#lazy seaweed is lazy :D
muppenthings · 2 years
Welp, I think the first question we ask ourself now is does menace seem to primarily eat meat or plants? Because if we need to feed him that amount of food every other day, we can start focusing on how to supplement it from outside foraging/hunting.
Don't worry, Merry. We can do this🫂 💜🐝
(Start) (Previously) (Next)
Merry perks up, feeling a little more reassured.
"Thank you," they smile.
"I'm not sure about his preference. Any mer that I've come across that's had their home raided by him has claimed that he's not very picky..."
They pause.
"I think it's best if I use my strenghts for this, and I'm really good at gathering! Hopefully he'll be content with sweet kelp..."
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Merry begins to swim back home, grimacing slightly.
"But first I need to tell the Elders that I managed to divert the crisis without mentioning the deal. They wouldn't be happy about it... It's better for them to not know. Maybe I can convince the Menace to be nice...!"
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anonymous-dentist · 2 months
A very exciting day from the Merpepito AU
Read on Ao3
Pepito has been a pirate for one month and three days, and he has finally been given his first Pirate Job.
"Pepito, I'm trusting you with something very important," Captain Celbi had said as the ship had pulled into port.
He had crouched and pulled out a small leather pouch from the pocket of his coat. He held it out to Pepito, nodding seriously as Pepito took the pouch in both of Pepito's hands.
"Pac and Mike are going to go grocery shopping while we're here, but they always forget the most important food when I send them shopping," Captain Celbi explained. "They don't buy any candy, and we both know how important candy is."
Pepito nodded seriously. Candy is important, Apa Quackity says that it's one of the major food groups along with fish, seaweed, and cocaine.
"So I need you," Captain Celbi continued, "to take this money and make sure that you get candy. One piece for every crew member, and two pieces for yourself as payment for taking on this very important mission."
And so here Pepito is, grocery shopping for the first time as a pirate. Mister Pac and Mister Mike and Richarlyson are with him, but they don't know about his mission; it's a secret mission, Captain Celbi had said!
The Sky Pepito town is huge, but Pepito doesn't think they'll get lost. Mister Mike seems to know where they're going even if Richarlyson does keep running off and getting lost in the crowd and punching people until Mister Pac goes to get him.
"Settle down, Richas!" Mister Pac groans. He takes Richarlyson by the hand and pulls him to his side. "You're going to get arrested like this, you know!"
"And?" Richarlyson challenges. "So what! Pai Cellbit gets arrested all the time!"
"Cellbit is also a complete sociopath," Mister Mike comments. He looks at the grocery list with a hum. "He told us to buy coffee, how the hell are we supposed to make coffee on a boat?"
Pepito doesn't know what a 'sociopath' is, but it sounds cool! Some kind of artist, maybe?
He looks around the market. There has to be a candy stall somewhere!
Back in the Reef, Miss Niki had the best candy. She made taffy out of The Ocean's salt, and she sold it alongside her cookies in her shop, and, man, Pepito really misses Miss Niki.
...He doesn't miss anything else about the Reef, though! Definitely not Apa Roier or Apa Quackity or Apa Mariana or Apa Carre or Ama Rivers or Awuelo Foolish, that would be silly!
Pepito is a pirate now. He's doing a Pirate Job for a Pirate Captain, and he's going to end up in sooooooo much trouble with the Navy because of it! (Everybody knows the Navy hates candy. It's because they're lazy disgusting sacks of organs and blood, according to Captain Celbi, and he's never wrong!!)
Pepito jumps as someone taps his shoulder. He looks up and sees Mister Mike looking down at him with crinkled, smiling eyes.
"Don't get lost, now, Pepito," he says. "Cellbit will leave you behind if we go back to the ship without you."
Pac gasps and smacks Mister Mike's arm, but he's smiling, and Richarlyson is laughing.
Pepito's eyes well with tears, but he doesn't cry. He knows that they're all pirates. They're evil. Of course Captain Celbi would leave if Pepito got back to the ship late, he's a pirate captain, and Pepito still hasn't finished his first Pirate Job.
So Pepito bites Pepito's lip and puffs Pepito's chest out. He will not be left behind! He's going to finish his Pirate Job, and then Captain Celbi will say he's a Good Pirate, and then Pepito will be a Good Pepito again.
...But Pepito can't see a candy stall or shop anywhere. Captain Celbi had said that this was supposed to be a secret, but if Pepito doesn't tell anybody that he was given this job, then it's still a secret!
Hesitantly, he tugs on Mister Mike's sleeve and spells out with his finger in the air, "C A N D Y"? (Apparently, there's something called 'sign language' in the Sky, but Pepito hasn't learned that yet, but at least Pepito can spell using the Sky Language now!)
"You want candy?" Mister Mike asks.
"Oooo, I want candy, too," Mister Pac eagerly says. He looks at Pepito with a smile. "When we're done shopping, we'll get some candy, okay?"
Pepito beams, all tears gone.
Richarlyson grumbles and tugs his hand free. He ducks his head, mutters something under his breath, glares at Pepito through his bangs.
Pepito frowns, all smiles gone.
He doesn't get why Richarlyson doesn't like him. They're friends, right? Captain Celbi always seems happy when they're playing together.
...Unless Richarlyson knows that Pepito is a Bad Pepito. Unless Richarlyson knows about the Very Bad Thing.
Uh oh.
(Cellbit watches the water, leaning against the ship's railing. He can dream of seeing him again, can't he?
Suddenly, a bright light erupts out of the ocean just over the horizon.
Cellbit frowns, standing and adjusting his hat.
That can't be good.)
Halfway through the grocery list, Richarlyson escapes again.
Maybe that's for the best, Pepito thinks. He likes Richarlyson, but he doesn't want Richarlyson telling his dads about the Very Bad Thing. Pepito likes Misters Pacandmike, they've been the ones teaching Pepito how to write the Sky Language. They're smart, and they're nice by pirate standards. Pepito doesn't want them to hate him, too.
So Pepito keeps watching Mister Mike argue with the saleswoman at the bakery. She won't sell him any bread because Richarlyson stole some cookies on his way into the crowd, it's rude. Maybe she's a pirate, too.
But the hair on the back of Pepito's neck raises on end as he hears a familiar shout and a, "Hey, watch it, kid! Where the fuck are your parents, huh?"
Pepito is a Brave Pepito. Pepito is a pirate! Pepito isn't scared of anybody!
But Pepito doesn't want to see the hatred in Apa Roier's eyes. He wants his last memories of Apa Roier's face to be happy ones where Apa Roier still loves him and wants to be his father and doesn't hate him or think he's a killer or a Bad Pepito.
Pepito can't help it.
Pepito runs.
Pepito holds Captain Celbi's money close to his chest, and he runs.
"What the-" Mister Mike exclaims. "Pepito! Where are you going!"
"Pepito?" Apa Roier asks. He shouts again and calls, "Pepito!"
Pepito ducks into the crowd and drops to his knees, clutching Captain Celbi's money tight so he doesn't lose it.
Apa Roier may be a fast swimmer, but Pepito is a Small Pepito. He knows that Apa Roier is super tall, so Pepito crawls between people's legs and under and through skirts and he hopes that Apa Roier can't see him because Pepito doesn't want to see him.
Pepito is gonna be in soooooo much trouble...
("He's a good boy," Apa Roier says. He glares over Pepito's shoulder at Luzu. "Not a killer. Can you get that through your skull, hmm?")
Pepito sniffs and wishes he was back home where he could hide under his bed until Apa Mariana would get on the ground with him and wait until he was done being scared. Apa Mariana would hold Pepito's hand and talk until Pepito felt better, and Pepito misses him so much. But now Apa Mariana has a New Pepito to hold hands with. He doesn't want Pepito anymore.
Suddenly, something heavy pounces upon Pepito from behind, knocking him down.
Pepito lets out a whine and faceplants onto the ground. He hears his glasses crack (at least he hopes it's his glasses...)
Captain Celbi's money digs into Pepito's stomach. It hurts...
"Got him!" someone shouts, and, oh, it's Richarlyson. Of course he's working with Apa Roier. He wants a Good Pepito, too, doesn't he?
Pepito whimpers and shakes his head. He wiggles, trying to get free, but all he does is rattle Captain Celbi's money a bit.
Richarlyson laughs and reaches under Pepito's stomach and pulls out the money pouch.
"This is Pai Cellbit's!" Richarlyson gasps. His other hand wraps around the back of Pepito's neck angrily. "You stole this from him!"
Pepito shakes his head again. He might be a Bad Pepito, but he isn't a thief! Captain Celbi gave that money to him for a job! A Pirate Job! So Pepito can be a pirate like everybody else!
"Hey, mister!" Richarlyson shouts. "I have Pepito!"
Pepito's stomach hurts, but not from getting tackled this time. He's going to be sick. Apa Roier hates him. He's came all this way just to find Pepito and arrest him and call him a Bad Pepito and-
Richarlyson is yanked off of Pepito; he shouts and fights and kicks right into Pepito's back.
"Richarlyson, what the hell?" Mister Pac demands. "What does Pai Cellbit always tell us?"
Pepito pushes himself up and back onto his hands and knees. His glasses are cracked, but he can still kinda see...
But then he's picked up by Mister Mike, and then they're running through the crowd.
Pepito glances down and sees that he's only being held to Mister Mike's chest by one arm. Mister Mike's free hand is holding a gun.
Mister Mike turns his head over his shoulder and shouts, "You are so grounded!"
"What? No!" Richarlyson protests.
"Crew protects crew," Mister Pac says. "Pepito is crew whether you like it or not."
Squinting, Pepito can see Mister Pac dragging Richarlyson along behind him as they hurriedly speedwalk through the crowd.
Mister Pac has his sword drawn, but it looks clean. That's good, Pepito doesn't want Apa Roier hurt.
"He stole from Pai Cellbit!" Richarlyson argues. "He's a traitor!"
Mister Mike rolls his eyes. "Who doesn't steal from Cellbit? Honestly, Pepito stealing from him is enough to make him crew in my eyes."
Pepito's jaw drops. A pirate likes him...!
They continue rushing through the crowd, groceries abandoned. Captain Celbi is gonna be so mad, but he might not call Pepito a Bad Pepito if Pepito's lucky. It isn't Pepito's fault that Apa Roier talked to the Sea Witch! Blame the Sea Witch, not Pepito!
The ship appears over the crowd, and Pepito can almost see the Pepitos on its deck. But his glasses are broken, so all he can really see are smudges that are vaguely Pepito-shaped.
"Cellbit!" Pac shouts. "We need to go!"
Captain Celbi appears over the railing. With his hat and his coat and the clear scowl on his face, he looks truly evil. (So cool...)
"What the fuck did you do?" he demands as they approach. "You were gone for twenty minutes!"
Mister Mike is the first on the ship. As soon as he's on board, he drops Pepito to the ground and reaches out to grab Richarlyson and pull him on board, too. He gently shoves Richarlyson to Cellbit, who takes Richarlyson by the shoulders and holds him still in front of him.
Captain Celbi looks at Mister Mike, and then he looks at the out-of-breath Mister Pac, and then he looks at Richarlyson, and then he looks at Pepito.
His eyes darken, a weird rumbling sound coming out of his throat that almost sounds like growling, but that can't be right. Sky Pepitos don't growl.
Pepito shrinks back. In the air, he shakily spells, "S O R R Y."
"It wasn't Pepito," Mister Pac says. "There was some- some guy at the market who saw Pepito and started chasing us! I don't know, he might be Navy? But they don't usually go after mermaids, right?"
"Who cares who he was?" Mister Mike huffs. He still has his gun out. (Scary...) "Fuck that guy."
He glances at Richarlyson. "You're grounded, young lady. Go below deck."
Richarlyson's jaw drops open in outrage. "But- but he's a thief!"
He holds out Captain Celbi's money pouch. "Pai, see? Pepito stole this from you! He's untrustworthy."
Captain Celbi sighs and takes his money back. "I gave him that money so he could buy candy because you guys never let me have any. Go downstairs, we'll talk later."
Richarlyson's face falls, but he storms downstairs, kicking a bucket full of soapy water over on his way.
Captain Celbi looks at Mister Pac. "We can't leave yet. Baghera and Mousey are still on shore, and we definitely don't have the food supplies to set sail right now. Next port town is over a month away, we'll starve before then."
He takes Misters Pacandmike to talk, occasionally glancing at Pepito.
Pepito lets them be. Pepito isn't a pirate. He can't participate in Pirate Stuff. He failed his Pirate Job. He'll never be a pirate now.
He walks to the gangplank and sits with his knees to his chest. He can't see much of anything, but maybe he can help Miss Baghera and Miss Mouse with their bags when they come back to the ship.
Pepito can't see, but Pepito can hear.
"Shit!" Apa Roier shouts in The Ocean's Language.
If Pepito squints just right, he thinks that he can see Apa Roier backing away from a wooden post on the dock with a hand to his forehead. He's shouting and in pain and it's all Pepito's fault.
Apa Roier's head snaps between the docked ships, looking. Searching. Probably very, very angry.
And then he sees Pepito. And Pepito sees him.
Pepito can't help it. Pepito starts crying as Apa Roier comes running towards him, tripping over himself as he scrambles up the gangplank with extended arms.
"Pepito!" Apa Roier cries. Pepito can't see the look on his face, but Pepito bets he's angry. "Pepito!"
He keeps chanting Pepito's name as he runs, because he's always liked Pepito's name. He always says that it's the best name Pepito could have, and it's probably his favorite name, so the New Pepito is probably named Pepito, too.
