#in case you couldn't understand wtf I was trying to say
chipchopclipclop · 3 months
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i have finished death mark 2...... thoughts.....
general thoughts is the overall story was.... BAD. LOL.
I'll start with the good. The interactions between Yashiki and alot of the returning cast i really liked, the writing especially in the first few chapters. An example being alot of Yashiki and Daimon's chatter, especially the whole weight of saving lives things that comes back at the end, alot of it was quite sweet and heartwarming similarly between him and other mark bearer characters.
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I liked the choice of Hiroo and Mashita being the two that come in when he's at his lowest, their curtness and refusal to take his attitude was really refreshing, felt really like what he needed at the time lol. In that same vein i enjoyed his characterization alot in the early-mid game, and how it develops. He's such a sensitive guy lollll and it comes through well with how much he cares but near the latter chapters it kind of.... sours.
Though there were a few new characters i liked his interactions with, Abe and Maruhashi specifically i found endearing of the new cast, Alot of them just Die. Or theyre Hime and Michiho AKA the bane of my fucking existence with this game.
They are the two pushed front and center and it is truly its worst aspect, as characters they're shallow personality wise and though you could say that about others in the cast, them being in love with Yashiki on top of it makes it so much worse.
They barely have any scenes where they actually properly interact and feel like they bond at all but for some reason im expected to believe they're suddenly in love with him?? -and in the end they were also dead the whole time, and not even themselves. So it wasn't even real, and somehow any of this is meant to hold any weight to the audience...?? explaining it as the ghosts being desperate for him instead doesnt really make it.. any more compelling (lol the scene at the end where hes like maybe they just wanted those beautiful normal school days they spent by me.... when did that happen yashiki)
I understand Yashiki is probably saddened by the deaths of two young girls but they're treated with so much more weight and gravitas than anyone else in the cast and its so unearned, especially when alot of the other ghosts are somehow way more compelling in that aspect.
He also becomes borderline ooc around them like in what world am i expected to believe he emotionally dumps his burdens on the two highschool girls he barely knows because of how sad he is when hes got like how many other people he knows FROM THE OTHER GAMES he could do that with...????? (AND BASICALLY DOES... ALREADY...?) and it lifts his heart like truly wtf was i reading. HE WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT.JPG
Chapter six is really where it falls off the cliff with this, after hanging out with Hiroo, Mashita and Yasuoka and solving that case they just dissapear from the narrative for a day so he can......... hang out with michiho...?? i couldn't even enjoy murder yashiki in this game because of how ludicrous it felt that the rest of yashiki's companions just dissapeared to make it happen, and no one calls or anything lmfao. I cant imagine how much more compelled i would have felt if he was dealing with that situation with any of the other three around instead of HIME. LIKE I AM ACTUALLY SO INCENSED ABOUT THIS SCENARIO BEING RUINED SO HARD WHEN IT COULD BE SO GOOD BUT I DIGRESS (RIPPING MY HAIR OUT) (CRYING BC I LOVE BLOOD AND HORROR)
Even the first two games weren't as bad as writing women as this!? EVEN IF I HAD TO SEE MASSIVE TITS ON SCREEN THEY WEREN'T TRYING TO JUMP ON YASHIKI AS WELL AS A CENTRAL PLOT POINT (lol kakuya) congrats exp you have outdone yourself with the misogyny.
To continue on the topic of new characters, it feels like so many of them were given so little screen time to make you actually care about them. For how prominent Abe is he barely actually does anything, and Maruhashi instantly dissapears when shes no longer a red herring. On top of this game basically killing off any other character that appears, its hard to get invested in them as characters at all.
You have no opportunities to actually effect their fate as you do in the other two games, so there's even less attempt to immerse you there. Horikoshi comes the closest behind the other two but its because her case with Hanako was easily the strongest and most resonant of the game (lgbt win). Its not even like this is the first time Yashiki saves the lives of kids and bonds with them after, especially with the caveat of being a teacher, like how did you fuck this premise up so bad.
They either needed to commit to more scenes and writing in general to attach you to the new characters or just not have any returning ones show up so prominently if they're not also going to further interact with them.
The overall mystery suffers for it, and while i like the twist of the doll being helpful in this game actually, it is so easy to guess michiho and hime are the departed, and i already didn't even like them so it doesn't hit at all emotionally. Like, i was not feeling very betrayed or anything lol.
Further critiques -> though running around is very fun, the horror in this game really didn't at all compare to the others with the loss of that first person perspective for alot of the exploration, sad.
I also feel like we got more horny shit than we did in NG which is also like lol one step forwards two steps back. Even the gore wasn't as good............... kind of mid in every regard there. I did like the mushroom and scissor stuff, but the bugs and mold ended up just kind of ..... eh...
Mary continues to be the best antag in these games, she slayed and she continues to keep slaying. The sisters were really kind of a letdown in the end, especially since i think i could have enjoyed it if they pulled them off better.
As for my yaoi cocaine score though thats a 10/10 they made yashiki and mashita meow and hiss like cats in this game for some reason, i genuinely think that shattered my mind a little.
I also can't believe they gave us these two panting in unison asmr as well so you could make your own [REDACTED] if you wanted. The departed getting jealous mashita was standing next to him in that one confrontation too like she's calling him a homewrecker..... lol...... also the part where mashita jokes abt him keeping the gun and if you make yashiki go 'then i will 😇' and him immediately backpedaling like okay i was kidding. give it back. very moe very powerful.
I feel like the entire time mashita was on screen he was basically acting as yashiki's brain to keep him from getting too lost in his emotional attachments, truly everyone needs a bitch wife to keep them sane.
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TL:DR this game could be so good (average) if it wasn't so fucking badDDDDDDDDDDDD easily the worst entry in this series...... dont buy it unless its on sale for 4 bucks (this applies to every game) or just watch in on youtube lol.
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tartrazeen · 8 months
I feel like some folks don't understand what'll happen if Tumblr runs out of money.
I think that's why so many are doing the whole "we have to donate right now or else they can't make the changes we've been asking for" thing.
As a business major...
... allow me to enlighten you on exactly what'll happen if Tumblr fails to generate "enough" revenue.
Here it is!
They sell the site.
That's it.
You may remember this as being "the thing that happened the last time." Which last time, since there have been many? Exactly. Pick any of those blips in the rear-view mirror.
The site doesn't disappear or get deleted. Per capitalism, it fundamentally can't be. Automatic put money into this site, and they will not be leaving without getting money out of it one way or another: by monetizing us through Tumblr Live and tracking and no icons and letting terfs and racists roam free, or by trying to recover their loss if that never works at a turning a profit and they give up 'cause we're too high-maintenance.
This is normal Business. We're fine. Staff is pushing this so hard because they aren't fine, but if they go (i.e. "run out of money"), we get a new stepdaddy.
⁽⁠⁽⁠◝⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠௰⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠◜⁠⁾⁠⁾
And they will sell us long before we ever get to a 'boo-hoo delete the site' point because we live in a society under capitalism. You don't delete money. You sell it off to the next greedy corp. as a last resort so you get anything back on your failed investment.
Here - have some more details about that if you want:
Along with selling the site, someone else buys the site. This is the more important and yet even funnier/easier/more empowering-to-users half of the equation.
When someone sells something, it's to recoup a loss or realize a gain on their side - but either way, it's because there's something that's still valuable within the asset. Part of the sales pitch to new buyers is to therefore say, "Hey, look how profitable this website could be if you were able to tap into it the right way! Uh, why couldn't we do that? Uhhhhhhhhhhh."
The answer to that question relies heavily on why the site's being sold. If it's - as it's currently heading - along the lines of "Users are so delighted to give us money that they'll basically buy whatever you throw at them, but we're not in the business of doing infinite growth, so we're selling this to someone else who can manage that part and we'll start again with a different website." That's the best-case scenario for sellers and buyers. It's their win/win. It's them saying "I would keep making money but I don't have the infrastructure to get it all, so we're selling it to someone who can."
The answer that Yahoo got when they first bought it was some hilarious bullshit like, "Oh, uh, yeah, they're gonna be the .pdf of the future. Don't wanna miss that." Which is hilarious because it was more or less tricking Yahoo into buying a bucket of goblins. That was a win/lose on Yahoo's side, 'cause they fell for it and the old sellers got to escape with their losses cut and some money in their pocket. Same for when Verizon got it, although Yahoo was probably more honest in saying, "We didn't know this site had bees in it." Enough of a win for Yahoo to sell it, a lose on Verizon's side because they didn't know wtf to do with those bees either.
Automatic came in like, "Omg. Bees in a website. With money. We can monetize this. We can get rid of the bees. We'll take that off your hands for you, Verizon!"
And Verizon was like, "oh thank god, give us any cash you can spare"
And Automatic paid that assuming they would figure out how to finally crack through Tumblr's lack of profitability to get our sweet sweet money honey. They're forcing through Tumblr Live, for example, because if it works, they'll eventually find the optimal equation between "lose the unprofitable users" and "make maximum money." It's the same reason EA is in the business of microtransactions and doesn't give a damn about people complain until enough people reject it to actually hurt their bottom line.
If Automatic fails to do that?
They're just another Yahoo and Verizon. They sell it to the next sucker they can trick into thinking the site's a money-maker "in the right hands lmaooooo". They give up, essentially, but there's more money to be had in passing it on while the site still actively has users than it is to destroy the site entirely - because then you can't sell it for as much.
So feel free to dig in your heels and resist every single change! Send all your feedback! One-star the app! Delight in staff saying, "You're just making it harder for us!"
Yeah, good! Making staff's life harder is actually the goal. The harder we are to monetize in XYZ way, the more they have to decide if it's worth a new approach or cutting their losses. The less money they get, the more they have to either revert back to less profitable but tolerated options, or the closer they get to selling the site that's been publicly documented to hate XYZ tactics.
