#mar opinion
minoru-wife · 10 months
Defending Mineta Minoru - Sexual Assault (short version)
Welcome! I am pissed off! :) Today's post defending the purple man is about: Sexual Assault But not the sexual assaults he actually commits on the shows.
This blog has no intention to attack anyone or/and the fandom (although this time it will really look like it is). It's simply to bring awareness to the community to something that isn't noticed by many. It's just an opinion. Also keep in mind that I stopped watching the anime around the time [spoilers ahead, maybe] Deku found his extra abilities with One For All, so pretty much everything is based on things I remember.
I was just now watching a video of a mha fan saying why Mineta is awful. Fair. I know very well people don't like him and I want to hear what they have to say. But then they made me mad!
Listen to me very closely, if and when you wanna talk about Mineta sexualy assaulting a woman DO NOT USE THIS MOMENT AS AN EXAMPLE!
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Look at it very closely! You see his arms? You see how he has his arms fully stretched out? He's trying to hug her, but (oh my what a surprise) his arms are short! This, this right here is an accident!
You have tons of moments where he's being a pervert and you choose this time to demonstrate it? Are you kidding me?
I grew up with two mellons attatched to my chest, I have been grabbed accidentally many times, I know what an accident looks like and this right here is an accident!
When you're accusing him of sexual assault do it again and do it right! And let me help you with that, cause I don't want to see this fucking mistake again!
Times Mineta was innapropriate, a pervert and committed sexual assault:
Being a perv around a woman underwear drawer = Inapropriate
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Grabbing a woman's body = Sexual assault
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Peaking to the girls locker room and making comments about their bodies = Sexual assault
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Wanting to see the girls taking a bath = Sexual assault attempt
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Looking at Yaoyorozo butt = Inapropriate
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Rubbing his face on Tsuyu's chest and comment about it = Sexual assault
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Pranking the girls = Inapropriate (And if I remember correctly it was Kaminari idea even)
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THERE! Use this moments instead!
Thank you for reading my words. I may be a fan of Mineta, but I don't defend his pervert actions and I'm the first to admit he's nasty during the show. This post wasn't planned to happen so soon, but I had to make this situation clear. Next time we will see Pervert Characters and understand why many pervert characters aren't judged by their actions and deemed problematic by the fandom, but why Mineta is the exception at the fandom eyes.
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deep-space-netwerk · 8 months
So Venus is my favorite planet in the solar system - everything about it is just so weird.
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It has this extraordinarily dense atmosphere that by all accounts shouldn't exist - Venus is close enough to the sun (and therefore hot enough) that the atmosphere should have literally evaporated away, just like Mercury's. We think Earth manages to keep its atmosphere by virtue of our magnetic field, but Venus doesn't even have that going for it. While Venus is probably volcanically active, it definitely doesn't have an internal magnetic dynamo, so whatever form of volcanism it has going on is very different from ours. And, it spins backwards! For some reason!!
But, for as many mysteries as Venus has, the United States really hasn't spent much time investigating it. The Soviet Union, on the other hand, sent no less than 16 probes to Venus between 1961 and 1984 as part of the Venera program - most of them looked like this!
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The Soviet Union had a very different approach to space than the United States. NASA missions are typically extremely risk averse, and the spacecraft we launch are generally very expensive one-offs that have only one chance to succeed or fail.
It's lead to some really amazing science, but to put it into perspective, the Mars Opportunity rover only had to survive on Mars for 90 days for the mission to be declared a complete success. That thing lasted 15 years. I love the Opportunity rover as much as any self-respecting NASA engineer, but how much extra time and money did we spend that we didn't technically "need" to for it to last 60x longer than required?
Anyway, all to say, the Soviet Union took a more incremental approach, where failures were far less devastating. The Venera 9 through 14 probes were designed to land on the surface of Venus, and survive long enough to take a picture with two cameras - not an easy task, but a fairly straightforward goal compared to NASA standards. They had…mixed results.
Venera 9 managed to take a picture with one camera, but the other one's lens cap didn't deploy.
Venera 10 also managed to take a picture with one camera, but again the other lens cap didn't deploy.
Venera 11 took no pictures - neither lens cap deployed this time.
Venera 12 also took no pictures - because again, neither lens cap deployed.
Lotta problems with lens caps.
For Venera 13 and 14, in addition to the cameras they sent a device to sample the Venusian "soil". Upon landing, the arm was supposed to swing down and analyze the surface it touched - it was a simple mechanism that couldn't be re-deployed or adjusted after the first go.
This time, both lens caps FINALLY ejected perfectly, and we were treated to these marvelous, eerie pictures of the Venus landscape:
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However, when the Venera 14 soil sampler arm deployed, instead of sampling the Venus surface, it managed to swing down and land perfectly on….an ejected lens cap.
