#its the writing and the pacing
scalpelofshar · 4 months
Personal problems, I enjoy bg3 but my god is act 3 such a slog. The game has been out since what? August? I still haven't finished a single playthrough yet
there's just so much to do and I can't compell myself to do it in any decent time (and I certainly can't do it all in one sitting)
Act 1 is so much fun and visually beautiful to run around in (obviously, its the most polished third of the game)
Ac2 2 has that bloodborne-esque aesthetic I love so much and I'm emotionally invested with the Thorm family drama™️ and it stimulates the writer in me
Act 3 I repeatedly go "ugh how is there still questing to do how long have I been in this city" which is a shame because I want to finish the game it just feels more like a chore
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tangledinink · 4 months
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:000 happy one year of i'm sorry, teenage mutant what now?
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landwriter · 1 month
dead boy detectives is a show whose shortcomings and strengths make total sense when you think of it as a comic on tv, ie terribly goofy expository dialogue that sounds way better when you picture it in comic book font with every other word bolded, panel-paced conversation as our heroes figure out something very obvious, fun enormous monster set pieces that used up all the cgi budget which is why all the rooftop shots look Like That, incredible snap zooms and smash cuts in montages that hit exactly like comic panels, and side characters with bland or brilliant characterization that seems to hinge on the metric of ‘how much cunt did the actor put into their line readings’
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a-sketchy · 4 months
persona misogyny is so fucking wild. ignoring literally everything else about the entire rest of the games, every single s.link with a female character is like “entirely for having been born a woman i have had to work twice as hard for a fraction of the benefit. even now, i am stripped of my agency in a position i never wanted in the first place” and/or “i’m put on a pedestal by the people in my life because of my looks. men see me as an object to be conquered, women hate me for ‘stealing’ ‘their’ men. if i’m withdrawn i’m a bitch, if i’m friendly i’m easy. because of this, i’m alone” and/or “because of my personality or hobby or lack of cooking skills, i feel like i’m failing at femininity. if being a woman is something i can fail at, then where does that leave me? i’m scared at the loss of my identity and place in society”
like very consistently they present female characters with complex thoughts towards their place in society as women, femininity as a whole, and facing issues stemming from misogyny, and then the payoff is always “my problems were entirely my own fault. i wasn’t strong enough, i was a coward. but now, i’m gonna work hard to be exactly what society expects me to be (which is what i want to be)! i’m gonna do better at femininity (which is still something tangible i can fail at)! i’m going to try hard at making friends (which was my fault for not doing)! all my problems are solved through personal responsibility (that im totally culpable for), effort (which i previously was not putting in), or you, a man! i am Happy and Satisfied with this outcome, can i be Your woman?”
and like hello? why are we here. what the fuck are we doing. why do we keep doing this every single time. can we not do the constant lukewarm attempts at criticizing misogyny so you can jerk off to your own thoughtfulness, while ultimately reinforcing patriarchal systems and brushing off any deeper misogyny-bred issues as a lack of deference to one’s rightful place in society? like maybe don’t do that? for fucking once? just an idea
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 8 months
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stil-lindigo · 9 months
emily carroll has once again permanently changed my brain chemistry
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justaz · 3 months
me: i hate cliches. theyre so predictable and overdone. i just want something new-
every fic ever: character A confidently/impulsively kisses character B who freezes under their touch causing character A to panic and begin to pull back just as character B remembers themself and kisses back with a passion
me, born to ascend, forced to act casual by societal norms:
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scrollonso · 2 months
First Kiss (Break 1)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (1.2k words, no warnings) [@v3lnys] {filler chapter? I just felt like Lance and Nando getting closer would make more sense if they spent break together + Mark}
last part - masterlist - next part
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They had two weeks off and Lance had absolutely no plans, Nico was on vacation with his family to god knows where, Fernando had probably already arrived in Australia, and Lance didn't have any other friends on the paddock to worry about.
