#meeting with his former secret lover the previous first son
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rwrb au edit for @ironpe: ghost? au
"I don't know what to tell you, Alex. Prince Henry hasn't been in the public eye for nearly a year now. The official statement is that he had taken ill."
"I'm telling you, Nora, he's dead! That's why his ghost is here haunting me."
"Ugh, rude! I'm not a ghost!"
Alex chooses to ignore his uninvited spectral companion. It's only been occasionally effective in the past few weeks of their co-existence, but now appears to not be one of those times. He sighs at Nora through the phone and bids her a quick goodbye because Henry looks like he's gearing up for a rant.
"Alright, Your Majesty," says Alex in a placating tone. "I retract my previous statement. You're not a ghost, what you are is annoying!"
A translucent glare is thrown his way which gives Alex some satisfaction.
"If you're not dead, then why don't you just go back to your body? Why are you all the way here bothering me?"
"I told you! I'm waiting for someone."
It had only been a few months since the whirlwind of his mom's election, inauguration and their subsequent moving-in to the White House when Alex Claremont-Diaz got the fright of his life. He had been in his bedroom, slogging through Bleak House for an assignment, loudly complaining to no one that British authors are soooo boring when an offended voice huffs in his ear. "I beg your pardon??!!"
A totally masculine shriek and a thorough sweep from the Secret Service later and he was face to face with what looked to be a haughty blond man at 50% opacity that only he could see.
This event kicked off what is at best a surreal experience and at worst a literal nightmare.
Since then, Alex has spent a considerable amount of time alternating between adjusting to his new roommate and figuring out how the Prince of England could be haunting him and why he couldn't remember much of who he is, only that he's waiting for someone.
But as Alex gets to know Henry more and more, he's surprised he likes what he sees. Henry's sharp wit, affectionate sarcasm and deep passion have charmed him despite his initial resistance. And now, he's more determined than ever to find the truth and help Henry get back to his body, with the hope that maybe when he wakes, something more awaits them both on the other side.
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fitz-higgins · 2 years
How to Win a Friend While Lying to Your Mother
For a long time, Emma Hartley was the only person who found out about Monty and Henry’s relationship on her own. She was Henry’s acquaintance, although his formidable mother saw in her a future wife for him (“Tomes on obscure dialects from heaven knows where can’t sustain you forever, Henry!”). But, as it turned out, Emma had as little intention of marrying as Henry himself. She began a degree at London University, studying Classics, and dreamed of travelling the world and discovering ancient cities. Emma had only met Henry once when she was a teenager, having dropped by one of Mrs Higgins’s tea parties with her mother. He had already been busy with his first book then and so had little inclination to join their mothers’ idle chatter. But he had taken time to check if Emma was comfortable and that her cup and plate was never empty. It was silly, but it was this and his kind blue eyes that she remembered most from that meeting.
But how did she find out? Well, it all started – and happened – in June 1912, when she had no choice but to follow Mrs Higgins to New York. The latter was confident that her son didn’t have anyone worth knowing in the city. By that time, Henry, the most scandal-free creature in the world in his mother’s eyes, had already been sharing a lovely house with Monty.
They appeared on the doorstep of this lovely house far earlier than expected, with Mrs Higgins nearly breaking the doorbell while Henry and Monty were frantically dressing up. The early visit didn’t bother Mrs Higgins in the slightest: “A gentleman should always be prepared to receive visitors. Especially when it is own mother and her very charming guest.”
And so the gentleman’s mother and her, indeed, very charming guest, found themselves in the drawing room, soon joined by another gentleman living there. Who was, of course, a good friend and a former student of Henry’s and certainly not his secret lover. Monty’s charm didn’t quite work on Mrs Higgins, unlike Emma, and he had to go through an actual interview, as if Mrs Higgins was to decide if he was worthy of living with her son. His replies about his French name and Henry’s previous silence about him also didn’t seem to impress her, but she evidently decided to leave studying this peculiar specimen of a lodger for later. There was a more pressing matter: Henry’s marriage to Emma.
Alas, Emma’s attention was taken away by another resident of the house, Monty and Henry’s cat ‘Enery. Although Henry claimed they called him just Cat; he didn’t want to reveal ‘Enery’s real name, lest his mother asked too many questions.
“Yes, surprisingly, he seems to like the name,” Monty quickly supported his lover. “Right, Cat?” But “Cat” ignored his owner and went to rub his head against Emma’s dress. “He’s a little deaf, poor dear,” Monty explained, looking at ‘Enery with sympathy.
Mrs Higgins wasn’t pleased with it at first. “I’m not surprised Henry has decided to take a deaf cat,” she murmured, ignored by everyone. “At this rate, I’m surprised he hasn’t turned this house into an animal shelter.”
“Oh, we’ve only just moved!” Monty retorted in jest, stealing a soft look at Henry. “Personally, I find it very admirable. Surely, a care for such a creature as this poor fellow is a sign of a good man.”
This worked unexpectedly. Emma eagerly agreed with Monty, admiring Henry who flushed at this praise, and Mrs Higgins, seeing the young woman’s attention reverting to Henry, smiled in satisfaction, appreciating Monty’s comment.
Then followed more questioning that the two lovers could only improve with occasional, ostensibly accidental, touches of hands and discreet, careful looks and smiles. Eventually, Henry offered to go to Central Park, hoping to distract his mother. And so, with Henry pretending to court Emma, Monty pretending to be a mere friend, and ‘Enery unknowingly pretending to be hard of hearing, they set on their journey…
Central Park was where Emma made her discovery, although it happened gradually. Perhaps at first, it were some small signs she noticed, like Henry’s glances at Monty whenever they crossed a road, or Monty’s beaming as soon as he could get closer to Henry. Of course, it wasn’t unusual for good friends. 
But there were also certain phrases. As ‘Enery trotted happily on his leash, Henry noted “I figure that walking a cat doesn’t harm anyone at all, and as long as the cat consents to it as well, it shouldn’t be anyone’s business to interfere”. Looking back, Emma felt that he didn’t mean just walking the cat.
She got along with Monty easily. Just a short talk alone with him, and she was already speaking of whether life would be easier were she a man and kicking pebbles – masterfully – into the lake with him while Mrs Higgins couldn’t see. Talking to him was liberating, in a way. Rather passionately, Emma said that she would like to not just vote, but also to be an explorer, to travel without a chaperone – and Monty told her of the women who already refuse to follow many rules of society and even live like men, one way or another.
They were interrupted by a loud “‘Enery, come back, you rascal!” It turned out Henry got tired of his mother lecturing him and so he “accidentally” let go of the leash when ‘Enery spotted a squirrel. What he hadn’t counted on, however, was how fast ‘Enery could run. And as the supposedly deaf cat refused to stop even after losing the sight of the squirrel, both Henry and Monty realised that he was heading to the lake. Problem was, just on their way to Central Park, Henry said that their cat hated water.
Monty’s rugby experience kicked in. Almost knocking down several passersby and receiving an angry bark from a terrier, he found himself running after Henry, shouting to him, absolutely forgetting about any caution, “He’s going into the lake!” But seconds later, Henry managed to step on ‘Enery’s leash and catch it. Ostensibly checking up on the cat, the two got a few moments alone and close to each other. Meanwhile Mrs Higgins couldn’t help noticing Henry’s surprising athleticism. She supposed he had taken exercise, and partly, she was correct.
Then came the most extraordinary incident. Just as Mrs Higgins was about to suggest heading for lunch somewhere, a seagull flew overhead and snapped the lady’s hat up. In stunned astonishment, everyone watched the bird fly off and then unceremoniously discard the hat which landed most inconveniently in the very middle of the lake. Clearly, animals were against this lovely company that day.
As Mrs Higgins stormed off to rescue her precious hat (or what was left of it), Henry followed, and Monty, hardly able to contain his laughter, was left alone with Emma. They decided to head to a summer café, looking like a proper couple. Monty had to tell that he didn’t have anyone which felt incredibly wrong to say. Emma was the first to learn about Monty’s plans to write short stories about a sophisticated cat – which indeed became a reality a few months later. Emma, in turn, complained about her university suddenly removing Plato’s Symposium from the curriculum for ladies – something Monty hasn’t read, but heard of a lot.
“But then, of course, me being me, I just borrowed the work from the library and set about reading it myself,” Emma confessed with a hint of pride and almost laughed again at her own stubbornness. This piqued Monty’s interest. That’s when he set his plan, which has been brewing for an hour, in motion.
Apologising to his absent lover, Monty began by explaining why Henry wouldn’t make a suitable husband for Emma: he was quite forgetful, too focused on his research, and Mrs Higgins’s plan could turn into a disaster for both Emma and Henry. He and Emma agreed that she would tell Mrs Higgins she wasn’t going to marry in the near future. That meant Henry would not be pestered anymore by his mother, and Monty was ready to hug Emma for this. The sun was shining, melting patrons’ ice creams, there was not a single cloud in the sky, and things were improving for the two lovers.
The second part of his plan began when Henry returned, with his mother (and her hat) nowhere to be seen as she returned to her hotel to recover from the shock. After drinking to friendship and non-marriage, Monty mentioned the Symposium, surprising Henry so much that he nearly choked on his lemonade, and asked Emma what she thought of what Henry called the unspeakable vice of the Greeks. “My philosophy has always been thus – and I think Mr Higgins expressed something similar when walking Cat here... as long as it doesn’t harm anyone and both parties consent to it, I don’t see why it should be anyone's business,” was her reply. 
Monty agreed eagerly. “So, if you met such a man, with this Greek vice, Emma, you wouldn’t be disgusted, or something like that?" he asked innocently between munching on a sandwich.
Emma considered this a moment. “No, I don’t think so. Besides, who knows I might have already met a gentleman of such inclinations without even being aware of it. And as you can see, I’m still the same jolly person I always am!”
Although it gave Monty even more hope, noting he had met quite a lot of men and women who preferred their own sex, he didn’t go further than that. Open-minded though Emma was, the two lovers still weren’t sure how she would react to their revelation.
But in the end, they didn’t have to say anything, for Emma realised it on her own. Partly, it was Monty’s enthusiasm during that talk of the Greek vice. But also it was the scene that occurred before they left the park.
Having retrieved the hat from the lake which, according to Henry, looked like an enormous pancake – a comparison that continued to make Monty laugh months after – it was decided to bring the pancake-hat back to Mrs Higgins although it had lost all of its hat features. Monty, however, sensing that his presence wouldn’t make things better, suggested he’d wait outside. Henry reacted to it harsher than Monty expected and marched to the exit with a glare and an impatient “Well, come on then!” Immediately hating himself for this, Monty rushed after him to apologise. This, as well as Henry’s slip-up about their bed (“Monty and I are becoming experts in teaching one another in b - I mean, on accents. Yes. Hmm. Everything about accents”), convinced Emma that the two were far more close than they tried to appear. When they entered the hotel’s elevator, the two men stood on either side of her, apparently thinking that being physically separated would lessen her suspicions, but it only confirmed them.
Mrs Higgins wasn’t in her best mood (was she ever?) when she greeted the three in her suite. She didn’t recognise her own hat that Henry presented to her with little hope and a lot of fear. Out of the corner of her eye, Emma spotted Monty leaning forward, almost biting his nails, and bit back a smile. 
“Maybe your cat can find a use for it, a bed perhaps.” Mrs Higgins offered, refusing the hat, and sighed. “Is this all, Henry? I hope you didn't drag everyone over here on account of this hat.”
At last, Monty couldn’t help himself: “If you aren't going to thank your son, then I suppose this is all…” After a rather intimidating “I beg your pardon?” from Mrs Higgins, he went on, “Henry was ready to go into the lake to get your hat, he took the trouble to find it and bring it to you, despite... how it looks. And all you’ve got to say to him is that you don’t need it and he can do with it whatever he wants. You could have at least thanked him for the trouble.”
Meanwhile, Henry felt like he needed to avert a war and stepped in between his lover and his mother. But their argument only grew more heated until Monty proved he knew Henry better than his own mother, and just in time, too, because Henry wished the earth would swallow him up. Seeing and sensing this, Monty attempted the last blow, “Do you know that Henry was a shy, ridiculed boy in school, and he even got a nickname after he was nearly punished?”
This last blow proved the winning one. “I- what?” Mrs Higgins looked at her son in surprise. “You didn’t tell me this.”
“Would it matter even if I did?” came Henry’s tired reply. It felt strange for Monty to be the one to relate this episode from his boyhood to his mother, but he greeted it with a sense of relief. Even of liberation. “You hardly listen. I’ve been trying to tell you my whole life what I want to do and what I don’t want to do to no avail. And well, I’ve had enough of it, Mother.” When Mrs Higgins said nothing, Henry turned to Emma. “Would you say we have an announcement to make, Miss Hartley?”
It wasn’t the kind of announcement Mrs Higgins was hoping for. Emma simply said that she couldn’t marry Henry, both because they were too similar, and because she had other plans.
“Indeed, and I would also venture to add that I’m considerably older than you, Emma, and therefore quite set in my ways.” Henry decided not to look over at Monty who looked vaguely amused at this. “No young lady wants to be saddled with such a tiresome suitor, I’m sure.”
With a laugh, Emma chimed in subtly, though the point was entirely lost upon Mrs Higgins: “Oh, no, Henry, I’m afraid you couldn’t make a woman happy as much as I can a man!” 
Monty was glad he wasn’t drinking tea at that moment. This gave him the clue he needed: Emma was certainly aware of the nature of their relationship. Both him and Henry addressed her thankful looks. It was there, in Mrs Higgins’s sitting room, that the three of them sealed their friendship forever more.
After consoling Mrs Higgins who retreated into her bedroom, Emma returned to the two lovers who were relieved and overjoyed – especially Henry. Receiving their thanks, she then explained how she found out about them. Monty was sure that Henry’s slip-ups were to blame, but, to his astonishment (and a bit of embarrassment), Emma said that his questions in the café made her suspicious, and their faces and body language showed her how much they meant to each other.
“Well, I felt that I could trust you!” Monty tried to explain with his sunny cheerfulness and nonchalance, although the tips of his ears were still blushing.
Taking pity on her friend, Emma took Monty’s hand in hers and then Henry’s in the other. “I’m so glad I earned your trust. You have no idea how happy it makes me to be of help to you both. And you know, although we’ve only known each other for half a day, I feel like we’ve been friends for years! Isn’t that strange?” Curious to see what his owners were doing in the centre of the room, their cat hopped off the sofa to join them. “Ah,” Emma declared, noticing the cat. “And this is... “Enery, I believe?” Yes, she had found this out on her own, too.
Monty laughed and picked the cat up. “Yes. And this is your mistake, Henry. He is no Cat. He is ‘Enery, a very sophisticated fellow who admires Strauss and sausages. And he does have a lot to tell, I suppose…”
And the three had a lot to discuss. Which they did, without pretending or hiding anything, and it was this very Emma Hartley who became Monty and Henry’s friend.
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cathygeha · 1 year
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Impeccable by Darcy Burke
The Phoenix Club # 5
 The book before the last in this series sees Evie, once a courtesan protected by Lucien, find her happily ever after. I had expected Evie to end up with someone else and though surprised, can see her quite happy with the man she married in the end and look forward to reading the conclusion of this series when the next book is published.
 What I liked:
* Evie: patroness of the Phoenix Club, good friend of the club proprietor, keeps secret her past as a courtesan and her French origins, daughter of a Chevalier, arrived in London as a baby, strong, intelligent, formidable, and loving
* Gregory: second son, even tempered, interested in education, and learning new information, has a contemptible older brother and sister-in-law, smitten with Evie, perseverant, quick study, loves animals…and Evie
* Lucien: good friend, giving, takes care of others, has a difficult relationship with his father, faces issues with the Phoenix Club’s future by the end of this book, will hopefully figure out the problem and find his happily ever after in the conclusion of this series
* The meet-cute that sees Gregory and Evie rescuing a puppy
* The relationship of Evie with her sister – very close and loving and there for one another
* Hearing more of Evie’s backstory
* Seeing characters from previous books in the series
* The surprise Evie and her sister have at the end of this book and who provided the surprise
* Wondering how the series will conclude
 What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like: Gregory’s sibling and sister-in-law, the behavior of the Hargroves, and the treatment Lucien receives from his father
* Having to wait for the book that will end this series and having to say goodbye to the characters
 Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely
 5 stars
 Society’s most exclusive invitation... Welcome to the Phoenix Club, where London’s most audacious, disreputable, and intriguing ladies and gentlemen find scandal, redemption, and second chances. Former courtesan and pretend widow Evangeline Renshaw is happy with her reinvented life as a patroness of the Phoenix Club. She doesn’t need or want a husband or a lover…until she meets the devastatingly charming and surprisingly virtuous Lord Gregory Blakemore. He’d like to court her, but he’ll have to settle for a short, thrilling affair instead. After the death of his father and the marriage of his older brother, Lord Gregory can finally focus on what he wants: a government appointment. However, the enchanting Evie makes him desire intimacy for the first time, and now he wants her most of all. Their entanglement is supposed to be temporary, but he can’t let her go. As Gregory reveals himself to Evie, she wonders if she might finally share the truth of her past. Unfortunately, there are those who seek to ruin her carefully crafted second chance. To protect Gregory’s dreams, she must sacrifice the only love she’s ever known.
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Been wanting to do this one for a long while. Thinking a lot about Fire and Blood because House of the Dragon is coming up, and there are quite a lot of parallels between the Dance of the Dragons and the main ASOIAF series. More below...
The Dance of the Dragons happened, in part, because the legitimacy of Rhaenyra's children was in question. Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey (how fitting, two bastard children named Joffrey) had brown hair instead of the typical silver-blonde hair of Targaryen and Velaryon children, and their father was not Laenor Velaryon, but rather Harwin Strong. Because of this, Rhaenyra's claim to the Iron Throne was contested, since her heirs would be bastards.
Not too dissimilar to the beginning of the War of the Five Kings, where Cersei, the beautiful queen of King Robert, fathered three bastard children in secret with her brother Jaime, all of them with the golden blond hair of the Lannisters. Then when Robert died, Joffrey ascended the throne, and Ned backed Stannis, who was in truth the rightful heir to the throne... we all know how that went of course. Also, while Rhaenyra's Joffrey was the youngest of the three, Cersei's Joffrey was the oldest of the three.
Rhaenyra and Cersei are very strong parallels. Rhaenyra was secretly involved in an affair with a family member (her uncle Daemon) whilst Cersei was involved in a secret affair with her own family member (brother Jaime). The difference, of course, being that Rhaenyra ended up marrying Daemon because Targs do Targ things, and Cersei just kept her affair with Jaime secret because they weren't Targs. In addition, Rhaenyra ended up losing all three of her children, becoming more and more bitter and distraught, becoming prone to paranoia.
Meanwhile, Cersei has thus far only lost Joffrey, but the valonqar prophecy states she will lose all three of her children. Like Rhaenyra, though, after the death of Joffrey, she does become more prone to paranoia and is increasingly bitter. Rhaenyra was eventually fed to Sunfyre by her half-brother Aegon. If Jaime is truly the valonqar, then Cersei might end up being killed by her brother as well. Eventually, Rhaenyra did end up becoming estranged from Daemon, and currently Cersei is estranged from Jaime.
However, a better Dance parallel with Cersei and Jaime is Rhaenyra and Criston Cole. They were lovers, a future queen with a member of the Kingsguard. They later suffered some sort of estrangement (the nature of which is a source of conflict in terms of what is real) that led to Criston eventually siding with the greens over the blacks during the Dance. Criston also was made Hand of the King, while Cersei presses for Jaime to be made Hand, but he refuses the position.
However, Rhaenyra isn't the only Cersei parallel. Alicent Hightower is another. Like Cersei, she supports her eldest son in claiming the throne against its lawful heir, and is the dowager queen of the former king... And she is the daughter of the Hand of the King, who is a member of one of the richest, most powerful families in the kingdoms. However, Rh
But the parallels run even deeper than that. It shocked me to see how far these go. The story of Aegon III and Viserys II as children is not too dissimilar to both the story of Daenerys and Viserys after Robert's Rebellion and some of the Stark children. Like Dany and Viserys, Viserys II ended up spending a lot of time in the Free Cities, specifically Lys, although he was captured in battle and returned as a hostage, whereas Dany and Viserys spent time in Illyrio's mansion as guests. Arya also went to Braavos, a Free City, but that's about where the similarities end so that isn't very intentional, I think.
