sparklings-bf · 6 months
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secret santa for @kaijus-love-zone !! happy holidays!!
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bunny-lovers · 8 days
Girls like girls and Jenny for the Sapphic ask game!
Hope you & your f/os have a great day & thank you for the ask! 😊 @meredithblakee @deregirls @thepenguinandthefiend @gaytorships @mahitosoulmate @goodmorningawfulbye @kaijus-love-zone
She (Dodie) 🍑 - What flavors does your f/o remind you of?
Strawberries, lavender, carrots, & watermelon.
Daisy (Zedd) 🌼 - How do you and your f/o feel about settling down? Do you want to find your forever home soon, or do you want to adventure as long as you can?
Rumi & I are looking for a forever home soon. We're ready to settle down soon.
I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance With You (Black Kids) 🎧 - What would you and your f/o have been like as childhood friends?
I'd be the extremely shy one while Rumi is the outgoing one.
She Keeps Me Warm (Mary Lambert) ☀️ - What are mornings like with your f/o?
Sleepy kisses & cuddles every morning in bed together until one of us gets out of bed first to make breakfast. I usually make either 2 eggs & toast, or pancakes for breakfast while Rumi have either an avocado sandwich or a protein shake.
Jenny (Studio Killers) 💄 - What object have you taken from your f/o that reminds you of them? What have they taken from you?
We both have taken a t-shirt from each other!
Garden of Glass (Love Live) 🦋 - Do you have a secret place/hideaway that you and your f/o love? Where do you go to be alone together?
No, we don't.
Girls Like Girls (Hayley Kiyoko) 👟 - What were you and your f/o's first impressions of each other?
Our first impressions of each other- For me, I thought Rumi is so cool & badass. I love her so very much. For Rumi, her impressions of me was how I'm a very good listener & how trustworthy I am.
Closer to Fine (Indigo Girls) 🏔️ - What are 3AM conversations like with your f/o? Do you act like philosophers or sleep-deprived goofballs?
Rumi & I are mainly sleep-deprived goofballs at 3 AM. Sometimes she & I would talk for a bit until one of us falls back asleep while the other wraps her arms around them.
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movedto-bunny-lovers · 7 months
👕 directed at rumi
- @kaijus-love-zone
Hope you & your f/os have a great day & thank you for the ask! 😊 @luaseternal
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🌅How did you two meet?
“Rebecca and I met when I saved her from the villain. After I beat the villain, I went up to her, asking her if she was okay. She almost couldn’t speak ‘cause of how strong & badass I am. About a week after I saved her, she saw me again walking in the street. She walked up to me & thank me for saving her. I said it’s no problem, I’m just hopping around & kicking the bad guys’ butts! She smiled at me, admiring her of how strong I am. She blushed when I said that. I noticed she was blushing and asked her what she was blushing about. She told me ever since I saved her, she started to have feelings for me. It caught me off guard when she said that, I said in a calm voice saying how very sweet of her, I called her little bunny and said she was cute when her face is red. She asked me if she want to have a coffee date with her and I said yes. After asking me out, she & I gave each other our phone numbers and started to call & text each other."
🎟Who confessed? What was it like?
"Rebecca confessed first since she had a huge crush on me. When she confessed to me, it made me blush."
🎢What was the first date like?
"Our first date is my favorite! We went for a stroll in the park, had our arms around each other while walking. Then we went to get a bite to eat and then we walked back to her place. It was a very nice day!"
🖤Is S/I more affectionate in public or private?
"She's more affectionate in private."
🐶Do you two have a pet? Do you want one?
"No, we don't have any pets but we do want one."
👕Does S/I like taking/wearing your clothes?
"Yes, she does like wearing my clothes. I also like wearing her clothes."
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pyro-sea · 3 months
Imagine Volo tenderly running his hands through Niko’s hair, fingertips just barely scratching their scalp, and pressing deeper at the base of their skull to massage the tension there
Fluster Me Challenge
Hehehehehe @kaijus-love-zone this is such a common occurrence for these two, now I just have the warm fuzzies 🥰
Niko very quickly falls asleep
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theresattrpgforthat · 9 months
would you happen to know about any ttrpg that could run/emulate the tone of STALKER/Annihilation?
Frail humain beings entering a Fucked Up Zone with the intent if reaching the center and things getting weirder and more dangerous the farther they go in?
THEME: Eerie Fucked Up Settings
Friend I have some truly excellent games for you this week.
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TRESPASSER, by Binary Star Games.
The Zone is an area that's been sealed off by a nation or group of nations due to its danger. It's filled with Anomalies, extremely dangerous areas where physical laws like gravity, magnetism, electricity, or chemistry can break down to lethal effect, as well as mutants and things considered impossible.
Like many, you have entered the Zone, but not legally. You are collectively known as Trespassers. Some inside are on their own, some in groups, some part of larger factions. But most want one thing: to reach the centre and claim what it conceals.
This game can accommodate a GM but it isn’t necessary - in fact, you can even play it solo! As this game is inspired by STALKER, I think it’s going to really give you the vibe you’re going for. Troubles in Breathless games escalate as you play, so the longer you stay in The Zone, the worse things are going to get. I definitely recommend checking out this game!
BLOOM, by Litza Bronwyn.
BLOOM is a solo gmless journaling game in which you play a teenage girl trapped in quarantine at a boarding school on an island infected by the Tox, a plague that makes the trees and animals grow huge and hungry, and mutates your body in strange and horrific ways. In it, you will draw cards and write journal entries based on specific prompts in order to craft a story of survival and love.
