#me thinks this is still because of the strikes that have been going on for TWO YEARS LIKE LITERALLY JUST PAY YOUR FUCKING WORKERS WHATS HARD
jadeylovesmarvelxo · 3 days
Yes! So, Eddie decides to take his girlfriend on a fancy dinner date, maybe at Enzo's and clean up as best as he can, but he's still Eddie, and when they walk inside, the host is sneering at him and talking down to him because of that and it makes reader pissed of, giving him a piece of her mind, and perhaps then she tells Eddie "let's go get a burger or something instead, these snobs aren't worth your money!"
Can lead to them have sex in the van because Eddie is so in awe of her defending him. Request by @somethingvicked ❤️
Mdni, 18+, the reader is extremely protective of Eddie, a little smidgen of ronance, fluff, angst and comfort. A little bit of smut.
It was your fourth date with Eddie tonight and you couldn't wait. The anticipation had been building up inside of you all day, you could barely concentrate on your shift in Family Video, and you were so excited.
You had recruited Robin and Nancy to help you pick an outfit, discussed every moment of your last date with Eddie and listened to Robin gush about Vickie.
There's this look on Nancy's face when Robin is talking about Vickie that makes you intensely curious, the tightness of her smile and a flash of something in her eyes. It looks a lot like jealousy.
Oh, you two are absolutely discussing this development later.
Exactly one hour later you're ready for your date and hear the telltale sign of Eddie's van as it parks in your driveway. The sight of Eddie takes your breath away, he's dressed up. Not dramatically or anything, he's still undeniably Eddie but he's wearing a black button-down shirt, a leather jacket and black jeans, his hair is in a neat bun and he's carrying the prettiest flowers.
He looks amazing and you take the flowers, tug him close to you for a kiss and thank him for the gorgeous bouquet.
"Hello handsome" You grin and love the way he blushes, his eyes darken as he takes in your outfit and he groans.
"Princess, we won't make it to dinner with you dressed like that" he growls and it leaves you aching with want. You're seriously considering dragging him into the house and spending all night in bed but you don't think Robin and Nancy would appreciate that.
So you take his hand, wave goodbye to the girls and head out. He's a perfect gentleman while, opens his van door for you to get inside and kisses your hand before rushing to join you on the driver's side.
"I um, booked a nice place for us sweetheart. Enzo's thought we could go somewhere fancy, treat my princess" You melt at his sweetness and feel a thrill through you. No one has ever been so sweet to you, so willing to be romantic and treat you like a princess.
But Eddie is different to any other guy you've dated and you wish the two of you had met sooner, maybe in a scenario that didn't involve monsters and shit, but if the whole upside down stuff didn't happen then you wouldn't have found the family you have now or the man who you're going to spend the rest of your life with. You know deep in your bones that he's the one.
You're soon at Enzo's and that bubble of excitement has increased tenfold. This would be a magical night...
The host annoys you from the moment you walk in, the way he looks Eddie up and down and sneers at him, that's the asshole's first and second strike.
"Hi, I have a table booked here under the name Munson" Eddie's all smiles and clutches your hand, rubbing soothing circles on your palm. It grounds you and calms you for a minute but the host is quick to piss you off.
Magical night indeed you scowl.
"You have a table here? I think you're mistaken sir. This is an expensive establishment" Eddie frowns and looks confused, he clears his throat and speaks again.
"Uh, yeah. If you could just check" he trails off as the host snorts and looks down his nose at Eddie.
"Let me be clear. We don't have your sort at this establishment" Anger slowly builds in your stomach at the stupid, smug look on the host's face. Eddie is still smiling but there is a faint tinge to his cheeks and his posture is tense.
How dare this asshole act like he's better than Eddie, that Eddie is less than him. You try to hold your tongue but that resolve lasts for only a moment. Then you snap.
"Excuse me, sir! How dare you act like my boyfriend is beneath you, where is your manager because you bet I'll be telling him about this" The host pales and that smug look is wiped off his face.
"Ma'am" you cut in before he can say any more bullshit, quite frankly you're in no mood for it.
"Don't you Ma'am me. Eddie is an amazing man, he's kind and caring, and he doesn't deserve to be judged by assholes like yourself. Maybe you should have some self-reflection and realise who the horrible person is here because it's not my Eddie"
Eddie is staring at you stunned, the faint blush is gone and is replaced by a bashful grin and big brown eyes full of adoration.
"Come on Eddie, let's go get a burger or something, these snobs aren't worth your money, first things first though, I want to speak to your manager" the host mumbles under his breath but when he sees that you aren't leaving he nods and comes back with his manager.
The manager's name is Harry and you complain about the host whose name is Jeremy. You can tell the report is taken seriously but you still don't plan on sticking around.
With a last parting glare at Jeremy, you take Eddie's hand and you're out the door.
You're so angry that you don't realise you're crying, Eddie does though and his eyes widen at your tears.
"I'm so sorry princess, this is my fault. I just wanted this night to be perfect" he sighs and runs his hand through his hair frustrated.
