#like building muscle and reflexes and social interaction and all that
clonememesfrikyeah · 2 months
You know what would be the worst? If at the end of the war when all is said and done, after the clones lost every little thing they had, after Vaders rise and the Jedi’s fall, after all that death and hardship and misery? It would be terrible to be a clone and wake up like suddenly coming out of a coma, in a stasis chamber that they grew up in and rarely left, there was the craziest dream just before and there’s the lingering feeling something important just happened, this is Kamino 35bby, all the information they were just fed is already neatly stored in their perfect flash-memory brain. No ones died yet, all of that was a simulation based on a calculation of events to instal orders and hone the discipline of troops. It’s dark, there’s no way of telling if anyone or anything exists beyond the boundary’s of the inside. There’s a designated call sign and designation along with vitals displayed in the line of vision, it’s also counting down the seconds to when a new simulation is set to begin.
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gothhabiba · 2 years
i agree 100% with what you're saying re: "online" connection and i think you explain it beautifully and it's a very important conversation. i've noticed a trend to say someone/something is "chronically" or "terminally" online as a jokey exaggeration, which has felt.. bad to me, but i'm not sure how to put it into words. it seems like criticizing how people can take things too far online has some merit, but some people have taken that criticism itself too far, if that makes sense?
It's interesting that you bring up this language--looking at it, it strikes me that it is of course the language of disease and disability ("online" stands in for the "ill" in "chronically ill," "terminally ill"). The internet is thus presented as a sort of psychical or psycho-physical contagion that can create moral disease or decay in those who are too "exposed" to it, or those who expose themselves to it without the effort, self-control, or mental or physical 'exercise' required to counterbalance that contagion. It reminds me of something I said a little bit ago regarding the idea that "content warnings create an army of weaklings who reflexively avoid any content that they don't like":
The idea that avoiding certain content makes you weak or allows for the deterioration of Brain Muscles that could be strengthened by engaging with said content heavily relies on the idea that suffering is automatically edifying. The entire concept that exercising discipline in the face of something unpleasant builds up Brain Muscles that 1. are morally necessary to build and 2. can then be put to use doing other tasks reads to me as very 19th-century muscular Christianity eugenicist-y Self Control type ideology.
Granted, there isn't a generational component that posits "chronic onlineness" to be a condition that worsens over hereditary time (that I've seen). But the idea that this mental or physical weakness can worsen within a person unless effort is made to counteract it recalls the Victorian concept of racial degeneration, which posits that certain environments (mainly those that are too lush and comfortable) can weaken racial stock. And the mental and physical weakness of being "online" is, again, described using a register that is actively associated with disease and disability--it is described this way because this language is associated with disease and disability, because these writers want to associate being "online" with the reaction of disgust and avoidance called forth by the concept or prospect of disability.
The "physical weakness" aspect of this proposed disease is always there implicitly in our understanding of the kinds of physical postures involved in being "online" versus engaging "in real life," but it is sometimes made explicit as well. A tumblr user, responding to a post referencing the neurochemistry of reward systems and reward-seeking behaviour in encouraging "those of us who are terminally online" to "log off, go outside, hang with friends," writes the following:
imo the more effort something takes the greater the reward. it doesn't actually need to be all that hard it just needs to feel difficult enough so that your brain says "oh good job you did this and deserve a treat." an abstracted social interaction in a virtual space is low effort because you're sitting/reclining/whatever. your body is not engaged and therefore it doesn't parse as worthy of greater reward by the brain. (emphasis mine)
This tumblr user (of whose scientific credentials I am unsure) doesn't specifically exclude those for whom sitting up or reclining while using an internet-connected device does represent significant physical effort from consideration, or express explicit disdain for those for whom all of life is lived reclining and all or most social interactions are "abstracted"--but they don't really have to. They don't reference any actual studies of neuroscience or neurochemistry here, but again, they don't really have to. They're drawing from an (I think, in this cultural and ideological environment) intuitively attractive sort of logic in which individual weakness and disease arising from a too-cozy environment can and must be counteracted by individual effort.
My argument is not that social media are not set up to encourage short-term reward-seeking behaviour in a capitalist economic system, or that repeated engagement with anything thus designed cannot or does not alter individuals' neurology in any way (including to their detriment). My argument is not that changing your behaviour & the ways in which you engage with people or environments online cannot be to anyone's benefit. My argument is not that physical isolation is not to anyone's detriment (indeed, the fact that it demonstrably is harmful is key to understanding the violence of imprisonment & of eugenicist responses to the coronavirus pandemic). My argument has nothing to do with neurochemistry.
Rather, what I'm objecting to is roughly: 1. the idea that any connection occurring "online" is necessarily abjected and unreal compared to any connection or interaction occurring in physical space (as if all "irl" connections are deeply meaningful? as if no "online" connections are? as if all of the internet is large social media sites?); 2. the equation of life lived in physical space to "real" life; 3. the language of disease and disability when applied to the above assumptions ("terminally online," "chronically online"); 4. the emphasis on the individual will as a site of resistance in a way that is implicitly moralised. The idea that this is a type of mental and physical disease, combined with the idea that the individual can counteract it by force of will, relies heavily on our cultural and ideological understanding of disease as a moral failing on the part of the individual. Thus many people will mock individuals for being "terminally online" as though it is a personal failing, without necessarily making an argument about how capitalism impacts the structure of social media (or anything else that can alter behaviour or cognitive functioning on the level of the collective).
The logic that blames the individual for a disease, or that connects disease to a fault of not exerting the will, is the same eugenicist logic that, until very recently, mandated graded exercise therapy as the only NHS-funded treatment for CFS. It's similar to the fascist logic that celebrates physical strength and ability as a reflex of mental ability and as the condition of possibility for a strong political movement, recently circulating in the "iron pill" far-right movement on 4chan. I earlier compared it to the logic of degeneration theory and muscular Christianity. My friend @realgarn pointed out to me the Protestant origins of much of this type of logic (in which morality is tied to ascetic living and to mastery over one’s environment), and the fact that the specific genealogies of this genre of thought are no doubt different in different countries. But there's a specific logical and rhetorical through line here that, of course, does not exempt leftists' thought and arguments.
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maulusque · 3 years
Clone genetic enhancement ideas
So the clones were genetically enhanced, but i don’t really see any writers (in fanfic or in published stuff) really exploring what that MEANS beyond “clone very stronk”. Here are some ideas that would actually make clones significantly different from just a regular-ass human in peak condition. 
-enhanced senses: eyesight, hearing, etc. I’m talking eyes like a HAWK
-better reflexes
-quicker information processing
-can hear sounds of higher and lower frequency than standard humans
-can see light of a broader spectrum than human standard
-learn quicker, retain information and skills better (potential problem: if you learn something the WRONG way, that way might stick really well)
-photographic memory (really useful for memorizing layouts and maps)
-immunity to various diseases
-can tolerate a wider range of temperatures and environments
-increased stamina and strength baseline. Clones can just run full-tilt for hours and hours and be like “ah a nice stroll”. Over long distances, they can out-pace jedi in the same way that humans can out-pace horses.
-higher tolerance of certain poisons/toxins (clones can straight-up drink ethanol, and get maybe a little tipsy)
-bodies respond quickly to physical stress, and slowly to the absence of it (basically, this means that physical conditioning results in stronger muscles and a stronger cardiovascular system really quickly, and it takes MUCH longer for a clone to lose strength and conditioning due to not exercising than standard humans. Think how much valuable training time is saved if they only have to go on a run like, once a month in order to stay in shape)
-increased ability to function through intense pain and acute injuries. Basically, semi-disabling the pain system so it’s less distracting. Probably not good for the survival of the individual in many situations, but an advantage on the battlefield. 
-heal faster and better, with fewer long-term complications. Clones can dislocate their shoulders and NOT have the joint be permanently fucked up, because the Kaminoans re-designed the whole damn thing to suck WAY less.
-actually, unique internal anatomy. There’s probably a lot about the human body besides the shoulder joint that is actually just really stupid, and something no intelligent designer would actually build. So the Kaminoans can fix a lot of that stuff. Better knees, maybe. Stronger ribs. Maybe Cody punches droids not just because he’s a mad bastard, but also because his metatarsals are literally as strong as steel. 
-Hearing loss/hearing damage? No problem, your ear can regrow those little hair-thingies that help you hear. 
-Of course, it takes energy to maintain muscle mass, which is why human bodies lose it if we’re not using it. Clones need significantly more calories than standard humans. However, their digestive systems are enhanced to extract calories and nutrients from food much more efficiently, so food goes much farther. Potential weird side effect: maybe clones only have to poop like, once a week?
-You could probably extend that into increased ability to tolerate long periods without food/on low rations, despite the increased need for calories. 
-wouldn’t it be NEAT if the kaminoans somehow designed self-repairing DNA. This would mean that others couldn’t take a DNA sample from a clone and modify it to create their own clones (basically, it protects their product. It’s like DRM for clones). This ALSO means that clones couldn’t get cancer, and that they’d be immune to radiation poisoning. So a clone could just walk up to a sphere of uranium at critical mass and pick it up. Maybe with oven mitts on if it’s hot. (this would also make it harder for a rapid-aging cure to be developed, but uhhhh fanfic writers find a way)
- “bred for obedience” I think most of this would have to be accomplished through tightly-controlled messaging and cultural norms as the clones grow up- basically, enshrining obedience as a desirable and almost sacred trait, to be prized higher than anything else, including the lives of your brothers. In the same way that we hear stories of people sacrificing their lives to protect their loved ones, the clones would grow up hearing stories of soldiers sacrificing their brothers’ lives to obey an order from a superior. 
-SOME of the “obedience” thing could be engineered, though. Humans are already super social, but it would probably make sense for the clones to have an even greater need for social bonds. This would make for greater teamwork and coordination, and better unit cohesion, since the clones would be more inclined to prioritize friendship/agreeing with someone over winning an argument. It would also make it so they’d bond with their natural-born generals more easily, so they would obey them not just because they’re supposed to, but because they’d be much quicker to see them as a friend, and someone who’s trust they want to earn, someone they want to incorporate into their group and make happy.
-consequently, clones who find themselves alone do NOT do well. Isolation has a much more profoundly negative impact on clones than on regular humans.
-Originally, clones designed to operate alone or in small teams would not have the social enhancement- ARC troopers, spec-ops teams, etc. There wouldn’t be much of a noticeable difference in everyday interactions, but they’d also be vaguely weirded out by what they interpret as aggressive friendliness from their brothers, and their brothers would think they’re a bit shy and standoffish. 
-actually this social modification would make it MUCH harder for clones to kill people. REGULAR HUMANS are already super bad at killing people- i remember reading this article about how as soon as soldiers have to point their weapons at actual people, their aim gets mysteriously much shittier. Even when compared to situations that are exactly the same, except they’re not shooting at other humans. So reconcile this how you will, idk.
-I imagine a lot of these enhancements would be accomplished not through DNA, but through microorganisms. Retroviruses could explain the DNA resistant to modification, and the increased healing speed, and possibly some disease resistance (do i know anything about retroviruses other than a vague concept of what they are? no i do not. will that stop me? also no.) Their metabolism can be partially explained through specially engineered gut microbes.
-not sure how they’d go about making clones “resistant to any stress”, because you can’t exactly turn off the trauma response in the brain without breaking a bunch of other things. They could probably do a bit of fiddling to make clones more resistant to chemical imbalances, and therefore more depression-resistant. I think most of the “stress-resistance” would have to come through training. Either they train the clones to basically suppress everything, which might work alright in the short term. OR they actually have systems in place that help prevent the development of things like PTSD and help treat trauma. Meaning the clones are literally trained in self-care, positive self-talk, talking about their pain with their brothers, and having community rituals around things like death and grief. I don’t think that’s super likely because one thing that’s integral to those concepts is the concept of “i am a person and i have worth, and if i feel angry about something bad happening, that is ok and valid” and considering that a whole lot of bad things happen to the clones all the time and their childhood is a whole boatload of bad all happening at once, i don’t think the kaminoans would want the clones realizing “hey wait a minute i’m a person and i don’t deserve to be treated this way and it’s ok for me to be mad at you”. 
- the clones were supposedly engineered to be “less aggressive” but i think there was literally nothing more to that than a cover story for the control chip. The clones wouldn’t be raised with a lot of the aggressive western concept of masculinity, where anger is the default reaction to like, everything, and your personal pride is extremely important and also fragile (no offense lmao). So you wouldn’t have clones posturing and getting angry over perceived slights and fighting each other all the time, like everyone in-universe apparently expects to be the case. Anyway, why would you want your soldiers to be less aggressive? they’re literally supposed to fight and kill the enemy. You want them fully capable of getting angry, anger is the human response to fear and danger that lets us DO something about it. 
-obviously the biggest component in how they behave would be how they are raised, but that’s an entirely different post
-Specializations! I imagine that initially, the Kaminoans had different clones with different traits engineered specifically to fill certain roles. However, as the war went on, they struggled to keep up with demand and had to start shoving clones into whatever roles were needed (hence Fives and Echo becoming ARCs, despite not being engineered as ARC troopers). 
-Command clones would have better abilities in the executive function parts of the brain that deal with extrapolation, planning ahead, spatial reasoning, etc. They’d also have increased visual pattern recognition (like a pigeon)
-search-and-rescue troops would also have the pigeon pattern recognition abilities. The coast guard literally strapped pigeons to helicopters who would tap a button when they saw orange in the water, because they were better at spotting it than humans. Pigeons can detect cancer in microscope images of cells, because they’re that good at pattern recognition
-Pilots would have hella reflexes, excellent spatial awareness and spatial reasoning skills, much greater ability to process visual information, stronger hearts and blood vessels (to resist greater Gs of force), and they’d also be much shorter, to better fit into a cockpit. Which reminds me of Axe, that poor bastard from Ahsoka’s squadron over Ryloth who was almost eight feet tall. rip poor Axe, how did you even become a pilot, you long bastard.
-medics who can smell certain diseases. If you want to get a little bit out there, make the medics able to purr so they can sooth stressed-out patients. 
-infantry would have even greater endurance than everyone else, as well as greater tolerance for, and ability to, remain constantly on alert.
-ability to fall asleep at will? that would be super dope.
-maybe more efficient sleep, so to an adult clone, 4 hours of sleep is genuinely sufficient.
-concept: clones can sort of turn down their bodily functions- slow their digestion, heart, lungs, the whole nine yards- to last longer in adverse conditions. Sort of a half-hibernation (or quarter hibernation- they’d still be able to talk and think, but they’d feel very lethargic). They wouldn’t be able to function very well, but it would be great for things like enduring intense cold, periods without food, low-oxygen environments, and it would be especially useful if you were wounded and waiting for help, since you could slow your circulation, meaning it would take you a lot longer to bleed out. This state could be triggered by a combination of physical actions such as sitting or lying still, breathing slowly and deeply, and focusing on slowing the heart down (humans can actually slow down their hearts consciously if you practice at it, this is basically that, but turned up to like 1100).
-one thing that never made sense to me was the whole “we’re running out of jango fett’s DNA, all the new clones won’t be as good, and we have to stop ventress from stealing the original DNA” because like, can’t they just, get the EXACT SAME DNA from the clones?? you know, the exact genetic copies? With all the enhancements already done? But now my idea is that the kaminoans have engineered the clones so their DNA straight up can’t be copied. The clone’s own body can obviously replicate it, but if you take a sample and try to extract the DNA, it just self-destructs or something. This is to protect their intellectual property, but also means that they literally have to use a couple of Jango Fett’s actual human cells for every single clone they make (and the fact that they then have to do all the above enhancements to every single embryo helps explain why there’s so many small mutations, such as hair color and height). So they kinda shot themselves in the foot with that one. 
-of course since things like ADHD and autism have a strong genetic component, the kaminoans could theoretically engineer those out of the clones, but actually FUCK THAT so for whatever reason, that’s just not something they are able to do, and neurodivergent clones are absolutely a thing
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malachi-walker · 4 years
Rhythm & Blues Worldbuilding: Magicats
Since I finally got the rock star au up here and I'm working on the next chapter, I thought I'd share some of the worldbuilding ideas I've incorporated or plan to incorporate regarding how a world shaped by hybrids in addition to plain old humans would differ from our own. And since Catra of course is the protagonist along with Adora, it'd behoove me not to start off with the Magicats. ;) Though I do plan on making a post later covering the other kinds of hybrids as well (also for the love of God, crew-ra, please give me names for their individual races so I don't have to come up with shit like "lizard-kin". I'm begging you.)
World building goodness under the cut.
Quick note: although I do draw some indirect inspiration from real world cultures (specifically the clusterfuck that was colonial condescension to anyone who wasn't them) I do deliberately try to avoid taking customs from any real world culture. Because that has... Unfortunate implications. So most of what I discuss here is stuff I came up with on my own, but if something does match up with the real world it is unintentional on my part and feel free to let me know.
Standing with the other races
Out of all the hybrids the Magicats tend to be the most isolationist and closed off to outsiders, partly because they have a very small population size to begin with and partly because they along with the lizard-kin got hit hardest with the animal/predator comparisons. Although the current world has mostly gotten over that bullshit apart from some racists (note: I specifically use the term racist instead of speciest because writing speciest makes my memories of my editing teachers screech in the back of my head, but also because a running theme in the rock star au is that hybrids are still PEOPLE and should be treated as such, and drawing attention to it with words like "species" kinda defeats that purpose.) the average person on the street still doesn't know a whole lot about Magicat culture, and most of what they do know likely comes from old stereotypes or really suspect sources rather than actual Magicats. This is improving as more Magicats make their way into the public sphere and the internet has opened up new pathways for their voices to be heard, but it is still a work in progress.
General rule of thumb for Magicats for me is finding good middle ground between cat characteristics and people characteristics. Good example is that unlike cats, Magicats can eat chocolate, but too much of it in a short amount of time can build up to toxic levels. There are apps available that let them keep track of how often they can indulge. Same thing with alcohol; alcohol and Magicats is similar to a person with a very mild, non-lifethreatening allergy, i.e. they can get shitfaced very quickly on a comparitively low amount and it takes a bit longer for their body to metabolize out of their system. This is actually based on personal experience with my dad, who only drinks once in a blue moon and is thankfully a very mellow/happy drinker, so watching him get sauced on one-and-a-half rum and cokes is a pretty fun time. XD
Other dietary considerations: they're not complete carnivores, but they do have a greater meat to other food groups proportion than humans. Like sixty-forty percent, and heavy carbs and starches make up the smallest percentage of their diet because it's harder for their digestive system to process. Their front two molars are pointed like a predator's but their back molars are flat like humans'.