Nonetheless, both Aegon and Viserys spent the majority of the war separated from each other and only reunited after it ended. Likewise, the Stark children were separated from each other for the majority of the war as well, and seem poised to reunite after the initial War of the Five Kings is over. And speaking of Starks, Aegon III does have a slight parallel with Bran.
As confirmed by George, Bran will be the King of Westeros by the end of the books, and there is a moniker given to him in the show that actually does appear in the books, of Bran the Broken. Meanwhile, at the end of the Dance, Aegon is now the King, and he is known as the Broken King, because of his extreme PTSD and depression from his traumatic experiences during the war.
Doesn't even end there. Now we get into some of, in my opinion, the biggest parallels with the Dance and ASOIAF proper. We all know about R+L=J, and the Dance has not one, but two big nods to this. First is the story told by Mushroom of when Jacaerys visited Winterfell. Supposedly, he fell in love with Cregan's bastard half-sister Sara Snow, and the two secretly wed before the Winterfell heart tree. Regardless of the validity of the story, Cregan and Jace did end up agreeing to what was called the Pact of Ice and Fire, wherein Jace's firstborn daughter would marry Cregan's son Rickon... son of a Targaryen king marrying the daughter of Lord Stark? Hmmm....
However, the other one is a lot more significant, to me anyways, and that would be the relationship between Crown Prince Aemond One-Eye and Alys Rivers. During the Dance, when Aemond took over Harrenhal, he took Alys Rivers as his paramour. The mysterious Alys was said to be a witch who was a bastard of House Strong, a House that has strong ties to the First Men. So, Valyrian crown prince and a First Man woman in love... but don't worry, it gets extremely apparent afterwards.
Aemond impregnates Alys and leaves her in a tower to go fight Daemon, during which Aemond is killed, leaving Alys all alone. Rhaegar impregnates Lyanna and leaves her in a tower to go fight Robert, during which Rhaegar is killed and leaves Alys all alone... then, years later, during winter, the Hand of the King Tyland Lannister tries to get together a force to retake Harrenhal, as it is held by brigands and thieves and broken men, only to find Alys there... with a young child she calls her and Aemond's trueborn son, and the rightful King of Westeros.
If that isn't enough for you, there is a very distinct similarity in the armour of Rhaegar and Aemond. Rhaegar's armour is mentioned to have been;
Seventeen and new to knighthood, Rhaegar Targaryen had worn black plate over golden ringmail when he cantered onto the lists.
The day had been windy when he said farewell to Rhaegar, in the yard of the Red Keep. The prince had donned his night-black armor, with the three-headed dragon picked out in rubies on his breastplate.
Compare this to Aemond's own armour.
Vhagar had come at last, and on her back rode the one-eyed Prince Aemond Targaryen, clad in nightblack armor chased with gold.
It seems clear to me that George is trying to tell us something. I think Aemond and Alys are a sort of dark mirror to Rhaegar and Lyanna. Rhaegar was considered a very noble, chivalrous prince who was well loved by the smallfolk, and Lyanna had a strong sense of Stark justice (as seen in the Knight of the Laughing Tree story). Meanwhile, Aemond was a narcissistic, psychopathic mass murderer who seems almost Ramsay-esque in his demeanour. And Alys seems more power hungry and eventually took over Harrenhal as its witch queen. But the fact they have what Alys claims to be their trueborn child and true king of Westeros does strongly suggest Rhaegar and Lyanna did eventually marry and Jon is their trueborn son, not a bastard.
I hoped I would be done by now, but there is still even more parallels. Cregan Stark and Eddard Stark are parallels and foils. Ned becomes Hand of the King and travels south to uncover who poisoned the previous Hand of the King, before the War of the Five Kings starts. Meanwhile, Cregan travels south and arrives at King's Landing after the Dance was over, then becomes Hand of the King to uncover who poisoned the previous king (Aegon II). However, while Ned was cautious and not really a big player of the game of thrones, Cregan was ambitious and knew what he was doing, even if his actions weren't always the best (attacking Storm's End, Oldtown, and Casterly Rock after the war was essentially over? Not a good idea, Stark).
The Regency of Aegon III in and of itself is a metacommentary to the writing process of ASOIAF. Originally, after GRRM finished ASOS, he decided to do a 5-year gap between that and what was to be ADWD. However, that ended up not working out, so he scrapped it all together. During that time, Tommen would've remained king, and his reign would be under a regency. So thus, Aegon III having a 5-year regency (from 131 to 136 AC) during that time alludes to that.
And then you get to Unwin Peake, my least favourite character in Fire and Blood. He appears to be a combination of Mace Tyrell and Randyll Tarly. Personality wise, he is very much like Randyll. He is a very outspoken misogynist, a very proud man, and a noted warrior wielding a Valyrian steel blade (that he likely stole from Tumbleton since Orphan-Maker was from House Roxton originally). He also changed out Aegon III's master-at-arms to be Gareth Long, who was a very harsh taskmaster, who routinely engaged in abusive tactics with the boys he trained when they didn't meet his expectations, including days without sleep, doused in tubs of ice water, being beat, and having their heads shaved, which is very reminiscent of Randyll's abuse of Sam as a child.
Unwin and Randyll also dealt with lawful punishment in very harsh ways, as seen by Randyll's treatment of those who break the law at Maidenpool, and Unwin's clearing the Red Keep cells during the Feast of Our Father Above. However, Unwin has a lot of similarities with Mace Tyrell as well. Mace is on the small council, and has routinely tried to engage in nepotism by implanting allies and family members of his into positions at the council and at King's Landing, including marrying Margaery to the king, becoming Hand of the King, having Paxter Redwyne be the lord admiral and Randyll Tarly the lord justiciar, try to bring his uncle Garth to become the new master of coin, and Garth's bastard sons to join the gold cloaks, not to mention the Conclave nearly sending his uncle Gormon to become the new Grand Maester (something Mace will surely approve of), Mace having his son Loras join the Kingsguard, and even try to betroth his heir Willas to Myrcella.
Meanwhile, Unwin engaged in much more rampant and unchecked nepotism. He was Hand of the King and Lord Regent, had Ser Gareth as master-at-arms at the Red Keep, since he was master-at-arms at Starpike, while his widowed aunt Clarice Osgrey was put in charge of Queen Jaehaera's household, Lord George Graceford (a member of the Caltrops that Peake himself was involved in) was appointed as the Lord Confessor, and Ser Victor Risley, the other surviving member of the Caltrops, was appointed to the position of the King's Justice.
He even dismissed Septon Eustace and replaced him with Septon Bernard, another relative of his. He also had his nephew Amaury and his bastard half-brother Ser Mervyn Flowers put onto the Kingsguard, while his uncle Gedmund was made the master of ships. Not to mention his attempted marriage between his daughter Myrielle and Aegon III. So basically the Peakes are the Tyrells of their day, trying to take control of the Seven Kingdoms and the Iron Throne.
And that is all that I can remember! I'm sure there is a lot more, but it's striking to see just how many parallels there are between the Dance and ASOIAF itself.
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loonyluna · 3 years
some hedric + rose being a cutie
Harry didn't think he was a violent person. 
But at that moment, he had to restrain himself from walking over to his longtime friend and roommate, with whom he got along fine most of the time, and beat him up. The muggle way.
For what you may ask? Well that answer was simple, not that Harry would ever admit it to himself or anyone else. That he was jealous. Jealous of the way Seamus kept making Cedric laugh and jealous of the way his hand kept lingering on his shoulder. For Merlin’s sake did he not have a boyfriend? Then why was he so handsy with other men?
Harry tightened his grip on his 2nd(read 5th) glass of firewhiskey.
He had no right to be jealous, because after all he was the one who decided they needed a break.
He took a long sip of his drink before a voice broke his thoughts.
“Hullo Harry, enjoying yourself this evening?” Ginny the owner chirped.
He grunted something in return.
Ginny stared at him before following his gaze towards the two laughing men and chuckled.
“Oh Harold, how in Merlin’s name are you an auror? Cause last time i checked you were supposed to pay attention to things.”
“What do you mean?” Harry questioned, confused.
“I mean you and Cedric of course! Both of you are obviously still in love with each other. I might be aromantic but I'm not blind.” she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Harry started to deny it but Ginny interrupted him. 
“Do you even remember why you two even broke up?”     
Does he remember- of course he does. They both- no he thought that they needed some space. Cedric had been against it at first but reluctantly agreed.
“You thought it'd be for the best if you two took a break. Why? Merlin knows, you think differently than us normal folk. Anyways my point is that you should get him back because you love him and he makes you happy. And after the shitshow you went through you deserve some happiness.” Ginny finished, quite proud of herself.
“Wow Ginny i don't know what to say-,” Harry started but was promptly cut off.
“You don't have to say anything, just go get your boy. Oh godric is that luna and neville behind the curtains? I've got to cockblock them again. Bye Harry! Don’t be an idiot! Aw, I love being the mom friend.”
And with that the redhead practically skipped away.
Harry started thinking again now that he was alone. 
Was he still in love with Cedric? Probably but did Cedric love him as well? Was he really that oblivious? Also probably. 
His thoughts were disrupted when raucous laughter could be heard from the direction of Seamus and his ex-boyfriend, who (according to Ginny) he was still in love with, which was proved when Harry decided to walk over there.
Cedric was saying something but stopped when he caught the green eyes walking over to him. 
“Hi.” he breathed out.
Harry was about to reply before a flurry of red hair ran towards the ex-hufflepuff and jumped into his arms, shrieking “uncle Cedric”.
“Merlin, she runs so fast.” came in Ron Weasley panting. “You okay? Mate?”
“Yeah i'm fine, besides i missed my rosie too.”
“You wouldn't have to if Daddy and Mummy let me come visit you and uncle Harry.” The little girl crossed her arms and glared at her father.
The comment about Harry and Cedric laid a thick layer of awkwardness over the group.
“So Ron, where is my best friend?” asked Harry, trying to lighten the mood.
“You little shit-,” Ron started but was swiftly cut off by his daughter reprimanding him about how she’d lost count of how many coins he needed to put into the swear jar.
“You’re hermione’s daughter alright,she saw astoria malfoy on the way here and all of us were going to go talk to her, but this one-” Ron pointed at the girl in Cedric’s arms,accusingly “-saw you guys and ran.”
“Well is it my fault i hadn't seen Uncle cedric in ages?” 
“Oh will you stop bringing that up!”
“You're so bloody stubborn you know that?”
“I’m your daughter!”
“Ok ok, i think that's enough.” Cedric cut off the squabbling father daughter duo, chuckling. 
Harry’s heart tightened at the sight, it was like they had been back at one of their weekly game nights with the granger-weasleys.
But it wasn't, they hadn't had one of those in quite some time, hence rose’s tantrum.
Rose adored Cedric so much, Harry didn't have the heart to tell her that Uncle Harry and Uncle Cedric were not living together anymore, that's why she hadn't been able to visit the both of them.
“So how have all of you been?” Harry asked that question to everyone, but it was more directed to the brunette that had been haunting his thoughts.
Before he could answer however, two women dressed in heavy blazers entered the store, chatting away animatedly about some obnoxious book written by some Lockhart fellow. Lockhart. Hmmm, the name sounded quite familiar.
Harry whispered a quiet “Thank God,” to Hermione and Astoria Malfoy, who had five year old Scorpius Malfoy clinging to her skirts. Harry reckoned he was about the same age as Rosie.
Hermione, who seemed to finally have noticed her husband and best friend, loudly exclaimed and went over to hug Harry and smiled warmly at Cedric. People who were already whispering began whispering even louder at the arrival of the Minister of Magic.
“Mommy! Mommy! Daddy won’t stop swearing and-” Rose began excitedly, but her voice faltered as her eyes dropped to meet the little blonde boy’s. A bright red flush spread across her cheeks as she whispered a soft greeting to him.
“Hi ‘pius and Mrs.Malfoy,” she almost murmured. 
Harry was taken aback, to say the least. His boisterous, talkative, loud niece was quiet? He was so surprised he almost forgot about Cedric and failed to notice the deafening silence that had befallen the group; but then again, this was Harry we were talking about.
Everyone stared expectantly at Scorpius, who had shrunken down so much into his coat that a little more and he’d disappear. 
“Hi Rosie,” he stated loudly, then cringed at his own voice, as if he had not meant for it to be so loud.
Now Harry was completely and fully befuddled, and at the look on everyone’s faces, so were they. His Rosie didn’t let anyone except her parents, Harry, Ginny and Cedric call her Rosie. She’d correct anyone else who called her that, politely of course, she was Hermione's daughter after all.
“Hey Astoria, how are you doing?” Ron asked her, breaking the silence. “Where's malfoy? The male one.” Scorpius looked at him expectantly. “The older male one.”
“Oh he just had to stop by flourish and blotts, don't worry Ron your husband will be here soon enough.” she replied with a sly smile.
Ron turned red and looked at Hermione in protest, but she merely smiled, “oh don't worry Ronald, Astoria and I know all about your affair.”
“Oi mate! I thought I was the only secret husband you had without Hermione's knowledge.” Harry teased his best friend, who had now gone from embarrassing red to angry red.
“But I thought Uncle Cedric was your husband?” 
Harry loved his niece very much, but at that moment he felt that Ginny should have made the inn a child-free zone after that one time a party had rampaged the entire inn.
“Rosie, what were you going to ask me?” Hermione quickly asked her daughter, trying to cover up the question. 
“Oh!” the young girl regained her previous enthusiasm. “Could i please spend the night with Uncle Cedric and Uncle Harry? Pleaseeeee. I haven't seen them in so long. Uncle Harry, could I please?”
Harry started to say some half baked excuse but was beaten by the man holding her.
“Some other day, maybe sweetheart?”
Rose looked disappointed, Cedric had never said no to her. Harry could see that his niece was quite hurt.
“Oh,” she said softly, “that's okay i suppose.”
Harry could tell Cedric’s heart broke at her tone. And even more so, when she slid down from his arms.
“Mummy, Mrs. Malfoy, can me and ‘pius go on an a-a-adventure?”
“Scorpius and I.” her mother corrected. “And sure my love, just stay close.”
The young girl’s eyes lit up again and she took the shy boy’s hand and dragged him along her, almost bumping into the latter’s father.
“So how much are we betting that Ron and Draco are going to become in-laws?” Seamus offered.
This seemed to do the trick in reducing any awkwardness that had lingered in the little party. Everyone was laughing, except for Ron of course, who looked ready to murder someone, preferbly Seamus, Harry would help him with that, he decided.
“Where is the Weasel spawn taking my young, still innocent son?” draco malfoy demanded, resting his hand behind his wife’s back.
“Draco, don't be rude.” Astoria reprimanded her husband. “They're just exploring.”
“Fine but if anything happens to him, i will hex Weasley.” 
“Draco, you're overreacting, nothing is going-”
A crash turned the group’s(and almost everyone in the inn) attention, away from their previous conversations. 
Rose and Scorpius were covered in punch, the bowl was overturned between them, the former was smiling sheepishly and the latter looked like he was about to cry.
It didn't take a genius to find out what had happened.
The four parents rushed to their children’s sides, as Seamus walked away, laughing and muttering something about “never having kids”, leaving Harry completely alone with Cedric(Harry wondered if Ginny put Rose up to this).
“I’m sorry.” said Harry just as Cedric started, “I miss you.”
The two of them stared at each other for a few seconds, the atmosphere crackling with electricity before both of them lunged at each other.
Harry let out a sigh as his mouth met his lover’s. 
He had missed this.
His fingers found his way to Cedric’s hair, pulling and deepening the kiss, before-
“Now can i stay with Uncle Cedric and Harry?” 
The two broke apart seeing they had an audience now. And while Cedric looked embarrassed, Harry couldn't care less.
“Let's get married.” he blurted out before thinking.
“What,right now?”
“Well not right now now, but yeah.”
“Harry, you're not thinking straight.”
“No, I'm sorry Cedric, saying we needed a break was probably one of my stupidest ideas. I love you so much and I'm sorry I ever doubted that.”
“I love you too, Harry.” Cedric smiled softly.
“Does that mean you will say yes?”
“Yes Harry! Are u really that-” but Harry cut his boyfriend off by kissing him soundly.
“Can ‘pius and I be the flowergirls?”
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theanonymousb · 3 years
My 20 Best Korean Drama
1.    Hi Bye Mama
Genre: Fantasy, Drama
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Cha Yu-Ri (Kim Tae Hee) has been a ghost since she died 5 years ago. She left behind her husband Jo Kang-Hwa and their child. To become a human again, Cha Yu-Ri carries out a reincarnation project for 49 days.
Meanwhile, Jo Kang-Hwa (Lee Kyu-Hyung) works as a chest surgeon. He was loving, but, after his wife died, his personality changed. After 5 years, his wife Cha Yu-Ri reappears in front of him.
2.    It’s Okay to Not be Okay
Genre: Romance, Drama
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A story about a man employed in a psychiatric ward and a woman, with an antisocial personality disorder, who is a popular writer of children’s books.
Moon Kang-Tae (Kim Soo-Hyun) works in a psychiatric ward. His job is to write down the patients’ conditions and deal with unexpected situations, like if patients fight or they run away. He only earns about 1.8 million won ($1,600 USD) a month. The woman (Seo Yea-Ji) is a popular writer of children’s literature, but she is extremely selfish, arrogant and rude.
3.    Angel’s last Mission
Genre: Romance, Fantasy
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Kim Dan (Kim Myung-Soo) is an angel. He is also a troublemaker and also optimist. Lee Yeon-Seo (Shin Hye-Sun) is a ballerina who does not believe in lve.
Dan then receives a mission. If he succeeds, he can return to Heaven. His mission is to find true love for Yeon-Seo, but soon falls in love with her.
4.    Prison Playbook
Genre: Black Comedy
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Je-Hyeok (Park Hae-Soo) is the best relief pitcher in Korea. He will to the U.S and sign a contract with a major league. One night, he hears his sister screaming and sees a man running out of her apartment. Je-hyeok and the man get into a physical struggle with Je-Hyeok striking the man with a rock. Later, Je-Hyeok receives a 1 year prison sentence for using excessive force. Devastated, Je-Hyeok must adapt to life in prison.
Meanwhile, Joon-Ho (Jung Kyoung-Ho) is a friend of Je-Hyeok and works in the prisonas an officer. He waits for Je-Hyeok’s arrival.
5.    Chicago Typewriter
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Friendship
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This drama follows the lives of two men and a woman through two eras; one during the 1930s Japanese occupation of Korea and the other in the 21st century. Han Se-Joo (Yoo Ah-In) who was a writer in his past life and a bestselling author in the present. But Se-Joo is depressed with writer’s block so he can’t write his next book.
Yu Jin-Oh (Go Kyung-Pyo) owned a bar in his previous life. In 2017 he is a talented ghostwriter who can bail Se-Joo out of his predicament, but the mysterious man has a condition for his services. Se-Joo may not be able to meet it.
Jun Seol (Im Soo Jung) was a sniper. Now she has extremely variety expertise. She is a former Olympian hopeful, a veterinarian and a book lover who runs her own delivery service. She oscillates between extreme fandom and an anti-fan of Se Joo.
The intricately woven story of these three characters unfolds to reveal strange mirroring connections between the time periods as well as possibilities for past lives to be redeemed or improves in the modern world.
6.    Uncontrollably Fond
Genre: Romance, Melodrama
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Sin Joon-Young (Kim Woo-Bin) and No Eul (Bae Suzy) were in love in ther younger days. But uncontrollable circumstances separated them and they went their separate ways. Joon-Young is now a superstar actor and singer, while No Eul became a producer-director of documentaries. When their path cross again years later. Joon-Young discovers that No Eul is now very different person than he remembered – materialisticand willing to do anything to get ahead.
