#like?? the cognitive dissonance is astounding
derangedthots · 1 year
considering how the dance is a cautionary tale of the destructive effects of misogyny on absolutely EVERYBODY you'd think the fandom would be less misogynistic but it's like every day unveils a new flavor of "i hate women, this is why they deserve nothing"
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wereh0gz · 1 year
Will never understand how someone can claim to be a Sonic fan and also be bigoted
Like. Bro. You apparently like a franchise that's all about living life to the fullest, being unabashedly yourself(!!) and opposing oppression(!!!!) because it's the right thing to do, and you're still a homophobe? You're still a transphobe? After seeing Sonic's gay little ass beat the shit out of a robo fascist and fight the evils of the universe with the power of friendship??
Like are we even fans of the same thing or???
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hurremshiv · 1 year
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Also Süleyman:
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He’s the worst
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mosspapi · 2 years
Gods it is taking every ounce of my strength to not turn each complaint my mother has abt her sprained ankle into a lecture abt her internalized ableism.
Like hm. You are in a lot of pain most of the day. It is unnecessarily strenuous for you to do things like get a new milk from the garage when you use up the one in the house, so you don’t. You are in pain, so you snap at people more often. You require a brace and other supports in order to get around. Ok, fine, whatever. Why is it that it’s ok for you to do those things, but not me? For all intents and purposes, I have a permanently sprained knee and permanently sprained ribs. I feel just a bad as you do, yet when I ask someone else to get the milk for me, it’s selfish and entitled. When I snap at people for pushing my boundaries and disrespecting me because I’m in too much pain to regulate my responses adequately (maybe once a month AT MOST), it’s abusive and toxic and inappropriate. When I use my brace or ask for a cane/wheelchair, it’s lazy and ‘trying to make myself more ill’. There is functionally no difference between you and I right now except that your pain is curable and mine most likely is not. So what makes my reactions inappropriate? Is it perhaps internalized ableism? Shame over having a “””broken””” child? Denial that illness and disability is not a choice? Maybe? No? It’s just you “wanting what’s best for me”??? Ok. Sure bud. Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess🤷🏽‍♂️
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audhdnight · 2 months
My mom’s friend overheard me talking about my deconstruction journey yesterday and today she posted this image in response to my bringing up the “if god was really good so many horrific things wouldn’t happen to innocent people all the time” talking point
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ponyboi-69 · 6 months
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Life and the world are heavy. Here’s my cat who forgot her tongue.
Read tags to learn more 🙃
[image ID: a brown striped tabby cat is sitting obliviously with quarter of its tongue sticking out while looking past the camera /End ID]
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michaelmilkers · 9 months
i'm regularly astounded by the cognitive dissonance some of yall have to accept that gender is a social construct with infinite possibilities with the capacity to be deeply personal and individual but still think there's a list of like 4 acceptable sexual orientations and if you go outside of that list or mix entries on that list or relate to them in a non-traditional way not only are you Breaking The Rules you're personally directly harming people who follow them
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bitchcrime · 2 years
karl marx would shoot melanie martinez in the head
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Goyische leftists will use Stalin's face as a symbol of anti-homophobia, anti-racism, anti-transphobia, etc, without so much of an ounce of critical thinking. Literally I've seen a white leftist with a tattoo of Stalin's face on one thigh and a tattoo of Mao's on the other. Like????? The level of cognitive dissonance never ceases to astound me. So many Western leftist ideology boils down to "The enemy of the USA and NATO is my friend" which is.....such a dangerous ideology.
