#jaune is hades au
howlingday · 4 months
For you're jaune is hades au. I'm curious, what other powers does jaune have: A grimm form? Magic? Items of power? Authority?
Youve mentioned blue fire and he's created reapers.
"So, what exactly can you do?" Ruby asked, sitting across from Jaune. "Like, does you being here kind of put 'the balance of the natural order' at risk?"
"Well," Jaune chuckled, "at first, it would have, but I have reapers to take care of everything for me now."
"At first?" Qrow asked. "What was it like 'at first'?"
"Not good." Jaune said, a chill in the air not going unnoticed as he said it. "Before the reapers, I had to be there for everything. Every dead child in his mother's arms, every man of wealth begging for 'more time'." He shook his head. "Sorry, I didn't mean to kill the mood. Ozma always said I was a downer to talk to."
"Gee, I wonder why." Yang said with a very nervous chuckle from her seat next to him. "Uh, what else can ya do?"
"I can make fire."
"You, too?"
"Well, it's kind of different." Jaune held out his palm and a blue flame flickered inside. Yang instinctively reached for him, only for his palm to shut and snuff it. "Don't touch it. It's probably the worst fire you'd ever touch."
"I can take it." She chuckled.
"No, you can't." Jaune rolled his eyes. "This isn't like mortal fire. It would burn away souls if it could."
"Like a fire in the soul?" She fingerbanged at him. He gave a groan in return. Of all the beings the Brothers made, it was always the ones with their sense of humor that were the worst.
"What else can you do?" Nora bounced in her seat across from Yang. "Can you turn into a Grimm? Use magic? Ooh, ooh, do you have an epic class loot or like a dominion power?!"
"I, er..." Jaune blinked, struggling for words.
"Nora, calm down." Ren placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, making Jaune smile a little. "But I am curious about your answers as well."
"Uh... Well, going in order; no, I can't; yes, but not without some consequences; I guess my sword would be 'epic class loot'; and I don't know what you mean by dominion."
"You know," Nora leaned closer, "like a... like a... like a mind-control superpower, or something. You're the god of death, so that would mean you're the god of souls! Ooh! The god of auras!"
"Actually, no." Jaune replied. "I can't touch control aura. Aura is a gift of the Brother of Light, so I can't do much besides whittling it down. And I'm not so much a god of souls as much as a guide of souls."
"Well..." Nora leaned back. "That's lame."
"Nora." Ren chided.
Jaune chuckled, along with the rest of the group. Well, everyone except Oscar. The poor boy was still so lost and confused. When Jaune's eyes cast over him, he flinched and looked away. He hated when people looked at him like that.
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riku-izanami · 1 year
Huff huff huff
A strange hooded figure, dawning a purple robe laid on the ground. Watching as a magnificent battle rage on in the sky. Desperately trying to crawl towards it.
???: A.....I....I....have.....to help them...AAAAARRRFGHHHHHH!!
He cried out in pain when he tried to move. A broken spear if some sort was lodge deep into his back preventing any sort of movement. He tried many times to remove it, but only lead to him leak more strange golden fluid. The golden blood.....of ancient gods.
A loud clang rang through the air as if a hammer it metal, followed by an ear shattering roar. Tearing his attention from the pain to the sky. Lightning illuminating the sky to show several individuals floating. One crackled with electricity. Afterwards, large gush of wind roared towards him. Using his mangled arm he, shielded his face from the debris that accompanied the massive gush of air.
The air pulled the hood back to reveal jaune arc, leader of team JNPR.
Another flash of lightning illuminated the sky again, this time showing 2 of the mysterious beings charging at an unknown creature. Its form masked by the storms ravaged the land. Another flash, and the two beings seen impaled on what appeared to giant spears were brought into the storm cloaked creature. Another flash shown more beings charigng at the creature, shouting unintelligible words before disappearing into the storm. The only sign they were alive, were the flashes of lightning that Illuminated the storm.
With each flash, jaune was treated to the horrible sight of the beings falling. One by one they fell til only 5 remained standing. He silently praying that they 5 shall prevail, but ultimately knew it was for not.
Jaune: *chuckling pathetically* i knew it was hopeless. *cough cough*
He took a moment to look around the battlefield, it being littered with the corpses of mortals, monster, and gods alike. Looking back in the sky, he saw that now only 4 remained, baring holding their own.
Jaune: i never *nnnnhhhh* thought i thought I'd have to become him, again
He used what little strength he had to start drawing a bizarre symbol onto the ground, his own blood used like ink on paper. Afterwards, he began chanting in a long lost dialect, earning the attention of the storm cloaked creature. It's eyes burned through the clouds like fire, as it began its advance towards him.
Jaune bolted upright in his bed, breath heavily with sweat pouring down his body. He looked around to find he was still in his team's dorm. He checked the clock to find it was 0830 in the morning. He sighed and shook his head look down at his bedspread. Raising his head, he saw his teammates surrounded his bed with concerned looks on their faces.
Pyrrha: Jaune are you alright?
Jaune: *took a moment to process everything* yeah....yeah.....just....fine
Nora: You sure jaune-jaune? you look like you had a really bad nightmare
Jaune: yeah...*scratching his head* i guess you could say that
Nora: *jumping on his bed pointing* I NEW IT! IT WAS THAT GUY WITH THE SWEATER & FEDORA WASN'T IT!? Oh don't you worry fearless leader, we'll personally make sure he won't bother you ever again. *she poses thoughtfully* now we some garlic, wooden stakes.....no that's vampires
She prattles on about things she needs for nightmare demon hunting, making her two teammates chuckle at her antics. Ren, however, remained silent
Jaune: *speaking up* i think more dream catchers will work just fine. *turning to Pyrrha* hey Pyrrha can you take Nora for a bit, i gotta talk to ren about something.
