#low key haikus
ashknife · 11 months
Low-Key Haikus 6: Bringing the Heat
Haiku silliness after the break. There are haikus hidden in the haikus. A couple of creative liberties were taken for syllable count and phrasing (e.g. yes, I know the phrase in a hidden haiku is supposed to be "Whoa, Nellie!").
Immolation now The sun burns out all of life Typical August
Time for a long dip Swimming in the afternoon Pool of cool water
Searing heat burns all The rocks boil and trees wilt Hurray for A/C
Air conditioning Blessed extraction of heat Boo: power outage
Melting ice cream cone Dripping all over the place A sticky delight
Icebergs melting down High temperatures persist Where is the winter?
Lubrication on Sunscreen deflects the UV Sunburn protection
Dries, the sun, it does Boils the swamp to nothing Heatstroke for Yoda
Smoke means fire, they say Hot weather means drier fuel Bear says, “Only you.”
Until fall, no reprieve Shovel snow cone to beat heat Glorious brain freeze
Mealtime has arrived Fruits, yogurt, and sandwiches Fare for the hot days
Meat: grilled perfection Juicy flesh encased in crust Texas barbecue
Enflamed surroundings Puffy dark clouds rolling in Blessed thunderstorm
Right to the river Fishing, splashing, marshmallows Tent under the stars
Oh, thunderous blast! Colors sparkle in the night Fireworks explode bright
Nellie nips at feet Chasing kids into water Doggo beats the heat
Lips meet lemonade Cool, sweet, and tart: perfection The simple pleasures
Yearning for better Oppressive heat reminds us Of His still waters
To hell and then back Grocery run for dessert Popsicles melted
Eat outside with friends Laughter and games, food and drink Work days forgotten
Never hike alone Carry plenty of water Heatstroke is deadly
Thinking of degrees The warmth of the Father’s love, Or the lake of fire?
Hard, cold ice in cups Filled with bubbly soda pop Sweet, sweet refreshment
Outside burns all life Armageddon comes for all O summer afternoon
Usually we hide To avoid the heated air Inside with cool fans
Swimming at the pool Diving and cannonballs, ho! The children giggle
Also dreading school Summer days are flying by Time flies on fun
Needing vacation The waves of the beach call forth Road trip is inbound
Drinks cool heated soul Restores dehydrated flesh Wonderful fluids
Draining streams flood curb Thunder, lightning, and raindrops Fresh scent of cool air
Energy for fan Stuffy air now in full breeze Electric goodness
Grief in afternoon Hot sun beats on laborers Sweat and tears to live
Reaching for the stars Crickets chirping in concert Lazy summer night
Extremities burn Unrelenting sun cooks all Soothing aloe heals
Executing: dive Modulation: forward flip Error: belly flop
Shade shields the sun’s rays Hottest days made bearable Rest stop for walkers
Maybe the heat sucks Summer still holds its treasures Certain points of view
Use caution with fire Roasted marshmallows are good Burnt fingers, not so
Sunscreen: good for skin No sunscreen: may cause cancer Like everything else
Tanning on the beach Waves are crashing; lulled to sleep Now, extra crispy
Has the brisket smoked? Bring the sides, set the table Tasty meal for all
Applications in Summer jobs for college kids Funds for having fun
Very hot today is Refreshing swamp cooler is Drink green Muppet needs
Effective cool breeze Opened windows admit air Chaotic chimes ring
Another scorcher Concrete jungle burns hotter Windows up, air on
Scorcher coming up Triple digits, stay inside Excuse for ice cream
Nighttime thunderstorms Flashes of light, deep rumbles Refreshing raindrops
Only six months away Jolly fat man and reindeer If it would just snow
Will umbrella help? Drink tasty with or without Pina colada
Cool desserts are great Whether the world burns right now Or during winter
Off sprayed on the arms Blood-sucking insects begone Buffet I am not
Not long is the night Brief respite from the sun’s rays Starry sky wonder
Enjoyable vacay Lots to do and things to see Never long enough
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stellaralignment · 1 year
Unexpected change
Mystery, either error
Or furtunes favor
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Would the haiku bot catch me if I made a low notes haiku blog post
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stellar-skyy · 8 months
PRECIOUS THINGS - Kazuha, Itto, Heizou, Kokomi & reader
i. SUMMARY: What kind of things would they give as a gift? ii. CONTENT WARNINGS: None! iii. NOTES: Can be read as platonic or romantic, fluff, gn!reader, 0.7k words. iv. A/N: it's actually my birthday soon! this was a little early present for myself hehe. i hope you enjoy!
