn't want you to get unnecessary things yet, maybe next time.
"Hey y/n, need this lampa"
Gaz said, he was close but over pronounced the A. The lamp was a small toaster lamp with piece of bread popping out. It was adorable, small but adorable.
"Gaz, it's lampa, not so much A there, but YES GIVE ME THAT LAMPA"
You tried to grab the lamp from Gaz but price grabbed it first.
"No, that's the next trip y/n"
Looking at Price with sad eyes you watched him put it back.
Price stopped you
"If you keep trying to buy every unnecessary item your gonna end up not having the things you need, I know this from experience, y/n"
You gave him a pouty look before speaking, keeping the pout
"What of I can't see? Mm? What do I do then?"
Price signed and pulled you and Gaz along, könig had been too focused on something else to have noticed what happened, looking over he jumped abit realizing you two were being dragged away by Price. Alejandro laughed at you two, Rodolfo slapped him upside the head to shut him up.
"What? It's funny"
Rodolfo just shook his head like a disappointed mother. While looking around farther more conversations where started, Ghost got mad since he couldn't pronounce the words well, same with Gaz. But Soap? Oh he rocked those words, the barely messed them up, and if he did it was a small mistake. When you guys eventually left you had most of the things you actually needed, chairs, a bed, and bed frame, a table, etc. And Price let you buy a TV and stand for it since you where able to. Unknowing to you, you'd be thanking Price later, since he didn't let you buy unnecessary stuff you had enough money to stock your pantry, something you forgot to do, you had planned to spend most of the money you had on you for stuff for your apartment, since you thought you stocked to fridge and pantry. Laughing all the way back to your apartment, with Alejandro driving, you guys all had a blast and tons of fun. Your glad you took them with you.
[A/n:Fun fact, I've never been to ikea, crazy right? I hope you enjoyed]
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onlygenxhere · 2 years
Luke woke up with a start. He’d been dreaming he’d lost Julie in IKEA and couldn’t find her. He rolled over in the bed reaching out to pull her into his arms only to come up empty.
He sat up abruptly, instantly awake.
“Julie?” He called out quietly.
The clock on her bedside table read 1:35am.
Where could she be?
Luke slid out of bed, the only light in the room coming from the clock.
“Jules?” he called again.
He carefully moved toward the bathroom, maybe she was sick again.
He pushed open the door and switched on the light.
No Julie.
He turned toward the closed bedroom door and opened it, finally noticing a dim light coming from down the hall.
Luke moved quickly, the light not getting much brighter as he got closer to the kitchen where it seemed to be coming from.
He rounded the corner and stopped.
Julie was leaning against the island in the middle of their kitchen eating… something.
She jerked her head up quickly, her eyes wide like she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t.
The only light in the room was coming from the little light over the stove behind her.  
“What are you doing up baby?”     
She swallowed what she was eating as he moved closer.
“I was hungry.”
He stopped in front of her looking down at what she was having as a late night snack.
“Are you eating pickles and peanut butter?”
She licked her lips and looked back down at the dill pickle in her hand just before she used it to scoop out some peanut butter and took a crunchy bite. “It’s surprisingly good.” She said as she chewed.
Luke couldn’t help grin at her. He was known to eat what others considered strange combinations of food. Alex gave him the most crap about it but Julie had been known to tease him from time to time too.
He reached over and pulled out a pickle spear of his own and scooped out a little bit of peanut butter with it and took a bite.
It wasn’t the worst thing he’d ever had but definitely not something he’d choose to eat.
He swallowed, “So is this what they call a pregnancy craving?”
Julie grinned taking another bite of peanut butter covered pickle. “Well I am pregnant.”
Luke’s grin grew into a full sized smile. “Yes you are.”
“We are.” She winked at him as she took another bite.
He leaned on the counter and looked up at her. “My part’s kinda done for the next few months. Pretty sure you’re doing all the work.” Luke reached over and laid his hand on the barely there bump of her stomach. They were twelve weeks in and she had just started to show a couple weeks ago.
“Don’t get me wrong, I want to help however I can.” He ducked his head, “Just not sure what I can do.”
Julie scoffed and took another bite of peanut buttered pickle. “You cleaned me and the bed up this morning when I threw up everywhere. That was pretty damn helpful.”
Luke nodded. Yeah that wasn’t fun but Julie had been throwing up off and on for six weeks. This morning was only the second time it had taken her by surprise and she hadn’t made it to the bathroom.
He’d much rather clean up the mess than be the one getting sick.
He pointed at her very interesting snack. “Speaking of getting sick, are you sure that’s the best thing to be eating?”
Julie looked at the jar of peanut butter in front of her with a fresh pickle spear in her hand. She dropped the pickle back in its jar and looked up at Luke, “Probably not.”
He reached over and put the top back on the peanut butter taking it back to its home in the pantry.
Luke looked over his shoulder at Julie as she put the pickles back in the fridge. “You still hungry?”
She shut the door and placed her hands on her stomach. “I think we’re good,” she said looking up at him with a smile.
He couldn’t help but grin back at her as he moved over to her and knelt at her feet so he could have a conversation with their kid.
“So I’ma need you to stop making your mama sick, ok little one?” he said with his lips against her stomach. “If you don’t make her sick she’ll keep feeding you crazy things like pickles dipped in peanut butter.”
Julie hummed, “Oh, bacon and nutella sound really good too.”
Luke laughed and looked up at his wife who was smiling down at him. “You hear that bean? You keep everything down tomorrow and I’ll make some bacon for your mama in the morning that she’ll dip in some chocolate for you.”
Julie laughed and reached down pulling Luke to his feet. “Ok, that’s enough chatting for tonight.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Take me to bed?”
He scooped her up in his arms and she squeaked.
“More than happy to boss.”
-- Inspired by @missjoolee fic from last week.
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pbandjesse · 3 months
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I am wheezing a little right now. Which is frustrating. But fine. I just took some medicine and hopefully it calms down whatever it is that is causing this.
Today was a pretty good day. I got so much done and that felt good.
We didn't get to bed until really late. We got home a bit after 11. I took a miserably cold shower. And was probably asleep by 1. I had played around on my phone for a while. I sort of remember James leaving for work. But I would sleep until 930.
