#im stuck here until at least the end of the year because of a year end bonus we get that i refuse to miss out on after getting this far
munch-mumbles · 1 year
can i just win the lottery so i can quit this fucking job PLEEEAAAASEEEEEE
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wileys-russo · 8 months
saw a tiktok and ran to ask this….could we please get a mearps x reader blurb where reader is pregnant and they’ve invited lessi and ella round, tell them they’ve got presents for them and when they open it they both have a little baby shirt (you can decide wether it’s england kit or their club shirts) with their name on the back. i just know they would be the best aunts ever omg…
hypothetically in this let’s say less stayed with man utd for the sake of the plot and not her sanity 🫶🏻 part of the a date to remember universe series
a bit small || m.earps
“mary, love you’re gonna wear a hole in the poor carpet if you keep pacing back and forth like a mad woman.” you chuckled as your wife sat back down beside you, nervously bouncing her knee instead.
“i can’t help it! i don’t know why I’m so nervous, i wasn’t even this nervous to tell our families.” the blonde rambled as you extended a hand and rested it gently on her knee. “look at me.” you called out softly, knowing how her anxiety affected her and what to do to try and ease it.
“whats three things in the room that are blue?” you asked, squeezing her knee and nodding encouragingly. “er that photo frame, the fifa ball and…the clock.” mary sighed, her knee stopping bouncing as you repeated the question going through a few different colours until eventually your wife had settled.
“baby i get why you’re nervous, they’re like our already grown up children and their opinion means a lot to you. we knew our families would be supportive because they knew we were trying, none of the girls do and you’re worried how they’ll react.” you smiled softly as mary nodded, her head coming to rest on your shoulder as you played with her fingers, a comfortable silence falling between the two of you momentarily.
“they really are like our daughters hey, jesus we’ll be great mums we’ve already had a load of practice!” your wife perked back up, back to her normal joking self as you nodded in agreement, pressing a tender kiss to her lips.
“yeah and at least we’ve got a fair few years before this ones calling us drunk at 3am for a lift home or crying into a pint of ice cream on the lounge about relationship problems.” you grinned as your wife let out a pelt of laughter.
“our child isn’t dating anyone till they’re at least twenty five.” mary shook her head sternly as you smacked her arm. “we started seeing one another when we were eighteen!”
“yeah and look how that ended up, im stuck with you for life now.” mary sighed as you scoffed, the goalkeeper quick to grab your face and pepper it with kisses, mumbling about how there wasn’t anyone else she’d rather spend her life with.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.” mary spoke up much softer, gently tugging up your top and sweetly kissing your stomach a few times, her hands gently placed either side.
“now you listen here junior you protect those hands in there yeah? you’re an earps now you’ve got keeping in your blood and we have to protect those little golden fingers.” mary spoke to your stomach sternly making you laugh and smack her gently.
“what if our baby doesn’t want to play football?” you teased, your wife only scoffing at the thought.
before she could tell you off for even insisting that though the doorbell went, and when neither of you answered within the first ten seconds, it went again, and again, and again.
“right that’s it, im gonna kill them!” mary smacked her legs with a determined nod and stood to her feet, charging off toward the door and you chuckled as you heard her sternly telling off the two younger girls before their footsteps sounded, shuffling closer as they chattered away.
“couldn’t even come and greet us at the door? lazy!” ella scoffed sarcastically with a roll of her eyes as she sauntered in first, spotting you laid back on the L shaped couch with an amused smile.
“why bother when i know half the time you show up uninvited and just let yourselves in?” you smirked as alessia arrived, flanked by your wife who was fiddling nervously with her wedding ring, the only telltale sign of her worries as her face remained unbothered.
“it’s not breaking and entering if you use a key!” ella replied in a duh tone, kissing your cheek hello and sinking down into the opposite side of the lounge. “i really don’t think that defence will hold up in court tooney.” mary patted the girls shoulder with a chuckle.
“hello daughter!” you greeted the tall blonde with a smile as alessia made an instant beeline for you, and you watched marys eyes widen as she realised less would likely flop on top of you for a bear hug as she normally did.
you’d been able to avoid it for the last few weeks, always making sure you were stood when she’d arrive and initiating the hug so she wouldn’t grow suspicious. alessia and you always had quite a close bond from the moment you met her, the blonde gravitating toward you even more than she had to mary which you often happily used to wind up your very pouty wife.
“not today less! got an upset stomach.” you managed to lie quickly and held out your hands to stop her before mary could speak, the younger girl nodding in understanding and instead sitting right beside you and pulling you into a hug.
“so what are we watching then?” ella clapped, moving her feet to rest on the coffee table as mary swiftly kicked them off, moving to stand in front of her. it was an unspoken sunday tradition between the four of you that every sunday the two young footballers would come to your home for a roast dinner, so you’d strategically planned to tell them about the pregnancy on a sunday so there wasn’t any sort of alarm bell raised and nothing was out of order.
“strictly come dancing obviously, and the roasts in the oven! but first, we have a present for the two of you.” mary announced with a clap, gesturing for alessia to move to sit closer to ella before she popped out of the room.
the two girls immediately launched question after question at you which you only answered with a shake of your head and a smile, refusing to give anything away.
though mary was quick to return, balancing two large white boxes in her hands. “oo is it a cake!” ella asked excitedly with wide eyes, making grabby hands as mary carefully handed each girl their box.
“find out for yourselves, at the same time now!” mary smiled softly at the girls before moving her affectionate gaze your way, her eyes dropping down to your stomach which was well hidden behind a baggy old england jersey.
“er look this is dead cute and all but i think these might be a bit small for us!” tooney frowned as she moved aside the crete paper and picked up the tiny man united jersey with her last name and number on the back.
“are you serious?” alessia of course caught on right away, looking in between you and mary with wide eyes full of shock and jaw slackened. “very serious.” you answered softly, sending mary a lovesick smile as ellas frown deepened and she stared down at the jersey in her hands wondering what she was missing.
then finally, the ball dropped.
“surprise!” you cheered, both you and mary unable to keep the shit eating smiles off your faces at their screams of excitement. the two girls rushed to mary first, tackling their team mate and showering her with congratulations.
then it was your turn next and you winced as both girls jumped almost on top of you. “oi idiots watch it! she’s pregnant!” mary hurried over and pulled them off, helping you to stand as instead both girls squeezed you in a very tight and loving hug.
“how far along?” ella asked with a grin, bouncing happily on the balls of her feet. “seventeen weeks.” you revealed and if their jaws hadn’t already hit the floor by now they certainly did at that reveal, both girls exploding into questions and scoffs of disbelief you hadn’t told them sooner.
but those all fell silent as mary gave you a look and you nodded, your wife carefully lifting up the jersey to reveal your bulging stomach. “oh my god you’re SHOWING?” alessia squealed, both her and ella ducking their heads to gently kiss your stomach which made you laugh and playfully shove their heads away.
“do you know what you’re having?” ella asked with a beaming grin as you and mary nodded. “but you’ll have to wait until the gender reveal to find out, we aren’t telling anyone until then, not even our mums.” mary explained as she kissed the side of your head with a soft smile, rubbing your back affectionately.
“can we feel? is that a weird question?” ella asked with a concerned frown and you shook your head, grabbing one of each of their hands and placing it carefully on your stomach as mary watched on protectively, holding up your jersey out of the way.
a few seconds passed before ella screamed and quickly pulled her hand away, scaring alessia who stumbled backwards and almost fell down if not for mary scrambling to grab and steady her.
“was that a kick?” ella asked in shock as you nodded, taking both of her hands this time and placing them on your stomach, the girl squealing in delight as she once more felt the baby kick, alessia swiftly elbowing her out of the way for her own turn.
“stop it! both of you.” you chuckled as they began to bicker, silencing them with a firm look as mary sighed lovingly.
“my love you are going to be the best mum.”
“hey lessi, can we chat for a second?” you murmured quietly to the younger girl as ella disappeared to help your wife clean up after dinner, all of you having finished for the night.
“come on.” you nodded for her to follow you, stepping out and moving to sit on your patio, groaning slightly as you bent down to take a seat on the stairs, alessia right beside you.
“so. you and I have always had quite the bond yeah?” you started with a soft smile, bumping your shoulder into the strikers who nodded happily in agreement. it was true, from the moment mary had joined united and become quite close with the girls you’d always had a particularly strong connection within both ella and alessia.
but alessia reminding you a lot of your own younger sister molly and without the girl having ever had sisters of her own you found you’d taken her under your wing, mary often joking more like mother and daughter as you smacked her and would always remind she was older than you.
“now look i am about to ask you something but i need you to know that there isn’t any pressure at all about a yes, or even any sort of answer for a few weeks.” you continued, the blondes eyes now narrowing in concern as she still nodded along none the less.
“right.” alessia confirmed hesitantly, rubbing her hands on her knees as she awaited what was to come next.
“obviously the baby is going to have a lot of aunties, but would you like to be the godmother?”
a tense silence followed after that question, alessia opening and closing her mouth like a fish as she struggled to find the words.
“yes, absolutely yes oh my god!” the girl threw herself at you in a hug, though careful not to hit you too hard as you squeezed her tightly. “but you can’t tell anyone, not even tooney. mary and I are still working out who else we ask, we’d like to have four godparents, two from either side of our circles.” you explained as alessia assured over and over she completely understood, kissing your cheek and pulling you into another tight hug.
“…can i still tell tooney I’m definitely going to be the favourite aunt though?”
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feelo-fick · 7 months
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"Oh, FINALLY, another visitor! It's so quiet in here, it's unnerving..."
