#its Not Hard
patscorner · 1 month
@bueckerssturns @bernardsbendystraws @breeloveschris @worldlxvlys @endereies @rootbeerworshiper @luverboychris @vanteguccir @matty-bear @raysmayhem-72 @freshloveforthefit and so many more (there's so many, please don't be offended if I missed you) for being the best friends and biggest supporters I could ask for.
You are all beautiful people, and your works are, in fact, works of art. I'm so proud of you all 💙
Keep up the good work! Spread positivity and love, it's not hard.
-Pat 💙
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urmom973729 · 5 months
Just to let everyone know, Ireland has its own language, and so does Scotland.
SCOTLAND'S is called Gaelic and is pronounced Gah-lic
IRELAND'S is called Irish, or Gaeilge/Gaeilinn/Gaeilic depending on dialect when being said in the language.
Gaelic, pronounced Gay-lic, is an Irish sport (gaelic football) and a term used when talking about Irish culture.
STOP CALLING "IRISH" GAELIC AND STOP CONFUSING IT WITH SCOTTISH GAELIC!!!! Please do actual research before writing either into your fantasy books too.
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bellybiologist · 8 months
People SURE are just AI creating a bunch of white men.
idk why people feel the need to do that. Fat white men are 99% of what you can find! and without the stealing of art/images!
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blamemma · 11 months
redbullracing: you're stranded on an island, which 3 drivers are joining you? 🏝
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simmyfrobby · 8 months
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I love my strange emo son
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reallyneedsalife · 4 months
an, apparently, hot take.
you cannot tag a post #fuck jkr and it be a Harry Potter post. you can't. jkr literally donated £70,000 towards the development of an Equality Act that would entrench 'biological sex' over protecting people's lives. she sees support of Harry Potter as support of her TERF views.
You cannot post about Harry Potter and tag it fuck jkr because you're literally eating out of her fucking TERF antisemitic racist palm by posting about it.
I dont care if its your childhood. It was my childhood. It stopped being anything to me when it's author started campaigning for my destruction
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localdiscountgoth · 4 months
why dont the new fandom girlies understand “dont like dont read”
you disagree with this ship. DONT READ IT
you think this premise is fucked up. DONT READ IT
this personally upsets you. DONT FUCKING READ IT
block the tags, filter them out and dont interact with them. its not hard.
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Ableist garbage rant
I’m literally so fucking sick and tired of able bodied people disregarding a disability because “they’re a person first”. Like no fucking shit they’re a person but being a *disabled* person doesn’t make you any less of a human being.
I am an autistic adult.
Not an adult with autism.
It’s not that hard to maintain even the smallest bit of respect towards how we as disabled individuals prefer to be treated, perceived, referred to, etc.
And here’s an idea if you don’t know, ask. If they’re your friends/family you should have asked a long time ago.
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short-wooloo · 5 months
Jar-Jar Binks needs to come back, and he needs to come back in an important way
(NO. I am not talking about darth jar jar, that's stupid fuck off)
Jar-Jar should be the politician who puts the Republic back together after the sequel trilogy, rebuilding, reforming, and fixing it, Jar-Jar Binks, first Chancellor of the reconstituted New Republic
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catdadeddie · 2 years
Do you know how long we've begged for a Henren Begins episode? Years
And everytime an interviewer would bring up begins episodes, Tim would say there's no plans for more.
You know what we got this year (with Tim seemingly barely involved in this season)? A Henren Begins episode. Which Tracie confirmed was Kristen's idea.
You don't have to like Kristen or her choices with the show, but this fucking thing where people run around and cry that because buddie didn't have a major scene, she's homophobic, completely disrespects Henren and the beautiful love story that we got for them.
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sophfandoms53 · 9 months
Remember when one person would explain the veto competition and we would watch them compete for about 2-3 minutes as they explained their strategy, and then the rest of the competition would be jump cuts between the remaining veto players and occasional DR’s bc we all knew they’d figure out the same strategy everyone else had? Apparently production doesn’t bc they are obsessed with wasting episode time having us sit through every single player for 10 minutes like this
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officesupplied · 2 months
remember, kiddos, insulting people based on their appearance is never okay.
someone's got greasy hair? oily skin? overweight? nope, not okay to insult.
"but, office, what if they're a bad person?" nope! still not okay.
even if it is to a bad person, someone who has the same physical attributes as them could hear you say that, and also be hurt.
ex. you're talking about someone you dislike, and you say something like "their acne is disgusting, they're so ugly", but, at the time you say this, you're unaware that your friend with acne is in the room with you.
you didn't intend the insult towards your friend, though it still affects them, and heightens their insecurities.
when you insult someone, there are better routes to take than jumping straight to physical appearance.
"you seem the type to eat mayonnaise with your bare hands" is one of my favorite insults, get nonsensical, just don't harm people you don't want to harm.
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I don't think I've ever really cared about shipping in my life. I'm generally just cool to go with the flow. If something is written well or drawn well then I'm for it.
But I will say. The DC writers trying to push Jon/Irey and Damian/Irey tire me. I am not impressed with the dynamics going on there and the idea of Irey being in the middle of a love triangle is contrived and upsetting.
I felt safe before because Irey is 9, Jon is an adult with a boyfriend and Damian is a teenager. DC wouldn't let that happen. I knew the shipping going on behind the scenes but everything was fine. It couldn't happen.
