#mcu/616 blend
soviet-ghost-story · 2 years
Luke's screams can be heard throughout the apartment. He is thrashing around, tangling up in his blanket. His is repeating "No!" In his sleep.
Normally, Bucky was a heavy sleeper, especially since being freed from HYDRA. It wasn’t the most desirable trait for assassins and spies, but Bucky was only mostly human, after all. Still, when there were others in his home, he tended to sleep more lightly.  However, not even his deepest sleep would be able to keep out the sudden screaming from the floor above him. Bucky sat up in a jolt and had launched himself out of his bed, a hidden knife in his hand. The youth, Luke, whom he had taken under his wing not too long ago, was screaming from his room - and his first thought was that he was being attacked. He was still working on getting a read on the young man - but he liked him and wanted to make sure he was taken care of.  Bucky moved up the stairs with silence and ease, not wanting to alert any attackers who might be present. But when he made it to the door, he found it unlocked, and the room was empty. There, in the bed, was Luke, thrashing out in the throes of a nightmare. Relaxing, but only just, he set his knife aside and carefully made his way to the bedside. “Hey - hey, kid, Luke - “ he murmured, and reached out to touch his shoulder. He could take whatever punch or lashing out this kid threw at him if he reacted badly. “It’s fine, it’s just a nightmare, hey? Wake up-”
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vagasbonds · 2 years
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kamala had always dreamed that her heroing career would take her to all sorts of places she’d never have the chance to go to otherwise . it was probably in the top five list of reasons she loved  doing this ( she’d have to check the list on her laptop when she got home ) . but right now ?  being thrown around by some unidentified creature and trying to avoid absolutely OBLITERATING big ben was NOT on her tier list .
WIND IS KNOCKED OUT OF HER FOR MAYBE THE THIRD TIME TONIGHT , back colliding against a building that is luckily not  so historical . she lays in the rubble of the collapsed brick trying to catch her breath . out of the corner of her eye with the world spinning she spots a figure in the direct line of a CAR being thrown . ❝ LOOK OUT !  ❞ she yells ; despite her muscles are resilient , they burn  as she hurls herself up and stretches an enlarged hand to catch it just in time . the momentum sends her skidding and hand pinned under a mini cooper . once again on the ground , she looks up at a spinning world and grins weakly at the person ,   ❝ ugh -- and i thought ROAD RAGE  was an AMERICAN thing . you okay , mister ?  ❞
&& . @riskfallings​ /  STARTER CALL ( KA.MALA / capped )
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mxmajor · 1 year
Cool things i learned abt the Dora Milaje from the dora milaje training manual
this is canon to the 616 and comics, not the MCU, but it was cool to learn about and definitely impacts my canon compliant AU fic. So it might be useful to others. Its not the full book, not even a chapters worth of info, but if you were considering getting it, do so. It made me look at wakanda forever differently, too.
they accept women from all 5 tribes (17 in the comics) between the ages of 15-20 to become Dora
They have to bring a gift and be accepted by Bast to begin training
If accepted they are called Kanwata and the process takes 4 years to complete.
Upon initiation they go through an ori ceremony where their heads are shaved and they received their first ritual tattoo. They receive another tattoo each year, an ink with vibranium, until the second and final ori ceremony where they receive the final tattoo after their acceptance from Bast.
They have to learn 7 of 10 languages: Wakandan, Xhosa, Hausa, Arabic, Yoruba, English, Igbo, Mandarin, Swahili, and Korean. They have 9 additional elective languages they can learn, especially to connect to the diaspora and blend in: cantonese, Hebrew, Japanese, French, Farsi, Spanish, Amharic, and Portuguese. They get to conversation and translation in the following years.
In the first year they must learn hand to hand combat in the forms of Ngolo, Laamb, Silat, Muay Thai, Musangwe, and Krav Maga. Once the required mastery has been met they add weapons in the second year. The Dora are considered "living weapons".
In the comic verse, they have a mystical and supernatural combat section. The kanwata training is in 3 pillars: physical, mental, and spiritual/herbal. They study vibranium application and properties as well as herbal practices like identifying plants for food and medicinal purposes.
Essentially, Dora are super smart and well trained so it takes a unique situation for them to be unprepared lol. There is even more that goes into what was listed above.
The DM have 3 major units: Guard Units, Airborne Units, and Support Staff Units. This includes Domestic, international, and Off world teams in the comics.
Dora can be broken into units, squads, or teams (helpful when trying to name group that they might be on a mission in)
They are all trained in combat and munitions (weapons) but some units are researchers, mechanics, pilots, healers, or apart of a secret division (like the cia) but no one knows who is in that secret division
Kanwata are the trainees, the 3rd and 4th years apprentice with Iya Dora and/or train younger Kanwata.
Ile Dora Milaje is what the group of active, graduated, and fully initiated Dora are called.
Iya Dora is the council that confers with wakandan leadership (Taifa Ngao, the council of elders), determines the graduation passage of kanwata, and governs the active duty, dismissal or removal from Dora ranks. There are Dora that have been re-instated after dismissal.
There are some cool excerpts if you clicked the link below. I am tired of typing lol.
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Five Fics Friday: May 31/24
Happy Friday, everyone! Check out these fics to finish off May!! Hope you enjoy!
