#mary gilis
scarfacemarston · 5 months
Final RDR Audio Files
Yes, I know. I've been saying this forever. But this time, it's true. I still have quite a few to process, but the end is near. A lot of these aren't so "interesting", but if you want a complete database, it's going to have less interesting ones. Unfortunately, because tumblr has eaten up some of my old files, there may be a few you recognize. It is also entirely possible that there may be a double or two. But yeah! This 3.5 year project will be FINISHED then and y'all will have a complete database except for some of the tumblr rule breaking ones! : D The following tagged characters are who is left. If you don't see their name, then every file of theirs is already done! It might look like a lot of names, but I promise it's not too crazy. Goal is to have it done by New Years, but I have my thesis to work on, too, so it may be a little longer. Also, if you feel happen to enjoy what I've posted, please go ahead and like/reblog! It really makes a difference. Edit: Sean's finished now.
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oldsardens · 8 months
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Bambou Gili - Mary Anne and Wanda Were the Best of Friends. 2023
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weepingwidar · 1 year
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Bambou Gili (American, 1996) - Mary Anne and Wanda Were the Best of Friends (2023)
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miedotenebroso23 · 10 months
Así es como lidiar con ser fantasma
Es la forma completamente moderna de salir de la vida de alguien, pero aun así puede doler muchísimo. He aquí cómo lidiar con un fantasma y cómo evitar convertirse en uno. Jennifer King Lindley es una escritora de salud y bienestar cuyo trabajo ha aparecido en O, Parents, Health, Prevention, Martha Stewart Living y varias otras publicaciones impresas y digitales. Es autora de Find Your Joy: A Powerful Self-Care Journal to Help You Thrive (Hearst Home). Los fantasmas se mueven en silencio entre nosotros, pero igualmente hacen notar su presencia. Los textos no devueltos. La entrevista prometedora que resulta en silencio de radio. Un amigo cercano que de repente desaparece de la faz de la tierra. Cuando nos enfrentamos a situaciones difíciles y finales incómodos, cada vez más de nosotros simplemente nos volvemos locos. El fantasma (cortar el contacto sin explicación, incluso después de que alguien intente conectarse repetidamente) se está convirtiendo rápidamente en el nuevo "No, gracias". El término parece haberse originado en el mundo de las citas en línea: una de cada cuatro personas ha sido fantasma de una pareja, y casi la misma cantidad confiesa haber engañado a otras personas, según un estudio de 2018 en el Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
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Pero se ha extendido rápidamente a nuevos reinos. Los encuestados del estudio dijeron que pensaban que fantasmas de amigos eran más aceptables que fantasmas de parejas románticas. También ocurre con frecuencia en el lugar de trabajo: un número cada vez mayor de solicitantes no se presentan a las entrevistas o se esconden después de recibir ofertas de trabajo, dice Catherine Mattice Zundel, fundadora del grupo de consultoría Civility Partners. ¿No quieres ayudar con la comida compartida anual? Ignore el correo de voz de su vecino y espere que el problema desaparezca. Es cierto que siempre ha habido actos de desaparición. En el pasado, mirábamos con inquietud el ojo sin pestañear de nuestro único contestador automático. Leah LeFebvre, Ph.D. , profesor de estudios de comunicación en la Universidad de Alabama en Tuscaloosa, que estudia el fenómeno. ¿Por qué la reciente invasión de grillos? Estamos siendo mordisqueados hasta la muerte por un flujo constante de mensajes instantáneos, mensajes de texto, mensajes de voz e historias, todo con una persona necesitada del otro lado.
Abrumados, levantamos las manos y nos retiramos. En un mundo en el que puedes tener 600 amigos en Facebook y 1000 conexiones en LinkedIn, las relaciones pueden comenzar a sentirse desechables. Con una gran cantidad de cortinas electrónicas detrás de las cuales escondernos, también nos estamos oxidando en una habilidad esencial para las relaciones: tener conversaciones difíciles en la vida real. Es más fácil simplemente no negociar. Disolverse en el éter puede parecer una forma de salvar los sentimientos de las personas, lo que podría ser la razón por la cual incluso los no idiotas parecen estar haciéndolo tanto ahora. Pero en realidad, el silencio es un instrumento contundente, dice Solomon: "La otra persona lo toma como 'No importa. Soy invisible'".. Éramos cónyuges de trabajo. Multiplique este dolor por un millón cuando alguien cercano a usted, un amigo, familiar o pareja romántica, se apaga. No puede haber sido secuestrado por marcianos; ¡Acaba de actualizar su Instagram! Catherine Newman, experta en etiqueta residente de Real Simple. Ghosting también le cuesta al ghoster.
Gili Freedman, Ph.D., profesora asistente de psicología en St. Mary's College of Maryland. Cada "¿Dónde estás?" El texto es un recordatorio de tu cobarde esquiva. En el folclore, algunos fantasmas regresan a sus terrenos terrenales porque están plagados de asuntos pendientes; también estarás embrujado. Como estrategia de vida, el ghosting es miope. Evitas la incomodidad inmediata de una conversación difícil, sí, pero “estás quemando puentes”, dice Zundel. La persona a la que defendiste en una cita para tomar un café en red puede ser el gerente de contratación de un trabajo que deseas dentro de cinco años. ¿Y quieres tener que esconderte en el baño cuando veas la cita de Bisagra en la que te apagaste en una fiesta? Por el bien de los sentimientos de todos y de un mundo más respetuoso, es hora de recuperar el enfoque directo. Así que devuélveme ese mensaje. Prepárate para el adiós esclarecedor. Aquí hay consejos de expertos sobre cazafantasmas de todo tipo.
Si estás pensando en hacerle fantasma a alguien... Sepa qué decirles a sus amigos y parejas románticas. No se supone que todas las relaciones cercanas duren para siempre. Pero pasar abruptamente a la clandestinidad eterna puede lastimar a la otra persona durante años. ¿Todavía no estás dolido por tu mejor amigo de la secundaria que te desconectó sin decir una palabra? Lo que a menudo nos tienta a fantasmas es no tener idea de qué decir. Elisabeth LaMotte, psicoterapeuta en Washington, DC Comprenda las reglas básicas de las despedidas. Si bien cada situación es diferente, existen algunas reglas básicas. Un adiós cara a cara es lo mejor. Comience con lo positivo: para establecer un tono de empatía y amabilidad, comparta una cualidad que haya disfrutado de la persona. Durante su charla, mantenga sus comentarios enfocados en "yo"; ahora no es el momento de recitar una letanía de quejas sobre la otra persona. Estás más allá de querer reparar cosas (y confía: tendrán su propia lista). Sea amable, pero claro.