"Don't you apologise Eddie. It's that asshole host who is to blame. I hate people like that, who judge without even knowing the person. How amazing they are. I never ever want you to apologise for being you. I adore you" Eddie blushes at your compliment.
"So uh I know this diner that isn't far away, burger and milkshakes sound so good right now" It does and you have an intense craving for chocolate milkshakes and maybe some waffles too.
Smiling you take Eddie's hand, kiss his cheek and the two of you make your way to the diner.
"You're a goddess" Eddie sighs in reverence as you straddle him. His hands work their way up your body and he's murmuring words of awe and tenderness.
The two of you are in the back of his van, in a clouded haze of lust. Eddie's mouth is everywhere on your body that he can reach, softly suckling at the skin and leaving little love bites.
You rock against him, enjoying the way his eyes roll back and the noises that leave his mouth are sinful.
The two of you couldn't keep your hands off each other and you had tugged Eddie inside the van the two of you giggling, giddy to be with each other, literally the moment that the two of you left the diner. Eddie was still gazing at you like you were some sort of deity, awed at the way you instantly spoke up for him.
No one got to treat Eddie like that, you would still be angry now if it wasn't for Eddie's very skilful tongue and fingers making you see stars. Now you were on top and in charge and Eddie was grinning up at you eagerly, brown eyes blown wide with lust.
"Hope you're ready to have your world rocked Munson" you tease and nip at his jaw.
Two hours later you and Eddie come out of his van still grinning like idiots and Eddie smirking like the Cheshire cat.
"World officially rocked sweetheart"
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snowcloudie · 3 days
RED - RICKY SHEN (prologue)
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shen ricky x reader
synopsis - Ricky left his entire life behind in China and rebuilt a new one in South Korea. Forget reuniting with past lovers, he wasn’t even interested in keeping contact with old friends. So you can imagine his surprise when he bumps into an old classmate and the four year old beside said classmate that shared a striking resemblance to him. Who knew attending one high school party would come back to haunt him.
tags - single parent reader, implied sexual content, cursing, ricky is kind of an asshole but he doesn’t mean it, kind of slow burn, one-sided love.
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5 years ago
Shen Quanrui was the definition of perfection in your eyes. The first time you ever saw him, it was his lips that caught your attention right away. They were tinted a deep, beautiful shade of red and you could not take your eyes off.
Red has always been your favourite colour, and on Quanrui it looked even more breathtaking.
At the ripe age of sixteen, it was easy for you to fall in love. He was exciting, with his motorcycle and tattoos.
Your best friend warned you about him, she told you that he was the kind of guy who would break your heart. Looking back now, you should have listened to her and maybe you wouldn’t be in your current situation.
Crying pathetically on the bathroom floor, you have never hated the colour red more than you did right now. Now you might have been a straight A student, but this was the last test you wanted to pass.
The pregnancy test had already been trashed, as if that would erase the horrifying result it gave.
“Y/n, are you okay? What does it say?” Your best friend’s voice enquired from outside the bathroom.
You couldn’t bring yourself to answer, the only response you gave to the question was wheezing out more tears, chest heaving, your body jerking back and forth as you were physically unable to comprehend all the emotions running through you.
Your best friend continued to try and comfort you through the door, all in vain as nothing she can say would make you feel better right now. You needed to see Quanrui.
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You always preferred sunrises over sunsets, once again related to your fixation with the colour red. But somehow Quanrui looked pretty as ever even in your least favourite light.
You gave him a nervous smile, he awkwardly reciprocated.
Let’s get one thing out of the way, Quanrui did not like you, in fact he never had any interest in you. Sure, you were objectively pretty but still never his type.
You were outgoing and loud, and frankly it made him a little uncomfortable how you would always approach him and try to make conversation with him because all he wanted was his peace and quiet and alone time whenever he could catch it.
Maybe it was exhaustion or maybe he just wasn’t thinking straight when he agreed to kiss you while you were drunk beyond help.
Parties were never his thing, he only agreed to attend because it was their final year before graduation. If the boy knew that he’d be stuck with you all night, he never would have gone.
At first, you talked about normal stuff such as his plans for college and whether his exams went well, which he did not mind too much, however somewhere in between you ended up with four shots of vodka down your throat, and the conversation went from normal to absolutely unhinged as you would not stop professing your undying love for him.
‘Head over heels’ does not begin to explain how down bad you were for him. You told him exactly how you felt, going as far as to admit how much you loved his red tinted lips particularly.
“Please kiss me Quanrui,” You practically begged, sparkles in your eyes.
At this point Quanrui had ended up drinking too, realising that he’s going to need the alcohol if he wants to get through till the end of this night.
And maybe we can blame the alcohol, maybe we can blame you because of how much you begged, we can even say that you asked for it.
But Quanrui knows deep down that he is to blame for why the two of you ended up in the same bed the next morning.
He was quick to run away from the scene of the crime. Even though he felt bad, he couldn’t bring himself to have feelings for you, he simply felt nothing for you.
By the time you woke up, the empty bed was unexpected. While you weren’t counting on things to change completely between the two of you overnight, you thought you mattered more than to be abandoned after sharing such an intimate experience with each other.
