#like anti Frankenstein basically
mr-president · 1 year
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College baseball au, calling it “Fuck It We Ball.”
I’ve already got a pretty good idea of sniper and pyro’s character with this: 2 kids who were raised by the older mercs and now are mature enough on their own
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uncle spy’s their least favorite, a la “look at that high waited man he got feminine hips” mutual hatred. but the two picked up baseball bc of his weird interest in it.
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linkspooky · 7 months
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Sukuna's Anti-Enlightenment
Sukuna's words in this chapter practically mirror Mahito's words to Junpei from much earlier in the series.
"Do you understand? Life has no weight or particular value. Just like how water flows through the earth, life simply flows. For you, me and everyone else - it's the same. Without meaning. Without value. That's why you can do whatever you want. Live the way you want. Don't limit yourself to just being indifferent. There's no reason to live by such a restricting philosophy. If you're hungry, eat. If you hate, kill."
Both of these characters are rejecting humanity's natural instinct to look for a purpose in life and are instead subscribing to a more animalistic way of living following their basic instincts, if you're hungry eat, if you hate, kill. While the philosophy sounds simple enough there's something much more complex going on under the surface that requires digging deeper into Sukuna's mindset.
A True Curse
By having Sukuna essentially quote Mahito, the story is inviting us to compare them. A literary foil is a character whose purpose is to accentuate or draw attention to the qualities of another character. This term comes from an old technique of placing a thin metal sheet, or foil, behind a gem to make it shine. Sukuna is a character defined by how little both the other characters in story, and the audience understand him, something Yorozu comments on he's simply too powerful and isolated to be understood by the rest of humanity and so he stands alone. Which is why giving him a foil is a way to help the audience understand Sukuna without the author tipping their hand and ruining Sukuna's mystique. The question is what does Mahito highlight about Sukuna, and my answer is Sukuna is what Mahito wishes to be.... a True Curse.
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Mahito is many things, but without making this entire meta about Mahito his primary goal along with the rest of the special class curses is to eradicate humanity and replace them as the true humans. They basically want to destroy what humans have created and create a world of curses in their place.
Mahito is the most human like of the curse family, he reads human books watches human movies, even spends time getting to know a few humans personally and he also rejects them the strongest because he is made up of the human fear of other humans. Mahito is the one who reflects humans the most because all the other curses are made up on natural disasters, and yet he wants to destroy everything that's human inside of him and embody a true curse instead.
Which he does in the final phase of his fight against Yuji by literally ripping off his own skin like it's a chrysallis so he can emerge in a more curse-like form. Mahito is like the frankenstein's monster of the human id, he is created by the absolute worst impulses of humanit yand therefore rejects humans implicitly.
He even argues with his fellow curses that they shouldn't act too much like humans. Whend Choso, Jogo and Mahito disagree about whether or not they should revive Sukuna, Mahito argues they've been following Kenjaku's strategy too closely and they should make a game out of it and follow their whims or desires like a curse would isntead of using strategy like Kenjaku.
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Mahito's idea of a curse is a creature of the natural world that lives entirely true to its own desires and hunger, satiating it without thinking about the effects their actions have on other people. A lion doesn't stop to ponder whether or not the gazelles its grazing on have feelings. A curse rejects the human need to fight purpose in life, or find deeper meaning or reasons behind their actions and only follow their instincts.
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Mahito doesn't just not think about the meaning of life, he actively rejects there being any other meaning besides living to satiate one's needs. Remember Mahito and Sukuna both laugh together at Yuji, and Yuji identifies them as true curses as well.
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A scene which is called back to later on in the series shortly after Sukuna takes over Megumi's body.
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In a series where even characters like Gojo and Kashimo who view other people as not human in the same way they are will have an aching loneliness and a desire to connect to others, Sukuna and Mahito both seem completely devoid of any humanity whatsoever.
Mahito however, is a baby and a newly formed curse while Sukuna is an adult that's existed for 1,000 years as the pinnacle of Jujutsu. Mahito is essentially the larval form of Sukuna in the story. Quite literally in fact, because he emerged from the chrysallis by ripping his skin off to reveal his true curse form in his final bout with Yuji. Sukuna is what Mahito wants to be when he grows up. Mahito talks the talk, but Sukuna is actually able to walk the walk.
It's a bit like how Gojo, Naoya, and Toji all sort of believe that power makes it so they exist in a different category of people, however Gojo and Toji have the ability to back that belief up with power whereas Naoya just gets his butt kicked a lot. Naoya even crosses the boundary line between human and curse in an attempt to reach the same level that Gojo and Toji were at.
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There's a pattern in the series of characters pushing themselves further and further away from humanity becoming curses and rejecting human values of meaning alongside of it. Going from higher thinking like empathy, philosophy, the search for meaning to lower, more animalistic and instinct heavy thinking. Naoya even says that becoming a curse reminds him of his childhood again like he's completely regressed intellectually.
Naoya: This sort of takes me back. There are things that children can't do that are easy for adults. After you grow up, you can't even remember the time you couldn't do it. Well, this is like that.
Jogo also defines a curse as someone who's true to their feelings, unlike humans who hide behind lies and pretend to be something they're not. All of this to say I don't think Mahito and Sukuna's views are nihilistic per se. Nihilism is rejecting that there is inherent meaning to anything in life yes, but in order to reject meaning you have to question it first. Mahito and Sukuna seem to be rejecting philosophy itself, an anti-philosophy philosophy so to speak. Nietzsche considered animals to be un-historic, because they only existed in the presence and have no history. They are, themselves at every instant because they only know of the now.
“Consider the cattle, grazing as they pass you by. They do not know what is meant by yesterday or today, they leap about, eat, rest, digest, leap about again, and so from morn till night and from day to day, fettered to the moment and its pleasure or displeasure, and thus neither melancholy nor bored. [...] A human being may well ask an animal: 'Why do you not speak to me of your happiness but only stand and gaze at me?' The animal would like to answer, and say, 'The reason is I always forget what I was going to say' - but then he forgot this answer too, and stayed silent.”
Cows aren't nihilistic, they're not anything because they just exist. They just exist as individuals in an eternal moment. They just exist.
Mahito: "Emotions come from the soul. It's too simplistic to call it "heart". People overthink things they can't see. I can see the soul so for me it's nothing special. It's practically the same as the human body. It just exists."
Mahito similiarly says that the soul just exists, there's no need to overthink the meaning of it or try to classify the soul as a "heart" capable of feeling emotions because it's just there. Sukuna similiarly doesn't worry about the past or the present, all humans are just momentary distractions to him and he only lives in pursuit of finding his next meal.
They just eat to satisfy their hunger temporarily, not because they find the food delicious or for any other reason. They're just living in pursuit of their next meal. It reminds me of a passage from my favorite existentialist book series Zaregoto.
"They say food, sleep and sex are the three basic desires of makind. But why are we eating this meal right now?" "To ingest vitamins." "Yes. Without vitamins, people die. And thus eating food brings pleasure. Sleeping feels good too, and sex, well, that's obvious. Anything that you hvae to do to stay alive always comes with pleasure." [...] "Now let's imagine someone who's obsessed with eating. In other words someone who eats not simply to take in vitamins, but because he's mad for the sensation of eating itself; for the beauty in the very act. The stimulation of his taste buds. The pleasure of feeling the food pass through his mouth. The joy of mastication. The ecstasy of feeling that mushed-up gook flowing down his throat. The feeling of fullness nearly destroying his satiety center altogether. The euphoia taking over his brain. To a guy like that, vitamins or lacktherof are totally irrelevant. The means and end have switched places for him, so now his main goal is something subsidiary. Now there's your problem. Can you still say this is eating? No, don't answer. You and I both know the only possible answer is no. WHat this guy is doing isn't eat. He's just eating the concept of eating."
