#it's going to turn into Tears of the Me
yuzuparfait · 1 year
Journal #2
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Good to see you again, Blog!
I wouldn't say this week has been the kindest to me, but I managed to survive it (against all odds) and witness yet another sunrise. Logically, I was fully aware that this week would be more chaotic and messy compared to the last one, but nothing prepared me for the 12 hours I spent in a semicomatose state on my bed after getting home from my last class of the week.
Despite the stress and my climbing blood pressure, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll get out of next week's classes relatively unscathed.
In other news, I spent a majority of my free time this week daydreaming and coming up with theories of what might happen in the Breath of The Wild sequel that's coming out in a couple of months. The newest trailer dropped on the Nintendo Direct on Thursday and it's been in my head living rent free ever since. So please excuse my tinfoil hat and my rambling.
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As noticed by many, the symbol right behind the title is of an Ouroboros, which depicts a serpant eating its own tail. Since the Ouroboros is often used to signify an eternal loop, the biggest theory I have so far is one where the entire Zelda timeline is actually in a loop. Which means that Tears of The Kingdom is not only a sequel to Breath of The Wild, but also a prequel to Skyward Sword, which is the first game within the timeline.
At the end of Skyward Sword, the villain, Demise, curses Link and Zelda to endure an endless cycle of death and destruction for all their future reincarnations before promising to return.
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However, Demise never makes an appearance ever again within the timeline after this fight, and he's instead replaced by a villain named Ganondorf who appears in every other game.
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Ganondorf was also known as "Calamity Ganon" in Breath of The Wild, which leads us to the next point.
According to the lore of the Zelda timeline, the floating islands in Skyward Sword were born from a great calamity that occured on the surface, causing most to abandon it in favour of living in the skies.
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In the trailer, we see similar islands in the sky, and also learn they were formed after Link defeats Calamity Ganon and his Blights in the prequel.
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Right before facing off Calamity Ganon's final form at the end of Breath of The Wild, Zelda warns Link about how Ganon had given up on reincarnation and had instead assumed his purest form.
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Calamity Ganon giving up on reincarnation might just allow Demise to return in place of Ganondorf to continue the cycle yet again, leading the timeline right back to where it all began in Skyward Sword.
Considering the fact that all the games within the Zelda timeline eventually converge and lead to the events of Breath of The Wild, the probability of the theory being true becomes higher.
It's grim to realise how they're all stuck forever in an inevitable loop that not even the goddess Hylia can break, forced to play the eternal role of soldier and princess. Link and Zelda are forever doomed to a life of servitude, as the princess' loyal knight for the former, and the ruler of an entire kingdom for the latter. No matter who Link is reincarnated into, whether he be a farmboy, a pirate, or a literal eight year old raised by woodland creatures, his fate as Zelda's knight is inescapable, just as how Zelda's fate as the princess remains set in stone.
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Their fates are destined to be, interwined and inevitable, just like pawns on the chessboard of a higher entity. Who knows? Maybe we'll finally learn more on why the cycle continues without an end in sight (besides the fact that it earns Nintendo tons of cash) when the game comes out in May.
But hey, it's just a theory. A GAME THEORY. Thanks for reading!
I hope you readers enjoyed this week's journal! I was a little burnt out this time around but I hope it was still a good read (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
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watchingwisteria · 5 months
aziraphale, the one who gave the first human exiles his flaming sword as both a source of protection and warmth, who did not look on them as sinners deserving of destruction but people entitled to the best chances possible, has never once looked at crowley, a heavenly exile, with anything other than compassion and a desire to protect. from their first meeting, he never wanted anything bad to happen to him. when crowley slithers up to him in eden, he treats him like an equal rather than an adversary. when crowley appears, his eyes fill with love and excitement, his gaze turns soft and hesitant, his whole body seizes with joy of seeing him. crowley might typically the one to seek him out, but aziraphale has always welcomed him home.