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444names · 1 year
french forenames + legends from brawlhalla
Adandren Adien Adience Adine Alaurey Alette Alique Alérôme Amathard Amick Amikov Amile Andrayarc Andre Andrie Anfei Anicoise Anifeilde Anlord Anloïc Anmagalie Annait Annin Anniste Annyx Anuerrey Anuerth Ançoin Ançoisèle Araphert Aricine Arlethéo Arose Assim Astéphil Audennyx Audrang Auline Aumen Aurie Aurine Azancelle Baphanluc Baphin Baptia Baptite Barisami Bashaël Bennix Benoé Benrie Benrine Berrent Bette Bricony Briert Brieu Brunon Brunoé Béandrin Béath Bödvancie Bödvanne Bödvra Cadelle Cadille Camiko Carges Carlenck Caspie Castine Chaméline Chanique Chard Chelle Chenée Chlor Chloémy Chric Chrick Chriechel Chrion Chris Christin Chèle Claey Claia Clain Claine Clastine Claul Clauli Claulle Claure Cléme Clémick Clémiko Clémine Colan Colange Colarc Colaule Colaurene Colia Colko Corenon Corent Corgilie Crolanin Crolia Cyric Cyrick Cyrie Céance Cécie Cécieu Cédrane Cédérion Céliah Célène Damine Dannine Delie Denée Dette Diane Domic Dovic Dovice Duskin Duste Dylvar Emane Embenée Embette Emicel Emienone Emmarc Emmarde Emmarle Emmathen Eziond Fabette Fabine Fabri Fabria Fabry Faine Fandrine Fanifei Flodidy Flord Florgeor Flori Florine Flouille Floïc Fragnès Francla Frandrim Franlor Fraph Frayar Fraymoris Frémy Gaétine Geord Georie Geory Gernarold Geroberte Gerte Gerthomi Gette Ghiette Ghilippe Gilie Ginès Gnaine Golai Golin Grien Gueent Guiste Gélin Haline Handrence Heand Heanne Heançois Helle Hellei Herro Hugord Hugore Huren Huroleine Hélie Irenck Istine Istite Jacque Jacqueeno Jaette Jamarce Jamil Januelie Jeanadeno Jeanarnai Jeand Jeandre Jeandris Jeane Jeang Jeanie Jeaniel Jeanine Jeann Jeannyx Jeanoé Jeançoine Jhale Jhane Jharca Jocéline Joniquel Josévette Joëlles Julgré Julia Julil Jéran Jérie Jérès Kaymon Kaymone Kevine Kovin Laine Lainevick Lannyx Lanpie Lasuzarre Laudomari Laurey Laurégo Liang Liecland Lilex Loren Loril Louilieu Louiste Loémilde Lucar Lucier Lucieu Luciline Lucis Lynny Lérarce Madianna Madré Magaétine Magaël Magerren Magnath Magnich Magnique Magnès Magnèse Maine Mairèse Manmick Marcal Marce Margabel Marice Marichand Maris Marit Marle Marna Maros Marraxx Marre Marte Martra Maspieno Masuza Matranne Matrice Matrimon Matrio Maudel Michrion Miciste Mienon Mirose Mirrentor Missic Mohamic Monaumed Monielice Monne Moreillen Morguiste Morieli Moris Murentore Myrience Mélie Méliel Mélilette Mélordvai Nadie Nadrin Naris Narole Nascarie Nascas Natchaël Naude Naudra Nichrieu Nifei Odidia Odine Odvranlor Olane Pasca Pathier Pathor Pathugo Patriel Patrio Paure Paurent Paurie Paurémise Petielyne Piance Piand Queentan Quellei Quenoéme Quessard Raphie Rarine Raymane Raymon Raymonne Reilenzo Rentiel Rette Rolaine Roliel Roline Roséves Régiles Régiste Régit Rémir Saber Sabrie Sabrin Sabrinne Saianine Saitiam Sandrégin Saniferte Sanne Sannièves Sette Shale Sharc Sichel Sidrément Simenjand Skine Solence Soline Sophamine Stien Stéph Suzan Sylarinix Sylaulle Sylvale Sylvari Sébaphie Sébaptiah Sévechèle Sévelis Séves Tharle Thienoé Thiette Thine Thérômeno Ulette Uline Vaitin Valaurise Valettord Valémis Varand Varin Varine Vieris Vierrei Virèse Vièle Vérène Wilde Wiline Wille Wuskinèse Wustine Xandra Xanir Xanne Xanue Xulinès Yanlorge Yvecla Yvector Yvectord Yvelle Yvoli Yvondette Zarce Élaudrand Élaumire Élord Élouiste Éloémen Émillex Étalinait Étanne Étantin Étine Éverre Évessid
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jeanyshanty · 6 months
Gili Iyang: Keajaiban Oksigen di Pulau Madura
Gili Iyang, sebuah pulau kecil di Sumenep, Madura, telah menjadi perbincangan karena memiliki kadar oksigen terbaik di Indonesia. Bahkan, penduduk setempat disebut-sebut awet muda dan panjang umur. Mari kita bahas lebih lanjut tentang tempat menarik ini. Kadar Oksigen yang Menakjubkan Gili Iyang bukan sekadar ‘pulau oksigen’ semata. Menurut Air Visual, sebuah aplikasi pencatat kualitas udara,…
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politikwatch · 6 months
#Lanz Sendung: Wenn der #Hass & die #Wut so groß ist, dass #Fakten nicht mehr #akzeptiert werden und nicht mehr #zählen, wird das zum großen #Problem
Das gilt #Weltweit ❗
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horsesofgili · 1 year
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Little Tilly had a bad gas colic last night. We’ve been with her all night and she’s now passed stool and is much more alert but she cannot stand. We will be starting an IV infusion soon. Please pray for our little baby 🙏🏻 Tilly is sponsored by Marie Gaudry #horsesofgili #lombokhorse #horsesofasia #rescue horse #rescuepony #ilovehorses #makeadifference #donatenow #horsesofinstagram #rescuehorse #rescuepony #horserescue #ponyrescue #horsecharity #indonesia #giliislands #giliTrawangan #oneponyatatime https://www.paypal.me/horsesofgili https://gofund.me/afb3daa2 https://www.patreon.com/horses_of_gili Cash app $horsesofgili USA Victoria and Joseph Taylor Regions bank Routing number: 062000019 Account number: 2508420381 Indonesia Yayasan Rumah Kuda Gili Mandiri bank Account number: 161-00-1119223-9 IBAN Code: BMRIIDJA SWIFT Code: BMRIIDJAXXX BANK Code: 0080059 https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3MM3SV2FRR32U?ref_=wl_share https://horses-of-gili.creator-spring.com (NIB ) : 2706220052431 KBLI : Yayasan RUMAH KUDA GILI - Indonesian not for profit foundation https://www.instagram.com/p/CrAS89ovGqN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Adèle Haenel and Pauline Acquart in Water Lilies (Céline Sciamma, 2007) Cast: Pauline Acquart, Louise Blachère, Adèle Haenel, Warren Jacquin, Christel Baras, Marie Gili-Pierre, Alice de Lencquesaing, Claire Pierrat, Barbara Renard, Esther Sironneau, Jérémie Steib, Yvonne Villemaire, Christophe Vandevelde. Screenplay: Céline Sciamma. Cinematography: Crystel Fournier. Production design: Gwendel Bescond. Film editing: Julien Lacheray. Music: Jean-Baptiste de Laubier. I admit to a certain queasiness about watching Water Lilies, with its almost too intimate exploration of the lives of teenage girls, including some nudity. Céline Sciamma of course wants us to feel that way, to make us aware of these adolescent bodies as well as the souls that inhabit them. One girl, Marie (Pauline Acquart), is skinny and awkward; another, Anne (Louise Blachère), is on the verge of being overweight; and the third, Florine (Adèle Haenel), is flat-out beautiful. All of them spend much of their