Sukuna isn't even eating at this point, he's eating the concept of eating. He's eating because the pleasurable sensation of eating distracts him for a little while, and because looking for his next meal gives him something to do while he's killing time before he dies.
2. Anti-Philosophy Philosophy
They're not even saying that life is meaningless, because that's a conclusion you come to after questioning the meaning of life. They reject the questioning of meaning itself, the attempt to understand either life or other people. They're living entirely like lions prowling the sarangetti for their next meal.
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"I've never needed anyone to satisfy me. I eat when I wanna eat, play with what amuses me, and kill whoever's in my way. I live as befits my nature. If no one can grasp that, it's their problem."
Mahito rejects the heart, Sukuna rejects love, both of these things are more complicated human desires than just eat until your stomach is full and kill or be killed.
Sukuna and Gojo both say "Tenjou, Tenge Yuigadoksun - above heaven, under heaven, I alone am worthy of honor" but only Sukuna goes on further to say "all that exists is my pleasure and displeasure". Even Gojo wants to be understood by others even if he thinks that normal people can't understand him and he exists as a different species from them, but Sukuna himself even rejects the fact people might understand him. They do, or they don't, it doesn't matter to him because he only needs to udnerstand himself. Sukuna's practically lapsing into solopism here.
Solopism is the philosophical lens that only one's mind is sure to exist. Knowledge outside of one's own mind is unsure, the external worlds and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind.
Solopism builds on the failure of Descartes maxim "I think; therefore I exist" which fails to provide any real details about the nature of the "I" that has proven to exist. Solipism asserts the only thing certain is the "I" - one's most certain knowledge is one's own mind, my thoughts, my experiences, my emotions. There is no link between the occurence of a certain conscious experience or mentals tates and the "possession" or behavioral dispoistions of a "body" of a particular kind. The experience of a given personality is private and only understood by that person. The solipistic view of Sukuna is that his experience in the present, what he's feeling, is the only thing that matters and everything else may as well not exist.
I'd only say it has things in common with solipism though, because even Solipism questions reality which Sukuna doesn't question anything. Suuna doesn't feel the need to question things or grow because in his mind his understanding of himself is perfect and complete which is why he doesn't need anyone else's comprehension of him.
In freudian psychoanalytic theory you could align Sukuna's behavior to the ID (I Desire). Jung and Freud both believe in a divded consciousness, but Freud divides it into three, the id, the ego and the superego. The id is the insintcts, superego is the higher thinking like morality, and the ego is the mediator between the two. The id is the most primitive and instinctual part of the mind. For example a child is said to be all id, because they don't understand rules or other people's feelings they only want to fill their basic needs. Mahito would be the childlike aspect of the id, because he is a newborn fledgling cursed spirit.
The id also follows the pleasure principle, which Sukuna's philosophy also follows "all that exists is my pelasure and displeasure." Freud argues the pleasure principal is an ingained survival instinct "what decides the purpose of life is simply the programme of the pleasure principle". The Id is made up of the life-sustaining activities such as eating and sex, and it makes these things pleasurable so we will pursue them. However, there's also a counterpart to the pleasure principle in the human psyche that is the reality prinicple, which is the human capacity of defer gratification of a desire when a situation doesn't allow you to have immediately what you want. The id is ruled by the pleasure principle, and immediately wants all of its desires granted at the cost of everything else, but mature human egos are able to delay instant gratification for a higher objective.
Sukuna basically lives by the rule of the pleasure principle. He's shown capable of long term planning if he needs to like taking Megumi's body, so he's not incable of delaying instant gratifciation but at the same time his ruling princple seems to be seeking immediate pleasure. Sukuna is a walking appetite, he literally has a mouth on his stomach.
There's also the alchemical trinity to consider, mind, body, and soul. In this Sukuna is the body. Not only is he a body hijacker who has literally transformed Megumi's body practically into his own, but he also only lives to satiate the phyiscal needs of the body.
This is where Sukuna would differentiate himself from solipism though, because he needs to exist in a physical body. His entire quest over the course of the manga is to regain a body, he needs to eat, he needs to fight physically, he wouldn't be comfortable just existing as a brain within a jar he needs to stay in the physical world. He lives for the physical pleasures of this world.
What about the Body character?  There isn’t one in every alchemy story, but when this does appear, the markers are predictable.  Body characters are focused on their bodily needs--they are hungry, thirsty, and, in adult stories, lusty.  And they are often fearful. Think of Papageno in Mozart’s opera, the Magic Flute, who breaks his vow of temperance and starts eating and drinking on stage, lamenting his lack of female companionship.  Or Wiggins in The Little White Horse (he’s a beautiful, vain King Charles spaniel, always focused on his next meal). Or Sméagol/Gollum, who eats compulsively though his main lust is for the Ring.
Sukuna for instance wouldn't be happy living like Tengen who exists far outside of humanity simply observing others, because he has a need to interact with the world in the form of eating, or experiencing earthly pleasure.
In fact after going through several philosophies which don't quite describe Sukuna's own philosophy (because it resembles these while inherently rejecting the need for philosophy) we might come to the closest comparison for what Sukuna's desire is, which is to exist for as long as possible on the earthly plain while filling up his stomach.
Sukuna is comparable to the Celestial Demon Mara in budhist mythology, more on it in this thread. In budhist cosmology, Mara is the "personification of the forces antagonistic to enlightenment."
Devaputra-mara specifically is the deva of the sensuous realm, who tries to prevent Gautuma Budha from attaining liberation fro m the cycle of rebirth the night of his enlightenment. The existence of Mara is to defy Budha, and specifically to prevent his escape from the cycle of the world, especially the sensuous realm. He exists in opposition to the three marks of existence too.
Number one impernanence, that all existence, without exception is "transient, evanescent, inconstant". Number two Dukha "Suffering, pain, unsatisfactoriness" is inherent to life. Number three antaa "Non-self, non-soul, no-essence."
If the ultimate goal of budhism is to escape the cycle entirely and stop being reborn in the sensuous realm, Maara instead tempts people to stay in this realm. it defines impernanence by suggesting we stay in this realm forever. It defies Dukha by saying we indulge in physical pleasures in this realm, that we should seek to satisfy ourselves even if budhism argues that life is primarily unsatisfactory. Then if the ultimate goal of existence in budhism is the "non-self" to escape ego, Maara argues we should remain trapped as ourselves forever.
We even see Sukuna literally tempt a budha-like figure into remaining in this earthly realm. After all aren't we shown that Gojo achieved enlightenment at seventeen and let go of earthly emotions like the need to be angry and avenge Riko's killer because the feeling of oneness with existence was too good in that moment.
A lot of people noticed what they thought was Gojo acting out of character in the fight with him and Sukuna, by enjoying the fight and choosing his selfish desire to love jujutsu and fight as a sorcerer over his responsibiltiy to protect children. Something which Nanami says in his dying hallucination that Gojo only ever lived for the pursuit of his selfish desire for Jujutsu in the first place.