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
Can I be blunt and rant for a minute? Because I've had it up to here with the way Western "news" is coddling Zionists. They keep dragging this Zionist parent of one of the hostages to stir pity because she has cancer and wants to see her daughter again. The superiority complexes of these people astounds and disgusts me. They really believe their lives are worth more than anyone else's - certainly more than a Palestinian's. Meanwhile, this morning I saw a video on Twitter of a mother in Gaza being told that her toddler was dead. She'd been trying to have him for fifteen years! 15! Imagine trying for a baby for over a decade and then only having that child for, what, three years? It's heartbreaking and infuriating all at once but all the news cares to talk about is how we should feel bad for this Zionist woman! I have no pity for her or her daughter or any hostages/prisoners of war/whatever. They partied on stolen land. They brought their fate on themselves but these poor children committed no crime but to be born in Gaza!
Free Palestine! 🇵🇸
💯💯💯 I wholeheartedly agree with your stance! Selective empathy is poisonous and insensitive -mainstream western media has done NOTHING but paint the IOF as justified in their settler-colonial terrorism, and have not given an ounce of their reporting to truly unveil what is going on and to fully display the disproportionate amount of violence and oppression Palestinian people have been through for decades -and especially over these past 101 days of genocide (which was been watered down as a 'war against Hamas.')
There are ENDLESS stories I can share about Palestinian prisoners who have been tortured, deprived of medical care and treatment, and who have been locked away in solitary confinement for inhuman periods of time -some of whom, when they returned were unable to recognize their families, and some of whom who had cancer or serious illnesses that were neglected and ignored. For anyone who does not follow Palestine Captives on X/Twitter, please do. They share the stories of Palestinians held captive and who were released.
I don't have any pity for an occupied force either, and I have little sympathy for stories like that zionist there because the IOF has thousands of children in their prison cells, and many more that are being malnourished, abused, and beaten to a state of near-death or who end up being killed. The sheer cognitive dissonance of zionists -of only seeking 'humanity' when it concerns their settler state.
Like, even objectively (which is clearly something the western media lacks), nobody would disagree that it's awful -having your child being held as a prisoner of war or as a hostage -but that includes Palestinian people and their children too -how many of their children have been kidnapped, robbed of their childhoods, and murdered by a terrorist state?? It's just baffling to me. The double standards are beyond inappropriate and vile.
Showing 'one side' of a story is always dangerous -and that, yes, especially includes the zionist entity, who has done nothing but perpetuate the 'we are always the victim card,' and it's disgusting.
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oh. and by the way. the racism that both Louis and Claudia face?? it's not like. a Subtle story detail. it's quite possibly one of the most overt throughlines of the story, actually. to be pretty Blatantly racist while simultaneously claiming to enjoy a show that from Day One has been examining anti-blackness and the forms that it can take is like. a little bit astounding. the cognitive dissonance is phenomenal; it would almost be impressive if it wasn't so gross. my god. "reverse racism." tsk. please. maybe we should all try growing a fucking brain as we venture further into the new year. hmm?? maybe we should try that.
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dougielombax · 1 month
It’s amazing how often you’d come across somebody whose opinions on things like justice, human rights and other such matters are perfectly rational.
Then you ask them about something like international affairs or vaccines and disabilities and it turns out that they’re completely fucking insane and deranged.
Babbling all the usual conspiratorial drivel about how “tHa JeWz” are controlling everything and that their shitty internet connection is all the fault of the “ZOG”.
(What even is that?!)
Before going on the spout the usual drivel about vaccines causing autism. Which btw they don’t.
The cognitive dissonance on display is astounding.
They’re so close to seeing bullshit for what it is, and then they sell their brains to 4Chan or kiwifarms or wherever and embrace fucking bigotry!
It seems to be something of a pattern.
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punisheddonjuan · 2 months
Not to be a guy who asks "are the zionists okay" but I scrolled through the blog of one who I used to know in irl and he's??? Reblogging from troll accounts that are disguising fucking blood libel as pro-Zionist between actual legitimate Zionist posts completely uncritically?????