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pureastrologywisdom · 3 months
𝔖𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔭𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔰 ℑ 𝔡𝔬𝔫’𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔤𝔢𝔱 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔬 𝔞𝔫 𝔞𝔯𝔤𝔲𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥
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Im not saying all do this, but if pushed they have this capability 
Mars - mercury aspects
Sharp mind and a sharper tongue
can enjoy debating and arguments
Pluto-Mars (any aspect but specifically HARD aspects)
Deep and primal rage is buried within these people, if no healthy release it can build up - the next person who argues may get more than they bargained for
Not afraid to destroy whatever/who is in their path, physiological warfare 
Gemini moon
Type of person to laugh in your face during an argument just to enrage you
Very quick mind, quick jabs
Will argue your emotional points with logic if they wanna be toxic 
8th house placements (specifically moon, mars and mercury)
These people can cut deep
They can use the weakest/darkest parts of yourself against you if provoked
They can be really understanding, but because of their empathy they understand how you work emotionally, they can use this for you or against you
Moon - mars (Especially conjunction
They don’t care what points you give them, they feel how they feel and they will die on that hill
Just a quick one today!
Let me know if you have experienced any of these
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neptunedivine · 1 year
astro observations pt. ii
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hi! I hope you’re doing well! I know it's been a while. I have a lot of things I wanna talk about. But for now, here are some observations I've noted since I've been gone. I hope you enjoy the read!
mutable signs and intelligence ✧ ALL MUTABLE PLACEMENTS SHOULD BE KNOWN FOR THEIR INTELLIGENCE. Since Virgo and Gemini are both ruled by mercury, I feel like this is a given. Sagittarius rules the 9H which controls higher education, so the same thing can be said for them. But then people throw Pisces under the bus…as if Virgo isn’t their sister sign. I feel like people see sister signs as opposites of each other, but in reality, they have their sister’s traits in subtlety.
As a Pisces sun and mercury myself, I understand the anxiety my Virgo homies get, it’s f*cking intense. But will I ever feel it full throttle? I don’t think so and I’m thankful for it.
But yeah, Pisces placements are not airheads, their smart too. I just think their intelligence is out of the ordinary or just not palatable like the other signs.
9H suns ✧ Kind of an addendum to my last bullet, but a lot of 9H and 12H sun celebrities are really smart. I’ve noticed this with Kendrick Lamar because he’s a 9H sun (in Gemini @ 9° -- damn), and he’s considered a conscious rapper (a subgenre of hip-hop that focuses on creating awareness and imparting knowledge). When I think of him, his words always have meaning, they’re not said just because. The same thing can be said about SZA (9H Scorpio sun @ 16°) and Frank Ocean (12H Scorpio sun 4°).
I'm noticing that they're both Scorpio suns at a Cancer degree, I might investigate that more in the future.
When they put out a project, I get annoyed when people immediately have a response (in all I think I get annoyed when this happens to any long-awaited album), because with the lyricism they have, let the words marinate. Their words are never just face value, there's always a deeper meaning.
SZA is also just smart period. She went on this little biology rant a couple of weeks ago. I was shocked but I loved it. Idk sometimes I forget that celebrities have other traits because they choose what they present to their audience and a lot of the time that isn’t intelligence.
✧ Do any other Pisces mercuries talk in funny voices or accents a lot? Like an unhealthy amount? Just me? Okay.
✧ Undeveloped Pisces placements want yes men to their delusions.
LGBTQIA+ ✧ Having mutable + Aquarius Venus/Mars placements and/or aspects could be an indicator of identifying as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Mutable placements are used to changing their mind a lot, so when it comes to who they’re interested in, they might not have a fixed answer. With aqua placements, they’re not used to sticking to the traditional. So going against the grain with who they’re romantically/sexually involved with is a common manifestation.
mars-jupiter and clumsiness ✧ Those with Mars-Jupiter aspects can be clumsy. Maybe because Mars can rule the physical body and Jupiter expands, they may be overestimating their range of motion.
aries/1H mars and headaches ✧ These placements can be prone to headaches, yes because Mars rules the physical body and anger, and Aries rules the head. But you guys are also quick to anger, so you kind of set yourself up for it. Breathe please, I don’t like seeing you stressed out babes.
aries/scorpio placements and tattoos ✧ Speaking of Aries placements, Aries and Scorpio placements, in general, could like tattoos, whether they want some themselves, have them, or just like the look of them. I feel like Venus and Mars placements are attracted to those who have tattoos, while Mercury placements could have the desire to tattoo people/become tattoo artists. If you have Aries/Scoripo in your midheaven, this could be a good career for you!
that’s all for now! I hope you enjoyed the post, see you later!
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littlecello · 6 months
Lazarus: An Autopsy
So. I just got back home, and though I have to get up at stupid o'clock for work tomorrow morning, I am sitting down at my computer to give you all as much of a detailed write-up of the table read as I can. Please bear in mind these are my and Fern's opinions personal opinions, so if you disagree with anything said here, that's totally fine! This is all coming from the perspective of people who have been in the fandom since 2012 and 2009 respectively, and both of us love the show very dearly.