time at the swimming pool, where Florine is the star of a group of synchronized swimmers, and Anne coaches a group of beginners. Marie is the hanger-on who watches the other girls with a too-eager eye. At the film's start, she and Anne are close, but as Marie becomes involved with Florine, the two drift apart. There is a pivotal boy in the ensemble, the handsome François (Warren Jacquin), whom Anne desires -- at one point she she sees him looking at her naked in the locker room; she doesn't cover up in embarrassment but is rather pleased, and begins to try to win him. But François is after Florine, who strikes a deal with Marie: She'll let Marie watch the group practicing if she'll help her sneak out of the house at night to meet with François. Eventually, a different relationship develops between Marie and Florine. Sciamma choreographs this pas de quatre well, but there's something a little too formulaic and voyeuristic about the film, which doesn't resolve itself into significance. Still, its portrait of the sexual confusion of adolescence is often achingly real.
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sunshinexlollipops · 5 years
So, this is a topic a lot of Rdr2 fan writers have touched upon, but I'm curious about your thoughts on Mary Linton. Do you think she was using Arthur in the events of the game? Do you think she was selfish for not following Arthur or was she reasonable? Do you think it's fair of her to hurt Arthur by stating that "he'll never change"? And while I get the feeling you'll touch this topic in ACW, how do you think Arthur with a new S/O would handle her coming back into his life?
Ohhhhh, anon, you are wanting some tea I tell you! Good thing I just stocked up on Lipton.
So, Some if you may have read a reply about Mary Linton before and why I felt about her as the way I did, but it wasn’t this specific or mentioning of ACW, so here we go!
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Was Mary using Arthur?
Love her or hate her, when you respond to Mary’s letter Arthur and meets her outside of Valentine, it becomes very clear that she lured Arthur in with her letter to save her brother, Jamie, from the chelonians (aka the weird turtle cult).
She admits this by saying Arthur is the only person she knows who can help, and she begs him to go and get Jamie back, despite how upset you can tell Arthur is at the prospect.
He makes it obvious when he tells her how he’s not good enough to be her husband, but is perfect to be her knight in shining armor. He even almost leaves before the player is given the choice to help Mary or not.
This continues on with the mission involving her father in Saint Denis, when you have to get back Mary’s broach after her father sells it for drinking and gambling money.
As I mentioned in my previous post, Mary knows Arthur is fiercely loyal. He is one of the most dedicated characters, and he has made many sacrifices over the years that have cost him so much, with even Mary being one of them.
She knows that, and he does. Arthur writes about how Mary can “play him like a fiddle” and “like no one else.” He knows he’s being used, that he’s just falling down the rabbit hole again and he knows where it ends.
But he will always come when Mary calls. Always.
Granted, near the last mission, it is obvious Mary cares for him too. That their spark was never quite snuffed out.
The problem is that the ended for a reason, and no matter how much time passes or what they long for, they are both too stubborn to really compromise for one another.
Saying this though, Arthur did want to leave the gang to be with her if you continue with her side missions, but it just wasn’t meant to be.
It never was, and they both know that.
It’s just a matter of actually admitting it to themselves and each other.
Was she selfish or reasonable when she left?
I would say there is SOME reason in Mary initially rejecting Arthur, but there is a catch that makes it not entirely pure.
It is understandable if Mary broke her engagement off with Arthur if it had solely been about him running with Dutch and remaining an outlaw, but it wasn’t.
It’s stated in the game that the main reason Mary and Arthur split was because of Mary’s father and his intolerance of Arthur, and the hypocrisy of it all.
Arthur hates Mary’s father. And for good reason.
Arthur isn’t a good man, but he is honest about it. He never hid what he was from Mary, and she knew when they got together that he was in the Van Der Linde gang and what he did in it.
But that didn’t matter until Mary’s father put his foot down, saying Mary had no reason to be with someone like Arthur.
It would be rational if his reasoning was that Arthur was too dangerous with his lifestyle for Mary, but it mainly came down to a battle of morals.
Mary’s father views Arthur as scum, a criminal not worthy of his daughter. He constantly drags Arthur into the dirt, and places himself and his daughter up on a pedestal that he deems unreachable by the likes of Arthur.
The problem is, Mary’s father is just as crooked as Arthur in some ways.
He’s a drunkard, a liar, a thief.
While you can argue we don’t know much about him, we do know just from the mission in Saint Denis that heals Mary’s belongings to sell them so he can continuously fuel his addictions at a cost to his family.
The way he talks to Arthur is condescending, and you can tell that there is definitely a war of egos going on between the two men.
It’s pretty much just a pissing war, with Arthur being the main target with even Mary taking jabs at him, and refusing to acknowledge he flaws in her father.
Ultimately, it is why they split.
And that’s why her leaving Arthur isn’t as reasonable as it could be if her intentions were solely based on the clash between her father and Arthur, and her denial to see that her father was only ever calling the kettle black.
I wouldn’t necessarily label it as selfish until she demands that Arthur change, when she can’t even admit that her father isn’t as great as he’s made out to be.
Was it fair of her to tell Arthur he could never change?
Okay, so I do want to say this before I get into the logistics of Mary saying that to Arthur: this game is focused on showing us redemption.
Arthur the entire game, Arthur is reflecting and figuring out if the man he is now is the man he wants to be.
Mary saying this line was assuredly to drive home Arthur’s will to change for the better, or to overall look at himself and know that something needed to be done.