Pretty soon after I woke up my dad called me. He sounded so bright. He told me he tried to convince the nurses to let him sign himself out against medical advise so he could enjoy how nice it was outside and then he'll come back. But they told him no. Silly goose.
We wouldn't talk long but it made me feel nice. Which was ideal because I did not feel nice this morning.
For one I was so tired. I wanted to go back to sleep but also I hate sleeping later then 930. Like I don't mind taking a nap but there is something that doesn't make me feel more rested from sleeping late. I don't know what that is about.
But I would lay in bed for a long time. A little before 1030 I would finally get up. I got dressed in soft clothes because I decided I could not go out today. I did not have it in me. So instead I would focus on house projects.
I would make a little bagel. And went upstairs to pick out some outfits for the week. I was feeling really bad about myself. About my face and hair. I tried very hard to not focus on it but I was feeling incredibly low, self esteem wise.
I decided to open all the windows. And start to go through my closet and pull out the very wintery clothes and pick things out from storage that were lighter.
And that would take a while but it was fun. Finding things I haven't seen for a while. But then all of a sudden Sweetp has torn through the small tear in the screen and he was half way out the window!!! I freaked out and grabbed him and that scared me and him I just kept telling him how unsafe that was and I closed that window and was a little shaken up. We both were. Ugh.
But things would be okay. I would finish putting away my clothes. And decided to start my next project.
I had changed my mind about the shelves we got at Ikea for the living room and so I wanted to use them still and decided that they could be good for the little room. I would have to assemble them, and used a level. But they still came out slightly crooked. But I think they are great.
I would finish putting those together around noon. And would pick some objects and books to go on the shelves. I then sent some time putting objects on those shelves and rearranging the layout of the books. James had put them by topic or genre. And I did not change that but I put some laying down so I could put things on them and I then it looks great. I love the progress being made.
I attempted to move the small sofa next. This is not heavy but it is awkward and the house is kind of narrow. So this was no small task. I moved everything off the sofa and started sliding it to the stairs.
I was able to get the thing up the first step of stairs. But then it got stuck and I had to climb over the banister and pull myself up to get over onto the landing to try and pull. And I got it up but it was getting stuck on the book case. And then it was just trapped. I could only laugh.
Right before I had started the sofa project I had put a little pizza in the oven. And of course this is when the timer went off.
So I had to climb under the sofa to get down the stairs to get my lunch. I bumped my head and the whole thing was pretty comical.
I had my lunch and started hanging small shelves next to the pantry in the kitchen. And it's very eclectic, like everything else. And I am not 100% sure it's the final placement but it was fun to do. Even when it was very frustrating. Like when I couldn't get the hardware to line up the way I wanted. But it was still fun in the end.
I tried the couch again. But it kept getting stuck on the banister. And I was able to stand it up at least so I could go upstairs in down the stairs and it was fine. James would help me later.
I was still feeling really bad about myself. And I thought that maybe a day time shower would help. I also deciding to use some of my hair glaze to see if that would help me feel better. And honestly it really did. The shower actually got warm, it just took forever. But I got clean and washed the glaze out of my hair and I felt more like myself.
I did my makeup and actually partially dried my hair with a hair dryer. And I put on a jumpsuit I had pulled out of storage that I absolutely love. And all of this helped me feel a lot better.
The glaze stained my fingernails so I would take my polish off. And while I was thinking about my next move I went and got paint and tape and started preparing the stairwell to get painted.
I then started a really painting. And I was just having a lot of fun. I was only going to paint around the tape but then I just kept painting. I listened to a documentary while I painted and it was just lovely.
I would lose some steam and got tired. I would get on the couch with sweetp and cuddled up there and waited for James to come home. And they would get back a little after 5. They didn't even have a jacket on! It was very nice out. I had stood outside for a little. I hope nice weather continues.
We would hang out on the couch together. And talk about the day. And eventually we went to the stairs to get the little sofa up to the small room.
And it was a little tough but we worked together and got it up there and I'm really pleased.
We decided we would go to a diner for dinner. And it was a nice time. We took a back roads way and got to see some parts of Greek Town I hadn't seen yet. And the diner was great.
We talked about the plans tomorrow. Our home depot list. Everything that has to get done. Busy day. But hopefully it just keeps bringing our home together.
We had some laughs and talked and it was a good dinner. And I was ready to go home.
When we got back here I would clean the frog tank. Which is always so dirty. But it's so much easier to clean now that it's not on top of a tall book case. And James would cut their hair (I had to fix the back after they took a chunk out of the back!!) and grab a shower. They would also help hang the vacuum in the basement finally. And I would hang some art in the small room. It's really coming together.
I got into jammies and have been in our room for a bit now. I am still wheezing a little. I am ready to go to sleep. Hopefully I can lay down because I had to sit up as my breathing was being so weird. But I am okay right now. Despite the wheezing.
Tomorrow we have much to do. And I hope we get a whole lot done. I hope you all have a nice day. Take care of yourself! Until next time!
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dollsonmain · 2 years
A cut because this is boring.
Honestly, I would like to get rid of as much of this as I can, though at the same time more numerous, smaller pieces are easier to move than a few larger ones.
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Ok, so I have a TV table here, which holds my MLP. I don’t actually like it, but it was like $20 and it works ok. That was Disney dolls before it became the MLP spot. I don’t like the space underneath.
I don’t like wasted space.
There is packaging plastic stored behind that sheet of foam board.
There’s a small, white book case which has the non-MLP ponies for the time being. If it fit into that little angled wall space, it would be in the angled wall space.
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Then I have 4x of these Ikea book cases which I’ve had since..... 2005? 2007? Somewhere in there. I’ve modified them a little bit over time (painted the fronts white and added the backs). They have one fixed shelf and three adjustable shelves each which could be attached permanently.
In between those is my old toy box, a cheap coffee table, and a stack of cardboard boxes set up in a stairs shape with a cheap table cloth stapled onto it.
I hate it.
Inside the toy box are things I don’t need to get to basically ever but don’t necessarily want to get rid of. The space under the coffee table is wasted and needs to stay that way because if I accidentally pull on the table cloth trying to get things in and out, bad things will happen.