7.    Penthouse: War In Life
Genre: Suspense, Life, Drama, Family, Mature
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The residents of Hera Palace, a luxury penthouse apartment with 100 floors, have many secrets and hidden ambitions. Sim Su-Ryeon (Lee Ji-Ah), who was born into wealth, is the queen of the penthouse apartment. Cheon Seo-Jin (Kim So-Yeon), the prima donna of the residence, does all she can to give everything to her daughter. Oh Yoon-Hee (Eugene) comes from a poor family background, but she strives to enter high society by becoming the queen of the penthouse, the pinnacle success in her eyes. A battle for wealth, power, and prestige at Seoul’s most coveted penthouse begins.
8.    Crash Landing On You
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Military, Political
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Yoon Se-Ri (Son Ye-Ji) is an heiress to a conglomerate in South Korea. One day, while paragliding, an accident caused by strong winds leads Yoon Se-Ri to make an emergency landing in North Korea.  There, she meets Ri Jeong-Hyeok (Hyun-Bin), who is a North Korean army officer. He tries to protect her and hide her. Soon, Ri Jeong-Hyeok falls in love with Yoon Se-RI.
9.    Itaewon Class
Genre: Romance, Business, Friendship, Life
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On the first day of attending his new high school, Park Sae-Ro-Yi (Park Seo-Joon) punches his classmate Jang Geun-Won, who was bullying another classmate. The bully is the son of CEO Jang Dae-Hee (Yoo Jae-Myung). The bully's father runs restaurant business Jagga where Park Sae-Ro-Yi’s own father works. CEO Jang Dae-Hee demands to Park Sae-Ro-Yi that he apologizes to his son, but Park Sae-Ro-Yi refuses. Because of his refusal, Park Sae-Ro-Yi gets expelled from school and his father gets fired from his job. Soon, an accident takes place. Park Sae-Ro-Yi’s father dies in a motorcycle accident caused by his ex-classmate Jang Geun-Won. Burning with anger, Park Sae-Ro-Yi viciously beats Jang Geun-Won. He is soon arrested and receives prison time for the violent assault. Park Sae-Ro-Yi decides to destroy the Jagga company and take revenge upon CEO Jang Dae-Hee and his son Jang Geun-Won. Once Park Sae-Ro-Yi is released from prison, he opens a restaurant in Itaewon, Seoul. Jo Yi-Seo (Kim Da-Mi), who is popular on social media, joins Park Sae-Ro-Yi’s restaurant and works there as a manger. She has feelings for Park Sae-Ro-Yi.
10. Hotel De Luna
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Horror, Fantasy
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Jang Man-Wol (IU) is the CEO of Hotel del Luna. The hotel is situated in downtown in Seoul and has a very old appearance. She made a big error many years ago and, because of this, she has been stuck at Hotel del Luna. She is beautiful, but she is fickle, suspicious and greedy.
Koo Chan-Sung (Yeo Jin-Goo) worked as the youngest assistant manager ever at a multinational hotel corporation. He is a sincere perfectionist. He looks level-headed, but he actually has a soft disposition. Due to an unexpected case, he begins to work as a manager at Hotel del Luna. The hotel's clientele consists of ghosts.
11. Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol
Genre: Romance, Comedy
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Goo Ra-Ra (Go Ara) is a pianist. She has bright personality. Something happened that caused her to become bankrupt. She doesn't have anything now and she is frustrated with her situation.
Sunwoo Joon (Lee Jae-Wook) doesn't care what other people think about him, but he has a warm heart. He is free spirited and doesn't have a specific dream or goal for his life. He makes ends meet by working part-time jobs.
Goo Ra-Ra and Sunwoo Joon meet at the small private piano academy LaLa Land in a country village.
12. 18 Again
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Youth, Drama, Fantasy
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Tells the story of a husband named Hong Dae Young (Lee Do-Hyun) who is on the verge of divorce but finds himself back in his body when he was at the prime of his life 18 years ago. He ends up changing his name to Go Woo Young when he becomes 18- years-old again. Meanwhile, his wife Jung Da Jung(Kim Ha-Neul) joins the workforce as an anchorwoman later on in life after raising their 18-year-old twins.
13. Goblin: The Lonely and Great God
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Fantasy
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In ancient times, Kim Shin (Gong Yoo) is an unbeatable general in wars, but the young King (Kim Min-Jae) is jealous of Kim Shin and kills him. Kim Shin becomes Dokkaebi (Goblin), possessing an immortal life. At first he thinks that he is blessed, but he realizes that he is cursed.
Closer to the present day, Kim Shin has waited 900 years for a human bride to end his immortal life. One night, he saves a dying pregnant woman (Park Hee-Von) who is destined to die. Meanwhile, the Grim Reaper (Lee Dong-Wook) is unable to find the dead pregnant woman. The woman gives birth to a baby girl named Ji Eun-Tak (later played by Kim Go-Eun). 9 years later, Ji Eun-Tak lives with her mother and is able to see ghosts. One night, her mother suddenly dies. On that night, she meets the Grim Reaper.
In the present day, Ji Eun-Tak is a high school student. She still sees ghosts and hears their whisper of “Dokkaebi’s bride.” She now lives with her aunt’s family, but she is mistreated by them. On her birthday, Ji Eun-Tak sits by the sea with a lighted birthday cake. At that time, Kim Shin suddenly appears in front of her. Kim Shin does not know why, but he can hear her voice and appears in front of her against his will. Coincidentally, Kim Shin lives with the Grim Reaper at the same house.
Now, Kim Shin appears in front of her against his will, whenever she turns off the lights. One day, Ji Eun-Tak tells him that he is Dokkaebi and she is his bride.
14. It’s Okay That’s Love
Genre: Friendship, Psychological, Comedy, Romance, Drama
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Jang Jae-Yeol (Jo In-Sung) is a mystery writer and radio DJ. He suffers from a obsession. Ji Hae-Soo (Gong Hyo-Jin) is going through her first year fellowship in psychiatry at a University Hospital. She chose psychiatry because she doesn't want to perform surgeries. After she meets Jang Jae-Yeol, her life goes through big changes.
15. Let’s Fight Ghost
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Horror
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Hyun-Ji (Kim So-Hyun) studied for most her life before she died at the age of 19. She is now a ghost and has wandered around the world for several years. Hyun-Ji then meets exorcist Park Bong-Pal (TaecYeon). Hyun-Ji and Bong-Pal listens to various stories from ghosts and sends them to the otherworld.
16. Hospital Playlist
Genre: Friendship, Comedy, Romance, Life, Medical
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A drama depicting the stories of people going through their days that are seemingly ordinary but actually special, at the hospital, a place known as the microcosm of life - where someone is being born and someone's life meets their ending. The five doctors are longtime friends of 20 years who started their undergrad in 1999 in the same medical school, and now they are colleagues in the same hospital. The drama will also deal with a story of a band formed by the group of doctors.
17. Fated to Loved You
Genre: Business, Comedy, Romance,
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This drama is the story of an ordinary girl, Mi Yeong, (Jang Na-Ra)who has neither outstanding looks, a prestigious college degree, nor any other charming qualities, facing her whole life abruptly changing when love comes knocking at her door. While on vacation, she accidentally happens to spend one night with Lee Gun (Jang Hyuk) and even gets pregnant from that night. Because of this incident, her life will never be the same, and this fateful encounter brings love that transforms this not-so-special girl to an attractive, charming lady.
18. Go Back Couple
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Life, Fantasy
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Choi Ban-Do (Son Ho-Jun) and Ma Jin-Joo (Jang Na-Ra) are both 38-years-old and a married couple. Choi Ban-Do has been burdened with being the breadwinner and Ma Jin-Joo is a housewife with low self-esteem. Even though they loved each other when they married, they now hate each other. They both regret marrying at such a young age. The couple travel through time and find themselves as 20-year-old university students, when they met for the first time.
19. To The Beautiful You
Genre: School, Teen, Romantic, Comedy, Sports
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Kang Tae-Joon (Minho) is a gold medalist in the high jump, but he has been mired in a slump due to an injury. In order to help her idol, a girl named Koo Jae-Hee (Sulli) disguises herself as a boy and enrolls at the same all male high school.When Tae-Joon (Minho) is competiting at the World Junior Competition, Jae-Hee (Sulli) watches him on TV in America and becomes very touched.
Despite her friends telling her otherwise, Jae-Hee cuts her long hair by herself. She then flies to South Korea, with a plan to stay with Tae-Joon who is now injured. Jae-Hee disguises herself as a boy and enrolls at the all boys Genie Physical Education High School. On her first day at school, Jae-Hee goes up the stairs with her suitcase, but her suitcase bursts open and all her clothes fall out. A boy comes by and helps her pick up her stuff. Jae-Hee realizes that the boy helping her is none other than her idol Tae-Joon. In her excitement, Jae-Hee sits on her suitcase, which proceeds to slide down the stairs.
20. When the Camellia Blooms
Genre: Triller, Comedy, Romance, Family
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Dong-Baek (Kong Hyo-Jin) is a single mother living in the small town of Ongsan. She runs the bar-restaurant Camellia, while also taking care of her son Pil-Gu (Kim Kang-Hoon). The people of Ongsan frequently gossip about Dong-Baek. She grew up as an orphan, is a single mother and runs a bar where many of the men in Ongsan frequent. Regardless of what the locals may whisper about Dong-Baek, local police officer Hwang Yong-Sik (Kang Ha-Neul) is deeply in love with her. Meanwhile, Dong-Baek's ex-boyfriend Kang Jong-Ryeol (Kim Ji-Suk) suddenly reappears in her life. He is a famous baseball player, that hid their relationship when they dated. While Dong-Baek tries to find happiness, something truly sinister lurks in the background. A serial killer roams Ongsan and Dong-Baek may be a target.
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cyberfairyblog · 3 years
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Why Jillian Sucks
Hi, welcome to Odyssey Mystery Hour! I'm your host @gritsandbrits and today I'll be talking about a hot topic in the AIO fandom! Wanna know the tea? Keep on reading!
In the weeks I started getting back into the radio series, the newer episodes have started to irk me, mostly because of one of the more annoying additions: Jillian. Marshall. 😬😬😬
Even though I ship Jason with my self insert OC this not going to be about her. There's a lot of reasons why I do NOT like the idea of Jillian x Jason becoming a canon thing on the show. I hope to describe these feelings as best I can.
Who is Jillian you might ask?
Well to put it simply, Jillian is what happens when a Soccer Mom and a TikTok boyfriend mate and spawn an unholy baby and name them Rachel Berry. Out of the aspects of Nu!Odyssey I dislike, Jillian is the one thing I truly despise. Thankfully I've met fans who share the exact sentiment! 😁😒
Double-N Annoying, Double-O Nincompoop
Making her debut in 2018, Jillian is described as lively and upbeat, if a little high strung and immature; the perfect recipe for Kid Appeal! Before she moved to Odyssey she lived in different cities and worked nineteen jobs before becoming roommates with Connie and her sister Jules.
Now this is actually a fairly interesting set up: a new character struggling to find purpose only to discover it in a quaint small town. But as it turns out her going through that many jobs seems to be more than just struggling to find purpose.
When I first saw her design my thought immediately went to the smarmy classmates I went to school with.
We're introduced with this iconic line: "Hi!! I'm Jillian Marshall, double-L Jillian, double-L Marshall! It's so nice to meet you!"
With that one sentence I knew I was about to die.
The following episode has Jillian bumbling through every job interview much to Connie's duress after which she conveniently ending up working at Triple J Antiques...the same place Jason works!
A little backstory on Jason: he is the adult son of John Whittaker, one of the show's main character, and a bit of an Ensemble Darkhorse. He was introduced as a secret agent meant to bring action and intrigue into the show. He was set up as a charismatic and reckless sort of guy clashing with the calmer Jack Allen. After the Green Ring Conspiracy Saga, Jason officially retired from James Bonding and settled down to work at the Allen's antique shop.
Given his immense popularity there's understandable concern for how he is written and who he gets paired up with. So what does that have to do with Jillian.
Well, the idea of Jillian working at the same exact place as Odyssey's resident bachelor and calling him cute raises a few eyebrows.
"B-but Grits all she did was call him cute! You're reaching too far into this!"
Am I? Look I know this wouldn't be much of a big deal too but that is a subtle tactic the writers threw in to get the cogs turning for Jillison. Jason is clearly uninterested and even implied to dislike her. Jillian bemoans this but Connie reassures her that that's not the case. But hey at least she called him cute so OF COURSE she's going to end up being his love interest!
To me removing a character's core trait to justify a romance means you do NOT know how to actually write a compelling romance. It's trite, it's forced and painful to listen to.
It's also obvious she's a replacement for Bernard, given they have similar personalities and her brief stint on TV (which she also failed at lol). But whereas Bernard was actually endearing, Jillian seems more of a cliche womanchild with zero self awareness and tact. No actual depth, just a personality that is incredibly dumbed down and even insulting. Seriously they made her the dumb blond stereotype in an era where we should've moved on from that! 🤦
Did I mention she goes to church?
Yep she's gonna be one of those Christians.
Literally Loveless, Literally!
Oddly enough the narrative frames this as a rivals to lovers thing, where Jason is both the charismatic friendly guy and the super uninterested Straight Man. The constant twisting the turning makes him go OOC. See we know he's fit better as the former because that goes in line with his canon personality. But when they make him the latter he just comes off as unnecessarily mean. This is turns frames Jillian as someone we should pity: "Oh the attractive male doesn't like me because I went into his office without permission!!"
Wouldn't it make more sense for Jillian to be the one uninterested in a romance since her focus in to find a job/better purpose and romance might distract her? That would make a fun subplot...IF SHE WASN'T OBNOXIOUS!
A pattern I noticed and several fans pointed out: Jason's previous love interests were consistent in that they were strong minded women who challenged him in different ways. Their personalities bounced off creating a fun dynamic that was entertaining to see. Even though they didn't end up with him, you can still see and hear and feel their chemistry which is my goal for Jason x OC. Tasha doesn't make Jason OOC & they had a bittersweet arc, so their interactions were organic. Monica only made him OOC because she was a villain actively manipulating him. So again that worked in terms of story and led to Monica's redemption if my memory serves.
However, Jillian's dynamic is not that fun to listen to. You can feel her annoying Jason through the airwaves. She's strong but only in the sense of feeling something hard underneath your back laying on the bed and realizing that's just your earbud. She's vibrant yes but what else? She doesn't have any unique traits to contrast Jason, and any attempt at a contrast would mean making him act out of character. Adding her bumbling clumsiness and annoying voice, Jason would get tired of her very quickly. He's the type to go for people to have intelligent conversations with, not make him lose braincells. She could very well bring out the worse in him, it'll be an unhealthy relationship.
Here's a tidbit worth mentioning: the VA for Jillian actually auditioned with Jason's VA Townsend Coleman. Now that is big ass red flag right there! No hate towards the actress, just throwing that out there. There's also a facebook page dedicated to Jillison. Typical FB stupidity ramped up to eleven, or AIO fans who see something in Jillian; or at least THINk they see something worthwhile in her.
It doesn't help the writers keep insisting that these two go well together. The audience knows they do not work well as a pair but the narrative keeps insisting they are anyways. I recall an episode that had them pretend to be married while undercover and it was bad. Like REALLY humiliating to see Jason put in that position. He also told her to shut up much to my joy because she could NOT stop being irritating for five minutes. Alas the show still tries to justify Jillian being the Perfect Woman for Jason when she's anything but. And not even endearingly imperfect.
Follow Up
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These tags I wrote on one of the AIO posts describes how I feel about Villain Marshall and the Jillison coupling as a whole. It just wouldn't work because Jason needs someone that can actually CHALLENGE him, have their own personality that can bounce off his (without being forced), and most importantly DOESN'T AGGRAVATE THE FANDOM!!
I have not met a single person anywhere that say they like Jillian. It's a different story apparently on the Club App - they like her for reasons I'm too cowardly to find out. But no, she sucks as a character. She makes a annoying friend, and is not a good addition to the show, much less a good love interest.
The only good thing she brought us are the nicknames we gave her 😌
That's all for now thank you for tuning into the Odyssey Mystery Hour. Next week I'll be talking a bit more about my OC Vanessa and her role in the world of Odyssey! Goodbye and make sure to lock your doors to prevent Jillian from coming in!!
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1dsource · 4 years
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Ziam writers in this fandom need a lot of love, just like our larry writers, so here is our first Ziam fic rec! The theme of this fic rec is Friends to Lovers!
Please show these authors some extra love and leave a kudos, and even a comment if you have the time. It’s important we also give the newer, unknown authors a chance so they keep having motivation to write more amazing stories for us all to read <3
Fools, and Worthless Liars. by aliceninetyfive I 115K I Haunted hotel, winter
Louis and Liam decide to go work a winter season in a snow resort in the Alps during their gap year. They get placed in Austria, where they meet a bunch of familiar faces including Zayn, Harry, Niall and various others you're bound to recognise doing the same thing!
Featuring our old favourites angst, pining, self discovery, ot5, and a side helping of a haunted hotel & gorgeous alpine scenery.
Compartment 451 by ziamhaze I 88K I Harry Potter universe
Zayn’s a muggleborn wizard whose parents leave him to fend for himself once he’s made aware of his magical abilities. The Payne’s are an open minded wizarding family, who take him in and provide the boy with a loving home before he and their overly excited son Liam, go off to Hogwarts for the first time. Liam introduces Zayn to the wonderful world of magic, while Zayn teaches the pureblood about a way of life he’s never known. Somewhere between laser tag tutorials and petting Hebridean Black dragons, Zayn falls for the newly appointed Head Boy, but his three other nonconforming friends aren’t about to let the Ravenclaw go through his last year of school without letting Liam in on his feelings once and for all.
Money Moves by mmaree I 74K I Fake Relationship I Boss/Employee
“I’ll cut straight to the chase,” Liam announces. He leans forward, and Zayn is met with steely eyes and steepled fingers. “I’m willing to offer you fifty grand if you’ll enter into a small…partnership with me. This would be in addition to your salary at Payne Innovations, of course. Think of it as a bonus.”
Zayn narrows his eyes. “What kind of partnership?”
“A fake engagement.”
“Oh,” Zayn says, relieved it’s nothing illegal. “Wait—what?”
“A fake engagement,” his boss repeats slowly, as if he’s convinced Zayn’s comprehension skills are significantly lacking. “For six months. Maybe less if I can pull it off sooner but don’t worry—you’ll be paid the full sum regardless of how long it takes.”
Zayn’s suspicious, and he doesn’t even know why. There’s nothing to be suspicious of because, clearly, Liam’s lost the plot. Zayn’s having a conversation with a complete nutter. There’s no other reasonable explanation.
He clears his throat, searches Liam’s eyes for a sign he's taking the piss. “How long what takes?”
A smile plays at Liam’s lips. “For me to be hired as the CTO at Titan Technologies.”
Half A Heart by ginger_with_a_black_cat I 68K I Friends with Benefits
Zayn is an English student who doesn't want to fall in love because his biggest fear is to get hurt again. Liam is a resident bad boy and everyone's wet dream on the outside, but in the inside he's a secret even to himself. Harry's Liam's best friend with a secret of his own. Louis likes to party hard, get drunk and get everyone in trouble but everybody loves him nonetheless. And then, there's Niall, who's the youngest of them all, but still has the most brains and keeps them all in order all while being in love with an impossible girl.
Or where Zayn gets hit in the head by his own actions, Liam finds himself falling for an idiot, Harry gets dragged out of the closet by the love of his life, Louis wants Harry and only Harry and Niall just wants all of them to get their shit together, so he can get his own life back.
and you take me the way i am by orphan_account I 54K I Fake Relationship
It’s incredibly relaxing, even in this small space, the way they’ve always been. Such a distraction that he doesn’t think, not for once, about agreeing to lie to his family and Zayn pretending to be his date and how easy all of this might be.
(Liam needs a date to a wedding. His family loves to match him up with blind dates. He doesn't want that. He needs a date... and, well, why not Zayn. Pretending to be boyfriends for a weekend isn't the worst idea he supposes. Liam is horribly wrong.)
some moments are rare by orphan_account I 46K I Uni au
The city blinks awake outside but Zayn falls asleep with his nose pressed to Liam’s coffee-stain of a birthmark.