Now, without further ado - here is a summary and discussion of the table-read of the pilot episode of Lazarus. The detailed write-up is under the cut, but I want to share this shaky train-doodle I banged out on the way home to give shape to my own feelings:
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Set Up
This was a dramatic table-read, meaning actors were sat on stage, taking the roles of the main and side characters, plus one narrator who read out the scene-set ups in the script. This was a complete reading of the pilot-episode as it would have aired on TV, complete with songs playing over the speakers as they appeared in the show (off the top of my head - Another Brick In The Wall, Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Ukulele Version), Life on Mars (yes they went there), Merry Christmas Everybody, and several more). It's important to note that this was not performed by the original actors; rather, they brought in a troupe of actors associated with the BFI, called the BFI Players. Unfortunately they aren't credited on the BFI website and there were no printed programme notes, so I can't tell you their names. Notably, though, Ashley Pharoah (co-writer of LoM) was present; after the table-read, there was a short-ish Q&A session.
Lazarus Pilot: A Summary
We start in 2024, with a car chase. Sam Tyler, now DCI of Internal Affairs of Greater Manchester Police, is hot on the pursuit of a Constable who we later learn has raped multiple women while on duty. Notably, Sam is driving exactly the way Gene would, ignoring regulations, nearly running over pedestrians and a cyclist. Sam apprehends the PC on the campus of Manchester University, which is filmed by the assembled students of the lecture that's been interrupted (a quote from the script: "heteronormative queer trans students") - that video subsequently goes viral as another example of police violence. It's clear that the PC is guilty of his crime, but he's let off, and most of CID pretty much turns against Sam. Sam's DI, incidentally, is biromantic and asexual, which is also turned into a joke with Sam making some acephobic remarks.
The next day, Sam finds the rapist PC dead - hanging from a lamppost as though he's died by suicide. CCTV reveals that about an hour before his death, a car idled in front of his home, and the PC had hurled abuse at said car. The driver cannot be seen. That same car is seen at a carehome in Didsbury, idling there just like it did in front of that house... and that car is also confronted, by none other than a geriatric Gene Hunt.
Here is where we start to realise that this Sam is different. It seems he never went back to 1973. He never had that accident, he never met Gene Hunt - he is, however, married to Annie Cartwright (only until half of the episode though, at which point she says they need to get a divorce). A lot of anachronisms going on here, but those will get explained a little later in the episode. Sam also starts having visions - first of a Space Hopper that keeps passing him by, later Clangers from the Planet of the Clangers appear to him. He keeps remembering lines we've heard in Life on Mars ("I never stitched anyone up who didn't deserve it", "If you can feel things you are alive, but it's when you can't feel things that you know you aren't alive", etc). Eventually, he goes to visit Gene in the care home and invites him for a drive, to see if that will jog any memories.
Gene, however, has other ideas - he eventually forces Sam to stop by the roadside, insisting "I'm going back! I'm going BACK!" The two start arguing, and then it devolves into a physical fight, which pushes them into the road... at which point, they are both his by a car. A red Audi Quattro, in fact, and just as everything fades to black, we see someone with white cowboy boots and a white leather jacket get out of the car...
1977. Sam wakes up utterly hungover in the Cortina, next to Gene who's driving. These are their 70s selves. They get to the station, where they find out that they've both been suspended due to Gene assaulting the Superintendent ("I didn't assault him, I strategically placed him... in a bin."). The department has been disbanded and taken over by none other than Derek Litton. Sam and Gene leave, with Sam driving home... to his wife Annie. On his way, he realises that he must have dreamt about 2024, and obviously doesn't understand what is going on. He talks to Annie about it, who becomes upset that he's starting to talk about all the future stuff again. It becomes clear that the case that Sam was investigating in 2024 (the dead rapist PC) is mirrored in 1977. And, crucially, near the end of the episode we realise that Gene also has memories of what we saw happen in 2024... and just at the end, when Annie is on her own, she suddenly sees the video footage mentioned at the very top (the fight at the MU) playing on the TV, and realises that Sam was telling the truth.
The Good
Let me start with the really enjoyable part of this afternoon - the actors who performed the script for us. They all did a brilliant job, especially Sam's actor. I'm pretty sure he must have studied up on John Simm's performance, because he got Sam's tone and cadence so closely to the original that I could really believe he was the character. The production was done well too, with the songs being played over the speaker system; plus, the narrator was absolutely brilliant at setting the scene, reading the descriptive bits of the script with loads of character and humour. The other actors were great too (Litton got a fantastic impression). The only one I wasn't convinced by was Gene's actor, because he gave his Manc accent a very theatric drawl that sometimes made him sound like a pirate. Definitely didn't come close to Philip Glenister's brilliant delivery of his lines.
Speaking of lines, there were some genuinely funny jokes in this. The whole scene with Litton was hilarious, and some of the modern-day jokes landed quite well too (Sam's DI pulls an "ok boomer" on him, to which he responds "that's Gen X I'll have you know").
And of course, I have to mention that it was SO LOVELY to meet a bunch of you in person!!!! It was lovely to chat, and thank you especially to @bisexualroger and friends who came and said hello, you genuinely made my day 🥹 The Bad
Sigh. Buckle up.
This table-reading really cemented for me what I've been saying for several years: The writing in Life on Mars is very mediocre. What made the show so amazing and special was the fact that the crew and actors took that material and elevated it to the heights we know and love. If you take that away... All of its shortcomings become very glaring.