And you were definitely not prepared for when, two weeks later, you were draped over your toilet bowl vomiting profusely.
Quanrui had sort of expected the message from you, asking to talk, despite two weeks of radio silence.
But as the two of you stood across from each other, a good metre worth of distance apart, neither of you took the initiative to speak first, awkwardness filling the air.
“How have you been,” Quanrui suddenly felt a bit sorry for you, he did leave you all alone after taking away your dignity.
“I have something I need to tell you—” You started, but were interrupted by a sigh erupting from Quanrui’s mouth.
The boy pressed a few fingers to his temple before speaking, “Listen Y/n, I’m going to have to stop you right there, I know what this is about”. Quanrui had never looked as intensely into your eyes as he did then.
“You…do?” You replied, confused.
“I’m very sorry for…whatever happened between us at that party but I can assure you that it meant absolutely nothing”.
Any hope you had left your body instantly.
“I don’t like you, I’ll never return any feelings you have for me, Besides I’m going to go to move to Korea so any chance of us being together is not only impractical, but also impossible”, He ended his speech firmly.
For a moment, all you could do was stare, holding your hand back from clutching your stomach, holding yourself back from holding him accountable for the consequences you were now preparing to deal with alone.
In the end, all you could utter was a meek, ‘I understand”.
And that’s the story of how you parted ways with Shen Quanrui for good.
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sminiac · 2 days
౨ৎ⋆ ˚。— So Yours !
⋆ H. Shota + Reader
Ex — Incredibly emotionally charged, like— me venting in way because how does one ever cope with the fact that the very thing you seek to hold for eternity is actively slipping through your fingers at such a devastating and unforgiving pace, lol ???? In other words, a lot of nonsense, I just wanted to write hehe
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Puppy love was born from the inability to comprehend love to a bone withering extent, one that couldn’t convince you to stay and endure the scary feeling of encountering the unknown, but what you’d come to find even if not in the same circumstances is that Shota’s worthy of the hurt and the suffering, at least, you know that much.
He always made it all worth it, every bite of your tongue and the push of sucking things up and soldiering on- especially with how he is now, bathing in the bright sun like it exists only for the use of spotlight on his existence. He doesn’t hiss from the sting in his eyes or the insufferable warmth it wraps him in, he just takes it all in, what you don’t know is that it’s more so for the sake of keeping you in the shade you’ve claimed under the large tree that rustles and shakes in the soft brushing of a warm breeze.
“Okay, now you go.” He urges with a boyish grin, one that reminds you of midnight cicadas and warm evenings, he’s beautiful all the same, a mix of youth and the growing tinge of maturity sculpting out his face right in front of you.
Even if his very presence tended to make all things more bearable, you groan, already defeated. “This is stupid,” you announce, swift in your annoyance and your fingers haven’t even curled into your palm yet— much less even made a guess of what Shota could possibly pull on you this time. “I’m losing either way.” You admit humorously, a pitiful expression on your face that makes his heart stir out of place. It’s a shame, really. You got all pretty just for him and the hot day you’d endure together, but soon it would be ruined by the steady rush of water that’s been your saving grace for the past few days, if it wasn’t there surely Shota would have noticed your unusual and insistent curiosity of how many more parts of him are just as well built as his arms.
His hands remain still in front of his chest, a slight unsure slip to his smile as he thinks over the possibility of you losing, how you’d dwell in your silent grudge all the way back to town with soggy clothes and hot feet. He wishes that prior to taking a seat with you in the lush grass that you’d both agreed to 1/1, that way the process wouldn’t be so long and torturous for you.
It could’ve been over and done with, but here he is, on the cusp of taking for the win.
His arms hesitantly lower, all of his concerns and pointed guesses of you post river piecing together right before his eyes, the unpleasantness of knowing you’d be upset and that he could’ve very well prevented it striking him anxious.
Before you have the chance to question the lack of movement his hands zip back up to place in front of yours, there’s not a shift in his outward appearance that tells you what he’s thinking about, but then again, it is always hard to tell.
“You lose I jump, okay?” He says.
“That doesn’t make sense, what happens if you lose?” You question, more aloud than directly to him, your mouth running and the pool in your mind of retained thoughts is shallow.
The likelihood of you winning is slim to nothing, but he doesn’t put that out for the universes hands to grab at. “I jump anyways.” He answers blandly, as if it were the first solution that should’ve came to your mind and nothing but. Just like him though, you didn’t want that possibility falling from your grasp.
“Then the entire game would be in my favour, and that’s no fun—”
“And,” he adds abruptly, boldened and louder than his previous words. “you give me a kiss. Up here.” His index finger pokes out and taps twice at the centre of his forehead before returning to his position.
Your silence makes him a little uneasy, but was there really any need for him to be stressed over such a simple matter? He doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with his request. You’ve kissed him before, and exactly where he wants it to happen again, what could be so different about this one?
Awkwardly, he clears his throat. “Are we going to shoot? The sun is making me warm.”
Your eyes slightly widen before you’re apologizing, scatterbrained and nervous as you’re adjusting yourself, knees bumping and faces equally as hot as the other’s. If the water beside you wasn’t so loud he’d surely hear the aggressive thumping of your heart.