The Tragedy Of Us by LipstickDaddy (G, 3,898 w., 2 Ch. || Post TLD, Angst, Romance, Tragedy, Hurt / Comfort, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Miscommunication, Requited Unrequited Love, Ambiguous / Open Ending) – John reflects on his relationship with Sherlock while the man is convalescing in hospital— twice.
Shave and a Haircut by AtlinMerrick (E, 9,343 w., 4 Ch. || Oral Sex, Hand Job, Teasing) – "Sherlock, let me shave you..." (What happens next involves a straight razor, 20 questions, and some very creative foreplay.)
London is Strange by KtwoNtwo (T, 40,925 w., 14 Ch. || MCU Fusion || Sorcerer John, Multiverse) – John Watson: Practitioner of the Mystic Arts and Master of the London Sanctum. (Otherwise known as what happens when you toss the MCU and Sherlock into a blender pulsing just enough to blend the two but not enough to make them unrecognizable, adding a pinch of Earth 616, a generous scoop of concept from another fanfiction, and a dash of mythology. Serve immediately garnished with the Time Stone.)
New Messages by TawnyOwl95 (E, 43,888+ w. 16/20 Ch. || WiP || Human AU || Social Media, Single Parent Aziraphale, Single Parent Crowley, Artist Crowley, Writer Aziraphale, Getting Together, Slow Burn, Phone Sex, Sexting, Eventual Romance, First Kiss, Touch Starvation, Pining, Longing) – Aziraphale writes fanfiction for the show Nice and Accurate Prophecies. Crowley draws fanart. It's going to be the collab of their lives.
all to myself by markofalover (G, 1,577 w., 1 Ch. || LOKI SERIES || Lokius, S02E03 Rewrite, Fake Relationship, Undercover as a Couple, Pining, Flirting) – “Oh, come on, Mobius,” Loki says, finally looking over, and oh, okay, they’re really close. “Have some fun.” “This is fun to you?”
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erinptah · 4 months
I just realized that when you color-code the moon knight boys it almost matches up with the colors I used in my tattoo (technically I went with white for marc and the gold represents khonshu but the artist refused to use white ink bc I'm so pale and the gold just looks yellow so...)
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Another thing I realized is that I need to actually read Reveals by Knight sometime soon, I kind of fell off of fanfic for a while but I am still very hype for it
Hey, nice! Iconic.
I'm just getting the colors from canon -- like, obviously the Duat sequence gives us Steven in navy blue, and Marc in white:
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The costumers even put pre-trauma Marc in this nice smoothly-blended light-blue color, and "Marc and Steven when they first obviously split" in a checked shirt with separate white and navy parts:
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If I really need a bit of saturation for Marc, his Moon Knight suit is the one with gold accents, so gold works.
And then MCU Jake was in a red sarcophagus...
But the 2021 comics run kept putting Jake in this hot-pink neon lighting, and I thought that was great, so I like importing that to MCU Jake.
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(my edit, but it's not that far off the canon dialogue)
The comics aren't as strong with color-coding; this setup of Jake being in pink and Steven in green/blue wasn't an established pattern before this run. At least white has always been 616 Marc's thing, as The One Who's Really Invested In Moon Knighting.
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positivelybeastly · 5 months
Apologies I haven't been more active on here today, friends, it's been a Discord kind of day (I write on an MCU/616 blend server and I've been getting lax on my replies, so I had to catch up). Plus, had to clean out a fridge! Fun.
That being said, I aim to be a lot more active tomorrow, and someone sent in an ask about Bendis Beast that I took it upon myself to write an essay about (because I am normal, thank you) that I'll inflict upon you all when people are around.
Oh, I also capped X-Men '92 vol. 2! Have a look at this cutie.
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doctorofmagic · 1 year
How much do we know about Wong? Do we have his birth place or any other little fun facts about him? (Working on a fic, trying to make him as accurate as I can)
We don't know much Wong, unfortunately 😭
He has always been sided in most DS stories, and most often his portrayal was kinda problematic. It's only changing now but there's still a long way for him.
What I DO know about him, though:
He's Tibetan and his father's name is Hamir, although in Strange #6 it's established that his ancestors were called Wong as well (makes sense cause Wong is actually a surname, so all good as far as I can tell).
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He takes art classes and has his own tea blend.
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He likes Banh Mi.
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He knows a spell strong enough to kill the Sorcerer Supreme.
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Pretty sure the tuna melt and the karaoke thing came from the MCU but well, it's also 616 canon now.
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He's responsible for teaching Stephen how to fight martial arts.
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I hate this background but he came from a line that serves the Sorcerer Supreme. He was promised a fiancée (Imei) and almost married her, but she was killed by Salomé. He was in love with Sara Wolfe before meeting Imei, but rejected her because he was promised to another (booooooooo).
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He's a teacher at Strange Academy.
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Overall, he's reserved, sarcastic and kind. Sensitive and sensible. Smart and strong. He really loves Stephen.
We need more stories starring Wong, for real. I'll be back (not sure when but still!!) with a thread on why Wong would make the perfect Iron Fist. Maybe, if he gets a promotion, Marvel will give him more depth!!