This AU was meant to be posted on halloween but eh.... Happy Thanksgiving? HAHAHHA
still dont have a name for it, but basically, back in october i was suddenly hit with the need to have a halloween au, so now we have ghost-ified prismo and vampire/witch-ified scarab :D ( although didnt finish the scarab reference spread in time because uh, school and i lost motivation unfortunately )
au synopsis and rambling below the cut!!
the premise of this au is simple : scarab is a real estate agent whos known for his manners ( never barges in, always waits to be invited! though it is a little weird how he keeps asking to be let inside even if they already agreed that he was going to come over... ) and efficiency at his job - that is, convincing people to buy high-end housing for a good price. although his social skills need some... work, his ability to persuade people isnt something to be laughed at.
unfortunately for him, persuading the higher-ups is a completely different story - which he learned the hard way after flunking something big for the company. they dont choose to fire him, no. instead, they put him through a trial, assigning him to sell their most unprofitable property : the mansion in a small town locally known for being haunted by an "evil spirit". if scarab manages to sell it (for good profit) within six months, he is excused and is able to go on with his job. if not... well, best not to think about it, yes? after all, he'll succeed with ease - all he has to do is dispel any worries about some fake "ghost" that only exists as a result of filthy rumors. maybe clean up the place. not too hard, right?
meanwhile, stuck inside said mansion is an extremely bored prismo. hes been hangin around this place for like... how many years now? forty? a hundred? meh, all the same, lately the place has been quieter than usual. i mean- of course people dont just walk into a creepy mansion every day, but there would usually be at least a few bold kids or vloggers coming in now and then for him to entertain but even then they wouldn't stay long ( for obvious reasons ). and now, just some unbound spirits or dumb animals would pass by and thats about it. a guy can only entertain himself for so long, yknow?
that is, until today. when some posh-looking business man entered the premises and started snooping around ( whats the deal with that, by the way?? ). must be prismo's lucky day!! this is the perfect chance to pull out all the stops and play the FUNNIEST prank ever! hah!
... oh. looks like things've gotten a little out of hand.
WOOT WOOT WOOTTTTTTTTTTT!!! im so so happy to finish this because ohhhhh my god this has taken ages for no reason other than the fact that ive been really dragging myself to make presentable art JSNDJSJXNSJX.... i realize that i have never worked in real estate ( or at all ) which means i have probably fucked something up but uhh um ill deal with the backlash later :"D im also realizing how many odd unanswered bits and bobs this au is going to have in the future, which... i am ignoring for the most part for now, but there are SOME things that i DO have figured out like ghost lore... but thats for another time, for now i leave you with this >:)
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spicymushroomz · 5 months
Baby, I’m Jealous
Sebastian Sallow x Ravenclaw!GN!Reader
Synopsis: You get asked out by a guy from Ravenclaw and a certain brunette is not happy at all
Not Proofread
All Characters aged up to 18.
Word Count: 1056
Warnings: Jealousy, not historically accurate, Sebastian is aware of readers feelings, no use of y/n, use of an oc love rival, rushed pacing, making out, probably bad writing.
Author’s Note: Omg im so sorry for not posting. Ive been rlly stressed and dealing with #issues lately so im so very sorry. Please enjoy this little sebastian sallow fic (p.s. I might make this into an actual fleshed out fic if y’all enjoy this!)
Well, this was certainly an unusual day.
You sat down at the Slytherin table to eat with Ominis and Sebastian like usual, talking about various gossip going around lately, and discussing what shenanigans you might get up to later.
“No Sebastian, I am not sneaking into Scribner’s desk to find her weird demented romance books.” Said Ominis sternly.
“But Ominis! It’s for the greater good!” Pleaded Sebastian as you giggled at the two of their antics.
You had started hanging out with them after Sebastian showed you the Undercroft. 2 years back, even after all you went through, you stuck by each other. After these 2 years, it was no surprise you were in love with Sebastian. Even from the beginning you thought he was gorgeous, and Sebastian wouldn’t have it any other way.
You see, Sebastian had been aware of your little crush since the day he showed you the undercroft. He saw the blush on your face as he taught you confringo. He thought you looked great when you were flustered. It’s why for the past few weeks he’s been teasing you, whispering softly in your ear, fleeting touches, and sometimes you could’ve sworn you caught him staring at you. (Not that he would admit that anyways)
You desperately hoped he would ask you out, but as the days went by that hope dwindled. You couldn’t really blame him though, especially because he was trying so hard to look for a cure for his Sister, Anne.
You silently resigned yourself to a quiet, single life forever. Or at least, until you got over Sebastian. (Which might as well be forever)
Which is what leads us to this very strange, peculiar day. As Sebastian continued to plead with Ominis to go steal Scribner’s weird romance books, they failed to notice Dmitri Lockhart, another 7th year in Ravenclaw.
You met him on your first day, he was kind, if not a little cocky, and mostly everyone liked him. Apparently, he was the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team’s beater. You thought he was fairly handsome, with his toned body, fluffy blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes. However you didn’t think he held a candle to Sebastian in terms of looks.
He sauntered over to the Slytherin Table, sliding in next to you.
“Hey there, [name].” He greeted.
“Hey Dmitri.” You greeted back. Sebastian clenched his jaw, his eyes lingering on how Dmitri’s arm was touching yours.
“So listen, I was thinking that maybe we could-well maybe we could go to Hogsmeade sometime this weekend?” He asked, stuttering a little bit. You were impressed by his straightforwardness but you wanted to refuse. As sweet as the boy was, you would rather hang out with Sebastian.
Which speaking of, was seething with jealousy. How dare Dmitri think he can just saunter over here and ask you out, especially because that’s what Sebastian was planning to do.
Sebastian looked at you, the faint blush on your cheeks made you look ravishing. What he wouldn’t give to kiss you there and then. But then this guy had to come over and make everything difficult. Sebastian knew that in the end it was your decision, so he just had to sit there and take it.
You smiled softly at Dmitri, and let him down gently. “I’m sorry Dmitri, but I’m afraid I already have feelings for someone else.” You said, glancing at Sebastian.
Dmitri nodded. “That can’t be helped then, sorry [name] see you later.” He said, getting up and walking back to the Ravenclaw table.
Sebastian smirked smugly. Of course you chose him over Dmitri, you were smart after all. He looked at you with dark eyes, like at any moment he would gobble you up.
“Excuse us Ominis, me and [name] need to go have a private discussion.” said Sebastian, leaving the table and gesturing for you to come with him.
Ominis sighed, hoping that whatever you guys were going to do, you would at least save some space for Jesus.
Sebastian dragged you out of the great hall and into a small corridor nearby.
“Where are we going?” You asked, excited. Sebastian looked at you with hungry eyes.
“[Name], I’m in love with you.” You turned red. This was not what you were expecting. You had no time to process before he hit you with a blunt question. “May I kiss you?” He asked frantically, his eyes fleeting from your lips to your eyes.
You were even more shocked, your brain short circuiting but still managing a small nod.
Sebastian wasted no time. Hungrily, he dove for a taste of your lips. He was like a starved man, having a meal for the first time in a month. He couldn’t get enough. He ravished you, not letting you come up for air for what felt like hours. His hands had wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
He needed you closer to him. You drove him crazy, everything about you. From your lips, to your eyes, to the perfect shape of your body, everything. Everything about you was perfect for him.
When you finally looked at eachother, out of breath from the kissing, you were an utter mess. Dazed, and in a state of bliss you had no idea if this was real or the best dream you’ve ever had.
“I love you.” said Sebastian softly, “I always have.”
Realizing this was all real, and not some strange dream, you replied. “I love you too, I always will.”
Author: I know this is cringy, but I have been craving just a cringy little fic lately. It’s also nice to ease me back into writing after a short break.
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The school year finally ended... I hate college SO much :( but I am alive!! I beg for some crumbs of thoughts on Sunday... -chubby darling anon who is very much alive and finally got a mitsuri scale figure <3
putting all of my other fics, blurbs, and asks on PAUSE for this!! congrats!! no more school foorrr… 3ish months!! after dropping out of uni, i’ve been finally considering going back myself for phlebotomy!! canadas health situation is lack lustre rn and the course is less than one year + paid practicum + immediate job placement which is kinda sweet… CONGRATS ON THE FIGURE TOO!! i recently (like a month and a half ago) procured the hatsune miku jirai kei subculture fashion figure and i cannot stress how pretty she is <3 sits on my pc right now bc my shelves are full… ANYWAYS… love you!!
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includes: silly sunday hcs, potential story spoilers, maybe ooc im still feeling him out, praise, degradation, riding crops, his hands…, and gender neutral reader!!
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very poignantly the hopeless romantic type. he’s always functioned as a ‘singularity’ of sorts and over the years developed a certain fondness of it, even if it hurts. it’s worth noting he vividly reminds me of the line ‘i miss the comfort in being sad,’ from nirvanas ‘Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle.’ he’s the type of partner to always be stuck in that self-absorbed martyr mindset a little bit.
pragmatic to a fault. Sunday is deeply a skeptic, take his departure from the harmony in favour of the order, as an example. it’s cool because it means you’ll never have to worry about any technicalities but it also means he has a hard time letting go of control or being spontaneous.
very into more subtle romantic gestures and an absolute gentleman. you’ll have flowers at your door at least once a week and he makes sure to take all of your preferences into consideration when planning dates (he will be the one planning). keeps his hand on your lower back most of the time, the waist is far too scandalous!!
not a big texter. he prefers speaking face to face and will call if he can’t come see you. that said, he’ll make sure to like or respond to all of the silly pictures and messages you send, even if it’s a dry ‘haha’ or just a heart. occasionally, you’ll find that he’s sent you a letter, ask about and he’ll shrug and say he simply wanted something more heartfelt if he’s to communicate written. he’s got a special stamp to seal the ones he sends you.
grabs your phone when you go to show him something. no explanation i just feel it in my bones.
although he’s no singer, he’s still a classically trained musician. i imagine he was taught the violin but went on to learn his preferred instrument, the harp, himself. he’s a bit shy about playing so rather than asking, just wait until he thinks it’s late and you’re not around to hear; he’s got quite the set of fingers.