Pepito stands and tries running, but his vision is so blurry with his glasses broken and with the tears in his eyes that he manages to trip over the bucket Richarlyson had kicked over and he falls.
Warm arms scoop Pepito up and hold him close in a tight hug.
"Pepito, what the fuck," Apa Roier demands, his face buried in the top of Pepito's head. "A month, Pepito, what the fuck?"
Pepito shakes his head, his entire body quivering. He wants to hug Apa Roier back, but is he allowed to? No, right? Apa Roier's angry...
A cold shadow falls upon them from above.
A gun clicks, cold steel pointing right at Apa Roier's head.
"I'm going to give you one chance to get off of my ship," Captain Celbi coldly says, voice low and flat and absolutely terrifying. "Let go of my crew member, and get off of my ship. One. Chance."
"Your crew member?" Apa Roier scoffs. "He's my fucking son."
Captain Celbi inches closer until the gun is pressed into Apa Roier's hair; Apa Roier doesn't so much as flinch.
Pepito shakes. His lip wobbles, tears streaming down his face and snot bubbling out of his nose. He wants his dad!
In the language of The Ocean, Apa Roier says, "We're going home, Pepito. I'll beat his ass."
Pepito shakes his head frantically. They can't go home, the New Pepito is there, and Pepito doesn't wanna meet them! The New Pepito probably looks cuter than Pepito does. Doesn't need glasses. Is a fast swimmer. Doesn't have asthma. Isn't a killer.
But he can't say this. He can't say anything.
Behind Apa Roier's back, Pepito spells to Captain Celbi, "D A D."
Captain Celbi meets Pepito's eyes.
He lets out a breath, lips pressed together and eyebrows furrowed, but he nods and backs off, clicking his gun until it's safe.
And then Apa Roier lets out a war cry and lets go of Pepito, swinging a leg out and knocking Captain Celbi to the ground. He laughs and lunges for his gun, trying to wrestle it from him. Captain Celbi's hat falls off, revealing the pointy white things on the top of his head; they press flat against his hair and he bares his teeth angrily.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Captain Celbi demands.
"You kidnapped my son, what the fuck do you think?" Apa Roier snaps. He crawls on top of Captain Celbi, his knee between Captain Celbi's legs and his chest pressed to Captain Celbi's chest.
"Oh my gods," Mister Pac quietly says. "Mike, I think they're gonna..."
"Cover your eyes, Pac," Mister Mike replies.
Pepito doesn't know what they're talking about. All Pepito can do is watch uselessly as his dad and his captain wrestle on the deck.
"I didn't kidnap him!" Captain Celbi argues. "Bad brought him to me!"
"And you took him!?" Apa Roier incredulously asks. "Fucking pirates-"
He looks at Captain Celbi, and he goes quiet. He stops fighting.
Confused, Captain Celbi looks up at him. And then he stops fighting, too. The pointy things on his head stick right up, seemingly happy about something.
"Oh," Captain Celbi quietly says. "Hello."
He and Apa Roier are still borderline holding hands over the gun. Apa Roier is still flush to Captain Celbi's front, and Apa Roier's knee is still stuck between Captain Celbi's legs.
"Hi," Apa Roier says, voice soft, almost reverent in a way, the same way he spoke when he talked about how evil and bad and disgusting pirates are. "You kidnapped my son."
"I really didn't."
"I'm not getting off this boat until you give him back."
Apa Roier leans in close as he says that.
Captain Celbi licks his lips. "Then I guess you're going to be stuck here for a while, because Pepito is a prized member of my crew. I wouldn't give him up for anything in the world."
Pepito is... a prized member? Of the crew?
Pepito can't help it. He gets up and runs to Captain Celbi and gives him as good a hug as he can with Captain Celbi pinned to the deck.
He's a pirate!
Pepito is finally a pirate!
Best day ever!
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superprincesspea · 4 months
Courted by the Dragon
Chapter 1 - Spring
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Aemond Targaryen is both the cause and witness to the greatest humiliation of your life. You would rather die than see him again. Yet summer at court and the precipice of civil war have other ideas.
Though summer had not yet fledged, the stifling heat in the keep of Storms End had become intolerable for every soul residing in the castle.   
Usually, you enjoyed the warmth of sunshine and would happily sit and bask in its glory for hours on end, but this was no mere heat. This was humidity. Hot and wet, lingering in the air and drenching heavy clothes to clammy skin.   
You couldn’t escape it even when the sun went down, and everyone was miserable, too lazy to do anything more than sit and swelter and too uncomfortable to find any rest.  
You, however, had other ideas.   
You’re Father had strictly forbidden any of his daughters from leaving the keep without an escort and, even then, he did not readily allow it. But you had always been a somewhat unruly child and as a young woman you had certainly not become more obedient.   
No, quite the opposite, you’d grown accustomed to doing as you pleased regardless of your fathers demands. He had daughters enough for obedience and you had no ambition to become a well-trained pet for him or any other man.   
So, when breakfast was finished, you escaped the keep, ducking between the watchful eyes of your fathers' guards before wandering down to the pebble beach below the imposing castle walls.   
Down here was the realm of smugglers and pirates but it had been years since the caves had been used for any nefarious purposes. So, you were alone, the beach clear except for the gulls which landed on the rocks before sweeping out across the waves.  
As expected, the air here was much more tolerable if you could forgive the stink of seaweed and salt. More importantly, you could enjoy your own company while the creeping tide chased at your feet.  
It was a risky game, daring the water to soak through your shoes and you didn’t want to spoil them. You wanted to take them off and hitch up your skirt to feel the cool lick of the bay's glistening sea. How refreshing, how scandalous, how irresistible ….   
Your shoes slide off so easily as do your stockings before you find yourself tucking your skirt and chemise into the waistband of your dress.   
It’s a precarious thing, exposing the bare lines of your legs for anyone to see and, all the while, you find yourself craning your head back and forth to check for prying eyes. But you remain alone down here, and the water feels as good as you’d imagined. In fact, it's bliss enough for you to finally take pleasure in the heat of the midday sun and, like a cat rolling on a cool stone floor, you relish it.   
Ice smothering your legs while fire kisses your cheeks. The only sound is that of the waves and the occasional cry of a gull which, after days spent listening to your sisters complaining, is the sound of absolute serenity.   
In the following afternoons, your secret trips down to the beach become routine. Even though the weather is not as insufferable as before, you like the solitude and the feel of the water on your legs. But it isn’t enough, and it hadn’t taken long before you’d began to toy with the idea of submerging yourself into the depths of Shipbreakers Bay.   
What would it feel like to have salt and sand tangled in your hair? To float on the waves? To be suspended between air and earth in a crystal sea?   
Those questions have tantalised you beyond rational thinking and, if you wait any longer, it might be too late to find their answer.  
Already storms are on the horizon and when they arrive, this little stretch of pebble beach will be underwater for the foreseeable future. So, with this in mind, you’re wearing a gown that fastens easily in the front and, though the wool is far too hot for the climate, you do not plan on wearing it for long.  
After removing your shoes and stockings, you do your usual checks. Looking up and down the beach to ensure you’re still alone while your fingers dally at the knots on your dress before finally conceding to unfasten them.   
One by one, you loosen the ties while the prick of frightened delight coats your skin as the fabric becomes looser and looser before sliding to a pile at your feet.   
Without your dress, your chemise billows about as if the wind has fingers which grasp and pull, urging you to freedom. But you need no encouragement, your mind was already set the moment you woke up and, when that happens, there is little chance of dissuading it.   
You pull your chemise over your head and the wind snatches it away, sending it through the air like the sail of a ship before it snags on a boulder further down the beach.   
Your heart is in your throat as you retrieve it, wondering what excuse you could possibly imagine to explain the loss of your undergarment. The answer is none. You have to be more careful. Yet careful is the exact opposite of what you’re being.     
In all the excitement, you’d almost forgotten that you were standing on the beach wearing nothing more than a necklace which rests at the hollow of your neck, catching the sunlight. But you are naked. The breeze cool against your flesh, your nipples tightening to hard buds.   
You laugh at the absurdity of the situation just as a chill of unease ripples down your spine. If someone sees you now, it will be a scandal so terrible you’re not sure you could survive it. Yet that does not stop you from opening out your arms to embrace the air.    
It isn’t often a high-born woman or any woman at all gets to choose her own actions but you’re choosing one now. Perhaps this will be the only time you ever swim in the bay, perhaps you will hate every moment of it, but it doesn't matter. At least for a single afternoon, you can be completely in control of your own autonomy. Men take such freedoms for granted but you will savour it.   
With careful steps, you make your way into the bay, deeper and deeper until the water comes up to your chest and the cold bites harshly into your skin. You know you will grow accustomed to the temperature as you had done on previous days, so you keep moving, letting the blood flow into your limbs and the warmth return.  
When you’re ready, you duck your head under the waves without regard for how you will explain your wet hair when you return to the keep. Instead, you dive down, propelling yourself through the water until your lungs begin to burn and you’re forced to surface.  
With each dive, you can hold your breath for longer and swim further and the cold becomes a forgotten thing. You’re like a dolphin or a siren, a creature of the sea, flipping through the water with what feels like grace, and you know one thing is certain- Today won’t be the last day you’ll swim in the bay, not when it feels like this- or so you think.   
With the sound of waves crashing against the wall of rocks beneath Storm’s End and the rush of water all around you, you’d be forgiven for not hearing the beat of dragon wings as they fly overhead.   
No, too consumed by your own amusement, you don’t even notice the large shadow grazing the beach or see where Vhagar lands on a tuft of grass barely a stone's throw from where your clothes are strewn across the pebbles.  
All you know is one minute you’re ducking under the water and the next, the sun is bright on your face and a tall black figure is standing on the beach.  
A man .   
Your heart plummets, the bay choking down your throat as you gasp and inhale a mouthful of water. Perhaps letting yourself sink and float away from all consequence would be the better option, but you resign yourself to whatever reprimand is waiting for you on the beach, coughing and spluttering as you move closer to shore  
Wiping your eyes to bring the figure into focus, you expect to see your father or perhaps Ser Maurin Selmy but the person on the beach is an almost stranger. A man you have never met yet recognise by reputation alone.   
Aemond Targaryen.  
“Your Grace!” you exclaim, concealing yourself beneath the waves with little success. Afterall, he’s close enough for you to see the sigil stitched onto his doublet so you’re in no doubt of how easily he can see you- even with one eye.  
A mischievous smile lights up his entire face as he glances at the black and yellow clothes piled at his feet.  
“My Lady Baratheon?” he suggests, his manner surprisingly soft spoken yet commanding enough not to be lost against the waves, “you seem to have misplaced your gown.”   
“I was taking a swim,” you say rather absurdly, and he laughs to himself before moving closer and bending down on one knee. Not close enough to be caught by a wave but close enough to touch the water, which he does with great care, carefully removing a single glove to dip his fingers in the surf when it stalks towards the toe of his boot.  
“Far too cold for my liking but do not stop on my account,” he smirks, his good eye peering once more beneath the waves.   
You wrap your arm a little tighter around your chest as though it will prevent him from seeing the curve of your body and the rise and fall of your nervous breaths but, of course, it doesn’t. The water is like glass and your bare skin shines brightly in the sun.  
You’ve never been so exposed before, not even in front of your handmaid who only enters your room when you are already wearing your chemise. So, this is beyond anything you can imagine, and shame would have burned on your skin if it wasn’t for the cold seeping into your bones.  
“Your Grace is right; the water has grown cold. I should like to get out.”  
He raises his eyebrow, his tongue licking lazily across his lip before his smirk returns.  
“Suit yourself,” he says, standing upright and towering even taller than you’d remembered. But he doesn’t walk away, he remains rooted to the sand, the waves daring to reach out and sully the soft suede of his riding boots.   
“Your Grace?” your teeth chatter and his smile inches even deeper into his cheeks.  
“My lady?” he says, toying with you and seeming to enjoy every ounce of your humiliation before he slowly steps back to where your clothes are still spread on the rocks.    
Using his boot, he kicks your dress up into his hands and you think, for a moment, that he’s going to steal it away, but he doesn’t.   
He tosses it a little closer to the water, grazing your body with one last look before he turns to face the wall beneath your Fathers keep.   
In all this time, your heart has not stopped racing and your muscles are beginning to tighten painfully. Still, you wait another minute, hoping Aemond will leave altogether but he does not, and you have a choice to make.   
Withdraw from the relative safety of the water and risk being seen,  or remain in Shipbreakers Bay for the rest of eternity. So perhaps, when you think of it like that, you have no choice at all.   
Bracing yourself, with a wary eye cast towards your escape route, you force your feet to move forward. Emerging with gooseflesh and chattering teeth yet cheeks burning hot enough to rival the sun.   
You scoop up your dress, cursing yourself a thousand times over while your numb fingers struggle with even the simplest task. You can barely hold the fabric, let alone dress yourself. Yet more than anything, you curse Aemond and that’s before you notice him glancing back at you.  
You pause, breathless with fear though you know you should be moving faster, dressing quicker, running away. But you’re like a frightened deer under his scrutiny.  All you can do is stand there; the dress clamped against your body.  
He could do anything to you, and it would be your fault. You had done this. You had disobeyed your father and all sense of propriety to leave yourself vulnerable and completely at the mercy of a Dragon.   
Mercifully, Aemond’s gaze only lingers for a moment before it returns to the wall, and you move far quicker than before. Hurriedly pulling your arms into sleeves before fastening two of the strings in haphazard knots.   
Though Aemond Targaryen might be a Prince, he is certainly not a gentleman. He glances at you again but this time you’re feeling bolder.  