So I wouldn’t entirely say it was all on Mary for that line— it was definitely a ploy by the writers for their overall message in the game.
However, they chose Mary as a conduit to relay this because she is from Arthur’s past, and the reason why they split was, as she says, because Arthur wasn’t willing to part with the gang and change for her.
Once upon a time it may have been true, but things were different. I doubt Dutch was the man we came to know, even in the prequel, and things weren’t going to hell as they were. It was the calm before the storm, so why would Arthur think he needed to pack up and leave when everything was just fine?
But the changes in Dutch and the changes in the world that were driving the life an outlaw to extinction have Arthur reconsidering everything, even before we play. There is doubts being voiced with Arthur as soon as chapter one, and that alone speaks of a great shift within him.
He isn’t blind anymore. He can’t afford to be.
And he sure as hell isnt blind when it comes to himself.
We see how Arthur is changing from the very beginning, and we can tell that he is thinking differently and wondering if this life is worth it anymore.
When Mary says Arthur cannot change, she is only refusing to see what is really happening, like with her father.
As I wrote in another post, she calls upon Arthur and uses him because he is he only person she thinks she can go to when Jamie needs saved, and when her father does too.
She keeps Arthur around and on a string because of what he is. She doesn’t expect him to change because what she asks of him is the very thing she criticizes him for.
And as I said, you cannot expect someone to change when you keep them around for what they already are.
So no, it wasn’t fair of her to say that. Both because Arthur was capable, and she wouldn’t let him prove he did.
And what about ACW or just another significant other being with Arthur when Mary reappears?
Oh anon, I can definitely tell you that Mary will be touched upon and talked about in my fic. There’s no doubt, because Mary is one reason Arthur is the way that he is.
I don’t want to spoil much, or explain things as I intended with the story, but yes— come chapter two, expect Mary to come into the picture.
As for Arthur having a different significant other, they wouldn’t be happy.
It’s obvious that Arthur isn’t over her, that he never quite can be. He is always loyal to her, and even with a significant other, he would more than likely still help Mary when she asked him to.
That being said, he would be able to admit that what they had has passed, and if Mary does express interest, Arthur would just smile sadly at her and tell her it’s a while too late.
He will remain kind to her, but he wouldn’t jeopardize his new relationship over something he knows won’t work out, and is wrong like that.
Of course, there would more than likely be fights between Arthur and his partner. Lingering jealousy, fear of him being unfaithful— of something rekindling.
Him still offering to help Mary won’t help the situation, but it is going to be up to his partner if they want to see through to his intentions.
Which isn’t anything romantic with Mary. For him, it’s a principle thing.
Because his heart is with his partner, no matter what. But he would not leave Mary out to dry just because it no longer lies with her.
With ACW, we’ll see this play out, and I’m pretty excited to portray the tension and conflict when it comes to Mary’s sudden reappearance and calling on Arthur.
So, looks like that’s it! Thanks for the submission, anon!
Hoped this answered all your questions! If not, of if you have any more, just hit the inbox up again. ;)
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thelastconfessor · 4 years
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Tuesday April 14 at 18:00
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ibankabsyar · 2 years
Hallo, kamu apa kabar di sana? Gimana keadaan di sana? Pasti sekarang kamu sudah bahagia ya? Menyenangkan sepertinya bisa berada dipelukan sang pencipta.
Izinkan aku menceritakan kisah kita, boleh? Kamu tau sendiri ingatan aku agak lemah, aku ingin kisah kita bisa diingat dalam dunia digital, aku ingin kisah kita abadi, aku yakin kamu pun sependapat dengan aku.
Kembali ke bulan Februari 2020,
Momentum pertama kali kita ketemu, kamu masih ingat? Awal kamu datang ke tempat aku, kamu datang dengan Stevi (hai Stev, kalo kamu baca tulisan ini terimakasih telah mempertemukan aku dengan Gili) Jika tidak salah pertama kali aku melihat kamu sedang menggunakan dress hitam karena pada malam itu kamu baru pulang dari tempat kerja dan berkunjung ke kamar Stevi. Disaat yang sama aku diundang masuk ke tempat Stevi dan kita berbincang bertiga di malam itu, mungkin singkatnya segitu awal kita bertemu, tidak lupa akhirnya kita saling bertukar media sosial. Hehe, dasar aku.
Beberapa hari kemudian, kamu membalas instastory ketika aku sedang liburan, ini momentum pertama kita saling sapa lewat dunia digital. Oh iya, kamu ingat dulu aku sering manggil kamu tante karena jarak usia kita yang berbeda sekitar 4 tahun, kamu "sudah" muda dan aku masih muda. Tenang, aku tidak akan bilang kamu tua karena kamu tidak suka dibilang seperti itu.
Seiring berjalanannya waktu komunikasi kita semakin sering, dimulai dari bercanda santai sampai pembicaraan yang bercanda banget, kita mulai sharing tentang kehidupan masing-masing, gimana dunia kamu, gimana dunia aku, dan ternyata kita ada sedikit kecocokan. Sambil berbincang lewat dunia maya aku selalu menyelipkan "siasat" agar kamu mau untuk datang ke tempat aku lagi. Hehe dasar aku.
Lucunya adalah jarak tempat kerja kamu ke tempat aku tidak lebih dari 300 meter, tetapi kamu selalu salah jalan untuk datang ke tempat aku, ya aku ingat momentum itu.
Berjalannya waktu kamu sering datang ke tempat aku tanpa harus aku minta lagi. aku tau "siasat" kamu datang ke tempat aku dengan alesan "eh gua pengen masak tempat lo dong!" Atau "gua pengen nonton Zombie lagi deh!" Karena film favorit kamu bertema zombie horror freak gituuu aneeeh. Padahal dibalik alesan itu aku tau kamu ingin datang ke tempat aku (maaf untuk kali ini kamu udah gak bisa ngelak lagi) hehe, dasar kamu.
Intensitas komunikasi dan pertemuan yang semakin sering kita lakukan akhirnya muncul perasaan rindu ketika kamu jauh, rindu ketika pagi hariku diberi senyuman kamu, rindu ketika lelah bekerja dan tidak ada tempat untuk bersandar, tempat bercerita bagaimana hari yang sudah aku lewati. Bahagia aku menjadi sempurna ketika kamu bilang bahwa apa yang aku rasa ternyata kamu pun merasakan rindu yang sama.