This was even more obvious with Lazarus. Although we have to remember that this was a pilot, which means it was basically a sales pitch to studios and as such they tried to cram as much exciting stuff into it as possible, on the whole it just came across as very confused and embarrassingly self-referential. The characters often (but not always) came across as caricatures of themselves. The script often pointed out the race/ethnicity of characters in ways that felt very unnecessary and strange (more on that later). Most of the dialogue that took place in 2024 was incredibly stilted (again, more on that in a little bit). Most crucially, although it's clear that Lazarus was trying to bring Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes together to tie them up in a neat little bow, it just felt far too all over the place, even for a set-up episode (Lazarus as a whole was planned to be two series with 6 episodes each, like LoM). The Ugly
Basically, this show was supposed to be commentary on the present-day commentary between the public and the police... written from the perspective of two Old White Men(tm) with an unhealthy amount of nostalgia for the past who seem to think of the police as literal guardian angel, which is why they made Gene an actual angel (this is confirmed by what Ashley told us the ending of Lazarus would have been, which I will write up tomorrow because this would be too much for this post).
So, what does that mean in practice? It means that everything that was set in 2024 was an absolute shitshow. There were jokes about "wokeness" in every scene - things such as gender identities, diversity, ethnic food, vegan food, recycling, climate activism and more were only ever played for laughs, with a clear emphasis that everything was better in the "good old days". Especially all the jokes about gender and sexuality made me so angry, seeing as the fandom who has kept the show alive for the last 10 years is overwhelmingly queer.
Worse than that, this show would have been absolutely choc-full of copaganda. We already learn in the pilot that the entire philosophy is that "bad cops" are simply "rotten apples" that need to be removed from the force, which can only happen from the inside (this is Sam's role as DCI of Internal Affairs). And also, the public are just way too mean to cops, for no reason whatsoever - this is very literally shown in a scene in 2024 where a male PC touches a drunk woman's arm in sympathy and she yells at him "DON'T TOUCH ME", whereas in a mirrored scene in 1977 we see a PC giving a woman advice, who seems to be extremely grateful for it and even squeezes his hand for it. Which, if you know ANYTHING about what was going in Manchester at the time, in the wake of the Yorkshire Ripper and the associated police failings, is laughable at best, and an insult at worst.
Furthermore, during the Q&A, Ashley Pharoah unintentionally told on himself and Matthew Graham. I'm paraphrasing, but he basically said that when they both realised during the watchalong on twitter back in 2021 there still were a lot of fans of the show, that's when they felt compelled to properly give Lazarus a go. It very much came across as him saying "we loved the attention and wanted more of it, oh and also we thought we had something to say about the state of affairs regarding the police". Which, as I have laid out above, frankly is a sick joke. After everything that's happened - the protests in 2020, the way police forces in the whole country handled the Sarah Everard case, the fact that the current Chief Superintendent of GMP is an old conservative guy - the fact that Matt and Ash had the audacity to shop a show like Lazarus around to be picked up for TV is... astonishing. The confidence of white men, eh?
In Conclusion
Both Fern and I are very, extremely glad that Lazarus was not, and never will be made into a TV show. We are very glad that we get to keep Sam, Gene, Annie and all the others as they are. And we are also very glad that we went to this table-read, since we can now stop wondering what could have been. It's done and dusted. And, funnily enough, this has invigorated my fandom fire for LoM. I now want to create art of the characters I've come to know and love, to reinforce who they are to me. They are our characters now, Ashley and Matt. You don't get to play with them anymore. You don't get to twist them and put them through the wringer.
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vincess-princess · 7 days
we, the psychos: masterpost
this fic is growing so fast it warrants its own masterpost now
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Fandom: Motley Crue, Guns n’ Roses (secondary), Kiss (secondary), the list may be updated
The Feelgood Asylum, home to the sickest and the maddest, welcomes a new resident. That’s Tommy Lee, once a heir to a noble family, and now disowned and sent away for seeing what no one else sees and laughing when no one else laughs. At first horrified by the living conditions and the labor that patients have to perform, he then quickly finds new friends… and enemies.
Nikki Sixx, Frank Feranna for others, constantly loses battles with his own demons. And it’s not helping that the worst patient in the asylum, sex-addicted maniac Vince Wharton is sparing him too much - and at the same time not nearly enough - of his attention. And the new patient disturbs their already turbulent relationship even more.
And Mick Mars, who keeps quiet during the day and screams at night, never wanted any of this.