You blow out a huff of bad-tempered air, displeasure oozing from your every movement as you snatch up the rest of your clothes and make haste towards the slope which leads back to the keep.   
You need to get away from him as quickly as humanly possible. But your escape is hindered by bare feet on jagged pebbles. You can’t ignore the sharpness and you don’t dare to stop, leaving you to slip on your shoes in an awkward half hop as you try to maintain the momentum of your furious exit.   
Aemond, on the other hand, has no such hindrances and catches up to you with little effort, stepping into your path and blocking you again when you try to skirt around him.     
Frustrated, you hold your ground knowing that in a physical fight between yourself and Aemond, you would certainly not be the victor. But you would not cower either.  
“Will you not tell me your name, Lady Baratheon?” he asks, as though this was some ordinary meeting between strangers.   
“I think your Grace has known quite enough of me for one day!” you snap through gritted teeth, your temper growing shorter as your body grows colder.  
He laughs softly, bowing his head, “perhaps another day then.”  
You expel a gasp of complete disbelief. “I shall endeavour to avoid it!”  
Aemond’s smile broadens, and he seems surprised, even somewhat delighted by your candour as you push past him with a complete disregard for his name, his size, his strength or his dragon.   
“Then we will see who is the victor,” he calls after you, but you ignore him.   
You would rather die than ever lay eyes on Aemond Targaryen again!  
Thank you for reading! Please let me know if you would like to see more.
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cryptidinspace · 2 years
Dangerous Waters, Ch 2
Warning for actual vore in this chapter! As well as mentions of death and digestion, though none of either actually happen
Also, I might have called them high school students in the previous chapter? That’s my bad, these are actually meant to be university aged kids
United Oceans University. It looked like something out of a movie, vast and carved out of stone. Bright coral decorated every nook and cranny. Colored Seaweed was twisted into ropes and banners that swayed in the current.
The hallways were lit with glow fish swimming in lazy circles. Massive stained glass windows depicted various scenes, probably historical, with glistening eyes that seemed to follow the students.
“Looks more like a cathedral than a school. Like Saint Ruby’s back home.” Lacey was swimming just ahead of Irridesse, running her fingertips along the textured glass. “I bet the rooms are massive! And the food is gonna be amazing-“
They really were excited about this, huh? Irridesse followed just behind, fins bristled, watching the crowded corridor they swam through. On the way over, her plan had been solidified; she would find the biggest sea monster in this school, and put the fear of herself in them. They’d likely laugh her off at first, or even try taking a bite out of her…but she’d soon show them how unafraid she was.
“Found it!” At Lacey’s beckoning tail, she swam over. It was the door to her room, with two other names beside hers posted on the door. “It’s too bad we don’t get to share, huh?” Lacey gave her a playful pout, before looking at their own schedule. “Gotta go find my own r-“
“Yeah sure, but-“ Irridesse grabbed their shoulder, cutting them off. “Remember what I said. Tell me if you end up rooming with any sea monsters.”
Lacey’s eyebrows knitted together. “They wouldn’t do that, right? Put Mers and sea monsters together? Even a siren would be better…um, not that I’m afraid of sea monsters-“ They glanced nervously at Irridesse’s annoyed expression. “Uh, you know what, it’s fine.” They gave her a sunny smile, before darting away. “I’ll let you know!”
Once they were gone, Irridesse straightened their back and gave the names another once over. Magna Esprit and…Atlantic Mura.
Her face twisted into a scowl. Lovely. The most obnoxious little manchild she had ever met. Hopefully, he’d manage to stay out of the way. If she could just ignore him, her plan could go off without a hitch.
So she shoved the door open, creating a cloud of bubbles as she darted into the room. Three different beds, one considerably larger than the other, with kelp rugs placed on the floor, and stony desks. And not a person in sight.
Irridesse took her pack, dumping it on the bed, scanning the room. Why was one bed bigger? Were they a sea monster? The other normal sized bed was a bit of a mess, with the blankets thrown everywhere, and a very expensive suitcase half open on the floor.
That must be Atlantic’s. She swam over slowly, eyeing the flowing shirts and shimmering jewelry. But a heartbeat later, a hand wrapped around her tail, yanking her violently to the floor.
“SONOVA-“ A hand slapped over her mouth, as she was tugged beneath the bed. Turning her head, she saw Atlantic’s eyes staring at her through the dark. He looked positively terrified, and she could feel his trembling through the water. “Atlantic, what the hell are you doing?” She hissed.
“There’s a…s-sea monster.” He whimpered in gasping breaths. “In our r-room. She tried-d to eat me!” His voice reached a panicked whimper, just as a door slammed open.
Irridesse peered from beneath the bed, feeling an unwanted sense of unease crawl up her spine. No fear. This is what she had waited for. Her nails dug into the packed sand floors. It’s time to take your chance. Show this beast that you are not to be trifled with! She glanced at her quivering companion. And Atlantic can watch, I guess.
Bright blue tentacles dragged across the ground, just inches away. She could hear a growling, rumbling noise nearby, and for some reason, her body wanted to flatten to the ground and stay in the shadows…But I’m not scared.
Ignoring Atlantic’s panicked scrambling, Irridesse flung herself into the open. She slammed straight into a taller woman, and felt squishy tendrils push her back a bit. Looking up, she looked into a masked face. She was odd looking, right off the bat…the mask covered her mouth, but her eyes were a piercing dark blue, and her skin a soft purple color. And looking down, she saw tentacles, the length of her entire body, bright and supple.
“Hey there!” The woman boomed, arms folded over her wide stomach. There was something slightly off about her voice, something Irridesse couldn’t place. Something other than the sheer depth and volume. “You must be Irridesse, hm?” Her eyes strayed to the bed that she had darted from under. “Is blondy hiding under there?” She could imagine a wicked grin on the sea monster’s face, as one tentacle snuck toward the shadows.
She’s actually going to eat him. Irridesse clenched her fists, fighting back to instinctual urge to run. “Hey!” She barked. “Sea Monster! Get your tentacles away from him.”
The limb retracted, and the woman looked back at her with curious eyes. “Hey now, no need to be so uptight…how abouts we get a little better acquainted?” Her arms unfurled, and Irridesse looked down at her stomach in shock. Her mouth was on her belly. It was massive, wider than Irridesse’s shoulders were, fully of pointed teeth, with a bright blue tongue that lolled out hungrily. She heard a low growling noise coming from the maw, and her tail lashed, pushing her backward. “Don’t act like that…geez, you little fishies are so unfriendly.”
“And you sea monsters are all the same!” Irridesse scowled, her tail fins puffing out into a storm of blue. She had never met another sea monster, of course, this ravenous stranger was the first. But she matched the descriptions that she had been given her whole life…hungry and insane. “Might as well give up now, I’m not going to be lunch. And I won’t let you devour Atlantic either!”
“Loosen up!” Her voice was both commanding and playful…did she see them as nothing but toys? Rage boiled in Irridesse’s chest, overcoming the fear churning in her stomach. She burst forward, crashing into the woman’s chest at full force.
She grunted and spun backward, tentacles flailing in the air. “Well now you’re just being eager!” She was teasing Irridesse now, and her blue eyes narrowed to slits. She scrambled for purchase on the woman’s smooth and slick skin, trying vaguely to do some kind of damage, then gasped as a tentacle wrapped around her waist.
“Just chill…” The woman purred. She looked amused. “Just gonna have a taste, don’t be such a stiff.” Irridesse thrashed furiously, letting out a hiss of anger at the sight of her belly-mouth opening. That bright blue tongue came out, pressing against her hips. It was a bit like a soggy, twitching cushion, tasting her slowly. Saliva clung to her, making her skin slick. It slid upward, to her stomach, onto her chest, until it enveloped her face. Irridesse let out a screech and bucked her tail up and down. Where the fuck was Atlantic?? Maybe he couldn’t exactly save her, but he could try to do something.
The tongue pulled away from her face, and Irridesse gasped in air. “Unhand me…” She croaked, aiming a faltering punch at the woman’s ribs. “Now!”
“Later.” Later? There was no later, she was about to be digested and turned into fat on the woman’s belly! But just as she had been told about sea monsters, there was nothing that could be done. She was so much weaker than she had thought, and now, she couldn’t stop the tentacle pushing her toward the brightly-colored maw…instead, her eyes dropped to her final resting place. It was a massive mouth, bright cyan in color, each wall padded with squishy slippering flesh. Another loud grumble rang through the air, as the walls of the woman’s stomach pulsed with anticipation.
The tongue lifted and slid under Irridesse’s body, guiding her downward as her head passed the massive fangs…was the sea monster going to chew her up first? Or just let her sit here, slowly digesting until her mind was burned away?
At that thought, she let another strangled roar and attempted to pull away, even as the tentacles gathered to squish her further into the stomach lining. It squeezed around her, conforming to the shape of her head. And before she could fight any longer, the jaws shut behind her with a snap of finality.
Irridesse froze, breathing in short, ragged gasps. Her body was folded in on itself, tightly enclosed in this squishy, wet chamber. Strange fluids coated her arms and tail, and she shuddered. She could still see…the inside of this mouth-stomach was glowing softly, shedding blue-green light, over everything.
Another growl rang out, and the tongue lifted her body, pressing her against the roof of the woman’s mouth. Irridesse continued to thrash, her fists and tail thumping painfully against the stomach lining. The monster didn’t seem to be bothered, and she heard a chuckle from above, loud and unnaturally encompassing. She was tasting Irridesse, wasn’t she? Her tongue flipped the young woman around, sliding down her spine, coating her in more saliva. The water in here was growing thick with her juices, and beginning to taste faintly like lime.
A loud gurgling began all around her, as the walls began to knead her body roughly. Fuck…this is it. I failed, before I could even really try. This probably wasn’t even the biggest sea monster here.
Feeling the stony chill of defeat, Irridesse slowly went limp, settling into the soft tongue beneath her. It twitched reactively, twisting up to coat her face in another film of drool. Now that she was quiet, she could hear a lot more…the sound of the sea monster's heartbeat, for one. A steady, thundering pulse somewhere above her. And the soft whooshing of her gills filtering water. And she noted, this stomach really couldn’t fit another person. If nothing else, this meant Atlantic would be spared a bit longer…
A moment later, the world suddenly tilted. She must be moving again, swimming, as her belly swayed from side to side, rocking Irridesse gently. Another turn, and she felt as though she was now resting on top of something. The woman must be on her back now, with the weight of her full stomach pressing down on her.
“So.” Irridesse’s eyes widened at the sound of the sea monster’s voice. It was loud and clear, and all around her. She heard a strange noise from above, and suddenly the stomach constricted firmly around her. Her face was pushed further into the soft stomach lining, and she grunted faintly. “Now that we’re chilled out, you’re Irridesse, right? My new roommate? Not gonna lie, I haven't seen a Mer before today. Glad you’re so bite sized!” A loud chuckle made her belly tremble and shake. “And you fill me up so nicely…lucky, huh?”
Lucky?! For you, I guess. She squirmed around, covering her face with her tail fins. Not that the sea monster could see her anyway, but still. There was another squeeze and another gurgle, and the stomach walls pressed into her skin once again. She let out an angry groan. “Quit toying with me, okay!” She felt a growing pressure behind her eyes, and squeezed them shut. She would not cry about this. “If you’re gonna eat me, at least let me die in peace. So shut up!”
There was a long pause, as the woman shifted her weight. “Die…?” She sounded genuinely confused, then chuckled again, her insides bouncing Irridesse. “Fishie, you aren’t gonna die. Drama queen.” The walls squeezed around her again, and Irridesse realized that she was being prodded from outside by tentacles.
“But you…you’re going to digest me. Do you not know how your own organs work??” Her tone was scornful, mingled with confusion.
“Course I do.” The woman snorted slightly. “We’re sea monsters. We decide if we digest what we swallow.” There was a moment of silence. “Don’t Mers do that too?”
“Um…no.” Her fast breathing had begun to slow, and she very cautiously relaxed. “We don’t.”
“What’s weird, is trapping a stranger in your stomach!” Her fins flared up, along with her temper. Now that she wasn’t in immediate danger, Irridesse’s indignation had returned tenfold. “Let me out of here, right now!”
“Not where I’m from.” The woman answered mildly. “That’s just watcha do, when you’re gonna be spending a whole year with someone. About as friendly a greeting as you can get.”
“Don’t care, let me out now.”
The woman let out a long sigh, carrying Irridesse up and down with the motion of her body. “Oh alright.” The cursed jaws finally eased open, and Irridesse shot out from between them.
She was covered in saliva, clinging to her skin and refusing to float away. Her face felt hot with anger, as she stared down the woman who had just eaten her up. “Never do that again.”
“Most Sea Monsters your size love it.” She said, twisting a loc of blue and purple hair around her finger. Her stomach mouth appeared to be smirking, as if it found this whole situation amusing. “But okay…unless I get hungry~” Irridesse shot her a glare, and she rolled her eyes. “You have my word.”
She got up from her bed, tentacles fanning out in a spiral, and held her much larger hand out. “I’ll introduce myself the boring way then. Magna Esprit, I major in communications.”
“Well, you’re bad at it,” Irridesse replied flatly. Though she took Magna’s hand, shaking it as briefly as possible. “Irridesse Azraq. Political science.”
“You and I are gonna be good friends.” Magna glanced back at the bed. “Now to get your friend out of hiding.”