(or, alternatively: Zayn is spending a summer studying aboard; thirty days across Europe, with his best mate by his side. It's always been like this ― Zayn and Liam. And he's always been a bit daft about love, or the fact that Liam's always been in love with him. It's all a bit of a mess, actually.)
Just As Fast, Twice As Dangerous by lightswoodmagic I 45K I Superpowers
When he realised it was only him and Liam in the hallway, he felt safe enough to drop his shield. Oh. Lovely. Liam was emanating affection and fondness, his primary emotions filled with warmth and love. Zayn let himself bask in it, how it would feel to be loved by Liam. He knew Liam loved him, but he wasn’t in love with him; Zayn had felt that emotion too many times to count, and this just wasn’t it. He dug slightly deeper, could feel that Liam was excited and nervous, and when he hit a wall Liam had built himself, he dropped back. He wasn’t supposed to know everything.
Or, Zayn's a normal student by day, and a superhero by night. When a mysterious man seems to target him at the same time a natural disaster strikes, Zayn has to figure out a way to save the day, protect his heart, and convince the boys he's not a vigilante all at the same time.
down the vista of years by ohthathurt I 30K I Time Travel
Zayn whispered, “So where do we go from here?”
Liam shrugged, seemingly lost in thought. Then he smiled down at his boyfriend, “Forward?”
Zayn smiled serenely, eyes twinkling like gold in the sun seeping through the open windows.
He nodded, “Forward.”
Just the two of us and a cute little cup of cyanide by orphan_account I 17K I Accidental Marriage
“I definitely need something alcoholic if I’m going to watch my two best mates divorce,” Niall says, yanking a top over his head.
“We’re not actually married,” Liam says, with slightly more force than intended. “It was an accident. Obviously I wouldn’t ever get married to Zayn if I was sober, that’s fucking ridiculous.”
The bathroom door opens suddenly and Zayn stands there in nothing but a towel, bottom lip trapped between his teeth. Liam opens his mouth to say something but Zayn holds up his hand, shaking his head. “You don’t need to be a dick about it, Liam. This isn’t exactly how I envisioned my first marriage going either.”
Or an I-accidentally-married-my-best-mate-in-Vegas fic, where Liam's completely oblivious, Zayn's completely in love, Harry's had enough, Louis plays mediator and Niall just wants his best friends to be with each other.
i'm watching you run from the sidelines by thebeehive I 17K I 
“One week,” Zayn cajoled. “C’mon Leeyum. After one week if you hate it that much, you can go. But just stay one week.”
“In Pennsylvania. On your farm. In the middle of nowhere.”
Liam looked at his phone, but it held no answers. Zayn couldn’t be serious. Liam hadn’t stopped traveling the world after the band went on hiatus. He never stopped. Dubai one week, London the next, and then L.A. It didn’t really matter where, as long as he kept moving. But he missed Zayn, missed his former band mate. His former friend. He hadn’t seen him in person in years. And it couldn’t be that bad, on a farm, could it?
Liam sighed. “Fine. A week. But your wifi better be fucking spectacular, mate.”
{Or, Zayn invites Liam to his farm for a week to help him relax. Things don’t go as planned.}
fooled around and fell in love by tachycardia I 15K I Fake Relationship
“I have a proposal - a proposition,” Liam corrects quickly. “For you.”
Liam and Zayn pretend to be engaged.
a river flows so surely to the sea by kettering I 14K I Uni au
It’s August, not a cloud in the sky, and two boys who’ve been smitten with each other for going on a decade are tying the knot.
get a little bit nervous by louistomlinsons I 14K I 
Liam goes to say something, probably something dumb, but he chokes on his spit, coughing loudly. The man in front of him is one of the prettiest people he’s ever seen in his life; he’s got thick eyelashes that fan out and frame his dark eyes and tanned unblemished skin. Liam forgets all of his previous thoughts.
“You okay, mate?” he asks, concern filtering into his voice.
“Yeah, yeah,” Liam says, still choking and coughing. “Sorry.”
“We all reacted the same way we saw Zayn for the first time,” Niall says from next to him, laughter evident in his tone. “He’s a god, isn’t he?”
or, ziam farmer's market au where liam, louis, and niall work at the produce stand, harry and zayn work at the bakery stand, and nobody's straight
Tell me tomorrow (I'll wait by the window for you) by orphan_account I 13K
“You’re, like, beautiful,” Liam says, and it’s said so earnestly and with such conviction that Zayn can hardly believe that they don’t know each other in real life. “God, I’m cacking it now.”
“Don’t,” Zayn says shyly. “We’re both people, it… it will be what it will.”
“Can’t wait,” Liam says softly. “I’m nervous, yeah, but I really can’t fucking wait.”
“Me neither,” Zayn grins. “Less than seventeen hours to go now, babe.”
Or a Gavin and Stacey AU where Zayn pines, Liam's nervous, Louis's loud, Harry's a little odd and Niall just loves an omelette.
This Is Somethin' Real by lightswoodmagic I 5K I 
Zayn had felt it before, felt the hope and the possibility of something brewing, but where he usually pushed it down, he let it consume him now, let it take over everything until he was swinging his feet and grinning when Niall finally walked through the door.
“Nialler!” Louis shouted, wrapping him up in a hug.
“How is everyo – woah, why are you so happy?” he asked Zayn, cackling when Zayn kicked out at him.
“He’s going to tell Payno he’s in love with him tonight, that’s why,” Louis explained, and Zayn saw Harry’s nose scrunch as he smiled.
Again, if you read, please remember to leave kudos and/or a comment so we keep motivating our lovely, talented writers and make them feel valued
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dustofinsanity · 4 years
𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝟝
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Jinyoung / ReaderㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤGang AUㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤWords count: 4k
Summary: Even if he was supposed to be nothing more than a friend with benefits, Jinyoung was your first and only one love. But he broke your heart and made you become the cold woman you are now. Seven years later, you meet him again.
Content/Warning: Angst, Strong language, Violence/Blood, Romance/Fluff
Previous part
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As Jinyoung told you to do, you ran to his place, without giving attention to your tears, sore legs or the way people were staring at you. You just ran mindlessly and surprisingly, easily found Jinyoung's apartment. You've never been good at finding your way or navigating unknown areas but, this time, your brain was on your side and, after about thirty minutes of running like a crazy woman, you finally locked the door of Jinyoung's behind you.
Immediately, you fell on your knees and realised you weren't crying anymore, you didn't have any tears to shed for now and your eyes were dry and aching. And then, it hit you. This situation, you already knew it, you already had been on your knees in front of a door, eyes red and heart breaking in your chest.
Seven years before.
But, this time, things were different and, most importantly, Jinyoung told you he would be back, that he wouldn't leave. Deep inside, you knew he would do everything he could to keep that promise. There were too many unsaid things between the both of you, so many secrets you wanted to tell him, so many things you still wanted to do at his side. He had to come back.
You didn't know how long you stayed in front of the door but, when you finally got your mind together, you walked to the living room and found the phone with which you called Kangjoon. You told him what happened, letting him know you weren't hurt and were safe now. Like the best friend he was, he proposed to join you with Dohwan and Joohyuk but you said it was better if they stayed at Bad Company. As long as you didn't know if things were over or not, you didn't want to take the risk to let them come here in case people followed them.
Then, you found yourself alone in the apartment, looking all around you and thinking it suited Jinyoung's personality perfectly. It wasn't too decorated, just the strict minimum. Bookshelves were covering a whole wall of the living room, from floor to ceiling. You checked some of them and recognized the ones Jinyoung sometimes read at your former place. A sad smile passed over your lips and you kept wandering through the place, glancing at the door almost every ten seconds.
You knew you should stay in the living room and wait for Jinyoung's return but Jaebeom's words came back into your mind and your curiosity won over you. Slowly, you opened the only closed door, guessing it was Jinyoung's bedroom and glanced into the dark room, your eyes getting used to the obscurity, before cautiously entering. You knew you were alone here but you still tried to be the most discreet and silent as you could, like if you could get caught by someone.
City lights were softly lighting the room and you easily made your way around the bed on which you sat, heart racing and eyes not daring to look at the nightstand. But, once again, your curiosity was stronger than you and you finally looked at the small wooden furniture, your eyes getting wet instantly.
Guess you still had tears to shed.
Jaebeom didn't lie and honestly you didn't know if you would prefer he had or not. The photo was here, leaning against the bedside lamp foot. With a shaking hand you softly grabbed it and all the memories of this day played right in front of your crying eyes.
Exhausted, you put the photo back on the nightstand and laid on the bed, being immediately intoxicated by Jinyoung's scent. You felt bad for falling asleep when the one you loved was still outside but your whole body couldn't stay awake longer.
However, your sleep wasn't restful.
You didn't know how long you slept but, when the intercom rang, you didn't waste any second and rushed to the door, about to open it when Jinyoung's order came back into your mind. You then pressed the button on the intercom and saw Jaebeom, Mark and Bambam on the little screen.
Alive, they were alive!
You hurriedly unlocked the door and ran down the three floors to join the guys outside. They were covered by bruises, scratches and blood that you deeply hoped it wasn't theirs. But, something was wrong and, when you figured out what it was, your eyes went wide and tears started to escape. Softly, Jackson cupped your face and, a warm smile on his lips, made you look on your left side.
Here. He was here.
Before you could realize, you ran to Jinyoung and jumped on him, wrapping your arms around his neck. A hiss followed by an amused chuckle parted his lips while one of his arms encaged you in his strong embrace and his other hand landed on the back of your head.
"Did someone miss me?" he softly teased.
"Every single day of the last seven fucking years," you answered, your face sunk in the crook of his neck.
You heard the guys chuckling behind and when they started to leave, one of them, Youngjae if you weren't wrong, told his friend to take care of the rascal you were, making you grin slightly. Jinyoung nodded and kept you in his arms as long as you needed it.
But you remembered the guys' state and guessed your lover was surely the same. "Are you injured?" you quickly asked, pulling away and checking him.
"Nothing bad, don't worry," he smiled, grabbing both of your hands and kissing them. "Let's go inside, I need to take a shower."
"Right, you stink," you teased him, earning another of his delightful chuckles.
Making him open his eyes wide, you intertwined your fingers with his and went back to his place. Saying he wouldn't take too long, he told you to make yourself at home and left you in the living room after quickly kissing the side of your head.
Now Jinyoung was here, you felt like a little kid in a porcelain shop and didn't dare to touch anything. Now he was here, you felt embarrassed and scared. Scared because you knew the night was far from over and the both of you had to talk. At the same time, it was a relief even if it also felt like a threat. You kind of knew you had nothing to be afraid of, for the last few months, Jinyoung's acts clearly made you understand he wasn't the bastard you thought he was for the last seven years.
But still, you were afraid.
Sat on the couch, you heard the bathroom door open and saw Jinyoung walk to the kitchen, wearing nothing but just a pair of sweatpants. In any other situation, you would let your mind have all the damn thoughts it would want but not this time. This time, your eyes stopped on the scars on Jinyoung's back. When you met him, he already had few but the ones you could see now were bigger and you wondered how he got them.
"Do you want to eat something?" he asked, pulling you out of your thoughts and making you blink while he was looking through the kitchen cupboards. "I don't have a lot here but I can try to cook something if you're hun-"
He stopped, surprised by your arms wrapping around him.
A discreet smile curling his lips, he removed your arms and turned to you just to see your face down and your shoulders moving slightly. He knew you tried your best not to cry, after all these years, he still knew you like the back of his hand. Softly, he pulled you against him and kept you in his arms.
"I guess you have questions," he whispered against the side of your head, feeling you nod slowly.
Without any warning, Jinyoung grabbed your thighs and picked you up, letting you lock your legs around his waist, before walking to the couch and sat onto it, your body still against his.
"What do you want to know?"
"I... I don't know," you admitted without moving, breathing in his perfume and feeling his heartbeat against your chest. "I have many questions but... I don't know where to start."
"I'll do that for you," he smiled, tenderly stroking your head. "I grew up in an orphanage with Jaebeom. But we weren't the kind of peaceful kids." He stopped, seeing you straight up and frown at him. "What? Is it that hard to think I made a lot of bad choices when I was a kid?"
"You, no, but Jaebeom, yes."
"Hey!" he exclaimed, making you giggle adorably. "Anyway," he added, frowning back at you. "Jihoon hyung heard about the two energetic and unbearable kids we were and adopted us. He already did the same thing for Mark a few years before and, later, did it again for Jackson, Youngjae, Bambam and Yugyeom. He raised the seven of us like his real sons and always believed in us. Jihoon hyung knew our life was not the best but he does his best for us."
"From what I saw, he seems to be a cool guy," you whispered, your face back into the crook of his neck.
"He is and it seems that he really appreciates you," Jinyoung nodded, his hand on your back drawing smooth circles. "He also understood why I acted like that seven years ago. I told him you were really different back then but, I don't know, he just understood."
"He told me you disobeyed his orders," you said, feeling Jinyoung freeze and nod against your head. "Why... why did you do that?"
"Because I-" Jinyoung paused, searching for his words, and softly chuckled. "Because I needed you."
You straightened up again, putting your hands on his abs while your eyes were too shy to meet his. You wanted to know more, you wanted to hear Jinyoung say why he needed you, but your heart was racing, echoing in your temples, and your voice was stuck in your throat.
God, you hated being like that! It wasn't you! It wasn't Y/n! But was the Y/n you became really the one you truly were deep inside?
"Hey, where’s the bold Y/n I’ve known for the last few months?" Jinyoung smiled, trying to see your face through the falling strands of your hair, both his hands on your hips.
"This is exactly what I was asking myself," you sighed, looking at every scar and bruise on his torso. You shook your head, like if it could help you to chase your shyness away, and finally locked your eyes in Jinyoung's. "Why... Why did you need me?"
A smirk curling the corner of his lips, Jinyoung raised an eyebrow, liking every second of what was happening in front of him. For the last few months, he saw the bold and strong woman you became but, right now, you were the one he fell for seven years before.
"Isn't it obvious?" he asked, seeing your cheeks turning red. "God, I missed that so much," he kept going, his grin turning into a warm smile while his thumbs softly caressed the right side of your face.
"So... you were happy with me?" you asked, your fingers languidly running up and down his torso.
"You were the best thing in my life," he naturally confessed, making you widen your eyes. "I never hated my life, and still don't hate it. Even if I grew up surrounded by violence, I never missed anything and never felt alone thanks to Jihoon hyung and my brothers. But," he paused. "But I met you."
His voice was almost sad when Jinyoung said those last four words and you wondered if he ever regretted meeting you. But the way his eyes were sparkling when he evoked that fateful day quickly erased your doubts. Jinyoung never regretted meeting you but he would hate himself until his last day for the pain he made you feel.
"You say that like if it was a bad thing," you still pointed out, your eyes avoiding his again.
"Never think that way," he whispered, straightening onto the couch, his torso now against your chest. "Thanks to you, I knew things, no, I felt things I thought I would never know, things I thought I wasn't deserving of. And... And I would give my whole life to feel them again."
"I'm afraid, Jinyoung," you breathed, trying your best to keep your tears behind your eyes. "What if you leave me again?"
"I'd rather die than leave you again, Y/n."
Swallowing, you looked back at him just to see him move his face closer and softly peck your lips.
Heart hammering in your chest, you said nothing nor moved and just stared at Jinyoung with lost eyes. But he saw. He saw the hidden feeling behind your insecurity and, softly, slid his fingers to your neck, pulling you closer and locking his lips on yours once again.
The kiss was slow, tender, almost shy, and both your minds seemed afraid about what was happening when every cell of your beings was craving for each other. But, as soon as your fingers ran up his torso and stopped their course into his hair, harshly grabbing it to pull him even closer, Jinyoung understood you wanted, needed, to feel what you felt so many nights seven years before.
He didn't lose any second and stood up from the couch, holding you in his strong embrace with one arm and carrying you like if you were as light as a feather. At this moment, the kiss wasn't tender anymore, both of you wanting to show how much you missed each other's lips, touch, body. And you both expressed that by mixing many feelings all together into one ardent kiss.
Love, desire, need, missing but also anger, grudge and violence.
A loud groan escaped from your throat when Jinyoung pinned you against a wall and you wasted no time in paying him back, biting his lower lip as you pulled on his hair.
"Sorry," he whispered, not sure if he really meant it.
"Don't," you replied, crashing back your mouth on his.
You felt his lips curling into a smile and tightened the grip of your legs around his waist as he carried you into his room, his desire getting bigger underneath his sweatpants.
As if you were the most precious thing on Earth, and for him, you were, Jinyoung laid you onto his bed and settled himself between your legs, leaving your lips for your jaw line then your neck, sliding his hands under your tee. Quickly, he took off your clothes and froze, his eyes landing on your black laced bra. It was way different from what you wore in the past but it didn't make a difference to Jinyoung; you were still as beautiful as ever.
It didn't take long for him to reconnect his lips on your skin, kissing, licking, nibbling and biting every inch of your upper body while your fingers were tangled through his hair and moans escaped your mouth. Before you could even realize, one of his hands slid to your back and easily unclasped your bra with two fingers. Not even a second after, Jinyoung was throwing your lingerie through the room, his mouth already sucking on your right breast while his other hand grabbed the left one.
It felt like Heaven. No, it felt even better than Heaven.
Seven years before, everytime Jinyoung made you his, you felt like the luckiest girl on Earth, every one of his gestures reminding you how beautiful you were. But now, you both weren't students anymore, and Jinyoung wasn't only showing you how badly he wanted you but how madly he loved and needed you, his scratches and bites followed by licks and kisses.
"Ji-Jinyoung..." you whined, arching your back when his lips grazed your hips, some tears escaping from your eyes. "Please, Jinyoung."
You didn't need to say more, he knew exactly what this "please" meant, it didn't change, it was the same you already said so many times before. His hands then left your breasts and slowly, brushing over your skin, went down to your stomach, stopping at the hem of your denim shorts. His fingers sliding between your belly and fabric, Jinyoung unbuttoned your clothes and, once you unwrapped your legs from his waist, slid your shorts along your legs, grabbing your black laced panties with them.
"Are you even real?" he whispered, one of his hands going up to your wet core while he took off his sweatpants with the other, letting you see his glorious erection.
"Please," you repeated in the same tone, your whole body already trembling with excitement.
Slowly, Jinyoung looked up at you, the hint of a smirk on his lips, and slightly nodded. He dreamed of this moment for the last seven years, the moment when both of you could be finally together again. Even if his mouth still wanted to taste your body for hours, just to remember how delicious you were, Jinyoung couldn't deny the craving to be inside you was way stronger.
A hand on the pillow to gain some balance, Jinyoung settled himself in front of your entrance and softly, lovingly even, slid inside you, loud sighs parting both your mouths. Once the sensation you secretly longed to feel again for the last seven years calmed down a bit, you adjusted yourself and wrapped back your legs around his waist.
"Nothing’s changed, love," Jinyoung whispered in your ear once his body was over yours and his free hand grabbed your thigh. "If something's wrong, just tell me."
You slightly chuckled. He was right, nothing changed. Jinyoung still wanted to take care of you, to protect you, to make you feel safe, loved and pleased even in this kind of moment, even if he wanted to make you scream his name for hours.
"Don't worry, everything will be alright," you replied, grabbing his head and locking your eyes in his. "I trust you, Park Jinyoung."
"I love you," he told you for the first time since he met you.
"I love you too," you smiled, pulling on his head to bring his lips where they had to be, on yours.
A tear escaping from his eye and dropping on your cheek, Jinyoung smiled against your mouth and finally gave you what you wanted, slowly starting to thrust into you, his groans melting with your moans in a perfect melody.
He kept a slow pace at first, trying to keep control over his feelings and desires, tightening the grip on your thigh everytime you clenched your walls around his member. But, quickly, his hunger took over him and he harshly pounded into you once, making you widen your eyes and yelp at the sudden change and sensation.
"Sorry, I-" Jinyoung murmured, sinking his face into the crook of your neck.
"Did you miss me?" you cut him off, sliding your hands on his back and drawing smooth circles.
"More than you can ever imagine, love," he nodded, kissing the spot where your neck met your shoulder.
"Then show me. Show me how much you missed me."
