#it's genuinely very invasive and uncomfortable
troonwolf · 1 year
Anyway this post is about me:
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So I want to make some things very clear. 
I am doing this because I am sick of the gossip and badmouthing. This person has a much larger audience than me, many that are in the same fandoms as me and who sometimes interact with my art. I plan to open commissions in the future because I’m in desperate financial need, and someone smearing me like this (and name-dropping me, which I know he does in private) could seriously hurt my ability to earn in fandom spaces.
Additionally, I find it ridiculous that someone who claims to hate “toxic callout fandom culture” and etc, is doing to me exactly what he complains other people do: lying, exaggerating, and misrepresenting events to make someone look “problematic” and essentially unperson them in fandom.
With that said-
I have never harassed mywitchcultblr (the author of that post).
I have never sent them messages about Disney, Marvel, Ao3, whether on anon or personally. 
I in fact have never sent anyone messages about Marvel, Disney, Ao3, or ANYTHING else related to fandom.
Nor do I consider “all Ao3 users paedophiles”. I use Ao3. My boyfriend uses Ao3. My friends and mutuals use Ao3- this also goes for Disney and Marvel. Tons of people around me love those things.
No one around me cares that I sometimes criticise those things. When I do criticise those things, it’s always some dumb shitpost that I intentionally leave untagged so that it’s isolated in my own space.
The only time I ever approached mywitchcultblr about “discourse”, was to do with natural systems and DID, because I myself have DID. Even then I was civil, the conversation was over in a few messages, and we never spoke about it again.
When I first met Ann, his blog was a lot different from what it is now. There was barely any NSFW or kink, barely any fandom discourse. He just posted about fandom and LGBT stuff.
When he became involved in fandom discourse, began constantly posting untagged NSFW, being defensive when people asked him to tag things, and overall saying and doing things that made me uncomfortable or that I did strongly disagree with, I just blocked him.
We didn’t argue.
I didn’t send him any messages.
I didn’t send him any anons.
I blocked him and moved on. I set a boundary and moved on. That’s what you’re meant to do, right? Then why am I still hearing about it a year later?
Despite the fact I am just some guy he knew for a few months, he has this obsession with me as some kind of fallen father figure in his personal narrative. I’m always referred to as “someone I looked up to who disappointed me.”
This is inappropriate. I am no one’s role model. I didn’t consent to be your father figure and told you on several occasions how severely mentally ill I am. This would be parasocial if I was a bigger blogger but since I’m just some guy, it’s not quite that but still not healthy or reasonable. 
We were in each other’s lives for a few months and talked occasionally. That’s it.
We didn’t even argue or have a real “falling out”. I blocked him. There was no interaction. But ever since then he spreads more exaggerations and lies about me and I’m tired of it.
Don’t take the word of someone who knew me less than a few months, that I’m a toxic harasser, just because I stopped feeling comfortable on his blog and blocked him for my own comfort.
I wish him no ill will but I do wish he’d stop projecting his father issues onto me, and I don’t say that to be funny. it’s extremely weird and uncomfortable to be put in this situation of “I idolised you because you’re an older queer man in fandom and I’m going to make that your problem if you don’t live up to my ideals.”
I’m just some guy. I’m in my 30s, childless, homeless, gay, majorly spangled in the head. No one should be looking up to me. I shouldn’t be held accountable for other people’s made up versions of me. I think we can all agree that isn’t fair.
If he was just calling me a buzzkill or cynical or annoying, I’d fully agree with those statements lmao! But to say I’m toxic and that people around me will be harassed for disagreeing with me is an exaggeration of my character.
I also want to add that my boyfriend has attempted messaging him in order to have a civil discussion on why he keeps lying about me when it's been practically a year since I blocked him, but Ann doesn't respond.
Anyway, that’s all folks.
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nastybuckybarnes · 7 months
Welcome Home
Pairing: Simon Riley X Reader
Summary: Nothing shatters the tension of a fight quite like needing your boyfriend to rush home to save you from people who would do you harm.
Warnings: Angst, Language, Fighting, Fluff, Kind of mean!Simon but not too bad, very minor violence, home invasion, I think that's it...?
Word Count: 1.5K
A/n: we're gonna dip a toe in the COD water and see what happens. I love ghost and Konig so we'll see what else I do there. For any and all COD stuff, I use Canadian Military as a basis for the readers background.
"I've had enough of this. I'm not gonna argue with you about somethin' so stupid," he hisses, glaring at you with hard, cold eyes.
"It's not stupid, Simon, you just don't want to ever entertain the idea of talking about things that might make you slightly uncomfortable!"
"Oh fuckin hell." He drags a hand down his face and shakes his head.
"Everythin's always gotta end with you being right, doesn't it?"
You frown at his absolute lack of any sort of understanding or empathy.
"This isn't about me being right, this is about you at the very least hearing me out!" You try.
"You knew what you were getting in to the moment you met me, m'not sure what you're expecting of me now. S'not like I can go and change the way things are, now can I?"
You narrow your eyes at him and his blatant ignorance.
"I understand full well, Lieutenant. I've been there, which is something you seem to conveniently forget."
He lets out a humourless chuckle and shakes his head, "don't go put yourself in the same category as me now, lovey. You know you weren't exactly at my level when you served."
His words are a slap in the face.
Sure, you were never quite JTF2 or SAS level, but that doesn't mean your time in the military is any less valid than his.
Seven years of your life you devoted to serving your country, the medical help for teams like his, and all he can do is turn his nose down at it as if it means nothing to him.
"You know what? Fuck you, Simon. I never even insinuated that we were at the same level and for you to try and..." you stop, pinching the bridge of your nose as anger fills you.
"What? Got nothin' to say now? That's a shock."
It takes all your strength not to lash out at him and even more to stop your bottom lip from quivering at just how mean he's being.
Sure, he's always been a little rough around the edges, a little harsh and brazen, but never has he been so downright mean to you.
"Get out."
"What?" This seems to genuinely catch him off guard, his arrogance faltering for a moment.
"Get out. Leave."
Simon Riley isn't a man who gets scared. He's been chewed up and spat out of hell before. Nothing on Earth can get the jump on him and nothing can scare him.
At least, that's what he thought.
His palms tingle and he needs to grind his teeth together a few times to collect himself before speaking.
"So that's it then?" He asks, his deep voice barking the question like he would an order.
You two have had your fair share of fights in the time that you've been dating, even more since you moved in together, but none where he's thought you might end things.
"I'm not gonna stand here and take a verbal beating from you, Si. Get out and come back when you've had a chance to fucking cool off."
He stares at you for a long moment, testing your resolve, waiting to see if you really mean it.
When you hold his glare, not backing down, he grabs his coat, mask, and keys and storms out of the house without another word.
You stand there in the kitchen for a long moment, the silence ringing heavily in your ears before you storm up the stairs to take a shower and, hopefully, argue out all your hostility in private.
The warm water runs over your tense shoulders for a few minutes and you try your hardest to relax, to let the anger seep out of you and run down the drain, but when you hear the front door open you're filled with rage once more.
You stand in the shower silently, waiting for the door to open and close again, signalling his departure, but instead you just hear boots on the kitchen floor.
Scoffing and shaking your head, you start to seethe.
As if he's wearing his shoes in the house on top of everything else.
You yank the shower curtain aside and step out onto the mat, not bothering to turn the shower off.
A crash from the kitchen makes you freeze.
Simon is never this loud.
Like a deer on the highway, you stay still, silencing your breathing as you listen to the noises coming from the kitchen.
Instead of calling out to him and potentially causing more trouble, you take a silent step to the counter where your phone lies.