He had thought about going back to Canada but he just ended up back at his house in Switzerland. Spring had started by the time he got home so it wasn't like he could distract himself with snowboarding so he just ended up at home on his couch for the past five days.
Being alone was nice, but a part of him missed Fernando, oddly enough. They'd only ever hung out on the paddock but Lance had grown to look forward to the time they spent together, whether it was actually sitting and talking or just exchanging glances while in the middle of interviews.
As if it was fate, his phone began to rang. It was an unknown number but he figured it might be important, his dad had a history of calling him from random places just to check up on him, as if the 18 year old hadn't been left alone before.
"Hello?" He said, holding his (very small) phone to his ear
"Lancito, I am so glad you answered!" a voice on the other end spoke, a very familiar voice
"Nando?" Lance questioned "How did you get my number?"
"Is not important!" The Spaniard said, brushing off the question "Lancito, are you busy? If you are, cancel, come to Australia."
"No, I'm not busy." Lance responded, wondering if Fernando was really inviting him to Australia, wasn't he with Mark? Wouldn't that be awkward? "Is something important happening in Australia?"
"Si, You are coming, is important."
"Nando, I-" The younger boy laughed, not being able to wipe the smile off his face just from hearing the other mans voice "Sure, I'll come."
"Perfect, I'll send you the information, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, okay Nando"
"Bye, Lancito! Have a safe flight"
And with that the call ended and Lance wasted no time in buying the tickets to Australia (idk how people bought plane tickets in 2006...)
Lance got off the plane, trying to pat down the hair he could feel sticking up, he always slept on long flights and this one was no acception. It was weird being in Australia a week before he had to but he wasn't going to turn down Fernando is he wanted Lance there so bad, for whatever reason.
It was a Sunday morning and the airport was surprisingly busy, he eventually found his way out and got a taxi headed towards the address Fernando had texted him
"Just landed, headed your way now!!"
Lance stared at the screen before sending the message, just now wondering why exactly he was there, he wasn't blind to the media, especially when he was constantly being interviewed and asked questions fans were dying to know, he had heard the rumours, people saying Fernando was only talking to him to scare him, he was going to embarrass him, he had some ulterior motive, Lance hoped it wasn't true but now that he was blindly following Fernandos orders in another country while he was visiting his friend (who's seat he took) a part of him started to wonder if Fernando was planning something. He hit send.
They'd hadn't texted much, just Fernando sending him the information he needed and Lance thanking him before he got on the plane and turned off his phone, he wasn't too fond of it anyways.
"I am glad you made it"
"Is exciting"
"Tell the driver to go faster"
Lance smiled at his phone, excited to see the Spaniard again, even though he saw him not even a week ago.
"I shouldn't break the law yet"
"I just got here and my dad isn't here to bail me out!"
"I will do it, no worries Lancito"
He shook his head at the text, turning off his phone and waiting to arrive, not too far away from the location
He stepped out of the car, paying the taxi fare then walking up to the house, hesitating to knock. Maybe texting would be better? Or calling? Or anything besides knocking? Before he even had the chance to decide the door opened, revealing a slightly-taller-than-him Mark Webber and Fernando standing by his side, the two closer than he thought they would be
"Lance, welcome, so sorry about making you come so randomly." Mark spoke first, stepping back to invite Lance in
"It's no problem, I wasn't doing anything anyway" Lance smiled as he walked into the house, scanning what he could see
"I told you Lancito didn't mind" Fernando said to Mark, hitting his arm slightly "Is good to make sure you two get along before people start to speculate, ay?" Fernando smiled at Mark then at Lance, reaching up to flatten the hair still sticking up on his head
Lance wasn't sure why he was surprised Fernando was still calling him his nickname, he didn't know why he expected anything to change with Mark around, Fernando seemed the same, if anything he seemed happier around Mark. It made him feel bad, he was the reason Mark lost his seat, the reason Fernando's friend was no longer on the paddock, the reason Fernando had to settle for him instead.