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lovingpromise · 2 months
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Დ ▫ Jennifer Walters
Full Name | Jennifer Susan Walters Nickname | She-Hulk, Jen, Jenny, Shulkie Birthday | Pending (1985) Age | 38 Gender | Cis Female (She/Her) Orientation | Pansexual Nationality | American Ethnicity | Caucasian Species | Human, Hulk Language | English, American Sign Language Occupation | Lawyer, Avenger, Temp Fantastic Four
Eye Color | Brown (Jen), Green (She-Hulk) Hair Color | Dark Brown (Jen), Dark Green (She-Hulk) Height | 5' 4" (Jen), 6'7" (She-Hulk) Skin Markings | N/A Face Claims | Tatiana Maslany
Mental | Body dysmorphia. Jennifer deals a great deal with a lack of self-esteem in her appearance. As Jennifer Walters she does not feel beautiful. The first time Jennifer became She-Hulk, she fell in love with the way she looked and the confidence she felt. It was the first time she had ever felt right in her own skin. Go figure that it took getting exposed to radiation and becoming an almost seven-foot-tall glamazon to do it. If she could, Jennifer would prefer to live out her life forever in the form of She-Hulk. Physical | Gamma Radiation Mutation. Phobias | Pending. Eyesight | 20/20 Vices | Pending.
Zodiac | Pending. Alignment | Chaotic Good Strengths | Pending. Weaknesses | Pending. Skills | Extensive Law Knowledge, Self-Defense (Judo + Boxing), Acrobatic. Abilities | Transformation into a Hulk, Superhuman Strength + Durability, Super Speed, Agility, and Stamina, Regenerative Healing Factor, Radiation Immunity, Fourth Wall Awareness.
Birthplace | Los Angeles, California Current Home | Verse Dependent Headcanons | Links will be here
This version of Jen is a heavy blend of both her 616 and MCU counterparts, leaning more heavily into 616 Jen.
Jennifer was born in Los Angeles to Sheriff Morris Walters and Elaine Walters.
As a child, she was very meek and lacked confidence in herself. Unable to connect with her fellow peers, companionship came in the form of her older cousin Bruce when he came to visit. He would take her to the local library, where he would read to her. Since she was an only child he was like a sibling to her and even as they grew older she continued to care for him as such.
She went to UCLA for college, graduated with two degrees and in the top ten percent summa cum laude, and was awarded the order of the coif. Afterward, she would begin practicing law as a Deputy District Attorney at the LA County District Attorney's Office.
She was a driving force in building a case against a man by the name of Nicholas Trask, a crime boss operating out of LA for years. Her father, now retired by this time, had crossed paths with him on multiple occasions but was never able to get any charges to stick. People warned Jennifer of the dangers of trying to go after Trask, but she kept pushing, hoping to put him behind bars and see justice served.
Jennifer was able to secure a key witness, but despite her better efforts, the man was murdered before he could testify. Angry, Jennifer confronted Trask directly and promised him that she wouldn't stop until he was behind bars. Trask replied with a subtle threat of his own and people around Jen worried for her safety.
Coincidentally, Bruce came to LA to visit. (Jen's mother had called and asked him to keep an eye on her for a bit). He suggested she take some time off and go on a road trip with him. Though she saw through the reason for this, Jen hadn't seen much of Bruce in years and so agreed to go.
During the drive, however, they were run off the road by another car (later realized to be hitmen hired by Trask) and ended up tumbling down a hill in a bad accident. Both she and Bruce were injured, but Jennifer woke up first. She pulled her cousin out of the car, some of his blood spilling into an open wound before he began to come to and warn her to keep away.
Due to the trauma of the car crash, Bruce seemed to be having a hard time keeping control of his alter ego and told her to run. Having not seen his unstable transformation up close and also still being disoriented from the crash, a scared Jennifer did as she was told.
She wound up lost in the forest for hours, dirty and with no shoes. Eventually, she came across a bar and wandered towards it. A few women helped clean her up and allowed her to borrow their phone. She called her Bruce, who thankfully had gained control and returned to himself and let him know her location.
While waiting for him, Jennifer realized that she was being watched and a group of men came up to her. At first, she simply thought that they were just hitting on her because she was an easy target, until one of them pointed a gun at her. They revealed that they were sent by Trask, and were surprised to see that she had survived the car crash.
Jennifer tried to reason with them, but the gun went off and she felt the bullet pierce her chest. To the surprise of both the men and herself, she stayed standing, instead beginning to transform. Her features began to take on a green color and she felt as if she were growing taller. All that she remembered after that was letting out a monstrous scream and the look of horror on the men's faces before everything went black.
When she came to the next day, Jennifer found herself in Bruce's Beach House in Mexico. It was there that Bruce explained her new condition and tried to help her get a grasp of her new abilities. Unlike when Bruce first became the Hulk, they realized that (despite her blacking out during her first transformation) Jennifer was able to retain a lot more self-control in her Hulk form.
Bruce trained her, monitoring their differences and her stability. Jennifer at first wanted Bruce to fix her, fearing her new form, but quickly came to like it. The more she trained in her Hulk form, the more confident she felt. It was a feeling she had never felt before in her own skin.
As their training sessions progressed, Jennifer found herself spending less and less time out of her Hulk form. Bruce noticed and expressed concern, but Jennifer brushed him off. Jen's newfound confidence was beginning to become overconfidence. She began to ask Bruce when she would be able to go back to her life in LA and got upset when he explained that it wouldn't be a good idea to ever go back.
Jennifer did not like that answer. She felt that the fact that she could freely transform between her human and Hulk form meant that she would be safe to return to society. Bruce disagreed. This led to an argument where the two would end up fighting in their Hulk forms, Jen insisting she was leaving and Bruce trying to get her to stay.