You grab it and hit his icon quickly, listening to it ring for a while before he sends you to his voicemail. A loud beep sounds tauntingly in your ear and you huff out an angry breath.
You hang up and call him back, grinding your teeth together when he sends you straight to voicemail again.
The noises in the kitchen continue, and your heart jumps into your throat.
Answer your phone, Simon.
You shoot the text off quickly then immediately call him again, your stomach settling when the call connects.
"Are you home?" You waste no time on pleasantries, and instead hear him sigh heavily.
"You told me to get the fuck out, didn't ya? Why would I be home."
Your breath hitches and you press your back to the bathroom door, turning the lock silently as panic fills you.
"Simon, someone's here."
The fear in your voice has his blood running cold, his fingers gripping the steering wheel tighter as your fight gets shoved from his mind.
"What do you mean 'someone's here'?" He asks, his voice lacking the anger it had only moments ago.
"I heard the door open and I can hear someone in the kitchen."
You hear his tires screeching on the pavement and his engine roaring as he speeds home.
"Where are you right now?" This isn't Simon talking now. You recognize the change.
This is Ghost.
"I'm in our bathroom. Door locked and shower on."
"Good. Keep that water running. As long as they think you don't know they're there, you should be okay until I get home."
"Okay." You feel a little bit safer knowing he's on his way home.
"Keep me on the line."
There's a few seconds of just breathing before you speak again.
"How far are you?"
"Two minutes away."
"Okay... After you deal with these guys we can go back to yelling at each other," you whisper, wrapping a towel around your body and leaning against the wall across from the door.
He chuckles softly and the sound makes a small smile tug at your lips.
As much as he pisses you off and even sometimes hurts your feelings, deep down you know you'll never love anyone the way you love him.
You don't realize you've been quiet until he calls your name softly.
"You still with me, dove?" His voice is soft and you hear him turn the car off.
"I'm here."
"Good. I'm home now, don't come out of the bathroom 'till I come get you, understood?"
Sometimes living with Simon reminds you of being on base, and there are times when you despise it.
And then there are the times when you don't mind it as much. This is one of those times.
You hear the muffled sound of what must be him putting his phone in his pocket, and you close your eyes as you hear the soft click of the door handle through the speaker.
His footsteps are silent, even through the phone, and you feel ridiculous for ever thinking you'd hear it if he came home.
You can hear him as he takes down one intruder, and then what must be a second one.
He says nothing to them, that you can hear. But a series of dull thuds echo through the house before silence remains.
A few minutes go by of nothing, but you don't dare speak or open the door.
Ghost gave you an order, and you have no intentions of disobeying.
There are a few more moments of silence before you hear a crisp knock on the door.
"Lovey? You can open up now."
Breathing out a sigh of relief, you open the bathroom door and are immediately engulfed in Simon's strong arms.
He walks you backwards into the bathroom and squeezes you to his chest, mask hiked up over his nose so he can breathe in the scent of you.
"You all right, love?" He asks softly, his voice gruff and ever so rough.
"M'okay, Si. Thank you for coming home."
"S'my fault anyway. I shoulda locked the door before leavin' in a huff the way I did."
You frown and shake your head, pulling away to look up at him.
"This is in no way your fault, Simon. I could've easily locked the door after you. I'm just happy you got home in time."
Though you're not sure what the intruders really wanted, you're glad you didn't have to find out alone.
"I'll always come home."
And with those four words, he puts to rest not only the intruder situation, but also your argument from earlier.
Because he will. He'll always come home to you, regardless of what he needs to do, he'll make sure he comes home to you.
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13eyond13 · 4 months
Something very... interesting? funny? fun to think about to me regarding L and Light is that L is the shamelessly NOSIEST most INVASIVE person on earth about Light, to an actually illegal point, and yet also like SO scornful of Light ever trying to get to know him personally a bit back, or Light ever misreading any of his nosiness as genuine personal interest on any level other than a professional investigator/suspect one ... I think if the tables were turned even in the slightest power dynamic-wise this way L would be extremely mad and uncomfortable about it, and even more dramatic about doing something like suggesting Light must have nefarious ulterior motives behind such an invasion of his privacy. I think L KNOWS that it's a bit uneven and that it's probably a bit hypocritical of him to be like that, but he doesn't particularly care because it gives him an advantage over Light. He has the upper hand in the situation most times and can get away with it or not be seen as too massively inappropriate for it only because he's actually right about his hunch about Light being guilty, and because Light always goes with the flow of it, and because the stakes of trying to go up against a mass-murderer like Kira are so high. And I wonder sometimes if he would ever think about things in a way where he might feel slightly guilty about it, like that Light's almost a bit too naive and too used to being judged/scrutinized constantly and too enjoying of their relationship to actually see it as unfair to him as it sometimes kind of really is? IDK exactly what I'm trying to say here but hopefully ya know kinda what I mean
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flowery-laser-blasts · 5 months
*inhale* 🗣 Okay, listen, I'm going to rant over this moment again, but this time in a post so the world can read about it 🗣
It doesn't matter how many times I've watched Graduation part 2... But THIS HERE.
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BUT MOST OF ALL: "What will others think of me now?"
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And then ALL of his questions get answered in the form of his partner in crime's expression: A genuine heartfelt and sincere smile that says "You deserve this."
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Shego, the femme fatale who is wanted in 11 countries. The villain who insisted by all means necessary that she's evil through and through and will NEVER be a hero or want to be associated with heroes STILL stands by his side. Do you know what the most important aspect of this very moment is? Shego doesn't stand on 'equal' grounds as him and she doesn't mind it, she lets it happen.
Shego and Drakken's dynamic throughout the story has been Boss-and-Sidekick for the longest of times. Both of them fought: Drakken for wanting to feel superior over EVERYONE and Shego wanting as much power (and/or more) as Drakken would have when they had taken over the world.
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However, the happenings in graduation changed everything and now the world recognizes Drakken as a hero, a world savior, and a protector of peace. But if it weren't for Shego flying all the way with Ron to the Lorwardian ship, Drakken couldn't have possibly stopped the invasion.
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Look at Shego's expression. She genuinely feels happy for Dr. D. She could've stepped in at ANY point before or during this (press)conference, demanding her own medal and telling everyone that it was in fact her who helped Drakken save them all. But she doesn't. Shego knows how important this moment is for Dr. Drakken. After years of hearing his stories and knowing how much recognition means to him; she lets him have his moment in the limelight, the sun, and she's going to let him bask in all of it for as long as he needs to. Because the most important thing is that she knows what she did and that's enough: She went into space to bring back the man she wanted to rule the world together with. Never ever again would she let Dr. Drakken think, for even a second, that she'd abandon him.
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Again, look at the distance between them in this shot.
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Yes, the distance is closer but then
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As close as they can possibly get in public
They're on even grounds now. Drakken wants to let the world and most importantly Shego KNOW that they are a team and that they saved the world together.
I once saw someone pointing out that they looked very uncomfortable in the last image, but let me put it like this: - Prior in the episode Shego and Drakken almost flew into each other's arms but became VERY reluctant, why??? Because Kim and Ron were there! What must those brats think of them!? Certainly, they cannot show any weaknesses in front of their arch nemeses!
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And now let me show this again:
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They're embracing each other... in FRONT OF THE WORLD LEADERS. OF COURSE IT'S A BIT AWKWARD, YOU'D BE AWKWARD TOO, but the KEY here is that They're NOT looking away from each other like they did before.
In the previous scenario, they avoided each other's eyes: no connection, desperately trying to show no weaknesses, trying to change the subject matter at all costs.