Hingga pada suatu malam di rooftop bangunan tempat aku tinggal, kita saling mengutarakan apa yang kita rasa, langkah apa yang harus kita ambil? Kuatkah kita lewati semua dengan beban yang sudah kita bawa sebelum kita bertemu? Akan menjadi apa kita kedepannya? Awalnya kita ragu jika kita bersama apa kita akan baik-baik saja, apa kita akan menjadi orang yang berbeda setelah ini? Dengan penuh keyakinan karena aku sedang dibanjiri hormon oksitosin pada saat itu aku bilang kita bisa melewati semua kedepan bersama. Tidak seperti kebanyakan orang yang memiliki tujuan jelas jika mereka bersama, hal itu tidak berlaku untuk kita, kita tidak peduli dengan tujuan kita akan dibawa kemana yang terpenting adalah saling membahagiakan, dan kamu pun dengan penuh senyum berucap mari saling membahagiakan. Hehe, dasar aku.
By the waaaaay! Mungkin suatu saat nanti aku akan lanjutkan cerita ini. Dikarenakan pandanganku sedang tidak normal akibat air mata yang deras mengalir dan kadar alkohol yang agak melebihi batas dalam darah ini, aku simpan dulu ceritanya sampai keadaan kembali normal.
Last but not least.. Rest in peace, Gil!
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joyseuphoria · 3 years
She hated how much she liked him now
Thank you sooo much for the prompt!!!
The “him” in the prompts are replaced with “her” since this is a fem!jily fic!!! I had too many ideas for this fic...maybe I’ll write some of the rest in the future, but here you go!
You can read it here or on ao3
(Tuesday 16:00)
Sirius Black: moony and the rest of you pay up
Marlene Mckinnon: why should we pay u?
Remus Lupin: u still owe me 20 btw so i dont think i will
Sirius Black: ofc ppl like u wouldnt know smh
jamie finally asked lily on a date
Peter Pettigrew: Wait what
Marlene McKinnon: afsjtksjdggehej
tell me everything 
Sirius Black: well little prongsie finally sucked up and asked ickle lilykins on date
Marlene McKinnon: give me the details black
or i s2g ill kick u out of the group 
Sirius Black: empty threats
if u really wanna know u can go ask em
(Marlene McKinnon has removed Sirius Black from the group chat)
Peter Pettigrew: Remind me to not ever cross paths with Marlene 
(Tuesday 17:00)
Jamie Potter: good riddance 
thx marls 
Marlene McKinnon: got u covered hon
now spill 
Jamie Potter: i hv a date with lil on friday:)
Lily Evans: that she does;)
Marlene McKinnon: i demand details ppl
(Dorcas Meadows has removed Marlene McKinnon from the group chat)
Remus Lupin: wh did u do that for 
Dorcas Meadowes: She was being too nosy
I didn't like it
Jamie Potter:.........thx??
Dorcas Meadowes: Welcome sweetie
(Tuesday 17:34)
Mary Macdonald: wait what????!!!!!??!
(Wednesday 16:30)
Sirius Black: r v up for spying on them on fri?
Marlene Mckinnon: u kno it;)
Mary Macdonald: hell yeah
Peter Pettigrew: Yes! ofc
Remus Lupin: we should give them some privacy sirius
tho ik its a foreign concept to you
Dorcas Meadowes: Obviously
And of course I wanna spy on them
Remus Lupin: but still...yes
Sirius Black: ther is no privacy between  frnds
Marlene Mckinnon: so v meet up at 4 outside the bistro next to three broomsticks 
Peter Pettigrew: Wait when’s their date and where?!??
Mary Macdonald: at 5 in 3 broomsticks pete cmon keep up
Remus Lupin: how did u know that?
Sirius Black: im her brother and both their best frnds its obvio that id be the first one to kno
Marlene Mckinnon: and im lilys best frnd too sirius 
Dorcas Meadows: You spied on them didnt you?
Sirius Black: v hv all the rights to spy on them
Mary Macdonald: wait i thought that i was lilys best frnd
Dorcas Meadowes: I can confidently say that it’s neither of you
I’m her best friend
Sirius Black: prove it
Marlene Mckinnon: yeah!
Dorcas Meadowes:  (sends an attachment)
Marlene Mckinnon: shit
Mary Macdonald: …...fair
Private chat between Jamie Potter and Lily Evans 
(Thursday 19:45)
Jamie Potter: cant wait for our date tomorrow 
Lily Evans: ik u cant 
Jamie Potter: 
Lily Evans: <3
Private chat between Jamie Potter and Sirius Black 
(Thursday 19:48)
Jamie Potter: sirius sirius sirius 
lily just sent me a winky face emoticon!!!!
what do i do???!!!?!!!?!?!
(Message read at 19:49)
Private chat between Jamie Potter and Lily Evans 
(Thursday 19:51)
Jamie Potter: :D
Private chat between Jamie Potter and Lily Evans 
(Friday 16:30)
Jamie Potter: u ready?
Lily Evans: yes ! 
wher r u
Jamie Potter: cool
just reached ur door
(Friday 16:30)
Sirius Black: where tf r u guys 
its only me and marlene here
Mary Macdonald: just outta class 
be there in 10
Remus Lupin: home
Peter Pettigrew: At the ice cream parlor for ice cream
Dorcas Meadows: Oh get me some too Pete?
Remus Lupin: me too pls pete
Mary Macdonald: oooh id like some too
mint chocolate chip for me pls
Peter Pettigrew: Sure thing! wh abt the rest of u??
Dorcas Meadowes : Strawberry! with a lot of strawberries as toppings!!!
Remus Lupin : devils choc ofc
Sirius Black : guys can v focus at the matter in hand??!!
also charcoal ice cream pls
just as black as my soul
Peter Pettigrew : ...k
U marls??
Marlene Mckinnon:..........vanilla. thx
(Friday 16:45)
Sirius Black: where tf r u guys?!!??!?
theyll b here any sec
Remus Lupin: sirius everyone is here
except for u and marlene
where tf r u guys?!!???
Marlene McKinnon: we r at the spirit store 
where tf r u guys????
Sirius Black: i told u guys to meet us here
Dorcas Meadowes: Wtf is a spirit store?
Sirius Black: a store that sees our spirit 
Peter Pettigrew: Ur ice creams starting to melt!!!!!!
Mary MacDonald: oh the halloween costume shop?
Sirius Black: to dress up ofc
Marlene Mckinnon: honesty guys?
lily and jamie will recognise us if v go like this
and v cant afford that!!!!
Remus Lupin: that is smart….
didnt expect it from u both
Sirius Black: fuck you remus
fuck you
Dorcas Meadowes: So what are our disguises??
Marlene McKinnon: dog ears and nose 
a gily suit
a moon suit
rat whiskers and ears
a tree hat and glasses
and a big floppy hat and sunglasses for my beautiful girlfriend
Dorcas Meadowes: ………….