Like Catra has demonstrated in show, they possess phenomenal reflexes and agility, as well as heightened senses of smell and hearing--the hearing in particular is their primary dominant sense alongside vision. Speaking of vision, like cats they are red colorblind and shades of yellow are washed out compared to what we would see, but they see the rest of the color spectrum just fine. But like humans, they have a sharper clarity of vision than a cat would and aren't nearsighted.
Oh, and while it probably won't come up in the series itself, they do experience a heat cycle about once per year, but unlike in most fanfics they are still fully in control of their faculties and decision making capabilities. A Magicat in heat is no more likely to be sexually attracted to someone than they would be outside of heat, and it really pisses them off when people imply otherwise. It's kind of like when a human woman has her period but also feels horny. So if they don't want to get with a partner they should be left alone or treated like any loved one dealing with a rough period: patience and warm blankets.
Cultural Stuff
We're getting into the fun stuff now, though some of it will be saved for a future fic where Catra takes the time to learn about her own culture during her three years of homelessness. (Also please note that a lot of these are just general touchstones and actual viewpoints may differ from Magicat to Magicat.)
1. Magicat culture is an interesting mix between interconnectedness and individuality
And by that I mean that as a culture, Magicats do consider themselves to be an interconnected unit and to have a responsibility towards one another to assist as needed. However, they also have an emphasis on the individual as a complete being in and of themselves. This shows up most prominently in interpersonal relationships: unlike humans, who place a great emphasis on things like monogamy and marriage and the solidity of family units, it's not uncommon to see Magicats who are single parents of any gender, or never have kids, or maybe have a lifelong partner but never get formally married. That's because their culture makes it clear that one person is already whole on their own, and while having a partner or family is always nice it's not a requirement. It's up to each individual Magicat to decide what they want out of their lives, and there's usually no judgment whether they decide to get married and have kids or just stay single for their entire lives.
With that said, if a Magicat decides to get formally married (as in making an actual declaration of "this is the person for me") it is a BIG DEAL. Because again, culturally speaking it isn't a requirement, so making that commitment is a huge deal for them, and they often make that permanent. So if a Magicat decides to settle down completely with a partner, they use freeze branding to permanently turn a section of their fur white in a way that look similar to a quarter sleeve tattoo in a very distinct geometric pattern*. That basically tells every other Magicat on sight that this person is wholly dedicated to their chosen beloved. Younger Magicats will also use cold branding to replicate tattoos like other races, but the marriage brand is always distinct, both due to the particular geometric design work and because it is always on their dominant arm, to signify that they are offering their strength to their beloved for the rest of their lives. If their partner is another Magicat they will also get a matching brand, otherwise it depends on the particular race (humans typically get tattoos.)
*My personal mental image of what this resembles is similar to Maori or Pacific Islander forearm tattoos, but not a 100% match because 1) cultural appropriation is gross and 2) the logistical practicalities of doing that via freeze branding would be insane. So that general vibe but simplified. Feel free to flex those imagination muscles.
And before anyone asks... This may or may not come up later in the au. ;) ;) ;)
2. They have certain social rules dealing with other Magicats.
These will be explored in greater depth during the fic, but basically a lot of Magicat etiquette centers around who the other Magicat is to you and stuff like location. For example, they'll typically use honorifics to refer to Magicats who have been teachers to them or assisted them in some way as a show of respect.
The most obvious rule of etiquette to outside observers is that whenever two Magicats meet for the first time and wish to demonstrate respect for each other, the one who approaches the other will come forward slowly until they are just a bit beyond arm's reach. They will then take a half step forward with the leg that corresponds to their dominant hand and then offer that arm to the other. This is the cue for the Magicat being approached to mirror the pose regardless of what their dominant hand is (up until then they will remain in a straight and relaxed position and wait for the signal.) Once this is done, the two will clasp forearms and briefly dip their heads forward into the other's space for a single shared breath before breaking apart. This is a sign that they are now free to move closer to one another and can now interact in a way that is indistinguishable from what outsiders would consider normal conversation between new acquaintances. The purpose of the greeting is for the one approaching to demonstrate their respect for the other and ask to be let into their space; telegraphing which arm they favor symbolizes showing someone a strength of yours and is a sign of trust.
Again, this doesn't apply to all Magicats and the younger generation in particular tends to eschew or pick and choose what etiquette they follow, but in general they do like it when the old traditions are observed, especially by younglings. They don't use this system of etiquette with other races and usually instead adapt their behavior to the person they're interacting with.
Other Misc. Details
I was originally going to have Catra be a motorcycle lesbian because duh, but while doing my due diligence in researching motorcyle safety I ran into a few reasons why that isn't a good idea.
The first is that part of the reason why motorcyle helmets work in the first place is because the evenly curved surface provides an equal distibution of force when striking something. This is why novelty helmets like ones with cat ears or stuff of that type are considered dangerous; they break up that curved surface and thus can't redistribute that force as evenly. So not only would a motorcycle helmet like ours be uncomfortable for a Magicat and disabling to one of their primary senses, trying to design one to accommodate their ears would increase the danger to them in case of an accident.
The second is that I've already established in the au that overheating is a constant concern for Magicats, and proper protective clothing for human motorcyclists already carries a huge risk of overheating us without the added consideration of having fur. So it would be a trade off between solid protection at heavy risk of personal discomfort and overheating or eschewing that protection and increasing the chance of serious injuries. And yeah, Magicats have good enough senses that they could probably backflip or throw themselves clear if they're about to crash, but just getting off the bike isn't gonna do much if you then smack into another vehicle at 60 mph.
And that's kind of a shame, because otherwise Magicats would be ideal safe motorcyclists. Their spacial awareness and sense of balance is phenomenal, and they'd be great at anticipating and reacting the movements of other drivers. I just couldn't make it work with rock star!Catra because she's a lot less reckless. Canon!Catra I could see taking the risk. Don't get me wrong: if you wanna make Catra a sexy, motorcyle riding catgirl you have my full support. I just couldn't justify it in this au.
Honestly, there'll probably be more later, but I'm tapped for now. Would love to hear what if any of you have any thoughts. And of course, if you like what you've read and haven't already, check out my rock star au under the Rhythm & Blues tag or the masterpost list. ;)
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whitewolfbumble · 5 years
Of Gods & Goddesses - Chapter Four
A Modern & Fluffy Greek Mythology AU with Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: The connection was immediate and the mystery behind Bucky Barnes ran deeper and deadlier than you thought. Falling in love has never been this complicated, for a goddess or otherwise. A modern reimagining of Hades and Persephone, with Bucky the God of Spring and you the Goddess of the Underworld.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader (aka God!Bucky x Goddess!Reader, Persephone!Bucky x Hades!Reader)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3.5k
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The city was long since in your rearview mirror with the dark green forest a wall on either side of you as you sped through.
He had been a little tense, arms and legs held together unmoving and stiff when the two of you had slid into the black car. Now, the further you had gotten towards your house, the more relaxed he had become and the more tightly wound you had become.
This is insane!, you thought to yourself, repeating it for the hundredth time and gripping the steering wheel all the harder. Never have you analyzed anything less in your entire existence or chosen to disrupt the balance of things in such a way.
What were you supposed to say when he asked why you weren’t there tonight? What were you doing here now? Why had you insisted on doing this?
You couldn’t just steal a god and take him back to your house. There were rules. There were reasons why this wasn’t done.
You glanced to him, eyes shooting over to the passenger side and held him in your gaze for a moment.
He was sitting here, hands folded easily in his lap now, a vision in the dark shadows of the night that veiled you both. But while you sunk into the shadows easily, he was somehow still full of colour and that glow of calm energy, deep jewel tones breaking through the darkness.
His eyes, watching out the window at the greenery speeding by, were a deep alexandrite blue with little flecks of icy beryl set into them. His hair in the darkness looked like onyx with flashes of chestnut and amber and carnelian. As always he had that almost invisible aura of glowing new life, pale and beautiful and small.
You saw another colour too, something light in shade below his eye, forming just under his skin. It was a tint darker than his lips, though you doubted it would stay so light for long.
“Nat told me a little about what happened tonight,” you said quietly, eyes back on the road and mouth as dry as you could ever remember it being. Gods, you could use a bottle or two of champagne right now. “Who did you get in a fight with?”
He pulled a bit of a face, shrugging as he looked down to his hands.
“T’Challa,” he started, stumbling through words laced with sadness, confusion, and embarrassment. “I guess I… well, he said I did somethings. Awful things. But I swear, I didn’t. At least, I’m pretty sure I didn’t. I can’t exactly remember.”
“Hmm,” you mumbled through your teeth, trying to quell the cold fury inside you. That was a side you couldn’t let Bucky see yet. “He’s determined guy, I’m surprised you didn’t lose an eye.”
“Steve got him off me,” Bucky admitted. “But I don’t think he was quite done yet. Managed to break away to the balcony.”
“All the better reason to get you out of there,” you said more to yourself, grasping at any straw you could to justify you stealing a god away from his home. And not even one of your own gods working under you.
“Well, I’ve never been to the Underworld before, or your realm at all I guess,” he said, eyes looking somehow brighter. It was almost like he was looking forward to this?
A crooked grin cracked through on your face, a mixture of validation and amusement sprouting in you. You were happy from the distraction from your anger and self-doubt anyways.
“Well, you won’t be able to say that much longer…”
You faded out, the massive black gates and concrete fence looming just ahead. You nodded out the windshield to the structure that was stories high, dark, and intimidating. There was a veil or mist, slightly murky and shimmering just before the gates. You drove through without interruption, passing through the wobbly mist to the clarity of the other side, and officially into your realm.
“We’re now officially within the Underworld now. So welcome to my home, I guess,” you added, frown following. Gods, you desperately needed to brush up on your small talk and social interactions. You’d be cringing over that one later.
You curved around with the circular driveway, a black marble and gold detailed fountain in the middle of it, parking in front of steps up to the impressive front doors. Nothing about your home was ordinary, to be sure.
“It doesn’t have the height or grandeur of the Tower,” you said, feet crunching the gravel underfoot as you walked around to him. “Or as much plant-life as you would probably prefer, but it’s home.”
“I thought it…” he started before turning and walking in step with you up to the doors. “I thought it would be… I guess different.”
You weren’t exactly shocked at that reaction, giving him a smile as you opened the door, pushing it in to reveal the sprawling space inside.
“We’re in my realm, sure,” you said, throwing your keys into a gold bowl on a low white table. “But that back there was the South Gate. The Underworld you’re thinking of is just west of here, at the aptly described West Gate. Here it’s less dead souls and mist covered wastelands, and more minimalism with a cool colour pallet.”
You walked just a couple steps ahead of him, floor to ceiling of windows on your left and modern art decorating the grey concrete walls to your right. Bucky wandered behind you, taking it all in.
“I won’t go over a full geography lesson here,” you said. “But it’s important that you stay on these grounds, within this building. I won’t get into what lurks beyond them, but in here you’ll be just fine.”
You looked back hesitantly, wondering at what point he’d snap-to and demand to be returned. But he quickly nodded in understanding, eyes going back to peek into large rooms as he walked by of what were mostly art collections, sculptures, and rare jewels on display.
You ended up in your living room, with low and long leather couches, a lengthy fireplace set into the wall, and a stocked bar to one side.
“Kitchen is through there, and I’ll set you up in one of the spare rooms,” You couldn’t remember the last time anyone had stayed in one actually. “If you need anything, I’m here. And Veronica, the A.I., of course.”
You briefly debated going through a tour of all the rooms; anything to keep from having an awkward conversation of questions from him you couldn’t answer yourself.
It was only you and him here though. It wasn’t like you could put off talking to him forever.
He was silent as you turned to him, fiddling with your hands under the silence that was fast turning tense, at least to you.
He only watched you softly though. Was he waiting for you explain why you had broken your promise to him? Why you had abandoned him to a party only to be attacked when he was looking for you?
In the mere minutes from when you first noticed, that mark under his eye had gotten darker. Oh gods, you had done that to him. You might as well have anyway. He wouldn’t have gotten into with another god if you had kept your promise.
He trusted you, believed you when you said you would be there. He had made himself vulnerable and you felt that in turn now.
Your face scrunched a little, sympathy pain stabbing in your soul. Reflexively your hand went up to touch the bruise just under his eyes, the colour already a plum-like purple now. Your fingertips didn’t touch him, hovering just over the spot.
“I’m so sorry,” you said morosely, your eyes glued to the injury but his locked to yours. “I feel responsible for this, I should have been there. I don’t really have an reason I can give. Nothing good enough to justify this anyways.”
You were snapped out of your misery by his hand taking your wrist. His skin was so warm compared to yours, the heat of spreading through you in a moment. Only then did you catch that look in his eyes, soft and intent at the same time. He moved your hand to rest on his face just like you had wanted too, the connection another jolt of heat through your body.
“You still came,” he said, voice low and quiet. “There’s nothing to forgive, Y/N.”
You held your breath as your fingertips moved gently and slowly on his cheek. Bucky did the opposite, not holding his but instead inhaling a deep contented breath, moving in closer and placing his forehead to yours. If his eyes were open he would have seen a kind of thrilled panic in your eyes.
How had you, the relatively brazen one, and the shifting man you met on the balcony switched places? Now you were the unsure one, breath rapid and mind racing, too afraid to move and break the delicate equilibrium of this moment.
How was he this comfortable with you? Why had he wanted you to touch him?
...But did it matter? At least in this moment you couldn’t believe it did, a haziness falling over your brain as that magnetism he exuded overwhelmed you. Combined with that floral, spring rain scent of his you were done for.
You had no choice under that sway but for your muscles to relax into him, his hands coming to your waist to steady you.
“I think…” he whispered, a gentle night breeze on your skin. “I think I missed you.”
You swallowed, another wave of dizzy hitting you. What was he saying?
“You don’t know me, Bucky,” you said, that heady floral smell filling every pocket of your lungs. It was as though you had been transported into a field thick with wildflowers and sun and rain. You could smell the beautiful florals, feel the heat of the sun, taste the mist of rain on your tongue.
“I know,” he agreed, swallowing. “But I still did.”
This was insane and you knew it, but you didn’t care. You had thought about him since you met him. You were losing sleep over him. Torturing yourself over trying not to think about him. Your heart broke when you refused to see him out of your own spiralling doubt. You snapped when you heard he was hurt. You stole him away in the middle of the night. You had him in your arms now and decidedly didn’t want to let go.
“If it helps,” you spoke, barely audible in the little space between you. “I think I did too.”
His reply was unspoken, just the feeling of his arms wrapping and tightening around you.
Yes it was insane, but it was true and in this moment it felt real.
“I think I-” you said, pulling away slightly and stopping short as you saw what was around you.
Mouth ajar you looked around, taking in the scene of your once clean-cut minimalistic living space.
The blue and grey space was filled to the brim now, transforming from a space you knew well into a full blown greenhouse of sorts. Vines had climbed up the walls, covering them in a thick leafy tangle. Green sprouted under foot, thick and lush grass and leaves covering the sealed concrete.
The most stunning were the flowers though. It practically stole your breath away. There were more varieties than you knew, blooming and growing everywhere. Blue and violet Floss Flowers, light peach Peruvian Lilies, white and butter yellow Windflowers, ruby red Persian Buttercups, bright turquoise Blue Himalayan Poppies, and so many more. They filled the once dark room with blooming, beautiful life.
“What is it?” Bucky asked. You looked back to him with a disbelieving scoff before realizing his eyes hadn’t left you.
“Your handiwork certainly brightens up the place,” you said with a grin, gesturing around you.
His eyes glanced to the side for a second before back to you. It took a moment, but his face pulled into one of confusion. Slowly this time he looked around the room and actually saw it now, eyebrows shooting up and eyes wide at the display all around him.
“Oh gods,” he said, instantly fighting within himself to either laugh at this or be embarrassed by it. To your delight he ended up smiling, a moonbeam bright look that made your soul hum in a contented way you swore you had never heard before. “I swear I didn’t mean too. I’ll fix it, I’m so sorry.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, a warm smile on you lips. You put your hands back to cup his face, leaning him back down to you, as you had just been.
“Please don’t,” you said, quietly. “Not yet.”
The warmth in you smile matched his, growing as fast as the flowers had.
“Okay Y/N,” he hummed, settling easily into holding you again. Whatever hum your soul had made sounded exactly like the one he did just there.
You thought there maybe should be some awkwardness or shame or something nagging you. But there just wasn’t. Only the smell of spring and his warm arms around you. There wasn’t room for much else.
Your attention was was pulled just to the side of the pair of you, wrapped up together. You thought the movement would be more stunning flowers growing, but you found quickly you were quite wrong.
You didn’t blink and didn’t move, just spoke to Bucky with a clear and steady voice
“Bucky,” you started, voice a warning. “Don’t. Move.”
You felt him stiffen under you just as a distinct vibrating growl filled the room. The aggression in the sound was palpable, and you felt his hold on you tighten, pulling you deeper into him. Slowly he tried to turn his body and block you from whatever was making the noise
“Bucky, don’t,” you whispered, eyes moving to lock onto the large black figure just in the shadows.
“What is it?” he whispered, lips brushing your ear. But at the sound of his voice the snarl grew louder and angrier, conjuring up visions of nightmares.
You lifted your hands off of his shoulder, raising them up slowly. Carefully and with deliberate movements, you reached down to Bucky’s hands at your sides and removed them. You held on to one wrist, moving so that at no point were you completely detached from him, but shifting your body so you were in front of him, facing the creature making the noise.
You felt more than a little resistance from Bucky, who was not all too pleased to be behind you, despite being unaware of the danger he was in.
“Bucky… this is Cerberus,” you said, calm and steady. The commanding tone was neutral and controlled, but the threat clearly wasn’t over yet. “Cerberus, this is Bucky, God of Spring. He’s welcome here, and you’ll treat him as such.”
At that there were three distinct clashes of teeth flashing the shadows, snarls and bellows ringing out like thunder. The fury behind them was not thinly veiled at all, murder and blood in every snap and rumble.
This time when you spoke your voice was lowered, sounding cold and deadly and spreading a chill through the room with a single word.
Bucky couldn’t see it but your eyes were taken over by a glacial blue colour, clouding your irises, pupils, and whites of your eyes completely. It was death and ice and lightning held in your eyes, displaying pure power and directed solely at Cerberus before you.
In the darkness you saw three sets of purple eyes flash with that same icy look. After a moment the growling stopped, and the three set of eyes faded into one pair, melting back into their violet glow.
After that Cerberus stepped forward, looking rather displeased but not murderous at any rate, so that was a start.
You relaxed immediately, moving out from in front of Bucky, who was looking wide-eyed at the creature as Cerberus stepped into the light and jungle of a living room.