Pyrrha: *gently puts a hand in his shoulder* Jaune....if something's bothering you, you can tell all of us. We're your team, we'll stand with you no matter what.
Jaune: *smiling warmly* i know, but this is kinda awkward. You know *whispers* embarrassing guy stuff.
Pyrrha nods makes while oh face, slightly blushing at the insinuation.
Pyrrha: say Nora, why don't we leave the guys here and get some get some pancakes
Nora stop her ranting at the word pancakes.
The ginger girl grabbed Pyrrha and bolted out the door. Only to return briefly to talk to jaune again
Nora: And don't you worry jaune-jaune! We'll have you sleeping like a baby in no time!
With that she disappears, leaving the boy to chuckle to himself.
Jaune: *shaking his head* I will never know how she stores all that engery
Ren: jaune.....
He look at his magenta eyed friend, he had that knowing look on his face.
Ren: you had that dream again.....didn't you?
Neither spoke a word for few minutes. Ren stared at jaune sternly while the blonde looked back at his bedspread. The silence was finally broken when jaune finally answered
Jaune: yes.....it was the same dream.....
Ren inhaled deeply at his friends answer.
Ren: Alright.......tell me about.
Jaune:.......ok, it started out as usual
 2 months have passed since jaune started having this dream. When it first started, he thought it was just a simple bad dream, and jaune told them not to worry about it. However, the next day, he woke up screaming. Luckily Ren was the only one present that day and managed to calm jaune down enough so he could speak. Jaune told that he had the same dream as before, but this time, he actually felt pain. Ren insisted that they tell one of the teachers, but jaune forbade the action oddly. The he ordered him to keep this hidden from his day and, Nora, their friends, & the staff, which Ren reluctantly agreed to.
As time passed the dreams gotten worse, and jaune could describe each of them quite vividly. The bought multiple dream catchers, even trying one of Ren's herb remedies. None have worked so far. With 
Ren: jaune......
Jaune: *getting out of bed* I know what you’re gonna say, Ren. 
Ren: Jaune, this dream has gotten worst, we need to tell them and the staff.
Jaune: *walked over to the window, staring outside & lets out a deep sigh* Ren......i made myself clear on the subject.
Ren: Have you learned nothing from before?! You don’t need to do this alone
Jaune: look Ren.....
Ren: No, absolutely No. I don’t like this Jaune! And I don’t like what you’ve been doing!
Jaune turned his head very slightly in Ren’s direction. If Ren paid close attention, he would have seen that Jaune’s eyes glowed a sickly green color for a moment.
Ren: You haven’t been yourself for the past two months. You’ve gone back to keeping secrets from your team...no your friends, you refused to get any help about these.....these nightmares, and you ordered me to just keep quiet about them. You have no idea how this has been affecting....Affecting our team
he stomps over to jaune, forcing his leader to look at him
Ren: Remember when you told us about your transcripts. We told you it didn't matter, you showed us that you belong here. We trust you with our lives, why can't you trust us with yours? *His tone softened* You don’t need to be alone to face this
Jaune:.....i....i.....i just don’t want you guys to get hurt. You......You know what i saw
Ren: *puts his hand on his shoulder* Jaune.....Please, we can handle ourselves, no matter what. Please...just get some help.
jaune took a minute to consider what Ren told him. 
Jaune: *in thought* “i’m afraid for their safety, i don’t know what this dream is about or why i kept dreaming for the . But...maybe.....He’s right....*sigh* i have to trust them, otherwise.......” *he shook his head of the thought, and gave a small chuckle* Alright, Ren, i’ll get some help about my dreams. Just let me freshen up, before we go.
Ren: *waving him off* yup, and I’m going to finish my morning mediation.
Jaune stared absent-mindedly at the swirling water in the bathroom sink, still think of his most recent dream. or more accurately, the creature cloaked in storms. He stared at the swirling whirlpool in a trance like state, devoid of his surroundings. His mind began to narrow in own the drain in the center. the Dark center started to grow, engulfing his sight till all he saw was an endless void. In that void, he saw them. The creature’s strange glowing eyes, staring at him as if they were burning into his soul. installing a fear no grimm could ever hope to achieve. 
Ren wasn’t told the whole story. Before he woke, Jaune and the creature shared a long, agonizing for Jaune, look into each other's eyes. In the final flash of lightning, Jaune was about to glimpse what appeared to be Wings on its back. Then, before he woke up, the creature spoke. its voice, deep and foreboding.
???: I sEe YoU, PunY GOdS
Jaune shook the thought from his head. He had enough of this nightmare and hopefully getting in contact with nightmare hunter, Shion Zaiden, will solve all of this. 
Jaune: Easy jaune, one thing at a time. First let’s get this face washed.
He bent over, scooped some water in his hands, and splashed his face a few times. He stood up, released a deep sigh and opened his eyes staring into the mirror. He lost all words at what he saw staring back. 
(i suck a description so this image will do)
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???: Hello Jaune. A pleasure to meet my new host
The minute the bathroom door close, Ren assumed his meditative stance. He found meditation always help him bring things into prospective and calm any troubling thought he had. With Jaune’s recent rash of nightmares, his mind has been filled with these thoughts. It really didn't help jaune insisted that they keep this a secret from everyone including Pyrrha and Nora. 