…speaking of fingers, my bread and butter, he’s beyond skilled with playing you. while he enjoys getting down to business, getting to leisurely spread you open and thrum against all your nerves gets him going. could spend hours having you laid out, in his lap, on the floor, wherever, just gently coaxing you open, wet, and pliant for himself.
off of that, he likes you best worn down to soft edges and weak desperation. getting to play the saviour, making you come undone, has him stiff in his pants.
lots of sweet praise and subtle degradation. things like, “you want to be good for me, don’t you my sweet?,” or, “now, now, don’t get greedy on me. be patient, silly thing, and i’ll appease all of your foolish whims,” annddd, “come now, you’ve been so well for me, angel, don’t ruin that with any useless whines.”
he’s not one for being too harsh against you but push the right buttons and you’ll get a ‘dumb’ or ‘stupid’ here and there. Sunday doesn’t curse but he knows his way around how to make you feel inferior and looked down upon.
he likes the power play of staying fully and pristinely clothed while your completely nude, save for maybe a pretty collar he’s got you belled with. if you’re real trouble, say maybe a no good criminal causing problems on Penacony and once arrested you’re at his disposal and oh so pretty, he’ll find a nice muzzle to fix you with.
strikes, no pun intended, me as the type to have an affinity for riding crops over anything else for punishments. you’ll get the same sugarcoated degradation while he comments on how you’re not even good enough to be so close to his gloved hand that he just must use the crop!! (he likes the pretty bruises it leaves).
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kekisu · 4 months
a very popular headcanon people have (i Think its popular. at least a lot of my twitter mutuals agreed with me a while back) is that joker comes from inaba, and if youve played p4 you know that theres literally nothing to do there
so a big headcanon that i used to be obsessed with is that he would spend a lot of his days skateboarding or biking around listening to music and exploring old dirt roads.. and he ended up getting a special interest in bugs and reptiles because hed come across so many during his little solo adventures. hes also very well versed in fishing its not a fixation or anything but just something hes pretty good at
this is why i tend to draw joker like some sort of skater boy. i think hes always stood out a lot in this small town even before the false assault charge, like he wasnt disliked or bullied but he just didnt really fit in. and this didnt bother him. i think he only realized how boring his life was when he became a phantom thief and got all these new friends in this new big city that understood him despite the circumstances that led him here. like man i really used to live like that and see nothing wrong with it? i didnt yearn for more?
it makes it even more painful when he has to leave and they naturally drift apart. because they all have dreams and ambitions, and the best years of their lives are waiting for them around the corner. but joker is back in this small town where theres nothing to do but hang out in some food court or poke around in the woods. i imagine this newfound loneliness is really hard on him, not to mention the guilt for feeling like hes somehow to blame for. well, whatever happened with goro
to me personally i think goro lived. i think he mustered up the perseverance to bite and claw his way out of shidos palace after seeing that even someone like him has a chance at being loved, he just didnt really remember this in marukis reality because it was all a blur. so both goro and joker were completely clueless as to what his fate would be if they went back to their true reality, which is what was so scary. the uncertainty. he could very well be dead but how could they know for sure? i just dont like the thought of him dying before he could truly live, even though i understand the tragedy of it can be poetic, i just cant stand for him going out like that because i relate a lot to his struggles. and i think it would go against the overall positive message of p5r. sure not everybody gets to have a second chance or a happy ending, but. man. anyways
joker fully believes goro is dead though. he wouldnt be crazy to assume this considering how they parted ways in shidos palace. but it eats away at him and maybe he really does go crazy. maybe his life feels like its stuck in time and while his old friends are out chasing their dreams, hes stuck. broken and shattered over feeling like he couldve done something to save him, knowing jokers savior/martyr complex
im running out of steam and i didnt mean to ramble on about my post-p5r headcanons but, to wrap it up: goro is in rehab somewhere and has a service dog to help with his dissociation and mood swings. and a couple other stuff. he feels like if he walks back into jokers life itll mess something up like joker will just break down or something. so he keeps his distance until they cross paths again. im just very obsessed with the idea of goro getting his life together vs joker wanting so badly to chase that high of phantom thievery again but failing and being actually so depressed
man morgana must be exhausted
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lovebvni · 6 months
things to look forward to + ways to move forward!! <3
hello, lovelies!! i’m finally doing a pick-a-pile on this blog… after about half a year of being active
this pap will be answering 2 questions, but they have multiple parts. what’s coming in (from what i can see) and ways to get to it.
disclaimer: this pac isn’t legal advice or what you should do in your life. it is just based off your current energy. and that can change. purely for entertainment purposes.
now please, close your eyes and take a deep breath. wait until you see a swirl of colour to exhale. let your breath and spirit guide you to a pile.
piles 1 -> 2 -> 3
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pile 1 — find it inside
hello, pile 1! here’s your reading :)
how close is your reward?
your reward is very close. 6 of pentacles coming out makes me have the vision on a banker grabbing their papers being put together before handing the recipient, you! maybe there’s like two more things you have to sign, or bring those documents to someone else, but at most im getting that there’s about 3 more steps left in the process? 4 at most. but seriously, you are close!
the papers can be to finally get your new business started… are you starting something like a business pile one? material wealth is coming through. the justice card comes to mind — perhaps in a legal argument with someone? i think this is the success about to come. or at least a satisfactory agreement.
what do you need to remove from your energy?
being too ambitious. you’re almost toooo focused and driven. are you cutting people off or isolating yourself from people and friends? honey you need a support group. it’s not always good to do things alone. you aren’t in a cage. your tunnel vision is too stuck on this goal you’re trying to reach. you need a breath of fresh air. just take a moment to relax and have a fun time. even students need a break from school, why do you think we have weekends? you’re wearing yourself out.
what do you need to accept?
finishing touches make everything look better. this is the final steps. just because i’m saying “oh you have abt 3 more steps” didn’t mean those are big steps. those are teeny steps. but material wealth(or a legal win) is coming either way, no matter what you change in the end. just trust the process.
a new focus & what to reject
stick to your plan! don’t back out of it last minute because you don’t like how it’s turning out. you need a BREAK! take a step back! but this doesn’t mean let everyone get into your business. keep it to yourself for now. it’s gonna work out, though!
thanks for reading, pile one! i hope this resonates, and i wish you the best!! now go have fun! stop working yourself overtime!
confirmation/additional signs: “don’t compare yourself to others”, don’t let others control you, have your own path and stick to it, “have some sort of tunnel vision”, the colour red, “girl trip!”, painting, “i need you to take a step back before i knock you on your fucking ass” — elita’s mentally not here, 555.
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pile 2 — gift from the gods
hello, pile two! this is your reading!
first off, i’m doing this reading with my friend nile (nile says hi bc nile always says hi 💯) and they said they REALLY felt the need to touch on ur overall energy. so here’s what they said!
“With the number of face cards that are in this spread, and the general theme I thought about while pulling out the cards, it seems like pile 2 is the type to ask others for 2nd and 3rd opinions alot? I mainly thought about family members but it could easily be like, friends, classmates, school counselors/teachers, etc. Pile 2 maybe feels like they're conflicted because they're getting way different opinions on something (or maybe that's the normal dynamic) and they aren't sure which one is good advice and which one isn't”
don’t second guess urself 😡😡 ur intuition is always right!
how close is your reward?
this idea is brand new, isn’t it? some something you just decided to try, to dabble in. to dip your toes in, maybe as a distraction? i feel like this is something you decided to do on a whim, so maybe you’re not that far along with it. i mean you aren’t even in the pool yet… how can you start swimming? so, i would say about a 1-3 out of ten.
what do you need to remove from your energy?
wow, fear of some sort of older male figure. you may have an older sibling, nile got a brother or a cousin. they have divine masculine energy. they may or may not be a male, though. they may be someone who reaches out when they need something from you. you need to learn to start saying no to them. i also think that this could be where your double and triple checking could come in. are you someone who asks “should i do this for them?” and most of your friends say no, but you only need that one yes and you’ll take it? why would you do that to urself :( it’s so harmful to give away your energy without gaining.
nile also brought up inner voices, “inner voices that has that sort of vibe, but this is the energy of a young, mean-spirited, holier-than-thou, smart-ass that moreso likes to spout their own ideals than to actually consider what is pile 2's idea of a 'reward'” and you know what i say to this energy? SUCK ON MY DICK!
sorry. that was out of pocket. but tell them to get a life, and cut them off !!
what do you need to accept?
have u had a romantic offer? or do you think someone’s attracted to you? grab them 🤭 get ur man!! this person may also be an important friend. maybe friends w benefits? that was js a side thought. but focus on them, accept them into your life, and allow them to make your life better! i also get the feeling they could have darker hair (dirty blonde at the lightest)!! masculine energy btw!
i got the need to ask if yall r gay but 💀💀 ok girl u slay!! i’m gay too!! dw!! nblm here girly 🤞🫶‼️
a new focus & what to reject
an older, calm spirit. they could be a father or grandfather — but they could also be the person in the romantic offer trying to support you. they may advice you to focus on the here and now rather than the future or the past. stay grounded in your truth and your faith. spend some time in nature, too! you really just need a minute to take a break.
is there a person with extroverted, wild energy? they may be an energy vampire. they could be a friend of a friend, and they might spread rumors around a lot. but don’t waste too much time with them. they could make you physically sick.
that’s all i have for you, pile two! i hope your messages resonated!! have fun :)
confirmation/additional signs: “on those we call”, rapunzel’s healing song, past lives, ancestors guidance, black panther, a calming energy, (air or water sign?), the colour purple (movie + colour), issues being grounded (root chakra?), Oh No! by Marina, knowing what you want but not knowing how to get there, knowing why you make actions you don’t want to, beating yourself up, spiritually, 555.
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pile 3 — black cat, do you belong?
hello pile 3!! this is ur reading :)
how close is your reward?
i also heard goal, by the way, so this may have been something you’ve been working to for a while. your card was knight of wands. homestretch, almost. i keep thinking of soccer/football. that may be something you’re into, but i’m gonna use sports references now.
this is the final quarter, not even. there’s 3 minute left in the game. you know you can win this! i feel like you’re almost too carefree in this moment though. i mean you have a carefree spirit, so that’s good! but you need more focus. overall, i would rate you the highest of any pile, a 9! at the least it’s a 9, at the most you’re literally on the last step.
what do you need to remove from your energy?
nile and i both thought it was weird/important that ace of wands came out. this is a card that obviously symbolizes new beginnings, and it’s probably the most creative card too. it shows swiftness and excitement in a challenge. you need to remove your carefreeness just for a moment to be able to grab the ace of wands from the hand of the universe. i feel like you’re being a bit lazy, so don’t! reignite your passion!
this is what nile said btw (it genuinely made me laugh 💀)
“pile 3 shouldn't just think about what they want - they should act on it! I really don't have much else to say, maybe pile 3's guides think that there's no other way to say it - it's a one way or the other type of thing, you do it or you don't - chop chop”
what do you need to accept?