Honestly anon? No I don't think that they are okay. The longer this drags on and the more that the images and videos from out of Gaza (or the West Bank for that matter) run completely counter to the U.S./Israeli propaganda narrative, the greater the cognitive dissonance that is necessary to claim the usual liberal Zionist talking points like "Israel is only acting in self-defense" (then why have they killed hundreds in the West Bank where Hamas is not in power), that "things would be better if the Palestinians just embraced non-violence" (they have on multiple occasions, the Israelis keep fucking killing them), or how the "IDF is the most moral army in the world" (then why is there mass looting of Palestinian homes by IDF soldiers). The collapse of these narratives has been so swift and so complete with every new things we learn about what happened on October 7th and afterwards that I think it's really short-circuited a few people's brains. There's been the revelation that many civilian deaths were the result of IDF following orders to institute the Hannibal directive, the forty beheaded babies story being a lie dreamt up by a fanatic, to the collapse of the NYT story on mass rapes (turns out the lead journalist was former Israeli intelligence), the story that Al-Shifa Hospital was some sort of terrorist base, and the lie which has had the most consequence: that UNRWA workers were directly involved in Oct. 7th the evidence for which is so flimsy as to be laughable if the consequences hadn't been so dire.
The speed at which these narratives have collapsed and how quickly Israel has run through any goodwill following Oct. 7th is honestly astounding. It took the Americans around two years give-or-take following 9/11 to exhaust the world's goodwill, Israel managed to speed-run this in less than two months. When boomer left-libs like my parents are starting to say things like "I don't know what's wrong with the Israelis" that's a new thing. I'm a little older than many of my followers so I remember things like the 2006 Lebanon War and watching it thinking "this seems excessive, what aren't they telling us?" It took years before the existence of the Dahiya Doctrine became known. And the images from Operation Cast Lead in 2008 (the conflict which was impetus for me to really dig into researching the conflict) weren't coming this fast or this graphic. This has got to do numbers on your psyche if you're a typically "progressive" person but also supporting the Israeli cause. It's like that Eli Valley cartoon riffing on the Incredible Hulk. I think the way some of them are coping is by telling bigger and bigger lies, becoming more extreme, retreating into more closed off bubbles. It's fear, fear of being wrong.
If you ever want to read some truly delusional posts I recommend checking out the "jumblr" tag (there are also some very brave and very intelligent anti-Zionist Jews also posting in that tag who have my admiration and respect for fighting the good fight, I've followed several of them in the past weeks) where you can find Zionists making such convincing arguments as "what Israel is doing to the Palestinians isn't genocide because a genocide requires intent and incitement, and Israel hasn't expressed intent, besides the word genocide has lost all meaning anyway because of leftist anti-Semitism, it's really more like ethnic cleansing which can be voluntary". An assertion contradicted by the words and actions of Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant, senior Israeli military officials, members of the Knesset including the deputy speaker, Minister for National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir, an open Kahanist, the Hebrew language media, Israeli civilians, Israeli artists, active duty personnel in the IDF, Mossad run Telegram channels, President Isaac Herzog and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They also like bringing up the existence of Arab Israeli citizens "oh they have equal rights!" (an easily disprovable claim) as a shield against the charge of genocide. It gets ugly too, I came across a post the other day of some American Zionist claiming that Hind Rajab could not possibly have been killed by the IDF because there would be no benefit in it to them, she must have been killed by Hamas who then blamed it on the IDF.
And because it's Tumblr it's all so frequently delivered in either that cutesy and twee cry bully tone of "oooh but I'm just a small little guy =uwu= and everyone is being mean to me!" or in the voice of the condescending gifted child "I am much smarter than you and this is why". It's frequently paired with a picrew avatar and queer identity flag. A few of them have "leftist" or "BLM" or "antifa" in their bio without a whiff of self awareness (no guesses as to the political ideology undergirding one of the groups from which the ruling Likud party claims descent). I'm not as hostile to identity politics as some leftists are, I think they can be a valuable tool to agitate for the needs of specific groups, but I can't help but see it as a damning indictment of the shallowness of the sort of "progressive" identity politics popular on here. It was developing a politics rooted in material analysis that lead me into criticism of Israel and if you don't have that, well, shallow identity politics aren't going to save you from being on the wrong side of history.