Having a folding table with a wide expanse of table cloth there would drive me nuts visually. It would look like wasted space whether there were bins under it or not.
That bench is just there because I was using it to sort things.
In front of THAT is another cheap coffee table that’s really 4 super cheap end tables zip tied together, which has AG/etc. on it. I’d like to get rid of that, really. I have considered stacking them on top of each other instead, and still might. But the AG have to go somewhere else, first.
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Then I have these four little shelves and my doll house which still needs new floors. I would like to reduce my 1/6th doll collection enough that they’ll all fit into the doll house. Anyone that’s been around a while will remember how very tightly packed it was before, and understand how lofty an undertaking paring the 1/6th down that much really is.
Right now, nothing is properly displayed other than the MLP and BJD. Every other display is torn up and the dolls are literally covering the floor.
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Then if you swing around the other side of the basement, this is where I store things that are (or should be) for sale and a pile of junk apparently. It’s 4x plastic bins that belong to my sister-in-law (if we were married) that have been here for almost a decade and she’s not come to get them, with one of Son’s closet doors on top, some wire cubes on one end, and what’s left of Son’s crib on the other.
I store doll boxes and shippers underneath.
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Over here are 2x large wire cube storage systems arranged in such a way that the other closet door can sit on top and all cubes can be accessed. This is where my doll clothes are stored. The other side is art/craft supplies.
This is SUPPOSED to be a workstation but no flat surface is safe around me. I am a slob.
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This cube unit has more art/craft supplies and doll packaging. And a huge dragon puppet. And some sequin pillows.
That curio cabinet which stands out like a sore thumb also belongs to my SiL, and I only use it because it’s just in the way otherwise.
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These are those inexpensive but not cheap dining tables I mentioned x3. Three benches are on top as shelving, one is underneath the left table (which is supposed to be where I sew, but...) to hold more doll boxes, one is in the middle of the room in the display area (you saw it), and one is upstairs in the kitchen pantry at the top as another shelf, because why not?
The only non-storage space here is the right side because that’s where I paint and I need to be able to get to the outlet under there for the lamp and hair dryer, and room for m’leggies. There’s part of a folding sewing table underneath to hold paint.
Again, nothing is displayed, everything is just THERE. A lot of the mess came from when I purged all of my personal stuff from common areas back when That Guy first lost his damn mind and scared the shit out of me.
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Then back in the corner I can’t get to thanks to the huge box full of boxes that I’ve been hoarding to move stuff in, is a sagging, cheap shelving unit with banker’s boxes of yarn, doll stands, and doll furniture in them which I’d like to get rid of, and a small, brown book shelf with actual for real books on it.  They’re mostly graphic novels and craft books.
So everything down there is already a visual nightmare. I want something nicer than this if I can with as much functional, easy to access with a bad back storage space as possible.
And to keep purging items slowly so as not to rouse too much suspicion.
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jeffreyj09876 · 3 months
Storage Solutions Redefined: IKEA SEKTION's Skinny Shaker Cabinet Design
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When it comes to modern and functional kitchen design, IKEA's SEKTION line of cabinets is a popular choice among homeowners. In this blog post, we will explore the versatility and style of IKEA SEKTION cabinets, particularly focusing on the Skinny Shaker cabinet design available at the IKEA Mississauga store. Whether you're renovating your kitchen or planning a new build, understanding the features and benefits of these cabinets can help you create a space that is both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional.
The Versatility of IKEA SEKTION Cabinets
IKEA's SEKTION cabinets are known for their modular design, allowing homeowners to customize their kitchen layout according to their needs and preferences. The Skinny Shaker cabinet style offers a sleek and minimalist look, making it ideal for contemporary kitchen designs. Despite its slender profile, this cabinet style provides ample storage space, making it a practical choice for smaller kitchens or areas where space optimization is essential.
Efficient Use of Space
One of the standout features of the Skinny Shaker cabinet from IKEA SEKTION is its efficient use of space. The cabinets are designed to maximize storage capacity without compromising on style. With adjustable shelves and innovative storage solutions, such as pull-out drawers and organizers, you can make the most out of every inch of your kitchen cabinets. This is especially beneficial for storing cookware, utensils, and pantry items, keeping your kitchen organized and clutter-free.
IKEA Mississauga: Your Destination for Stylish Kitchen Solutions
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If you're located in the Mississauga area and looking to revamp your kitchen, IKEA Mississauga is the go-to destination for stylish and functional kitchen solutions. The store offers a wide range of SEKTION cabinet styles, including the Skinny Shaker design, along with a variety of customizable options such as door finishes, handles, and interior fittings. Whether you prefer a modern, traditional, or eclectic look, you'll find everything you need to create your dream kitchen at IKEA Mississauga.
In conclusion, IKEA SEKTION cabinets, particularly the Skinny Shaker cabinet, combine aesthetics with functionality to elevate your kitchen design. With their modular design, efficient use of space, and customizable options, these cabinets are a smart choice for homeowners seeking a stylish and organized kitchen. Visit IKEA Mississauga to explore the full range of SEKTION cabinets and start designing your ideal kitchen space today.
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allstyle-retrofit123 · 3 months
Maximizing Space: IKEA Closet Organizers and Kitchen Cabinets
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Welcome to our latest blog post where we delve into the world of IKEA kitchen design, focusing on two crucial elements: closet organizers and cabinets. IKEA has long been renowned for its innovative designs, affordability, and functionality, making it a go-to destination for homeowners looking to revamp their kitchen spaces. Whether you're aiming for a sleek modern look or a cozy traditional feel, IKEA has something for everyone. Let's explore how you can utilize IKEA closet organizers and cabinets to create your dream kitchen.
IKEA Closet Organizers: Maximizing Space and Efficiency
Closet organizers are essential for maintaining order and maximizing space in your kitchen. IKEA offers a wide range of closet organizer systems tailored to suit various kitchen layouts and preferences. From pantry organizers to drawer dividers, IKEA provides solutions that cater to different storage needs.
Pantry Organizers: Say goodbye to cluttered pantries with IKEA's pantry organizer systems. With adjustable shelves, pull-out baskets, and space-saving racks, you can optimize every inch of your pantry space. The VARIERA series, for example, offers versatile storage solutions that help you keep your dry goods, spices, and canned items neatly organized and easily accessible.