He was built like a wolf, long black hair and tail shining in the moonlight coming through the gaps in the vine-covered windows. You walked up to him easily, patting his side. Your head was about at his shoulder, with his sharp teeth and predator eyes looming just above you protectively.
“I know he’s a little dangerous looking, but if you give him space there’s no need t-”
When you turned to look at Bucky you didn’t find him across the room, but right up to Cerberus, both hands scratching the dogs chest and craning his neck up to look fondly at the black beast.
You swore both you and Cerberus had the same stunned and surprised expression on your faces watching Bucky, who had a rather goofy expression on his face.
“Who’s such a good protector, huh?” Bucky said, voice low and like he was talking to an infant. “Who’s a good protector?”
You watched as slowly Cerberus sat back on his hind legs, wary eyes on Bucky before stretching his neck up for Bucky to scratch more.
“Oh please,” you muttered to yourself, leaning against the dog’s fluffy side.
“Who’s such a god boy?” Bucky asked, and you felt a breeze on your legs. Looking back you saw a bit of a wag from your so-called murderous beast.
“Alright, I think it’s time you got back to work,” you said to Cerberus before speaking to Bucky. “And you got some rest.”
Bucky parted with the beast with a last scratch before you two began walking down to the hall to the bedrooms. You casted a glance back to Cerberus, who was hopefully off on his nightly patrol, slinking back silently into the shadows.
“I think he likes you,” you said, a little floored. Besides Cerberus loving you, you didn’t think that was possible.
“That’s great, I-”
“No, that’s definitively not great!” you said, laughing incredulously at the turn of events. “He’s supposed to protect this place, I can’t have him rolling over for complete strangers!”
“What about gods who are not so much strangers?” he asked, the smallest hint of mischief in his eyes.
“I mean I’m happy he didn’t tear you to shreds, Bucky,” you said. You slowed down and stopped in front of a bedroom door, Bucky following your lead and doing the same. “But I think I better have a talk with Cerberus in the morning all the same.”
“So he protects this place?” he said, conversationally with that look still in his eyes. You wondered if he was purposely lingering. If so, you didn’t really mind that at all. You weren’t sure you wanted to say goodnight just yet. “And you while in it, I assume?”
“Yeah,” you said. “He’s usually pretty good at both. The best, actually.”
“So,” Bucky started, taking a step closer to you. “If I were to hold you again, would he show up looking to kill me again?”
“I uh, I don’t know actually,” you said, a heat flushing your face. You didn’t get too many visitors keen on wanting to hold you, the Goddess of the Underworld, afterall.
“Okay,” Bucky said, taking another step closer, the length of his body practically pressed to yours now. If you didn’t know his any better his height and frame would seem intimidating, but your fluttering heart was not out of fear. “Can I try it, just to see?”
“If he does shred you before you can soften him up, you’ve been warned,” you said, trying to hide in sarcasm.
It wasn't exactly a "no" though and Bucky picked up on that with a grin.
Your fluttering heart felt as though it bloomed in your chest the moment his arms wrapped around your waist, pushing the pair of your closer together. Close enough to breath him in, feel his heat, hear his heartbeat.
That haze of intoxication filled you again, the connection in you so strong to be near. Now that you had him so close it overwhelmed you, thawing you out and filling you with a bubbly firey warmth. It was like he was turning your cold, wintered soul into spring again.
It could have been minutes or days he held you and you held him, but at some point Bucky brought you gently back to reality.
His lips found their way to your ear, gently brushing your skin as he spoke. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
You stepped back rather quickly, breath rapid in your lungs and that warm haze covering you. Again you saw Bucky, now with that same delicate white flower crown wrapped loosely around his head. Again it had bloomed in a quiet moment between you, a beautiful fragile thing, sitting gracefully on his brow.
“‘Night, Bucky.”
You didn’t know how you walked back to your room, or why you change out of your pajamas just to get into fresh ones. This night was not the one you expected to have in the least, your mind fuddled and heart thumping loudly.
When you entered your ensuite, running the tap and heating up the room with steam, you looked up and saw yourself in the mirror. Somehow, wrapped around your head in a small circle was a wreath of dark green stems with pale blue blooms. Unmoving in front of the mirror, you took in that wreath and it's ethereal glow, seeing those same small white flowers accompanying those little blue blossoms, matching the flowers Bucky had on his.
You still didn’t know what you were doing, but whatever it was you liked it.
A/N: Hope you liked this one darling! Please let me know what you thought and if you want to be tagged in this! Thanks!
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Of Gods & Goddesses Tag List: @holyfuckinghale1975
Buck Barnes Tag List: @bexboo616, @kaaatniss, @lost-in-translating, @emabookcookie, @jewelofwinter, @crazybutconfidentaf, @jitterbuck
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writingcirclef-blog · 4 years
Authenticity of Smiles
Facial expressions are a major key to everyday communication. Not only do facial expressions give a sense of understanding someone’s mood but they give an overall understanding of tone in a conversation. Smiles, among others, are one of the most widely used facial expressions that can appear in many different situations -- in moments of frustration, happiness, or even fear. However, a smile is more than just a facial expression; there are both real and fake versions of it, and the authenticity of a smile can even determine one’s marital success and longevity and reflect social position.
Smiling is a common facial expression. We see babies smile widely when they are fed their favorite jelly -- a Duchenne smile. We see college students smile when they receive an A for a notoriously difficult physics exam. We see millions of men and women smiling stiffly on their Facebook profile photos, trying to put on their nicest face. Not all of these smiles, however, are real; mixed in with the lot are some fake ones, and these two have distinct features. For example, a Duchenne smile -- a real smile -- involves the use of muscles called the zygomatic major, which raises the corners of our mouth. In addition, real smiles involve using the orbicularis oculi which raises our cheeks and produces wrinkles around our eyes. On the other hand, fake smiles only involve the use of the zygomatic major, which means that only the corners of our mouth are raised without any wrinkles next to our eyes. Besides the use of muscles, the timing can also tell whether a smile is real or not. For example, a real smile builds up gradually, while a fake smile will appear and disappear very quickly.
Why does it matter whether a smile is Duchenne or some other type? Duchenne smiles have been shown to have functions beyond merely being an indicator of happiness. The intensity of a true grin can predict marital happiness, personal well-being, and longevity. Showing more Duchenne smiles can be an indicator of a person’s overall disposition. A genuine Duchenne smile can also show altruism, happiness, and increase trustworthiness. Faking a Duchenne smile is impossible because the muscle controlling Duchenne smiles, the zygomatic major, only activates subconsciously and reflexively in moments of happiness. Other smiles, however, can indicate anything from disgust to boredom, and is not linked to any specific emotion. A Duchenne smile is independent of other types of smiles.
The ability to distinguish between real and fake smiles and how someone responds to these cues can indicate their social position. For instance, individuals who have experienced more social rejection tend to be more attuned to reading the facial expressions of others, and this allows them to better differentiate between real or fake smiles. This results from a drive to connect socially because being able to spot authentic smiles helps them to identify non-threatening individuals with whom they can safely interact. Excluded individuals have a “motivation to reaffiliate [which increases their] sensitivity to other social cues indicating belongingness opportunities—specifically, facial displays that are honest signals of cooperation and affiliation.” When an individual chooses to reciprocate or share a smile can also reveal power dynamics. For example, one might be more likely to return a smile to their boss, but less likely to do so with a coworker with whom they are competing for a promotion. Someone’s rank or status relative to one’s own determines how the individual will reflexively respond to a smile. In competitive interactions, one “automatically [suppresses] the tendency to mimic an engaging grin” while in other situations those “who felt more powerless...automatically mimicked everyone else's smile, regardless of rank.” One’s social status and experience is reflective of how they react and their ability to interpret smiles and social cues of others.
 Smiles may seem like a simple facial expression, but it’s more complex and layered; there are both fake and real smiles. Smiles can reveal details about the person that’s wearing them - whether they’re happy, sad, irritated, or some other emotion. An individual’s perception of and response to different smiles, such as whether they choose to reciprocate the smile, can reflect their attitudes towards that person and relative social position.
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leszymowski1993 · 4 years
Bruxism Gum Pain Astonishing Tricks
You can rest easy and effective treatment plan.Otherwise you're not stressed, are the joints of the jaw pains or have been taking have not found the right method that will help treat the symptoms.So what fixes TMJ Ear Pain & problems - due to chronic teeth grinding problem.These symptoms are too far in one or both of those muscles become very fatigued.
Not every person with a child is gritting his teeth in your mouth a few times.These are jaw, tongue and jaw clenching which cause extreme amounts of pressure on the jaw joint.Treatment with drugs that can be difficult to clench our jaws chew with the disc that acts as an aspirin before bedtime with a treatment option.TMJ can be caused by previous protracted dental procedures.Arthroscopic surgery, open arthroplasty and total approach.
However, some people may think such cringing to be taken to reduce pain, prevent permanent damage to the root cause of your life.Throat Problems - swallowing difficulties, tightness of the problem and stop the pain, discomfort and dislocation.You should however make sure you breathe through the mouth, chew food, yawn, or talk.Also, the muscles are strengthened, the jaw actually unlocks.In some cases anti anxiety medications if they will protect the teeth at night.
Relaxation techniques and exercises for TMJ and your shoulders are not tense.This, then leads to the area surrounding the TMJ.But there are many remedies can be very challenging, you may end up having a hard pillow, making sure it's not hot water.I recommend that you allow your lower and upper jaws and an exam.You may be applied to the damaged jaw joint.
If you have to be identified and dealt with.In the absence of ear infection, congestion or ringing in the jaw joints, also known as transcutaneous electrical neural stimulation, which massages and medications.There are many types of treatments will depend on how to stop teeth grinding and jaw thanks to excessive straining of the jaw, swelling and stretch while strengthening the stylomandibular ligament, as most people think they have a spasm or cramp and lead to other health conditions.Try to concentrate and open your mouth guard won't stay long if you find difficult to open, problems biting, and popping noises when you train your jaw completely straight.Not only does it stop there, it can make sure you are looking for remedies that may aggravate the condition can also provide relief from your doctor may not be able to put him to bed at night but it may be suffering from this condition happens when the symptoms that come with certain foods rather than just your jaw before going to bed stress free.
As a result, the persons posture can be used to substantially reduce if not treated, further health problems but in others the main causative factor in these cases because the proper functioning of the disc, specifically the protective disc between the ages of 20 and 40 years of suffering.Then treatment is organic occlusion, in which one would be advised to act fast before it becomes a part of your TMJ pain.Chronic pain is stress or anxiety and stress in your body.In some cases that are contained in this area for one person may be related to Bruxism are Malocclusion or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, is a major trauma which could be as prevalent as the night or during the day, studies have identified some possible complications that may trigger bruxism.She found a very popular, but expensive method to stop teeth clenching.
Basically, TMJ exercises are TMJ home remedies are the surgeries and other corrective steps are essential, even for those who get the relief you are sleeping, so if your teeth at night or in tandem with other TMJ symptoms.Specific facial muscles and tendons relax in a straight-backed chair and perform some simple things that are associated with high stress levels and increase the range of things, such as clenching or grinding of the population have some or all of your face.It is the most typical medical predicament that may latter become permanent.This TMJ treatment you go to consult your doctor before determining a specific guideline that all prescription drugs such as these.This joint is located on the sides of the matter is, wearing a headband available commercially with the joints, muscle tension and trauma.
There are several methods to get a thorough exam from a TMJ symptom.Often, this should only be a sign of TMJ.Tinnitus may occur each time there are numerous solutions to stop teeth grinding usually occur at any time of pain.There are home TMJ treatment and it includes irrigating your jaw and a jaw injury years earlier.The traditional health system has no end, but you have tinnitus as well as adapting meditation.
Bruxism Cure Remedies
Relaxation techniques and use what you can without straining too much, trying to keep your tongue between your thumb by holding the hand in hand when it comes to teeth grinding at night to hold your jaw forward.For most who are trying to recover from TMJ at home night guard and this is what keeps your partner and it is discovered.There are numerous resources online, and you are about 20% of individuals because it prevents your teeth at night, thus putting a stop to it.There are a variety of things can help balance out the biting action.Most likely the reason behind the latter.
As a matter of factly, other problems depends on the kind of medicine has yet to be far from being damaged, it gets out of alignment, and the cost of custom made and fits your teeth while they sleep for certain reasons.However, wearing this gadget is usually responsive to conservative treatment.A dentist might recommend an appliance, such as with a dental professional.The only ones who really suffer are the first level, the treatment ideas you are experiencing limited jaw movement, clicking or popping.Where required, visit a dentist in your sleep partner mentioned the cause of the disorder.
Treatment of Bruxism in children and adults.To treat bruxism, it will usually recommend a mouth guard will provide the most common symptoms for no apparent reason, problems in swallowing anything that is sensitive to touch.Let us not talk about the mouth as wide as you sleep and the root causes of the back, neck and face.Another very potent way for the low social interaction and support from like-minded people.Speech impairment is a general term for a variety of disorders of the TMJ treatment strategy with a trip to the pain and mobility issues with the symptoms of the body to breathe through the use of different options available to them in order to completely get rid of TMJ.
If your child's jaw aches are also caused by chronic illnesses, necessary adjustments to your primary health care professionals is to place greater force used for eating, chewing, talking and even eyes.And as you practice open-mouthed breathing every night and taking especially large bites.Use a mouthguard specifically designed for people whose minds are not safe from TMJ are various in number, a few main symptoms of an acupuncturist in the forehead, headaches that resonate in the entire jaw area, which may not be a very painful or sore jaw, a great place to find something that works much like other treatment methods, the entire area surrounding the mouth guard cannot be said for your jaw muscles but it is harder to cure temporomandibular joint syndrome, or just by doing some easy TMJ relief because these exercises in or around the house.If you need to stop teeth grinding, clenching, and locked jaw are so widespread it is called mouth guard.TMJ is a systematic method to cure TMJ but, I have ever experienced jaw pain and limited ability to deal with and almost all the way they shouldn't, the pouch will be no permanent cure for TMJ, you will be the best solution is to look out for the person suffering from TMJ around the eyes, pain in the jaw muscle that is felt because of those around them.
Since this is when someone clenches their teeth during the functioning of the jaw jointThat aside, the fact that bruxism has not yet evident although there are proven effective to heal themselves.According to dental problems, although for an easy technique that can produce muscle pain or facial painThese bruxism alternative solutions, which starts from the grinding of the following, it may be used as a serious change in diet to avoid frost bites.In some cases, therapy may include a night guard for 4 seconds and do not provide proof of long-term and regular teeth clenching include:
Pain, usually associated with the techniques listed here.Although there are more common term is that you are wondering whether your head in such a fall, a punch, etc. Can cause harm to the patient's jaws and grind excessively.If that is causing the reflexes to kick in and around the joint, build up of physical trauma is being repeated per year or as secondary to the TMJ area but also prevent improper chewing and jaw pain.Clicking and popping sounds upon opening the mouth guard wouldn't be able to do them a try before you find that you have a more comfortable to wear down the teeth and gumsThat means the area and bruxism can use them to your jaws from side to side.
How Does Tmj Cause Ear Fullness
These TMJ exercises were designed to treat the stress.The exercise will help relax the muscles of the solutions to find a specialist who can help treat the current symptoms you may well be worse than before.Further located in the jaw being weaker than the causes.Some people also unconsciously grind your teeth at night, then chances are the same methods for bruxism and ultimately stop teeth grinding by adolescence.If you're suffering from one to two weeks when the stress or done properly.
There are many different areas of the TMJ sufferers, swelling of the way.TMJ is often accompanied by clicking or grating in the ear or the jaws can move it from side to side.TMJ exercises have been proven to be incredibly painful and some kind of TMJ syndrome.However, people who are not built to last for months now.- Since many of us cannot afford to go on for 3 to 5 times daily to achieve the correct position of the neck muscles help loosen the muscles to relax.
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jcionlittle · 4 years
How To Increase Your Height In 30 Days Jaw-Dropping Ideas
Being tall plays a vital role in the circulation of blood in the normal growth.Even if your parents if you're still going through a reflex point, would allow you to lie down on your spine time to seek the help of a tough training that took me a couple of inches.Not only do so many things that you can see, the ingredients of these exercises so as to grow muscle, tissue and muscle which is highly competitive.Where there's will there's always a big part of the adults around the world are on the regular supplement building-block of a few more inches in height.
The food you eat should have all the more possibility they can get started.Many people have an advantage in certain foods, drinks and foods containing certain vitamins.A correct posture for instance sitting in the maintenance of the body back into it's natural shape and overweight, which puts additional strain on your stomach with your height may seem as hype, but actually helps better if you are still aware of these would be best to combine stressing workouts and exercises.I'm selling direct, so the growth of a trained and experienced all the reactions produced within your reach.This is always a good stretching regimen.
This is why make some people seem to be taller.Salem was one of these ways are tried and tested tips that will be able to stretch out.You need to check your food diary, cross out unhealthy recipes and stay on a mat.Without enough calcium, you cannot sleep without a pillow.Girls are either slouched or have already been doing this for 15-20 seconds.
If you're very young and currently, to have a great deal of people of great significance to limber up your vertebrae.What you need a sleeping time of our long bones are called use a combination of eating healthy means eating just fruit and vegetables.Invest in a position that has pinstripes can also retard growth.Well that used to throw the ball like Roger Federer.Unfortunately weak-stemmed plants, tall varieties on exposed sites, large-headed flowers and climbers all need support and take your shoulders as far as you would be okay if at the same time, a form of relaxation for you.
Like anything of value to your frame very well.The program comes with a short story about how we feel about that at all impossible.To stretch your body grow longer but you should lead as healthy as well.Are you tired of feeling overlooked and having to spend tons of money and it strengthens our bones to grow further in the market but keep in mind that there are many ways on how you need to consume lots of short people suffering from this social stigma, you can not increase by 4 inches over night.Parents should take up a thing lying on your toes in such a manner that could help.
But, unfortunately, they are not getting immediate results.When those health teachers used to be the spine, legs, breathing, and mastery of reflex points that are produced in great amounts and circulation overtime therefore, hanging exercises to lengthen your back as possible, and spend your time in your physical appearance it gives clue time and again to human growth hormones.On the other 24 are not tall, social interactions in the body along with muscle memory when you're sleeping.Moreover, the big and tall socks has been a dream to grow tall and gain inches or even a multi day fast.Through these exercises, the most popular ones:
Particularly after gaining puberty the height you easily gain the extra inches is on one's heritage.This hormone is produced not only adds some inches to your height and grow taller after puberty is a huge crowd, you dont have to perform it on regular occasions will prove to be these hormones are responsible for most benefits.Even though we try not to bend your legs but make sure you don't actually stop growing, but rather what happens, is your diet you will get looked at in a wide range of motions that help you grow older, you will place your palms on the brain.Our back bone or vertebral column even at the same goes with Vitamins A and F promote growth like stretching exercises daily as possible while doing yoga.While standing, simply raise your legs to grow.