Peter Pettigrew: Dorcas and remus took ur ice cream btw
Something about it melting, u being stupid and u not being here
 Sirius Black: remy how could u
Marlene McKinnon: ffs dorcas 
i thought u loved me
Peter Pettigrew: Who’s wearing what costume?
Remus Lupin: also sirius 
do u really think that we can pull it off?
itd be tooo obvious 
Mary Macdonald: nd theyll realise that we r spying on them
Sirius Black: they couldnt even realise that they had a crush on each other until i intervened
do you think that theyll realise that its us???????
Remus Lupin: …...point
Sirius Black: so im wearing the dog ears and nose 
marls gonna wear the gily suit
the moon hat and the silver suit is for u remus 
Marlene Mckinnon: the rat whiskers r for peter 
and the tree hat and sunglasses r for mary :)
(Friday 16:55)
Sirius Black: ok now positions!
marlene mary and i r sitting in the booth behind the big fat hydrangea 
nd remus peter nd dorcas r gonna sit 2 rows behind them in the corner table outside
Peter Pettigrew: How do u even know where the r gonna sit?????!!!!!???
Marlene Mckinnon: v bribed the receptionist obviously
Sirius Black: she will make sure that they sit second in the row between the hydrangeas and the window 
Remus Lupin: how can v hear them if v r outside??
Marlene Mckinnon: oh hush remus 
ever heard of privacy?
Remus Lupin: wtf do u think we r doing rn??!!?!??!?!!
Dorcas Meadowes: Making sure the date goes perfectly?
Sirius Black: thank u dorcas
Mary Macdonald: yeah!
Remus Lupin: …………
i give up 
Peter Pettigrew: Just now?
Thought u gave up when Jamie successfully insulted Lily two yers back when in fact she was supposed to ask her out on a date :/
Sirius Black: that was a good laugh
(Friday 17:04)
Peter Pettigrew: Ok they’re sitting rn 
Dorcas Meadowes: Don’t they look cute together
Remus Lupin: do i hv to wear this silvery rocky suit?!??!
Sirius Black: yes
and yes they look perfect 
our ship is finally sailing 
Dorcas Meadowes: Is is is Jamie stuffing a breadstick in her nose
Peter Pettigrew: No I think she’s trying to look like a walrus
Remus Lupin: she does not need to embarrass herself more
Mary Macdonald: u really think this is anything compared to the time when she tripped over her cat and fell on lilys bday cake?
Sirius Black: lolol
the bruise she left him with lasted for two weeks
Dorcas Meadowes: I stg that woman has the best boxing skills
Marlene Mckinnon: dorcas!!!! not me????
im ur girlfriend!!!
Mary Macdonald: lolololol
she thought that jamie did it on purpose for years lol
Marlene McKinnon: and why tf is lily doing the same
i thought she had more sense than that
Remus Lupin: love can do that to you ya know
Sirius Black: u would know
Marlene McKinnon: ohhh look jamie snorted the breadstick out of her mouth!!
Mary Macdonald: lily did it too
Mary Macdonald: i think she has enough sense to not offend lily 
Remus Lupin: ya think?
u want me to remind u about all the times she offended lily?
Peter Pettigrew: Yeah so much that she hated Jamie
Sirius Black: nah she didnt 
if anything lily hates how much she likes her now
Marlene Mckinnon: do u think theyll order soup?
Sirius Black: yeah ig
jamie wants it to be all fancy
Marlene McKinnon: pls dont order tomato soup
Mary Macdonald: it awfully looked a lot like the waiter said no tomato soup
Peter Pettigrew: Really? Lily hates tomatoes why would Jamie order em
Thought she wouldn’t today
At least
Sirius Black: thank hell jamie didnt order the tomato one
Dorcas Meadowes: Remember when Jamie made marinara for Lily to impress her lol
Remus Lupin: that plan backfired soo bad 
Marlene Mckinnon at least lilys prank to get back at her was awesome
Sirius Black: that was such a power move!!!
and including taylor’s song
Remus Lupin: tho she coloured her cat the so called emerald green and not key lime green and v had to listen to her go on and on abt how lily knows her fav colour 
Mary Macdonald: jamie continued to think that it meant that she knew it for three months
Dorcas Meadowes: As if u didnt like it
Mary Macdonald: lol i did love it
Peter Pettigrew: They are bonkers 
Dorcas Meadowes: Bonkers for each other
Sirius Black: lol
Dorcas Meadowes: Their soup’s here
Sirius Black: spinach soup???
ewww jamie 
Peter Pettigrew: Ahh creamy mushroom soup for Lil ig
Awesome choice 
Mary Macdonald: they really ought to try new things
(Friday 17:16)
Remus Lupin: wh did u guys order?
we ordered a lasagna 
Marlene Mckinnon:?uhh same 
ohhh look 
Peter Pettigrew: The waiter’s back with pasta for both of them YAY
Do you guys think that they realised that we are spying on them??
Marlene Mckinnon: nah they’re hopeless Pete so no
Sirius Black: thank hell that they r cute
Remus Lupin: lol
Dorcas Meadowes: 3 yrs ago I wouldnt have thought that they would be here together on a date
Mary Macdonald: hell they woulnt have even been here as friends 
Remus Lupin: or come here with us
Marlene Mckinnon: lily didnt even kno that she is bi then
Dorcas Meadowes: Yeah
It was quite a rough time for her
Peter Pettigrew: Guyssss
I have a question 
Dorcas Meadowes: Shoot Pete 
Peter Pettigrew: Why is the group name curly squad?
I mean only Dorcas’s hair is curly I only gathered that much
Dorcas Meadowes: Lol no Pete
Sirius Black: LOLOLOL
Marlene Mckinnon: lolll 
Dorcas Meadowes Ohk so
None of us here are just straight so we’re curly lol 
Sirius Black: lil nd i r bi
u r ace
dorcas nd mary r pans
remus is gay
jamie is lesbian 
Marlene Mckinnon: i am bi too 
u already knew that but still
Sirius Black: so yeah thats why 
Peter Pettigrew: Oh wow
Thanks guys 
Sirius Black: np pete 
Peter Pettigrew: Jamie just leaned over to brush the remnants of pasta from lilys lips!!!!!!!!
Mary Macdonald: thats soo cute they r perfect
Sirius Black: nauseating more like
Dorcas Meadowes: I’m just revelling in the fact that she didnt brush him off
Marlene Mckinnon: thats second year of uni lily
even first fits in the category 
Peter Pettigrew: and she held her hand!!!!!
Sirius Black: is that…...snep
Remus Lupin: snep?????
Dorcas Meadowes: Where
Sirius Black: behind u guys
Remus Lupin: OHHHH FUCK
Mary Macdonald: do u think that he knows abt their date
Sirius Black: well jamie did post it on her insta so…….