The worse reception these changes get, the closer the users get to an outright revolt, the more other companies go, "Eeee. You can't trick us into thinking they can be monetized." And that pushes Automatic towards one of two options:
Unload their "bad asset" onto someone else ASAP, with as positive of a spin on Tumblr's profitability as they can create
Keep the asset but accept that XYZ feature or tactic isn't getting them the cash they want, so try something else.
It's that simple. They're difficult for users to corner Automatic, of course, because Automatic bought this site with "The users are gonna try to boycott lol" rainy day funds and a lot of optimism that they could 'break' the userbase. But that's a corporate spirit that erodes once they really aren't making the money they thought they would.
Who knows? With enough documented resistance, the next owners might go in ready to embrace the existing Tumblr culture, especially if they can be convinced of how unique it is. You have nothing to lose with Automatic because they aren't interested in that. Quit panicking, this is all normal, and it's quite literally just a waiting game.
Continue to panic publicly, though! That does help. :) No - seriously, that affects Tumblr's external marketability and monetization potential, which further pushes Automatic into one of those two "sell or submit" options lmaoooo
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darklinaforever · 3 months
Okay... I've literally seen anti Elriel people say that they couldn't end up together because they barely share moments in the books, like Vassa & Lucien, so believing that they would end up together is stupid.
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Uh... what ? Sorry, but what book did you read exactly ?!
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Elriel literally spends loads of time together in the books. It's literally stated every time, it's just from Feyre and Nesta's point of view, not yet that of the main people involved. Elriel spent as much time on the page as Nessian did before they had their own book. Seriously wtf ?!
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Also, let's address the Lucien and Vassa case. Lucien is currently a secondary character who we don't see much, but who we know will be important later in view of Helion's son and this whole story with the court of autumn. Just like Vassa with this Koschei story. Also, a little tiny detail that people would forget... Lucien lives with Vassa (and Jurian). He literally spends almost all his time with her outside of the times we see him. So, yes, Lucien spent a lot of time with Vassa.
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Just the Elriel relationships, and Lucien & Vassa haven't gotten their own books yet for fuck's sake ! (For Lucien & Vassa I think it will probably happen in the very last book of the saga which will probably be a multiple point of view)
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Also, they talk about the fact that the Elriel stans would not like Ruhnlidia while... well I haven't come across one yet ? I tended to come across people in the Elriel tag who ship Ruhnlidia. (I ship both myself ! Ruhnlidia are incredible) On the other hand, ironically every time I go to the Ruhnlidia tag I see anti Elriel and pro Gwynriel...
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Oh and I saw an anti Elriel claiming that Gwynriel was obvious because Azriel is a shadow singer and Gwyn who would be (perhaps according to the plausible theory in my opinion) a light singer. So light and darkness necessarily go together and...
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There are some who seem to have forgotten that the light / dark coding has already been offered to Elriel in previous books, but nice try.
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The fact is that it sucks. Because I don't hate Lucien and Gwyn.
I have loved Lucien since volume 1 and I wish him to be happy one day and I am convinced that he will be happy in the future with Vassa, but certainly not Elain. She doesn't want him and he doesn't want her.
Gwyn is a great supporting female character, but she is not Azriel's future mate / wife.
We can love Gwynriel and Elucien ! There’s some great content about them ! There are magnificent fanarts of both ships that I always like, and some very good Gwynriel fanfictions that I myself consumed briefly in the past.
But you have to accept when a ship isn't canon or isn't intended to be after a while because with all the stuff I see happening, this whole debate about who Elain and Azriel will end up with is becoming ridiculous.
Because there is no debate about it. Elriel is endgame, period. Sarah J Mass has already said several times that this is obvious. You have to be willfully blind not to understand.
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So, I saw all the posts about the promos for this thing coming from the John Oliver side of Tumblr, and I wasn't really planning to watch it despite my general interest in John Oliver, because I just don't understand the appeal of watching people eat and/or make and/or talk about food. I've said before that I couldn't get into Off Menu, or something like Bake Off, because of triggers I have from my years of cutting weight for sports, which is true but doesn't even really apply in this case. One 30-minute video of eating wings isn't going to trigger me (I do eat and talk about food without a problem, it's just doing long deep dives into that bothers me). It's just not interesting to me. John Robins and Elis James have started this feature on their radio show called Tick of a Taste where they try something unusual (and usually challenging, in similar ways to hot wings) and then describe it, and it's the only part of their radio show where I kind of tune out. I just don't get the appeal of turning food into entertainment.
So I was going to give this one a miss, but then it actually aired and @lastweeksshirttonight alerted me to the fact that there's a bit of Edinburgh chat, and obviously I cannot skip potential Chocolate Milk Gang content. So I watched it, and was not disappointed.I don't know who that interviewer is, and I did not expect to like him, given that he's an American man who makes, I assume, a whole series based on filming celebrities eating spicy food. I'm vaguely aware of that sort of "content creator" genre of YouTube, and it doesn't sound like fun. But I have to admit, he conducted a surprisingly great interview for a man sitting across from some hot sauce bottles. Asked good questions, they were insightful and interesting and displayed an impressive level of knowledge about his subject.
At this point, I'd like to take a brief moment to use this video as an excuse to slag off Marc Maron:
Marc Maron interviewed John Oliver in 2012, an episode that I listened to because John was fascinating in it but Marc was absolutely insufferable, as he's been in all the WTF episodes I've heard (which I believe is four: John Oliver, Andy Zaltzman, Stewart Lee, and James Acaster). And this is far from the main reason why Marc was insufferable, in fact it was a tiny thing that didn't matter, but Marc was so weird about the differences between British and American English. He kept stopping John to ask for the definition of British words that might not be common in North America, but should be more than easy enough to work out from context, and Marc couldn't just do that, he had to stop and treat it like some weird exotic thing that John said the word "headteacher". At one point in the interview, John is talking about the place where he plays a game that some call football and others call soccer, and you can hear him say "the p-field". Clearly started to say "pitch" and then realized that this annoying interviewer would pick him up on that so he changed it to field. That's what I thought of when I saw the above video clip - a fun example of the opposite of that. Well done to the hot wings interviewer for not being like Marc Maron.
The hot wings interviewer still pronounces Edinburgh about as badly as Marc Maron does, but I'm starting to think I should be a bit careful about complaining when Americans do that, because I'm not 100% sure that I say it correctly. I know how it's supposed to sound, so I can tell when someone says it wrong. But I think it might just be a hard word to say in a North American accent, so it's possible that I also mess it up, and six months from now I'm going to be in Edinburgh and probably at some point saying that word out loud to people who will know how it's meant to be said, so I might want to start saying now that it's fine if you do it wrong. I don't do it as wrong as that guy does, though. I'm pretty sure the word "bro" doesn't come into it when I say it. I also say it better than Marc Maron does.
Anyway, that is not the main point of this post, the main point of this post is this:
How the fuck have I never heard that story before? This is my exact period of specialty - John Oliver in his Chocolate Milk Gang years - and I have gathered up all the references to it that I can possibly find, and yet I'd never heard him tell that one before. I'm so glad I watched the weird hot wings video, just for that. I wish he'd tell us who the other comedian was. I have several guesses.
You know, I hadn't really thought before about the fact that John Oliver would have done his own material at those Late 'n' Live gigs. I knew he ran around taking cows apart, and I knew other people did their actual sets, but I hadn't thought of the fact that at some point John would have been on stage by himself telling John Oliver jokes. I don't think the stage where they took the cow apart was really the place for early 00s-era John Oliver jokes. I'm not surprised it went badly.
John Oliver and Andy Zaltzman do have a long list of stories of gigs they've done that have gone very badly (one gig in particular, the stories of which I made into a compilation nearly two years ago now), and I know all comedians have stories like that, but it doesn't surprise me that Zoliver have more than most. 00s-era Zaltzman and Oliver, individually and together, were not club comedians. Or at least, they didn't have club material, but they were not yet quite famous enough to never do clubs. London has a much larger and more diverse comedy scene than we do around where I live, but still, I think I can use my local comedy club as some kind of basis for comparison. And if someone stood up at my local comedy club and started telling Zaltzman and Oliver jokes, they would be met with baffled silence at the absolute best. They might get stabbed.
What jokes was he telling at Late 'n' Live? Was he doing his Political Animal material? He had a bunch of political and topical stuff back then, but that's not all he did. John Oliver definitely had more mainstream material in his arsenal than Andy Zaltzman did, I guess he could have brought out his train story and the one about not eating peas as a kid. Though actually, even the peas story is basically a political joke. Was he doing the stuff about crying at sporting montages as early as that?
Actual recordings of the stand-up John Oliver did in Britain are rare, though I've managed to find a few. Most notably the one of him and Zaltzman doing their full 2004 Edinburgh show, in 2005, that got released on The Bugle in multiple pieces but I stitched them together into one file, and… I mean, you can't do that at Late 'n' Live. I know I haven't been there, but if you could do that at early 00s Late 'n' Live, then I have drastically misunderstood the nature of the event. You can't do that. You'll get stabbed.
The other source of information about early Oliver stand-up is reviews, which are worth reading because they're often quite funny. @lastweeksshirttonight, I can't remember if I've ever sent you the Steve Bennett review of his debut Edinburgh show, but I'm tagging you because if you haven't read it before then you definitely should. It's hilarious. I don't always agree with Steve Bennett's opinions or approach to the mechanics of the English language, but I have to admit: "John Oliver has based his debut Edinburgh show on death, a concept he can be no stranger to, given the lukewarm reception his obscure observations receive," is a sick burn.
Was John doing that at Late 'n' Live? You definitely can't do what was described in that review at Late 'n' Live. You probably shouldn't do that anywhere, really.