5 of wands is usually about fights and rivalry, but in this context nile got sports, and i totally agree.
i mean, sports already came up in this pile for you guys already, so i feel like spirit is saying join a club or do something with other people!! stop isolating yourself! you need to do something competitive, primarily because you like fighting in a friendly way (maybe sometimes a violent way! anger issues).
if there isn’t a sport you can join, maybe because of finances or time issues, be competitive! race against yourself! do something that makes you feel good!
“if not sports, then something at the very least that gives pile 3 a sense of competition; something that makes them feel like they have to put their best foot forward to reap the best rewards! this isn't something that will wait for them if they do things half-a-step, every once in awhile kind of pace or attitude.”
a new focus & what to reject
focus on relationships. i want to say i get the feeling most of u guys are shifter and shifting for someone, but i could just be biased and projecting bc this like really resonates and resembles me in a lot of ways — and it’s scary!
anyways, there’s some romance in this pile. someone who has a calm spirit, maybe cold on the outside but warm on the inside. they may have been sending you signs that you haven’t been picking up much. or maybe you have been picking them up but you aren’t making an effort to reach out or you just forget easily. i totally get that, by the way, but try to put some time and focus into this romantic offer! even if it’s not in this reality, or in your mind (be delulu, and may it become trululu). nile also got this person may not want a romantic offer, but idk abt that one. getting a strong sense this is a romantic offer.
ok, sports coming through again! maybe you’ve been thinking about them a lot, but for some reason it’s in the context of something to reject. maybe this is a coach or a controlling person in a sporting way? maybe someone from your past? someone who thinks with his head, not his heart. they aren’t very emotional, and they could be cruel to you.
“maybe pile 3 is getting offers for more than one team/group? if that's the case, then I think pile 3's guides is saying to avoid the one(s) that have no-nonsense, frownie face leaders, the type of person to cut down any chances of fun and straight-up running things like a marine. whoever this is, they're way too tough on everyone else and they're allergic to fun, their authoritative stance prevents the teammates from develop a bond with each other, and this energy would probably damper pile 3's motivation.”
i’m gonna be so for real, pile 3, i had to hold off posting this pick-a-card because of yall — it’s not bad, by the way! it’s just that something that i need to say to you guys — its a personal message, i believe. i was talking to a friend, sigyn (love u girl, even if you don’t see this), and she made me think about my own journey with shifting and breaking out of a shell. i said these words: “but man, even tho i’m scared, i don’t care, because my happiness… no, im worth more than fear.”
i feel like this was what i was missing no matter what happens, no matter how scared you are of success or messing up, you are worth more than fear. it cannot hold you. and, as i said before, do it with fear. be like miles morales, jump off that roof fucking BACKWARDS. fear cannot control you, you control it. omg i’m about to cry, but you guys, fear is not all. i promise you this. if you need to talk about fear and how to get over it, send me an ask and i’ll dm you. this is not the end of this journey, nah man, this is the beginning of your life. i love you pile 3.
that’s all i got for you, pile three! wishing you the best, and i rlly hope your work pays off before the new year :) i know how hard it is to keep motivation, and keep moving after such a long time of hard work, but know it will all pay off in the end. nothing {bad} can last forever, as all things must come to an end.
confirmation/additional signs: football, hockey, sports in general, Doja Cat, fire truck (victim of sa), food, especially salads or greens, “almost there”, “i can’t give up now; i have to prove them wrong,” getting back what you lost, anger issues, self doubt, the colour blue (throat chakra?), 2020 music 💀💀 (my heart went oops by tiagz came on…! and so did savage by megan thee stallion), chaos, thriving in chaos, not from the us, barbie, sia, black and white, contrasting colours, i know better by noahfinnce — “and i won’t stop running until i hear the sirens coming…”, not stopping until you get to your goal, “i’m just ken” — ryan gosling, 69, miles morales, impulsive decisions, 555, 999, alien blues.
thank yall for reading my first pac on this blog !! it was really fun, and i hope to do it again soon <3
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we-are-inevitable · 17 days
RIGHT OK SO FIRST THINGS FIRST: guys this au feels like a lovechild between me n pidge im not even kidding. i love everything about it and pidge thank YOU for all of the input
if you have any questions about this au, please ask!! i could talk about it all day!!
jack and davey are both sophomores in [insert fictional cliche college here] college, around 20 years old.
jack is a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity, and is pretty actively involved in the fraternity. he and his friends (no newsies) are the quintessential frat boys. he pledged, he went through hazing and initiation, he goes to date parties with sorority girls and goes to formals and has chapter meetings every week. he’s immersed in frat life because he thrives on connection. he likes it enough. it’s fine. it’s not really fulfilling the way he needs it to be, but that’s okay.
davey, however, is the furthest away from frat life. he lives in the dorms- at least until he and his friends move into a little house off-campus after sophomore year- and is still an active student, just not in greek life. he’s in the student council for his college, he’s in the queer activist organization on campus, he takes a fuck ton of courses each semester- he’s a successful student. he’s also incredibly visibly queer. he wears makeup, he lives in platform doc martens, he wears weird jewelry and skirts and develops a much more alternative style as the year goes on, which jack witnesses.
the important thing here is: jack is straight until he’s not.
the friendship is just something that kind of happens. in that speech class, they’re paired by the professor to do a ten minute speech debating opposite sides of an issue together, and they meet outside of class three times to iron out the details- but each meeting ends up getting longer and longer because they get stuck talking to each other instead of working. one meeting ends with jack having to make a ten minute walk in six minutes to avoid being late for chapter because he was so enchanted by his conversation with the weird queer with the big smile.
and the friendship progresses even after the project. they get closer and closer despite being so different and jack finds himself excited for class every week because he knows he gets to walk with davey to the union. and maybe it’s kind of nervewracking, and maybe his friends make jokes about jack walking with a queer when they see it, but being around davey makes it worth it.
long story short, this is a fic about jack growing into himself. he finds his family in davey and his friends- racer, charlie, kath, al, etc.- and comes to terms with his own identity. this is a love letter to the queer community and focuses a lot of first loves and found family and i love it SO much
thank you pidge!!
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dourpeep · 2 years
being so used to hardass mean roommate kunikuzushi that when u come home really late one night for whatever reason ur shocked to find him crying in his sleep. and then comforting hin bc ydk what else to do. im normal about him.
- mean xiao (hi lol)
omg! Welcome back mean xiao anon!! You have been missed nodnod--I hope that you were able to get the peep you were trying to get (I've forgotten who idhfoiseh but I remember you were rolling for someone last time you were hanging out around here ehe)
AND ALSO ALSO ALSO are you excited?? It's finally time-
Scaramouche is coming home and all Scara wanters are going to be Scara havers def not because most Scara wanters have been waiting for years now and have been saving up since his initial appearance. some people's resolve scares me
gimme a moment I got side tracked again- (also going back after writing, I honestly intended to put more comfort but as you know roommate Scara has a mind of his own, so we'll just say that he and reader aren't really close yet)
Honey Milk Tea
Summary: You're tired, it's late, and your usually pain-in-the-ass roommate...is crying? Contains: Modern au, roommates, roommate!Scaramouche, fluff, comfort (??), awkward roommate situations, maybe a little bit of underlying feelings whether platonic or romantic-
You had to stay later for work again today.
Something happened and, for reasons that you'd rather be unaware of, the night crew called out (again, for the second time within a week), so you were stuck until your coworker could come in nearly three hours after your shift should've ended. A heavy sigh heaves, following the familiar gesture of your key turning in the door's lock, and you finally relax the moment you step into your apartment.
Unsurprisingly, it's dark.
Scaramouche likely retired a while ago, you note, considering that the clock’s hands are pointed decidedly at a time that you’d rather be in bed yourself.
With a stretch, you shuck off your shoes and coat. They’re set besides the entrance, and you know that you’ll get an earful later about leaving your stuff laying around, but the effort required to put them up in the entryway closet seems just a little bit too much to handle. You’ll make sure to apologize in the form of a cup of coffee if you manage to get up before him.
Though...you look at it one more time before deciding that you’re satisfied with the halfheartedly folded article of clothing.
It’s another minute before you finally walk into the combined living area and kitchen, and then another before you decide against a midnight snack despite the tempting idea of a quick meal to make your way towards the small hallway leading to the rooms. The longer that you spend awake, the longer that you’ll have to wait until you’re comfortable and asleep in bed, after all. Or, at least that the logic that you decided on tonight.
And then, you hear the soft sound of breathing.
There, on the couch, cheek pressed into the armrest and legs dangling haphazardly off, is your roommate. In the dimness of the apartment, you easily could have mistaken him for a stray blanket. But the closer you get (careful to take as quiet steps as possible) the easier it is to squint and see his familiar features.
He shifts, and for a moment you’re worried that you woke him, until he settles. Bangs falling from where they sat tucked behind his ear, he mumbles.
Who knew he talked in his sleep?
You hold your own breath, hesitating in your spot when his brows scrunch up and his arm drags to rest across his forehead.
“...should breathe.”
Scaramouche’s expression shifts, the corners of his lips tugging down and you wonder about what he’s dreaming of. He must be, since he shows no sign of acknowledging you, right? His frown deepens while you’re left in your thoughts and, if you didn’t know better, you’d ask him what’s wrong.
But the silence continues and he shifts until he’s properly laid across the couch (good for him, you muse).
You know. You should probably go ahead and go to sleep yourself. Change out of your work clothes, maybe do a few stretches to relieve the ache in your back, and close your eyes. Except...you can’t seem to tear yourself away. Not when Scaramouche suddenly whimpers.
It’s a soft sound, pained and almost resigned. Like an eon’s worth of waiting only to be disappointed, but still being vulnerable enough for it to hurt.
His features relax, if only a bit, but the frown stays.
“...you promised...”
Suddenly, he looks hurt.
He turns on his side and his arm falls from his head down in front of his chest, fingers twitching.
It’s then that he starts to cry.