“He’s really not my friend…” She protested, though followed Magna to the bed. Already, she could hear the boy’s panicked wheezing. An interesting start. A lot to think about. And even more potential
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drvitaltips · 19 days
How to Increase Thyroid Hormone Naturally
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Does feeling tired, sluggish, and maybe a little down seem like your new normal? Your thyroid might be trying to tell you something! This small butterfly-shaped gland in your neck is a powerhouse. It makes hormones that control how your body uses energy. If your thyroid gets a bit lazy (doctors call it hypothyroidism), you need to give it a nudge. Wondering how to increase thyroid hormone naturally? There are ways to support your thyroid alongside the medication your doctor prescribes. Essential Nutrients for Thyroid Hormone Production Your thyroid gland needs the right building blocks to do its job. Here's where to focus your diet for a happy thyroid: Iodine: The Star Player It's a must-have for making thyroid hormones. It's like the flour you need to bake a cake! Top food sources: Seaweed (be careful not to overdo it!), seafood, iodized salt. Vegans and vegetarians, ask your doctor about iodine supplements, since your diet might be low in this mineral. Selenium: The Activator This mineral helps turn the basic thyroid hormone (T4) into the active form (T3) your body can use. Think of it like turning on the oven! Where to find it: Brazil nuts (just 2-3 a day is plenty), tuna, sardines, eggs, and meat. Zinc: Another Key Ingredient Zinc also plays a role in that T4 to T3 conversion. It's like adding the baking powder to the cake mix! Good sources: Red meat, shellfish, lentils, nuts, and seeds. More Ways to Support Your Thyroid with Food - Healthy Fats for the Win: Aim for healthy fats with every meal – think olive oil, avocados, and oily fish. These help your body use thyroid hormones better. - Love Your Liver: Your liver is key in the whole thyroid hormone process. Support it with garlic, onions, beets, eggs, and turmeric. Key Takeaways: - Your thyroid gland needs specific nutrients to work well. - A balanced diet with iodine, selenium, and zinc is essential. - Healthy fats and liver-boosting foods can also make a difference. Top Food Sources for Thyroid Health NutrientTop SourcesImportant ConsiderationsIodineSeaweed (Nori, Kelp, Wakame), Seafood, Iodized SaltVegans/vegetarians may need supplementsSeleniumBrazil Nuts, Tuna, Sardines, Eggs, MeatJust a few Brazil nuts a day is enoughZincRed Meat, Shellfish, Lentils, Nuts, SeedsInclude a variety in your dietHealthy FatsOlive Oil, Avocados, Oily Fish, Nuts, SeedsAim to include with every mealLiver SupportGarlic, Onions, Beets, Eggs, TurmericPart of a balanced diet Beyond Your Plate: Lifestyle Changes That Matter - Get Moving: While studies are mixed, regular exercise is always great for overall health, which in turn helps your thyroid function at its best. - Chill Out: Stress messes with a lot of things in your body, your thyroid included. Find stress-busting activities that work for you – yoga, meditation, or walks in nature. - Ditch the Cigarettes: Smoking can negatively impact your thyroid. If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor. Your body (and your thyroid!) will thank you. Lifestyle Habits: Do's and Don'ts Do'sDon'tsRegular exercise (aim for 30 mins most days)SmokingStress-reducing activities (yoga, meditation, etc.)Excessive caffeine intakeGetting enough sleep (7-8 hours a night)Staying up too late consistently Vitamins, Supplements, and a Word of Caution Sometimes, even with a healthy diet, you might need some extra help. Here's the lowdown on supplements for your thyroid: - Vitamin D: Low levels are linked to thyroid issues. Sunshine is the best source, but a supplement might be needed, especially during those dreary winter months. - Iron: If you're low in iron, your thyroid won't work as it should. Get your levels checked, and eat iron-rich foods like red meat, leafy greens, and beans. - B Vitamins, Magnesium, and more: These all play a role in healthy thyroid function. But, always talk to your doctor first! They can help you choose the right supplements and dosages. Caution with Glandular Supplements See those "thyroid support" supplements made from animal thyroid glands? Steer clear! They often have way too much or too little hormone, and the FDA doesn't regulate them well. It's just not worth the risk. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) - How can I boost my thyroid levels fast? Unfortunately, there's no magic bullet for this. While diet and lifestyle changes help, prescribed thyroid medication is typically the fastest way to raise hormone levels. - What foods increase thyroid levels? Focus on iodine-rich foods like seaweed, seafood, and iodized salt. Including selenium (Brazil nuts, fish), zinc (meat, legumes), and healthy fats also supports thyroid health. - How can I raise my TSH levels naturally? TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) levels are a bit trickier. Since high TSH usually means your thyroid is underactive, supporting overall thyroid health with diet can indirectly help, but it may not lower TSH on its own. - How do I get my thyroid back to normal? Work closely with your doctor. Medication, healthy eating, and lifestyle habits will create the best plan for you. - Can low thyroid correct itself? In rare cases, temporary thyroid issues might resolve on their own. However, most often conditions like hypothyroidism need ongoing treatment. - What foods are bad for thyroid? Knowing what to limit is important too! Large amounts of raw cruciferous veggies (kale, broccoli), soy products, and highly processed foods can interfere with your thyroid. - Is banana good for thyroid? Yes, bananas are fine in moderation. They offer some potassium, but they're not a thyroid superfood. - How long does it take to improve thyroid? Everyone's different. You might feel some positive changes within a few weeks, but finding your perfect medication dosage and fully stabilizing can take a few months. - Which fruit is not good for thyroid? Fruits like peaches, pears, and strawberries may be best in moderation if you have thyroid issues, especially if eaten raw. Myth Buster: Can food alone cure your thyroid? Probably not, but eating well can absolutely help it function its best! When to See a Doctor This whole "supporting your thyroid naturally" thing is awesome, but it's not a substitute for proper medical care. See your doctor if you: - Have symptoms of low thyroid: Fatigue, weight gain, feeling cold, dry skin, hair loss, etc. The sooner you know, the faster you can get on track! - Are already on thyroid medication: Your doctor needs to keep an eye on your levels and may need to adjust your dosage over time. - Want to start any supplements: Some can mess with your thyroid meds, so get the green light first! It Takes a Team Think of your thyroid journey as a team effort: - You: You're the star player, making healthy choices every day. - Your Doctor: Your coach, guiding your treatment plan and monitoring your progress. - Natural Support: Your sideline helpers, giving your thyroid an extra boost through diet and lifestyle changes. Fact: Autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto's thyroiditis are a major cause of hypothyroidism. While natural strategies help, they won't cure the underlying problem. Key Takeaways: - See your doctor for diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring if you suspect a thyroid issue. - Natural strategies work best alongside prescribed medication, not instead of it. - Be patient – improving your thyroid health takes time. Conclusion Your thyroid might be small, but it's mighty important! Small changes to your diet and lifestyle can make a big difference over time. Remember: - Food is Your Foundation: Focus on iodine, selenium, zinc, healthy fats, and liver-loving eats. - It's a Lifestyle: Manage stress, get enough sleep, and move your body regularly. - Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Collaborate with your doctor for the best results. Living with a thyroid condition can feel frustrating, but you're not alone! By taking control of the things you can and working with your doctor, you can feel your best again. Have you found natural ways that support your thyroid health? Share your tips in the comments below! Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions about your health. Read the full article
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faesloiita · 2 months
🍓 + 🧸 for you and Jareth :>
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Thank you sm for asking anon!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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🍓 | you or your f/o go grocery shopping for the week. what kinds of food are in your cart?
Maya loves introducing Jareth to her favorite Japanese foods like onigiri and katsudon, so she'd get ingredients like koshihikari rice, seaweed, pork cutlet, things like that plus some chocolate pudding ;D
Jareth would probably not get anything (since he'd usually just have his servant goblins get his groceries for him), but would go shopping with Maya anyways just to be with her :3 He might pick up some candy for himself though like pocky or maybe jolly ranchers
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🧸 | it’s a lazy day, perhaps a rainy one, and you or your f/o are feeling a bit melancholy. how do you cheer each other up?
Maya cheers Jareth up with physical affection! Like gentle and warm hugs, kisses on the cheek, cuddles, all that! Jareth just loves the attention and just her presence alone makes him happy.
Jareth would literally do anything to cheer up his Lolita, but I think his mind would go to gift giving first. Whether it be a new stuffed animal or maybe a pretty necklace, he'd give it to her just to see her smile. Cuddles also work too, but I feel Jareth (after being somewhat lonely for over decades) would be kind of awkward about hugging her first. After some time, though, he'll grow more used to giving her a surprise hug or little smooch (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖
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skyburger · 3 months
i loooove reading about the splatoon idols' different names in different languages lately ive been thinking about the italian ones.
squid sisters: callie is "stella" and marie is "marina", and together they're "stella marina", or starfish :) their group name is "sea sirens", which, if it has any context, it's not on inkipedia LOL
off the hook: pearl is "alga" and marina is "nori", together they're "alga nori", a type of edible seaweed used with sushi!! "off the hook" is translated as "tenta cool", from "tentacle" and "cool"-- some variation of this is what they're called in a lot of other languages!
deep cut: frye is "morena", a real name similar to "murena", which means moray eel! shiver is "pinnuccia", a combination of the real name "pinuccia" (which is in turn a diminutive of the name "giuseppina") & "pinna", which means fin! and big man is "mantaleo", a combination of the "manta" from manta ray & "leo" from the name leonardo :D "deep cut" is "trio trigilo", & "trigilo" is a nonexistent masculine form of "trigila", which means mullet (in reference to the fish, not the hairstyle :P) "trio" is obviously the same in english, meaning a group of three people, so they're the mullet trio !!
also, in italian, big man says "man! man!" instead of "ay! ay!" which the splatoonwiki says probably comes from "manta" :)
last one because i'm too lazy to comb through every character's page, but harmony in italian is "monia", shortened from "armonia", which means harmony :3 <- authors note: he kept rambling after this. it was not in fact the last one.
i wish all the small characters & song / band names got translated to every language, and not just japanese & english (and the latter is if we're lucky!)... i know it's a lot of work but i would LOVE to know what yoko & the gold bazookas are called in italian. the literal translation would be "Yoko e i Bazooka D'oro" (Yoko and the Golden Bazookas), as far as i know "yoko" might be the only capitalized letter there, as it's the only name & the first letter-- but my guess would be "i Bazooka D'oro" would be capitalized, too, because it's the title for the rest of the band members...? (according to my research (a quick google search), you only capitalize the proper nouns in titles (and the first letter, of course), everything else is lowercase-- man that's easier than english!) =_= i'm not sure. but i do know that in italian they really don't use the ampersand (&) so "and" would just be written as "e", i think?
for chirpy chips, i really have no idea how to translate "chips". i assume it comes from chiptune, which, to my knowledge, is just the same word in most languages because it's so new...? my best guess at "chirpy" would be "allegro", though, which means chirpy or cheerful.
aw shit my phones gonna die so im gonna go ahead and post this. thank u for reading my rambles i hope you have a wonderful day :)
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news4usonline · 1 year
‘Hairspray’ star Sandie Lee is an overcomer  
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(News4usonline) - “Hairspray” star Sandie Lee knows where she’s been. Lee has seen her share of racial inequality. She grew up in Mississippi. So, she knows what time it is when it comes to having to deal with race issues. Ironically, one of the major parts of “Hairspray” is the lack of race equity that confronts the social norm that sees Black people get second-hand treatment as citizens in the year 1962. The unofficial running theme in “Hairspray,” the hit Broadway musical, is acceptance. Back in the 1960s, acceptance was something that Black people did not fully have.
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“Big, Blonde & Beautiful” – Sandie Lee as “Motormouth Maybelle” in Hairspray. Photo: Jeremy Daniel The Civil Rights Movement was in full swing. Jim Crow racism reared its ugly head. Instead of running away from the matter or ignoring it altogether, “Hairspray,” deals with race head-on as it does with body-shaming, peer pressure, classism, and self-acceptance. Lee, who plays Motormouth Maybelle in “Hairspray,” is front and center. As the show progresses and spirals towards its dramatic climax, Lee, as Motormouth Maybelle, delivers the show’s most potent song. When Lee sings  “I Know Where I’ve Been,” the song pierces your soul. It hits you right in the gut and makes you wonder why I am sitting on the sidelines doing nothing while freedoms and liberties are being trampled on. It is perhaps the most stirring moment of “Hairspray,” now on a national tour. The tension-filled build-up to that scene is what makes that moment shine, Lee said in a phone interview with reporter Dennis J. Freeman.   “The scene before is the most important part of the song, is before we even sing it,” Lee said. “It’s the buildup of letting the children know, you know, not to give up, and giving them insight to what I’ve been through as Motormouth. You know, you can’t get lazy with things…get crazy. That’s one of my lines. You can’t give up on something that you believe in. “You can’t give up on change. You can’t give up on progression. You have to keep fighting until, you know, there is a change until your voice is heard. So, that for me, is the climax…If I don’t say anything else to these children, I have to let them know like I know where I’ve been, and I see where things can go, but you guys have to go on this journey with me. You can’t give up now because what you do now determines  who you’ll be in the future.” Lee said there are some commonalities that she shares with Motormouth Maybelle. The song “I Know Where I’ve Been,” reflects that connection. “I always find like personal things in my life to connect with,” Lee said. “I’m from the South. I’m from Mississippi. So, I had my own experiences with inequality and racism. I’ve also heard stories from my parents, my grandparents, and things like that. And so, I have a different connection with that scene and with that song for those reasons.”   Motormouth Maybelle is a larger-than-life character in “Hairspray.” We all know her. She’s loud. In every way. She commands attention whenever she speaks. She is adorned with outlandish blonde hair. She struts with a dash of sassiness to her walk. She is also a voice of reason and wisdom as the host of “Negro Day” for a white radio station.