Drawer Dividers: Tired of rummaging through messy drawers to find the right utensil? IKEA's drawer dividers are here to rescue you. With customizable options like the STÖDJA series, you can create designated compartments for your cutlery, cooking tools, and gadgets, ensuring everything has its place.
Closet Systems: IKEA's closet systems are not limited to bedroom closets; they work wonders in kitchen spaces too. The PAX wardrobe system, for instance, can be customized to fit your kitchen's dimensions, offering ample storage for pots, pans, and small appliances. With adjustable shelves, drawers, and accessories like pull-out trays, you can design a closet that perfectly suits your needs.
IKEA Cabinets Kitchen: Style Meets Functionality
When it comes to kitchen cabinets, IKEA excels in combining style with functionality. Whether you prefer modern high-gloss finishes or rustic wooden aesthetics, IKEA cabinets offer versatility and durability to elevate your kitchen design.
Modular Cabinets: IKEA's modular cabinet systems, such as the SEKTION series, allow you to mix and match cabinet sizes and styles to create a customized kitchen layout. With options for wall cabinets, base cabinets, and tall cabinets, you can maximize storage while maintaining a cohesive look throughout your kitchen.
Smart Storage Solutions: IKEA cabinets are designed with intelligent storage solutions to make your kitchen more efficient. Features like soft-close drawers, pull-out organizers, and corner carousel units ensure that every inch of cabinet space is utilized effectively. The UTRUSTA series, for example, offers a range of interior fittings to customize your cabinets according to your storage needs.
Sustainable Materials: IKEA is committed to sustainability, and their kitchen cabinets reflect this ethos. Many IKEA cabinet kitchens are made from renewable materials like bamboo and sustainably sourced wood, reducing environmental impact without compromising quality or style.
Ikea Kitchen Design: Bringing Your Vision to Life
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With IKEA's user-friendly kitchen planning tools and expert design guidance, bringing your kitchen vision to life has never been easier. Whether you prefer a contemporary Scandinavian aesthetic or a classic farmhouse vibe, IKEA offers design inspiration and resources to help you achieve your desired look.
Online Planning Tools: IKEA's online kitchen planner allows you to visualize and customize your kitchen layout from the comfort of your home. With drag-and-drop functionality, you can experiment with different cabinet configurations, colors, and finishes until you find the perfect combination.
In-Store Consultations: If you prefer personalized assistance, IKEA offers in-store consultations with kitchen design experts who can help you navigate the planning process. From measuring your space to choosing the right cabinets and accessories, IKEA's design team is there to support you every step of the way.
Inspiration Galleries: Need some design inspiration? Explore IKEA's online galleries and catalogues showcasing real-life kitchen installations and design ideas. Whether you're drawn to minimalist aesthetics or bold statement pieces, you'll find plenty of inspiration to spark your creativity.
Conclusion: In conclusion, IKEA offers a wealth of options for creating your dream kitchen, from versatile closet organizers to stylish and functional cabinets. With IKEA's emphasis on affordability, sustainability, and user-friendly design tools, transforming your kitchen has never been more accessible. Whether you're starting from scratch or simply updating your existing space, IKEA has everything you need to bring your vision to life. So why wait? Visit your nearest IKEA cabinet kitchen store or explore their website today and take the first step towards your dream kitchen!
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ikea-cabinets · 4 months
Maximize Your Space: The Ultimate Guide to IKEA Closet Organizers
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Your kitchen is the heart of your home, where meals are prepared, memories are made, and family gathers. With IKEA's range of products and design services, you can transform your kitchen into a space that's not only functional but also reflects your unique style. In this blog post, we'll explore how IKEA closet organizers, kitchen cabinets, and innovative designs can help you create the kitchen of your dreams.
IKEA Closet Organizers:
Let's start by discussing the importance of organization in the kitchen. Cluttered cabinets and overflowing pantries can make it difficult to find what you need, leading to frustration and wasted time. IKEA's closet organizers offer smart solutions to help you make the most of your kitchen space. Whether you need adjustable shelves, pull-out drawers, or hanging storage, IKEA has a variety of options to suit your needs. From the versatile ALGOT system to the customizable PAX wardrobe series, IKEA's closet organizers can help you create a clutter-free kitchen that's a joy to cook in.
IKEA Kitchen Cabinets:
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Next, let's talk about kitchen cabinets – the backbone of any kitchen design. IKEA offers a wide range of cabinets to suit every style and budget. Whether you prefer sleek modern designs or classic shaker-style cabinets, IKEA has options to match your vision. Their cabinets are not only stylish but also built to last, with durable materials and innovative features like soft-close hinges and adjustable shelves. Plus, IKEA's modular system makes it easy to mix and match cabinets to create a layout that works for your space. With IKEA kitchen cabinets, you can create a kitchen that's as beautiful as it is functional.
IKEA Kitchen Design:
Of course, no kitchen renovation would be complete without careful planning and design. That's where IKEA's kitchen design services come in. Whether you're starting from scratch or renovating an existing space, IKEA's design experts can help you create a kitchen that's tailored to your needs and preferences. With their 3D planning tools and expert advice, you can visualize your new kitchen before making any commitments. From layout and storage solutions to color schemes and finishes, IKEA's design services take the guesswork out of creating your dream kitchen. With IKEA, designing your perfect kitchen has never been easier.
IKEA Cabinets:
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Finally, let's take a closer look at IKEA's cabinets. With their wide range of styles, colors, and finishes, IKEA cabinets offer endless possibilities for customization. Whether you're looking for traditional wood cabinets, sleek high-gloss finishes, or something in between, IKEA has options to suit your taste. Their cabinets are also designed with functionality in mind, with features like soft-close drawers, integrated lighting, and built-in organizers. And thanks to IKEA's affordable prices, you can create the kitchen of your dreams without breaking the bank. With IKEA cabinets, you can design a kitchen that's both stylish and practical.
IKEA offers everything you need to create the kitchen of your dreams. From closet organizers to kitchen cabinets to expert design services, IKEA has solutions to suit every style and budget. Whether you're looking to maximize storage space, update your cabinets, or completely overhaul your kitchen design, IKEA cabinets has you covered. So why wait? Visit your nearest IKEA store or explore their website today to start planning your kitchen renovation journey. With IKEA, the kitchen of your dreams is within reach.