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Gojo, a character that we know has a higher minded ideal that he's fighting for the next generation of sorcerers is shown losing that ideal in the fight with Sukuna, and only caring about his earthly pleasures, having a satisfying fight against a strong opponent. You could even say that was Sukuna's goal in the fight, to strip off Gojo's fish scales so to speak and reduce him back to being a normal human being. Something which he accomplished when he managed to learn to cut the space that Gojo inhabited, therefore negating the infinitity that protected him and dragging him back to this earthly realm.
"This is goodbye. You were born in an era without me and hailed as the strongest yet you turned out to be painfully ordinary..."
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In a way Sukuna tempted Gojo away from enlightenment and succeeded. The linked thread goes on to say that Budha defeats Maara to save his students during his temptation, but Gojo on the other hand died and failed protecting his students specifically because he chose the earthly pleasure of seeking to have fun in a fight over the well-being of his student Megumi who's body was possessed.
He made a human being again out of an enlightened Gojo, and dragged him back to morality and the cycle of death and rebirth by making Gojo care more about his selfish desire for a fight than the principles he fought for. Sukuna trapped Gojo in the mortal realm along with him.
Sukuna's philosophy sounds like Mara's too, that rather than seeking anything better you should just distract yourself from the unhappiness of life by indulging in pleasures to stifle your misery.
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I'd say Sukuna lives the same way. He doesn't consider himself weak, but he doesn't talk about life or this world like it's a fun place to be. He tells Yuji to stifle his misery. He then admits to Kamo that his purpose in life is just to eat delicious things to kill time until he dies.
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"Life is just killing time until you die" sounds like a miserable kind of hedonism, since he's only distracting himself from the unpleasantness of life. Sukuna too might just be spending his life stifling his own misery by seeking endless pleasure on earth. He doesn't want to escape earth however, he wants to remain on earth for as long as possible. Kamo even pointed out the strange contradiction in his own philosophy.
Sukuna insists he doesn't need to be understood by others, that he's not alone, that fighting and eating his way through life is enough for him because he understands himself and all life is just enertaining yourself until you die anyway, but Kamo asks why if he's just satisfied with that kind of life did he go to the trouble of ripping his soul into twenty pieces and trying to regain his body 1,000 years later.
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Sukuna notably avoids this question. He doesn't tell Kamo why he even bothered to divide his soul up and extend his life if he's perfectly satisfied with life as it is. We don't get the answer to why he wants to possess Megumi or is going through all this trouble.
That's where we get to the greatest snag in Sukuna's philosophy, which ironically relates back to the tug of war between the pleasure principal and the reality principal.
Sukuna's philosophy is that he's never needed anyone else "I've never needed anyone to satisfy me. I eat when I wanna eat, play with what amuses me and kill whoever's in my way. I live as befits my nature. If no one can grasp that, then that's their problem."
The big glaring flaw in Sukuna's philospohy that he's only ever needed himself is kind of like the flaw in the american "pull yourself up by your bootstraps philosophy" its that everyone including Sukuna needs other people. Sukuna isn't fighting with his own strength alone right now. He stole it from Megumi. He could have conceived of a way to beat Gojo without the Ten Shadows yes, but right now Sukuna wouldn't even be able to exist in the physical world without Megumi's body.
He is literally a parasite in a teen boy's body, using him to his own ends and yet he insists that he's the only one that exists or matters and he's always been able to accomplish everything he wanted with his own strength. Sukuna's a parasite right now, arguing that he's the greatest individual and has never needed or relied upon anyone.
The Great and Mighty Sukuna is defiling a young person's body for his own gain, the same way that Kenjaku defiles women and his own children, the same way that the elders manipulate the young in Jujutsu Kaisen to maintain their power base in Jujutsu Society. This supposedly all-powerful erson who only ever relies on himself and only needs his own ego wouldn't even be alive right now if he wasn't paraisitizing Megumi's body, yet he argues that he's completely fulfilled in himself.
A freudian perspective argues that a mature ego finds a balance between the pleasure principal (the need for instant gratification) and the reality principal (the ability to defer instant gratifiaction when the situation doesn't allow for it). Whereas a child is only ID and only cares about fulfilling their most basic needs first and foremost.
Sukuna is paradoxically presenting his views like he's a fully realized, enlightened adult the absolute peak of sorcery, the most developed and intelligent sorcerer in the world, etc. etc. yet he has the underdeveloped ego of a child because he has no grip of the reality principal. A person who doesn't interact with other people or the world, can't learn or grow from it. Which is probably why the closest character you can compare to Sukuna is Mahito, a literal child and a newborn curse. Even Mahito fails to become a true curse in the end.
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Sukuna says he rejects enlightenment, and any higher philosophy in order to remain in the earthly realm forever, but one wonders if that isn't the same as the Miltonian Lucifer rejecting heaven to reign in hell.
The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a heav’n of hell, a hell of heav’n. What matter where, if I be still the same, And what I should be, all but less than he Whom thunder hath made greater? Here at least We shall be free: th’Almighty hath not built Here for his envy, will not drive us hence: Here we may reign secure, and in my choice To reign is worth ambition, though in hell; Better to reign in hell than serve in heav’n.
The theme of Paradise Lost is that any sinner, even Lucifer, can stop at any time and seek forgiveness instead. However, Lucifer chooses not to do that. He could leave hell at any time but he chooses to stay. He’s fine in hell after all. He’s totally gotten used to the temperature by now. Everything is fine Lucifer says, while everything is on fire.
Lucifer would rather stay in a hell of his own creation because it gives him the illusion of control over his life then admit he was wrong or give up that control.
He may be king of hell however, but he's still in hell. Hell is not exactly the most pleasant place to be. King he may be, but he's trapped here the same as everyone else.
Sukuna may be the closest a character has come to being a true curse, he might have transcended humanity, the human need for love, but he still can't escape the earthly realm. In fact his entire philosophy is a mara-esque avoid enlightenment and stay in the earthly realm as long as possible. In a series where characters like Yuki and Kenjaku are trying to evolve cursed energy into something different, either by completely removing it, or by optimizing it and forcing it to take a new form Sukuna is someone who is stagnant and resisting that evolution. Why would someone who's already perfect need to evolve in any way?
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That might just be Sukuna's downfall in a way. By rejecting other people, by rejecting the human need to seek meaning in life, he may have made himself completely stagnant. After all if Sukuna already accepts everything about himself, if he is a fully realized individual then why would he need to change?
He can steal techniques and knowledge from others of course, but that's what he always has done. The real question is how would Sukuna who's the perfect sorcerer, who's never been anything other than a sorcerer and lives to be one, exist in a world where the definition of what a sorcerer even is will probably change by theend of the manga?
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So Sukuna may ask "What can a little boy hope to accomplish here?" but a child like Yuji is capable of the one thing that Sukuna isn't, growing and changing into something better.