There are better reviews from the next few years, like these ones, which both basically boil down to: Zaltzman and Oliver are intelligent guys who write well and it's all very clever and even at times funny, but God, they're both really annoying. So annoying. It was funny but I didn't like them because they were annoying. Did he annoy the people at Late 'n' Live that way? Is that why the man wanted to stab him?
Steve seemed to like them better in 2005, but still, I don't think you can do that at Late 'n' Live. "Oliver and Zaltzman are at the vanguard of a new wave of satire taking vast global issues - fair trade, the apathy paralysing democracy, immigration - and trying to simplify them to expose their flaws, which suddenly seem so blindingly obvious when put in such clear terms." Yeah, John, obviously the guy threatened to stab you if you tried to do that to him when he was drunk at 1 AM. Obviously.
What did you do to them, John? And while we're at it, what did you do to the people of York that one time?
Anyway, the whole Hot Ones interview was pretty interesting, they touched a few times on that side of John Oliver that I find particularly enjoyable, as he discusses the way he really enjoys tension and doing fucked up things and getting in trouble, but also has a socio-political worldview that says venerating that stuff is bad, and this creates its own tension. It's something I've heard him talk about before, I've always enjoyed it, I wasn't expecting to hear it explored so much in a hot wings interview, but here we are. Thanks for the recommendations, John Oliver side of Tumblr.
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What the f-
Yeah. This is fine. This is great, even! I'm just scrolling around on Tumblr, havin a good time, then I see some asks talking about the new page and I get excited. I riot in my head, even! I squeal with joy because I absolutely adore your art!
Then Sonic pushes Shadow away and my heart breaks in half.
wtf /pos and /lh
I wanna psychoanalyze this so fuccin bad so I'm gonna try my best but everything is so clear and easy to see so idk how obvious this will all be. I'll have a TLDR at the end that will hopefully be shorter idfk
Also before I do that I just wanna say that I absolutely love THOAM and I'm so glad I've been along on such a crazy journey for this long. Love seeing your art evolve throughout the 2 years I've been here!
ok let's get on with it already-
Okay so the first thing I noticed is Sonic's demeanor in this entire chapter so far. Sonic wasn't necessarily pissed at Shadow before coming here, (I still fail to remember the name of their location) but he was a bit... He seemed angered to some degree. This obviously has to do with the lack of sleep he's been getting due to his incredibly painful transformation, and uh side note here, transforming on its own would be enough to make someone feel out of sorts. I totally understand why Sonic is acting odd, in this case.
Anyway, the point I'm making is that Shadow has slowly been testing Sonic's patience throughout this and the last chapter. In the last one, Shadow said something incredibly rude and impulsive, which lead to Sonic staying behind in the dorm while Shadow and Chip were getting mawled. He only came back because he knew they were in deep trouble. The hug he got from Shadow didn't really help all that much, even if it was a kind gesture and something the Ultimate Lifeform wouldn't typically do. Because, y'know, it's just a hug. People hug others all the time, and it's not even close to a real apology.
Then Chip stayed behind with Tails. And... Suddenly, Sonic took a complete 180!
Without Chip around, without Sonic's emotional support buddy, the blue blur is left with all these pent up emotions that he's been refusing to let out for a long time. The last time he cried was days ago when he accidentally attacked Amy, and for us, that was probably like 3-4 years ago at this point. He's hardly had enough time or room to really feel anything, and that leaves him all constipated and icky. Sure, he had to kind of mellow his real feelings when Chip was around because he's just a kid in Sonic's eyes, and when Sonic lashes out it impacts Chip in a bad way. This doesn't mean Sonic feels any better without Chip, because without him, there's no hype man to make him feel better. There are no comforting words or small chit-chats for the road and no pit stops to get snacks... It's just him and Shadow now, and since they're on a pretty important mission to, you know, fix the entire fucking world, there's like no time for breaks.
Combine all this with the fact that Sonic is stuck as a Werehog for this entire chapter, and for the entirety of this specific mission... Yeah, you've got a pretty cranky hedgehog. And here's the sad part in all of this: Sonic doesn't like feeling this angry and this alone, but no one seems to really understand him anymore. Not even Shadow. They don't know what it's like living two whole lives at once, having to go through all this pain and agony for so long and not able to tell a soul. They couldn't possibly comprehend!
So how should he feel when his closest companion makes an effort to understand, even just by a little bit?
Sonic is confused and angry at the world. He doesn't understand what to do or how to act, and without Chip's support and unintentional therapy, he's just kinda... Left to his thoughts. Shadow suddenly trying to help after being not very helpful for a while made things even more confusing, and the fact Shadow never told Sonic about the constant nighttime thing... Yeeeeeaaahhh, Sonic's not doing too hot.
Hope this wasn't too long and I hope Tumblr doesn't eat this up due to its length. Thanks so much for reading to the end and thanks for just being you. Because if you didn't exist the world would explode-
NEVER TOO LONG i think others also appreciate the theories ♥
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 months
Until The Very End -(WITS Sequel)
A/N: Been a while since I'd written single-scene chapters. Also happy WITS anniversary?? 3 years now wtf -Danny
Words: 2,074
Previous chapter // Next chapter
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It was no surprise when Emily Flint got sorted into Slytherin, and no surprise when she picked the hardest subjects on the curriculum once her third year came around. But it was a surprise when she went to the Quidditch tryouts and got the Seeker position.
Teddy Lupin would have someone to train with during the holidays now, Reg preferred doing muggle-type activities during his free time, and Victoire didn't like flying. Emily was the only one in the small group of friends who had a strong love for Quidditch, which her father could not understand.
He would understand even less now, Emily thought as she glared at her broken ankle waiting to be healed.
"Bollocks," much like her father, she didn't like swearing unless she was upset, and unfortunately, that was the case. "My career is over..."
"There you are!"
Emily's face heated up at the sound of Leon's voice. However, the whirlwind of feelings that came to her was represented on her face in the form of a scowl. "If you're coming here to tease, you can do so later," she sulked.
The older boy stopped halfway to her, eyes wide. "I wanted to check on you, that was a pretty harsh fall out there—I almost jumped out of my seat to try and catch you."
Emily sank further in her bed, wishing her heartbeat would stop thumping. "I'm fine. You may leave."
Leon frowned a bit, but it was more out of confusion than annoyance. "What's your deal? You caught the snitch and your team won—aren't you proud?"
"No, I'm not proud!" Emily snapped. "I promised Dad I wouldn't be careless while playing, he doesn't want me to play—says your sister and Harry took a lot of injuries from Quidditch and you know how paranoid he is, I promised I'd be careful!"
"You can't control that," Leon shrugged, not matching her panic. "Mel couldn't, and she'd control the weather if she wanted to. You can't promise you'll be safe every second of the game."
"Dad won't let me play now," Emily groaned, not listening to him. "My time in the team is over and I had just gotten the spot! It's not fair, Quidditch is the one thing he hates that I love. It's a huge joke, this is what this is."
"C'mon, your dad's not unreasonable, he's quite the opposite," Leon insisted with a tiny smile. "You got a little excited while playing, but it's just a broken ankle, he knows you can take care of yourself."
"And what if Ellie wants to play Quidditch once she starts next August? Dad won't let her because of what happened to me—I've ruined my siblings's chances."
"Emie, you have to cut yourself some slack," the boy replied, his grey eyes darkening with concern. "Penny says you rarely spend time with friends! And every time I go visit your common room, you're rubbing your nose raw on a book."
Emily stared down at her hands. "Because I want to make my father proud. I want to be perfect so he... so I can show him that all those sacrifices he made when he was my age were all worth it."
"Hey, when your dad was our age, he did all kinds of stuff. Once he stole someone else's hair for a Polyjuice potion and knocked that girl unconscious so she wouldn't show up while Mel was pretending to be her." Leon tried not to, but a chuckle escaped him as he sat next to Emily's bed.  "He wasn't unhappy all the time. You know what he's always telling me?"
Emily's hazel eyes are fixed on the boy's face, expectant and curious. "What?"
"He says that it was thanks to my sister that he loved school, and found real friends. And... I don't know if you know, but he and my sister had a thing when she was my age."
"Don't tell him I told you!" Leon blushed. "My point is, he wasn't sad about anything, because his parents and brother had never been mistreated for their beliefs and yet they were always angry and miserable—but he'd been beaten twice, and on both occasions, the pain was nothing because Mel was there for him."
Leon grabbed her hand and squeezed lightly. "He thinks I'm like my sister, and maybe he sees you're just like him. So, he wants me to keep an eye on you. He says every Flint needs a Sultens," he grinned. "I think us Sultens would be nothing without our Flints. You're the sole reason why I didn't end up being a brat."
"Really?" Emily laughed, though still conscious of the way Erick was holding her hand.
"I was always trying to force you to follow my rules," his smile grew. "And you would always leave me there standing. It drove me mad!"
Emily nodded, remembering a bit of it. "Yeah, you were annoying."
"Unlike Teddy and Victoire, you didn't worship me at all," he continued with amusement. "I tried to win you over but I never figured out how to get you to do what I wanted, so I gave up— accepted the world didn't revolve around me, and I became a better friend."
"And then I changed my mind," she mused.
"Yeah well, you didn't hate me, you were just nudging me in the right direction, even as a kid you were always wiser than me." His expression turned affectionate then, poor Emily had to slow down her breathing so she wouldn't faint. "But you're too obsessed with being perfect."
"I can be perfect, it's a matter of hard work!" She argued, momentarily forgetting about her feelings.
"Princess, your own father handed me the task of teaching you how to have fun! Do you know how grave the situation has to be to get that kind of order from Mr Flint, Master of introversion?"