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IKEA's Stylish Cabinet Doors Will Transform Your Kitchen
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IKEA is a name that frequently comes to mind when it comes to kitchen improvements. IKEA, well-known for their efficient and economical furniture, has a wide choice of solutions for transforming your kitchen into a stylish and organized space. Cabinets are an important part of any kitchen, and IKEA offers a selection of cabinet doors to fit different styles and preferences. In this blog post, we will look at IKEA kitchen cabinets and the various types of doors available, such as slab doors and shaker doors.
IKEA is well-known for its modular kitchen systems, which allow you to mix and match components to create a unique and functional kitchen layout. The kitchen cabinet, which houses your cookware, utensils, and pantry items, is the core of these systems. IKEA kitchen has a wide selection of cabinet alternatives, from base cabinets to wall cabinets and high cabinets, allowing you to maximize storage and maximize kitchen space.
Let's take a look at the interesting world of IKEA cabinet doors. Cabinet doors are extremely important in determining the design and look of your kitchen. IKEA has you covered whether you like a sleek and modern aesthetic or a more conventional and timeless design.
Slab doors are a common choice for IKEA cabinets. These doors have a smooth, flat surface with no frills or elaborate ornamentation. Slab doors are ideal for individuals who desire a simple and contemporary kitchen design. They have a clean and streamlined design, giving the impression of openness and simplicity. IKEA sells slab doors in a variety of treatments, including high-gloss, matte, and wood veneer, allowing you to select the one that best suits your aesthetic.
Shaker doors are a wonderful alternative if you want a more classic and adaptable style. Shaker doors are distinguished by its distinctive frame and panel design, which includes a recessed center panel and square edges. This design evolved from the 18th-century Shaker movement, which was noted for emphasizing simplicity and functionality. Shaker doors are a popular choice among homeowners because they can mix in with both traditional and contemporary kitchen designs. Shaker doors are available from IKEA in a variety of finishes, including white, gray, and natural wood tones, allowing you to create a timeless and elegant kitchen environment.
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One of the benefits of using IKEA kitchen cabinets is the flexibility to design and personalize your kitchen to your liking. In addition to the numerous door styles, IKEA offers alternatives for handles, knobs, and pulls, allowing you to personalize the cabinets. IKEA has a vast range to fit your preferences, whether you want sleek and modern handles or vintage-inspired knobs.
Furthermore, IKEA cabinet doors are built to last and to be functional. They are built of high-quality materials that can withstand the daily demands of kitchen use. Furthermore, IKEA provides a 25-year limited warranty on its kitchen cabinet frames and fronts, giving you peace of mind and assurance of the product's quality.
Another benefit of IKEA kitchen cabinets is the ease of access to accessories and interior fittings. To help you enhance the usefulness and organization of your kitchen cabinets, IKEA provides a variety of innovative solutions such as drawer dividers, pull-out shelves, and interior organizers. These accessories are simply fitted into the cabinet systems, allowing you to tailor the interiors to your individual requirements.
Finally, if you're planning a kitchen makeover or simply want to refresh the design of your existing kitchen, IKEA cabinets and slab doors are an excellent choice. IKEA provides a wonderful platform for building a fashionable and functional kitchen space with their adaptable designs, high-quality materials, and inexpensive costs.
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rainyturtlezombie · 2 years
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KOMPLEMENT Pull-out tray - white - IKEA #designs
#closet #closetdesignsideas #design #designs #ideas #pantry #pantryclosetdesign
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benson09thomsen · 2 years
Some People Excel At Freestanding Pantry Cabinet And some Do not - Which One Are You?
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To save lots of area, a pantry-fashion cabinet on an unused wall can work wonders, as can the multitasking of the towel bar as a door handle. Food storage is positioned along one wall adjacent to the principle walkway from the house to the family room, patio, and pool. So all of your cereals, lentils, pulses, canned food objects, etc won't get coated with household mud. Dust and clean every merchandise yearly, and provided that needed. The residing space must be easier to keep clear than the bathroom and pantry. Here, you possibly can keep your costly plates or coffee mugs. This stand-alone pantry cabinet with shelves accommodates tall cereal packs while the one with a pull-out drawer is ideal for protecting espresso mugs and spoons. The storage shelves function a number of tiers for various storage wants, 1 tabletop, 1 open shelf, 3 drawers, and 1 small 2-tier cabinet. In any kitchen, especially a small one, day after day living turns into more of a pleasure when you've got planned your kitchen and dining areas effectively. One unit may look properly in a trendy kitchen while it will probably completely fail in a standard one. Not like fashionable kitchen cabinets, a new England kitchen cabinet is developed by hand to final a lifetime.
Vertical slim cabinet like the image beneath will be found on eBay or you can order it within the carpenter round you. A mum found a 'fairly old' jar' of Vegemite from 2001 in her camping tub after getting about it, whereas another lady found antiseptic powder dating again to April 1989 in the primary help cabinet at her workplace. A walk-in pantry is normally a small room, essentially a closet for storing meals, separate from but adjacent to the kitchen, referred to as a "larder" again in the day. Rolling-shelves make attending to the back of your cabinets a breeze. Add in overhead cabinets. While you have overhead cabinets for miscellaneous storage, freestanding cabinets are greatest for the kitchen pantry. The white doorways of the 72″ storage pantry cabinet are accented by mild brown molding. Along with molding, the stable wooden handles are also light brown. The same old resolution is to put in a recessed gentle in the ceiling in entrance of the pantry and call it good. An open pine staircase results in the master suite, which has a vaulted ceiling and a stroll-in closet. Installing pull out shelves for pantry into cabinets or right right into a small storage closet is fairly easy and is a great DIY answer to getting systematic.