Dorcas Meadowes: Oh shit
Peter Pettigrew: Shit alright
Marlene Mckinnon: hes coming over ig
Mary Macdonald: yup hes in
Remus Lupin: well u know what they say abt cannons sinking a ship :/
Sirius Black: remus theodore lupin u dare say that jily lames is not cannon
Marlene Mckinnon: remus ralph lupin wtf
Dorcas Meadowes: Remy, how could you?
Peter Pettigrew: Why would you say that Remus?
Mary Macdonald: remus john lupin u take that back right this instant
oh we r playing call remus wrong names 
sry I didnt realise
 Remus Lupin: i am sry guys I ship jily as much as u do
Sirius Black: LAMES
Remus Lupin: but i had to lol
i think v should go stop him from disturbing them
Mary Macdonald: hes already headed their way
its too late
Marlene Mckinnon: i s2g i will punch snep today if he does anything to them
Sirius Black: ill tackle him 
Marlene McKinnon: perfect
Mary Macdonald: v might blow our cover too
not that im worried abt that
tho they might not appreciate the sentiment 
Sirius Black: v shld go
Dorcas Meadowes: I feel like they'll want to handle this themselves
But ok!
Mary Macdonald: ok he hates u and remus the most so dorcas and i should go first 
Sirius Black: but im their best friend
Dorcas Meadowes: Too late they’re already talking
Sirius Black: NOOOOOO
Remus Lupin: ig he just mentioned siris name
Sirius Black: seems that way
if he says anything abt jamie or reg i will lose it
Dorcas Meadowes: I think he’s berating lily for being out with jamie….
Mary Macdonald: ofc what else does the greasy slime ball know
Sirius Black: ok im gonna go
Peter Pettigrew: How to grease your hair 101??
Sirius Black: lol yes
Marlene Mckinnon: is he
is he pointing over to us
Mary Macdonald:k they r looking at us
Peter Pettigrew: Did Lily just call ur name out, guys?
Dorcas Meadowes: Mary, make sure Marls and Sirius don’t do anything stupid
“Sirius, no!” Remus shouted, as the boy in question marched over to Jamie’s and Lily’s table. 
“Well, hello there snivellus. Looking positively greasy today aren’t we?” Sirius taunted. 
“What are you doing here Black?” Snape sneered. 
Sirius hummed before responding, “We just fancied a dinner here. What about you?”
“Looking for something to grease?” Marlene chimed. 
“Marlene,” Lily warned. 
“Thought I’d visit my friend Lily here. That’s all Black,” Snape answered. 
“More like crash her date,” Dorcas muttered, as she joined the group around Lily and Jamie’s table with Remus, Mary, and Peter.
“I am not your friend Snape.” Lily stood up, accompanied by Jamie.
“Lily!” The greasy haired man faced her pleadingly, “I care about you a lot. That’s why I’m telling you to not date Potter! Thinking that you’re bi may well just be a phase that’ll go away, Lily. Moreover, she doesn’t really care about you! She just thinks that you are some sort of prize to be won.” 
Jamie looked like she wanted to dislocate Snape’s jaw, her fists curled at her sides. But the warning glance Lily threw her, made her insides calm down 
“You know nothing about me Snape,” Lily said, with gritted teeth. “Now go away before I dislocate your nose.” Sirius whistled in support. 
“Lily, we’ve been best friends since we were ten. I know you, Lily. Please listen to me,”
“If you were my best friend you’d have supported me instead of behaving like an ignorant ass. Now please go away.”
“Lily, please.”
Barely a moment later, Lily’s fist connected with Snape’s nose. Blood leaked down his front, while the rest of the gang rushed to vocally support her. 
 “You’ll regret that Lily!” Snape glared threateningly. 
Before long, Sirius had tackled Snape to the ground, and accidentally splattered the lasagna the waiter was bringing over to their table, on Snape’s head. 
“I...“ Lily began.
“You can save your breath, Lils,” Sirius started, “he’s a harmless, entitled prick”
“Looks like you have a lot of grease to get rid of, Snep,” Marlene announced. 
“And Snep, pro tip: the only shampoo that keeps the grease at bay is the Sleakeasy shampoo. You should try it out!” Jamie, ever so helpful, advised, and moved to position her hand behind Lily’s back. 
“Sorry about that Sir, we’ll cover the charges for the ill-fated lasagna,” Sirius apologised to the waiter as he helped him up from the ground. 
“Could you please get him out of this shop? He’s been troubling us, as you can see,” Dorcas asked, politely. 
The waiter simply looked baffled. However, he nodded and successfully escorted Snape out of the restaurant. 
“Now this is going to be quite the first date story to tell at the wedding.” Peter spoke up for the first time since they gathered at the table between the hydrangeas and the windows. 
Jamie blushed and looked around, anywhere but at Lily, though her hand never left Lily’s back, while the redhead laughed at her.
“Well, since we’re all together, we can have dessert and you can continue spying on us while sitting at our table,” Lily said. “Nice ears you’ve got there, Sirius. Though I’d prefer Dorcas’s floppy hat.”
“Yeah! I personally love the whiskers, Pete. Seriously, Marlene? A gily suit? Inconspicuous much? And Remus, you have enough sense to stop them!” Jamie put on. 
Remus just shrugged, his big crescent shaped moon hat toppling Mary’s tree hat downwards. “Sorry,” he said, bending to pick it up. 
“Thanks,” she said, when he gave the hat to her, “why did we agree to wear these again?”
“So we would be incognito, Mary”
“And we were successful! These oblivious dorks didn’t even realise that it was us until old snivelly pointed it out,” Sirius stated.
“Also, we did have ice-cream before coming here, so you guys should continue, we’ll leave,” Dorcas said. 
“Hey! We didn’t get to eat that ice-cream! You and Remus took it from us,” Marlene reprimanded. 
“Yeah! So we’ll be staying here and you guys can shoo away,” Sirius included. 
“Well in that case you can all leave and get yourselves ice cream while Lily and I can finally enjoy our date,” Jamie, now pushing Sirius, and shoo-ing the others to the doors, said. 
“Say what you want Jamie, I am enjoying our date,” expressed Lily. 
“You are?” Jamie turned around, completely forgetting the others in the room. 
“Well, looks like they’re more nauseating and lame than before. Should we go?” Asked Marlene. 
“Nah. Let’s just sit outside and spy on them through the window,” Sirius smirked. 