A tear beads and slips down from the corner of his eye, just enough to catch whatever meager light rests in the darkness, and wets the worn fabric of the couch. Another follows, and another.
And then, Scaramouche awakens.
He sits up straight, furiously rubbing at his eyes with white-knuckled fists even though the tears don’t stop. They continue to slip past.
“Shit. Shit-”
Tearing away from his face, he hits the back of the couch, eyes shut tight and teeth worrying at a wobbling lip he’d really rather not have. You could only imagine why, all things considered.
And you only imagined for a little bit longer before you were met with a furious glare.
“Why are you here? Go the fuck to sleep already.”
You didn’t want to ask, not that you weren’t curious. So, instead you offer a hopefully reassuring smile.
“Late shift. I had to cover for Jamie because they called out. Same with Bryce.”
The silence that follows is uncomfortable.
It’s weird to see your roommate so vulnerable—a few tears still streaming down his flushed cheeks from red and puffy eyes despite the clearly inconvenienced expression. Maybe it was the late hour, or perhaps the extra three hours, but you found yourself doing something you didn’t expect.
“...are you alright?”
He prickles at that, visibly. But then the tears start up anew and his shoulders shake in silence and he turns away to try to rid himself of them. 
“I know we don’t really talk much, but I’m always ready to listen if you need it. Really.”
Scaramouche shakes his head, pointedly keeping himself face away from you, but you see the way that his shoulders loosen.
The moment that his tears reduce to sniffles, he stands up.
It takes only about ten large strides for him to make his way across the living area to the kitchen sink. After a few splashes of cold water and a vigorous wiping with a handful of paper towels, he finally takes in a deep breath.
“There’s no need to waste words on something that’s in the past.”
The light turns on with a click and your apartment floods with light. Leaning against the counter with crossed arms, he still refuses to meet your eyes.
“It’s whatever. Do you want a cup, or not?”
Despite the underlying discomfort, Scaramouche forgoes your lack of an answer to fish two mugs from the cabinet, crossing over to fill the kettle with water and clicking the stovetop on. You watch as he grabs a box of chamomile from the side and sets a bag in each mug before tapping his fingers impatiently against the countertop.
The water comes to a boil much quicker than expected, and before you know it there’s a fresh, warm cup of honey milk tea pushed in front of you.
Nursing his own close to his face, Scaramouche watches you. He takes a sip.
“It tastes better when it’s still hot.”
“Oh--right, thank you.”
And it really does.
You take a deep drink, relishing in the light sweetness and comfort, missing the way that he seems to relax more at your acceptance, how he seems to not look away from you once. The drink is finished too soon for either of your liking.
When you thank him again, he shrugs it off, setting your cup besides his in the sink to deal with in the morning.
Soon enough, the lights flick back off and the two of you head down the hall to part ways.
It’s not until your door closes and he’s sure you’re occupied with getting ready for bed that he mutters a quiet thank you to the quiet hall. Tonight, he’s sure that his dreams will be sweeter.
Note: I like to think he's pretty bad at feelings so he goes about resolving things himself and by that I mean burying them in the form of making a cup of tea in hopes of calming his nerves
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vaniloqu3nce · 1 year
Yoko Headcanons Pt 3. (this has been in my draft for a while)
Yoko isn’t a big romcom fan but Enid and Divina are so her and Wednesday end up watching them begrudgingly for their girls. That does NOT stop them from complaining though.
Wednesday: Yoko I can feel my brain cells deteriorating.
Yoko: Girl same im getting dumber watching this and I’m already the dumbest person here.
Unlike Enid, Divina helps Yoko study on her own and teaches Yoko little tricks to help her remember things in class. Enid usually just lets her copy.
Though Yoko acts very confident, she does have a lot of insecurities surrounding her intelligence because she’s never been really good at operating in a school setting. Things that don’t immediately capture her attention will often not keep her attention very long.
Yoko can sit and read Wednesday’s books for an hour straight squealing but she cannot take a math test for thirty minutes.
Yoko finds out Wednesday likes Enid (not that she didn’t already guess) because Viper so obviously has a crush on a new character that’s supposed to be Enid.
Enid and Yoko met in their freshmen year, Yoko tried flirting with Enid but Enid wasn’t really interested. Which is how they became best friends.
Young Yoko was a bit more of a menace and much more spoiled due to her wealthy upbringing. She absolutely thought she could have anyone she wanted and Enid was like “I’m not really attracted to you.”
Yoko: Not possible but OKAY.
Enid: Well do you want to be friends?
Yoko: This is literally the most embarrassing day of my life. Yes.
Enid and Yoko are literally inseparable. Yoko is an only child and Enid has only brothers. They’re literally so thankful for each other.
Because of her upbringing, Yoko has a lot of trouble showing and expressing negative emotions. Enid is like a sister to her and is always patient with Yoko when she needs time.
Yoko calls Divina princess, at first it was an insult because she’s stuck up and such, but it grew on both of them. Yoko is very affectionate with Divina when they’re alone, Divina loves it.
Divina: Get up. We have class.
Yoko: Come back to bed, princess. It’s cold.
Divina: Because you’re dead. Get up.
Yoko: You don’t love me.
Divina, rolling her eyes and climbing back into bed with her: You’re right. I hate you.
Yoko: Mhm. :)
Nobody in their right mind besides Enid would believe Yoko is so affectionate and loving because outwardly she is so against relationships and she kicks girls out as soon as they’re done. “I’d call you a cab but you live next door.”
Yoko is in fact only soft for Divina.
I raise you Yoko and Wednesday having a talk about being afraid of emotions.
I raise you Enid and Divina wondering if their girls actually like them because they have those kinds of insecurities and little do they know their girls would die for them without question.
I raise you Wednesday at first being jealous of Yoko until she realizes there couldn’t be anything to be jealous of because all Enid and Yoko do is argue.
Yoko, kicking the door down: Wednesday get your fucking girlfriend shes DOING IT AGAIN
Wednesday, sighing: Do you want this chapter done or not, Yoko?
Basically Wednesday was jealous up until she realized they’re basically siblings and they are trying to kill each other at least 90% of the time.
Divina had to win over Enid and Wednesday first. It was like asking for their daughter’s hand in marriage.
Wednesday: What are your intentions with our idiot?
Enid: I will skin you alive if you ever hurt her.
Wednesday: I’m so in love with you.
Thing, Yoko, and Enid have girls nights.
Yoko never liked Tyler either. “He just looks like a card board cut out.”
Yoko actually wants to become a movie director but not many people know that. Specifically horror movies.
Yoko was the kind of kid who would film her own movies on her phone.
Since Yoko has trouble expressing herself, her forms of love come in physical ways. Bumping Enid in the halls, playing with Divina’s fingers in class when she’s distracted, ect.
Wednesday and Yoko actually become amazing friends. They have a lot to bond over. Their love of horror, they both hate Tyler, they both have girlfriends who love them more than anything, they’re both bad at expressing emotions.
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
minidura chapter 4 react
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simon i SWEAR ill get you out of there and that horrendous art style
also though. TEENAGE SHIZAYA CHAPTER LETS GO???? idk if narita made the minidura or if it's a separate illustrator but they are giving the FOOD rn
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i was wondering where the official knowledge that simon forced izaya and shizuo to eat sushi together came from. i mean i guess this isnt official and it was probably stated in the anime somewhere but still, good to see it illustrated pff
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AAAAAAAAA ive seen this image around tumblr but i didnt realize it was from minidura 😭 i thought it was fanart or smth (<-dumbass)
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wait im actually going crazy over this akwjhkjdshs they're washing dishes together!!! now we just need them to do laundry and taxes and-
im going to go over the image limit this time on god
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wow cant believe they're bathing each other too (<-delusional)
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something about the first shizuo panel reminds me of aggretsuko. which is. actually. huh. arent they both like adults with anger issues. durarara aggretsuko au when
also deadass i forgot dennis existed until i read about him in a shizaya fanfiction and i was like "who's dennis" pfgfkhkd
so true though never throw kitchen knives kids
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they're gonna be here all day at this rate. actually shizaya as fast food/restaurant staff au when because they'd have the stupidest rivalry known to man and i need it
fucking imagine shinra walks in and sees shizuo and izaya working by the counter
i hope izaya gets to eat fatty tuna by the end of this though. god knows he's gonna look cute as hell
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made funnier by the fact that izaya at least definitely knows how to cook with how long he's been on his own and needed to feed his sisters
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damn ive actually never seen someone's vein burst in a way where blood sprays out in anime akshGKJHJKSD thats impressive actually
dont look now but this may or may not inspire me to make a mermaid/pirate au (<-obsessed)
who needs kaiju battles when you can have blue fin tuna vs crab
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they're literally never leaving this place bro they're gonna be stuck here for eternity. anyway here's a literary analysis of durarara pointing out why russia sushi is actually representative of dante's inferno /j
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i want to read those blurbs so baddddd screams sobs bangs table
rip dennis dude he doesnt get paid enough to deal with shizaya
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rippp time to listen to izaya pine hopelessly for the man he cant stop annoying for five seconds
simon had the right idea. too bad shizaya are shizaya
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what is that face izaya. i cant tell if he's irritated that simon's right or irritated that simon cant understand how instinctual their hatred is or amused that simon thinks he and shizuo could be friends or amused because he thinks meaningless fighting is hilarious
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oh......that kind of hurts actually
i can imagine izaya suggesting it as a joke and then lying in bed that night thinking about how it's never going to happen and it really sounds like a funny joke huh? (he is not crying)
i cant believe simon's been dealing with these bitches for like 7 years now like dude has the patience of a saint
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😭give him his 50,000 yen simon
we can see that the crack in the sign is actually fixed now too ahhh time really flies when you're stuck in a relationship of mutual hatred
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chibizaya is so cuteeeeeeeee
im sure he intended to paint himself that way in his recollection though pff
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step aside erika, simon is the face of the shizaya nation now. especially with that "you just have a shizuo complex dont you" quote that i found the other day which i still havent recovered from
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HAUDGHUSDH orihara izaya, pro unreliable narrator
hilarious how we never see tom's face. just his dreads lmfao
dennis and simon are so done with like izaya bro i think they can tell at this point that he's horrifically pining and has no healthy outlet for it. the bills go to him because they're bullying him
it'd be funny if they billed him 50,000 at the end actually pft
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they're so cute oh my god can i make that my header or something
10/10 chapter im going to punt izaya into a wall and get simon flowers
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damianbugs · 1 year
steph and bruce fic recs :0?
oh anon u have made my week with this request. my month. my year in fact. bruce and stephanie is a duo that is so special to me and i am not normal about them at all, and so of course i have only the best recs to give you. they are soooo complicated, but that's what makes them so interesting and so personal. i hope you enjoy these!