I’ve read the book Wilder Girls by Rory Power, and it has a lot of the same themes as Annihilation and STALKER, so it might fit the niche you’re looking for. As a solo game, this uses the Wretched & Alone SRD, so you’ll probably want a Jenga tower, and you’ll definitely want a deck of cards.
Navigator, by Micheal Klamerus.
Navigator is a two-player tabletop rpg created for the Just the Two of Us Jam. It's inspired by the movie Stalker and the games Alone Among the Stars, Memoirs of a Barbarian and Thirst.
In this game two players journey into a mysterious, restricted site known as the Zone to find a room rumoured to grant people their innermost desires. One player is The Client, a person who wants to find this room and have their wish granted, and the other player is The Navigator, a person with previous experience navigating the Zone that has been hired by The Client to help them find the Room.
This game is definitely inspired by media such as STALKER, but it doesn’t have to be inspired by that. When I played this game, we decided to go for something a bit more fantastical, but if you and the person you play this with agree on the same inspiration, you should have no trouble experiencing this as an eerie, unnerving, dangerous setting.
Exclusion Zone Botanist, by Exeunt Press.
Another one for the solo enthusiasts, and it’s inspired by Jeff Vandermeer’s Annihilation. Your character is specifically looking for plants, which you will locate by rolling 2d6. You get a little hex map to track your progress as you play. As you go, you risk being influenced by the corruption of the zone. Your goal is to document as many plants as possible before you become the forest - because if you are corrupted too much, they can’t pull you out. A delightfully time-sensitive game.
The Zone, by Laughing Kaiju.
The digital tabletop storygame of magical realism, mutant weirdness, and collaborative self-destruction.
This is a really cool digital ttrpg, with a physical version on the way. You can play solo or multiplayer, and the website will guide you through play step by step. The game is meant to be collaborative, so everyone will have moments where they direct play. The author also encourages you to play to lose - this is a tragic game, a horror game. The game itself uses a number of cards representing locations, laid out in a spiral to form an abstract sort of map. Each location will have its own scene, probably more. And rather than rolling dice to resolve tasks, you choose whether something is easily doable, or not-so-easy - in which case you pull from a deck. This is where the mutations may come from.
If you are interested in the physical version of this game, they’re currently taking pre-orders on Backerkit!
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biomic · 8 months
Hi! I see a lot of screenshots and such from your blog for things like (I believe) Kamen Rider(?) I might be wrong please forgive me if so. I have always had a sort of vague interest in sentai media but never knew good hopping on points, do you have any personal recommendations for where an absolute beginner might jump in to watch shows like that?
if you're interested in tokusatsu, you can really start anywhere that looks cool or interesting to you! most seasons, aside from some anniversaries and the very rare sequel show, are pretty self-contained for the most part. diehard fans will make a big deal out of "good and bad starting points" but the truth is every show has been someone's first and hooked them on the genre, even the "bad" seasons (the poor quality of which is often exaggerated by fandom anyway) or the experimental entries not indicative of the wider franchise they're part of
but! if you want some real beginner friendly, you'll-probably-have-fun-with-this toku, my go-to recs for The Big Three™:
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if you want to follow a team of heroes grow together as they fight evil in increasingly silly scenarios, super sentai's probably the series for you (and my favorite ^_^)
watch kiramager if you want a straightforward throwback to classic sentai. it's a back-to-basics season that gives you a good baseline of what sentai as a whole can be, while elevated enough by its stellar cast and infectious energy so as to never feel generic
shinkenger takes a more dramatic approach to the usual sentai formula, following a team of samurai recruited to serve under a lord who isn't telling them everything he knows. an incredibly stylish show that's almost sure to leave an impression
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kamen rider began as a tragic hero, kidnapped by the villainous organization shocker and turned into a cyborg against his will, ultimately escaping and using his newfound abilities to put an end to their evil. since the original story, kamen rider has gone through a whole host of various different tones and storylines, arguably becoming the most versatile of the big franchises, though certain elements remain consistent like the near ever-present bug motif or our heroes using powers derived from evil for the sake of good
created in the wake of the 2011 tohoku earthquake disaster, kamen rider fourze was made with the goal to make children smile again, and that desire led to something really special. arguably The Power of Friendship™ show to end all others, and while its upbeat tone might not exactly be in line with Classic Kamen Rider™, it stands as a great entry point thanks to the passion behind it and its clear love for the genre
probably best experienced as blind as possible, kamen rider build is a rollercoaster of a series full of high stakes, mystery, intrigue, and Heated Drama Between Men™. if you want something more serialized that'll keep you on the edge of your seat throughout, build's one of the very best
i also wanna mention kamen rider gotchard, the currently airing series! we're only 8 episodes in at the time of this post, so you could catch up quick while still going through the backlog. very much a back-to-basics season, introducing pokemon-style creatures for our protagonists to catch in addition to the usual superheroics. it's been pretty cute so far :)
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ultraman is a sci-fi series that typically follows a defense team created to defend the earth from aliens and kaiju, aided by the giant of light, ultraman. as opposed to the other two franchises where there's often a serial plot to follow and a centralized villain faction, ultra typically thrives with telling standalone sci-fi stories, usually aligning with a show's overarching theme and often compared to shows like star trek or the twilight zone, though recent seasons have been more willing to switch up the format
ultraman x is for anyone who's ever asked, "but... what if we could be friends with godzilla?" young XiO scientist daichi becomes bonded with the alien ultraman x and work together to protect the earth and fight for a future where humans, aliens, and kaiju can coexist. to me this is like, the platonic ideal of what ultraman is, and a perfect starting point because of it. also features several crossover episodes with past ultra seasons throughout the show, but it's all still very new-viewer friendly and could even entice you to check out some of those shows yourself!