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ayyyy ok here's some extra Laughingstock Sillies from the past week or so. it aint much but its honest work
(human!Barnaby's design is partycoffin's - from their pokemon au! he's beautiful....)
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extravalgant · 1 month
speaking more from my last post about shadow magic and its just. so interesting tbh. like the first mention of shadow magic comes from khrysalis when we enter the eclipse tower and it gives us interesting looks into how shadow magic as a whole is regarded in the spiral...
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its so insane to hear that its a forbidden magic and that grandmother raven and BARTLEBY of all people forbade it to be taught. raven i could probably understand, but considering we are now bartlebys scion... it's hard to think about the possibility that he didn't trust us before. an outsider from the spiral learning a forbidden magic...
i think what's also interesting is the fact that the shadow magic the wizard learns is a wholly unique one. shadow magic corrupted the moon magic inside the tower, so there's a possiblity that our wizard only knows this specific subset of shadow magic—one that's been permanently altered by moon magic in the eclipse tower, and one that can only be taught by sofia darkside.
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it makes me wonder if velma knows the same kind, or if hers and the wizard's shadow magic is different... is one more volatile than the other? or if there's no difference at all and im looking into it too much lolol
knowing this and knowing raven forbade anyone in the spiral from ever learning shadow magic, it would make a little bit of sense for how hostile she initially seems towards the wizard... if we take what we saw from the book of secrets, then we know that magic law states that nothing is an accident—magic is reactive and 'sentient' to a certain degree, so there was no mistake in the wizard freeing grandfather spider from his prison using magic, because that's what they wanted.
granted it was for other reasons... but it doesn't paint a pretty picture of any of us. the wizard learns shadow magic, the wizard frees spider, and then spider goes on to say that theyre his favorite.
i think what makes this particularly more tragic is the fact that the wizard didn't even have a choice. sofia says this herself!
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they need to learn it. the sword of kings isn't enough. being a child of prophecy isn't enough. they failed once before, and theyre not eager to fail again. theyll try anything, and everything, and that includes... freeing grandfather spider.
which, you know, speaking of backlash... sofia mentions it too lol.
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which is interesting to me... i always complained that the morganthe fight needed a bit more oomph—which, i still believe it does, to some extent—but i think how she died was a fitting end to her. crushed underneath the weight of her own powers, her own shadow—her backlash. she was the instrument of her own defeat, and, well... that could have very well been the wizard. she's our reflection, our parallel. i think it's why the wizard never mentions or claims that theyre the one that did her in—because they technically... didn't, but they also did. which is cool!
much to think about....
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hell0jon · 18 days
Fear avatars taking the piss out of The Ceaseless Watcher’s Special Little Boy
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minzbins · 2 years
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the most beautiful man i ever saw 🫠
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solradguy · 10 months
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Johnny Guilty Gear Strive is not a single day under 37 years old. "Age: Unknown" my ass. Face of a man whose frequent all-nighters in his 20s finally caught up with him. I understand, Johnny, I empathize...
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brrrkdslek · 9 months
part 1—ledge
"hello?" mingi asked loudly as he held his phone against his ear, the chattering of his friends in the background making it hard gor him to hear. "yes, this is him. who is this?" his friends slowly shifted their attention to mingi upon seeing his smile drop. "mingi, what is it-" suddenly, he stood up. "what did you say?" he stood frozen for a few seconds before hanging up. mingi grabbed his bag and dashed out of the restaurant, confusing his friends.
his heart was beating hard and loud, the guilt weighing hard on his shoulders, his body feeling heavier with each step he took. he should've gone, he should've been there for you, but he wasn't. because of his new friends that he had so much fun with, all while you cried and suffered alone.
mingi's vision became blurry as tears filled his eyes. it's not that he didn't want to see you, no he would never, but he just wanted to spend more time with his newfound friends, friends that he never had except for you. he was too greedy and asked for too much, when all he needed was right in front of his eyes, seeing him and smiling at him everyday.
mingi was all sweaty and panting upon reaching the hospital, making a beeline towards your hospital room. the overwhelming guilt engulfing his with each nearing step towards your hospital room. the white walls of the corridor suddenly felt suffocating, mingi bit his lip anxiously as his hand hovered over the doorknob.
he felt his breath stop when he opened the door to see you thrashing in the arms of multiple nurses. "no, get off me! let me die, just let me die already!" you cried and pushed, just like a child would. his body moved instinctively as he watched the doctor take out a sedative needle.