Emily didn't want to be seen as a task, or a kid Leon had to look after. He'd always been the oldest, strongest and smartest, and she felt like a huge fraud, because the only reason she hadn't followed him around since the start, was because she'd realized Leon paid more attention to her that way.
She wondered what had caused her father to crush on Mel Dumbledore—dad wasn't interested in superficial stuff like beauty or money, he'd always said he'd fallen in love with mother because of the way she spoke, 'She's pure magic' he liked saying. She'd been the first person to make him feel interesting and special.
Judging by the things Leon mentioned, her father had been enchanted by the way Mel made his life bearable in school, because of all the good things she'd brought into his life. She'd been an advantage, not a burden.
Emily wanted to be that for Leon. She'd decided he would be the man she'd marry, but for that to happen, boundaries had to be established. The way he would call her 'Princess' wasn't even sweet to her ears, he called her that because Mel teasingly called her father 'Prince'. It was just as platonic, and it made her furious.
Leon Regulus was a good boy, but he was too self-sufficient and only followed his own rules, not even Penny could get him to do her bidding. So far he'd dated plenty of beautiful girls who fawned over him, and even if he'd never been rude, most girls couldn't stand his distant personality, they never lasted more than one or two months with him. 
It was easy to lose his interest, his feelings faded quickly once the thrill of the unknown wore out. She'd once overheard his sister talking about Leon's father with Harry.
"Uncle Lu says Sirius used to date girls just to keep himself entertained with something during the times he wasn't doing mischief. That it was fun to him, but once that thrill was over so were his feelings, no girl ever got to make him stay once he'd fully known them."
"But he knew Mily, they were friends," Harry had pointed out. "And he was in love with her his whole life."
Mel took a moment to reply. "I don't know. Sirius was impulsive and kept to himself—Mum was a fun girl but I wouldn't know the reasons why he felt differently about her. He never told me."
If Leon was so much like his father—everyone always said that—then Emily had to be more like her namesake. Otherwise, she'd be overlooked, and taken for granted, and she could not have that.
"I appreciate your efforts to look after me," the girl dropped his hand. "You're right, my dad would want me to have fun—more importantly, he'd want me to have a Mel Dumbledore. But I don't think that's you."
Leon straightened up in his seat. "Why not?"
"Well, it'd be too obvious," Emily rolled her eyes. "Mel's brother being my answer is lazy—and I'm not lazy. Dad wants me to look for my person as he did, so that's what I'll do. Some boys have been trying to ask me out but I keep saying no, maybe I should reconsider."
"What boys?"
"I'll take it from here," Emily smiled even though her guts were twisting in knots, she hoped this would not backfire. "Thank you, you've opened my eyes. I won't sit around in my common room where you'd always been certain to find me. Now you'll have to search the entire castle just to catch a glimpse of me!"
The girl tried her best to sound obnoxious in a credible way because she was young, but Leon knew she wasn't stupid. There was a thin line between being obvious to the point he'd known she was up to something, and sounding like she'd truly been convinced to change her ways.
"It frustrates me when I discover there are limits to my abilities and they don't always reach where I want them to—"
"I think you're okay exactly where you are," the boy mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. His burgundy hair reflected the sunlight coming from the window.
"But I'm missing out! I want to go out on adventures with you, Teddy, and Victoire, and then Ellie once she gets here! I want to date people—and I can't do that if I follow you around like a lost pup, can I?" 
"I... guess not," Leon frowned, seemingly confused. "I mean... yeah, you're right."
"I must find my way alone. It'd be silly to rely on you anyway, you graduate in a year and then I'd just fall back in my bad habits. So no, thank you."
She laid back looking pleased. If Leon decided then to really let go, her dream would die right at that moment... but she had to take a risk, it was better to not have him at all than to fall deeper in love, only for him to grow numb to her appeal. 
Emily couldn't stand the idea of losing the boy she wanted to be with when he was the perfect fit, so she had to make sure he remained interested long enough until she was the right age to place her offer on the table. And if she played her cards right, he'd be begging her to take him by that time.
"I... I know I can't force you," he wrinkled his nose. "But I'd be useful to have around, you know? I know everyone, I get invited to all the parties and—"
"I'm the best seeker in school," she replied confidently. "I think I can get into any party if I just ask nicely."
"Yeah," Leon agreed, though he was no longer so joyful. "You're right, as usual..."
"Don't worry, I'll come to you if I have doubts about how to break up with someone, or my charms homework, or if I ever feel like joining the duelling club," she teased him. "I'll be around."
Leon's grey eyes got cloudier as he sank into his thoughts, Emily wished she knew Occlumancy. "Your dad will be glad, then... I should leave and... uh... Penny wanted me to help with her transfiguration parchment, so..."
"Go ahead, I won't be lonely," Emily shrugged. "Teddy and Vicky might visit after lunch."
"Yes," he replied, now sounding slightly on edge. "Teddy will want to talk your ears off about the game. I know. See you."
The boy got up and left. The way he walked out with his fists buried in his pockets and that cute pout on his face reminded her so much of the way he'd looked whenever she would defy him, that she felt this had been the right call. 
Leon Regulus would soon realize he'd always been in love with her, it was only a matter of time.
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Next Chapter –>
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Ok so now that I've had the chance to sleep on it-
1) Our predictions.....weren't actually wrong. I distinctly remember predictions that Will would try to hide his feelings and matchmake mlvn. That's what he did.
2) The general consensus was that Will's painting would be given as a "friendly" gift, not meant to confess his love. Mike himself, however, would be aware that this was the painting Will was making for "a girl he likes". So Will would have inadvertently revealed his feelings.
Uhhhhh so Will went several steps beyond that and DID present his painting as a romantic gift, from El. The crux remains the same. Mike now has two versions about who the painting is for/from. He's one brain cell away from figuring it out.
Actually Will has kind of fucked himself over pretty badly. There's no doubting the painting's romantic connotations now. Mike needs to mention the painting to El just once and it's game over.
3) People predicted mlvn comeback based on the Stancy comeback coz "it's a cycle" and here we are.
Is it a cycle? Idk. There are some insane parallels between Vol 2 and season 2. Entire dialogues straight from the previous seasons but spoken by different people.
4) even now, after Mike's confession, after sacrificing at the alter of gay heartbreak....mlvn still doesn't work. El is still not talking to Mike. Why?
Is Mike right? It's because she's never failed before? First, shouldn't she be seeking COMFORT from Mike if that's the case? Yanno, if their relationship is so great. Second, she seems able to talk to other people just fine....is it because she feels like she failed Mike specifically? Mike who calls her a superhero at every chance he gets. Great. Relationship.
Is Mike wrong? Is she angry because she knows now that she doesn't deserve to be reduced to a superhero? She knows she's not the monster, but does she know she doesn't have to be the superhero? That's unclear. If she does, then it makes sense she's pissed at Mike because he's apparently incapable of seeing her as anything but a superhero.
If she doesn't.... it's ok she'll get there I think. But then why is she angry now? What other reason could she have? Few possibilities- she knows he's lying, she's annoyed anyway at the superhero thing, she's just grieving, etc
5) no ily from El. Also note- no ily between Lumax (they were gonna go to the movies tho 🥺😭👀) or Jopper. Who DOES say ily this season? Eddie and Dustin. Jonathan and Will. And Mike. It's those season 2 platonic vs romantic parallels all over again.
6). Mike. I....don't understand anything with Mike. So he couldn't say ily to El because he was afraid she wouldn't need him anymore? Didn't Vol 1 demonstrate to him how much she did need him at that time? Did he not feel needed enough when El was sobbing in front of him, the day after a terrible terrible bullying incident, asking him if he loved her?
By all rights, if THAT was his problem, it should have been solved during that fight scene. But it makes sense that it didn't- Mike sees El as the superhero. Does El the teenaged girl need him? Eh. Does El the superhero need him? I gotchu babe here's my ily to give you the strength to fight on. Fulfilling the role yet again. Typical of him.
Not to mention- he's afraid of losing her coz he's just "some nerd" in the same season where he seemingly had accepted and taken pride in being a nerd for the first time (have you considered that we don't want to be popular?). That makes sense.
7) Vickie-Mike parallels for what??? The fact that even now, the Byler subtext continues to fucking exist. That last scene. Wtf.
8) Ironically, Will is the one pushing for mlvn the hardest this season. He's ripping off his bandaid and BEYOND. Wounding himself to get it off.
And yet. Even with a freaking "love confession" their relationship still isn't all that romantic this volume. They reunite, and Will is framed between them (Robin parallel). Immediately followed by an EQUALLY heartfelt reunion between El and Will.
They get to the Surfer Boy Pizza Place, and Argyle interrupts their conversation before it can happen. Mike was gonna say something- the much awaited ily? A mention of the painting? El says she missed him. I only saw the scene once but idk that sounded like a very break up tone to me. I am rooting for you girl. Dump him.
Then the monologue. The "Mike gets kicked into action when someone he loves is in danger" moment. Except apparently the kicking was actually done by Will. Mike's confession, that is drawing from Will's confession, that he thinks is El's confession. What a mess.
9) And what a mess that confession is. I get a strange surreal feeling when I think about these three this volume. As if Will and El are merging into one. Will who expresses his feelings through El. Mike who I'm really fucking confused by. And El who has no idea anything is going on between Mike and Will (or just Will) at all, but seems to be pulling away from Mike for some other reasons.
10) Mike tho.
Where did his feeling "afraid to lose her" coz she "might not need him anymore" come from? El needed him, she adored him. It was clear to see the second they met at the airport. But Mike thought he lost Will. Mike thought Will was painting for a girl (it's not my fault you don't like girls!).
WHERE did Mike's fear of El not needing him come from?