Warnings: mental illness (duh) and everything that it entails, self-harm, sexual assault, unethical medical treatment, period-accurate homophobia. The list may be updated
This fic was inspired by this post by amazing @smokeandmirrorz
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Last updated 15.05.2024
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imhotasfworld · 2 years
Mars in Capricorn folks are lowk or highkey not to messed with tbh.☠️☠️ They lowk also have an intriguing presence and you will always notice them. These people are honest and upfront when they are mad and they don’t second guess or think twice when they are pissed off☠️
Another thing about mars in Capricorn from what I observed is the way they walk/ how their torso is built/the area of their legs. Like idk they walk in this type of way where it’s like “hey I’m a mars in Capricorn I’m coming in the way‼️” like idk ☠️☠️ I lowk love the way their walk makes them look tho. 😍
LMFAOA another thing about mars in Capricorn is the walk they talk. For some reason, most of the people I have been with that has a mars in Capricorn have very deep voices or like just a low tone to it. Not even necessarily deep just like low intonation if that makes sense,like when they speak their throat sinks😭
I know this may seem lunatic to say, but lowk people with Pluto in 4th/Lilith in 4th/IC in Capricorn, they all might have trauma with their families (mostly mothers), once these tensions are healed, they create THE BEST parent relationships, very closely intimately emotionally as well. It’s like one of those things where it’s “enemies to frenemies to besties”🥺. I have Pluto & Lilith in 4th house (btw my Pluto is in Capricorn too😢), and literally my mother can be annoying but is also my ride or die🤣
Pluto-ascendant (somewhat mostly squares) have so much people who gossip, talk about them (whether in a shitty way or not), and sm obsessed people with them. Lowk this placement is like Scorpio rising but literally if that makes sense. This can cause people to care what they think but once they get passed that they’re so powerful and villainous FRL. They’re so intimidating and have a really specific dark aura about them. I have this been placement and can be annoying cuz almost everywhere I go people always get extreme reactions to what I do then gossip about me🤬 but yk it’s fine cuz we sexy, hot and villainous anyways😹😹😻btw what I think is cool about this placement is that people are repelled and magnetized in🙊😈
Ik i was gone for a long time but this post is juicy 😘
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nopefer-art-tu · 11 months
who do y'all think is the dark-haired movie star that jack has a picture of pinned up in his childhood bedroom? 👀
PERSONALLY, I think it's either James Dean or Ricky Nelson. I think the more realistic of the two options is Ricky Nelson, though. I'd love for it to have been James Dean just because a lot of people compare Heath as Ennis to James Dean as Jett Rink in Giant. I'm not so sure if that's based on the performance they give, or if it's based purely on their aesthetics alone, but like. Heath really did have that James Dean cool down as Ennis (if only a slighttt bit more awkward). And I mean...c'mon, look at this picture and tell me that Jack wouldn't, at least for a moment, see Ennis standing outside of Aguirre's office and think immediately of his boyhood crush
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No wonder Jack was pulling at any excuse to eye him up lol!!
The only reason I don't think it could realistically be James is bc he was a dirty blond, just like Heath was c': and the short story specifically says it was a dark-haired movie star!
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teeentyonepilots · 3 months
what forest fic?
every fandom has that One Fic that everyone knows and references to death. For the clique… it’s the Forest Fic. (Check warnings in the tags. I’m just sharing the link in case you are genuinely interested)
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witchthewriter · 1 month
I feel like this is gonna be a really weird request. But if you’ve seen zootopia, would you be okay doing a character profile [birth chart, mbti] for Nick Wilde?
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Not weird at all! It was really interesting to do this one. Happy to do most characters ✧ ₊・🦊・₊✧
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞: 𝑁𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑑𝑒
𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑷 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
Nick loves a mental sparring session with someone who can challenge him. ENTPs enjoy playing devil’s advocate, partly because it allows them to showcase their quick wit and partly because it helps them to clarify their thoughts. We can see throughout the movie that Nick obviously loves rocking the boat; but he always has a life jacket.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑵𝒆𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒕𝒐 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅
(Taking into account that the movie is aimed at children). Nick was Chaotic Neutral; not caring about the law (obviously) or about anyone but himself. Until Judy comes along. She has a direct influence on him; character development. And he changes into Chaotic Good.
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔
Upright: New ideas, curiosity, thirst for knowledge, new ways of communicating Reversed: Self-expression, all talk and no action, haphazard action, haste
This card is often associated with curiosity, intellectual agility, and a mischievous streak. It can represent someone who enjoys stirring up intellectual debates or challenging others with their wit and cleverness.
Scorpio's mysterious nature and ability to perceive things that others pass by unnoticed can be both captivating and intimidating, leaving others both curious and intimidated by the possibility of learning more about the hidden facets of their personality. That's why I think Nick is a Scorpio Sun; seems to know more about others without them saying anything. He's very perceptive, intuitive, observant, insightful and obviously clever.
He feels safe in moments when he can impress others and get praise and admiration. Many Leo Moons' have a desire for money and social status, and have a strong ability to get it. They also have a talent for drama and creative activities.
Gemini is linked to the winged messenger, Hermes, aka the Greek god of wealth, luck, language, and travel—so Gemini Risings tend to be strong linguists who just have a way with words. For that reason, they’re often seen as tricky or clever. They eventually become masters of communication, learning exactly the right words to use and judging when to speak up and when not to speak up.
I think what's overlooked is Nick's forward-thinking and interests. His character can be very compressed and put down to 'sly, quick and unrealiable.' But when he feels comfortable and safe, we see that he has a lot of creative and innovative ideas. He enjoys exploring possibilities beyond the conventional.
Aquarius Venus individuals value intellectual connections and are attracted to partners who stimulate their mind. They appreciate independent thinking and enjoy engaging in intellectual discussions and debates. That's exactly how I see Nick; needing to have a partner that can keep up with banter and bickering, but also intellectual conversations about the world around them.