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Kazuha doesn’t care much for material things. He’s a vagrant, there’s no room for too many unnecessary belongings when one is travelling with the wind. Sentimentality only slows him down.
Because of that, he keeps his gifts limited to something intangible. He’ll take you out for the day, show you the most peaceful places of Inazuma and bring you down to the beach to watch the sunset.  
As the sun dips low in the sky, he'll let you rest your head against his shoulder or in his lap if you're tired. But make sure you don’t fall asleep too quickly, or you’ll miss the beautiful view.
If Beidou allows it, you might even be treated to a stay on the Alcor, where Kazuha will help you up into the crow’s nest so you can observe the sea from the sky.
Perhaps the most precious thing he gives you is a haiku, written just for you. He’ll recite it while you’re relaxing on the ship, spinning words as elegantly as the waves flowing below you.
“Did you enjoy it? Well, perhaps we’ll have to spend some more time together when the winds lead us to each other again.”
Ah, Itto.
Itto is the king of making your birthday a big deal.
The Arataki Gang will make sure to wake you up at the crack of dawn to start the celebrations early. First comes a homemade (and… debatably edible) cake, followed by an off-key singing of Happy Birthday with some beatboxing from Itto to accompany the song.
Then, once Itto has shooed the rest of the gang away to ‘let you have some peace and quiet’ he’ll present you with the gifts he’s picked out.
It’s all things he is interested in—onikabutos, trading cards. There’s nothing Itto loves more than sharing the things he’s fond of with the people he’s fond of, so he worked hard to find the finest of those things. You deserve the best, so that’s exactly what he’ll give you.
“Heh, good birthday, huh? Well of course it is, I couldn’t just leave my favourite honorary gang member without a proper celebration, could I?”
Heizou! Heizou loves to share his interests with you, one of which being riddles and brainteasers.
On your birthday, he’ll present you with a locked box, covered in various puzzles. Once solved, the inside reveals a riddle that leads to a mysterious location tucked away in one of the chilly corners of Inazuma.
He’ll be waiting for you there, sitting cross-legged on the corner of a picnic blanket. Draped across is an arrangement of foods, a mix of both your favourites. Fried radish balls, Sakura tempura, and Taiyaki are some of his selections, but there is of course a variety of food picked out for you too.
Heizou has a gift as well, something that is exactly what you wanted. You never needed to tell him what it was—as Inazuma’s finest detective, he already figured it out.
“So, partner? Would you say your birthday lived up to your expectations?
Kokomi wants your present to be perfect. You’re special to her, and special people deserve the best gifts.
Giving gifts is one of her favourite ways to show the people in her life that she loves them, so it must be something personal and related to you specifically; she doesn’t allow for half-thought out presents!
If you’re a fan of books, she’ll gift you a copy of The Legend of The Sword—her favourite book—and shyly ask for your opinion on it.
She will also make time in her schedule to spend time together, which is a gift in itself. She puts her work over everything, so for something else to become a priority is a rare sight.
During the day she’ll take you everywhere: across the scenic beaches of Watatsumi, diving in the depths of the ocean, before finally retreating back to her home to give you a homemade cake. The entire day is planned out (as expected of a grand strategist) and rest assured, she’ll make sure not a moment is wasted.
“So, did you have a good day? I hope so—happy birthday, (Name)!”
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reblogs and comments are appreciated! ♡
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o-wyrmlight · 3 months
Y'all ever think that pre-Martinaise Harry might have had a hobby of writing poetry: Residual from when he was a child? He wanted to be a poet when he was a child. And he is not one. But that doesn't mean he can't keep writing.
Imagine if he has a collection of poetry stashed somewhere at home. Imagine post-amnesia Harry finding them and reading them. Pieces of his history, written in poetry by a blocky, tired hand and snuck onto typewriter paper at work.
Would it be painful or cathartic? These are the ones that he'd kept--what of the ones that he tossed away, dissatisfied with the message or the theme or the scheme?
Yes, there's a lot of poetry about pain and heartbreak and corpses, but there's also one about how the subway system is a colony of würms and another about flying whales and another about how he'll never go to La Delta and a lot about disco. Sees a cute cat while on a case and writes a small haiku about it later because it sticks in his mind. Poetry about his 24 or more refractions and his abstract mind. Poetry about the fifteenth indotribe and childhood nostalgia. Poetry about loving Revachol.
Anyway Harry writing poetry and prose is so neat to me. I think some part of him still wanted to become a poet, but he knew how impossible it'd be with his financial and class situation. I think that's who Raphaël Ambrosius Costau was to him: A cool pen name his child self dreamed of writing under.
