#max mayfield x sister reader
thewidowsghost · 2 years
Sacrifice (Max Mayfield x Sister!Reader; El Hopper x Mayfield!Reader)
Main Masterlist
Anonymous asked:
hi i have a request for el hopper. reader was el’s gf since season 2. during season 3, the whole star court battle, reader was the one to sacrifice herself instead of billy. el is devastated because she lost both reader an hop. turns out reader is alive and in Russia with hop. when Joyce and Murray go to save hop, they’re surprised to see reader is also there. then they return to Hawkins and el and reader have this emotional and heartfelt moment, she also reunites with the party. plus can reader be a year older than the party and have an older sister role for max. can there also be a scene where the party acknowledges that max sometimes wears reader’s signatures jacket to remember her?thank u and have s wonderful rest of your day!!
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Fireworks explode against the side of the Mind Flayer.
Billy Hargrove screams in pain as the fireworks explode against the monster.
The older boy sways unsteadily, but a weight hits him from the side, and he's knocked out of the way of the Mind Flayer's flesh-like arms.
(Y/n) Mayfield lets out a scream, holding back the flesh-like arms as they lunge for her girlfriend of two years, Eleven Hopper.
(Y/n)'s younger sister, Max is watching from behind a pillar.
At the sound of her sister's scream, Max runs, as if in slow motion, towards the three people - her stepbrother, her best friend, and her older sister - but she's too late.
The scream that leaves (Y/n)'s mouth is one of agonizing pain as the flesh-like arms shoot into her sides. There is a sucking noise and the color begins to leave the girl's face.
The enormous monster drops to the ground and Billy seems to shake himself out of his trance.
His eyes widen and he drops to the ground, leaning over his younger stepsister.
"Hey," the boy's voice is gruff. He presses his hands to the huge spots of blood collecting on the girl's shirt. "You little shit," his tone is gentle however, "you wake up."
Max skids across the floor, not caring about the floor burn she was definitely going to be there hours later.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Wake up!" the young redhead is panicking, her sister's lead resting on her thigh.
Blood leaks out of the girl's mouth and a sob escapes El's mouth. "Wake up!" the usually quiet girl cries out. Eleven leans forward over (Y/n)'s face. "Please," she murmurs, "I love you. You can't leave me."
(Y/n)'s chest heaves as she tries to breath through her excessive blood loss. "Love you, El," escapes the girl's mouth and Eleven lets out a sob. (Y/n)'s head lolls to the side so she could look at her younger sister and older stepbrother. "Love you," she rasps. "I - I'm s-sor-ry." she gasps. The girl's body falls still, and the other party members gather around the little group gathered on the floor.
"(Y/n)!" Max shakes her sister's shoulders. "(Y/n), wake up. (Y/n), get up. Please, (Y/n) . . ." Despair drips from the redhead's words and sobs rack her body. "(Y/n)!"
Billy had fallen back, a look of horror and guilt evident on his face.
El reaches out for her best friend and the redhead falls into El's arms, both girls grieving over the dead girl on the floor.
Nancy, Jonathan, Robin, and Steve stare at the body of the young girl on the floor and claws grab at Steve's heart.
It was a running joke between the older kids - Nancy, Jonathan, and himself - that he was the babysitter of the group, but right now, Steve couldn't laugh at the joke. He felt as though he'd lost part of himself, for one of his kids was dead.
. . .
El was numb, sitting on the edge of an ambulance, a weighted blanket draped over her shoulders.
Joyce Byers stumbles out of the mall, numb with grief at the death of Jim Hopper.
Joyce almost falls over as her youngest son, Will, runs to her, hugging her tightly.
Catching sight of Joyce, El shrugs off her blanket, and stumbles towards the woman.
Joyce sobs, taking a hold of the girl.
Sobs rack El's body again and she can hardly believe she'd lost both her father and her girlfriend in the same day. In the same battle. The Battle of Starcourt.
. . .
Three months later, the whole party is gathered at the Byers' household.
The kids are helping the Byers pack up their house and load it into the Uhaul.
Max shrugs, her late sister's favorite jacket shifting slightly on her shoulders. Yes, it was the summer, and yes it was hot outside, but Max couldn't take off the jacket. Max slept in the jacket, skated in the jacket, she literally wouldn't - and couldn't - take off the jacket.
. . .
The exhausted girl collapses to the floor of her shared cell with Jim Hopper.
The Russians had decided to group 'the Americans' together.
None of (Y/n)'s friends and siblings would've been able to recognize the girl. Her hair was buzzed and she was thin, sickeningly thin.
"Kid," Hopper rasps, shaking his daughter's girlfriend's shoulder, "you gotta sit up."
The girl complies, wincing slightly at the phantom pains in her side from the Mind Flayer.
. . .
Both Hopper and (Y/n) remove their wooly hats to wipe the sweat from their brows.
"What is this, Americans?" Enzo questions in Russian. "What is taking you this long? Are you tired today?" the man asks, softening slightly at the exhaustion showing on the girl's face.
"Pig," Hopper spits in Russian.
"What did you say?" Enzo questions
"Asshole!" Hopper replies.
Hopper grunts as Enzo drags him away from the workers.
(Y/n) shifts uncomfortably as all the other men look at her, now that her protector was gone. She goes back to her work, using the mallet to hammer the railway posts into the ground.
"You're Russian is getting better," Enzo tells Hopper behind one of the buildings. "So is your acting."
"All right, what is it?" Hopper asks. "You know I don't like leaving her alone."
"I bring news from America," the guard replies. "I heard from your friends. They are bringing your money to Alaska."
"When?" Hopper asks, straightening slightly.
"Today, I hope," Enzo replies. "If my pilot gets his money, he will bring it in his plane tomorrow. Then you and the girl can hitch a ride back to your country. I get rich, and you and the girl are free. Sounds too good to be true, yes?"
"It does," Hopper replies. "This pilot, you sure you can trust him?"
"His name is Yuri Ismaylov," Enzo says. "He's a smuggler. Supplies American goods to some of us guards here, including me on lucky occasions. Cigarettes, peanut butter, Playboys, the best America has to offer."
"Great. So he's a criminal," Hopper says.
"Of course," Enzo replies. "Who else do you want to do this job? Gandhi? You're worried about your woman, is that it? I can see why you like her, American. When I talked to her, I can tell by her voice that she's very pretty." Hopper straightens ever more against his railway posts. "Feisty too. I like that. Shame we won't meet."
"You promised me that she would be safe," Hopper growls.
"And she will be," Enzo says. "Let me handle Yuri. You have more important things to worry about. Remember, you miss that plane tomorrow, I am still rich, and you and the girl are still stuck in Kamchatka. So whatever it is you're planning, American, best get to it, yes?"
. . .
(Y/n)'s stomach rumbles loudly at the lunch break as she takes her normal rations of a bowl of soup and bread.
Hopper leads the way over to one of the pavilions and they sit down beside one of the men that they worked with.
Hopper leans over to the man, holding out his bread.
"I am no fairy," the other man replies in Russian and (Y/n) bites her tongue angrily, knowing that this was their only way of getting out.
"No, no," Hopper replies. In broken Russian, he says, "You . . . hit." He holds out the bread.
Though she was starving - she received less food than the other prisoners - (Y/n) holds out her bread as well, gesturing to her own leg.
The man looks at the two American's. He gestures to Hopper's soup.
Hopper nods, placing the bread into the bowl, and (Y/n) adds her bread to Hopper's bowl. Before Hopper can hand over to bowl, (Y/n) takes the spoon from the bowl.
(Y/n) takes a spoon of soup from her own bowl before offering the bowl and the other spoon to Hopper.
. . .
The mallet slams into the ankle cuffs on (Y/n)'s leg and she bites her coat sleeve, tears of pain welling in her eyes.
. . .
(Y/n)'s gaze swims with pain as the guards tug on her ankle chains and she stumbles slightly stepping off the raised platform.
. . .
(Y/n) feels ashamed as she tugs the ankle cuffs off her leg over the bloody gouge in her leg. She pulls the cuff down below the gouge and over her foot.
"Come here, kid," Hopper says, having done the same, pained tears welling in his eyes.
(Y/n) slides herself over and a sob rips from her throat. Hopper softens, wrapping his arms around (Y/n) in a fatherly hug.
"We're going to get home," Hopper murmurs. "I'll get you home."
. . .
(Y/n) and Hopper slide their pickaxes under the railway and with a grunt of effort from (Y/n), both of the wood snaps.
(Y/n) wrenches the ax out from under the rails and takes it with her as she walks towards the supply shed.
Hopper follows, though he'd forgotten to grab the lower part of the ax.
The guard raises his rifle, pointing it at the two Americans.
(Y/n) raises her hands, showing her broken pickaxe and Hopper raises his.
The guard walks into the shed and Hopper follows.
Looking around, (Y/n) moves around the shed; moving over to one of the snowmobiles and starting the engine.
(Y/n) panics at first, but then she realizes that no one else would be able to hear the engine and relaxes.
. . .
The two arrive at the smugglers shed, and they're waiting overnight when a man arrives.
"Ah, you must be Hopper," the man says in broken English. "I'm Yuri."
The relief must be evident on (Y/n)'s face, because Yuri smiles gently at the girl.
. . .
(Y/n) and Hopper stagger off the plane and Joyce's eyes widen as they fall on (Y/n).
Murray steps forward, embracing Hopper in a friendly hug.
(Y/n) stumbles, falling into Joyce Byers's arms. A sob racks the thin girl's body and she finally lets the tears slide down her cheeks.
Joyce holds the girl close, gently smoothing out the slowly lengthening hair on the girl's head.
Joyce meets Hopper's gaze over (Y/n)'s head, her expression softening with love for the man.
Then, Joyce focuses her gaze back down on the girl.
Through her daze, one thought sears itself in (Y/n)'s mind. "Max," the girl murmurs. "I need to see Max. And El."
. . .
Max sits down, cross-legged in front of her sister's grave, zipping up the jacket before she unfolds her letter. "Dear (Y/n), I don't know if you can even hear this. Two years ago, I would have said, 'That's ridiculous, impossible.' But that was before I found out about alter dimensions and monsters, so . . . I'm just going to stop assuming that I know anything. So much has happened since you left. Neil was a total mess. He and Mom started getting into fights. Bad fights. I don't think he could stand being here anymore, so he took Billy and left. And Neil didn't leave Mom much. She's taken an extra job, and we moved to that lovely trailer park off Kerley. Basically, ever since you left, everything's been . . . a total disaster. And the worst part is, I can't tell anyone why you're gone. I can't tell them that you saved El and Billy's lives. That you saved my life." Max bites her lip, but she can't stop the tears that trickle down her cheeks. "I play that moment back in my head all the time. And sometimes I imagine myself running to you, pulling you away. I imagine that if I had, that you would still be here." Max sniffs, wiping her face carelessly. "And everything would be . . ." the girl sobs ". . . everything would be right again. I imagine that we . . . would be even closer. And I know that's stupid. But I thought that maybe . . . " Max's voice breaks. "But that's not what happened. I just . . . I stood there and I watched. For a while, I tried to be happy. Normal. But I . . . I know part of me died that day too. And I haven't told anyone this. I . . . I just can't. But I had to tell you. Before it's too late. If you can even hear this. I really hope that you can." More tears spill down Max's face. "I'm so, so sorry, (Y/n). Love, your shitty little sister, Max."
Max folds up the letter, shoving it back in the envelope.
There is an eerie rumbling and the sky goes dark.
Max hears the chime of a clock and eerie laughter.
"Max," the voice echoes through the void of darkness. "Max," the voice says again, and Max stands up, shaking with fright. "I've been waiting to hear those words, Max." Max gulps audibly, watching as the figure steps closer to her. "Waiting so very long." The figure's shirt is soaked through with blood, and the blood seems fresh, dripping onto the grass and making the dark earth sizzle. The figure steps forward again, blood dripping from their mouth. "But it wasn't the full truth, was it, Max?" the figure hisses. The figure reaches out their hand, wiping the tears from Max's cheeks with a thumb.
Max breathes shakily, leaning away from the figure.
"You know, I think there's a part of you, buried somewhere deep, that wanted me to die that day," the figure growls, facing the younger girl, her eyes narrowed. "That was maybe even relieved." Max furiously shakes her head, gulping back sobs. "Happy."
"(Y/n), no, that's not true," Max says, looking up at her older sister with wide eyes.
"That's why you stood there, isn't it, Max?" (Y/n) asks, leaning forward slightly. "It's okay. You can admit it now. No more lies. No more hiding."
"(Y/n), that's not true," Max replies, swallowing back her tears. Max takes a few steps back. "It's not true."
"That's why you feel so much guilt, isn't it Max?" (Y/n) questions, walking closer to the girl.
"No," Max sobs.
"Why you hide from your friends," (Y/n) goes on. "Why you hide from the world."
"No. No," Max wails.
"And why, late at night, you have sometimes wished to follow me," (Y/n) continues, stepping closer to Max and forcing her to the edge of the raised grassy platform.
A clock chimes.
"Follow me into death," (Y/n) rasps. "That is why I am here, my dear sister."
"No," Max sobs again.
"To end your suffering, once and for all."
Max takes another step back. "No," she says, shaking her head. Max takes another step and she falls onto her back. Max's grunt of pain echoes throughout the graveyard.
Looking up, she sees that her sister's body had transformed into Vecna, and now the monster was looking down at her.
"It is time, Max," Vecna says, his voice echoing through Max's mind. "It's time for you to join me."
Max scrambles to her feet and dashes away.
. . .
Max is pinned up against the pillar, vines closing around her neck and pinning her arms and legs to the pillar.
Vecna stands feet away and he takes a few steps closer to her.
Max watches him out of the bottom of her vision, her eyes crossing slightly when he stops - less than a foot in front of her.
Max whimpers, struggling against the bonds to breathe.
. . .
Dustin charges back up the hill with Max's cassette player and all of her tapes.
"What's her favorite song?" Dustin asks, spilling the player and tapes onto the ground.
"Uh," Lucas scrambles through the pile, finding the correct tape. He jams it into the player, throws the headphones onto Max's head, and hits play.
. . .
Max's favorite song, Running Up That Hill, begins playing inside of Vecna's mind prison, and Max's eyes fly open.
Max can see that a portal had opened up over Vecna's shoulder and she stares at it, watching as her friends try to wake her.
"Max, wake up!" she hears Dustin yell.
"They can't help you, Max," Vecna says, turning back to his victim. "There's a reason you hide from them."
Memories begin flashing in Max's mind - (Y/n) teaching her to skate; her and Lucas dancing at the Sno-Ball; her, (Y/n), and El getting ice-cream together; her and the boys
"You belong here," Vecna says.
"You're not really here," Max growls.
"Oh, but I am, Max," Vecna replies. "I am," he raises a clawed hand above Max's head and lowers it until it almost touches her face.
. . .
"I'd be running up that road. Be running up that hill," the lyrics pierce through the fog that had been closing over Max's mind.
More memories flash before Max's eyes - riding her skateboard around Mike in the gym, trips to the arcade with her friends, scaring the party members on Halloween, cuddling with her sister on the couch during their weekly movie night.
"I don't want a letter," Lucas shakes the envelope. "I'm right here."
Max forces her way through her bonds, stabbing Vecna in the shoulder with a rock.
As the bridge of the song builds, Max charges for the portal.
Vecna stares after the girl, then raising his hand, sending rocks and parts of the house to land in the water.
One lands directly behind Max, and she tips, falling into the water.
Max scrambles to her feet, continuing to sprint for the portal.
Word Count: 3062 words
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kaylawritesfics · 2 years
hi! i love your henderson!reader and byers!reader so much 😭 would it be alright if i request a max's step sister headcanons? she's the complete opposite of billy BUT they get along really well, like the only person billy treats nicely, plus she and max are very close with each other too. thank you!
+ you can disregard this ask but i think i forgot to specify the max's step sibling request. it's with steve by the way thank u sm 💗
Dating Steve Harrington and Being Max’s Step Sister
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summary: headcanons for dating steve and being max’s favorite sibling
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader (hargrove-mayfield!reader)
WARNINGS: swearing, mentions of abuse, mentions of canon typical violence, mentions of death/grieving, a couple sad moments, billy
note: i love max so much she needs a stable sibling tbh i’m rlly excited for this one !! also thank you so much anon i really appreciate the love and support i hope u have a fantastic day !! this does contain minor stranger things 4 spoilers !!
The day your father married Susan was simultaneously the best and worst day of your life.
On the good side, you got a new step sister, Max, who you absolutely loved. On the bad side, however, you had to move from your home in California to Hawkins, Indiana.
You were a year younger than Billy and a few years older than Max.
Even though he could be a major asshole, you loved your brother and he treated you better than he treated others.
You and Max hit it off right away. She tries to teach you how to skateboard and play video games and you give her boy advice and rides to the arcade whenever she needs.
Throughout the moving process, you tried to be there for your siblings as much as you could, knowing both of them were taking it pretty horribly. Max was leaving behind all of her childhood friends and you and Billy were leaving behind the house where you created so many memories with your mother before she died.
Starting fresh at a new school was tough for you and Max, however Billy seemed to be getting along pretty well.
Billy would threaten anybody who even looked at you the wrong way. You were his baby sister and he would protect you from anything.
You met Steve in science class after the two of you were partnered together.
He had already heard about a lot about you. You were Billy’s sister, which created a lot of gossip throughout the halls of Hawkins High.
Steve was a little intimidated by you at first, having met your brother already. However, as you guys talked, he realized that you were nothing like Billy.
You were quiet and sweet and you seemed to be really smart. Steve absolutely adored you.
It wasn’t long before you and Steve started dating, which frustrated the shit out of Billy. You were his little sister and of course he wanted you to be happy and loved but he despised Harrington and couldn’t stand the thought of his baby sister being around him.
This causes a lot of arguments between you and your brother because, while he really did just want the best for you, he was smothering you.
You and Billy didn’t talk for a week. With you angry at him, he took his frustration out on Max, which only made you more upset with him.
You frequently cried to Steve about your deteriorating relationship with your older brother while he held you. He felt guilty for being the cause of your straining relationship.
Steve decided to take matters into his own hands no matter how badly he hated Billy. They were able to talk things through and agreed to be civil for your sake.
Billy stared anxiously at the door, listening to the muffled laughter from inside. His stomach twisted in knots as he raised his hand to knock. As he did so, he heard the laughter stop and footsteps neared the door. You opened the door to find Billy standing there, looking awfully guilty. “Hey,” Your voice was small as you sent him an awkward smile. “Do you need something?” You asked, fiddling with a string from your pajama shorts. Billy peered behind you to see Max sitting criss cross on your bed, a few comic books and magazines spread around her. “Can you give us a second, Max?” Max nodded, excusing herself to the kitchen, smiling as you ran a hand over her hair when she passed by. You stepped to the side, letting Billy enter. “I talked to Harrington,” He mumbled, flopping down on your bed. He picked up a magazine and started flipping through it, rolling his eyes and scrunching his nose at the girlish nature of it. You furrowed your eyebrows, snatching the magazine away and placing it on your nearby nightstand. “About what, exactly?” You asked, the hostile tone in your voice was foreign to Billy and he didn’t like it. “We’re civil. If you’re gonna date him, I won’t stop you. But if he hurts you, I swear to god, I’ll kill him.” Billy stood up, crossing his arms defensively. You let out a small laugh at his protectiveness and wrapped your arms around him. “Thanks, Billy,” You mumbled as he returned your hug. “No problem, kid.”
You often play peacemaker between Billy and Max. They don’t seem to see eye-to-eye on anything. You eventually convince Billy to be a little less terrorizing towards her.
Max is grateful because, while Billy still yells at her when she’s a little late, at least he doesn’t actively try to run her over anymore.
It makes you sad that they don’t have a good relationship, knowing that Max deserves to have the same relationship with your brother that you had growing up.
However, somehow Max finds that relationship with Steve.
Max loves Steve, especially after he begins his role as “babysitter”
While she may not have a very good relationship with her real brother, she’s so appreciative of Steve and really begins to see him as a brother figure. She secretly hopes that the two of you get married so she can have him as a real brother.
Max often sneaks into your room late at night and climb into your bed. She gets a little scared sleeping on her own.