Permutations and Hinterlands by cabezas_de_vaca
She and Bruce are complicated (not bad complicated, not wrong complicated, just complicated, because he isn’t her father and will never be her father and yet he sort of also is) but he cares. It gets lost sometimes, under the demands of Gotham, but it’s there. And so, she just asks him. “Do you want to go to Colorado with me?” Or: Bruce, Steph, and a road trip
MY NOTES: some very heavy but very good stephanie introspection, along with a great take on her relationship with bruce. also, who doesn't love a good road trip fic?
Have I Told You About Minnie by Hinn_Raven
After you’ve known Matches Malone long enough, you get used to him telling you about his kids. Not that his kids know about it.
MY NOTES: i am physically incapable of not recommending this fic regardless of the ask. it must be shared and it must be read. a real feel good and fun fic, bruce is so silly, and steph is so fun. lovely inclusion (without actually including) the other kids too!
I Used to Be an Adventurer Like You, Then I Took an Arrow to the Knee by audreycritter
Stephanie was just on patrol and now she’s stuck somewhere, sometime, with Bruce. They bleed and bond and mostly try to keep each other alive— you know, just a Tuesday.
MY NOTES: im fairly certain i have recommended this before on here, but i have also reread it at least ten times, so who's to judge. one of my favourite time travel fics, also one of my all time favourite bruce and stephanie fics. the end is especially my favourite since it develops a specific part of their dynamic that i really treasure. must read!
we’ll have a feast of all the things we love to eat by smallzita
The story has always gone like this: Batman exists because of guilt and purpose, but mostly guilt. The story is going like this: it's four-thirty in the afternoon and Bruce Wayne is wearing a dress.
MY NOTES: girl dad bruce. baby steph. as the author notes say 'Bruce Wayne being a foster parent can be something very personal actually.' what more do you want? what more is needed??!?!
it's just a question by Magpietrove4 🔒
this one doesn't have a summary, or any tags, but it might just be one of the best stephanie introspections i've read. the conversation with bruce really ties it all together. must read!
Under Armor Over Armor by LeantheBean
"Fridays don’t always go my way but someday I hope they’ll all be fine." In which, Stephanie Brown gets ready for patrol.
MY NOTES: ohhhh this one is so special to me. imagine me sobbing crying screaming as i say this. it's so melancholic and. yearnful. a wonderful thing that connects steph and bruce is also the thing they will never talk about with each other. so good.
to brighten up even your darkest knight by Nokomis
While filing Batman’s paperwork as punishment for an unfortunate incident with the Batmobile, Steph discovers a momento from an early Cluemaster takedown.
MY NOTES: this one is sooo cute and so sweet. i love when batman is batman.
boston market by almondrose
batman & robin enjoy a mid-patrol snack.
MY NOTES: this one is also so incredibly cute. until it isn't. tears in my eyes forever. have read it so many times because it is just so real. must read!
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theygotlost · 7 months
ohhhhhh my god guys I gotta give you an update but i need to explain my entire job history for the past year first cause its a little confusing uh.
so feb-may I did this internship at this real estate digital marketing firm and I was just making social media graphics there. just instagram stories and shit. and it was boring as hell but I needed to find a job cause I was graduating, and I was hoping they would hire me but they didnt have the space for a new full time employee at the time so... that was a bust.
in june and july I was applying to jobs foreverrrrr and getting nowhere so I said fuck it i need SOMETHING to hold me over, so I started working in the print department at staples as you are all well aware. at least it would be relevant enough to put on my resume cause I do want to make print graphics right? so its something.
then like 6 weeks ago my manager from the internship reached out to me and said she wanted to take me back part time after all. so for the past month and a half I've been working 2 part time jobs, one at staples and one at this marketing office doing the exact same fuckass ig stories as before. i wont lie its been exhausting and unsustainable so I was still applying for other full time design jobs cause I had no idea how long I could keep this up.
about 3 weeks ago I got an interview for one of those jobs I applied for and they explained that they were actually looking for a senior designer which obviously im not qualified for, but they liked my portfolio enough that they wanted to consider CREATING a junior designer role for me which was CRAZYYY to hear... it's a hawaiian bbq restaurant chain and I'm definitely wayyy more interested in designing for food and beverage stuff than real estate, plus a few other aspects about the job sounded really appealing to me and the interview went great so I was really hoping to get that job. but then I didn't hear back and Im so desensitized to getting ghosted after interviews i stopped getting my hopes up a long time ago.
a week and a half ago management at my real estate job told me that they were finally ready to bring me on full time, and since it didnt seem like I had any other prospects I wasnt really in a position to turn it down, so I immediately accepted and put in my 2 weeks at staples. this saturday will hopefully be the last day i ever have to work retail forever. I didnt make any announcement here when I found out because its honestly been making me depressed thinking about doing nothing but making fuckass instagram stories for ugly real estate companies 40 hours a week and people congratulating me on it would just make me more depressed. I wasn't supposed to start full time there until the monday after thanksgiving so ive still been doing my double part time grind.
but then......
whats that....???
after weeks of no response the hr guy finally gave me a call just now to tell me I GOT THE JOB?!??! i genuinely honestly did not think they were gonna give me an offer and was just gonna move on with my life 😭 so now im gonna have to walk into my office tomorrow morning and say SIKE!!! and theyre all gonna be so mad at meeeee but this is genuinely such a better position for me I didnt think this was gonna happen for another year at least....
tldr I thought i was gonna be stuck with a job i dont like but I ended up getting the job I want!!!!!!!!
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natasha-in-space · 5 months
Hey ive a small request. I just thought of yoosung route with an mc who....actually knew him for a long time and had secretly crushed on him and admired him when both of them were in school. It is pretty canon that yoosung was a popular kid at his school and had many girls crushing on him. One of the girls happened to be mc who cant help but admire him from afar. Back in the day yoosung was the first guy who had been kind and sweet towards her and that stuck with her for the rest of her life. She never confessed her feelings, thinking that she might be "too weird" for him (since she was one of the "weird girls" of the class because of her shyness).
She however never found out about his grief regarding rika, she has a faint memory of him appearing sad on the day of graduation and she has no idea why...it just felt very unusual of him from her perspective. She mustered up some courage to ask him why he is sad but he pushed her away by plastering a fake smile and saying "im actually fine dont worry", she knew he was lying but that day she couldnt ask him more and force him to talk. Few days later she moves out to a different country with her family
Fast forward to current time she ends up being stuck in the apartment because she could not say no to an obviously shady man and finds the same guy she had once admired.
Because the mc here is a very socially awkward person, I am pretty sure she would end up only inviting a handful of people so its going to be the normal ending instead of good ending (which basically means that she would meet him at the hospital and not at the party)
So how do you think the reunion will be. I love your writings very much i want to see your take on this
Life can be so peculiar.
You can meet people by who's side you will end up spending the rest life with, by pure chance. Or, you can lose the one person you thought understood you more than anyone else could. It's unpredictable. And that's a thought that is both terrifying and relieving to ponder over late in the night, when there is nothing else fot you to do but just lay there and stare at the ceiling of your bedroom, deep in thought.
It was unexpected to meet Yoosung again, to say the least. It seems like such cliche story, ripped straight from some generic k-drama and not real life, doesn't it? A shy, closed off kid meeting their popular high school crush further down the line, when they are both now established adults with their own individual lives. But, then again, maybe it wasn't as strange. It's not like you went through some mind-boggling 'glow-up' in these few years, like characters in k-dramas usually do. You were still the same introverted and kind of nerdy dork you were in high school, just a bit more capable of putting up a somewhat acceptable front in public.
Yoosung, though? He was almost an entirely different person.
Well, not entirely, but he was still a far cry from the popular and academic boy you knew back in high school. Not in a bad way, per se... But, it still shocked you quite a bit once you got to know him fully. Then again, it's not like you have really known him at all until now. That doesn't mean your past crush on him was superficial by any means, but it was still rather innocent and puppy-like on your end. You wanted to get to know him better, to see sides of him you couldn't see when he was in public... but, you were far too insecure and skittish to be so bold.
Alas, life had other plans for you.
His hair was not the same neatly styled brunette you remembered. In its place, was a new bright blonde hue that fit him surprisingly well, layered in an adorably casual look that made your heart skip a beat the moment you saw his selfie in the chat, when you first joined. His choice of clothing was more free-spirited, less classy and uptight. The type that made you wonder how his shirts would look and feel on you if you were to borrow them. And his overall attitude seemed to have become a bit more carefree and lighthearted. These major changes surprised you. But, they weren't unwelcome by any means. They intrigued you. Made you want to talk to him, and learn all the ways that he has changed in these couple of years.
Thankfully, you were a bit more chatty behind the safety of your phone.
With chatting, you could take your time and make sure your wordings are correct. You didn't have to just say the first thing that came to mind and then follow through with it. You could express yourself accurately. And you would use that lucky opportunity to its full potential.
Yoosung's apparent active neglect of his studies was surprising to you. The straight-A student you knew back in high school was completely different from this older Yoosung. Maybe you should have been put off by this particular negative change of his, but it only made you grow concerned for him. The more you talked, the less... happy he appeared to you. Sure, his attitude was cheery and carefree on the surface. But, sometimes, you would read upon a phrase or two that would make you pause, your brows furrowing in concern and your heart clenching in your chest, despite it being passed around like a light joke or something.
I don't really know what my talents are.
I don't really know what I want to do.
I just play games to get rid of stress or feel less lonely.
Trying to find what you're interested in itself is a luxury.
It felt like... he just gave up on himself. On his future, and, subsequently, his own happiness. That thought was gnawing at you. It's like he didn't... believe he was capable of finding fulfillment in life, so he gave up on trying altogether. It wasn't right.