So he's been thinking a lot about how he stumbled across her because of dumb luck. Except that wasn't exactly it. Mike stumbled across her because he was looking for Will.
So Mike's life started the day he met El. The day Will disappeared (I'm the only one acting normal here! Im the only one who cares about Will!). But he remembers the day he met Will on the first day of school. Maybe my memory is just bad but I definitely don't remember a lot of stuff from before I started going to school. Mike's memories of his life most probably literally start around the time he met Will.
She was wearing yellow, and he knew he loved her the moment he met her (You were alone too. It was the best thing I'd ever done). Sorry, I'm of the opinion that S1 mlvn was the best mlvn....and yet. It's the same season where Mike was perfectly ready for El to be taken back to "Penhurst or wherever she came from". It's the same season where their relationship parallels freaking Dustin-Dart from S2. The season where the whole "am i your little pet" thing originates from.
It's just...it's weird. So weird. Is he just saying shit? Does he believe what he's saying? Is it just me, or is he seriously projecting? Idk idk idk.
At this point it's not even about Byler or mlvn for me. I just need things to make SENSE. Some consistency PLEASE.
This can go two ways- either there IS a payoff for all this. Neither mlvn nor Byler feel fully resolved rn, and maybe maybe maybe there is a resolution coming. Maybe there are answers coming.
Or, maybe not. Unfortunately it's not exactly rare for big shows to lose the plot after a while (👀GoT👀) and maybe that's it. That's the answer. Things aren't gonna make sense anymore. Things aren't gonna pay off. Narratives destroyed for the sake of making it more palatable to the larger audience.
We can only hope, and I will (cautiously). If not this, we still got MC!Will coming. If not THAT, I want fanfic writers to start writing villain!Will fics immediately. Also AU slow burns. I love AUs and Byler needs more AU slow burns pls. If canon has forsaken us then forsake canon! I'll give prompts.
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slow-button-off · 7 months
I really don't understand what Ferrari's doing. I don't mean necessarily this year, but in general. This new car had to be the great comeback after 2020... 🙈🙈🙈
Last year's car was unreliable but fast as hell and Leclerc loved it. But they changed the car throughout all of last season to make it more suitable for Sainz who kept crashing. Now the car is miles slower, Leclerc hates it, Sainz likes it, and Red Bull is still dominating (we were lucky in Singapore but just because RB did badly, just like last year).
I know you keep saying that the team would never change the car for one driver if it meant it would get slower, but evidence says otherwise. Binotto, the rest of the team, Sainz himself said they worked hard to suit the car to him, and here's the result: the car is OBJECTIVELY slower than last year, and it doesn't suit Leclerc at all.
In Singapore, 2nd and 3rd were faster, we only kept them behind using DRS tricks. Leclerc said from the first moment that it was all planned and his role was to protect Sainz as best as he could. It didn't seem like he was protecting Ferrari, he seemed totally honest (unlike last year, where you could tell he was disappointed and just trying to keep peace).
It seems like Ferrari has chosen its first driver years ago (they even had Leclerc go receive his 2nd place in the championship trophy ALONE) but lack the decency of being honest with us (and possibly with Leclerc as well...).
Sainz's first victory came after 10 years in F1 and Leclerc had to sacrifice his own race to cover him. His second victory, same thing (though less of a shit show since Leclerc isn't running for the title this time). He gets the best strategies, can fight orders (Silverstone'22: "Hamilton and Perez will eat me alive if I try to defend!", so they had Leclerc do it and sacrifice his own race), can badmouth Leclerc and the team without repercussions.
I don't know if it's because Ferrari knows that Leclerc would literally die for them, so they take him for granted, or if sponsors are involved (we all know F1 is a political game and Santander got Kimi sacked for Alonso, it isn't even a conspiracy but a fact, especially in Italy everyone knows:
(iirc OP is Italian).
I'm not saying I prefer Binotto to Vasseur, because Binotto was completely allergic to taking responsibility for his mistakes... but at least with him the car was the fastest on the grid.
Wtf is Ferrari doing?
The car isn't objectively slower overall. It was slower in qualifying in both Monaco and Suzuka (and maybe somewhere else but I don't remember). The car did get better in certain things compared to 2022 but they also made a lot of mistakes.
The thing is more that in their quest to I guess make Carlos more comfortable while also making the car faster they went wrong and it looks extra bad because the rest didn't get it wrong so they caught up or in RBs case extended their advantage.
Waché RBs TD said that with these cars it's easier to find speed at the front than in the rear. And RB who started with a more rearwards balance in 2022 shifted their balance forwards and their car got significantly faster. Ferrari wanted to shift the balance backwards but doing that and finding speed is much harder according to him. And so I think they thought they could do it but irl couldn't and got it massively wrong.
On Singapore looking at pace as such in Singapore doesn't mean much tbh. Half the race Carlos was going as slow as possible and that only works in Singapore because overtaking is super hard unless you are significantly faster or you do it via the pits and an undercut. Lando definitely wasn't faster overall and the Mercs were faster but they also were on a different strategy and were properly pushing. And with how well Lando did defending the DRS thing wasn't that needed tbh.
The win in Singapore was really important for Fred and his standing in the team etc. RB had messed up and it was THE chance to win and throwing that away would get in the way of Fred getting to properly establish himself in the team. That's why Charles cooperated. Because Fred needed it. Because Ferrari needed it. And the fact that is was Carlos who won doesn't change much.
We're in a throwaway season, there is no need for a proper driver hierarchy atm. But also the way that Fred talks about the drivers paints a different picture. We also know that Charles contract negotiations started early and he has most likely already signed a long term-ish deal. Meanwhile we don't hear anything like that about Carlos and they either actually haven't started negotiations yet or (and) he is definitely not getting what he wasn't which is the same thing that Charles is getting because otherwise there would be no need to be complaining so much and so loud.
I know this is an old ask, but read Charles interview with the race that came out today. He very clearly believe in the project and to me that means he is definitely at the centre of that.
Fred famously left Renault super quickly because he wasn't a fan of the politics. he doesn't like that stuff.
The current car is shit but that it's not shit because of Fred. This season we can only more recently start to judge Fred when it comes to the general operations. This car was designed under Binotto and all Fred has been able to is still push the development which he has done. Ferrari have brought more in general and more effective upgrades this season than last, but this car has some fundamental issues (chassis, suspension etc) that you can't just fix mid season with the cost cap.
The first car to judge Fred with is the 2024 car. And even then because they are starting with a new concept it probably won't start 100% flawless. But this current car is not on Fred at all.
not to mention the race interview again but Charles pretty much says he was ready to leave Ferrari last year and that he believes in the project now more than ever.
I get not wanting to trust Fred but do trust Charles he isn't an idiot.
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galaxy-omega · 11 months
I am unable to think properly after the spiderman movie. Didn't know there was gonna be a part two, halfway through I was like "Dang, how long was this movie again?" And I should've known.
Spoilers belowwww
On one hand I understand Miguel, he has worked so hard to keep the time lines all orderly out of not only fear of what happened to his and the one he took, but also, the fact it's never been done before. Out of infinite universes, seeing something like that happen is defeating. No other universe has ever seen it happen. He couldn't get it. I think it's a selfish part of him, that wants to say "if I can't have my happy story, and no one else can, Miles shouldn't be able to just say he can and take that risk." It's reasonable in his head. It's reasonable in mine. The logic of no one has succeeded so no one is allowed to try is faulted, but with as high of a risk as breaking down other spiderverses, it's an understandable one at that.
Something else I realized, is that the spider link thing, that takes you back to your universe, it doesn't erase all your memories of the spider verse. All of those villains have seen thousands of spiderpeople. Unless there's a process that occurs beforehand or something. But from what I saw, every villain you saw just gets zapped to their own universe with no questions asked or answered. That has to play a part in this eventually, especially with the Prowler from hopefully Tom Holland's universe coming about.
Also, In Gwen Stacy's universe, everything is like watercolored, and based on the feelings of each character the background gets distorted and altered. But when she goes to the spider verse, and a mix of other universes, it's back to Miles universe comic book dotted look. However in the case of the realistic universes or the Lego universe, the spot doesn't alter to be different just by being there. However, neither does Miles from what we've seen
Do you think having altered DNA from universe 42 makes Mile's more suspectable to transversing altered universe's? He's still obviously affected by the Glitch whenever he's in a universe he's not meant to be in.
How do all the spider people in the base not get suspicious? Thousands of spider people were climbing after miles in the chase scene and not one cop or officer, even citizen is like "WTF in the world war z of spiderman is this?"
Also, in the end scene with Universe 42's Miles Morales being the Prowler, do you think that Peter was still spiderman? Like, meant to be? Because if Miles could become dark and evil, you'd think like ever other universe, it would be Peter Parker as spiderman. Maybe miles will meet Peter in that universe. Do you think they'll bring up a old Peter actor to do the voice? Do you think we'll meet them at all?
As for hopes for Beyond the Spider verse, I hope that we get to see more Spiderpunk being spiderpunk, Hobie for life.
I hope we get to see Miles bring home his mom a cake with a nice little message on it.
I hope I get to see more Miguel O'hara cause BARk.
I think we will see other inhabitants of Universe 42's original cast. Like Doc Oc, Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, maybe even MJ. Maybe learn more of how 42's dad died. More of the spiderman voiced by Andy Samburg, what's not to love
Maybe more touching up on some Spider people who find out why Miles is running instead of everyone following blindly.
And I feel like the Spot was kinda just, a background noise at the end of the movie. It seems like he's going to go get more power, but when was the last you heard of him doing anything??? Like, previous to the first 40 minutes of the last bit of the movie? Where he at boy? Sounds sus to me. Having almost every spiderman away from base and trying to hunt down Miles Morales whilst trying to hunt down something that will take over the whole universe. I think they're underestimating the Spot again. Which will be a huge mistake
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sonderwrit · 7 months
C102: Don't understand
I Have to Be a Great Villain - Masterpost
At the end of the day, Wang Yi learns to embrace Ho Yay.