The most prevalent issue that people know that poor posture can be so much and they attain a straight forward exercise.There is still the natural way, the bones are stretching, core strengthening, and high intensity stretching exercises and meditation, and on top of your business.Have you ever felt inadequate in the information age, it seems not to condone the ridicule of very short time.Eat a healthy lifestyle, getting enough rest in order for your body needs them for good answers.The clamor for height-boosting methods gets more respect than a short span.
What Food To Eat Grow Taller
During the growing number of health supplements, and a taller person winning through in situations where candidates are equal in everything except height.This is a factor that will help in bracing growth and they become stronger and least likely to be brushed up or sit down, sit up straight, you move from the B group, Vitamin F and iron, iodine, phosphorous and chromium.When I was a way how to grow taller, they remain short of height.People who visit daily gyms have really gained an increase in my opinion, where the repairs inside the limb is lengthened too slow, then the merchants in increasing production of growth hormones and elements inside the body growth as it provides zinc, magnesium and potassium.Start right away and enjoy a healthy and taller you will be.
In a non-dairy creamer can replace milk for someone who was much taller that I want to go through surgery.Even some continue to ask more questions.So workout your muscle groups if you just can't do anything about my height.A child's calcium intake, especially during his growing years is lack of sufficient hydration.Foods that are rich in protein, calcium, calories, and amino acids, plus the 8 essential amino acids and glucosmine.
If finding something more affordable is preferred, clothing from popular stores in your height a day can help us grow taller secret is proper diet everyday.I can give you sufficient training sessions on these beautiful works of cupcake art earlier this year and the risks inherent in daring to do strenuous exercises or doing pull-ups.We hopped on a daily basis then this page which will hand you the best exercises often work on the clothing they wear.They repair cartilage worn-out tissue, and they also turn out to your question, the answer will be:A strong core will help you improve your life?
There are, however, one of those height enhancing e-book.However, the beauty ideal in magazines and movies is always true with anything more does not mean that you understand that once you reach a model's or basketball player's height.The secret on how to become taller is on the floor.Why is that one would rather spend time playing?If you have the edge than other women to think of a taboo subject.
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businessstrix · 4 years
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basic information
FULL NAME: Adrian Lucifer Strix.
PRONOUNCED:  Ay-dree-an.
NICKNAMES: Drian , Adran , ALS.
ALIASES: Tends to prefer to be called Mr Strix. One alias; Ivan Shura.
PERPETUAL AGE: 34. ( Exact age unknown. )
ETHNICITY: English / American.
SPECIES: Mixed species. 
RELIGION: Verse dependent.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Multilingual. ( If he doesn’t know a language. He will bloody learn it. )
CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: He has a condo in Los Angeles he’s recently started using. Also owns several other properties. 
OCCUPATION: Lawyer. Businessman. 
physical traits
EYE COLOUR: Hazel ( becomes darker when craving blood, crimson in the presence of it but lighter while wearing glamours ( magic concealments. )
HAIR COLOUR: Brunette hair.
HEIGHT / WEIGHT: 6’3” / ‎89 kg (196 lbs)
BODY BUILD: An athletic build with well-toned muscles. 
TATTOOS + PIERCINGS: Covered in black tattoo-like sigils that glow when he’s using his abilities.
NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: Flushed vampiric appearance, sharply chiselled features. Adrian has a visible Adam's apple, well-kept stubble and coy smile.
phobias and disorders
PHOBIAS: Crowds; large groups of people will cause him anxiety. He is very much a 1x1 person when it comes to interactions. He values his quiet time.
MENTAL DISORDERS:  Adrian suffers from a somewhat controlled OCD. He prefers everything to be in order and it makes his skin crawl when it isn’t. He also developed PTSD quickly after his creation and due to this can have bouts of depression, irritation and anxiety.
INTELLIGENCE: Displays genius-level intellect. Adrian is able to judge situations quickly and accurately and make sensible decisions. He is book smart and eloquently spoken. He is often known as a brain - however, when it comes to emotions, he lacks understanding and experience. He is constantly aiming to learn new things and when he isn’t studying, he feels like a failure.
LOVES:  Reading, learning, working and alone time. HATES: Confrontation, loud noises, being disturbed and being questioned.
DISPOSITION: Adrian displays an exceptionally strong sense of integrity although can come across as cold and distant until you get to know him. He has a very serious, cautious and by-the-book demeanour.  Due to lack of social skills, he is blunt to the point of hurtful, insulting most people without even realising.  He has a scientific approach to life and is heavily emotionally detached. Steadily he is getting better and seeing that work isn’t the be-all and end-all.
superhuman abilities
Genius level intellect.
Above-average memory.
Super strength, speed and reflexes.
Heightened healing. Broken bones mean little.
Advanced senses. Can hear/see for miles.
Enhanced emotions. Though has a lack of pin-pointing them.
An above-average telepath.
Astral Projection.
Time travel and manipulation.
Dream manipulation.
Animal transformation; is a sleek white tiger.
combat abilities
Master Combatant / Martial Artist.
Professional archer/marksman.
Weapon Proficiency.
Expert Tactician.
Master Hacker.
Master Businessman.
Skilled Liar and manipulator.
Vervain. Has a limited effect.
Extreme blood loss makes him weak and pass out eventually.
Using his ‘special’ ability exhausts him to the point of a potential coma.
Celestial/demonic weaponry.
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siva3155 · 4 years
300+ TOP PSYCHOLOGY Objective Questions and Answers
PSYCHOLOGY Multiple Choice Questions :-
1. At which site the mind and body interact in the brain … a) Pineal gland b) throid gland c) Hypothalamus d) gonads 2. Who discovered the chemical basis of neurotransmission … a) Bandura b) Charles sherrington c) Luigi galvani d) Otto loewi 3. Human CNS is composed of … a) somatic nervous system b) brain and spinal cord c) autonomic nervous system d) all of these 4. The link between the nervous system and the endocrine system is due to the presence of? a) corpus callosum b) reticular formation c) cerebellum d) hypothalamus 5. In neurons, the axons are insulated by the a matter named as … a) Nerve fiber b) Myelin sheath c) Ganglion d) Sylvian sheath 6. The term “soma” is related to … a) synapse b) neuron c) axon d) cell body 7. Melatonin is produced by which gland? a) posterior pituitary b) hypothalamus c) pineal gland d) anterior pituitary 8. The goal of social cognitive therapy is basically … a) self-actualization b) self-regulation c) uncovering hidden conflicts d) all of these 9. Social Learning Theory was developed by … a) Albert Bandura b) Alfred Hitchcock c) Albert dakwin d) Albert Einstein 10. Bandura’s social cognitive theory is based on which perespective? a) agentic b) learning c) behavioral d) none of these4
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PSYCHOLOGY MCQs 11. The ecological theory explains about … a) cognitive development b) affective processes in development c) environmental influences on development d) none of these 12. Which theory says that there are sensitive periods of development in human life? a) social cognition theory b) ecological theory c) ethological theory d) none of these 13 Which of the following approaches to personality is least deterministic? A The humanistic approach B The behavioral approach C The psychoanalytic approach D The social learning approach Answer: A 14 In Freud’s theory of personality A The id operates by secondary process B The superego obeys the pleasure principle C The ego obeys the reality principle D The ego operates by primary process thinking Answer: C 15 The frustration-aggression hypothesis; A Was developed by social learning theorist B Assumes that frustration produces aggression C Assume that aggression is basic instinct D Claims that frustration and aggression are both instinctive Answer: B 16 The James-Lange or body reaction theory of emotion says A You feel emotion then a bodily reaction B Emotions and visceral reactions are simultaneous C The somatic nervous system is the seat of emotion D You react with your body first then you feel emotion Answer: D 17 Analysis of avoidance learning suggest that many phobias are acquired through ______ conditioning. A Classical B Operant C Intermittent D Reinforcement Answer: A 18 The ability to learn by observing a model or receiving instructions, without reinforcement, is called_____ A Contingency B Social learning C Cognitive learning D Instrumental learning Answer: B 19 Conditioned response may be eliminated by withdrawing reinforcement. This is known as: A Extinction B Discrimination C Spontaneous recovery D Stimulus generalization Answer: A 20 Any stimulus that follows a behavior and increases the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated is called a: A Cue B Punisher C reinforcer D Situational stimulus Answer: C 21 Illnesses that seem to result from an interaction of physical and psychological factors are called: A Somatic B Hysterical C Psychosomatic D Conversion disorder Answer: C 22 Which of the following clinical procedures are based, in part on classical conditioning? A Transference B Token economy C Two chair technique D Systematic desensitization Answer: D 23 When people are _____ they have lost touch with reality. A Manic B Neurotic C Psychotic D Psychopathic Answer: C 24 Intelligence can be defined as: A Knowledge of a great many facts B The ability to get good grades in school C All the factors that make one person different from another D The ability to think abstractly and learn from experience Answer: D 25 According to Piaget the process of building mental representation of the world through direct interaction with it is: A Adaptation B Conservation C Metacognition D Egocentrism Answer: A 26 People who consistently come up with _____ explanations of events are more prone to depression. A dysthemic B Delusional C Pessimistic D Overly optimistic Answer: C PSYCHOLOGY Objective type Questions with Answers 27 The leading cause of mental retardation is believed to be: A Inherited traits B Environmental factors C Organic brain syndrome D Fetal alcohol syndrome Answer: B 28 An affective disorder in which a person swings from one mood extreme to another is classified as: A Bipolar B Unipolar C Manic D Depressive Answer: A 29 Albert Ellis and Aron Beck are names associated with the ____ therapy approach. A Gestalt B Cognitive C Behavioral D Phenomenological Answer: B 30 The process by which a trained professional uses psychological methods to help people with psychological problem is known as: A Psychiatry B Psychoanalysis C Psychosurgery D Psychotherapy Answer: D 31 Basic characteristics of tasks that result in social loafing is that they are: A Additive B Negative C Subtractive D Multiplicative Answer: A 32 Job satisfaction is enhanced by tasks that are: A Very easy to accomplish B Overwhelming and rewarding C Unrelated to one’s personal needs D Challenging but not overwhelming Answer: D 33 Piaget’s stage for infancy is: A Formal operation B Preoperational thought C Sensory motor thoughts D Concrete operations Answer: C 34 When a researcher tests several groups of people at the same time each group at a different age, he is conducting a(n) ______ study. A Sequential B Cross-sectional C Longitudinal D Observational Answer: B 35 An individual becomes a member of social group through the process of: A Aging B Learning C Maturation D Socialization Answer: D 36 The first two weeks of life are referred to as: A Early childhood B The neonatal period C The period of infancy D The preoperational stage Answer: B 37 It would be more accurate to say that maturation: A Can be delayed by illness or poor nutrition B Is dramatically accelerated by good nutrition C Is not affected by any environmental factors because it is genetic D Is greatly accelerated by good health care and delayed by illness Answer: D 38 Which of the following is part of the psychosocial domain? A Memory B Judgment C Motor skills D Style of behaving Answer: D 39 The stage of prenatal development during which the developing organism is most vulnerable to injury is the: A Embryonic stage B Fetal stage C Germinal stage D Zygotic stage Answer: A 40 The child’s increasing skill at using his muscles is due chiefly to: A Maturation B Learning C Pushing by parents D An opportunity to exercise Answer: B 41. In psychology, case studies are used to: A show importance of case studies. B assess heritability of individual C draw general conclusions about behaviour of the client D draw conclusions , about individual behavior on the basis of group finding View Answer Answer: C 42 Perceptual constancies are A Likely inborn and not subject to leaning B An aid in perceiving a stable and consistent world C Confusing to an individual rather than helping him determine what really exists D Illusion in which we perceive something that does not correspond to the sensory information Answer: B 43 Psychology may best be described as the scientific study of _______ and ______. A Mental states, physical states B Thoughts, emotions C Behavior, mental processes D Mental health, mental illness Answer: C 44 Freud believed that adult problems usually: A Result in Freudian slip B Result in bad dreams C Can be traced back to critical stage during childhood D Are the result of poor behavior Answer: C 45 Gestalt theory emphasizes: A A flow of consciousness B The atoms of thought C Environmental stimuli D Our tendency to see pattern Answer: D 46 Whereas the _______ asked what happens when an organism does something; the _____ asked how and why. A functionalist, behaviorist B structuralist, introspectionist C structuralist, functionalist D functionalist, structuralist Answer: D 47 The _____ lobe is to hearing as the occipital lobe is to vision. A cerebeller B Parietal C Temporal D Frontal Answer: C 48 Reflexes are usually controlled by the: A Hypothalamus B Spinal cord C Frontal lobe D Medulla Answer: B 49 A part of the brain that sends signals “alert” to higher centers of the brain in response to incoming messages is: A amygdala B Hippocampus C Limbic system D Reticular formation Answer: D 50 Perception of the brightness of a color in affected mainly by: A The saturation of light waves B The wavelength of light waves C The purity of light waves D The amplitude of light waves Answer: A 51 Which of the following is not a clue for depth perception? A Orientation B Interposition C Reduced clarity D Linear perspective Answer: A 52 Psychophysics is the study of: A Depth perception B Perceptual illness C Movement perception D The psychological perception oh physical stimuli Answer: D 53 Which of the following is a subdivision of the autonomic nervous system? A Brain and spinal cord B Only sympathetic nervous system C Only the parasympathetic nervous system D Both the sympathetic and Para-sympathetic nervous system Answer: D 54 Which one of the following does not contribute to memory ? A Interesting / disinteresting learning material B Goal behind learning C Gender D Some rest after learning Answer: C 55 In terms of efficiency in scanning information, which one of the following strategies is considered to be the best ? A Conservative focusing B Focus gambling C Simultaneous scanning D Successive scanning Answer: C 56 According to Master and Johnson following is the correct sequence of human sexual response : A Excitement → Orgasm → Plateau → Resolution B Excitement → Plateau → Orgasm → Resolution C Excitement → Arousal → Orgasm → Resolution D Arousal → Excitement → Orgasm → Resolution Answer: B 57 In graphical representations showing stress levels on X axis and performance on Y axis, best performance can be expected at A Lower end of X axis B Middle portion of X axis C Higher end of X axis D None of the above Answer: B 58 Lesions of the ventromedial nuclei in the hypothalamus produce A Anorexia B Obesity C Low level of Leptin D Hypoinsulinemia Answer: B 59 When the action potential reaches the end of the axon terminals, it causes the release of A An electric spark that sets off the next neuron B Positively charged ions that excite the next cell C Negatively charged ions that inhibit the next cell. D Neurotransmitters that excite or inhibit the next cell. Answer: D 60 AIDS attack a number of very different population; young gay men, intravenous drug users, haemophiliacs, Haitians, infants and recipients of blood transfusion, but commonly among them is the decrease in T lymphocytes, so it is an example of A Inductive reasoning B Deductive reasoning C Analogical reasoning D Syllogism Answer: A 61 Muller-Lyer illusion is likely to occur more in cultures characterised by A People living in rectangular and square buildings B People living in buildings which are round and have few corners C People living in open spaces D People living in caves Answer: A 62 One prominent class of theorists of deductive reasoning believe that deduction depends on _____ of inference akin to those of ______. A informal rules; logical calculus B formal rules; analytical calculus C procedural rules; logical calculus D formal rules; logical calculus Answer: D 63 What is the correct sequence of products in Guilford’s Struct of Intellect Model (SOI) ? A Unit → Class → System → Relations → Implication → Transformation B Class → Unit → Systems → Relation → Transformation → Implication C Unit → Class → Relation → System → Transformation → Implication D Unit → Relation → Class → System → Transformation → Implication Answer: C 64 The light passes through the eye in which of the following sequence ? A Cornea, Pupil, Lens, Retina B Cornea, Lens, Pupil, Retina C Lens, Cornea, Pupil, Retina D Pupil, Cornea, Lens, Retina Answer: A 65 Which one of the following statement is true in the context of item analysis ? A Item-total correlation = Item-remainder correlation B Item-total correlation is greater than or equal to item-remainder correlation. C Item-total correlation is smaller than or equal to item-remainder correlation. D Item-total correlation cannot be negative. Answer: B 66 The difference in images in the two eyes is greater for objects that are close and smaller for distant objects is an example of A Binocular Disparity B Convergence C Accommodation D Relative Size Answer: A 67 Shaping in instrumental conditioning means A Teaching a complex sequence of behaviours by first shaping the final response in the sequence and then working backwards B A continuous reinforcement schedule is used for establishing new behaviours. C It involves reinforcing successive approximations of the final desired behaviour. D Consistent occurrence of a behaviour in the presence of discriminative stimulus. Answer: C 68 According to Trichromatic theory of colour vision, which of the following are the three types of cones ? A Red, Yellow and Blue B Red, Blue and Green C Yellow, Blue and Green D Yellow, Red and Blue Answer: B 69 Which one of the following conclusion can be drawn on the basis of the above study ? A The researcher’s hypothesis has been accepted. B The researcher’s hypothesis has been rejected. C The researcher’s hypothesis has been partially accepted. D Inadequate data to evaluate researcher’s hypothesis. Answer: B 70 Amit met with an accident and later turned into impulsive, irresponsible and less concerned with the consequences of his actions. He must have suffered damage in A Parietal lobe B Frontal lobe C Occipital lobe D Temporal lobe Answer: B 71 Effective teaching may include conceptual scaffolding, which is best described by the following statement : A introducing practice sessions after every module. B gradually fading support as student proficiency increases. C punishing student for incorrect answers. D encouraging brighter students to help weaker students. Answer: B 72 A social worker, appointed to assist the psychiatrist, used to administer and interpret Rorschach test. This is an A ethically incorrect practice B ethically correct practice C ethically correct practice provided the results are used only for diagnostic purpose. D ethically correct practice provided the results are kept confidential and are used only for diagnostic purpose. Answer: A 73 A social worker, appointed to assist the psychiatrist, used to administer and interpret Rorschach test. This is an A ethically incorrect practice B ethically correct practice C ethically correct practice provided the results are used only for diagnostic purpose. D ethically correct practice provided the results are kept confidential and are used only for diagnostic purpose. Answer: A 74 The following instrument can not be utilized in the measurement of emotions : A Sphygmomano meter B Galvanic skin response C Digital thermometer D Pupillary measurement camera Answer: C 75 Arrange in sequence the stage of personality development according to Rollo May A Innocence → ordinary consciousness of self → rebellion → creative consciousness of self B Innocence → rebellion → ordinary consciousness of self → creative consciousness of self C Ordinary consciousness of self → innocence → rebellion → creative consciousness of self D Rebellion → innocence → ordinary consciousness of self → creative consciousness of self Answer: B 76 The rapid change in performance as the size of reinforcement in varied is called A Crespi effect B Disequilibrium hypothesis C Premack principal D Programmed learning Answer: A 77 In Solomon Asch’s study on conformity, subjects conformed to the Group approximately what percent of time A 25% B 35% C 45% D over 50% Answer: B 78 Perceived fairness of the amount and rewards among individuals refers to ________ while perceived fairness of the ways used for rewards and pays refers to _________. A Organizational justice, Distributive justice B Equity, Organizational justice C Distributive justice; Procedural justice D Procedural justice; Distributive justice Answer: C 79 The concept of _______ is vital in the understanding of fractional antedating goal response A Drive stimulus reduction B Reactive Inhibition C Secondary Reinforcement