By some sort of miracle, you convince Billy and Max to have a movie night with you. You purposely chose the worst movies and spend half the night making fun of them. In the morning, Susan finds the three of you in a mess of limbs on the couch. There’s popcorn everywhere, Billy’s arm is wrapped around your shoulder and Susan can count at least six pieces of popcorn decorating his hair. Max is laying halfway on top of you with her legs slung over the back of the couch and her mouth is wide open.
Susan takes a picture, discreetly leaving it in your bedroom later that day. You keep it tucked away somewhere, not daring to show it to Max or Billy.
Your father is an asshole. While he’s never laid a hand on you, you can’t help but get sick to your stomach every time Billy has to walk around with a new bruise.
You try to get Billy to confide in you, but he’s just not that kind of person, choosing to deal with his pain by himself.
You do, however, start leaving bandaids and antiseptic spray in your shared bathroom. He appreciates it more than you know.
Steve’s house begins to feel like an escape for you. While you love your siblings, it’s nice to have a space away from the arguing and fighting.
Steve loves to take you for late night drives, especially if he knows things have been bad at your house lately.
Occasionally, Billy will hear a low rumble coming from outside, he’ll look out the window to see you drop from your window and run to Steve’s waiting car with your shoes in hand. Billy rolls his eyes, shutting the blinds and going back to bed.
Billy’s death hits the two of you really hard. Max spends a lot of her time alone in her room, listening to music and isolating herself. She really tries to distance herself after this.
You, on the other hand, take to sleeping in Billy’s room. The bedsheets smell like him and if you shut your eyes tight enough, you can pretend like your big brother is still there.
Your father and Susan believe he died in the mall fire, however you and Max know the truth. He died protecting Eleven, and by protecting her, he was able to protect the two of you one last time.
When your father leaves, you, Max, and Susan are left to fend for yourselves. You eventually have to move into a small trailer park across town. You make sure to pack all of Billy’s things up, keeping one box full of his things with you in your new room.
The death of your older brother puts a strain on your relationship with Steve. He wants to be there for you and help you, however, like Max, you isolate yourself, unable to bear losing someone else.
Eventually, you and Max are able to find your way back to each other, seeking comfort within your sister.
Max would protect Steve with her life. She swears to herself that she will never let you lose him. She cares about you too much to let you go through losing the most important person to you again. Late at night, when she thinks about dying, she often feels guilty for wishing she died with Billy. However, she knows that as long as you have Steve, you could get through anything.
She may bully him and rile him up, but if anyone ever even thought of hurting Steve, her brother, she would kick their asses.
While dealing with Vecna’s Curse, Max writes letters to all her friends and family. It takes everything in you to accept your letter.
You refuse to acknowledge the fact that your little sister could very well die while fighting this new threat.
In Max’s letter to Steve, she thanks Steve for being a brother to her.
She also tells him that if he ever hurts you, she and Billy will come back from the dead and make his life a living hell.
She signs the letter, “your baby sister, Max.”
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My request contains volume two spoilers!!
Steve x mayfield reader where she wants to be vecnas bait instead of max and reader get badly hurt. Maybe she only breaks two bones and is blind in one eye. Lots of angst but a fluffy ending.
Pinky Promises || Steve Harrington
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Summary: Reader takes Max’s place to be Vecnas bait, but it doesn’t end well when promises start to break and worlds start to crumble.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Mayfield!Reader, Max Mayfield x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Spoilers for volume two, violence, angst, broken bones, blindness, blood, fluff, grammatical errors (this is not proof read at the moment)
Notes: not gonna lie, this fic had me getting all emotional also I’d just like to add that Eddie is mentioned in this and is alive because I’m just gonna forget what happened to him in vol 2 :)
2.5k words
“I need you to pinky promise that you are going to come back to me.” Steve's voice was low as you prepared to step out of the RV with your sister, Lucas, and Erica.
Your eyes immediately softened as you connected your pinky to his, “I pinky promise that I will come back to you, Steve.” You meant every word.
Steve relaxed a tiny bit, “I love you, Mayfield.”
“I love you too Harrington, be safe.” You let your pinky slip from his as you stepped outside of the RV where the three other kids had been waiting for you.
You immediately knew the look on your sister's face, “I should be the one doing this, not you. Vecna hasn't even cursed you y/n, you have no idea what you are walking into!”
You knew in Max’s mind it probably didn't make much sense, but you would do anything in the world to keep her safe. “Max, I'm the big sister. My job is to protect you and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Everything is going to be okay. I’ve got this I promise.”
Another promise.
You wanted more than anything to keep those promises, but things weren’t looking good for you.
Things had steadily gone downhill as soon as you were put into vecna's trance. On the outside, the kids were trying to fight off Jason Carver and you were currently watching El struggle to keep up with vecna.
You weren't exactly sure how Eleven had managed to find you or how she got into your mind, but she had. At first, she had the upper hand but it was clear now as you were held up against a disjointed piece of the creel house in vecna's mind that this was a losing game for you.
You could barely see anything but a red glow all around you, your vision and mind were hazy from getting thrown around in your memory earlier.
“It's time Y/n.” the sinister voice you had learned to become familiar with over the last hour rang closely to your ears. Your vision focused enough to see Vecna standing in front of you, El still far away from you and held down by the vines.
Tears ran down both your cheeks. You knew this was it, and all you could think about is the people you would be leaving behind. The promises that would be shattered in the next few moments.
“You were brave Y/n, and now I will make the suffering stop.” With that, his hands came up to your face.
Immediately an awful sensation ran through your body. All of your muscles felt like they had been tightened, and your mind began to fog. People's faces flashed in and out of your head, and they soon began to jumble together. The pressure continued to worsen as vecna sank his nails into your skull. You could feel yourself dying…slipping away from consciousness.
You were waiting for the pain to stop, for vecna to take everything away from you.
The relief never came, instead, a deafening scream sounded in your ears before everything was completely black. You felt like you were drowning, unable to navigate through what was happening.
You could still faintly feel vecna's mind connected to yours, but that was ripped away too as you were brought back to reality.
“Oh god! Y/n! Y/n please!” Max was screaming. You could hear her, but there was something wrong with your eyes.
“I-I can’t-.” Your breathing quickened as the pain set in.
You blinked as hard as you could, your vision was blurred but you could make out some of Max’s features. “Ev-Everything hurts.” You sobbed.
You could feel your sister's arms shaking underneath you, trying to pull you up…trying to keep you alive.
“Erica! Call 911, We need help!” You could hear Lucas yelling now too, but you were far too weak to look around for him.
“Y/n, please stay awake. Please, help is gonna come okay? Just hang on.” Despite the unbearable pain raking through your body, somehow the thought of leaving your little sister behind without anyone hurt even more.
“I’m n-not ready to go.” You could feel every ounce of strength you had left starting to drain from your body, leaving your eyes dropping with the weight, “Lucas help!” Max was sobbing uncontrollably as she took your face in her hands trying to keep you awake.
“You gotta stay awake.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, but it was enough to make you push open your eyes once again. The vision in one of your eyes was a bit clearer now and you could see the distress on her face.
“I’m trying Max. I don’t want to leave you.” Salty tears mixed with the blood that stained your cheeks, “I’m just so tired.” you mustered what strength you had and pulled your hand to cover hers that rested on your face. You knew your other hand was broken and by the feeling in your legs, you also knew at least one of them was as well.
It felt like ages that you laid there like that, trying to hang on to consciousness as it became increasingly more difficult. “What's taking Erica so long! The ambulance should be here by now!”
Lucas had not moved to sit next to Max trying to tell you both it wouldn't be long, but any hopes of getting medical help anytime soon went out the window when the youngest Sinclair ran into the room, “No one will help! I've tried every house and no one will answer. I don't know what to do!” Erica was hysterical and even though she kept a brave face most of the time, it wasn't easy seeing someone she cared for dying.
“I-It's okay.” You shakily spoke, suddenly hyper-aware of what was coming soon.
“No! No! You listen to me, you are not dying Y/n! Please just stay awake!” She held you tighter against her, hoping that would somehow do something.
You could feel your mind slipping away, but once again you opened your eyes when you heard a commotion. You could see mainly Robin and Nancy but a few seconds later Steve, Eddie, and Dustin all came into view.
Your heart ached at the sight of Steve…you don't want him to remember you like this.
“Steve, w-we have to get her help. She- She-.” Max couldn't dare finish her sentence, she couldn't admit that her sister was dying in her arms.
Steve dropped to his knees, tears already falling as he took the weight of your body from Max’s shaking form.
“Y/n.” His voice cracked, letting a sob escape his lips as he could feel how cold your skin was.
“I’m sorry for breaking our pinky promise.” Your voice was getting weaker and the pain started to numb as the seconds passed.
“No baby you didn't break it. You are gonna get out of this.” You could tell he didn't really believe what he was saying, “I gotta get you up baby. We are gonna take you to the hospital. You just gotta hang on for 15 more minutes. That's all.” As the words left his mouth he scooped you up as gently as possible, but pain shot through your head and two of your limbs.
In a way the pain was good, it was better than numb.
“I can’t Steve. I can’t.” You cried as he carried you down the steps and outside into the camper where Eddie began to drive quickly to the hospital.
Max was holding the knot with your good hand while Steve cradled your body, “Look sweetheart, the hard parts over.” Steve sniffled.
The numb feeling began to wash back over your body and you lost the feeling of Max’s hand on yours and eventually you couldn’t feel Steve's hold either.
It was your time, “M-Max honey. I love you so much okay? I-I need you to know that this wasn't your fault.” You wished you could hug her or even grip her hand for reassurance, but all of your feelings were gone. “Max please, tell me you know this isn't your fault.” you needed to hear it. You needed to know she would be okay without you.
“I-I know it's not my fault Y/n,” She dropped her head into your neck and hugged you, “I love you, please don't leave me.” You didn't want to leave her, but you knew it wasn't your choice.
You looked up to catch Steve's eyes, “I love you, Harrington.”
“Y/n we are not doing this! W-We were supposed to- to buy that camper. Just like this one, remember? Our- our six little nuggets. Y/n please we still have so much future ahead of us.” He sobbed as he could see life begin to drain faster from your face.
“Promise to take care of Max, please.” It was the last thing you let slip out before the remaining breath fell from your lungs and your vision and mind went black.
“Y/n?” Steve looked into your eyes, this time they were void of life.
Max let out a heart-wrenching scream, begging for you to wake back up.
Steve suddenly couldn't breathe, “No, no, no.” He cried.
They had arrived at the hospital only a few moments later…a few moments too late.
5 weeks later.
Steve had taken care of Max the last few weeks, just how you asked. Day in and day out he was there.
Max and Steve both had spent countless nights in your hospital room, hoping you would wake up. Though hope began to diminish with every passing day. The worst thing was the fact that no one knew why you weren't waking up. All but one broken leg had healed, and your body should have been plenty well-rested.
For weeks you were stuck in darkness. You assumed you were dead, or maybe in some kind of limbo but when you kept hearing familiar voices you knew something was off. You had accepted that this was just going to be your forever, that was until you heard some kind of music playing. It was a kate bush song, one you had heard Max play a thousand times. So you followed the noise until you couldn't follow it anymore.
Your eyes slowly opened, letting in the lights
“Holy shit.” You recognized the voice of your sister and could now see her face.
Something was off though, your vision.
“What? I, what?” You were confused.
At the sound of your voice, Max jumped up from the edge of your bed and hollered very loudly for a doctor and for Steve?
“Y/n it's okay! You're okay!” You could see the grin on her face, giving you some kind of relaxation.
Everything was fuzzy, but the memories began to flood your thoughts.
You died. You were sure of it.
You hadn't had time to ask any questions before a doctor and several nurses poured into your hospital room. They poked and prodded for what felt like hours.
All you wanted was to talk to your sister, and you wanted to see Steve. You hadn't even been able to see him yet.
The doctors informed you that you had been in a coma for 5 weeks, they had told you that you were hurt during the earthquake, yet you knew that was not even close to what happened. The mention of an earthquake also was confusing you.
Thankfully the doctors had left your room, leaving you in peace with your sister and now your boyfriend as well.
Steve was quick to run up to your bed, he hadn't gotten to see your face yet. He wanted to look into your eyes. Your very much alive eyes. “I thought you were gone. I-I thought I lost you.” tears streamed down his cheeks, but his lips were graced with a smile.
“I hate breaking pinky promises.” You wince slightly as you let out a small laugh.
You pull Steve onto the bed with you and motion Max to come to the other side.
You would worry about all of the details later, but right now you wanted to worry about your sister and boyfriend.
“Steve took care of me like you asked.” Max sniffled, pulling her head to rest on your shoulder.
You couldn't help but let a smile find its way onto your face, “He better have.”
“Please never leave me alone with her again.” Steve teased, causing Max to playfully hit him in the head.
Your thoughts circled back to why your vision looked so off, it was almost as if you had lost a chunk of your peripheral vision, “What's w-wrong with my eyes.”
You were scared to know the answer, and neither Steve nor Max knew how to tell you so instead Max opted for handing you a mirror.
Shock ran through your veins at the sight of your discolored eye. Your left eye had been perfectly normal in color, yet your other eye was a hazy gray. You closed only your left eye leaving you with absolutely nothing to see.
“I'm blind?”
“Only halfway. Your vision is still perfect in your good eye. The doctor said we just might need to get you some glasses so the good eye doesn't have to strain so much.” Max explained as you handed the mirror back to her.
Steve could already see where your mind was going, “Sweetheart, you are as beautiful as always.”
You sighed, “I-Its gray and ugly.”
“It's a part of you, and it's just as beautiful as it was before. Also, for what it's worth, I think it's pretty badass.” You realized he was onto something with the badass part, “Yeah I guess it is pretty badass.”
“Hell yeah, it is,” Max added in.
A few minutes later Max had run to the cafeteria to snag as many puddings as she could.
“I was really scared.” Steve scooted as close to you as he could on the bed.
“Me too.”
“I love you.” Steve let a tear slip from his eye, “I didn't even get to say it back that night. Y-You told me you loved me and I didn't say it back. Y/n I always say it back, b-but I was just-” He stopped himself before he went fully into a panic attack, trying to smooth his breath.
You hadn't realized just how much of a toll this whole event had taken on him and Max both, “Steve you didn't have to say it back. I already knew.”
You shakily brought your hand up to cup his cheek, “I'm here now, and you can tell me you love me every day for the rest of my very long life.”
Max quietly walked back into the room with several different pudding flavors, “Are we crying again? I don’t want to cry anymore.” She huffed while trudging over to you.
“We are not crying anymore. Consider this a no-cry zone as of now.” You softly ran your fingers under Steve's eyes as he set up.
Before you could say much more, you could hear many footsteps outside, “Oh yeah I should warn you...everyone is about to-” Max was quickly cut off when several people fell into your room.
“Y/N!” It was a simultaneous yell between Nancy, Robin, Eddie, Dustin, Will, Jonathan, Mike, and Eleven.
“Oh my god.” You snorted in laughter.
“Badass eye.” Dustin pointed while going in for the first hug.
“I know right.”
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burgundybmw · 2 years
Red: A Stranger Things Social Media AU Masterlist
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Paring: Eddie Munson x Mayfield!Reader
Summary: Y/N Mayfield likes her life, she has good friends, an amazing sister (a not so amazing step brother), and an intense love for music. The only thing missing in her life is a love life, but that could all change soon.
Author's Note: Social Media AU! Everybody lives no body dies, Hawkins is still weird, but what else is new. Let me know if you'd like to be tagged!
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty One
Part Twenty Two
Part Twenty Three
Part Twenty Four
Part Twenty Five
Part Twenty Six
Deleted Scene 18+
Part Twenty Seven
Part Twenty Eight
Part Twenty Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty One
Part Thirty Two
Part Thirty Three
Part Thirty Four
Part Thirty Five
Part Thirty Six
Final Part
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fromasgardandback · 2 years
Big Sister Program // Max Mayfield Headcanon
masterlist | oneshots
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Max has been depressed more and more recently
after all she’s been through in life, she still can’t seem to catch a break from the pain and suffering, not to mention what friends she has left
so when she found out her mom signed her up for a ‘Big Sister Program’, she wasn’t thrilled
you lived in the trailer park across the street from hers, almost next to Eddie’s actually, so being close by for any reason was the best outcome for the both of you
“Hey Max, I’m Y/N” you introduced yourself
you were different. little more outgoing and bubbly, never taking any for granted and always seeing the other side of the storm clouds
“Yeah, I’ve seen you around school” she nodded
you understood that she was forced to do this, but reassured her that it wouldn’t be like a constant babysitter looking out
for a couple weeks after meeting, Max didn’t really say much. she didn’t really want to hang out or talk really
you didn’t mind though, she’d come around on her own terms, which she did
Max came to realize that you were a friend and not a guardian, parent, or counselor to “talk” to
she relied on you more, which to be totally honest, you loved
the relationship that the two of you had built over the past 6 months benefited both of you in more ways than one
“Hey M, a couple friends of mine are going to a concert this weekend and I got you a ticket.” You smiled
“Really? What concert? Who’s playing?” She looked up from her book.
“Kate Bush.” You said calmly.
she literally flipped when you told her and already clearing it with her mom, you two had the best time
it was a time where Max could let loose and breath, she didn’t have to worry or overthink about the troubles in her life
you more you two hung out and spent time together, the more it felt like a good friend and not like a program she was signed up for to make her life less lonely. she’d never admit it to her mom, but this was the best decision anyone’s made for her
“Hey Y/N... I may not say it much, but I really do appreciate you and all you do. You are the big sister and sibling that I always wanted. Thank you.” Max hugged you around your waist.
“I love you, Max. I’d do anything for you. Plus you’re the little sister I always wanted to.” You hugged her close.
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animalistic0 · 2 years
Your Voice
Steve Harrington x ReaderHenderson + little brother Dustin
Original made up quote that inspired this “It’s your voice. It’s music to my ears. It’s my favorite music.”
Plot: Reader is cursed and it’s up to Dustin and Steve to save them. (Also the song that is used, I created)
Gn reader (if any mistakes are spotted let me know please!)
Warnings: mild Suicidal Thoughts, death, trauma, Season Four Stranger Things, think that’s all, pure fluff at the end
It’s been edited and more has been added! Reader and Steve have an adorable moment at the end 💖
Word Count: 3.1k+
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It had been eight months. Eight long grueling exhausting mouths. Eight months ago the mysterious fire at Starcourt occurred, but you knew the truth. Hell you were there and so was your best friend Cecilia. While you had lived she had died. It was a brutal and painful death but in her last moments she had let you know that it was worth it. That she didn’t regret saving you, your little brother, and all your friends. You weren’t the only one that had lost a loved one. Max had lost Billy, Eleven and Joyce had lost Hopper. Only three of you had the unfortunate experience of watching a loved one die.
The experience had brought Max and you closer. While you were a couple years older than her you both felt the survivors guilt of living while Billy and Cecilia had died. You both also stuck together at school, even though she was a freshman and you were a senior. It brought you both peace to have someone as deeply affected and shared trauma to lean on. While Max took to distancing from everyone but you, you had become more quiet, anxious and reserved. Only speaking to your little brother Dustin, his girlfriend Suzie, Lucas, Mike, Max, Nancy, Robin, and Steve. Granted Steve, Dustin, Suzie, and Max were the two that heard the most words out of you.
In fact if it wasn’t for your friends you would have given up. However you just couldn’t bring yourself to leave them, they needed you just as much as you needed them. Dustin was also your light and you had vowed when you first met and held him that you would always be there for him, that you would always protect and love him. With everything that had happened and continues to happen you couldn’t leave him and you wouldn’t, unless you were protecting him like Cecilia had done for you.
While Dustin and his friends were little siblings to you, Nancy and Robin were your friends, your best friends besides Cecilia who even in death was still you bestest friend who you spoke to like she was still present. Nancy had been your friend from childhood, you had met her after Cecilia but you both became close especially since your brothers had become best friends. Cecilia was indifferent towards Nancy just as Barb was indifferent to you. Only you and Nancy had liked hanging out and usually would when Dustin and his party hung out. As for Robin you met her and bonded with her when you would come to visit Steve at Scoops Ahoy. You both had bonded exceptionally well, and Cecilia liked hanging out with Robin. In fact you would carpool Cecilia, Dustin and his party if they wanted the ride, to the mall where y’all would split up after that. Mostly Cecilia and you would hangout at Scoops Ahoy and have a great time with Steve and Robin until they got off.