The both of your fists are hitting against the surface of your open palms, softly announcing “Rock, paper, scissors.” together.
You don’t even have the ability to decide on how your fingers will position themselves before mindlessly they splay flat over your palm, simultaneously Shota’s fist stays balled as it lands against his skin on 3.
His lips part as he looks up, watching the way you hesitantly shift to your haunches.
The motion of your hand is slow as it hovers over his before it comes down to cup over his fist. “I win.” You announce, equally as amazed by your inexplicable luck.
You really don’t know what to expect, when he’d want his kiss, if he was being serious or just trying to get a good laugh out of it, but it startles you when he raises to his feet, grabbing at the bottom of his t-shirt and clumsily wrestling it off before his hands are at his belt. You swelter under the bright glint of the metal, how his slender fingers pry it loose until his jeans are kicked off and now you struggle with keeping a healthy balance between looking at him chest and up, and whatever lays behind him in the distance.
The inkling you had about the rest of him. You were right, he does have a nice body, that’s more than just the defined clumps of muscle along his limbs. The entirety of him is nice, so unbelievably, achingly nice.
“Can I.. have it before I jump?” He asks, a small smile on his face that reveals his teeth as he talks.
You nod, asking “You scared?” as you join his side.
The two of you loom over the water for a second, the current isn’t whipping or dangerous any, but the pool of it certainly had some depth. “No. It looks inviting, I’ll be fine.” His fingers twitch being so close to yours when standing beside you, they always do, like it’s a gravitational pull that taunts him every single time, he doesn’t need to look to know the lack of distance there is between you and him, he’s never needed to.
“Are you scared?”
Your lips purse, eyes avoiding his as your fingers poke at his arm, just under his elbow is where they press firmly against him, “Not at all, but I think I am a little jealous.” Your feet shift until you’re both facing each other again, an even smaller amount of distance between you now, your hand wrapped gently around as much of him as you can fit. “You hate swimming like this, I know you do. You don’t even have all of your stuff.” He reasons, unable to say a thing about your other hand moving to cradle the side of his face —he only guides himself into you— or how your eyes focus on the movement of his lips, but he does fully acknowledge that the only thing that’s possibly capable of cooling him off now is if he jumps.
“Y/n?” He asks so softly his voice almost cracks, a little confused, and nervous, and completely unsure of your intentions but he’s confident that he doesn’t want to pull away just yet.
Quickly you press out your words before any hinderance is allowed to occur, “Sho’ if I wanted to kiss your lips instead would you let me?” You ask. Shota struggles with understanding for a minute so he stares blankly at you for quite some time, big pretty round eyes that don’t look so dark in the sun just barely moving as he looks at you, deconstructing your sentence before he’s decidedly nodding his head, at first it’s slow, because it’s you and yes whatever you want he’ll do, but then it really hits him, and now he’s nodding profusely and comically fast, “Mhm, ye-yeah, yeah. Yes. Please. Y/n, please.” His voice ripples out into tenderly familiar laughter, one that sounds warm and inviting, one that’s him, that makes you realize even if this kiss is to be different, and has the ability to dictate the direction of your friendship, it wouldn’t be the worst thing to go out with a bang.
Your weight rocks into the tips of your toes, keeps you steady as you bring yourself closer into his bare chest. Shota’s the one who steps further into you when he notices that you aren’t close enough, he doesn’t want you tripping over yourself, so he makes the barely noticeable adjustment for you.
“Know I should be nervous, but you’re so mine it doesn’t scare me.” You whisper, the breeze carrying your voice like it’s always been apart of you, you’re one with the chirping birds, the life of water, and the green grass that tickles your skin Shota’s always thought. You smell like summer and you look like it too. He’d want nothing more than to last in your eternal beauty.
His lips bump against yours as he talks, folding you into his embrace in such an intimate manner, noses bumping and hair mixing into each other’s.
“Why would you be nervous? I’ve always been so yours.”
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buckevantommy · 2 days
your tags on that lou vampire video are so good please tell me more 🧛‍♂️
you mean this post. ok, so here’s a refresh: 
#AU where actor!tommy is in the middle of taping a screen test when the crew gets attacked by vamps- and he doesn't just get #attacked. he gets turned. and the tape somehow survives and years later buck stumbles upon it- maybe he's a pi or investigative #journalist or maybe he's trying to track down the thing that killed his brother (spoiler alert: it was the vamp that turned tommy #-but buck wrongly thinks that tommy was the one who killed daniel). and this could go one of two ways: either buck has already #crossed paths with tommy by chance and had no clue who or what he was -and MAYBE tommy planned it bc he's keeping tabs #on evan bc he knows evan is tracking tommy's maker and he wants to keep evan from getting hurt (because btw: tommy is #a good vmapire; he doesn't kill people. only drinks donated blood + animals etc.) so buck finds the tape and is like: ??!!! #i met that guy!! and proceeds to track him down with intent to kill but ALSO he's slightly kinda hesitant bc they had A Moment #and tommy was sweet and kind and handsome and— no. it must've been an act..