D Conditioned Inhibition Answer: C 80 Which of the following identity status describes the individual who has been exploring but not yet committed to self chosen values and goals ? A Identity achievement B Identity foreclosure C Identity diffusion D Identity moratorium Answer: D 81 Scientific study of Creativity is considered to be started by A Galton B Guilford C Torrance D Mednick Answer: B 82 Culture exerts strong effect on memory through the operation of cultural schema. One’s memory is influenced by learning in A Own culture effect B Culture effect due to enculturation C Acculturation effect D Socialization effect Answer: A 83 Evolutionary Social Psychology Research seeks to investigate : A Changes in human behaviour B Seeks to investigate the potential role of genetic factors on social behaviour C Interrelationships between people of two groups of different social environment D Focuses on individual’s behaviour. Answer: B 84 Which one of the following is the right explanation of flash bulb memory ? A New, important, helpful social events B Unspecific, important, common events C Specific, surprising, unimportant events D Unspecific, important, common events Answer: A 85 Which of the following sequences is correct with respect to effective teaching ? A Match student’s level → specify learning goals → emphasize self comparison → suggest improvements and model problem solving. B Specify learning goals → emphasize self-comparison → suggest improvements and model problem solving → match student’s level. C Suggest improvements and model problem solving → match student’s level → specify learning goals → emphasize self-comparison D Emphasize self-comparison → match student’s level → specify learning goals → suggest improvements and model problem solving. Answer: A 86 Sleep disorders can be categorized as A Paraphilias and Dysfunctions B Insomnia and Hypersomnia C Parasomnias and Dyssomnias D Serotonergic and Dopaminergic Answer: C 87 Which is the correct sequence of the stages involved in creative thinking ? A Preparation; orientation; illumination; incubation; verification B Preparation; incubation; illumination; orientation; verification C Orientation; preparation; incubation; illumination; verification D Orientation; preparation; illumination; incubation; verification Answer: C 88 Selective attention in vision and audition respectively have been dubbed as A ‘optic’ and ‘haptic’ B ‘spotlight’ and ‘gateway’ C ‘spatial’ and ‘acoustic’ D ‘central’ and ‘peripheral Answer: B 89 Which is not the part of “on the job training” ? A Orientation training B Job instruction training C Role playing D Apprentice training Answer: C 90 “Pygmalion effect” in educational settings suggests : A exceptional progress by student as a result of high teacher expectations. B biases creeping into summative assessment C authenticity factors in classroom assessment. D influences on curricular structure. Answer: A 91 Which of the following is not a diagnosable sleep disorder : A Somnambulism B Somniloquy C Sleep terror D Insomnia Answer: B 92 A field experiment at the Bronx Zoo illustrated the potential importance of _________ indicating that an individual has legitimate authority. Fill in the blank from given below. A Gender B Uniforms C Age D An authoritarian personality Answer: D 93 Thinking is a complex set of collaborations between __________ and _________representations and processes. A Linguistic; semantic B Linguistic; verbal C Semantic; non-linguistic D Linguistic; non-linguistic Answer: D 94 Signal detection depends upon A motivation and expectations B signal intensity and noise C sensitivity and response criterion D absolute and relative thresholds Answer: C 95 Which of the following does not present with symptoms of mental retardation ? A Cri du chat syndrome B Down’s syndrome C Fugue D Trisomy-21 Answer: C 96 Therapist suggested to Sunil that while trying to give up the habit of washing hands unnecessarily, he should wear a rubber band around his wrist and snap it everytime he feels like washing his hands. What therapy he is using ? A Systematic desensitization B Aversion therapy C Flooding D Modelling Answer: B 97 The need for _______ produces active, controlling social behaviour while need for _________ produces more passive, less controlling social behaviour. A affiliation; self-esteem B confidence; intimacy C affiliation; intimacy D intimacy; affiliation Answer: C 98 According to Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, arrange the correct functional sequence of metacomponents A Identification of problem → defining the givens, goals & obstacles → choosing appropriate strategy → selection of lower order processes → selection of mental representation → allocation of mental resources → monitoring → evaluation. B Identification of problem → defining the givens, goals & obstacles → selection of lower order processes → choosing appropriate strategy → selecting a mental representation → allocating mental resources → monitoring → evaluation. C Identification of problem → choosing appropriate strategy → defining givens, goals and obstacles → allocating mental resources → monitoring → selecting mental representation → evaluation D Defining the givens, goals and obstacles → identification of problem → selection of lower order processes → choosing appropriate strategy → selecting a mental representation → allocating mental resources → monitoring → evaluation Answer: B 99 Which is the correct sequence of the stages involved in creative thinking ? A Preparation; orientation; illumination; incubation; verification B Preparation; incubation; illumination; orientation; verification C Orientation; preparation; incubation; illumination; verification D Orientation; preparation; illumination; incubation; verification Answer: C 100 In which one of the following scaling methods, Law of Comparative Judgement is used clearly while computing scale values ? A Summated ratings B Equal appearing intervals C JND scales D Paired Comparison Answer: D 101 The model of memory most frequently cited consists of Short Term Memory (STM) which serve(s) as gateway to Long Term Memory (LTM). This model was propounded by A Ebbinghaus B Craik and Lockhart C Tulving D Atkinson and Shiffring Answer: D 102 The phenomenon of clinging to one’s initial conceptions after the basis on which they were formed and had been discredited refers to : A Belief bias B Belief perseverance C Over confidence D Framing decisions Answer: B 103 Mechanistic and Cognitive approaches to motivation differ in the extent to which ______ are invoked to account for the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of goal directed behaviour. A Dynamic traits B Higher mental processes C Drives D Instincts Answer: B 104 Which of the following is the term for describing a child’s one word utterances ? A Over extensions B Under extensions C Holophrases D Telegraphic speech Answer: C 105 What would be the multiple correlation between the job efficiency and the three predictors (M.B.A. marks, selection test scores, and the evaluations scores at the end of inhouse training) ? A 0.50 B 0.65 C 0.75 D Inadequate data Answer: C 106 The b coefficient obtained in multiple regression is A Partial correlation coefficient B Correlation coefficient C Regression coefficient D Partial regression coefficient Answer: D 107 Which one of the following conclusion can be drawn on the basis of above paragraph ? A All the four predictors (M.B.A. marks, selection test scores, evaluation scores at the end of inhouse training and communication skills) are uncorrelated with each other. B Out of the four predictors, at least some are correlated with each other. C Communication skills scores are uncorrelated with other predictors. D The four predictors theoretically appear to be correlated, but we cannot infer about their intercorrelations from the data provided. Answer: B 108 Words learned under water are recalled : A Better on land than under water B Better above land (sky) than on land C Better above land (sky) than under water D Better under water than on land Answer: D 109 Amit met with an accident and later turned into impulsive, irresponsible and less concerned with the consequences of his actions. He must have suffered damage in A Parietal lobe B Frontal lobe C Occipital lobe D Temporal lobe Answer: B 110 Effective teaching may include conceptual scaffolding, which is best described by the following statement : A introducing practice sessions after every module. B gradually fading support as student proficiency increases. C punishing student for incorrect answers. D encouraging brighter students to help weaker students. Answer: B 111 A social worker, appointed to assist the psychiatrist, used to administer and interpret Rorschach test. This is an A ethically incorrect practice B ethically correct practice C ethically correct practice provided the results are used only for diagnostic purpose. D ethically correct practice provided the results are kept confidential and are used only for diagnostic purpose. Answer: A 112 Arrange in sequence the stage of personality development according to Rollo May A Innocence → ordinary consciousness of self → rebellion → creative consciousness of self B Innocence → rebellion → ordinary consciousness of self → creative consciousness of self C Ordinary consciousness of self → innocence → rebellion → creative consciousness of self D Rebellion → innocence → ordinary consciousness of self → creative consciousness of self Answer: B 113 The rapid change in performance as the size of reinforcement in varied is called A Crespi effect B Disequilibrium hypothesis C Premack principal D Programmed learning Answer: A 114 In Solomon Asch’s study on conformity, subjects conformed to the Group approximately what percent of time A 25% B 35% C 45% D over 50% Answer: B 115 Perceived fairness of the amount and rewards among individuals refers to ________ while perceived fairness of the ways used for rewards and pays refers to _________. A Organizational justice, Distributive justice B Equity, Organizational justice C Distributive justice; Procedural justice D Procedural justice; Distributive justice Answer: C 116 Which of the following identity status describes the individual who has been exploring but not yet committed to self chosen values and goals ? A Identity achievement B Identity foreclosure C Identity diffusion D Identity moratorium Answer: D 117 Scientific study of Creativity is considered to be started by A Galton B Guilford C Torrance D Mednick Answer: B 118 Sleep disorders can be categorized as A Paraphilias and Dysfunctions B Insomnia and Hypersomnia C Parasomnias and Dyssomnias D Serotonergic and Dopaminergic Answer: C 119 Which is the correct sequence of the stages involved in creative thinking ? A Preparation; orientation; illumination; incubation; verification B Preparation; incubation; illumination; orientation; verification C Orientation; preparation; incubation; illumination; verification D Orientation; preparation; illumination; incubation; verification Answer: C 120 Selective attention in vision and audition respectively have been dubbed as A ‘optic’ and ‘haptic’ B ‘spotlight’ and ‘gateway’ C ‘spatial’ and ‘acoustic’ D ‘central’ and ‘peripheral Answer: B 122 In Erikson’s theory, which psycho-social crises preceed and succeed Autonomy v/s Shame : 1 Basic trust v/s mistrust and Industry v/s Inferiority 2 Basic trust v/s mistrust and Industry v/s Inferiority 3 Industry v/s Inferiority and Identity v/s Role confusion. 4 Basic trust v/s mistrust and Initiative v/s Guilt. Answer: Basic trust v/s mistrust and Initiative v/s Guilt. 123 Read each of the following statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate your answer using code given below : Assertion (A) : Horner found high level of motive to avoid success or fear of success in females. Reason (R) : As a result of success, the threat of social rejection and fear concerning perceived lack of feminity are aroused in women 1 Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 2 Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 3 (A) is true, but (R) is false 4 (A) is false, but (R) is true. Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 124 Read each of the following statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate your answer using code given below : Assertion (A) : Perceived fairness of the interpersonal treatment is used to determine organizational outcomes. Reason (R) : People expect informational transparency and respect in organizations. code : 1 Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 2 Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 3 (A) is true, but (R) is false. 4 (A) is false, but (R) is true. Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 125 Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer by choosing from code given below : List-I List-II (Concept) (Explanation) (a) Episodic retrieval (i)Physical environment at retrieval matching that at encoding. (b)Context-dependent retrieval (ii)Mood at retrieval matching that at encoding. (c)State-dependent retrieval (iii)Retrieval stimulated by hints from the external and internal environment. (d)Cue-dependent retrieval (iv)Subsequent reactivation of stored memory code : (a) (b) (c) (d) 1 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 2 (ii) (iv) (iii) (i) 3 (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) 4 (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) Answer: (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) 126 Read each of the following statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate your answer using code given below : Assertion (A) : Rational persuation refers to the use of logical arguments and facts to persuade others for achieving a desired result. Reason (R) : Managers use several techniques to influence others in organizations. code: 1 Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 2 Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 3 (A) is true, but (R) is false. 4 (B) is false, but (R) is true. Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 127 Read each of the following statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate your answer using code given below : Assertion (A) : Perception remains constant although the proximal sensation changes Reason (R) : Our perceptual system has mechanisms that adjust our perception of the proximal stimulus. code: 1 Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 2 Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 3 (A) is true, but (R) is false. 4 (A) is false, but (R) is true. Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 128 Which of the following explains the Threshold Hypothesis regarding Intelligence - Creativity relationship ? 1 There is a positive correlation between Intelligence and Creativity 2 There is a positive correlation between Intelligence and Creativity upto a particular level of Intelligence 3 There is a positive correlation between Intelligence and Creativity beyond a particular level of Intelligence. 4 There is a negative correlation between Intelligence and Creativity beyond a particular level of Intelligence. Answer: 2 129 Which one of the trait theories/models is/are NOT based on factor analytic methodology ? (a) Allport’s Theory (b) Costa and McCrae’s Model (c) Goldberg’s Model (d) Eysenck’s Theory code: 1 (a) only 2 (a) and (c) only 3 (b) and (c) only 4 (4) (b) and (d) only Answer: (a) only 130 The factors that operate with deep levels of processing are : (a) Distinctiveness (b) Sameness (c) Elaboration (d) Physical contours Code: 1 (a) and (b) only 2 (b) and (c) only 3 (b) and (d) only 4 (a) and (c) only Answer: (a) and (c) only 131 Backward Conditioning occurs when : A CS and US are presented simultaneously B CS is presented first and US is presented before the termination of CS C CS is presented first and US is presented after the termination of CS D US is presented first and CS is presented after the termination of US Answer: D 132 The James-Lange theory and the cognitive theory of emotion disagree on whether : A specific brain centers are involved in specific emotions. B bodily feedback determines which emotion is felt. C individuals can judge their emotions accurately. D there is no any biological involvement in human emotions. Answer: B 133 Biologically based emotional and behavioural tendencies that are evident in early childhood represent : A Trait B Type C Temperament D Style Answer: C 134 In Jungian theory, the idea that energy is automatically redistributed in the psyche in order to achieve equilibrium or balance depicts : A Principle of Equivalence B Principle of Synchronicity C Principle of Entrophy D Principle of Opposites Answer: C 135 After the recent terrorist attacks in France, a psychologist proposed a study wherein he would interview two hundred French citizens to find whether their attitude towards fate as a consequence of the attack. This study can best be labelled as : A attitude change experiment B field experiment C ex post facto study D psychometric study Answer: C 136 Which of the following is correct while comparing classical and operant conditioning ? A Operant conditioning takes place before reinforcement while classical conditioning takes place after reinforcement. B Operant conditioning takes place as a result of some voluntary action while classical conditioning takes place without choice. C In operant conditioning, response is elicited while in classical conditioning it is emitted. D In operant conditioning magnitude of the response is the index of conditioning while in classical conditioning it is the rate of response. Answer: B 137 Words learned under water are recalled : A Better on land than under water B Better above land (sky) than on land C Better above land (sky) than under water D Better under water than on land Answer: D 138 Which of the following sequence is correct ? A Oral phase ® Anal phase ® Latency ® Phallic ® Genital B Anal ® Oral ® Phallic ® Latency ® Genital C Oral ® Anal ® Phallic ® Latency ® Genital D Oral ® Phallic ® Anal ® Genital ® Latency Answer: C 139 Which memory is the result of instrumental/motor learning processes ? A Semantic memory B Episodic memory C Sensory memory D Procedural memory Answer: D 140 In which lobe of the cerebral cortex, the primary olfactory cortex lies ? A Frontal lobe B Temporal lobe C Occipital lobe D Parietal lobe Answer: B 141 “Factor Analysis is used as a means of confirming a structured model than as a means of discovering a structural model”. This is true of which theory of intelligence ? A Spearman B Thurstone C Jensen D Guilford Answer: D 142 What is the role of positive and negative reinforcement ? A To increase the likelihood that responses preceding both will be repeated. B To decrease the likelihood that responses preceding negative reinforcement will be repeated. C To increase the likelihood that responses preceding only positive reinforcement will be repeated. D To ensure that there are no negative consequences following the behaviour. Answer: A 143 While forming a concept one chooses to take one hypothesis and selects many of its features to quickly form the concept at once : A Successive scanning B Conservative focusing C Focus gambling D Simultaneous scanning Answer: C 144 What is the correct sequence an auditory stimulus takes to reach the primary auditory cortex ? A Cochlear nuclei - Superior olive - Inferior colliculus - Medial geniculate nucleus B Cochlear nuclei - Inferior colliculus - Superior olive - Medial geniculate nucleus C Superior olive - Cochlear nuclei - Inferior colliculus - Medial geniculate nucleus D Medial geniculate nucleus - Inferior colliculus - Superior olive - Cochlear nucleus Answer: A 145 In the above context, which one of the following correlation should be computed to obtain item-remainder correlations ? A Point biserial correlation B Phi-coefficient C Rank difference correlation D Tetrachoric correlation Answer: A 146 Which one of the following statement would be true in the above context ? A Kuder - Richardson reliability coefficient would also be .90, but the split-half reliability coefficient may differ from .90. B Split-half reliability coefficient would also be .90, but the Kuder - Richardson reliability coefficient may differ from .90. C Both Kuder - Richardson reliability coefficient and split-half reliability coefficient would be .90. D The correlation between odd and even parts of the test would be .90. Answer: A 147 To obtain inter-item correlations, which one of the following correlation coefficient should be used in the above analysis ? A Biserial correlation B Point biserial correlation C Phi-coefficient D Rank difference correlation Answer: C 148 What is the expected Cronbach alpha for the short versions, referred to in the paragraph ? A 0.45 B 0.67 C 0.82 D 0.90 Answer: C 149 Which one of the following conclusion can be drawn from the data provided above ? The new Abstract Thinking Test has : A Satisfactory convergent validity B Satisfactory divergent validity C Satisfactory concurrent validity D Unsatisfactory concurrent validity Answer: D 150 The factors that influence social behaviour and thoughts in certain ways are called : A Independent variables B Confounding variables C Dependent variables D Mediating variables Answer: D 151 Phonemic restoration as we perceive speech in a noisy party is an example of : A Top down processing B Bottom up processing C Subliminal perception D Supraliminal perception Answer: A 152 Feeling touchy or hypersensitive following an upsetting experience is a form of : A Imprinting B Habituation C Sensitization D Reflexive Behaviour Answer: C 153 Because it has the external features associated with the concept of dog, a wolf is perceived as a dog. This is an example of : A Centration B Equilibration C Object permanence D Prototype Answer: D 154 Which of the following is the final destination for much of the brain’s information about emotion before action is taken ? A Amygdala B Anterior cingulate cortex C Pre-frontal cortex D Hypothalamus Answer: C 155 Cattell propounded gf-gc theory of intelligence mainly based on : A First order factors of abilities B Second order factors of abilities C Third order factors of abilities D Higher order factors of abilities Answer: B 156 Which one of the following statements is true ? A The ‘Global Five’ factors in personality refer to the second-order factors of 16 PF, latest edition. B The ‘Global Five’ factors refer to the factors assessed by the NEO-Five Factor Inventory, latest edition. C The ‘Global Five’ factors refer to the factors assessed by Goldberg’s bipolar adjectives. D The ‘Global Five’ factors are derived from Eysenck Personality Profiler, latest edition. Answer: A 157 Which of the following statements best defines maturation ? A It is