Jennifer said a few hurtful things as only a family member could and their fight ended with them accidentally destroying the bar that Bruce and Tony had built together. Feeling terrible, Jennifer helped him rebuild it and they had a calmer conversation.
Bruce still did not think that it was a good idea for her to go back to LA, but respected that she was an adult that could make her own decisions. Jennifer apologized for what she had said to them in their fight and he saw her off, letting her that he was the only one that understood what she would be going through and to not be afraid to call him if she needed him.
Back in LA, Jennifer tried to continue on as if the recent events hadn't happened. The only people she told were her mother and father and her good friend (and coworker) Nikki Ramos. Months passed with no incident and Jennifer tried to focus on her job. Talks started forming around Jennifer potentially being looked at to be promoted to a District Attorney.
Unfortunately for Jen, an incident in the courtroom during one of her closing testimonies would reveal her Hulk form to the world and throw her into the spotlight.
She was fired from her job at the DA's office for liability reasons.
Eventually, she was offered a job at GLK&H under their Superhuman Law Division. At first, she didn't want to take it, feeling that they simply wanted to exploit the image of She-Hulk... but she quickly realized that she could do a lot of good representing the Superhuman population.
When not fighting crime in the courtroom, Jen is outright crime on the streets.
Mother | Elaine Ann Walters, nee Banner Father | William Morris Walters Siblings | Bruce Banner (Cousin, Older Brother Figure) Other Family | Brian Banner (Uncle), Rebecca Banner (Aunt-in-Law), Tucker (Uncle), Ched (Cousin), Skaar (First Cousin Once-Removed) Significant Other | John Jameson "Johnny" (Husband or Ex-Husband), Verse Dependent Children | N/A Pets | N/A
Verse Name | Pending.
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mastcrmarksman · 2 months
Look I'm not an mcu hater. I just don't watch it. Or get the allure of a lot of the actors. Along with, I am neurodivergent. AuDHD. My special interest is in comic books. So I read a lot more than anything and its my preferred interaction ejth marvel universe. The video games though have gotten me in, and 23 minute animated shows have been easier for me to get into, or make more sense for me for superhero content anyways.
So like this is why, like I am a 616 only, but will try to blend with mcu, just know like I understand my neurodivergency affects like why I'm like this. It's also why I struggle with oc children for Clint sometimes, just because I've written this character for over ten years in roleplay settings snd very attached to the comics of him, and what I've developed for him.
Star Trek's one of the only new things that I have really watched. I'm not very good at consistent TV or movie watching. I have not seen a lot.of movies actually, and I tend to rewatch shows over watching new things. I'm so slow with watching things too. I've been in s5 of st: voyager for like 4 months. And with how much there is to mcu/nmcu. I just can't follow. So when I am blending for people, know I really don't know what I'm talking about for mcu/nmcu and trying to be the most willing to adjust, but as much as you may not have comic context, I do not have context for the live action stuff, and have a hard time trying to catch up cause I can read a comic issue in like 10 minutes to give myself reference whereas I can't sit through like 40 minute or 2 hour movie.
Just was having a conversation about things, and thought I'd mention some of that here, and I understand where my audhd brain struggles with things and own up my special interest attachments.
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seek--rest · 1 year
2022 Year in Review
Thanks for the tag @starkravinghazelnoots
1. Number of stories posted to AO3:
2. Word count this year:
3. Fandoms I wrote for:
Black Panther
First Kill
High School Musical: the Musical: the Series
Marvel Universe
Spider-Man 616
Spider-Man Fusions (MCU, 616, Insomniac blends)
4. Pairings: (keeping it romantic since the platonic list would be too long)
Calliope Burns/Juliette Fairmont
Ricky Bowen/Gina Porter
5. Stories with the most:
Lost in Translation
Desperate Measures
Lost in Translation
Desperate Measures
Comment threads:
from the sidelines
the slowest moving train
Word count:
from the sidelines
the slowest moving train
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
a treacherous gain
It’s not the first “fix-it” I (co) wrote but it’s one of my favorites because it took all the details and meta that had been circling around and made it into a fic that 1) deals with the ramifications of the memory spell and not so subtly addresses frustrations with fandom/meta about the end of NWH 2) made it clear that neither Peter nor MJ and Ned were utterly lost without each other and 3) added in the PS4 game in a way that makes me scream.
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
If I wasn’t proud of it, I wouldn’t post it??
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
This comment from when you help someone, you help everyone that so perfectly GOT it.
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9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
It’s felt like the Spider-Man fandom all but dried up and died post NWH (which is eminently fascinating to me since it made a bajillion dollars and it felt like the entire world was obsessed with it but we move). That being said, I didn’t come to fandom for anyone else so even in times of drought, I don’t stay for anyone else. But it IS nicer when others want to create too.
(Even if they don’t, that’s okay. I love Spider-Man.
I’ll outlive everything you love.)
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
The entirety of should’ve known better was a surprise. Read the Giant Sized Gwen Stacy and had big feelings Darius LeClerc. I’m still the only person on ao3 that’s written him BUT SO HELP ME I WONT BE THE LAST.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
This bit from into the dark:
“I really thought this one would work,” Peter says, as if no one’s spoken to him– staring off into the side as he softly shakes his head. “I thought I’d finally figured it out, how to make it work, how to keep you all safe and it just…”
He trails off, May frowning and the other Peter looking confused– looking to both her and Ned for help as she puts her hand on Peter’s shoulder.