May have written a few poems and a prose piece (low-key from Toast to the Pigs perspective) and may be debating on posting them...
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
Nabu and Helia Moodboard
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They’re low-key besties and help bring out each other’s goofy sides
They would totally trades long jackets/cardigans
Nabu helps Helia out with wizard homeworks and the two can really nerd out about magic for hours from time to time
Helia gives Nabu poetry classes for fun, Nabu finds he loves haikus, Helia regrets ever teaching him anything, his pain is endless
They’ll probably be working together in s4 like I’ve mentioned before
Fallen Fruit by Lorde and bury a friend by Billie Eilish
All Friendships Masterlist
(Am I hinting at smth with the quotes and the songs?? Who knows?? Maybe I just love teasing yall)
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corkycare · 9 months
It occurs to me that I included my homebrewed personality type in Menace's profile but I don't think I've ever explained how I use them. So. Here's how I shorthand a pokemon's entire personality.
Superstar: These are the pokemon that are always doing the most. Jumping off walls, dismantling your shit, swinging from the ceiling fan. Anything for attention. Real big, showstopping types. This is what Menace is. And my furret, Low-Key.
Best friend: Follows you around. Everywhere. Love language is quality time. Sometimes they're big cuddlers, sometimes they just like to be by your side. Is this Mon following you from room to room, even when they're mad at you? That's a best friend.
Poet: the ennui of the world has really gotten to this Mon. These guys are always lost in thought, probably imagining some grand Shakespearean tragedy. Their sigh with the weight of the world. Can you imagine this pokemon writing a haiku with a fancy quill? Poet.
Hedonist: can sometimes be mistaken for a poet, but they lack the necessary...thought process to really be a poet. These mons want nothing more than to bask in the sun and eat a few good snacks.
War Hero: As the name suggests, these are the battle obsessed. Always tussling and wrassling. Love nothing more than fighting the good fight. Usually best for these ones to go with trainers, for obvious reasons.
And that's it. Those are the 5 possible personality types. Fun new bonding activity: assign your mons one of the above personality types. The purpose of this is to quickly communicate what a pokemon's care needs are to potential adopters and staff, but hey. Maybe you'll find some fun in it.
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rabbiteclair · 1 year
ever since Miyazawan Yuri become a low-key meme i've been waiting to see someone pick up Otherside Picnic based on that, going into the series expecting it to be, idk, haikus about how solar eclipses are yuri or something
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rosietrace · 1 year
[ Zenith Devi idol profile ]
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"If the show must go on, then let's give it everything we've got!"
Full Name: Zenith Devi
Japanese Name: ゼニス デビ
Romaji: Zenisu Debi
Stage name: Zen/(?)carus/Icarus
V/A(Speaking voice): Ayumu Murase(村瀬 歩)
Age: 20
Birthday: January 24
Horoscope: Aquarius
Height: 164 cm
Hair color: Black and green
Eye color: Light green
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(Former) Idol Division: [ Diasomnia division ]
(Former) Idol Group: [ (!)nsomniac ]
(Former) Position: Lead vocalist
Current occupation: Music producer & idol
[ Singing Voice Claims:
Fujii Kaze(JP/日本語)
Felix Lee(KR) ]
Likes: Writing poetry & songs, music, Victoria, modeling with (Victoria, Yuuta & Miren), singing, gossiping, the podcast with Ellis, Victoria's Grammy collection /j
Dislikes: Paparazzi, false rumors, anyone badmouthing his friends, (all forms) harassment, Victoria's grandmother; Grimhilde, off-key notes, badly written poetry and songs, broken strings on his instruments
Hobbies: Spending time with Victoria, songwriting, poetry/haiku writing, gossiping, singing, playing his instruments, fine-tuning his songs, reading, writing
Talent(s): Flexible, observant, playing various instruments, singing, writing, sign language, agility
Flaw(s): Overprotective, sarcastic, easily angered & annoyed, (occasionally) arrogant, ignorant (?), reckless
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[ Relationships with others ]
Victoria 💎 Playful & loving, they treat each other like brother and sister
Malleus 🐉 Neutral & respectful, they're on average terms after Zen left the group
Lilia 🦇 Respectful & friendly, Lilia's the one who spoke to Zen the most after he left
Silver 🗡️ Casual & respectful, they had an underrated friendship but are slightly closer than before after Zen left
Sebek ⚡ Awkward & professional, Sebek's still upset with Zen for leaving and they don't talk much anymore
Chizuko 🖤 Respectful & casual, Chizuko finds Zen to be endearing despite his chaotic type of persona
Ellis ❤️ Playful & friendly, VERY chaotic when they're together but it feels like heaven when they have a duet