ultraman orb, the 50th anniversary of the series, changes course by making the defense team a background component in favor of following amateur investigators and the mysterious, lone wanderer who's suddenly entered their lives (hint: he's ultraman). another iconic entry in the Heated Drama Between Men Cinematic Universe and a nice balance between ultra's classic status quo and a more modern ongoing narrative
i'd also be remiss not to mention the currently airing ultraman blazar, which i unfortunately have not been able to keep up with due to outside circumstances but have heard NOTHING but glowing praise for. it's simulcast on youtube every week with english subtitles AND an optional english dub!
pretty much all of these can be snagged over at nyaa(.)si, and x and orb can be watched legally over on tubitv(.)com!
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meara-eldestofthemall · 3 months
Now it’s been months after the fact and likely the spoilers are out there;
Batfamily Response to Godzilla Minus One? Their favorite scenes from it? Their viewpoint on the special effects? Commentary on its setting and plot? Etc?
This is an excellent and timely question now that Godzila: Minus One has won an Oscar for special effects. Hmmmm...
It's tradition that Dick and Tim go to see any new Godzila movie on its opening night for the midnight showing. They even do cos-play (the original 1954 movie) since the crowd is usually filled with young adults and college students. Dick dresses as Ogata (the young, handsome protagonist with perfect teeth and lush, muffiny hair). Tim is Dr. Serizawa, complete with a white lab coat and an eye-patch that Tim tends switch from eye to eye. It confuses people and he finds that amusing.
After seeing the fun these two were having the viewing party has grown over time. Jason decided to come and Damian insisted that he be included. Duke was asked to join them and thought it sounded cool. Barbara, Stephanie and Cass were also invited along. Barbara simple gave Dick a look he knew all too well and he tendered her regrets to the others. Stephanie decried it as too much in the nerd zone whereas Cass doesn't like subtitled movies ("bad translations hurt my soul") but said to ask her when the dubbed version comes out.
Jason and Damian walked several paces behind Tim and Dick (pretending they didn't know them) but Duke got an old T-Rex costume and joined in on the cos-play as Godzila. Duke wasn't the only Godzila there and the management had to remind the various kaiju in the audience to remove their heads so as not to obstruct the view of the screen.
While Dick and Tim were fully expecting a remake of the 1954 classic they were not prepared for just how good it was. The acting was top notch, the music was excellent and the special effects were mind blowing.
Being Godzilla purists, Dick and Tim loved the kaiju's first destructive romp through the Ginza. They particularly loved seeing the reenactment of the classic commuter train scene, applauding loudly along with half the audience when Godzila had the passenger car in his teeth. They both cheered at the specticle of Godzilla's atomic breath and agreed that it was even better the Legendary movie version.
Duke was enthralled by the special effects. He declared the scene where the old battle cruiser Takao takes on the monster epic and seamlees. He cheered when Godzilla swallowed the mine and then regenerated (after a rather satisfying explosion). In fact both Duke and Tim were happy to enjoy the massive property damage in the movie since they could not be blamed for any of it. The two spent the ride home trying to calculate how many new kaiju were going to come out of all of the various chunks of Godzilla from the movies' ending. Their laughter as they talked about how many cities the herd of Godzillas could demolish was vaguely disturbing.
Jason was honestly surprised how good the movie was. He declaring that, unlike the 2014 Legendary movie, he actually cared about the squishy human's stories. Considering himself the family's preeminent movie critic, Jason gave the flick his top rating of five bullets.
Damian, unsurprisingly, found himself sympathizing with Godzilla. After all, the kaiju was only doing what his instincts prompted him to. Damian's opinion that it wasn't Godzilla's fault that humans were in his territory and were attacking him.
Having been schooled in the principals of Bushido, Damian also appreciated Shikishima's need to atone for his past and the guilt he felt at surviving when his comrades did not. It was what happened to Noriko and Shikishima's vow of revenge that seemed to truly speak to Damian. He and Dick had a deep conversation on the way home about how revenge is a double sided blade that hurts you when you wield it. If the suicidal pilot had followed through with his plan then he would have denied himself the very thing he craved the most - love and a family. Of all the things Dick hoped for from the movie, a life lesson for Damian was the most welcome and the most unexpected.
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zattis · 2 years
Gentle Giants Can Do So Much
I think I've been fascinated by the concept of giants since I was about seven years old or so. I don't exactly know why, but it means that ever since I was little I've consumed a fair amount of content about them, most of it sfw, some of it... less so.
And it seems to me that the vast majority of content revolving around giants is violent. Perhaps that's to be expected. Maybe being so big means all that power has to go to your head.
But every time I see art of a giant character just crushing stuff without a care, it’s not hard to think of the casualties. That’s pretty typical for any Kaiju-oriented media, but it’s just sad to see a giant act like a regular old monster when they could be so much more.
The gentle giant is a much more appealing concept to me personally because they have room in their big heart for many. The gentle giant loves his small friends and is loved by them in return.
Imagine a giant in the winter or during a freeze. It's very cold outside, and though the giant is unaffected, there are many tiny people that are not so lucky. But the giant's body radiates warmth due to its overabundance of body heat and its clothes, so it has a solution. That night, many people struggling to find warmth cuddle up against the body of the giant and feel no ill effects of the cold despite sleeping outside.