“I was so close,” he says, looking over to her with a smile. “Maybe this’ll be the last one then.”
12. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I wrote for fandoms that weren’t marvel related! Look at me go!
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
To continue to write to my exact, specific whims 😌
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
This is gonna sound cheesy as hell but the commenters who stuck with it. Our fandom is small but mighty. We are in this TOGETHER.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Put a lot of my own grief into when you help someone, you help everyone. I’ll never shut up about NWH and never stop being annoyed at the whiny complaints of how it’s “too sad” and “too depressing” and “lacking hope” — what a profound show of privilege to have never lost nearly everything and be faced with the crippling decision to fall into despair… or get back up.
No Way Home you will always be famous.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Write what you want and enjoy what you write!
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
without a trace with my beloved prem
finishing the midnights series
Famous!Peter and Publicist!MJ obvi
the finale of my irondad but make it MJ series
continuing I Almost Do
several MTH fics
a special crossover (or two)
my long suffering Kraven fic
about a dozen more WIPs in various stage of completion
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read:
@promiseofthepremise @weezly14 @abc2411 @watsonmj @bluepinstripes @momentofmemory @novasforce @kitausuret
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crossxxbones · 7 months
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☠ main ☠ bio ☠ face ☠ muse ☠ wishlist ☠
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
And now, some warnings! Brock is a villain, and I will be writing him as such. Even when he’s not actively being a villain, his interactions tend to be manipulative, abusive, and problematic af. This blog will feature content such as murder, torture, manipulation, gaslighting, abusive relationships, and some hit or miss loyalty to HYDRA and/or Red Skull. If you’re not comfortable with those, that’s perfectly fine, but this isn’t the muse for you. I will check with you before anything major so we can better plot things out. Likewise, if you prefer to plot Brock’s death, I’m happy to work with you on that. Being a villain has consequences, but communication is key. All details vary based on verse, and I’m happy to write Brock into AUs and fandom crossovers.
Please note that I do not write HYDRA Trash Party, but I don't care if you choose to. I'm not into non-con, nor is Brock (for more on that, see my headcanons on Brock as a handler). However, my blogs are emphatically anti-censorship. If you don't understand the line between reality and fiction, we're not a good match.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Brock with other Marvel characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they’re on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they’re on my list.
OTPs: Sinthea Schmidt, Jack Rollins, Bucky Barnes NOTPs: Johann Schmidt, Alexander Pierce Other: Frank Castle, Billy Russo (AU where Brock is assigned to the Cerberus Squad), Negan Smith (he would totally join the Saviors in a TWD verse)
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default verses:
mcu: An MCU-only verse where Brock joins the military at eighteen and works his way to Commander on a Navy SEALS team. He's in black ops when he's recruited by HYDRA and sent to infiltrate SHIELD. I'm happy to pick up anywhere in this timeline, from his early days with SHIELD to his post-HYDRA vengeance streak after Cap drops a building on him. If there's a redemption arc for Brock, it usually takes place in this verse.
616: A blend of MCU, comics, and headcanon where Crossbones was trained at Taskmaster's school for criminals before pledging loyalty to Red Skull during WWII, where he was given some version of the super soldier serum. He's fought for various organizations and villains over the decades before infiltrating SHIELD as a HYDRA agent, where his timeline crosses over with the MCU. Brock is an unrepentant villain in this verse, and he's not interested in redemption.
multiverse!madness: Various comics universes collide, whether Marvel/DC/etc. have always existed on the same Earth, or other-dimension shenanigans are at work. Duplicate friendly!
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mcu/comics aus:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes.
alt!insight: An MCU/616 AU where Brock dislikes the direction HYDRA is going, stages a coup, and takes over before Pierce can destroy them with Insight. He establishes himself as the head of HYDRA and does things his own way. (general!rumlow)
hydra!verse: Insight is successful, and HYDRA is able to take out all or most of their targets at once. Brock is promoted, and HYDRA is on the verge of world domination, with only a few rebels left to fight back.
hydra!world: Earth-85826, where fascist dictator Armin Zola rules the world with HYDRA.
rogue!verse: Same beginning as 616, but where Brock defects from Hydra at some point well before Insight. He spends decades living on the run and fighting back at HYDRA, is recaptured and tortured (where he receives the extensive scarring he has in the MCU), and escapes again to continue the fight.
welcome to westview: Roughly a month after Endgame, still mourning the loss of his old life, Brock wanders into Westview and stumbles upon a false happily ever after scenario.
winterverse: An MCU/616 AU where Brock is an unwilling participant in the Winter Soldier program. (winter!soldier)
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other verses by request:
almost famous: A no-powers AU where Brock takes his porn star career and turns producer.
collegeverse: A no-powers AU where Brock drops out of college to become a porn star.
super!mcu: A Supernatural AU where Brock is a Knight of Hell, one of the first of the fallen and hand-picked by Cain. When Cain set out to kill the Knights, he escaped to hide on Earth. (demon!rumlow)
twd!verse: A zombie apocalypse verse that follows a Walking Dead timeline. Brock was on a mission (with or without the asset) when the outbreak happened, and ultimately joins the Saviors as Negan's right hand man.