Like it was an order he dreamed to obey for far too long, Jinyoung thrusted into you once again, and again, and again, more violently and deeper every time, groaning with the skin of your neck between his teeth when you dug your nails into his back and scratched it.
Even if nothing but grunts left his mouth, you could guess Jinyoung tried his best to hold back himself, scared to death of hurting you. So, between every moan, you tried to reassure him, to articulate some words, struggling to say everything was okay, he could let him go, he would never hurt you. You just wanted Jinyoung to understand you trusted him and got the answer you wanted when, moving his hand from your thigh, he slid his arms under your back and grabbed your shoulders, pouding another time into your wet area, even deeper and angrier.
All the insanities both of you were holding back in your throats finally left your mouths and, quickly, the room was filled by sounds of your skin clapping against each other and desperate cursing that neither of you said in a bed.
Jinyoung wasn't the young guy you knew anymore; he was the man who was making you his forever. You weren't the cute student he fell for anymore; you were the woman who wanted to spend the rest of the eternity by his side. You weren't two lovers anymore; you were two souls melting together to become one, every thrust, kiss, scratch and caress sealing your fate.
"Ji-Jinyoung, I'm- I'm gonna," you stuttered, feeling an umpteenth wave of delightful electric shocks washing all over your body.
"I- I missed you so- so much, lo- love," he replied as hard as you, feeling his high coming.
"Tell me you- Ahh! Tell me you won't- you won't leave."
"I... will... never... leave... you... again. Never," he promised, smacking his hips against yours between each of his words.
Another wave, the strongest you've ever felt, overwhelmed you and you immediately reached your climax, eyes rolling back and cries breaking from your lips. Jinyoung followed right away, digging his shaft a few other times and filling you up with his seed.
Seconds later, everything went back to calm in the room, silence being broken by your loud breaths only.
Covered in sweat, Jinyoung carefully pulled away, asking if you were okay when you slightly hissed, and laid down on his back, an arm already sliding under your shoulders and pulling your naked body against him, his free hand removing a few strands from your face. You softly kissed the bare skin of his chest and put your head on it, your hand resting on his abs and following the scars you could feel under your fingertips.
Never in the last seven years had you imagined that you would find yourself back in Jinyoung's arms, smelling his scent, feeling his skin against yours and, even if you hated the idea, you ended up accepting it. But here you were, lying in his bed, wrapped in his strong and comforting embrace, his fingers brushing tenderly your arm.
"I'm sorry," you sighed, slowly looking up at him just to see him frown slightly. "For what I said at Bad Company the night we opened."
"You had every right to say that," he sadly smiled, pulling you closer and kissing your forehead. "Don't worry about it, love."
"Still, I'm sorry," you insisted, lowering your head and running your fingertips along his chest. "I didn't know wh-"
"You're right," he cut you off, grabbing your chin and making you look back up at him. "You didn't know. I broke your heart, Y/n, you suffered because of me, you had every right to hate me. And trust me, I told myself things that were way worse than what you said. But you're here now and we can pick up where we stopped."
At his words, a smirk slowly stretched the corner of your lips, making Jinyoung raise an eyebrow.
"Talking about picking up where we stopped," you purred, climbing on him and digging your nails in the skin of his chest. "What about doing it right now?"
You didn't know if it was the proposition, the sound of your voice, the way you scratched his skin, or everything all together, probably the last option, but Jinyoung's reaction didn't take long and lust filled his dark eyes. Promptly, he straightened up and pulled your body as close as it could be against his.
"Show me how much you missed me, love," Jinyoung smirked, crashing his lips back on yours.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ⁓•⁓ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Thank you for reading! 💜 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ⁓•⁓
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hhgossip · 3 years
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In this issue of Hidden Hills Weekly, we are talking about the outrageous lives of our celebrities in the gated community! We talk about polyamorous lovers to concerts in your every own kitchen!
For the past week, Isabelle Amor, 28 has been in New York filming her newest show, “Only Murders In The Building.” She has been seen up and down the busy streets, filming scenes and having fun on set but fans have noticed that the singer/actress is having too much fun with her co-star. The pair have been seen getting quite cozy with one another when the cameras cut. They have been seen with big smiles and sparkles in their eyes. It comes as quite a shock as Isabelle is in an unconfirmed relationship with country music stars Annika Baddie, 25, and Cameron Nelson, 26. You did read that right, Isabelle is dating Both Annika and Cameron. They are living a polyamorous lifestyle where three people are all seeing each other. 
Fans are wondering if Isabelle’s co-star is going to be added to her relationship with the country stars. Fans took it far enough to compare the relationship and pictures of Isabelle with her ex-boyfriends and current lovers to her new beau. Those pictures include her famous love story with James Hemmings, 27, with who they share one child together. Mateo Hemmings, 3. One fan stated on Twitter that - “Jelle is way more hotter than this! What is this?!” Along with the tweet was a shared picture of Belle with her co-star. While other fans tweeted that Belle looked happier with her two other loves. “Belle looks GLOWING with Ani and Cam! LET HER BE HAPPY!” Says another fan.
What do Annika and Cameron think about Isabelle potentially looking for another lover? What do you all think? Let us know!
On February 26, 2021, the multi-talented actress Mackenzie Locklear, 23, told the world via Instagram that she had given birth on February 15th to a baby boy named Phoenix Finn Locklear. The actress went silent on all types of social media after the Sweetheart Dance we held on the 12th of this month until her huge announcement. We haven’t heard much about her birth but everyone is wondering who the father is. Mackenzie never said out in any interviews who the father of her son is but many people are assuming it’s Wallen Ward, 28, country singer. People are only assuming this as Mackenzie has been seen at many of Ward’s concerts in the past. She is either in the sound booth or she is backstage with everyone else. Wallen is currently married to Madeline King, 22, the youngest of the King Siblings. 
We have reached out to all parties but we got nothing but got declined to speak from Locklear’s team, but we heard nothing back from King & Ward’s team just yet. But we will keep you all updated on the matter when we get the word!
On the day of February 18th, 2021, we got reports of Daniel Kaylan, 29, had left his household with his daughter, Heather without notifying her mother and his fiancée, Odessa Fitzpatrick, 27. We were told that the police were called on the scene as Odessa had no idea where her daughter had gone to and assumed she had gone missing. It wasn’t clear where Daniel had gone with Heather but one thing that was clear is the fact that Odessa was not having any of it when Daniel revealed that he was the one who took Heather and left. 
The couple just welcomed their third child, a son, into the world on the 14th of this month. Who they have not released the name yet. They also share another son, Wyatt, who is the oldest of the Kaylan Clan. 
Rumors had spread that Odessa had indeed got the police involved once she could not find Heather anywhere and Daniel had to come home to talk them himself to explain what had really gone down. We know for sure, this is something he will never do again and might spend the rest of the year in the dog house for this one! 
Is 5 Seconds Of Summer’s guitarist still in love with a former groupie? The answer is unclear to many but also very clear to those around them! Spencer Stone, 25, used to sleep around constantly with Lanie Sinclair, 22, back when the band was touring for their album Sounds Good Feels Good. They currently share two children together, Lyric, 4, and Mercury, 2 months. Everything was going well between the two as co-parents before Spencer moved in with his girlfriend, Francesca “Frankie” Hart, 25. The house was already sold but Lanie ended up staying the night with Spencer the weekend before the big move and rumors have it that they have done more than just kiss that night. Sources had said that Sinclair left early in the morning with their daughter and her daughter, Lucina, 9 months, who she shares with her current boyfriend, Theodore “Theo” Dean, 26. Lanie was currently pregnant when she stayed the night.
Rumors only fueled even more as Lanie went off with Theo to Paris for nearly a month after giving birth to her son with Spencer. Theo was fresh out of an engagement with Nicole Hampton, 24, and Lanie was dealing with Spencer’s flip-flopping feelings for her. Sources had said in Aspen that Stone had made Sinclair cry more than once. Reports claim to overhear a fight between Spencer and Frankie as he admitted kissing Lanie. Witnesses say that Hart claimed to feel like she had been cheated on since Spencer agreed to father another baby with Lanie without talking to her about it first. This caused a huge rift between Hart and Stone in Las Vegas where Frankie walked out on him during blackout dinner. 
During the Sweetheart Dance, many eyewitnesses had said that the whole night Spencer couldn’t tear his eyes away from his ex-groupie while she danced with her former turned current boyfriend Theo. What will Frankie think about all of this? What does Theo think about all of this as well?
The Model/Youtuber Scottie Blake, 27, made headlining news when she went live on Instagram the other night and totally forgotten about it! It went from attempting to make pasta for dinner into a full-on action concert for thousands of people unknowing to her. Many of her fans were delighted to see Scottie enjoying herself as she danced around her kitchen and sang her heart out to her favorite songs. They blasted through her speakers and we do not blame her for forgetting about being live! When you have great music taste like Scottie, it’s common to forget what you were doing and just want to have some fun. 
One fan wrote on Twitter, “LOOK AT HOW CUTE SCOTTIE IS!” With many heart emojis and a screenshot from the live. 
Although trolls were making fun of the model, many of Scottie’s fans were quick to defend her and one started out. “As if you don’t do this when you’re alone lmao bye” 
One thing is for sure, Scottie Blake, we need that album, and secondly, keep on dancing and never stop!
The rumors might be true! They might be false! But we do hope it’s true! Nicole Hampton, 24, had said it herself that she planned on writing a book called - “boy mom shit - you’ll be grey before thirty.” She then goes on to explain why she decided to write a book on parenting. It was because of her oldest son, Zeus, 6, who she shares with Derek King, 27. He was attempting to talk to his youngest brother, Asher, 4, who she shares with Brody Roberts, 30, to jump off his bed onto his skateboard so that he could ‘surf’ down the stairs. Luckily, Mama Hampton was quick to put that idea out of their heads and put their safety into their minds. Who knows what could have happened if she didn’t catch them in time!
As we are all parents in Hidden Hills, it would be so nice to hear what other parents have to go through. All children are wild, fun, and beautiful. They may drive us all up the wall but we do love them with all of our hearts! So, Nicole, we would love and buy your book! Give us a call when it’s about to be released! Don’t be shy now!
Yes, you heard it here first! Brody Roberts says that he is ready to move on with his life and find that special someone! Our close sources say that he has come to terms with his ex-girlfriend, Nicole Hampton, 24 is moving on with her life and he is ready to do the same. As we stated in a previous story, the couple shares a son together, Asher, 5. The producer and director have been keeping a low profile recently but want to change that and step out more. We have to say that we’re excited to see Brody out and about again! 
People close to the director stated that he wanted to connect with someone and meet that special someone in an authentic way and is adamantly opposed to dating apps. We get it, we don’t want to be catfished in this household. We were told that he has been asking around for ideas of places to meet people and even may have asked a few people to join him on that adventure. We do not know who at this time but once we get more details, we will share them with you all!
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sleepymarmot · 4 years
“One or two of the 3zun are women, and it still takes place in the canon-ish patriarchal setting” variations
Meng Yao is a woman: 
This is only one step away from canon, just dragging the subtext into the text; this is a story that I wouldn’t be surprised to see in any period show. Instead of a prostitute’s child, she is a former prostitute seeking better life. (How she managed to leave when her mother couldn’t is another question that requires research into how medieval Chinese brothels worked.) 
I can see two paths: as a cultivator (and it seems like there aren’t many female cultivators in the show) or as a courtesan. If she’s a cultivator, she may or may not be cross-dressing for more safety and respect. In addition of the canonical accident of birth that disadvantaged Meng Yao, being born in a brothel, she also laments the other one that made her life so much harder. Everyone openly mocks her on screen for making a career via sect leaders’ beds (which she may or may not be doing). Nie Mingjue’s victim-blaming and the swings he takes at her are made even more uncomfortable to watch; does the narrative side with him even in this case? 
Jin Guangshan doesn’t care for Jin Guangyao not only because she’s illegitimate, but because he has no need for a daughter. But she can be employed to organize parties, manage the home budget, smile and look pretty, as is expected of a woman. Meng Shi must have foreseen that the daughter would be unwanted by the father -- so her reasons for keeping the child were probably different than in canon. Was it pity and love, could she not bring herself to harm this tiny defenseless human being? Was the sunk cost of pregnancy too high? Did the superiors tell her the brothel could use another girl?
Would Guangshan’s death go differently, because Guangyao would feel more solidarity with her former sisters in the trade -- or would she hand-pick the women who made her life hell? In the Rusong situation, she is more sympathetic than in canon: it is Guangyao who becomes pregnant and still enacts agency to carry the child to term and raise him; perhaps she is still hoping to find a way for him to live until the very end. When m!Qin Su finds out, he becomes violent because his wife deprived him of his heir. Or maybe this marriage doesn’t happen at all: if Lady Qin’s son is the husband, she can go directly to him... Except, if we go by the novel’s timeline, this is even worse: she already bears the child of incest. She can get rid of it, but Qin Su knows, and that means he can make the knowledge public whenever he wants. Could Guangyao silence him by death without arousing suspicion? Or would he have an immense amount of power over her from that moment on?
She has even less physical power than in canon and probably doesn’t even carry a soft sword -- maybe a small dagger but mostly just cunning, poison, a couple of strings -- a woman’s weapons. In the end, she is killed by her male lovers in gendered ways -- one pierces her with a sword, the other wrings her neck. Her name remains forever etched into history as another great beauty who bewitched a powerful man and brought the country to near ruin.
Nie Mingjue is a woman: 
Mingjue is the first female leader the Nie sect has ever had. Normally the position would go to her younger brother, but she has a commanding personality and is good with a blade, and Huaisang is still a child. She is met with distrust: how can this girl handle a saber, let alone rule a sect? So she overcompensates. She trains tirelessly, determined not to be inferior to her male ancestors. Her manner and judgements are harsh -- she cannot allow herself to be seen as weak. She barks at Huaisang so that nobody could call her “motherly”. 
When she meets Meng Yao, she thinks “This one must understand what it means to be seen as inferior”. But taking him as her confidant was a mistake. In the Nightless City, this nice man talks about how much less she and her saber are than her father and his. He makes her cry in front of everyone -- nobody was ever allowed to see her cry. She is the only woman in the room, and the nice man she used to trust kicks her to the ground. An hour later, he makes an innocent face and complains to his best friend how irrational and hysterical she is to blame him. Nobody has seen how he hurt her, and nobody will care -- because he is so smart and talented and a hero of the war, he must have had his reasons, don't be a bitch about it.
She is loved, feared, respected by many -- but still, she knows about the joke that it's particularly dangerous to anger her at a certain time of the month. As years pass, people talk more and more behind her back: this behavior is not proper for a woman and a woman is not suited for this position, she is unstable, she is too violent, it's just wrong for a woman not to have a husband and a child at this age. Her early onset of qi deviation only confirms the public opinion. Nobody would dare say that, you're just imagining things, Jin Guangyao says; why do you still distrust me, your emotions are blinding you, Jin Guangyao chides; you’re just unwell, and I can help you, I know you better than anyone else, Jin Guangyao insists. When she finds out it was him driving her mad and then using it to undermine his reputation, it is too late, and he silences her even in her final moments, and then her body is a trophy in this Bluebeard’s secret chamber. But at least, when she comes back as vengeful undead, like many women wronged by men before and after her, he is finally truly afraid.
Lan Xichen is a woman: 
Ah, aren’t both the Jiang and the Lan blessed with their eldest daughters? Beautiful, hardworking, kind, selfless, so caring towards their younger brothers. What a shame that marriage to sons of Jin Guangshan became their doom.
Is Xichen even a sect leader in this one? If we go by the novel timeline, when the previous sect leader dies Wangji is already adult enough to fight a war and Xichen goes missing, so it would make sense for Wangji to inherit the position due to the f!Xichen’s combination of gender and absence. Can you marry a man and remain a head of your own clan instead of entering his? In any case, Xichen becomes Jin Guangshan’s daughter-in-law and therefore is expected to respect and obey him.
She married for love, breaking off the betrothal with Nie Mingjue that had existed for years. That must be, of course, the sole reason Nie Mingjue holds a grudge against her husband, and she is always ready to console her beloved. His life has been so hard already -- to support him with all her might is not only her duty as a wife, but her calling as a believer in justice. Her husband is everything her education told a perfect gentleman should be. Oh, poor, naive girl. Everyone feels pity tinged with admiration for this heartbroken yet still loyal widow who will never marry again.
Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen are women: 
A combination of the above. Jin Guangyao is a career man, facing great adversity during his climb; he needs to be adored at least in private. Nie Mingjue, Lan Xichen, Qin Su... The string of noblewomen he used on the way to the top is remarkable. After discarding Mingjue, he takes Xichen as a lover, too enamored with him to ask for more, and then marries Qin Su to solidify his position in the Jin sect. Nie Mingjue knows what he's really like, and can do nothing; this Fiona Apple song is more or less her perspective as she looks at her successors. 
Meng Yao and Lan Xichen are women: 
This is about Sisterhood and Female Solidarity. Lan Xichen is an educated and virtuous woman, she knows talent, humility and hard work when she sees them, and will not let them remain underappreciated. She cannot argue openly with her betters, of course, she will keep her head down more often than not. But what Xichen can do is to always offer a warm embrace to a sister in need. Xichen has respect for her background -- it is only admirable for a woman to sacrifice her body to feed her mother. And oh, how A-Yao has suffered! Nobody else would understand, Xichen is the only one in the world for her. When other point fingers at A-Yao, Xichen knows it's their own wickedness talking. It will end one day; true merit will be seen and rewarded, just like Xichen has seen it. I assume Xichen has been betrothed since childhood to Nie Mingjue; Xichen loves her husband dearly, but protecting A-Yao from his anger is always a priority to her. Especially when her poor husband’s health gets worse and worse, and only A-Yao’s kind words can serve as any consolation. 
...When, at the end, Xichen learns how A-Yao used her most passionate ideals against her, she is crushed. Maybe the world was right after all. When a servant or a disciple comes to her for protection against some man who scares her, Lan Xichen closes her eyes.
Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue are women: 
This is a competition. They approach gender in opposite ways: Nie Mingjue must not be seen as weak, Meng Yao uses perceived weakness to her advantage. They cannot exist in the same social circle without undermining the efforts of each other. Lan Xichen is nice, he’s trying to make peace between them -- he is a man, he has never faced this, he will never understand. It is a fight to the death, and Jin Guangyao prevails -- or at least she would have, if this story didn’t have fierce corpses.
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aiysha-the-loli · 4 years
Anime April 2020 (Spring) Season Guide
Check out the new anime and sequels of the seasons
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In the April 2020 anime season guide you can check out the anime that will debut and the season's sequels. Don't forget to comment on which anime you're most looking forward to watching!~
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Kan
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Synopsis: Hachiman Hikigaya is a cynic. "Youth is crazy, he believes, a game of suckers, an illusion woven of failure and hypocrisy". But when he delivers an essay for a school assignment that espouses this vision, he is ordered to work at the Service Club, an organization dedicated to helping students with problems in their lives! How will Hachiman handle a job that requires optimism?
Genre: Slice of Life, Comedy, Drama, Romance, School
Studio: feel Director: -
Origin: Light novel Air date: April 10
See the preview: Here!
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
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Synopsis: Kaguya Shinomiya and Miyuki Shirogane are two geniuses who are at the top of the student council of their prestigious academy, making them the elite among the elites. But it is lonely at the top and each fell in love with the other. There is only one major problem in the way of loving happiness - they are both too proud to be the first to confess their romantic feelings and thus become the "loser" in the love competition! And so begins your daily plans to force the other to confess first!
Genre: Comedy, Psychological, Romance, School, Seinen
Studio: A-1 Pictures Director: --
Origin: Manga Air date: April 11
Sword Art Online: Alicization – War of Underworld 2nd Season
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Synopsis: Despite the defeat of Quinella - the pontiff of the Axiom Church - things still did not seem to calm down. Upon contacting the real world, Kazuto “Kirito” Kirigaya discovers that the Ocean Turtle - a mega float controlled by Rath - has been invaded. Due to a sudden short circuit caused by the invaders, Kirito's fluctlight is damaged, leaving him in a coma. Feeling insecure with the people of the Axiom Church, Alice takes Kirito unconscious back to her hometown - Vila Rulid, disregarding her ban due to an unsolved crime. Now, Alice is living a common and peaceful life near the village, wishing Kirito to wake up.