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(From L) Joi D. McCoy as “Little Inez” and Charlie Bryant III as “Seaweed J. Stubbs” and the Company of Hairspray. Photo: Jeremy Daniel The idea of integrating color or race separatism into a celebration of overcoming is astounding. For Lee, what’s also worth celebrating is the fact that she can perform at all. According to Lee, she missed six weeks of the show due to complications she suffered from coming down with Covid-19. Those six weeks were difficult, Lee said.  Her first night of returning to the stage was the opening night of the show’s run at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa, California, on April 18. “Hairspray” is on stage at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles until May 21 before it departs the Southland to conclude its national tour. Lee, who starred as Shug Avery on the Broadway national tour of  “The Color Purple,”  said she is just grateful to be back on stage doing what she loves to do. “That was my first show,” Lee said about her Orange County arrival. “I’ve been on sick leave for like six weeks, so that was my first show back with the tour,” Lee said. “For me, Tuesday night, it was truly like I know where I’ve been. I prayed hard to be back on that stage. This Covid ...it caused havoc in my body. I got ill. I was hoping that I would be able to finish the tour. “And by the grace of God, I was able to return. I was experiencing some symptoms for five months. My body just responded in a weird way during a performance, and I had to go home. I had to be rushed home. I ended up having to have a procedure done. We had some respiratory issues, but I’m okay now. It’s the journey. Either way it goes, I wasn’t going to give up. I’ve come too far to give up.”   Lead photo caption: “I Know Where I’ve Been”–(center) Sandie Lee as Motormouth Maybelle and the Company of Hairspray. Photo: Jeremy Daniel Read the full article
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shinisbestboy · 3 years
Hi!! How about Shin x fem!reader on a beach?
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what a cute idea!! I definitely couldn't pass this one up :3!! purrfect for the summer too hehe. I'm not very experienced with writing but i really liked this one
ah the summer.. the perfect time of year to sit by the beach or swim to your heart's content! it was the first summer you get to spend with shin and finally, you two don't have to worry about anything getting in the way! no awkward third wheel or anything!
you thought shin would have been happier to go to the beach too!! except.. he had some complaints ".. the beach? are you sure? isn't it just sand, why would you want to see that?" he sighed "not very interested.. while we're here we really should check out this tech museum, it has air conditioning!" he chuckled tho the lazy comment didn't land as he intended
"oh come on shin! you don't really want to go see some boring displays of flimsy metal, do you?? what about getting that vitamin d!" you huffed.. sometimes shin really wasn't the outdoorsy person, he will crawl his way out of this if you don't stand your ground "h-hey! it's not *just* flimsy metal! it's a house of great respect for the many years of research and engineering by many man and woman who have slaved to--..and you don't care, do you?" he started to ramble but your irritated expression said it all "we can go after! besides.. you really are as pale as a ghost, the sun will do you some good!"
after quite a bit of back and forth, you both agreed on a schedule that both of you were happy with, today being the beach trip of course. shin went to getting ready, making double sure to pack all the necessary things for the day.. you had to watch him tho because he had has a bad habit of overpacking for every unlikely situation he can come up with. eventually, you make it to the public beach, it is just brimming with activity and joy! you already want to join in on the fun but shin insists that they make sure they have everything. the small little area is set up with beach umbrellas and towels, your bags of food and necessities sat at the side. it felt like the perfect opportunity to finally get some light onto your near vampire boyfriend! "hey shin, you should come swimming with me! I mean you do know how to swim, right?" you asked innocently, shin huffed "of course I can swim.. but the local website for this place mentioned jellyfish and I'm not a fan" he of course did all the research of finding the best place.. tho he was still such a stick in the mud. he even pulled out a book.. fully intending to sit here in the shade and read!!
"oh come on! you gotta live a little! you can't be stuck in your book all day!" you grabbed shin's hand and pulled him up from his spot, he dropped his book in the confusion as you nearly dragged him to the water "h-hey! wait [y/n]!!" he yelped but it was too late, you were already dragging him into the ocean "you water won't kill you, geez" you chuckle, letting go of shin as you were both knee-deep. shin is shaking and clenching to his scarf, the water is barely up to his shorts but it is cold and the waves were pushing him around. you excitedly splashed water at him.. which did not amuse him, he huffed and grabbed at his beanie "[Y/N] you are so mean" he pouted, blushing softly, you just giggle "oh I know you like it! don't act like such a baby"
shin found it in him to splash you back and you both had fun getting wet in the sea, other people definitely thought it was weird for shin to be wearing a beanie and fluffy scarf but shin always insisted on it so you didn't say anything. you late ate lunch and made sandcastles, you didn't have any tools or anything but the little hills with shells and seaweed were enough.
finally, it was time to leave.. you both were covered in sand and seawater but shin was smiling which was more than he usually was. it was nice.. seeing him open up a bit more, it made the day even more worth it. shin was sunburnt like a chicken nugget afterward which was hilarious in itself.. the one thing he forgot to bring was sunscreen of course, but the memory of this day will definitely stick with you for a long time
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missguomeiyun · 4 years
Homecookings [August ed.]
Is summer over yet........ ?! Seriously. I really dislike summer. .. I just dislike heat & sun, in general. Not that I overheat easily but it doesn’t feel good, you know what I mean? I am sooooo looking to fall! & then during the winter months, I’ll be looking forward to spring.
As you know from the individual posts, I went to Hmart for the 1st time since this whole thing started & I on like a shopping spree. I went on a wknd to the U of A location of Hmart, & bcos of other errands, I only had ~30mins in there. I did “speed shopping” in there & didn’t revisit any aisles more than once lol it was so much fun! But other than that, I had some night shifts this month, which occurred during the hottest days -.-” so I mean, it was nice bcos the commute to work was rather cool (midnight to 0800h), but trying to sleep mid-day was a struggle, like it always has been for me; however, it was worse bcos it was so hot! So yes, I didn’t sleep for a few days. At all. Like maybe 3 hrs over 3.5 days ish. It’s baaaaaad, I know.
Anyway, let’s move onto the food; you’ll see what kinda of stuff I eat when I’m doing night shifts :P
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I started doing this thing where I add kim mari (deep fried seaweed rolls that contain glass noodles inside) to my ddeokbokki’s. I love the extra crunch/texture it brings to the dish!
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Due to the heat, salad rolls became my family’s primary choice for “lazy dinners”. We’ve tried diff ingredients, just to switch it up. Like obviously we’ve had the ‘traditional’ kinds that contain Thai basil, shrimp, lettuce, pickled carrots etc.. but we also had chicken & basa fish as ingredients. Oh! & we also stuffed some home-grown basil into the rolls too.
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Post-night shift meal that was eaten ~0900h. .. so I guess this was my breakfast. Had leftover salad roll with kimchi, pan-seared tofu with cucumber & soy sauce, & hard boiled egg with this new sauce I discovered in my fridge. It’s a Chinese condiment that has small mushroom pieces marinated in a specialty soy sauce lol can be used for cooking or simply topped on rice. It’s pretty good actually!
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Another post-night shift meal. .. kimchi jjigae that has tofu, kimchi, & napa cabbage. I ate it with small ciabatta bun & fried egg bcos I LOVE eggs! I never wanna eat anything too heavy when I’m working night shifts bcos I eat 6 ‘meals’ over the course of 24 hrs... so essentially I’m consistently eating. I still don’t really have a coping mechanism or some sort of system that would allow me to be not hungry & can sleep. Maybe eating so much is why I can’t sleep...? But then I get hungry, which also doesn’t allow me to sleep.. . I don’t know. I DON’T KNOW!
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Been into this recently - daily berry blend. I usually prefer my fruits ‘fresh’ but there’s a few bags of frozen fruits in the freezer so I’ve been making this. It contains honey, water, frozen home-grown cherries from summer(s) ago, frozen berry blend (blueberry, blackberry, cherry, & raspberry), & a small handful of frozen avocado cubes. TBH, I don’t like the frozen avocado. It has this lemon-y/lime-y flavour to it; it may have been added to prevent the avocado from blackening *shrugs* I am not even sure if it’s lemon/lime, but it has a sourness to it (& no, it’s not expired). So then I started adding some to this drink (just to get rid of the frozen avocados).
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Bought these for my niece but I think I enjoy it the most! It is a large Pepero stick, but the fun part is that the chocolate part contains pop rocks so you get 3 different textures! The biscuit stick, smooth chocolate, & the poppin’ rocks~
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Cold noodles with a chicken + mushroom + celery + cabbage stirfry using the package-included bibim sauce. Spicyyyy!!!
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Scallion & baby mussel pancake with soy sauce. Such a nice, little appetizer! This was actually my 1st time adding baby mussels to the pancakes. Even though the mussels were small, I still cut them up into smaller pieces. I just find that the distribution is better this way!
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...Sad moment in my life: I have finished my last pack of these banana almonds. Where can I get more in Edmonton?!
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Beef brisket with fat & flat rice noodles. This was such a hearty meal... I have a thing for noodles soups. The broth was made from beef brisket & bones that’s used for brewing soup. My brother put in daikon radish, some spices, & cane sugar. It was light but amazing!
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Bulgogi x ddeokbokki ??? haha there was a lot of beef brisket leftovers.. . so I shredded some & made a simple bulgogi consisting of only beef, cabbage, & carrot (no onion, green onion, garlic etc). I stir-fried it with (frozen) cylindrical rice cakes. Then added some water, bulgogi sauce, a small bit of gochujang, & .. . the rice syrup!
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^This is an old photo that I have posted before but posting for you as a reminder :P I used this in traditional spicy ddeokbokki. Yes, it made a sweet & spicy ddeokbokki - I neither liked nor disliked it. It was just a different flavour. Just like how every place has their own recipe for it. But for bulgogi, I can honestly say it made a difference with a small teaspoon amount. Bulgogi sauce is already sweet, but this enhanced it & made it even sweeter. I am probably going to use MOST of this syrup for bulgogi instead of for what I had originally purchased it for (ddeokbokki).
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Trying this coffee bean for the 1st time. I got this as a gift last yr.. . slowly working my way thru my beans :D it comes in whole beans in the bag, & then I used my electric coffee grinder to grind a small jar of it. I usually grind a whole bag like this & then just . .. brew it till it is all done. Trying to grind in smaller batches & thus not letting the ground beans sit out for too long this time.
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BONUS photo: my backyard.
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muppenthings · 2 years
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(Start) (Previously) (Next)
Merry has convinced their community that the Ocean Menace will be leaving their home alone thanks to their wits. Their community had a feast in evening as a celebration. All while Merry felt guilty for lying and worrying about the next day. They didn't get much sleep that night.
Menace slept like a log.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
The Dentist (pt2)
Not my best, but eh, better than nothing :D Thank you for all your lovely comments and all the discussions we’ve been having. Thank you for coming back and reading after what I did to Gordon yesterday. I’m sorry ::hangs head in shame:: Here is our lovely aquanaut brother, absolutely....er, mostly fine in this timeline :D
From here.
His face hurt.
Virgil rolled over in bed and immediately regretted it as his left cheek bone and jaw spat profanities at him in the language of pain.
Ow, ow, ow!
A gasp and he rolled back onto his right side.
What the hell?
Pain was a great instigator of wakefulness as adrenalin coursed through his veins. This, of course, necessitated opening his eyes.
That turned out to be another mistake. His left eye seemed stuck and his right was blinded by the sunlight streaming through his open blinds.
He had no clue as to what time of the day it was other than sunny day as his windows faced south.
He also had no clue why he could only see with one eye.
The voice was soft, but it startled him anyway. “Horhon?”
“Hey, how are you feeling?”
A gentle turn of his head and he found the blurry shape of his brother sitting beside his bed. “Wha’ are you hoin’ in here?” What the hell was wrong with his mouth?
“Just keeping an eye on you. Making sure you don’t die in your sleep, that kind of thing.”
Another attempt at a blink and this time he winced...which in turn stabbed his cheekbone. He sucked in a breath and air flowed over his teeth.
Ow, ow, ow, oh, god, that hurt!
He must have made some whimper of some kind because next he knew, Gordon had his hand on his arm. “Hey, calm and relaxed, bro.”
“Wha’ hammon’” Shit, couldn’t he talk straight?
“You had an argument with a door. Don’t you remember? You got your revenge, you tore it off the wall.”
“I did?” But, yes, he did. The images came back, including the terrified expression on Alan’s face. “Alan?!”
“Yeah, he was the idiot, but I doubt he’ll do it again since you went all hulk on him.”
“‘Ah!” He pushed himself upright and was immediately rewarded with a spinning room. “Uck.”
“Well, that’s a new variety of exclamations coming from you. How are you feeling?”
“Like ‘hit.”
“Hmm, that’s exactly what happened, so that is to be expected.”
“‘Hut uh, Horhon.”
“Wow, I have never heard my name pronounced quite that way, bro. I’m thinking I should be offended.”
Virgil’s reply to that was missing several important consonants, but its intent was entirely clear.
“Okay, lack of coffee is a problem, I see.” A whir of hoverjets and Gordon backed up enough to give Virgil the room to swing his legs around and off the side of the bed. The room continued a lazy dance around his brain, but it slowed eventually and stayed mostly still as long as he didn’t move too abruptly.
“C’mon, seriously, bro. Are you okay?”
Virgil gingerly touched his swollen and sore face. “‘M fime.” But he knew it was a lie. He could hardly speak, his mouth just hurt. There was the tang of iron and a tentative tongue found sensitive teeth with sharp edges and ow...so much ow.
“Would you like a drink of water?”
“Ah, I don’t think you want to be putting something hot in your mouth right now, bro.”