Steve Harrington was both your friend and boyfriend. You had always had a little crush on him, but when he was with Nancy you were happy for them both and respected them. You weren’t gonna wreck a relationship just because you wanted the guy or girl. Plus you were friends with Nancy and she was genuinely happy for the first part. It was after she had lost her best friend Barb their relationship went downhill. You had been there for both of them, had given them advice and reassured them both about the situation. You had seen Nancy move on and grew more in love with Steve. Especially when he fought Billy, and even more so when he helped Dustin and gave him advice. Your heart had soared and you saw the king Harrington in a new and brighter light.
It was the death of Cecilia that had taken apart of your soul. Even with your family and loved ones you couldn’t help the empty feeling that suffocated and ate away at you. It had been your fault. If Cecilia knew what she was walking into, if she knew all the stuff you did and not just the half rushed thrown together summary maybe she would have lived. She had died protecting you from being impaled by the Mind Flare. You had helplessly watched as your friend Cecilia, had taken the blow meant for you. You had held her as she died, and she had asked and pleaded with her final breathes for you to live, thrive, and tell her about all your adventures when you both met again.
It was because of her death, and the guilt that suffocated you that Vecna was able to secure a hold over you. It was about two days after Max had started having nightmares and nosebleeds that you were plagued by them. Dustin being the only one to help you get a decent amount of sleep or Steve if you had stayed over at his place or he yours. When your friends had put together the symptoms of being affected by Vecna, you and Max knew y’all were screwed. You both had to reluctantly come to terms with the idea. Yes you had wanted to die, but you also wanted to live. You needed to live, for your friends, for Dustin, for Steve, for Cecilia, and for yourself. But everyone so far that had been cursed didn’t survive. So Max and yourself took precautions and wrote letters to everyone you loved and cared for.
However hope had struck when Nancy and Robin figured out music could bring a victim back to reality and loosen the hold on Vecna. Max was the one who the theory was tested on, simply due to the fact she was afflicted earlier than yourself. Luckily Lucas and yourself had known her favorite song and were able to help her. The mind rendering terror in the moments that you had to wait to see if it worked had seemed to make you age fifty years. Luckily she had survived and no one could have been happier, but the waiting game started again, when would Vecna come for you?
They had all asked you what your favorite song was but you simply didn’t know. You had too many but at the same time you didn’t have any. This had caused a panic and everyone, mostly Dustin, had been forcing you to listen to songs around the clock. It was both annoying and wholesome. You knew they cared but they were over doing it. Even as going as far to create shifts so someone was always watching you and Max. Mostly the boys failed their watches especially at night but no one could be mad. It was tiresome and incredibly frustrating and heart wrenching.
You were cursed. Not just by Vecna but by some higher power because when Vecna had come for you it had been a terrible time, almost like he knew it. Vecna had metaphorically wrapped his tentacles around you entrapping you in a hallucination of the upside down and his home.
Steve had led the group to Skull Rock after Dustin and his compass failed to due the job. It was there that the group rekindled while Dustin and you spoke. Collectively you both had come to the conclusion that the compass was leading towards another gate and it was Dustin that had decided to announce this to the group.
However, as you went to celebrate this small win with your friends the surrounding familiar area disappeared and you were back in Starcourt. Not just any Starcourt the upside down version of the mall. Your breathing hitched in paralyzing fear as you frantically swirled around. Your hazel eyes blown wide as your hands began to shake. Anywhere but here you begged and pleaded inside you mind.
“You can’t run away from this. It’s your fault.” It was when the dark guttural voice spoke taunting you that a shattered sob had left your trembling lips. Your head shaking as implausible pleas left your lips. It was when Cecilia’s decomposed slimy body appeared out of no where when a sob had racked through your body sending you tumbling against the fountain wall. Your hands weakly placed in front of you as you pleaded for her to go away, as you pleaded for none of this to be real even if it felt so bone shattering real.
Max was the first to notice your perturbation and was quick to alert the others. Her voice held a desperate tone as she alerted everyone. Dustin was the first to make it to your side with Max, who was then followed by Steve and everyone else. Dustin was quick to put his hands on your shoulders and gently call to you. Only to inhale sharply as his siblings once bright hazel eyes were gone and replaced by the whites of your eyes. Dustin looked towards Steve almost immediately and begged the older male to help his sibling.
Dustin adored and looked up to you. He thought you were the coolest and most badass person there was. Of course he had seen you at your lowest a few times but you were always there for him and his party. You would always play D&D with the party whenever they needed an extra person, and you didn’t just play, you brought life into whatever role you were given. You would also bake snacks and bring them to the party when they had long campaigns. You would drive him and his friends around, no questions asked. You had helped Steve fight Billy that night he came for Max. You had been through all the upside down stuff with him and always listened to his ideas. He felt heard and seen with you, he felt safe and loved, and most importantly he felt like a kid when you were near. Dustin wouldn’t be able to make it without you. Out of everyone you were the first to always believe in him, to always listen and be there for him. You were the first person to believe in Suzie without even having talked to the young girl. While his friends doubted him, you believed him with your whole heart. And now, Dustin had to believe with his whole heart that you would come back to him.
Steve had ultimately lost his cool and panicked. The person who he loved, who he adored and cared for was currently being cursed by a being that none of them could see or stop at the moment. Out of everything you both had been through Steve felt truly weak and worried. There was no physical being he could beat up or fight, in fact there was nothing he could really do. You had to fight, and you had to face Vecna alone. While he just stood doing nothing. His heart clenched when Dustin had looked at him with wide eyes and a defeated and broken look.
Without thinking he began to speak to you, hoping his voice would reach you. It was when you had started to levitate that Steve knew just talking wasn’t enough and so he looked at Dustin before looking back at you. Even though his voice was scratchy and rough with anxiety and terror he hoped the song Dustin, you, and himself created would reach and bring you back to them.
It was the first glance. The glance I knew that I had fallen in love with you.
It was like a whisper. In your panicked state and with Vecna taunting you it was hard to hear. But you knew the words that you were able to pinpoint. It was the song Dustin, Steve and you had created one night a few months back during a date night that Dustin had so proudly crashed. A weak but hopeful smile grew on your lips.
It was the first time I held you. The hold tethering me to earth.
Dustin had quickly picked up on what Steve was doing and wasted no time in joining his brother figure. If music is what saved someone from the curse then this song that you had created with Steve and himself had to save you. Tears prickled his eyes as your body seemed to hover above them. Dustin wiped them away as Lucas and Max laid there hands on his shoulders. They didn’t know the words but they were there for their friends. In fact Max even started humming a melody which Lucas quickly joined in humming. Robin had moved towards Steve and interwove their hands as she also picked up humming. Nancy and Eddie also joined in, both of them panicked, as Eddie’s mind flooded with flashbacks of Chrissy but he did his best to hold it together.
It was your voice. The voice that gave me hope.
By the third verse you were able to hear both Steve and your little brother along with soft humming. Your friends were trying to get you back. They were doing the best they could to make the fight between Vecna and yourself easier. Closing your eyes you focused on Dustin’s and Steve’s voices while you put on a brave front.
Oh darling you are my light, my sun to the moon. The ocean to my sand. The rain to my clouds. And the lightning to my thunder.
The deep voice spoke as Cecilia disintegrated and their voices got louder. “They can’t save you. And you can’t save yourself isn’t that why your in this predicament?” Vecna was right but he was also incredibly wrong. Your friends couldn’t physically save you but they could offer you the tool that would help save you. Eight months ago you hadn’t been able to save yourself but people change and you were going to save yourself this time. Vecna was going to fail because he had underestimated you and that was to be his downfall.
If I could glance into your eyes for the rest of eternity than my dove I’d be set for life.
At the entrance of the upside down mall you were able to see yourself levitating and your friends and family surrounding you trying to bring you back. It was Dustin’s and Steve’s face that both broke and built you up. Turning to face Vecna you glared at him before joining your family in singing. Your eyes cold with hate and disgust for the being before you.
If I could hold you forever in my arms. Then my dove I’d be set forever.
A flinch rang through you as Vecna laughed. “You won’t be escaping me today and if you do next time I won’t be merciful. You’ll watch all the ones you love die a painful death before you die.” You halted and froze but as their voices reached and surround you it was like a shield had formed around you. A glare settled onto your face as you stared at the being. “I will kill you. I will watch you die and feel nothing but joy as myself and friends will be free from your torture.” With those swift, cold, calculating, but honest words you turned and ran.
I need you like a human needs air, like fire needs oxygen, like a pool needs water.
As you turned and booked it to the entrance of Starcourt it seemed like it was much farther away than it truly was. As you ran you focused on Dustin and Steve’s faces. Memories clouding your mind and only making your motivation stronger to get back to them.
Memories of dressing up for Dustin and his party for a D&D campaign. Dressing up and going trick or treating with them. Making them lunch, dinner, and snacks for overly long campaigns. Memories of Dustin and yourself playing board games, of laughing at breakfast until the drinks you both were drinking came spewing out of your noses. Staying up late reading comics together. Memories of Lucas and yourself doing target practice with the slingshot, baking a forgive me cake for Max, laughing together at a joke Dustin had said. Memories of Max and yourself venting to one another, crying and laughing about life, Max teaching you how to skateboard, doing each other’s hair.
You are my raft. My air. My hopes and dreams. You are my best friend.
You had blinked tears filling your eyes as you were thrown to the side as a piece of debris had landed next to you. Glancing behind you Vecna stared you down. On pure adrenaline and hope of seeing your family and friends again you pushed yourself up and started running again. Dodging debris as more memories began driving you even harder.
Memories of Nancy and yourself spying on the boys, of reading to one another, of doing each other’s hair, of sleepovers, and cooking meals for the boys. Memories of Robin and yourself eating ice cream, laughing at Steve, of Robin coming out to you and you to her, of watching corny movies together. Memories of Steve and yourself watching movies, babysitting the kids, watching Steve and Dustin, cuddles and kisses, driving around town, swimming in lovers lake, having a picnic at Skull Rock, falling asleep together, fighting Billy together, protecting the kids together. It make your heart swell reliving your favorite memories, and it only pushed you harder.
And my dove I need you more than ever. Please heed my words and treasure them. For I love you. Yes I love you.
Your hazel eyes widen as your hand reached out and touched the seemingly fabric tear of reality. Your hand had effortlessly went through and was followed by a bright golden light. The last words of the song filled your ears like the boys were feet away from you, and they were. As quickly as you had open you eyes you shut them with a gasp falling to the ground. You landed in a heap to exhausted to pick yourself up. You had began to hyperventilate because of the overwhelming emotions. Steve and Dustin were quick to grab you and hold you close. Both speaking to you. Dustin in an worried and anxious tone while Steve’s was a calm and soothing tone.
You had instinctively reach out and gripped their arms wanting to anchor yourself to this world. As Dustin’s words of confusion but excitement reached your ears, “How did that work? I mean I hoped it would work but-“ A breathless laugh left you as you caressed his face speaking softly and breathlessly, “It’s yours and Steve’s voice. It’s music to my ears. It’s my favorite music.”
Dustin gave a toothy smile feeling proud of himself, as much as his sibling was his anchor he was theirs too. Leaning back on his knees he stared happily at Steve and his sibling and the love that flowed between them.
Steve pulled you into a tight embrace as he buried his head in your neck breathing in your scent and feeling the rise and fall of you chest. The sound of your breath never offering him more peace than in that moment. Pulling back he caressed your cheek with so much love. “I thought I was gonna lose you. Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
You smiled gently at him, as you held his cheeks. Before pulling him into a soft and tender kiss. “Next time Vecna curses me, I’ll make sure to tell him he can’t keep me because my boyfriend doesn’t support it.” A light smile graced your lips as a smile fought its way on Steve’s beautiful face. “You’re crazy y/n. My type of crazy.” You both leaned your foreheads against one another and went in for another kiss of pure bliss.
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
You are afraid to tell your boyfriend something, and when he finds out it's even worse.
TW/Tags; eating disorder, anorexia, self doubt, self image issues, dark thoughts, billy hargrove x reader, platonic Max Mayfield x reader, mentions of abuse
He couldn't know. Not with everything that he had going on. It would only bother him. You didn't want to add more stress to your lover.
If you told Billy he would only worry about you. He didn't need to worry about you he had his own worries and things to deal with.
He was finally healing and you weren't going to mess it up. Every since Neil was arrested for domestic abuse, Susan got hit and billy had had enough, billy lived with Susan and max in a smaller house.
He was happier, but his therapist said it will be difficult. He sometimes has random outbursts of anger or tears. It's normal.
If he found out about starving yourself it would only hurt him. It would delay his healing. You didn't tell anyone so the only person it hurt was you.
"Yn?" You heard a voice ask. You turned around to see Max. She had spent the night. Susan had been drunk and Billy needed to be alone. He had had a panic attack at the store after seeing a man that looked similar to Neil. Sometimes billy would need comfort and sometimes he needed to be alone. Right now it was the later.
"What's up?" You ask the red head as she walks towards you. Her hair is mused from sleep and she is still in her pajamas.
"I, it's stupid never mind," she says brushing it off as she goes to make some toast. You know what that tone means it doesn't mean something good.
"Max, it's not stupid if it's bothering you," you say and walk over to her. She sighs as she watches her toast toast.
"When's Billy going to be better?" She asks in a small voice. Your heart aches for her. You wanted Billy to be better to, it just didn't work like that.
"It takes time. And he's never going to be the exact same, only better then before," you tell her as her toast pops up.
She smiles and begins to butter the toast, "Aren't you going to eat?" She asks and you shake your head.
"I had cereal this morning," you lie and max nods before walking off to go find something to watch. She loved your house, no rules. If she wanted to eat toast and watch TV at six am, she could.
Max had been getting slightly suspicious. In therapy her therapist had mentioned something called an eating disorder. She was told to make sure she was eating, trauma sometimes caused these disorders. But it could also be caused by insecurity.
She never saw you eat, and if you did it wasn't much. There wasn't a bowl in the sink or drying rack. You probably were just not hungry over being upset. Max knew the toll everything had taken on you. Billy did it sometimes to. He always made up for it by drinking protein shakes. Max didn't think you drank those.
Max ignored those thoughts as she went back to watching looney toons. You would say something if something was wrong.
Billy was getting worried about you. Everytime he saw you you looked thinner. He brought it up one time and you had just said girl issues and it was normal.
He decided not to pry, but he thinks maybe he should of. He could ask max? She was, well a teenager.
Billy didn't like the thought of it but he would have to in order to make sure you were okay. Your clothes were getting baggy and you were always tired. He never saw you eat.
"Max," Billy yells from outside Max's room. She groans before slamming the door open. "I need to talk to you about yn," he says and walks in.
"Is it normal," billy sighed he didn't want to be talking about this, "for girls to like, lose weight? During girl issues and shit?" He asks while pacing.
"What?" Max asks and looks confused, "Losing weight is a no, or a little is. Before our cycle and stuff like a few pounds get gained but we always lose it within a week or so," Max explains as billy turns a shade of crimson.
"Ew, but no it's more then a few pounds I think," Billy says and Max grabs her library card before looking back at Billy.
"I don't see her eat anymore, do you think she bulimic? That's what Chrissy was," Max says referencing to before Chrissy had to go to a hospital due to passing out during a game.
"Shit," Billy grumbles before grabbing his keys and racing to his car with Max.
After a few hours in the library, they came to the conclusion that you had anorexia. You skipped meals and we're getting skinny. Always tired was another thing they had noticed.
"Shit, shit, shit, what do we do?" Billy asks. Could they just ask her?
"We can't just ask her. But maybe bring it up?" Max suggests as billy checks out a few books and walks to his car.
They both drive over to your house. Who knows what was going on with you. Were you even okay?
Billy doesn't waste time knocking and walks into your house. He notions for max to wait and he goes to your room.
You smile weakly when you see him. He knows what's going on. It's confirmed, you look more pale then usual. Skinnier, and your eyes don't glow like they used to.
"Yn, I know about what's going on," Billy says softly as he sits next to you. Your heart fell. He was trying so hard to recover and you had fucked everything up.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to mess up your recovery," you apologize and cling to his side. Billy can't believe that you didn't tell him so he didn't get hurt.
"No don't be sorry, I should of seen the signs," billy says and pulls you in for an even tighter hug.
"Its not your fault," you whisper as he kisses your hair. H me was going to help you beat these invisible demons.
Requests are open and so are my dms! My pinned post had everyone I write for!
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yourmidnightlover · 2 years
this one time
pairing: steve x mayfield!fem!reader
summary: reader gets mixed up in the upside down drama with her sister (s2 era) and happens to get a good dose of steve harrington, and she vows it’ll only be this one time.
warnings: ohhhh boy, billy being verbally and physically abusive, fighting, season 2 (aka demodogs and whatnot), illuding to an abusive household (duh), reader being independent as hell (like to a fault lmao bc me too sometimes), kinda sad ending (oops?)
a/n: in this fic, steve and nancy never got together in season 2 :) i think that’s the only variation in the fic. i’m ngl i might’ve cried while writing this but that also could’ve just been me being hormonal lol. also my second stranger things fic!! i’m kinda excited and can’t wait to see how this goes!
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you didn’t quite know why he would always stare at you. to be frank, it was getting weird.
at lunch, when you would be waiting for max, basically every time you were in his line of sight his eyes were on you.
you even had a few classes with steve. luckily you were able to sit closer to the back. the downside to that is that the seats were all right by steve. whether in front, behind, or beside. it was worth it to not be in the front row, but still. it sucked.
you just kept your head down and let the day pass as fast as it possibly could, hoping that steve would mind his own business. sometimes he did. other times he would try to start a conversation.
“you do the homework?” steve leaned over to ask, too sweet of a tone adorning his voice to tell his true intentions.
“yes, harrington,” you rolled your eyes. “i did the homework. could your brain cells not keep up enough to finish it?”
“sadly, no,” he sighed, whipping out a softer, pitiful voice. “i was hoping maybe yours were able to make up for the disappearance of mine?”
“this is the last time,” you widened your eyes, trying to remain serious to the annoying little boy. “why do you never do it?”
“well, it always gives me an excuse to talk to you,” he had a sly grin on that stupid face.
you knew him and nancy were once a thing, but after will byers was found things changed. steve found that nancy was different after everything and they had both changed too much for them to make sense anymore.
but that didn’t mean that you and him made any sense at all.
“yea, shut it, harrington,” you scoffed as you let him glance at your paper to copy onto his own.
maybe he was drawn to you because you were a bit stand-offish. you knew you were. it’s because of billy. you had to be the protective older sister max needed. you were her biological sister, but you weren’t always so mean, only when billy and his dad came around.
you would be the one to defend max to billy. on occasion, you would have to defend max against billy’s dad. this might’ve earned you a bit of, punishment, as they would call it. others would say it’s abuse.
regardless, it wasn’t always like this. used to, you would play with max all the time. you were the one to teach her to skate. you had taught her the importance of self confidence. you were her older sister. she loved you dearly, and you did her. you still did, as did she.
it was just the dynamic that had changed. now, instead of being the sweet older sister everyone knew you were the rude, protective one. perhaps you just didn’t know how to shut off the mask you put up so often, in the house you would never call a home.
it was only a matter of time before you and max got dragged into the wild world of the upside down. you had brought her to the arcade that day lucas tried to explain everything to her. as per usual, she told you everything.
“maybe he just wants to impress you?” you scoffed, the story sounding unbelievable to yourself as well.
“why like this?” she rested her head against her fist by the window. “it’s just so stupid.”
“as are boys this age, max. they’re idiots that would say anything to impress a girl,” you gave her a pressed smile. “boys are stupid. why do you think i haven’t had one?”