OR: there's the version of events where #buck finds the tape and tracks down this tommy guy knowing what he is when they first meet BUT tommy has no idea who evan is. #and maybe they're in a bar and evan flirts his way into tommy's company and tommy is just vibing yknow? and then they're#leaving together and buck is about to strike- but then tommy smells something and ends up saving buck from another vamp #-one who still works for tommy's maker- who is trying to kill buck before buck finds him. anyway tommy shows his strength #+ speed + healing + fangs during the altercation so he knows he can't hide from evan anymore but he insists he doesn't hurt humans. #and buck.. doesn't reveal what he knows. he chooses to play the long game bc maybe tommy can also lead him to his maker #and he can end them all. of course that means working together in the meantime: cue buck reluctantly falling for tommy #and refusing to admit it and hating himself for feeling any fondness for tommy. he doesn't trust tommy he can't— and he has a bit #of a breakdown and tommy is like: what's going on?? are you ok?? and buck gets angry and lashes out that tommy killed his brother #-so much for waiting for the opportune moment. but tommy.. looks horrified (for buck) and also confused. but neither of them #have time to dwell on that bc they're both being hunted. tommy saves buck again but buck can't do this- he doesn't kill tommy but #he goes his own way to track down tommy's maker. tommy warns him it's dangerous but buck doesn't heed it-
which results in buck #soon being kidnapped and hurt and partially drained by the vamp lackeys. he tries to get free but he's too weak. but then tommy is there #he rescues buck and saves his life and kills all but one of the vamps bc he wants info on his maker; he practically tortures the thing #but it works he gets the info while evan watches on. and tommy promised he'd spare the vamp- he lied. he kills it and evan is like: ? #i thought u said u weren't a killer. and tommy just: i'm not. but they hurt you. and buck just: .... he lets that mindfuckery sink in. #and then maybe tommy opens up to buck -maybe buck insists he share- about the night tommy was turned and more. #anyway. now they pair up to track down tommy's maker and end him. and they're both so reluctant to fall in love... but it happens anyway. 
this lou photoshoot (specifically this wet shirt pic) actually inspired some vamp thoughts a few weeks ago, but more of an older vampire tommy not one who was only turned a few decades ago per the above tag rambles. and this leather-clad lou photoshoot inspires a badboy vampire mafia vibe. 
but the above rambles? this is the vibe of tommy after he was first turned: 
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and then, a few decades later, i’m thinking of a more casual looking tommy (like this lou photoshoot) who blends in with the crowd but is still suave af: 
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as for buck? he’s lowkey but with a few tight-sleeve shirts ofc.. 
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i give you my visuals nonny bc i don't have anything else in mind for the plot, except to say there would be plenty of canon faces scattered throughout. gerrard was probably tommy's maker. hen and chim and the rest make appearances as humans. happy ending with buck and tommy getting together, but i envision a rather angsty plot with some sunshine threaded through.
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disasterbuck · 3 days
5 times Buck didn't break
7x10 coda
When Bobby didn't text him back that morning, Buck didn't think much of it. It had been a while since the lightning strike and he was a lot more settled in his own skin again; he didn't need quite as much reassurance from his checklist to make sure he wasn't dreaming.
And then Eddie called him, sounding panicked and stressed, and all other thoughts fled from Buck's mind as he rushed over to help his best friend.
When he got the call at Eddie's house that Bobby was in the hospital, his mind was still too full of everything Eddie had just told him to really comprehend the news. He switched over to first responder mode, gently interrupting Eddie's conversation with his parents to tell him they needed to go.
Standing in the hospital with his true family, staring at where Bobby was hooked up to a ventilator, Buck felt himself begin to crack. A ringing started up in his ears, silencing everything, and a tightness began squeezing his heart painfully. He couldn't lose Bobby. He just couldn't. He felt his fingers start to tingle and knew they were a warning sign, but he couldn't —
Then the others were talking again, and he forced himself to snap out of it so that he could listen to what was going on. He forced himself to focus on the mystery of who had set the fire, allowing it to distract him and bring his body back under control.
He held himself together the whole day. Before he knew it he was letting out a quiet sigh of relief as Bobby smiled up at him sleepily, and then he was stepping back to let Athena through, and everything was going to be okay so he didn't need to worry anymore.
When Tommy asked how he was on their date that night, he shied away from telling the whole truth. So he only told some of it, just touching the edges of his fear and his love for Bobby, and then allowed Tommy to steer the conversation onto solid ground again – flirting was much safer than admitting he'd almost had a panic attack.
And then Chris was leaving, going with his grandparents to stay in Texas for a while because he was angry at Eddie and Buck had failed to talk him round.
Buck had failed, and all he could do was put a hand on Eddie's shoulder and hold himself together so that if Eddie needed him, he could be there. He could be Eddie's rock. He needed to be Eddie's rock.
There simply wasn't time for him to think about anything else.
Tags & end note 👇
I hope I've used the term coda correctly! It's my first time doing anything like this.
Originally I was going to make it a "5 + 1" thing but in the end I couldn't see Buck allowing himself to break down, not with Eddie so fragile as well. So for now... he's holding himself together. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.