X: *CHU~*
Wang Yi: !
X: If it's annoying, I'll call them back.
WY: Urk…it's fine.
Qin Xian 2: No sneaking hugs allowed!
Qin Xian 1: Me too!
(sfx: coming over)
WY: (Not good, it's really no good if there's too many people!)
X: Is it fine if it's just me? (Back to just 1 person)
WY: That's not what I meant…
WY: (But he definitely continued from the words I couldn't say out loud.) [Mind-reading verified]
WY: X. Can you answer a few of my questions?
X: Hm?
X: What do I get if I answer? Can I get a kiss?
WY: Urk. Buddy, don't be a hopeless romantic. [*strategic retreat*]
WY: Since you have your seniors' memories, you should know what kind of jerk I am, right? I'm the kind of guy that'll abandon you anytime.
X: Hm, that's fine.
X: X won't lose you ever again.
X: No matter where Wang Yi runs, I'll find you.
X: Of course, that's assuming you—
X: —eat a portion of me. [There's still time before my next evolution, so no worries about getting devoured.]
WY: Huh?
WY: (Wha…there's something there.) *gulps*
WY: (Something unimaginable—entered through my mouth!)
Qin Xian?: I love you.
Qin Xian?: I love you.
Qin Xian?: Can you—stay?
Qin Xian?: I'm begging you…
Qin Xian?: Begging you—
WY: (? ….)
WY: (I seemed to have…caught a glimpse of something. But it's too foggy for me to be certain.) [A misassumption?]
WY: (Wait a minute, now's not the time for that!)
WY: WTF are you doing?! 
WY: Did you put your own body…can I even digest something like this after eating it?! It'll be a big problem, right! *repeated gagging*
X: Don't worry, it's impossible for humans to digest X's body, nor is it harmful for humans. It'll just stay quietly inside you.
WY: (Does it have to be like this?)
X: Hm? Wang Yi's internal thoughts seem to be very chaotic. (Can't see clearly)
Arrow: After receiving the two Qin Xians' knowledge, he now understands the meaning of "reading one's heart."
WY: The heck, I only made a promise to Qin Xian (2), but now you're telling me you're all the same person. Of course it's chaotic now that my promise has turned into 3 promises.
WY: I don't get why I keep running into you every time I transmigrate. (The other characters are all random.)
WY: I also don't understand why…
WY: You would like me.
X: Perhaps this is fate.
X: Fate tied us together, so—
X: We can never be separated again.
WY: As if I'd believe you. *punch*
WY: In any case, you can't call it coincidence after all these times. There has to be a reason, so you need to tell me what you know. [The type of person who doesn't believe in superstition]
WY: Also, urk…
WY: If you still don't mind staying with me, then I'll fulfill my promise too.
X: !
X: Hehe. Although X's form of love is twisted enough to leave a marker inside your body, you can still accept it?
WY: If you're clear on the fact that [I don't understand what kind of emotion "like" is, but I'm doing my best to work with you]
WY: Then we can give it a try.
WY & X: …..
WY & X: Hahahahahaha…
WY: Haha, we're really a match for each other.
WY: Although X has just regained some memories, it feels like we haven't parted for long at all. (You're not a stranger at all)
X: Just like you said, we really didn't part for long.
WY: And you?
WY: (Speaking of which, I never knew the ending for the campus romance setting Qin Xian.)
X: Me, huh…
X: It hasn't been long either, I guess?
(The days without you were agony)
Butler: Master, it's time to rest.
(The bites from the zombies were also very, very painful—)
(But if all this loneliness and grief came from waiting for you)
(Then to me it's as—sweet as sugar.)
X: Hello.
*changed his looks*
X: I'm the new assistant Xiao Qin. Please take care of me.
WY: Come in.
[Left a portion of slime to pretend to be the experimental subject]
S-0: Hah? Host what's going on, you hired an assistant? This is a little different from the original novel?
WY (whispering): It's fine. More people means more help. The future "Mermaid Rescue Project" task of the heroine isn't easy.
WY: (Don't let S-0 know you can hear its speech)
X: (Understood!)
WY: Moreover…Sao-Ling, don't you want points?
S-0: ?
S-0: Is Host planning to…
WY: Yep.
WY: Time to do some shipping.*
*shipping - To 炒cp in Chinese means to "encourage a Couple Pairing," aka do actions that imply a romantic relationship by the ambiguous nature of their subjects
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dontsayimhere · 8 months
ok so I came across a little malcolm bright fanfic (don't worry babes, linked below, go enjoy) and it began a lil bit of brain rot so hear me out:
(spoilers for the fic, go read it first if you want, commentary/word vomit bit is below)
ok so in this malcolm has a seizure disorder which Gil knows about, but not Dani. stuff gets figured out, others are updated etc. etc.
my lil goblin brain couldn't leave well enough alone so after like the third time reading this i've decided to pen (or rather type) these ridiculous things i can just about call thoughts
let's set the scene, malcolm (yh for some reason my brain thinks the name looks better lower case? sorry if that bothers you but now it's slightly more symmetrical?) has a seizure while Gil and Dani are there.
(also not trying to romanticise anything, just going off what i got)
Dani and Gil are both used to the Complete Human Disaster™ that malcolm is so obviously they both know seizure first aid for future reference.
(also gentle reminder, if you don't know this go find out, there's like st John's ambulance videos that make you a functioning member of society in under 10 mins)
now, based on the confidence that each of them seem to have regarding the situation, they keep looking at each other like "huh, they seem to have done this before"
so they end up each thinking that malcolm must have epilepsy/a seizure disorder that the other knows about but they never got told.
they look after him, do all the things you have by now learned in helpful video format (wink wink) and everything is fine, right?
when malcolm eventually wakes up, and is told what happened he is understandably eloquent in saying "wtf, how, why etc." and his surprise makes them realise that for once he wasn't just conveniently leaving out information.
i feel like this started out fine and got slightly more unhinged and less logical as it goes on but if that isn't life i don't know what is
the point may have gotten a little lost and it petered out a bit but i said a thing and it's done so woo
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sugar-omi · 9 months
Trying to imagine what kind of conversation Baxter and Frankie would have if they somehow ended up getting a chance to chat (whether he was brought along with Jamie during a visit or they bumped into each other by chance)
Would it be a good thing or a bad thing?
Would Frankie be disappointed and surprised with what Baxter did or would they be more like not so surprised but only disappointed? As you said, Frankie knows Baxter better than Jamie ever could so Frankie knows Baxter wants to be loved. So it'd be like:
"I know you've always wanted to be loved by someone but why did it have to be this why, huh? Why couldn't you guys have dealt with this better?"
mmm, i think the shock is temporary, and its more shock that baxter would disrespect himself like that. and tldr, baxter doesn't have a explanation to frankie's question, even he doesn't know wtf happened honestly. he just broke down because i imagine jamie really wears him down over the course of months of wedding planning and even distances themself from cove on purpose (not giving affection, sleeping in the guest bed or getting in bed after cove "sleeps" (he's definitely been awake once or twice, waiting n crying when jamie just turns their back to him.)) and jamie's effort n begging baxter to understand, to give em a chance
frankie has known baxter many times over, they've angered him and befriended him and loved him. they know every side of baxter, they've got baxter down to a science, just as they do with everyone in golden grove.
somehow they convince baxter to sit down with them. after all, even in all these lives there isn't one where he runs from everyone, you especially if you choose to, and succeeds.
he's awkward and fidgeting, trying to play it off.
"i'm disappointed in you."
baxter's eyes widen before he drops his brows and tries to mask his shame. "right to the point huh?"
"even though i'm a bit surprised, i'm not. i just thought you had more respect for yourself"
baxter is quiet, and his face is scrunched up as he thinks about if he should leave or let you degrade him.
"they're selfish, baxter."
"you don't know anything about jamie" baxter defends without a second thought
"i know them very well." you smile, its probably sickly sweet to those on the outside and dripping with sarcasm but it's true. no one knows them like you do. in that case jamie would also know you better than anyone else as well...
"you always indulge your lovers, or people you like." you spit the last word. sometimes baxter's "like" for people is founded in having fun before he leaves you in the dust. about getting the most entertainment before the grand finale.
"but to think you'd take someones fiance... you've gotten too desperate."
baxter glares, but he can't say anything to defend himself.
sure he tried to fight at first, he has blocks of text of him trying to convince jamie they're making the biggest mistake of their life...
"..i tried. do you think i like seeing how lonely my spouse is? do you think i like knowing i caused all this?" baxter tries to keep his voice down but he's distraught. "i feel so embarrassed! i don't know why i accepted their confession, i love them so much but i...." baxter chokes up. there's just no reason
frankie just blinks at him. it's daunting how blank their expression is. insulting, like they're staring through him and judging his soul.
"i expected so much better from you, i thought you would've never done this in a million years." frankie states, and it's true. baxter usually found it insulting that anyone would cheat on their lover. what was so different about this life? what made baxter so desperate?
"i know..." baxter mumbles, almost unintelligible from how his breathes the words.
frankie watches baxter, the way he hunches and his face is overwhelmed with shame, embarrassment, and sadness. frankie can't say they haven't done something mean. they've lived many times, and in some of those times they ignored or made enemies of some or all of those in golden grove.
maybe this wasn't as disappointing or as shocking as frankie thought. baxter was always going to break one day, ruined by his own hand.
"oh well, what's done is done. maybe we'll be reincarnated and you can undo your mistakes." frankie chugs the last of their drink, snatching up their things from the table and paying the bill.