Although he may have neglected his studies, he remained the same passionate and lively person you fell for in back in high school. His drive was still there, but it was almost like it got fizzled out due to something you couldn't quite figure out yet. You did remember him seeming rather... downcast back at your graduation. No, he looked downright crushed.
You have a distinct memory of wanting to approach him and inquire about his wellbeing. Maybe you could have offered for him to come and spend some time with you. Yet, as always, you were far too big of a scaredy cat to do so.
Things had changed since then. You may be shy and timid, but you weren't going to let your fears and insecurities hold you back from doing something you knew in your heart was right. Not when life has given you a second chance like this.
And so, that's how you got here. You finally got to see him face to face after eleven days of complete and utter rollercoaster of emotions. Meeting Yoosung in the hospital ward wasn't how you planned it... but, you were just glad to see him smiling and safe.
Furthermore, his smile was meant for you. An observation that left you reeling as you walked sheepishly into his hospital ward, knowing that everyone has left to give you some alone time. It was just you and him now.
He smiles wider, as if he's excited to finally hear your voice in person, no longer muffled by his speaker phone. You can see him straining a little bit to sit upright, but ultimately deciding against it. "Hi."
So much to say, yet so little time... You find yourself just staring at him for a few moments, before deciding to just go for it. Considering everything that happened during these eleven days between you two, there was no need for you to be cautious or distant. He was pretty straightforward with you about his feelings. Much more upfront than you could ever be. And, some part of you was still in disbelief that he has actually come to love you in such a short amount of time.
It was too good to be true.
You reach his bedside and sit on the chair placed neatly next to it. Without thinking much about it, you reach out and place a gentle hand on his palm, his skin soft and warm under your touch. It makes you smile almost inadvertently. "It's... so good to finally see you. Are you alright? We were all so shocked when Seven..."
"-I'm okay. You don't have to worry." Yoosung cuts you off in a soft tone, his smile turning a bit bashful, and you feel his fingers cautiously intertwining with yours, almost like he was testing the waters, wanting to see if you will pull away from his touch. Of course, you didn't. He sighs, seeming to be enjoying the comfortable silence for a brief moment, before continuing, his thumb warmly brushing the back of your hand. "I promise I'll tell you everything a bit later. There will be no secrets between us. I just... I want this moment to be about us, you know?"
Your heart flutters in your chest as you nod in response to such sweet words. You knew what he meant, though. You really did. He was brave enough to say it openly while you weren't. "What... do you want to talk about?"
You opt to give him the initiative here. To see where this would go. He hums softly, pondering for a few moments before replying, his eye always fixed on you. Not like you could blame him. Finally talking to him face to face and not having to imagine what he actually looks like, was having the same effect on you. You two might be more similar than you think.
"...I just... I can't help but think that this was fate, you know? That Rika really did bring you to me. To help me find what I have lost back when she left us. To help me move forward with my life." He licks his lips, and you give him an encouraging nod, letting him know that you are indeed listening. Rushing this was not necessary. He seemed to appreciate your gesture, with an adorably sweet smile tugging at the corners of his mouth that made your heart swell. "It's funny... I was so popular back in high school, I had so many people I called my friends, and yet, I barely have seen them since then. Yet, the one who made their way back into my life like a hurricane was... you."
You can't help but chuckle and shake your head a little bit. "I would say it was the other way around... but, I am flattered to hear that."
You sway in your seat, unsure if you should mention it or not. In the end, you make the decision to be truthful. You two are technically a couple now, after all. It's only right to be honest with him. And... a huge part of you was always longing for a chance to tell him what you were far too scared to tell all those years ago.
So, you go for it.
"...How surprised would you be, if I told you that I actually had a huge crush on you back in high school?"
You watch his eyes widen and his mouth fall open as he just stares at you for a few moments, completely taken aback by your revelation. It was both endearing and a bit embarrassing to witness. You chuckle nervously, feeling your cheeks grow warm as you look down at your hands locked together, suddenly far too shy to look him in the eye.
"You just seemed so out of my league back then... You were the popular guy - one everyone liked. And, I mean... who was I? Just an anxious mess always sitting in the back of the class. Invisible and weird. So, I... never really approached you about it." You pause, your expression growing a bit somber as you call back to the day of your graduation. An event that was meant to be a moment of triumph and joy. A celebration of the start of your future. Yet, for you two, it wasn't anything like that. "What I always regretted the most, though... was not talking to you back at our graduation. I could tell that something was wrong, but I was too much of a chicken to actually do anything about it. So, I... when I walked into that apartment, and realized it was actually you... I don't know. I just felt like life has given me a second chance. To make things right this time."
There are a few minutes of silence between you two, nothing but the muffled noises of the hospital bustling with life on the other side of the door, and your shared breathing. Despite this, it's not suffocating or uncomfortable at all. It's oddly peaceful. You know he's processing all that you just told him, and you feel strangely calm as you give him all the time he needs before he responds.
Yoosung gently tugs your hand, a silent request for you to look up at him, and you grant him that request without any reservations on your part. His rosy eye is soft as he looks at you, and his brows slightly knit together, but it is not an expression of displeasure or unhappiness. Rather, it's a look of curiosity and disbelief that makes your breath catch in your throat. You remain silent, though, just waiting for him to come up with his piece.
You told your truth. Now, it was his turn.
"All this time... All this time you were right there, by my side, and I didn't even know it. You really are my blessing, aren't you, Y/N?"
His voice shakes as he speaks, his throat bobbing as he clearly attempts to swallow his emotions. It doesn't seem to work, though, as you can see his eye glistening slightly with unshed tears. So much for not getting emotional. As you gently squeeze his hand, you feel yourself becoming quite choked up too. A small laugh escapes you: a natural response to a rather emotional exchange happening between you. "I wouldn't call it that... I was too much of an anxious mess to do anything for the majority of that time. I'm still that awkward, scared kid, to be quite honest. Just a little bit more mature now."
Yoosung shakes his head, and an adorable pout takes its place on his cheeks. He almost seems offended when he hears you talk about yourself in this manner. "You are so much more than that."
"Yeah?" You smile, finding his insistence rather cute.
"Your words, your encouragements, your trust in me - it all gave me strength to let go of my grief and move forward with my life. Before you came along, I... I was just adrift. After Rika passed, I... I honestly felt like a big part of me died with her. I no longer knew who I was, or what I was meant to do, or if there was any point to what I do, if all my efforts could be just ripped away from so cruelly. I gave up on myself. Truth is, deep down, I didn't believe I could be happy. But, you..." he squeezes your hand, laying his other palm atop of it now as well. "You came along, and you believed in me, when no one else did. You encouraged me and told me that it's never too late to seek out that happiness I thought I lost. You never judged me, never made fun of me. You just... listened. Listened and accepted me for who I was. No, you saw things no one else saw, not even me. I can finally say that I am proud of who I am, and that's because of the way your words have motivated and encouraged me. You are the most brave and amazing person I know. And I'll be damned if I don't tell you that every single day from now on."
You're at a loss for words when faced with such a heartfelt speech. It's just too much. In the best way possible. You are pretty sure you can feel a couple of tears sliding down your cheeks now, as a tiny laugh slips from your lips. You wipe your eyes with your free hand, sniffing.
"...I forgot how great you are at giving motivational speeches."
Your blunt response makes you both laugh, a new lightness filling your chest as you suddenly feel all your nerves fade from your mind. Yoosung didn't make you nervous. Not at all. You knew you were safe with him. Just like you always took his problems and struggles seriously, he would do the same for you.
"I wasn't the class president for nothing, you know."
"That you weren't."
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lily-174 · 1 year
Tumblr media
“i’ll look out for you” - jay halstead x reader
overview: you work at firehouse 51 and get a call from your sons school saying you need to pick him up as he’s been suspended. once you and your husband find out why tensions rise.
trigger warning: mentions of slut shaming and slapping someone’s ass.
“i can’t believe you jumped across a building then you followed!” brett said as you sat in the common room at the round table with her and blake, she was referring to a call you had earlier on in your shift, where you and blake were stuck on the roof of a building that was on fire and you decided the best bet would be to jump across to the building next to it before it flashed over. it wasn’t a far jump but everyone was in disbelief you both did it. you and blake had a little reputation of being the dare devil duo.
“it wasn’t that far! when i saw her jump i didn’t even think about it” blake laughed and you agreed, it really wasn’t a far jump it was easy.
“moving on who’s cooking tonight?” you asked looking around the room, you knew jay would probably order pizza for him and your two kids, so you were hoping you’d have a good dinner here too.
“pretty sure cruz is” mouch intervened from his spot on the couch. you nodded. feeling your phone vibrating in your pocket you reached for your phone, noticing it was your kids school you got up walking into the hallway and answering the phone.
“is this mrs halstead?” the voice spoke, you sighed.
“yeah that’s me what’s going on?”
“i tried getting through to your husband first but i am aware you are both first responders so i am hoping you’ll understand this situation. your son harry got in a fight at lunch with a boy in sophomore year, the boys parents may consider pressing charges. harry had been suspended until further notice and will need to be picked up” you listened in disbelief there’s no way harry would do this you couldn’t believe it.
“i’m so sorry, this isn’t like him at all. me and my husband never raised him like that. i’m on shift right now. i’ll speak to my chief and see if i can come down if not i’ll get my husband to send some patrol officers to pick him up i’m so sorry this has happened” you said sincerely you were in complete disbelief.
“ thank you for understanding”
“it will be dealt with at home hopefully i can get a minute and come and get him now” you said as you walked towards chief bodens office. you ended the call as you walked up to his door, he was free so gestured you to come straight in.
“chief im so sorry. but harry got in a fight he’s been suspended i have to go and pick him up, i’ll be straight back” you said, you were stressed you couldn’t fathom why harry would’ve gotten into a fight, you knew jay would be furious.