Picture a giant working alongside a construction crew, helping them to move around raw materials and set the foundations of a new building in place. They do the heavy lifting while the tinies specialize in precision. Buildings that typically take months or even years to build are finished in a quarter of the time, and any dangers normal sized people may face working against gravity or heavy weights are mitigated when a giant is able to catch them if they fall or carry the weight for them.
Envision the aftermath of a natural disaster. A city is leveled. Casualties are unknown, but many are grieving. In response, a relief organization sends a group of giants and tinies alike to the disaster zone. Some of the giants come transporting enormous amounts of food and relief supplies in enormous refrigerators and containers they can wear like backpacks before they set them down in the cleared city center. Some work to clear out all the stray rubble, occasionally saving a person trapped underneath and reuniting them with their families and friends. A couple are simply there for emotional support, to hold the distraught in their large arms or to let them rest in their fluffy hair.
And even in those sci-fi or fantasy settings, imagine the protective giants fighting against the beasts or monsters only they can hold back, doing what they can to keep any monster from entering a populated area because the giants don't want their friends to be in danger. Perhaps they are helped by normal-sized soldiers or heroes, and both giants and tinies alike work together to protect their home.
Because the gentle giant is still human, even if they're a lot bigger. They choose to love humans, to care about them. And that's a powerful thing, just as powerful as being dozens of feet tall (or taller) and having the strength of hundreds of men (or more). The gentle giant has a heart that can hold many and arms that can hold many more. With that strength, they can lift up the world around them.
I don’t think that’s explored enough.
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lakesbian · 1 year
Worm Ask:
Perdition and the Yangban, what are your thoughts?
well obviously the yangban is ridiculously sinophobic. i was adding Wildbow Moment points to the Wildbow Moment Counter more or less every time they were mentioned. so so visibly written by a guy whose only perception of china is that it's an Evil Regimented Communist Cult Country Comprised Entirely Of Bad Stupid Brainwashed People With No Individuality (Unlike Us Special Americans). will never be over how funny and ridiculous it is when the characters in the story outright acknowledge that the yangban were literally right abt the PRT sucking but this doesn't change anything abt their opinions on the yangban because [taylor voice] whereas the PRT is simply a flawed system that could've been freed of its corruption and fixed the yangban is just like. inherently evil and fucked up by dint of being chinese.
anyway. perdition is fucking hilarious. like he sucks. he's fucking insufferable. he plays LoL. it's so funny how he's there during the travelers' arc and it's all like "huh i wonder what happened 2 him/when he'll show back up since he's not with the main team in the present day?" and then he still doesn't show up for like 7 more arcs and when he Does finally appear literally all he does is be annoying and misogynist, fuck everything up, and then fuck off into the distance never to be seen again. accord fucking sold him to one direction. it's so funny. he sucks and his life sucks.
that said. i also genuinely love his sole appearance. because despite the fact that i had to read wildbow's terrible sinophobic opinions about china during it, and despite the fact that he's a clown, he's a fantastic little feature for the simurgh. i love the detail that he'd been hearing the simurgh screaming in his head for months and months on end without realizing, that he only notices the noise once it cuts out after he's done something terrible and unfixable, and he's left with the horrible silence as he finally processes out what she made him do. the simurgh is such an incredibly cool concept bc like. as taylor puts it. you win the battle but lose the war with her. society plays all these charades about trying to stop her or minimize her damage, but none of them work. the madison quarantine zone doesn't stop noelle from happening, and it's still in place long after she's already died, with all of the people the simurgh had no plans for still trapped inside. the madison quarantine zone doesn't stop perdition from being turned into one long rube-goldberg machine of tragedy, where he ends up in just the right place at just the right time to make an already bad endbringer fight that much worse, and he suffers all the way through it. and nobody ever realizes! nobody will ever know that he did that solely because the simurgh got to him. it's such a perfectly unsettling example of how there's nothing anyone can actually do against the simurgh, because she's going to keep getting shots against humanity in ways no one will even notice. everyone is so so paranoid about her and they never even notice the knives she's stuck in their backs. i've never seen this movie before so if this simile doesn't work just smile and nod anyway but she's like if the experience of watching It Follows was a kaiju. it rocks. perdition's interlude sucks overall but that one part is such a special little fucked up look into exactly why the simurgh is terrifying. did i mention i love the simurgh.
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marshmallowgoop · 1 year
DCMK Blu-rays
A list of Detective Conan and Magic Kaito content with physical HD releases.
This won't be comprehensive by any means; I'm going to be focusing on Japanese, German, and United States releases because these are the ones that I own and am most familiar with. I believe that many of the films are also available on Blu-ray in several countries, dubbed in several languages, but I don't have much concrete knowledge about that at this moment. Please feel free to add any information!
That said, the main thing to know about Detective Conan Blu-rays is that... they kind of don't really exist. The television series is (mainly, more on this later) released on DVD only in Japan, usually with the equivalent of four episodes per disc, sold at 4,620 yen each. They're grouped in "Parts," with up to 10 Volumes per Part, and the next release, on June 23rd, will be Part 31, Volume 3, containing episodes 1007, 1008, 1010, and 1013.
A handful of episodes are released on Blu-ray via collections in Japan; there are the Treasured Selections and Akai Family TV Selections. But with a series running over 1,000 episodes, it really is just a handful of episodes available in these collections.