"no!" he shoved past the nurses and held your head against his chest, you stopped your movements and trembled in his arms. the nurses and doctor shared a look before leaving the room, allowing the two to some privacy.
mingi buried his face into your head, "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry. i-i was selfish and i just," he chokes on a sob, "i neglected you and i'm sorry..." he kissed your head, "i'm so sorry, my love." you pulled your head out of his chest and looked up at the male with wet eyes, "that's all i ever needed to hear, mingi."
mingi always hated it, he hated how easily you could dismiss his wrongs no matter how big they were just because he said a simple 'sorry'. you were this selfless person that he had taken advantage of for so many years now, and he's only realising now how important you are to him, only now after you tried to kill yourself.
mingi felt ashamed, ashamed for not seeing himself, for not seeing you. he was so sure you'd stay no matter the circumstances and he was right, but it didn't mean that you don't have feelings. all those years of hurt and suffering you experienced disappeared with just one simple apology from him, that was how much he had meant to you.
mingi couldn't bring himself to look into your eyes, the guilt weighing heavy on his heart. he sinks to his knees on the ground, head buried into your folded lap, your hands doing god's work on his fluffy head of hair. you never held grudged against mingi and he knew that. he was foolish, but you even more.
after so many years of coming and going by mingi, you still kept your bright smile and excitement every time you saw him, you were a fool, a fool in love. hearing his empty apologies all those years made you happy, because it was from him.
mingi sobbed into your lap, hands gripping your thighs tightly, as if you'd leave him then, which you could. you brushed through his hair and smiled gently, blinking tiredly. "mingi-ya," the man looks up at the mention of his name, "i'm tired," you pause, "so tired... so please, if you don't care, then go." your words felt like knives stabbing through mingi's chest, but your eyes screamed for him to deny it, for him to confess his undying love to you and be yours forever.
"no, no! i-i won't leave," mingi rises from his position, feeling his blood flow back into his legs, "i'll change, i promise! i love you, i do!" you bit your lip as more tears left your eyes, "do you really?" you looked down, "or do you just like the way i follow you around?" he stiffens, "like your puppy that's always excited to see you no matter what, like i'm only your entertainment."
you look up into mingi's wide eyes, his chest rising and falling heavily. "i-i," he takes your hands in his, "i do, and i'll prove it to you." holding your cheeks gently, he captures your lips in a slow and loving kiss, hands going around your waist to pull you up. as he pulled away, your noses were still inches apart. you look up into his eyes, "i..."
"love you too."
"don't love you."
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shewhowillrise · 4 months
AU where Bruce is dead, Jason is Batman, and Tim becomes his Robin. Joker kidnaps Tim and makes him Joker Junior and after Tim kills Joker, before sumcombing to his injuries of the torture.Jason vows no more partners. No More Robins.
Then gets transported to a Good Dad Fanon Bruce and Batfam universe (where Jason has stayed dead) He’s always avoiding Tim. He’s hanging out with Dick and Damian and Duke and Steph, but when Tim shows up, he clams up.
Tim confronts him, Jason breaks down. Because if he got used to having Tim around, inevitably when he gets back to his home universe, he’s going to feel the loss all over again.
There is no Damian or Duke in his universe to miss. Dick is still swinging on ropes with his parents, and Steph is a normal college girl.
All Jason sees when he looks at this Tim, is what he failed to save.