Mars in Sagittarius individuals have a strong sense of adventure and a desire for freedom. They are enthusiastic, optimistic, and have a broad perspective. They possess a pioneering spirit and enjoy taking risks.
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minoru-wife · 10 months
Defending Mineta Minoru - Comic Relief Role
Welcome! This is your beautiful grape juice enjoyer writing to you! Today I will be talking about something light, which is: Mineta comic relief role! Grab a snack cause this is a big one of a post.
This blog has no intention to attack anyone or/and the fandom. It's simply to bring awareness to the community to something that isn't noticed by many. It's just an opinion. Also keep in mind that I stopped watching the anime around the time [spoilers ahead, maybe] Deku found his extra abilities with One For All, so pretty much everything is based on things I remember.
Many fans that hate Mineta feel outraged with him having the comic relied role in the show. One thing is not finding the character funny, that's totally fine, but wanting or not Mineta is the comic relief character and here are some reasons.
Reason number 1: He's a punchline, literally. The creator makes him do and say stupid things just so the characters can punch him. I laugh horribly every time I see that scene when Tsuyu slaps Mineta with her tongue!
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Reason number 2: His outfit. My man isn't dumb! He knows he can't catch girls with the way he looks, so he plays the funny card. HIS HERO COSTUME IS A GRAPE BOWL! IT'S FUNNY! (Doesn't matter if we laugh at it or not. It's ridiculous, cute and funny)
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Reason number 3: Culture. I saw a video once from a youtuber saying that each culture has it's own values on what they find funny and each one has also their problematic puns that are socially known as wrong but accepted as a joke. It's not a surprise that Japan pictures pervert characters as comic reliefs in anime. In my culture we also see pervert people/sexual jokes as good comedy, but that's it. We know it's wrong and I swear to you that I slapped the shit out of everyone who was a pervert towards me and even with that I still like Mineta. Some cultures find funny puns about masculine sexual abuse like "Don't drop soap in prison", some find funny homophobic puns, no culture is perfect and innocent and there's nothing wrong with it. What's wrong is when people don't know to separate the pun between reality.
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Reason number 4: Balls. Yeah, we all like to say jokes about balls and Mineta has infinite huge balls to entertain us for a loooooooooooooong time! (If you look well at it, the o's look like balls) Cannot go wrong with the balls puns, every one laughs at it. As the good AC/DC once said "I got big balls, he's got big balls, she's got big balls, but we got the biggest balls of them all!"
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Reason number 5: Character design. Mineta is short, no doubts in that and his height is many times used as a pun. "They're making fun of people with dwarfism!" (I had to use google translator for this one, correct me if I said it in the wrong way) No, they're using his characteristics for comedy! Have you ever seen those videos made by dwarfs creators where they compare a normal sized spoon in the hands of their tall friends, but gigantic next to them? It's not making fun of them in an insultive way! The mha team doesn't turn it a bad thing on the character and many times is an advantage for him while still being funny!
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That's all for today. Two long posts in one day? Damn, I was inspired this night! I would like to come back at some points here in the future and maybe I might do a second part of this theme.
Thank you for reading my words. I may be a fan of Mineta, but I don't defend his pervert actions and I'm the first to admit he's nasty during the show. Let's see...what could I talk about for the next topic? Let's try and see Pervert Characters and understand why many pervert characters aren't judged by their actions and deemed problematic by the fandom, but why Mineta is the exception at the fandom eyes.
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iamphatvenus · 3 months
Leo women fall in love through being shown off, or allowed to shine. They love a pleaser, a man who just handles EVERYTHING.
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pureastrologywisdom · 4 months
𝔄𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬 𝔒𝔟𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 - 𝔖𝔶𝔫𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔶 𝔈𝔡𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
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Something I haven’t seen talked about a lot is the north node in synastry. The north node helps us connect with our higher selves. Having aspects in synastry with other planets can show how someone can aid us in our journey, as a comrade or teacher figure. This synastry makes the north node person feel deeply understood by the planet person. This can be difficult sometimes as the planet person can reveal things to the north node person that they need to work on in order to fulfil themselves. You do need a tight orb with this aspect!
Moon conjunct mars creates a spicy relationship! There is an instant attraction, and this creates an intensity to the connection. Very fiery.  Often the dynamic is that the mars person wants to protect the moon person. They are both trying to provide a safe space for each other in different ways. Think fit as the mars person being like ‘I will burn the whole world for you and destroy anyone or anything that hurts you’, whereas the moon person just wants to be a comforting and safe space for the mars person. The softer aspects have a pretty good time with this one, but if you have a hard aspect between the two your relationship could be quite turbulent at times
I have found that people who have the same Planetary house placements can can have similarities. We know that if someone has the same moon sign they will be similar, but I have also seen how people who bae a different moon sign but in the same house within their charts are similar too for example, both having the moon in their 9th house.
Another thing is if people have planets or luminaries in the same modality they can share similar traits. For example people who both have fixed rising signs and a Mutable sun. Obviously the sign and house is the first thing you look at, but this can add an interesting flavour.
Sun - Jupiter synastry adds a liveliness to the relationship. It’s rare that you will get bored in this connection, even when doing nothing together it’s exciting, which is very sweet.  