Treasured Selections
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With the Treasured Selections, you can get 67 episodes on Blu-ray:
1: "The Roller Coaster Murder Case"
2: "The Kidnapping of the Company President's Daughter"
54: "The Game Company Murder Case"
128: "The Black Organization: One Billion Yen Robbery Case"
129: "The Mysterious New Student"
176-178: "Re-Encounter with the Black Organization"
226-227: "Battle Game Trap"
230-231: "Mysterious Passenger"
258-259: "The Man From Chicago"
271-272: "Hide, Hurry Up, and Abbreviate It"
277-278: "English Teacher vs. Great Western Detective"
286-288: "Shinichi in New York"
307-308: "The Remains of Voiceless Testimony"
309-311: "Contact with the Black Organization"
338-339: "Four Porsches"
340-341: "The Hidden Secret in the Toilet"
343-344: "Convenience Store Trap"
345: "The Confrontation with the Black Organization: The Coincidence of the Two Enemies on a Night with a Full Moon"
346-347: "Look for the Mark on the Buttocks"
361-362: "Teitan High School Ghost Story"
425: "Black Impact! The Moment the Black Organization Reaches Out."
427-428: "Super Secret School Zone"
429-430: "The Point of No Return"
462-465: "The Shadow of the Black Organization"
484-485: "The Whereabouts of the Black Picture"
491-504: "Red and Black Crash"
507-508: "Blind Spot of the Karaoke Shop"
509-511: "Conan VS Double Code Mystery"
However, anything before 286 is not in HD; these are all traditionally animated episodes that were not especially remastered for these releases:
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Episodes 286 and beyond (from Treasured Selection 6 to 18) are digitally animated, and these Blu-rays are more properly HD:
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Akai Family TV Selections
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With the Akai Family TV Selections, you can get 33 episodes on Blu-ray:
563-564: "The Detective Squad vs. The Band of Robbers"
578-581: "A Red Omen That Summons Danger"
675-676: "Not Even a Millimeter of Forgiveness"
699-700: "Shadow Closes in on Ai's Secret"
701-704: "Pitch Black Mystery Express Train"
724-725: "Thief Kid and the Blushed Mermaid"
779-783: "The Scarlet Return"
785-786: "Taiko Meijin's Match of Love"
836-837: "The Unfriendly Girls Band"
861-862: "Just Like a 17 Year Old Crime Scene"
863-864: "The Spirit Detective's Murder"
866-867: "The Traitor's Stage"
881-882: "The Magician of the Waves"
Other Japanese Blu-rays
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Beyond these, the TV-original specials Episodes 804-805 ("Conan and Ebizo's Kabuki Juhachiban Mystery") and Episodes 965-968 ("Kaiju Gomera VS Kamen Yaiba"), plus the canon Episodes 927-928 ("The Scarlet School Trip"), are also available on Blu-ray.
Finally, special edition Blu-rays for Movies 17-25 include a second disc containing the movie's tie-in anime episode... but that second disc is likely a DVD, speaking as someone who doesn't own any of these but does own the Japanese special edition Blu-rays for Movies 14 through 16, where the second discs are, indeed, DVDs.
German Blu-rays
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Outside of Japan, Germany is currently releasing boxed sets of the Detective Conan series starting from Episode 1. At this time, these are the only physical releases of the remastered footage (which make a big difference), and they include Japanese and German audio (but any German-dubbed songs are omitted). Three boxes are available now, covering Episodes 1 to 96 (or 102 with the international numbering); a fourth box is set to be released on May 19th, covering up until Episode 122 (or 129 with the international numbering).
Do note that these releases edit the name boxes in a way that can't be turned off, however.
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Films, Specials, and Magic Kaito
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In Japan, there are Blu-ray releases for:
Films 1-25
Both Lupin crossovers
The Disappearance of Conan Edogawa: The Two Worst Days in History
Episode One: The Great Detective Turned Small
Magic Kaito and Magic Kaito 1412
In Germany, all of the same content is available on Blu-ray. There's also a Blu-ray release for The Scarlet Alibi, and I believe that they're the only ones with a physical HD release of Gosho Aoyama's Collection of Short Stories as well.
In the United States, there are Blu-ray releases for:
Films 19-23
Both Lupin crossovers
Episode One: The Great Detective Turned Small
As far as I'm aware, there are no HD releases anywhere of the OVAs. They're available on DVD in Japan, either separately or via four "Secret File" compilations (though these only cover OVAs 1-9).
There also aren't any HD releases of the Magic/Bonus files, but DVDs are included with the Japanese special edition versions of Movies 12-16. They're also available for individual purchase in Japan as well.
TV Specials 1, 2, and 4 (with 3 being the Lupin special, 5 being The Disappearance of Conan Edogawa, and 6 being Episode One) seem to be DVD only, too. Actually, I'm not sure if TV Special 1,"Time Travel of the Silver Sky," is available on disc at all? But TV Special 2, "Black History," is said to be included with the Japanese special edition DVD of the second live-action drama special, and TV Special 4, "Fugitive: Kogoro Mori," is included on the Part 24, Volume 7 DVD.
TV Special 7, "Love Story at Police Headquarters ~Wedding Eve~," might be included on Blu-ray in Japan with the special edition of Movie 25, but I can't confirm if that disc is a Blu-ray or DVD right now (and the same goes for The Scarlet Alibi, included with the special edition of Movie 24 in Japan).
The eight VHS-only Shogakukan Illustrated Encyclopedia Series tapes are obviously not available in HD, either.
So, in short, combining releases and eliminating the not-remastered Treasured Selections, you can find 186 episodes on Blu-ray right now (with more on the way with the fourth Detektiv Conan box). You can also get all of the films and Magic Kaito series, plus a few specials, in HD.