"Well, Lance, I don't mind that you took my seat" Mark laughed, closing the door before putting an arm around Lance's shoulder "I was done with travelling all the time anyway, so don't beat yourself up over what people say"
Lance nodded, Mark was right, and he was pretty old so it made sense for him to be smarter.
"Now, how about we have fun now that we've dragged you to the land down under?" That made Lance smile, he was looking forward to spending the rest of his break actually doing stuff besides binging TV shows.
The next week went by so quick Lance was surprised when he actually had to go to the paddock, almost as surprised as fans when he showed up with both Fernando and Mark.
He hesitated when Fernando suggested all of them going together, worried about what people would say, but the older men made it obvious they couldn't care less so thats how they ended up going together, Mark having plans of doing interviews around the paddock and spending his free time in sither the pink or blue and yellow garage.
Being in Australia a week early was great, they were busy the whole time but Lance enioyed it, loving the time away from his phone and especially away from the media. It made him notice how close Mark and Fernando really were, he felt jealous at times but it was probably just because he was used to having Fernandos attention on him after quali and races, he felt selfish for feeling that way so of course he never addressed it.
"Where are you going first?" Lance asked, looking at Mark, both of them on either side of Fernando
"I was thinking of interviewing people first, it's gonna be weird being the one asking the questions"
"As long as you stay far away from me, we're good"
Fernando shook his head, pulling the taller man closer "We really need to get you used to the media, eh? All you do is complain" He sucked his teeth after he finished teasing Lance, earning nothing but an eyeroll from the teen
"Yeah, yeah." Lance smiled, not able to stop himself when it came to Fernando "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."
And with that the race week started.
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good-beans · 1 month
Kudos to anyone making ocgrams, that's really an impressive amount of content 👁👁
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asylumdwellermoved · 9 months
YOU! YOU'RE BACK! (you probably don't remember me we only talked, like, once, but hello xjbx)
ANYWAY UM UH what about a reader/PC seducing* Harper and getting more than what they asked for
* (could be intentional or could be Harper going "they are CLEARLY looking at me like that because they want something, yeah?")
leaning somewhat into the second option bc i love the contrast of manipulative freaks being equally delusional <3
gn!reader, gn!harper, dub/noncon)
"So, how have you been feeling?"
A newfound hesitance replaces your usual quickness to answer. You watch the bright eyes in front of you shift, possibly noticing a dullness in them that you hadn't before. Before you can wonder if it's your mind playing tricks on you, you clear your throat and smile.
"Good...! Been doing a little better lately..."
The doctor smiles back at you, clasping their hands together. "I'm glad! I assume you've been doing those techniques I gave you last week?"
You nod, trying to let the rumors swimming in your head fade to just the back of your mind as you automatically respond to their questions.
You had been seeing Dr. Harper on Fridays for a good few weeks now. Up until recently, you had been perfectly comfortable. It was nice having someone to talk to, even if they were just doing their job. You have absolutely no memory of anything bad happening in any of your sessions. It was only when you had mentioned your recent help to Sydney and saw their skin bristle and received a vague warning in response that you started to worry. Mickey remarking on the doctor's "problems" not long after definitely didn't help. You knew how dangerous this town could be, and you definitely didn't want to be on the bad side of anyone holding your physical well being above your head.
"And that recent spat with that person at your school that you told me about last week? How did that go?"
"Ah, well... they put out a cigarette on me yesterday, so I kind of feel like it's a lost cause..."
If you just... suck up to them it should be fine, right? They seem at least somewhat reasonable. Bat your eyes at them and butter them up a little, and you should be airtight.
Their eyebrows furrow in concern. "Can I see the wound?"
You nod, hesitantly unbuttoning the top of your shirt to give easier access to the burn on your collarbone.
"A few more, please? I'm going to wipe it down and apply some vitamin E gel so that it heals a bit better, I need a little more space."