"try to be happy baxter. you'll have to live with these choices, so learn to stop beating yourself up and distancing yourself from everyone.
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ghcstvalleychief · 2 years
I fear this is going to be long so I'm sorry in advance. I've been made aware unfortunately of the latest drama of the authors on twitter because of their unsurprisingly new dumb novel and it made me think. If boc buy the rights they should be able to do what they want in the new season. So I don't understand. Sure they can say no but would they really say no to money. Because that's what they get out of it at the end and if they really love trash they can just write garbage novels on their own. I'm thinking about Bridgerton right now because one of my friend watched season 2 because it was her favorite book from the 8 books and she told me the only thing that was the same as the book was the name of the characters because their storyline was totally different they basically throw the whole story in the trash for their own adaptation ( in this case it was a mistake because the book was better ) but what I mean is they can do that for season 2. Seriously who would want to do another season of basically the same thing with porsche vegas running away together and working together while lying to kinn. There's no characters development, no development for the relationship it's boring. After the season we had and their last scene we should have kinn and porsche as a unity I know it's not always gonna be like that for 1 whole season because of their personal feelings for their families and the angst but at least we should see them try! Talking about angst, one thing that annoyed me is if you gonna make porsche be with vegas behind kinn's back you better give me the payoff. I want to hear what kinn feel about that, I want him being allowed to be disappointed because porsche don't give him the choice to choose what to do. And this what why they fail between ep 13/14 because this is kinn's story. Being hard to trust someone because his lover isn't honest and with their conversation at the grave scene and in the previous ep abt lies like previous anon mentioned, I expected to have something. How and Why porsche could have his disappointed and mad moment at kinn in ep 12 for something kinn did when porsche was a stranger to him but you gonna give nothing from kinn side now 🌚 anyway my point is they have a good fondation now for kinn and porsche they shouldn't ruin this because the authors doesn't know how to write something. And they change a lot of things this season from the novel already so I hope they buy all the rights now and say fuck to the novel completely. The way kinn and Porsche series are my babies loves and I couldn't care less abt kinn/porsche novel we talk a lot about how in the novel kinn is a asshole but I don't forget that novel porsche is homophobic. His reaction when he learned kinn is gay wasn't the same reaction my love porsche serie had. And as you already said the thing that was awful and annoying for the show was how the fandom talked more about the novel than the show ????? It was always and when kinn do that for weeks( the worst he did in the novel ) yet in the show NOTHING like please watch the show and talk about these characters and what they are doing not why the novel characters did. The authors really just wrote problematic shit after another. And now they want to act as if the success for the show is on them please. P'pond better have my back again if he really want a season 2 and give me characters development, a couple who love each other and try/fight for each other, give kinn a pov and a voice when shit go down and write things that make sense to the characters. Let them learn from their past mistakes and not doing it AGAIN unless we see they have no choices. And please let the show being about kinnporsche against the world as this should and not vegasporsche against the world. I already don't care about vegas but this doesn't help. We never saw kinn and porsche working together can you believe lmao wtf I think if season 2 happen it will be in 3 years from now so I hope that will give them time to do the right thing. 🤞
You actually raise a good point, but I think someone on Twitter mentioned that it's different in Thailand. Like, in regards to royalties, creative license, rights, how much power and influence the author truly has over a show/movie once another company/network takes over to bring it to our screens.
I included some pictures of what I'm talking about, and this user goes into better detail on this topic. I only included 2 snippets of the thread but you can go here if you want to read the rest of it.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Because of this, Daemi could have 'resigned' from BOC as of May 2022 (as a staff member claimed today) but their presence is still very much felt and heard because I doubt this show will ever fully be 'free' of them. Just as long as these authors are the creators and owners of this series (or rather the novel it's based on), I don't think BOC can actually do anything in this sense. I don't know if Pond could even do anything in this situation either, because I'm not fully aware of Thailand's laws surrounding this aside from what the Twitter user stated above.
We know Daemi allegedly has an issue with keeping their hands to themselves and refraining from making weird sexually inappropriate comments. We've also allegedly seen instances of them trying to ice Apo out for some reason, even though he is the lead character. It's strange, isn't it? Daemi decides they want to do a photoshoot to make book covers for the box set edition of the show, but they exclude Apo. How the fuck does that work? Considering the fact that Daemi enjoys certain characters over others and are extremely friendly with a certain cast member, then I already know what a S2 is going to look like. Click on that link to see who Daemi made sure was present and accounted for along with Mile. Follow your nose, friends! Follow the trail of breadcrumbs. If you know, you know. I'm just throwing some things out there to get you guys to think about the consequences of all of this. You could get a S2, but what do you think that's going to look like?
As always, implicit bias will always reign supreme. It will always affect everything you produce, because no one is objective. If you as an author hate an actor that plays one of your characters, then what do you think is going to happen to that character? Do you think that character will live happily ever after? This aspect of this argument isn't important at all in the grand scheme of things, but it is important to note how all of this can and will affect a possible season 2. I'm not trying to make it seem as if that's the most important thing we need to be focused on here because it's not. I'm just connecting the dots here so you can see how all of this is just a spider web of bullshit.
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yonpote · 1 year
analysis of phil's cube time (make sure to read my previous post to understand wtf im talking about):
cube (self): giant melting ice cube in a desert. they mention things like maybe it could mean he's transparent, or keeps a cool head, or is ice cold, or is melting in a hot situation. i think phil definitely at this point in life and in general kept a very cool composure online but perhaps he was melting a bit irl. i do see him as someone who is a bit transparent in terms of being quite an honest person but at the same time maybe comes off as cold w things he keeps close to his chest
ladder (friends): a wooden ladder leaning on the side of the cube, causing it to melt a little. they mention that maybe phil likes when his friends rely on him or is generally a reliable person to his friends. i can definitely see this being the case, he's brought up a few times things like his party games being created so that people dont have to feel awkward at parties or always trying to be the person who includes someone in a group, and obv with dan he's always been a person he can rely on. tho phil also mentions the ladder melting the ice further, maybe meaning that even tho he likes having his friends rely on him maybe it puts further stress on him if not put in check.
horse (love): a brown, stallion-like horse trying but struggling to climb to the top of the ladder to cool down on the ice cube. OH BOY LMAO so, phil says that maybe it means he's "alone and single" since the horse couldn't get up the ladder. alex quotes the spice girls "if they wanna be your lover they gotta get with your friends" and phil says maybe he should lower his standards so the horse could be on top of the ice. now ok addressing the brown haired brown eyed stallion in the room, this video was recorded in 2012 which was a tumultuous time for dippy n pippy, they just moved to london, they're solidifying their work with the bbc, theyre in full force on their youtube channels taking a bunch of random sponsorships to pay rent, they're working crazy hard, and of course full on no-homo howell and The Leak is happening. my theory has always been this is when they took a break as romantic partners and were just friends for a while, but still very close. i read this a lot as them still wanting to stay best friends (hence the horse climbing up the ladder) but all these other forces getting in the way of anything further than that.
rain storm (troubles/stress): causing the ice to melt more. they mention phil not handling pressure well. again, 2012 was a very productive yet stressful year for phil (and dan). while i do believe its true he's not the best at handling pressure, i think considering everything that was happening, the ice cube was still there and never melted away completely. he also mentions the horse not liking the storm, again all of the work and online stress putting a toll on their relationship.
flowers (children/creative projects): small flowers on the floor surrounding the cube, not really consequential to the scene. phil considers the flowers to be more like creative children rather than actual ones, and i think it's interesting that they weren't affecting the scene at all. 2012 was a year where dan and phil tm were starting to get really popular (i would say they exploded a bit more the next couple years, but this was the year where i started noticing more people who were into them.) and they were doing radio stuff, doing videos all the time, doing younows and were active on tumblr and twitter all the time, and phil's video output was especially consistent. i do think despite all the stress that was happening with them, it never fully showed unless you looked further, and even then the extent of that stress wasnt really revealed until their comingouts.
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Saturday, April 13th, 2024!
8:19pm: Had a quick exchange with him again. Nothing has changed and I don't want to be obsessed with his socials again tbh. I still don't really get the whole "I'm so busy" thing when that was his #1 complaint with me. Like I actually don't understand, being busy is not a flex tbh. Being on your grind is 100% a flex but that goes with work hard play hard. Just saying you're busy makes you sound like an ass 😂 whatever I don't understand anything about him anymore.
I don't want to see his socials anymore because 1) it's all fake af. 2) it makes me wonder why he couldn't change for me, but in REALITY (the real world where I reside) he hasn't changed, his life got 100x easier. No rent, a more basic bitch that doesn't expect anything from him and is weird, and free weed, everyone giving him a ride everywhere (he doesn't even have to drive ever wtf), and everyone just treats him like a spoiled child. Yes..... I'm sure it IS easy to have an emergency fund when you live with your parents for free..... Wtf do you even need an emergency fund for? Wtf kind of emergency are you having, you run out of gas (omg wait he doesn't even drive so what am I talking about) scratch that.... The only emergencies I had living with my parents had to do with my car like..... Jesus I wish that was the fucking case nowadays 💀 Omg why am I even comparing the two of us. I feel like I just snapped back to reality, this guy is still acting like a high schooler. We are literally not able to be compared anymore. I really don't give myself enough credit for doing this shit on my own (really) for 6 months. Let's see your emergency savings after that, dumbass. Stfu. I'm not trying to be mean but we are not the same. I'm about to be done grinding, I've grinded for 7 yrs I'm tired AF. I'll say it again being busy is not a flex.