And I think that's all I've got! Feel free to add more information if you know any! I am desperate to physically own more HD DCMK content.
EDIT: I've done some more digging, and from what I can tell, starting with Movie 24, the Japanese special edition Blu-rays for the films changed the bonus second disc from a DVD to a Blu-ray instead. This means that Episode 1,002, "The Beika City Shopping Center Garbage Bin Mystery," included with the special edition of Movie 24, as well as Episode 1,039, "The Flying Jack-o'-lantern," included with the special edition of Movie 25, are available on Blu-ray, too. So, a more accurate number of episodes that have been released on Blu-ray (in HD) at this time is actually 188. Further, this confirms that The Scarlet Alibi and TV Special 7 are also available on Blu-ray in Japan.
Additionally, though I have provided a couple of links throughout this post, the Detective Conan World wiki deserves a bigger shout out than I initially gave; their "Collectibles" page, and particularly their "Japanese Blu-ray" article, were a huge help in compiling the information laid out here. Many, many thanks to the contributors.
And while I'm here, for those interested in English-language releases specifically, Magic's Detective Agency is a fantastically detailed resource for every DVD released by FUNimation (Volumes, Season Sets, and Films). They're not HD releases, true, but at the time, they're the only physical releases of any episodes and the first six films in English.
Finally, I also discovered that a fifth Detektiv Conan box is set to be released on July 21st! This should mean that remastered episodes up until 145 (or 155 with the international numbering) will be available on Blu-ray, and it bodes well for these releases to continue. Hopefully, there will be physical releases of the remastered footage in other countries, too!
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blairelythere · 9 months
Never seen ultraman
What should I watch first to see if I like it or not?
Ultraman is a tokusatsu series with a very large variety of tones and styles. Each season is distinctly different from the last, especially in the New Generation era. Some seasons are very serious and gritty, some are slice-of-life, and some are light plot/heavy action. It's up to you on what you'd prefer!
I want to preface with the three eras (and sub eras) of Ultraman, just so you're aware of these terms when they come up:
Showa (1966 - 1987)
Heisei (1996 - 2012)
-> Heisei Trilogy/Part 1 (1996-1999)
-> Heisei Part 2/Phase 2 (2000 - 2012)
New Generation (2013 - Present)
-> Reiwa (2019 - Present)
That being said, I give you 5 equally valid options to begin:
Option 1:
Ultraman (1966)
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Start with where it all began!*
Ultraman (1966) is Japan's take on the Twilight Zone but with a superhero-esqe twist. If you enjoy older sci-fi like the early seasons of Doctor Who or the first Star Trek, you'll greatly appreciate the practical effects, deep but episodic plots, and the unique kaiju/seijin.
From there, watch in order of release and enjoy just how much the show evolves. All the highs and lows.
*(Side note - technically Ultra Q (1966) is the first show but does not feature Ultraman whatsoever. This show serves as a prequel to the idea of kaiju and seijin in the modern world. If you're a completionist, you can start here and be amazed at how there are *still* monsters and plots making reappearances from this show)
Option 2:
Ultraman Tiga (1996)
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Ultraman Tiga is the beginning of the Heisei Era and is widely regarded as one of the best series in the entire franchise.
I have lots of love to give to Tiga specifically, and this post of mine explains why that is:
Option 3:
Ultraman Mebius (2006)
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Ultraman Mebius is the 40th anniversary of the Ultra series and is a beautiful continuation and love-letter of the Showa Era timeline. It features returning cast members, monsters, and plotlines from Ultraman, Ultraseven, Jack, Ace, Taro, Leo, and 80 (which all take place on the same Earth).
This show is a perfect introductory piece to the series because it exposes you to such a large amount of lore from the past while recontextualizing it with modern effects, richer storytelling, and a more serious tone. Mebius has so much heart, happiness, and hopefulness. It's a very positive and "heroic" type show.
Option 4:
Ultraman Orb (2016)
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Ultraman Orb is, even while nestled in the near-middle of the New Gen Era, a fantastic starting piece and my typical recommendation for starters. It's quite fun and light-hearted but has an intense emotional core surrounding lost love and a broken friendship. The action and special effects are top-notch, and the main villain is an ICONIC character who pops up many times in later shows.
This show introduces fusions, which become a frequent New Gen trend (Orb does it the best of all). Great choice if you're looking to get dropped somewhere not too confusing or plot-intensive yet still action-y and engaging.
Option 5:
Ultraman Blazar (2023)
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Ultraman Blazar is the newest season of Ultraman and started airing back in July. As of writing this, we are currently at Episode 8.
Blazar is unique and inventive so far in both its plot and aesthetic. It has a semi-serious sci-fi/military feel mixed with amazing new kaiju and.... a really strange Ultra lol. Blazar is unlike most thus far. He's primitive and beastly, kinda like a caveman.
It may not be the most completely accurate representation of the series as a whole, but nothing beats the excitement of watching the newest season as it airs!! The Tsuburaya official YouTube channel simulcasts each new episode as it airs in Japan (with japanese or english audio and subs).
I wish you luck on your multiverse-spanning Ultraman adventures!
Feel free to ask more questions if you have any 💛💛💛
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bunny-lovers · 10 days
1, 5, 18, 22
Hope you & your f/os have a wonderful weekend & thank you for the ask! 😊 @whispywoodland @dragonsmooch @meredithblakee @child-ofdust @kaijus-love-zone @goodmorningawfulbye @hades-beloved
1. what are your favorite activities to do together?
We like to go for a walk, hit the beach, go shopping, & get ice cream.