Damn it! Gordon was right. The thought was pain itself, much less the action.
Maybe he could use a straw?
“And before you go all engineering on how to get coffee down your throat without hurting yourself, Grandma and Scott have banned you from coffee for at least today, possibly tomorrow.”
“Hey, I’m just the messenger and perhaps a future refugee once you blow up the Island in your caffeine-withdrawal-fuelled rage. No blaming me for this one.”
Gordon appeared to be honest and there was a hint of worry in those russet brown eyes.
Virgil sighed. He was being ridiculous. Gordon had more to worry about than Virgil’s bruised ego. He was, after all, still recovering from a near death experience at the bottom of the ocean.
“How are you?” Fancy that, three whole words.
He got a frown for his question. “Me? I’m cruisin’. Got my exercises done early and ready to keep my fellow invalid company.”
“No’ inhalih.”
“Fine. I’m here to keep my injured and grumpy big brother company. Is that clear enough for you?”
Okay. That was unexpected. He frowned and regretted it, but kept at it anyway. “You okay?”
“Augh, I’m fine, Virgil. Now would you like a drink of water? Or would you prefer to go downstairs?”
Gordon blinked at him. “You know, at any other time this would be extremely amusing.”
“Hut uh.”
“Uh huh. Anything you say, bro.” The snicker was overt.
Seaweed. He was going to fill Gordon’s bed with seaweed. Lots of that thick brown stuff from the other side of the island. Nice and juicy.
He pushed himself to his feet and there must have been something in his expression, because Gordon backed up rather abruptly and turned to lead them out of the bedroom.
Steadying himself, Virgil frowned and with a silent grunt, followed his little brother.
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dyde21 · 5 years
I wouldn't judge you even if you got inspiration from a Jojo Siwa poster. 😂 For the prompt maybe Percy stressing about coming home from a long day of work/college/volunteering and Annabeths conforts him.
Sorry this took forever! My attention has been drifting around a lot lately, and art and my commissions are still my first priority. But I was super inspired at 3 am so here this is!
The sound of her alarm going off on her phone snapped Annabeth out of her work daze. Pausing with her pencil still on the paper, she really debated ignoring it and going back to work. She had a few more ideas she could pursue, but when she glanced at the alarm and just saw “Percy.” She sighed, smiled and shut off the alarm. Grabbing a sticky note, she quickly scribbled out thumbnails for the trains of thoughts she had. A few years ago she would have easily kept working, probably for another few hours but she knew getting too distracted could be bad for her, it wasn’t always fair to Percy when she ignored him for days or even longer caught up in working. Even if he always insisted he “understood.” It was her job to be there for him too, not just the other way around.
Satisfied she wouldn’t lose any progress, grabbed her phone and headed to the kitchen. Humming to herself, she forced herself to shift her mindset. Instead of all the work she knew she still had to do, she started thinking about all the work she had done. Today had been productive, and that was fine. Her thoughts drifted to Percy as she started rummaging through the cupboards. 
She didn’t normally set a “Percy” alarm, but today was special. It was his first day back from his new job, and she wanted to make sure he would be able to relax when he got home, and that she would be ready to listen to him cause she was both curious about it, and knew he’d be dying to talk to her about it. Just thinking about the way his eyes would light up when she spoke about it had her biting her lip in a small smile, already seeing those tiny laugh lines in her head when he got too excited in the middle of a story. 
Humming happily now, she checked her phone once again before pulling out some chips to go with the sandwich. She had plans for a big dinner, but figured he would need something simple first if he was starving. 
Putting the food out on the table, she moved over to the couch and turned on the TV, letting herself be lazy for a few minutes until she got home. Self care was important after all. 
When the sound of their apartment unlocking reached her ears, her heart started pounding a bit as she awkwardly stood up. The anticipation had really made her miss Percy, as silly as it felt to her. They had woken up in each other’s arms only a few hours ago after all. 
She made her way towards the door when she heard it open, smiling. 
“Hey love.” She said. “I have fo-”
She paused when she saw him. His shoulders were slumped, his eyes were tired, and he looked like he had just held up the sky again. “I made food. It’s on the table.” She continued, stepping towards him. 
He flashed her a tired grin as he shrugged his backpack off his shoulder, setting it against the wall. “You’re the best, you know that?” He said, his tone far too tired for her tastes. 
Stepping forward, she kissed him briefly before hugging him, and he returned the hug a little too tight for normal. It was comfort hug, not a happy hug that she usually got when he got home. She just furrowed her brow as she hugged him back tighter, rubbing his back. 
Eventually, after a deep breath he stepped away from her and headed to the table. He smiled, flashing her one last smile that melted her heart before he sat down and started eating the food. 
Even while he ate though, his gaze was distant.
Annabeth rested a hand on her hip as she looked at him. They had been together far too long for Annabeth not to be able to read him like a book. She knew how stressed he was right now. How much something was bothering him. This was not what she was expecting when she came home from his job. Was the staff bad? Did he hate it? Was he getting himself into a bad situation? Before her mind could spiral and deeper into worried thoughts she moved over to the table. Sitting across from him, she nudged his foot under the table. “Hey. How was work?” She asked cautiously, trying to figure out the best way to approach the situation. Normally she preferred more direct approaches, but he seemed stressed and she didn’t want to accidentally get into a fight if their conversation went south when he was already stressed.
He paused mid chew. “It’s… good. Really cool. Uh… busy.” He said after finishing his bite, only half of her favorite smirk appearing on his face. 
Now her boyfriend wasn’t exactly the most eloquent guy out there when it came to words, but he normally gave her more than that. Especially when coming home from a job he had put himself through college for and suffered long hours. 
“I see.” Was all she said in reply, still studying him. She figured she could at least let him eat before she tried to pry apart whatever walls he was hiding behind. 
Moving over to the couch, she sat down but found the TV was the last thing on her mind. Eventually Percy wandered over to her, laying on it and resting his head on her chest, nuzzling up against the crook of her neck. She hugged him close, rubbing his back reassuringly. He smelled just like the aquarium. “Is everything okay?” She asked again.
“…Yeah.” He reponded, and she felt his shoulders raise and fall in a deep breath. 
“Percy…” She warned gently, knowing he knew she saw through him. 
“Ighjhfjhgdfgd” He mumbled into her neck, making her raise an eyebrow. “I can’t hear you.” She offered, 
He sighed, before turning his head the other way. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
She froze, as she looked down at him. The defeat in his tone was heart-breaking. Especially after how abuzz he had been the past three weeks since he was offered the position. 
“What do you mean? Of course you can.” She countered. “You’ve studied for it for years.”
His arm wrapped around her a little tighter as he hugged her closer. “I know. But.. I don’t think I have what it takes. It’s… too much.”
Shifting, Annabeth sat up properly and shifted him so he was able to look her in the eyes properly. “Percy, what happened today?”
Now that he sat up, he glanced at her, before sighing and looking away, running a hand through his hair a few times that he always did when stressed before looking back at her. “I’m just being a baby. I’ll be fine.” He muttered defiantly. 
Rolling her eyes, she reached out and gently turned his chin to face her. “You aren’t being a baby. You’re stressed, which is fine. But now talk to me, Percy. That’s why I’m here. What happened. What’s going on?” His eyes met hers for a moment, and the smallest smile ghosted across his face. 
“It just feels like… too much. The campus is so big, there’s dozens of workers, even more animals, regulations, schedules, plans, guests. By lunch time I think I’d forgotten half of what they’d told me.” He confessed, looking depressed.
Annabeth’s heart broke seeing her husband like this.
Leaning forward, she rested her head against his. “Hey, it’s okay. Percy, you’re amazing. It’s your first day on the job at a successful aquarium. Of course there’s going to be plenty of stuff you don’t understand. No one could take it all in. But that’s okay, it will take some time but then you’ll be amazing.”
She offered. 
“But… what if I can’t get it? I’ve never been good at all that stuff. I just go with the flow and improvise. But you’re the one who can do great with planning and schedules.”
Annabeth frowned. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. Don’t talk bad about my husband.” She teased before giving him another quick kiss. “You’re the one that made me stop worrying about every little plan and strategy. You’re the one that helped me relax and let my hair down. But I’m not that only one that changed. You aren’t the same little boy that blew up every school he went to. Percy, you got a freaking degree in Marine Biology! That took years of hard work and studying, but you did it! It was all you. Maybe I’ve changed you a bit too, but a schedule and staff is absolutely nothing compared to what you can handle.”
She saw his shoulders square a bit, and slowly life seemed to come back into him. “Maybe…”
“How often am I wrong?” She teased, tilting his chin up.
Her favorite trouble maker smirk crept back on his face. “I don’t want to answer that. We’re having a sweet moment so we shouldn’t start fighting.” 
Laughing, Annabeth joking punched his shoulder. “Well I’m not wrong about this. In no time your dad can promote you to god of aquariums.” She teased. 
For the first time Percy laughed at her dumb joke as she felt whole since he had come through that door. 
“Ruler of all aquatic educational facilities. Generous to all… who pay the 24.99 entrance fee.”
Annabeth just laughed and kissed him, glad to see her seaweed brain was getting back to normal. 
“For real though, I’m here for you. If you need help memorizing things or planning just let me know. I’ll help you out. But surely something good happened today.”
Percy nodded. “I guess it wasn’t all bad… You really should meet Jerry. He’s one of the walrus’ they have there…”
Annabeth just sat back, listening to him as he started to talk more about the various sea creatures he met there more than the actual people. Resting her head against her hand, seeing him so full of life, she wanted nothing more than to kiss him but she didn’t want to interrupt him. They could get to that later.
Thank you for reading! :D I hope it was okay! I actually kinda wanna do a oneshot now of AquariumEmployee!Percy and ArtStudent!Annabeth. Maybe. Either way thank you for the ask and anyone else can feel free to send ideas in!
If anyone is interested, check out my art commissions HERE
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zenonaa · 5 years
Lazy Mornings
According to various studies, the average adult slept for less than seven hours per night. However, just because a person could function with that few hours of sleep didn’t mean a person functioned to their greatest potential. On the flipside, too much sleep could indicate a problem too. Not in a ‘it’ll give you heart problems’ sort of way, but in an ‘are you sleeping so much because of another issue such as depression?’ sort of way.
And that, dear reader, was why Mikan was awake so early in the morning, preparing lunch for Chiaki Nanami. In a society that moved as quickly as it did, many people didn’t have time for a proper meal before they needed to whizz off to school or work or whatever else. Then later at lunch, they either brought something from home or purchased something fast and convenient rather than something good for them.
Without going into a spiel about the importance of breakfast and diets, Mikan therefore had taken a lot into account when deciding to do this for Chiaki, who treated her so kindly. Presently, breakfast was on standby on the counter. It consisted of white rice, fried tofu in miso soup, curry-flavoured chicken and a bowl of vegetables mixed with soy and egg.
As for right now, she was working on lunch. Her tongue peeked out of her pursed lips as she concentrated on fixing up onigiri so it resembled the image in her head. Purple tissue lined the inside of the bento box, and seaweed bordered each onigiri so that the white rice nestled within a black outline. She had patted them into a square shape, rather than something round. They sat in the centre of the box, with four cheese balls and a cherry on one side, her right, while on the other side, two celery sticks were arranged into a cross shape with small cheese balls beneath them.
Once she had positioned the contents as she wanted, she carefully packed the bento box into her satchel and carried the tray of breakfast to the door leading out of the communal kitchen.
All she had to do was carry the food to Chiaki’s dorm without tripping over.
The door shut behind her. Mikan gulped and stretched out her neck.
Ask anyone who knew her and they would call her a klutz. People without a filter and strained patience would call her a clumsy oaf, who tripped and fell into awkward poses where everyone would see. She took a step forward, then another, and so on. Her heart raced. The hall was empty, with only her in it, but even if there were people around, she couldn’t trip. Absolutely not.
Mikan arrived at Chiaki’s dorm and rang the bell with the breakfast intact. No one answered. She contorted her lips and gently placed the tray by her feet so she could fish out the spare key from her pocket.
“Good morning, Tsumiki-san,” someone called out from down the hall, and she juggled the key, almost dropping it. The voice belonged to Ryouta, flanked by Nagito, Mahiru and Sonia.
A squeal popped out of Mikan. Her body jolted. Very easily, Mikan could have taken a step to the side, landing her foot in the breakfast, and consequently slipped. Then, as she lay on the floor, everyone would gather around, giving her their attention... and pity...
... but if that happened, Chiaki would have to go without the special breakfast. Mikan glanced at the door beside her. She took a breath and turned her gaze back to the others approaching her.
“G-Good morning, Mitarai-san!” she responded, bowing quickly with her hands clasped in front of herself.
The group paused beside her, all smiling.
“Are you bringing Chiaki-chan breakfast?” asked Mahiru, peering down at the tray.
“Yes!” Mikan said, and she straightened.
“That is very thoughtful of you,” complimented Sonia. “We’re going to breakfast ourselves now, and then we’re going to the arcade. You two are still coming, right?”
“Of course!” Mikan promised, nodding fervently. “And it’s thoughtful for you too! Breakfast helps kickstart your metabolism and sets a rhythm for your body, and you’re less likely to snack...”
She trailed off. Though Sonia continued grinning, Mikan thought she saw a minute change in how Sonia’s lips curved that most others would miss. It felt strained, forced.
“It is very important,” agreed Sonia, her tone not suggesting any impatience or annoyance, and she waved. “We’ll see you later then!”