We've been making customized pull out shelves for 30 years. The cheap ones could be nice for now, however you don't wish to be re-purchasing in a few years on account of faulty seals. It's sensible and good-wanting, and you may put this freestanding cabinet in your bedroom, dwelling room, bathroom, kitchen, anyplace you need to place it. And never solely in the kitchens however a large storage cabinet like Home Styles go effectively in dining, bedroom, and gym the place you require further storage. It gives ample space to store your expensive dinnerware within the kitchen, sheets within the bedroom, and towels in the gym room. The standard colonial type of this large pantry cabinet can be utilized as a centerpiece in any room. The rustic really feel and previous style will come in your kitchen if you use industrial carts shelves as pantry storage. Pantries are flooring-to-ceiling bat-wing model reach-in pantries with adjustable shelves that hold two week's worth of provisions for this family of five. There are 2 shelves on prime.
While 2 shelves are mounted, you possibly can regulate the height of the opposite two shelves to accommodate tall issues. Larger firms are conducting analysis on learn how to integrate these terms with numerous elements of the kitchen. Crosley has designed this pantry cabinet in such a way that it's going to assist you retain your kitchen muddle-free. This manner you should use the tall wooden cabinet to retailer broomsticks, stick vacuum cleaner, long mop, etc. Besides, the assembled unit will not be too bulky and shops simply in your pantry or laundry room. It's also a extremely efficient option to retailer leftover or excess food items that have no place within the pantry. Pantry cabinets aren't meant for meals storage only. The panels are removable that can assist you make space for storing massive appliances. This cabinet options four adjustable sturdy panels equipped inside the double door cabinets. In keeping with your storage needs, you may modify the panels in 3-different positions. The aim of the freestanding kitchen pantry is, you may freely place it anywhere in your kitchen for additional storage. Open racks are an excellent place to retailer kitchen clothes comparable to an apron, cleaning towels, and baking gloves.
In complete, there are 5 shelves, 2 above and three under. And the best part of all is, there are no big gaps between doors. There are no pullout drawers or metallic racks, however solely wood doors and shelves. Then the model new pantry shelves ready to use as a pretty storage space. In case you are in search of a tall kitchen pantry then this can be an excellent fit. Nowadays people pay particular attention to pantry storage as there are tons of gadgets to inventory up. All you must do is concentrate to each element and prepare your tools akin to saws, glue and so on. While the previous pine building gives a warm, rustic look, the waistcoat detail on the front door enhances the charming country feel. Because of its lovely development. Thanks to using solid wooden and wood veneer this cabinet will really feel sturdy and robust. While the antiqued brass hardware adds glam to cherry-finished wood. If you’re frightened about steel hardware catching rust over time then Ameriwood Home Delux freestanding tall kitchen pantry is perfect for you. You can buy it on the hardware store close to you.
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While the stable backside cabinet is right to store food gadgets like cereal, espresso beans, and many others. Besides, this kitchen china cabinet additionally features a drawer to store kitchen utensils and far more. Storage racks and cabinets are available in quite a lot of styles and sizes and a range of materials like metal, wooden, bamboo, and glass. And unlike steel, picket handles are not vulnerable to corrosion or rust. If you are more inclined in direction of open space cabinetry then this Vasagle Entryway pantry cabinet could also be the very best purchase. Then utilized a coat of distressed white. White and beige colours are the favourite when they're accented by shades of orange and aqua colours. While this one pitcher might have had the perfect technical ends in our testing and is our top advice for most people, there are others in the group worthy of consideration for other reasons. One heart-mounted high slide that together can help 130 lbs. By adding curtain rod to the top of the bookshelf and the right curtain alternative, then every thing you place in will look neatly. As typical, you may repaint it first, then add some merchandise or parts that can maximize the shelf as a storage place.
But as an alternative of traditional stopper locks, Nantucket makes use of magnetics that holds the door in place. Collective stacking at some place in your kitchen wall and look attention-grabbing and imparts a cozy look to the decor. The large Gathering Room is about one-half of the Club’s 5,000 sq. foot expanse and features wall to wall views over its 9,000 square foot out of doors dwelling space. A concierge, visitor suites, an indoor pool, a occasion/meeting room and visitors’ parking are highlights. So there’s plenty of room for different storage necessities. A few of the wonderful options of our kitchen furnishings: Modern design, the oak/ white storage cabinet has a fashionable design with sleek silhouettes, and will perfectly complement your kitchen; The highest quality, we make our kitchen furniture from premium laminated wood chipboard plate to guaranteed durability; Versatile, you need to use the kitchen cabinet to store anything from pots and pans to utensils, china, and even meals; Quiet door closing, with added rubber bumpers; Easy to install, the cabinet comes with a step-by-step instructional YouTube video; Solve all your kitchen storage needs with one click! So you can hassle-free keep this stand-alone cabinet in your conventional in addition to the trendy kitchen.
Very properly packaged, and they appear wonderful. Complete the normal look of your kitchen with the Ameriwood Home single-door pantry cabinet. Before you make a school locker as a pantry storage items, it would be higher if you repaint it first to look more stunning and cozy to make use of. Recommended: The utmost depth of a stationary storage shelf is 16" (14" is better). It's better so as to add a nice and sensible cabinet that not only makes your objects in good order but additionally brings contemporary magnificence to your house. So as an alternative, get a stand-alone kitchen pantry like HomCom and retailer pantry items in the home. In case you have a lot of time and like issues which are creative, then you possibly can change your bookshelf as shown under. Coming years, including 2021, are anticipated to see a rise in clean-lined designs. A shopper has supplied a glimpse at the very best buys within the kitchen aisle of Kmart - together with $6 glass canisters, $12 'smart' drink bottles, and a $19 portable blender. Get smart residence reviews and ratings, video opinions, shopping for guides, costs and comparisons from CNET. You get some free space even after protecting the appliances to maintain cookbooks. The important thing to preserving your own home spotless is usually a matter of holding a lid on things.
Minimalism in design has been round for a while, and I do know this year we’re speculated to rid ourselves of things that don’t spark joy, however that doesn’t mean ditching all your storage. So we’ve compiled down the most effective freestanding kitchen pantry cabinets that supply great storage space to store all your favorite goodies in an organized method. selecting buying guide -out operate will save you time from discovering your favorite bread reducing board. Now you've got good house to maintain your favourite field of cereals. I don't have any respect for the judges, so I should not let any individual hurt me who I had no respect for in the first place,' he said. slim pantry cabinet ikea , who received the call, listened to Lindgren's story but wasn't sure he believed it. Who doesn’t like to work in a neat and arranged kitchen? I love a house with zones. I like them! They make reaching all the pieces so much easier! Speaking of wood, this Home Styles Americana freestanding kitchen pantry is made from stable hardwood. But there are a few good-high quality freestanding pantry cabinets the place you possibly can store food gadgets in addition to small electric appliances. The tolerances are fairly tight.