2. have you both ever gone on vacation together? do you plan to go on a vacation?
Yes, we have gone on a vacation together during the summertime. Yes, we might go to one this summer.
3. whos the night owl? whos the early bird?
We're both early birds.
4. what movies do you and your f/o love to watch together?
We watch anything that has action, adventure, romance, & comedy movies.
5. what is your f/os favorite pet name to call you? what’s your favorite that you call them?
Her favorite pet name to call me is sweetie. My favorite pet name to call Rumi is babe.
6. do you and your f/o prefer the pool or the beach?
We prefer the beach!
7. what is something your f/o does that never fails to make you smile?
Whenever she give me gifts & flowers.
8. what’s your favorite cold treat? what’s your f/os favorite?
My favorite cold treat is chocolate shake. Rumi's favorite cold treat is frozen yogurt.
9. do you and your f/o like road trips? have you gone on one together?
Not really but we did a few road trips together.
11. what’s your f/os favorite flower? what’s yours?
Rumi's favorite flower is lily's. My favorite flower is sunflower.
12. do you and your f/o like to have water ballon/water gun battles? who wins?
Yes, we do & Rumi wins most of the time.
13. do you and your f/o like to go stargazing?
Yes, we do!
14. do you both like going to concerts? who would you go see?
Not really since it's too crowded.
15. what was you and your f/os first kiss like?
It was soft & sweet!
16. aquarium date or museum date?
Aquarium date!
17. whos better at building sand castles?
Rumi is!
18. who wins who prizes at the local fair?
Rumi wins me prizes at the local fair.
19. does your f/o like fireworks? do you?
No, she doesn't 'cause she has sensitive ears. Yes, I like fireworks.
20. what are three words you would use to describe them? what three words would they use for you?
Brave, confidence, & outgoing. Shy, friendly, & sweet.
21. do you and your f/o like camping?
22. what color reminds you of your f/o? do you have a reason why?
Dark purple, white, red, & yellow. Yes, it's because of her hero costume & her eyes.
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movedto-bunny-lovers · 7 months
5 and 9 for Mirko! - @solitaireships
Hope you & your f/os have a wonderful weekend & thank you for the ask! 😊 @mnyehlike @kaijus-love-zone @iwishihadfangs
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What does a shared living space look like between you and your s/o? (Whether you live in the same house together or not). What parts of it are yours, what parts of it are your s/os? What about it makes it both of yours?
"My part is the kitchen since I'm in the kitchen more than Rebecca. But we still cook together. Rebecca's part is the living room since she spends a lot of time there but I also spend time with her in the living room and we both clean there. The bedroom is what makes both of us."
Do you share a bedroom? What does that look like? What are your bedtime routines, do they differ or do you do things together? Who falls asleep first? Who wakes up first?
"Yes, we do! It has light purple wall, 2 dressers, a TV, a queen size bed, one bathroom and two closets. We eat a light snack, have a warm drink, yoga session, and take a shower/bath. We do things together. I fall asleep first and Rebecca wakes up first."
What is your s/o's favourite food? Do you know how to make it?
"Her favorite food is cheeseburger and yes I do know how to make it."
(If you don't already work together) Do you think you and your s/o would make good coworkers, or is it better that you have separate jobs?
"I think it's better we have separate jobs."
What's your favourite sound that s/o makes? (Singing, talking, vocal stim, etc)
"I like when I hearing her humming to some songs."
Do you ever steal each other's clothes? If you could make an outfit for your s/o, what kind of clothes would you give them?
"Oh yeah, we definitely steal each other's clothes. I'd give her a long sleeve black and brown plaid and long black jeans."
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animefeminist · 15 days
Chatty AF 207: 2024 Spring Mid-Season Check-In
Alex, Toni, and Peter check in on a number of eyebrow-raising romances and some science fiction series with big but as-of-yet unrealized potential.
Episode Information
Date Recorded: May 24th, 2024 Hosts: Alex, Toni, Peter
Episode Breakdown
0:00:00 Intros 0:02:05 DEAD DEAD DEMON’S DE DE DE DE DESTRUCTION Red Flags 0:08:31 Mysterious Disappearances Neutral Zone 0:11:36 Train to the End of the World 0:16:54 Tonari no Yokai-san 0:18:14 Kaiju No. 8 It’s Complicated 0:26:26 Tadaima, Okaeri 0:36:19 Spice and Wolf: MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF 0:40:34 Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night Feminist Potential 0:50:39 YATAGARASU: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master 0:53:02 Whisper Me a Love Song 0:59:06 A Condition Called Love 1:08:43 Outro
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gretchensinister · 5 months
Kaiju Storm Chasers?
Living in the American Midwest as I do, I have always really, really wanted to see a tornado. At some point I thought, kaiju attacks are kind of like tornado touchdowns. And so I wrote a page and a half of vibes. No plot had begun to develop, and this is one of the inactive ones, but here's how it was going:
She wouldn’t wish. A wish would be cruel to the farmers that were her only neighbors out here, and if she voiced it and it came true, it might be too much to bear. Still, when the path of the red dot on the map shifted to place her late grandmother’s house (now her house) firmly in the red zone, she couldn’t help but grin. Her heart sped, and all her thoughts seemed turned into sparks. She felt almost like she was falling in love—and this was just the dot on her screen.
                “This way,” she whispered. “This way.”
                The dot moved. The clinking of the glasses grew louder. She laughed, and put her phone in her sweatshirt pocket. She wouldn’t need the dot anymore. That was what it meant to be in the red zone. With no more hesitation, she stepped out onto her porch.