The group continued down the hallway. Mikan unlocked Chiaki’s door and brought in the tray of breakfast. She wasn’t surprised when she found Chiaki still asleep in bed. Trying not to make too much noise, Mikan sat down slowly beside her before she gave Chiaki’s shoulder a shake. As sweet as Chiaki was while she slept, time never stopped passing.
Chiaki shifted and emitted a low hum.
“I brought you breakfast,” murmured Mikan with the tray on her lap.
“Too early,” grumbled Chiaki without looking over, and she tried to get comfortable again.
Mikan’s heart sank as she wondered if she had been too presumptuous. In her haste to please Chiaki, she hadn’t stopped to think whether Chiaki would even want trash like her to do this. Maybe Chiaki considered it a burden to have two meals thrust upon her, or deemed it weird, or she didn’t trust Mikan. Or maybe... maybe Chiaki didn’t feel the way that Mikan did for her.
The more Mikan thought about it, the more obvious it became to her. Chiaki’s tired, scrunched face said it all.
“Ah... I was too forward,” Mikan said, wilting. She winced and wrung her fingers, watching Chiaki continue to shuffle about. “I’m sorry... Please, feel free to throw it into the face of this weirdo...”
Chiaki stopped moving but didn’t rise right away. Some seconds rolled by before she sat up with a frown. Her eyes drifted over to the tray, with its colourful crockery and food with an inviting aroma, and she blinked.
“It looks tasty,” Chiaki mumbled, still sounding half-asleep. The compliment gave Mikan a spike of confidence, even if it was covered by a layer or three of jittery nerves.
“I d-did my best,” said Mikan. She pulled out the bento box from her satchel and passed it to Chiaki. “I made you lunch too... You usually forget to eat anything, so I thought I’d make one specially for you. I’m sorry if that’s too shameless.”
Despite not having even started breakfast, Chiaki opened the bento box. A beat passed, then her eyes widened.
“It’s like a Game Girl Advance,” said Chiaki in a whisper, referring to the layout.
Mikan nodded and felt her cheeks warm as she recalled the time when Chiaki came up to her ages ago, after Mikan had been scolded by some of the others for tripping over and landing in a humiliating position during a game of hangman. She remembered how Chiaki sat beside her and showed her how to play the game, never raising her voice even as Mikan sniffled and apologised for existing. It had been Chiaki who cheered Mikan up on that occasion. More than that, even - Mikan had been genuinely happy without having to compromise herself, grinning and laughing as they played together, and then it happened many times after that.
A smile spread across Chiaki’s face.
“I love it,” said Chiaki with strong eye contact. Her stomach rumbled. She placed her hand over it and looked at the tray. “Um... I don’t have good eye-hand coordination this early. Would you feed me breakfast? I don’t want to miss my mouth.”
Warmth became fire.
“I... Um... Of course!” Mikan tried to pick up a spoon, but for real fumbled. Still, she managed to eventually, and she fed Chiaki some miso soup along with the rest of the breakfast.
They ended up spending the whole morning on the bed, eating and playing video games.
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purrka · 5 years
get to know me!
Rules: once you’ve answered everything, tag 10 bloggers you want to learn more about!
tagged by: @maplefudge (ahjshs thank u <3)
name/alias: purr, purrka
hair colour: naturally - brown, occasionally - green like seaweed (yeah im that rebelious teen who dye their hair hah)
zodiac sign: sagittarius
height: 158cm/5"2
hobbies: drawing, reading, ruining my life by getting into too many fandoms
favourite color: never-ending conflict in my soul between blue and green~
favourite books: t o o m a n y
last song i listened to: "first burn" from hamilton
things i love: again drawing, books&movies, my friends,kiribaku, figure skating,idk i love a lot of things
what brings me peace: music alot ^^
last film i watched: bohemian rhapsody <3
meaning behind URL: ohh we need to get back to times i was creating an yt account as a child and was really keen on mh(monster high lol). well my lazy ass couldnt think of anything better that naming an account like one of mh characters, purrsephone, and it just,,, sticked to me. all my internet friends call me purr since that time, so i'm purrka at tumblr as well! :D
tagging: if you dont want to do it, just dont do it of course~
@moonlightpalesai @cappuccinov @probably-anatomy @roksanamusic36789 @bunnyramen @complete-utter-trash23 @unbreakable-red-riot @telamii @everyone who wants to do it!
7 notes · View notes
tinyscratches · 5 years
Isamu Rat Diet
I’ve seen too many good web pages disappear (and photobucket is nasty) so I’m reposting the good bits of this RatForum thread here. It’s obviously more pertinent to UK rat owners but can help inform rat owners in other countries, as well. 
Isamurat: Making your own mix – how I do it (picture guide)
I have seen that several people are thinking of starting to make their own mix, or are just starting out feeding one. I thought it might be useful to see how I go about my mix, with photos and info on the kind of ingredients I use as well as the steps I take. I’ve been feeding a homemade mix for years now (started in 2006) and get on very well with it. I do tend to evolve my mix fairly steadily depending on how the rats are doing and new ideas I see. This is one of my mixes, they are all slightly different, but the basic balance stays the same. It is very much my take on a Shunamite style mix, given that I started out on that diet, and have learnt and adapted my mix along the way with a good amount of help from its author over the years. Base (50% by volume) First off I start by assembling the base of the mix, this is predominantly minimally processed grains, it forms about half my total mix and is aimed at giving a solid foundation of carbs, that aren’t too easy to digest (leads to fat rats) and contain plenty of whole grains, but not too much that are high in phosphorous (harsh on the kidneys, one of a rats weak points). I like to include a decent amount of grains still in their husks here too, as it adds an element of enrichment, and keeps the rats busy during the day doing what they are meant to do, peel open little seeds and grains. This means that I generally use animal quality grains (or at least a good number of them) as for some reason us humans are rubbish at, or too lazy to getting grains out of there husks so strip them off. I’ve used a lot of different bases in the past, sometimes entirely mixed grains, sometimes entirely a rat suitable commercial rabbit food. My current balance involves a mix of the two and works well, they get the variety with the backup of the enriched rabbit food. To make my base I add the following (note I’ve tried to photo these all in the same container for people to see the size of the bits) • 6 scoops Banana brunch - this is a lovely rabbit mix with the following ingredients (in order of volume); cooked flaked peas, cooked flaked barley, oats, cooked flaked maize, cooked flaked beans, mixed wheat discs (with vitamins), banana chips, flaked carrot, banana essence, vitamins + minerals. Its nutritional analysis is; protein 14%, fat 2%, fibre 5%, Vitamin A 5000 iu/kg, Vitamin E 26 iu/kg, copper (cupric sulphate) 5mg/kg . I break up the banana pieces into smaller chunks, otherwise it looks like this
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• 6 Scoops Marshams Mixed flakes - this is a nice mix of micronize flakes, micronizing is essentially heating and squishing, the heating helps ensure that the fungus issue you sometimes see with dried corn/maize isn’t an issue. It’s 60% flaked barely, 20% flakes peas and 20% flaked corn and smells lovely and pea flavoured. I use this to help bulk out my mix and up the barley content (this is my fave rat kidney friendly grain, closely followed by rice)
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• 4 scoops Versa Laga Junior Dark Plus Pigeon mix – I add this as it’s a good way of getting lots of variety of seeds and grains in without having to have many little packets of them. Its ingredients are as follows: extra french cribs maize 16%, dari white 14%, paddy rice 12%, extra wheat 8%, safflower seed 8%, extra small french cribs maize 6%, milocorn 4%, extra barley 4%, yellow peas 4%, green peas 4%, small green peas 4%, yellow millet 2%, toasted soya beans 2%, mungbeans 2%, maple peas 2%, striped sunflower seeds 1%, brown linseed 1%, junior pellet I.C. 6%. Its major nutritional values are; protein 12.5%, fat 7%, fibre 7.5%, carbohydrates 54%. The higher fat helps combat the low fat of the banana brunch and mixed flakes. It’s a lovely interesting mix and goes down well.
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• 2 scoops Paddy rice – there’s already some in the pigeon food, however I add more as it’s such a good grain, and my preferred mixes major on barely and rice. Paddy rice is a nice form of rice, it’s still inside it’s husk, meaning to get at the grain the rats need to peel it before they reveal the brown rice inside.
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• 1 scoop Pearl Barley – I add this as an alternative form of barley, it’s a different shape and texture so nice for them, this is human quality so unfortunately doesn’t have its husk on, I’ll get hold of some that are husky at some point.
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• 1 scoop Millet seeds – this is another good grain, and as it’s around 11% protein it helps make up for the fact that most grains are very low in protein. I get a mixture of red and white millet still in their husks
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• 2 x Millet spray broken up – another form/texture of millet. I take a millet spray and just run my fingers along the stalk backwards, giving my lots of mini millet tufts. These are a little easier for rats to find in there substrate, though mine can find even individual seeds now.
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When mixed together this gives me my base mix which is approximately 20-21 scoops
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Protein (5-10%)
As I use a base that works out relatively low protein in need to add extra protein to top it up. Rats need a diet around 12-14% protein for normal adults, more for growing youngsters. The best protein sources for being kind to the kidneys are egg, soya and fish (in that order). All have their strengths and weaknesses so I do a mix, which also adds variety balancing there weaknesses. It also helps make sure that the rats get ‘complete’ protein, proteins are made up of different amino acids, you need a full range of them to fully use the protein, mixing the type of protein you use helps this. • ½ scoop dried shrimps, mealworms, fish, tubifex, bloodworm and krill. Crustatians are really handy as there high in copper, they are also a great form of protein in that they have a high protein:fat ratio. Mealworms are a little high in fat but I include them because they’re quite a natural foodstuff for rats, and there isn’t loads of them. These are all very light, as I mix by volume it means by weight I don’t add loads, but given there around 60% protein this is good as you don’t want to boost the overall values too much.
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• ½ scoop Soya flakes – this is micronized soya, the cooking part of the process makes it safe for the rats to eat, as uncooked soya beans are not good for them (much like any bean). Soya is a bit controversial for some people, it reduces the chance of some forms of cancer, and increases the chances of others, however pretty much all studies are done at high levels of soya, feeding as a small part of the diet can be quite beneficial and it’s a good kidney kind protein and one of the few proteins which are complete. I’ve also fed it as the dried beans soaked for 12 hours, then roasted in the oven, this also makes them safe to eat (and are a nice treat for humans and rats too).
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• ½ scoop Egg biscuit– this is essentially floury biscuit soaked in egg then dried. It is often sold for birds as egg food, this one is particularly nice as its in bigger chunks, meaning the rats can find it in their substrate when I scatter feed. It seems a little high in sugar (smells cakey), so I wouldn’t use it as all their protein, but it’s a very handy way of adding dried egg.
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• ½ scoop Fish for dogs Salmon small bite kibble. This is by far my fave dog kibble to use in my rats diet, its really high quality and the ingredients list says it all. Ingredients; Salmon (27%), Pea Flour (22%), Potato (23%), Fishmeal (8.7%), Salmon Oil (9.3%), Beet Pulp (6.6%), Brewers Yeast, Minerals. Nutrition: Protein 26%, Fat 12%, Crude Fibres 7.5%, Omega-3 Fatty Acids 1%, Vitamins: Vitamin D3 1,800 IU; Copper Chelate Of Amino Acid Hydrate 80mg; Calcium Iodate Anhydrous 2.5mg Antioxidants (Stabilised With Rosemary And Tocopherol-Rich Extracts). Effectively it has a good proportion of named meat, and that’s an oily fish, which is a sign of good quality. Also by going for fish you avoid the heavily farmed poultry or beef, which are far more likely to have poor care standards and contain lots of chemicals. The other ingredients are also named and aside from the fishmeal (which I would prefer over most other meat meals) all are whole. The protein is quite high for a dog kibble but as I don’t add loads it works well, plus the size of the pieces is tiny, which means it spreads well in the mix. I mainly add it because of the added vitamins it contains, particularly vit d and copper. Both are naturally low in a grain based mix, and with the rabbit food I add being low copper I need to boost it. This helps a fair bit and as an added bonus the rats love it too
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Here’s a shot of the mix with protein element added to the base
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Processed Carbohydrates 20-25%
This section is there to up the amount of carbs the rat can get from the food, as well as adding in vitamins and minerals. A diet entirely devoid of more processed carbs can mean that some of the nutrition is not so available. Too high and you get rats that get fat easily. This balance seems to work well, as long as you keep the sugar content of the carbs down below 5% (in most cases) and try and select for wholegrain products unless you have old rats (when white grains, and upping the overall percentage can be useful). • 1 scoop Denes wholegrain mixer – this is a mixer for dogs, it’s a wheat based biscuit, which I normally don’t prefer, but has good vitamin content, especially copper, calcium and vitamin D, so it is very useful. Ingredients: Cereals (Wholegrain Wheat), Derivatives of vegetable origin (herbs include Seaweed), Grassmeal, Minerals. Nutrition: Protein 11%, Oil 2%, Fibre 4%, Calcium 1.4%, Copper (Cupric Sulphate) 15mg/kg, Vitamin A 5,000iu/kg, Vitamin D3 500iu/kg, Vitamin E 50mg/kg. I break these in half of thirds as on their own they are a bit too big to properly divide up in a mix.
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• 1 scoop Rice crispies – one of my preferred grains, I normally go for a value or own brand ranges as they are generally lower in sugar, as a breakfast cereal its enriched with plenty of vitamins and minerals.
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   • 1 scoop Mixed puffs – These are a mix of different grains including spelt, rice, millet, etc. These offer a nice easily digestible addition to the diet and add a variety of grains
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• ½ scoop Shredded wheat bitesize – this is the lowest phosphorous form of wheat, I break them up a bit and use them as my main wheat element of the mix.