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Cabin Leader Zukka AU
Credit to @im-a-sokka-for-you, @waywarddork, @king-bumi-for-president, @sokkaseboyhair, and @crying-at-ikea for helping out with this monstrosity of a post!! Stupid Squad™ ily ❤️
This is long af but I promise it’s worth it 🥺🥺
Sokka and Zuko are rival cabin leaders at a summer camp
The camp has sort of a 4-elements theme because I say so
Eight Cabins. Two Water-Themed, two Fire Themed, two Earth-Themed, and Two Air-Themed.
Sokka leads the Southern Water Cabin. Yue the Northern. Aang leads one of the Air Cabins, and Suki leads an Earth Cabin. Zuko and Ty Lee lead the Fire Cabins. (Ty Lee shamelessly flirts with the assistant camp director, Mai...)
Sokka and Zuko’s cabins, along with all the other cabins, are competing in the yearly camp competition. There are different challenges, like water balloon fights (water), mud runs (earth), zip lining (air), and s’more roasting (fire).
Zuko’s cabin wins most years, and Sokka’s like “not this year. This year WE take the trophy” and he’s got his heart set on it.
Sokka thinks Zuko’s obnoxious. He sees him as hot-headed and snippy and arrogant. And he’s almost militaristic with his cabin kids. (And yet they love him. Even more annoying.)
Sokka wants to be the ✨fun cabin✨, he usually does, but he starts pushing harder to advance to the next round of the competition and win.
Sokka and Zuko have multiple confrontations. They’re snarky and sarcastic “good luck out there😈” kind of things (which Sokka HATES)
The two cabins pull pranks on each other all the time. Very Parent-Trap-esque. Sokka and Zuko plan a lot of them, but that doesn’t stop the kids from doing a few on their own (I imagine some very lovable OC campers).
Sokka wakes up with a shaving-cream beard more than once.
Zuko wakes up wearing makeup once...
Then, as the story unfolds with whatever subplots a writer may put in, Sokka catches more and more glimpses of Zuko acting more human... and hey... Zuko’s sort of sweet when he’s like that...
No. This is a competition. Zuko bad. Winning good.
Sokka confides in Aang and Yue one night after a staff meeting.
“You don’t understand, guys! He’s—he’s infuriating! He’s good at everything, and the kids all like him, and I know I’m supposed to hate the guy but I don’t anymore! And I don’t know why! And part of me feels like he deserves to win every damn time even thought it’s ridiculous that he does-”
Aang looks at him almost sympathetically. Sokka tilts his head in confusion.
“Have you considered that maybe you just have a little crush on him?”
“Oh. Shit.”
Anyway Sokka has a bit of an awakening and is like “OH NO I LIKE ZUKO I’M SUPPOSED TO HATE ZUKO.”
After panicking about that for way too long, Sokka winds up telling Suki about this revelation and Suki is like:
“Well... I don’t know if I should be telling you this, but I think Zuko’s had a crush on you for years.”
Suki sort of awkwardly admits that she’s picked up on it. She and Zuko are friends (something Sokka could never fathom why but he left it be) and she tells Sokka how Zuko talks about him... an absurd amount. And how Zuko, on more than one occasion, has accidentally called Sokka cute.
(i.e “just because he’s Mr. Cute and Friendly doesn’t mean he can walk around like he owns the place!” “You think he’s cute?” “What? Uh-”)
Leading up to the final face off where Zuko and Sokka’s cabins will compete against each other, Sokka leaves his campers with Suki for a few minutes and approaches Zuko’s cabin one night and asks to speak with him. Alone.
There’s a unanimous “oooooooooooh!” from the campers.
The two step outside, and Sokka’s freaking out, but he’s gonna do it anyway.
He’s really awkward about it and keeps beating around the bush.
“Just get to the point, Sokka!!”
“Um. Do you like me?”
That. Was not what he meant to say.
In all honesty, Sokka meant to say that he likes Zuko, and THEN ask him if he liked him back, but he panicked, give the guy a break.
Zuko’s face goes completely blank.
“Wait, what?”
Sokka, now suddenly convinced he and Suki were wrong, chickens out and bolts, Zuko calling after him. (He can’t chase him because he can’t leave his campers unattended.)
Sokka freaks out silently as he leads his campers back to his cabin for the night.
He doesn’t get much sleep.
Day of the big competition. The campers are getting ready for the final showdown. Zuko’s team is a few points ahead of Sokka’s, but not ahead by many.
Sokka avoids Zuko all morning. Aang, Yue, and Suki are worried about him but he brushes it off, saying it’s no biggie (it is).
Right before the first challenge he overhears one of his campers talking to someone from Zuko’s cabin. The kid from the opposing cabin says “Zuko was in a bad mood last night. He didn’t wanna tell us why, though.”
Oh no. It’s worse than he thought. Zuko is angry at sokka. More than usual.
The games begin. Both teams tally up points after each round of whatever they’re doing (three-legged race, canoeing, etc).
The final score is kept secret—the camp director (accompanied by Mai<3) says the final score will be announced that night at the campfire.
Sokka makes sure he doesn’t run into any scar-faced boys on the way to his cabin. Or at dinner. Or on his way to the campfire.
Everyone is gathered around outside, fire blazing, hot-cocoa and s’mores present. Sokka doesn’t even care about winning anymore. In fact, he hopes Zuko wins, so he doesnt get any more angry.
The Southern Water Cabin wins.
Sokka’s campers jump up and scream with excitement. And though he isn’t feeling quite himself, he still offers hugs and high fives and congratulates them all on their hard work.
Then, suddenly, while kids are mingling and cheering, Sokka feels a tap on his shoulder and spins around.
Sokka can’t find words to say. He just stares. Is... is Zuko gonna yell at him?
“Good job.” Zuko’s holding out his hand for Sokka to shake. Sokka does so, hesitantly.