However, the tragedy occurs when Alice realizes that the Territory of Darkness has already begun to invade the Human Empire. Resuming her previous title, Alice Synthesis Thirty, she promises to defeat the Territory of Darkness to defend the world that Kirito and Eugeo worked so hard to protect.
Genre: Action, Game, Adventure, Romance, Fantasy
Studio: A-1 Pictures Director: -
Origin: Light novel Air date: April 26
See the preview: Here!
Shokugeki no Souma: Gou no Sara
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Synopsis: At the Tootsuki Cooking Academy, an eight-to-eight heated Shokugeki, known as the Regiment of Cuisine, rages between the central and rebel forces led by Souma Yukihira and Erina Nakiri. Although they achieved an impressive perfect victory in the first fight, the rebels face an uphill battle ahead, as they must now face the rest of the Elite Ten Council. With Tootsuki's future at stake, Souma and Erina must go far beyond the limits of their abilities, using everything they have learned from their mentors and finally taking their cooking experiences together as friends.
Genre: Ecchi, School, Shounen
Studio: J.C.Staff Director: Yonetani, Yoshitomo
Origin: Manga Air date: April 11
Fruits Basket 2nd Season
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Synopsis: After the accident in which he lost his mother, Tooru, 16, moves to his grandfather, but due to the renovation of the house, he is no longer able to live with him. Claiming that he will find someone to stay, but also fearing criticism from his family and not wanting to burden any of his friends, Tooru resorts to secretly living alone in a tent in the forest.
One night, on returning from work, she finds her tent buried under a landslide. Yuki Souma, the "prince" of her school, and her cousin Shigure Souma, a famous author, stumble on Tooru's situation and invite her to stay with them until her grandfather's household reforms are complete.
Upon arriving at Souma's house, Tooru discovers his secret: if a Souma is hugged by someone of the opposite sex, he temporarily becomes one of the animals of the zodiac! However, this strange phenomenon is not a laughing matter; on the contrary, it is a terrible curse that maintains a dark history. As she continues her journey, meeting more members of the zodiac family, will Tooru's kind and resilient nature be enough to prepare her for what is behind the doors of Souma's house?
Genre: Slice of Life, Comedy, Supernatural, Drama, Romance, Shoujo
Studio: - Director: -
Origin: Mango Air date: April 7
See the preview: Here!
Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen 2nd Season
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Synopsis: Motosu Urano, a book-loving university student who has just obtained her librarian certification and was supposed to enter her dream job after graduation, was killed during an earthquake that crushed her under a pile of her own book collection.
Desiring reincarnation to be able to read even more, she reincarnated in a world with a low level of literacy and very few books, limited only to the nobility of the world. As she reincarnated as a five-year-old daughter of a humble soldier, Maine, no matter how much she wants to read, there is no way to have books around. If there are no books, then what to do? Writing, of course ... With the goal of becoming a librarian, no matter what happens ... she starts making books.
Genre: Slice of Life, Fantasy
Studio: - Director: --
Origin: Light novel Air date: April 5
See the preview: Here!
No Guns Life 2nd Season
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Synopsis: After a war, there are many "Extends" in the city, people with bodily modifications that have become dangerous weapons. Inui Juuzou is one of them, and he doesn't remember his life or his body before being turned into a weapon. His firearm was, strangely, designed so that only someone behind him could pull the trigger. Juuzou makes a living taking on cases involving Extends with Mary, an intelligent young woman who is under his protection.
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Seinen
Studio: —- Director: --
Origin: Mango Air date: April 10
See the preview: Here!
Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Sevens
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Synopsis: A new anime television series for the franchise's 20th anniversary.
Genre: Action, Game, Fantasy, Shounen
Studio: —- Director: --
Origin: Card Game Air date: April 4
Kingdom 3rd Season
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Synopsis: Hara's historical manga revolves around the slave Xin and his dream of becoming a great general for the state of Qin. Xin helps Ying Zheng, the young Qin king who shares his desire to unify China, to rise to power within the state. Xin does everything possible to become a superior commander of an army capable of defeating the Seven States in Combat.
Genre: Action, Military, Historical, Seinen
Studio: Studio Signpost Director: Imaizumi, Kenichi
Origin: Manga Air date: April 6
See the preview: Here!
Major 2nd (TV) 2nd Season
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Synopsis: Shigeno Daigo is an elementary school student whose father, Goro, is a professional baseball player. Inspired by his father, who was a Major League player, Daigo started playing baseball with Mifune Dolphins, a youth league team. However, he failed to live up to expectations of being the son of a professional and dropped out of baseball after less than a year. Then, in the spring of his sixth grade year, Daigo's school receives a transfer student who has just returned from America. The transferred student is Sato Hikaru, and his father is Sato Toshiya, a former Major League player and close friend of Goro. The fate of these two young people begins to advance!
Genre: Comedy, Sports, Drama, Shounen
Studio: OLM Director: Watanabe, Ayumu
Origin: Manga Air date: April 4
See the preview: Here!
Kiratto Pri☆chan Season 3
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Synopsis: The series focuses on two girls from the first year of high school, called Mirai Momoyama and Emo Moegi. The two aspiring idols decide to use the “Pri ☆ Chan System”, a system used by famous people and companies to transmit content. As many girls start their own channels and upload content, the duo decide to become their own production company, starting their own channel in an attempt to become Pri ☆ Chan's idols.
Genre: Musical, Slice of Life, Comedy, Magic, Shoujo
Studio: Tatsunoko Production Director: Ikehata, Hiroshi
Origin: Game Air date: April 8
Tsugu Tsugumomo
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Synopsis: Kazuya Kagami's most precious asset in the world is the obi left to him by his late mother. The smell of cherry blossoms infused into him helps him during the day - but he never expected him to save his life, becoming a beautiful girl in a kimono who calls himself an "artifact spirit". Her name is Kiriha, who naturally moves with him, as he is her "owner". Joining them, Chisato, his spectacled friend, an overprotective older sister who wants to bathe with him, a busty priestess, a seductive sorceress named Kokuyoura, and Kazuya's life just got a lot more ... interesting.
Genre: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, School, Seinen, Supernatural
Studio: Zero-G Director: --
Origin: Manga Air date: April 5
See the preview: Here!
Jashin-chan Dropkick’
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Synopsis: The story revolves around Yurine Hanazono, a university student who summons Jashin-chan, a demon from the underworld. Now they must live together in a run-down apartment in Tokyo's Jinbochō district. If Yurine dies, Jashin-chan manages to return to the underworld, so she constantly plans to kill Yurine.
Genre: Comedy, Supernatural
Studio: - Director: -
Origin: Web manga Air date: April 6
See the preview: Here!
 New Animes:
Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta…
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Synopsis: Katarina Claes, eight years old, is the only daughter of a duke, living her life peacefully and without incident until she hits her head on a rock ... and then remembers that she is not really the duke's daughter . She used to be an otaku who died on the way to school after spending the previous night playing Fortune Lover, her favorite otome game. After realizing that her current environment looks strangely familiar, she is shocked to discover that she has been reincarnated in the world of Fortune Lover as the villain.
The game villain usually ends up dead or exiled, so Katarina decides to use her knowledge of the game and her routes to avoid bad situations. But is it possible that the villain has a good ending?
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Fantasy, School
Studio: Silver Link. Director: Inoue, Keisuke
Origin: Light novel Air date: April 5
See the preview: Here!
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Synopsis: In the history of anime, in the 21st century, the existence of human animals came to light after being hidden in the darkness of the story. Michiru lived life like a normal human being, until one day she suddenly turns into a human-tanuki. She flees and takes refuge in a special area of the city called "Anima City", created 10 years ago so that human animals can live like themselves. There Michiru meets Shirou, a human wolf who hates humans. Through Shirou, Michiru begins to learn about the concerns, lifestyle and joys of human animals. While Michiru and Shirou try to figure out why Michiru suddenly turned into an animal-human, they unexpectedly get involved in a major incident.
Genre: Fantasy
Studio: Trigger Director: Yoshinari, You
Origin: Original Air date: April 9
See the preview: Here!
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Synopsis: Shuichi Kagaya, is an ordinary high school boy in a boring city. But when a beautiful classmate is caught in a warehouse fire, he discovers a mysterious power: he can transform himself into a furry dog with a huge revolver and a zipper on his back. He saves the girl's life by sharing his secret with her. But she is looking for the sister who killed her family, and she doesn't care how degrading she is: she will use Shuichi to fulfill her mission ...
Genre: Action, Mystery, Supernatural, Ecchi, Seinen
Studio: Pine Jam Director: Yoneda, Kazuhiro
Origin: Manga Air date: April 5
See the preview: Here!
Yesterday wo Utatte
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Synopsis: The story follows a young man named Rikuo, who was unable to find a permanent job after college, and a mysterious woman named Haru who has a pet crow, and Rikuo's former classmate, Shinako. The official website leaves the question "What is love?".
Genre: Slice of Life, Drama, Romance, Seinen
Studio: Doga Kobo Director: Fujiwara, Yoshiyuki
Origin: Manga Air date: April 5
See the preview: Here!
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Synopsis: The story of the comedy manga focuses on Kakushi Gotou, who does not want his daughter, Hime Gotou, to know that he is a manga creator. The comedy focuses on the daily life of a family with a manga artist. In addition to being a joke with the father's name, the ambiguous title can mean “Hidden Things”, but it can also be read as “Drawing Work”.
Genre: Slice of Life, Comedia, Shounen
Studio: Ajia-Do Director: Murano, Yuuta
Origin: Manga Air date: April 2
See the preview: Here!
Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou!
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Synopsis: Shingo Ichinomiya, a 25-year-old man who works for a company, while thinking about tomorrow's business day, goes to sleep. However, when he woke up, he found himself in an unknown room and realized that he was inside the body of a 6 year old boy, taking over his body and mind. He soon learns from the boy's memories that he was born as the youngest son of a poor and noble family who lives in a neighboring country. Having no administrative skills, he can do nothing to manage the vast land his family owns. Fortunately, he is blessed with a very rare talent, the talent of magic. Unfortunately, although his talent could bring prosperity to his family, in his situation, it only brought disaster. This is the story of the boy, Wendelin Von Benno Baumeister, making his own way in a cruel world.
Genre: Action, Fantasy
Studio: SynergySP, Shin-Ei Animation Director: -
Origin: Light novel Air date: April 2
See the preview: Here!
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Synopsis: The story takes place at the end of the 19th century and on the eve of the next. After a certain accident, the brilliant but socially inept engineer, Sorano Appare, and the cunning but cowardly samurai, Isshiki Kosame, find themselves adrift on a boat from Japan to America. The two decide to compete in the Trans-America Wild Race to win the prize and return to Japan and fight crazy rivals, outlaws and outdoor activities as they race through the wild west from the starting line in Los Angeles to finish line in New York - in the steam powered car they built.
Genre: Historical
Studio: P.A. Works Director: Hashimoto, Masakazu
Origin: Original Air date: April 10
See the preview: Here!
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Synopsis: Art was born to an aristocratic family in Florence during the Renaissance era of the 16th century. As a woman, it was unheard of for someone like her to become an artist. Driven by her love of art, Arte is willing to let go of her aristocratic lifestyle to become an artist.
Genre: Slice of Life, Historical, Drama, Romance, Seinen
Studio: Seven Arcs Director: Hamana, Takayuki
Origin: Mango Air date: April 4
See the preview: Here!
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Synopsis: The story of the manga revolves around the launcher Yomi Takeda. At his old school, his baseball club didn't get far because he was missing a catcher who could catch Yomi's “miracle ball”. Yomi dropped baseball, and enrolled at Shin Koshigaya High School and joins her childhood friend Tamaki Yamazaki at her new school. Tamaki is skilled at catching and even catches the ball when Yomi throws it with all her strength. Girls can thus fulfill their childhood promises by starting their baseball journey again
Genre: Sports, School
Studio: Studio A-CAT Director: Fukushima, Toshinori
Origin: Mango Air date: April 1
See the preview: Here!
Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle
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Synopsis: In a world made up of countless islands, a young hero from Astora Island meets adventurer Kyle and follows him on an island expedition. They meet a mysterious girl named Iris and a talking white cat, and together they walk to the island's ruins, where they find a flying island. Kyle is consumed by the darkness there, and the group decides to travel to the ends of the world on the flying island in order to find the seven "Great Runes", following Kyle's words before he disappears.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Magic, Fantasy
Studio: Project No.9 Director: -
Origin: Game Air date: April 6
See the preview: Here!
Nami yo Kiite kure
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Synopsis: Sapporo, Hokkaido, in one night, our heroine, Minare Koda, pours her emotional problems on a radio station employee she meets while drinking one night. The next day, she listens to a recording of her regrettable complaints live on the radio. Minare invades the furious station, only to be tricked by the station director into an impromptu talk show, explaining his statements. With just one recording, the many eccentric facets of Minare's life begin to move in all directions as she sinks more and more into the world of radio.
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Seinen
Studio: Sunrise Director: Minamikawa, Tatsuma
Origin: Mango Air date: April 3
See the preview: Here!
Kitsutsuki Tanteidokoro
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Synopsis: The story of the novel takes place in 1909, during Japan's Meiji era, and focuses on fictional versions of real-life poet Takuboku Ishikawa and real-life linguist Kyousuke Kindaichi. In the novel, Takuboku runs a private detective agency to support his family. Both begin to investigate a case of alleged ghost sightings at the Asakusa Juunikai building, also known as Ryouunkai.
Genre: Mystery, Historical
Studio: LIDENFILMS Director: Ezaki, Shinpei
Origin: Novel Air date: April 13
See the preview: Here!
Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited
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Synopsis: The story follows the incredibly rich Daisuke Kanbe, who boldly resolves cases in unconventional ways. While Tsutsui serialized the original novel between 1975 and 1977, the anime changed the scenario for the modern day. Kanbe is assigned to the "Modern Crimes Task Force" - a unit created to keep troubled officers away from others. There, Kanbe becomes Katou's partner.
Genre: Mystery
Studio: CloverWorks Director: Itou, Tomohiko
Origin: Novel Air date: April 10
Princess Connect! Re:Dive
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Synopsis: The protagonist wakes up without memories in an unknown location and meets some girls. He then approaches them to discover a hidden mystery.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Studio: CygamesPictures Director: Kanasaki, Takaomi
Origin: game Air date: April 7
See the preview: Here!
Houkago Teibou Nisshi
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Synopsis: The story of the fishing manga focuses on Hina and her group of three other high school students. Hina is a country girl who likes crafts and moves to a coastal city to continue with high school. She meets Kuroiwa, a veteran, as she walks along a landfill and joins the mysterious “Embankment Club”. Hina doesn't like sea creatures, but she fishes with her clubmates and eats the catch. She gradually begins to appreciate the ocean's appeal.
Genre: Slice of Life, Comedy, School, Seinen
Studio: Doga Kobo Director: Ookuma, Takaharu
Origin: Mango Air date: April 7
See the preview: Here!
Gal to Kyouryuu
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Synopsis: One day, Kaede, a gyaru, catches a dinosaur and starts living with it. The short comedy portrays their daily lives together, while the dinosaur has fun with human food, TV programming and trendy things
Genre: Comedy, Seinen, Slice of Life
Studio: - Director: -
Origin: Mango Air date: April 5
See the preview: Here!
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation
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Synopsis: In 1930, two years after the events of So Long, My Love, the Great Demonic War results in the annihilation of the Flower Divisions of the Imperial Combat Magazines, Paris and New York. With the Earth at peace and the actions of the magazines becoming public, the World Organization of Combat Magazines is formed by several international divisions; an international biennial tournament, Combat Revue, was organized.
Ten years later, in 1940, the captain of the Japanese Imperial Navy Seijuurou Kamiyama is appointed as captain of the new Flower Division of the Imperial Combat Revolution in Tokyo, which consists of: Sakura Amamiya, a swordsman and new recruit; Hatsuho Shinonome, a shrine maiden and the most popular actress; Anastasia Palma, a recently transferred Greek actress; Azami Mochizuki, a ninja prodigy from the Mochizuki clan; and Clarissa "Clarise" Snowflake, a noblewoman from Luxembourg. The division once again faces a new demonic invasion and participates in the next tournament - while trying to keep its home at the Imperial Theater open.
Genre: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Mecha, Shounen
Studio: SANZIGEN Director: Ono, Manabu
Origin: Game Air date: April 3
See the preview: Here!
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Synopsis: The “great teenage symphony” takes place in a world where “music” does not exist. A boy meets Myuu, a mysterious girl with an audio input jack on her body. When it is connected to an amplifier, something that will change the world is set in motion…. "Thus begins a journey of sound that will never be forgotten".
Genre: Sci-Fi, Musical
Studio: MAPPA Director: Andou, Hiroaki
Origin: Original Air date: April 4
See the preview: Here!
Argonavis from BanG Dream!
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Synopsis: Ren Nanahoshi is a lonely college student who is not good at communicating with others. He remembers the thrill of watching a live band perform when he was young and spent most of his days looking for his own identity. One day, while singing karaoke alone, two boys named Yuuto and Wataru discover Ren's singing ability. The two agree: “This is the destination. Let's start a band! ” Ren promptly runs away, but fate really catches him, and their journey begins.
Genre: Musical
Studio: SANZIGEN Director: Nishikiori, Hiroshi
Source: - Air date: April 11
See the preview: Here!
Bungou to Alchemist: Shinpan no Haguruma
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Synopsis: You are in a world where you can meet famous Japanese historical writers. With a group of other writers, you immerse yourself in contaminated books to purify them, uncover secrets and win new allies.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Studio: OLM Director: Watanabe, Odahiro
Origin: game Air date: April 4
See the preview: Here!
Shachou, Battle no Jikan Desu!
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Synopsis: The RPG isekai takes place in a world where dimensional gates suddenly appeared in the skies, opening portals for countless dungeons. The story imagines the player as a president of the company that employs adventurers to face dungeons full of monsters to obtain the treasures that are inside. The player "recruits" or trains fighters, wizards, knights, hunters, bandits and other classes of officials and then sends them into battle.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Studio: C2C Director: Ikeshita, Hironori
Origin: Visual novel Air date: April 5
See the preview: Here!
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Synopsis: A sinister presence filled the skies. People know this with a name, the Morning Star. It is a promise of freedom. A glimpse of new worlds. A light reaching oblivion. A shadow on mortal hearts. When darkness covers the world, the gates of annihilation will open.
Genre: Fantasy, Game
Studio: Zexcs Director: Kawaguchi, Keiichirou
Origin: Card Game Air date: April 7
See the preview: Here!
Ore no Yubi de Midarero.: Heitengo Futarikiri no Salon de…
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Synopsis: Fumi works as an assistant in a popular salon in the city and intends to become a hairdresser. She receives strict guidance from Sousuke, the charismatic hairdresser and salon manager. Every time he touches Fumi, she is agitated. The day after the salon closes, Fumi remains Sousuke's practice partner at the shampoo station. When he touches her and sprays her with water, she gets angry again! Or else the thought ... could she really be attracted to him? Sousuke gives an evil smile when he feels Fumi's heart, and the tips of his fingers start to caress every corner of her body ... Fumi can no longer refuse his fingers.
Genre: Romance, Ecchi
Studio: Magic Bus Director: Noshitani, Mitsutaka
Origin: Mango Air date: April 6
Tomica Kizuna Gattai: Earth Granner
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Synopsis: The anime focuses on the battles between the mysterious alien enemy Dark Spinner and the secret defense unit Earth Granner over Earth Energy, the energy generated from Earth's rotation.
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Mecha
Studio: OLM Director: Ushiro, Shinji
Source:  - Air date: April 5
Kami no Tou: Tower of God
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Synopsis: The Tower of God revolves around a boy named Twenty-Fifth Bam, who spent most of his life trapped under a vast and mysterious Tower, with only his close friend, Rachel, to keep him company. When Rachel enters the Tower, Bam also manages to open the door and faces challenges on each floor of that tower, while trying to find his closest companion.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Mystery, Drama, Fantasy
Studio: Telecom Animation Film Director: Sano, Takashi
Origin: Web manga Air date: April 1
See the preview: Here!