Tags 💕
@dluoser @taketheplanspinitsideways @loudenthusiastic @wallywise @mxrcjqckspnchqsc
@i-am-married-to-my-fandom @therosesaredying @stillfuckingtired @classtrialguru @speggle
@awesome-igi @natnuszsstuff @olliesrants @crazyfangirlallert @delirium1995
@brah3280 @meanceclosetohell @anythingeverythingallofthetime @izzysbeans @jesuiscenseedormir
@darkrose6578 @veronae-buddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @loveyouanyway @inell
@spicyrottingbrains @gnoeltop @idealuk @donationwayne @lemotmo
@firefighterevandiaz @realpersonwithrealfeelings @superlock-in-the-tardis @mjthe14thdoctor @strxwbereee
@idontknowwhatimdoing777 @ashleigh2658 @mari-lwyd-fannibal-blog @mineyneedsmoney @faithhopeandmisery
Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed 💕
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epersonae · 1 day
Director's cut of "For The Benefit of All the Broken Hearts", please! (p.s. - is it annoying if I send more than one of these? I have Curiosity)
I saw that it was for the whole fic and I just [stares into space] - because not only is it 62,158 words, which is a lot of words, for me anyway, but it also is one of those stories that occupied my entire brain for months on end, and is still kind of a core part of my personality. I could probably do a whole Taika-commentary-track-of-Boy thing with it, and be equally weird and revealing. 😅
But in trying to pick out a single aspect to write commentary, I realized I've never written the post I've been threatening to write for a year (WHAT), which is what I learned about writing an unnamed protagonist. (Or at least I can't find anything in the #carlita coded content tag.) It's now been a year, so it's likely I will miss something important, but it was such a striking learning experience that I think I can do pretty well with it.
This got long, so more under the cut:
Because aside from being obsessed by the subject matter and vibes and all that, writing for the benefit of all the broken hearts was an incredible boost in my writing craft. (the other big boost was around dramatic pacing and narrative tension and foreshadowing, btw.)
She didn't have a name in the original, and deliberately so, and I was committed to that in my work. See also: Rebecca; this post's tags has some thoughts about Rebecca as a narrative influence in addition to the technical aspects. And unlike Rebecca, I was writing in close third person. (One of the reasons that when I'm feeling particularly cocky I will say SUCK IT DAPHNE DU MAURIER.)
And that's not that hard to do when there's only two characters in a scene and they use different pronouns, but so much of the story is her and Mary. (this post made me laugh A LOT) Which means I can't use pronouns to do the lifting, instead I had to think about other ways to handle it structurally.
Using Mary's name probably more than I would normally, to be quite honest. Her name is in many more dialogue tags and starting actions than I think it would be otherwise, because if Mary's doing one action, she's doing the other action; if Mary is saying one bit of dialogue, she's saying the other.
Using line breaks strategically, clearly separating character actions; and I think over time this actually made a difference in distinguishing how they act (and speak) differently from one another, that carried over to her interactions with Ed and Stede as well. And that carries over to how Mary also becomes a more distinct character.
In some cases, this went as far as actually rearranging the physical action. I don't remember the precise details, but there's something about when they first go into the kitchen in Ch 15, when Stede is making drinks, where you have all four characters directly interacting: I reworked who was doing what where to disambiguate which "she" I'm talking about.
There's also a lot of very fiddly sentence rewording, rethinking every individual sentence, and does every clause need to be there, and what is every single sentence doing. Because there's a lot of ways of writing that are "natural" (aka I have been writing fiction off and on since I was probably nine years old, and even with a wholeass English degree and a lot of supplemental reading about craft, I'm still kind of intuitive about my writing) that lead to structures where clearly her name would go here, but I can't do that, so: is the sentence working? Should it get flipped the other direction? Do I need a paragraph break? Is it okay if it's a little ambiguous -- there's a line in one of the coffeeshop scenes where it's kind of unclear which one of them does some gesture or another, and I decided that the ambiguity worked, actually.
And then probably my favorite craft becomes theme trick, particularly where there's sort of a repetition of sentence structure, or where Mary has been doing something and her actions are in reaction to that: sometimes it makes it work to just remove the subject of the sentence. Walks across the room. Picks up her coffee. It both somehow makes things clearer despite offering less detail AND reinforces this thematic thing of her being both absent and present.
Bonus difficulty level, btw: even if epithets had made sense for the tone (which they did occasionally, iirc), I deliberately chose to have very limited physical description of both her and Mary, on account of them both being amalgams not of actor and character (like Ed, Stede, Jim, Roach, etc), but of either two real people and real person and character played by a different real person respectively. They are both entirely secret third thing, and giving them things like hair color/style (beyond a vague reference to length) or eye color takes that away. (Instead they have some details of their overall physicality - age, respective heights - and clothing, both of which also tie into the themes of the thing.)