Ren: at least he’ll be getting some help today
Closing his eyes, Ren began to chant a mantra, guiding him into a meditative state. Which oddly enough, occurred quicker than usual, but felt rather different than usual. he felt as if he was flying through the clouds, smelling unknown, but very pleasant scents. It was not what he usual felt, but it was very welcome. then heard an unknown voice speak to him.
???: open your eyes, child
He did just that, expecting to be back in the dorm, but was greeted with an astonishing sight. He stood in a lush green field atop a mountain, gently layered with the most beautiful cherry blossom leaves he had ever seen. Then he saw the lone tree whose leaves covered the ground. Walking closer, Ren noticed it gave of a feeling of warmth and tranquility as he got closer. When he got close enough, he put a hand on the trunk, smiling widely as he felt its warmth transfer into his body. 
Ren heard low but heavy footsteps to his left. Facing in that direction, he saw a large tiger barely a few feet away closing the distance between them fairly quickly. He adopted a combative stance ready to defend himself from the beast but was incredibly surprised that feline just nuzzled his hands like simple house cat. Ren let of an astonished chuckle as he played with it for a bit.
Ren: What is this place?
???: It is whatever you wish it to be, my child
Ren jumped at the voice and immediately turned to face it, entering a combat stance. His eyes widen when he saw a strange being sitting cross-legged, his eyes trained directly on him.
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Ren: Who are you?
Ganesha: I am called Ganesha, and we have much to talk about my child
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elsewhere in Beacon Academy
Nora: *upset* I can’t believe they ran out of pancakes, how can the y run out of pancakes?! Do they not know I require pancakes for sustenance!? How can a queen if i can’t eat the food of royalty!
Pyrrha:  They did offer you waffles
Nora gave Pyrrha a dull look.
Nora: *deadpan* You’re joking right?
Pyrrha: *throwing up her hands defensively, smiling gently*  Gomen Gomen~
Nora: *shocked* What did you just say?
Pyrrha: *tilting her head* huh?
Nora: you just spoke in some weird language. A...Are you feeling ok?
Pyrrha: Of course, Never better! Now how about i make you some pancakes?
Nora: *jumping with joy* HELL YEAH!
Nora’s joy suddenly turned to dread once she thought about what her red-haired friend just said. 
Nora: Y..y.....you’re joking right......?
Pyrrha simply continued walking with pep.
Nora:.....*really scared now*.........right?
This a starter i suppose to my smite x rwby au. I will say this part is a bit dramatic, and have some shitty writting, but the later parts should be more funny or something.
I'll try to do more writting so i can get more stuff out like this. Along with the grim dark Thanksgiving pt. 2.....maybe........possibly........idk.
Anyways this is also available for asks so if you wanna see a funny interaction between characters please do an ask.
I'll get a roster of all the current characters involved out. But hopefully this
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obligatoryjauneblog · 2 years
Greek God AU idea
Ren & Nora = Hades & Persephone
Ruby = Hephaestus or Hermes
Pyrrha = Spartan Aphrodite (war version)
Yang = Ares
Blake = Nyx
Jaune = Hestia maybe???
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scareqrowbranwen · 10 months
//why was I hit with the urge to give each muse a greek god/goddess allusion or something lmao (I haven't decided if it would be like a Percy Jackson au thing or like a worships them greek god au thing or just like straight up allusion)
it would be too easy to give Qrow Hades I honestly want to give him Nemesis (revenge and retribution BUT also balance and judgement, distributing what is neither good nor bad, simply what is owed)
Jaune would be Athena (war strategy and all that)
Blake would be Nyx (or perhaps a disciple of Artemis to be opposite Yang lol)
Yang would be Apollo (obviously god of the sun but also music and dance and healing and truth and other stuff that I think works well for her)
Weiss I think would be Hecate as she's the goddess of magic and witchcraft (among other things but I think it works well with Weiss' glyphs)
Ruby is a tough one I'm thinking either Eleos who is a daughter of Nyx and the personification of mercy, clemency, compassion, and pity, or Elpis, the spirit of hope and (possibly) expectation (Hebe could also work honestly much to think about)
Summer I kind of want to give her Persephone it's the duality for me of goddess of spring and queen of the underworld that gives me big Summer Rose vibes lmao
I feel like Ilia is Iris is too obvious but also Nemesis fits kind of her whole vibe but I didn't want to repeat anyone lol
I kind of feel like Marrow would be Hermes tbh the whole trickster god vibe suits him and the ability to go between worlds (as a faunus and an ace op) I know Mercury is already hermes don't worry about it lmao
Noire feels like Harmonia tbh goddess of Harmony and concord, she works hard to try and get people to get along (although in her pre-teen/teen years she absolutely would have been Eris girl has really settled down lmao)
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good-rwbyaus · 3 years
Wonder Woman AU
Where once upon a time, Pyrrha was told when she was a child that she was blessed by all of the Old Gods of Mistral, and that they would always protect her as long as she prayed to them.
Too bad she fell out of practice when she started training and competing in the arena.
Good thing she mutters prayers for the first time in years while going up the elevator.
“Zeus, Hera, Ares, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Dionysus, Apollo, Athena, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Artemis…”
Cinder’s arrow shatters on Pyrrha’s chest. And then Pyrrha’s fist shatters Cinder’s face.
“HA! Did you SEE THAT, Ares?!?! I TOLD you that she was a good pick!”
Pyrrha proceeds to wreck Cinder Fall and mop the floor with her face. The Fall Maiden powers, unfortunately, cannot find host in her. No room.
(Glynda Goodwitch looks in the mirror and goes “oh, I suppose we owe Miss Nikos a very large apology, I was a viable candidate after all” before bringing down all the White Fang airships around Vale with a wave of magic and telekinesis.)