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mahalshairyballs · 2 years
I've been thinking again about 616!Marc and MCU!Marc and about trash baby Matty and...
Who is really the most violent of the two, Jake or Marc ?
(Plot-twist it's Steven lmao/jk)
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How do we define what's 'most violent' ?
We've never actually seen Marc punish someone in the show for Khonshu.
He's been working for Khonshu, he's killed in self-defense but we haven't seen him "protect the travelers of the night' like he usually did. What does it look like? How does he do it ?
It reminds me of what Oscar said about Khonshu who could be seen as a metaphor...
I think the one who can go into unbridled rage is Marc, not Jake (well Jake can too but only in very specific situations and they haven't happened yet).
Khonshu was right, Marc enjoys punishing people. It's after the fact that he regrets it. That he feels horrible about having enjoyed it. That he thinks his mom was right about him...
Which is very similar to at least season 1 Matt Murdock : he does enjoy hurting the bad guys. That darkness inside him, that 'devil' he lets out, he tries to harness it for good, but himself and people he loves worry it'll push him to become the very thing he hates.
Marc is the same. If he saw an abuser, any sort of abuser, and Khonshu told him to go make that abuser pay ? He did it, with all the fury of a vengeful spirit. Once it was done however, that person's death just added to his already tremendous guilt. Marc didn't really thought rationally about what he did, he just had this thirst for vengeance that Khonshu took advantage of.
Remember that flashback when he first met Khonshu ? Marc wasn't going to accept Khonshu's proposal at first. Partly because he thought he was hallucinating, partly because he just wanted to end it. When Khonshu first said 'I'm in search of a warrior' Marc replied 'good luck with that',
then Khonshu talked about vengeance and punishing abusers. Then Marc listened...and let Khonshu into his heart, that's why Khonshu started to appear physically to him then.
In some comics storyline Marc is the most violent one. He needs Jake and Steven to rein him in. So I did like I did with Jake and blended all versions of Marc into one. So I think this element is still partially true for MCU!Marc. Contrary to what Marc thinks of himself though, he's not always violent or inherently so (none of them are) but he has those moments of blind rage when he sees people being abused.
Khonshu only took advantage and profited from that. It was already there within Marc.
And if he's not stopped, sometimes even Jake could say 'wow that was intense Marc'.
So then we can ask, why was Marc so alarmed when he came back from his blackouts where Jake replaced him?
A few things. One, who wouldn't? It's not because he's used to killing bad guys that he wouldn't be shocked to awaken in front of freshly dead bodies he doesn't remember killing. It takes the top position within the fear of losing control of yourself : waking up having killed people you didn't remember killing and you didn't want to kill. Marc didn't even know if these guys 'deserved' to die. Not everyone deserves to die in Marc's mind, and he already feels bad enough after killing the ones who do 'deserve to die' in his mind.
And two, yeah Marc only wants to kill abusers, he doesn't want to kill innocent people, or even people who aren't horrible. How does he know who Jake is killing? How can he control who Jake can kill ?
So what about Jake ?
Well, it's very hard to say whether Jake is more violent, brutal or if he kills more than Marc does. And I don't think I'll ever say it's one more than the other, that's not very relevant to me. What we do know, is that Jake is more efficient. He has a particular set of skills. Which tells me that Jake is less sloppy, less full of rage when he kills ?
Jake is definitely not emotionless when he kills/hurts people (psychopath stereotype shoooo, go away *wave hands*), but he doesn't feel an all incompassing emotion that skew his judgment either. Actually, he might feel at least satisfied of what he's doing. He takes his role, his job, his duty, seriously. And being Moon Knight is just an extension of what he was already doing for the system. Protecting the vulnerable, making the bad guys pay. He could even be proud of it, proud of how he does it too. You gotta take pride in what you can right? He has a few talents, and that's one of them. I truly think Jake thinks he's doing the right thing, he truly believes in Khonshu's crusade.
Jake is a professional. And he won't leave any loose ends. He'll always win.
We didn't get much from Jake in season 1, but from the one line we got from him in the aftercredit, that's what I could read out of it.
Remember when I said Jake is very emotional on the inside? That still applies there...kinda. He does feel all those things when he does 'his duty', but being the weird dude with weird priorities he is, he gets way more emotional in other situations. This all goes down again to : what he's used to deal with and what's new to him. He gets way more emotional for the latter.
So now, back to Marc (and Steven) and a bit on where they would be after season 1.
I liked the closing line that Steven said 'we'd rather go save the world'. It can mean a few different things. One of them is part of Steven's story-arc. Steven has learned to enjoy adventures and being a hero. And with Marc's help and his newfound confidence, Steven can handle himself in heroing situations.
So post-season 1 Steven might want to keep being a hero in some ways. A more 'normal' one with no powers, and not killing anyone, but still fighting for people who need help. He'll be enthusiastic about finding ways to do that, and would want Marc to join him in this endeavor.
Marc's like for his depression hatred towards abusers and violent tendencies aren't gone because Khonshu is (seemingly) gone. I'd see them stumble across a crime scene that's about to happen/in-action and Marc just losing it.
Steven waking up somewhere later, clothes covered in blood.
Steven 'What happened!?!' What did Jake do !?!
Marc 'I'm really sorry Steven, I...I saw [guy abusing someone] and couldn't stop'
Steven 'you did this !?! Marc ! We...we're covered in blood!'