But then we got alt universe Supersons. The same age as Irey. And Irey blushing at them.
Suddenly everything was very much not okay.
Again, I'm generally cool with whatever but I'm putting my fucking foot down at this one.
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amorettopedri · 1 year
Gavi don't be a coward?!! Just hold his hand bestie.
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alfiely-art · 10 months
Okay so I think this is how my voting is going to go next Trial? Unless huge stuff is revealed/happens
Haruka - Innocent
Haruka's expressed that he regrets what he did and feels horrible about it- he knows what he did was bad, and he wants to be better. He just needs the proper environment to heal.
Yuno - Innocent
She did nothing wrong. Like unless they suddenly decide she did infanticide instead of abortion, there's absolutely no question about it that she doesn't deserve to be in Milgram?? Sorry Yuno I don't see you as a innocent girl who can't do anything wrong, you just. Did not do anything wrong here.
Fuuta - Innocent
Now that he's realized that, yeah, doxxing people and witch hunting them is wrong and hurts people, I don't think he'd do it again. I mean, in trial 1 I think he was already sorta horrified by what happened, but trying not to claim responsibility- because that's a horrid thing to think about. "My actions killed someone." That's scary. But he's accepted it, and I think he's going to work on himself and be better.
Muu - Innocent
I know she was an asshole and bullied others. However, I'm a firm believer that NOBODY deserves to be bullied. I think everybody in the situation just majory sucked ass. And she's clearly horrified by what she did, she's just putting on different personas to cope with it. Get this girl some therapy.
Shido - Guilty
So, from my understanding, Shido convinced families that their loved ones were beyond saving, and then he killed them and harvested their organs? Very shitty to me. Once the trials are over I really don't think this guy will remain innocent. I know he was very suicidal in the beginning, but it read more to me that he was upset what he was doing didn't work out- that his wife is dead anyways. Idk.
Mahiru - Guilty
100% Guilty. I really can't understand Mahiru Inno Voters- Mahiru is an incredibly selfish and self-centered person, and it killed her lover. In trial 1 she's just singing about her needs in a relationship, about how she knows how to love better than her partner did. In trial 2 there is quite literally a line that goes "my emotions are out of control? I don't care!" Mahiru WILL hurt others and refuse to change herself over and over again. She doesn't even seem remorseful about her dead boyfriend. Like. She lowkey flirts with Es upon meeting them. Mahiru is just looking for someone else to hurt. She doesn't seem to understand that it isn't wrong to want to love and to be loved, but what's wrong is ignoring your partners needs for your own and making every part of the relationship about you. Also, I think she may have forced herself on him based on that scene where she does grabby hands and pounces, making the feathers scatter everywhere (like its what broke her boyfriend).
Kazui - Innocent
Kazui tried, he tried so hard to love his wife the "correct" way. Whether he's gay or alloaro, Kazui DID care about his wife and didn't want to hurt her. He couldn't keep lying to her and himself anymore. But the truth killed her, and Kazui feels so fricken?? Awful over it??? They were work friends before they got together, he clearly liked her. Just not romantically. He's struggling between whether lying eternally is the better choice, or if being truthful to himself and everyone else is the better choice. The truth killed his wife, but the lies were slowly killing him. Idk man, I've been in the same situation (nobody died though) and it's so hard to tell the truth about your identity.
Amane - Guilty(?)
Purge March is gonna help me decide, I think. I don't think Amane should've been voted guilty last trial- it, uh, clearly didn't have the affect we wanted it to have. But also, she's so far gone in her cult's beliefs that... I don't think either vote will shake that. I love Amane, she's a wonderful character, but Milgram won't help her. She would need YEARS of therapy and a safe, stable environment, and patient people, to help her heal. A Guilty vote won't help her. An Innocent vote won't help her. So Purge March is just gonna help me decide what to vote- because I highly doubt we can get EVERYONE in the community to refrain from voting. I'm leaning towards Guilty, though.
Mikoto - Guilty(?)
Okay this depends on who actually committed the crime. I believe that Mikoto himself did it, and his alters are trying to protect him and take the blame for the crime. In that case, my boy is guilty (sorry Mikoto). But if Milgram goes the "killer alter" route, then he's innocent. You can't really control what your alters do, yk? I might vote him innocent depending on the circumstances of his crime, too- it all depends. I'm hoping Double sheds more light on what's going on with my guy. (Btw he's my favorite character I'm so pumped to see what happens)
Kotoko - Guilty
I'm gonna be transparent here, i dont know Kotoko's character very well. So keep that in mind. Anyways. Her first trial song was very cool and its great she stopped a predator. I am not disagreeing with that. I do recognize that she probably felt forced to take on this vigilante role- that the law failed her and many others. However... we don't know who exactly she sees as "guilty". Obviously, she sees the prisoners voted "guilty" as guilty, but what about outside of Milgram? Does she just punish those breaking the law? Those she personally disagrees with? I think it's dangerous for her to do that. I think she's Guilty currently, but I'll have to see how her song goes- it may give me more insight on her thoughts and ideals.
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patscorner · 1 month
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I JUST hit 600 I swear.
I love you guys so much, and a special thank you to my friends who've helped me 💙
Thank you again for 700, and I promise part 4 will be out soon. Love you guys. Speard love and positivity. It's not hard. 💙💙
-Pat 💙
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