Then the Dragon, spurred on by Salem, flies off with Pyrrha just as she was floating down in front of Jaune. Took her a week to get the hang of flying to get back to Vale after killing that thing (with her bare hands, and my, that was exciting!).
And when she gets back, her blonde noodle looks like death warmed over; his body is covered in injuries, he has two black eyes, he has not shaved in days, and he clutches her and bawls for a long time when he sees her again.
Also, the underworld of Vale is eerily, spookily quiet. There may or may not be whispers of some crazy maniac throwing pipe bombs around and shooting up every hideout in the city with really amateur aim.
Pyrrha soon learns the limits, or lack thereof, of her new strengths. How to move mountains. How to fly. How to imbue her weapons with her power more than ever.
Jaune, meanwhile, learns a few other things; how to stick to Pyrrha’s side like glue, how to shoot a gun, how to arm and disarm a bomb, how to headbutt people, how to use his Semblance, how to go several days without sleep, how to interrogate people, and how to tell nosy assholes like Qrow and Ironwood to fuck off.
In between moving collapsed buildings and driving out the criminals who willingly worked with the Grimm in Vale (because what the hell), they find the time to go dancing under the stars.
*Nora and Ren follow them around and play ‘Shine’ their entire first date.
TlDr: Pyrrha becomes Wonder Woman. Jaune becomes her Steve Trevor. They fight crime Salem.
“Alright, let’s see what other powers we can cram into her before we have her start rebuilding the temples and fixing up the place. Those two jerks have had their fun with their social experiment, their champions have made a pigs breakfast of the whole thing! Time for the rest of us to have a champion or two. Now, Hades has called dibs on the quiet one with the pink streak, as king of Olympus I call dibs on the ginger with the hammer, and Apollo says that the blonde noodle with the sword has potential for healing. Hephaestus, there’s someone in Atlas you might wanna look into. And SOMEONE get me Thanatos, there’s two poor sods long overdue for a visit…”
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Day 13: Mythology AU
Im not to proud of this one. I made one draft and then forgot about it but essentially i built a whole Pantheon where i tried to make every character a different god.
Here’s the only stories i have and underneath i’ll put who is god of what.
Creation Myth: same as show with Brothers, when they left they made some human’s deities to rule instead (Ozma and Salem), all gods were once human (EXCEPT children) granted godhood by either Oz or Salem 
Ozma & Salem: After he died Salem went to the First Gods (the Brothers) to revive him, that whole dispute brought the gods’ attention to all of humanity and they decided they didn’t want to deal with it so they made both Salem and Ozma immortal and told them it was their problem now. Immortality changed Salem and Ozma was forced to banish her by the other gods. Ozma’s body was destroyed in the original dispute and now when he wishes to walk among the humans he has to take a host, and is typically referred to as the last host’s name until he has another host that gets famous because of being a host to the god Ozma. Ozma is unable to purposely choose his host, contrary to humans knowledge. 
Ozcarnations: Ozma’s original human body died he so he cannot walk in it, therefore needing a host. Oz walks among humans in order to remind himself of why/what he rules over after immortality changed the Salem he knew. Humans do not know he does NOT pick his host. He is stuck with his host until they die and his host merges into him upon their death
Maidens: same as show but instead of old wizard it was the god Oz
Ruby – goddess of sunsets, duty, responsibility, adventure/travelers. She is a child of moon and sun gods Weiss – goddess of talent, music, kindness, inner strength Blake – goddess of justice, equality, shadows. A protector of women and runaways, Yang – goddess of the sunrise, commitment, protection, familial love, grudges. She is a child of sky and sun gods Jaune – god of healing, recovery, energy, Nora – goddess of unconditional love, thunderstorms/lightning, warriors, Pyrrha – goddess of war/victory, honor, warriors, competition. She now guides souls of the fallen to the underworld Ren – ????? Ozpin – head god, god of illusions, dust, order, good intentions, Salem – head goddess; goddess of the underworld/dead, evil, darkness, magic. She is the mother of monsters, fell out of favor with the gods and now plans her revenge, souls of the damned are basically Valhalla, hates humanity  Cinder – goddess of wildfires/natural disasters, revenge, volcanoes. Human turned god by Salem Mercury – ???? Young god, turned himself immortal (mistake?), works for Salem as a messenger/eyes Emerald – goddess of deception and wealth. Young god, made the mistake of tricking Cinder and now works for Salem (time sentence) Watts – god of intelligence/wisdom, crafting, Tyrian – god of poison, murders, assassinations. Brings souls of criminals to fill Salem’s underworld army, known to be crazy and unnerving, Summer – goddess of the moon, destiny, travel(ers). Job is Ozpin’s warrior, felled by Salem (why the moon is shattered), creator of the Silver Eyed Warriors Taiyang – god of the sun, fire, light, routine. Drives sun over world, reports anything suspicious to Ozpin Raven – goddess of clarity, truth/honesty, power, fear, east winds, hurricanes. She is a sky god, twin god, worked for Ozpin before seeing through his illusions (giving her the clarity and truth) and becoming a independent entity who spend much of her time in hiding Qrow – god of misfortune, secrets, loyalty, skill, second chances, west winds. He is a sky god, twin god, Ozpin’s messenger/eyes, kinda treated like Hades (death vs misfortune)
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moistmailman · 5 years
Another greek myth AU but Pyrrha is Hades and Jaune is Persephone
Zeus: Pyrrha, you need to return Jaune to earth immediately.
Pyrrha, hugging Jaune: NO! He's my new husband and I love him!