You oblige, trying not to look bothered, the collar of your shirt now draping over your shoulder. They get to work on gently cleaning your wound. You choose your next words carefully.
"Hey, Dr. Harper..." You don't realize how close they are until you feel the heat of your own breath coming back onto you when you speak.
"Thanks for everything. Really. I've been doing a lot better lately, and I couldn't have got here without you."
A smile crosses their lips and they hum in contentment. "You're very sweet."
"I appreciate it a lot. At this point, I don't know what I'd do without you..."
You wince a little as that last part comes out, worried you'd be pushing things. You see the look in their eyes change and you freeze. They turn their formerly fixed gaze to your face. It looks almost like it flipped some sort of switch in them.
"I'm very glad to hear that."
You flinch from the feeling of the cold gel on your skin.
"You know, just between us... You're my favorite patient."
You double take.
"A-Am I really?" You feign a smile at their strange remark.
They light up at your reaction. "Yes, really. I'm happy that the feeling's mutual."
Wait... what?
You stiffen a bit, unsure what to say. You notice that their hand is ghosting further and further from the blistering as they touch your skin. And did another button come loose?
"That said, you can come to me for anything. When you're hurt, when you're anxious, when you're upset, when you're... flustered..."
They've gotten closer. The faint hospital smell on their clothes mixed with a slight unplaceable scent feels near suffocating now. When you feel their fingers twitch a bit you notice their hands haven't left your skin.
Ah. So this is what they meant. Not the Bailey kind of scary. Something entirely different.
They hesitate for a second, but waste no time in pressing their lips against yours, pulling you into them and quickly darting their tongue out, trying to force it in. You suddenly feel smothered at the feeling of what control you had being pulled out from under you.
"Dr. Harper-...!"
They pull back, shuddering at the sound of their name on your lips before putting a hand between your legs, a heavy heat of their own pressing against your thigh, grinding softly.
"If I knew I could do this while you were lucid, I would've a long time ago..." They give a breathless giggle like it was some sort of joke, looking straight at you but showing no recognition of the horror on your face.
The look softens as you start to squirm at their touch, watching their eyes flick to your lips again when a gasp slips out. They lean in again, peppering soft, closed-mouth kisses against your lips like they weren't slipping their fingers beneath your clothes to try to get you off at the same time.
"Shhh, I need you to stay quiet for me... Don't worry, when I make sure we have some time all to ourselves soon you can be as loud as you want..." They coo at you almost like they're consoling a child.
The pleasure-induced haze in your brain keeps you from dwelling on what they mean as they keep teasing you, playing with one of your nipples through your open shirt and closely watching your reactions as they pant and moan against your ear. Unable to stop from eventually reaching your peak, you writhe against them helplessly, unconsciously bucking into their hand. A shaky gasp escapes their throat and you notice a warm, wet patch had grown on the fabric against your thigh. Your stomach turns a bit.
They lock their lips with yours again, breathing heavy through their nose, only pulling away when it starts to slow. They stare at you in what looks like a strange sort of... adoration? As they bring their fingers to their lips, slowly dragging their tongue through the mess you made. Their glazed over, half lidded eyes widen a bit when they look at the clock. "Ah- I didn't even notice the time."
They walk back to their desk, nonchalantly sitting back down, rifling through their papers before pulling a pen out. The second you get the chance, you walk out on shaky legs without saying a word.
"Client exhibiting potentially self-endangering behavior. Institutionalize at next availability."