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entryn17 · 6 months
astounding cognitive dissonance happening among some (previous or current) staff members and their supporters by blaming the userbase for tumblr not having any money. you're peddling this site as a product. it's like opening a restaurant and complaining you're losing money because the customers don't want to eat the flavorless food you're serving them or are leaving because they saw you spitting in the face of an entire demographic of people
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burnthroughmesilently · 6 months
My god the way so many fucking Israeli people have zero understanding of how zionism and the Israeli government's policies literally dehumanize Palestinian people and relies on ethnic cleansing aka genocide...the cognitive dissonance is astounding. Like please read some Edward Said, Noam Chomsky, or Norman Finkelstein and engage in critical thinking about the differences between antisemitism and anti zionism because they are different and conflating them as the same is just a way to try and prevent any criticism of Israeli policies, like a literal fucking genocide where over 12000+ Palestinian people have been killed
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the-fae-folk · 6 months
You’ve said much of the world of faerie, fascinating things few people have seen. But what of humans? Humanity is fascinating. How do they survive in a world like this? How do they not know?
You would be absolutely astounded by the sheer number of things that humans do not know. In fact, I believe that I could safely say that the number of things we don't know outnumber the things we do in the same way that the grand totality of the universe is much more vast than a single walnut. And humans have an utterly fascinating set of capabilities whose primary purpose appears to be to preserve their life and sanity so that they can continue doing necessary and useful things such as gathering food, having families, and generally trying to make life better for all those who come after them. However, those capabilities also sometimes prevent them from seeing things as they are. Cognitive Dissonance is what happens when humans have ideas, beliefs, or actions that are inconsistent with other ideas, beliefs, and actions. It is an uncomfortable feeling, but more than that... it is a state that is actually quite a lot of hard work for the human brain to handle. So the brain will try to find the most efficient way in which to resolve the dissonance. Now an ideal way to deal with the problem would be to do some careful research on the matter, process and logically parse through all of the information, and finally adapt the new information into your existing worldview in order to form a more comprehensive cognitive state that is free of the bothersome dissonance. Unfortunately, this scenario is a lot more rare and more difficult to achieve than anyone would really like. You see, a great number of our decisions on a daily basis are made entirely within the subconscious. We make those trillions upon trillions of tiny decisions without even thinking about them in our conscious brain. When decisions that are significantly more important are made without the input of the conscious brain they can go unnoticed for a very long time until dissonance forces them forward into the focus of your attention. Everything you do is fueled by your motivations and instincts, and even your conscious logical reasoning can be affected by it too. So even when you're finally made aware of some sort of dissonance in your own mind, it's not actually an easy task to stop and truly think through the full scope of the problem. For example: without even realizing it, a person whose unknowing motivation is to maintain their positive self-regard can discount information that is unflattering or troubling if it contradicts their self-image. This is the brain's attempt to shortcut its way past the dissonance; it takes less energy for it to dismiss the contradictory information than to carefully reexamine and adapt the existing framework. This sort of problem effects everyone, and interestingly the effect becomes magnified when concerning any subject to which the person's self-identity is directly connected to. One might be tempted to believe that only the highly educated can elude the grasp of this unintentional survival skill gone wrong, however that would not be the case. In fact, there is a good deal of evidence that suggests that the highly educated might be MORE susceptible to this phenomenon in general due to their more comprehensive and structured worldviews. It is, of course, a useful survival tool, and it is possible to work around the inclination, but it always requires a significant amount of effort against the tendencies of one's own brain. Why do I mention all this? Well think, if someone going about their everyday life happened to see or hear something that went against all of their fundamental conclusions about how reality worked, it would be very easy indeed for their brain to simply... dismiss it or find some logical way to explain it out of existence, or simply to forget it because it doesn't fit. Who knows what wonders we might have missed because our minds couldn't make sense of them?
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