“yea, maybe i should follow in your footsteps,” max added.
you laughed lightly before gently nudging her shoulder, turning up the radio to the latest kate bush song that had come out.
so when lucas told max that he had real proof, you were practically forced to follow along. well, not forced. max had asked you to come, in case anything funky was going on, and you happily said yes.
little did you know you would be met with dustin henderson and your very own king steve harrington. steve had directed you all, telling you what to do. the experience was rather ominous up to this point, so you reluctantly listened, but only to protect your sister in the case that they weren’t lying.
and once everything was boarded up, you went inside of the bus and waited. and waited. and waited.
max finally got tired of the silence when she asked, “so you really fought one of these things before?”
steve’s gaze from you was finally broken as he simply nodded his head, continuing to play with his lighter in attempt to pass the time a bit quicker than it was going.
“and you’re like, totally, 100% sure it wasn’t a bear?” she offered, being the sassy mini you she always was, you bit back a laugh.
that’s when little dustin decided to speak up a bit, “shit,” he huffed. “don’t be an idiot. okay. it wasn’t a bear,” but he wasn’t done there. “why’re you even here if you don’t believe us? just go home.”
“geesh,” max got up, headed towards the ladder. “someone’s cranky. past your bedtime?” she asked as she began ascending the ladder.
you busied yourself by fiddling with some old peeling fabric from one of the seats to hide the laugh in your throat.
“that’s good,” steve spoke, seemingly proud of the toddler who had tried to insult your little sister. “just show her you don’t care.”
“i don’t,” the toddler deadpanned, staring him straight in the eyes. “why’re you winking steve? stop.”
“really?” you chuckled, speaking up about the stupid situation at hand. “show her you don’t care? that’s the advice you gave him?”
“well, yea,” steve nodded, still playing with his little lighter.
“and does that always work with the girls you like?” you leant down, getting closer to steve on the floor.
you could hear how his breath hitched in his throat as he stumbled to find the right words.
“uhh yea, mo-most of the time,” he stopped toying with the lighter, focusing on dustin who was simply pacing back and forth, mumbling some incoherent nonsense that you figured you probably wouldn’t be able to understand even if you could hear him.
“most of the time?” you scoffed. “so you told him to be a dick to my sister on account of ‘most of the time’?”
“i didn’t say to be a dick!” he threw his hands up in defense.
“well he was being one.”
“i never told him to be one!”
“next time make sure he knows that, asshole.”
a loud growl interrupted your argument. your body became stiff as you instinctively curled into the arm that he protectively threw over your shoulders as you made your way to see what the ruckus was outside.
“lucas!” dustin shouted. “what’s goin’ on!” he demanded to know.
“hold on!” lucas replied.
silence fell over the group as you shrugged steve’s arm off of you, forgetting he had held it there. if you had paid attention to it, it felt a scarier without his arm there.
“i’ve got eyes!” lucas finally informed you. “ten o’clock! ten-ten o’clock!”
“there,” steve pointed at the creature outside of the bus, crawling low and slow.
“what’s he doing?” dustin wondered.
“i don’t know.” steve answered once more. “he’s not taking the bait. why’s he not taking the bait?” he asked worriedly.
“maybe he’s not hungry?” dustin tried to guess before a lightbulb went off in steve’s mind.
“maybe he’s sick of cow?” he replied smartly.
“wait-you mean?” you spoke up for once before steve backed away, making eye contact with you before turning.
“steve?” dustin asked. “steve, what’re you doing? steve?” he worried.
steve turned back to dustin and tossed him the lighter, “just get ready.”
“you’re not going out there alone,” you huffed at the brown eyed boy.
“like hell i’m not,” he replied, turning to face you once more. “you need to stay safe.”
“no, the kids need to stay safe,” you argued. “i’m going with you,” you told him as you grabbed a metal pipe and turned toward the door.
steve huffed as he rolled his eyes at you.
“are you gonna open the door or do you need me to go first?” you offered, teasing the boy before he reluctantly opened the door and headed out first.
“back to back, yea?” he whispered, feeling your back against his own.
you slowly walked towards the creature making the noise, feeling the whoosh of wind coming from steve swinging his bat in circles, probably from the nerves. he started whistling, trying to draw the creature out from wherever it was hiding.
“come on, buddy,” he teased with another whistle. “come on, buddy. dinner time. human tastes better than cat, i promise.”
“cat?” you whisper-yelled at him.
“i’ll fill you in later,” he replied.
when you heard the growl once more, somehow clearer, you turned to face it. you had to know what it was. the dog cleared, giving you sight of the monster you’d been told about.
“oh, god,” you raised your elbow, ready to swing in case of any sudden movement made by the thing.
“steve!” lucas shouted. “watch out!”
“little busy here!” steve roared before you turned around, noticing the second monster.
“oh, god,” your breathing picked up.
“three o’clock,” you nudged his shoulder to inform him of the new situation.
when he turned to where you were faced, his own face became filled with worry rather than mild fear. backed the two of you up a bit before the bus door flung open.
“abort! abort!” dustin shouted. “steve! y/n!”
“run!” the kids were screaming.
but every which way you looked, there was a new monster blocking your path. steve ran for the car, sliding across it before whacking one of the creatures, hearing it whimper and thud against the ground. you heard one behind your own back.
“y/n!” max shouted at you, alerting you that there was one behind you.
you swung and turned your body in one motion, the momentum enough to knock its body to the ground with a whine. another one was approaching your left, so you did the same thing with success.
after turning to where you last saw steve, he was running to you, shouting at you to move. you were too slow. a creature had tackled you to the ground, luckily steve had swung his bat before anything had happened, knocking the creature off of your body and to the side before he scooped you up bridal style and carried you into the bus himself, dustin slamming the door shut on the monsters.
they were easily able to break through the metal covering the door, leaving steve to knock the things with his nailed bat as the kids ran to the other side of the bus. you had luckily kept a hold of your metal pipe after being knocked down, your leg had been hurt but it wasn’t the time to worry about that.
dustin began to radio on his headset for anyone who could hear, seemingly with no hope. max had nudged your shoulder, motioning to the sunroof of the bus, the open sunroof of the bus. you pushed her behind you and made your way to where the roof was, not getting too close.
you could hear the stomps of the monsters above your heads before one approached the ladder. all you heard was max’s scream. the monster began to lunge towards you before steve put himself between you and the creature.
“come on you little piece of shit!” he bellowed. “you want some? come on!”
all at once the creatures began to turn away, no longer banging on the bus trying to get inside. steve had looked at you once more, a look of both relief and worry in his face.
you hadn’t even realized that you had latched onto steve’s arm. you didn’t care. you kept it there for a moment longer, hoping he wouldn’t notice or mind. you were scared, you could make an excuse.
this one time.
after a few moments of silence, steve had began to make his way outside, you following right behind with the rest of the kids.
“what happened?” lucas asked, all out of breath as if he had been the one fighting out there.
“i-i don’t know,” max hesitated.
“they scared ‘em off?” dustin mentioned, trying to find some sort of positive.
“no,” steve told them. “no way. there goin’ somewhere.”
when you all decided to take off in the direction of the ominous sound, which happened to thankfully break lucas and dustin’s little argument, steve had noticed after a while that you had been taking a bit longer than the others to keep up. you weren’t too slow, just a bit out of breath. he hung back for a second so he could ask you.
“hey,” steve began quietly as dustin and lucas went ahead. “did you get hurt? when you got tackled?”
“i-i don’t know,” you replied, more truthful than saying no. you just didn’t want to be a burden to the group, but you couldn’t stay behind. “i’ll be fine.”
“y/n,” he sighed. “which leg?” he pointed at them both before you lifted your pant leg, revealing a bruise all the way up your shin, a bit of blood from a cut running halfway down your leg. “that? y/n…” he trailed off.
he automatically put your arm around his shoulder, his arm going to your waist, acting as a crutch so you two could limp along together. you appreciated it, which was odd. you were always in depended. max noticed this too. and you noticed max holding lucas’s hand earlier. she had been talking to him on the roof of the bus prior to the, ‘demodog,’ as you came to find out, experience.
what was it with hawkins boys knocking down your walls? you didn’t like it. but, your leg really fucking hurt, so you could make an excuse.
this one time.
the rest of the night went by fast.
the noise led you to this… hospital? you had to pick up hopper, the police chief, will, mike, and joyce, wills mom. you had also ran into nancy and her boyfriend? jonathan. you weren’t sure if they were official.
when you ran into nancy and jonathan you only felt steve’s hold on you get a little tighter. you would only let yourself embrace it tonight. only tonight. you made your way back to joyce’s house, who you already felt this motherly hold over you. you enjoyed it. it was different.
you weren’t quite sure what you were doing. waiting, you suppose. they had filled you in on everything. the upside down, this girl named el, will’s whole experience and now what he’s going through.
then mike starting saying how bob, the man who had passed while saving the rest of them, had started the av club. how he couldn’t die in vain.
next thing you know they’re talking about the shadow monster and the tunnels that’re connected with the hive mind. how everything, the demodogs, tunnels, mind flayer, and even will are connected.
then the kids are telling you about this mind flayer character from d&d to relate this new creature to something a little more understandable. how this creature wants to conquer us, and become the master race. and the only way to know how to destroy this monster, is through will.
you all worked to make his shed unrecognizable. you covered it in sheets and foil and tons of bright lights. then your part was over. it was yet another waiting game.
while the kids were figuring out the morse code will was signaling, steve ushered you to the bathroom.
“what’re you doing?” you sighed, already exhausted from the night you’ve had.
“cleaning you up,” he informed you as he tapped the countertop, wanting you to hop up. “it doesn’t need to get infected and with those demodogs that did this to you we don’t know what bacteria they carry. so,” he tapped the counter twice more to prove his point, his voice like satin.
you lifted your hurt leg to hop on the other, grasping steve’s shoulder a bit so you could get on the counter easier. his hand went to your waist to help.
“alright, you wanna squeeze my hand when i pour this?” he asked as he lifted a bottle of alcohol to pour on your leg.
you nodded. only for tonight.
“one,” he began counting, only he began pouring on two.
“fuck!” you grasped his shoulder with your free hand, squeezing his hand that was in your grasp. “shit, shit, shit,” you whispered, trying not to distract the decoding process. “ohhh i hate you steve.”
the smell of him was a bit distracting from the pain. it was sweaty, but with undertones of his cedar wood cologne able to peak through. but that little distraction, the little peak of him you were able to focus on, was worth it.
“aww you don’t mean that,” he put on a small smile at your anger. “okay… that’s it. now i’m just gonna put some of this on,” he held up some neosporin from the first aid kit, “and then i’ll bandage you up, yea?”
“yea,” you nodded. “that shit hurt more than it did when i got it,” you motioned to the peroxide.
“sorry,” steve didn’t know what else to say as he finished his handiwork, releasing your hand before tenderly wrapping your leg in an ace bandage. “it had to be done.”
“i know, it’s just…” you took a deep breath. “damn,” you both laughed at that.
“okay,” steve breathed out, “all done now,” he bent down and placed a soft kiss to your knee as if he kissed it all better.
“thanks,” you smiled before he placed his hands back on your waist, carefully guiding you down. you didn’t have much time before hopper came barging into the house, telling the kids to get away from the windows.
you and steve marched out of the bathroom, you still rolling your pant leg down before they brought an unconscious will back into the house. you swiftly picked up your metal pipe as steve did his nailed bat, nancy held a rifle, hopped held his own gun, and you waited. waited for something, anything.
you turned where each noise came from, hoping to catch it before it caught you.
“where are they?”
“what’re they doing?”
then the noises stopped. you all panned the area, trying to get a feel for where they went. then a demodog came flying through the window.
“holy shit.” you said in unison with dustin.
“is it dead?” max wondered.
when hopper shoved its head with his foot, we were assured it had died. but then the lock on the door came undone. it seemed as though you could never catch a break in this town. a girl began walking through the door, converse clad with a nosebleed.
mike stepped forward, clearly having a close relationship with the girl. it was like watching the sweetest of reunions.
you turned to max, “is that-“
“el?” she finished for you
“y-yea,” lucas answered. “it is.”
“i never gave up,” mike said. “i called you every night-every night for-“
“353 days,” el nodded. “i heard,” she stepped closer to him, still not believing he was finally in front of her after almost a year
“why didn’t you let me know you were there?” he seemed hurt.
“because i wouldn’t let her,” hopper spoke up, stepping forward in the group.
part of you felt as though you shouldn’t be seeing this. you were so new to the group, you felt wrong witnessing such a seemingly tender moment.
“the hell is this,” hopper began to question el. “where’ve you been?”
“where have you been?!” she retorted, a bit snappy. you liked her.
they responded with a hug, tears began to prick your eyes a little before mike ruined the moment.
“you’ve been hiding her,” he concluded. “you’ve been hiding her this whole time!” he punctuated with a shove to hoppers back.
“hey,” hopper grasped his wrists. “let’s talk. alone.”
he led mike into a room, away from the group to discuss things with a bit more privacy. in the meantime, lucas and dustin began to say their hellos to the girl.
“we talked about you basically every day,” dustin mentioned, leaving el to stare at him before tapping his teeth.
“huh?” lucas and dustin wondered.
“you have teeth,” el rephrased, a bit confused as to why he had teeth.
“oh,” dustin remembered. “you like these pearls?” he began to purr? you think that’s what that was. it clearly surprised el.
max began to walk towards the girl, “eleven?” the girl just stared at max. “hey, um, i’m max,” she stuck out her hand, “i’ve heard a lot about you.”
el just walked past her, rejecting not only a handshake but what seemed like a friendship. but, el wandered into joyce’s welcoming arms.
“what was that?” you questioned.
“i-i don’t know?” max wondered herself, not knowing where she had gone wrong with the incredibly short interaction.
and with the return of eleven, it was as though the master key to a house was returned. everything fell into place as she stated that she could close the gate. she could fix everything.
in order to get the mind flayer’s grasp off of will before eleven shut the gate, joyce, jonathan and nancy went to burn the mind flayer out of him.
meanwhile you were still at joyce’s with steve and the kids. you had been helping max and lucas clean up the living room while dustin and steve were, for some reason, putting the creature in the fridge. mike was just pacing. worrying.
“mike, would you just stop already?” lucas spoke up, somehow annoyed by his movement.
“you weren’t in there, okay, lucas,” mike shouted back. “that lab is swarming with hundreds of those dogs.
“demodogs!” dustin spoke from the kitchen.
“the chief will take care of her!” lucas tried to reason.
“like she needs protection,” you added.
“listen, dude, a coach calls a play in a game, bottom line, you execute it,” steve tried to reason. “all right?”
“okay first of all this isn’t some stupid sports game,” mike rebutted. “and second we’re not even in the game. we’re on the bench.”
“right-right,” steve tried to think of a come back. “so my point is…”
“there’s nothing for us to do,” you finished for him.
“that’s not entirely true,” dustin mentioned, clearly up to something. “i mean the demodogs have a hive mind. when they ran away from the bus, they were called away.”
“so if we get their attention,” lucas interjected.
“we draw them away from the lab,” max added.
“away from eleven,” you finished.
“yeah and then we all die,” steve tried to reason.
“well, that’s one point of view,” dustin retorted.
“no, that’s not a pint of view man,” steve said with an attitude. “it’s a fact.”
“i’ve got it!” mike went into another room, pointing to the drawings of the vines. “this is where hop dug the hole. this is where we get to the vines,” he began to move again. “here, right here. this is like a hub. so you’ve got all the tunnels feeding in here. i think if we set this on fire-“
“oh, yea, that’s a no,” steve interjected, a hand on his hips as he pointed to the child. you nudged steve with your arm, pulling him to the side.
“look, i know i don’t know much about this situation and everything,” you started. “but i don’t think they’ll be able to close the gate at all with all of those dogs for eleven to kill. it seemed like killing only one of them drained her a bit. mike said that place had hundreds, steve. it’s not just our lives on the line. it’s everyone’s.”
he wanted to listen to you. he wanted to help. and he wanted you to know that he cared about what you thought. but he promised them that he would keep the kids safe. he couldn’t break his promise.
while you were trying to reason with him, the kids were still plotting on how to distract the dogs. steve ran his hands through his hair before clapping, getting everyone’s attention.
“hey! hey! hey!!” he shouted. “this is not happening.”
“no buts!” he scoffed “i promised to keep you shitheads safe and that’s exactly what i plan on doing. we’re staying here. on the bench. and we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. does everybody understand that?”
“this isn’t even a stupid sports game!” mike reminded him.
“i said does everybody understand that?” steve repeated. “i need a yes.”
you opened your mouth to begin speaking when you heard a familiar engine revving outside of the house. you and max ran to the couch to peer outside and see who was out there.
“shit,” you turned to max. “billy.”
“he’ll kill us if he knows we’re here,” max told lucas.
“just-just stay inside,” steve motioned to you and max. “both of you, please,” the look in his eyes told you he was serious.
you placed max behind your back and nodded to him, knowing that if he saw you would would know max was with you.
you didn’t know or hear anything that was going on outside. you were just pacing around the living room, trying to remain calm. steve could handle this.
then you saw all the kids duck down from the couch.
“what the fuck guys?” you scoffed at them. “max did he see you?!” the door slammed open, billy walking inside.
“well, well, well,” billy scowled. “lucas sinclair. what a surprise. i thought i told you to stay away from him max,” he said as he got closer to your sister, you were both able to feel his breath on your skin.
“and i thought i told you to brush your teeth this morning,” you got between him and the children.
“she knows what happens when she disobeys me,” he chuckled. “i break things.”
he immediately turned towards lucas before you could move him out of the way. billy had your shirt collar in his hands, shoving you towards the wall before he laid a punch on your cheek.
the kids were screaming, begging for him to stop. he wouldn’t listen after throwing two punches, feeling blood trickling down your nose, he held you tightly once more.
“what is it with that fucking mouth of yours huh?” he chuckled. “always such a bitch. i would imagine that your new boyfriend, harrington would like you much more if you would just keep it shut like a good little bitch, huh?”
“you’re the bitch,” you heard steve announce before he laid a fat one on billy’s cheek, shocking his grip off of you.
you nearly fell to the ground, your balance being less than stellar with your leg already hurting. max was there to help you balance, wrapping her arm around your waist.
“looks like you finally got some fire in you after all, huh?” billy began laughing maniacally. “i’ve been waiting to meet this king steve everybody’s been telling me so much about!” he walked closer to steve.
“get out,” steve ordered.
billy swung, steve ducked to miss the shot before landing another one of his own, sending billy across the room. he landed a couple more blows before billy grabbed a plate, smashing it over steve’s head. steve stumbled out of the room, trying to catch his breath while billy followed.
“nobody,” he picked steve up by his collar. “nobody tells me what to do,” he threw him to the ground.
you could sense that he was about to pound on top of steve, so you shoved billy out of the way, reminding him of your presence to shift his focus. maybe steve would be alright if you were able to distract him for long enough.
“look,” billy chuckled. “little princess with the hurt leg wants to save her boyfriend,” he kicked the hurt leg, sending you falling to the ground, but not before grasping one of billy’s legs, taking him with you.
with billy now on the ground, you rolled on top of him, sending a punch to his cheek. you winded your hand back, ready to send another one before he caught your hand, squeezing it so tight you swear your heard some bones pop.
“he’s-“ you tried to speak through the pain, tears running down your face. “he’s not,” you yanked his hair back with your free hand, shocking him enough to retrieve your hand. “he’s not my boyfriend.”
“right,” he smiled with his head back before spinning you two back over, him now on top of you before landing another punch on your cheek. “he never would be, huh?” another punch. “you’re not good enough for anyone in this goddamn town, as terrible as it is. not good enough for anybody anywhere. you’re just a little girl with daddy issues,” he put his face in your own. “trying to feel love even though you know you’ll never deserve it,” he began chuckling, brushing your hair behind your ear. “you’ll always be that pathetic little whore deep down, huh?”
tears were now flowing down your face, embarrassment long forgotten from the pure pain and torture you felt beneath the boy you should’ve trusted. the boy you were supposed to be able to call a brother. as he spat in your face, you realized he had a hold on one of your hands.
he used the free one to land one more blow to your face before steve tackled him off of you. max had immediately come to your aid, but it wasn’t long before billy was back on top of steve. you pointed to steve, then to the shelf that had the sedative.