Now they lock eyes, and they read each other. How I read it (both facial expression as body language): Drakken: Hopeful, nervous, apologetic "Did I hurt you? I hope I did not", kind of embarrassed because his foliage acted out so assertively by his thoughts of wanting Shego to be at least on the same level as him for the world to know. Shego: Surprised but not at all distressed, disgusted or upset about this sudden change. Most of all, I think she's deeply moved: Drakken always called her a 'sidekick', but now? She's recognized by him and the world as his partner. If you look at her face, those eyes seem to be on the verge of tearing up and that smile, how shy and embarrassed it may look holds warmth and happiness.
Both of them acknowledge each other's worth and in a certain way, they took over each other's world.
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i'd love to hear your thoughts on the doctor's sudden telepathy of his companions, if you would like to share. i think this might be something that nine and ten don't do as much? because war reads clara's mind a little bit if i remember correctly, i feel like nine would stop the telepathy because he is trying to put up more of an emotional wall, not get too close etc, and ten would feel sort of guilty about it? eleven reading people's minds whenever he likes (or even accidentally) seems like it fits his character a bit more?
(from @lost-tardis-room)(its a side i can't send asks from it)
i understand the sideblog pains, this blog is a sideblog-
war reading clara's mind makes sense, he's in a war. not using his basic time lord abilities to gain information would be a waste
nine definitely feels like he would refrain to distance himself, after the war it's easier for him to not feel other minds brushing against his, i think.
ten seems to stick to touch-telepathy strictly, based off the madame de pompadour episode he seems VERY uncomfortable with the concept that his thoughts might leak out. he seems to care a lot about making sure people know when he's doing any telepathy, likely because he doesn't want to alarm them or be invasive. he tries to keep using it to medical diagnoses, basically. (on the other hand, it's entirely possible he's constantly hearing the chatter of peoples minds, just chooses actively not to focus on it. he makes a comment once in Forest Of The Dead that's like "she has over four thousand people in her mind! that's like being in my head!" which brings up SO many questions that will not be followed up on)
eleven cares much, much less about if he's being invasive. or rather, has a much different sense of what might be considered acceptable. plus, i think he just genuinely forgets not to skim over peoples thoughts? he likes knowing things, he likes knowing what to do to give people a certain impression of him. he makes sure to catalogue the information he gets from reading minds as stuff not to mention, to play dumb about, i think. and to figure out what random social cue he's completely missing (so he can decide if he wants to "have a sudden realization" or keep playing the role of silly ditzy doctor).
also, eleven already has a habit of physically going through someones timeline to learn about them, in multiple instances. reading minds to get basic information about someone or nudging some things to the surface of kate's head because he's too awkward to talk about the brigadier completely lines up, that's basically nothing to him.
the doctor also absolutely never mentions having the ability to read minds without touch telepathy, at least as far as i know. we can infer in the show they can, since the doctor can hear the Ood singing telepathically, but that's a bit different from hearing the thoughts of one regular human person.
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furryprovocateur · 3 months
I saw your post defending callout culture, and then dug deeper into your posts, i saw you condemning mullenweg and defending predstrogen, and also that you have smeared multiple trans women as pedophiles, like last december, including one of my mutuals. And like, sigh, dude you are literally one of the people making tumblr into "the transmisogyny website" You would have condemned predstrogen if you saw the callouts driving harassment for her, for "defending problematic kinks" or whatever. You are a massive hypocrite and basically mullenweg minus the wealth and influence, but nevertheless a transmisogynist. Like this post by decompose1 says it best:
"What will you do if the tgirl does have that weird kink you don't like, though? What if she does like diapers. or cnc. or whatever. Is she now callout-worthy? Is it now okay to ruin her life, post her extremely private content and messages, and make her a spectacle for the public to take shots at? Is the safety of transfems conditional on them having the most Correct and Moral sexual interests? Do you only protect the innocent wrongly-accused victims? What is the line between moral and immoral where the safety of another trans person no longer matters to you?" -decompose1
who are you. why are you digging through my posts. fan behavior
"you are mullenweg minus the wealth and influence" makes it very difficult to take any of your character critiques seriously, but i'm going to operate on good faith and do so anyway.
"you have smeared multiple trans women as pedophiles" okay, like who? "you like last december, including one of my mutuals" okay, what was the incident? is this about the txttletale post that i've deleted? because i was literally just complaining about a video game take i saw.
"you would have condemned predstrogen if you saw the callouts for her" lol predstrogen was my mutual and we regularly interacted. why are you speaking on her behalf like you know what she would say about me? if she is saying this, that's different. but you're a third party person telling me "actually you felt this way about someone you were on good terms with". do you understand how that is projecting?
at what point does kink even come into this conversation? am i allowed to be personally fucking uncomfortable with rape and incest as kinks? do you enjoy going into strangers' inboxes and being invasive about their opinions on things? i genuinely don't know who you are or what prompted this 20/20 level investigative journalism, but you're being vague and operating in extremely poor faith. i don't know how or why you expect me to take anything you say seriously when you've basically done the equivalent of hateread my blog and tell me i'm problematic because of it.
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definitelynotshouting · 5 months
i literally can't stop rotating hunger au worldbuilding and lore in my head. forgive me if you've ever touched on this in an ask before, but... re: the existential horror of being a parasite that has the sense of self of the host it ate. if one of grian's friends ever did get taken and used as a watcher larva host. how do you think he would feel about the watcher that came out the other side? would he want to see them as still the same person as his friend, or...?
Ive been staring at this ask since i got it with like. I need you to picture the most comically heartbroken expression right now okay. like this is me reading that and thinking about it in great and terrible detail:
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Gods he would be devastated if this ever happened. He knows what thats like. He knows just how much it hurts-- and that its not a hurt that can be quantified, because its just that intense, that scalding, that encompassing of an experience to go through. I think, genuinely, Grian would be so utterly horrified and grief-stricken for whichever friend went through the Watcherification process that it would trump every other potential feeling on the list
But i think, ultimately, he would still view them as his friend, and treat them in the same way. There's a little bit of hypocrisy in Grian's character that i enjoy engaging with while writing him, and a good part of that in hunger au is centered around how he's firmly designated himself as the monster, and everybody else is the victim, and theres no room for nuance because he sucks and theyre the only people who are valid. When in reality, yes he hurt them, yes he did terrible and invasive things, but he did them out of pure survival rather than maliciousness, and that does make a subtle difference. And... hes not the only one who has fucked up, either!! The entire point of hunger au is how everyone has fumbled the bag in various ways and now they're all trying to clean it up together. Its just, yknow, Grian is so wrapped up in his own pain that he cant see those grey areas yet
And the thing is, if one of his friends got Watchered™, so to speak, and was standing in front of him, i think he would treat them with SO much compassion. Theyve been through possibly the worst thing anyone can experience and come out the other side-- at his core, Grian is i think a character who wants to do good, and do good by other people, and in this hypothetical that would translate into a lot of kindness he doesnt usually afford for himself. Honestly i think he'd spend the time trying to show them the ropes, get them set up in a better position than he found himself in, and provide his own fumbling emotional support as best he could, just out of sheer solidarity. Like, he gets it. He's been there. He may as well help out.
And i think he wouldnt even realize how hypocritical he's being until someone else pointed it out to him, about how he treats this friend with so much care but is simultaneously cruel to himself. I dont think he'd know how to handle that-- he's sort of dug himself a rut in the road with the way he thinks about and treats himself, and the cognitive dissonance would be really uncomfortable for him. Ultimately a good thing!!! Growth is often very uncomfortable. But imo Grian has a tendency to run from things like feelings of discomfort, so i think it'd take him a while to reconcile his previous ways of thinking with whats being presented in front of him essentially in the form of a mirror.