Olympia Kyklos
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Synopsis: Demetrios, a shy and gentle vase painter in Ancient Greece, who does not like sports and competitions, is one day forced to create a game to compete with the mayor of the neighboring city, to save his village. While hiding inside a large vessel outside his workshop, lightning strikes the vessel in which Demetrios is being transported to Tokyo, Japan, during the 1964 Summer Olympics.
Genre: Slice of Life, Comedy, Historical, Sports, Seinen
Studio: - Director: Fujii, Ryou
Origin: Mango Air date: April 20
See the preview: Here!
Cardfight!! Vanguard Gaiden: If
Synopsis: The series will explore an alternate universe to the main series and will focus on Kouji Ibuki, a Cardfight antagonist !! Vanguard Movie: Neon Messiah and Suiko Tatsunagi.
Genre: Action, Game, Adventure, Demons
Studio: - Director: -
Origin: Original Opening date: April 25
ONA (Original Net Animation):
Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045
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Synopsis: In 2045, an elite Japanese police unit conducts covert cyber operations after the collapse of global capitalism.
Genre: Action, Military, Sci-Fi, Police, Mecha, Seinen
Studio: Production I.G, Sola Digital Arts Director: Kamiyama, Kenji
Origin: Mango Air date: April
See the preview: Here!
Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise 2nd Season
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Synopsis: The anime is set two years after the story of Gundam Build Divers, with a new version of the game “Gunpla Battle Nexus Online” (GBN), and the new Divers: Hiroto, a lonely Diver who plays as a mercenary; Kazami, a wanderer who goes between parties; May, a mysterious solo diver who participates in Gunpla Battles throughout the day; and Parviz, a beginner diver who has an introverted attitude, but wants to play in cooperation. While all four live solitary lives, they are brought together by circumstance to form a team in an experience that goes beyond GBN.
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Mecha
Studio: Sunrise Beyond Director:
Origin: Original Air date: April 9
See the preview: Here!
Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru: Nana Tamashii no Ryuujinmaru
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Synopsis: -
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Comedy, Mecha, Shounen
Studio: Studio Live Director: Koujina, Hiroshi
Source: - Air date: April 10
Zashiki Warashi no Tatami-chan
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Synopsis: The “pleasant horror comedy” revolves around the life of Tatami-chan, a sardonic ghost from Iwate Prefecture who now lives in Tokyo, among other spirits, supernatural and human entities. In addition to dealing with otherworldly issues, the unemployed Tatami-chan also has to deal with the job search, in addition to paying gas, water and electricity bills.
Genre: Comedy, Horror, Supernatural
Studio: Zero-G Director: --
Origin: Original Air date: April
See the preview: Here!
OVA (Original Vídeo Animation):
Strike the Blood IV
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Synopsis: --
Genre: Action, Supernatural, Ecchi, Vampire, Fantasy
Studio: Connect Director: -
Origin: Light novel Air date: April 8
See the preview: Here!
Evangelion: 3.0+1.0
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Synopsis: Neon Genesis Evangelion is a series of post-apocalyptic action that revolves around a paramilitary organization called NERV, created to fight monstrous and mysterious beings known as Angels, using giant humanoid biomechanical combat weapons known as EVAs. These beings are controlled by adolescents, who by chance were born in the year of the Second Impact, one of them being the main character, Shinji Ikari. With other teenagers who were trained to pilot EVAs and with the help of NERV members, they try to defeat the Angels and avoid the Third Impact, which would lead to the destruction of humanity.
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Mecha
Studio: Khara Director: -
Origin: Original Air date: June 27
See the preview: Here!
Violet Evergarden Movie
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Synopsis: The war is over and Violet Evergarden needs work. Full of scars, she agrees to work as an Automata de Automemórias, letter writer, to understand more about herself and her past.
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Slice of Life
Studio: Kyoto Animation Director: --
Origin: Light novel Air date: April 24
See the preview: Here!
Princess Principal: Crown Handler 1
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Synopsis: -
Genre: Action, Mystery, Historical
Studio: Actas Director: Tachibana, Masaki
Origin: Original Air date: April 10
See the preview: Here!
Given Movie
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Synopsis: -
Genre: Musical, Slice of Life, Drama, Romance, Shounen Ai
Studio: Lerche Director: Yamaguchi, Hikaru
Origin: Mango Air date: May 16
See the preview: Here!
Omoi, Omoware, Furi, Furare
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Synopsis: Yuna and Akari are two high school girls with very different views about love: Yuna dreams of romance through pink glasses, while Akari is realistic and practical. Meanwhile, high school boys Kazuomi and Rio also have different views on love: Kazuomi is a bummer who can't understand the concept of love, while Rio grabs any confession as an opportunity - as long as the girl seems cute. Will these four classmates end up leading a young romance that meets your expectations?
Genre: Drama, Romance, School, Shoujo
Studio: A-1 Pictures Director: Kuroyanagi, Toshimasa
Origin: Mango Opening date: May 29
See the preview: Here!
Cider no You ni Kotoba ga Wakiagaru
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Synopsis: The visual features the slogan “I met you in my 17th summer…” The story of a “boy who meets a girl” shows how words and music fill the gap between Cherry, a boy who is terrible at communicating with other people, and Smile, a girl who hides behind a mask. They gather at a mundane suburban mall in a provincial town.
Cherry always wears headphones and puts the feelings he cannot express in his hobby, the Japanese haiku poems. Smile always wears a mask to hide her big front teeth, for which she has dental braces. As a popular video star, she broadcasts a video about the search for “cuteness”.
Genre: Musical
Studio: Signal.MD, Sublimation Director: Ishiguro, Kyohei
Origin: Original
Air Date: May 15th
See the preview: Here!
Nakitai Watashi wa Neko wo Kaburu
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Synopsis: Miyo Sasaki, nicknamed "Muge", which means "infinitely mysterious", has a brilliant personality and is full of energy at school and at home. She is also in love with her classmate Kento Hinode. Miyo repeatedly tries to get Kento's attention, but he doesn't notice it. She realizes that the only way to approach him is to turn into a cat, but at some point the boundary between her and the cat becomes ambiguous.
Genre: Drama, Magic, Romance
Studio: Colorful Studio Director: Satou, Junichi
Origin: Original Air date: June 5
See the preview: Here!
Detective Conan Movie 24: Hiiro no Dangan
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Synopsis: The film will focus on FBI agent Shuichi Akai, his younger brother and professional shogi player Shukichi Haneda, his younger sister and high school detective Masumi Sera, his mother Mary Sera and Conan Edogawa himself.
In history, Japan is celebrating the upcoming World Sports Games (WSG), the largest sporting event in the world, in Tokyo. The Japanese Bullet, the world's first super-conductive vacuum tube linear train, is built with the latest Japanese technology and programmed to coincide with the WSG opening ceremonies. The train is scheduled to go from Shin Nagoya Station to Tokyo Station at up to 1,000 kilometers per hour (about 600 miles per hour). However, a bizarre incident occurs during a party held by major famous sponsors, leading to a series of kidnappings by top executives. Conan deduces a possible link to serial hijackings at the WSG 15 years earlier in Boston.
Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Crime, Shounen
Studio: TMS Entertainment Director: -
Origin: Mango Air date: April 17
See the preview: Here!
Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: Rondo Rondo Rondo
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Synopsis: The story revolves around 9 students who attend the prestigious Seishou Music Academy. One day, each girl receives a mysterious email inviting them to fulfill their dreams, becoming a "star" on the stage, resulting in a battle royal competition where the girls try to prove who is the best idol, actress, singer, etc.
Genre: Musical, School
Studio: Kinema Citrus Director: -
Origin: Original Air date: May 29
Crayon Shin-chan Movie 28: Gekitotsu! Rakugaki Kingdom to Hobo Yonin no Yuusha
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Synopsis: -
Genre: Comedy, Seinen
Studio: - Director: -
Origin: Mango Air date: April 24
See the preview: Here!
Sword Art Online: Alicization – War of Underworld Recap
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Synopsis: Recap of Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld.
Genre: Action, Game, Adventure, Romance, Fantasy
Studio: A-1 Pictures Director: -
Origin: Light novel Air date: April 19
Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake
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Synopsis: OVA included in the special edition of volume two of the Blu-ray release.
Genre: Action, Comedy, Horror, Fantasy, Seinen
Studio: MAPPA Director: -
Origin: Mango Air date: June 17
Heya Camp△: Sauna to Gohan to Miwa Baiku
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Synopsis: Adaptation of a manga collaboration with Yamaha Motor Company. Included as an extra in the Blu-ray version.
Genre: Slice of Life, Comedia
Studio: C-Station Director: -
Origin: Mango Air date: May 27
Jashin-chan Dropkick’: Chitose-hen
Synopsis: The episode will be financed through Chitose's hometown tax program, a system that allows taxpayers living in urban areas to contribute taxes applicable to rural residents. Taxpayers who contribute more than 2,000 yen are then credited to reduce their income tax and residence tax. The hometown tax program will also be the focus of the episode.
Genre: Comedy, Supernatural
Studio: - Director: -
Origin: Web manga Air date: April 11
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theonyxpath · 5 years
Scion Hero art by Marco Gonzales
Greetings, true believers! Meghan here, with an excerpted preview of the Nemetondevos pantheon from Scion: Mysteries of the World. The Nemetondevos are the Gods of Gaul, a pantheon destroyed long ago by Caesar and only now beginning to return to the World. This preview gives you a rundown of their basic cosmology and current situation, followed by one of their Gods. Enjoy!
The Nemetondevos have no unifying Overworld. Their Sancta make up thousands of individual realms connected to the World via their nemetons. This has given the Nemetondevos a particular interest in preserving the natural Earth, as without it their realms would be eternally isolated, and so the stereotype of “druid as conservationist” is not without merit.
Most of these Godsrealms feature a “downward” theme (caves, pools, roots), but only the Wheel serves as the Nemetondevos’ Underworld. There, souls of the dead ride what looks like an incomprehensibly massive wooden Ferris wheel, weighed down by a lifetime of memories. When they reach the bottom, Belenos washes away these memories in his great cauldron, so they can ride the Wheel back up to their reincarnation. Memory, be it mortal or divine, is the fuel that keeps the Wheel spinning, and the Wheel moves the universe. Its upper half reaches into Taranis’ realm in the sky, the only Gaulish Overworld that fits the term literally.
The Materes gave form and immense power to primal concepts, creating the Titans of the Nemetondevos. The Gaulish Gods mostly dealt with these beings in prehistory one way or another. Perhaps that void left Fate to invite another pantheon to step into the role of the Nemetondevos’ eternal enemies.
The Nemetondevos’ approaches to Titans have always been as varied as the Nemetondevos themselves. Andarta made war on them, hoping the sacrifice of another Titan could create a World-altering nemeton and put the Gauls back on top. Esos put them to use, as Orgos serves as the Wheel’s center. The Gauls had no qualms about slavery, and the Forester knows the value of using natural forces to power industry. Belenos, ever an idealist, wished to see the Titans reborn into something benign, if not benevolent.
Orgos is death itself, whom the Romans conflated with Dis Pater (a Mantle of Hades). He coupled with the Materes to birth the Nemetondevos, and thus is the ancestor of all Gauls, mortal and divine. His Underworld, Dubnolissos, was a miserable place where the dead were stagnant and forgotten. When Esos bound Orgos into the workings of the great Wheel, it carried the souls back into the World while Orgos struggled to break free.
Unfortunately for Orgos, even though the Wheel stopped spinning when the Nemetondevos fell, his wooden prison did not break. But he is not entirely powerless, as his titanspawn, the Ankou, still do his bidding. These skeletal, scythe-wielding figures in wide-brimmed hats drive carts to collect the dead who have gone astray, a mockery of the wagons devout Gauls were buried with to ride to Belenos. They return these souls to Orgos, that he might break the Wheel’s bindings and return Belenos’ realm to his own control. Purview: Death. Virtues: Dominance, Fecundity.
The Tarvos Trigaranus: The decapitated head of the massive bull is buried deep beneath the World. While Andarta sacrificed the monster to create the first nemeton, the bull’s head still holds some power, creating the horrible tarasques that crawl out from beneath the earth. These nightmarish titanspawn resemble dragon-lion hybrids with spiked tortoise shells and a scorpion’s stinging tail, echoes of the Tarvos’ madness and cruelty.Purview: Beasts.Virtues: Dominance, Rapacity.
Primordials: The Materes
The Materes are not just mothers; they are motherhood. These three Primordial women, also known as the August Nurses, birthed the World and its earliest inhabitants. But they are more than just producers of life: they ache to protect and nurture their offspring well after the children grow to no longer need them. Like many mothers, they have difficulty admitting their children have reached that point. Their milk allowed the first bull to grow into the colossal Tarvos Trigaranus, which trampled mountains until Andarta slew it. The Materes themselves reside in a Terra Incognita deep beneath the World, where they sired the myriad Gaulish deities until their lovers fell to Caesar.
Callings: Creator, Guardian, Healer
Purviews: Health, Fertility, Passion (Maternal Love)
Religion: None
Unlike other pantheons in the World, the ancient powers of the Nemetondevos truly did go away. This left their mortal worship in the lurch, and while their priests, the druids, retained their remarkable knowledge, they could no longer access their Gods’ powers. Prayers were met with an eerie silence. Mistletoe stopped growing on the sacred oaks. The water of holy springs cured thirst, nothing more.
Over time, worship of the Nemetondevos faded. The druids had refused to write their tales down, believing their strong memories would power the Wheel upon their deaths. When the Wheel stopped, they lost their motivation to teach their lore to apprentices, instead moving on to other pantheons to share their gifts and wisdom. Votives and religious artwork became little more than names and pictures with no context. Movements tried over the centuries to reconstruct the old beliefs and rituals, but without the aid of sacred writings, Scions, or miracles, these efforts were futile on both scholarly and divine levels. On the rare occasion some definitive key to the Gauls’ beliefs popped up, it was met with an “unfortunate accident,” with a Scion of the Theoi not far behind.
With the Wheel turning again, their only religions are the cults of their Incarnate Scions. Some spread the Nemetondevos’ true rites, unearthing their Godly predecessors’ memories in their rebirth; they might quest for moments of revelation by seeking places where those Gods’ nemetons once were or hunting down clues in Terra Incognitae where lost lore might linger. Such moments are much more common the closer Scions are to the Memory end of their Virtue track. Insular druidic orders are happy to relearn their own faith’s funeral rites to keep the Wheel turning. Other cults are global organizations searching for returning Gaulish Gods to aid and protect. Still others labor over secret plans of revenge against the Theoi.
Belenos, Keeper of the Wheel
Alias: Vindonnus
Belenos, reviver of the dead, keeps the universe moving. The weight of memory turns the great Wheel, which moves the stars, the sun, and the World. Those dead who are buried with carts, wagons, or chariots (anything with a wheel) ride spectral vehicles from their graves on sacred days. When their souls reach a nemeton of Belenos, druids bless their passage onto the great Wheel. This impossibly massive wooden structure takes them to his divine realm, their memories of life weighing them down. Belenos washes away these memories in his great cauldron, and the purgation of these souls lightens them to rise back to the World to be reborn.
Belenos himself is the oldest of the Nemetondevos, first son of the Materes. His nemetons are circular, and his incarnation would be surprised to find his followers using henges and other megaliths for his rituals. Such monuments are either new to him or older than the God he was, but he doesn’t mind the change of venue. He gets a kick out of making cryptic references to people’s previous lives that only he, as Belenos’ incarnation, remembers. Those who meet him (and recall the experience) say he wears a friendly smirk, like a man listening to a joke he’s heard before but loves to hear again.
As keeper of the Wheel, he alone knows when and where a God or Hero reincarnates. He frequently leads other Gaulish Scions to their former Birthrights, sometimes acting as a Birthright guide himself. His own incarnations are no exception; the Virtue of Memory drives them to help their fellow Nemetondevos find themselves. The firstborn of the Gauls is likely to be the first reborn, too; some people think he must be for the Wheel to start turning again at all.
Callings: Healer, Liminal, Sage
Purviews: Death, Health, Stars, Sun
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themachiavellianpig · 4 years
Prodigal Son, Episode 9: Normal Is Just Too Weird
Episode nine of Prodigal Son, and Malcolm is possibly even worse at normal than he thought he was going to be. 
As always, full review and spoilers galore below. 
This week, we get to see Malcolm deal with his removal from the Junkyard Killer Case - there’s no direct interaction with the FBI, who’ve taken over, but the consequences of their actions are clearly playing merry hell with Malcolm’s subconscious. 
The dream sequence, in which the Girl in the Box does her best Samara from The Ring impression and then stabs Malcolm with his own 17th Century very expensive Japanese katana, was delightfully creepy, as well as giving us another excellent excuse to talk to Malcolm’s favourite therapist. 
She’s apparently rather into dream analysis and zeroes in on the, um, penetrative aspect of the dream, gently suggesting that Malcolm’s subconscious is not so much processing trauma as protesting poor working conditions - specifically the lack of food, sleep and sex. 
Malcolm: “It’s a little Freudian, but I’ll go with it.” Dr Therapist: “Not everything's about your father.” 
And as Malcolm goes on his way, of course with the customary post-therapy lollipop, he bumps into Eve, who thoughtfully asks after Jessica (“no longer armed, still a little dangerous”, what a way to talk about your mother, Malcolm) and then agrees to a date with Malcolm. It’s really quite hard to tell which of the two is more surprised that Malcolm has actually asked, but it’s a sweet moment all the same. (It also allows Jessica to freak out about a good thing, for once, more on that later).
So the cuteness is immediately followed by murder. 
The case of the week involves a dead man in someone else’s bed, a dissatisfied wife who’s hiding way more than her smoking habit from her husband, and an honest-to-God sex club, because why the heck not at this point. 
The initial crime scene was delightfully complicated by the arrival of the man they thought was dead, but the entire set up of the crime of the week was completely swept aside in my mind in favour of the revelations that JT has a wife, that Edrisa has been to a cuddle party and that Malcolm, in between being summoned to a crime scene and actually arriving at the crime scene, has already told Gil about asking Eve on a date. Plus, Malcolm’s immediate and entirely understandable look of pain when realising that he’d let slip about the date to Jessica. 
The two plots then unfold more or less concurrently - unravelling a top-secret sex club and unravelling ‘normal’ dating, and there is absolutely no surprises as to which one Malcolm seems to find easier. 
The crime of the week devolves into the expected tale of love, jealousy and revenge; given the set-up, it was never going to be about tax breaks, was it? 
Caleb, the victim of the week, is quickly revealed to be the lover of Beth - the owner of the apartment where Caleb died, but not the woman who slept with him shortly before his death. She confesses to having met Caleb as part of a high-society sex club which, crucially, made abundant use of their members’ property for private rendezvous, meaning that any number of people may have had access to the crime scene. 
So it’s up to Malcolm, an independently wealthy criminal consultant with a very nice apartment, to infiltrate the club. And, of course, he knows a guy. 
I fully was not expecting that guy to be Nico, the man whose hand Malcolm cut off way back in episode 1, and who is absolutely not ready to see his saviour/mutilator walk into his very classy I’m sure sex shop. 
Poor Nico. 
Nico gets Malcolm to Simone, the second-in-command of the sex club, who has a very good attempt at taking Malcolm for a spin before the team intervenes. As a former lawyer, she’s very clear that she hasn’t broken the law - it’s a sex club, not a business, and so the only rules it breaks are cultural. She even shuts down the accusation of being too calm with a brilliant, biting remark: “I’m devastated, but that’s not for you to see.” 
Simone points the team back towards Beth’s actual husband. The did-he/didn’t-he regarding the jilted husband would normally be fairly dull in this sort of episode, but it did allow for one of Malcolm’s patented “inappropriate ways to interact with members of the public”, when he turned up at a children’s playground and started loudly talking about sex clubs in front of the dean of a fancy prep school to try and intimidate a potential witness. 
Seriously, how many complaints about Malcolm does the NYPD have to deal with? 