Miren 💙 Respectful & casual, Miren was surprised to learn about Zen and Victoria's relationship but doesn't treat Zen any differently despite that
Yuuta 👑 Friendly & professional, Zen makes jokes about simping for Yuuta and they give each other vocal tips
Juvia 🪞 Friendly & respectful, Juvia likely danced to a lot of Zen's songs and they'd get along with flying colors if they collab
Carol 🍀 Professional & neutral, he doesn't have much to say about Carol but he finds her to be respectful
Mayuu⌚ Professional & friendly, Zen regularly makes jokes about how Mayuu's going to eventually go insane and they just let him do that because well- she can't really say anything without his stans thinking she's out to get him
[ Additional Trivia ]
Ayumu Murase voices Venti from [ Genshin Impact ]
Eyedress is an artist known for his unique vocals and songs such as [ Jealousy ] & [ Romantic lover ]
Fujii Kaze is most known on platforms such as TikTok for his song [ Shinunoga E-wa/死ぬのがい(い?)わ ]
Felix Lee is a member of the Kpop group [ Stray Kids ]
Zenith received his first Grammy at age 16 and is regarded as one of the youngest Grammy awardees alongside Victoria Shard
Known in his fanbase as one of the most cutthroat yet fun loving music producers in the industry, as well as being an idol solo artist
His debut album was called "Waxed feathers"
He named himself (?)carus with the style of his old group's name-style and to reference the story of Icarus
Has recently started a podcast with Ellis from (Co)-connect where they discuss the life of an idol and other topics such as the existence of god
Unlike most idols in the industry, Zen doesn't dance, but rather sings on-stage while playing one of the instruments that's included in his songs
His vocal range is known to be rather unique, as one would never expect someone like Zen to be able to have such a low voice during certain parts of his songs
Has collaborated with Victoria more than once, and has been featured in two of her songs in her latest album 'Silent Games'
One of the most 'mysterious' idols because of how little information is given about his personal life outside of his birthday
Many newer fans in his fanbase were surprised to learn that he was older than Victoria by a couple months
Also a bit of a fashion icon and usually wears dark colors mixed with bright colors to compliment them as accents
The trio known as Yuuta, Zen and Victoria is fucking iconic with how funny the three are together
Is a bit uncomfortable during podcasts when the fans call Victoria 'mommy' understandable tbh
He and Ellis have a little inside joke about having a ghost hunting show
Helps out Chizuko and Miren improve in their bass and guitar skills
Has been mistaken for a girl numerous times, but it doesn't bother him and became an inside joke in the fandom
Has got way too many 'Zen being a dumbass' compilations that feature him and Ellis💀
Literally anyone who's heard him sing would fucking freeze every time he transitions into a hilariously deep voice
Has almost the same number of Grammys with Victoria
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Tagging: @starry-night-rose @authoruio @windbornearchon @fumikomiyasaki @nem0-nee @sakuramidnight15 @geminiiviolets @crazyyanderefangirlfan @twsted-princess @knights-escort
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crjupdates · 2 years
Carly Rae Jepsen Has a Cynical Side
But she's still optimistic about love.
The Cut • Danielle Cohen • October 19, 2022
Photography by Tina Tyrell
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Carly Rae Jepsen has a lot of feelings. If you’ve heard her songs, you know this: Intense crushes, first loves, and devastating breakups make up the musical vocabulary of the bubblegum-pop princess (or queen, if you ask her fans) who pours her heart into critically acclaimed records. In conversation, she’ll casually drop deep thoughts about romance between updates on her meditation journey (she just started) and riffs on Billie Holiday. “When you feel euphorically in love,” she tells me conspiratorially, “it feels like a miracle that’s happened only to you.” But Jepsen also knows she’s not the only one who feels this way. “It’s an extreme emotion that we experience privately but is universally shared,” she says of her most frequent subject.
When I meet Jepsen on a fall afternoon in New York, the light is glinting off her star-and-moon nail decals while she gestures wildly into the aisle of the Central Park Boathouse. Dressed in a black crepe turtleneck and a quilted jacket-and-short set, she stands out amid the Canon-toting tourists and uptown retirees sitting on the Boathouse’s back porch, overlooking the park’s lake. She is, to put it mildly, happy to be here. Her eyes, accented at the corners with little clusters of face sequins, widen incredulously when our salads arrive. She speaks quickly and a little breathlessly, as if she has too many thoughts to squeeze into a single sentence. At one point, our waiter tells her she looks like an actor from House of the Dragon, which she takes as a compliment — despite having never heard of the show.