So uh. tl;dr: he'd be a little hypocrite about it and would feel a lot more compassionately inclined towards the friend than he does himself, and would try to help them out as best he could. Thank you for the incredible question that has given me the opportunity to rotate this worm at even higher speeds than usual inside my brainpan DKNFEKNDSKDJKDKD
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unh0lyhum4n · 6 months
Btw finding sex/romance repulsive is a very personal thing. It’s not always about religious guilt or being a “prude”.
as personal example, I find it to be one of the most uncomfortably invasive things/ boring ways to spend my time I can think of and I’ve thought that since I gained consciousness. I was not SA’d or 🍇’d. I hate talking about it, seeing it EVERYWHERE, it being seen as a #1 priority to be a person,etc. I TRIED romance. Every time I knew I was lying to myself to be normal and make someone else feel better about themselves.
is it bc I’m aroace? Obviously. Is it bc I’m autistic? Shit probably. All I’m saying is I’ve never gotten my heart broken over a slobbering meat sack waste of carbon and let it absolutely ruin me. I’ve never wasted my time on this shitty spinning rock whining over losing virginity or having a first kiss, getting married/ having kids and it being my defining personality trait.
What I am NOT saying is that I hate people for doing what they want with their own lives and bodies. I do not give a singular roaches coochie hair about other people and their decisions. But the SECOND you judge me for being a buzzkill or boring or having no life or whatever you have to say about my decisions, I genuinely hope that you choke and I WILL be pissing on your grave.
But on the other hand I am in love with and would fuck garlic bread if I could
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eisforeidolon · 14 days
I am sorry but I just need to vent about misha being an absolute creep. I am so goddamn tired of him constantly trying to insert himself into jensen and danneel's relationship saying danneel is his girlfriend or in the recent purgatory 8 con, his wife. It's so disrespectful towards their marriage, kids and family. I understand it may be a joke but there's a limit and misha always seems to cross that. It's like he's in love with the idea of having a threesome with the ackles. He always has something or the else to say about danneel sexually which is honestly creepy to me. And I've noticed how that makes jensen so uncomfortable, like dude that's his wife back off. He has done this soo many times over the years. Ughhh I strongly dislike him, idk how the others stand him after he makes such crass jokes. And the fans who ship the 3 together are soo toxic and delulu like which sane couple would want to include such a problematic person like misha into their relationship and make it an unhealthy environment for their children to grow up in. I'm sorry for the vent, I'm just very disgusted by him😶
No apologies necessary, because I agree, it's just so fucking weird.
We know the the Ackles primarily (if not exclusively) only hang out together with Misha around work-related events. On the one side, while Danneel has made some vague noises about being a fan of Misha/Castiel, and Jensen does talk about him as a friend? Most of Jensen's comments about him are dunking on him for being awkward, for saying shit he can't back up, and just generally ribbing him for the weird shit he gets himself into and what a strange guy he is. Then on the other side you have Misha frequently making these very sexual and/or suggestive quote unquote jokes about both of them. Like, I'd still think it was odd if they were all publicly sharing that kind of sexualized banter back and forth on a regular basis, but they aren't. It's always Misha starting it and often Misha doing it alone, metaphorically behind their backs. Which is a huge part of what makes it so creepy, because it makes him come off more like some weird invasive fan failing at boundaries who they have to publicly be nice to because ~*SPN fambily*~ rather than it being an understandable friendship that genuinely exists between them.
Which is bad enough, but you can't separate his behavior from the context of the fandom he's pointedly doing it for. The loud majority of people still buying his crap (ops/autos/merch) and potentially following any future projects he might have? Are hellers/cockles shippers. Who only really care about him in terms of fantasizing about him and Jensen together (and pointedly include Danneel to contrast themselves against the wife haters in the extreme J2 tinhatter camp). Which takes the whole thing from just awkward creepy into a very calculated, opportunistic user kind of creepy.
I'm not sure there's anyone or anything Misha wouldn't "joke" about being intimate with if he thought he could make a buck off it. He's shown over and over he has no integrity and blatantly lacks respect for other people if throwing them under the bus (or talking about them as a sex object) will play well with his audience.
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helix-studios117 · 4 months
Halo Reloaded: Advice
In the quiet corridors of the Autumn 2.0, the air was thick with anticipation as John-117 made his way toward Naomi-010's quarters. Unarmored for once, his towering figure moved with a deliberation uncharacteristic of the battlefield legend. He paused at Naomi's door, taking a moment to collect his thoughts before pressing the chime.Naomi, surprised by the unexpected visit, opened the door to find the Spartan-II she rarely saw out of his armor. Her blonde hair fell loosely around her shoulders, a stark contrast to the usual tight bun she sported under her helmet. "John?" she began, her tone a mix of curiosity and caution. "What brings you here?"
John's gaze lingered on her for a moment, the weight of his request making him momentarily hesitant. "I need advice," he finally said, his voice betraying none of the uncertainty that flickered behind his stoic expression.Naomi stepped aside to let him in, her expression puzzled. "Advice? From me?" she asked as she closed the door behind him. The very idea seemed to perplex her. "What about?"
"It's about Linda," John admitted, the name alone enough to convey the depth of his concern. "We...we're seeing each other. And I want to take her out, do something special for her."
Naomi raised an eyebrow, the pieces clicking into place. Yet, she couldn't help but wonder why John had come to her. "And you're asking me because...?"John shifted uncomfortably, the topic clearly out of his comfort zone. "Because of Vaz," he said, referring to Vasily "Vaz" Beloi, the ODST with whom Naomi had been in a relationship for several months. "I figured, since you're with someone outside the Spartan program, you might know a thing or two about...this."
Naomi's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and surprise. It was rare for Spartans to discuss personal matters so openly, and John's acknowledgment of her relationship with Vaz felt both invasive and flattering. "John, I'm hardly an expert on romance," she confessed with a sheepish smile. "But if you're looking for advice, I'll share what I can."John nodded, grateful for any insight she could offer. Naomi took a moment to gather her thoughts, her advice more earnest than expert. "Well, for starters, it's important to remember it's not about where you go or what you do, but the thought behind it. Linda's not just any Spartan. Think about what she enjoys, what makes her happy. It could be something as simple as a quiet place to watch the stars, or maybe a live-fire training session if that's more her speed."
John listened intently, Naomi's words sparking ideas in his mind. "And," Naomi continued, "communication is key. Make sure she knows this is special, that it's about the two of you spending time together. It doesn't have to be grand, just...meaningful." The Chief nodded, his usual confidence returning. "Thank you, Naomi," he said sincerely. "I appreciate it, more than you know."Naomi smiled, a genuine warmth in her eyes. "Anytime, John."
As John turned to leave, a newfound resolve in his step, Naomi couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie that went beyond their shared duties. In the world of Spartans, where vulnerability was a luxury few could afford, moments of genuine human connection were rare and precious. John's visit, awkward as it might have been, was a reminder that beneath the armor and the accolades, they were all still human, still capable of love.
@ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask, @authortobenamedlater, @makowrites, @mrtobenamedlater, @killer-orca-cosplay, @empresskadia.
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impossiblesuitcase · 1 year
Benoit Farms and Gardens was cold and windy, but if it weren’t for the gust rattling the timber beams of the ancient homestead, Kai would have never known. It was warm and peaceful with the three of them: himself and the soon-to-be Benoit-Kesleys.