Pyrrha: I dont see Jaune complaining though! Isnt that right, Jaune?
Jaune, in Pyrrha's arms: This place isn't so bad actually.
Pyrrha: See?
Zeus: He's the God of nature! Plants are dying up there! There's a new season because of you! We're probably going to call it Winter or cold season. I’m not good with names! Just return him back to Earth immediately!
Zeus, grimacing: Oh no, I know that voice.
Aphrodite, appearing from a shimmering light: IT'S TRUE LOVE! LEAVE THEM BE!
Aphrodite: Really? That's rich coming from you, mister 'I cheat on my wife every weekend and accidentally make a new species because of it'
Jaune, under his breath: Oh damn.
Aphrodite: Pyrrha on the other hand has been treating Jaune with the out most respect. Their love is pure and I'll fight you if you try to take this away from me!
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Marry Fuck Kill (Yes an AU here) Canon Neptune, Canon Cinder, Demon King AU Jaune
Marry- If by marry we mean ‘stay by their side’ or 'attempt to breach the gates of Hades to get him back’ or 'try to bring him back to/turn him towards light’ then of course I would. I’m no Orpheus, but I’d certainly give it a try. I’m more than willing to charge a pack of Grimm for him already, I don’t see why demons should be any different, even if they are his own forces.
What’s a Demon, but an angel who lost their way? Nothing is irredeemable in my eyes, and I refuse to give up on people. Sorry, I can be a bit stubborn like that.
*cheeks slowly start growing pinker* Not to mention he would look breathtaking in royal regalia. Full of confidence and pride... and that smirk he does... *trails off, cheeks now scarlet*
(I would love to hear more about this AU, if you have the time anon. It sounds awesome.)
Fuck- Canon Neptune. Once again, I know I’m not his type, but it could be a fun night and he’s entirely too lovely a person to want dead.
Kill- Canon Cinder. I’m so sorry, but I think I might have a valid reason for this.
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howlingday · 6 months
Hey I was wondering in your jaune is hades au. If jaune is the god of the dead, he would have some power over souls or spirits right? So could jaune be the one that gave humanity aura and semblance? Say after the brothers left and Salem started using grimm? Humans needed some to help them or they would go extinct, and that would be a big problem for jaune.
"So, if you're a god of the dead..." Yang asked with a gulp. "Does... Does that mean you can control souls?"
Jaune made an uncomfortable face. Not uncomfortable in that he didn't want to answer the question, but more uncomfortable in that he didn't know how to answer the question. But, as with everything since his creation, he did his best.
"No?" He confidently answered.
"What... does that mean?" Weiss asked. "Can you or can't you?"
"Well, it's... It's hard for me to say. Can you freeze water by touching it?"
"Of course not." Weiss said with a scoff.
"Did you try? Like really, REALLY try?" A light went off in her head. "Exactly. I never created souls before. Closest I've ever come was my reapers, and even then, they only act as guides to the underworld."
"Wait, wait, wait." Nora waved her hands. "If you didn't make souls, then why are you in charge of them?"
"Because my creator is a massive child." There was a long silence. "Believe me, I've called both of them worse."
"Still, after what Uncle Qrow said about the last time somebody attacked them..." Ruby said with gulp.
"Was a one-time event that was blown way out of proportion." Jaune sighed. "And yet without it, I would never have been born."
"You mean the Brothers created you after humanity was already made?"
"Sort of." Jaune said. "I was made to help younger brother destroy the older brother's things." He shook his head. "In a way, I was the first Grimm."
The room was quiet after that statement. Though technically not untrue, Jaune didn't share the same lust for destruction the Grimm they'd seen had. Still, this did little to ease tension for everyone.
"That's awesome." Everyone looked to Ruby. "It's like we have someone on the inside. You could... Well, I don't know, but if you're like the Grimm, we could use that to our advantage... somehow."
"No, not at all." Jaune chuckled. "It'd be like asking you to teach us how to beat up your uncle."
"I don't like where this conversation is going." Said uncle said warily.
"Oh, it's real easy!" She declared. "All you have to do is..."
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riku-izanami · 1 year
Smite au
For Cinder i tought of Pele becouse of Fire powers (i Was disapointed when Hi Rex make Cinder skin for Morgana le Fay insted of Pele).
Why Horus for Jaune? Horus title is the legit heir.
Mhmm i think mainly because i could see them as great leaders. Plus with horus being an heir, and jaune being the mLe heir to the clan name, i would fit. However i still might keep him sith hades. That being a mystery to the other gods on why he of all people choose him
AND for cinder, pele might be perfect for her. Now cinder would probably go for the first to offer her power beyond jer belief. And Izanami offered her such power, and more.
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thenamesreader · 6 years
RWBY Demigods- Campfire Song ft. Me and my friends OCs
This is a RWBY/PJO Crossover/AU I came up with a long time ago. I love TLT The Musical and Campfire Song is one of my favorites. So, here’s Campfire Song.
“Come on.” Adam told the girls. “Grab some ambrosia and let the nectar flow.” He said. Holly stared as she saw some people scrape some food off their plates and into the fire. “Why is everyone scraping part of their food in the fire? Is the food here really that bad?” She asked the older boy. He rolled his eyes. “Offering to the gods.” He said, nonchalantly. “It’s not enough their Omnipotent and all powerful. They need to feel appreciated.” He raised his plate. “To the gods.” He called out. “To the gods!” Everyone echoed back. Adam sat down and started strumming his guitar.
Oh. things couldn’t be worse
When your parents run the universe
Everyone joined him after he started to repeat himself.