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americankimchi · 3 months
wish i knew what to do with this helpless frustration i feel every time i see people vilify the jedi for their way of life when the person doing the vilification doesn't even understand them properly. it's one thing to criticize and dislike them if you have an accurate picture of who they were and what they're trying to do vs. hating them because you straight up don't understand them at all 😭
#personal#this isn't vagueposting i'm just tired of seeing it every time i go in the tags or on youtube or on ao3#literally if you boil the jedi down to the essentials it's just#''these are psychic empath space wizards wandering around the galaxy trying to establish a higher quality of life for everyone''#a bunch of aragorns except anduril is a beaming blade of plasma#or gandalf with the ability to do backflips#the only hard rule they have is ''thou shalt not add misery to the world where you can remove it''#everything else is just interpretations on that theme#''they're cold and unfeeling and they HATED ANAKIN and BAN LOVE''#like WHERE in the WORLD are you getting this information#WHEREEEEE#SHOW ME YOUR SOURCESSSS#and don't say ''they ban attachments'' without understanding what that MEANS#ATTACHMENTS =/= LOVE#ATTACHMENTS ARE CHAINS THAT YOU USE TO DRAG OTHERS DOWN WITH YOU#YOU KNOW THE SAYING IF YOU LOVE SOMETHING YOU WILL LET IT GO? THAT'S IT. THAT'S ALL IT IS.#and where are u getting that they hated anakin do you think he'd be so torn up about betraying them all in ep 3#if he was surrounded by people who hated him for over a decade like mans was IN TEARS#HE LOVED AND WAS LOVED BY THEM IN TURN#IT JUST WASN'T ENOUGH TO SAVE THEM IN THE END BECAUSE#CRUCIALLY#HIS ATTACHMENT TO PADME DRAGGED HER AND THEM AND EVERYONE ELSE DOWN WITH HIM#stop stripping anakin of his agency he made a CHOICE#star wars is ALL ABOUT CHOICE. THE CHOICE TO FALL IN EP 3. AND THE CHOICE TO RISE AGAIN IN EP 6.#like cmon fellas..... fellas cmon........
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averlym · 9 months
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ghostwriter (their grandma would tell them she'd lose half her soul)
#or smth smth. having a lot of Thoughts. anyways here's the piece i've been working on and sometimes u have to just say Done#there's a lot of thinks but i am maybe a bit tired and so tmr i'll come in and add all the Tags that i'd personally want to get from myself#maybe i'll reblog the extras tmr too. this is an incredibly self indulgent piece + it probably deserves a tag ramble essay or smth#ig for now we see how it stands for itself + in the meantime:#adamandi#beatrix valeria campbell#hello!! i'm back with belated tags yippee!! alright so for funsies i'm going to make it sound like i'm going bonkers over this :3#the eye shine... the glowy eye... it's like phaethon shine but also smth about eyes to windows to the soul and like#there's two beatrixes here! half the soul. lost part doing things specific to the phaethon and here it's portrayed as tearing off her name#because that's really; truly; when it all starts!! also notable for the ghostly beatrix is i did it more painterly and cloaked in shadow and#fading into the bg. i think i was super duper specificish about where the glow comes from! front lighting back lighting beloved!!! like help#let's put it this way- beatrix face always glowy. important parts of paper also glowy. it's just that different elements are turned away#from the viewer by each beatrix!! also also. let's talk about the very gently implied blood and red etcetera#like the red string is canonical and i love personally the whole red strings of fate thing even though it's not Here Applicable exactly but#that definitely was an influence! and also the blood in the bg... i'm starting to think this is a recurring trend. but anyway shadowy bea#the other strings hang while the red string loops!! so like that one string feels almost alive. it's a sort of whimsical i put on the same#as metaphorical glowy eye!! also also the eye is lowkey influenced by the whole idea of Eyes and Spotlights within the show and also glow#as in power as in heyyy you ever think about writing as a visual medium huh#speaking of writing!! there is no beatrix thingy complete in my head without text sorrry but the black text overlays are always so >>> to me#and in the sense of art styles and overlays shoutout to all the black crosshatching outline thingys because For Some Reason in my mind#of all the characters beatrix feels like the bnw ink printed illustrations you get in books idk#fun fact! i spent so long rendering this and that was fine i liked it! but then trying to figure out text to go on the papers was a Thing#i tried to do. but then gave