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 month
Do u have headcanons about or what do you think about a 90s or 00s AU (maybe) where Curly Shepard is a punk and Ponyboy a goth or a babybat? ^_^ Like imagine purly but ponyboy tries to show his obsession for edgar allan poe and curly or the gang JUST DON'T GET IT 😭
wym anon that literally already IS purly🙄🙄
BUT YEA I DO HAVE HCS!!!! o(^-^)o
(for context who dont know, baby at is the name for like ppl who r newly goth basically, theyre just starting out listening to music n stuff like that)
•since curly is punk here and the whole idea of punks is essentially anti establishment and love individuality i will NOT make him make fun of pony for being goth, especially when hes a babybat hes just embracing himself
•also curly is curly i feel like hes a bit morbid himself and would be at the very least interested in edgar allen poe, so even if he wasnt punk he wouldnt make fun of pony for liking him, even if he does thats just bc hes being friendly and just does NOT like poetry
•ill place this in like, late 90s and early 2000s, so there is that huge thing against goths and punks for being ‘weird’ and against god or something along those lines
•curlys pretty used to being targeted for being different for his punk style and such while pony isnt exactly used to that so i imagine that hes more protective while ponys trying to figure himself out in that regard
•some bands pony would b interested in is evanescence, the cure, and siouxsie and the banshees, london after midnight, of course there IS more but these r like more so his favs
•how pony found out about gothic bands was like, a song was playing in darrys car radio and darry didnt rlly like it so he changed it but the song was already stuck in ponys head
•he brought it up to curly but pony was just like ‘idk maybe itll pass’, it in fact DID not pass and later they was just chillin in curlys car and the song came back on the radio and pony was like ‘neuron activated’
•curly was personally not rlly into the song, but hey, ponys happy so its whatever
•personally i imagine that pony doesnt have a gothic STYLE more so he has a love for gothic songs and literature, yknow what i mean??? but maybe he does borrow some clothes from curly thats more on the gothic side or thrifts some clothes
•other than edgar allen poe, he does like phantom of the opera, frankenstein, dracula, carmilla, dr jekyll and mr hyde, also he would like ruby gloom (thank my gf for this hc)
•his art style is kinda influenced by those media actually
•as for what type of goth he is i could mostly see him being like a geek goth, but he is interested in the looks of victorian goths and gothabilly goths
•tbh, not much to add for this guy, punk curly is literally just regular curly but more understanding of who he is and what he wants in the world yknow??
•think of curly but actually a lil more, idk thought provoking in his own curly way with a better understanding of the world
•he is from a haitian household tho and haitian moms especially tend to be more, religious and all that jazz, so while tim and angela get their ears yelled off for well being them, its especially happening to curly bc in his moms eyes hes “turning away from god” n what not being a “vagabon” as many haitian moms would put it
•he likes customizing his own clothes, he thrifts and gets a bunch of hand me downs so might as well make them look cooler
•hes a graffiti artist and hes acc pretty well known, everyone knows its him but they dont rlly say anything cause 1) hes curly shepard but 2) his work rlly isnt that bad actually
•i could totally see him liking green day and he does NOT like fall out boy but he does like a coulle of songs from them (much to his dismay
•hes picking up guitar (how he afforded it??? i payed for it lets just say that)
WHEN IT COMES TO THE GANG, they dont rlly get pony being goth, they support him of course, but they do tend to make fun of him a bit</33 but darry, soda, and johnny do try to understand him more, its rlly just two
ps anon my gf said she loves u for ur idea (shes goth, u got the goth stamp of approval)
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gallifreyanhotfive · 16 days
*more warning for me talking about my watching the show fic*
Anyway, context:
I did not expect that much interaction on my silly sleep deprived post! ❤️
As some of you probably know, my original plan was to go into Storm Warning after The Giggle, but I didn't know what to choose after that, which is what I was trying to figure out while writing that other post.
Anyway, I've been doing some thinking...
PROPAGANDA (probably gibberish but my brain is evil rn)
TV Movie: 7 regenerates into 8 because of the American Healthcare System. The Master is a goo snake. He slithers into a new body and proceeds to want the Doctor’s body the whole damn movie. Post regeneration sillies. The Master literally roars like a wild beast. 8 kisses Grace. He fuckin FORGOR. 8 talks about his father for a little bit. Half human????
Night of the Doctor: 8 regenerates into War. Lots of interesting ties to the EU. Short but devastating. This guy pretty much does himself in. Depiction of common perception of Time Lords at the time
Storm Warning: CHARLOTTE POLLARDDDDDDDDD. 8 gets a new companion! He is whimsy and so much more, but there is a foreboding sense to it. RAMSEY THE VORTISAUR. 8 talks a little bit about the Academy Era. Both this and the TV Movie would eventually lead to Zagreus.
The Conscript: 8 gets forced to be apart of a Time War recruitment camp under the threat of Ollistra doing something to his companions. Very good depiction of Time Lords being used as cannon fodder. YOU ARE NOT SONTARANS. Disturbing Gallifreyan nationalistic song. 8 makes everyone's lives difficult. Daleks daleks daleks
Day of the Vashta Nerada: Gallifrey is trying to weaponize the Vashta Nerada for use in the Time War. This doesn't end well. Pretty much everyone dies! Enter GIANT Vashta Nerada and enter the Nerada Vashta.
A Heart on Both Sides: NYSSAAAAAAAA. Nyssa is on The Traken providing hospital relief to those affected by the Time War. She has a helper named Dr. Foster (wink). They go to the planet Reeve, which is incredibly anti-Gallifreyans because the High Council has been blowing up their factories. Time Lord spy. Anti Gallifreyan graffiti and the use of Praxis gas, which almost kills 8.
The Lords of Terror: companion Bliss wants to go visit her parents, only to discover it has been covered in a big dome. 8 gets tortured yet again. Are the Daleks or the Time Lords responsible for this atrocity? Gallifrey is a fucked up society.
In the Garden of Death: 8, Bliss, and the Twelve are in a Dalek POW camp. Oh no they forgor everything! The Daleks torture the heck out of these guys. These amnesiacs briefly wonder if 8 is a bad guy. Interrogation on Interrogation on Interrogation
Mary's Story: Two 8s collide with Mary Shelley and Co at Villa Diodati. First an older 8 who has been affected by vitreous time, leaving him in horrific shape (burns, muscle, bone....I'll spare you the details) to the point where he literally dies for a little bit. Gets electrocuted and turns into basically Frankenstein's Monster. Young 8 turns up, finds these really quite embarrassing, saves the day, and takes Mary on as a companion
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luna-rainbow · 1 year
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So I just read an anti-Peggy meta on a Chinese blog which I can't verify (and I'm not sure whether any English comics readers have summarised these), but basically Peggy is a Frankenstein of all three of Steve, Bucky and Sharon's characteristics and storylines but without truly reflecting their values, which is why her characterisation is a mess.
Her character background is taken mostly from Sharon: "secret agent, kickass, independent, self-assured". Sharon was the original female Cap America.
Stuff her character took from Bucky (I have no way of verifying this but this seems like a lot more than I expected, also this is translated back from Chinese so there's going to be differences to the original words): (Source)
Peggy walking in on Steve/Lorraine -> Bucky walks in after a French spy forced a kiss on Steve, Bucky apologises while Steve goes all flustered and runs off, "You don't believe in me!"
Steve and Peggy's talk before diving into the ocean -> all of Steve's thoughts pre-dive was about Bucky, "Bucky's figure is like a windswept rock, carved into my mind."
Steve thinking about the date with Peggy after waking up -> the first thing Steve says upon waking is Bucky, and he then searches the world for Bucky
Steve staying in SHIELD because Peggy found it -> Steve stayed in SHIELD because one of the founding members looked like Bucky
Steve carrying Peggy's photo around -> after waking, Steve got some of his belongings back, but along with it Bucky's uniform and photo, which he kept with him everywhere. He'd often take out Bucky's photo and caress it and weep.