Oh, things couldn’t be worse
When your folks run the universe
“Sun.” Adam called and the boy started singing.
My dad is Hermes
He messengers things
You’ll know his sign by those shoes with those wings
I’d wait by the phone, but the phone never rings
Oh no
The other campers made noises of agreement while Holly stared at him, something inside her tingling at the mention of the messenger god before Sun started singing again.
When your dad’s a god, life can be tough
Adam paused his strumming as Sun scowled.
I met the guy once, and once was enough
Sun looked around before nodding. “Weiss.” He called. The girl stood up on a tree stump to be seen.
My mom’s Athena
She’s smart and she’s wise
She’s sworn off gluten and she’s sworn off guys
But if she came to camp, it’d be a surprise
Oh no
Adam and another girl repeated the line. Weiss soon made an “aha” face.
Oh, and my brother, he hates me, and my dad works all day
So I left Virginia and I ran away
Holly heard Ruby gag on her food and saw her look toward Weiss. “Wait, is that true?” She asked, seemingly concerned. “Everybody!” Adam shouted, ignoring the younger girl’s question and everybody started to sing.
Oh, things couldn’t be worse couldn’t be worse
When your parents run the universe
Oh, things couldn’t be worse
When your folks run the universe
Adam looked around. “Alright, who’s next?” He asked. The girl from earlier stood up. “Oh! Okay, let me see..” She said, tapping her chin, thinking, before singing.
My mom’s Demeter
Goddess of grain
She gets excited when it starts to rain
But planting and planting and planting’s a pain
Oh no
Everyone echoed the last line. The girl rolled her eyes. “Right?” She said.
For their 16th birthday, my friends got a car
I got a fern in some dumb mason jar
A few of them groaned in agreement while Jaune bleated in laughter. He then, waved his hand in the air excitedly. “Ooh! My turn!” He shouted, the satyr running up to the tree stump Weiss had been standing on earlier.
I’m a child of Pan
God of the wild
For those who love nature, they’re often beguiled
He’s not really my dad, but I’m sort of his child
Oh no...
The campers echoed the last line, either unenthusiastically or awkwardly. Jaune started crying.
He went on a hike to explore new frontiers
And no one has seen him for thousands of years
Weiss got up and took Jaune to sit down, letting him cry on her shoulder, although she looked like she didn’t want to.
Oh, things couldn’t be worse
When your parents run the universe
Oh, things couldn’t be worse
When your folks run the universe
Holly looked toward Chiron. “Chiron, who’s your dad?” She asked. Chiron blinked in what Holly guessed was surprise. “Oh, well, my father is Kronos.” He answered. Everyone stared at him, blankly.
Remember my lecture
He ate his children
Adam sucked air through his teeth. “Chiron wins.” He said while everyone murmured in agreement. Adam started playing his guitar again. “How about you, Dekota?” He asked. A boy with dark blue eyes and gray hair stood up
The goddess of love
My mom’s Aphrodite
Dekota rubbed the back of his neck and blushed.
She tries to be cool but mostly she’s flighty
I’ll bring home a girl and she’s there in her nightie
The campers gasped and shook their heads. “Oh no!” They shouted. Dekota’s blush grew darker. “It’s so embarrassing, guys!” He shouted.
I tried to seek help from even the fates
Cause she steals my mascara and all of my dates
Adam turned to Holly. “Alright, Little B, it’s your turn.” He told her as everybody cheered her on. She shook her head and smiled, nervously. “If I tried to sing, it’ll cause an avalanche.” She said. Adam patted her back. “Oh, we’re all friends here. Come on, give it a shot.” He told her. “Oh, well... Okay.” She muttered.
My mom was named Anna
She loved scary movies
And angel food
“She’s doing it wrong.” Someone said. “Yeah, who’s your godly parent?” Dekota asked. Holly blinked. “Oh... I don’t know.” She said, solemnly. Adam put a hand on her back. “It’s alright. There are still a lot of half-bloods that don’t know their godly parent.” He told her. “Just give it a shot.” Holly looked at her hands.
So my dad is some god
That’s great I guess...
Tears welled up in her eyes.
Did he not want me? Or not want the stress?
Her fists clenched.
Too bad he’s the worst, and my life is a mess
Oh no
The other campers started cheering, encouraging her to go on.
I hope he shows even a trace
Cause I got some choice words to throw in his face!
The others cheered a bit longer before going on to the chorus.
Oh, things couldn’t be worse
When your parents run the universe
Oh, things couldn’t be worse
Adam changed it up and added in a new line to end the song.
But I don’t care where our parents may be
As long as you are here with me
The others liked the line and decided to join in.
We don’t care where our parents may be
As long as you are here with me
As long as you are here with me!
So, just some things I’d liked to talk about before I finish this up. 
1. I made Weiss live in Virginia for a place holder in this song until I could find a place I want her to live
2. Ruby, Yang, and Blake didn’t sing in this song because I didn’t think they fit really.
3. Ruby is the daughter of Apollo, Yang is the daughter of Ares, and Blake is the daughter of Hades.
4. Jaune is a satyr for now. I might change him later
5. Adam is the son of Nemesis. After his quest, he became blind, so he had to relearn everything
6. The nickname given to Holly by Adam “Little B” is short for “Little Belladonna” since she and Blake are cousins
And that’s it. I hope you guys enjoy. This won’t be in the story. I just wrote it for fun but, there might be something akin to this. I don’t know. 
Bye, my lovelies and have a great night/day.
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howlingday · 8 months
Salem: Are you afraid of death?