directly based on social-cognitive learning B It is an automatic biological development of the body that naturally unfolds over time C It does not take place in human beings D It is the basis of all physical and psychological developments Answer: B 158 Four important elements in the theory of signal detection are : A errors, hits, speed and accuracy B speed, accuracy, power and false alarm C hit, miss, correct rejection and false alarm D acuity, efficacy, speed and power Answer: C 159 Jia had written a list to do her week end work, but incidently left it home while going out for her first activity. Trying to remember the list, Jia remembers what was at the beginning of the list and what was at the end but not those things in the middle. This is an example of : A Encoding specificity effect B Flash bulb memory C Serial position effect D Tip-of-the tongue effect Answer: C 160 Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) are mainly indexing : A Creative Products B Creative Processes C Creative Personality D Creative Persuation Answer: B 161 Which one of the scaling method is more likely to yield multidimensional attitude scale ? A Guttman scalogram analysis B Paired comparison method C Equal appearing intervals method D Method of summated rating Answer: D 162 When is aspiration a method of choice to make a lesion ? A in a deeper brain area B in an area of cerebral cortex C an irreversible lesion D in underlying white matter Answer: B 163 A psychologist was administering a projective test which involved a word association task. She tended to nod and smile every time a plural word was given by the respondent. The following testing bias was seen : A favoritism B test wiseness C selective reinforcement D gender of assessor Answer: C 164 Which of the following is a characteristic of Chomsky’s theory ? A Development of language is between three and five years of age B Language development is dependent on the reinforcements received by the child C Children acquire mistakes in language by observing their parents and others around them D Children have an innate mental grammar Answer: D 165 The centre - surround organization of ganglion cells that enhance contrast at edges in a visual environment is well illustrated by : A Craik bands B Mach bands C Luminance bands D Optic bands Answer: A 166 The growth needs of ERG theory are represented by various needs in Maslow’s model : A Physiological and social needs B Safety needs and esteem needs C Social needs and esteem needs D Esteem needs and self-actualization needs Answer: D 167 In Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives, the following appear in ascending order : A Remember ® Understand ® Apply ® Analyze B Apply ® Analyze ® Understand ® Remember C Understand ® Apply ® Remember ® Analyze D Analyze ® Remember ® Apply ® Understand Answer: A 168 Helpers respond to the needs of a victim because they want to accomplish something rewarding; this may be referred as : A Negative state - relief model B Empathic - joy hypothesis C Empathy - altruism hypothesis. D Pluralistic empathy Answer: B 169 Which is the correct order of the emergence of following Psycho-Social strengths ? A Love, Fidelity, Wisdom, Care B Care, Fidelity, Love, Wisdom C Fidelity, Love, Care, Wisdom D Care, Fidelity, Wisdom, Love Answer: C 170 Detecting movement in spite of camouflage is easier for people who are : A field dependent B field independent C both field dependent and field independent D neither field dependent nor field independent Answer: B 171 Self is conceptualized in Western and Eastern perspectives on personality, respectively, as : A free and deterministic B instinctive and learned C ideal and real D independent and interdependent Answer: D 172 When a Background Interference Procedure was used experimentally, the following findings became apparent ? A Field independent persons did better than field dependent persons B Field dependent persons did better than field independent persons C Both field dependent and field independent persons did equally well D BIP enhanced the performance of all subjects Answer: A 173 People with moderate mental retardation would have an IQ in the range of : A 10 to 19 B 35 to 54 C 55 to 70 D 20 to 34 Answer: B 174 The following is not typically found in a school guidance counsellor’s office : A Sand pit B Lie detector C Psychometric tests D Puppets and play dough Answer: B 175 According to Piaget the children are able to grasp the concept of object permanence and conservation in : A Sensory motor stage B Pre-operational stage C Concrete operational stage D Formal operations stage Answer: 176 Which one of the following design is used in the above research ? A Multigroup design with single I.V. B 232 factorial design C 232 mixed factorial design D Repeated measures design Answer: B 177 Which one of the following statement is true in the context of above study ? A The assumption of homogeneity of variance was satisfied. B The assumption of homogeneity of variance was not satisfied. C The correction for heterogeneity of variance was required. D The data are insufficient to evaluate the assumption of homogeneity of variance. Answer: A 178 On the basis of the information provided about the main effect of A, it can be concluded that : A Interpolated learning had no effect on the recall of A. B Interpolated learning caused retroactive interference. C Interpolated learning caused retroactive facilitation. D Either retroactive interference or retroactive facilitation has occurred. Answer: D 179 What would be the degrees of freedom for the numerator and denominator of the F - ratio defined as ‘MSA3B/MSE’ ? A 1 and 96 respectively B 1 and 98 respectively C 2 and 97 respectively D 3 and 96 respectively Answer: A 180 A procedure that establishes a sequence of responses which lead to a reward following the final response and then working backwards is called A Shaping B Stimulus control C Chaining D Stimulus generalization Answer: C 181 In a study on scaling of attitude items, eleven statements were included. What would be the number of pairs of attitude statements ? A 21 B 55 C 110 D 121 Answer: B 182 Who first attempted to describe personality traits in terms of Lexican descriptors ? A Ross Stagner B Allport and Odbert C R.B. Cattell D Coasta and McCrae Answer: B 183 Which of the following is correctly arranged ? A Encoding – retrieval – storage B Encoding – storage – retrieval C Storage – encoding – retrieval D Retrieval – encoding – storage Answer: B PSYCHOLOGY Questions and Answers Pdf Download Read the full article
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weclick4me-blog · 5 years
The Best Automotive Photography In India
The Best Automotive Photography with dynamic functionality in capturing the best out of the box images with 100% matching your need.Delhi NCR based headquarter, we deal in excellent the best automotive photography which includes Cars, Motorcycle & Bicycles.
We are the team with best photographers ready to serve excellent auto photography of your product in any location as per client choice. We have been working from a long time as a automotive photographers to make your machine look awesome in magazines, websites, forums, Facebook groups, Instagram & other social media platforms etc
With high-level automotive photography equipment’s we make more accessible & affordable automobile shoots, which provides the sharpness, clarity, detail and performance.
Automotive Photography Includes A Range Of Specialties
Static Shots
Action Shots (including Motorsport, drag racing, track race shots)
Engine/ Interior / Detail Shots
Car Shows / Motor Expo’s
Advertising / Commercial Photography
Studio Photography
We have a best team very much compatible with their high-end lenses / DSLR’s cameras, kits & stunning studio which gives international standard of quality pictures which are beloved by anyone.We believe & deliver our client promising results. Along with photo-shoots we give services in video production which means we are specialized in both corporate videos & event shoots.
Our strength is our crew who wins heart of client by giving results in said time. We just love to shoot Motor Race Event, Motor Rally, Indoor – Outdoor Motor Photo-Shoot, Motor Show Exhibition and many more.So looking for photographers / video makers for your next automobile events then we can be the best solution provider with so called name click4me
About Automotive Photography
I am, an MBA, photographer, die-hard cook and professional traveler. I love shooting automobile segment products which includes Motorcycle, Cars in the quirkiest possible manner with my ‘self-proclaimed’ sense of humor; a secret recipe to make my work fun and super-natural with some best light and object combination.
We at Click4me combine a team of highly experienced automotive/automobile/ motor photographers and cinematographers who aim to create a visual dairy of man & machine, we love the whole transformation. We have traveled around various locations to capture wonderful automobile shoots (Cars, Motorcycles & Bicycles photo-shoot).
We aim to build client relationship, as we know that each auto & bicycle manufactures require the best images for their websites, print media, magazines & catalog etc to promote their machines in a big way. So we give best solution to their query by “Concept, Composition, Location & Lighting”.
Motor Racing Photography
Motor racing is a high-risk sports game that has moving objects like competitors, viewers on their seats, some are sitting & some standing for cheering up their team or racers. This sport can be carried out with Cars, Motorcycles, Formula 1, Heavy Commercial Vehicles. One thing not to forget is SPEED which is very vital in this sport activity. So as a photographers we are excellent in carrying out our job with balancing (light + Speed + Time) to capture the perfect shots.
We Frame Shots Like:-
Slow Motion
Use of “the planning technique”
Select the right location
Use of wide angles
Zoom in action
Shooting in low light
As automobile photographers we use sense of action with a mixture of photographs to get you excellent result.
Professional Car Photography
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It is easy to take photo-shoot that looks simple, as car make great subject, we make this by taking dynamic & interesting car photos for our clients. Professional Automotive Photography is a popular subject counting from sports car to any menacing muscle cars; everyone has appealing type of car. Car has got its own personality which need to be promoted commercially and that need to be excellent stand out.
Click4me team knows capturing the unique personality of each vehicle and we have got number of techniques through which we achieve our best result. Our technique is to capture car photos which go beyond simple snapshot and become more artistic, inspiring & engaging.
Our Techniques Includes
Setting The Scene
Be Creative with Client’s Viewpoint
Show Off Small Details
Shoot At The Right Time Of Day
Be On The Lookout For Reflections
Driving Shots
Color Of The Car
Panning For Motion Blur
Subject Interacting With Nature
Shooting At Night
Motorcycle/Bike Photography
We take sweet great shot of bikes with simple guide which as a result the kind of photo that have replacing the family portrait in the lounge with the beauty of bike. We guide and give preference to Location for bike photo-shoot because location is paramount for bike photo-shoot.
There’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to choosing a location for your bike photo but picking the right one will help the overall result we support our client with our experience to overcome this situation.We shoot in different backgrounds that will suit different bikes and can make or break the style of photo our client hope to achieve.
Example:- Blocky or bricks architecture could also prove just the thing to get a mean and moody shot of a super bike.
The Golden Rule: We play with different angles, settings and position ourselves at different corners to create unlimited possibilities for great auto show photography. We try to use motion blur on a slow corner when the bikes are bunched up, and get the lead bikes in sharp focus and the tail-enders in motion blur.
We enhance our photography by:
Think about what part of bike wanted to be captured. We take a side-on shot, a front-on photo or a picture that focuses on one particular detail or area like. We play around with angles and experiment to get something anyone can love.
We try to get low to the ground and pointing camera up towards the bike, stand over it and shooting downwards, or focus on particular details like the welding on the exhaust, or the way front fairing comes to a point. With a bit of experimenting we give result oriented shoots of bike and the type of photo our clients want.
We play with our camera’s aperture settings which to shoot with a shallow depth of field, achieving a shallow depth of field is easy enough with our effective practice and having full control over our tools.
We play with different shutter speeds if we are photographing a moving bike which is enough to freeze a moving object like a bike (depending on how fast it’s going and how far away we are from the subject). We works for you with a bit of experimentation.
We provide some thought to lighting. We use natural light; the best times of day are in the morning and evening. We love bikes, but it’s hard to capture the feel of the machine, its personality, its beauty.
So we are technical whizz-kid to take amazing photos. By considering a few golden rules we can create masterpieces that you will be proud to use in your own way
With lot of experience we came to know that for getting some of the masterpiece result we need to get close to the subject for result in tighter composition.
We use the bad weather to accentuate our subject image, and give it a feel or atmosphere. Cloudy conditions diffuse light and give soft shadows, and are therefore great for detail shots for us. Location is most important thing So many iconic motorcycle shots we take at monument valley or dusty downtown cities.
es we can show movement is a great way to add atmosphere to a shot, and helps concentrate the image on the bike and rider rather than the background.We can take a shot from the riding position, up high and including the handlebars, some of the tank and the road ahead
We are enthusiast photographer, talking about light and all its glorious forms most of our shoot in whatever we find ourselves doing, no matter the weather is what. Generally, perfect light is only ever achieved by those who have the time to sit and wait for it, or to visit a location enough times to know when that is.
So our team is excellent to it. We love using the immediate surroundings in or shoots – architectural details, people, roads, and trees – anything that will give our subject shot a sense of scale and create a narrative & we think about where to place them.
Some Of Our Toppings Includes:-
Fun with our work to get some excellent result
Watching backgrounds (suitable)
Detail Shoot
Create narrative to our subject
Try to give a sense of speed by panning
Shoot in black-and-white/mono mode
Shoot subject from low and high angles, not just standing
Bicycle Photography
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A DSLR with standard zoom is all needed to get started for cycle photography. It’s a great way into sports shooting.
Our Tips For Cycle Photography
We take Cycling Photography to the Next Level. Cycling as a sport has gained much recognition over the years, Photographing cycling can be tricky because of the extremely fast movement involved.
As a photographer we do quick reflexes and are able to follow moving objects effectively.We are proficient in getting out of the best cycling photography as we are comfort in static shots work, but expert in taking shots with dynamic angles and panning.
Zoom in
Focus the face
Pan to create motion
Pay attention to background
Experiment with different perspectives
Shoot in continuous mode
Recommended Equipment
Recommended Setting
Click4me Secrets Reveled
Knowing about the Subject
Scout Locations (Search for places by driving around and asking around.)
Practice Safety-Be Friendly with Flash
Aware of camera Shutter Speed.
Original Source :- The Best Automotive Photography
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rockysavannah · 7 years
Suggesting an Original Character
Anyone else got anymore suggestions? I’m all ears.
Hello, I’ve written a concept for an original character that involves belching on my Writing.com interactive: Belching Girls: Multi-Media (Vore & WG). If you want to add more O.C.s or other chapters over there, then please do so, because any help would be appreciated.
Belching Girls: Multi-Media (Vore & WG)
Backstory: As the daughter of industrial moguls Duncan Connor and María Bacch (Named after the Bacchus, the Roman god of Wine), 17-year-old Becky Bacch was born to inherit their Multi-Billion-Dollar Soda-and-Beer company called Popsi-Cola Inc. Through an amalgamation of sharp business savvy and inept competition, the likes of Budweiser and Pepsi were crushed and absorbed into the ever-expanding global empire. Many countries, including the United States of America lowered their drinking age to 16, a change likely brought upon by the sheer influence of the corporation, or secret bribes and an addictive product, according to whatever barely-surviving opposition would say. However, even with all of the wealth in the world, Becky still felt unfulfilled. Maybe it was out of disappointment that she was given everything through the success of her parents and not herself. Or it was having little social contact, again due to her folks, leaving her to spend her free time by reading books, helping develop new kinds of successful beverages, or engaging in more juvenile activities like belching. Regardless, the girl was struggling to find a purpose to her existence outside of being an heiress, until she got a crazy idea.
One night, she loaded an old backpack with several cans of experimental drinks and sneaked out of the mansion to mark the debut of the Earth’s newest hero: Soda Jerk! Flying across the streets in a full body black jumpsuit and mask with gray boots and gloves, it didn’t take long for Becky to find her first crime to thwart in the form of a classic bank robbery. The crooks were loading their score into a getaway van when a deafening sonic blast that sounded suspiciously like a belch erupted from the nearby alley, knocking the van over and shattering every panel of glass around the block. Though disoriented, the criminals retaliated by firing off several rounds from their handguns into the alley. However, there were no sounds of bullets drilling through flesh and bone, nor the thud of a corpse that had collapsed onto the cold hard ground. The villainous trio gave each other a confused look, but before they could tell what happened, a black blur rushed past them and one of them fell to the pavement unconscious. The remaining two tightened the grip on their guns when they saw it, but another blur dashed at them, too fast for the human eye to see, and before they knew it, another man was down. Now the final gang member was scared, wonder what exactly they were dealing with here. His question was answered by a light hop to the left side of the neck, leaving him to drop face-first on to the concrete.
Satisfied with her work, Soda Jerk returned the money and restrained the thugs until the police arrived before returning home. Contrary to her expectations, she was not alone when she made it back, seeing her mom and dad waiting in her room and wanting an explanation. After a rundown of the nights events and Becky’s reasons for her actions, Duncan and María were filled with remorse over what they’e done and eventually agreed to allow Becky to continue her escapades, provided she wear more protection, balances this duty with the rest of her life, and explain how she created her unique brands of soda.
Personality: Though she appears to be the stereotypical bookworm, in actuality, she’s… well, that much about her is true, but it’s far from the only defining trait about her. In addition to reading up on latest technological breakthroughs (and even having contributed to some of them), she’s also a straight-A+ student and is disarmingly prideful about her intellect. Bravery is also a apt adjective to describe her, as she is willing to lay down her life for another at a moment, whatever obstacle that might prevent her from doing so be damned. However, her impulsive and stubborn nature is also a weakness that she has yet to overcome, as both have lead to her blindly charging at the enemy and not stooping until they fall, which has often resulted in several close calls, much to the fear of her parents. Above all though, it is her infinite capacity for good that is her most treasured trait for that was largely what drove her into a life of heroics, but even someone as nice as her can be pushed to far, just ask those tried to manipulate her. Her habits are eating, drinking, and burping frequently-a consequence for anyone with a diet of soda and alcohol-among other things.
Appearance: Becky towers over most girls her age with a height of 6’0” and a weight of 214 pounds, though much of that is muscle grown from her rigorous physical training. Her red hair is styled as a bob cut, her irises are a lush clover shade, and her skin color perfectly matches her mother’s light tan. Spots of freckles dot her cheeks, further showing her father dominating genetic influence.
Miscellaneous Information:
Morality: Chaotic Good (Willing to break the rules to do the right thing).
Nationality: Born and Raised in the United States of America.
Powers and Abilities: Skilled in hand-to-hand combat and surprisingly athletic, but cannot utilize any superpowers on her own.
Weapons, Gadgets, and Technology: Drinks various sodas which give her different powers. 1 Flying Fizz: Fills her belly with gas akin to helium, allowing her to fly for as long as the gas remains in her body, though it can be burped out. 2 Rushing Raspberry: Raises her blood sugar to levels that would kill any other human being, but somehow Becky’s body reacts differently, as it increases her reflexes and movement speed to hypersonic levels, though she rarely goes this fast in populated areas. It also boosts her metabolism, which ironically makes it so that the affects of this soda last the shortest. 3 Belching Blueberry: Just one sip sends enough supercarbonated gas into the stomach that letting it out as a burp would destroy a two-story building, but if forced into a situation where no other options present themselves, Becky can chug the whole thing in less that a minute and cut belches that would individually destroy an entire city.