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• ½ scoop Cornflakes - similar to rice crispies, I use own or value brands, whatever is lowest sugar content. They are enriched which is handy and corn isn’t a bad grain to have in terms of phosphorous.
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• 1 rice cracker broken up – mainly added for a little more variety, I break into small pieces At this stage the mix looks like this
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Herbs – 5%
This part of the mix offers extra flavours and textures, as well as a change to exploit some of the lovely properties many herbs have. I vary this one every time and try and add a couple of different types in. I generally use herbs sold for rabbits as they come in decent sized chunks, human herbs are chopped too finely and easily get lost in the mix. • ½ scoop Herb Plus – this is my fave rabbit herb mix, it smells lovely and has good variety in it
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• ½ scoop Echinacea – This apparently has immune boosting properties (at least in the tincture form, I doubt it adds much in its herb form, but I feed it anyway), it’s a little big so I chop it up smaller, the rats eat it though it’s not there fave bit.
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• 2-3 sheets Shredded Nori – seaweed is full of lots of minerals and is very useful to have in a mix, I find that cutting up dried nori sheets sold for sushi goes down well and is easy to get hold of, seaweed powder just gets lost in a mix.
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Veg – 5%
This also adds some variety and extra flavours, vits and minerals. • ½ scoop Dried mixed veg – this is a mix typically sold for human soups, its leek, carrot, potato and peas. I sometimes get it in cubes, sometimes chopped for variety of texture.
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• ¼ scoop Beetroot flakes – beetroot is a super food, full of all sorts of good stuff, its also a natural way to add colour to the mix (from an entirely human view lol). The rats seem to like it as it’s one of the first things to go. If it gets wet though it turns things near it pink.
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• ¼ scoop Mixed pepper flakes – A nice mix of chopped, dried sweet peppers (capsicum), both red and green, colourful veg is packed full of vitamin C and it goes down well too.
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At this stage the mix looks like this
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Seeds – 5%
This is the final element of my mix, it ups the fat content, as aside from the protein section everything else is a fair bit lower in fat than the rats need. It also makes sure that these fats are good fats, in particular omega 3 and 6. It’s easy to cut out the good fats when your rat is overweight but don’t, the overall calories make a far bigger difference and a decent amount of good quality fats keeps there skin and coat healthy. This section also adds a bit of additional protein to the mix and can have other advantages if you choose your seeds well. • 1 scoop Mixed Seeds and pine nuts – This is a mix of good seeds I’ve made up, I always try and get them in their shells or husks to add to the task of getting in to them, it also slows down there scoffing slightly. This mix includes hemp (one of the few complete protein sources out there), linseed (otherwise known as flax, great for the kidneys), pumpkin seeds in their shells (full of nice omega oils), Pine nuts (there shells are really tough which is a great challenge to the rats), mixed meadow seeds (typically edible grass and flower seeds), fennel seeds (gives them a lovely smell) and cumin seeds. The main ones are the first few oily seeds, with the others adding variety and interest, as well as the challenge of finding them in there bedding.
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• 6 Chopped brazil nuts - I add these because here in the UK, and in Europe in general, our grains are low in the mineral selenium, brazils are really high in it, so the rats don’t need much. About 1 brazil will do 4-6 rats there selenium intake for a week. I chop them up small so everyone gets a bit of them.
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When everything is mixed together it looks like this
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The above mix is fed in the mornings, they get about 10-20g of this mix each a day. Importantly to me it’s scatter fed, which means they have to forage for it in there substrate. It’s not just about what you feed, it’s also how you feed it. They don’t leave anything apart from husks, as I’m mean and don’t feed loads. Supplements, Veg and Fresh Food On its own it is not this mix is not 100% complete, it’s still a bit low on some vitamins and minerals, however I feed it alongside a daily mix of Veg. I also give them vitamin supplements in there water once to twice a week. These are important as the offer a safety net in terms of vitamins and help to make sure everything is covered. Even with all the balancing above, and feeding daily veg the mix is a little weak on copper, vit d and calcium. Without this the rats could become deficient, you can balance it to some extent by fresh, but I would strongly advise anyone who feeds this kind of diet to consider some supplements, having had rats with vit D deficiency in the past when I didn’t add the kibble, rabbit food etc. The following are my normal ‘extra’s • Dr Squiggles Daily Essentials 1 – this has a nice wide range of vitamins and minerals, the main ones I use it for are topping up there copper and vit D. It goes in there water 1-2 days a week, or up to 6 days a week for babies or pregnant mums
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• Dr Squiggles Calcivet – this contains calcium and vitamin D, they get this alongside there daily essentials, I don’t feed this daily, even in youngsters, as the rats need time to process the calcium, so need at least a day off a week, plus too much and they can get calcium stones. 1-3 days a week is plenty for an adult, up to 6 for a baby. • Bones and egg shells – a great source of calcium, my rats always get my left over bones, they get lots of iron out of the marrow , the bones are full of calcium too. Egg shells are the same, they might get 1-2 shells a week, which they sometimes eat. If they get some of these, especially bones, I only do calcivet one day a week • Vegetable – this is fed daily, it’s a mixture of veg I make up then freeze in daily portions. It’s 50% dark green leafy veg such as kale, 20% colourful veg such as carrots, tomatoes or peppers, 20% other veg such as peas, sweetcorn, courgettes etc, 5% berries and 5%raw coconut chopped up. They adore this mix
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• Cooked meal – about 1-2 times a fortnight the rats get a balanced cooked meal, this is typically carbs, protein and veg, like eggy rice with peas. It’s a bit of a treat, though a healthy one, and replaces there dry mix for the day. I use it to hide other supplements in and give them a bit of a boost. Typically it has a multivitamin powder in, some salmon or linseed oil and anything else that may be appropriate for their age and conditions (such as extra vit b and glucosamine for oldies, and phosphate binder for those with kidney issues).
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Its easy enough to create your own diet based on this kind of principles, a lot is about what ingredients you can get hold of and understanding what the words mean on the ingredients list of things you find in pet shops and supermarkets, but really it’s doable for anyone. I would say that unless you really know how to judge your rats condition make sure you feed a good proportion of enriched foods (like most pet foods and human breakfast cereals) and ideally a good vitamin supplement too, and if your not sure whats wrong talk about it and don’t be afraid to change the balance a little. Someone I massively respect in the rat world once said that feeding rats is part science and part art, and from my experience that is very true. I started out relying on spread sheet and meeting the scientific requirements of my rats, but never got them beyond ‘good enough’ condition, then I relaxed a bit and started doing it more by feel and now my lads are in the best condition they’ve been, which was also verified by others at the show I went to this weekend. Its really nice when it all comes together.
Here’s a list of where you can find them in the UK (I tend to get mine all from online shops, the local farm shop or the supermarket), as well as some info on how to choose alternative brands, as I doubt the same brands are available over there Base • Banana brunch – You can get this from some pet shops, online petshops and online small holder / farm suppliers in the UK. When looking for alternatives try and find a rabbit muesli which is higher in peas/barley/beans than wheat and ideally has no alfalfa, wheatfeed or strawfeed added (or these are low down the ingredients list). Don’t just limit yourself to rabbit food, some rat, horse and guinea pig food isn’t bad as a base over here (though it might not be great for a normal meal). If you cant find any you can drop this element of the base, its just a nice cover all. Aiming for around 10-14% protein and 2-5% fat works well • Marshams Mixed flakes – Animal feed stores, online farm/small holding stores, farm and equine supply shops. Its normally easier to get hold of each product individually but that’s not massively practical with only a small number of rats. There are a variety of mixes sold here, the ones higher in barley are better, some come with added soya flakes too, which is handy. This could be replaced to some extent by more processed grains sold in health stores, less enrichment for the rats but easier to get hold of. Can work out quite expensive though and you need to get a range of grains • Versa Laga Junior Dark Plus Pigeon mix – Animal feed stores, online farm/small holding stores, bird feed specialists. if picking an alternative aim for one with a large range of grains and not too high or low protein, most pigeon feeds are predominantly corn, avoid these unless you don’t have much if any corn elsewhere in the mix. Some parrot / bird seed my make a good alternative • Paddy rice – Online bird feed stores, im sure it must be available elsewhere but that’s the only place I’ve found it here, oh and rat rations but as that started out life as an online bird feed store until the rat world got hold of it that doesn’t count. • Pearl Barley – supermarket, health food shop • Millet seeds – bird feed shops, could replace with processed millet if needed or entirely with broken up millet sprays if wanted • Millet spray broken up – pet shops, very commonly sold over here. Protein • dried shrimps, mealworms, fish, tubifex, bloodworm and krill. – sold for turtle/terrapin/fish food here in specialist exotics shops (mainly sourced online). Mealworms are very easy to get hold of and sold for wild birds. • Soya flakes – Animal feed stores, farm shops, online small holder ranges etc., can replace with roasted soya nuts (salt free) which you can make yourself by soaking dried soya beans for 12 hours and roasting for about 20-30 mins at 180 deg C. Chickpeas are another alternative (also need soaking and roasting) as is dried soya mince or similar often sold in health shops • Egg biscuit– sold as bird egg food or similar in some pet shops and bird food specialists. Could be removed and just feed fresh egg once a week. • Fish for dogs Salmon small bite kibble. – found in online petshops and their website, not sure if this brand is available in the US. Look for high end ‘natural ingredients’ dog food, aiming for fish based where possible as its higher quality. High copper content and small bite is a bonus. Can be missed out but you need to up the supplements relatively Processed Carbohydrates • Denes wholegrain mixer – Available from online pet shops, it’s a natural vegetarian mixer. Aim for high end ranges again, look for high vitamin content, especially copper. An alternative is barley rings, sold as animal feed in farm shops, small holder places etc. If your missing this out you will have to up supplements in other forms. • Rice crispies – supermarket • Mixed puffs – health food shops, rat rations (who stock pretty much everything here in the uk) • Shredded wheat bitesize – supermarket • Cornflakes - supermarket • rice cracker broken up – supermarket Herbs • Herb Plus and Echinacea – pet shops, sold as rabbit treats, alternatives is to aim for a nice mix of herbs and edible plants, can do this yourself easily enough, just get a load of fresh herbs, hang to dry on a cooling rack in somewhere warm and dry, break them up. Good herbs and plants to try are; dandelion leaves, current leaves and your commonly available human edible herbs like basil, tarragon, mint etc, Growing your own is easy to do as well. • Shredded Nori – supermarkets, Asian food shops Veg • Dried mixed veg – some supermarkets, online human food shops (sold as soup ingredients, loads of choice out there) • Beetroot flakes and pepper flakes – as above but more specialist so not in most supermarkets, there’s a vast range of options out there, some interesting ones are; kale, cabbage, mushrooms, carrot, berries, tomato etc Seeds • Mixed Seeds and pine nuts – Bird seed specialists online stock a good range of seeds still in there husks, I get pumpkin, hemp, pinenuts and linseed from them, for the others (which are a nice to have) they are sold as a special mix by versalaga for wild birds in the uk (meadow mix) or from Indian / spices suppliers (cumin and fennel), I’ve found them in my local supermarket too. If you’re struggling a human quality seed mix sold by supermarkets is a good option, or look at some of the parrot foods out there, though try and avoid those too heavy in sunflower seeds and peanuts. • brazil nuts - supermarkets (probably not needed in the US) Supplements, Veg and Fresh Food • Dr Squiggles Daily Essentials 1 and Dr Squiggles Calcivet – - bird suppliers, pet shops, mainly online. There are a lot of alternatives out there, though bird supplements seem best for calcium and vitamin d in particular. You can also use those sold for humans, such as vitamin A extracted cod liver oil (here in the Uk the brand seven seas does a good one that does several rat doses when fed once a week in a wet meal) for both of those. Copper is easily fixed by feeding liver regularly, you can make liver treats which make a good way of topping rats up (let me know if you want the recipe). I also add ground up human supplements for vitamin d and calcium to these, baking destroys some of the nutrients but not all. Its always worth looking at other animals supplements too, some are very useful for rats, some of the senior dog ones are very handy for old rats in particular for example. • Bones and egg shells – left overs, alternatively here in the UK butchers will often give you free or very cheap bones for dogs, you can roast these or even feed raw in many cases. • Vegetables – supermarket, some fresh, some ready frozen, • Cooked meal – whatever’s in the house, mainly carb with some healthy protein, bit of oil and any veg I’ve got or some natural wet dog food, fish for dogs do a nice salmon mousse that’s great as a treat for the boys. I’m sure you can find similar quality stuff in the US, the trick is read the ingredients, if there’s any you don’t recognise then it’s probably not great quality. If anyones not sure of anything then if you can get it's ingredients and nutrition and bung it on here myself or someone else thats spent a bit of time on rat nutrition will probably be able to help.
It probably works out around £2.50per kg, which is cheaper than anything decent here in the uk. My rats get about 60g a day (I have 5 boys) so it works out roughly £5 a month, then theres veg and such on top. That is down to buying some stuff in bulk from farm shoos though, as I have sone local friends I split it with.
Oh and it keeps pretty well in a good container, as long as the oldest ingredient. Normally I make up monthly batches and keep the unmixed stuff in a sealed box in my shed. This lasts typically 6 months
It evolved over the years. Next time you make yours just try adding a couple ingredients or changing a few whilst keeping the balance the same. over time your mix will develop to. To be honest mine had changed since this again lol, I've found a bit more banana brunch seemed to improve my boys coat, and oddly less veg to (though they still get it a couple times a week). out just goes to show that you can play around to find the right food for your rats if you know how to judge condition
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