Jaune: I believe we have different definitions of "death," Salem. You could use your most powerful, most lethal spell on me, but I won't die. But my name fading from memory... Complete loss of interest in my existence, that's... Nevermind. It doesn't concern you. But death does, doesn't it?
Salem: It's difficult to say. I've died before, but all that came of it before this was simply a dream.
Jaune: Mm... And in this dream, did you happen to meet a beast with black fur, elongated and bony claws, and burning crimson eyes?
Salem: I... I have.
Jaune: Mm... Think back to this conversation when we next speak, Salem. Your situation is exceptionally unique, especially for you, and I want to know what you think of what they told you.
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howlingday · 11 months
"Drinking again, Qrow?"
"Leave me alone, your highness!" Jaune wiped the spit that flew as Qrow mocked him.
The recent revelation of, well, everything, didn't sit well with anyone. Least of all the people who have been fighting the longest. Salem's existence was only made worse by the revelation that not even the god of death could take her. And like so many others before him, Qrow took to his drink like a dehydrated man took to water.
"Ruby's worried about you." Jaune offered.
"Who cares?!" He swatted away, only to fall over in his stupor. As he rolled over, Jaune took out his lien and set it on the counter. Once Qrow was to his feet, the tab had been paid, but it was a lengthy conversation. "Hand over my drink."
Jaune took the bottle in hand and looked him over. Would a little more alcohol hurt a man who was already stupid drunk? He already knew the answer, so he swigged it back for himself. The brown firewater burned his throat, and Jaune had to cough through a fit after forcing it down he wasn't much for the stuff, and tonight was a great reminder.
"Let's go back." Jaune took Qrow's arm, but was pushed away.
"Fuck you!" He pointed a finger at his face. "Years of my life wasted fighting a war that can't be won!"
"Your life is only a waste if you spend it here, getting drunk off your ass and making yourself vulnerable."
"Hmph..." Qrow scowled. "Never heard you be so chatty before. God or whatever you are."
"Think of it as the booze talking." He took Qrow by the arm and moved. "Now let's get you home before you hurt yourself."
"Hurt myself? Pfft!" Qrow shoved Jaune, but he held his grip. "What would a god know about pain?"
Jaune was quiet for a moment, but when he stopped and let out a sigh, Qrow felt the world get colder. He looked down to see Jaune's hand was became pale, and all the world around them was dark. Silent. The only thing he could see and hear, both clear as day, was Jaune.
"Do you know what immortality means, Qrow?" Jaune asked. "What it truly means?" Not waiting for an answer, he continued. "Immortality means that I, and only I, cannot die. Do you want to guess how many lives I've seen ended? How many souls passed with a smile on their face? How few of those come along? I tried to make friends with the mortals a few times before, but they always end the same. In a black hall, before a black throne, speaking to the black lord. And only half of them are happy to see me."
Jaune's eyes pierced Qrow's. "And those happy few are the ones I most cherish, because it means I brought joy to their lives; joy that YOU bring to RUBY's life. She loves you so much, it makes me ache because I can never know a love like hers or any others. Not because of any arbitrary rule imposed by the Brothers who abandoned us, but because I am terrified of knowing that love is real, only to watch it drift out of my fingers."
"So don't think I don't know about pain." Jaune's face paled and withered until only a skull remained, and his words chilled Qrow to his core. "All I know is PAIN."
"Hi, Uncle Qrow!"
Qrow whirled around, finding himself at the door once again. His niecegreeted him, and him alone. H e felt a stirring pain in his head. "Where's god-boy?"
"Jaune?" Ruby asked. "He's been in his room all night. Why?"
Qrow shook his head and made his way inside. "No reason."
"Are you okay? You seem... weird."
"Yeah, I'm fine." He said before sitting back in the big, comfy chair. "Just had a little too much to drink."
"Oh." Ruby's face fell. She shut the door, and hesitated to turn.
"Not as much as usual, though." Qrow said. "I'm... I'm trying to cut back. For real this time."
"Really?" Ruby said, looking at him with a glimmer in her eyes.
"Yeah." He chuckled. "Wouldn't want you to drag me home every night. It gets dangerous out there."
"I can take it!" Ruby clasped her bicep as she threw a hook in the air.
"Yeah, yeah, I know." Ruby walked to the stairs. "Hey, Squirt?"
"Yeah, Uncle Qrow?" Ruby replied.
"I love you."
"I love you, too." Ruby smiled warmly. It was all Qrow needed for the rest of the night.
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howlingday · 3 months
In your jaune is hades au, are the relics jaunes siblings? Are there other gods? Does jaune have other siblings/family?
You know, to this day, I cannot find a good or satisfying answer for this AU. And, honestly, as interesting as I try to make Jaune being a god created by the Brothers to handle the affairs of the dead, part of me feels... empty. Like this character I made isn't Jaune. He's an OC I made to look like Jaune, and it just... doesn't feel right to me.
But that's enough venting for one post. HERE'S WHAT YOU REALLY WANT. I stand by my prior statement of not having a good/satisfying answer to the question of "Does Jaune have siblings?" Using the Relics would be an interesting concept, since they too were created by the Brothers as well, albeit for a more specific purpose with their own rules. Actually, that might work, now that I think about it.
I did intend for there to be other gods in this AU, though the only other one I have is the God of Animals, and even then he has yet to make a real debut in this story.
Part of me wants to include the Arc family, since this takes place before Saphron and Adrian and Terra are introduced, along with the family photo of young Jaune. However, it also takes place AFTER Jaune explained he had seven sisters and a pair of distant parents. Does Jaune have a family? Short answer: No. Long answer: Not now.