Steve seeing Peggy in Wanda's illusion -> Steve always sees Bucky in his dreams
Steve's "dance" promise with Peggy -> Steve and Bucky's Grand Canyon promise, and Steve went there by himself to draw Bucky's picture, pretending they came together.
Steve going back to the past to be with Peggy -> Steve went back to the past to find Bucky, but when he did Bucky died, and the Bucky in his own world disappeared too. When the SHIELD director who looked like Bucky contacted Steve, in a moment of confusion, he agreed and returned to the present.
The "no, you move" words was a climatic scene for Steve in the comics, but was taken from Steve and given to Peggy (via Sharon). As we've discussed elsewhere, this never worked because we have not, demonstrably, ever seen Peggy plant herself in the face of overwhelming pressure and refuse to compromise on something.
I really like this next bit, so I'm going to translate it word for word:
You think it's a tragic love, but it was stolen from Cap and Bucky's relationship. That is Captain's "right partner", that's his insurmountable love from WW2, his 65 years of pining, the existence that he can neither let go nor speak about, he's the quiet grief in his dark nights, he's the exhilaration of their reunion, he's the heartbreak in his every almost-found but repeated disappointments, he's his exhausting search. And someone stole everything from the original, except the suffering.
And I think that's my biggest issue with this character, because she's been written as a Mary-Sue of sorts, with a whole bunch of retroactively added privilege -- which, I dunno, maybe made her feel more appealing to some of the audience, but widened the gap between her and Steve. Steve, who has not lived amongst privilege, and whose whole being is around not letting privileged folks take advantage of others -- against her, a highly privileged woman, who used that privilege to gain more privileges, who then used it to take advantage of others. They are so diametrically opposed in their motivations that I just can't see them working out without either of them breaking character.
Apparently in House of M, she and Steve married, but she could not fathom why Steve continued to oppose unfair policies from the government. Steve lamented only Bucky understood him, but Bucky died during a mission, and Steve stepped down from Cap and divorced Peggy. At the end, an aged Steve walks beneath the streetlights, mourning the words Bucky once said to him. This is a much more likely outcome for their relationship if both remained in character, than whatever EG was.
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jerseymuppet · 11 months
i might be stupid but. is the gothamverse a muppets batman au? is that what the thing in ur bio means? (either way plz do tell me abt it)
That would definitely be infinitely cooler than my idea! Gothamverse is the beautiful result of me playing arkham knight while waiting for an mcr livestream to start up and thinking ‘damn bitches from jersey are fucking insane! ....wait a minute’
It’s basically a silly little idea I came up last March with where all the mcr guys are from Gotham and what their villain origin stories would be etc. I followed the main Batman villain archetypes: extremist, anti-hero, camp, and serial killer, and I had a fucking blast! It’s very silly and just something I did for fun. I guess I can go a lil bit into it here.
full disclosure, I am psychotic and disabled and I do not believe in the vilification of mental illness or disability in media, all of these characters will eventually get the help they need. Batman at its core is about a mentally ill man helping others who have been failed by society and I will never forgive dc for making him into an overpowered, glorified cop.
Frank’s character (Francis ‘Frankie’ Stein) is the extremist (duh). He’s the son of a mafia boss who is steadily ruining their town with crime and Frankie just kinda snaps and kills him to take his place as the head of the family and try to undo some of the damage done. He has great intentions, he’s just very unyielding and kind of insane 💕 his moniker is Frankenstein! And his whole schtick is that he’s very hard (if not impossible) to kill. He’s also chronically ill and Jewish, these are not important to his character but they are important to me !
Mikey’s character (Micheal Way) is the serial killer. He’s a ‘sociopath’ (theres nothing actually wrong with him, people just suck and made him feel lesser and out of place :/) trying to fit in with everyday society but he always feels like something is missing and becomes a neuroscientist to try to find what exactly it is. He invents a machine (the empathsizer) that allows him to experience other people’s memories and emotions as though they are his own. From there he accidentally gets addicted to the chemical responses his brain has to doing that. And keeps doing it. Even after the testing phase is no longer accepting applicants. It gets worse after he experiences someone’s near death experience and starts chasing the high it gave him. Idk what his moniker is? It’s sandman for right now but that’s honestly so boring and uninspired.
Ray’s character (Raymond Ortiz) is camp but very loosely. He’s an engineer by day and a rockstar by night! He’s really only an engineer to save up enough money to pursue music full time but it’s hard because he doesn’t get paid that much. Winter hits and with it, cuts to his hours! So he’s forced to choose between rent and electricity. When he gets really sick as a result, he can’t afford a doctor. And when he wakes up with his hearing gone as a result, theres nothing he can really do but spiral into a depression. Until he realizes he’s a literal biological engineer. If he can’t fix his problem he can at the very least prevent it from happening to someone else! Research does cost money, so it’s very fortunate that Gotham has so many banks. His moniker is Dr. Megahurtz! His weapon of choice is his guitar, which has been retrofitted with sonic emitters to amplify and weaponize the hertz. Not enough to hurt, but enough to incapacitate.
Gerard’s character (Jules Moss) is the anti hero! She’s (yes I made Gerard’s character a trans girl, they took too long to make a trans character so I did it for them) has the same backstory as Gerard actually! On her way home from work she witnesses a terrorist attack, but instead of starting a band she decides to fight crime instead. She does so bad. Literally her first night out patrolling she gets killed by some priest who’s been driven insane by what he claims is an angel that’s ‘chosen him to impart gods will’ but it’s just a fallen star looking for a vessel to possess and the first guy it came across wasn’t dead lol. The star turns into a sword of pure light and that’s what Jules gets stabbed with, but also it fuses itself to her dna so she wakes up a few days later, schrödingers girl, with some scary new abilities and a voice in her head that definitely wasn’t there before. Her whole arc is her trying to find the guy that killed her and get revenge. Her moniker is stigmata! Because when she gets impaled it also goes through the palms of her hands and the wounds don’t heal.
but yeah that’s the bare bones of it all! I’m planning on making this into a comic series but the script is still being written at the moment! Thank you for letting me ramble about it 💕🥰
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elendsessor · 10 months
felt like talking about megaten demons again so here’s some official art of demons based on mostly american horror/sci-fi.