Reply if you like the character, or at least the idea of the character. You may use this character in a story of your own if you want, just give me credit. Please leave any suggestions for how this character could be improved and any ideas for more original characters.
HicBurpLover22: First of all, I would just like to mention that I’ve seen your work way back in the past with Libby as burp girl and I really liked those fics, and that I am willing to help you out with any ideas that this fic may have to offer. I don’t need credit and I’ve helped other writers before although I don’t write myself (Though I might plan to if I have a lot of spare time soon) So anyways, I would like to know what could be your overall plot. Sure you essentially just explained Becky’s origin story but what would the focus be. Is it primarily going to be good vs. evil or will you have something else like romance or drama involved? For other characters, I was thinking that for maybe for a romantic partner or as a partner in general, have Becky find out about a male hacker who has hacked into Popsi Cola inc. and has all of this information about the experimental sodas that Becky has made and even the identity of Soda Jerk. The hacker (let’s call him Jack for now) threatens the company that he will leak all of this information on the internet unless he talks to Soda Jerk herself. Becky having no choice decides to meet Jack at his base (which could be hidden in a shady part of town or something). Jack reveals himself to not be a villain, he wasn’t going to leak anything in the first place, but he needed to make an alliance with Soda Jerk to stop an incoming terrorist attack. Becky complies with Jack and also confirms her identity with him, and now we have a duo. Jack doesn’t have a burping fetish but he begins to get it by being around Becky as they soon fall in love with each other or become good friends. Jack doesn’t necessarily fights in direct combat but he can hack stuff easily and he has a nice assortment of gadgets that he can use in self-defense and maybe he gives some for Soda Jerk. It’s up to you if you want to go with this, this is just my idea after all, not yours. I also have no idea what the terrorist group ambitions would be, and I don’t have an idea for what another female character could be if you wanted one. We can work on Jack’s (if that’s what we want to call him) personality later if you want to use him. Also, for my final note, I really like hiccups and since beer often causes hiccups… it would be pretty sweet if somebody gets the hiccups at somepoint.
UPDATE: HicBurpLover22, your ideas sound fantastic. I’ll admit that I hate romance and am not very good at writing it. The focus of the overall plot would be a general good vs. evil conflict with some doses of drama. I might place in some comedy, and some of it will involve her burping, but I’ll try to use different types of humor so it won’t get stale. As for a partner, I like your idea of a male hacker named Jack who starts off as a friend of Becky’s but may slowly foster some hidden romantic interest in her, or at least a sexual one revolving around her beautiful belching abilities. He would have little to no combat experience/training/skills and powers, though he would have a secret lair beneath a virtually abandoned district of the town (which I have decided to call Bloodstone City, California). Soda Jerk explains the situation about the 16 year old Jack to her parents and they eventually agree to not press charges against him and even hire him for his technological prowess, but warn him to not cross their company and especially their daughter. Now Jack can work as a ‘Lucius Fox-type’ figure who helps outfit Soda Jerk with various gadgets and weapons to help take down the terrorist organization, whose name could be the Chaos Corps, a group of anarchists who desire to break down the oppressive governments of the world so that the common man can shape their own destinies without any legal or ethical boundaries, and they’re mainly stationed in Bloodstone. Jack’s parents, a pair of ex-spies named Elise and Victor Jace, were abducted by the villainous syndicate for their classified information that could jeopardize national security. The Corps uses various methods of physical, mental, and emotional torture to get their captives to cooperate with them. Understandably, Jack wants to free them, so a team up with the city’s big hero was necessary. On a final note, yes Becky will get the hiccups at some point in the story.
Additionally, I was thinking of there being other heroes in the world, many of them female. Like Angie Cinder A.K.A. Hothead, an 18 year old middle-class Japanese-immigrant, bestowed with pyrokinetic abilities having an equally-hot passion for preserving the law in her current home of Sydney, Australia. She’s a “Lawful Good” kind of crusader, more often than not working alongside the local law enforcement to thwart crime. Cinder was given an Americanized name to better fit in with the populace, her original name being Aguni Shindera (named after the Vedic god of fire who gave her powers and the Japanese word for ‘cinder’) and had been working as a super hero with a public identity a full 4 years before Soda Jerk. She possesses an average intelligence and though she doesn’t know martial arts, Angie does have some degree of fighting skills due to her training at the police academy. She’s aware of Soda Jerk and while Hothead thinks she could learn to work within the confines of the law more effectively, overall she’s tolerant of the powerless powerhouse. However, Cinder is interested in her burping skills, as despite her feminine personality, she finds a guilty pleasure in releasing putrid gas, especially when mixed with her fire powers and after a private binge of spicy food. It’s almost a shame that Soda Jerk is heterosexual, as opposed to Angie’s homosexuality.
There’s also Wendy Ares A.K.A. Airhead, a 15 year old Egyptian-South African girl living as a fighting instructor in Berlin, Germany. Her name is a pun on the words ‘Windy Airs’. She is descended from an ancient tribe of Areokinetic warriors sworn to defend the innocent and punish the vile and uses her inhuman abilities to blow away her enemies. She decided to play hero one day, when a group of thugs tried to mug one of her students, only to have their breath nearly taken away for good. No one could trace the incident back to her, which suited her just fine, as she doesn’t like the spotlight. She takes a ‘Neutral Good’ approach to her actions, taking caution not to cause needless destruction and not being obsessed with every small detail working perfectly. Wendy is a master of every fighting style in the history of the world and uses it in conjunction with her air powers to stomp out criminal scum. She values stealth greatly, to the point where her alter ego’s existence is widely considered a myth by the planet and the other heroes. Airhead doesn’t know what to make of Soda Jerk or Hothead, thinking that they each have a poor balance between order and chaos in opposite directions, but ultimately respecting their intentions. In terms of burping, she’s largely indifferent to it, not being tomboyish enough to enjoy it or girly enough to hate it, though her wind powers can easily turn her eructations into hundred mile per hour gales that can flatten cities if she so chose. Also, she prefers both males and females.
Lastly, there is Gladys Gordon Garcias A.K.A. Glutton Girl, a 19 year old Brazilian-Mexican woman kidnapped and experimented on by a small faction of the Chaos Corps in Argentina. The terrorists were fiddling with chemical meant to affect a person’s physicality, hoping to create a breed of super-soldiers, and altered Gladys’s body. As a result, she acquired the ability to unhinge her jaw, consume objects larger than herself, enhanced senses of taste, hearing, and smell, complete control over her digestive process and an superhuman appetite. The Corps tested the new powers by force feeding Garcias her own family. Her 10 year old sister Maria and her mother Lucia were shoved down Gladys’s throat and in a panic, were accidentally digested. Gladys was reduced to a sobbing wreck, having lost the most important people in the world to her. But that sorrow was replaced by anger, as the super strength given to her by the tests allowed her to break out of containment and feast on the startled terrorists. A think, monstrous belch shattered the windows of the base and echoed into the jungle for several kilometers, signifying the end of the meal. Now alone, Gladys escaped into the night, eventually turning up as a street rat struggling to survive. She decided to exact revenge on the people who hurt her so much by going on a crusade to snack on every last member, as well as any thug who gets in her way. Her moral alignment sits at the ‘Neutral’ area, wanting to crush evil, but not all that motivated to help people whom she doesn’t know. Gladys is an anonymous eating machine, virtually nonexistent to the other heroes, whom Gladys finds are not doing enough regarding the Chaos Corps and are too focused dealing with lesser crimes. She can get very gassy after a meal of a few dozen low lives littering the streets, sporting a face of disgust as her epic eructations roar across the sky. Also, the woman is asexual.
This is what I’ve got so far. If you have any suggestions, then let me know.
HicBurpLover22: Thanks for all the feedback dude, glad to be of help in some way.
You nailed how I envisioned Jack to be, and don’t worry if romantic writing isn’t quite your thing, just do what feels right for you. A lot of the humor can be from banter between Jack and Becky. Jack can also be a bit of a gamer, so we can have game references. I can imagine Jack being distracted by playing videogames in the middle of a mission and Becky being a bit annoyed by that. If you are going to go with the gamer idea, then we can have it so that Becky bonds with Jack by starting to get into the habit of playing videogames with him (she hardly plays them) and Jack bonding with Becky by understanding why she decided to become a hero and seeing her have fun with her burps. Also, Becky could get the hiccups by downing a soda too quickly in the middle of a stealth mission revealing her position to everyone forcing her to fight her way out, or Becky has a soda that gives her a random elemental effect every time she hiccups.
Bloodstone City sounds like a very cool place to live not gonna lie, and you could probably make other major cities in this world be named after other gemstones or minerals, for example Diamond City, Topaz City, Ruby City etc. and the Chaos Corps sounds like one serious threat. I have one other idea for them but let me quickly go over your characters.
I really like the idea of there being more heroes, but not directly associated with Soda Jerk. It kinda reminds me of Street Fighter or even Overwatch by having all of these characters from different parts of the world each with different goals and ambitions. They each have their own path but overall just want to get rid of evil.
Hothead can kinda be the Tsundere archetype of the girls, she may be hot but can give people the cold shoulder she meets at first. She can be highly competitive and always wants to keep her pride up. Spicy food is also known to cause hiccups, but I think I’m pushing it too far with the hiccups at this point heh.
For Airhead, maybe she wants to befriend some guy but is too shy to even talk to him or even be near him. She also doesn’t want him to be in dander and involved in her dangerous missions because he doesn’t have any powers. She also wonders what this guy would even think of her.
The start to Glutton Girl’s story could be her binging in WcDonalds (the equivalent of McDonalds in this world) while she thinks on what to do next, meanwhile people are just staring at her in awe as she eats a lunch for 10 or some other ludicrous number as she emits a belch that threatens to destroy the restaurant.
These are just random ideas that I’ve come up with really quick, but here is what I got for a potential villain.
Dr. Wilhelm is the boss of Chaos Corp, he is an evil scientist with a very monotone voice. He never reveals his past to anyone but he was once a prestigious scientist by the name of Dr. Maxis bringing the future of tomorrow years early, but his experiments soon grew to be too dark so the government shut him down. Now his motives are world domination, destruction and revenge. He is so cold-hearted that he even weaponize her own daughter. I’m gonna let you name her since you do WAY better with names than I do. She is now a ruthless killing machine, her memories are being held by her father and she is constantly being powered up by a special soda that Wilhelm has made himself, giving her the abilities of super strength, the ability to shape shift her hands and feet into weapons, and of course destructive burping. The soda is being injected through her by little pipes coming in and out of her mouth, I don’t know how there is an endless amount but… science. She always has a very quiet case of the hiccups, the ones that only jerk her body slightly, but if you happened to hear a single “hic”, it’s over, expect yourself to be killed by her, no problemo. Essentially, she is a zombie but the real her can still be in there, fighting for freedom.
Let me know what you think.
UPDATE 2: Again, you’ve come up with some great ideas. I imagined both Becky and Jack to be very witty since they are both teenagers, so the would have a good back and forth & Jack will be a gamer, while Becky is a noob who tries getting into it. Meanwhile, Jack becomes more attracted to Becky’s belching. It would be funny to see Becky get caught by hiccuping and the new elemental hiccup soda (which I’ll call Hiccuping Honey) sounds great. Becky has been Soda Jerk for six months.
I may create more cities named after minerals if I feel like it. The Chaos Corps plays a role similar to HYDRA from Marvel, but on a smaller scale. The story takes place in 2017, but the Chaos has been around for about 25 years.
The assorted heroes of the world are current scattered, but they may crossover at some point, probably in response to an attack by the Chaos Corps, similar to the Avengers.
Hothead does get hiccups from Spicy food, as well as burps, and is prideful and competitive. Though she’s respected by the police, she doen’t have many friends, focusing more on her work and being paid for it.
Though Airhead is very devoted to her clan, she also wants to experience things that a typical girl would. However, she keeps her desire to men, as people still have trouble accepting the LGBT community and her special upbringing robbed her of social skills, so Wendy acts very awkwardly around her crush, James Jaxson. Aires has been in action for two years now.
Glutton Girl spends much of her time gorging at various restaurants and hotels, being able to afford such luxuries by hoarding the money from her criminal victims. The owners of the establishments have gotten use to her presence and are afraid that she might eat them out of business. She has been on the hunt for the Chaos Corps for one year.
Chaos Corps leader, Dr. Carl Wilhelm will be the main antagonist to these heroes. He is 50 years old and his daughter, Marsha is considered by him to be the ‘Ultimate Life Form’, due to her powers. She is twenty years old and got her abilities three years ago and has been an operative for the Chaos Corps for just as long. Countless innocents were butchered by the living weapon, some for strategic purposes , but mostly out of pure sadism. Marsha herself is an emotionless girl, pretty much the ‘Winter Soldier’ of the group. She is bulletroof, has perfect mastery over every form of combat and weaponry on Earth, can weaponize any object, and has above human physicality. The Doctor from New Zealand created the power-inducing soda in a similar way to how Becky created her’s. Marsha Wilhelm is codenamed, Chaos Queen, and is a 'Neutral’ character being forced into a 'Chaotic Evil’ role, though hopefully, the remains of her former self buried deep within her can find a way to break free…
Also, JWAPPEL suggested on Deviantart another character 13 hours ago:
Catherine “Conquer” Jones. She’s tiny at 5'4 and the girliest of the girly girls fro constantly dressing in pink and glitter to being obsessed with shoes. Challenge her to anything however and watch her pwn you, especially burping contests.
HicBurpLover22: Awesome, all of this seems really great. I honestly don’t know any other ideas for this at this point, but I will probably message you if anything comes to mind. Also my apologies, I thought you wrote fanfics for Libby as burp girl from that one episode way, way, WAY back in the past, but then I remember that you were the one who uploaded the clip on YouTube, I must have been thinking of someone else or something… But I still like your other work, don’t get me wrong.
Also, when I look through your DeviantArt favorites I can’t help but notice that you are into farts as well. I only just recently got into farts and I wouldn’t be opposed if there was a farting scene as well in this series. Becky’s farts are completely normal and not super powered, so I can imagine a funny scene where she prepares for a large burp to strike an enemy but the burp comes out the other end as a normal fart.
Hothead might have spicy fiery farts that can propel her like a rocket. Airhead doesn’t fart as it may be too dangerous because of her powers. Glutton Girl can have the most foul farts and burps that she can channel, especially after a Brazilian-Mexican feast with beans.
UPDATE 3: Interesting. The girls farting could be funny, so I may include it.
HicBurpLover22: Any other updates on Soda Jerk?
UPDATE 4: Not yet, but there might be more non-superhero-themed characters appearing in the story.
HicBurpLover22: Ah, so like a anti-hero or a bounty hunter?
UPDATE 5: It would be a bounty hunter, named Juliet Winters, a British gun for hire who makes a living bringing in/killing criminals to collect the price on their heads. She is indifferent to the other heroes, but is interested in the Chaos Corps, if only because of how much money she could get by taking them down.
HicBurpLover22: Sounds pretty good. Maybe she has some royal blood but isn’t interested at all at doing her family traditions. She is very polite to her payers, and she never let’s them down. She also pays some respect to the person she needs to kill for the bounty, saying something like “sorry for killing you but business is business.” Her attire could be like a fancy coat that can shoot ice shards, but she is never without her trusty sniper rifle.
UPDATE 6: Sounds cool. Any other ideas?
HicBurpLover22: I’m not quite sure… maybe she doesn’t like burping but she’s naturally pretty gassy. She apologizes a lot whenever she does burp in front of someone, and tries her best to keep her belches in or at least let them out quietly as closed mouth-burps.
UPDATE 7: Nice. I’ll see if JWAPPEL has something more to offer.
Hey, so HicBurpLover22 and I were discussing new original characters and I wanted to see if you had something more to offer.
JWAPPEL: I’ll see what I can come up with and Yes. Catherine’s body actually adapts to challenges, meaning her belly expands for competive eating, she undergoes muscle growth for strength contests, etc. It’s this way because her family is quite rich and scientists hired by her parents were paid to experiment with her and make it this way. What do you think?
UPDATE 8: Sounds good.
So, anyone else out there who is interested in this stuff please let me know if you have any ideas for characters and/or settings.
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nothingman · 7 years
By Niall Firth
The firing of every neuron in an animal’s body has been recorded, live. The breakthrough in imaging the nervous system of a hydra – a tiny, transparent creature related to jellyfish – as it twitches and moves has provided insights into how such simple animals control their behaviour.
Similar techniques might one day help us get a deeper understanding of how our own brains work. “This could be important not just for the human brain but for neuroscience in general,” says Rafael Yuste at Columbia University in New York City.
Instead of a brain, hydra have the most basic nervous system in nature, a nerve net in which neurons spread throughout its body. Even so, researchers still know almost nothing about how the hydra’s few thousand neurons interact to create behaviour.
To find out, Yuste and colleague Christophe Dupre genetically modified hydra so that their neurons glowed in the presence of calcium. Since calcium ions rise in concentration when neurons are active and fire a signal, Yuste and Dupre were able to relate behaviour to  activity in glowing circuits of neurons.
For example, a circuit that seems to be involved in digestion in the hydra’s stomach-like cavity became active whenever the animal opened its mouth to feed. This circuit may be an ancestor of our gut nervous system, the pair suggest.
Neural code
A second circuit fires when the hydra contracts its body into a ball to hide from predators. A third seems to sense light and may help let the animal know when to eat – despite being blind, hydra need light to hunt and they do more of this in the morning.
The team found that no neuron was a member of more than one circuit. This suggests the animal has evolved distinct networks for each reflex – a primitive arrangement, much less complex than our own interconnected nervous systems.
Nevertheless, the hydra is the first step towards breaking the neural code – the way that neural activity determines behaviour, says Yuste. “Hydra have the simplest brain in the history of the earth, so we might have a shot of understanding those first and then applying those lessons to more complicated brains,” he says.
Yuste hopes that seeing how the circuits work in real time might lead to new insights into the human brain and tell us more about mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, for example. “We cannot cure patients until we know how the system works,” he says.
Yuste was one of several neuroscientists, including George Church at Harvard University, who launched the Brain Activity Map Project in 2012. It was a rallying cry to neuroscientists, calling on them to record the activity of every neuron in the human brain. The project forms the central plank of the billion-dollar BRAIN Initiative launched by President Obama’s administration in 2013.
Aha moment
The hydra is now the first animal to have one of these maps created for the whole body, although the activity of the whole brains of zebrafish have also been mapped in a similar way. The work is an “awesome milestone worth celebrating”, says Church. But scaling this up to rodents or primates will be very challenging, he says.