She launches into a story about planning the So Nice Tour, which began in September and will incorporate songs from her fifth album, The Loneliest Time. “I was getting so fixated on the video-wall content and the placement of our hands and where the clouds were and the moon being timed right that I was talking a million miles a minute and losing my voice,” she tells me. “I had to give myself a real talking to, like, None of this will matter if you can’t sing!” She pauses briefly to marvel at the olive focaccia another uniformed waiter forks onto our plates. Her meticulously planned celestial-themed manicure, she explains, will come off the second she wraps the tour in February. “I can’t text. Everything comes out like a haiku.” Being back in New York is a treat for the Canadian native, who decided at the last minute to stay at the Plaza in order to give herself a brief respite from her first week of tour-bus coffee and corporate hotels. “Look at this!” she sighs, beaming and stretching her arm toward the rowboat-dotted water. “Look where we are right now! I didn’t know this existed.” Her giddiness makes our surroundings feel like a cross between a ’90s romantic comedy and an advertising campaign for the city. “Days like this make me want to move to New York,” she admits.
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While she may be “coquettishly” browsing apartments here, Jepsen’s home base is Los Angeles. Amid the explosion of “Call Me Maybe,” the inescapable hit that made her a household name and tween birthday party staple, the musician left Vancouver and settled in California, where she’s been living since 2012 — though between tours and festivals, she confesses, it quickly became more like where her clothes lived. In the past decade, Jepsen has evolved into a more mature musician and earned herself a spot in the pantheon of low-key pop girls with passionate, if small, fan bases and plenty of clout with music critics. Her songs still clearly come from the same artist who sang “Call Me Maybe,” and for every deeply confessional lyric, there’s an irresistible hook that loops joyously in your head for days. But the candid uncoolness of her writing, full of yearning and the outlandish fantasies that come with having a crush on someone you barely know, is offset by a surprisingly indie-leaning roster of collaborators. (Dev Hynes and Vampire Weekend’s Rostam Batmanglij have both made appearances in her liner notes alongside more predictable pop writers such as Jack Antonoff.) In the world of Jepsen’s music, the emotions are just as big as the saxophone riffs, and your most desperate, heartbreaking thoughts can become glittery pop anthems to belt out in the shower.
The concept behind her new album stems from a deep-rooted feeling of discomfort. “It’s been a lifelong inquiry that I’ve had with myself about my relationship to loneliness,” Jepsen explains. “The idea that you have to be happy by yourself — like, ‘Go be alone and be happy!’ — that’s bullshit to me. You become really happy on your own when you know you have connections out there.” She finds isolation and connection to be two sides of the same coin: Being lonely can bring people together, hopefully through music like her own. “Loneliness is a similar thing to love,” she says, digging into her “insane” peach-cake dessert. “It’s felt everywhere by everyone at different moments in their life.”
The Loneliest Time is an extension of Jepsen’s familiar, infectious sound — but tinged with cynicism. She wrote most of it during the pre-vaccine months of the pandemic, quarantined at home in L.A. Having spent most of her adult life working, traveling, and recording, she was suddenly, undeniably, “home alone with the cat.” The existential-crisis questions rushed in: Was she happy being on the road this often? Did she need more balance? Was she connected enough with her family and friends? She ventured onto a dating app for the first time, which did not help her find love but did provide the inspiration for The Loneliest Time’s summer single, “Beach House,” a send-up of Tinder clichés. (“Boy No. 2 had a beautiful face / Highly agreed to go back to his place / His wife really had some impeccable taste,” she sings in an early verse.)
But Jepsen is quick to point out that, on “Beach House,” her cynicism is “very pointedly at the sharks and not the lovers.” If she’s sneaking fewer starry-eyed ideas about love into her music, it’s because she knows she’s not the only one experiencing those feelings. “I thought music was for escapism,” she says, but a recent James Taylor concert where she found herself having a cathartic cry made her realize something else: “It’s permission to feel whatever it is that you need to feel.” While she left that concert in a puddle of tears, you’re more likely to leave one of hershows bopping your head to a flawless pop earworm. Whether you want to dance or cry to your feelings, the outcome is the same: You’re feeling them to the fullest extent.
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Jepsen is a notoriously prolific songwriter — she’s said to have written over 200 tracks for each of her two most recent albums, which she hones down to an album length through a complex system of sticky notes, poster board, and listening parties. But The Loneliest Time was different. Instead of writing on the road, where she solicits constant feedback from her band, she was at home plowing through ideas by herself (and, occasionally, on Zoom with her collaborators). She couldn’t go into a studio to record as often as she wanted, which meant she didn’t have her usual bounty of tracks to whittle down. Theseclusion ended up working to her advantage. “I thought what I was making was a little bit too strange to get right away,” she says tentatively, “and I didn’t want someone to stop me by saying a negative thing I wasn’t ready to take in yet. So my artwork itself had a lonely time.”