I would love to know if you have experienced any of these!
Pureastrowisdom x
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mars-wuz-herez · 3 months
Sonic Prime AU
What if Sonic died?
Part one 
Eggman's point of view 
I'm in my office but I can't seem to focus on working on my badniks. For the first time ever doing this seems….like a waste. Wow. Thinking about that is weird. I gaze down at the badnik I'm working on. I know what I have to do to finish it but my hands lack the movement to do it. Why?
I get up from my desk and take a walk around my base. I stop at a window. The sun is setting. From this view I see the mountain where I was earlier today. Then the whole thing replays in my head. I was so close to pulling out the Prism but that weird feeling came. The feeling of weakness and weird flashes that played in my head. Like memories that weren't mine. These flashes had 5 versions of me, doing evil things and well looking young and handsome. Heh. It was almost like looking in the mirror-
Cubot: “Sir? Are you okay?” 
I look down and see Cubot looking at me. 
Eggman: “What? Of course I’m ok! Now go make me something to eat.”
Cubot: “Yup right away”
I look back out the window and back at the mountain hands behind my back. The mountain. Where all my plans were ruined by that blue idiot. Wait, not him. Shadow. It was really weird seeing him there. I never thought he was the one to play hero. However the weirder thing was seeing the blue rat vanish into thin air. Did he run fast enough that his speed finally reached its limit? I told that blue rodent that one day his speed would get him killed-
Cubot: “Um sir?”
Eggman: “What?”
Cubot: “We are out of food”
Eggman: “Yeah?”
Cubot: “Well we don't have any food so I can't make you-”
Eggman: “Do you want to know the reason you came into existence?”
Cubot: “Yeah I've always wondered!”
Eggman: “So I don't have to go out and get the groceries myself! Now go do what you were made for before you are nothing but spare parts to me!”
Cubot looks down in sadness as he goes towards the door. Serves him right. I stare out the window again. Weird, I swear there were 5 badniks outside 5 minutes ago. Whatever. I look back at the mountain playing out the scene in my head again. The blue moron, my arch nemesis, just vanishes. For as long as I've been in Green Hill I have been trying to get rid of that pest. Now that he may finally be gone I don't exactly know how to feel about that. Is it really over? Is this decade of a long rivalry gone just like that?
Cubot: “Sir-”
Eggman: “I swear- WHAT IS IT NOW?”
Cubot: ”Are you… crying?”
Eggman: “Of course not you idiotic robot! What in the world would make you ask that?”
Cubot: “Well…”
Cubot points to his face. I turn and look at my reflection from the window. I spot a single tear rolling down my cheek. Is that really…. no. I wipe it away immediately and turn to Cubot. 
Eggman: “Is there a reason you aren't at the grocery store right now you know, GETTING MY FOOD?”
Cubot: “Yes actually. Um you have visitors”
Eggman: “Visitors? Who?”
Cubot: “Uhh…” *clears throat* (in a low voice) “Knuckles and Amy”
Eggman: “Aaaaaargh! CAN YOU SPEAK ANY LOWER?!?!”
Cubot: “Knuckles and Amy”
Eggman: “WHAT?!?!”
I head towards the front door and hide behind the wall. I peek over and see the red thing and pink pest. How did they get past my security? What the heck were they doing here? How did they know where I live?
Eggman (half whispering): “Why would you let them in? Don't you know I have a policy about letting friends of my arch nemesis into my home?”
Amy: “We can hear you! You're not very quiet”
I grumble. I straighten my shirt and walk towards them. 
Eggman: “To what do I owe this…displeasure?”
Amy: “Nice to see you too. Listen, we aren't here to fight or cause trouble okay? All we have are questions that we think you may have-”
Behind them lies a broken door. MY DOOR.
Amy: “You didn't answer the door the first 5 times we knocked so my friend here smashed it open”
I glance at Knuckles. He's adjusting his gloves but seems….nervous? 
Eggman: “I expect a payment for that”
Amy: “Well you're not getting one”
Eggman: “How am I supposed to replace it then?”
Amy: “I don't know, figure it out. Anyways-”
Eggman: “If i'm not going to receive a payment then get me a new door”
Amy: “You're not getting anything”
Knuckles: “Can we focus on the reason we are here?”
Eggman: “Yeah why are you here? Last time I checked the blue pain in my butt vanished. Aren't you two supposed to be…I don't know…finding a way to bring him back?”
I don't know why I asked that. It's not like I care for the moron. I'm just… curious to see if they had a solution to bring him back…so my future plans aren't foiled. Yeah that's it. 
Amy: “We’re trying. We have a plan but in order to complete it we need, unfortunately, you. We need some information about the Paradox Prism. We think the Prism may have a part in the reason Sonic vanished”
Eggman: “It would make sense. When he started to vanish I noticed that the tips of the shards were a little burnt. Also the weird visions that I had witch included Sonic in them was really weird-”
I stop talking when I see Amy looking at me confused and half surprised. Personally I'm surprised by my actions as well. What the heck has gotten into me? 
Eggman: “And what makes you think I would just give you the information huh? In case you’ve been living under a rock all these years, I have done nothing but to try and get rid of this rodent and now that he is gone-”
Amy: “You can't help but feel sad that after a decade of rivalry with Sonic it's finally over?”