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stiffyck · 9 months
friendly reminder to not pressure artists for more stuff :)
friendly reminder that asking someone when the next update for a fic or a next part of a comic or any series someone is making for *free* in their *free* time will just put pressure on the author :)
just leave a nice comment or a nice tag. tell them you like their work and leave it :)))
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
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originalaccountname · 9 months
There are some posts I've seen floating around that at the start Dazai may not of known that Chuuya wasn't a vampire which I kind of agree with. I'm at work currently so I cant double check but when he goes "that's a nasty trick you've pulled fydor" im pretty sure its in his thoughts?? To which why would he think that if he knew the whole time. I think dazai must of caught onto the fact Chuuya was faking it at somepoint but not sure when that would of been. Also at the end of the ep Dazai said he didn't have a plan. (I did watch the episode at just after 2am my time when it came out and then fell asleep afterwards so my memory could be not correct). I do think chuuya not being a vampire at all is a little disappointing tbh but this idea softens the blow. Would like to know your thoughts on this idea if you are open to sharing?
I'm in that category too, yes. I've left a few tags saying basically the same thing on some posts.
First, there are a few things the anime didn't answer (more than failing to justify Chuuya faking it since the start, there's Sigma's case about needing to help the ADA, which... didn't happen at all) so either we haven't seen the repercussions of this arc yet, or we got the shortened version of what the manga will offer. Which could work either way. (not ideal necessarily, but besides huffing what can we do huh)
Dazai not knowing though! Dazai did admit to his "plan" being to mostly adapt on the fly and trust his allies to help him back. He implied this prison break was one big trust fall. But that's how I've always interpreted Dazai's way of planning! I even made a post about it a full year ago!
Since Dazai knows Chuuya slowed down the elevator (which I can accept, Dazai's ability shouldn't affect random objects he touches, and Fyodor had told Chuuya through a comm to go finish off Dazai because he wasn't in the room), I assume that by then he was aware. Maybe not before though. Definitely not at first. Because this?
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I refuse to believe was entirely scripted. Why is he acting? For Sigma? For corpses? I'm of the opinion that no matter what is going on through Dazai's head, his expressions are always genuine (ex: he might react with surprise at something he completely expected, if only because of how sudden it was, or when/how it ended up happening. Here? genuine distress.)
And I extend that feeling to Dazai having an emotional moment, complete with flashbacks, while "drowning" Fyodor and Chuuya. He did say he wasn't expecting to kill them that way, but perhaps it really was a moment of weakness triggered by concern or guilt.
I can accept Dazai having caught on during his face-off with Chuuya. That's Mr I-know-your-breathing-patterns we have here, so if they didn't high-five after the elevator crash-landing (still broke Dazai's leg), I would say Dazai knows physics enough to go "hold on" and connect the dots. So yes, that baiting of Chuuya, the light taunting, the bratty attitude he only really has with Chuuya, the angry YELLING and insults when Chuuya shot him in the shoulder? The destiny talk? Yeah I can re-contextualize those as Dazai over-acting his part. And then not being able to shut up after being shot in the head.
Maybe there's some reaching here, maybe this will not be totally accurate to the source material. But Asagiri does have a habit to write scenes from an outsider pov while knowing whats happening in the characters' heads and behind the scene, but then not give us that input directly. Never before today was it confirmed that Dazai improvises a lot in his plans. And yet! That's something I've believed in for a very long time.
This all could very well be covering Asagiri's poor decisions, but between this being the adaptation and bsd being an unfinished story, I have a hard time deciding at the moment how much of a poor decision this was. Maybe it's worth a raised eyebrow. Maybe it deserves some criticism in hope the author takes notes. Maybe this was an anime-original resolution due to time constraints (think of the Fifteen final fight). I can only raise concerns for now, and wait.
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runawaymun · 1 month
Sentence Saturday Monday
I was tagged by @that-angry-noldo! (and I'm sure some other people but my notifs have been a mess lately so my apologies if you've tagged me and I am just now getting around to it) thank you!!!