On the edge of the red zone, it felt like a short, low rumble of thunder. The boards under her feet buzzed, shedding paint chips. Habits of childhood pulled her gaze to the sky, but it was far from stormy. Herds of puffy white clouds flew across a bright blue sky, driven by a fresh spring wind.
The last time she had felt like this, the sky had been a churning grey, the low clouds magnetic in the whipping wind rather than heavy.
The sky had shifted, then, turning greenish even as she watched. The wind pulled at her hair, her pajamas, forceful as an ocean riptide. She had been thirteen, then, left home alone that summer evening, and glad of it. Especially glad of it now that she stood on the porch, rather than in the basement, where voices from a hand-cranked radio would tell her to stay. It would be safer, but right now she didn’t want to be safer. She wanted to see. How many people got to see such things in their lifetimes? How many people took the chance?
And then again, even now, there might not be anything to see, despite the thunder and the wind and the green sky. A warning wasn’t a promise with something so unpredictable.
She walked from one side of the porch to the other, keeping one hand lightly on the railing, as if it would be enough to hold on to if…if…
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xaghiofneon · 3 months
Me and my partners watched the first three episodes of classic tokusatsu series Ultra Q, and I figured I can't sleep so I'm posting my thoughts, the equivalent of screaming into the void since my blog here has nobody who reads it.
If you don't know, Ultra Q is a Japanese show made by Tsuburaya Productions and aired in 1966, and was one of the earliest examples of Toho style kaiju on the small screen. It began the Ultraman franchise, but there's no Ultraman here. Each episode focuses on a different kaiju, alien, or weird event, kind of like Twilight Zone or Outer Limits. It's also notable for using old suits from Toho kaiju films since Tsuburaya was able to get them from Toho. The main protagonists are two pilots and a reporter lady, who always investigate the strange events, and they're okay protags, they don't get much depth but the show isn't really about them, more the monsters and paranormal stuff that happens. Speaking of, let's talk about the episodes we watched and my thoughts. I'm not giving the episodes any score, I'm just gonna ramble.
Episode 1 - "Defeat Gomess!"
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'Run! It's Godzilla!' 'It looks like Godzilla, but due to copyright laws, it's not.' 'Still, we should run like it is Godzilla!' 'Though it isn't. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!'
The first episode actually has two kaiju. Gomess, pictured above, a prehistoric creature made from pieces of old Godzilla suits, and Litra, a bird creature made from old Rodan props. Both of them are dug up by miners, and are mortal enemies. Litra is still an egg when its found, but Gomess is fully grown and causes a cave in while the main pilot and reporter are in the mine it was found in. The comic relief pilot and a kid who works at the mine find an ancient legend about how they're destined to fight, and the kid wakes Litra up with heat. The fight is short and not impressive by today's standards but it's not boring to look at. Litra jabs Gomess in the eye and shoots acid at him which kills him, but then Litra dies herself, because of the acid? I think? They don't explain why, they just end the episode, since these are the episodes are the usual TV length, about 20 minutes. Gomess is a decent kaiju design, Litra is a little more derpy looking, but it just adds to the charm for me. Overall, it's a solid start to the series. For the time, seeing movie level special effects was mind blowing, and while it's in black and white and not as impressive as modern effects or CG, it's very fun and charming now, especially since CG is so prevalent, seeing suits lumbering around is fun.
Episode 2 - "Goro and Goroh"
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'Mmm... Monkey...'
This one is very simple, and I liked it quite a bit. A monkey near a research facility consumed a bunch of walnuts laced with a chemical that made him grow giant. He then befriended the facility's custodian Goro, a deaf and mute man who took food from nearby farms and stores to feed him. Also milk. Goroh the Monkey loves milk. When Goro gets arrested for stealing, Goroh gets mad and goes on a rampage, and they have Goro feed him milk laced with sleeping pills to make him fall asleep. The reporter had just got back from an island also with large monkeys as well, and they decide to take him there, and Goro is sad. Goroh the Monkey was brought to life with a modified King Kong suit, and I just like monkeys. Simple, nice, monke.
Episode 3 - "The Gift From Space"
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'Now, I'm not saying it was aliens... but it was aliens.'
The last episode we watched, and the first alien kaiju, a giant slug named Namegon. The protags find a UFO, which turns out to be a Mars probe thought destroyed, containing two tiny gold marbles. They're kept in a vault, but stolen by bank robbers, who wants to sell it. When one of the bank robbers tries to force the comic relief pilot to take him to a meet up on an island, he drops the second gold marble in a fight. Comic relief pilot then finds it and makes it into a necklace for the reporter. The bank robber, having found a different way to the island, drops the gold marble into hot water, and the marble expands into an egg, revealing Namegon. Namegon itself looks fine, it's just a big slug that shoots lasers. It's weakness is a little lame, though. When the protags and the police go to the island, Namegon chases them, falls into the ocean, and melts because of the saltwater. The second egg, still around the reporters neck, accidentally gets woken up too at the end, after a discussion of why the aliens who sent the probe back sent monster eggs with them, and the episode ends as they prepare the saltwater. The episode also introduces an old professor who hangs out with the protags and exposits. Not a bad episode, the weakness of Namegon isn't too disappointing, and we never see the aliens who sent the probe back, so our brains can fill in the gap.
Ultra Q is pretty fun so far. We're trying to watch at least three episodes a week, and I got my partners to agree to watch the Ultra Series with me. Give it a watch yourself if you haven't, it's fun kaiju stuff.
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