Scarlet hummed away as she doused the dinner and dessert dishes in the soapy kitchen sink. Wolf regaled Kai with his adventures of chasing escaping pigs as he tackled the pots and pans. The dishwasher had broken after Wolf—attempting to pull out the top rack—underestimated his force and mistakenly swung his fist right into the heating element (“he still isn’t quite adept to his new bioengineered strength,” Scarlet had explained). They planned to enlist Cinder to fix it sometime during her stay, and until then, they mutually agreed to force Thorne and Jacin into dishwashing duty.
Like this, the two were perfectly in their element, calm and unflappable. Completely unlike the frustrated pair he had met when he’d arrived that afternoon, and with him, hundreds of paparazzi vultures. Scarlet’s course of yelling, Wolf keeping her from shoving her pitchfork into multiple eyes, reminded Kai—with a touch of fear—that she was the scary one in the relationship.
It was distressing to be the one to break their closely guarded serenity, even if he couldn’t control the press.
Although it wasn’t entirely him fracturing the peace. A good chunk of the journalists had been there to report on the ‘first Lunar-Earthen marriage since the Second Era’. Scarlet was clearly uncomfortable with this invasive, nascent fame, and from her lengthy ranting, was clearly hoping it would pass after the wedding.
“—And when I finally got her back in the pen, I realised I left the gate open,” Wolf continued.
“And the piglets escaped?” guessed Kai.
“The piglets escaped.”
Kai chuckled heartily hearing the genuine disappointment in Wolf’s voice. He was a far cry from the ferocious killer Kai had been afraid of on the Rampion. Whipped cream in the corners of his lips, wrapped in a bright red polka-dot apron, sulking over baby pigs, Kai wasn’t sure this man could kill a fly if he tried.
Kai’s hands were wrapped around a homely, slightly misshapen mug. The handle was a little wonky, the paint splotchy, yet upon seeing the sloppy inscription on the base, Scarlet, agedd 7, he treated it as the finest china. A long sip of the hot chocolate inside travelled to his belly and warmed his core. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so relaxed.
“It’s nice to have you here before everyone else,” said Wolf, scrubbing a cast iron pan.
“Well, I am the very best of the guests coming,” Kai teased.
Scarlet spun around and flicked water at him. He dodged with a laugh. “Wolf means that we’re happy to spend some time with you before the fanfare of our loud friends.”
Kai rested the mug on a coaster and held his hands up in surrender. “Sorry. You’re right—when was the last time it was just the three of us?”
A collective pause. Wolf even stopped attacking the pan.
Then, in unison, “Never.”
They all fell into laughter.
“Wow,” he drawled, “Does that mean I’m a bad friend? Or are you bad friends?”
“Maybe we’ve all been busy,” Scarlet chastised, dunking a plate in the water.
Kai sighed, running his finger around the rim of the mug. It was nice to be here in this little bubble of friendship and familiarity and comfort, yet he couldn’t help being reminded of how rare this was. Aside from a few brief catchups with Cress and Thorne, the occasional diplomatic dinner with Winter, and the Peace Ball last year with all of them, he’d barely seen his friends since the revolution.
He’d barely seen his girlfriend since the revolution.
Tomorrow. He would see her tomorrow.
“I hope we’re all less busy in the future,” he wondered idly. “We don’t get to do much together, do we?”
Wolf grunted in agreement. Scarlet said nothing.
The mood turned too sombre too fast.
“Well, it’s not like we can help it,” Kai amended quickly. “We all have different lives, different path–”
“No,” said Scarlet, back still turned. “No, we will see each other. We won’t grow apart.” She drew two wine glasses from the sink. It was precarious holding just the stems with slippery fingers, but she handled them with ease. “What’s the point of life if you never see your friends?”
What’s the point of life if you never see your friends?”
(What’s the point of life if you never see the love of your life?)
“You’re right.” Kai dragged a hand down his face. “Stars, I didn’t mean to be depressing. I think…the long distance is getting to me.”
“I admire you, Kai,” Wolf commented. “To be apart from the most important person to you for that long…I know I couldn’t handle it.”
“Everyone knows.” Scarlet nudged his side with her elbow. “You went more than a little crazy last time I was kidnapped.”
Redness crept up his ears, though he didn’t appear ashamed. “I couldn’t help it. Not when it’s you.”
She scoffed, but her smile was tender.
Kai’s heart warmed watching them. “Are you excited to be married?”
“Yes,” Wolf said immediately as Scarlet shrugged and said, “Sure.”
Wolf blinked.
Kai blinked. 
Enough silence passed that Scarlet finally glanced over her shoulder. With two sets of confused male eyes upon her, she jolted. “Oh, I didn’t mean it like that.”
Wolf crossed his arms, soap caught amongst the forest of hair. “What did you mean?”
“Well, of course I’m thrilled to be married to you, Ze’ev. I just don’t really think excited is the right word. Excited is like…something new. Something you don’t already have. You’re excited for the unknown.” She draped her kitchen towel over her shoulder and crossed the two steps to him, tucking her hands around his waist. His arms came around her instantly. “With you, I know exactly what I’m getting. It’s what I already have. I’m ecstatic, elated, emotional…all the words. But it’s not unknown.”
Wolf pulled her closer. “I knew what you meant,” he whispered, “I just wanted to hear you say it.”
When they kissed, Kai looked down at his drink.
Scarlet pulled away and pushed the steel scrubber back into his hand, winking. “Get back to work. You’re just acting offended so you can get out of chores.”
Wolf scowled. “I’ve been scrubbing for ten minutes and it’s not coming off!”
“Use those strong muscles of yours.”
Kai couldn’t help tuning out their back and forth as his mind focused on her words. It’s not unknown. I know exactly what I’m getting. It’s what I already have. He wished it were the same for him. Yet he and Cinder only barely knew what they had. They hadn’t been together enough to be together; to learn about each other as intimately as Scarlet and Wolf, even as Winter and Jacin or Cress and Thorne had. The ring in the inner pocket of his suitcase burnt a hole in his mind. Too weighty, too heavy a promise of the known when all they had was latent unknown—
“So why do you bring up marriage, Kai?” Scarlet asked, almost succeeding at casualness. “Been thinking about it yourself?”
Wait, had he been speaking out loud?
He seized up his now cool drink and finished it off in a single draught. The milk coated his throat uncomfortably. A cough. “Well, I mean, when a couple have been together for a few years it naturally comes to mind.”
“Get real,” Scarlet laughed. “You’ve been wanting to marry Cinder since the moment she tranquilised your wedding planner and kidnapped you.”
“What’s wrong then?”
“Nothing! Nothing’s wrong between us. I-I love her; she loves me. We’re just…not ready to take that step yet.”
“Fair,” said Wolf, still scrubbing. Kai thought of offering to help, but they’d already turned him down when he’d insisted he clean after dinner, and he thought doing so now might hurt Wolf’s pride. Relinquishing the tool, Wolf turned to face him. “When do you think you’ll be ready?”
“I don’t know. We probably need to spend more time actually together to figure it out.”
“Time to figure out what? How you feel? If you’re right for each other?” Scarlet wiped over the last plate and pulled the plug. The sink gurgled loudly as water pooled down the drain.
He knitted his fingers together. “I already know how I feel. I know we’re right for each other.”
“That sounds like a man ready to propose.”
Kai’s gaze darted up to her, jaw slack.
She had a loving authority on her face. “Sooo, you’re ready. Is Cinder ready too?”
“I…I think maybe. But as you said: you and Wolf know. There are no unknowns between you. You’ve been together all this time to learn that. Cinder and I…”
“—Have talked every day over comms, have spent every possible moment in each other’s arms?” Wolf listed.