“use it,” you nodded towards max.
she marched towards the shelf, grabbing the medicine before shoving it in the back of billy’s neck. he quickly got off of steve, turning to face max. you couldn’t hear what was going on, the ringing in your ears a bit too loud. you saw billy hit the floor, smiling with what seemed like laughter before you hobbled up, grabbing steve’s nailed bat before raising it over your shoulder.
“from here on out you will leave max and her friends alone, got it?” you asked.
he just laughed.
you swung the bat right between his legs, underneath his dick before screaming, “say you understand! say it!”
“i understand,” he finally mustered up the courage to speak.
“sorry, what was that,” you wanted him to be louder.
“i understand!”
“good,” you dropped the bat to your side before grabbing the keys from his belt loop. “joy ride, anyone?” you put on as good of a smile as you could while holding the keys up.
you had told max to drive, your leg still absolutely killing you. you sat in the back, steve’s head on your lap as you doctored up his wounds. it was the hydrogen peroxide that made him wake up.
“shh,” you whispered. “i know, i know,” you ran your hands through his hair.
“y/n?” you nodded at his question.
“let me just clean you up a bit, alright?” you finished pouring the peroxide, letting him squeeze your hand to return the favor from earlier before placing a dab of neosporin and a bandage over each cut while the kids were navigating.
you were paying attention to his wounds but he was paying attention to you. how careful you were. how soft your hands felt on his face, how nice they felt in his hair. was his head on your thighs? they were comfy. soft. he could stay like this forever. until he realized…
“oh my god!” he shouted, moving him from his daydream and back into reality.
“relax, she’s driven before,” dustin tried to convince steve it was fine.
“in a parking lot!” mike added.
steve kept chanting, ‘oh my god,’ as max drove, each of the kids trying to calm him down. it was all stressful and probably too loud for his head. there was definitely a concussion, you just weren’t sure how bad it was.
“everyone shut up!” you ordered. “steve, i couldn’t drive. the douchebag hurt my leg even more, i told her she could, she’s really not too bad. now you have got to breath before you put yourself in worse condition than you already are, got it?” you told him, hands placed softly on both sides of his face to ground his attention.
he nodded, taking a deep breath as you animated with him.
“your face,” he reached up to cup your face, you leaned into his touch.
this one time.
“i’m sorry i didn’t stop him sooner…”
“it’s not your fault, steve,” you gave him a small smile. “billy’s just a douche,” you shrugged. “besides, now i can say that i’ve been in a fight.”
you swore he was leaning into you until max nearly missed her left turn, hitting a mailbox and nearly crashing the car. steve’s arms were flailing everywhere until he wrapped one around your shoulder and the other around your waist.
“jesus, max!” you huffed out. “make a liar out of me, why don’t ya?”
a sigh of relief fell upon the entire group as she put the car in park. “i told ya. zoomer,” she added.
“zoomer?” steve asked you, you laughed and placed your hand over his mouth to shut him up for a moment.
you and the kids got everything out of the car, the masks and goggles to protect yourselves. steve was stumbling out of the car, mumbling about how he told you not to go in there, saying that it wasn’t gonna happen.
“look, steve,” you took your metal pipe out of the trunk. “either you stay here and watch the car or something while i make sure they stay safe or you come with us and help me. your decision,” you shoved his backpack in his direction, along with his nailed bat, before hobbling after the kids.
“y/n,” steve called you back. “you’re hurt. your leg. is this really the best decision?”
“it’s the only decision, steve,” you shook your head. “regardless of whether or not you’re going down there, my sister is not going without me. got it, steve?” he nodded. “good.”
steve jumped in the hole before you, able to catch you so you wouldn’t hurt your leg even more with the impact of landing. you quickly took your hands from his shoulders to turn and observe the tunnels.
“yea i’m pretty sure it’s this way,” mike said, his voice slightly muffled by the bandana around his nose and mouth.
“you’re pretty sure or are you certain?” dustin demanded to know.
“im 100 percent sure!” mike rephrased. “just follow me and you’ll know!” mike began to lead the group.
“woah! woah! woah! hey, hey, hey!” steve shouted. “i don’t think so,” he said as he caught up with mike, leaving max to be your crutch beside you.
“what?” mike questioned.
“any of you little dipshits die down here and i get the blame,” steve said. “got it, dipshit?” you rolled your eyes. “here on out, i’m leading the way. come on, let’s go.”
“my god, what is this place?” you looked around. it seemed like a cave that had little extensions.
“alright let’s keep moving!” steve ordered, moving ahead quickly.
“ahh shit!” you heard dustin’s scream “it’s in my mouth! holy shit it’s in my mouth! ahhh!”
you all ran to where he was, you got on the ground next to him, he grasped your arm as he kept trying to spit it out on the ground, coughing before sitting back up.
“i’m okay,” he breathed out.
“seriously?” you shoved him back before steve held out his hand to help you up, letting his hand linger around your waist.
“really funny man,” steve sassed. “nice, very nice.”
this time he let his hand on your waist guide you through the tunnels beside him, albeit a bit worried about something happening to you. you didn’t mind, you felt max’s presence right behind you.
“alright wheeler,” steve announced. “i think we’ve found your hub.”
it was huge. like a big cave with little extensions in every direction. the little particles dancing around made it hard to see, even still with your adjusted eyes.
“drench it,” mike said.
you all began pouring the flammable liquid you had gathered everywhere, making sure to cover as much surface as possible. this thing would burn. and you wanted to make sure of it.
“you guys ready?” you asked, they all nodded. you turned to steve, his nod ensuring that they were ready before you flicked the flame alive, tossing it onto the ground.
immediately the vines began to come to life, screeching from pain and writhing, trying to escape it.
“let’s go,” steve yelled. “let’s go! let’s go! lets go!” he ushered the kids away, you not too far behind him.
when mike tripped, screaming for help, you were able to whack the vine with your metal pipe, sending it screeching back away from his leg, you ordered the others to keep running before a dog came before you.
“dart?”dustin had asked. “is that you buddy?”
“trust me!” dustin ordered. “hey, it’s me, it’s me. it’s just your friend. it’s dustin,” he took his goggles off to prove it to the creature. “just dustin, all right? you remember me,” he crouched down to the dog’s level. “will you let us pass?”
the dog snarled at him, seemingly telling the child no.
“okay, okay. i’m sorry,” dustin tried to reason. “i’m sorry about the storm cellar. i know it was a pretty douchey thing to do. you hungry?” he reached into his backpack. “yea? i’ve got our favorite. see? nougat,” dustin began to unwrap the candy for the dog to eat, placing on the ground. “look at that. yummy. here, all right,” he backed away from the dog, waving for everyone to pass the creature while he was occupied. “there’s plenty, i’ve got more,” he offered.
you began to ignore his reunion, instead ensuring that max got across safely, your hand on the square of her back as steve led the group at the front. dustin quickly earned his footing ahead of you before you saw the rope.
steve began lifting the kids up the rope as he heard the roaring of the dogs. first max, then lucas, mike, dustin, then the dogs were too close.
“steve?” you looked at him, tears pricking the corners of your eyes.
he grasped your hand, “i’ve got you,” but you opted for wrapping your arms around his torso, his going around your shoulders. you tucked your head into his chest before realizing that they hadn’t attacked you. they were going around.
“eleven,” mike realized.
steve was able to hoist you up, letting the rest of the kids help pull you up before he grasped your hand, you and the kids doing the same for him. once you were all on safe, solid, normal ground, you noticed the headlights of the car getting increasingly bright. eleven was doing her thing. you had helped.
one broken tibia and a month later, hawkins was seemingly ‘normal’ again. you were adorned in a pretty little cast while waiting for max outside of the snow ball dance. you think her and lucas will kiss, she might’ve mentioned wanting to during one of your sleepovers.
you were parked outside of the school, reading the shining for what felt like the 50th time, when a car parked next to your own. you looked across and saw none other than steve harrington in the drivers seat, a dorky grin on his face as he waited for you to wave your hand and motion for him to join you in your car.
“hey,” he opened the door and plopped in. “so, uhhh…”
“yes?” you asked, wanting to know why he had that dopey grin on his face. while it was an obnoxiously cute grin, you still wanted to know what put it there.
“how’s the leg?” he motioned to the one that was bent in your seat, still a bit of grief hit him when he remembers how hurt you had gotten that night.
“y’know,” you shrugged. “it’ll be fine. hurts like hell, though.”
“i’m sorry,” he dropped eye contact with you, opting to look at his hands that were currently cupping his knees.
“for what?” you chuckled. “you didn’t do this.”
“yea but,” he breathed out. “i could’ve. i saw billy when he-he shoved your leg in. you have no idea how-how angry that made me. and how he spoke to you? i just… you are deserving of-“
“hold it, steve,” you put your hand up. “i don’t need you to give me this whole ‘pity speech’ about how i deserve love and how im not broken, okay?” you rolled your eyes. “i know i am and im fine with that. what i don’t need is some guy who thinks he knows me try to tell me that im good enough for him or for anyone else. because frankly, i don’t-i don’t even feel that way, okay? so, please,” you felt tears prick your eyes. “don’t bring that back up. because bill-billy somehow knows my deepest thoughts and fears and i-i don’t want anyone else to even think about them. i just can’t handle it right now.”
“y/n,” he grasped your hand with his own. “it’s okay. it’s okay to not be able to handle something-especially after what you’ve been through,” he brought your hand to his lips. “i care about you. i want you to be able to talk through it, even if it isn’t with me.”
“i can’t,” you shook your head. “i can’t talk to max about this. i don’t want her to see me like this.”
“then she doesn’t have to, okay?” he reached across the console and wrapped his arms around you, letting you cry on his shoulder. “i’m here, it’s okay.”
“it’s just…” you dragged on. “home isn’t good. it’s not even a home. i just try to make sure max is never in the mix when things go down but then i-then,” you choked on a sob before he continued to stroke your back.
he pulled back after a second, “if you and max ever need to just… escape, you know my door is always open,” his eyes searched yours for some sort of confirmation but found a bit of weariness. “my parents are like never home, so you won’t really have to worry about them not wanting you guys around.”
“i wouldn’t want to do that to you,” you shook your head, insistent on the idea that you would be too close to a burden on him.
“do what?” he scoffed with a smile. “rid me of my… i’ll admit, loneliness?”
“steve harrington? the king of hawkins high, lonely?” you rolled your eyes. “yea, i’ll believe it when i see it.”
“then you will come over?” he acknowledged with a shit-eating grin. “see the loneliness, first-hand?”
“maybe, steve,” you sighed. “maybe.”
and maybe you should’ve let yourself hold onto him a little longer. you should’ve let your walls down for him. but you couldn’t. you barely knew him. well, you knew him now. but not outside of trying to save the world. you didn’t know how he was when he was sick. you didn’t know his favorite color.
so for tonight, you let yourself feel. you let yourself weep and break and crumble apart in steve harrington’s arms. chances are he would forget what even happened the next day anyway.
this one time.
tomorrow came. and no sign of steve. then the next, then the next. for some reason you felt disappointed. after everything… no.
you don’t need him. you don’t want him. you are perfect without him. your walls are still intact. you have yourself. that’s all you need.
but max, well, max needed you. sometimes she wouldn’t admit it, but she really did need you. so, you were there.
you drove her to the arcade the fifth day, deciding to stick around and watch her do her thing from inside, cheering her on and handing her more quarters once she ran out.
when you heard the other heathens arrive, you knew who was dropping them off. you opted to not even look out of the glass door. he doesn’t need to know you’ve even thought of his name. maybe you have a bit too much.
“y/n,” steve’s voice rang through your ears. you turned to face him with an obviously forced grin. “sorry i never called, my-“
“oh, doesn’t matter, harrington,” you shrugged. “all is well.”
“i just thought that you maybe wanted to talk since…” he dragged on, not wanting to spill too much with this many ears around.
“look, harrington,” you turned to actually look him in his eyes. “i get that we got a bit close and all because of some life or death situations but you don’t need to pretend to care or be my friend anymore. i just-i need to make sure max is taken care of, and that takes a lot more work than you would think,” you chuckled, trying to break the bridge before your walls became irreplaceable to the brown haired boy before you.
“i was never pretending, y/n,” his eyebrows furrowed at your word-vomit taking a step closer to you while reaching for your hand. “you realize i just want to help, i want to be there for you.”
“i don’t need anyone,” you shook your head, pulling your hand away from his. “i’m fine, harrington. i’ve been fine without someone this far, and i’ll continue to be fine.”
“you deserve to be better than fine, y/n,” he argued, letting your hand fall from his own, as much as he missed its warmth. “and what-what’s happened to ‘steve’? what’s with this ‘harrington’ bullshit again?”
“it’s your name,” you shrugged, avoiding eye contact with the man in front of you. you could feel how close you were to caving in. but you couldn’t. you just… you couldn’t risk it. “i’ll use it how i please.”
“when you decide you want to be more than fine,” he sighed, knowing how stubborn you were. “i’ll always be here. waiting for you.”
you turned around before saying with tears in your eyes, “don’t hold your breath, harrington.”
you felt his hand linger over your shoulder, hesitating to leave his touch before you felt the warmth of his presence retreat. the only sign that told you he was surely gone was the ring of the bell on that glass door and the revving engine of his car.
you wouldn’t have noticed if the glass door had shattered as distracted as you were with the feeling of your own heart doing the same. this wasn’t supposed to hurt. you weren’t supposed to feel anything. but now you felt everything. from the one night, that was supposed to only be one time. so why did you want him all the time?
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lou-lj · 2 years
Hi! Would you write something along the lines of Steve finding out his sister is dating max 🤍
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Harrington reader x Max Mayfield
A/N: The brother sister dynamic is simulator to the one I have with my older brother which I personally think makes it quite realistic idk// but also thanks for requesting, had a bit of a lack of motivation and this got me going hahhah
Summary: Your big brother finds out about your relationship to Max
You and Max where dating since almost half a year. You decided to keep it a secret, due to it being the 80’s and you also having homophobic parents. Meaning your relationship was hidden behind the terms of best friends. Friends going for the movies, friends having sleepovers, friends occasionally holding hands, friends who definitely looked at each other, with a little to much adoration.
You envied you brother for being able to do all those things with his dates and actually being able to call them that. No one would look at him as if it was weird. No one would question it, dismissing it as teens doing what teens do. But you couldn’t so, you had to sneak around. Meeting up with max in the bathroom, between class, to do something as simple as share a kiss or two.
As mentioned the two of you had regular sleep overs. Your parents went on a trip for the weekend and Steve had to work.
You made pasta with Max and ended up on the couch cuddling, while she read one of her many comic books to you. Dozing off you listened to her calm heartbeat.
Just to be soon woken up by the loud sound of the front door falling shut. As the information sunk in you jumped up the couch, being scared your parents would come home early. But before you stood a confused looking Steve. “Man, Steve you scared me to death!” His looked keeper wavering between you and your girlfriend. “What’s going on here?” You gulped, a hundred thoughts where running through your mind. “Stop biting you lip, it looks ugly and don’t panic, whatever this, is I’m ok with it. Well as far as I’m being ok of you having anything with anyone.” You sat back down on the couch, while Max got up from her lying position and settled next to you. Steve sat in an armchair across from the two of you.
“What is this?” Was his first question while gesturing between the two off you. Max took your hand in hers, “We are dating.” Your brothers eyebrows peaked up while he gave a nod, “Since when?” “Half a year,… in two weeks.” Now he looked surprised “How did you keep this so long from me?!” “Well I’m smart and wanted to keep it secret and your an idiot.” Fake laughing, he showed his annoyance to you. “Are you mad at me?” Steve shook his head got up from his seat and brought you into a hug. Tears welled up in your eyes and you let out a deep breath “I’m not mad about you liking girls. But why Max?” He had a painful expression on his face to which Max hit his arm. “Look, she’s always mean to me!” You couldn’t do anything but laugh, as the two of them started bickering as always.
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bettysupremacy · 2 years
Battle of the bands
Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader
Requested by: @sydshea thank you so much!! This idea was adorable.
Summary: Eddie and Y/N hate each other, but what happens when they’re forced to see each other daily because of 4 meddling pre-teens?
Warnings: mentions of food and going hungry, cursing, fem! Reader, Max and R are close, some angst, mostly fluff I’d say. Tell me if I missed any!
A/N: i love max mayfield, also, I’m scared to post this.
6.6k words.. I went overboard.
The orange overhead lights reflect down on the dingy bar, buzzing and flickering from old age. It casts shadows on the grime of the establishment, the years of muck Miss Lee can’t wipe away with a wet dish rag. But it’s also what makes this bar so familiar, homelike, with its flaws.
Even so, The Hideout isn’t at peak homeliness right now, not with two indignant voices cutting through the quiet of closing time.
“You’re so full of shit, Munson.”
“I’m full of shit?” He scoffs, “we clearly won that.”
The argument playing out is futile. She won, he didn’t, and he can’t accept it. There’s nothing he can say or do that’ll change it. Most customers have left though, so Eddie doesn’t feel as bad for the public conniption he’s having right now.
“You’re such a sore loser, it hurts to watch.”
“I am not a sore loser-“
“Then what is this, Edward?” She thrusts her hand between them, back and forth, as if the argument will materialize before them. He always hated when she used his full name. “You’re such a great sport that the moment I get off stage you’re demanding my win- my bands win, was a rig?”
He takes a step back. It sounds so cruel coming out of her mouth. And wasn’t he being cruel? Following her around demanding she admit his set, that had significantly less covers, was better then hers. They had never been outright friends, but damn, couldn’t he have just been happy for her?
“No, I-“
Arms wrap around Y/N from the back, squeezing her in childlike glee. She blinks from being pulled out of the argument, not from the unfamiliarity of the arms. She knows who’s warm fidgeting fingers are being pushed Into her stomach.
“You won!” Max’s words come out muffled, face squished into the leather of Y/N’s jacket, but she can still detect the elation in them. It sends waves of warmth through her chest.
This is a rare outing for Max. She had to beg, plead, and bargain with Max to come watch her perform tonight. She refuses to let Eddie Munson ruin this.
She turns in her arms, squishing Max’s cheeks together childishly, watching as Max laughs deep from her chest.
“We won, baby!”
“I could argue with that.”
Her head whips, “Cork it, Munson!”
Max ignores him, arms still wrapped around Y/N’s stomach, chin now digging into the older girls chest.
The wicked smile on Max’s face gives away any secrecy to her schemes. “Can we get celebratory ice cream?”
Y/N yanks on a red pigtail of Max’s. “Who’s paying Maxie?”
“Oh, then definitely.”
“I heard my name?”
Max is sucked into a conversation with Steve. Quick banter flying back and forth as Max tries to convince Steve that he definitely said he was buying them ice cream earlier.
Y/N notices Eddie from the corner of her eye, grabbing a guitar case, and walking out of The Hideout with the other members of his band. Sad, but none so much as Eddie, they pat backs and mumble reassurances to their oldest member.
Something tugs in her heart. Irritation maybe? But it feels different. There’s more ache and confusion than Irritation. A longing to run out after him and beg for forgiveness.
But what did she have to be sorry for? Winning the local battle of the bands? Doing a better cover of War Pigs than him? No, Eddie could come and apologize on his own time.
“I never said that?”
“Yeah, in the car, while we were passing steel works”
He looks at her unblinking, racking his brain for any sort of memory that backs her up.
“Yeah you did.” Dustin’s voice chimes in, walking up after saying goodbye to Eddie.
Did he really?
“Where were we passing?” He asks skeptical.
“Uh- steel works was it?” Dustin looks to Max for any sign of a hint, shoulders squaring more confidently when she nods profusely at him.
Steve sighs loudly, “Fine, but eat quick and don’t let it drip. I’ve gotta get you shitheads home before curfew and I don’t want my car sticky. Got it?”
Both the children give barely coherent shouts of agreement, before running to Lucas, evidently telling him what they scammed their poor old babysitter into.
Steve turns his head to Y/N, quippy insult towards the kids dead on his tongue when he notices the far look in her eyes. He nudges her with his elbow gently, quietly begging for attention.
“You ready to go? I heard a rumor that I said yes to ice cream while driving past steel works, I’m not sure it’s true though.”
She nods, looping her arm through his.
“What should I get?”
“What ice cream?”
They start walking to the doors. “Mhm.”