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howlingday · 4 months
You've mentioned the god of beast a couple of times. In you're jaune is hades au, Is that one of jaunes sister the god of beast? Any idea on jaunes 6 other (godly)sisters? Would the relics count as his siblings or not? Do you have any plans for the god of beasts?
So, for anyone who doesn't know what the God of Animals is, let me give you a quick rundown before answering this question.
The God of Animals is a deity that appears in RWBY's Fairy Tales of Remnant. Their most prominent role is as the supposed creator of the faunus by one of two means. One story suggests that while stranded out to sea, humans were asked to leap into the water. Those who'd remained on the raft stayed human while those who placed their trust in the God of Animals became the faunus. Another story has humans and animals fighting one another and the God of Animals stepped intervened. As a means of mediation, the disputing animals and humans were transformed into faunus, and both were rejected by their original counterparts.
There are theories that state that the God of Animals is one or both of the Brothers in disguise, but I prefer the idea that the God of Animals is a somewhat separate entity from them.
I don't think I have a solid plan for the God of Animals just yet in the Jaune is Hades AU, no do I have any plan for the rest of the Arc family being included or if Jaune has any family beyond the Brothers. It might take some thought on my end for all of this.
If anybody has any suggestions, feel free to let me know.
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howlingday · 11 months
In the Jaune is Hades AU will Jaune ever tell his team and RWBY he's a god? And what exactly can Jaune do while on Remnant?
"DAMMIT! DAMMIT!" Jaune ran as hard as he could towards the tower. Towards where he last saw her. At this moment, nothing else mattered. Not the White Fang. Not the Grimm. Not the innocent souls he would have to sort. The only thing that mattered was her.
'Don't worry.' Weiss' voice played in his head. 'We'll help her.'
How could she? How could anyone? Nothing escaped death. Not even Ozpin could.
He reached the tower, and a shade slowly crept towards it. Jaune held out his hand, and the entity stopped. With a wave, the shadpw retreated back to the burning city. Back to where the rest of hell waited for him.
Jaune sat himself down against the stone wall and let out a deep breath. His true form, invisible to mortal eyes, stood above his corporeal disguise. Reaching out to the top of the tower, he lifted himself high, higher and higher into the air until he reached the ruins of what was once Ozpin's office.
He watched in horror as his worst fears were confirmed. He could see Pyrrha's soul, his best friend's soul, the soul of the woman who threw herself upon him only moments ago, and it was fading. Her time was running out.
"Do you believe in destiny?" Jaune's fist tightened.
"Yes." In a foolish attempt, Jaune ran forward, hoping to stop the deathblow.
But even gods bent to their laws.
"No..." Jaune's voice broke, reaching for Pyrrha's fading soul. The least he could do was bid her good-bye. Welcome her embrace into his and guide her to the afterlife that she truly deserves.
But this was not to be.
Pyrrha's soul splintered, fracturing into smaller pieces. Like embers of a dying flame. A hand reached through his body and he watched her blow away. He barely caught her dying words as she soul faded.
Everything went white around Jaune.
Jaune awoke from his trance, shaking his memories of that horrible night free from his mind. He had spent most of the morning "training" with Ruby, Nora, and Ren. Said training consisted of video games, exercising, and cooking new Mistrali recipes, respectively. Meanwhile, Qrow lay across from him on the couch, a flask of alcohol Jaune wished stayed empty.
"What time is it?" Jaune looked to the clock. Four in the afternoon. Almost time to get things ready for dinner. Standing with a stretch, he walked towards the kitchen.
But stopped when he noticed something. Someone.
There was a knock at the door. It was small, feeble. A child's knock. Jaune felt his mouth go dry as Qrow awoke and answered the door. To the partially sober man, Qrow saw a young teenager who looked barely old as Ruby. To the god of souls, Jaune saw two souls living inside one body. And one of them was too familiar.
"What do you want, kid?" Qrow asked. "You lost, or somethin?"
"Um, h-hello, sir." The boy's voice cracked. "Um, my name is Oscar and, uh, I was told to come find you."
"Oh, yeah? By who?"
"Who is it, Uncle Qrow?" Ruby called as she descended the stairs with Nora.
"An old mentor." The voice changed. "And an older friend."
"Wait, is that-?" Nora began to ask, but didn't finish as a blond blur rushed past Qrow.
"HEY!" Jaune turned to see Qrow pointing his gun at him, with Ruby and Nora behind him, looking on in fear. "Put. The kid. Down."
Jaune set the boy down. Ozpin dusted his body off and let out a sigh. "My apologies, Mister-"
"Lord Jaune." He growled. "You don't get to use that name anymore."
Ozpin nodded and walked past, retreating to the house. He could feel their eyes on him, but none made an effort to approach him. Instead the door shut behind him and he heard the lock latch to keep them all safe.
He couldn't blame any of them.
He never flew into such a rage before. Not once in Jaune's existence has pushed him to a point where he would physically attack someone. Leave it to Ozma to push said boundaries. But even so, his rage was justified, wasn't it? Before, Ozma's vessels had all been adults, mortals who had married with children and spent their lives dedicated to a craft to the benefit of their community.
Ozma swore to the god that he'd never inhabit the body of a child. And oaths to divine beings were never to be taken lightly.
"Jaune?" He turned to find Ruby standing next to him. "Are you okay?"
Jaune looked at her. Her silver eyes cut into him, thinking back to a distant time when he last met a silver-eyed warrior. More than 200 years ago. And yet she was the first he met since. He needed to learn the truth about what happened to the others, but to find this truth, he need honesty. And honesty, was a two-way street.
"I'm a god."
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