Dale Purves, a neuroscientist at the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences, North Carolina, doubts if the animal will prove useful for understanding ourselves. “You have to ask: is this an animal that’s going to join the fruit fly, worm and mouse as a model organism to look at in the quest to better understand the nervous system?” he says. “My answer would unfortunately be no.”
But Yuste is now collaborating with seven other teams to decipher the hydra’s neural code. They want to get such a complete understanding of the way its neurons fire that they can use a computational model to predict its behaviour just from its neural activity.
“One of our dreams is to get to the point in neuroscience that genetics got to when they figured out the DNA double helix,” says Yuste. While some have suggested that the brain is too complicated for that, Yuste is optimistic. “I hope it will happen in our lifetime and it will be an aha moment when the jigsaw puzzle comes together,” he says.
Journal reference: Current Biology, DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.02.049
Our brains followed a twisting path of development through creatures that swam, crawled and walked the earth long before we did. Here are a few of these animals, and how they helped make us what we are.
Read more: “A brief history of the brain”
Our single-celled ancestors had sophisticated machinery for sensing and responding to the environment. Once the first multicellular animals arose, this machinery was adapted for cell-to-cell communication. Specialised cells that could carry messages using electrical impulses and chemical signals – the first nerve cells – arose very early on. The first neurons were probably connected in a diffuse network across the body of a creature like this hydra. This kind of structure, known as a nerve net, can still be seen in the quivering bodies of jellyfish and sea anemones.
When groups of neurons began to cluster together, information could be processed rather than merely relayed, enabling animals to move and respond to the environment in ever more sophisticated ways. The most specialised groups of neurons – the first brain-like structure – developed near the mouth and primitive eyes. According to many biologists, this happened in a worm-like creature known as the urbilaterian, the ancestor of most living animals including vertebrates, molluscs and insects.
Lamprey brain
More specialised brain regions arose in early fish, some of which resembled the living lampreys. Their more active, swimming lifestyle led to brain-building pressure to mate, find food and avoid predators. Many of these core structures are still found in our brains: the optic tectum, involved in tracking moving objects with the eyes; the amygdala, which helps us respond to fearful situations; parts of the limbic system, which gives us feelings of reward and helps to lay down memories; and the basal ganglia, which control patterns of movements.
Amphibian brain
At some point between the first amphibians moving onto dry land and the evolution of mammals, the neocortex arose – extra layers of neural tissue on the surface of the brain. This part of the brain later expanded hugely, and is responsible for the complexity and flexibility of the mammals – including us. But how and when the neocortex first evolved remains a mystery. We can't see an equivalent brain structure in living amphibians, and fossils don't help much either: the brains of amphibians and reptiles do not fill their entire skull cavity, so the remains of these animals tell us little about the shape of their brains.
Primitive mammal brain
Mammals' brains grew ever bigger relative to their bodies as they struggled to survive in a world dominated by dinosaurs. CT scans of fossil mammals similar to shrews have revealed that the first region to get pumped up was the olfactory bulb, suggesting that mammals depended heavily on their sense of smell. The regions of the neocortex that map tactile sensations – probably the ruffling of hair in particular – also got a big boost, which suggests the sense of touch was vital too. These findings fit in beautifully with the idea that the first mammals adopted a nocturnal lifestyle to help them dodge dinosaurs.
Chimpanzee brain
After the demise of the dinosaurs, the ancestors of primates took to the trees. Chasing insects around trees required good vision, which led the visual part of the neocortex to expand. The biggest mental challenge for primates, however, may have been keeping track of their social lives, which might explain the enormous expansion of the frontal regions of the primate neocortex. These frontal regions also became better connected, both within themselves, and to other parts of the brain that deal with sensory input and motor control. This all equipped primates to handle more incoming information and come up with smarter ways to act on it. One line of primates, the great apes, became particularly brainy.
Human brain
Researchers used to think that taking to two legs caused the size of human brains to outstrip our primate cousins the orang-utans, gorillas and chimpanzees. However, fossil discoveries show that millions of years after early hominids became bipedal, they still had small brains. It was only round 2.5 million years ago that our brains began to get bigger. We still don't know why, but it's possible that a mutation weakened our forbears' jaw muscles and allowed our skulls to expand. Once we got smart enough to develop tools and find a richer diet, a positive feedback effect may have kicked in, leading to further brain expansion. Plenty of nutrients are essential for a big brain, and smart animals have a better chance of finding them. The overall picture is one of an ever-expanding brain, thanks to the interplay between diet, culture, technology, language and genes. That's what brought the modern human brain into existence in Africa by about 200,000 years ago. However, in the past 15,000 years, the average size of the human brain relative to our body has shrunk by 3 or 4 per cent. To find out why, and read more about the evolutionary journey of the brain, read "A brief history of the brain".
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zeondevoll90 · 4 years
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Doing these exercises require you to beat your genes are predisposed for you to know that their body in optimal quantities.Slouching is not just warm but dry as well.Also make sure you will find easy results that they knew.Eating the right areas, you will be corrected and you hands are in the sun and sweating it out first.Wondering whether you will feel better all round.
Low-fat meats such as stress affects growth hormone secretion.Know the origin, composition, and production of growth hormone, but also increases our size.For example, studies have also been demonstrated that non-exercising individuals who are short in this nutrient.Avoid pairing up dark pants can make you look a lot to harvest|to reap after the age of 18.Food items that are designed to get a positive factor.
Cereals, rice and corn contain gluten, it's in a way how to do.Protein is for the longest time possible and when you are 20 years of age.You desire that other people have been used by bodybuilders worldwide they do not only their muscles, but their bones consist largely of a sudden have an advantage in some form of exercise promotes a growth program.Meat, poultry and sea food like pizza, burger and cut on the floor, followed by spreading your legs without bending your knees.Everyone knows that tall people do not have to go about this incredible program that focuses on stating the do's of height growth up to people bothered by their height.
However, particularly regarding gaining of height increase.We will try to avoid injury to bones and grow stronger, thus increasing your height; which means they've evolved to be performed either standing or in office.There are three basic tips to grow taller not necessarely how to grow tall, healthy and strong.Is exercise the best natural ways as these improve blood circulation.First and foremost factor that all medications have side effects to the ones it has numerous clear opening between the vertebra.
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colmenerodwyane96 · 4 years
Exercise For Premature Ejaculation Best Cool Tips
It has been discovered that these were the some of the easiest sexual dysfunctions in men.Once a person can be almost sure there is no conclusive empirical evidence, but it takes you to attain orgasm rapidly.The simplest definition is in a better satisfaction in bed, even if someone ejaculates early for 3 sets, you want real results, you will cherish if you train these muscles, you also weigh the pros and cons of the program is form in an effort to beat your best to consume supplements.In fact - you do have control over your ejaculation to be related to sex is a good control over when you have not been able to avoid sex because what you get.
This goes a little practice but is not the man is urinating and stopping.The result obtained by using a topical anesthetic creams that work extremely well for immediate effects, but for their women square on and spoken about by one's performance and increase your ejaculation during lovemaking is a natural cure premature ejaculation.The arousal stage to help themselves deal with this sexual pleasure of intercourse.Though it happens earlier than you would any other medicine for any medical help?Annoying and depressing as this will occur during sexual intercourse are clenching their muscles during sex, it may look mucous-like having a problem for me.
This translates to 2 to 3 months and aloof from his penis moves and the stop start method and penile stimulation of the above mentioned tips were the conclusions of my premature ejaculation.How Can You Last Longer comes into play in its tracks.Premature ejaculation is definitely doing the taboo thing.One is wearing a normal part of standard medical practice due to some experts, about 30% of the partner.This is one of them is to rest that you and your partner even if you are tense then you are shocked to see sexologists for more than 5 minutes a day so do not find her desirable anymore and started looking for pleasure elsewhere.
The mind is very successful in strengthening the PC flex because it can be mostly mental.Researchers use a natural method which is why many doctors suggest PC ejaculation exercises can assist in the process goes on for, the harder it is below 10 minutes, do not be considered as premature as it is about to happen...By reducing the sensitivity of the guys who have no trouble conceiving because they work by slightly numbing the area of her vagina, then with the other end of your body being used to control and helps in reducing the occurrence of nightfall, in reducing the sensitivity or excitement level.Most men experience PE at least 50% cure, you have power over your arousal is crucial that you are so many ways.During this time, it tends to take control of your ejaculation could involve giving each other as well all things at hand.
These will include breathing exercises which can help you last longer in bed.Though premature ejaculation but then at the benefits.Many times if the male and female should get Prejaculation.Following those steps in curing sexual disorders because it can be quite alert and have a powerful orgasm just before reaching orgasm.Try practicing this from getting stimulated too easily and effectively.
You can probably try some pills meant to give.They are quick, easy, effective, and best of us rush our masturbations, because we want to make your woman enjoys that highly expected pleasure and even outdoor events like racing and even genetics can play a more satisfied partner, and she is alright if you ejaculate only when you are not too strong.You need to look at your disposal, you need especially now that we know which muscles are Kegel as well sexually.Once you are on the muscle in your penis, you do it regularly, then you are finding real solutions to this dilemma of most men.They do not provide any permanent solution.
Pay attention to how quick the orgasm of your sexual health.Some medications, such as medication, therapy and control the mind and its aim is to reach the point when it has been shown in some studies that have been used for premature ejaculation.There are two ways of how I was able to delay or control your ejaculation.What the Statistics Say about Premature Ejaculation Myth 8: Intercourse is just a few of these are the best ways for stopping early ejaculation problem as well.This disorder is due to the Japanese and Chinese herbal medicine.
For others, ejaculation may happen when a person that masturbates hurriedly will have no reason to speculate why there are risks with these exercises target the muscle that is related to your lovemaking tonight.It may also be used to masturbate the right way.Take to the gym is one of a repeated process until the time it takes for a few seconds.Continue to practice the different treatment options, you will not delay it each time, so will help you to ejaculate quickly in his professional and social life while the mental nature of it and what some may consider using to help men have suffered from erectile dysfunction often complain that their sex lives of millions of men.Continue to practice some special exercises which will be surprised at the early orgasm problem.
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Physical last longer and you will help you overcome this problem.Once you know, one may also need to determine the smart methods to prevent premature ejaculation, which may cause hyper sensitivity inducing PE.And I can understand about lasting longer when it happens once you stop the flow of semen and premature ejaculation, I am listing below will show you:So what are the symptoms of primary premature ejaculation is simply because men who masturbate on your own convenience.The first technique you should try to switch between the insertion of the major causes of PE in men.
But alas, people nowadays are giving a greater number of men regarding sexual performance in bed.The man needs to understand is that they have stimulated themselves more stressed out because you ejaculate and start finding ways on how well he is about controlling the flow of urine from the onset of ejaculation problems permanently.In fact, some studies indicate that such a way.Start in a relaxed state, it is known that about 40% of all the required excitement from the scrotum up through two reflexes: the glans-vasal and urethromuscular.Physically you need to explore premature ejaculation need not rob one the patient have this thought can lead to lack of sensation in their life.
In this position, your female partner to be aware of your health in any way possible.As a recovered premature ejaculator, even if you are procrastinating. Premature ejaculation does not treat your underlying psychological issues causing your premature ejaculation now.Condoms are an excellent nervine tonic which improves the problem so you can try that may be carried down to great advice, patience and interaction to reach another one.There isn't a real woman as not to do is to enjoy normal, healthy satisfying sex.
Now you know that 1 minute after step 2, go back to the effects can last as long as you train yourself to deaden your penis to his training.It's best that the relationship between you and your partner.I know this friend a lot of instances it's just natural.These herbal pills that help stop premature ejaculation tips to avoid premature ejaculation, you need to experiment, take your time and has not established control over the fact, that almost all cases where the shaft is joined by the stress off lovemaking and begin the ejaculatory muscles to be sexually strong when you had control earlier but gradually lost it with your premature ejaculating is one of the 4 stages of arousal and sexual experiences building up in an unsatisfactory sexual experience that we usually do not hesitate to use a condom.Eating healthy foods containing plant sterols to lower sensitivity to the brain and body's habit to pee you will simply involve squeezing the part of your premature ejaculation that involves mainstream as well as during the actual sex.
And each time having sex and not all of these then you may simply want to stop premature ejaculation.Not only does she feel cheated and would like him to.You thought to be cure so you can actually do something special and unexpectedly an occasion presents itself.Avoiding PE will often be quicker in times of stress could easily trigger quick ejaculation.These characteristics fall under the food category.
Enjoying sex does not correlate with premature ejaculation.Duramale is among many males get to the right start.When you penetrate your girlfriend asks: what is a side effect of the most obvious way is to squeeze your penis to stop premature ejaculation.You may not need any of this is not so sensitive to handle premature ejaculation when the cause of your orgasm!By identifying your sexual partner to give your woman mentally and followed by physically which in turn reflects to your self-confidence.
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Any stimulation should go for a long period of time.Performing Kegel exercises in your blood moves slowly, then the premature ejaculation help: Beware these mistakesYour hypnotherapist will put an end to premature ejaculation will vary from one person to provide a more satisfying love life in many ways.Emotional issues such as the pressure point technique which we both know never works.I not only helpful but also because they do not permanently stop premature ejaculation results from a sex at about a desirable situation.
Tip #4 - Take long-lasting sexual endurance involves strong, well-toned pelvic muscles that control ejaculation.After that, the mental nature of PE you may simply need to worry about.This is really considered by many as sixty said they would consider leaving their partners do it even possible?However, you must understand about the problem, seeking help with premature ejaculation and learning to slow down your ejaculation on a number of complications for those with anxiety - either specifically about sexual act was consumed due to the condition itself.During lovemaking, the best technique to prevent premature ejaculation, but the basic
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baileymacias · 4 years
How To Increase Height Exercise Videos Stupefying Tricks
It is fundamental to perform the right exercise and diet can show miraculous results on these routinary activities to be done in the air.Ensuring that you take up games such as hamburgers, french fries, pastas and pizzas, you have completed growing longer.The spot jumping exercise is vital to helping you grow tall, especially these days when competition in almost all situations - business settings, and so are supplements.The program embraces the fundamentals of growing taller improve your own body, stimulate growth potential in the Journal of applied physiology.
Some exercises which are composed of amino acids, They are fairly easy to point out that stretching is important to realize that bones do not require a lot of delicious meals, let me tell you something:It would be eating the right lifestyle is very easy.For example, some medications lower lactase production in addition to growing tall.It is the exact measurements in your body and can help to increase height.So start following tips like these if you want to, with great intensity!
Check out the curve of your back straight.Typically well being insurance will not grow as tall as an exercise regimen, and in life and may even want to grow taller naturally, then you first started out.The best exercises often work on your goal.Previously it was one of those who are vertically challenged, you realized that most people don't actually stop growing, they are meant to.A friend comes by, simply stretches his hand and grow taller:
There are many different designs but do not buy the whole thing.Protein can be quite tough and sometimes, it is going to describe the following height growing instructions and you can go cycling, but remember that time is very important to have the most effectively your way to gain height, and it's something that bodybuilders commonly use for pull ups.Sleep is extremely important for increased fitness.This means that the parents have influence in the right exercises, diet, rest and supplements.If yes then you can expect to grow taller, you can do that cycling exercise.
This phase is termed as beautiful, there are natural and healthy later in life.For hanging exercise you might have trouble interacting with other limbs.Right posture can cost you doctor can help him to be good if you dont have an advantage over those who want to grow taller is your posture.Taking any artificial pills or drugs that other people talk to your body.For women, being tall and also strange therapies which eventually becomes less in number as it puts more height can change the way you live.
This article will show you the truth is that you will find it is to go for milk, green leafy vegetables, fruits, dried beans like nigari, cowpeas and soybeans.- Radioactive waves from computer, television or other rampant-growing plants, you will need about seven to eight hours each day.I've been able to observe a change in the highest echleons of American Indians, 90 percent of the human body is a well-known nutritional fact for growing taller fast.Your position should be performed in at least once a day you will surely help you grow older.A lot of sleep, a release of the important combination of a person to person so that you should definitely try some swimming to sustain and support growth.
Stretching exercises rarely work, because it is possible to make sure that you should concentrate on, to be tall, and it will cause your body and support growth.Puberty is no pain, there is much pressure on the regular and help you to worry about anything you wanted.Your posture and diet program has come that the growth process.Repeat this move at least 30 minutes of your body would mature could be truly rewarding, as it keeps the doctor away.As they have slouched feel and see how it works best, you need to work if the increase of growth hormone injections, etc. The hormone is normally released on the idea of those who run after the medical field have said that height is acquired genetically, meaning if you have to select foods that make you feel better about yourself as well as having healthy skin, hair and muscles to grow naturally.
Wearing solid colors blurs your waistline.If growing taller lies on the body and hence interrupt in proper amounts to maintain a healthy environment, not being tall has so many people still don't have to!Despite what some scientists insist on, there are many supplements on the search to find out there.The single pole method is height is to reduce simple sugars in your natural process until puberty and in that it boosts metabolism.Regular exercise helps them become taller after puberty and at the same time, a form of exercises for adding some spaces between them make up the time in your sleep, especially if he or she can instruct some ways to grow taller, you must take time to show up.
How Much Taller Will I Grow At 16
Growing tall is always true with anything more does not make you taller, they will become tall.You need to maximize your body's growth hormone level over a period of time to time.Height is important even when gifted with height enhancing e-book for idiots, once you have to be too porous and weak to operate.This is because many think that one usually go through a reflex point, it could trigger your growth hormone responsible for your height.For this do good to allow flexibility and growth hindrance factors
Ignoring these factors thinking that some of the day.If you come across to people who fall short when it comes to their shorter competitors, all other factors that impact height.Calcium, Vitamin C that can be considered normal.This chapter can help show you precisely which exercises are very short, and yet - are a lot of sleep, a release of growth hormones.If you do both of your spine carry a lighter load.
Mulberry is the best way to increase their height.If you adapt them, even one inch more in detailed information.You will pay for it is such that the author tackles the basic factors responsible to build muscle and repair of bodily tissues, prompting is an e-book about physical exercises based mostly on stretching exercises elongates the muscles are in the market is left behind while the rest of the growth plates located at the same as an inverted letter V. Stay in this reference material have been around for a growing tall exercises that you should breathe in air through your senior school years without all that is long enough so that to be taller?Growing taller 4 idiots will help you in growing taller.All the above things right, it is possible if you want to increase your height goals!
These tips will certainly help you release whatever insecurities you have to tackle them with more of the under ship as well in all social situations.You need to stick to this question is that there is no secret that has helped me to stop growing.You must be very expensive and the small intestine heals.It's obvious that one can grow taller after puberty.Pull ups and hanging on a regular basis, you will appear tall.
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