“You know what I’m getting.” He looks smirky, and she knows exactly where this is going.
“Don’t say it, Harrington.”
“That eggnog flavor sounds real goo-“
She smothers her hands over his mouth, giggling like a maniac.
“That’s nasty. You’re nasty.”
He licks her palms and a twinge of disgust laces through her giggles. Pulling her hands back quickly, she tries to wipe them on her jeans, but he grabs her wrists gently and wipes her palms on his polo.
“So nasty, I know, I’m sorry.” He’s giggling too.
This was the first time she almost realized her staggering feelings for Eddie Munson.
The second time was at sticky hot a pool day.
She’s laying in Steve’s backyard, red bikini on, and matching red heart sunglasses adorning her face. Max lay next to her, in the new purple bathing suit Y/N had bought for her at the mall last week.
The purple makes your hair pop out, she had insisted, so Max let her buy it.
She’d even borrowed purple heart sunglasses from Y/N, sliding them on in the mirror of Steve’s cold bathroom, feeling pleased when she saw how well her and Y/N matched.
When they’d been standing in the kitchen and Y/N had pulled them out of her bag, she said “If you want them, of course.”, like she wasn’t everything Max yearned to be. She had narrowly missed Lucas and Mikes popsicle sticky fingers when they had asked for a look.
“Come in the water?” Lucas yelled out, hopeful and rosy, watching his girlfriend lay a towel next to Y/N. Max gives a curt shake of her head, ruby-red pig tails bouncing and glimmering in the sun.
“I think I’m gonna lay out for a little.” She had her hand up, shielding her eyes from the sun.
And with that, she laid back down, pushed her glasses up, and clicked play on her Walkman, not noticing the disappointment on her boyfriends face.
The older girl watches him swim towards Mike, dejection clear in his shoulders.
She knows that I’ve been doing something wrong, but she won’t say anything.
Y/N wrinkles her nose at Kate Bush again, but ignores it. Max has been putting the money Y/N spent on her new Hounds Of Love cassette to good use.
“He’s cute.”
“Lucas. He’s sweet on you.”
Mortification sweeps Max’s face.
“What?” Y/N teases, “Haven’t yo-“
Affronted shrieks suddenly bubble past her lips at the feeling of cold water cooling on her warm skin. Max, who had been caught in the crossfire, isn’t as upset as Y/N. The water had felt nice after so long in the sun, but affronted shrieks leave her lips as well.
What if her cherished new purple glasses had been ruined?
Lucas rolls his eyes at his girls obvious display of impersonation.
Eddie stands there in the July sun, entirely too happy with himself, water gun hanging limply at his side.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
She wipes off her lenses with a part of the towel that managed to escape the spray of water, and slides them back on.
“Are your frames wet, baby?” She mutters to Max, waiting for the shake of her head before looking up at him again, offended.
He’s not wearing jeans, she notices.
The black swim shorts with skulls hug his thighs perfectly, cinched at the waist. When he brings a hand to his eyes, squinting at her through the sun, his black Metallica shirt rides up, showing her a very obscene view of his happy trail. The shoes on his feet aren’t his normal reeboks, they’re flip flops. And he’s got a towel tucked under his right arm, the same one he’s got shielding his eyes from the sun. He looks good.
He isn’t blind to the way she checks him out, head to toe, and he isn’t going to let it go unnoticed either. But, a wry “I know I look good, sweetheart.” Is hesitated on his tongue when he looks her up and down himself.
Shit, He thinks, that red bikini.
He makes slow eye contact with her, and then with Max, who’s looking almost as offended as Y/N.
“I saw an opportunity and took it, Fast Times.”
If Steve had heard him say that.
“Fast Times?” Max asks, confusion threading her eyebrows together.
The boys in the water, save Dustin, are giggling, and embarrassment pools in her belly. Thick and warm. Thick and deep. It rises into her throat like bread rising in an oven, making it hard for her to speak or think of a witty response.
“Wow, nice one John Bender. Is that one original or did we steal it from Steve?” The end of the sentence didn’t sound as mean as she wanted it to sound.
“Your boyfriend Steve?” Eddie scoffs jealously, “If I’m John Bender, who does that make you? L-“
“Hey, hey, hey.” Steve’s voice comes from behind them, “What’s going on out here?”
Both Y/N and Eddie look like deer caught in headlights, two reprimanded children that don’t know what to do with themselves.
Robin is behind him, wearing a black one piece. She was going to lay out with the girls before they got in, but was caught up with Steve in the kitchen.
Max had seen the embarrassment on Y/N’s face when Eddie had given her that nickname. It was weird though. It seemed more like a cat call on his tongue, rather than an insult.
“Steve?” Max ask’s. Everyone looks to her, confusion clear on their faces.
“What’s Fast Times? Like the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High?” Innocence seeps and clings onto every word, “Cause Eddie just called Y/N ‘Fast Times’, and I was confused cause I’ve never seen the movie.”
Truth be told, Max actually hadn’t seen it, and she certainly doesn’t know what Pheobe Cates does to her red bikini at 53 minutes 5 seconds. But it seemed derogatory, and she wasn’t having it.
The boys in the water are stifling their laughs now, wet hands grasping at their mouths, as Eddie glares.
“Hey!” Robin points an accusatory finger. “Stop laughing, or I’ll eat the last two purple popsicles myself, and you’ll be left with orange.”
Giggles can no longer be heard.
Steve takes a better look at what Y/N is wearing, to the red bathing suit that’s still clinging to her. The cough he covers up is noticiable.
Is he kidding? Robin is disgusted.
“Nice one, Steve.”
“I didn’t even do anything.” He has the gall to give her a bewildered look.
Eddie takes this as a chance to peak at the crimson polyester again. Fuck.
He looks away, an abashed pink blotching onto his cheeks.
“Really?” Steve asks Eddie.
He doesn’t know if he’s referring to the joke or the way he just eyed Y/N, but he’s going to assume the latter, because of the sickened look on Robs face.
“It was a joke! Way t’rat me out, Red.”
“Don’t blame this on the kid.”
She smiles pridefully.
“Not around the kids. I’m serious.”
He turns back and walks into his house again, hand on his hip the whole way there.
And like that, the quick moments where Y/N may have thought she felt something for Eddie were gone. Gone with the 30 minutes of peace she had before he showed up.
The third time, her obliviousness smacked her so hard in the face, she stumbled back.
Hot summer days in Hawkins almost always mean you have plans, especially when you’re the co parent of four fifteen year-olds.
Dustin and Lucas had been on her doorstep 8am sharp, rattling off day plans loudly, like it was well into the afternoon.
“-And we figured, after we pick up Mike-“
“And Max.” Lucas chimes in.
Dustin turns his head, looking personally victimized.
“You didn’t let me finish my sentence, if you had-“
“I was just reminding you.”
“I didn’t need reminding. Don’t do tha-“
Their bickering continues, back and forth, back and forth, as Y/N rubs sleep from her eyes with the back of her hand.
“Are you even listening to anything we’re saying?” Dustin and Lucas look at her, accusation clear in their eyes.
The slow tired eyes blinking back at them confirm it, she hadn’t been listening.
“It’s okay,” Dustin starts politely, “I’ll just tell you the plan from the beginning. So-“
“No! No, no, no,” She sticks her hand out to quiet him, “I got the part where-“ she pauses, “And then you said-“ another pause and eye rub, “Yeah, so just pick up from the part where we pick up Maxie.”
They stare at her in bewilderment, and her chest tightens with doubt. They didn’t say anything about Max, did they?
“You said we’re picking up Max, didn’t you-?”
Dustin cuts her off, “No, yeah, so basically-“ he rattles off the day plans again, pausing in increments to make sure he’s still got her attention.
She invites them inside in the middle of Dustin’s monologue, watching the way he doesn’t break his talk as both boys toe off their shoes well-manneredly, before walking deeper into her house, clad in just socks.
“Did you two have breakfast yet?” She asks, hanging around her stairs rails, before she goes upstairs to change.
They both eye her suspiciously.
“Are you offering to cook for us?” Lucas holds back a grimace.
Dustin smacks him in the chest and glares, “We haven’t. We would love it.. if thats what you were offering.”
She looks between the two boys, Lucas’s grimace is peaking through.
“No, I’ll buy you two McDonald’s.” She starts hopping up the stairs, yelling out “They stop serving breakfast at 10am right?”
“Yeah!” Dustin’s excited voice rings out, “And it’s only 8:30!”
Oh joy.
“Max orders pancakes with extra syrup on the side, and orange juice.” Lucas whispers in her ear as she pulls up to the drive through.
“Did you just tell me Max’s order?”
“Yeah?” Did he do something wrong? “I-“
“I know Max’s order, Lucas.”
“Oh. Okay, then.” He sits back in his seat, buckling up again as she pulls towards the window.
“Yeah, Lucas,” Mike mocks, “She knows Max’s order.”
“So, I’m gonna drop you guys off at Steve’s before I get Max.” She drives around the building, towards the main road.
“What? Why?”
“You won’t all fit in my car.” It’s a good excuse, she has to admit.
“I know you like the way daddy cuts your pancakes, but mommy has to do it today, cause I’m dropping you off at his house first.”
Dustin grumbles.
First thing she sees when she pulls up is Max’s Madrid skateboard, abandoned and upside down on the cement path to her home. The yellow wheels more caked with dirt then she remembers them being last time.
She can still hear Max’s staticky voice from months ago. She had called Y/N whining and complaining, in the middle of the night, to tell her how her mother lectured her for leaving it in this very spot.
Come on Max.
She goes out of her way to walk up the crunchy gravel and pick it up, hands scratching at the rough surface of its grip. She flexes her fingers, shifting them uncomfortably. It’s wet, though it hasn’t rained in a week.
She takes a peak at her fingers, startled to find different shades of sticky red coating them.
There’s blood on it.
“Max?” She yells, running into the home, fear spiking through her as she thinks about Max alone in here. Alone and hurt. But no one’s home.
“Max?” She yells again, it’s frantic, and cracks halfway through at the way her breathing has picked up. She spins looking for any sign of her.
“Max, baby? Are you outside?” The skateboard is discarded in the grass as Y/N jogs behind the trailer, and then back to the front.
There’s a sob. A choked, struggling sob, from the left end of Eddie’s trailer, and she runs towards it.
She pauses at the scene before her. Max is propped up against the end of his house, two bloody knees bent so that her arms can hug around them, while Eddie crouches to console her.
“She told me to be more careful, Y/N told me not to skate on the gravel.” Her shoulders are shaking so hard Eddie brings a hand to one, giving it some pressure like that’ll help. “I should’ve listened, I should’ve- she’s going to be so mad.”
“What?” Eddie asks, teasing tone peaking through unwillingly, “She won’t be mad. She’ll get really concerned, and have that look on her face- you know the one?”
“The one where she?” Max mimics a face, humoring him, but Y/N can’t see it.
“Yes!” He takes his hand back, to stick it over his stomach as he laughs. “And she’ll be really bossy to everyone who isn’t you, and take my shitty bandaid job off to clean your battle wounds diligently.”
The mention of her cuts has Max looking down at her throbbing palms for the first time.
“My hands.” Max sobs, sticking her palms out for Eddie to inspect. She can’t see, but judging by the look on his face, they’re just as bloody as her knees and cheek.
He sucks in air through his teeth, shaking his head morosely, “I’m no doctor, Red, but I’d say amputation is a serious consideration right now.”
Her laugh is a startled half laugh - half sob.
He takes her wrists into his hands gently, blowing on her scrapes lightly. “Does that feel good? Hmm?”
She nods, sniffling, and he lets go of her wrists to grasp at the underside of her knees. It’s a careful inspection, eyes drifting over the damaged and bruised skin.
He blows lightly at her knees too, thumb absentmindedly coming up to brush some dirt away. “Does it hurt?”
She nods again, realizing he can’t see it, and letting her raspy voice mumble “Yes.”
He looks up at her in pity, eyes catching on the checkered scratch bleeding down her cheek and forming in a drip down her chin.
He grabs her chin in his large hand, wiping the blood off with his thumb, and moving her face too the side. “Oh, what are we going to do with you?” He shakes his head.
Standing up, he brushes the blood off on his jeans, before holding his hands out to her.
“Up you go, Pippi Longstocking, can’t you stand?”
Max nods, letting him grab her elbows to avoid the injuries, and pull her up into his grasp.
“I’m gonna get you a water bottle, it’s too hot out here.”
It hits Y/N so suddenly, the ardor.
Hits her harder than the water from Eddie’s water gun. Harder than Steve shoving her into his pool. Harder then the embarrassment of yelling with Eddie in The Hideout.
It bubbles in her stomach like soda, rising into her chest and popping. She brushes her sweaty palms off on her summer shorts, desperately trying to get rid of the tingle embedded in her palms.
She wants this. This domesticity with Eddie. It hurts to think about, she’s been shoving it down for so long it threatens to make her lightheaded.
Watching him treat Max like a China doll. Blowing cold air on her wounds and distracting her from the pain of them. Him telling Max he’s getting her a bottle of water, to stave off dehydration in the Hawkins July sun.
She stumbles back, she needs to get out of here, she can help Max when Eddie gets her to her own home. She can’t face Eddie, not like this. The trash can lid behind her feet lodges under her foot, skewing her balance, throwing her on her ass.
“I know I’m a good doctor, but geez Ladies, get in line.”
She looks up dazed, Jesus fucking Christ, the universe can’t let her have one thing?
“Shit, are you okay?” Eddie drops the act, concern peaking through more.
“Yeah,” She rasps, “I’m.. I’m good.”
Max and Eddie reach her and he holds out a hand. One hand under Max’s armpit, the other being graciously offered to her. She looks at him like she’s seen a ghost.
“I don’t think you’re okay.” He says gently, bending to grab her hand off the hot asphalt. She snatches it. An instinct, rather than rejection. “Nope. You’re feeling fine.” He looks at Max, giving her a crooked grin, wild bewilderment in his eyes.
“Did y’see that, Pip?”
The warmth of a palm against his own makes him flinch. Looking down, she’s got her right hand in his left. It’s hot because of the asphalt below her, but he can’t bring himself to care. The way her fingers are curling gently around his own, tugging in want, is enough to make his head foggy.
“Are you gonna help me up, or what?”
He grips her fingers tighter and pulls her up, staring at their entwined hands. Somethings shifted, and he can feel it.
“Thank you, Dr. Munson.” She can’t look him in the eyes, opting to focus on Max. “C’mon, Maxie. Lets get you cleaned up.”
Her arms are opened wide and Max hobbles into them, letting Y/N guide her to the house. Looking back, Y/N sees that Eddie hasn’t moved. He’s standing in the exact same spot, staring at his left hand.
“Are you coming in?”
He looks up quickly, “You want me to?”
She cant even be offended by the stun in his voice. “Well, someone needs to hold down the patient.”
Max swats her arm. “No one needs to hold me down.”
“Stop bleeding, clean, disinfect, bandage. Stop bleeding, clean, disinfect, bandage-“
Y/N try’s to remember the order of treating a wound. Stop bleeding, clean, disinfect, bandage. Or was it stop bleeding, disinfect, clean, bandage?
Eddie throws his head back dramatically, with his hands over his eyes. “Oh my god. Get to it already.” His knee is bouncing impatiently and Y/N didn’t even know that could happen standing up.
“Can you shut the fuck up? Cause I know what I’m doing.”
“Sure you do. Misses disinfect, bandage, clean, stop bleeding-“
“No way that came out of your mouth and you thought ‘yeah that sounds right’”
Eddie flushes in embarrassment, deadpanning “Your patient is dying on your watch.”
Max watches them bicker in confusion, from atop her bathroom sink. She thought they despised Eddie, right? That was the whole mission, wasn’t it? And sure, they were bickering like two school children right now, but she couldn’t have helped but sense something deeper in it.
Something that’s been compressed. Something close to fond.
It’s like watching an old married couple fight.
There’s affection under all that squabbling, and Max isn’t sure how she hadn’t seen it before. Maybe it was because they hid it so well, or maybe it was because the two besotted teenagers were really just that unaware of their own feelings.
Oh my god, Max thinks, they’re idiots.
“Hand me the antiseptic.”
“The what?”
“Big red spray bottle.”
“Im not stupid, you don’t have to say it like that.”
“What else was I supposed to say? You don’t know what antiseptic is.”
“It was the tone.”
She ignores him, placing her hand on the back of Max’s head. “This is gonna hurt, honey.”
Max grimaces at the pet name being used in public, well, in front of Eddie.
“I can take it.”
“I know.” She murmurs, focused on pointing the bottle in the right direction. “Shit, I’m sorry, does it burn much?”
Max’s face scrunches tight in discomfort.
“Way to go, Dr. L/N.”
“I didn’t see you holding down the patient, wasn’t that like, your only job?”
Eddie falls silent.
“I’m gonna do your hands now, baby, deep breath.”
She’s more prepared this time, both Max and Y/N. She sprays it and Max’s eye twitches, but not much else.
“Can you get the bandaids for me, Eddie?” Y/N looks up, quickly, before looking to Max. “Jem and the holograms or teenage mutant ninja turtles?”
Max frowns.
“What is it, Hon?”
“Do you still have the Tom and Jerry pack in your car?”
“Yes. Eddie, they’re in my glove compartment, under the books ‘n stuff.”
Eddie. He doesn’t think that he’s heard her call him by his nickname.. ever. And now she has. Twice.
Munson, Edward, John bender, but never Eddie. It flows so easily off her tongue. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. He’s heard his name in plenty of different mouths, but this one was by far his favorite.
He makes eye contact with Max over Y/N’s head. Both of their eyes widened by the same slip up. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.
“What?” Y/N looks up.
“Nothin, nothin.”
He walks out, a lightness in his step that has Y/N raising her eyebrows at him.
“What’s up with him?”
“Eddie?” There’s a hint of knowing in her voice that Y/N doesn’t like.
“Who else?”
“Do you give all your patients attitude?”
“I apologize.”
She swipes the counter clean. Toilet paper and alcohol pads crushed cruelly between her fingers.
“So,” Max kicks her heals against the cabinets, looking so faux innocent, Y/N can’t help the bemused smile growing on her face.
“When’d you get interested in Munson?”
A startled gasp is ripped from Y/N’s throat.
“I mean, I thought we told each other everything!”
“We do, Maxie-“
“I told you when Lucas kissed me in the empty chemistry lab! I told you when I caught Billy and Samantha Keegan in his car after school! I told you wh-“
She’s worked herself up to the point of tears. Frustration that Y/N hasn’t told her about this bubbling over, like a shaken soda, and threatening to leak out of her eyes.
This is so stupid, Max thinks*, So what Y/N didn’t tell her one silly little thing? It’s not like they’re real sisters.*
The last sentence sticks in her head, winding tighter and tighter around her, like an unwelcome hug. It squeezes air out of her, head fuzzy with shallow breaths.
It’s not like they’re real sisters.
“Max, baby, what’s going on?”
“It’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid.” Y/N reassures, “If it’s making you feel like this, it isn’t stupid at all.”
“I just-“ Her arms itch to wrap around herself, but her wounds halt it. Her eyes close, frustration and impatience getting the best of her.
“Remember what Ms. Kelley said? You gotta open up with me, tell me what’s wrong, tell me if you’ve been feeling.. bad.” Oh nice one.
“I don’t like Ms. Kelley, wait-“ Max’s opens her eyes confusedly, “How do you know about Ms. Kelley?”
Embarrassment floods Y/N’s features, nose scrunching like a girl who just revealed something she shouldn’t have.
“Remember when I went to your parent teacher conference for you?”
“Oh my god.”
“I was worried, baby!”
Max recoils in embarrassment, the back of her hand coming up to cover the bridge of her nose. Y/N grabs her wrists, careful of the un-bandaged wounds, and tugs.
“She came up to me and asked if I was your sister, obviously I said yes, and we talked!”
“You talked?” The look on her face is nothing but alarmed, but she can’t deny the warmth swarming her chest. Obviously I said yes.
“She caught me up on what she’s working on with you, and she may write me letters-“
“Just like- how you’ve been, and a copy of your current grades.”
“Holy shit, that’s got to be illegal.”
“Not when I’m your sister.” She gives Max a goofy smile.