“Uh... thanks.”
After a moment too long, they end the handshake. There’s a beat of awkward silence and Sokka’s heart is racing.
“Look,” Sokka begins. “About last night. I-”
“Don’t. Me first.” Zuko looks really uncomfortable, but he still keeps talking. “You were right.”
“I like you. I have liked you, I mean. For a long time. Like, three years.”
Sokka’s dumbfounded. “I thought you hated me.”
Zuko sort of nervously admits that he’s not very good with people (and that he takes great enjoyment in riling people up). And he apologizes like:
“Sorry I was a dick. Me being a fucking gay idiot who can’t ask people out doesn’t excuse me being mean. So I’m sorry.”
Sokka’s sort of touched by all of this. Zuko apologized for being an ass and he has a crush on Sokka?
Sokka figures he should apologize too, since he was pretty much just as mean to Zuko as Zuko was to him. “I’m sorry, too.”
Eventually, the stilted conversation gets sort of quiet and even more awkward, and Sokka realizes he still hasn’t confessed. And, well, better late than never.
“I like you, too.”
“I like you. As in. Like. I have a crush. On you. So there.”
Zuko has no idea how to react, but eventually a giant grin makes its way into his face and it looks beautiful in the firelight and he just sort of goes:
“Um... do you wanna get coffee or tea with me? Or something? Now?”
“You mean the shitty camp coffee and tea?” Sokka quips.
“Hot Cocoa it is.”
They walk up to the kitchen building and hang out at the counter and actually get to know each other for the first time in years. And Sokka thinks that becoming a cabin leader is the best decision he’s ever made.
(They may or may not have kissed sometime during the rest of their stay. A couple of times. A lot of times. Okay, they made out in the pantry a ton, but that’s nobody’s business but theirs.)
If anyone wants to write this, lemme know!! And again thank you Stupid Squad™ <3 @chaoticidiott @appa-bottom-jeans @soft-zuko you’re also Stupid Squad™ so this is your child as well now. Enjoy.
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ahloveisboo · 3 years
ikea visits with soonyoung / 900ish words of domestic fluff, a brief mention of sex. no warnings applicable. we love ikea shopping and a flirty soonyoung. 
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"Please," Soonyoung sighs, exasperated, "put that back."
It earns him a puzzled look, your fingers clutching a wooden ladle. "Huh?"
Soonyoung approaches you with a soft smile, his hand reaching out to cover yours. "We already have one of these. And enough glass jars to fill the entire pantry. We are also fully stocked on scented candles, in case you get any ideas, and we really do not need any more blankets or storage baskets."
You scoff, allowing Soonyoung to place the ladle back into the box it came from. "You can never have enough candles, you doofus."
Soonyoung laughs—a delighted high pitched sound that tugs at the corner of your lips. A part of you loves how he's trying to keep you in check, even though you both know he'll be losing his shit in the rug section again, trying to get you to agree on buying one of those awful animal print ones you hate.
You mumble a "fine" into his palm, placing a quick kiss on the back of his hand before letting him pull you onwards, down the long winding halls of the showroom.
The only reason you even came to Ikea in the first place was to get a new mattress. Yours has been worn out for quite some time, having lasted you through your late teenage years all the way to recently moving in with your boyfriend, causing you both more back and hip pain than you'd care to admit at the end of your twenties. You probably shouldn't settle for an Ikea version, but the budget is tight and a part of you just really yearned for a trip to this store—something about its perfectly structured chaos and the abundance of unnecessary but useful items at your disposal really got you excited.
That, and the meatballs.
"Uh," you note, passing a mock bathroom with a beautiful round mirror, soft lights illuminating the edges. There's a three-shelf cabinet underneath, a warm wooden colour with a white, round basin perched on top. "We are going in circles. I know," you say as Soonyoung tents his eyebrows, "because that is one cute ass mirror and I almost told you we're buying it when we passed it the first time."
Soonyoung juts his lips into a pout. "I knew taking these shortcuts was a stupid idea."
"Just so you know, if we end up passing this a third time, we're taking it home," you threaten, and you cast a glance around the room to see if you can find a ground plan to the store. "Aha," you point at the corner of the showroom, "there it is!"
Soonyoung peers over your shoulder as you study the plan, and he sighs into your ear when your finger lands upon the bedroom section. "We literally cut it off going from here," he states as he moves your finger from one section to another, "to there." There's a slight chuckle, the puff of air tickling your neck and something in your chest feels like it's about to burst.
When you finally walk into the right room, the sight of all the different beds slightly overwhelms you. "How are we to try out all of these?" you ask, regretting the question as soon as you spot Soonyoung's growing grin.
"The first thing we need to check," he says, smoothing out his facial expression and changing his vocal tone, "is how well they bounce." He pulls you along with him, taking big strides to a boxspring covered in floral sheets. "They have to be soft enough for us to snooze comfortably, but also firm enough to endure me pounding you into them," he continues, tone still serious as he leans down and pushes a hand into the mattress. He glances your way. "Want to try?"
Before you can object, his arm snakes around your waist, pulling you down onto the mattress with him. You land on top of him, a soft squeek leaving your mouth in surprise. "Soonyoung!" you sputter, reprimanding, and he just laughs at your embarrasment.
"Just indulge me for a moment," he says, brushing your hair out of your face. His free hand is pressed into the small of your back, keeping you in place. There’s stars in his eyes, twinkling brightly as his gaze pierces into yours. "One kiss, and I'll let you go." You scowl at him, but you both know you're not able to deny him. Not when it comes to his kisses. Nothing has ever felt quite as addictive as kissing Soonyoung.
You lean forward to press your lips together. His mouth is soft and warm, and you can feel him smiling into the kiss beneath you.
It isn't until someone clears their throat in your vicinity that you realise it's been a while, and you've been too wrapped up in each other to notice people staring. "Excuse me," an Ikea employee states softly, "but I'm going to have to kindly ask you to not make out on our beds. They are here for display purposes only."
You feel a rush of blood to your cheeks, and Soonyoung shoots her his biggest smile in apology. "I'm sorry, you won't catch us slipping again." The employee politely returns his smile. "Actually, could you maybe help us out? We're in desperate need of a new mattress and could use an expert opinion."
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