“Okay, when’s her birthday?” Scarlet probed.
“December 21st. But every year she forgets and still thinks it’s the fake birthday the cyborg surgeons gave her: November 29th. She goes around saying the wrong age for at least a month.”
“What’s her favorite colour?”
“Midnight blue.” (Because it made him look handsome, Cinder had bashfully admitted.)
“How many children does she want?”
Cheeks burning, he uttered, “Three. We both want three.”
Scarlet smiled smugly. “Hmm. Doesn’t sound like there’s much unknown.”
Before he even thought of a response, she pulled out the chair opposite him and sat, grasping his hands into hers. Wolf circled the table, laying a hand on his shoulder.
Eyes sparkling, Scarlet squeezed. “Kai. If you think you’re ready, then there’s no need to wait. All the things that are still unknown will just be…happy bonuses. And the bad unknowns will just make your relationship all the more stronger when you conquer them together. You don’t need to know it all yet.”
“And proposing is a commitment to each other,” Wolf added. “You’ll have time to learn the rest before you actually get married. Some things can wait.” A shrug. “Maybe I won’t finish that pan tonight, but I’m sure I will tomorrow.”
Kai looked up at him. “It’s bugging you that much?”
“I don’t understand,” he growled, “I’ve soaked it twice now.”
Kai disentangled his hands from Scarlet’s, digging them into his lap. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I am ready, but—how do I know if she is?”
“Well, you’ll be seeing her very soon. Try to get a sense for it,” she suggested.
“And if she is…propose the next time we see each other?”
“Psh. That could be months with how busy you two are.” A flick of the hand. “If she’s ready now, propose now.”
He quirked an eyebrow. “Now? As in, here? As in: the next few days?”
“Bu–no. I couldn’t. This is about you two. Your wedding. I can’t take that from you.”
“Honey,” Scarlet smiled up at her fiancé. “Would seeing our two friends finally get their happy ending be a nice wedding gift?”
“Sounds wonderful.”
She grinned. “Just do it, Kai. If it’s right, don’t wait when there’s no reason—oh, hang on. Unless you wanted to propose with a ring.”
Heart hammering, Kai glances down at his feet, hair covering his eyes. “I…actually brought the ring with me.”
“Ha! All this ‘I’m not ready,’ but ‘I’ll bring the ring with me’?’”
“Yeah, I know.” He took in a breath. “The only reason I’m delaying is because, well, I’m nervous!”
“So was I,” said Wolf warmly. “So nervous that she ended up having to propose for me.”
“It will be fine,” Scarlet assured, red hair flaming under the yellow ceiling light, as fiery as her effervescent constitution. “Don’t let happiness wait, Kai.”
Waiting for the antidote. Waiting to find Princess Selene. Waiting for Cinder to wake up in her hospital bed, bleeding and bruised but alive.
They don’t have to wait anymore.
His eyes welled up suddenly, too fast to rein in. He choked back a wet laugh. “Sorry”—a sniff— “I don’t know what came over me.”
Scarlet’s chair screeched against the tiles as she launched away, rounding the table and pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. Bulky, comforting arms circled them both.
“Thank you,” he murmured.
Family. This was his family, as all his friends were, as Cinder was and always would be. When he had hesitantly informed Torin of his plans to propose, it had vaguely felt like what it would have been to tell his father.
Telling Scarlet sort of felt like telling his mother.
Collecting some of his emotions, he extricated himself. “Okay, but if I do propose here, don’t go acting like this wasn’t your plan.”
“Aw,” Wolf groaned. “I wanted to make you look bad.”
“I’ll buy you a new skillet.”
“You have my blessing.”
They all laughed and all smiled, and that was precisely when exhaustion started knocking on the door alerting Kai to the fact that he’d had a long day.
“You look exhausted. Off to bed,” Scarlet commanded, apt as ever. Kai went along willingly as she pushed him out of the kitchen.
He yawned, leaning against the banister of the stairs. “What did you put in that drink, Scar? Crushed up sleeping pills?”
She posed a finger over her lips. “Trade secret.”
With one last warm glance, Kai left his friends in the kitchen and headed up to the guest room, the final image of Wolf kissing Scarlet’s cheek lingering in the air. It would only be his for the night; Winter and Jacin would have it tomorrow, while he’d bunk out with the others in the Rampion. Maybe he and Cinder could even stay in the same room.
The first thing he did once inside was pull open his suitcase. He hadn’t touched it since arriving except to retrieve the small gift for his hosts, an old-fashioned analogue clock set inside a chicken figurine. It had seemed so perfectly them when he first saw it. He just hoped they wouldn’t netsearch the artist listed on the base, as he was sure they would keel over when they saw the 1,300 univ price tag.
Carefully, he reached into the inner pocket of his suitcase and procured the fated ring box. A moment of reflection, reverence even, then he opened it…
And there it was. A ruby ringed in immaculate diamonds. A band of carefully burnished gold. His mother’s ring. His grandmother’s ring, and his great-grandmother’s.
His wife’s ring.
It was not heavy or burning in his mind any longer. It was a token. A promise, one that filled him with greater certainty than he had yet felt. A certainty that had been birthed and reared and matured since that first look in a humid New Beijing market.
Tomorrow. He would see her tomorrow.
I have three fics I’ve been trying to finish for a year and then I finish this in two days. What is brain function.
So in my headcanon, Kai doesn’t really ‘plan’ to propose at the farm. He just feels like it’s right and so he does. So as to not take away from Scarlet and Wolf’s special day, he and Cinder keep the engagement a secret for a while. But a tumblr ask prompted me to think about if Scarlet and Wolf knew and approved, and thus this was born. Still not sure which explanation I prefer.
(btw just letting you know that if someone hasn't interacted with my fics for a while, I remove them from my list, so if you get removed and want to be re-addded, let me know!)
@cindersassasin @hayleblackburn @spherical-empirical @salt-warrior @just2bubbly @gingerale2017 @zephyr-thedragon @icarusignite @kaider-is-my-otp @slmkaider @luna-maximoff-22 @cosmicnovaflare @kaixiety @snozkat @mirrorballsss @skinwitch18 @vincentvangothic
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gunilslaugh · 5 months
Hello. I hope you are having a great day! Could you please write about Junhan with reader who is a psychologist? I know from experience that when you do this job, you start paying attention to things that you don't normally pay attention to and it is very easy to read the other person's emotions which is why many people distance themselves from psychologists. Stay healthy.
~ 🦕
Hii 🦕 ironically enough I may have wrote this while being a bit under the weather, but I hope you enjoy :)
Han Hyeongjun
Summary: How Hyeongjun is with you being a psychologist. (idol au)
Disclaimer! I don’t know much about psychologists, except I should invest in seeing one lol, so if there are any inaccuracies I apologize.
Tumblr media
photo not mine credit to owner.
Hyeongjun became a bit standoffish when he found out that you were a psychologist. His members thought that it would be nice for him to have a psychologist friend. Since he had some trouble with opening up and becoming comfortable around people. Hence his members thought that it would be good for Hyeongjun to be around someone who could read his emotions. Someone who could be there to support him. Contrary to his member’s thoughts, you being a psychologist and being able to read people's emotions easily completely freaked him out. It leads him to avoiding you or creating some distance between the two of you at the very least. He always made sure at least one of his members was in between him and you. He feels kinda bad about it too. Because you seem like you’re a genuinely good person, but you being able to read people, being able to read him, it felt invasive for him. He didn’t feel comfortable with a person that he wasn’t that close to being able to tell if he was struggling. Hyeongjun feels very vulnerable when he is struggling. Being vulnerable with someone who is more or less of a stranger to him was something Hyeongjun definitely wasn’t comfortable with. 