Max glares with no real heat. This whole time she had someone looking out for her. It wasn’t just a drunk mother who doesn’t care about Max’s grades. It wasn’t just an absent mother who was almost never home, leaving her to make dinner for herself.
It was Y/N, who was her older sister at parent teacher conferences. It was Y/N, who came over at 9pm with groceries and take out when Max called her hungry one night. Max’s mom hadn’t gone shopping in the last week, and the last thing she had eaten was soggy pizza and tater tots, at 11 that morning.
Guilt chokes Max.
She wasn’t alone. She had Y/N, who took her back-to-school shopping when her mom was at work. She had Y/N, who kept up with her therapist and schoolwork, making sure she kept on track.
She had Y/N, who was her sister.
She flings her arms around her startled older sister, ignoring the searing pain in her hands when it makes contact with the cotton of Y/N’s shirt.
“I’m so sorry.” Max sobs into Y/N’s hair. “I’m s-so sorry.”
“What on gods green earth could you be sorry for?” She wraps her arms around Max, swaying soothingly.
“You told me not to skate on gravel!”
“I’m only a little upset about that!” Y/N jokes, though, it doesn’t land. “I’m just glad you’re okay, Maxie. Banged up, yes, but okay.”
Max sobs again, shoulders racked with them.
“I don’t appreciate you enough.”
“You appreciate me just enough! You have nothing to feel sorry for.”
“Not even for getting blood on your shirt?”
“Oh now you’re crossing the line,” She chastises, pulling away with mock disgust on her face. Max laughs wetly, watching her try to see the back of her shirt.
Turning back she’s satisfied when she sees the smile on Max’s face. She wipes the tears from Max’s cheeks, shaking her head no when Max opens her mouth to protest. “No, not even for getting blood on my raggedy tee.”
“Because you’re my sister?” Max asks, embarrassed when she sees the realization click in Y/N’s head.
“Oh Max.” She pulls her in for another hug, nuzzling her chin where Max’s neck meets her shoulder. “Is that what this is about?”
Max shrugs, noncommittally, wrapping her arms around Y/N again. “Maybe.” It comes out an abashed whisper.
“Oh baby, oh baby.” Y/N rocks them, “I love you so much.”
“No!” She pulls back abruptly, holding Max’s shoulders. “No buts! I’d adopt you if I could.”
“You would?” Max yearned for the picture of it.
“Uh, yeah?” Her face twists. “And every night we would eat pizza, and use red vines for straws, while we watch movies that Steve would let us borrow from family video.”
“I’d love that.”
“I don’t think CPS would.”
Max cracks a grin. “I love you.”
“Don’t.” She shakes her head. “I love you more.”
“Eddie is taking a long time.”
“Christ almighty.” Y/N looks at the Scooby-Doo watch the kids bought her for Christmas. “What’s taking him so long?”
She looks around the bathroom before looking back at Max. “Should I check?”
“Yeah,” Max croaks from crying. “He’s probably snooping in your car.”
“Oh my god, he is.” She stands up abruptly, patting Max’s head, before rushing out the bathroom door.
He’s leaning against her passenger door, back against the window, legs crossed casually, reading a magazine she left in her glove compartment.
Nothing will beat the horrified look on her face when she walks closer and sees which one.
She lunges for it, grasping air when Eddie easily swerves her.
“Nuh- uh” Eddie taunts, lifting the arm with the magazine into the air.
It flies high above their heads in the unforgiving grip of Eddie’s hand, wind flapping at the flimsy pages. The brazen smolder of the critically acclaimed musician mocks her.
Special Issue: The Hottest in Music, Movies, TV
The Rolling Stones
Heart Throb:
Bon Jovi
He walks over to her, closer and closer, until she takes his place against the car.
“You’ve got a thing for Jovi?”
This is so humiliating, this is so humiliating, this is so humiliating.
“Dustin told me that you had a thing for Kirk Hammett, but Bon Jovi?”
Dustin! That fucking traitor.
Pelvis to pelvis their hips touch, close enough to be indecent. She watches as their hip bones jab into each other.
He searches for her eyes. “He kind of looks like me, no?”
The smile on his face is awful.
“No, he doesn’t.” She jumps for it, but Eddie moves his arm out of reach. “He’s much cuter then you. Hand it over, Edward.”
“He doesn’t?”
“No. Give it.”
“Maybe it was something about the hair?” He presses. “I don’t know, Y/N. Maybe if it was just Kirk, but Kirk and Jovi? I think we’re seeing a pattern.”
She covers her eyes, embarrassment heavy in the movement. “I don’t have a thing for you. Please give it to me.”
He hands her the magazine, biting his tongue when she snatches it. “What if I wanted you to?”
“What?” He looks around confusedly, “Was it something I said?”
“You’re so infuriating.” She tosses the magazine into her car and turns on her heel towards the house.
Quickly, he grabs her wrist, pulling her just as close as she was seconds before.
“And you’re just as pretty as the day I met you.” The magazine gave him a newfound confidence that Y/N thinks no one should have. “How’d you manage?”
“You’re sick and insane.” She scoffs, pulling her arm. How dare he fuck with her feelings like this?
He doesn’t let go.
“You’d let Bon Jovi kiss you?” He pushes hair from her pretty face, tucking it behind her ear.
She sputters. “That is none of your damn business.”
“Would you let me? I’d argue that, that is my business. Being me n’all.”
Startled is the only thing he can read on her face, and any other day he would’ve laughed.
“No?” He looks for her eyes, he won’t kiss her without complete consent.
She shakes her head confusedly.
“No you wouldn’t kiss me, or no you would kiss me?”
“No, I would.”
He taps his ear, moving it closer to her lips. “Speak up baby.”
She pushes his head away, humiliated. “Fuck off.”
“Okay, okay, I heard you. I’m sorry.”
“No you’re not.”
“I’m not sorry I heard that. You’re right.”
“I can’t stand yo- mhph!”
His head duck downs quickly, taking her lips to his. The momentum has her quickly grabbing his biceps for support, before kissing back with the same force.
It’s a hard kiss, not rough, but hard.
Her knees buckle and she’s ever grateful for the way the metalhead’s hips are pushing hers against the car. His hands slide from her jaw to the back of her neck, fingers tangling in hair.
They pull back and look at each other with wild eyes and kiss bitten lips. There’s something in his eyes she can’t decipher, and doesn’t have time to, because of the way he leans down to take her lips in his again.
She can feel his smile against her lips.
“Was it like kissing Bon Jovi?” He asks, pulling back and thumbing at the cherry chapstick she left on his lips. The dazed look in her eyes has him pleased with himself.
“No, it was like kissing you.”
“And you’re okay with that?”
“I think you’re cuter then Bon Jovi.”
Something shoots through his heart. Damn Cupid.
“My hair has got more volume, I know.”
She laughs, clutching onto his arms, and turning her head away. He wished that she was still looking at him.
Attention hungry, he moves his face into her view. “What?” The smile on his face in infectious, “You think his hair is better then mine?”
“No.” She lets him grab her chin and look at her, giggles still bubbling to the surface. “You’ve got a better voice too.”
“I do?”
“Yeah, ‘specially when you sing that one song and-“
“What song?”
“I was about to sing it for you.”
“Terribly sorry, go on.”
She shakes her head amusedly. “The one where you go ‘your love for me has just got to be real, before you know the way I’m going to feel,’”
She looks at him for any confirmation that he knows the song, but he pretends to be unaware so that she’ll keep singing. It’s not the prettiest singing voice she could do, but she hasn’t really fully recovered from the kiss.
She huffs, but the smile she can’t wipe off gives her away. “‘I’m going to feel, I’m going to feeeeeel, oh yeah!’”
“Oh! That song!”
“Yeah,” She looks very unimpressed. “That song.”
“I sound good singing it?”
“Don’t know how I won over you.”
He clutches his hand to his heart, closing his eyes and shaking his head morosely. “Don’t bring that night up.”
“But-“ Shes huffing giggles again.
“Nuh- uh.” He brings a silencing finger to her lips. “You wound me.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“Your idiot.” He corrects firmly, planting a kiss on her jaw.
She tilts her head for him. “Such a loser.”
“A loser that you kissed!” He pulls back and she pulls him closer, nuzzling her face in his warm chest, sighing out exasperatedly.
“You know, I-“
“Hello?” A voice rings out, annoyance heavy in it.
Y/N startles, “Shit! Max.”
“There’s been an energy shift.” Max wryly drops.
“What?” Y/N looks up from the Tom bandaid she’s sticking above the Jerry bandaid, on Max’s knee.
“What are you talking about, Pippy?”
“There’s been an energy shift,” She looks between them, “You two kissed.”
It’s actually not so much of an energy shift, rather then Max watching them outside the window, but it’s fun to fuck with them. Also, what did they think they were hiding, with the pink sheen on Eddie’s lips?
“Eddie I think our patient is going insane with the pain.”
“You kinda look like her.”
Max reaches over to the bandaid Y/N is about to pull the backing off of, plucking it out of her fingers.
“I absolutely do not.”
“What!” She snatches the bandaid back from Max, squinting at it. “You don’t see it?”
“You only think I look like Miss Vavoom because I’m a redhead.”
Y/N cocks her head before sticking it to Max’s awaiting cheek, “Yeah, maybe you’re right. But also that green shirt is really bringing it all together.”
“I guess.”
“You should be her for Halloween!”
“You and Eddie should be Tom and Jerry!” Max says with faux excitement.
“Okay, all right,” She stands up, knees popping, and pats Max’s knee. “let’s get in the car Miss Vavoom.”
“Don’t call me that!”
Y/N helps Max limp to the car, newly covered in Tom and Jerry bandaids. Elbows, knees, palms, and shins covered in dogs, cats, and chicks.
Eddie, who started the car for them, is looking guilty as ever from the passenger seat.
“What is it, baby?”
Max blinks, appalled. “I thought I was your baby?”
“I’m so sorry.” He looks so ashamed it scares her.
“For what?”
“I ate a fry out of the bag.”
“Oh fuck off.” She laughs, starting the car annoyedly.
He grabs her hand off the steering wheel and takes it into her own, pressing his lips to it. “I’m sorry.”
“No you’re not.”
“No I’m not.”
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thewidowsghost · 2 years
A Warrior's Return (Sacrifice - Pt. 2)
Part 1 - Sacrifice
Main Masterlist
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Max’s eyes return to normal, and she falls to the ground.
Max pants, her eyes wild, and Lucas pulls Max into his arms.
Sobs rack Max’s body.
“I’ve got you. I’ve got you,” Lucas whispers.
“I’m here,” Max gasps, grabbing onto Lucas’s bicep and running her fingers down his arm, “I’m still here. I’m still here.”
The claws around Steve’s heart unclench, for this time, no one had died.
. . .
“Hey, Dustin, this is Eddie the Banished,” Eddie says into the walkie talkie. “You there? Dustin, can you hear me?”
Nancy Wheeler sits up at the sound of the walkie.
“Earth to Dustin,” Eddie continues.
“Hey, it’s Nancy,” Nancy says, answering Eddie.
“Wheeler! Hey!” Eddie says. “Um, I’m gonna need a food delivery, like, really soon, unless you want me going out into the world.”
“No. No, no, no. Don’t do that,” Nancy replies. “Stay where you are, and we’ll be there as soon as we can.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Eddie says. “Listen, um . . . can you pick me up a six-pack? I know it’s sutpid as shit, drinking right now, but a cold beer would really calm my jangled nerves.”
Nancy shifts in her seat on the floor before looking over to the couch Max had been sleeping on - the girl was gone.
“Hey, I’m gonna have to call you back,” Nancy says, dropping the walkie and shaking Dustin’s shoulder. “Wake up,” Nancy says, shaking the boy’s shoulders again.
“What?” Dustin questions.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on Max watch?” Nancy asks.
“Yep,” Dusin replies, “Yep, yep, yep. Sorry.”
“Then where is she?” Nancy questions.
“She’s right there,” Dustin gestures to the empty couch, then he starts. “A second ago. I swear, I just dozed off for . . . an hour.”
Nancy and Dustin sprint up the stairs three at a time, then enter the kitchen. The two relax when they spot Max sitting at the kitchen table, once again bundled up in her sister’s jacket. Max is leaning over the table, her headphones over her ears.
“Morning guys,” Mrs. Wheeler says, setting a plate of pancakes down onto the island. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Nancy says, glancing between Max and her mother.
Max looks over at the sound of Nancy’s voice.
“I think it’s so sweet that you guys are sticking together like this,” Mrs. Wheeler continues.
“Could try sticking together at a different house for a change,” Mr. Wheeler says, not looking up from his newspaper.
Nancy moves over to the table, sitting down beside Max.
Before anybody can speak, the doorbell rings.
Mrs. Wheeler frowns a little as she moves to the front door. That she knew of, all the kids are already at her house, but her eyes widen considerably when she opens the door.
“Hi, Mrs. Wheeler,” the figure says and Mrs. Wheeler’s mouth drops open a little. “Um, is Max here?” (Y/n) Mayfield rasps.
Mrs. Wheeler’s mouth closes with a clop and she nods. “Come on in,” Mrs. Wheeler says. Her eyes flicker to the girl’s shaved head, her thin frame, and muscular arms. “You’re welcome to breakfast,” the woman says kindly.
“Thank you, Mrs. Wheeler,” (Y/n) murmurs, following the woman through the house.
(Y/n) catches sight of the figure sitting at the table and almost doesn’t recognize her. Max was definitely older - her hair was longer, she seemed taller sitting in the seat, and she looked overly stressed. A pang shatters (Y/n)’s heart for a moment, wondering if her ‘death’ was still the cause of her sister’s stress.
“Max,” (Y/n)’s voice cracks without her consent, but her voice was loud enough that her sister heard.
When Max looks up, (Y/n) takes in the haunted look on her sister’s face.
Once again, a pain stabs at (Y/n)’s heart when her sister doesn’t seem to acknowledge her presence.
Max turns to Nancy, who was staring at (Y/n) with wide eyes.
“Are you seeing this?” Max asks Nancy, who nods.
With confirmation from the older girl, Max gets up from the table, rushing into her sister’s arms.
“How -” Max goes to ask, but she quiets when (Y/n) buries her face into the crook of her sister’s neck - Max a good three inches taller than (Y/n) now, most likely to (Y/n)’s malnutrition.
Wrapping her arms around her older sister’s body, Max, like everyone else who’d hugged (Y/n) - or seen her - takes note of her thinness. But (Y/n) doesn’t move, and Max softens even more when she feels something wet drip onto her neck, and both sisters know that it’s tears.
(Y/n) pulls back, her hands resting on Max’s forearms. “Is that my jacket?” she asks, gesturing to the teal fabric.
“I’m not giving it back,” Max replies and (Y/n) smiles waterily.
Mrs. Wheeler sets a plate of pancakes and bacon on the table, and Max forces her sister to sit down and eat.
(Y/n) looks up from her plate, looking at the drawings littering the table.
“Is this what you saw yesterday?” Nancy asks Max, whose gaze falls onto the drawings as well.
The redhead nods. “I mean, it’s supposed to be. I thought it would be easier to draw it out than to explain it, but . . . not so much.”
“Is that?” Nancy asks, pulling a drawing of two people with no eyes and their limbs bent the wrong ways.
“It was like they were on display or something,” Max replies, staring down at the drawings. “And then there was this red fog everywhere. It was like a dream. A nightmare.” Max glances up at (Y/n), the haunted look in her eyes returning.
“You think Vecna’s just trying to scare you?” Nancy asks and (Y/n)’s expression asks the question - Who is Vecna?
“With -?” Max pauses. “Yeah. But when I made it here . . .” Max gestures to her drawings. “I dunno, something was different. He seemed surprised, almost. Like he didn’t want me there.”
Dustin leans forward in his seat. “Maybe you infiltrated his mind,” Dustin offers. “He invaded your mind, right? Is it that big a leap to suggest you somehow wound up in his? Like Freddie Kruger’s boiler room.”
“Freddie Kruger?” Holly, Nancy’s younger sister, asks.
“He’s a super burned-up dude with razors for fingers,” Dustin explains and the girl’s eyebrow raises. “And he kills you in your dreams?”
“Seriously?” Nancy asks Dustin.
“He’s not real,” (Y/n) soothes, looking at the six-year-old. “It’s just a movie.”
“It’s not real,” Dustin repeats (Y/n). “Just . . . think about it,” he continues. “What if you somehow unlocked a backdoor to Vecna’s world?” (Y/n)’s appetite leaves her and she pushes the plate away. “Like, maybe the answer we’re looking for is somewhere in this incredibly vague drawing.”
(Y/n) quirks her head at the drawing, then she stands up, rounding the table to stand between Nancy and Dustin.
“God, we need Will,” Dustin says, looking at one of the drawings.
“No shit,” Max replies and (Y/n)’s eyes flick up to meet Max’s. “But I tried them again this morning, and it’s the same busy signal.”
(Y/n) takes what looks like a stained glass window drawing from Dustin. “Is this a window?” she asks.
Max blinks with surprise. “Yeah,” Max replies.
“Stained glass with roses,” (Y/n) taps the table trying to remember.
“Yeah. See?” Max glances over at Dustin. “I’m not so terrible after all.”
(Y/n) begins taking the drawings and folding them at. She takes a sharpie and begins to draw the outlines of the house.
“It’s pieces of a house,” Max realizes.
“Not just any house,” Nancy says, picking up
“The Creels?” (Y/n) tries. “Dude killed his wife and two kids after cutting out their eyeballs.”
“How do you know that?” Nancy asks.
“I was a Weekly Watcher fan,” (Y/n) replies. “I mean, not seriously.”
“You would get along well with Robin,” Nancy remarks, getting to her feet.
“Where are you going?” Dustin asks, his mouth full of pancake.
“To wake the others,” Nancy replies.
A minute later, the rest of the kids, Robin, and Steve run up the stairs. They stare, wide eyed at (Y/n), and she waves shyly, which was unlike her.
Steve grins, making his way over and hugging the girl.
“Hey, man,” (Y/n) smiles slightly, hugging the man.
As the kids are leaving the house, (Y/n) grabs another pancake and a piece of sausage, eating the pancake and sausage like a burrito.
Steve tilts his head at the girl.
“What?” (Y/n) asks, her mouth half full. “I’m starving.”
. . .
The car stops outside the Creel House and Max, Lucas, (Y/n), Dustin, Robin, Steve, and Nancy get out of the car.
There is a silence as the group stares at the house.
Max reaches over and takes her sister’s hand. (Y/n) jumps a little at the contact, but then she relaxes.
“Yeah, that’s not creepy,” Steve remarks, combing his hair out of his eyes.
Steve and (Y/n) use hammers to pry off the wood covering the door.
“What exactly are we supposed to be looking for in this shithole?” (Y/n) questions.
“We’re not sure,” Nancy admits. “We just know this house is important to Vecna.”
“Who is?” (Y/n) prompts.
“He’s from the -” Dustin begins.
“Upside Down,” (Y/n) replies. “I figured.”
“He hunts down teens who’ve faced trauma,” Dustin continues, grinning slightly at (Y/n)’s deadpan.
(Y/n) glances at her sister as she pulls out the last nail.
“Maybe the house holds a cue to where Vecna is. Why he’s back. Why he killed the Creels,” Dustin says.
“Or who he is,” (Y/n) reasons.“Finding out who he is might help us figure out the other questions.”
“I missed having our genius around,” Lucas says, nudging (Y/n) who smiles at the younger boy. “We don’t think he’s in here, do we?” Lucas asks.
“Guess we’ll find out,” Max replies.
(Y/n) and Nancy step back as the plywood hits the porch; all the kids flinch, stepping back.
Steve steps forward, rattling the doorknob. “It’s locked,” he says. “Should I knock, see if anybody’s home?”
“Dude, I doubt anybody’s home,” (Y/n) replies, crossing her arms over her chest.
“There’s no need,” Robin pipes up and (Y/n) glances over at the older girl. She lifts a brick and (Y/n) grins. “I found the key.”
The window shatters and glass rattles as it hits the floor.
Steve sticks his arm through the broken window, and reaches down, turning the knob.
The door screeches as it opens.
Steve is the first to enter the house, Nancy, Robin, and (Y/n) just behind him.