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444names · 1 year
american and roman emperor forenames BUT half ending with "s" and half ending with "a"
Aarius Adlexis Adrenus Agnus Agnusta Albetius Aleonna Allena Allius Allynna Alvia Alvichess Amagnus Amaris Amona Angindys Antodua Antonetta Antonis Apria Aprina Aprisaros Aprista Aprona Arewis Arius Arjoanons Aroletra Artherra Audia Aulasida Aurista Aurius Balus Basta Becia Bella Bellandes Belmaulia Bencius Bendanus Berius Berobus Berritus Berrya Bertons Beslina Besus Bethos Betina Betrius Beugena Bielavis Blana Bobbius Brajos Braklois Braninus Breda Brietta Bristus Brius Cadia Cadra Caluis Canna Carcus Cargus Carius Carlarvia Carola Carra Carria Castanius Chanis Cheatis Chelius Chenris Chera Chericia Cherna Chewis Chria Chricia Christas Clawna Clinus Clivivana Codys Commagnus Conius Corena Coritha Cottela Couis Crania Critchana Dallia Danna Darcius Darloinda Darma Darshadia Dawna Deberius Debria Deliustus Dellius Delma Dentoros Denus Desta Dinesa Diola Ditus Donda Dorgillis Dorikos Dorma Douis Duana Dwayles Dwilia Dwina Eanna Earus Edinus Edius Edommius Edora Eilla Elilavia Elinesa Ellianna Elvidia Emaranna Emarshada Emius Ennis Eraklia Eresus Ericius Erinikos Errya Estus Ettinuss Eugela Eunius Everista Faema Fanda Fanes Faymodna Felis Fellus Flola Flouis Fredwila Frenes Frenniena Ganus Gardos Garis Garitius Gaynna Georis Gettyra Gilis Gillia Ginus Glada Glauluis Glena Glordolas Gorenrius Greenris Gresta Gwena Gwenons Gwenus Hanna Hawna Hazenrita Heila Heillia Hella Hellentis Heris Hernius Herta Hilbenda Hochandra Holas Horenus Hugus Iandos Irgella Istephola Isteritus Iviniuss Jacena Jaces Jachelles Jacis Jacla Jamaritia Jammis Jannius Jeana Jeandra Jearlos Jenda Jenja Jerresia Jestus Jilla Jimius Jimonas Joandra Jodus Jodys Joelia Joella Johnna Jonasiola Jonna Jonnes Josalfra Josta Jovia Juadios Julanus Julis Julus Karis Karlexis Kartas Kathewina Katracha Keilla Kelos Keves Krikos Krillis Kristius Kritus Krius Kurestas Laggina Lagnus Larrya Laula Lauraklia Laurtinus Lentha Lentinia Lenus Leodua Leonna Lethona Letris Lexinda Liens Listius Listus Lolla Lorina Loris Lorolena Loronicia Loryla Lostius Lucila Lucis Luincenus Lupikos Lybra Lycess Madenna Madina Maelsius Magarlila Mamabilla Mamius Manasius Mandra Maniquis Mannerus Maranda Marans Marbastia Marda Mardola Maris Maristius Marius Marjos Marlora Marloura Marma Maronis Marrana Marris Marshina Marvalus Marvios Masius Mathera Mathridia Maxios Maxis Meles Melia Melletris Melsonna Mercia Merna Micaminus Milla Millis Minia Minina Modos Monya Moris Nanus Nevernes Noleodus Nolius Olanis Olara Ollia Ophelia Ophilis Orrena Osemaria Palus Pasius Patharisa Patra Patris Paulia Paurikos Pedarius Perianda Perius Permaxis Perritas Perrya Petta Phianna Phillenda Phina Phollia Prica Rachrys Rallaitus Ralucinus Ranya Rianus Richria Ritus Robus Rodosa Rolawna Rolerryss Rolyss Ronda Ronyanus Rosabris Rostacas Roxanda Rudia Ruthela Sabrus Salius Samanda Samiria Sanda Sefinda Seratta Sharanda Sharius Sharsha Shecius Shela Shelinia Sheodus Sherna Shleania Shuandina Soniana Sonis Starius Starus Stienrius Stinueria Stius Tacquista Tamius Tammina Tandris Tannis Tasius Tedus Territus Teveris Thatas Theana Thellia Therentia Theria Thria Tonicarus Toria Toris Tormarys Traklola Tyrons Valbeulis Valysta Vertas Vethyla Vichria Vidia Vinetta Vitus Wades Wadles Wayndrios Wentius Wessia Willa Wilvina Wista Wistus Zabetta Zanda Zanditus Zanus Zentia Zenus
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if-story · 3 years
"Saya Firman" lelaki itu mengenalkan diri. Dia juga tourguide di perjalanan kami ini. Rambutnya yang gondrong diikat kebelakang. Memakai kaos lengan panjang dan celana pendek. Aku hanya menatapnya sebentar lalu kembali sibuk mengagumi indahnya pulau-pulau yang kami lewati. Disetiap pulau aku pasti bertanya pada salah satu awak kapal yang menemani. "Ini pulau apa? Itu? Ada orangnya?" tanyaku seperti anak kecil baru melihat dunia. Untungnya Dery, awak kapal kami yang juga seorang koki; sabar menjawab setiap pertanyaanku sembari menyelipkan candaan. Baru sebentar aku ada didalam kapal ini, tapi rasanya seperti sudah lama kenal dengan mereka semua. Hangat.
Setelah beberapa jam berada di laut lepas, kami sampai pada destinasi pertama. Katanya disini boleh snorekeling. Ah, apalah aku yang tidak bisa berenang. Melihat keindahan air laut biru yang jernih saja sudah membuatku senang kok. Speechless juga karena bisa melihat Ikan Manta berenang bebas melewati lambung kapal saat kami bersandar. Sungguh cantik! Kapal kembali berlayar menuju destinasi berikutnya. Makan siang disajikan begitu lengkap. Ada ikan, cumi, ayam, sayur dan pisang cokelat sebagai cemilan. Rasanya enak sekali.
Sampailah kami di Gili Lawa Darat sebagai penutup hari ini. Habis berfoto-foto ria, akupun duduk di sebuah batu, memandangi matahari yang perlahan mulai membenamkan dirinya kedalam lautan yang tenang. Sesekali ku perhatikan tourguide satu itu. Duduk diam diantara rumput yang mulai meninggi, sibuk merekam senja dengan handphonenya. Langit kian gelap, kami kembali ke kapal untuk makan malam dan beristirahat. Besok pagi kita lihat sunrise diatas bukit. "Siapin tenaga" kata Mas Irvan.
Ok. Mari kita tidur!
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The Midwife Official Trailer (2017) The Midwife Trailer #1 (2017). Check out the new trailer starring Catherine Deneuve, Catherine Frot and Olivier Gourmet.
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