Marc 'I'm sorry'
Steven 'we don't have the suit anymore, it won't just disappear! We...we could be arrested!'
Or even, this could be how Marc finds out they're still Moon Knight.
He's facing an abuser, he's full of hate and rage and wishes he had something to kill that piece of shit right on the spot. But he doesn't have a gun, not even a knife with him, nothing. Only his bare hands. If only he could summon his moonarangs again, it would be quick.
And then he feels his fist closing around something. He looks down. It's his moonarang. What. His fist is wearing a white glove too...the Moon Knight suit is on him....what.the.fuck.
Jake will have some explaining to do.
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nomanslannd · 1 year
mcu verse update for secret invasion. regarding my MCU verse, Ian works for MI5 since shield no longer exists in this universe. He's trying to blend in while he tries to find a way home. He ends up meeting Maria Hill, after he's sent to intercept a mission she's on for Fury's new crew. Because of what he knows about both Hill and Fury and how they were close to Steve from this universe. He decides to become a 'double agent' and help her and Fury from the inside. Hill knows his secret identity after they got close while Fury was in space, however Fury does not. Ian gets pulled into helping with the Skrull rebellion, because Hill thinks she they need back up.
Code name. 'Leopold' Ian Fitzgerald Status. MI5 agent Secret identity. Ian Rogers (Nomad.) Origin. Earth-616 Location. New York City
Check out Ian's verses!!
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greatresponsibility · 2 years
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intro / headcanons / stats
( AN OPEN WINDOW IN AN EMPTY APARTMENT; CRUMPLED LAB NOTEBOOKS; BRUISED RIBS, DARK CIRCLES, AND A GOOFY SMILE )▸ welcome to latverion, PETER PARKER (SPIDER-MAN). it’s time to be gracious, for in this vast multiverse, you have been saved by emperor doom. according to records you are 22 and use HE/HIM pronouns. emperor doom expects you’ll enjoy your career as a STUDENT, or else. excellent. we look forward to your contribution. ( CLAIRE, 24, GMT, SHE/HER, CHARLIE ROWE )
FULL NAME: peter benjamin parker (pete to friends)
ALIAS: spider-man
AGE: 22 (october 14; libra)
AFFILIATIONS: n/a (loosely affiliated with the Avengers and Fantastic Four, not properly part of any team)
GENDER AND PRONOUNS: cis male, he/him
FACE CLAIM: charlie rowe
i pull from just about every canon, so a big mix of everything! peter is predominately 616 and insomniac/ps4-based, with elements of the raimi and tasm films for backstory and characterization (y’all will pry hipster skateboarding loner peter parker from my cold dead hands). i’m pretty flexible with blending to make things work, but he is just about everything except for mcu-based. i do work within the mcu timeline and relationships to fit plotting as needed (ie, pete teamed up with the avengers for a bit when he was a little older, but is not a proper team member, etc etc). there’s a whole essay breaking down what i take from each canon somewhere. you don’t want to read it.
spider physiology: enhanced speed, strength, & flexibility, regenerative healing factor, can stick to walls; master acrobat/gymnast; danger precognition; genius-level intellect; some pretty nifty web-shooting technology
nope! but he does really miss his aunt may; being this far apart from her for so long is strange and uncomfortable, and he worries about her.
i’ve got a whole (lengthy) page here, but the greatest/most important hits:
i am extremely passionate about jewish peter parker--he’s not especially observant, but it’s culturally very important to his identity
peter also deals with pretty extensive trauma, mental illness, and anger issues, but is coping with it all through bad jokes and punching criminals -- i am fascinated by 616 peter’s generally unhinged menacing aura; he’s a good person, but he’s not a particularly nice person; he’s incredibly smart and often arrogant and standoffish and quick to anger, but he tries really, really hard to do better
comics/films peter is quite distinct from mcu peter, so his general vibe is pretty different! he’s much more of a loner than a team player, and saw himself more as a contractor than an actual avengers member/fanboy. if anyone, he’s most likely to team up with the fantastic four, who he considers more family than anything else
Hail Doom. Nah, he’s not thrilled. Doom is a) creepy and b) authoritarian, and Peter’s not particularly about either of those things. It’s nice he’s funding research, but the surveillance state is not helping his case. Peter’s built his life on doing what’s right, protecting common good, and standing up for the little guy. Doom is not it. Out of suit, he’s polite. He’s not raising suspicions. He’s keeping his head down, not making a fuss; glowering, but playing along. In the suit? Another story entirely. Something’s off here. His spider sense can feel it, etc etc. Or maybe he’s just worked under J. Jonah Jameson long enough to know when the vibes are simply Not It.
You wouldn’t know it from looking at him, but Peter Parker has never met someone he hasn’t immediately wanted to fight. Does he want to be used in some sort of weird government gladiatorial scheme? No! Does he want to beat someone up in an arena? Sure! He’s much stronger than anyone gives him credit for, and he’d like a chance to prove his worth. That said, he doesn’t do well answering to anyone or anything, and he’s super not into being used as a pawn in someone else’s game. Forcing people to fight for sport is inhumane--just because he likes to process his feelings by Punching Someone About It doesn’t mean anyone else should be made to. So, yeah, he’s keeping out of it.