Once she shared the album with her label, she was surprised and a little panicked to find they liked the most personal tracks — ones she initially wrote “just for me” and would now, it seemed, be sharing with the world. Ahead of Coachella, where she debuted The Loneliest Time’s folksy lead single, “Western Wind,” she gathered her bandmates and had them check off their favorite tracks on a chart she’d drawn up. The results had very little in common genre-wise, but, she says, “they all came from a place sparked by loneliness.”
Jepsen thinks of The Loneliest Time as her most experimental project yet. The album ricochets from pop to folk to smooth disco, fully shifting into new genres rather than merely taking inspiration from them. There are plenty of Jepsen-style classics, too. The opening track, “Surrender My Heart,” is a straight shot of epic-sounding pop in which she sings about struggling to be vulnerable with a new partner. “Bends” also lives in the scarier parts of a new relationship (and is true to Jepsen’s recent experience: She just started seeing someone whom she says she’s slowly opening up to). “Here’s a jar of tears I cried,” she sings, “’cause I can feel the darkness sometimes too.” There’s a slow, bitter folk ballad ingeniously titled “Go Find Yourself or Whatever,” which digs painfully into the gutting parts of a breakup instead of making them sound victorious. The title track, which comes at the end of the album, steers back into optimism and sounds as if it should be played at an ’80s roller disco.
I wonder, amid all this exploration, if anything was deemed too out there for the final cut. Jepsen’s previous two records, Dedicated and Emotion, got their own B-side releases. Will The Loneliest Time get a bolder, weirder part two? “We’ll see,” she answers thoughtfully. “I’m not sure if the world’s ready for more of that indulgence.”
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Poetic Forms: Tercets
Tercets -> three-line stanzas
Haiku (hokku, haikai): a Japanese form that Western poets tend to render as 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables.
Suicide's Note by: Langston Hughes The calm, Cool face of the river Asked me for a kiss.
Terza rima: a continuous interlocking rhyme scheme (ababcbcdc…) most famously used in Dante's Commedia. Many poets render it in tercets (aba bcb cdc…).
Ode to the West Wind by: Percy Bysshe Shelley O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being, Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing, Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou, Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, Each like a corpse within its grave, until Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow
Blues: tercets in which the second line is a refrain of the first (giving the singer time to improvise the third).
Villanelle, which poets writing in English render as five tercets and a quatrain, originated in a French song form with repeated refrains. The English version is governed by a strict pattern of refrain and rhyme generated out of the first tercet, so that each subsequent stanza repeats a line (or two, in the case of the final quatrain) from the first tercet, and the entire poem is restricted to the two rhyme-sounds introduced in the first tercet.
One Art by: Elizabeth Bishop The art of losing isn’t hard to master; so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost that their loss is no disaster. Lose something every day. Accept the fluster of lost door keys, the hour badly spent. The art of losing isn’t hard to master. Then practice losing farther, losing faster: places, and names, and where it was you meant to travel. None of these will bring disaster. I lost my mother’s watch. And look! my last, or next-to-last, of three loved houses went. The art of losing isn’t hard to master. I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster, some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent. I miss them, but it wasn’t a disaster. —Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture I love) I shan’t have lied. It’s evident the art of losing’s not too hard to master though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
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digitaljyothi-27 · 2 months
The Best HVLS Fans Manufacturers &amp
When looking for the best HVLS (High Volume, Low Speed) fan manufacturers, it's important to consider several factors including product quality, customer service, industry reputation, and innovation. Here are some characteristics and key players that often define the top HVLS fan manufacturers:
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Big Ass Fans: Known for pioneering the HVLS fan market, Big Ass Fans offers a wide range of HVLS fans suitable for various applications including industrial, commercial, and agricultural settings. They are known for their high-quality products, energy efficiency, and innovative designs.
MacroAir: Another reputable manufacturer of HVLS fans, MacroAir is recognized for its innovative AirVolution fans that are efficient, quiet, and durable. They offer fans designed for different spaces and industries, with a focus on energy savings and performance.
Hunter Industrial Fans: Hunter is a well-known name in the ceiling fan industry, and their industrial division specializes in HVLS fans. They offer a range of fans suitable for large spaces like warehouses, gymnasiums, and manufacturing facilities, with a focus on efficiency and performance.
Rite-Hite: Rite-Hite manufactures HVLS fans under their brand, the Revolution HVLS Fan. They are known for their durable and reliable fans designed specifically for industrial applications. Rite-Hite's fans are engineered for energy efficiency and effective air movement.