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list of names n extra notes:
audrey (audrey ii from little shop of horrors), betelgeuse (beetlejuice from… y’know, beetlejuice), chris the car (christine the car from christine), nickelwise (pennywise from it), friday (jason voorhees from friday the 13th), franken (frankenstein’s monster from frankenstein), terminator (similar to the t-800 from terminator), scanner (likely a reference to the movie scanners), and hierophant (pinhead from hellraiser).
yeah hierophant is an alternative nickelwise which is why i’m putting it here despite the hellraiser franchise spawning from britain. idk how hierophant got that name since i don’t remember anything in at least the first hellraiser that could warrant the alternative name. (could’ve called it idk spikehead if they wanted to avoid copyright.) technically this might not be the first time a demon’s design was inspired by cenobites as lucifer’s infamous redesign for 4 closely resembles them. similar reasoning for franken, being an english work. like stated before, most of these are taken from american works, especially stephen king.
there’s more stephen king demons, though like many enemies exclusive to persona 1 and is/ep, only spritework exists, my personal favorite being carrie. kinda a shame there’s been no character or persona in persona inspired by her, since the og book and film adaptations are the trippiest “dangers of extreme religious worship”/child abuse is wrong/anti-bullying things i’ve ever seen. (there’s also a movie sequel that’s basically the first with less religious extremism and more goth icon/dangers of frat boy culture/really good rock backing tracks.) idk the concept of psychic girl who gets bullied a ton feels like it would be right at home as an atlus rerelease extra girl.
of course terminator sticks out too. when it comes to forgotten smt demon, terminator is an icon in that department. outside of the guns being the same and being (presumably) a robot (idk i haven’t gotten around to playing smt 2 yet but there’s a lot of more mechanical demons based on all the art i’ve seen), the name is the closest it really is to resembling the t-800s. idk to me it feels like it’s different enough that bringing it back in at least one future megaten game wouldn’t be that much of an issue compared to other horror icon references. they could just change the guns/ditch the guns altogether and change the name. really cool overall.
scanner is another weird one that i kinda wanna see again just because it sounds like it could be cool. dude only appears in smt 1, and while fan wikis aren’t super reliable sources, because it gave off that “this has to be some reference to a cheesy 80s movie” vibe, i dug into the origins more. yeah there’s a canadian fic called scanners and yeah scanner is 100% based on the whole idea of scanners in the film. never seen it nor heard of it, but hey the director, david cronenberg, also directed the fly so it’s probably a fun watch.
friday’s design is technically wrong though it’s also kinda not. despite jason most often using a machete (and preferring to kill horny teens), a lot of references have him using a chainsaw.
chris the car is technically not completely gone. of course the idea of ghost drivers and the like in media are nothing new (though the car itself is the killer in christine) so for all i know i’m overthinking it or it’s a coincidence, but oboroguruma—a demon exclusive to dsrk 1 and 2–seems to take some design inspiration, having a similar destroyed bumper/grill with an exposed motor.
lastly, while not pictured here or anything, something i found out one time is that lucifer’s favorite fake name, louis cyphre, is a reference to the novel falling angel/its film adaptation, angel heart, though none of the various disguises resemble how he looks in the film. idk i found that an interesting tidbit.
kaneko was apparently into western media (which is unsurprising) so that’s likely the reason there was so many of these movie references during the earlier days of megaten. what i’m sure is due to copyright, many of these older demons never appeared again. copyright law does vary in different places and i’m sure for the few jjba fans who are reading this, you know just how lax japan is in comparison likely due to being western stuff and most copyright holders don’t have that much of an international grip. unless you’re disney. with the whole localization effort atlus might’ve not wanted to have to change a bunch of shit which i don’t blame them for. though with the existence of nickelwise and hierophant coming from tokyo mirage sessions, a pretty recent game (released in 2015 and rereleased on the switch in 2020) that doesn’t seem to have run into copyright issue or had to take them out in the rerelease as far as i’m aware, it’s not entirely impossible to see anything similar again. it is kinda sad though.
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leastdatablebracket · 8 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
Ota Kisaki
He literally treats MC like a dog, and also they meet when he buys her in a black market auction
the tiniest defense of ota from kbtbb ALL but like three of the ro’s do buy you off the black market (it’s a team effort bc humans aren’t meant to be sold in the black market hotel ring ackshually 🤓 so the whole team pools together to buy you 💀 [and eisuke runs the damn thing which is objectively worse]) also one of the ro’s who doesn’t buy you is a black market doctor who’s obsessed w ur bones, and ur kids from other routes?, like *loves* ur collar bones and it’s weird. the other two are like. an accountant or some shit and a clown
Shuu Iwamine
This damn partridge kills you CONSTANTLY, regardless if you romance him or not. One of them is literally at the START of the school year, he beheads you then uses your head to pilot this grotesque horror movie android thing! Completely unprompted, you can just die immediately! Horrible school doctor material, even worse boyfriend material, but alas, he's my favorite character.
[hatobf spoilers and also gore / violence kind of ?] he literally kills the mc in both of his endings, and in the true route he uses her best friend to kill her . and chops her body up and puts them in boxes to his student . and he puts her brain in a strange scarecrow machine . its insane hes so undateable man <//3
Decapitates protagonist and puts her head in a jar. Kills multiple other characters. Just generally an unpleasant person . My favorite character btw
He hates your species, sees you more as a science experiment than a romantic partner, and also kills you in his ending. Plus he has just, the worst attitude about the whole thing.
Bad End with him the government takes you out. "Good" end with him he cuts off your head, sticks it in a jar, and talks to it while on the run from the government. (Spoilers for hatoful BBL) True End of the whole game that ties up all the characters' stories, he kills you again but this time sends your head to your childhood best friend and takes your brain out to make basically robo-frankenstein. Was also an adult when the MC was a young child, and is the school nurse at MC's high-school. He's also a partridge. 
Literal birderer (bird murderer) 
It also turns out the (unrequited?) love of his life was the father of the MC's childhood friend. AND HE DOESN'T PULL ANY OF THIS SHIT WITH HIM. HE EVEN BECOMES A SLIGHTLY BETTER PERSON FOR HIM IN HOLIDAY STAR. It even turns out that everything thing he did in the true route of Hatoful Boyfriend was to fulfill a promise he made to that man on his deathbed (ALTHOUGHT RYOUTA'S FATHER NEVER ASKS HIM TO COMMIT ANY MURDERS, FATBIRD JUST THINKS MURDERS ARE A GREAT SOLUTION TO MANY PROBLEMS). So like, he's not just a murderous sadistic partridge who is also kind of a dick. He could not be one. Just NOT FOR YOU. OR ANYONE ELSE. JUST THIS ONE SPECIFIC PIGEON.
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devilsrecreation · 8 months
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I love how Esmerelda basically sums up not only gothic literature like POTO, Frankenstein, and Hunchback, but also the entire concept of discrimination (like racism, anti-semitism, LGTB-phobia, etc.). It’s always been humanity’s biggest problem in my opinion and she just described it PERFECTLY
God, I love her
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eldritch-apawmination · 9 months
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🩻Names: Vessel {Vess}, Sal, Wade, Soul, pawmin
🧲Pronouns: It/Tri {please no they/them!!} 🐁about me: im a self-taught artist, and i started in 2020!! my art style changes a lot, but i think ive found one currently ::3 i’m agender and genderfluid
🌀Other blogs i run: @vessbot, @medmeowselfships @emo-bird-heart @electricautomaton @coolchickenenthusiast
🎧 mad scientist!!!! muahahahaha >::3
🏙ADHD + possible autism {thank you reb for giving me that worry /s} ♦️Art tag - #vess.png
🥼art trades always open unless stated otherwise!!
🌎Hyperfixations: Sally Face, Chonny Jash, Will Wood, Gothic Horror, Ultrakill, Homestuck
☎️Other fandoms: Chonny Jash, Tally Hall, Undertale/Deltarune, Empires SMP/LDshadowlady, Beetlejuice The Musical, Heathers, GASA4, Splatoon, hfjONE, Object Shows, TGS
🪣eldritchapawmination on discord !!