So here's a bit from the Partake chapter I'm working on editing:
Elrond is annoyed to find that he is already sweating by the time they are through with the warmup. The elves, of course, look the same as when they began. Lalven calls for them to split up into pairs to spar. Elrond’s partner introduces herself as Iaril. She has a surprisingly Sindarin look about her, with light hair that catches the moonbeams which she’s bound back into a single, practical braid. She and Elrond are of similar builds, though when Lalven calls for them to begin, she adopts an aggressive fire stance, which has Elrond immediately glad that his strength is in water. He leaves the kukri on his belt and puts his hands behind his back, holding his sword, tip up, along his spine. He waits.  Iaril rushes him. Everything goes sharp as glass. Elrond finds his feet and sidesteps.  You have to conserve your energy. He can hear Maedhros in his head. Elves will not tire before you.  Iaril whips around with a downward slash. Elrond pulls back his left shoulder, twisting at the waist. Her sword sings past his left ear. Another downward slash, this time to his exposed right. He sidesteps again. She pulls back to her starting stance. He keeps his sword where it is. They circle each other. Elrond watches. Everybody signals their next move, Maedhros had taught him, A twitch of their fingers on their hilt. The placement of their feet. Which foot are they grounding from? Which hip do they put forward?  He’s breathing hard, but he feels steadier than he’s accustomed to feeling. Stronger, somehow.
No pressure tags for: @jaz-the-bard, @emyn-arnens, @polutrope, @slightnettles & anyone else who wants to share something :)
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ghastigiggles · 3 months
Omg omg omg "Here comes the tickle monster" with ler!Jing Yuan and lee!Yanqing! If that's okay ofc💕
Mischievious Prompts [Still Open]
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“My lord, please, you should still be resting…”
“A little rest is good for the soul,” Jing Yuan smiled back, gazing out the window; “But too much, and one risks becoming lethargic.”
Yanqing sighed softly, his brow furrowing with worry as he gazed at the general’s back. While it was true that Jing Yuan was bouncing back well, a part of him – the part that was still attached to his mentor – still stressed over the depth of his wounds. Jing Yuan could be like a cat at the best of times, concealing facets of his health to avoid worrying those he cared for – and giving his enemies an advantage, all the same.
“... I understand,” The young warrior managed after a moment, knowing better than to push his luck too far; “In that case, if there’s anything I can do to help, please, let me be of service.”
Jing Yuan turned to look down upon Yanqing, a soft smile upon his lips as he took in the boy’s worried state – and with a soft chuckle, he nodded, turning to face him fully as Yanqing perked to attention.
“There is one thing…”
Something about the general’s tone struck a memory for Yanqing, who promptly tensed – suddenly overwhelmingly glad that there were no other members of staff present in Jing Yuan’s office. As the older warrior stepped forward, he stepped back, swallowing as he realized where this was going.
“My lord…! You can’t be serious – your condition is –”
“Not severe enough to stop the tickle monster!”
In a split moment, Jing Yuan grinned and started closer, earning a yelp of alarm from Yanqing as he darted away in turn, quickly moving to stay out of reach – though he couldn’t stop the anticipatory, equally entertained smile from seizing his features, nor the squeal that escaped him when the general finally seized his target. 
“Here it comes!”
“Eeyah! Nohohoo, my - my lohord…!”
Ultimately, a little laughter was a soothing balm for both of their souls – and for those who passed by the office’s doors, pausing to smile at the muffled sounds of play within. All would be well within the Divination Commission.
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"Romantasy is the new 'it girl' genre!"
No it isn't. It's been around forever, this is just another way to separate fantasy written by women.
Men write a fantasy book with a prominent romance, even smut, and it just gets called fantasy. "Romantasy" is a new way to separate women's writing, since people started catching onto the whole "if a woman writes a fantasy, especially with certain tropes, it's YA even if the author says it isn't so we'll shelve it with the YA" thing.
I don't care if it's on purpose or not, that's what it is — just another way to push fantasy written by women to the side and heavily imply it's "less than" other fantasy. Can't shelve it with the other fantasy, it's not fantasy! (But... it literally is. Just written by a woman.) Again and again, the cycle continues.
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