11:25pm: Ugh he just pisses me off because he's a fucking liar. You can reach me anytime my ass why does he keep saying that when it's not true. What a fuck up. I hate him
2:47am: Well I was on the phone with him for three hours oops probably just fucked up my karma big time. Ugh I need this semester to enddddd. Too much sitting around time, not enough leaving the house to meet new ppl time :/ likeeee I've said a million times and need to remind myself, I don't want to be the reason they break up. Also he said he's planning on moving out with her in 4 months so September? Damn they would've been together a whole year. He said it only feels like it's been a month for him and literally his stuff is still packed up in boxes like wtf. I guess that'll just make it easier to move. Well good for him he sounds like he's really on track for a good life. Idk literally whenever I ask him about her, it's never like super positive. Maybe he just likes that he constantly has something to complain about? I have no idea. He said she's clingy, but sometimes it's too much. And he always says it's ups and downs with them. He sounds like he's really changed, but he says he can't go through breaking another person's heart. Maybe he knows I'm bullshitting him. He also says he is just too embarrassed to get back together with me and have to see my family again, etc. Sounds like he's making the best out of a fucked up situation tbh. During the call, I kept calling him out whenever he would say things that were literally stringing me along, because he didn't know what I was talking about when I mentioned it. He didn't realize how much he was leading me on with the things he's saying until I very clearly pointed it out. All that stuff I texted him must've actually done something too, because it's stuck with him about disrespecting his gf.
Long story short...... I think he's actually gonna change for her if I leave him alone lol. He just gets to live with the fact that he fucked up being with me forever. Making the best of his shit situation. Tbh those antidepressants probably made a huge impact. Glad he got the help he needed. Idk man I guess he's done with me now, he seems pretty done, except for the part where he pulled his dick out again and told me he wanted to stick his dick in my mouth. But whatever.
Actually the part that hurt me the most was when he said she's been his best friend for two years like... The worst part for him was me telling him I let a guy play with my boobs over spring break and one tiny tear rolled down his cheek. Plus I ended up lying since he asked me if someone had been in our bed and I told him no because I could tell that would've really upset him. I think he would've hung up. Also couldn't tell him that yeah someone else had met the cats and pet them. I said what are you gonna do and he .... Clearly isn't going to do anything. Lame.
Longer story short: I need to stop butting in to this mess ig. Makes my stomach hurt tbh. Too much studying today made my brain go crazy. I'm really frazzled tbh. Honestly kinda pissed off all I wanted him to do was help me with the bills and now he's magically able to save $500 a week somehow. Jesus Christ wtf was he spending it on before. I'll never know. Makes me sick to my stomach actually. And it's not magic, it's what he should've been able to do all along, he just wanted to be a little bitch before.
This has stirred up a lot of emotions that I kind of hate. He can't control himself around me fucking bullshit I don't get it. So much of him sounds good but then he does something icky like that. Idk anymore. I'm tired and talking to him has actually just made things worse, not better. End of story.
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rainswept · 2 months
i’m not really interactive. i like to consume content and move on. it's easier just to get my instant gratification and keep myself from being perceived in any way because it makes me nervous. but even though i don't make use of tumblr’s basic functions, in my mindless haze i still remember feelings, words, and sometimes, urls too.
when i see “rainswept” i think of lyney. i feel like that's self explanatory, via the tag for lyney x reader, i found your blog. to be honest the first few times i came across your work i scrolled past it. wasn't really interested, wanted something shorter. but one morning, i was on the hunt again and actually sat down to read a fic from your account. it took me a while to process it after, and i was very distracted for the rest of the day. weeks later, still thinking about it, the words going from my head to a pit in my stomach that nothing seemed to satisfy. and then, strangely, i found myself looking up “rainswept” more and more often to reread instead of refreshing the daily “lyney x reader”
i dont know what model of brain you have, but it's great
your writing was not the idle comfort i was used to. it hurt to read, but it hurt worse to be without. i wanted to stay with my personal image of a flirty guy who's just that. flirty. easier to digest. i couldn't.
the way you described lyney in the few works i saw took my soft hand and shoved it into a hot fire of angst. longing. fire that rises, but also falls and churns like the sea. wholly consuming in its warpath. it did not let me keep that image of lyney. in fact, the tides of rising flame tore it away from me. burned it. because there's wayy more to be said about him and how he sees the world than who he falls in love with (“curtain call” is my roman empire)
absolutely crazy idea to me at the time. wow, imagine characters having actual feelings??? wtf. to be described so viscerally, picked apart by language and left crumpled amongst the carnage of your own being on a fandom page is to be loved. i want to love the way you do
so, to me, “rainswept” is the url that introduced me to really passionate interpretations of characters i like and the beauty of prose that holds you as if it were a lingering chill on the darkest of nights. i don't think i would be nearly as interested in trying to understand characters for who they are beyond romance without your work.
“rainswept” taught me how to love a character
it could have happened eventually with someone else's blog, but it was yours. through looking at your blog and the things you repost (v fun tags, by the way), i even found others i like too. (wow, it's almost like i’m discovering how the internet works!!!) you've indirectly taught me how to appreciate nuances in writing. now, i can proudly say my taste has definitely developed away from the 2018 wattpad era
that's pretty cool. character development for me i guess? i still have a long way to go before i can understand everything in my own way, but i’m learning. today was another one of those days where your url came to mind, it's been a while. i was more than happy to follow my whim
anyways! that's all, just thought i'd share. it's my first time sending an ask (´;︵;`) i had a lot to say, and i think i still have a lot to say, but i’m sure you know the difficulties of putting feelings into words. i wanted to make sure i expressed what i could before i lost the confidence to say anything at all
thank you for sharing your writing and silly thoughts, tumblr user rainswept
P.S. i would be sad if rain actually sweeps you off your feet, which is why i also offer an umbrella—in case the weather ever becomes too harsh. be safe, dude ☂️
long post i’m putting it under a read more
GOOD LORD i think something in me literally shattered with this ask. i am SHAKing TREMBLING EVEN i cannog even get a full BREAATH in i;m LOSING MY MIND
this ask is literally the reason i made my blog. the reason i ever posted to begin with. my writing ever being seen like this was my ultimate goal. if there was anything i’ve ever wanted it was this. to move people, to change their minds, to get them to see things beyond their outward appearances — and i guess i’ve achieved that because. oh my god.
i don’t know how to do this ask justice anon. i saw it and if i was standing i think i would have fallen over. you say my prose is beautiful yet yours left me breathless. seriously, not just because it being directed towards me meant so much but also just the quality of it. i understand not wanting to present yourself publicly on tumblr, but i think you are an amazing writer and if you ever did i’d be your first follower. i would read all of the writing of yours i could get my hands on. so if you have ever had any inkling to do that, do it. you only live once (and i’d go feral for it)
speaking of writing. aside from just writing because i want to, my whole mission of sorts on here is to change how people view characters. i know i can’t alter everyone’s perception — if they think someone like lyney is just flirty snd nothing more, they’re usually going to continue thinking that — but to know that i’ve had even one person change their mind on even one character is .. astounding. not even to mention changing how someone views characters as a whole? indirectly causing someone to look deeper into them, to analyze them closer, to pick them apart like you said, to feel more when reading about them? that’s absolutely insane (positive). i will never be the same after this actually.
i write to feel, and i write to make others feel, even emotions i or they may not want to. i like digging deep into characters, into pain and sadness, because i’ve always noticed that stories that hurt stay with me longer. they make me think and think and i keep going back to them. and they may not make me feel better, but i like it anyway because, to me, what is the point of reading if it isn’t going to stick with you? what is the point of feeling if, as soon as you pry your eyes away from the pages, the emotion fades with the ink?
to know that you kept thinking about my writing, then kept coming back, and that i altered the way you view characters is. crazy to me. absolutely crazy. despite desiring it so deeply, i never thought i’d have that effect on someone else.
maybe i changed how you view characters and writing, but you continue to give me the motivation to continue doing so. and actually both are so valuable to me. to know i have moved someone enough for them to send an ask like this. i don’t know how to put into words how much this,,, affected me?? i could honestly die peacefully right now. like this is all i’ve ever wanted.
“i want to love the way you do” i think you do. i think you have. i think to send an ask like this it may take more of it. this may have not been your intent or expected outcome but this has genuinely moved me. so so much.
“rainswept taught me how to love a character” oh my GOD.
i’m so glad you did have the courage to send this, because it means more to me than you know. i will cherish this forever. i’m so honored, both that what you wanted to say to me overpowered the fear of sending an ask and the fact that you even had these words to say to me to begin with. i get what it’s like to be afraid when it comes to reaching out, but know you will always be welcome here, whether it’s heartfelt words or genuinely anything. if you do have more to say, ever, i will absolutely welcome it with open arms
it takes a lot to reach out like this, but just know this is the most valuable interaction i think i have ever had on tumblr. if this doesn’t stick with me for life i think it’ll be safe to say i’ve lost all my memories. maybe i’m being dramatic, but i want you to know the extent that this has changed me (it’s fundamentally).
i don’t know how to say thank you for this. i think this will singlehandedly carry my motivation and will to keep creating for the rest of my life. i think i will keep writing because of it (and because of you, to know you are out there and once continued to return, even if i leave tumblr, even if you no longer do). to know someone out there was genuinely moved by what i also was is the greatest motivation i could ever dream of. whoever you are, i love you.
i was going to copy and paste some things you said and comment on them in particular, but i could literally do that to the entire ask. but i hope you know i will likely continue to reread every single word of this ask over and over until i can recite it because oh my god i will be thinking about this for the rest of my life
“curtain call is my roman empire” anon THIS is my roman empire 😭
this is so so all over the place because it made me so emotional LMAO i am so sorry. i don’t know how to summarize all i want to say, or go over everything you have said, but just know that i will keep every single word of this close to my heart and cherish it like i probably never have anything else.
thank you for everything. including the umbrella — rain doesn’t usually sweep me off my feet, but this ask did so i’ll use it for that instead.
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