{^^ sort of out of date!! sorry!!}
basic DNI criteria (lgbtq+phobes, racists, zoos, etc)
ash haters (she did nothing wrong gtfo especially if you also ship salvis)
{and, to be clear, jashshippers are fine interacting, i know that's a subject of debate but as long as you're not proshipping while shipping them, i have no problem with it. also dont interpret my art as shipping, unless i say that its fine either in tags or description}
{don’t like don’t read/watch/interact etc applies here, and i am a supporter of such, but that also means that i’m allowed to say that i don’t want proshippers interacting with my content, and i won’t interact with them, either.}
💌current favorite things:
🌐character: sal fisher <3 !! or soul
📘📕book: frankenstein
📼song: doombox by moon walker
🎮game: sally face
🐾animal: siamese rats ::3
Have a nice stay!!
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callsignbaphomet · 2 months
I can be 100% wrong about this but in my head Jelani and Angelus are super good at fixing stuff (in any AU) and use it as a productive bonding time <3
No, yeah, you are 100% right about this. I'll try not to word vomit as I usually do lol. Emphasis on try.
In Oracle Angelus is good at a more techy IT sorta approach to fixing things. On top of drawing one of his other favorite things to do is make mods for games he likes to play or games friends or family are playing and want things not already available and will happily help if someone broke a game by incorrectly installing something or wrong placement. Very into jailbreaking phones. He loves to reverse engineer programs. Trevor is currently teaching him all he knows about cars. Also, also, also! Since he's a werewolf he's got "close ties to nature" so like all werewolves he kinda has this...sixth sense about plant life so he or any werewolf for that matter can totally help nurture your plants back to health.
On the other hand given the year and place Jelani was born in yeah he can absolutely fix most anything that's broken in and around the house. His dad and uncle are engineers so whenever he and Loke visit their parents back home he likes to help his dad and uncle with personal or work related projects. His aunt's a vet, back in ye olden times she was the one that tended to cattle, pets and other animals and Jelani was always right there assisting (huge animal lover and nerd. Always said that if he wasn't doing what he does he'd be a zoologist or biologist). When he visits his parents he'll make time to visit his aunt and help her like he used to as a kid. So yeah, he can tend to wounds, illnesses and stuff.
They do go to and rely on each other for things the other knows and can help. Even if one doesn't know what the other is doing they love to watch and help and in Angelus's case ask a million questions.
In Fallout Jelani can take apart, clean, oil and put back together ANY weapon you put in front of him. Any. He can fix any too and has even gone so far as to Frankenstein several weapons to max out their usefulness and deadliness. Gungnir, his anti-material sniper rifle, is a prime example of it. The damn thing is so highly customized that it's almost impossible for anyone else to properly use it. Loke taught him a bit about maintaining and fixing armor, Jela's got the basics down but for the more complicated stuff he goes to Loke. Jela's also been known to modify turrets, traps and other security as well as fixing them whenever they get damaged after attacks. Can fix computers, hack them and even fixed that old pip-boy Loke found.
Given his upbringing and lifestyle Angelus doesn't really know much of anything about fixing or maintaining anything. But he's been learning from Jelani how to clean and maintain weapons. Weapons kind of elude him and he's not too good with guns yet but he's proven to be a fast learner. He also helps Jelani whenever he's about fixing stuff. Angelus quickly learned that Jelani likes to keep himself busy as a form of distraction to avoid shit so he's always on the lookout for dirty, discarded or broken weapons and brings them to him and it's great for both helping Jela and for bonding.
In Skyrim Angelus was pretty much waited on hand and foot. He never had to do much of anything. Why when you have a bunch of servants doing anything and everything? However, his move to Skyrim when he ran away was a shock to the system though he still carries that mentality of "why fix it when you can just buy it again?" His time with Loke, Jelani and Uthorim have turned him around. Mostly. He found that Jelani will at times resurrect plants and flowers that have died in the garden because at times Loke can be very busy with patients. He kinda took a liking to gardening and in a way it feels like he's repaying Lo, Jela and Uth back by keeping the garden plentiful and healthy which is where Lo gets his ingredients and has a bit of a "shrine" for his parents and it helps for when Jela's not home. Since Angelus is the one that stays at home he's stopped being a diva and helps out around the manor keeping it clean and organized.
Jela on the other hand will help him clean but can fix stuff around the manor so they team up to keep things in order as Lo and Uth are the busiest of the four of them. Jela can maintain weapons though not really fix 'em. Being a mercenary and a member of Lady Valerica's court means things get damaged from stabs or slashes and he's learned to fix things which Angelus likes to watch him do and prompts him to ask a million questions.
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saintnovas · 3 months
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likes: boku no hero academia. castlevania. zelda. resident evil. minecraft. vampires. cats. mangoes. spider-man. winter. astronomy. jujustu kaisen. coryxkenshin. berleezy. frankenstein. etc.
dislikes: anyone going along with the basic dni. cotton candy-flavored candy. salmon. medical needes. blood [varies]. gore. isaac newton.
faves: midoriya izuku. takami keigo. nanami kento. okkotsu yuta. adrian tepes. mirko. peter parker. miles morales. link. leon kennedy. etc.
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before you follow:
please don't interact if you are below the age of sixteen.
i write for me first and foremost, everyone else comes second place.
this is a hobby of mine so please don't get demanding because i'll just block you and move on.
i curse and reclaim slurs.
i can be flirtatious at times, please let me know if that bothers you.
please don't be afraid to interact, i swear i don't bite.
do not interact:
if you write sexual content about minors under the guise of aging them up. you're weird. stop.
if you're a racist, zionist, anti-black, homophobic, transphobic, nazi, etc.
if you headcanon characters as anything in my dni.
if romanticize anything in my dni.
if you write or support dark content.
if you spam-like, but don't reblog content (girl...).
if you bash or talk down to minors.
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iforimaginary · 8 months
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Hello there!
☆ I go by Imaginary on most social media platforms- so I guess that’s what you’re stuck calling me… ☆
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• I’m something roughly dude adjacent and use he/they pronouns. I wouldn’t be too opposed to any neo-pronouns you may choose to use.
• I was born in Russia however I have a hefty mix of Russian, Ukrainian and Mongolian blood. Essentially it all boils down to me being white + asian.
• I’ve moved since and am now based in the UK. However, I do tend to travel a-lot so there is no telling where on the globe I might be at any given moment.
• I fluently speak Russian, English and French (though I am terribly out of practice and might be rusty). I know a good bit of Latin and am currently learning Japanese!
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• I’ve been active online for the better part of my tween and teenage years so I am well aware that not everyone will be everybody’s cup of tea. If the type of content I put out doesn’t particularly resonate with you, please be reasonable and simply scroll by :)
• I am part of the LGBTQ+ community and it goes without saying that anyone residing with homophobic or transphobic views will not be tolerated on this blog.
• The same sentiment is also applied to any kind of anti-asian or anti-black dispositions.
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• I like to keep myself busy so I engage in everything from writing fan-fiction to drawing fan-art and even cosplaying!
• As far as writing goes; I will mainly post drabbles and short one-shots on this blog. Any of my longer works that may be advertised here will be posted on my Ao3 profile (can be found in ‘Links’).
• As far as art goes; Anything from rough sketches to fully rendered pieces will be posted on this blog. Feel free to repost or repurpose my art but please be sure to give credit to this specific blog regardless of the social media you choose to repost or repurpose it on!
• As far as cosplay goes; I will not be posting any of my cosplays on here as Tumblr tends to associate cosplaying with NSFW content and SW (which there is absolutely nothing wrong with, I simply don’t engage with producing such content). However, if you wish to see my work it’s predominantly posted on my TikTok page (can be found in ‘Links’).