The truth behind the sex-club is far more interesting; the illusive Jasper St George is revealed to be Charles Garner, a tech genius suffering from ALS, who used his algorithmic know-how to create a perfect playground for his wife to get the companionship he could no longer give her. 
As far as reasons to start a sex-club go, it’s fairly convincing. 
Unfortunately, the algorithms weren’t enough to weed out unstable or aggressive personalities, hence the jealousy-fuelled murders: Beth had broken the club’s rule of no attachments and fallen for Caleb, then been unable to cope when he didn’t want to be exclusive. Having killed Caleb out of jealousy, then Charles/Jasper to try and cover it up, Beth has a decent go at killing Simone as well before Malcolm talks her down. 
In our other plotline of the week, Malcolm fails a little bit at dating. Having successfully dodged his mother’s attempts to get him to take Eve to the opera in a private helicopter while wearing a brand-new tailored suit, he then gatecrashes JT’s date with his wife playing pool. Eve turns out to be very good at pool, even when she’s overdressed, and we get a chance to meet Tally, JT’s wife. 
Unfortunately, after a little prodding from Tally, Malcolm agrees to profile Eve and presses a little too hard on the kind of emotional scars that might lead someone to work against human trafficking. Not the best move for a first date. 
Given a little time, though, Eve comes back to Malcolm and they apologise to each other - Malcolm for what he saw and said, Eve for pushing him into saying it. Unsurprising, this mutual forgiveness leads to certain other boundaries being crossed, and we get the traditional fade to black. 
The subsequent reveal that Malcolm, in addition to having sex with Eve, also managed to sleep with her (actually sleep), given that he told Dani earlier in the season that he’d never managed to do that with anyone. Of course, this potentially very sweet start to a relationship is completely ruined when the nightmare/hallucination of the Girl in the Box reappears to taunt Malcolm some more - leading to him getting dangerously close to Eve with a kitchen knife. 
Finally, Jessica confronts Gil about whatever’s been tormenting Malcolm recently - and Gil reveals that the team now has evidence that the Girl in the Box was real, not just a figment of Malcolm’s imagination, and that the Junkyard Killer gave them her bracelet as proof of, well, death more than life, I suppose. And Jessica, although initially thrown, sets off, clearly determined to do something for once, rather than just waiting for Martin to do something to her or her family again.   
Previous Prodigal Son reviews available here.
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chibinightowl · 6 years
Wooden Fans
For @charcoal-soul, who always gives me the best ideas, even when she doesn’t intend to. Fans are awesome and I feel like a plotting courtesan in the royal palace guest wing about to murder an ambassador that insulted my honor and start a smear campaign of vicious gossip about his business partner.
Outwardly, Tim was all cool and perfectly polished civility, smiling and laughing charmingly in all the appropriate places as the Ambassador from Metropolis continuously managed to insult him, his family, and his king. Inwardly, he seethed with icy rage. It was clear the man had no idea who he was clumsily flirting with. After all, who would expect a son of Bruce Wayne, even adopted as he was, to play the part of a highly trained geisha during a private party that by all rights he had no business attending?  
The things he subjected himself to as Bruce’s spymaster weren’t usually so involved. A kimono, complete with an elaborate obi, was new for him.
Ambassador Corben laughed uproariously as one of his traveling companions, Oswald Cobblepot, formerly of Gotham, but now firmly in Lex Luthor’s pockets, made a comment about Bruce and his propensity towards adoption. He slammed his hand on the table as he brayed like the mule he was. “Dammit, Oswald, if that isn’t the perfect description of old Brucie. Keeps firing blanks, so he collects all those pretty boys instead.”
Tim delicately raised a hand to cover his mouth as he chuckled, resisting the urge to punch the boorish oaf. “Well, he does have one blood son.”
The Ambassador waved him off. “That little piece of shit will never amount to much. Gotham is screwed if he takes the throne. Much better if that circus freak does instead. At least he knows how to bend over and take it up the ass, which is exactly what he’ll be doing if King Lex has any say in the matter.”
How this man became an ambassador in the first place was beyond Tim. John Corben was rude, crude, and while there was a veneer of intelligence that appeared during his and Cobblepot’s meetings earlier today with Bruce, Dick, and Tim, this was about as far from what Luthor usually threw at them as it could be. What was his newest scheme? Was he trying to provoke them into war? Because if word got out about what was being said, then Bruce by all rights could force Corben and his cronies to leave, which would instigate yet another squabble between Gotham and Metropolis.
“Now, Corben,” Cobblepot wheezed gratingly. “You know the old saying, the one about walls having ears?”
He too was brushed off in favor of more wine that Tim poured for him. “Ozzy, shut your flapping beak. I know why you’re here. Lexie thinks you can keep me under control. Well, you can sod off, you fat penguin.”
Cobblepot bristled even as he made that ridiculous squawking noise that earned him his nickname. “Corben, you’re a damn fool if you think that’s the only reason I’m here!” But unlike his colleague, the fat little man knew when to keep his mouth shut and didn’t elaborate.
Tim rather wished he could turn his attention on the former Gothamite. The Penguin was clearly the one with an agenda here and had braved Bruce’s wrath by returning to Gotham under the umbrella of diplomatic immunity after his exile years ago. What was he here for? It had to be something Luthor wanted.  
He was distracted from his thoughts as the Ambassador ran a thick finger along Tim’s face, forcing his attention back on him. “You’ve got such a pretty mouth, little boy. It reminds me of those cocksucker princes. You ever have a chance to dress up for them and put those skills to good use, huh? Or do they bend over and let you fuck them too?”
That was it. Tim was going to utterly destroy Corben, even if it meant he had to declare war on Lex Luthor himself.  
It took some doing, but Tim managed to extricate himself from the party before the Ambassador got any more ideas about where he wanted his cock tonight. He sneaked into the palace via a secret side door that only members of royal family knew of and made his way across the compound through moonlight gardens to the rooms he shared more often than not with his lover, Prince Jason. The cool night air had calmed his rage somewhat, and as he slid open the thin door on his private veranda, Tim sighed in relief as he carefully stepped out of his geta and wiggled his toes in the tabi socks he’d worn with them. Too bad ninja clothing wouldn’t have had the same effect tonight.
He took a seat at his dressing table and carefully started to remove his jewelry and hair ornaments. Bruce was going to have a field day with this. Tim debated about informing him right away, but a glance at his clock showed the time to be much later than he’d thought. Even the king had to sleep sometime and in these quiet hours of the early morning, Bruce managed to sleep best.
Slipping a wooden fan out of his voluminous sleeve, Tim tapped it idly against his lips, trying to decide what the best course of action would be. Really, Corben was a nobody in this particular game. The real threat was Cobblepot and his network of business associates. The little man had his fat fingers in just about everything back in the day and he was certain the Penguin had returned to reestablish connections with those people and cause general unrest amongst the populace. They were still recovering from Luthor’s previous attack, which almost crippled their entire banking system. The last thing they needed was a civil war.
Behind him, he heard the quiet noise of his door sliding open and then closed. “You’re back,” Jason said, announcing himself, striding across the room on silent feet.  
“I am,” Tim replied, still lost in thought.
Jason placed his hands on Tim’s shoulders and started kneading gently, running his magic fingers over the tense muscles. “You’re stressed.”
Tim leaned back into the warm embrace of his lover. Jason was Bruce’s second adopted son, but by both of their own agreements had removed himself from the line of succession in favor of Tim, preferring a scholarly life that bordered on monkish at times with how frequent he would hole up in the library, only to emerge days later worn and wan, but brimming with new things to share with whomever would listen. Solid muscle wrapped around Tim, reminding him that Jason was also as much of a warrior as he was. His warrior monk.  
“I had to sit and listen to Ambassador Corben call us Bruce’s little cocksuckers and insinuate that all we’re good for is taking it up the ass for the highest bidder.”
Jason’s hands stilled. “Did he now?”
“He did. I want to toss him off the bridge with rocks tied to his feet.”
“Let me know if you do. I’ll bring the rope.”
Tim glanced over his shoulder at Jason. “We’ve got a bigger problem than Corben though.”
“I think I figured out why the Penguin is with him.”
Jason frowned. “He’s here to stir up trouble, isn’t he?”
“I think so. He insinuated he was more than just a babysitter, but unlike Corben, he knows when to keep his mouth shut. I can’t help but think there’s something else going on though. This move is too obvious for someone like Lex.”
Sighing, Jason leaned over to rest his chin on Tim’s silken clad shoulder. In their reflection from the mirror, Tim thought he looked particularly handsome, wrapped around him like this. “So what’s the plan then?”
Tim deftly opened his fan with a flick of his wrist and coquettishly raised it to his lips, decision made. Corben and Cobblepot could wait a few hours. “For the moment, you’re going to help me out of these robes so I can wash up. Then, we’re going to bed where we may or may not have sex while we try to figure out how to best tail Cobblepot, as well as think up ways to get Ambassador Corben to make a complete ass out of himself in front of Bruce and the rest of the court.”
Jason was already untying the elaborate bow of the obi Tim had worn tonight. The folds of fabric fell to the floor and his fingers drifted up Tim’s back to gently slide the silken fabric and cotton under-robe from his shoulders, revealing pale white skin. He leaned over again, eyes locked on Tim in their reflection as his lips brushed the top of his shoulder. “You sure you want to wait until we go to bed?”
“Do you have a better idea?” Tim teased, eyes dancing as he snapped his fan shut.
“I do. Want to hear it?”
He was fairly certain he knew what Jason wanted to do. The kimono was rather fetching after all. “Only if it involves this mirror. I’d love to watch.”
Jason’s grin was all the answer he needed.
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mayquita · 6 years
Maybe I Don’t Hate You
This story is @onceuponaprincessworld  ‘s fault. She said on Tumblr a while ago that she loved the "enemies to secret dating to lovers" trope and since then I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, so this is my little contribution. I don't even know if it makes any sense, because I wrote it in just a moment, but somehow I had to get it out of my head.
Summary: Emma Swan hates Killian Jones even before she meets him. But when he starts working with her, maybe her feelings change a bit. Or maybe not. At least not in front of their friends.
Also Ao3 Ffnet
@saraswans thanks for everything. This is unbeta’d so apologies for all the mistakes.
Emma Swan hates Killian Jones. She hates him even before she met him, when David, her friend and boss, informed her that his best friend from college — His I'm Mr perfect Killian Jones friend — was going to join the business as a new employee. Okay, maybe hate is a too strong word, but she can't stand him. Urg, why did David have to hire him and make her life miserable?
The reason is not that her demons in the form of insecurities begin to haunt her, screaming that he is a threat to her position — He got the record in capturing bail jumpers last year in London — No, she can’t stand his perfect face, his very blue eyes, his swaying, his continuous flirting and his accent. That's the worst of all. She can not control the reactions of her body when he is around. And she hates not being in control.
Killian Jones thinks that Emma Swan is insufferable. She hasn’t stopped pushing and teasing him since he arrived at the company, tightening the thread between them until it almost reaches its limit. He is sure that he had never had to bite his tongue so much before, roll his eyes or count to ten as with this woman. But Killian likes a challenge — and maybe the fire that emanates from her gaze and the passion she puts, even in hating him have something to do with it — that's why he not only holds up her pushes but also generates them.
Maybe Emma does not hate Killian anymore. Not when she finds every morning on her desk her favorite bear claw and a hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon. Not when he proves that he is really good at his work and not in the competitive sense but in the collaborative one. But that doesn't mean that she likes him. Nope. His intense gaze, his scruff, his expressive eyebrows and his perfect body are not enough either. Absolutely not.
After a few weeks, Killian no longer thinks that Emma is insufferable, quite the contrary. There is something about her that makes him feel attracted to her like a magnet, although he is still not sure what it is. Maybe her tenacity, her courage or her constant dedication to her job. Or maybe it's that lost look he sometimes catches when she's distracted, or the way her face lights up each morning when her eyes drift to her desk in search of her favorite breakfast. But she keeps pushing and he keeps challenging her, while Robin, their other coworker, rolls his eyes and David looks at the ceiling while both huff in exasperation.
They continue fighting.
"Swan! Tell me you haven't used my tickets for the football game as a notebook." "I was in an emergency and I had nothing else at hand." "The tickets were on my desk. In a drawer. Locked with a key."
She simply shrugs and rushes out mumbling an excuse, pressing her lips together in an almost unsuccessful attempt to prevent a wide smirk from appearing.
"How did you let that skip escape, Jones? It was an easy prey." "Maybe I was distracted thinking of you, love."
She shakes her head and rolls her eyes, hoping for Killian not to notice the blush that has begun to creep from her neck to her cheeks.
 Killian has already been working with them for a couple of months when Emma can no longer deny the evidence. Although she will never admit it out loud, she may like Killian. A tiny bit.
Killian likes Emma. A lot. He actually feels quite fascinated by that creature full of contradictions. She may be the most badass person in the world when she tries to catch one of the criminals and the next minute she is able to transform herself, offering infinite tenderness and patience to Roland, the little son of Robin.
Thanks to David, he's got some small hints into her past, which, far from pushing him away, makes him feel more and more attracted to her.
"I know Emma can be a pain in the ass sometimes, Killian, but she has had a tough past, don't go so hard with her."
Mary Margaret, David’s girlfriend, also defends her best friend. "She has her reasons for behaving that way, and you better than anyone should understand her."
He does, of course he does. He also had a hard past, full of suffering and loss, but, following the motto of his passed brother, a man unwilling to fight for what he wants deserves what he gets. There is nothing he wants more than to know Emma better, to know those little —or big— secrets from her past that make her the person she is now, to discover what makes her laugh, what makes her cheeks to flush and how could he get to her heart.
The moment Emma realizes that she likes Killian maybe too much comes unexpectedly on a day when they team up in a stakeout session. Killian is teasing her, as always. — " I'm just trying to distract you, love. " — He smirks at her after one of his usual banter when something seizes her, causing an uncontrollable desire to erase that smile with her own lips.
And she does. She pulls him and captures his lips with hers in a demanding kiss, to which, luckily, he responds with the same enthusiasm. And just like that, they start making out in his car, their lips and hands anywhere, their surveillance completely forgotten. At least on her part.
Killian, the bastard, turns out to have the ability to make her blood run hot and, at the same time, keep an eye on their target. Just as she is about to straddle his lap, he breaks the kiss and points towards the street. "What do you say, darling? Are you up for a little ride?" He suggests, his voice still heavy after their previous activities, his cheeks flushed and his eyes even more blue, watching her with intensity while his lips, those that just a few seconds ago were on hers, draw a smile that does not exactly invite to run after a guy.
But she is a professional, so after a sigh of resignation, they prepare to catch their prey. They do it in record time. Maybe the adrenaline that still runs through their veins acts as an ally to make them achieve their goal. For that reason, when they make the corresponding arrangements and deliver the guy to the police, they celebrate it with another session of making out, right in front of their office.
By the time they arrive at the office a little later, David gives them a mixed look of reproach and resignation, while addressing them in his best bossy tone. "Guys, at some point you're going to have to stop fighting."
"That's not..." Her voice trails off when her gaze drifts towards Killian. He looks wrecked and a little agitated, just as he would look after one of their fights. Emma wonders if she has the same look as she presses her lips together to avoid the laughter bubbling in her chest. An idea crosses her mind at that moment, she has no intention of stopping fighting with him at any time soon.
Luckily for him, that first kiss  —several searing kisses, actually — is not a one-time thing, but a promising start. It's as if something had taken hold of them, as if the attraction between them had multiplied and once their lips came into contact they are unable to keep them apart. At least in privacy. That intimacy also allows Killian to discover that Emma's innate fire and passion while fighting intensifies when they carry out much more pleasurable activities.
The problem? That blooming relationship between them only exists when they are in private.
"It's better that we keep it a secret." Emma assures him, although he is not entirely convinced. "You already know that David doesn't approve relationships between coworkers." She insists in that stubborn way of hers. To prove her point, she reminds him of the Graham incident . He was a former co-worker who fell hard for her and went from being a competent person to a complete mess after her rejection. "Besides, it's not that we're together, or anything like that, it's just... you know what I mean."
He does. It's sex. But it is also much more than that. It's spending lazy afternoons cuddled on the couch, it's sharing their past stories under the shelter of his apartment or hers, it's sharing furtive looks and stolen kisses in the office when nobody notices. It's to continue fighting in front of everyone while he imagines the feeling of her body under his between the sheets. But he is a patient man, and he knows that Emma will realize that too sooner or later.
"I'd like to ask you a huge favor, Emma." Mary Margaret says one day while they are having lunch together. There is an apologetic expression on her face that triggers her alarms. Emma looks at her through her narrow eyes and tilts her head, waiting for her to continue. "Right now David is asking Killian to be his best man at our wedding."
"Uh huh," Emma replies, not surprised by what she has just heard. But there is something else, she can tell because Mary Margaret fidgets in her seat.
"Since you will be my maid of honor, it would be too much to ask that you bury the hatchet at least for a while, pretty please?" The voice of her friend comes almost like a plea, causing in Emma a desire to break into laughter. She quickly schools her features, though. She is not yet ready to give explanations to her friends.
"Yeah." She lets out a long sigh. "We may not get along quite well, but we'll make an effort, for you guys."
"That's wonderful, thank you, Emma." The smile that Mary Margaret gives her has the ability to warm her heart. If she only knew...
Later that day, as she lies in her bed cuddled in Killian's arms, she thinks about the wedding and in the torture that will mean having Killian so close during the whole event and not being able to interact with him the way she would like. No kisses, no hugs, no dancing. Shit ! Suddenly it no longer seems so good idea to keep the secret. "We could simply confess." He mumbles, hot puffs of air caressing her skin. Damn him and his ability to read her mind.
She doesn't feel ready yet, though. Or maybe it's the fear that everything they share now may disappear, as if being protected in their own bubble isolates them from the world. But sooner or later they have to get out of the bubble and better do it of their own free will than to wait for the bubble to explode for other circumstances. After the wedding , she promises herself in silence.
This wedding is being a bloody torture, Killian thinks as he silently watches all of Emma's movements. She is ravishing tonight, which makes it impossible for him to look away from her. Frustration creeps over him, though, since as the hours pass his need for her increases. At least he will have his reward when everything is over and he can sneak up to her hotel room and make that bloody dress disappear from his sight.
Just at that moment something catches his attention, Mary Margaret is about to throw her bridal bouquet and there is already a group of lasses gathered around her, eagerly waiting to catch the bouquet. Emma is distracted, however, chatting animatedly with Robin and Roland, without paying attention to what happens a few steps away from her.
Suddenly, it's as if he saw the scene in slow motion. Mary Margaret looks around until her gaze locates Emma. Her lips draw a wide smile then and, without even bothering to turn around, she throws the bouquet in a specific direction. The flowers reach their goal, to Mary Margaret's delight, who squeal excited, and to Emma's surprise, who looks at the bouquet as if it had appeared out of nowhere.
After her initial shock, Emma seems to react, grabbing the bouquet tightly while her gaze travels across the room to meet his. Only then does she smile, with that special smile dedicated only to him. Killian cannot resist it anymore. In only two strides he appears in front of her, and without thinking twice, he captures her lips with his in a searing kiss. Emma reacts with the same fervor while the two get lost in the feeling of being in each other's arms as if nothing else existed around them.
It's Killian who breaks the kiss to catch his breath. To his relief, Emma doesn't seem worried about having revealed the secret in this way, by sharing the kiss in front of all their friends.
"Maybe I don't hate you after all." She simply says as she arches one of her perfect eyebrows.
"And maybe I love you."
"Just maybe?"
For all answer, he kisses her again, hoping that the kiss will be promising enough of what is to come when they are in the shelter of their room and he finds infinite ways of saying I love you , both with his voice and with his actions.
A year later they keep fighting and teasing each other.
"You look horrible today, Jones. Do you think you're ready to catch the bad guy?"
"Someone kept me very busy last night, Jones." He makes an exaggerated emphasis on the name while waving his eyebrows. "And I'm always ready." He winks at her earning a roll of eyes on her part.
David huffs at his side as he throws his arms in the air in exasperation. "I don’t know if I prefer when you two fight or when you behave... that way."
Emma and Killian look at each other and, as if they read their minds, they both respond in unison. "Both."
Thanks for reading :) 
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