AirVolution-D: AirVolution-D is a manufacturer that focuses solely on HVLS fans. Their fans are designed to be efficient and low-maintenance, with features like brushless DC motors and advanced controls for optimal performance.
Entrematic: Entrematic's Kelley HVLS fans are engineered for industrial and commercial spaces. They offer fans with various diameters and airflow capacities, designed to improve air circulation and reduce energy costs.
Nordic Air Filtration: Nordic Air Filtration produces HVLS fans that integrate air filtration technology, making them suitable for environments where air quality is critical, such as manufacturing facilities and warehouses.
Haiku Home by Big Ass Solutions: Haiku Home, a division of Big Ass Solutions, specializes in stylish HVLS fans for residential and commercial spaces. Their fans are known for their sleek designs, energy efficiency, and quiet operation.
When selecting the best HVLS fan manufacturer, consider your specific needs, such as the size of the space, the type of industry, energy efficiency requirements, and budget. Additionally, look for manufacturers with a proven track record of delivering high-quality products and excellent customer support. Reading reviews, consulting with industry experts, and comparing features and warranties will help you make an informed decision.
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claudesuggestions · 3 months
What is the definition of being easily offended? What could be the reasons for someone to react strongly to others' actions or words? Is there a specific cause for this behavior?
Claude-3-Haiku’s Answer:
The concept of being "easily offended" is a bit tricky and nuanced. At its core, it refers to someone who tends to react with strong negative emotions, such as anger, hurt or outrage, to comments, actions or situations that may not seem overtly offensive to most people.
Some key aspects of being easily offended include:
Low tolerance for any perceived slight, criticism or deviation from one's own beliefs/values
Tendency to interpret neutral or ambiguous statements as intentionally hurtful or hostile
Hypersensitivity to language, humor or behaviors that may be considered politically incorrect or socially insensitive
Feeling personally attacked or victimized by opinions or perspectives that challenge one's worldview
There can be various underlying reasons why someone might exhibit this kind of heightened reactivity:
Personal experiences and traumas - People who have faced discrimination, abuse or other forms of adversity may develop a heightened sense of vigilance and be more prone to perceiving threats, even where none are intended.
Insecurity and lack of self-esteem - Those who feel fundamentally unsure of their own worth or position in society may be quicker to interpret criticism as a threat to their identity.
Ideological rigidity - Individuals with very firm, inflexible belief systems may react strongly to any information that contradicts or challenges those core convictions.
Desire for attention/victimhood - In some cases, being easily offended can become a way to seek validation, sympathy or a sense of moral superiority.
Generational or cultural differences - Norms around acceptable speech and behavior can shift over time, leading to clashes between different age groups or backgrounds.
Ultimately, while being easily offended is often criticized, it's important to recognize that the roots of this behavior can be complex and multifaceted. Responding with empathy and understanding, rather than dismissal, may be a more productive approach.
The key is finding a balance - being open to different perspectives while also maintaining appropriate boundaries and not allowing one's own emotions to be unproductively triggered. Nuance and self-awareness are crucial.
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scarlet-leaves · 4 months
// I low-key would like to know the state of poetry in Teyvat. We know they have poems, haiku, novels and light novels. But did Romanticism ever develop? Where are the Byrons, the Blakes, the Keats, Leopardi, Goethe, Puškin? Basho and his friends are marvelous but i'm an European heathen I need my fix of boisterous grandeur. I'm really sorry-- And this one is so Scaramouche coded to me that hurts.
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how ,$ how diffre nt dd they lk in sidin
#haiku, man
Brand ,.........uooooooO0000-
porn dude , umn U"_" u h uhn • .... s uh nvam$ ,'$-&---- an , circum sta A n, rhun ...u nn u
Kn u kno
the sea i s o ,er ____ ch _$________ is together ignitoi n key to remx, r hulio hurr
Ecause i tho i w,ll cross the
I wa , uh. Uhn uhn un _,,,* ug huuun f , *$ your post soidsnt that,l w , ll work ....#comedy i atw pasta ,ur ...... peas veg tabl ~ ,w oio*_--------------------. Yo u c...
......mix thatvw ************ cont'd low f ,****** thngs on the .......
0 notes
oshi-nakadapiroki · 8 months
Nakada Hiroki Channel Nakacha no Ma #45.5 2023.9.24 Notes [Eng translation]
Apparently he's only got it filled up halfway
The sound keeps disconnecting
He doesn't know the hotel's WiFi password
Takeshi is gonna go to heaven eventually if he keeps having him in the bath
He's going off to search for the password
"'Are you wearing clothes?' No, I'm using the bath, I'm completely naked. Sorry, I went away looking for the password completely naked."