“that’s fine go” you could tell by the look on chiefs face he was surprised by harry’s behaviour as well. you nodded thanking him and left his office and walking around looking for your lieutenant casey. to let him know you’d be out for a bit.
once you’d told him you were gonna be out for a while you left driving to pick up your son, you were so disappointed in him, you spent the whole drive to the school figuring out what you were gonna say to him, because you knew jay might be pissed when he has to pick harry up from the firehouse after his shift so you could finish yours.
you pulled up outside the high school, at least one of your kids had behaved today. you got in your car walking into the school still wearing your firefighter uniform, you felt awful. a cop and a firefighters kid started a fight. you walked into reception of the school and you were immediately pulled into the principals office were your saw your son with an ice pack up to his eye.
“harry are you okay?” you asked gently pulling the ice pack from his face examining his face, as much as you wanted to discipline him you’re a mother and firefighter first.
“yeah mom i’m fine” you nodded and looked over at the principal.
“what happened?” you asked as you sat in the chair next to your son.
“what we know is, your son approached a boy in sophomore year and started a fight. neither boy will tell us what exactly started the altercation” you furrowed your eyebrows and looked at your son, confused.
“harry why’d you hit him?” your son said nothing just looked down and shook his head, you sighed and looked back up at the principal.
“i promise you this will be dealt with, if the parents of they boy want to speak to me and my husband we are more then happy too. my husband is a detective i’m sure there’s a way to deal with this without pressing charges”
“i’ll see what i can do, now i’m sure you have to get back to work. they’ll be a meeting in a few days regarding harry’s return to school” you nodded and stood.
“thank you” you and your son said your goodbye to the principal and you left, you both got in the car and you didn’t know what to say.
“are you dropping me home?” he asked, nope not so he could sit on his xbox all day absolutely not.
“no you’re coming back to the firehouse until your dad finishes work, and he’ll pick you up” you said completely shutting down his plans.
“you can deal with all your aunts and uncles all day” he groaned leaning his head back on the seat.
“you gonna tell me why you started a fight yet?” you asked, honesty was a big part of your parenting style. you and jay were always honest with your kids, especially if something happened to either you or jay at work.
“there’s nothing to say” you sighed parking outside the firehouse, you really hoped he’d tell you.
“come on then. don’t think everyone is gonna be pleased with you because they won’t be” you got out your car and he followed you into the firehouse going straight into the common room.
“there he is, my man” blake exclaimed seeing your son but as soon as blake saw the look on your face he decided to change what he said to your 17 year old.
“what did you do to get that shiner?” blake asked and harry just shrugged, kelly and matt now looking at your boy.
“he started a fight so he’s spending a few hours here till jay can pick him up.” you sighed walking past the huddled group of men to make some coffee. you knew blake would probably go off and speak to harry about it, you knew your son really valued the guys you worked with, matt, kelly, herrmann, blake. all of them, your son got on with your team and he was close with them. you’d even let him stay at blake’s some times to have some guy time.
when you turned around that’s what you saw blake and harry walking off probably into the bunk room you took a sip of the coffe you’d just made and looked at kelly and matt now stood infront of you.
“i don’t know before you even ask. he refused to tell anyone what started the fight. but it must be something there’s no way harry would just hit someone for no reason” they knew that was true, harry looked exactly like jay, they were identical in more then looks. harry was protective, strong minded and brave. he wanted to follow in your footsteps as a firefighter yet he’d already chosen squad was his place. whereas your daughter in sophomore year wanted to be a doctor like her uncle will.
“we’ll speak to him later, don’t stress” kelly smiled and you nodded walking over to the table to sit with brett, just as you sat down the buzzer sounded. you got up running to the truck.
structure fire, you’d been on the scene for at least two hours when you got back on the truck to head back to the house. when you got back you knew jay would probably be there, and you were right. harry was stood on the apparatus floor arguing with jay.
“i had a good reason! but i have respect dad! it’s not my place to say!” harry shouted at his father you could tell they were both pissed off, but making a scene at your work place was not it.
“tell us then harry. you got in a fight it is your place” jay exclaimed, blake, you, kelly and matt now walking towards your son and husband.
“you really wanna know??” jay nodded, and you looked at your son who’s face was becoming red.
“he slapped nadias ass!” the mention of your daughters name sent shock through your body.
“he what?!” jay, blake and you all said in unison. you took a minute to compose yourself.
“right okay. okay- we can talk about this but not here. blake tell boden i’m stepping out for a moment” you said gesturing for your son and husband to follow them out to jays truck where your 15 year old daughter was waiting.
“you, should know better then to argue in the middle of my house.” you spoke looking at your husband, you were angry, not directly at them but at everything.
“and you. you should know we would never be angry at you for doing the right thing.” you looked at your son and he nodded. you heard the door of jays truck open and there was your daughter.
“it was my fault okay? don’t be angry at him.” nadia spoke looking at her brother and he shook his head.
“nadia i’ll always look out for you. it’s not your fault, none of this is your fault” you heard your son comfort her and it warmed your heart, a small smile showed up on your face as you looked up at your husband.
“no one is getting in trouble. i’m going to get this all sorted. nadia can you tell me everything that happened with the other boy” nadia looked down before nodding.
“it’s okay sweetie, your not in trouble. and it’s not your fault. we just need to know so we can get the boy in trouble and help out your brother” you smiled giving her a hug. you could tell by the look on jays face he was thinking the worst.
“it’s not bad mom. i’m okay. he’s been being rude to me for a while. sending me messages and calling me a slut stuff like that in class too. he was in my class this morning and slapped my ass, and kept calling a a slut and stuff like that. i was upset and went to find harry” jay shook his head listening to his daughters confession.
“do you still have the messages?” jay asked and your daughter nodded, you knew jay would be able to sort this out easy.
“i’ll call the school when we get home. harry i’m proud of you okay. your not in trouble. we’re a family we look out for each other and you did that today.” jay smiled patting his sons back, harry had a small smile on his face from jays words.
“get in the car kids give us a second. i love you both, i’ll see you later.” you smiled and your kids jumped in the back of jays truck and you looked up at jay, and hugged him.
“i’ll sort it out babe don’t worry. i’ll press charges on that boy for sexual harassment. enjoy the rest of your shift there’s nothing to worry about” jay smiled and you pulled away looking up at him and pressed a kiss to his lips.
“thank you. he really is your son, if being identical wasn’t enough” jay chuckled, and kissed your head.
“i’ll see you later tonight i love you”
“i love you too” you smiled as you watched him get back in the truck and you walked back to the station ready to spill your heart out to blake. god you couldn’t wait for a glass of wine after shift. maybe a bottle.
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lunicho · 2 months
600 YIPPEEE!!!! Bunny 600 party I’ll bring cookies !!! You deserve all the love 🥺❤️❤️
Thank you for lowkey keeping Lunétumblr alive🫡 I know you don’t write big stuff a lot but all of the drabbles and even agreeing with anon thoughts means a lot to me and I’m sure it means a lot to other Lunés too 🥺
Wishing the best for u as a person and for the blog too 🙏🙏 if things ever get slow don’t worry there’s no rush we’ll always be here 🫡❤️
Would you be ok sharing the story behind how/why u started stanning all the groups you do? Like how you got into BND,RIIZE, etc? Some Bunny lore would be cute 😋
600 PARTY LETS GO!!! tysm pookie, you've been here supporting the blog soso much and it means the world to me. i look forward to seeing u around on my blog all the time. i love u so so much!! also what kind of cookies are you bringing!! :o ALSO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I TALK SO FUCKING MUCH 😭
i'm so glad im able to contribute to lunéblr, i genuinely have had so so much fun with all of the teamies anons on here like u guys are hilarious 😭 u guys are also so so consistent here and it means soo much to me seriously <3
i'm wishing the best for you as well, i hope that whatever you decide to do in this world goes well and i hope life treats u well always!
BUNNY LORE!! i love talking so yes, i stan like 89 million groups so i'll do the ones i write for and then u can ask abt other groups i didn't mention if you're curious! also prewarning that literally every group i stan started with me trying not to stan them LMAODGSJ
bnd - i didn't stan them when they first debuted cuz for some reason i always try to stop stanning groups knowing im an addict smh. i also like to give groups a bit to Marinate before i stan so i held off! then in like august last year i started getting funnextdoor tik toks abt leehan and his fishtank and i decided i wanted to watch it for funsies cuz leehan was sooo pretty and so cute so i was curious and uh... yeah that was my first mistake 😭 i full on thought leehan was gonna be my bias but then taesan walked in and snatched me up and bnd is just so addictive i just had to stan. i stuck with bnd because they genuinely make me so happy, they're so fun and they remind me of all the best things about kpop, like i just love them so bad 😖😖 but i officially started stanning them the week after but sometimes came out cuz that song had me hooked 😭 omg i just remembered that their videos kept coming up on my youtube too like the universe was trying to get me to stan since like july 😭
riize - i didn't even attempt to not stan them actually 😭 sungtaro were my nct biases when they debuted so i really really wanted to support them on their new endeavors so i already had plans to at least become acquainted with riize but siren had me MOVINGGGGG 😭😭😭 like i haddd to get in on that like i was Hooked. i couldn't even give them the time to marinate cuz of sungtaro so i just hopped right in 😞 and then my sister started biasing wonbin QUICK and i started biasing anton for like a week and then seunghan collected me 😖 and riize gives me heavy nostalgia so like idk i just love them a lot
&team - i've been supporting them since debut bc enha are one of my ults and ive been familiar with kei since then (i didn't watch iland i just knew abt kei and was familiar with some of the other boys names) and i was so obsessed with under the skin but i didn't end up fully stanning them for a while. i started to learn their names just so i'd know who they were when i see them around and things like that. i didn't start to stan them more until like july last year when i watched more of their content and then i fell off again until like october i think and they quickly became one of my top groups cuz they're so fun idk
zb1 - um i fully wasn't supposed to stan cuz wanna one and jbj disbanding hurted bad enough but while bp was going on i kept seeing clips and THEY HAD ME ROLLINGGG 😭😭 but i was having self restraint ☝🏾🤨 but then sol (adoresol go follow her and send her asks) she told me to watch zb1 content on july 12th 2023 ☝🏾😌 im able to see it in our ig messages LMAODGSJ but i started watching them and learning their names that day, i even told her i liked jiwoong 😖 but yeah then they stuck after that day cuz they make me laugh and they're so fun idk
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