Granted you could tell how uncomfortable Hyeongjun was around you. Even a person who wasn’t in the field of psychology could tell. Hyeongjun tried to be subtle, but he was clearly avoiding you. Knowing that he was uncomfortable, you did everything you could do to make him feel more comfortable around you. You gave him his distance. Never tried to force him into any kind of conversation with you. You even refrained from talking about your job. Trying to separate your work life from personal life, despite it being difficult. 
Slowly, very very slowly Hyeongjun began to be less avoidant of you. His distance became shorter. He would chime in on conversations you were having with other members. Sometimes that chime would even be in response to something that you said. A friendship was beginning to form between you and Hyeongjun. A slow burn one, but it was still a friendship. 
That was until one day Hyeongjun was suddenly cold again and back to avoiding you. Hyeongjun has been stressed lately, but he didn’t want to talk about it. He was scared that you would notice and ask him about it, so avoided you. Though he noticed that it was now harder to avoid. He felt more guilty about it. He felt like he was avoiding a friend. That’s how he realized he felt more comfortable around you than he thought he did. The next he took the initiative to talk to you, which was very hard for him.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized to you. 
“For what?” you asked. Being surprised by both the fact that he started a conversation with you and that he was apologizing. 
“For avoiding you.” His voice was quiet.
“It’s ok Hyeongjun,” you reassured him. 
“Really?” he questioned. 
“Yes. I know being a psychologist can make some people around me uncomfortable and I understand why. Just know that I’m not gonna ever go full psychologist on you Hyeongjun,” you chuckled lightly. “Even if I can tell that something is bothering you and I’m not gonna make you talk about it with me. You decide who you talk to about what. I respect you and your emotions Hyeongjun,” you tell him. 
“You should have started with that,” he mumbled. 
“Would you have let me?” you countered. It was all in light hearted banter though. That conversation seemed to be the ice breaker for you and Hyeongjun. Hyeongjun finally felt comfortable around you. The pace of your friendship picking up much faster now. 
Now being two years into a relationship together you and Hyeongjun laugh about how he avoided you like the plague at your first meeting. Hyeongjun used to be scared of you reading his emotions and knowing that he was struggling. Presently however he views it as a good thing. Like you said you never force him to talk about anything, but that doens’t mean you won’t open your arms to give him a much needed hug. Hyeongjun really cherishes that. It’s not always the easiest to put his thoughts or emotions into words. The fact that you can just know does make things easier for him.
You and him have a very healthy relationship and he has even gotten pretty good at reading you. He can tell when you're stressed and need a hug or a shoulder to lean on. He’s more than glad to be there to support you like how you support him. 
“I may not have a degree or anything, but I’m pretty good at listening to people’s problems too,” he tells you. 
The two of you are a very happy couple and your occupation may come in handy from time to time, but now more often than not it actually makes for some good jokes.
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Okay, this has honestly been in the back of my mind for years now, but I feel like I must ask. Did anyone else feel an immense feeling of anger/discomfort when Poppy brought the entire village into Branch's bunker? Because I did. When I first saw it, I felt uncomfortable. And to this day, I get the ick thinking about it. Like, I get why she did it, and I understand that it was the safest thing to do for the village, but like... I can't explain just how upsetting it was to me. Branch is a better person than I am, because if it were me, just... no. And she didn't even ask properly! And then had the audacity to say it was a solid burn returned like??? No? No it wasn't? That was a home invasion, not a snipe back at him, what? In what world is his comment on her life skills even remotely on the same level as her just letting the ENTIRE VILLAGE in his house? And they weren't even good houseguests either! They IMMEDIATELY started messing with his stuff, like, have these trolls never heard of proper guest etiquette? Look, I love Poppy, but she can seriously get on my nerves a lot. Especially since the movies made it so that in the end, she doesn't really learn much because her screw ups have a way of completely disappearing with little to no consequences.
To add to this, anyone else feel like when rewatching the first Trolls movie, that Branch was in the right, and that he was done so dirty by so many? Like, the ukulele scene. As a kid, I did think Branch was being rude, but now? Those 2 were literally out in the woods, with who knows what out there. Poppy literally got her friends kidnapped by a BERGEN literally the DAY BEFORE, and she's going back to singing loudly? Like, Poppy, babe, are you TRYING to die? Her whole song just shows how much plot armor Poppy has because, seriously? Not to mention, trolls are tiny, so her singing could genuinely put a target on them. I feel like the only reason Branch didn't up and say this is because it probably should be common knowledge, but apparently, pop trolls don't really have much common sense. I really wish they had Branch explain it though, because as a kid, I thought him to be a killjoy and unnecessarily bossy. But now? Yeah, I can see why singing in the forest when you're tiny might not be the best idea. Makes me wonder just how the pop trolls survived all this time?
I love Poppy, I really do. She's fun, nice, and is a complex protagonist (who is awesome and not a Mary Sue, though the same can't be said for TBGO/Trollstopia Poppy) whose character development is very visible. However, the writers really focus more on Branch's character development than hers and focus more on finding new ways to traumatize him than finding ways to make Poppy more mature, and that's what really bugs me about Poppy's character.
I really wanna start a petition for DreamWorks to lay off Branch for once and give Poppy more attention. I'm not asking to all out traumatize her (though the idea of DreamWorks giving her the Branch Treatment is funny in the mean way) but it would be nice if they gave her another journey where she has to learn and grow, and for there to be consequences that aren't easily waved away by a song and dance. TWT did a decent job at it (it could have been better, but it was a start), and I really need DreamWorks to do something like that (but better, obviously) again.
That being said, I do like how they handled Broppy. They went from rival/strangers to friends to lovers. It didn't happen instantly, and the progression of the relationship didn't feel rushed or forced. They both have an equal standing in the relationship and are supportive of each other. It's cute, and I'm glad DreamWorks at least got that right.
This should have probably been separate asks, but oh well. YOLO or whatever. I just really wanna know your thoughts.
I'm mostly of the same mind it angers me but I get why she did it I feel at the very least she should have told everyone to behave themselves and not act like they were teenagers throwing a house party while their parents were away for the night.
some people have said that maybe she did in on purpose to pressure Branch into going with her but I prefer to think that wasn't the case because in my opinion that would be straight up villainous.
a Royal abusing their power to put pressure on a civilian to Risk their life to rescue a group of your friends who are in danger due to your incompetent leadership.
not to mention a civilian who she knows is more terrified of the Bergens than anyone else in the village.
yeah that would make her an out and out villain imo so I prefer to think that wasn't her intention.