He's got water, vitamin drink and apple slices (no beer while he's working)
He'll get to drink after tomorrow's final performance 🍻
Some cast member is making noise in the room next to his (the mic doesn't pick up on it though)
He's brooding over not being shown on camera alot in the Suehirogari livestreams 🥺
He didn't know the camera missed out on his mini stage during the second half of Viva Carnival
He doesn't want to shit on the camera crew, they're doing their best after all
He did not have a script for his haikus!
He hasn't had a single rehearsal for Furuba yet
He says Kenta has gotten so big since he last saw him
Some reminiscing on being the first Touken danshi from Oscar Pro (then followed Kurumu, Yuuta, Kenta)
Ryousei is bigger than Mt. Fuji confirmed
"Akashi would never have a tanki" 😭
He's feeling really tired now that they're doing the actual performances; it's more than just running
He assures us all he has been getting a proper ridiculous amount of sleep recently
He might be completely naked but he is wearing his glasses
He's having us imagine Akashi for a moment
The enter key on his keyboard is stuck for some reason
Female Takeshi starts talking!
He can't even remember himself who's Takeshi and who's Mayumi
He's rly amazed with the weather they've had for Suehirogari so far
It's been raining for weeks, to the point they even had to cancel rehearsals
He's been practicing his haiku recently
It's not that the dance routine in Enbu is hard, rather it's that there's no space on stage to dance lol
He's been in the bath for the past two hours; as soon as it gets lukewarm, he just keeps putting more warm water in
He finds it surprisingly difficult to do the pop-up and jump on stage given his weight and physique
But he still thinks he's rly good at it
His science and engineering side comes out when he starts talking about the physics of jumping and G force
Because he puts alot of force on his legs when he takes off, he thinks it's more physically draining than running
He still hasn't been on the Takabisha
He was probably having a parfait with their choreographer while everyone was off enjoying the rides
He'd rather be doing pop-up jumps for the rest of his life even if it hurts his legs than ride those attractions at Fuji-Q
We get some low voice ASMR
He didn't know Akashi's standee was placed at the back of the pizzeria
He thinks laying on the pizza would make a good futon; it's soft and if you're hungry, you could eat it. It'd be like a pizza beanbag
He's got more otoko gummies in stock
He doesn't like his singing voice but he likes singing
He hasn't taken any raincoat pics
He'd like to tell us his account number but he doesn't know it
He thinks their new outfits are cool! They're super easy to move in and the range of motion is amazing
He's telling everyone who's coming to see the performance tomorrow to bring a jacket because even though it was sunny earlier, it got really cold at night 🥺
He's gonna have some Chocola BB Royal 2
He wants midnight chicken ramen
This is a completely naked bespectacled unscrupulous livestream
His hands are wet so he can't open his bag of sliced apples
We're all tea leaves so we should all go to sleep together
He thinks he'll be able to do a livestream again next month when things have calmed down after his bday event
Ah, necklace (iykyk)
The hotel's bath is bigger than the one at his house cuz he can stretch his legs entirely
They start their stage checks at 8AM
Someone keeps sending gifts in the chat that keep popping up on screen even though Hiroki has said multiple times he doesn't need/want them
Now he's actually getting irritated
He then goes on a tangent on how we should all be respectful of each other's wishes; we don't have to get along but the important thing is to all respect each other
"I'm me, you're you"
He hasn't been able to keep true to his word of livestreaming this month but he asks us to be patient with him
He thinks the temporary image he set for this livestream is creepy
Tumblr media
Off-shot from his Bday event 2022
He thinks the cardigan is more of a mustard-colour than Winnie the Pooh-colour
He's gonna have his bag of apples (45 calories)
He won't be doing any birthday wishes or rollcall in this stream
But he's wishing everybody good luck with work and school
He usually drinks three bottles of water (1.5 liters) and it always surprises him
Someone in the chat says they're going to cheat on him and he says it's fine as long as you come back
He gets another gift sent in the chat so he's gonna end the stream already
"Honestly speaking? Don't cheat on me please"
If you've come this far into the stream, you're probably not cheating
He thinks it's fine but please support him as much as you can
Madagascar 🌍 Revolution 👓
He finally managed to open the bag of apples (but they're lukewarm now so they're not even that good anymore rip)
It depends on the situation but on rare occasion, he uses the hotel shampoo
His regular shampoo is just an ordinary over-the-counter type that he gets at the drugstore
He ends the stream by choking on some apple juice 🙃
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