Honestly, overall it was an interesting creative puzzle, and I learned a ton -- Through the Storm, which is a very very very different story, owes a lot to it, and I've managed to commit to the bit through all the missing scenes fic (altho since a lot of that is alternate POV, there's a lot of "Ed's wife" construction, which is not my favorite) and the alternate bad endings fic.
tagging the beta team in case anybody has anything to add; this was very much a group project, esp in identifying places where it was clear to me but not to other people: @emi--rose @veeagainsttheday @gaypiratebrainrot
also, going to leave this here - when I went to ECCC in 2023 the original artist of this meme was selling versions with a blank word balloon and you could have her write in something, and I got it left blank with the idea that I would write other things on the plastic or if ever get a glass frame, but uh, it's been Carlita? since March of 2023.
there's so many other things I could have written about at this length about this story (both specific details and the thematic stuff), I'm serious.
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and to answer your ps: NOT ANNOYING AT ALL. clearly I enjoy talking about my writing. :D
[director's commentary asks]
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mulderscully · 3 days
honestly, staying away from tumblr is hard! i still check in every day, but in using it less even for 2 days i'm #realizing that i don't think it's just the anons stressing me out even if it certainly doesn't help. i think i have using this site in a way that isn't healthy or productive to my mental health.
i have been trying to use it how i used it when i only worked part time or when i was in college and that isn't feasible anymore. i simply cannot spend hours giffing daily and watch tv and write and read AND spend time with friends, between two jobs. i have to accept that giffing is becoming a passing thing in my life that i do when it strikes my fancy. not something i do all the time.
i realize i put a lot of pressure on myself to #create so i can #engage like it's some sort of currency and i think that's bad for me. i also put pressure on myself to reblog things people tag me in even if i don't really want to because i don't feel strongly enough to reblog it. like. i don't really like eddi/e diaz, and people tag me in eddie when i barely blog abt him and i then don't wanna be rude and ignore gifsets, or be rude and be like "hey, i don't like this extremely popular character." so i just scroll on or reblog it but i still feel guilty and that isn't healthy? like baby it's just a tv show! idek.
and then i feel guilty for not "evenly" creating for my multiple fandoms! i have been in this rwrb hyperfixation since august and it still isn't going anywhere, so ofc it's what i want to gif a reblog most and then i feel like guilty because i haven't giffed doctor who, or the x files, or buffy or whatever "enough" since i got rwrb brainrot and it's like god, it should not matter this much!
i don't know how my brain became this way but i really feel like i need to change something about how i blog, even if it's just pausing doing anything else and just being honest with y'all.
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gabrielsantar · 1 year
it is soo funny to me how upset garro gets in flight of the eistenstein when rogal dorn is hesitant to believe him because it’s like, you’re telling him some of the biggest news in the galaxy that has earth-shattering implications for the entire imperium and that he has a personal emotional stake to disbelieve, and when dorn is like Okay.  Allow Me To Confirm Your Story With The Scopes Consortium, garro is like okay. guess i’ll just kill myself since you don’t believe me so much
but it’s only funny because the reading order just before that is horus rising, etc+ where loken and horus spend every book like
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bobzora · 4 months
there are some bits of what they did with the rooftop scene that i like and others where i was like :/ this isn't as good as it could be. and this is an important scene lmao
#bobtalk#p3reposting#this is also a scene where i'm really attached to the old translation. so lol.#still sad that we dont have you will be given one year move forth without falter with your heart as your guide <- attached to this one also#also kind of split on the reload version of kimi no kioku. it's a good song no matter what though (the best persona song in general)#(no arguments there. nobody does it like my goat kimi no kioku.) (the reload version is good ive decided btw)#IN GENERAL. the reload cutscenes. well. the production value is higher or whatever than the original.#but man they're just. not as good im sorry. im the most annoying person in the world possibly but#i think the worst offender by FAR is the opening cutscene because the original was so striking and well directed. and reload's just does NO#hit the same at allllll. major loss imo#the awakening is the runner up when it comes to lost oomph. as one would expect lol#that's a thing with the remake like it's modernized and higher production value and it looks GREAT. and i LIKE a lot of its changes#i really do. tartarus has never been nicer to explore#but in the process there are quite a few spots where it's lost some of its. artistic vision(?) i guess.#anyway reload second persona game for me to physically cry during lmao. voice acting in the sun SL second last day scene got me#i think my main takeaway from reload is that it doesn't replace the originals. but of course it was never going to. and at the end of the#day. i'm glad it exists. i had a good time...and now i'm going to rest. lol
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zevrans · 2 years
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concoctionboy · 8 months
Okay, there are a ton of things I've been meaning to do on this blog that I've been too busy for lately. A not necessarily complete list:
Update @towerquest
More Wizard Tumblr Magic the Gathering cards
More "Language Learning with Concoction Boy" posts (I said in the first such post that I'd wanted it to be an ongoing series, but so far there's only been one post)
Making a neocities page as a permanent receptacle for some of these things
Following up on some previous posts that I'd intended to follow up on but hadn't yet (like the fact that I was supposed to be waiting a week for the copy of me to replenish in size so I could turn it into a cauldron and it's been months now)
I think there are some posts I've marked to reply to later when I have time? I should find some of those posts and reply to them.