I don't feel its so bad it needs to be changed in the story overall but I would have liked it had Branch actually called her out on it.
basically just have him angrily point out to her after she acts like it wasn't a big deal because it was just a bunch of old Junk. that it wasn't just a place to him it was his home and that wasn't just a load of old Junk it was stuff he worked hard for years to make and it made him feel safer it was the only place he actually felt safe and like he could relax.
maybe prompting Poppy to actually give a more genuine apology as before she just thought of his home as him being over the top for the sake of it.
since she and the village just viewed him as a Drama queen and she didn't really realise his fears were actually so genuine that the Bunker actually mattered to him that deeply.
part of me thinks the intent by the writers was for her consequences in the first film to be being betrayed by Creek who she cared about but yeah that whole thing could have been handled better.
her and her dads leadership put him in danger and he literally said what he had to say in order to avoid being eaten alive he didn't really have any agency in the betrayal.
so Poppy's somber pleas for him to not go through with it kinda make me mad tbh like this whole situation is your fault yet my guy Creek is expected to die because of it.
so your incompetent dad can live? yeah no.
also if you made that Petition for Branch I'd totally sign it 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
and I agree Poppy deserves some more focus and development tho a touch of angst for her I think could maybe be a good thing in making her character stronger.
like I've said before maybe having Peppy die in a future film and her at first trying to ignore her grief by focusing on her queen duties and slapping on her usual smile worrying both Branch and Viva.
or having her mother turn up in the future like some fans have suggested only for her to be a selfish villain who couldn't care less about Poppy and Viva.
and this is the proper shock to Poppy's "" family is always great "" mentality as even with Bro zone they worked things out in the end making her think no family could be entirely broken.
but her mother literally doesn't give a shit if her children live or die and she maybe abandoned them both when Poppy was a baby.
drawing a little contrast with Branch only for the mother to have zero remorse since she didn't want children and maybe she was only with Peppy for status as royalty.
and Bro zone could be shown as being more remorseful over the past even a while after the events of TBT which contrasts with Poppy's mom kinda nicely.
anyway I'm getting off topic a bit lol but yeah I agree Poppy needs more focus and Branch's needs to be picked on less by the writers.
but I feel a touch of angst directed Poppy's way could give her some good development and make her a stronger character overall.
edit. also as someone who doesn't like Hugs Poppy's smug stunt with the Hug time Bracelets does make me a little mad like tell the Trolls to Respect people's Boundaries Girl.
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itspyon · 5 months
re: previous discussion about stellae. i see you empathize with her but man. her tweets have such a manipulative vibe? she is in the same size category of a cc as geeninja but says he has power over her a creator. uses a lot of adjectives to paint information in a specific way that isn't even subtle, like, quote, 'my innocent actions were making him uncomfortable'. saying people should study the 90 page doc which is just a whole lot of personal info that shouldn't be published. it's just weird all the way through. im not touching the situation with illumina, that's done and over in terms of being confirmed, so im just looking at all this like a blank slate.
oh she is. that simply is just product of her illness. and i don't mean this in a way to push a stereotype on her, this is what bpd does to your reasoning. you become extremely clouded to judgement, especially in cases like her, where she doesn't have a proper support system, where she doesn't have people around her putting some sort of limit
the therapy to "counter" the way bpd makes you act is quite literally teaching you how to act like a normal person. because bpd has an incredible reach into how you interact socially, and it breaks every concept of it. you have to relearn it from scratch. she's acting in the only way she knows how, nobody around her knows how to properly help her, so she just. does this
she over explains, she becomes invasive as she doesn't really have any social limit, because she feels small and violated ( and very much justified ), her reality is that she is small and that he is a creator bigger than her, and that her actions were innocent. she genuinely believes this. and it feels manipulative because she is trying to convince you of a reality that isn't, you're able to see that. but she clinically can't
and no one around her is there telling her this. that's why i empathize. bpd is a condition that needs reality checking, this isn't something i'm a stranger to at all, and again, i'm seeing the deer stuck in a wire fence, and i cannot help it
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mattyknees · 2 months
I have sort of a weird question, do you have any thoughts/opinions on RPF that I could use to share with someone who thinks it can be weird & invasive? I'm trying to have a convo with them about it & my brain is coming up short lol. I ask because I swear I saw you reblog something about that not too long ago. Also, no worries if you don't want to!
tell them to kill the cop inside their head. it basically it boils down to this.
the fourth wall exists for a reason*. authors are not linking their archive accounts on their public instagrams and tagging the people involved. and if they are, they're taken out back and shot like dogs. the greater fic community does not tolerate that shit. we keep fic where it belongs - away from the public eye.
real person fanfiction is not real. nothing in these stories (to the best of our knowledge) has happened, is happening, or ever will happen. it is made up. it is a story. it is entertainment. we do not actually think these things are true or want them to happen. i mean, i could take or leave some of them on the actually happening part. some of the fics i have read are phenomenal and very interesting and the worldbuilding is... anyway. but - it's still not real.
why does it matter if something is weird. furries are weird. queer people are weird. metalheads are weird. claymation artists are weird. advanced registered psychiatric nurse practitioners are weird. tumblr users are weird. YOU ARE WEIRD. so fucking what. why do you care that it is weird. kill the cop inside your head and move on.
at the end of the day, people that write and read rpf are just people that like something that you (general) don't. best friend A likes romcoms. i (typically) do not. i like video essays about religion. best friend B does not. i am protestant. best friend C is muslim. rpf is something that separates people that fundamentally does not matter in the grand scheme of things and if your friend is going to make that the hill they die on you need to get better friends, my love. this is one of those things that people in the real world do not care about. i write rpf at work and my coworkers think it's cool and ask me for updates. like. genuinely. no one cares. red white & royal blue started out as rpf and amazon made a movie out of it. so like. come on.
*breaking the 4th wall is what causes most, if not all, of the issues with rpf. people find out there is rpf about them and they get uncomfortable. lock your archive account, moderate comments. make shit undiscoverable, do not tell people you have written something about them, and holy shit do not write rpf about your friends
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girlfromthecrypt · 8 months
Can I write romance even though I hate romance?
Sooo I wanna write romance subplots. I already do; I put them into a lot of my stories. The strange thing is that I cannot stand to read romance in any other story/book. I don’t know why. I always felt very uncomfortable reading romances. Not only did I feel vaguely voyeuristic whenever two characters would get intimate, I also never really… liked any of the personalities presented.
The following is just my opinion, and perhaps very specific. I don’t intend to step on any toes. I’ll keep this as generalized as possible.
So the popular romances I came into contact with almost always seemed to run by a certain formula. There’d be a girl, and a guy. The girl would be… a blank slate, basically. She’d perceive herself as bland and unremarkable, but actually be very conventionally attractive according to descriptions. These main characters were disappointingly uninteresting. The things that were special about them didn’t seem special. Just so lifeless.
I genuinely don’t believe that my writing is superior or anything. I don’t want to seem haughty by saying any of this. 
Then of course, there’d be a guy. And it’s the guys I’d find particularly tiring. They were always… perfectly handsome, but in a very dull way. I can’t remember ever reading about a guy whose physical description piqued my interest. And of course the writer would go on and on about the guy’s eyes, it was always the eyes, the eyes, the eyes, the eyes. In real life, the eyes aren’t exactly the part I’m most fascinated by. I mean, there’s a lot to be said about GAZES and GLANCES and all that stuff, but I just got so bored of them. The guys’ personalities themselves never struck me as appealing either. At the very least, they’d be mildly threatening. If not downright obnoxious.
I always took issue with the way the romance would go, too. There’d be the typical drama, the possessiveness, the wax poetic, a lot of romanticized borderline assault—what these books described as passion I would perceive as an invasion of personal space.
Now here’s the thing. I want to write romance plots/subplots, but as you can see, I’m a horrible, horrible cynic. I can’t remember a single romance book that I’ve liked. So I’m wondering, can I write romance even though I’m so repulsed by the genre? Am I simply too critical? In case anyone who reads this is familiar with some of my stories that have romantic subplots, please, from a literary standpoint… am I doing okay? Was that good for you? Did you have fun? Does this feel like I'm hitting on you?
Because I wanna, like, make characters be in love but I don’t want to make the few readers I have feel the same way I did with most romances.
And, most importantly, is there anything I’ve missed? A story that you think might bring me around to the whole topic? I’m very much open to recommendations. Even if I end up disliking the book, my shelf needs feeding.
Side note: Anyone else tend their bookshelves like they’re some kind of hungry creature? I love my shelf, and it needs feeding.
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