up on! sometimes i have to pick my battles and graphic design is indubitably Not my passion bc Fonts#fun facts about this is i Actually did start with a quick sketch in mind and there's been so many changed elements. in the og the front#paper for instance had 'ardess murders' written on it and the back one said phaethon interviews.. i like the nominee list better it feels#more narrative-esque and less passive than her just holding her writing.! other elements that got discontinued were that#front beatrix was supposed to blur into the other ghostly beatrix but i couldn't do it without sacrificing clarity so... no... no blurry#oh and the red string morphing at the ends to smth more abstract was always there from the start!! og had more floating papers#and also a silhouette of vincent and a scalpel bc 'one who pulls the strings' but that (pun intended)! got cut (hahahahahahaha) (sorry)#used also to be a lot of print room clutter but that got cut to bc compositionally i made beatrix larger (learned lesson from last art)
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levinbolts · 6 months
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i can’t believe square enix separated them why do they hate me so bad
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do you ever just sit there thinking about your favorite ocs while violently shaking. god. clenches fist. They're So.
#every time a song from their Joint Playlist comes on i go fucking feral#the betrayal the refusal to Let Go the haunting the persisting love the renunciation the resentment the abandonment the resignation#the overwhelming desire to do good vs the fear of admitting you were wrong vs the two people you love most tearing each other apart#AGHHHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK IM SUDDENLY DEEP IN THE ORIGINAL SAUCE#five seconds i was Normal. scribbling welcome home#then One Of The Songs Came On and now im losing my fucking marbles#perceived betrayals leading to real betrayals....#going too far and now its too late you're Committed you cant go back#he came to you thinking he could make you understand and you could work together to make things Better#and instead you ripped his heart out and left it bleeding on the floor for everyone to see#THEY MAKE ME MORE INSANE THAN LITERALLY ANYTHING#absolutely unprompted#the oc Unwellness comes and goes in waves but its the only true constant obsession with my life#god those three... my dearest darling Trio.... how old are they turning this year?#is it year eight of having them? year nine?#one of the two is for sure how long ive had My Specialest Boy Light Of My Life The Reason I Am Still Alive#the other two came after... maybe only mere months after but he was the first and he is just. i love him so fucking much#he is so so personal to me. he has a permanent place carved out in my chest#he sleeps on my ribs <3#the other day i was reminiscing about his development over the years. his changes his different Versions#and fuck... he's really changed with me huh??#his past selves are echoes of my own self over the years#like he is Very different from me but at the same time. i created him with little pieces of myself sewn in#we hold the same views the same beliefs. im not him and hes not me but we're Kindred yk yk#i think i need to go listen to his playlist.... how long is it now... let me check... 15 hours 13 mins... 228 songs...#my gay 5'2 powerhouse of a guy. him <3#maybe 'them' too he's played fast and loose with gender over the years. holy shit wait#his development echoes mine... i characterized him as 'fucks with gender norms' long before i realized my own gender fuckery#god damn. i love him even more now. i didnt think that was possible. im going to cry. hes so important to me#he has been with me through my worst years... and will be with me through all the hard times to come <3
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dmc-questions-anon · 6 days
Dante: What was it the old lady said? Was it "Don't talk to Rock for years and only do so once"? Yeah, that sounds about right.
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in honour of phoenix wright getting disbarred day i was replaying the flashback trial and aside from the obvious angst, i forgot how absolutely hilarious some parts are. little teenage klavier is like "would you really blame me for a mistake i made in my youth? :(" about a thing he did EARLIER THAT DAY. i wish i were that funny
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mazzystar24 · 1 month
They should play lover you should’ve come over by Jeff Buckley when Eddie is fixing shit with buck after their divorce era or when they’re at their peek angst as a personal treat for me 🥰❤️🫶🤭🤭
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