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• Getting some self promotion out of the way: If you’re feeling so inclined, consider joining a new fandom… check out my concept for a WIP Will Wood Jukebox Musical titled Welcome To Suburbia
• Where do I even start… I’ve been a massive part of fandom culture since I was in my early tweens and there is absolutely no way of encompassing every single fandom I have ever been in, but I can surely try:
Film & TV:
Sherlock BBC; Hannibal NBC; The Umbrella Academy; IT; Marvel; DC; Harry Potter; Fight Club; Back To The Future; American Horror Story; Dr Who; Good Omens; The Sandman.
Anime & Animation:
Gravity Falls; Inside Job; South Park; TAWoG; Adventure Time; MLP; Sailor Moon; WINX Club; Monster High; Kakegurui; Moriarty The Patriot; Neon-Genesis Evangelion; Black Butler.
FNaF; Cup Head; Cult Of The Lamb; Sally Face; DDLC; Animal Crossing; Splatoon; Legend Of Zelda; Mario Brothers; Project Sekai (Colourful Stage); The Last Of Us; Detroit Become Human.
Books & Literature:
Frankenstein; Jekyll & Hyde; Dracula; Steven King’s Collection; Neil Gaiman’s Collection; Лето В Пионерском Галстуке (Summer In A Scout’s Tie).
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Any and all engagement with this blog is appreciated. I love receiving comments and questions- anything that let’s me meaningfully interact with other users is always welcome.
☆ Stay safe and have a great day!! ☆
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yarpharp · 1 year
I had this insanely long conversation with a dear friend about how the Batfamily would probably be the most bizarre collection of accents ever. This was the verdict:
Bruce is a Gothamite, but he was raised/primarily around Alfred, with his classic British accent. He'd sound out a lot of his vowels with a bit of a Jersey drawl, but he'd annunciate with the kind of precision you expect from an Englishman. He also probably calls the bathroom the Loo in private and a few other little slang terms. BUT oh, it gets even more confusing as he gets older, because he spent a good chunk of his formative years after basically quitting college being trained by the League... Where the dialect is somewhere between archaic forms of Arabic and some Mandarin (because Ra's is old as dirt and obviously refused to adapt his language habits)? The comics were never very clear, but Arabic was a generally agreed thing. So ultimately? Bruce has this generally soft Gothamite accent with careful English annunciation but some words end up lilting because of League influences. The paparazzi claim it's his "international accent" from traveling all over so much, but in reality? He's Batman. He got that accent from being around Alfred and Ra's when he was young.
Yet then this leaves us to analyze others! I mean, what would Jason's actual accent be? He's a Crime Alley kid at the core, so an insanely aggressive Jersey accent. But then he died and came back, and who raised/trained him in his formative years? Oh yeah, ALSO THE LEAGUE. So now you got this pissed off anti-hero with a voice modulator with an accent that drags at vowels but lilts at random. None of the other criminal kingpins in Crime Alley can pin down if he's actually a local or some upstart from out of town trying to assimilate to the local vernacular.
Dick Grayson is the one with the most Frankenstein accent. Why? He grew up in the Circus, and when his Romani parent was not around to babysit him, it was a diverse mix of individuals with all sorts of accents and verbal ticks. Some lilting, some drawl, a bit of everything. Sometimes he just pronounces one word in a very specific way and it baffles Bruce and Alfred. What's worse? He's just one of those people who picks up accents from friends and family, so he ends up coming home one day after hanging out with Superman pronouncing shit like a Kansas hick out of the blue. Bruce is beside himself.
Duke and Tim are immune. Tim sounds like a Gotham rich kid with good pronunciation but a few nasal vowels and Duke just has a mid-level Jersey accent that any average Gotham kid would have.
Stephanie is the wild card. She's got the Gothamite accent but she's ADHD beyond words. And if you have ADHD, you might understand the feel when you subconsciously start picking up accents for certain words and phrases. As a result, Stephanie will randomly tone-shift into an accent she picked up from a Batfam member. Or her favorite barista at Starbucks. Or Harley Quinn's dramatic Jersey accent that outstrips Jason's.
Cass is stuck in accent/pronunciation hell. She's trying to learn to verbally speak English but everyone around her pronounces shit differently. ASL is great, it's neutral language everyone in the family knows, but when she finally speaks it's a mess of accents that reminds everyone in the family that WOW WE ARE A LANGUAGE SALAD.
Damian just sounds like a rich Arab kid. Perfect English clearly trained into him via a UK-born tutor but plenty of the lilt. He gets subconscious about it privately and tries to lose the accent for the sake of "blending in" to Gotham but he's surrounded by family with non-standard Gotham accents.
And finally: Alfred. He has his British accent but he's surrounded by people who have hybrid accents. When he is extremely upset, he loses a lot of his British posh and sounds a lot like Jason. He blames Jason for cursing wildly and repeatedly in his kitchen over the years for causing this.
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cowboibeepbeep · 1 year
I was thinking about how Anti Hero is kind of about Frankenstein’s monster because he is the problem, he scares people with his appearance and his bad deeds seem more monstrous because he’s basically a bunch of corpses stuck together. He can’t connect with the humans so yeah he feels like everybody is a sexy baby and he IS the monster on the hill. Too big to hang out and the villagers think he is going to lurch towards their city and kill everyone. He just wants to be a sexy baby. I feel that y’know
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👀 tell me bout them ocs mayhaps?
*cracks knuckles* Alright. So. Easiest to break them down into their stories. All WIPs because who said finishing anything is how this works
So the main group I'm obsessed w at the moment come from Mirror Image, a series about two husbands, Oliver and Antonio. Oliver tragically died and Antonio went a little...Dr. Frankenstein. But we'll get back to that. Oliver, without his knowledge got stuck in the illegal brain scanning human trafficking rig and is now stuck in a body that is very much not his and angry about it. The illegal data mining of his brain kinda gave him a permanent sour mood. With him is Kuma, the lovely lady who decided to help him find his way home as a way to uh... escape a very fundamentalist anti-andriod cult. She's a sweetheart tho. Way too patient with Oliver for her own good, really.
Meanwhile, Antonio is kinda off the deep end grief wise. Wants his husband back. Doesn't know about the brainscanning. So he has an idea. Why not make my own Oliver!
Yeah that goes about as well as expected.
So now we have Oli, a synthetic replica of Oliver that doesn't really love Antonio but is programmed to. Loves art, still trying to understand how to make it. Really naive sweetie. Easily taken advantage of. Oof.
Below is another story I'm working on, specifically a graphic novel. Basically just a big eldrich horror fest with furries! Woo! Main characters are Aspen, a lovely longhorn beetle with self esteem issues and inherited fire powers; Helios, an Ox beetle with mom friend energy crossed with that really cheery dude that is somehow friends with everyone and has an A in everything as well as being on the football team (also gets a sword later! Cause he deserves it); Fennic, a hoary bat with family issues, a partying problem, and a care free attitude; Jovita, a chainsmoking maned wolf who wears exclusively leather to look cool and somehow always has a weapon handy; and Roxanne, a very shy jumping spider with magic ability that might rival Aspen's (also spoilers! ends up in a very cute lesbian relationship with Jovita).
Also Isla, Aspens aunt whos entire friend group was decimated by the horrors, leaving her forever scarred! I have big feelings about her.
I do have more stories but uh... that feels like enough OCs for the moment lol
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