Eggman: “What? Absolutely not! How dare you even- you know what? Get out of my house”
Amy and Knuckles: “What?”
Eggman: “Get out of my house! I don't want to see your stupid faces here and I certainly don't want to hear you saying how much I care about his blue rodent when I don't! Get out of my house now! Also don't forget to send me money for the new door”
I’m pushing them out when Amy shouts 
Amy: “no”
Eggman: “Excuse me?”
Amy: “I said NO”
Then out of nowhere she slams her hammer into my foot.
Amy: “FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE YOU’RE GOING TO LISTEN TO ME! As much as you won't admit it, you still care about him! You care about him so much you didn't even think to invade the villages today while we were distracted huh? This rivalry has kept you going for so long that now, with him gone, it all feels like a waste right?”
I open my mouth but no words come out. Could she be right? I haven’t even thought of invading the villages. Heck I haven't even finished building my robots. Maybe this pink pain is onto something. 
Amy: “I know you won't admit it out loud but I can see it written all over your face that you do care about him.”
She is falls silent for a minute then speaks again.
Amy: “Will you help us?”
I think about her question. This time though I have an answer.
Eggman: “Follow me”
To be continued…
@mrfrobbert @hawk-has-alot-of-gay-ships @callme-aprilroseisha04 @rainestorm05 @upodubo-reblog @seaslugdisco @bun-bie @annoyingcat413 @bee-birb @idiotayo @theavo-guac
Sorry for the long wait. Ready for Part two?
(Sorry if this feels rushed)
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astro-royale · 4 months
I just saw what you said about Venus in Leo men. Many people have noticed that in a man’s chart, Venus usually represents his ideal/dream woman instead of his love style. Maybe because Venus is a feminine planet, the sign it’s in reflects his ideal woman instead of himself. I also remember someone saying how they noticed Aries Venus men like assertive, dominant, and passionate women. Do you think a man’s Mars sign is a more accurate description of his love style?🤔 Have you seen men act more like their Mars sign than their Venus sign in a relationship?
Hey boo thanks for the question! In my experience I’ve noticed that both tend to manifest. They act like both their venus and Mars sign , because we all have feminine and masculine energies within us.
I think a man’s Venus sign can also depict how he acts when he’s in his feminine energy, or just his more artistic and creative side also. I think it’s super relevant as a love language too because I’ve seen it happen that their non sexual way of expressing love tends to be more like their Venus sign.
But definitely venus does show what he finds attractive. also make sure to look at what degrees it’s in because it’s definitely relevant.
But I do certainly think that they act more like their Mars sign in a relationship, especially sexually ,,
I think the rising sign is really relevant to the courting process and what they will do to win you over. I’ve seen Capricorn rising men be very consistent when it comes to the courting process for example,,
I remember this venus in Taurus guy being obsessed with taking me to try different places to eat which was so stereotypical, or the way he would initiate dates would be in relation to food?? ANYWAY very food oriented courting process lol
Venus in Leo men tend to like being of service and they tend to enjoy women who are kind and expressive, not expressing your admiration and love for them puts them off but if they see you are open,, they tend to reciprocate. They like women who are inspirational and aspirational in a way, women they can put on a pedastal.
Mars is more of the physical realm of expressing love and I see Venus as more of a heart based intangible energy but also superficial attraction aka “the shiny object” and things like flirting are very venusian.
But heck, I even think that the sun sign is more relevant to a guys personality than it is in a woman’s chart because men are so ego driven,
Venus sign on the streets Mars sign in the sheets as a summary
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Unpopular Opinion
I find it weird that Logan and his Navy jobs are consistently portrayed as rosy and pristine. The franchise is always examining socioeconomic structures and institutions in general,but somehow the Armed Forces are immune to corruption. Even when there are good people wanting to do good things,they're often shown as struggling while doing so(Sacks in the movie,Keith... it's almost his whole thing,Veronica oftentimes). To top it all,the work frequently draws attention to things that look to clean and neat in order to invite a deeper look at them.
Besides,showing the Navy's dark side would've solved the whole "a well-adjusted,morally upstanding Logan Echolls is boring/we don't have anything to do with Logan" problem. He could struggle with a hard call he had to make,notice something crooked being done by some of his similarly or higher ranking officers,going out his way to pick jobs,or realize anything about how fucked the military can be. Heck,we didn't even have him snarking about some pompous shithead. In fact,showcasing the military's dark side could've been used to highlight the good in it,not to mention making the upstanding people inside it stand out. The latter one is especiialy important if Logan is going to be a true believer.
However,to have Logan be in the military without actually examining what he might do at the jobs nor have him feel any conflict doesn't exactly paint him on a heroic light,IMO. Despite being nicer and better adjusted,he's on a relatively privileged position of a structure that harms the disenfranchised all while not caring about anyone else but himself and the ones he cares about. Not quite different from his youth,IMO. In fact,the Navy might be a hardcore version of Veronica's lawyering job - neat and prestigious,but leaves a lot to be desired,ethically speaking. And I didn't see any evidence of the contrary.
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