Max follows her sister closely, and when they enter the house where there’s more space, she hands (Y/n) a flashlight, then takes her hand.
(Y/n) squeezes her sister’s hand, and Max almost comments on how rough and calloused they are.
Lucas and Dustin follow the others into the house. Lucas moves over to one of the lamps and attempts to light it.
“Looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill,” Lucas deadpans and (Y/n)’s lips twitch. She’d forgotten how nice it was to be around her friends. But that wasn’t true. She’d wished for the company of her friends, no, her family, for the last year.
The others turn on their flashlights, and Steve asks, “Where’d everyone get those?”
“Do you need to be told everything?” Dustin asks, turning to his friend. “You’re not a child,” Dustin says and (Y/n) chuckles.
“Thank you,” Steve replies, glancing at (Y/n) and then Dustin.
“Huh,” Dustin says, unslinging his backpack and handing it to Steve. “Back pocket.”
Steve takes the pack, pulls out a flashlight, and drops the backpack to the floor.
Nancy’s flashlight sweeps the room, “They just left everything.”
“I guess a triple homicide isn’t good for resale value,” Robin replies and (Y/n) laughs slightly.
“Hey, guys?” Max’s voice comes from the other side of the room. “You all see that, right?”
“Yeah,” Dustin replies.
“Yeah,” Steve answers.
(Y/n) stares up at the grandfather clock, her eyebrows furrowing.
“Is that what you saw?” Nancy questions Max. “In your visions?”
Max swallows thickly, and (Y/n) takes her sister’s hand.
“I mean, it’s . . . just a clock.” Robin meets (Y/n)’s gaze over Max’s shoulder. “Right?” Robin takes a step closer to the clock, looking at the dusty glass covering the clock piece and the hands. She uses a hand to wipe the glass, making a squeaking noise, and (Y/n) cringes at the noise. “Like a normal old clock.”
“Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks?” Steve wonders aloud, staring at the ancient clock. “Maybe he’s like, a clockmaker or something?” Steve questions.
“I think you cracked the case, Steve,” Dustin says sarcastically.
“All I know,” Nancy says, and the others turn to her, “is that the answers are here. Somewhere.”
Max grips her sister’s hand tighter, and looks around.
“Okay, everyone stay in groups of two,” Nancy takes charge. “Robin, me and you, upstairs.
(Y/n) and Max pair up, leaving Lucas, Dustin, and Steve together.
. . .
Max’s tape deck is playing “Running Up That Hill” on a loop faintly in the background. The deck clicks off, and Max scrambles to reset the deck.
“I wish we had a longer loop,” (Y/n) says, Lucas having quietly and quickly filled her in on the details about Vecna and the song in the back of Nancy’s car.
“Forty-six minutes isn’t so bad,” Max replies, studying her sister. “I think there are bigger concerns.” She reaches over, her hands brushing through the buzzed hair. (Y/n) doesn’t say anything as the action seemed to calm Max. “Like, what if, by listening to this over and over again, I get sick of it, and suddenly it’s not my favorite anymore? Will it still work? Or will Kate Bush, like, lose her magic power or something?”
(Y/n) looks over at her sister. “Kate Bush could never,” (Y/n) replies, reaching out and taking Max’s hand.
“I forgot you were a Kate Bush fan,” Max says, smiling slightly.
“Even if I wasn’t before,” (Y/n) continues, meeting her sister’s gaze seriously, “I would damn be now. She saved your life. Besides, we’re hot on this creep’s trail. We’ll find Vecna before he can hurt you again.” (Y/n), trying to brighten her sister’s spirits, turns towards a piano. “Maybe if we hit a few keys in the right order, we’ll open a door to his secret layer.” (Y/n) plays a horribly out of tune cord, very different from her actual piano skills.
Max laughs, “You, (Y/n) Mayfield, are a dork.”
(Y/n) smiles wistfully. “I missed this.”
“What?” Max’s expression falls slightly.
“You. Our friends,” (Y/n) replies, but then she drives her feelings away. Her goal, as it always had been - and always will - would be to keep her sister safe.
A set of lights flickers, and (Y/n) pushes Max behind her. The wall sconce makes a slight thrumming noise.
“I promise I’m gonna stop asking this, but . . .” Max begins.
“Yeah, I can see it,” (Y/n) interrupts, knowing what her sister’s question was going to be.
Max moves out from behind (Y/n) reaching for the light, but as she goes to touch one of the shakes, the light flickers out. Max stares at the light before (Y/n) nudges her.
“Look,” she murmurs. Another light, outside in the main hall, had begun to flicker. (Y/n) swallows thickly and follows her sister out of the room, following the trail of flickering lights.
. . .
Night had fallen by the time (Y/n) and Max had rounded everyone else up, their flashlights shining through the dusty air of the house.
All of the kids are staring up at the chandelier in the middle of the room, pulsating with a yellow light.
“It’s like the Christmas lights,” (Y/n) murmurs.
“Christmas lights?” Robin asks questioningly.
“Yeah, when Will was in the Upside Down,” Nancy answers her girlfriend’s question, “the lights . . . came to life.”
“Vecna’s here,” Lucas murmurs, taking Max’s unoccupied hand - (Y/n) was grasping the other tightly. “In this house.” Dustin glances over at Lucas, nodding slightly. “Just on the other side.”
Suddenly, the light flickers out, leaving the group standing in a semicircle, the only light in the room coming from the flashlights in their hands.
“I think he just left the room,” Robin says, her voice quavering.
“D-did he h-hear us?” Max asks, pressing into her sister’s side, desperate for a reply - and comfort.
“Can he see us?” Steve adds with a frown.
“Headphones,” (Y/n) and Lucas say in unison.
“Wait, wait!” Nancy says quickly. “Everyone, turn off your flashlights and spread out.
The others - with no other ideas - follow Nancy’s words.
“We’re not going to be able to see if we -” Steve just sighs. “Jesus Christ.”
. . .
In the attic of the Creel House, all the flashlights’ bulbs shatter, chunks of glass flying up.
(Y/n) inhales sharply as a huge piece of glass imbeds itself into her cheek.
. . .
“Not to be a wimp,” Robin says, using a pair of tweezers to pull the chunk of glass out of (Y/n)’s cheek, “but can I sit in the car?” She glances over at her girlfriend in the driver’s seat. “‘Cause this is gonna totally and royally suck.”
“It’ll be -” Nancy pauses, “fine.”
“I can’t stand to see those dull eyes of Eddie’s break again,” Robin mutters, using some medical tape to secure some gauze onto (Y/n)’s cheek.
“At least he can drink himself into feeling better,” Steve manages, his mouth full of crackers.
“That’s what my mom does,” Max replies without thinking, and (Y/n) glances at her sister, her eyes wide with question.
“Why don’t we just give it a trial run?” Robin says, patting (Y/n)’s patched up cheek gently, before turning her attention to Nancy. “‘Hey, Eddie. Uh, good news first this time. We got you some Dustin-approved junk food and that six-pack you requested. Oh yeah, and we found Vecna. The only bad news is that he’s in that other, darker, much scarier dimension, and the gate’s closed, so we have now way of getting to him. He’s entirely shut off to us, so basically, you’re screwed.’”
Nancy glances over at Robin, finding the rambling really cute, but she has no idea what to say in reply.
But Robin just continues, “‘And, no, I know you were already screwed, but now you’re doubly, triply screwed.’”
“Ey, Rob,” (Y/n) interrupts her friend. “Maybe we don’t put it like that.”
“We’re one step closer to finding Vecna,” Nancy scrambles for a positive. “That’s what we say. That’s what’s important.”
“See, Robin?” Steve asks his friend. “Positive spin can make all the difference.”
“Uh-huh,” Robin rolls her eyes.
“Shit,” Nancy says, staring at the roadblock.
Word Count: 3169 words
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kaylawritesfics · 2 years
HEYYYY I have another request! due to max mayfield x reader but the readers like an adopted “sister” from the lab and she likes to play guitar
(Like el’s adopted sister is dating max)
(with she /her pronouns!!)
plz ad thank you!!!💗💗
Dating Max Mayfield And Being From Hawkins Lab
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summary: what it’s like to date max mayfield while being from hawkins lab
pairing: max mayfield x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of canon typical violence, swearing, mentions of abuse (not descriptive)
note: hii tia !! sorry this took me literally forever i hope you love it :)
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You and Max probably met through Eleven. You had escaped Hawkins Lab a little earlier than Eleven did and she quickly found you and introduced you to her friends.
Max immediately thought you were so cool. You had powers, like El did, and could even play the guitar.
She would totally teach you how to skateboard, telling you how cool it would be if you could skate and play guitar.
She becomes really protective over you, especially during the bad times in Hawkins. She knows how dangerous it can be for you and El, so she’s really determined to keep you safe.
Max would love to just lay in bed with you and read comic books or something. It’s really soothing for her and she loves to just be able to relax with you.
She’ll read aloud to you as she lays on your chest. She really likes when you play with her hair, as well.
She loves to listen to you play guitar, especially when she’s upset or overwhelmed.
When you’re feeling anxious about the lab, she’ll remind you that nobody is ever going to hurt you again as long as she’s around.
God forbid Dr. Brenner ever meets Max Mayfield because she’ll beat his ass.
She likes to hear stories from the lab, but only the ones you’re comfortable telling. She likes to hear about the friendly nurses and orderlies and the friends you made while you were there.
She loves complimenting you, especially because she feels like nobody really ever showed you a lot of love in the lab.
She’s not a very affectionate person but she tries really hard to become one because she just wants to show you so much love that you’ve been missing out on.
She’ll also show you all the things you’ve missed out on. Whether it’s tv shows, movies, music, etc. She keeps you up to date with everything pop culture.
She loves having movie nights with you !! She makes sure that you get to watch all the classic movies.
She just adores you so much and she really wants to protect you and show you so much love !!
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thatgrumpybxtch · 2 years
could you do more about being elevens sister? anything really 😊☺️
Eleven is sooo protective over you
No matter if you're younger or older than her
Being protective over her too
You are partners in crime and rarely ever seen apart
You've been through everything with her, so you both understand each other better than anyone else
Warning Mike that if he ever hurts Eleven you'll kill him :)
He still isn't sure if you were joking or not
Naturally being close with Mike and the others too, after some good old trauma bonding
Of course, being eleven's sister isn't easy, you're both constantly in the spotlight, and looked at anytime something life-threatening happens
Lots of trauma and lots of anger
Being treated like an actual daughter and kid by Hopper and Joyce
Hanging out with the party, learning about dnd, and even getting to play
Going to the mall with your sister and Max, which also means free ice cream from Steve and Robin
Speaking of Steve, whether you are close or not he is protective of you and your sister, even if he doesn't show it super often
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skinnywalker · 2 years
My little dove
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take me with you. I'm sick of mildew. I'm sick of all of these humans telling me what to do
Billy had been gone all afternoon leaving Max with no other option then watching TV after finishing her homework. The heat outside felt almost thick. Like the moment she stepped outside she was being chocked.
"I hate this."
She turned to Billy's sibling half sleep next to her on the couch. Max didn't know how she felt about them. Somewhere between the anger of escaping the hell of Billy's wrath and the pain of watching them be truly loved, she really liked them. They always tired to help her with extra work, tired to get Billy to drive both of them home, braided her hair, secretly did her choirs, they really did care about her. Max knew it. She knew they didn't want Billy to be so rough. They loved max like a sibling.
"They bumble!"
Billy slipped in the kitchen shaking the small bag of rainbow candy.
"You ok if I head out to a party tonught."
He smiled a bright toothy grin.
"You have a good night night sweets."
He leaned forward leaving a kiss on their temple.
"When you're old enough you'll come too. Help me deal with all these assholes."
He mumbled the last bit brushing past Max without a word. The door slammed behind him leaving them alone again.
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fromasgardandback · 10 months
Rocker Mayfield - Part I
Eddie Munson x Mayfield!Reader
description: Y/N Mayfield moved back to Hawkins after their father left her to be with his new family. Living in the trailer park wasn’t bad, especially with an attractive neighbor.
word count: 1.6k
warning: divorce, abandonment, crappy relationships, fluff
a/n: i will be making this a mini-series. maybe 3-4 parts?
masterlist | oneshots
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Hawkins, Indiana. The dreadful town in the middle of nowhere. Farmlands, hillbillies, and rich freaks who loved to tell you they were “popular”. I hated it here, but what else was I supposed to do? I’m in my senior year and refuse to not finish just to get a GED. I am Max Mayfield’s older sister and when she was just a toddler our parents split. Mom took Max and Dad took me, but I fought to spend the summers with Mom and Max. Every summer I did except for last summer which is how everything went down on both of our ends. Max dealing with underworld demons and me dealing with my own. I practically lived alone because of how much Dad was out. I took care of myself and learned to do it all. Until one day at the beginning of summer, right before I was about to leave for Hawkins, this young bimbo walked into our house. She looked like a hooker, a gold digger, and someone with major daddy issues. That summer I found out my father was living a whole lie apart from Max and me. He created this whole other family, and by “family” it was Dad, this bimbo, and two dogs. I won’t lie, I contemplated taking the dogs. He told me to get out and move back in with our Mom. All summer I packed everything I owned, black-mailed him into getting what I needed to take care of Max and me and left. I took the eleven-hour car trip from New York to Indiana. 
I pulled through the trailer park entrance, making my way to the one mobile home that I knew too well. Putting the car in park, I got out taking in the surroundings and awful smell. From the front window, I saw Max visibly happy to see me. She ran out before I could run to her and we both fell in a tight hug.
“Y/N. I missed you. Never leave me again.” Max mumbled into my neck.
“I missed you too, kid. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” I smiled holding her closer.
Luckily the trailer was a two-bedroom trailer, so I shared one with Max while Mom got the other room. She worked long hours and late nights. Barely being home for Max, so being home is like I came for Max. Which I did, because if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have returned. The place still looked the same as the last time I was in it. Brown, brown, and oh yeah, more brown. Max set up a bed for me in the corner of her room while she took the other side. Part of me felt bad that she doesn’t have her own privacy anymore, but based on the late-night calls about her nightmares and night terrors, I know she wouldn’t mind. I set my things down and turned to sit on the bed.
“One perk of Dad bribing me to leave is that I got the car. So, wanna go for a drive? Get out of here and take a breather?” I said leaning back on my hands.
“Hell yeah.” Max sighed in relief. I knew she needed someone to support her and that is who I am going to be. Her main support while Mom was out supporting us. I took Max driving down farmlands and back roads that lead to a lake. I parked and we spent the night watching the sunset before heading home.
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School started within the next week or so from my arrival. The feeling of going to Hawkins High made both of us physically sick. When the first day came we regretted getting out of bed. I pulled into the parking lot and looked over at Max. Her face went from upset to straight disgust.
“It’s going to be okay. I’m here with you the entire time. Find me and I’ll be there for you. Maybe find your friends? Dustin was the sweetest to you, he can give you some kind of comfort.” I said gently squeezing her hand. 
“Thanks, Y/N. I just want to get it over with and go home.” Max said, giving me a tight-lip smile. I knew this year was going to be harder on her than anyone, but if I could make some part of her day memorable, I will.
“Listen to your music. Remember to take breathers. And I love you!” I yelled at her walking towards the school and away from my car. She laughed, playfully flipping me off. I grabbed my bag, following her into school when this guy came out of nowhere and I bumped into him.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.” I said picking up a pack of cigarettes and handing them back.
“No, it’s fine darling.” The voice said as our hands touched. That voice, I know that voice. It was familiar. I look up to see a curly, long-haired man with a metal look. Jeans, jean and leather jacket, a bandana, and a chain connected to his back pocket and belt loops. Only one kind of person in Hawkins looked like that
“Eddie?” I questioned, finally getting to see his face.
“Y/N?” He questioned back, looking at me.
“Oh my gosh, it is you.” I smiled wide. Eddie and I used to be friends when we were younger and every summer we would hang out when I came home. Calling each other wasn’t an option because of my father, so we would write one another and I kept everyone.
“It really is. Come here.” Eddie enveloped his arms around me, holding me close. I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him back.
“When did you get back? I would’ve helped you move back in.” Eddie kept looking over my face as if something happened.
“Last week, but I know you were working hard at the plant. I didn’t want to come over and bother you just to bring in heavy items.” I said walking inside with high school with him.
“You know I would do anything to help you. Don’t hesitate again.” He said seriously.
“Oh yeah? Just so you can go through my panties again like last summer?” I said standing in front of him at his locker.
“You weren’t supposed to be that fast in the bathroom.” Eddie’s face went red.
“You admit it!” I said laughing and walking away.
“No, Y/N. Get back here.” He laughed following me to our homeroom class.
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A few months passed and it was late fall. Fall in Hawkins was similar to what a New England falls resembles. Beautiful colored leaves, colder weather, and a vibe of dark academia. Eddie and I skipped the last class which was just a Study Hall and headed to his secret picnic table in the forest. We’ve been talking about anything and everything. More than we could write in our letters.
“It wasn’t my ideal situation to come back home to basically become a mother figure to my younger sister or be her keeper, but she’s my best friend. I love that girl with everything in me.” I smiled thinking about Max. “I’d do anything for her.” 
“That’s admirable. I feel the same way about Wayne.” Eddie said, leaning over the table on his elbows.
“I haven’t seen Wayne since we were kids. How has he been?” I asked following suit and leaning my elbows on the table. His eyes sparkled at the mention of his beloved uncle.
“He’s doing good. They switched him to the night shift down at the plant, but other than being tired, he’s doing good. I can’t believe you remembered our last conversation about him.” Eddie said looking at me. Just looking into his eyes made me weak.
“Of course, I did, Eddie. I care about you and Wayne so much. You’re very close to me so I’m going to pay attention to what you say. Even if you ramble on about how “Henderson” is annoying you about winning the last game.” I laughed, smiling at him.
“It was valid!” Eddie was very enthusiastic about his Dungeons and Dragons meetings. “Do you still listen to rock music?” He asked playing with his rings.
“I do and some metal. The ones you recommended. I really like Metallica.” I smiled while looking at him wearing a shit-eatin’ grin knowing I paid attention to his requests. “You know I have kept every single one of our letters.” 
“Yeah. I love that we started that at a young age. It’s very endearing. I mean who would’ve pegged you for the kind of guy to write letters to his childhood best friend while being the town’s metalhead freak, but because he plays a fantasy game.” I looked him in the eyes again.
“Don’t forget to mention satanic cultists too.” He chuckled. “I’ve kept all of mine too. Wayne tells me it's because I’m in love with you.” He blushed saying those words.
“You? In love with me?” I chuckled. That’s funny because it’s not true. Eddie wasn’t in love with me, he’s my friend.
“What if he’s not wrong? Would it be so bad if I was?” Eddie leaned over the table again, this time getting closer.
“No,” I gulped. “Would it be bad if I said I am too?” He’s showing the signals. Either show mine too and get rejected or finally be able to be in love with Eddie. My hands were shaking from this interaction. I didn’t get many in New York. The girls were prettier and the guys weren't Eddie. 
“No, darling. It’d be great, so I can do this.” Eddie closed the gap between us and kissed me. I froze for a quick second, letting my brain register what was happening. I raised my hand to hold his face and kissed him back.
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writerdream22 · 2 years
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requested by: @multifandomwriter56 , I sincerely hope you like this ✨🌻💛
pairing: Steve Harrington x sister!reader
warnings: none
feedbacks are always appreciated!
You and your brother were standing in the living room of the Byers' house, along with the kids that you were tasked to supervise until Joyce, Jonathan and the others were done taking care of what was going on with Will.
You were talking about what you all would have done if the situation were to escalate, and knowing how you'd kept the Demogorgon away the year prior, you gave your own suggestion.
“Guys, I have a solution” you announced, holding your hand up as to draw attention to yourself. Steve sighed in relief, and said “Thank goodness. What is it?”
“It involves fire” you explained “But—it's not as bad as it sounds”.
Your brother stared at you for a few seconds, speechless and astounded by what you'd just said. “Absolutely not!” he finally exclaimed, and you groaned in frustration.
“It would be completely safe, I swear. Like last year!” you insisted, to which the older boy responded “Last year was an exception !”
“But—” “No buts!”
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