Making a Concoction Boy video game (okay, this is something I seriously do want to do eventually, but it's very much a long-term goal. I have the general idea for the game mechanics, but haven't actually started working on it yet, and almost certainly won't for some time)
I am going to start on one of these things right now, and make a post on it later today.
Hopefully I'll make some progress on another item on the list tomorrow.
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clowngremlin · 8 months
Didn't tag the poor meow meow post with him but jimmy from jthm is also a poor little meow meow to me and also today marks the 10 year anniversary of my jimmy derangements <3
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daydreamerdrew · 9 months
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The Incredible Hulk (1968) #268
#not Betty trying to play homemaker in an underground bunker#I remember she stressed when Glenn got kidnapped right after their honeymoon that she never even got to cook a meal for him#this here is coming after Betty divorced Glenn and then left the book for a while which was purportedly to learn independence#and she has shown a bit of firmness since then like when she was blunt with Glenn#but she’s still fully on board with Bruce’s fantasy where he’s a successful scientist and she’s his housewife raising his kids#so she's really just substituted Bruce for Glenn in her life plans who she initially was substituting for Bruce#the image of her trying to make this underground bunker a nice place to life#and then going through Bruce’s books and gushing about him is so striking to me#like girl this fantasy isn’t salvageable#there’s no way this path leads to contentment#soon after this the narration describes that she understands that#‘as long as the Hulk exists her love for Bruce Banner will be an endless exercise in despair’#but idk I don’t think that if Bruce was really cured or even if he was never turned into the Hulk in the first place#that that would suddenly make everything work out for them#idk it’s weird because they weren’t like together together before the accident#so their relationship without the complication of the Hulk was never depicted#but I’m not convinced being his housewife would have actually been satisfactory for Betty in the long run#like... it just can't be#marvel#bruce banner#betty ross#my posts#comic panels
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bythehearts · 10 months
someone NEEDS to explain to uk unis that we have a bloody life outside of it, like how are you gonna email me about module cancellations on a random tuesday in the middle of july and then give me THREE DAYS to complete the form to substitute it??? like i’m on vacation??? barely have a working wi-fi where i was??? i’m not checking that every day??? wtf
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afieldinengland · 1 year
#not to ‘i’m not autistic but i believe in their beliefs’ at three in the morning but i’ve had the striking realisation over the past week#that i actually haven’t got the faintest idea why people like me. i mean i know they do. but i was having a conversation with my father#about how nice someone was— i think the dentist because i hadn’t been in ages— and i guess i sounded surprised because he said#‘people do like you harri.’ and i realised i couldn’t make sense of it as a lump statement#i have to assume it’s for the same reasons i like them. but i’m realising that i can’t put names to them in the way they undoubtedly can#this isn’t me trying to be self-absorbed i’m not looking to be told i am likeable i’m just aware for perhaps the first time that i can’t#actually sensibly dissect the dynamics behind someone liking me. i suppose in many ways i’ve always felt like it’s sort of none of my#business. i think that’s how it used to work when i was in love too but that was also because i was a doormat#i know people like me and i’m very lucky to have that. trying really hard not to sound like a serial killer i don’t know why this is so#peculiar to me. i can’t wrap my tongue around it without sounding weirdly clinical#i suppose it’s because i’m still not wholly convinced that i’m a human being. i think it’s very old and at my centre.#and people like me but they don’t see me— or totally understand me. nobody ever has. but now i’m just saying things#people come and go in my life. i’m only really learning how to reach out myself#not that i’m passive i don’t think you could say that. but i’m observational first and foremost. i like to look— so it’s hard to think about#being looked at. a little
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transgaysex · 6 months
i was super gonna say something when i opened this app but i lost it. wuh
#wind howls#i am sleepy and im sleeping soon i promise. but there eas something i was gonna say and i forgot#umm.. oh in the end my dash and everything still loads on my phone. no idea why it misbehaved earlier#all good now. hmmm#what else. end of semester is starting to hit and it is Not Very Pleasant if i can be so real with you all#like i enjoy what i do. it definitely is fun and im enjoying my classes for thr very most part#but gweh... im onto the final projects for like. modelling. editing. space/architecture. animation.#and we missed a few classes in photography bc of the strike and other stuffs. and the teacher has covid.#so im not sure what the hells up with that class. were not even onto the final project/exam i dont think.#and the teachers are likely striking again from december 8th to 14th which like. weh#classes end on the 11th so its not the end of the world but we still have quite a few projects due#and strikes mean the school is out of use. so we cant like. use the school computers to do our assignments at all#and some of those assignments i cant do at home bc i dont have the programs for it because adobe doesnt deserve a single penny from me.#all in all were really in it deep and a bit rough. it couldve been easier but i understand the need for the strike#sigh...#big assignment due on friday that i havent started yet. i hope to do it all tomorrow after i finish my classes since i end at like. 3 pm.#and i dont have any after school plans other than going to the bank so ill be able to work on that for a lil bit at the very least.#hopefully i could even finish them. so that i can spend thursday worry free. maybe even relax.#i feel like ive been running all week ! i need a breather and 17 hours straight of sleep !!!#goodnight !
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