Peter was a student in his own world, so he’s a student now. He’s smart, he’s good at school (or he was, before Spider-Man took over his life), he likes having access to the campus labs and research facilities to work on his own tech. He likes the challenge, he likes the continuity, and he’s never been good at keeping regular working hours. Besides, Aunt May would want him to graduate. He is starting to realize that he could probably use a paying job, though--maybe there’s a Bugle out here? Maybe he could get a lab position? It might be worth looking into taking down Doom from the inside, if he can pass his classes first.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 9 hours
Birds of a Feather
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/PUBHRkZ by howls_library Peter is used to things not really ever going the way he plans or hopes. So when Doctor Strange is casting a spell to make everyone forget who he is as part of his last ditch effort idea to save his world and the multiverse, deep down he not surprised to end up head first in a dumpster. He is also not surprised to see that through his blinding headache, New York does not smell or look anything like what he is used to. He does know one thing though, and that is that he now hates the concept of the multiverse to his very core. or When Doctor Strange's attempts a spell to make everyone forget who Peter Parker is, Peter ends up across the multiverse in the city of Gotham. Confronted by different members of who he learns to be the BatFamily, he has to try and blend in. Unsure of what to do, Peter is plagued with his conscious desire to help the people of Gotham (because right now it looks like they desperately need it) as Spider-Man or to try and figure out how and if he can get home without being seen as a complete lunatic. Why not both? Besides, help might be in places he never even thought he could look. Words: 1810, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: DCU (Comics), DCU, Batman (Comics), Marvel, Marvel (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Comicverse), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: Other Characters: Peter Parker, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Selina Kyle, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie Brown, Helena Bertinelli, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Stephen Strange, Wanda Maximoff, America Chavez, Karen (Spider-Man: Homecoming) Relationships: Dick Grayson & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Peter Parker & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members & Dick Grayson, Peter Parker & Damian Wayne, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Stephen Strange, Barbara Gordon & Peter Parker, Stephanie Brown & Peter Parker, Cassandra Cain & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Peter Parker Needs Therapy, Multiverse, Some headcanon involved, actually a decent amount of headcanon but very heavily influenced by the canon, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Batfamily (DCU), Jason Todd is Good With Kids, Jason Todd is Bad at Feelings, Bruce Wayne is Good With Kids, Dick Grayson and Richard Parker (Marvel) are the Same Person, Multiverse of Madness happens before this story takes place, Bisexual Disaster Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne is a Little Shit, Tim Drake is So Done, Stephen Strange is So Done, Protective Dick Grayson, Golden Retriever Peter Parker, Minor Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Minor Dick Grayson/Wally West, America Chavez Needs A Hug, Mentioned Gwen Stacy, Not Canon Compliant With Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Wanda Maximoff & Peter Parker Friendship, Not MCU 616 or 199999, Peter Parker is a potty mouth, Mr. Freeze - Freeform, Joker - Freeform, Harley quinn mention - Freeform, Clayface - Freeform, Dick Grayson is a good dad read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/PUBHRkZ
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ao3feed-drstrange · 9 hours
Birds of a Feather
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/SqXC0U2 by howls_library Peter is used to things not really ever going the way he plans or hopes. So when Doctor Strange is casting a spell to make everyone forget who he is as part of his last ditch effort idea to save his world and the multiverse, deep down he not surprised to end up head first in a dumpster. He is also not surprised to see that through his blinding headache, New York does not smell or look anything like what he is used to. He does know one thing though, and that is that he now hates the concept of the multiverse to his very core. or When Doctor Strange's attempts a spell to make everyone forget who Peter Parker is, Peter ends up across the multiverse in the city of Gotham. Confronted by different members of who he learns to be the BatFamily, he has to try and blend in. Unsure of what to do, Peter is plagued with his conscious desire to help the people of Gotham (because right now it looks like they desperately need it) as Spider-Man or to try and figure out how and if he can get home without being seen as a complete lunatic. Why not both? Besides, help might be in places he never even thought he could look. Words: 1810, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: DCU (Comics), DCU, Batman (Comics), Marvel, Marvel (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Comicverse), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: Other Characters: Peter Parker, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Selina Kyle, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie Brown, Helena Bertinelli, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Stephen Strange, Wanda Maximoff, America Chavez, Karen (Spider-Man: Homecoming) Relationships: Dick Grayson & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Peter Parker & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members & Dick Grayson, Peter Parker & Damian Wayne, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Stephen Strange, Barbara Gordon & Peter Parker, Stephanie Brown & Peter Parker, Cassandra Cain & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Peter Parker Needs Therapy, Multiverse, Some headcanon involved, actually a decent amount of headcanon but very heavily influenced by the canon, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Batfamily (DCU), Jason Todd is Good With Kids, Jason Todd is Bad at Feelings, Bruce Wayne is Good With Kids, Dick Grayson and Richard Parker (Marvel) are the Same Person, Multiverse of Madness happens before this story takes place, Bisexual Disaster Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne is a Little Shit, Tim Drake is So Done, Stephen Strange is So Done, Protective Dick Grayson, Golden Retriever Peter Parker, Minor Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Minor Dick Grayson/Wally West, America Chavez Needs A Hug, Mentioned Gwen Stacy, Not Canon Compliant With Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Wanda Maximoff & Peter Parker Friendship, Not MCU 616 or 199999, Peter Parker is a potty mouth, Mr. Freeze - Freeform, Joker - Freeform, Harley quinn mention - Freeform, Clayface - Freeform, Dick Grayson is a good dad read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/SqXC0U2
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